Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 03, 1917, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Slaying of Monk Closes Life
of Conspiracy and
Mystic Power
Act Believed to Be Connected
With Treachery of Pro-
LONDON, Jan. 3.
All detnlla contlnuo tn romo Hi from I'd
..fcgrad nbout tho vlolrnt tlonth of the Tttis
Han monk Haniiutln. tlioy wpnvr HipmRPlvM
Into a tnlo which rivals the moat fantastic
f-lcco of fiction.
Uasputln, who Is pnlil to bp Iho ennfoxnr
of both tho Hii'sl.in ("inr nml Ui Cznrinn,
li now reported to have boon ulnln by n
Kusslan notilemnli to hide rt ncnriitat In
VolvltiB powerful members of the UMIntt
The body win hidden In tlit Nnva tllvcr
tut was later recovered
On Friday night two young men, both
members of the highest circles of Husslnn
tioblllty. accompanied by another, whoso
r.amo Is said to be notorious throughout
tho nusslan Kmplre for his Intrlguos. drovo
In n limousine to a house owned by Prince
Yusupoff-SuninrokofC - IJIston. About 3
o'clock on Saturday morning shots were
lieard in tho garden of tho house. Soon
rftcrward two big motorcars drove up to
tho house, one pnsslng into tho gnrden.
Tho authorities, having been Informed of
tho shooting, went to tho pln.ro anil upon in
vestigation found blood upon tho snow. No
body wns found, hnwever.
Another version stated that two men were
seen entering ono of the automobiles sup
portinr a Ubii-p between them that was
wrappid In a fur coat.
Prlnro Yussupnff Is married to a second
cousin of the I'zar. Ills wife. Princess
Irene. Is a daughter of Urnnd Diitto Alex
Kasptitin. who regarded himself a mystic
with divine powers, wielded greater Influ
ncc al tho itusalsin court than any other
man. Ho was feared even by the most
powerful nobles. It has been Bald that lie
was consultnl by tho f'zar on matters of
lato and that he was In the highest coun
cils on th.! evo of war.
This is tho third time that report has
coma out of Itussla announcing tho as
sassination of the notorious mystic and
adventurer, flrcpory Rasputin, who Is sup
posed to have exercised such an Intluenco
for evil upon the mind of tho Czar of
Itussla. The first time was In July, 1911.
when, exiled from Petrograd. he wns
stabbed by Julia Humva at Tyumen, Si
beria; then on May 11. lUlfi, his death wus
reported from Iiucharst.
It has been stated by those who have
been In a position to penetrate tho do
mestic surroundings or the Russian Im
perial family that the Interest of tho I'znr
In Rasputin wus purely that of an In
vestigator, who used the mnk us a means
to gather information from and at times
to communicate with the m.iss of the people
from whom his exalted birth and rank
separated him. Kruni Itasputln. It Is said.
Nicholas learned of the horrors of vodka,
and Immediately set about to eliminate
When Rasputin lay wounded In Tyumen
In 1914 his Majesty sent to him the court
physician, Professor Serglus Pctrovltch. It
was then that Rasputin mudo this startling
accusation against Illlodor, "the mad monk,"
who Is now In Now York:
"It Is all that cursed Illlodor. Hut, to
the confusion of hlmsolf and my enemies,
I will live, nnd they will have nooses put
- round their necks."
When Interrogated, the Gusevu woman
declared that she had attempted to kill
Rasputin because ho had spread tempta
tion among the Innocent. No connection
could be established between her and
The attempted assassination of last
spring Is supposed to have been duo to
political causes. Rasputin had been well
autualnted with lit-neral W. A. Souk
homllnoff, who was Russian Minister of
War during the fatal campaign In East
Prussia, when traitors were believed to
have betrayed the Russian armies In the
field anil left them without reserves of
munitions at home. In Juno, 116, Souk
homllnoff resigned and was later arrested
end lodged in the fortress of Peter and
Among the witnesses sought was Ras
putin, who wus known for his pro-German
sympathies. It was said that he
had been discovered by the secret po
litical police and would create u Bensu
tion at the trial. Ueforo lie had a chanco
to tesllfy, however, ho disappeared. Then
came tho news of his assassination from
Bucharest, which, however, proved false.
His long immunity from arrest as a wit
ness Is said to have been duo to a certuln
clique of the Ministry, who, if not actually
pro-German, were nevertheless working for
a separate peace looking to a desertion of
Kngland and France and a subsequent
treaty with Germany.
The completo reorganization of the Min
istry under pressure of the Czar nnd'-'Duma
alike, a month ago. changed all that. The
trial of SoukhomllnolT was ordered, nnd
Itasputln waa brought to Petrogrud. whero
he lived under police surveillance, ready,
It has been reported, to tell all he knew.
