Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 03, 1917, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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    vmvfmiy f. iyiMl!iVtP
Contlnneil from Prefeilln Pa
MONEt.I, Jan 2 Hl'SAN. -widow- nf rtan
rlolpli n, Monell and dauahter of Into Peter nnd
Hussn flchrlver. Itrlntlvcs nml friend Invited
to funeral services, 8At 2 p m . residence of
on-ln taw .h-trlcD llellerman 1315 I! Monl
eomery ave Int Northwood I'nm
MOtintSON - .tnn 1 S. IIRnivs, husband of
T.Mia Morrison (no Mct'lunel nml son of lain
ftlitsmnnil It nnd Sarah Morrison nuad IJ
llelatlves nnd friends Orient tlullnr No at an.
y M P . 'mrliflM Wells Parito Hxpresa I'o ,
Invited to funernt services Ihurs, J p m to.
Ithodes nve t'olllnsdale Pi lnl prltnte
I'rlends may cill Wed after 7pm
MUMPOtiD .tah 3 Lieutenant TitoMAI IT
MUMFonH Notion ot funeral later, from TS
V slth at
NEWMAN TVe 31 SAtlAlt (ne. Pmllh).
widow of William Newman lte)atlea nnd
frlenda Invited tn funernl services, Thura , 1! 10
p m.. residence of lnother-ln liw, Oenrca .'.
t-'iiryl. 1011) S Yewdntl at, (."Hth at. nnd Wootl
land ave I Int Perntvood (.'em. Hem tins pity
i Mewed Wed R to II) m '
Ntrrns tc. si itAitnr M nippks.
ared 7.1 IMaGvcs nnd friends lnvltil to fu
neral servlet. Thura to a m.lvvtand. Pi
Int prltnte Ml Vernon rem Train for Ivy
land leaves rten.llna; Termlnil 8 1.1 n in
o nntr.H nr m jutis j husband of
Margaret o llrlen (nee .McKennU Iteinllic
and frlenda. I ntu of Marred Heart nnd Altar
Hoclety nf Our I mix of Mercy Church invited to
funeral. Thura x 3n n. tn . 21 IJ N, tJlier at
Solemn tunas of reiiulcm flt Ht llllnibeth'a
Ohureh 10 n m lnl Holy Scpulchro rem Auto
I) DOXNni.li lin 2 ('ItUlt.nS aon of
John and t:iln " Donncii (nee Me('ormrkl, nuej
ft tnoa 4 dvta llelntlea nnd friends Invited to
funeral, Thura J n m parenta' resident e
HI32 Shawn at . chestnut It III Int Holy
Bepuleher . em
O MAt.t.riV -Dee fit MA tit! Alt UT. widow nf
Peter oMnll.v Heiallves and friend In
vlted to funere1 Thura , H a m., tn.is 8 Itlrk
at Tusker nbove Hiili Solemn requiem mass
riiurrh or 81 Thorn Anoints u JO n m
Int. Cnlhedrnl t'em
O NRtt.l. Pec .11 t'ATItnttlNR widow of
William O Nelll lleintlus nnd frlenda Invited
to funeral Thu-s t .Hi n m 321 1 Hhe Iburno
at (Kennlnutnn nnd Mleuhenv oves I Illsh
mass rhurc h of Aatenalon 10 in Int. Now
Cathedrnl ('em
OtVOl Uee 31. WtM.IVM If. aon of
William It nnd I.llllm Owena (nee lteinemnnnl,
aaed It ttelitlvea nnd friend. Sumliy Hetinol
elaaa of uhlrh ho. una n inemlr. Invited to
funernl, Thurs , .1 p tn . pnrenta rraldence, tint
W Tloca at Int. Ml 1'eaeo feni
PAttKi; Huddenly tan I T. IIIIMtY
PAIIKII. nBed "I lleKthea nnd Irlenda nln
Urtacent LoiIro No -in I, V and A M Invited
to funernl aerilrts. t'rl .2pm 721 N llith
at Int prlMiln
Pr.TIIItMAN .tin. 2 Wl I.I.I AM It PH mil
MAN hmlnnd of i:ila Peterman (neo tnnoi)
nnd'ann of Into Aitrihnm nnd Kllxnltoth tvter
man need ni ItiintUca nnd frlenda. nlan Har
mony Count II No M O of I A . InWted to
funernl aervlrea Hal 2pm. 12.10 KI'xri rnlil
at Int prUnte t'trnnpod Cent ltomulna may
b leed Irl ce
PirrmtH At Mt Alrv. Jan 2 TIIOMAH
Wll.ljIMl ITI HUH Wuo nottee r funernl
Wilt ho gUen
PITTS Jim 2 1V1I It T PITTS, htuhnnd
nf Mar Kltnnor Dlxoti ltelntla nnd friends
Invited f funernl. Thura , 2 p tn , 12 N
Stork iim (Ilmnlden P Int prlwite Omit
nowera Snow HIM nnd PrltiLeat Anne. Mil ,
papera plena" rop ...... .
PAItKi: Stiddnl Jan I T HRNrtV, hlla
hand of Mnrv 1 l'nrkt nted 71 HolatKia nml
friend, t'nsrent l.oil. Vn l3 I nnd A M,
Invited tu fNTvkiH. frl 2 p in . 7.'s N. -linn t
Int prhnte
pirrnus M Ml Aln .Inn 2 THOMAS
WII.I.IMt PI'.rHltH runernl aenlcea Churih
of St .llima the t.iaa. 1'alU uf Hihujlklll
Tlur I noon
POUCH Jon 1. SAMIT.t. It POItf'ir n"il
ni ltnlititna nml frlonda, Admlrnl (luirui-
Deuey I'i mpli No Ti (t t A , InWtoil to fu
nernl anrvlna Sit 2p m anna rewldenee.
nn Prim i ton nv Culllncawoiid N J Int.
prlvato, i:irBntn inn .,.,..,.., ,
Pltlt'i: uililinh .Inn I WILLIAM I.
PItlci; Int.- or JVM Momnhta it ltlntle nml
friend Wm c llnmllton l,ode No. fiOO, V
and A M rtu Cluii nml Polln tJ lit of Ji.lh
Dlat and Iti-urv" Polio-, Invited to funeral
aerMie "1 hur -' P m. lnivlii II Si hu lor
Illdjr llroi.l Hid ItliimoTid ata Int private.
Itemnln nwv I lewid Nul . after 7pm
Ql'ICKSAI.I. Inn 2 nt J7IU I'nltv a:.
Frnnkford MAHV, ulduw of Jiremlah Uuleit
all uKed OJ I'ttf nntlio funornl nlll he niven
HAll'll Iei II IICIIVVKI nlduw of lullua
A Italtll (nee Itodlrh llRed (II Itel.itlvm
nnd frlenda. VlKllnnt I'ouncll, No 121, 1 of Ij .
Invited to funt ml Thura 2 p m, HUN N.
Frnnklln at Int (In tnmiunt Cem. Itemnlna
may tie lewed Wed 7 to It n m
iti2KVi:s i)i :m (;i:nui;lj w , imahnnd of
Snrnh It lie. . a (me Widiati r niti d 17 llel.i
tlvea nnd frli mla HotJ N.imo nnd Altnr Sorlelj.
emplojes of llildwln Lotolnotlv.' Worka boiler
anon Invttid to turn rul 'Ihnra, s 3u a m
22lt S Junliier at Ilequlem hlali maaa ("hurrli
of th Kplphan to n m hit Ilok Croa (' m
nnr.MIS t Snl.ni N J. Jan 1. MAIt
CAHin" II ItlinM'H "Bed in. ItelntUea nml
frlenda Invited to funeral, realdenit of muthi.r,
Anna .Nouklrk HIA 7th at , Snleni l'rl .
It n m Serving at realdtiiLe Int Mithudlat
C'ukllftlv Inn 1 ANNIIJ A ltnif.LV lleln
Uvea and frh nda Invited to funeral Thura,
0 .10 a in rcaldenro nf roualna the .Mia, a doi a
Santos .t')2s Sanaum at Hi uulem nuiaa ul
Cathedral It a m Int New Cathidril Cm
Auto funernl omit flout r Wilmlnuton tlJel )
""rturu'-V-Jan 1 imtDOTTr ItCIM.V Iteli.
Uvea and frlenda ImiUd to funernl, TUura , .111
a in 110- N Uth at Sulemn nqulem mau
Bt Milachy'a Chunll to n in. Int. Old Cnthe
drnl Cem Auto funiriil
. IllIYSOI.DS Jan 1 HANNAH r . wife nf
Lemuel Hejnnlil formerlv of Salt in. V I
Ilelntlvea unit frlenda Imltid to funeral. Thura
8 p in , nalileni-i' "f ilnuBhler. Urn, Knl M
dorum llnl.i " und Cnwd rd Cvn
wvd Pa Int prtliite Servlrea iiIfu St John a
Eplaenpal I hun h Mali in N J. Trl 2 Hip In.
H1CII sudilenl at Ilerlimn, P.t . Si i ond
dav Plrst Munth. MAIIY ANNA, wife of How
ard Y Hlch utp'd (lt Helnllvia und frlfitda
Invited to funeral. Into realdm e. Sixth da,
11 30 n in Int Plutimtead Frltnda Hurlnt;
""ScVlArrnit Ian 1 AVNV wlfo of John
Schaffer and tl tuichter of I ite Thonuia und
Ann Clark HilntlMa nml frlenda Invited to
funernl Sat U a tn . J33 Wt hater at (2lith
and Christian ata 1 faoh inn IUbIi mass of
reaulem st Anthunv s Chun h 10 JO a. m Int
Holy Croas Cem .,....,,, .
