iXmmtmmmii 'fvmum ' " P 'vmnMHtm P9P5"-hP' !!- n I W y It EH r 12 EVENING LEDGER-PIlfLADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Jj The East St. Louis & Suburban Co. 5-Ycar 6 c,'r Convertible Bonds Due January 1, 1919 Convertible at nny time before July I. 1918, into nn equal amount of par value of 6 Cumulative Preferred Stock unci 33 1-3 of Common Stock. Earnings for 12 months ending Sept. 30. 1916. after deducting ull prior charges leave n balance of over four times the annual interest charges on these bonds. Price to yield 6.25 ro .W,G!arft$eo. ii am; r.us tristaullslird 1S.17I 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Ilontnn riilf! WMkM.llirM '"It'l" January Bond List This list includes bonds legal for Savings Banks, bonds ex empt from State Taxes and bonds eligible as security for Postal Savings Deposits. luuej Range of yield U. S. Government . 2.00 to 2.90 Municipal . 3.70 to -1.25 Railroad . . 3.80 to G.03 Public Utility 3.G2 to 6.03 Foreign Government 5.12 to 7.03 Send for Janunvy Circular I' E -SO The National City Company 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia I N.t York IToston Chicago Cn rraocUco Pittsburgh The Elsstory of the Mew York Curb Scnil for our booklet de srriblnc; llic grmvlb mid Important ftincllnns of llic New York Curb Market. UI. fur K.'D-l. I . JONES & BAKER STOCK IMIOKKIIS Widener BIdg., Philadelphia Itrll, Walnut 1000 1. Kejstons, Unci' I'JIW. rn ork Huston I'lllVUKll I'itlNlMII'Sll 5ieelAlhtjs rp. ThH active Irsuo has recently advanced From 2y3 to 7 Writ, for Circular No. 3 E. H. CLARKE Morton R. Alexander (Itesldpiit Pnrlnei) rtiiit'e 1141) Spruit. Stock Exchange Bids.. Phila., Pa. ST William &t. New York Vewirfc. V. 3. Hi: (ihn ami nrri:it PHILA. UHBEriLYlNG PASS. RWY. STOCKS T.ensQl tu I'tihn Trartluu i" and to Klfetrtr dfc leoplf3 Tract hm i I.e.iMi uxluiil to Union Traction rrrin.inv mut r.i"s"U'tt' d lo PHILA. KAPID TRANSIT CO. Tnx J'ree la lViint.jlviiiita Price to Yield About Gtf FvlELLOR & PETRY Mmibfr X. Y. A, l'hll i. Stud Kvrlnnect 3JU COMMUtCI.U, JKL'sr IIUMIIMJ ASSAYING ORE TESTING "" Expert advice on triitmnt of orea of ry flfscrliilion OGDEN LAIiOKATOMES 230 Chancellor St. Mptnllurgte.il lZiitthtf ril I'huno Lumbard -73U Buy Kingman Zinc Alining Co. Producers and shippers of vuM. silver lead mid elnc ores. Owns 111 artjii In Wallun.ll IMatrlel. 21ottaa County. Arizona 'fhia dlalilit lun iiru duced Stu non.oou. Muny Urtfu pruilurlnB mlms nearby b'ult detail und enineera' rrpuru on reuupat. KIMIUAN 7INC JIINIXIi COMPANY 5l rorreat lullilliiff. fulUUcliihla Farmers and Mechanics National Bank 427 Chestnut Street ANNl'U. Mi:i:Ti.(is NOUTIIKBN Tltl.ST riHII'ANV rniivi)i:i.i'iii v The Annual Meeting of thn Ktui-lthnlder. if tha Northern Trust Cumuany win ba held on WetlnrniUr. January loth, 1017. at o'tloik noon, at ton omee of tn. ruinuany, Sixth und Spring Uardan t.. J'titladelutila. at which tuna an awciton will b hld lor thr.e Dlrecturs to earva for a. term or four sr W. C UAllTKlt. Bacretary. UNION NATIONAL HANK. 1'htladelDhta. DMflmhii. n IQlfl Tha Annual Meetlnir of tlia SfulfhnM.F.'n. th! llank (or tha alactlon o( nirvetors will ba tbild at tha oankine houaa on Tuoaday. January o. 1S17. batwaan tba boura of Yi to. and 1 p, dl Cailllar. ANM'AI. KLIUTIOX8 TUB ceNTUAIi KATIO.VAI. UAN1 Of VHIL.Utl.l'llU. . , Dacambar 11, mis. Tha Asaual KlMtlon for Dlradora of thii Rank will ba luld at tba banklos bsuaa on Tueadar. January U. 1VIT. batwun 11 a. m. anj 12 m. VlI. V. CONKAD. T Caaolar. ttSSa fSAMUUN NAXIOXAI. ll.VMi. EaC llroad uud Clwatuut MlceU. PtaUBalshbt, DecimW 28. 