Tho Czar first met Rasputin in 1805
through tho Countess Ignatieff, wife of a
former Governor of Hlberla, and much In
terested In tho cult of the Chylsty's sect of
flaggellants. which Rasputin was trying to
revive. In the Countess's circle, where tho
Czar waa then an occasional visitor, wcro
the Montenegrin Princess Mllitza, wife of
the Grand Duko Peter N'ikulalevltch ; Prlnco
Putjatln. Court Marshal Count fieticken
dorff. Prince Orloff, and. finally, General
It has been said that when tho wur began
the genuine Muscovites gradually droppt.il
away from tho rlrrlii, leaving only Ilaltto
Russians, with German IdeaB, behind, nnd
that the circle then became the center of
German propaganda to which tlrussilux re
ferred in April. 19 m, when he took com
mand of the southern Russian armies und
said to the war correspondents:
J I "Not a line can you wrlto from here
vj.uct a message will go forth till something
vfiappens- In Petrograd they have a switch-
board with connections with lierlln."
Allentown Lutherans Heed Philadel
phia Pastor's Advice Name
Publicity Board
AMjBNTOWN. Pa , Jan. 3. Hpaaklng
before a large assemblage of laymen in
fit. Michael's Lutheran Church last evening,
the Ilav. Daniel K. Wetgle. pastor of the
Frlndly Church, Philadelphia, urged them
to advertise their Church service.
Poqter "Welgte advised them to use not
ot the newspaper, but billboards and
placard In poolrooms, barrooms and other
PuUllo places, by which means he himself
iullt up a congregation from a few to
sea persons, with a weekly attendance
of 1500. The effect of his address was the
adoption of a resolution requesting the
L'nlted Church Councils to appoint a cora
ruUtee of publicity.
Will Raise $60,000 for New Church
ATI-ANTIO CITY. Jan. 3. Members of
th First Baptist Church will start a caw
ujigu tonight tot rUing S0 U ( Uh
erection of a u edt&ce at South Carolina
aud JPacwSc Maay aubala&tUl
j4dei tefe already ba .
Governor's Proposal to levotc
Them to Road Maintenance
Commended nnd Criticized
One Ceninienliitor Calls I'lan Letfien!)
Another Thinks It
Automobile men are divided ns to tht
merits of tho proposal or Governor nriim
batigli tn devote all money realised from
motorcar license fees directly to the mnlti
tr nance of rends.
John fJayne, secretary nnd treasurer of
the Chnlmers Motor Cc.mpnhy. of Phllndel
Ihln, clinrnetcrlxed the snitRestlon contained
In the Governor's message to the legislature
as "a splendid Idea."
"The license tern wnulil tnen lie imen mr
their loglcnl purpose," he said. "The ap
propriations would pass through few hands,
nnd the fewer the hands tho greater the.
The fees amount to about $S.O00.OOO
Hover Davis, secretary of the Atflotnnhlle
Club of Phllndelphlii. described the propo
Rltlon tin "silly tnlk." Mr, ntivm wns for
eight years clmlrmi.,i of the legislative com
mittee of the Pennsyi.'anla Motor Federa
tion and has hud much experience In repre
senting the ttUtnnioh,-v' Intersts In Hurrls
bitrg. He thought that nn enactment of the
Governor's proposition would be in viola
tion of the State Constitution. Every ap
propriation, he pointed out, must he speclllc
nnd exact In amount, even stipulating pen
nies. The Legislature would bo railed upon
to appropriate the license fees to the
maintenance of roads and In advance of
the collection of these "Tees, and It could not
determine the exact amount which the
motorcar tax would realize, ho said.
Falling to mention the exact amount In
tho appropriation bills would make the
measure Illegal Mr. Duvls' was satisfied,
he said, with the present system or high
way maintenance. The present scheme pre
vents "pork," he added, nnd unbusiness
like distribution of the Stnti- funds Is
G. Dunbar Shewcll, president of tho Auto
mobile Club of Germantown, was Inclined
to be skeptical as to tho advisability of
carrvlng out the Governor's proposal.
"Would we he better off?" ho asked.
"Wouldn't wo be trying something new,
the practicability of which would bo un
certain?" The Governor's scheme, embodies a re
form for which the Pennsylvania State
Motor Federation tins been lighting for
many years, according to Robert 1. Hooper,
president of the- organization.
Tlie building of roads, he believes, should
be provided for independently of the main
tenance of highways and the latter item
should bo llnancetl through the license fee.
Walter V. Anthony, nshlstant tn th" presi
dent of th- Packard Motor Car Company,
of Philadelphia, exprcsseil general approval
of the Governor's scheme, providing that
the money derived from fees should be ex
pended without political maneuvering
Man Wanted for Attempt to Kill and
Robbery in Raltimoro Arrested
in This City
After a country-wide search slnco last
July, Howard Dnslck, wanted In Raltimoro
on charges of aggravated assault and bat
tery, attempt to kill and highway robbery,
waa held today by Magistrate Meclcary In
Central Police Court to await requisition
papers from Baltimore. Busick was ar
rested late last night nt N'lnth nnd Race
streets by Detectives Klngsley and McCul
lough. of the City Hall detective force,
with tho assistance of Detective Cramer,
of Baltimore.