SCHWAHTZ Jan I IHA I . Imahand of
Laura It Schwartz Into Ureenerl. aon of lute
Philip and Ann i Si Imnrtx Htlalliea and
friend, aluo Pin nnd P in 11 Counill No 1J0,
D or I. Columbia, Ave M 1! Churtn Illbla
Claas hlonennlia IMIowahlp Club of 'JUth
Ward. Invited to funeral atrvliea Sat , .1 p in .
realdeneo of mother In-lun. lira Sarah Greener.
101S N 21th at Int I.nurel Hill Cem
SCOrT Uoc 31 AI.HXANUKII. aim of Ite.
becra A and IntH John Scott Itelutliia nnd
friends invited to funeral erv!ie Thura
Bin reoldenie uf brother. William Hmtt bull
2flth at Int private Hemaina miv ba
'Ll-HS-'jnn "t ." tliVl t. KDWUll. SI ,.-
I.EHS. aired 4.1 IliUtlvva nnd frb nda also II
C Stonemen a rillowahlp lull and nil oilier
aoeletlea of whlih he una a inemlw r. tnul'-d to
funeral w-rvkm Sat . 2 p in, pnrlora of S P
Prank-nlleld hona, N W i or 3'Jlll and Slirlliu
Garden Ma Int ArlInton Cm Automublliil
SlIAtlD-Jun 1 IIMSiAIITTK w dow ;'
Krai. Kiln fahiud. until M ItelatUes nnd frlendj
Invited to funernl a-rvleea. Ol.'O LoiuiC t
'"Sfflillli-uli'c W ANNI." SMITH. jtauBhtor
of late Thomaa and Hllzahetli Smith, of County
Cuven. Ireland ttilntlves unit frienda Invited
to funernl, Thura. b 10 a m . S W. tor lliih
and Hamilton at bolcinn reijletn niaag it
thedral churih 10 a. m Int t nttieilral l mi
HMirll Jun 1. UUZAIinTH. vvldiw of
Adam smith. -Bed Rl V'jail' s,.,!!'a.,fr,;.m11"
lnvltid to funeral aorvlce, 1H1U ? lath at I rl ,
' p m Int prtvtte . ..
KNYDEIl Jan 1 HAIUtY A aon of Henry
and late Marsnret Snder BEeil 32 ttelullves
end frlenda, t lerka of the Court of Quarter
8ealona and member of the Cntti d Iteiiubllean
(Mub of the 21th Ward Invited to funeral.
Tlwra. 8 30 a m. 11120 K Paclflo at Solemn
requiem man t uuri.ii ul ..yi ....., ,;!'
Christians 10 a m Int St Dorqjnle'a Cem .
Itolmeabure Itemalna ma bu view vd Wed eL"
AU8,TAcKfjr3!'Sf: - Pee 30, JOHnPII V.
BTACKHOIISK. huabiud of Julia 1 Stackhouaa
and aon of Morrla U nnd late Martha Stack,
house Relative and friend. Woodland Coun
cil. No 170 ( l). of I A . tha Woodland A
C, and employs of Atlantic Hennlmr Co .In.
vlted to funeral. Thura , 2 p m . 20tt 8. 57tn
at Int Mt Zlnn Cem Ueinalns may bo viewed
Wed. after 7pm Auto funeral
8TATES Jun I LOUISA W widow of Am
brose States ItelatUes and friends Invited to
funeralservli.es Thurs . 2 p m 2540 Nicholas
at Int Ardsley llurlal Park via funeral car.
Frlenda mav all Wed eve , ,,.
11AIINUS. wlfa of George Ktevenaon runeral
aervlcea Thurs , 2 n. in . 11)21 spruco st
private I'leuaa omll uowera
wldove of WillUm Btlvera iiU.t).. . l"upra
aervlcea Frl 2 I m . Oliver II Jlalr JJ10B
1850 Cheatnut at lnl rrlvaio
N j , (IKOItat: P son of late Carlton V
Cydla W b-tokea aged. 75 P.'"''")...57.
Broad st . Woodbury. J. rut" oajr, . o.
P,STOUT Jan 2 at 8t N 25th st MAR;
OAllCT wlfo of Elnvr Stout and daughter of
late Patrick and Mary ward.
notice of
funeral will b given
u-rm.TM ---Hue 31
VttfA Of
George 8 Stulta, aged 30
Itelatlvea and friends
$100 WortJi
of Cigars
Invited to rvlc. Thura 2 n n . 8110 ttajrer;
ford nve Int Mt Monah rem Frlenda may
view remains Wed eve
HWI5BNRY Jan 2 W ILt.tAM J. nnd JOHN
T SU i:i:vi,Y. sons of Patrick and Catharine.
Sweenev llelitltes nnd friends Invited to
funernl Prl On in . 1.111 N 11th st. Solemn
hlah requiem mn St Mnlnohy a Church to
a m I'riends mil Mow nmnlna Thura, niter
S p m Int Old Cathedral I em
TVTtUI, Dee 31 MAItY. wife of Oenraa
Tatum iHuRhter of Patrtik nnd llnseinnn
Toner Tlelnllvea nnd frlenda Invited to funeral.
2.M.1 Yellnnd l 22d at nnd Ituntlna Park
nve ) Thurs Sinn m Solemn hlch mass ot
requiem Church ot Our l.vls or Iloiv
10 n m. Int St. Anns (.em, 10 n m
T.SOV Jnn 1 RAltAlt widow nf WlllMtrj
It 'ivaon nt ClaMon N t llelnllves and
friends Invited to funernl aervMccs, Thurs .2
p m residence of XVIMInm Hedefer, nnu M.
iinlla t (nenr Walnut lane .ltn ) Int private
VOI3M. Jnn 2 IIAItllAUA. widow or Anton
.1 n. 11 inee Sihmllxl. need 77 Duo notion of
funernl niton 31.1 I! f.ehl8h nve
Mil, I. Inn I. MAIIY AllNR"? wlfo nf
chnrlea oil nnd dauithter of Mimnret and
(he late John Nenn need 3.1 llelatltes nnd
friends Invited to funernl, Prl . 7 .Id n in. 711
Pedernl al , Camden V J 1 1 lull mass Ihunli
nf the Immaiulnl" t'ontiptlun 0 a m. Int
'"wTLtl'l-'-Jan 2 PHANCtS J. aon,of Rllen
and lale Win, J Wrtlah Itelnlltea and rrlend
tl V Nt Sminlll, l.eiiKue Sat red Heart Altar
and ltiily Nnmo Hnilnilea, Invited In funernl.
l'rl , 10 n m. 1013 Stivdoe live solemn
requiem mass Hpiphany church 10 a. in Int.
Vtt-I"! ' aT. MAIIOAIHIT A , wlfn nf
Jntnea Walt nnd dsuehter of Alice and late Pil
ward MrAdsma IteHtlves and triemls rnetnhers
tmtnrlo Pres Churcli. invlleil to funeral Thura .
t so D in. 711 11 Madison al Services nt
nhove named -liuroli 2 P tn lnl prlvnte. North
Cedar Hill cm lleinnlns msy be viewed Wed ,
S tn to ti tn nnd Thura until 1 30 p m . ni
''""utrtHSIIIVG-nec 3t i:l.l?AIH.TIt LTD
IA, wlfi of Theodore WenrshlnK nnd diiUKhlr
nf late William and Mnrv A Bn'dcr lined 31
Helutltea nnd friend Invited to funeral airvlrrs
Thura. I v in 410 Inirfur at lnl North
wood (em ttemalns may lie vlwed Wid nftif
7 WtiVtK tier 31 ItOItllllT I huahnnd nf
May IVhlte (nee ttsetiti nnd aon nf Mnrv nnd
late Samuel White. Itelatlvea anil friends,
Pluto Tribe. No 2.M t O II M , Washington
Liidire, No. 20 A O tl 1 . Alt t Tronauro
Cluti Axla ( luh, nil othi r BoilMIe ur which
he wns n member. Invited to funernl T-tirs ,
H 30 a m, 1201 Moore at, lllah nnss Annun
ciation Church 10 n in Int Holt i r..a Cem
of Into lllln Whltol Iteintli.s and friends In
tllid to runernl aertlce 'thura. J p m IHduo
ave nnd Mntn at . tmrhv t'n lot prltnte.
WILSON -Jun 2 InllN Wtl.tlS i,u,.,l S-,
Itflutlvi and trli nda Intlliil tu f iin rat Menkes
Prl i P in. 3100 Olltu el Int lilHale, Mt
"wooLl'.V'riN- - I in t. IflllN Wfini.t.VP.N
I utK rut 1. -th s Wendu ei at. tloaomnnt. Pa.
Ihurs . J to p ni ttit prltnte omit (lower
VllfTli Dee 31 HOIll'.ltl J huslinnil nf
Mav White (die Itnteuxl nnd aon of Mart nnd
Into Samuel Whlti llilutlte nnd friends
Pluto Tribe. No 2al, f O It Wnshllmtull
Lodae. No 20. A O ft ' . Alva I'll iurn
i lull Axl I lul nil other am b tb or lib h
he wis a mimla-r lnvltid to funernl Tliur
K .10 ii m 12(11 Moori at llleh imias Annun
lllltlnn hurch Kill nt Int Holt Croaa Cent
Wltltlllr Ian 2, SOPHIA wlf. or Hi njn
mln It Wrlaht nnd iliniuhur or Into William and
llnnnnli Welal" nued n IMntlvta nnd friends
IiivIImI to runeral a.'rt ii a IJ21 Alrdrle al
Sat 2 ti m lnl Northttood i' in
Ot N1 .Inn .' AAHON S Iniahnnd nt
Mnr A Yuuiib In OHth tear Ittlntltea nnd
trlenda Xlntbr Hi" Mutunl Aid Soilitt In
tlt.d tu runirnl wrilii. l'rl I n in siih
Newton nte. Oiklvn V J lnl Pi rnwooil
tern friend nm cull Thur nfter . p in
y.I'l.l.Y At Mlnml I 'In Jan I IDV W
wire of Vntliiinlil I' '. Ill It tt.l nit ea and
rrlenda liiMted to rum nil i inn ten Clinpi I Ml
llollt N J l'rl. I" l"i n in 'I mln bnt.
