Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 03, 1917, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4
"vj f-mi'vi "rjF ? tp&p 1 "- 'A I '4 EVENING LEDaER-PniLADBLPniA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1917 Collier's big 15th Annual Automobile Nuinberwitliits 108 pages of sto ries, articles, and interesting automobile an nouncements is now on the news stands. Look for the motor girl on the cover of this week's Collier's THE NATIONAL WEEKLY 85,000 AUSTRiACI SON PRIGIONIERI IN ITALIA II Gcncvalc Cndorna Ha Con. qilistnto 1200 Miglin Quadrate di Territorio del Nemico TlOjrA, H Mcntintn. Un eomunlcato nlhVlalc piibbllento lrl dal Mlnlstero 1MI.1 Otieirn. eninutil. .itn i tin c" In parte 1111 i oiliplcnieuto nl r.iiinitl del fronornle Cinlornn, dice eln; till Imil.i n Cji'nrnntntu- diitsliml atistrtiiche nm tcinite Impcgnntn bingo l.i frnnte ill bat t.iullti ltn'o-nustrlae'i SI tralt.-i dl uti.i mum ill uomlnl ill liuonnn ml Klin mho iiomtnl. Tl Coinunlctitn ngKlunge eh.- ( t innnii nlo l on I ritall.l hn ilu hl.tl a(o In pueri.i ill l'Atistrla. doe' ilnl nuiggio ISla, If ti-iippe ltnllanc hnnno cotitiuistuto c maul, ngnim 1200 mlglln. iU.ttlr.ilP ell lin (lot i ti.-mleo c Bono rlusclte oil' ail ne'nici.ire In frottto .li hntdiglhi .la ."mi .1 '',' mlglln, Mil ntipstu frcnte If truppo Itnllnne li.inno "in cumplp--r.iinmciite 1ST., migll.i ill trinfie. Per quanta ituii.-tid In proilusdnnp li I material" ill gu. rr I. In It ilia l snno .na 21711 Kliilillhui'iiti InduMi-i.ill. luipleguntl complpsil vnmentp N'l.ipui pi rsono ill ainl'o 1 seast. I quail fabhrieano inuiii.lnnl, ui'inl e mnterlulu ila gumi-ii. Hi ell opt nil Iniplegatl In a" est I Mnlilllim fit I iiii'.i j.linn) iiiino domic II mtmcro del prlglnnlerl c.itturntl d.igli Itallnnl durante lit gucria giuugp m.t ml 85,000. I XIMIICt CATTlltATI Statlsth-ho puhhlicntc nppcn.i In 1-'r.iiu-i.i mostrnno olif durante rutino lull Kll nl lcatl ilcirintp.su lmntio c.ittutato r.xs.nou soldatl ticinlcl. I,e fnltiiro. Ni-inpro per l'anno HUB, turtn eosl'aillstiibuKe! Sulla frmitp iK.citlpnt.ilt- (fruncese) 1 frnnccsl hnnno fattiirtito TS.Siin sold.iti cd uniclall tedeschl: Kll Ingle-d lu.wio. Xolln Serbia i il In Macedonia Kll n Heat I flpll'lntesii liantiii cnttlirato ll.tf.'l Hnlil.it I ed uflk'lall tiL'itili-l. piliioiiiuliiiciitf hulgurl e turcltl. Sulla frontf Itnliana g,Il llallnnl liaiino catturnto ri2.L'30 nuslilucl Sulla fiotite dclU lluteila o dflla (iallzla 1 ru.HBl luinno c.ittur.itn ltr' -lOil.tHin soldutl cd ultlclall li-df flu oil uuMrlaol. l"n decrcto finaimtn hi I dal MlulsU-rn d-fll'Airrlcoltui.i f illiiunaii til pti-fcltl del cgno. urdlna die. si mum utl l.i iiroiluxiouo dl vlveti In Italia nv tie lulu il cnltlviiKlnne I tcrronl ptihlilii-l. I'limiirfM I parchl ilfllo cltta'. A qui'Mt'i Miipo s.ir.uim luiplcK.itl fimzinnarll ppiiiinalt fotinlall. In tlftnna 81 o' Kl.l ni'M'filutii all. i ncniliia di kiiiiio p dl patatu iipI tpirpiil pttlibllci prima ancozti flip II MlnlfHi'i'ii dflCAKilfolturu pulibllcaKw 11 liifdintf ilerrto. Ijx .mi.i AiitiilnKi.i In mi InliM. -- .inlf brtlcolo dli-f flip Kli itnllanl i. ipI'Ihto comiiiflnrt) II iiikixh anno ailnttninlo II plhtnma rli'lla muHtlfiizlotiti ruinplfi.i dt'l cllil ronio linn dpi iupxxI ppr rlxolvtip 11 priililonia dpi vlVfrl. I.'autoro di'11'tirtli.'olu dlco flio iiui'Hto Hlstpnia vlmu jjla' L-spcrl-IiiL'iitatM iipllf m'uoIp. 1 VIVHKI I'KU I TKIJTi.r Tolrsniininl da Londra dlconn pIip la Jtornlntt lo.t pulililU'a una in!i-ivxnnte corribpondfiiiia da Hudapfft nflla iiial o' detto fhp il prohlt'ina ffouinnlitii d"Bll inipprl contrail illw-nt.i Mini up pin' aeutn p clip la roMlHtfiixa ilullii (Ipi mania p dp'Aii.itrlu. CLonunili'uiiiriilp parlando, dlvi ma t-cniiirp put' proiileinatlua. II porrispntiilpnlf illff cliu la propiibta ill paio u' Htutu fatt.i d.iBli Imperl rentrall per II fatto rlio la Hitii.txluiii' pfuniimlfu dei-ll ntem dou i.