1919. Tba Annual Election for DlraUora will ba ba!4 at tba bankiajr houaa on Tuevaay. January 9t lSlt. beswaaa tha Iwura of ' noon and I o'oioo'k & m, J WSt IIABIIT. Caahlar. OIBKCTORV OF ACCOUKTANT9 CirlUld feJOU AnjunlauU aj taiBttTatfr 2a FINANCIAL NEWS FIRST DIVIDEND FOR MID VALE STEEL IS DECLARED AT $1.50 SHARE RATE Places Stock on 12 Per Cent Basis Surplus for Year 32,109,16'i Kentucky Securities Pays Up on Preferred Stock Tin 5TIln1 Hiepl oml ordnarics Com tmiiy toilnv tlcoldnnl mi Initial tniart-rly illMilchct of $1 Bn tt ahnro oil thn lon, iinn.noii mit"lanillnft ulrtrlt, prt j nlilf Pb nmi.v 1 l RtiicUluitilr-rn of reconl .tmiiiniy 20 This puis the nlm'lt nn n II pc-r cent )'T;. or fit. nn Hip pnr i-lil Is 3W, nnil licaiH out the reports printed on this pnrfe from tlino In tlmn rirntiy that nvtlnn WiniUl l'ii taken by Hip compntiy tn In miKiir.it inp; illvldemls n ml Hint thn rite wouhl prulinbly br- t2 ppr ri-nt. Murll of Ihn Pnntpnti.v'ft ntm'li Is In'lil In tills rltv. im the rompiiny Is n Im'itl oiip. nUhollBll Xcw YniU hin n irimil upresi'litntlotl oil thp bnnnl of itlrpctfirs. At the snnin time that the nnnoiineemenl mi the illvldemt action was mnrttf the tarn InpM for the enr emllliB tteremiier St were loaile knnnn. Tlie ffross for tile vpkI" whs i is.mil.i'TO, milnlitlnry pomiinnv rhnrrtes Sfil'',;i)7. IcnilitR a bnl.tnre of t3T,51t.l?0. Iippreeintlnn ivn t ri'sporisililp fo' S.fi2r, r.T!i n tirt the liott'l Intivenl (1,310.730 Tha MtrtiliiH ufler chniffes in.i $.12.1 0D. 1 04. which Is eriunl to slit at n thiro on lite out Manilltirt stoelt. or V2 I pee rent. With this KhowlnfJ the Htreet thotlRht that tlm (leelnratloti of the It. SO dividend, whfrh nmnunlH to $.1,nnn,noo on the out ptandltnr Ftoilt. w.ii iinseriitllv, na there N still left n siirplui of ISD.lfi'i.lOt for lite enr lifter the pajltionl Is made. Sttick noldeiH iverr encoutufred by the f.trt that tile L'ninpaiiy'n lnilne(S .is l.irirep In t!io lat timirter of thn jmr than in nnv of the three pi'.'ei rtlntr qtnirteis fxr neb of the i,tinrteis of the e.ir the i'.'h lilllvt.'- after snli 'Idlaty eompany ehaws were a" follows: WHEAT GAINS AGAIN AS PEACE HOPE FADES Owners Arc Inclined to Hold for Higher "Prices Bulls Give Good Support i.iiun iiKi.r HviATitKi: iti:ti:Aii HIM Mill. Jen. :i Tim en(lirr fornlnl fur tlitit.v-nlv lineri fnlloHi: Illtniilo timer illi fair, ni iledi.nl rhanse la lemiieriittire, lt . , Mlwiuurl nnil Kuniiia n rally fair. Hlvwi-ln I'etr toil ii. TliMriitl.lv. unet lled, miller ni.-t'l. IIIIiiiiimiI i 1'itr tuilu; Tli"ril,iy, na M (lied end en'der. . , , , Inn i rutr twins llmrsilij, prnlialilv tni hi'Htril. n.liler i.iirl'ie.t. . erlli Iiiil.iilii lV.rtl bul. inMrr tn olihl and 'llmrMlin . , , "inilli J) ilnl i I'a.r "niliy; Tliurd ly. p'lrlij ilnittli, inltli r t-1 . jt Nelirahkn I air Imlaj. 1lmril.iy. parllv i Iinlilv, rnlilee. . .... Inill-itiii I'nlr Imlny and nruliiil.lt' Inmur ruw, Ml't nm ll I !i 11141" In teln.irriilire. tjii'i-r Mlrlilmm lit !! I.id.l. I litir--iH . iimlml'U fate . , , , I (inrr Mil Iilc.Mi I'nrtlv iiierrimt lml.iv nnil Iniiiurrim. nut niiirli iliuiuiv In leni lnT.lt ure. I'llll'.MJM, J.m !I Hope of penuii In thy Immediate future, hailnp; tlnlndlei fni' tl.er. l'ie win-it maiket peoreil additional material K.iins tjd.iy. owners were Inclined to hold for burlier piloes, nm) there wan a i. let lniTea.se In the number of new buyers Uffi'i'hiBS wero relatively seuree. olthoiiBli i at limes there, was proflt-taliuu?. homo nervousness was occasioned by n cable tell mir of the loss of several more s essoin. Ui p.irls of lack of moisture In the .South west utltnr'ed intention. There was ob-BissiM- bull Mipp-rt eterywbere. Artie liatinij been as low as $l.S0i, Mv ruse to Jl.Sii-', uud llnitlicil at 5l.8li a 1 SO, ac.iln.