Market t rem Pblla . for Mt llollt. 1(1 Pi
" Kol.L Dei 3t AH rort lit GO huelmnd of
Rleiinnr Volt (m Ileum r I Heliitlvia und rrlond
implot.a uf enurutlnB dipt of lohn W miinijik. r
nnd mi mbera of i In llto At lib nit of the
line Art lnvltid to amine 1 bur -' p. m .
Oliver It Hair HulldlliK lt-O I'leatuilt si Int.
pritulf. l'rii nd inn mil W-d . 7 tu to p m
I)IAION'5 HIN'G Lo(, iniill Hulllulre dlumond
rinc. from South Itroud strn t 'Ih.utrt to
llrnnd and An b Write- JIJU V 17(h l.lli
iril riwaril
JIATCIIHOX Lost. Bold mtiti hbiix, Vett Yi ur
l;ti, lietween Cato I. AlBlon und lintel V ill
tun moiionrnm on tuci , blue htura $lo ri -wnrd
M Ml. latlffer Cilitrul
PIN laiat dliinionil bar pin lontainlnu 39 dia
monds mounted In pliiilnum atamied on linclt
II Itlt.l J U ( (5 Co." in ttlt Curlton
Hotel. Sundu.v MtotltllB. Iei 31 I.IIhtiiI re
ward H rt turned tu I t;. litMwtll & Co,
chiatnut and Juniper ta
1'IN Lost burpln r dlnmnnda. tl puirl Bit
in plutlmtm at tin Hltz Curlton N. ti lenr'a
live, rewind II 11.1. tadger Ottlce
POLICY Perpituil policy No. 1 I2'l. Mech inlra'
Ina Co of Phlln . cuterinB on pronurty 2023
Wilder at., luia bien lost or mlstnld, Applica
tion ha In en mnd" for new policy I2U S letb
SPI'lCASi: I.ot, bftwun IHth and 31th nnd
W ulnut at, ilrea aullui.. tnltlils T It s
Plnder pleitNO ai nd to t'nlt.rat lluapltal mid
receive reward
Tol'ltlVG CAH 12." ritturd for lelurn of
atolen 1017 I'ord touring utr. manufut Hirer
number 1017071. t'ennii lb ne No 2.1 1 730
lleport to A P Ditenaux 1-l Walnut at
WALl.UT-Liiat Siiturdo nfti rniion D. 1 .to
lame, brown wallet unit lining 1 unablernblo
aum of muni and tlutk drawn to mv order
In KOlnir from Uth und Cln tnut to 11th und
lMuphln l via 11th at inr llberul n ward
A Prank llerctv iiiru Ldaon Hro 112
Doi k atn et
Hunan Ml GhidtM Smith II S Humun
WIISTUHV I Villi! 'IIH IWltAI'll t.MIl Cheat
nut at Win Arnislronw liinnii Arinttl
pnnl. Ilurrj Arimld Mr nml Mra lliirnaitln.
L'dttnrd II H'.lin. M irv M Hirie Mra M
II I' Itanl Gut H11rtl.lt Mra Sofa llruttli
Mr t: I. linnet M I' llntilir hie lleana
Hdwnrd It Ciittuu Mra J I rlltt. Alkel
Cliatelll ..I. mln I stint 1 , lb mid W Cuiier.
Mr Ciimiila.il John Dunn Mr llirliert Our
IliiB Mia ll leu Duniill Mure Duhn otm
Dahl Mr Jiiima II Hnifland Mr. and Mra.
ciiurle I'ux All I. milt ll. bin Ii. Mr 1: A
rurnnii Mra A11II11 Huali ilttina Jllaa Mat I
C llupkln Mi Si. II. lliipklna. M N Hurl
I'runiia lluttki Wlllurd Hi inlerann. GnirK"
Haik'tt Mi v 1. llMriimn John llnrbiter.
P ll.irl. nl. In Ah in lulinaon, I10111M I'
J. nk. I. K. ill C II Ki liner. II H kiiotvl. a,
John j Ivlliur .Mr !' kiuuuii Jnima I I..e
Iko Leivla M A I it liibStou. Mra kilhrjuo
last, r .111 l.illlh iliiii .1 J Malun.
Meser Art and ti. iiiriitlng 1 o . Jaima Mor
bali Hood Mi Kuv Altxandtr Midnr J N
aiiAlllst.r ihirha 8 Moriiuii, Jr , Georgo II
ileia-od W J l-viuiinll ,Mia lulu Ivuraili;
William Plunk, tl. Ilnalgli and lr II II
Pum-. Mr Jaiiua Itelllv Al Itu.ai.ll, H J
llltajlk Mrs Mitr ll llole-ria. Jl I, Httulik
Mr A P hnlries. Ml .Mat Sullltun It P
Huviiu, Ml liMio Yoiiiliiiun Limn ihuinu.
ti.....,,. t lui.n.tv. Mr llurrv W lilmeler. Mr
Mure Wither ur Ilnrr Iv.-i-r .Mr
uuatuicn .Sial W'mnwrlght, Mrs
llama. Hogera Wuy
l riituee
Leila Wil-
hull ti:i.i:phonr
Work near our homo In pleasutit und
healthlul aurrounduis with ugtelleut wMpor
tunttleM fur rupld udtaiiceiuent
Thero aro twenty-elaht Hell Cent rul Offices
In i'niladelphU. probably loero la ono tvltulil
a few bloclca from vour hopie L'uuaual ouuur
lunltlea lor eurneat IntelllBcnt vuuntf uumi 11
between la und 2.' )eam uf use
New cmcloves aro paid while learning
and era rapidly advanced
Pleasant dlnlnic rooms, where tha best
or food la eutd ut cost tn every Central
ComfortaMa altttns rooms for readlns
ond relaxation.
Opportunity for advancement to Sen
ior and Bupervlslne positions.
Apply at 400 Market street, dally, except
Sunday, h 30 a in. to 8 o. m .or vsntwsa
between t and u at any ot the following
Lentrut Oftlcea
2it W. Chelten ave Germantanrn.
Stth st and Woodland av.
nth und Ulamond ata,
Incaster avs. ejst uf S2u St.
4uD .Market st
V!6 riOOLD
uoaJ Va 5vryE4rV
I swa tu
MUCH lltASimtU
7ER AMUM ittSj
kw ' -gi ' mr m , s x ml ' nt .z v m nimaAi - ,'.- if wmam
afdHijp rsLx Z&Asi Ic-jrA. I WyJ? aft' Aaissn QQHLnhx Ail t mm ' li KMm!k AvPW'sPEm
rontliiirfn' from Prccedtno Column
ttOOKKP.EPnit vouns woman. Willi some prac
tical Renernl office exn . perm position, Omtn
resident pref Apply Mitchell A I'letcher Co.,
ritis Omtn nve John K Horner msr
ttOOKKt:i:Pl:lt. rompt tn take ehnrRe of dnuhla
entrv bnoklieeplng aMitem II 141 la-d ent
Iil'ltLLIt ttnnted on ilreaj, soo.ls m Klin
imnlnK Co Cnpe a Mills Wntne Junetl in,
ae, ond floor
CHAMIIiniMMD nnd waitress; 1R per month
room nnd bonrd Applv In person, t'nlversliy
Ilnepllnl 'lino Spruco st
ClIlt.DS't HSU wanted to Inko earn of S chil
dren hkoI J'i nnl 1 enr. cool homo for the
flRht perron must hnto reference M HU
LedBer Centrnl
( OOK. flrel 1 bias to no to PjltaburBh titeter
nbly one with relatives or friends Itvlnir there
pertnniienl heal n ferencea requited, send
wnpoa t.eilffef t'eilinl U o clock III n in
CODK nnd Kenernl housenork llitslianil and
tiirn or mother nnd diimhier preferred, ref
erencea: pmal hopio for help lio will Inko In
terest Phono wntnut !ti
T ook Proteamnl. aunerlor reference 1 naslst
downstairs, no laundry Phone. Meflon 11.1 .
t OOK wanted, downatnlra nrk: ihtnll fnmlly
in aiil.urlis tl 1JS. JdRer Office.
fllltl. Prniealnnt. for cnoklng. 2 In (ntnllyt tin
wnahltiB I Ul Spruce st llntrancn nn llth
Gllit, wnnfed fir Rtnernl lioujevtnrki tvlillo pro-
rerredi reference Applv 4i2l llitrel avo
Gllll. inmpelcni, rfentrnl housework 1010
niltl.a over JO tears Rood w'f""'..",rai!;,,,;0,J.'
Hon I'rli dlierirer Aaron MrB to. luoo N.
18th st , mnr Wajne Junction
Ulltt.H WANTHII over in Fnirenaed facilities
have made nponlnga In our plant or refined
Intelliaetit qirls for lal elltip 1 1 id en Mt! nnd
liscklni; medical supples llsht. easy work,
clean nealtln aurroundlnns BJ bourn tveeki
talnrv tn to healnn-ra. with ripld ndtsnee
ment to Bond vnrkera. 12 minutes from Urotid
SI Rtallun un trplna Applv In person or by
letter to It K Mullord t'o Olenoldeli. I'n.