-kpi-o rl'-uita ncllo Kpazlo dl pI iiiohI i.p l voiimihih evitarc dlaturlii Intunil lo rul i unii'iti.i n potranno psmre nfa gravl. I 1xpiI i-Iip 1'Austriu-l'tiKlifria li.i a hii.i dipi.!'li!i.iM. ma non potranno duriiru upppurp m-i in. i. n corrl.ipondfnto dlco flu, niu'hn HUiipnin mlu chti i vlvert cliu ora 1'AiiHtiia lia piu.mo durnro slip) alia linn di liiumi.i. non Hi potra' rlHolvpro II iiM.t.lina di innpd. ro nutrimento alia pfipolattionu ucciu.sLMUt.i dl 2C mlllonl di onimo pt-p 1 iuenl dl lulio u dl ngnsto. In pomlusluiio il cnrrlsnondcnto. II ipi.tlo altro volte lia detto vnrita' Inilln utililll, afferma elm kII impprl cuitrall hi mnano roll.t iiffPHHlta' dl ottpuprp un acfurilo pff la cegHazionu dflle ostiitta' In uu tftnpo relativamente rliiretto. Lo popoiaziunl auntonn gla' la tiiorHa dclla dlBpfitaiunp, a quando nuesiu sarii' nntltu dalle ttuppe anche, saru' una vltuaaluue gravlM-inia elio I Bovurnl Ul nerllmi di Vienna saranno chlamatl a frontPKgiare. Si dice i hf il Iiuovo imperaturc Carlo l rechoru' a Bprllno per dlscmere col kaiser lu (pilstianu della pace, c che ae pgli riiibtilra' a premk-ru un attegglatiiMiito energlco, evpiiti cuipreudputl posBcmb psst-ru attest npgll Imperl ccntrali. Iteadini-'s FJro Low .70,000 in I'Jlfi UKADI.VO, Pa.. Jan. . The total fire loan In Hearting 1'JIC amounted to t.nly $76,000, which i.s $1000 more Uun in 1 ' 15, according to the annual report of Flip Chief Nellhaminer, iuxued today. TODAY'S MAIUUAGB LICENSES I'a., uml L'uth- nd V: Bdwtn II tihannun. Jr., Iiurbv, trine it. iiruin. iuii nnl) hi. Ilurvt.y J, HniKeruult. KruLkville, Lillian M (irirnm llilalunh. In. Uilx HranimUk 44,1 Juiknoq it., and i:thr SelUer, "3t FiJ-rul vt rtr a. McTjuu.- Ii3t N. SOtU !., n4 t'runioa A. MuCulf, llriritol, Pa ludore Kiiim U13 X a J st , and Hebocfa Nle- It. U-'7 .V llurahiill at. Jubn J. B.nneti U'nj ri Uurntlwr at., aud Sarah Fliilpy. ueu H. iluputlwrkt. Clam ft Hutirir J.uiuater, Pa., and Aiuto, fl, Temvleton I,ant.utftfr. I'a John K utllns.T. lhll N slat at., it a, I Evunua, Hue Van I'uurlljM.I. 1U30 Van 1'pII at. Bat Wflaltt U:h S. Ota at., aud Anne Kara. 141 Mi.uroo at. r Gamuel Jurt-tu la Anaelpa. i'al . ami L'aia- frui. W Duldouu-li. TsiiO 8. tjtil at. Jeaph K M(-Iauatillu Tr.'Utou, K. J., ai)4 Luc-Mil V fluuU. B3i'a Caluiwalll at. llaruM H. urr 3uu N lain at., and Sarah A, Ooaiuar. Mil Uaroet at. -- lo 8 Kraal, r. .'7(i S (MiUi at., awt ilury A. Iljnarlln. (lull Jrvlu at. -,. Ouatay A'h. oMlliarr l K BmuJi at., and Quatj. J. nil. Ilbfllluad Park. V. J. llaruri. j Moijul I- i M - ilr. le-Jl Moataa at., and IreM - i Ulster n ii S334 Catharine at., aud i j. i i Asia a. aq at. ,r i r t.j . N Juulper at., and alaria, i .H . '' niti)n avp. . . i .'I ri Broad at , and Helen 1 - ri tckameauu at. , .!i tittmu at., add Calbarioe iit.- T,.jl' i at. .it r I.i Bharawood at. and UL i v i i i i-i'j j.uuibaru at ill . I a i r . .'I W IoJUi..n at , l luwui iia- oiun ul Mullen Tl.nU.n TV J 548 HiuJaur r. uij KuWri tilu.rp If.ui s Hiiaajtd at au'I Frantea Cuutrt. I'J Irvlua at trails at ana l.ucy Prank jrui Aleut: I Bolu.. Cbaj- . 0"I' i Fiauk i I'ruj IlaruU . kllUUXI and una Margrt UttrU-rl WliU tiiiiUh' i 4'1 t-ttai ad ut OeOTaiv J ( km 3Ui.u N JulUuu t. aad ribur R KiL igoi J Ittota t . 