According to Cramer. Jlusick Is the last
ono to be apprehended of n gang of four
men and one womnn concerned In conspir
acy to hold up und rob James Gilllson. n
merchant of North Carollnn, who was vlslt
ihi Baltimore on business. On the night
of ''ily 2S. 1910, the police say, tho woman.
I'o ! Thornton, tllrted with Gilllson In a
Baltimore cafe, then lured him Into n tuxl
cub ride to Illghlundtowu, a suburb. Four
men on a lonely road set upon the mer
chant, almost killed him, robbed und left
him Ho recovered nfter several months
In a hospital. The woman was sentenced
to th'-ee years' imprisonment und the three
men who were caught were each given ten
years. Busick Is believed to be the fourth
man of the gang.
Congressman Introduces Resolution
Providing for Committee
of Investigation
Oil a Staff Carrrapomtvut
WArlillNOTON, Jan. 3. That a congres
sional Investigation of the print paper situ
ation will bring relief before the probe is
concluded, was declured today by Repre
sentative Wurren Worth Bailey, of Penn
sylvania, who Introduced a resolution for
such an Investigation. Mr. Builey said:
"The Independent papers, because they
are not allied with the interests, will be
driven out of business nrst.
"That a conspirary among paper manu
facturers and deulers actually exists, I huvo
so little doubt that f int urging a congres
sional Inquiry, believing that tho pitiless
publicity which would thus be assured
would bring almost Instant relief from an
intolerable situation. Criminal conspira
cies do nut greatly fear commissioners or
even the courts. They do shrink instinctive
ly from a probo by Congress. I shall do
everything In my power to huvo such an
Inuuiry set afoot"
Missing Pet, Found In Muskrat Hole,
Taken Home and Saved
YORK. Pa.. Jan. 3. A prized pet maltcsa
cat, missing ten days, was found by K1
wood Shtve. of North Oodorus township,
when he dug several feet Into a muskrat
hole to see what was at the end of a trap
chain. The cat was In tho trap, frozen
stiff and fast to the earth.
Khlve took tho animal home, heated It
in the oven of tho kitchen stove, and
members of tho family could scarcely "be
lieve their eyes" when the cat revived In
about an hour, and except for a bruised
leg, when it had been caught by the trap,
showed no ill effects of its experience.
Becomes Lieutenant of Mounted Police
Recently appointed as lieutenant of the
mounted police squad. Charles W. BuchW
was sworn In today by Director of Public
Safety Wilson, at a salary of 18'00 a year.
He has been a member of the squad since
Its organisation In 1908. and has been act
ing lieutenant since 1913 with the rank of
sergeant. He was a United States cavalry
man from 1882 to 1890. Lieutenant Buchler
I will have charge of 108 men.
Appointed Regular Detective
Ralph Gold, thirty-eight years old, 218
Carpenter street, an acting detective sta
tioned at City Hall, was today appointed a
regular detective by Director of public
Safety Wilson. Gold was appointed to the
! force September II, 1902, and assigned in
pUiB Oothea la 1914. The salary el a
t-suUr dtteetlve Is J176U a year.
Dri Mnir, Supervisor, Author
ized by Dr. Stone, Denies Ex
clusive Episcopalian Rule
NotliiiiK In Regulations of Order to
Cause. Wffieiilty With Other
tiltncultles between lenders of the Stone
men fellowship and the West Phllndelphlii
Ministers' I'nlnn, who raid the Kplsonpnl
Church bulked too inrm-ly In the order's
affairs, are nt nn end. There is nn longer
any ground for complnint on (his score
by the clergymen. This wns developed, by
questioning todn.v, from the Rev. tt. C.
Klone, president nnd founder of tho Stone
tnen, nnd the Itev. tleorge Mitlr, general
Doctor Mnlr, ntltliorlxril by twetor Stone,
said thai the Stonemcn plan submitted tn
Brooklyn ministers when a lirnnch wns
organised there three weeks ngo conceded
nothing to other denominations that wiim
not given here, for the rensoti thnt other
churches are not discriminated against In
tiny way.
Charges thnt the Htatiomen movement
wns cloaking a plan for church unity with
tho Kplscnpal Church In control were re
vived nfter the Stonemen founded their
branch Hi Brooklyn. Tho Itcv. William II.
Roberts, stated clerk of the Presbyterian
General Assembly, declared thnt the Stone
men had Riven other churches n freedom In
tho Brooklyn organization unknown here.
This wns ilenlrd at the tlmo by Doctor
Stone, who said that no changes m the
regulations luitl been made In nrooklvn.