Glltl.M ttnntrd. p-ist in jenra of nee I". W.
Mnurcr & Son Co , WnMie nve und Ilrlstol
at . hear W'nynn Juncllon
ailtl.t otr in eurs In nrt iiulillshlnB hoiise.
Applt stolid lloor, Wolf ft o. 12lli nnd
TloilLltY loppi ra nnd" knlttirs on Hrott ti
W lllliim nnd Hlnndnrd I' mnchlnea. hlRhest
tvnRc stendi work lieat working conditions
HtBlmlr fleeced I'ndertrinr Co, Hosiery
D 11 2111 Vurlli tlnwnrd at
IlOt'si'.Wnllk White Klrl Tor cemrnl titjit'e.
work amnll fimllt . no wnahlnB ' lU",V, I'
siiilford at or plimu Germantuttn 37iO w 11
fori 2 or nrter .1
Slot snWoltlC Ctrl for ttenernl hnuamorki
Rood plnltl 100k sleep In. cowl wnRca, ref
erence Apply ."('la Walnut at
KNITTi:itS npirlenccd on ilrctilnr aprlns beard
neidle nun bine booiI pay stcnd. work lly
Bienli Pb.iid t'ndirwenr Co. 211.1 N How
ard al
MP.NtinitS exp. rimied on "knit leraev ilnlli.
atuiilt ttiirk lIvKltnlo Plecceil I'nderwcnr
Co . 2IL1 N Hntturd
MnNDlUtS un letir'n line, nlao Klrl to lenrn,
Rood pn while learning Uromlej l.nco to,
A nnd Somereei
MtlNDI. IIS on uphtilelirj Bond A Then Abbot
St Co. Hirklei at, raat or Wavno nve
MIlNDIins experlitiml on mens wear. Shel
bourne MIIlH II und Westmoreland
NfllSi: A r lln. il Klrl tor 2 ihlldren, "nnd 10
tiara ut 111,. , r. rtrtnie required 1S3.1 N
I7th u
OI'llltATtillH s. inner and hemtnera on Pnlon
Special miiillllie. alendv work HtRleillc
Pleeied t nderwciir Co. 2111 N ttntvurd
hTUNlKIHAPIILH experienced nnd thoroughly
competent wanted for permanent position
ntsn openlnB for one less experienced but
wlllliiB to lenrn und anxious to niltnnce. state
experleme ami aiilurv P t.2H. Ledner Offli e
STnNOIIIlAPIH'.ll nn. I ofllii, nsslsinnl. iiinnit
fniturlns plant 11 lit Ml lomtlon n oilier
women emplot.d elnie al irt ttitn'eil unit ix
perlillie P Tit Li dRi r Oflli e
STKNOUIIAPIIMH llilii;ivni:Pi:il Good eilucn
Hon, om exp tate h i!ar II 121 Led On
STI'.VOGHAPIinil . 1 liable and exnerlelie'd.
at ite anlurv itpulul G ."1 P O llox .151(0
TPI-TS nnd mnoBinpher IS m 2.1 .cnr.
wllh ut least I tinr hlRh eilinol eduuitinn Call
Curti PllbllelllllB Co W'rdnesdll) 0 In 4
WIIAVHH ttuntid on dre eunda Win Klin
mirltiiB Co Cole a Mill W'nt ne Jututlm.
aecnnd Hour
W'lNDP.ItH i;xlieriennsl al.eln winder on bot
tle bobbin llVRlcntc. Pleeied t nderweur Co.
2I1.1 N Hntturd
WOMAN all iliunlnir cooklnB care of ehll
dren no Inuudrt. abs p nut. referent e .Kill
Pottelton lite
YOI'NO LADY wiinted In largo iifflce must b"
i xperlem e,i in Bencrul ofllcu work pn fernblv
with Imokkeepliur experience, rnpld nnd accu
rate nt figure stnti. experience aalnry wanled
nnd how a.ion uui report 1' 711, ladgir
YOI VH LADY ror atenuKrnpliv nnd "clerltnl
work must be quick uicurnto np.l nent: Rood
opportiinltt tor rlRht peraon 2401. Ledger
Itrunt h 4407 I'rnnkforl ate t
YUI'VG LMiY for LenBlnuton mill oftlco" in
opt r tie it p. wrltir and Ogure orioTa. -ml
m aten.lt noalllon II '. P O llox 3111
HOYS AND HIIIIS Monty lor bov nnd Rlrls,
tte touaiBii wlthiiut moui t . stock of puzzles to
Bill kei ii half tht tnon. t simple pu7Xle nnd
propoHltlnn dim- I'nltid I.ltliu.T.iph Co llux
.1713 It P Host ni M ih
ATTENDANTS nnd pupils ill tin trnlulns MChool
for male nurses In lirse prltnte hospital for
the Insane tn Ptilhuli Iphiu Aimly tu Superin
tendent nf boanltiil tuth und Market ale be.
ttteen t 3' mid 2 Jo or hv nppointment
HOY for ufflie. good (ipimrtunltv for bright
uttlte 1hi . muat be ovi r HI venra of age. anl
nrt tu atari td per week P 717. larger Offli e
POY nbout 17 vinra of nge rur tiffin wort,
with ipaurunie und brukiriiee llriu anatter
rtutlnK exiM.rlenee If iint P 721 Ledgi r Offtee
HOY fur urtlie Atork. oter 1.1 jinr $7 Per
tvtek Applv h ti in, Mr Hrott u L'Ull
Ch. rrv alrn l
HOY ttnnted In ameer store tn detlver Rood.
Rood wage 17th undMount Vernon
HOY eirullB. Id ur IK venra work In shop
i mil. Una Co . 1701 N Howard
HOYS WANTKU. HI to IS eur. good uaees
Htendt work chlllnn Co Murket nnd 4iith sta
lil'TI.KH wiinted,
lieu e I'hilltil. lull
for ui.nllemuii'H country nlm e
. . ;..,-..,,.;-,-- ,. .., . -.--. , r"
ueur I'lilinii. nuiiii. must in' ituiMT. luiniuiH un.
neat good wagi
luiffnuliant tdiulttd-iiri
llt-hl llllsll ft 1s-f IllvltlvllV IVMIIUII
Ledlter Ufflie
nu vaciuii lea ror
Cabinet mukera
Hurdttnre fillers
Ittiiigh rip enwyetM
Julnler uperatiira
llxperlelli e.t rublwr
Uuuble-lieud midder ttiwruturs
PlttliiK-up saw
lult eltnOBrantier
4S liniir-tteek sctietlula
Phv Hit at exnmliiution neteasury
Vlnur TnlkliiB Muclilno compant Appl
Offlte. a cuuper i , t umueii. .-v a
CIGAItMAKUtlrt minted upply I'rldav morning
11 o'tlock Hurry Guldstaln. C31 N. Oth at
COLPLI1 tt'inte.l to do wotW of house, 2 111
fumll . must huto btt uf reterencea und be
ihoroughlv exneilenced Call tttteen 7 nnd
up m .".' Hliti
pitAFTSMAN architectural, must bring sum
pl a uf At druflamanahlp to get Interview ihi
ulllon ptrniiineiit An lilterturul Sertito Cor
porution sitinth Hour, 140 N nth at
PIltP.MAS nantitl, with referencea. Applt
Thomaa n Ilrottn & Sen 2d and WVrtmorelund
UltlNUP.lt Onl thoa fnmlllar with Hrmvn &
Hhurpe grinder neid uppl 0 o'tloik Wednes
day Atviater Ki til Mfg Wurk hlcnton ute
und 12 laig in st neur Wusne Juncllon
ltxMMCHMAN vvunleil on tltOO-poum) steam
hammHr fday ttorl.l. must bo experlentetl.
ateadv sntier man. steudy vtork Biiarunteed
und full vtai.es with bonus paid Write stating
uga whether married or single when, last
titiplotetl und experleme. II 113. lder
HIIl.IT.HS nnd laborer wanled. steady work
Camden Iron Worka. Cooper Creek mid Line
st . Camden. N J
HOUSBMAN. while, single, for private family,
best reference required O U55, Ledger Cent
KNITTKItS. experienced on circular bprlnu ts-urd
needle machines, good pay steady work ll
glenlc PleecedHndervtcar Co . 2113 N tiutturd
LAilOltATOHY ASSISTANT High school grad
uatsn wanted us laboratory assistants steady
position with advancement depending on th
man Apply In person or b letter to It k.