4 Htm? muW I'tuui wu ji (., 4 14 r U-BOATS SPREAD MINES WHILE UNDER WATER Vaplain of Dutch I-inov UrinBfl Hoporl of Now Wonpon of Teutons XI, W YnriK. .Inn. 3 ttpfmH f now npimnti iitlnniirlnp!", t'apnnln nf lti Ing mines while sitlimi'iRpiti ami a nnw rnfrnM nt It inxili i urn Uprmnn rntilnr nmntlnK Htn AN iniitli' HPtf lirmtRhl hnrn I'.v On llnJInnrt in hi a Ptipr Nl'iiw AttiMtpntnm. Cant. iln .Ian Itiirnh today ilpptnrnrt hn hail not nnl hprn wiirmnt to avoid rnttulrtr Htinni-ihtp lnnfi on hi- till' from llntlpfilmn. Iml hint Ininly PMappil dpIMtcllon In thn Imrtii.r r KnlitlntiOi liy it tnlnn. A trnw Ipi jul iilipitil of Iltf Nlrmv Awdnrdnili. Ihin.ii s.ilil. tlKnppnnnd In n gn.Vfur of rt-ntu. im dmilitidlv Hip xlptitit nf n tnlnp. Tim IIiipi ftilripil h'nlininitli in Hip nnltp nf n Ii.iwIpi, tuiM'lIng at a Miy Imv nw-ptl, The mine H In llewd t. Iuim been lntitrd l.y a tlpr inan Rtilnnafiiip 1I.ii on wild It win Ihn lipllef of ntnny ip.imntl Unit liplinatiy htit tierfpettd n tpf of ttihm.it hi" lltt.'d with n --l( i:il nil- fltani hef, thtoiigli hl. It n iIIm r i n it nfpn.l uml lay niltifM. TliP'.n, Iip fleilitnl cull lie iiinli"ii II" ixpre" eil a futthrr lirlli f that ntitifn of tli m -.orl hsin In n till. I in .'ill l:nuilhti li.itli.iin, iiii In tin inoiilli nf tlio Tliiiiim llnrnn '-ild lip li.nl rerplv.it d.ill w, lining" from tin1 i'.iip ll.n i wliih 'm itntlnn on 111 trip to II 1 1 I'.uiitiv, fplltnir hint to lip on thp loi.lioitt fni' a id i man rmmin rpp nmlif tr.n fpi t. long and In fp.;t lipitm, nilli oltp fiinm I and Inn lutr.' timtts. II t.n lid pn w.n pipillilifd ultli Inntt-riingf gmiH n ml impido ItltlPM. Two nhlps, rrpnrtpil ( hnp Hiillpd for Ihtw poiinli'v ullhlii tin la t month hnn not hfpn Iipjii! ft nm "ine.. liny left p.. ft. They nr thn llneiH Volt.nn npil tlporgln, both largp p.h, iilliii- xniullir p;pIm oi,. prtlut, LOSES BET TO ACTRESS. THEN MAKES HEK BRIDE Oak Ltinc M miiter's Son "VVIrfa Film Star'n Ilcnrt After ?1000 Wntrcr Th. I,. of ii f I nun i,v lieihprt r. I!iti-i to a motion .iitinp a. trti won for hint Ilu- u-imifi-. Thf iii-Iipmi hh Slim Kli.ini.r llli-int, foi in.i ly n star ltl) a l.iigf IIIm ninpany. In- uns Itmnvn ai "1'ig of the M.ivIp-i " Tlio .oimg people twin ni.-irili-il nt the Iioiup of Jli. II. its' f.illn-f. In-, Tin. mni ll.tts, of ti.iU Lane TIip bridegroom i.s nu .iulinii..liip man of Wil mington, linl. and is wnll known hero. Karly in liei-i inln r tin- oinig nonmn won tin- load t-iifi- fiom W.iltmgton to Xt-w Vm-lt. I in, Hip wne. Imwi-M-r. Huff was a breakdown, and llnltn molorpil out fioin Wllmiiihioti, I hi. In m.ih" Hip npfp.--j.iiiy n p.ilis A v.icir of $iimo u.im piopospil by Itftt.. Hi it JIImh 1!Ip!ms would not win tin-rin-p Th.- bit u-.is iiiim.illatply tuvi-pu-il. The wltini t- mid Un- ln. r f.xsv mmli of tacit otln-r fmm Hint time on, mill when ho pro pjjJitl .Miss Illpvins iie.-i ptpd. HOY KILLED BY TIIUCIC Was Clinging to Running Gear, It Is Asserted Crushed by a henVy truck nt Z-'ront nml fli-pil Mttepts. Tom .Muniiilt.ipltz. eight years old, nf ll-'2 So'ith Howard direct, died on his way to ilu- Slount Slnal Hospital. .lu.-vpti l-'arbpi-. 17IU 1'asHytink avenue, driver of the tiin-k, wan atreslpd aud will hitvv a hearing lod,i. It Is aiisi-rtpd that tlio hoy iih clinging to the lower miming gear when the accident occurred. An auto iiiiI.ilNl placed tin- i hlld In hl.s car a ml rushed him to the ho.spltnl, where phyal flatw pronouncci: him dead. Wild I'ire Engine Kills 2; Hurts G -N'KW VtiltK, .Ian. 3, A three-ton uuto-niobili- llr. fiiglnc. i tinning free from con trol ill a vai.uit lot nl 1'nlon Hill, X ,1 , n-.t night, killed Iwo llretunn and Injured siv i.thfiH Wtlllani Itofn. of l.lti Koiirth Mn-pt, .Hid I'Y.ink Hchmffi-r. of 2,'ll Third Ntrcet, an- th-- dead. Itoe-Ci hack was broken and Sf hai Ifpr'n Mkull Ir.tcturt-d. They died in Xorth UudMin llunpit.il. Increase in IVlliigra Feared AVASHIXHT.iX, Jan. :i hVnr th-it high food price, by unbalancing dietH, may IpiiiI to wider irpaptici- i.f p.II.iki.i in the I'nltcd Statih this yenr l. i xprt-s vd In a hilllpiln i.ssupil today hy th. public