-t ll.gil'a nt Ihe end ester da". Julv . i. Iter IrliiM'd up to II ISJin, ucalnst 1.40"4. estenliiy'a last pilee. Septeniber, after IlilviiiK deellued to jesii t day's tlnal iUOtatioii of $1 30V1. ad i.uuvd lo ll.tHi and finished only !4u be low I bn best. It was averted that the demand fiom abroad continued to follow the l'li-f. not only lioie. but tit the sea bum d. the gulf and in the Suutlu. est. The Price t'urrent bulletin wus bullish. It Bald that lite condition of the new crop is slightly less satisfactory than ut last re ports. I.eudlntf futures ranged aa foltowa: Vea'dav's Avheiit Open IIlBh I.1W elniRi eluae lliiv l.xi'i 1 hi; Jul I. IT" 1 aV'i .Sun. .-. .. 1 .'lll'i l.tl'j urn uu'W ueiiyrj rir.d. $0.803, JOT; seeonil. Sft.3ng.nS8; third, D.51S.GG3. nntt fourth. SI3.21.1,t;0 Another Item of Interest won the rlcni'ltiR up of nil or the bark duldentls on the pro fetretl stoelt nf the Kttittlelty rSeeurlties Comiinhv. The company today declared the renulnr tpinrterK payment of l' iwtr cent and nn extra tlfsbumement of 1 per cent, pat able .tnnuniv IS. Announeement ns also rmttlo of the pleetlon of t W. ttncoli as pres'ilent, sureeeillns .r A. Mcfntthy, who held Ihe position temporarily. Mr. Uneon is Mce priidtiit of the Kentucky Traction nnil Terminal Company, it tnibsld lary of the company, k'urther ltnproement wa noted In the trndlmron the I'lilladi Iplii.i ll'oek Kxchantto tedny nnil price moetneats were In mmrly till cases itt the side of adanci'S. ftfost aillc of the dlstlnrtl.v local Ishiips was t'hllnilelpliln Rleetrle, but It 'tts mns'ly below the final of yesterdnv throiiRhotit the whole session, but was nnchnnffotl nt the rlose. A Inrito pint of the total denllnRS for the day was repro.'-PMIi'il by I'nlted Klntes hi eH ciimntim, tvhleli followed the lead of Wall sltnel, nilvnticltiK mote than !' points. fhlladelphlrt. Ilpp'd Transit trust is rilllpates came net In Phllntleldiln Khc tiic In mMdltnit Ihe tritiliiu; In lorn I ntneks. and. nfler beltitj n fructlmi lielutv the tlnal of yestetilay, ll .ri coveted and sold higher. A Rain of more than I point wan es tablished In l.ttkn .Superior. TIip bond dhlMion was more tethe than ll hns bum In some time. In nil, m ilif. fennt Issues were bought and sold Salc3 in Philadelphia llloh. Inv. .1 Am tin" 140 ISO lit tl & S t c U.I OS 12 do pref M t,1 11.1 ram Klool.l!.. lo 1(1 Cnl Pel . . iOld 2"s V Hied Nlor. im-V. 00?i fin Hrle . . . 3SVi -Wi I IT lnm'o.V A H St' I nit Kennn t'op lO'JA JOlh mn i.k sop f. i . 14 t.eh Nnv. . Hi's M". I Loll Vnl'ey VJ 1Vi inn I.p!i Vnl Tr 3.1 3 Irt Ml tiros .31 31 i .inn I'ennn It ll ftJ', otj, Hi Pa Salt M. tin " JhIk I'lilla like 31ti a ISIlii PUT tr rfs ,'1'1'i 3P?i I Phlla Tnie Kimi stir 1.10 ItcnilinR f.2,1 Toll llel Clete I JO 01 As 14.1 20's Net ehftc. h 0n-H k 3.ta'l 5-'l 4- tt ', . t' '.ft tt . llt.V.i 11)3 . I ll-lll I ll'tO OivioHNDs ni:ciAuni) HrouUlvit I'llv Hi llinnd. r'ath ir iiimrlfrlv of J i. i i ..nt. MiM.l.io .lamlnrv ll to toi.u of ri euro .luiiuiir : .liilm .1. !' Iln a i'ii . (tmirterlv nf I pit pent on ur-.-r-i r .1 etui, mill nn nnntiul ilMdund or (I iitr isMit in. ta. tinp'iiim stwk. im.ablu .liinu itr I., to ntoi It of rei.ird Jtiininrv lo. t'nPeil tiru I'liimmir.