Jluifonl t'o Glenoldin Pi
MAN AND WtPi: city wlfo for tool, nnd
ctiumberwork man ua butler general house
man, also take care of furnate lioots and
front aten Make appointment bi phone,
Walnut 873. any morning Ihia ttetk
mi mv DtAn oiM, VR om
CPiv-y GUt
(JrPiiaIlv he. M
11 awoi.ii. t!7 X 'S. I IV 1 H fS s-Wj. ' O- l EI , I akj sV II JV. S Jlil poajajajajajaja -
Coallawed com PrntAha Column
MACHINISTS and .'Wlmikers wantM-Wf, ha
mxde additions, to nur, Plant. nlRtiesltvases.
good opportunities, lasting positions! no tr"'n'
Hon, prererenca Riven to nnnuniim
Write for applications clanks or
WAN AN'trwit'li to do entire work tn mW
or 2 wlillo Protestant women, must he
Bond tnlnln cook, no lijurmrv
tome well recommended l
work must
71" LedBer
MAN Wnnled lempornHly (i 'VP.V'J'i "OT'l'V,?
man to he p with Inventory, rlnsin liooks nhd
miklne out' ferarlf. npr-ortun tv nf perminent
position it S1I UitRer Centrnl
MAP Cl.t'ltK llend nrtlco of I'll"""'''0'''.'1 m'f
Insurnnce Co. wnnta. nn "t'erlenced tnito
clerk Aridv with references nnd ailary ex
pected p .nt. Ledcer orri"e
illlV WANTIU) -llollermalteri tocomeuun tnri
chlnlsls car repair tnen ,Wyrt. loeoiiiotlva
clenners I'enm It. It. lilt I llliefl t
oi'l'ICI! ASSISTANT VoiinE man. wltli fcnowl
edire nt leather business prcrerred I . o.
llox 3078 - -
oltDP.Hf.Y 123 per month Iniltullna boird
APPlv in p7rson t nltersllt Ilospllnl .t (00
spruco si
lollTptl iolore.1 S25 tr month nnd tmlrd
Applv In pirsoti. L'nlverslty Hospital, .lltni
Spruce si -
svt.t'SMAN hloh class wanted for eastern
8AUi,V,'Va.,wTrVvV sell flour to hnkern nnd
prncers snlnrv will
ne, oeil With
ability nnd
suiitss ll in
Ledger Offli e
GO pot'TH Vol THH WIVTIlIt , .
Tha llnndv Vol tme ndltlnn (ndtertlse.l U
Sears' loeblick I'nl l, tb" 7"! "lW
tirnttosltlnn oter offeri d bt Sllesmen. . Onl
Rnc do ?? w th tlia ordr nnd three dollar;
iiinnthh llntn room fur onlv n few mors
leal anlesinen We Irnln sou thoroiislilv
work lends exelusitclt nnd piy drnwlnif ac-
"""Nt'YclV.PimiA ItltlTANNICA CO.
1.TI S. mtli t tor Wnlnut.
s7i:"MI.N tintii.il to nnient un' 'rd inedicnl
books to physicians only. o hnvo lust Issued
and now luive in preparation mnny new books
that "ire meetliiB with pronounced rnvor; sue;
cessful honks mean auccerul snleameii. good
Income nnd nBrcenblo nriupatlon Address
with f st detail and buslnesii references
J. II Llnnlncntt Compnnv Phllidelphln. Pa
BUHVA.VT .Inrnneae, for fnnillt nf 2, must
be cnod conk und understand Rentrnl linuse
work one able to drlte automobile preferrnl.
write kiting full pnrllciilnra atnte citarlenti
niti . eti 11121 LidqcrOrriie
PTPVOdltAPIinil AND CLHIIK for enRitieer
Iiir und electrlcnl innnufnitiirlnK mnierti.
slate anlnrv expis-ted age and experleme.
ennd iitiport unlit for enerRetlc ouiir hi in
11 111 Ledger Central.
Stll.NoGllAPItlllt and correspondent wanted bt
( In at nut st retnll erttulitlshtnent In i red it
riepnrlmont Rood upporlunltt for sounc man
21 In 21 venra of age It 1.1.1 la-dger Cenlrnl
STOCK RALIISMIIN Hspeclnllv alronB alock nf
I'minduB comptlnt nffi red bt concern who can
Bite pirmntient itnnlnvmeiit to pruilueera om
. mlsslun basis innl Cnmmonttenllli llldg
WidlleHdllt, u 2
Hefiulre the airtlie uf i xTlenceil cloth
lug aaleannn Applt Itureuu of llmplot
ment Pa Hour Is Tore 11 ll m.
KTIinirr CUiAMilW ttnnted. Wtlllo nnd i'oI
ored Applt HI. I S lltlt t. between 7 nnd I)
n. in . il and S p m
M'in:i:r ci.i:.vi'itt wani-iid. ivihtii mt
Ht'l'i:itlNTi:Vli:M' Wiinted n fmlnrv exeeil
llvf ror position or raitort miperlntendent. n
tnnn who I.iih hnil etirsl tuira' experience In
n rnitort tn iniiriu tiirlnir rulirli Rood nnd em
lilotliia II tu III men cuitlnr tilth electric ut
tliit niiiihliiea nnd 3uo tu loo or mure ulrls
un potter , wing nun bin. In u ruiturt where
erfhlentv methods hut- li.cn In ue. u tnnn
who .nil take i hunt, of n fin tort In. uteil III
Ciilumhu o nutv i mplot Ini. about the nlaive
number of nu n nitur and nlrl mm him; o;r
mora nnd II fun lailb s u nun who enn li'indle
bulb rm. lii dies and fi.reni. n nml Bit ri nulla
This iwalllun pnja a giiml aiihirt to n com
petent man and i.tfi r u ttonderrul onpor
tunllt fur iidvnnienient In imsltlnn and nil.irt
This llrm him bun In buslines HI veara
has nnilile inpllnl hna luid u Ian." lln reneo In
buslnia In the luat r..tt venra nnd prospect
or ii Inrge nrutttli In tin futun
In iipplting ror lhla poalilon Bite aire com
pi. te . xiH.rlen. i iiilluiiulltv ailnrs ilenlre.l nnd
full pnrlbiihira " "III let able to doi l.le
without further t urrespntidenre when tour u li
pid iitlon la r.iillid If we wish tail In come o
Columbus fur ii p.rsunnl lut.-rvliw Appl
M S7 Ledger Office
WAITHIt. white, uitlvy. experienced.
i inn
3lu I
wuRia. ciiat pour
flne-i inaa
rtndv ror work
li iialngluil in.'
YOUNG MAN wnnled ua aal.nnan to cult upon
din tore ikntlsiB md druasisl ttllll ttlioin v .
have eatubllshoil connection to flrat-class
aaleaman piaitlon Is litghlv remunerative. I
0 llox l.'iili Phllndolphln Pn
lnl'NII MAN vvunleil lultlllgint. nmhltluua
lor Imi.klim Inatltutlun. ixpirlenee nut iieiea
eirt but desirable, repiv In uw ll hnlldwrlt lie
hiutltiR quiilllliatlnna nml rfa 1" .2(1 Led on
YOl'VG MAN ua assistant laiukkei p. r niut
bate bud ..xpcrlenn' aaliirv lo atnrt ,-J".,T
tuek. gno.1 chiincu for utlvam ement P .10.
1 edger Gfniv
lOl'VG MAN vtnnled for slenojriiphlo nnd gen
. nil utflco work, automobile accessories, stnte
sulnr expecli d, exp. and refa II 130. Led orr.
YOPNG MAN. 18-20 enr. to assist foiemnn
In peunul factory i stutee xnerieneerer..r..ncea
and wage wanted It 131 Ledger orni
A . r e p r eseiitutive eornoratltin
ttniiia 2 men. not over 30 eura
f age iiipuble of tlialBnlnc prot
aaen liivoltliig mnehlnery. must
huvo ability to nnnljxo a process
and ileslsn a inaclilno tn , tit the
process. muBl.utso be able to tit
In hurmunjously In a lame orsnn
liailon itiieiiuale salary and un
usual prospecta for men who
prove to ren coiiatrilillVH
thinker Address M 82S. Ia.il.ter
Wt: t AN use 8 lt liwtl vvho lire looking for
ii n import unity on the aalea forte of it nu
ilonaTli T advertled commoillty. Ask for Me
Moor.' Pranu' Premier PlstrlbutltiB Co .50
Market st .
tiiaPPIC MLN cftli lenity trained are In great
llt.w .- ,e-. ,,,u,, Of,..., It.1,1 riiilrniiil tt..
unTtHting men toV ib.se Hi-iilon thr..uh . ur
un- lliiuiB UT".'"' -...!: iJ.... . I. ,h
lirnitlcul lourae in ii.i.m.
nsslst our aludenta In ubmliiliiu tmtittuu i -SJil
Wirmtora. conv. ni; nt i.uvin. i . en-.1-nienls
uri now being retdvid fur fmirili . lass
it hlch tt 111 Hurt Jtotldav JullUilIV H Phoie
v..nlfr "11 Cull or write .Nulluniil 'Irifttu
bervtie "llureuu nurlheuat tortitr I3lli und
stirlni: Garden t
MUVPY Poll HOVS AMI Glltl.8- We i.ml.'..
without money to k uf minim m sell keep
half the muiey. simple puoli and prupiisllloii.
!lt!ie t'nlt.it LithogrupU Co, llux 371311P.
ll.is.lim. Ma
INCHHASIl OUH 8AI-AHY Ilnrull now Au
tomobile classes commence January 2.
Mechanical ond Llectrlcal nt .1 arid 7 30 p in.
N i. cor llroad and Spring Garden sts
I'll IVGCl.llltKS. trained uivvuks in deniunl,
secure u iHifcttlon through our lourae of In
Btructton l'hlladelphli school of Piling 210
I'heBtnut st third floor
CHAMIIKllMAHl, and waltresa
soung tvoman des pus , ret 11
compt .
o l.