hcaltli set vice, - GERARD AND BETHMANNrHOLLWEG DISCUSS PROSPECTS FOR PEACE I onllnued from Pitite One llitrhioiK, of .Ni'luiiski. in difi-ndlng hi- t'i vduflon- f llli hfoi U lilitlng Inmiedlalp inih'iKi tin nl of the i v'lol'o". ..ikl' "I n-nllitp Iheie niiiv be two opinions In Hip Hernitp iir to Hit t'reidilptit'x nilgge-i-llitnm Iml I i ,n a .t l.i mi' Hut linn '.m be iBty mil i.bi. ilioi I" liidiunliig Iln- -Hon lltwlf. "Thp liatlons nu. at piim-iiI Toi ap.itt This ntpi by the l'iildein i- Hie llr-t m ol io bring tin in imtrn "1'ipHiilt nl Wlli.on In- int it'-iip mi f.n n dld HooKPM-it dining tin .Intuitu .p-ltm l.in war He Ii i not a hul th' waning na tloti.s to Ktoil lite it If I! .e1t 'MelM tin MM oinii I n I U illlll- mti iriiptnl rtAh II i ; srse.m9ff i i rv Happy and Cozy Are the Philadelphia Homes iquipppd with KI.I'.CK lli:TI-:i(S. and Hit- iitiiiih. t of thti- hnine is coit.intly n - ii i-ing Wl-t- horn. -M-iiifri ilom.iud 1'l.l.i'K lip ii. i l.p. caum tlu-y l.li'-w Hi it with n h'l.Kl'IC it l.i ea--y to in iii.t.iin .in p.n coin fort.ibh tiinpi i.itiii.- In ipu the colileHt we.itlu I Tin li.n.- i'i 1. irm.l Hi, I i Fl,i:i'lv ii:.vri:ii t- ... in mi. ii. ...iisuiuini- i.- toil, tlna t.. iih m.i..II -It Slum. I tlttitiliix aurfuce. pint r- sulr. s 1. h . .re hulJ Ulidtir Kl-i.k itrus ' Jiuniliiil lluarutik... 'JHusek 'Bros. Co. 'illt PO ' I ' 1 l'1'.t..l .M.OII ,1 ... s ll-lll-IS ii ml ."iU SOUTH I'U'TII .ST. wi t.. jnslill. l, Ip.u in'ii ill 111 Wlll'oti - HfulK i npi. or iii mi, ii iip t i ti . nie." '. llllloi llnl.ih, of l.l.ll I II'- lolloWltlg. "Wh.it g-nl i-iiii i mni of tl ' Wh.it will l.p nrpotiipllNhid ,t th. S'ti.ili Indoi -.ng the it. Hon of lit. fii-ldnil litdotmi-nt bv the Mi hntp will nol Inn t y II" t-plie- of Hip waning n.ili. n- t.. tin- in i ' M'titft-H ' Sell i un Mn'lh ..r l, oil-l.i, i l.i il mum -tliittp in I loll "hi i.iiiinii i.i-.i i .un in ri.n of I.--fi-rilng ii. h ni'iiiii to tin CiiiiniMi ' on l-'i'iv (L-ll Aft in ,' ml Slil'lll 'Tins. Ii'iw i.t i- m.t .in ohIiilim ill hi rin- i h 1 1 of nil en ii. m i tigi. , ii. i . i..t i non iv IflM .bl.ll ,UI Inlit'i I- ii In II "II Un note"" A UJBS MA Y REPLY TO WILSON TOMORROW r l.ii.M" in ,l.iu '1. Mlpliimntic iMh.itgeM In I'M '! l'lid"ll. Cat is Till gi.ul .mil liolim li,i. in nl. Mleh s,lllsflinl III.. KM '1 Hint it I p'..b.lblp lh.it the Alius' nii-w.r In I'u di i.t il h.ii'i if.lt- iiuiv be Ii Hided to Ami i -iidor Wllll.im ti. rihiitp in i'niiti (oini.i i.u The ipiiIv Ik . said lo ii.,itlllll i.ii.hii -I.iIp- mintHlluil wpii p.ltpos.lv i.miliiil Horn Htr i (ply In Hi- li.im.in ii'" not', i ml Hksp tin- imdei-lood to i. fir t- ti-nus Xtilhi-utlc nflli liil iiiloi-m.itloti Mil.-'.m-tl.illng pie lepoils ..r i In -.iioti-in - or liilpl-nul (oiiilillolii in Hi.- C. iiti.il i;mii"s wile liiMrnmentitl In Iln- Mlici il i i-noti to tin tt n ik-iif i nf lo .i nu pi. hi It w.i-- 1"' IIpvpiI Ih-i-p lod.i tli In In f "HI '" Mi"iiglv felletti'd In the pluaw" with lik h Knglnnil and her Allien will ,iii-w.i l'ri..dint Wil son s llolf. In Hip light or ollii i.il mfoi illation the Allii-M nrn-itll the moip f'.nvlurcd thai 'I-r-III.IIUS pPlICO plflK WI ip put reiilh lu n pllil of llesperiltion. llenpitf liotllbiiMiO iittPi-nm-pH rrom I In KnlM-r .Hid hi- of llcl.ilH. llrcaiiNi- of this they imp the more determined upon injection or any pv.no suggest Intif, not onlv from thi-ir i-netnle-". 'ml rrom m-uttnl ftlclid". The Central I'liwem tire now belleM-il to hf threatened with tinrpxt of a popitlncp lniiilpiiialely pm- viiloiipil timl lln-il of .tistant draliiH. The Jlornlng 1'nit lu illwii"-lng Hip war slttintlnti today predicted Hull, if the con flict continued, economic iii'.cwllie winild compel tlio clefi-nt of tin- C.