The two principal ulijcrtiniui of the Phila
delphia ministers were the allegation that
only nn Kplscopnllnn bishop could admin
ister the third degree und only an episco
palian minister was quallileil to be chiip
lain of tho order In Philadelphia.
In Brooklyn nn ordained minister of
any Protestant church may hn n chaplain.
The same is true here. II was declined
todn.v at the Mtonetnen headquarters. 188
South Tivonly-second street A new light
Is shed on the controversy by this expla
nation. Doctor Mulr. speaking for Doctor Stone,
declared that there Is ii' thing In the regula
tions of the order, or Implied to them, (hat
restricts the honorary c.inplalnshlp to Kpls
copnllan bishops. Also any minister may
be president of the Sloncmeii. It was on thu
grounu thnt the third degree ritual called
for "luylng on of hands" by nn Kplsco
pnllnn bishop that the West Philadelphia
ministers nnd the Itev. Dr. Itoberts com
plained the Episcopalian Church playeil too
large a part in the order.
Doctor Jlnlr exhibited llhts of olllccrs,
including tho degree masters of the various
groups in the city, and showed that only
a small percentage of I hose In command
weie Kplsooimllans.
The distributing cummlltee. which
lu chaigcd with persuading new Stonemcn
i, go tn i-hiirch, urgis them to alteutl the
chinch they mr n Mil la left Willi, whatever
the denomination may be. Doctor Mulr de
Colonel Roosevelt and Other Notables
Attend Funeral Services for
Editor and Lecturer
KUZAUNTH, N'. J, Jan. :t.
Services for Hamilton Wright Mnlile.
editor, critic, author und lecturer, who died
Sundny, weie held today In Calvary Kpls
copal Church, Bishop Uilwln S, Lines, of
tho Newark Episcopal Diocese, otllclatlng,
with the Itev. Wulki-r W. CJwynne, pastor
emeritus of Calvary Church, und tho Itev.
Walter O. Klusolviug aSRlstlng.
Colonel Theodore Hooae.vclt and many
other prominent men who were associates
of Doctor Muble, attended the services.
Delegations representing the American
Academy of Arts and' Letters, the Century
Club, the Japan !, clety, the Urenfell Asso
ciation, the NntDnul Institute of Social
Sciences and Ihz trustees of Williams Col
lege were also present.
Tho honorary pallbeurers were J. Stuart
Mackle, representing the standing commit
tee of the Newark Diocese; Lawrence Ab
bott, of the outlook; Itobert I'nderwood
Johnson, representing the National Acad
emy of Arts and Letters: the Itev Juiues
XI. Bruce, r presenting the New York Kin
dergarten Association; J. cliff Woodhull.
senior warden of Calvary Church: John It.
Wlsuer. Prank L. Crawford and Ueorge
W. McCutcheon. Burial wus In Sleepy Hol
low Cemetery, Turrytown, N V.
Two Republican Supporters of Hall for
Speaker Threaten to Chango
Their Votes
DOVER. Del., Jan. 3. The deadlock in
the Delaware House of Representatives may
bo broken this afternoon. Representative
Martin B. Bun is, u Republican member
from New Castle County, served notice at
noon today that unless the Democrats elect
a Speaker on the tlrst ballot, when they
reconvene at 3 o'clock, he will feel called
upon to change his vote. Representative
Joseph C. Hutchinson, also n Republican,
announced that he would follow Air. Bur
ris's course.
Three ballots were taken In the House
at noon, which showed no change In the
situation that existed yesterday, Mr. Hall
receiving fifteen votes. Mr. Downward, si,
teen, and Mr. Welsh, two. with two Demo
crats not voting. The House then ad
journed until 3 o'clock
Relloves Privilege Now Enjoyed by
Towns Should Extend to Larger
ALBANY, Jan. 3. in his message to tho
Legislature today, Governor Whitman fa
vored tho extension of the local option
policy to tho titles of tho State. Towns
now have the right to decide whether
liquor shall bo sold within their borders.
The tlovernor, however, warned the
Legislature that any curtailment of tho
liquor traffto Involves a reduction of the
State's revenues and that provision should
he made to meet any reduction in revenues.
Otherwise "Harry," Wants to Pay for
Bernhardt Gift
Harry Houdlni, the "man of mystery" at
Keith's, was spending a fortune nn tele
grams today in an effort to solve a delicate
tittle probltm that has suddenly arisen to
plague Sarali Bernhardt, the French ac
tress. Mine. Bernhardt has been troubled be
cause a gift recently made to her never
was paid for.' It wus all the more em
barrassing because the gift was a statuette
of herself. Of course, when a bill for $350
was sent to her she sent the gift back to
the wife of the sculptor who fashioned it.
Houdlni wished today to dq a fellow artist
a favor, and he wired Bernhardt at all
the places she might possibly bo that he
would "step into the breach and pay for
the statuette if she would allow him." He
also wired the sculptor's wife to that ef
fect ajad alt otbars ooocerueO. 4e 1 aax
lously awltine P iwceptaaee of 14s oiitt.