-. icnu'iir im.iH.Tlv or 1 ir lent on ur i nrpririel sioi'li. eaMibln i uItmiu'v I to Mink of rpiurd .tinman ta. .Moprls Cannl nnd i'unltlim (oinpiii, iii;ttliir "pinlanniiiil i,r a p r esit mi th pn-fi..rii nnd 2 prr i'tlt on the innxii Idulpil Mtneli. Iietti pu aMp I-'i'i.runiv ll. ns nulptcrril Jaaunrv l.t. llniniHtiiKe Mlnhne I'liluimiiK, raKulur uemtlih of Ira i i-nta piii'tilile .Im.uiiry li'i In stock of rwiinl Jnitiuir 20. Killv-Hprhwllol.l. remiliir nuiirtprly i.f II on iiilnuiiih Kfock. PTviibk' Ppbrunrv 1 to stork of ropiird Ininiiit.v 15. AiliPitiin i Isiir I'liinOMny, reculiir ipinrtprlv of I'u pir i .'tit on eominnn stopk, pii)nl,jp IVhriiary I tn sdiplc nf rruird .Inlttliirv la. M'dwpsl Iti'flnltiK I'umpnnv, iiuiiitfrly nf p.r petii. tia'.itite Ki-hrunry I tn imlil'Ts .nf r eord Jo mint 15 I III Toll Mill . II 'Si 2 t'nlon Trac Iflti t0'4 in t Vn it Imp. )U noli I lain V 9 Steel, us it' inn War I & It V4 ii 1.1 W .ler S .inlf, mi!,;, I In Win Cramp HOVi 31( III Vork Itwy. 1.1 1 3 I (I I do pref. .10 SB IIIISHS lush. Sinn A ISI!I u,,'-'-i I non in. if, 2 1 if, dls ?1Utt 211 SI .11 & !0 :I3 ',4 ... . 8414 V& diinj n Hi3'j W 1 s 1 -1 :,!i'i 3. i it 4 li i, . a oott 11.1 -I.VH o 1,4 fin', I I Hil,4 V4 II 3H rl I .ow !n',4 4IUHI Snoa fin a Sun .limn r.iMin Ctn" tin, 4 city is !" IPC . ...inava III.ISil I ". I vn insvi ln:i'.4 do '31 rR 10314 I03t4 do '13 rR.initt tn"'.4 do "Ha ep.lll.1tt 103 tin 'IS ru in.ltt do '41 . . m.'IVi do '10 ep in.ti,n I nun Kipilt III l. r,s HiJ 2000 Key T 1st lis DM .mini Lake r!"p hie 4s . . .14 10(111 l.eh X cans 4'jS . ln.1 lofto I.eh V 1st 4a IMS. Mil',; HUH) do Ren Is (II Anna do talis 4 'is '0.1 luoli 7001) Pa Co pen 4'js 103 I nnn do cons I aa . .tool) toi!') anno Peo Pass t c 4s 7 limn I'll III 4s. Oil 3IUIII I'll It ft W Is Oil's sunn Head nn 4s a,T, 11,111)0 Mpnii-Ain I fin 1 0 1 " i Ill3'j HI3 ',4 ins', ion', 10314 lu.l4 )03',4 in? in: 07 ni ) Net thlte 14 I Ill3 1(11 Vi iioiJi 101)14 104B a on !la:'4 IOC! I n t tt 1)1 tnnji ln.1 i no HI on iio'i. t)9i lUtni I5AK SILVKIJ III 1 1 III ll.lll I Todav 1 1t W.il iii I'AltlMll'.lllll'S r-;,v- xoiifi: ii iii-it i:itv i!ivi:.v thai- A th" piirtiiprHhln ixImiIiiic liptisppti llalplt riliullll null IWliuril lli'luni, tnidiNK ns Ciiinllli A U'snin is UIsi-oUpiI on Hip -(lib day nf l)e , . ml)'i loin All iIpIiis nulla; to tin partupr hlp an In In pr noiilid (n I'atllllll A. rrpplnntl, nn,) ii I il. lii. mil- nn He parlti. rhlp nm to lie iiri n' d " '"" "I ,(- ,'r'" '" '" 1 ll.M.l'll rwill.M. i:l)VAItf Uli.M.M. bus Wilnut hlrert. haling been off to II.IO'j. , I.S2''4. endliw at ll.fiS'vi)!1 j 1 NON l.SH'a 1 Ml'. 1 w l re". 1 4; l.aii'i i.4C-j t .ni' Sla. Julv tJal May Jul" . .. land .Iiiiouiry . .Ma . . . . Win. Jaiiuury . lrk Jnttuary . Urn . Hid. ll.'.'. Ul" fifiji . 1 I til) . .1.1. IT .13.0.1 ,.11.13 . t2d on . .'ii. i. n tAsked. DO3 l)!l .-ih'i 03 13. 10 13. CO 3,03 UAH S" 11) UU.Kfi oi; 0 32' l8 RS'a 113 a I a.V-i 14.N3 l.'i.ns 1.1,11.1 11.13 13 111 tl.". 117 13.110 tlB 57 13. or. tTS 14 IU til 2U 20 S3 2T.1U 2T 11.1 20.00 jJll.KO 2H.IIT A Promising Lake Property Under Lcwisohn Management $1,000,000 CASH IN TRE SURY FOR PROSECUTION OF DEVELOPMENT A Feature of the New York nnd Boston Market Circulur and map on request James O'Brien & Co. Frank J. Smith & Co. 35-37 Broad St. 50 Congress St. New York Boston, Mass. ROWN MOTHERS rouivm ani CirEsrrNvr Streets PHILADELPHIA BONDS FOR CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT YGffSc Kaifiways Company First Tilorlflafle Thirty-Year 5 Gold Bonds Dalcil Dcci ruber I'M. Due December 1, 1937 Free of Pennsylvania Slate and Normal Federal Income Tax Price 98. and Interest, yielding 5.10 'Ueneriftliie Circular Upon Request $350,000 Bartlesville Interurbaxi Railway Company (OKLAHOMA) FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING FUND Dated January 1, 1917 O O (jOlU OOllClS Due January 1, 1947 Interest January and July Redeemable on nny interest date at 102 and interest AUTHORIZED, $1,500,000 OUTSTANDING, 5350,000 Additional bonds may be issued nt 85 of cost