COOK, experienced, at present cmiiluved vvUhes
change excellent reference H 7 tctlger Off
COOIC ttlshea situitlou good rtfertmea. wages,
111) h3 Ledgi r llranth Oflite tilth and Ilrottn
COOK, experlenttd, tvugeB $40 u month, good
referent e Phone Poplar 73" l W
DAY'S WOHK il.alrtd by tutored womun, refer
ence 811 N ll.tll al
GIHL colored wants t.enerul housework or day's
vtork 2101 South st
tiOVKHNKSS Daughter of college professor
would tike position aa visiting governess ror
children 111 ur near Philadelphia. Kngltsh sub
jects oul 11 733 Ledger Central
.ffoRp it'
IFroRo n-
M lisr 1 1 AN IS I Vtl I I.OPSI ! ItKJI U 1 ItKS
Till: SllltVH'KS op A YOI'NO MAN
, Vl is Poll GK.VIIItA .
tippirB wnitK. i:xci:lj.i:n r opt mii
Tt'NiTY poit ,dvavci:mi:nt m r..io
i . i . -rsi it - mi. i i ., i .. - --- i'it.mv i ' ' Jtmm a - - .s - oh iHtKitsH
ronllntiert from rrtceMno Column
' , 5,S'.i!noft rtrST nVe'"""
Nt'lli: 1'ntllsh Bradinta
trnlncit purse
PltU ATI! SLCItKTAltY ColleRj,
po. (Ion hsa had "1 voir
The innllilenllal work ot n prlvnt
: womm wants
experirnre m
e secretary na
stenoaripher, s nccuF-
both Iwatkeeper nnu ', '
tnmed to the nre nf nn ofllce
nceotini? hnndllno ?'""'
Spnndenic references frnm fo
. inciu.i.iiH ."
liorffn ot COT-e-
former emplovers
. "V-'i"" -li-er intra
ttTl'VOriHAPHP.It-sccrrlnfy. qualified lr!'
commercial general nfflco work It 100 Led-
Ref Office
linil enmpelent. Wnn"L. n j Y-evt
desires tiositlon It II W ''t1
-ri'VO(lllAPIIi:1t nrst diss, tlepemlame ' ne
siVes permVncnt po.llonLIJL2(l LedgeMlftl.e
KTO-K LP.nor.lt ct.P.lllf. ii'l'tint iroltlon
will re ib e firm, desires to make ft change
Jantinrv I ""IS -"Ir Centrnl .
Ti:Af'ltntt. vlslllnn. wishes enRnEemenlj. Jlnis-
"'HT.. ri?Sie'u"StlM lAnch 1101 laicnst
WOMAN NorvveRlnn wis he place, hniisj keepcf
orhooswofk small family, cltv Bit N Hith
WOMAN nitlte rillnblc. wnnts plice as work
inB h"U"k.cp r II 120 Ja-dner ofn-.
Yfit'.N'tt WOMAN of refinement and eilurnllon
would Ilk. poalilon lit dav or Pi" of diy In
home tthen there la nn Invalid or children,
fc it ref. ren. ea G Pit. Ledger centra I
PIlCM'H TIlVCHt-.tt desires school work, tit v
pupil, eonversitlonnl method P o iiqx.imi
Accot ntant i:i:ci Tt P.
At present nsslslnnt executlte manufncturlnR
business 11 t.nrs experience in necountlliB
cost k'.nlng credits nnd manngerlil duties.
pr.Kl'it.. IJr.oo .nrlt II 112. L.dr
Of flic
ilOOKKHKPnit fnmlllvr with voucher "ystcm
oVacVounts mat alem nc. ountan : am I oljlca
manng. r dealrea position 11 lot Ledger Off.
HOOIvHLU'LIt experiell.ed will nmlll open,
clone nml write ,111. liooks 'tny.or .0"'.")"'.
inodenite terma Itell phone W.mdlatl.l till I M
.......... 1. 1 i.tMi ...nrrlMit II tear with
inrporniinii experlencei) In exieutlve nnd ne.
nuntlnr di pnrtinent At nil Ledger Centrnl,
!,.. . ... rlenre. i.riiel, nt rellnl.
dlnl SSSS till
anion with ndvnni ement 11 IP
i.rdger Cent
LOOKMJLPIMI exil . competent to Inko charR".
ttuntVp..ltlo.i. best n r II 111 Ledger Cent.
lll'TI.LIt or houseman, Swedish who Is nut
nrrnld ol work, vvlshea position In prlvuto
fnnillt ttniild work for $2.1 per month, hna
ttork.d with best of Wnahlngton fiiinlllea: enn
furnlah Hi. best or Washington l ' rcrer
nice Write to 17J1 Vine st . cll. Mr.
Oscar t.arsnn
tlli.Vlisi exp. rleniHii in ris. nrh nnd Kenernl
a nn Iv Hi ul work nnd ns mannger of amnll
i In mil nl plant, dealres position nlong these
line In or nenr Phlhidclnhl i It 121 Led Of
cll.vi i i 1. 1 Ii l.a.t leniiiiR imintr .Innunrv 1
would like tn place her first class colored
chauffeur vthnm she bns known Li enrs hns
worked In the fnmllv nnd velth friends of the
famll nil or this lime, quiet honeat. respect
tul. total ohslalner. do. not smoke, absolutely
il.p.liilible M tS L.dmr llllne
DltAPTSMAV dcslElier nn in- -hinlr.il struc
lurnl sttel comrile. eteral Mnra experience,
accurate tlinrouRh (I '110 LmlRer Central
pAltM "l PIIIHVI'I.NDLN I' wnnta tu milk"
ili.ilm. . Ii j. ara pre, nt plan AddriHS Lot I.
Hut 2.1.1 l.nmbertvlll. N f
IjACI! Di:sl(IVi:it innl .lriiflmun Can furnish
beat nf r. fcrem - Addr.as II 111. Led Off
MAN (( i.aaful buslines mull ngo 211 his
r. a In d Ih. limit uf uitviiniem.nl In lila pr.s
t tit pueltlon exp. rl. need liujer. ail. small
tuning, r and u.ltertlKlng innn, executive ubil
lt nliote Ih. ordlnarv will innslder unit
ulTer win n ruliire I iiiirnl lllln I.-.1 off
MAN married HI tinr ixp.riellte in man
ng. r und aupi rlntend. nt ttlshea similar pusl
iiun wh. re hlBluat qu title mid rerertncis
will b. npprc.int.il II 112 I.edB. r ; nlnil
mpi HANicAi. st'PiiitiNTii.viin.vr
Op. n ror pus with large mtB 10 or aupt of
Inrg. oflkn IiMk 2il t.nr' ep i alt kind of
in. i hunt, nl plain, i.instrui Hon work und rt -pair
lt of r. f II v LnlBir I'enlrnl
YunB mini, .'12 eur old married, vvlsbe in
i.l piisitlmi. 11 t.nr txpiri.nc na buver of
kuppIIi s nml rut ton ixi.utlve: lust refer-.n-t
11 117. ledJ r oin...
SAI.I11 MANAGHIt . xpirienc. d In trnlnlnR
ail, m. n und tiiluibl. ni ul extierlenn . de
em ii.inltlnn II 122 I.iiU.r Otllie
STII.VOGltAPIILIt It. lln. d miuiib man Ihor
oubIiIv i xperlenied wishes iHialtloii, refer
etlie III H lid Leilner Centrnl
YOl'NG MAN. 211 present emulated with largo
brokerage linn, ilesirea milling cuiinae. unr.
oimhlv experlencnl trad, r un 1. rMnnds bus
ins In ev-r dttull desirous of oienliiB trad
Ing dept with llrst tlns liiiilHo, btat ref
il His I. edgi rCi.nl nil ,
YOI'NO "MAN 1 un i.u ue the eervbe uf it
well i dil.it led tilling mini .telling unit Sat
aft. moona" II 111 la daer Central
YOl'VG MAN 2.1 collige Inilnlng. tvlshen poal
ilon wllh iiubllahtng firm or n aalesmnn In
book al ore 11 117 la-dgir Centrnl
YOI'NG MAN 22 want position un u low
pnlier II llo I.. dipr Central
JAPANP.Si: vvnnla pnaltlon ns butler or valet
in prlvuii- rnmllv lull l t ref. romc r A
722 N I2d t I eleiihone HarillK 7111 W
JAI'A.N'LSi: Minng mini d. lrt poalltiin, vnlet
..r look Biiud .atari, me. vvlth ri terence
wail 1o up Georgt. 203(1 Mue at Pnune
I..HUt'J7il J
JAPAVLSi: wiinla noitltlon aa huusennli ur Reli
.rallt UHerul doi nut apeak Kood Lugllsh
T 1 , 20JII Ino t
VACANCILS now open ror llrt i lass male nnd
f. tnn lo help tiiuk Sliil.iji.u kit. hen maids
tvalin ea lurlur in ild I'r. n. h l.ul maid
tnfituiH nur. vuuiib i.iiik and second girls
.liiimbermilil who eu usHiHliiiit Bnntener rur
ih.Ktiiut Hill ririrtni.s rtquired Mr
llugira. .11.1 S .'Ulli
MHS NIC1IOI.I.S IU2II llaiiilirldgt at . has oom
ii. tent Hngllah Svtl American tuuplea, but
ler aecnnd men ttaitr.Kst thumb rmald
norm 8 etc . ttunltd bull, r i null, waitresses
for lt unit luuntrv ladlia lluilds etc Phulie
1 i uat 21.10
W A.VTHD Cnuk ihittilh. nil lid thlldnurses
und huuaewurk girl butiher tor tnatltutinti
ttnrk llrt-clna belli want ihimIIIoii MIhs
Hose Duugherlj 1,11.1 W Glr.ird live
W'AVTIU) Plrst. lass ook i liaiiiheriualds
tt n Itrensea butltru, ladle milds, chll.lnurnea,
tti Applv nt nine, Mr Uune .111 S. llfth
MHS IIAHVlPf H'lK Ititt" "ihousn sq Wanted,
r. liable help fur . )er i.i..ul. riferfiue
I'.tr il
HAKHlt IJLIICTHIC IjhI will aiirlllra inndirn
4-p isi ni,. r t nun . in rf. it i iindltiun Mra S,
4710 lallier t Phnne Pninkrnrd 20(11
lll'll'lv. 11(12 US.' .1pia tin. iiiudltloll over
way exceptional purclnee 1310
LOCOMOIlILn 2111 Mark, t si la list 410
y M IIU.LIOAN Msr Hxi tin ngo Cur Dept.