Mazio Colbert in Quarrel
With Woman Then,
Police Find
"Chiimimgiio Charley" Under
Eye of Sioulhs na Suspect
in Murder
With n wealthy young man known ns
"Chnrnpagnp Chnrley" under surveillance
and Ihe discovery Hint Atnsle Agnes t n
bert, also known ns Mrs. tlrnce Itoherls.
murdered model. engnRod in nn altercation
with tho proprietress rf nn nlleged resorl
In Hie vicinity of Broad nnd t'oplnr streets
lost t'Mtlny nfternoon. events followed
quickly this nfternoon In the Colbert mur
der case. .. ., , ,
Another cine, which the police think
promising, wns trailed when Tlcnry T. Kox,
nil aMomey of Nnrrlstown. staled lhat he
thought llkelv thai a highly nervous young
man who vNlted him nt his home Inst
Sunday night might know something of
the murder of the pretty young vvonuin.
Hrit-tlHT LAWYKira AID
"A well-dressed man In Ihe twenties."
he said, "onlled nt my home nnd nsked
that I defend him. lie said that whllo driv
ing nn automobile near Haverfortl lie had
tun down and killed a mnn. Ho said he
had taken the man to Bryn Mnwr Hos
pital, where he was pronounced dead. Then,
he sitlil. ho went to Ardniore and reported
the matter lo the Lower Merlon pollco, nnd
was renleged In Sr.nn ball. I told him he
was fortunate to get off so cuslly. As ho
wns very nervous I nil vised him to go
home, get some sleep nnd come hack tho
next dny. lie lefl my place In an nuto
mobile." . , ,
A voung man answering lo the ilesciip
tinti of the one who called on Mr. Vox was
seen on the silmc night by n conductor em
ploved bv the I'hllndclplilii nnd Western
Railwnv. Tin- voung fellow boarded the
cur at Vlllanovu nnd told the conductor he
l.nd killed a man nnd wns In u "Imd mcs."
This conductor told Mr. Vox that tho
voung fellow had a large roll of bills, many
iif which wore of large denomination.
Tho police nro now engnged In nn effort
to nnd the pioprlelrcss of the nlleged resort
which the voung woinnti visited. They are
certain now that the model was murdered
some time between Friday night and Satur
day morning.
The pollcu sny they know who murdered
Miss Colbert. They believe he may he
tho same mnn who a few weeks ngo In a
rage fractured the nose of .Miss Bene Har
ris, u young woman residing lu the vicinity
of Tenth and Race streets.
The suspected murderer Is In Philadel
phia and cannot escape, they say, and ho
will be nrrested as soon ns one missing
link In tho chain of evidence against him
Is found, lie bus the reputation of n "per
fumo Ilend" and has squandered largo
sums of money on artists' models und
chorus girls In many cities.
Theso facts wcro learned this nfternoon
on tho highest authority. Tho police are
satisfied that thu murderer Is tile man who
gave the Colbert womnn the ono and one-half-carat
diamond ring, that the woman
summoned him to her apartment nnd
threatened him with a In-each of promise
suit, and that she attacked him llrst while
sho was lu a fury of temper.
KtiFi'Mnn shirts
Petectlves sny the murderer has a It 'by
of saturating his clothes with strong r
fumo. The bloody shirt found In 1n.
woman's apartment in the Wilton, Fif
teenth und Poplar streets, was perfumed.
Detectives say they know where Its perfume
wns bought.
A City Hall drteettvo todny brought a
coat, vest and trousers to the nlllce of Cup
tain Tate. There was a rumor Hint there
wcro blood stains on the clothing, but Cup
tnln Tate refused to talk about ihe "new
evidence." '
The police today found the two women
who made a trip in a taxlcuh from ihe
Bullevue-Strutford Hotel Just Friday night
In company with a young man. The young
man in question, after leaving the women
in liermantovvn. directed the chauffeur in
drive him to Iho npurtment house building
where lived Mastic Colbert. He kept th.
machine waiting outside while he rcmulind
in Miss Colbert's apartments, running up a
tuxlcab bill of f IP.
In the early morning the chnuffour tn
en mo tired of wultlng and drovo off. Hver
t'iiicc the kilting of Miss Colbert tho Identity
of tho two women who uccompauled Ilia
young mnn to fjerinantawn bus been a mys
tery, but today they were found and Inter
viewed by Captain Tate. It Is reported that
they guvc the identity of their male com
panion, but Captain Tute refused to tulk
about th interview. '
Kliiborute but mysterious arrangements
have been made for the funeral tomorrow
of Maile Agnes Colbert, known lis Mrs
Grace Roberts, who wus found murdered in
the Wilton Apartmehts, Fifteenth und Pop
lar streets.