of permanent improvements, etc., When net earnings are twice the interest on all outstanding bonds LOGAN TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Trustee Free of Normal Income Tax Pennsylvania Tax Refunded THESE BONDS ore issued for the purpose of refunding a loan (called for redemption at 102 and interest on January 1, 1917), which we placed in 1910 end which, being closed, was inadequate to provide for the future growth of the Company. We invite attention to the following strong features which, we believe, combine to make these bonds a Eound investment. They are secured by a first hen on railway, light and power property, having n replacement value of 5583,000. The Company owns and operates the only electric railway and the only light and power property serving a population of 20,000. Sixty per cent of the Company's business is contributed by light and power. Net earnings are nearly three times the bond interest. Doth gross and net carnings'have increased 4Qtf since 1912, when the Cities Service Company acquired the property. A Sinking Fund, immediately operative, will retire nearly 90ft of the bonds before maturity or sub stantially increase the property value securing them. All of the property is in the highest state of e'fliciencv having been thoroughly renewed within the past two years. With one unimportant exception, the franchises extend long beyond the maturity of the bonds The territory served is rich in natural resources, and the population is rapidly increasing. All of the stock of the Bartlesville Interurban Railway Company is owned by the Cities Service Com. pany, whose capital stock, par value $76,882,(592.00, has n market value of $120,000,000, ensuring stronit and elbcient management. The following comparative statement ehowS the crowth of the business since, 1912 .!, t, n:.: Service Company acquired the property: ' Gross Earnings Operating Expenses Net Earnings Bond Interest ' 1912 $108,653.25 67,232.31 $41,420.94 12,570.00 $28,850.94 1916 $153,163.42 94,812.29 $58,351,13 - 21,000.00 $37,351.13 -rJr Surplus A large proportion of the bond having been exchanged or told, we offer the remainder at 100 AND INTEREST, RETURNING 6 Temporary receipt! uiill be delivered exchangeable for ' definitive bond; when, as and if iitued and received by ue. EDWARD V. KANE 8c CO. MORRIS BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, PA. i?HILADELPHIA COMfaciAr MARKETS If ?f?.?e. do. wrtZTS wu'f i ti ( Minn , iii ' : ted. Mint. l nlWl III: H.ti2: Hintii'T .Nn : No ml GRAIN AND KLOUIt III IIP- ,."... p..- " ', . '", ,. ,r NO 'J soul hern red 11 vp II sitii :"'.r" ' fed. 1 Sjuri in): replied A. ll"""1 Jcrtfil II. Jl 7!ll 12 mitS lteprlpl l I'l'l Jiusn was He i ivrfltprn TIP 1 The mirttet hlal rr. with IIBht n!Terlim anil sronw-r nTMir llilotnjjoiis ,J.',''t!0,,,l.',,2., if, . t iocv. -" i.a'i" lor: ,- t sa: Aw; oi -i . i n. '.v. l ,,M '-- '".'! n-'.rJ V.. ".V ...'.:. " iVleri tllMIll- i.n I ri iipipipi". i",". .ii.. ;lllrt.lnfth. niMinppd Ip Ii"! trade tins nnlel. uot ".yPj1 Xo 2 whip. fi'J'iffi-li. Btnndard walte m. Jl2e, Nn 3 iihllp i.nu IIU, No. 4 hllo. i.UW l,(ti . rntntile nnts tiuwuip Il.tifll llppplpts. 131) U.H and '".,",'"''",': in Knpkn The rtiarkpt unfl npsin maiipr in HMnpntliy with 'wilSat. liut VtP S'wnnd- win'.' dolne Qitotnt nn, per 11"! His, h SV""'. '? t"r? tUar. 7fii)7 7n -K stMlnlit. ..iB s:'.! i" Pii.nl. S23S,-.n. Kansas, plear. rnllnn pts iSS.IWNftn: do. stialSllt.. I'nlton nnn '.. i,',,' SIIPS ll"l I'. 'I". nil'" i '"'.'. '.- u.i. ii.aft unrlne. Mrst ipar. " a,''7,,,,,V.5V V-'v . iv !bl!2.1. do. rsMirlle brands, t" ?;!