CAIHL1.AC Hill louring uir, uverhniiletl nnd
repilnled full equipment price $7a.l AUTO
SAI.KS COItPOIt VTIO.V 14J N tlroadst.
J.A f-ItlMI.lt V. I I", th sunn model ua the
Plat an net i.r s lltmt nnw, giiarmiteed iho
same u a n. tv tar tnlur uirk blue, fi-pa-benser
toiriug cur with two ixtru dlsnppeuY
lnl amis 2 .xtra Ur. enst fl'l.'ill u bargain
tuqiilik pur. h iser llox III l!ui-rford
11UDSONS IMiaetoli roadster und cabrtoletsT
equipped with electric lights and rturtera
GOMHltY SCHWAltT. 211 N llroad si
Mirriini.L. H17 latest model (130 7-pass.
touring, smnll mlteage, car deltvertd In Au
gust biok this .xceptinnnl bargain over
I.OCOMOIIII.H. 2114 Market at Locust 430
P. M 1IAI.I.IOAN. Mur Kxchitnge Car Dept.
OVLHLANp 1010 touring, has winter It, closure,
fully equipped, electric light and starter, big
bargain "
t. S liniVERH, t'sed Car Ilepl
2.1il N llroailt Walnut Till
I'ACKAHD 4-ao landau'ct ineclianlrnlly tine,
newly upholsiertd lasi spring, electric gen
erutor ror ilkhla ctt tire equipment, excel-
lent W Iv Cnrrutbers. Hnvertord
PACIvAHIJ t cylinder 3o-H P 7-passener
limousine and liiurhw. 31"H
lltl! WHITi: CO.21U North ftroid st
for si.n snvnnAi, m.nrTmc caiis
Tor Sale
ronflntirri" from rrcccdlai? Column
SCHOBER. 3339-41-43-45 Market
iTqcri Tttt'CKS- Meters I well known n;'il,
"ranalnl from-! to ; tons S''i c"-K?tmiV
bodies (in r font PhlH Co 2101 hestnui
HPICK lOPIIING In . le-ant ni'.'nnjeal rnndl-
I""' 5VlM8 '"HOW I' .".".r!V: nsredn'."nf .Ki : , ,
'" SKI IV llrovl si Wnlnut 7(12
131ft W Rl SQI'LHAVVA AVt!
I.lMOPRI.Vl'4 TAMCAIIS t, TOt'ltlMl.CAll.'t
Dlnmnnd 1(1(1 Nev.r closed Pnrk ...
1-int.t All 1RI- Tn Ii re (open U1V nnu niBiu.
i'srk t 182 brand neve r. piss imirina t-iii
r& ir'iio I.rnn.1 new 7 piss llmnuslnea,
jl no hr wedding funerals 1 7 1 . Glrnnl
to ttllin I.lmnuslnrs pixlcnbs InurlnR cira
;t: Llmnuslnrs tixlcnbs tnttrina: rira
per hour and up spolnl rates for vted.
ttonlar 2I Alwntsopen Itnpe.'.II.
11 S.1
dlhB Pnpl
TtvlrvttutVt'q ANtl TOt HIN'G CAHR POIt At.t.
,J,orrAilnNR' III AS i HATI'S POP lino .
iiUY MOtRTntl porlnll' BaniRfs, steel or stucco
On display .Tl.1l N Mil Tlngn 2Hsl
M'kp.iiomp.tpii Tnortti.nH
Beo HILLY nt hie new Incnllnll,
to build nr repilr nnv cnr .....
Phlla Aiito Part. ( o . 2.1 N lath Park IMS
New Itcpirtur. S. rti." Stn The Ovvllllitti Co ,
ISM Arch st Pli Walnut :HII7 Unco .10il2.
Ounrinleeil mini miles ( omniro prices
rtltlM S 2H1 N Proud at.
.sir-wovikii) TittHM J7.r.n
SOtSU tied Tuben nuirnnteeil . . . 1.7 1
Itl'lJOLPlI Tlllll CO 12.11 Arch si
TIHIN nil si'en allgtltlv lls.d elu ip PI1II.A
APTO PAltTS CO 2t N.irlh Llth
Write for list of PATHS' r lil'YP.tt.1 nnd In
tention ivnnt.il Jl (iiiniiuii lii prl. ntfered
tnr liitenilotia Send k ti Ii fur In opinion
ua In pal, lilnhllltv Our P. ir lluok sent tree
VICTOH J i:av & CO
i Villi tdloN l .C
PIIH.ADr.I.I'IIIA Ol'I'ICIl. 11. Pt A. 1120
Chestnut l Hour ll to i Mululiv till ll
p III Hell Pllolle Spillie I.ili
PSHTY desirous of Rolna on stiiBe male or
runnle u thnriiUKh prnitl.nl training- with
a llruidivnv coniiuny now plivlmr all he
litest reteia. s ful.v urRiinlred. thnruugliiv
leBlllmite small lni.stm.nt minimi, la-nr In
t.stlKntlon Cull or write Seicrln Do Hetn
Dixie Iheatre Mimivunk
IP YOI' HAVi: Itlj.M. MOVRY and vuii want to
take nn active Interest In n boIhb business ns
It i ri usurer, or If von vvnnt to stnrt our
sun on n prnltnlile business enreer. invesllgnte
this "tiinle proposition M SU LedRcr Ofllce
lWOSTOIli: llt'SIVPtft PHOPllllTV, on prln
ilnal slreet nf thriving llv uf nil 00(1 nenr
boomluK iliv nr P.t in I'i prlt.. flit (iuii
10 qubl. buver. i InrBnln llooni 1, Wuol
wnrlh llulldliitf le'lib liein P.i
Ill'SI.VHtS MAV ot InleBiltv will Inviat l.looii
to iloouil vvltll e.rvltea, in . atubllahiil pat.
InB business st it. Hue 11 32 Ledirer Oftlce
WUl'I.D MM! to in..! inrlv Willi npltnl tn
nrgniilri n big p.t iiRrittill bUHllua Aildr,ai
11 12.1 Leilgir on..
PIIONi: M MtM.r H'11
Quickly ami CaiefuKy
ph. int w nn i: on i m.i.
Lawrence and Vine Sts,
Dl MliHS Hill Gill
11 ink r. fer. n. a Aiuinil. m nt I percent
IIMtlil W SMI'lll 717 Sanaoin at
(Intist Httlis) ii lu 1 button briililed luttittnva
fur mornluB wed llnu
i OOPI'.H Kilo C.lru.l nte Pnplir 0112
nviiNiVG ci.ornps to mm:
l.nlest Bttle phnne Ponlnr '-'ft opt n etgs
I.i:lDNHH'S lllth and Glrurd nve . S W . nr
St PLltl'l.l'ol"4 II Mil removed lit . I.. Iii.IisIk
the unit p.riuiu.ut w it lltilirutt ir.hcd
Mls sMIlll luj Ivilth 'I h.u tr llu IdliR
17, I Columbl t ate D.it and et. nlng ila.
l'p to-ditt tit. ulli lb i.ntur vl, in
1111.1 1AHD. POOL, louiblnnllon at't-olld-hund
bought, nul.l nntiil ixihunged repnlrliik,
auppllta Lnfe Linf.r Alnirliiill iniinufai
turir. J2'l (Heard ute Pliuiu Kens 231.1
lug nlleja plionngniph eusv uty la llltl'.VS-WlCK-IIALIvH-lOI.Li:VDi:lt
CU. 100J Arch
HII.UAHD IMI tables ni w icondhnnd bnwl-ln-
'illiv a pini.nt Ilusatto-Rarrv-Street
Co 2J2 South Mh at Phone Will 22s I
CASH HP.OtSTIUtS hounht .xililing.il. repair .1
replnle.l, aupplba ni tt and fai'tuiy rebuilt
ikw total u.ll. i n low un fill Cull und .
our new mod. I Hi Bint r nold Lj us on ouBy
pitment and tiil' Bqiriiite.il
Tvaiwrlltr 1 1.1,. . r d. k IHI114 inblnet.
tet. liuuth ttb tii hou. hold furniture.
Doling Ctlllril 2d Hull. 1 Puriilture I'n, UUl-
lioii-ol I Cul'.itthlll ptiti it 1'llb. rt IHIS
HVciiANGi: s 1: coit urn and vink
HHPItlGKHATOltS innl llvtur. for wit .1111
ket le. trli . hupp, r und tiiult. stun a mil
murktta titled up tiimnbt. monthly ii.isin n'
If riferen. .a ure aallafui tort It T HAN
DAI. I. to tt N 2d at Pllllailelplllu
SAPHS llri iiruuf 11I1.0 thin ttull anr.a 1 dial ik
uut a Ijr.tt lut of sllghtlv ued, oil slaea und
111 ikee bin ..iiruiins 21(1 Nurlll Pntirtb st
ItAPKS I irti ruur. new und sU'intb used, all
size, hargulna. reiulrlng. nieulni; all uiaKes
law prlies 11 Jl Prankfuld titt
ACl'l'Jl CLUANUnrl Pranta Preml. r eleptrli
lucuum 1 leaner Becund hand other ImrKUtn
und lare vurlet nf hand ot rut Iiib mii'hliiia
at vtuir tittti prlie At pl Ill'GltNll A
SAl'HS. G rmalltutvn un! Girard uv.