-ntial I'owetn by next aitlUinti. In Iln edllotial tlie Morning I'osl t-ald: Taking for granted that the poaco oITpi- of the (Villi al 1'imcin and the efforlw of neutrals will fall to bring about a spicily end of the war. tlio nieitiou tirlHCH, how long the Central Kinpire.s will hu lllllo t hpkl out'.' Selling iihlilc military consld. rallotiH and bailing one ti (henry purely on economic gioiimlH, It is midciit we um wlthlti inpii-nnahlf dlxtance of tlio limit of endtiriince uf their much-KUf-fellng people. It In plainly app:ircnl to nnyonewho IniH intiilc a Htttdy of economic coudl Hoiih In (Iprmany and In thn Dual Slotiarchy thai Ihn peace offer made in the middle of liccpiuhi-r wan ihlelly prompted by Urn knowledge that tellef miiKt come within kix iiinntli.- from the prevnt tluif at tin- ouIhIiIp if Intel u.il tlouhlen of uio.st HPiioUM cliaracter are to hu avoided. lu Aitftrla-llungary the available stocks of food will not Iml nl uiontlid. Kipii if the peaci i oiiffii-iicp weie i-allid lomoi row- peaif would prob.tldy be .M4UP mouths off, and it l.i not at all ploh.ihlf that the hloclt.idu would be HIGHESTpS PAID fpR OLD GOL0.PlATJNyM.5ILVER MOMBNBiFININPcS. 17 S. HiK Strt tiSSh riionai Walunt a3 ii! mm ll'rif" or tall for ru.r tirw and inttrtstiiio Uoukt t -"Lottkin'j io 1 our Own IUw' A Scries of Eye Talks a. Our Net Talk Tups., Jan, 0 Hy Joseph C. ForuiiBon, Jr. Jt i-' Y()U want your eyes to lust us lnii(C as youi'belf, why not jrivo them tho .same consideration that you do your general limlily welfare? Why hulijeet them to mis use when it is a certainty that trouble will eventually follow .' -Why not treat them sen sibly? V n a th.-y tire, giso them a rpM Win n Huy indii'iite troiil.lp 1 1 AW ualiiip. do tlia ariialhle thing ll.ie that t r o u b 1 e col iv ctcd bv utl iictilc-t Up h the proppf one lo consult In log a .h.--iciau who tip. i Lili., s in the tieat niellt of thf eeM. He hau uuthing In mII but hpiIpp. If gl,i-.i.i's me reiiulred tlien have Ilia .il i. -i liptltill tilled hv an (iplli I. in who HiKS'ialips in l-'II.I.IMi I'lllI.SCrtllTlij.V.S. Vfi k, 6. fetaMnJ$ I'reirrlPllan OptlcLini G. 8 d 10 Smith 13th St. lf Da NOT IUamlnc Bu". 'Tlila Talk' frero a couyrlttt krl3. All rll)ta rervv4. 1 Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET Tyrol Wool Top For Ladies and Iliss $22 Goats and Jlig .7$ Full lentcth. Weatherproof. Will not wrinkle. Warmth without weigh,. Styles that are liw exclusively. Mann & Dilks I1C2 CHESTNUT STREET ini-'d In Ihe meinllnie Hint Is In -nv, while iir-c-ot lot Iml - an in pu.gieK-i I iider tlusp i (rt uni'-tnnec- Ihe 'on Iml I'mni" h.ne but ,i lltniled lime In which lo hung iihoiil an understanding t'galds Hip lonfetincp Itmlf. Tile peoplp nip nlienily dpirnlp and (lie IroopK may bei onie desprrate, Ion, n so-.ii nu th.,y pperlencp on llwlr own pi ipnhi the Iwrrofn of the preKelll foim 'lot-Inge It In limvn-eil that .:nippror Cluirleti I ram-In ..f A lift rin will go In tlerlln In dlM'itm pr-nie with Hip (leruinn Kaiser. The iiewHpiippm place great hopes of Inn r-netgeUe will lo attain Ihln amiMANY RBPERS NEUTRALS TO IMPLY AMSTI-lflfiAM, .tnn. B. linrmaliy repliiit In (hn Kciihdlnavlitti pimp note un Jatiiiarv i, reierring inosn t..tttoti. In the anver teliirnrd lo f'reilriM Wn-on pc.iin miRgnsllnnK. Yierirn din- t-ltlfllP-l I. ported Indnj The hole nldo ndili-it Hint It tlepemletl nn Hip Knlinl. 'h If tl In Hm Wilson Hole l-i (her nn n (tempi to respite wnrhl peace would lilnll- tlliep-1-.rill, 1AIKU TO AID LLOYD QBOUOfi Dttl-.lo1, New Pall Mali (laisctte Owner, I'irtoni Premier , l.nN'ni.N .Inn .: - A teiiatltitt hni hen i-atiM .1 In itipci- M'Wfpaper cirelcH hetc bv )r ll.iuv InUlil'H aC'inlHithm nf Hi. I'.OI .Mill 'IiijhHp. In pin-t eitrn IhlH Join i s.l lijf, h .