&?, '.: J. J mills. Itlnlpe Slid fun. V twlel't. ",d, if ROW mills, ii niilnr crml's--AV.nter '"' .,,,,i"K T.T3; do. airiilshl. 7 7MC8 2.1. do. paipni, s .a DAIRY PRODUCTS ..... r.A1tilfl1fr Wt'll' HJll llll.l.M IU11 ri iiiiip onlv for I, I Hi III ffiiR All nvn n.ot'ii whb nm. itt hum. $? aaiT ??V per1 bbl . na t mwbIH PROVISIONS W nun to ! til "P1tt1 tliii r.m " ."..,:"rr,,.a ..; .p i. C"' V- "V.'.":... 'V.i. . i f.ll..wln- nn ntllhiT UI sin- ("Mi'"'. ',', i. ,-,, , . tntlnns- Wislprn, rt.sVl snllil PBPke I . r. ... mf.h ii. avimi firti ,r)"i .I' 1" . '"I1' 3.l.e sppends .Ti'iiM-: tuarlij jrlnii. sei'iinieV r5w37r. spell.! fan. liramls nf prints joiiwmt nt te.feilip , riiiiii tp-nlraliV frrstt peRs v it nenree nnn nop tier .ase lilSliPi. Hmrnne tans niltnmeil niie r,,Ief VnVnll suppf'S v rr!" "msllv 111 small Ints it n pri-ftilunt nver whplfsaie ntmln ? I.n" whleh vtT" In'irelr nomlnnl. lis fol Iohs: Vpnrbv Vitras. file l"T de? . npsrliv tlrsts x I ,u pVVeese "'pearl-!, iiirrcnt repPit.li... I ,1 -iTi per iw. p!dprli pxirns. ir f 1S7V, f.i. It I. ill Per iiise; "" rnfrlcprni .lnmiirv faite selected eindleil fresh egss ero Jobulns "SMlESn-oril.r.nas were moderate nnd lln) nsrket ruled steady, but trndo.wns nulej. I o tnnlntt are the limitations: New Ynrk, full inwum "f',.v i,,, 23U Oa.l'ie. spee n s Wan r. -la i" " fair Jo. "''. '""'' '' W Iln. part skltns. I3ff2lp. I'OULTKY t.t r: Tin inni in itlons: jr. ifn l.k-: 111" iiiin iirn-ri. lots hlBlier, IMS! fam IIS It .PI. mi' . uui ruin nrst. SI I -Hi per ease; ntfir tcsi. smraee nn.l Insuranre f.ild to "l extra. Ill I" I'er enne; do, firsts, per' ruse, ill Vnl. '." S'lJf.W." hmrlnl rnlpil tlrtn tvltll demand rnn'nl to th ntrprln-s nf tplrnlil pimk tjuo in Wins! Kmtls. ns to u.nlltv, lli.2ii. rnnslers. The market ruled stpmh ltl. a n,J"t".y ilemind. rnllimlnir are Hi" " " "' . lipef. In sets smiiUed nnd nlrdrk-d. .lie. "' ern lipef. In sls. smnin d. 31' ' , 1. ",;,', kmiekl. and letid-rs, , smoked nnd, ?e:. Jjiernis-ei. ...: ;. ;!,, fnn1i PiTIDKCU. tl'-j "'"'I nnifen:i: lining l"Klllii,fl. inni nnpitiir rhlfknir. s:: ;?..- i.'.i'..-. :.... - i iifrrxirt unirc tsL'tJc; dijf kit nStti.: T2SJ,3n pnrl! ; fnmi.v H ! eitrPll. Innellljltl'te. e Is'j tl l!'i h d". "a. smoked. Inims. stnokeii. .!' e'lreil, as lo f.pnpillnir In ntlillltv c l.rRhoris. neiorillm; to unalliy. nu to size nnd nualllv. IsnKlei lurkpxs. L'J'e2Si. kpps". INW21C! PiKpqns. Clin. per pair, ::s't3iii. do. younu, pnr pair, uw-.i DItnsSIJU 'mere wns a.smi.1 outlet for nne. ilrslralip.sl2ril s-rek and Miluro Kiiiernlh wpre iveil sustiiliieil .. 'rhp quotnllons are ns follows: rresh-Ullteil. .Irv.paiketl tur ii vs. ppr 111 - ''siii nenrnv. olral.: fnnpv western. 3Jfi3.tei fat- to Boisl .l()3le: toinnion. 2.1W2SP. rows lutoiinii dr -plPkPd- I flt.l.. seilllPII. -IPJ lvrisiiniK ,.",' " .p".-. in'2iie. ntner iinms. sinus". " W1.SI. i g;t ,, I t,s nplete. k.ici no aj ins. ni.iPie, Irsnil nnd nxeraire 2 i'. . .""'"" ,;n,nS?i1, , rnle ' Sl22eide 3 IPs. npleee. ttil2ie.. fowls. In lilils.. rn cured. "(i'e: do. tiollp.1. fonei-s" nc. I emc . . , ,,,, IHl .-, d n-er Kti.iuid.rs. . J, pored. Inns. . ' "iV'itA iiiilnV, 2,1n do. . Mis npl-.-p. 22e. rmaltiT sl?es llie: belMes. In tiiekie ""..rilln to nj-r an 'jta , P;,0,lr ,n pieked. ,I7c, rni.s Ins loose. l. hreakfnsi lie.nn. as in wnnu Bn. ii . , ,ir.-p i,mi I l,oj. s, wpIkii nversBP rity eared. 2t,,r..krflst'npni I fm k -'Mi-.',,.""' r.r ern inrril ale: I. rd. YiS "inl "urn pin I Pair. 2lf2.p. do 7 Mm per iwlr. 2J2Se, rnasl- ISe: do do. ,'to. lul'. V',' ', .r'V V",V , y an hi. kpns. ileslern. lee-Riekeil. In bids u. It n rrn.lprp.l. In IPS.lsp. lurn, pur' ''.J. , .''Tt.i.iL u n.a n.l ..per nep nnlr. "lalPap most iiKtiln rpnuiri-d In tubs. I ft' HEI-'INED SUGARS The market wns dull t !..'nl,: rexlseil tlBiires. Itpflnpra' list ui lie; P.xlra line i.nn itlntpil I flTile: powdered, ll Me. piinfeetloncrs' A, C, file, soft itrnilps iiwnniii i "'-.sii'iip '".."'