I'sun oh'H'i: Pt'itNiri'it.j
P.ven tiling Imaginable iii lhla Hue und identv
of It. best assortment und best value in Phila
delphia fm iiuto di lit, ri auiwhire
111 Glll.s llth und Ituttumvuoj
IlT.ATintS, boilers ranges new unit r
removid for thu Mattin-Kelsey health
will Install 1 heap lt27 I'lllurt at
machine applluntes easy to understand, tle
lndable und tiunomtial lo niatutuiii. mi)
tlnd thim In ociial I HH'Tlo.V Cl.U'lCIl
pullev nnd Pltll tliyS I I r UPP coupling
SlIAl'TlMl und MVllll.Nli WUitUS. Ha
Nurth Second
Pinamos motors tellers steuin und oil en
gine, pumps ulr tompressnrs
1'rlANK 'lOUJlHY Ini . 127 N 3d st
CKVTltlKL'GU. Pl'MPS 1-lmh tu 8 Inch
and steam driven new and second hand
1. t- i;in:iiT s sons 43T n 3d si
DYNAMOS motor and muhtnerv bought. fuld
und rentisl uriuaturea rtp.lr.d Main Ul
Market 3UU1 Yrarsley Co 221 N 3d at
UELL, AS TrllS 2V1T WILL jHfe'tL c5lili- (P
Br-Al'IAl COi IO HfilnrtrN i -t "mSi
lA'mU ' -cW YrtTrli: CyOOD.ml
Coittlnnnl front Prcctrflno Column
IVIIITluvni t'l.A.-vim n.'Xltxia ft i
.till.', .' ..." ..'-... ,'..."...,' ni.niitjr
vt'i r.u t 17ih v r.th
of tverv descrlp
CHAlll.P.S ISO1.
ptlon for texitKS
Vl compan,'
Arch st
MAN ('Its of plain nnd nuinmatle machitm!
Rend tor booklet. A Nncke tt Son 210 s ii
5r Daddy Walker Record ExJ
2110 ItlDrlP, p JC
open eveninaa xett nnnag. mrnt rtlu flue
$11. NIllV I PHIOHT Pi no
fiOO tjinlltv Guarnntreil
TIP.t.LVK 1120 ( HI-MTVI T IT .
tSfi Cftlt'KP.HINa I PltKHIT PIANO ""
IS YOl'll Pl.MLlt piavo (u t np nnnpji
If so see us We nre t.xperts ' "'
tiruu.i 111 1 run, ,1 11 t.i Kensington .
71S. N Hrond Open evenings Uprlghti ah!
Id loon. P xvers 1130 to 1U.10 """" IJOI
nhtlques. .locks
tin i.i tor .it cold ,v
Send post 1 will enll v r"
17th at tbiih phones
Slvle Jewolrt,
list 170 J
plntinutn nl.te.t ttr"il:
Irrth nhl
I. t'lnrk rr-fln
'"" QftitsTorn. j
!00 rAfltiS AND CAM: mm- onlv
HOD llulrHfm ThhN nl n
fiOO HuHtnAfsj nrdi nnil mm
1000 llunln.i" Cirili nml ik
ronifr rflnl Print v S. I'mru ir nur
( aud shop mot t h. Pim,, nr
riDiir.iTY rimjpitoop w m hoi tei
lSll-lllll MAIIM'T ST 3
in ' . .new nreprniir iiuillln rnfniW
iireiirooi luriiiiure nnu cnim p lexers fttili
Vnns. istlmites free u0 pimn Tioga 4iS
WI1ST PIIII.A MOV Mil It rnunR -(.-
AI'TO Pn. king nnd Shlnninc '
from th
nut. 1 mi
mil is our einr
tilth .t rt renin.
in. Jtr.n lof
! I Tor on. 1
1 1 ore. m. s
III) S llth st
INC , '
AVTIQI'i: fiirnlltire r ith. r b d silt r brotus'l
lew. In. laild tnlsi. I.. Ill ,lium nils lioutht. .
'Atitlqlle ' fljs Chestnut I'll Wnlnut 70:! '
IIItOK'LV ll'.VVI'.t.HY ii'HIqu s pls.ols rein) '
coin books wllh prices I mt m tit il Lie J n'
II. ea (P opl. a Slur.) 2(1(1 1 llth Wnl IISJ
t STOPP CI.OTIIt.VG Itlnhisl price pia for "
Indies' and m n ilolhlm; hit shoes ettl
Phone I'opi ir .11.1 ut cki:h 1211 Poplir.).-
11 ropur. K
ts bouthiia
IPS emirs'?
CAST (I PP CLOTIIIVG Bin. s nil I hi,t
semi postal Smblmin P22 I'm Inr st
It I'.NITI HO Ii llios 1 11I1. aritloties pnil,.
or part house iioiight rur c isii no m-itter!
buvv Iiiiri .1 Ilernst, in nil Hldge nve j1
Nnwt-PPPIts mignplnes rngs iron metali
enrpi t rurnlture rinth. rs nnvililng everr.
ttltfi ntistnl Hell Pnplir llu Key Psrl.1
1127 Oldest most r. Ilnblo dealers In cltMl
Dill nilllltl'Y tv SONS 20th st bel Jefrenaa. j
( HLSTVI'T SdO'l t)l.-IHAIII.i: HO.iMS per!
CIIIISI VI'T ST 1001) 3 mm cnr rooms lull. '
tor ilnssimker npta or prori sslonvl o(Tlceii
W WATT HUM 20 22 (P. tiling M. d. rn rooms, '
pritllli linn ki. 1111 11,111 i.irn 111,111s, con.
tlniious inn tt ii r ninu.rii. rn.s
PHIVATi: PXMI1 Y 211 and Spi u with to
n nt 10 null t g. in ' rur 1 umtiiuiii. 11 nr imi
1.i:oiiiii mil ailtlnir nn l.l elort tront adl.
bath r. r nqulri.l II 4n I iL r Centrtl'
I iirnlslied
PINT Mill I rim Dried 11) PurnlMh d doub'sV
riium prltuti 1..1111 atiuin 11. .11 . 1. 1 trie iijd".
I'i.I'.i iii n ibii ..I 11.1
waler, m t lli nt t
I 01 'I SI'
heal 1x1
3'ill1 1'uniln 1. .1 1
p hum. conking
Gi:il.MNTOW'N CII P I'rli
militate few more Rll. ts
tilde letlned aurroundlni-s
hi 1 nn accom-
. .1111 rm eT.LI
rer dm s:a
l) ItitllUOilK l.nrg. warm aunnt wellfir.'
iiIh'uiI room tbttrtt light nil u is next ll'
bath with boiril tor e nil m.n am-ill adu'C
fimillv . lln 111 r wnk II HO I ..I-' r Central.
IIP l"l IKl'l. LOCVTIOV spoilt m Icntlla; nm
n rtm'M .Ileil vrv ounfuri nurse book
1,1 Dr Ilulldal cm Line 1 h ntuut II1IL
W'AU'IMLNI' lions, I.
klli tun illuliig room
purtliuliir prlii fur
I 111 . I 1 hamb-ri!
...o.l 111 Uhlan-hood It's
,v unri r 20 .s 15th It.
TIII1 HVtll IIW'OOD I." - llth ll.'l
hou. In. plug unuriin nt uii.a -'
n.u Is It. It ns I I it lli I li 1 1 11
and Si
Hiilt.H nml n riMimv wltliuiili dinlntf rooal
Ut rt 111 tii.iv,ftnt nt
ftpniis l.tvl I M t VT 1 .III Si
MflA rti linum'k.'tiiln. .In irtnu iiIh nducedi
r ntuU Just r mivaii il thriu,l
Till: HKIU.VNN. 01.'
bull, lit'iit ami lUI't
1 "il tl Ht
t ( 111 jntli
Appl t JanltDr
on jir.mlj h hi
T,nuus a taim.a.nm:
Lur Utli ami V ilnut sts
mi:iii Aiti. .v i-it i
U.S Of 1" KINO
a l I'l M I N. I
1,... . t..L 1 ..r t.. ml .11 nf thm
It'll I.jSi..r.l' MIAl. ' ' ' '- -,m.. -1
rtiff.rnt uumi ki j ill ',1,11,,,, oi,H!.tZ
at.. ... ... ..tit. .1.1 I Hi PilUlCE'.,
iii I'liUiuJ.'Inhla, Ju.i--'l x i i1' ' ' "SM
inrz l-ixl Mitii lhi .win f. r 1 irm luriw
.. l''i t''::!.'" ."!' ,, '!': ,'" i"
11 siruuu niiariiu ...- " ,.u natM
nui,.l . il, ,.e . ,. li. ,, iloltin. lib us OVUS
aiituii.ubll.a ar. walttnit t til ""J,!'
111 of prop, rum uu d. in it su that was
th I. ial puMublc .Hint a nut ecurai",
..... ,. ,,i., ,,i i Phil 1 win 11 in si WW
umiru this tour v.i. t id 1!
lilt VV VI vi 1 11
He e SCM
Miruc,, a'l.i
. . . . t , ni rum Ml v
i.antr klti hen J in nd ""' un.J ilfit;
Lath lueis.t thl up 11 1 in. nt -nil .hilKtur'
...... i... . ,i tiiuit hiii ni.t artniiectiati
Liiu:iirv in ii ding
"l Jtetl.lvo alteiuljuns bate, been mads.
c ud nu serine elevator msi - -iy,,am
seivants uuurter house t. lephona '"""M
C APP1 111 uuiiuiua u, u
not Morttiis nciinivo .
Geemunlnttll W iKSahi kaun I a I" "" .
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