-ii edltul b .1 line nf fnuiom tin n. .pi liidiiir W T St. nil. ItOitt .liiliii Aim lei ly.id Alfml Allhn r nml John It, finn In In Hi nunc vnn lltnt the Wpstinltiiti r Hum tie repiiM ntnl Hn- optnloni" of 1're 111 Ii r A"'PI,tll Hie I'lill Mali lillKlllte hf lice f.n th will lie Ho moiilhplt pi of I'reniltr l.l'fd lltolgt, l.llgrlv ript.'elltlllg Hie Olll- clnl opIuiotiL nf tpe in iv linli.-di Adiulnls- HM loll Sir Mem v I Ml1' 1 I" wldelv known for lili iiewt-i ,ipu (oiin. . tions, having In en lualinging dlrutor of lleynold s Xewp,i.er for .spveial yiui CITY NEWS IN BRIEF rirrv i i:iii A foi. human urh Is (he iecoi.1 of S. ig. ml Th-iini I flml nick, the daddy of th" I'olhe Ixp.1rtn1.nt nfthlsilli Sergianl Chnlnlik ill mlli Inn LPM'llU-thl.-P Jl-ir-. N Hlllll to he 11" f.i( "ti his fid ii- mini of thr iiuiihi r nn nib' rr nf Ihp dipallimnl Appoint, d mi .Iiinu.if.v 3. IHdi-Siigiatit Chmlwlek enjoin Hie tl (nrllnn of Inning i-crird in one dint! let longer (ban any other man. He ho '--a nttnphPfl lo the Twentieth nml MM-"';; strretH Kl.il ioh ulnce IS7. He Ihei at .iMa l-'ilvuter sinel. ,. t"lt0VIJT nUlttt frrpeil t I'll" 'fnm PnstninHler Tltornlurt Imtny rompllmcntlnit him nn Hie good work done hy rnlverHlly nlmlAilH lit (hn I'lMbulee during the h.dl Hnyn. The I'n-.lmnxler ftahl net pi a I (.Indent" toiik nduihliigp of the nppnittitiltv Tor 1i-m-pnnirv eniplo.iimtit nlitl were of Mihiablc iisKlctnnee to the tlepttMltieht through their intelligent work ftTV AlllHTKJlT! fmlnjr InelMilf ftenjnitiln ,1. IhiFkln. '12 Cotlnlhlitn nve Itlle, driiflsiiieti. Itcimrtmetit of Tmnnll. flnnn, lldwnid K MeAoy, 1351 Knln-hrltlL'-- (triet. tl. rk. tlepaliment .f l.nw, ?llilii; Willi, r H (lieeinviiod. 23!l Amhet -trut iltafl-mnn. Iwpiirtihciit of TrntisK. Jltwi. Xi.twnmi It. Solly. i:iji smith Thlr lechth strut gim eiigliits f. rilireBII "f Water, . I Vi ii itny. and r.le.mnr P Mlock dale, il22-' chrsihlit Rlreet, nvicMiit tenclu r Hon id of tti-rtnllnil, ftiS n tnolilh. ( HOiH, Tlllllfttl-.a Mllllnm AM'nnell Iihh leeelnd from ilrposllotlPF of Hfliool rtiuils turn '.tl.'i ItitercMl rot' I '!'! Thin ion. pnre with ?tn.S2 received from Ihe "amp (tonne In iril."i, th ileerea-e hi It.g due In Ihe late pnjment of the Stale appropria tion rot Philadelphia. llMIt twill D0W.V hy nn niilpmnlillp nt Xorlh I'tmiock and Clcnrll Id cirpetii, nix-year-old' Haul Thnminuii I uff. ring from lulllN'K lit hlK home, ,11 12 Xmlll I'entiock x(ippt..J. c liufc. llii i:.tf.t Couller ntreet. dilver of the iiiilnmnhlle, was held In 3(io bull foi a further heni lug hy AlagiBtrnto I 'I Up. MIOTWtlMI t'OIlOV TMII.KTS fnr coiighdiops. Il.illlll Si-stililo. Hm n -two yi-aiH old. lid." South KlclfllUl lllii I. W.1H tllkell with cot. Mil' Ions this moiiiing He Is In St Agii""H Hospital in a nn iiiticnl cun ili'l'in, pli.i --it unit eav V W. Wr.lt & SON. Hie iiilii-rlMng nrm. diHtrlhutid li'), (inn among it -s : " finpln) i-h In iicKnowledBtncnt or II" largot yenr's Imsliiess The illstilbiillon ttn made at n dinner at (he Mow Mown Club Kvery nne who had hern Willi Ihe Arm more than a yiur -linieil In tin profit I' W. Ayer plr 'illdl .IIMI: tioMlo, inrmer I'hitnilelptiln mnglstinte ntnl fnlher-ln-law of lr W. tlownrtl Wltson. trenourel- of AhlnBtntl tnwnvhin. wnii clrleken With pucnmnnla at hi home in ttnulyn nn New Yeiir'n Pny, nltd he Wan taken to the Ahlngtmi Atrftiorlnl llospllnl. Today he wm rrpnrtert na Rllghlly hetter. tlMVttlUI 11V Tlth Pl.Anll nf ifii etee It le switch hoy Hunched lo his car. Chnrlen Schmidt of 122-n Month l-'orty-nloth street, n coiitluctor. regtilned lit sight In the I'nl-nf-jdly llospltnl tnihiy. The fuse m blew mil vet-'lerilnv near the Mount Mnrlnh ler mlniil. Ileitchltig up lo atljtlsl II. Schmidt's hand cnine in con(ac( with a live wlrp. Ills i. 1 1 sight fulled after he regained conscious nes A I'M 11-STOltV llt'Il.IIIMl will tie et-eited nn Hie site nt 1SJS cheytlillt street. Title In the ground h (i been taken hy Atmeii t'onirrntiti! ftom ciiniles K and K, Pettong. The lot Is 22 hy Hill feet. Tlte nsspsspri nliie Is $22r.,iuiii, IM'ICHl'At.lANS 01' I'llil.AllIH.I'IIIA are leading the country In rnlslmr a fund of fli.OilO.nilO, Willi whlih to Inniigtimte n penilon system for supeiniililtaled ami dls nbled hilnlteis nml widows nml orphans nf clerg.imen. 