. :..: ..'ii ..! 'ui..r. ? n.. lll'i PlllCI.enS. !psi.ti. ll. nine, i.uiitiiiiih ' re- pair. 2.)?2li , iirnllliie ihl. kens weslern. In limes welal.l.m 3l llis per pl.. MJe'-'.ie. ehlckens welnhliiK ftWd His rer pair. lOWjiir. do mlseilslr. s I syi..e: broilers. Jersey rnni y ."iWIIIc: do. mlier nesnv. w.'Klilmr t'l2 nw pplepp. 27tf2Hc do. tipotbx Ninnller nl7s. 23W 2"p iln.ks, hPrtrbv. i.e. K.IH11. iipiiroy. i.-.'M.'lP., do, vmlir"! t.'p. sinjali;, white, tivhttilne llOis&Xl dra. S.1.7nC(fn. no. do, !iMiIbs , a.1. fV?' Jo?; IV nT.V.,0d,fs'V nlitf a vcrp fifTf t hipo ntul ii tlr. in-r hi (lolilou, SI iln, uiiRmtlril. $ . fr :( "r, r art, ho .iinRriitii 1 (.irfi'.i .i: no. uiijirn FRESH 1'RUITS RieiUIIV tied Una.. " f"lr demand liiiotiiiJsp, Divls. J3W3.1.I Hildwln No t ' .'.'5ljS k".i l-"i ' a: do ntPrla( Rn .!1 1, It..:, do muraded 12 3utt3 so ,' N'o. 1. Itniifinn do iinurnoed ii HW AppIp". Niirthwpstern n r box ' ?5.ilS lA'inons pi r. box J .Ofq t llrnnplJ 8!?ta I'-r fiate HrlKiit .!' 2l,',ri ;r,r"n,??"- VWZ ii) Tannrrlnis rimi,i.i . .!'"". K !l fill, llriipclnill. Klorld.i per prniIp'.."S I'ltnnpplis Hiirldi Indian m,!?"' '-3 jj!2f. ; 2.1. Cmniierrles ar i'SIi ?' Pfl 1'nnry latp MirliMI. s hitis .;.,vJBr tul il Ml. I'ranlii r-lis i -p.. i od Vir iL '. Hi S.10- do Jprsiv da, l' n,.r eraietrWlH! do, do llBlll. per , rnlP i l,uj t stV.Il i iorni. t'vr nuin ihp nn ""nnn VEGETAIILES t'brdi p BtncU soli' fahlv nnd ...1-.1 . llsl.t olTprlnps 'jn.iinttnns Whin. V?. Ser niiii. 1 riiiis imih a 1 hnlre .1 oVi,1! Ipw Vi.rk, cliol.p SI 7". 'i I m! Whiil'll9' Jersej. per linBket. sn.aj , sh.i ?""' Atnryl.iml. .Iier lllllnnel II Jalr.ntr,.H tuiliili" s Jersev. p. r b isk. 1 , 1 " No a. Jneibiii nninns p, r iuri.IV' i?'J II .'.(KM 7a, o ' :n, 1 J-, lui S'v.b"r Islt. pr ton isiifis-, spinuh vJ.Va.lS iibl. It r.lifr2 Kale Nnrfoli per'0k&''. 1 '.'1 1 Hllll.HUI . r .1'iriiiK tir r prill, tiki tvlluee Horl.n tur l.nk '. "nSlf'JjllB Mn-lnla. wt I111.1U. 1 1'. Mi do N?,'A1 linn, per (iasi.Pi sjifri?-, li.ans, f-ffi! Inskei, "Hj.i llaap hint l Inrkia i,3E 12 2.1 W3 .111 PPl-p. rs I'm Id, per i ,.il a Kuu.sll. rinrlda . r h.,x HllfilV'VH I'lorlda per ImsliPt 1.. -,-,(! TonV.1-V.Osxl Id i piritnt' fi'if.l "" n Wheat Steady in Liverpool T.ivnmni)1 .l.in .1 ,t wheal itcnily nnn tinciiniiReii Imlav with vjW linril winter limited at 1 7s 4d , riaril iB 2i1 ; No. 1 tini'lie-i! Iiulntli lisSd.i.jl tinitberti .Mnnltiiba obt I7s 10'jtl'' y ll limllinvll Xtilllill.ltl, ..lit 1?.. C.l ' '9 We own and offer, subject to prior sale and change in market price, the following securities: Bonds AMOUNT NIMH n' MlUllrltT n f"T. $25,000 Consumers Pr. Co. 1st & Rfdg 5 Jan. t, 1936 J & J 1 25,000 New England Power Co. 1st Mtgc 5 July 1, 19d1 J & J 1 50,000 Southern California Edison Co. Gen.. 5 Nov. 1, 1939 J & J 1 100,000 Northern States Pr. Co. 1st & Rfdg... 5 Apr. 1,1941 A .& O 1 50,000 The Colorado Power Co. 1st Mtge 5 May 1, 19d3 M&N1 10,000 Muskogee Gas & Elec. Co. lst&Ref..5 Dec. 1, 1926 J & D 1 25,000 Otlumwa Ry. & Lt. Co. 1st & Rfdg.. .5 Jan. 1, 1924 J & J 1 25,000 Mobile Electric Co. 1st Mtge 5 May 1, 1946 M&N1 100,000 Twin State G.&E. Co. 1st & Rfdg.. .5 Oct. 1, 1953 A & O 1 75,000 Great Western Power Co. 1st Mtgc. .5 July 1, 1946 J & J 1 50,000 Tennessee Power Co. 1st Mtge 5 May 1, 1962 M&N1 100,000 United Lt. & Rys. Co. 1st & Rfdg 5 June 1, 1932 S & D 1 25,000 American Gas Co 6 Jan. 1,2016 J & Jl 50,000 American Gas & Elec. Co. Deb 6 May t, 2014 M&N1 25,000 Citizens Gas & Elec. Co. Consol 6 Feb. 1, 193 1 F & A 1 20,000 Excelsior Springs W., G. & E. 1st. . .6 June 1. 