The casket Is silver trimmed and alone
will cost Mt5, according to tho police, who
say nil expenses evidently are being paid
by "unknown" friends and admirers of the
girl, since her parentu ure In very humble
Tho pollco have established tho fact that
the body was severely abused after the
captain Tnto said today he probably
would summon again Charles Kuier, u
brewer uf Mtihauoy City, to toll what he
knows about tho murdered woman nnd her
Tho pollco also will muke every effort
to unravel the alleged blackmail scheme In
which Miulo Colbert is saw to nave ng
ured shortly before her death. The al
leged murderer also is said to have figured
in tho scheme, by which one wealthy man,
at least, was to bo victimised, according
to tho police.
A mass of evidence hau been gathered and
almost u tcore of men nnd women who
knew tho Colbert woman have been grilled
by the police in the Inst twenty-four hours.
It was stated that tho dead woman
had reached the limit of her resources
and that she was forced to pledge her
jewels In order to placo a little money
in her pocket for Christmas, lu-r furni
ture, too, was purchased on the monthly
payment plan, und because of her liberality
to her family and friends she was lu a con
stant stato of financial embarrassment. It
Is said bhe forwarded a letter to .this brewer
asking him to see her. lawyer, and that this
missive brought him to the city posthaste.
Free Lunch Ilan Modified
WASHINUTO.W Jan. 3. Crackers, cheese,
pretzels and olives are not free lunch, ac
cording to the ruling today of lOxclsc Com
missioner Henry S. Baker on the board's
effort to banish gratis food from District of
Columbia liars.
COCIIBAN. Jan. 3. of pneumonia. WIL
LIAM i'Ql'illtAK. Esq.. ast bS. Funeral terv
kes. Si. James Church, 22J anil Walnut sts .
Frl. . 2 p in. Hostoa papery please iopy.
wife at I'harUs Thompaon (nee Coats). ssa "ill.
lulallvas aud friend Invited to funeral. Fri.,
0 a m., parents' rMluaoctf. 3103 oepvlva at.
Solemn Mali ma at Nativity Church, 10 a. m.
1st. Holy Hadeeoier Cam.
SMITH Jan. ". at Avalon. N. 1.. I'AnRIE
II . wile ol Walter A. Smith, ad 31. RaUtlve
end frtoada laviUd to funeral service. Frl., 2
.:. 1819 M ith t lot private
TBRRIEK Loat Scotch trr
oolor. wotaht 20 Iba . from U
bf nidi-
TueeaMir. ., wiua,
15 Firemen Overcome:
Camden Families Flee
Conllnnril from I'nee due
they were revived with :i pulmoler by Pr
R A. Schellenger. police surgeon. Cnl.v
one r.f the fifteen overcome went to Ihe
hospital Oiplnln Jneph Maxwell. fi:n
N'orth Third sheet, Camden. File Chief
Cnrter suffered a severe Injury to Ills lel
leg, when he fell over n pile of rubbish
while trying to force his way Into the
The smoke filled dwellings In the vicinity
nnd forced families to Iter. Houses flooded
bv tb overflow from the pellnr nf the
ttltelmcr plant hcloti tn Hip following!
John Humphries, Ut Klevens street: I.. J
nnnnvnn. IS I Mlekle street i John Plehl.
U7 Slovens etreet: Mrs. Snlile nnriloh. St!"
Sonlli Fifth Mreet: I.. It. irr. 441 Jitdsotj
street, nnd Mrs. Mary tlrrmks, 2t" South
Fifth street.
F. rt. Ifllchner. owner rtf the tlllchner
fnctorv, said be wns unnhle lo estlmntn
tile loi.0. lie snlel thnt thtre Was n lot of
vn limbic mnchlnciy nn the floor nhove the
kilns, and thnt wafer linrt dnmnged n
large nuiiiitllv of wnllpnper A Inrge amount
of lumber, which I- used by the llltchner
rompnnv In ninniifmiiire moldings, Wns
f1nlro.vel. Mr. llltchner ellmnlcd that Iho
diiniiigc to Ihe building nl'Mie would ,oln'
Penrose Also, Since Power
Shown, May Now Get
Senator .lames P. MeXIclml called on
Mnvnr Smith todny, nml It wns remarked
by knowing ones, niter the conference, that
Hie Senator seemed much more popular lu
the Mayor's ofllcn this yenr than lact. The
reason, they wild, was evidently the Mc
N'lchol -Pen rose victory over the Varcs lu
the speakership fight lit Hnrrlshurg.
The Senator wns In n grent humor. He
had little Information to give, but his re
fusals were pleasant. It leaked out
though Hint one puipose of Ihe conference
wns lo arrange. If possible, for a con
ference or conferences between the Mnynr
ii-..d Senntor Penrose. It Is felt that since
enrose has proved himself so powerful In
tho Slate against the rival faction thu
Mayor will be n bit more friendly now.
Just where Sennlor Penrose nnd Mayor
Smith will meet, If nt nil, is not known.