'Ihe ainoiiiit apportioned to the tllocpse of I'ciinsyliiinla is f 1,0(10,00(1, of which 7"..ni) bus aliently been pledged. CAMDEN riNI'.M OP S'lA Tor enrli rnbltll will be Imposed upon dealers, hucksters and others who offer them for sale, according lo thn county clerk's office. Fifteen days nro nl lowed iIpiiIpik lo dispose of their stock lifter the cloe of Ihe season, under (he Xew .ter spv laws. The time, limit expired on Sat in iltij. OP ITU OP Nninuel llullneli, (wo jenr old, has caused sorrow among physicians anil muses al Cooper Hospital. The child was oiip of the most Interesting path tits lie was admitted last April, suffering from tuberculosis o the knee lie died yestpr dnv. He was the son of Kriink Bullock, HSi Tulip street OIL SEEKERS ALSO UNn GAS AND COAL, IS IlEl'olf Center County lCvxitcrt When. DriljJl Suddenly Quit After llr.tchin ,1 aaoii-t'oot Depth ih:i.i.i:I''(xti: r. months ago t'lltsimmh 11 ors s(n "m 1 '" drill ( ,r'-il Shu aB. ttV ' 'l'"iii In ('(tiler Cottntv mid -l.ui oil nml gas on (he I inn ii In Tnylor township r, w .i Ruins lu n depth of o. i .jn.i Btltlitenly left. ixnw ii is riuuoieii i n n i v -i.,,. -.! i..,t .r iw.ii. ,.,i . ."iruek i 15-"". .-.. -ii-i .... ..nu in .,-- Hon went tlirniiuli a tun. i, ,., '"w tliraclle coal Tin ii Is . .,., ..I.., nhln .. V " ' "wnn, inenl in that lo. ihti on (ho lookout for tin i TOf litti'. ML Mm m m Oyalcrs F M zcslful I iWi nm, tho IgwiH weel savor fk ',IJB oppn ocpun. ifc.3 !ip,th 'tantr. -Jfji!W llff bte.it h ft &-in hewaitir' S " ' Seafag f Oysters ym Flavor Scatarj a ilavor and vigor salty-t of tho tho sn the tinp; of the sea. Ask t II. I I lirtlN ( (I., l-ldl.i lilstrlliutar Iti-nillin: 'I i rnihi.il M.irlo-I, rili slrrrt(la Where Will 1917 Take You? Put ii squarely up to yourself: "Where will 1917 take you?" You are ambitious. You want to become a power to be reckoned with at the office, the store or the factory. You have your eye on a place higher up. Some day that position will be filled by a new man; you can't tell when. Often in the most stable organizations sweeping changes come out of what seems like a blue sky. Or, perhaps, a new position will be created a new department. Are you preparing for these bigger things ? Are you mentally marking time or forging ahead ? Are you hungry to know all about the articles you're making, the goods you're selling, the ramifications of the business you've entered upon? Put it squarely up to yourself. . Suppose, for instance, you work in a furniture factory. Are you learning all about the different kinds of wood, varnish, stains, nails, glue? Arc you studying the history of furniture its famous styles so you can become an expert on that phase of interior decorating? Or. if you sell silk goods, are you getting on the side all the available information on silk worms, silk culture, the desired qualities in yarn, spinning, the mechanism of weaving, the proc esses of printing and dyeing? Arc you exhaust ing the subject or arc you content with knowing only what you have to know to sell what you're expectedto sell? You can make yourself solid with the chief six days a week if you can show him that you know, when the other fellows only "guess" or "suppose." Your destiny rests with YOU If you arc going to be ready when your