1932 J & D 1 100,000 Nevada-California Elec. Corp. 1st. . .6 Jan. 1, 1946 J & J 1 100,000 American Power & Light Co. Deb 6 Mar. 1,2016 M & S 1 100,000 Appalachian Power Co. 1st Mtgc 5 June 1, 1941 J & D 1. 25,000 Arizona Power Co. 1st Mtge G May 1, 1933 M & N 1 Short Term Securities AMOUNT NAME ItHS Mat.lrllJ Int. P.ir. $25,000 Louisville Gas & Electric Co. Notes. .6 Apr. 1, 1918 A & O 1 40,000 West Virginia Trac. & Elec. Co. Notes. G June 1, 1917 J & D 1 30,000 Winnipeg Electric Railway Co. Notes . 6 Jan. 15, 19 IS J & J15 100,000 Arkansas Val. Ry., Lt.tSc Pr. Co. Notes. 6 July I, 1919 J & Jl 50,000 Northern States Power Co. Notes G Apr. 1. 1926 A&O 1 50,000 Mississippi Valley G. & E. Co. Bonds. 5 May 1, 1922 MsSc.Nl 100,000 Great Western Pr. Co. Conv. Deb G Nov. 1, 1925 M & N 1 100,000 United Light & Railways Co. Deb 6 Nov. 1, 1926 M & N 1 100,000 Middle West Utilities Co. Coll. Trust. .G Jan. 1,1925 A ?: O 1 100,000 Standard Gas & Electric Co. Notes. . .G Oct. 1, 1935 A & O 1 Preferred Stocks SIIAnKI NMK nate TJItMeml Period 250 "American Gas & Electric Co 6 Quar. Feb. 1st 1,000 California Electric Generating Co. ... 6 Quar. Jan. 1st 500 Northern States Power Co 7 Ouar. Jan. 15th 250 Utah Power & Light Co 7 Quar. Jan. 1st 500 Southwestern Pdwcr & Light Co 7 QuaT. Mar. 1st 200 Texas Power & Light Co 7 Ouar. Feb. 1st 100 Illuminating : Power Securities Corp. .7 Ouar. Feb. 1 5 til 500 United Light & Railways Co G Ouar. Jan. 1st 2SC Western States Gas & Elec. Co 7 Ouar. Jan. 15tll 250 Mobile Electric Co 7 Ouar. Feb. 15th 250 Pacific G.&E. Co. (Phoenix, Ariz.). .7 Quar. Jan. lOtl? JIO I'sr Vslue. Dcscrlptice circular of any of the ohole iccuritlcs will jtnt on rcquol. William P. Bonbright & Co. Incorporate! MORKIS WISTAR STROUD, JR., Manager 437 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO DETROIT London Paris William P. Bonbright & Co. Bonbright & Co. Trier In Mi Id il.n.iit 5.00fb 5.05 5.10-;;, 5.18 5.25 5.33 5.35 5.50 5.50 5.60 5.88 5.90 6.00 G.00 6.00 G.00 6.10 6.18 6.25 6.75 Pi let tn Vlfh nlimit 5.13 5.50 5.50 , 5.75 x 5.95 ' 5.97 6.00 G.12 6.15 6.37 Prlf tn VI "M nlHiut 5.94 6.32 6.93r? 6.93 7.00 7.00 7.18 7.50 7.53 ; 7.70 I 7.75 1 1 Eunicipal Bonds For January Investment 122,000 Westchester County, N. Y 4 1949.M55 3.75 123,000 State of Georgia , II. 1944.'4 3 80 435,000 City of St. Paul, Minn 4$ 1931 3'80 I ll'Tn rj!y ff Sn,cT,na&-hi 4J 1936 3'80 'SS 9. ly i Du.luth- Mnn 413 1944 3.90 45,000 City of Atlantic City, N. J 4i ig41 .43 3,95 40,000 City of Los Angeles, Cal 4IA 1931-'42 4.00 25,000 City of Seattle, Wash., Sch. Dist ,, 4 1928 4.00 51,000 City of Portland, Ore 4 ioiemc 400 H'nnn 5?iroufhMofI,,lirY,fw' N J 5 1936-M6 4.15 1 1 2'nnn ?-!y l AMH'le' ' kf ' ." 4 1 937-'39 4.20 Hrx'SSr. ,ly of Ventnolf Cltv. N. J 5 1931-'41 4.20 ??'nnn lan?g,?n FKl lch S 1923-'31 4.201.25 51,000 City of Fort Worth, Texas 5 Various 4.25 32'Snn ! l n? Antonio, Texas, SchiDist 5 1956-'36 4.30 ll'nnn f ' n B,rmmham' AIa , , , . 5 1941-45 4.30 59,000 Leon County, Fla - 5 1941; Ont 4 50-4.60 235,000 Jeffereon Davis Parish, La. . . j 1932-'46 4 60 265,000 City of Halifax, Canada ......'.'.'.','.'.'. 5 1951 siSS Legal investments for savings banks aid trust funds in New York State ' " y In addition to the above, we are offering a number of other municipals at attractive prices. J3nuary circular on appllcatlsn R. M. GRANT & CO. BOSTON 31 Nassau Street. Wow vfi euifunn I . : -, -T----j .w.. v4. i uutunx"' t T ' "'""" " WI"P.1 la ' ' -'"' z&gi ' liBixij..ij..ij..iji.ij..ij..ijlij..ij..ij..ij..i