The chunces ure It will ho somowhero on
neutral ground, outside City Hall, nnd nlso
outside the Commercial Trust Building,
where the Penrose olllccs nre. 1'p tn now
the Senator has usually been in a position
to summon nny Mayor lo his olllce.
Senator Mc.Vlchol and Mayor Smith are
believed to huvo talked about Philadelphia
revenue billw which will runic i,p lu the
Legislative, but neither had nti thing to
say on the subject. Senator Mc.N'Ichol
"promised to tell the licwspnpcis first."
f4jjOr Make Your Office a lffm
Ili$F j?ezJ. "Business Home9'jt
XfrfjPv aml V0l,r co-workers spend a
jl I considerable portion of your lives
,i in uiu uiuuu, mj iintKC it a real
S "business home," complete in
equipment, comiortable and inviting.
You'll get better service from those around
you and your business acquaintance will be
more impressed, for a well furnished
o'lice is to the business man what a well
furnished home is to the housewife the
evidence of carefulness, capability and
prosperity. The Van Sciver Store, by
reason of its inexpensive, yet convenient
Flat-top Double Desk
Made of Sturdy Oalc
Sizo flOx-18 inches; made with heavy Quar
tered On!: writing; bed and Plain Oak base.
Brass sockots and less; bottom drawer in
each right-hand pedestal is u douhlo drawoi
partitioned for books. Opposito side of desk
same as shown In cut. Vo huvo a compro
honsivu lino of desks, both in wood and metal
finished to imitate wood.
Neat Designs, Cheerful Colors and Durability
Should Characterize Your Office Rugs
For the office you want door coverinRs that are not only attractive in appearance, but vor
durable, for tho wear ami tear is generally heavy. Here nro a low suggestions froni our quartc
oi a inmionMionur stock ot
587 Royal Wiltons, 10.6xKVC
sou jvujm VV1UUU5, iu.uxi4 9ul.aU
S65 & $60 Royal Wiltons, 9x12 ft $4G.5u
$60 & $55 Royal Wiltons, 8.3x10.6 $43.50
A Vertical Filing Cabinet
Made of Welded
Every part of this
Cabinet is built to
last a lifetime. Tho
drawers run smooth
ly on casetrack and
rollers, and there
are 98 inches of fil
ing space. Its ease
of access, durability,
fire resistance and
dignity of appear
ance are features
that will appeal to
every business man.
Price $24.75
find the
DAILY AT 5i80 V. Jl.
Penrose Plans Fight
to Finish on Governor
tonllniiril fmm I'nce tine
tlovetimr. nnd the IVuro-e forces. fearlnK
eVposme lo themselves, will not sincere
-minor! ntiv move Inward nny Imestlgntb m
o ' Ihe Admlnl-triill...,. ThH "' 'ji'
snld today by Penrose lcuteni.nl.- The
f.elilnr Senator's fov-es. however, will MI'
prlve the Vnrcttrumt.nuRh.Miigec faction
of all Ihe pnlronnge they run. nnd ' when
tho Legislature was ntgiiniwd yestenlny
they gained control nt several hundred Jobs
Id Ihe House nnd Senate.
The Snrlg resolution, cnlllns for ptihllo
hearings nnd n thorough Investigation of
the chnmes nnd Invectives hurled right' nnd
left nmotig the Organisation bosses during
the speakership light, will be recalled be
fore the House ns soon ns the Legislature
reconvenes on Jnnnnry 2, The democrats,
by sticking together, are In the position ol
being able to Torre recognition (tt any time,
although they will he tumble lo firee nny
menaiire through H" tglslnturo nt nhy
time during the session.
Willi Ittt to lephiittlon In prospect In he
noted upon during thesesslon. the Penrose
forces liavo mapped out n program of de
lay In order to drag out the session until
after Charles A. Snyder heroines Auditor
ticnrrnl and Harmon M. Kephnrt becomes
Slate Treasurer on May I next. Tho three,
vvekr" recess token nfter organization wan
effected yesterday was unprecedented slnco
The Inauguration of President Wilson will
cnll Tor n two weeks' recess early In March,
und there will bo rcresscs over 'Washing
ton's Birthday and Faster. These lapses In
the workings of the legislative machinery
will continue the session until June nt least,
nnd will give tho Penrose people n chance
to look carefully Into tho Inside workings
of tho Brumbaugh administration before tho
Legislature finally adjourns.