chance comes, you must prepare now. You must master everything about your business if you would grow into big things. The one supreme work to help you this year to give you knowledge and confidence is the Encyclopaedia Britannica. This great library of information covers the whole range of human , interests manufacturing methods, engineering, architecture, chemistry, medicine, art, music, law. pedagogy everything, in fact. And you can't get more reliable information anywhere. The 1500 contributors to the Britannica are au thorities in their respective lines. Never before have so many, eminent men and women written for one work. Let him know you own this splendid aid to advancement. Let him sec that you're preparing your self for greater responsibility and greater authority. Own it in the "Handy Volume" Issue for its convenience, its com pactness, its lightness, its inexpen siveness. Exactly like the larger Cambridge issue in text and illus trations, the "Handy Volume" issuo costs about CO',; less on account of its size. It is a triumph of compactness. You remember the ninth edition of tho Britannica in your father's library how the big, bulky, many- e pound volumes gave an imposing and forbidding look to several shelves of tlie bookcase. That's all changed now. One volume of a "Handy Volume" set is 6'. x inches small. Though it contains 1000 pages, it is only one inch thick and weighs but 21 ounces. India paper has worked this mir acle. This paper is amazingly thin, but opaque, thin as tissue but ex ceptionally strong. It was a daring innovation to use this marvelous paper for the Britannica, but it suc ceeded in putting tliis most famous work of reference into the hands rather than onto the shelves of thousands of readers. you can grow India paper has made the "Handy Volume" Issue so popular that the entire' printing is almost exhausted. No more sets can be offered, for there is no more India paper. The kind of flax from which it is made grows only in Germany,, Belgium and Ireland. War and the British embargo have cut off all importation of this flax. Nothing can be done to help tho situation. If you want a "Handy Volume" set, yem must get it NOW. If you want the world-famous Encyclo paedia Britannica in its most com pact, most easily handled, most inexpensive form, get a "Handy Volume set at once. Let the Bri tannica bo your powerful aid dur ing 1917 in putting yourself aerQss. Sign the coupon, tear it off and mail it for full information. You can t afford to delay. Do it NOW Remember that the "Handy Volume" set costs down and $3 a month for a limited period (for the cheapest binding) You pay at the rate of only 10 cents a day for this ifrM( ,rt , 29 vo urnes, 30,000 'pages. tl.OOO article 41,000,uOQ !ord 7m Toooin " dexed facta, bend thiicoupon now. The remainrngMUrVfut In Philadelphia ice and order at Gimbels . NINTH AND MARKET STREETS The "Handy Volume" Issue in a Nutshell A handbook of all the arts and sciences, manu factures and engineering. An international diction ary of biography. A complete atlas and gaz etteer of the world. A history of all countries in all ages. A library of languages and literature. An encyclopaedia, of religion, philosophy and sociology. An exhaustive compen dium of sports and games. Text and illustrations identical with the larger Cambridge issue s V Name 8 S -., otAKD, KOEBUCK AND CO., ChicaSo, III. Gentlemen; Please send me, free, "The Book of 100 Wonders," illustrated, tfiving s intereating information on a hundred subjects i and full information about The Encyclopaedia S lJntannica. AUo tell me what I will have to S P.? , one of the remaining- sets of the !j Uandy Volume" Issue of the britannica printed on genuine India paper. 1 if; ri'iniTu T .... r I ataAacM nrrariiitf mni in ii k- . h