It has been decided Hint n recess of nhout
two weeks will he taken nfter tho appro
priations bills have been passed so that
tho Legislature Itself can pass upon them
nfter tho tlovernor has ncted on them. This
move on the part of the Penrose leaders In
tho Legislature Is tho biggest club the senior
Senator's followers nro holding over tho
head of Governor Brumbaugh, nnd shown
tho extent of tho animus lu the present
Witnesses Say Trolley Crow Is Not to
Ulnmo for Woman's Death
Timothy A. Quill. Dn.lfi Klngscsslng ave
nue, motormnn of the trolley enr which
struck and killed Jim Fmuilo Weathers,
ilfty-flve years old, of SiiO Pemberton
street, on flrny's Ferry road nenr Klls
vvorth street, lust night, wns held by Magis
trate Mccleary In Central Police Court this
morning to uwnlt tho action of the Cor
oner. According to several witnesses, the crew
of tho trolley was not to blame. They snld
the womnn wns walking out (Jrny's Kerry
road nnd was nbout to cross the tracks
when she wns struck by the car. The
motormnn applied the brakes, but It wns too
lato nnd the woman was drugged several
feet. She wns pronounced dead at the
Polyclinic Hi.spital.
location, specialization in furniture and
furnishings, and immense volume of busi
ness with comparatively light overhead
expenses, can supply you with offce
furniture and fittings of the better gn( e
at prices substantially lower than tie
ordinary. Come in and look over our
complete line, or telephone us for sugges
tions or quotations. Whether you want
a single piece, a chair, or desk, filing
cabinet, safe or the equipment for an
entire suit, we are prepared to serve you
better and save you more.
IU ILr $40.50 JL
noor coverings, at special prices:
$69.50 j $55 Royal Wiltons,
$52 Royal Wiltons, 8.3x10.6 $38.50
$45 Best Grade Axminsters, 9x12 $34.50
$42 Seamless Velvets, 9.1 J2D.75
A Filing
Service Safe
That Protects Your
This liling Serv
ice Safe represents
the up-to-the-minute
method of protecting
and classifying your
records. Tho inte
rior can combine
Unit Sections and
Wido Sections as
shown in tho illus
tration and the
strong steel con
struction protects
against theft and
Size 43xC7 ins.
IrViM not arrange your vmt to our Office Furniture
SO that 1I0U can lunch nt Iho 1 &.:..'.. Y,".I"P
euMne, service "and irr
- .-
Manufacturers, Importers and Retailers
Market St. Ferry, Caiwlen, N.
Conferees Fail to Bring Car-1
raimi lo Terms, Report
Vill Say
WArtltlNflTON'. Jan. 3 -The Ainere,.'
members of Ihe Joint Mexican Pence C(,m'
mission Will present to President Wlto.
Into tills afternoon their lTrnmmemhtl,,,,
for closing up Ihe t-nniml Inn'- n.,i.
Before going lo sec the 1'iesident they nflf
tlrnfl nn nnsw-er lo (lenernl Carrnnza'' t."
jeciion oi mu mini, ilihii iuMti protocol
The messnge nnd visit to President V,'
son menu that the Joint sessimm nie nutiv.
lliaiicnuy rini-co. in .Minmimre me com. 'j
mlsslnners will Inform the President u,M "
have dnne their utmost to rrmn n mi,,
factory troop-wlthdrawnl protocol; tJ
their efforts have failed tluough ilnneral "
Cnrrnnzn's rejection of the ternw. nnd thjt '
It Is their opinion It will be useless to con'
tlnuo tho Joint session further.
At tho sumo tlmo It li doubt ful. ns Imli. '
rated olllrlnlly this nfternoon. Unit u,,
commission will leave a loophole, for a re-
sumption of tho session following n,0 pr((.
pnsod voluntary wlthdrnw.il of lenerl
Pershing's column. Such n loophole hai
been considered, but the commissioners fe
nfter their morning session that any re.
sumption lo consider subjects of protection
of American lives and propcily would b0 i
doubtful value.
The note lo Citrrnnza will answer hli
objections to signing the troop withdrawal
protocol. Thero probably will not even ba
n formal fnrewcll session of (he joint bodr
nnd tho American commissioners plan to
send their answer to Currnnzn. through t
special tnessengen who Is Chairman I.nij
Tho American cnmniiuslnners' nrtlnn will
leai'o tho Oovernmenl free to ivlthdrnw Itv
troops ns soon as It sees lit. Military men
said todny this undoubtedly would li0 very
The longer (leneral Pershing's forces re
main In .Mexico Ihe greater will Vllla'j
power be, uccordlng lo these men, Inasmuch
iih Villa Is getting recrulls for his c.iUH
by telling them that Cnu.inza Is unable
to gel the American', out of Mexico nnd that
he (Villa) Will do no. , ,
;70(7 MORE CA lift A NX A
KL PASO, Tex., Jan. 3. Five hundred
Currnnzn soldiers pent south from Juarej
deserted to tho commands of Colonels
Ochoa and Tames, when attacked by the
Vllllslas nt Los Mndinos, according to
word received hero today.
This defection brings the number of VII.
HstiiH between Juarez and Chihuahua City
up to about 10. OHO men. They nre In posl. '
tlon lo cut off iloiieial Muigiiia's escape .
north from the Chihuahua capital.
jw, Mrilfi;,
oi'i'osiTi: stoue