Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 03, 1917, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    '"'''' "'"''"ipll"IWIIWlifWJlllP''l"lf"P!UM'
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'tfffVTfV " -P "JTn,rWm-"W 1
. w j?,wr,wr.. nrnxifinitt 1 1 1 f aH u.in, jn ,.' j(W ni t ji ijgfcr
National Commission Asked
to Eliminate Draft and
Make Other Changes
CINCINNATI Inn 8 Tho Notional
Baseball rommli'lon will co onrefiil ron
Ideralloti tn the request made bv retire
!.ntntu" of flio Ham A A le-iKuei rol.it ln
to the eilmlnatlnn of tile tllrtft from tlicll
The rnmmlonlon ulio liearil a lra from
the tmiller leagues thit at loasrt tit innral
Influence bo excited to heli tbe minor
league1' out of what "as lilrtured tfj lio n
most deplorable condition A. It Tcnrtiey.
of rhlrico president of the Three I t.crtiruo.
acted ns sprdtesinnn for tlio minor lenKiiet
,tid nreed tie rnmm'wliili to recommend
that a iriliK'irieitloii tind ieoti;ntil?.itloti
of all minor li-tWe. be mndo MlHi the Ide.i
In teu of clImltintlnR fteess railroad mile
age of teimi lennuiicemant of the tiiatl
mum snlirt limit and other Ideas tlmt lie.
clilmed i'ild ri far toward imttlhB ti
large maiur t of the minor Io.ikiic clillis on
n pmlnR inil wlieioiiH now the lire loiltitf
I propoBliion,
Tho comniii'iii nieo toon mis miner nu
s,lsement but ptonilsed Mr Teainey that
he could rest nsured that tho coniinlitloii
nould (li evervthliiK III itl power to help
long the line laid down b) 111 tl l
I'rcMous to 'he night mectlni? AusiiHt
Iternnimn in ie-eIeotid president and
John 1- IIiue iiretutx foi the coming
year while a larse nmount nT loutlne liuil.
nesi was tran-!Jiled und C'hnlrmau Herr
mann announ eil that for tho llrt time In
m rei din Hon ew't nse had been ills
B tinned nf ei ept the mntters liranenteil at
K lodl. ' mef tlnF
K Tho c 1 lis men with T'reildent IM
X.ini itnirmi of the International League,
and l'r Ub nt TIioiimm Illil.e, of tho Amerl
can A - il" n 'i "!il."iiioii, preciiti"I kI'j
request- I h .ire
"The diminution of that par' of the draft
ing rulo In tin intlonnl agreement affect
ing the drafting of phnen by majoi league
club' fr in lu" AA club"
The ii"'" i" i ! thit pait of the m
tlonil ngreenv nt punldlnir that final AA
platers pur. 'liied In malnr leogue clnhi
Klnll be rnpi red to report to tho purehai
lrg cluii immeilliitclv nftei the puri-liaae of
tho pin en
Tint it i the hen"-e of the National As
sociation that no club member theieof b
permlttxl t nhe L il.iur fiom tho nnjor
leigui a i r me option or bv purchase who
has n t had minor league otpeilence
'Tin ot.iblb'imont of a board of file
member parole und dlfctlnct from the
National I'ommlsslon to deoldo nil matteri
on appeil from the tlndlnga of the nitlonal
twoclatw i or i all matters of controxeriv
"Between moor and minor league-) or club
members or plawrH
Clung nr the nethod of drjftlng pla
era first In tle'ermlnlug by lot when op
poslto ma lor leagues draft the samo plajer,
.. I. int. Ia .tiia oltnll Lnmim llir. nlniee Ill
Bteid of determining tho league and p!aer
at the -.nine time second, liy naming tno
plater tlnftiJ fiom ("lass AA clubs liiKlcad
of naming Hi" ilulis first and the plaer
The roirniigtment of tho rulei und laws
o' the Vitioml ami elation auecting Terri
torial i trht - clai'lflratlon reconatlon and
farming or optional agreements"
Scores of the Cage
INTl 11 i IIOI srjr hl'ANUIN'M
I.. I'.f. II. I..
Cenlnil It I II l.dOO r.rrm ililoitn 0 I)
I N I 11 111 II I I l.MHI 'lriulfs .'! II 1
jNorlleiit II 0 .(MX) l'mnkferU I) 1
. I'llll.l II 0 0 .000
iVTCnsoiior.Aaitr i nAGt'B
Soiitlu rn Itl.li rrnnltfonl IIIsli HO
rntral lllu.i. 4J Tnnliv School, 13
Eouinrii iiii,'i ju ..,, irinnrur.l lllth 2l.
com. nun av.vi:s
nrnokhn l'ol 51 Amhrrst. IT
TaU IS llulTiilo It
Crucent A (" , ao, Durtmotith. 20.
narrttt Sfl Hal i Kllb'irn -M
Fairbanks 47 Mission IV.
IlltOlltl ItHOOI) I.RAOl'i:
Orci"tni u Hpsitps :il. Ilerillav Jt
Kntirnliv ,m hi Andrew' 1
Wat Sid 23 HI JMfnml's Knlneopal 13
Olney i'n-iioiorluii il, bt Mlchuol a Lu
theran 10
ncAui.s'o ldacui:
Klfrn Molds S3 Touer City IS
v rnt'iirii .i:ailu:
Jlnrper .11 llelhlehfrn, 21
uhui im.iianl .'l IiliniiiiJ 17
Glour tor Troop 1 a7 Trut lllues. IS
Atlantic Cltj mull Juntora, 0, bonlors 2
Atlantic City HKli Sophs 10. rreahmaii, 3
bt lllla'a 43 bt l.'dward's 20
t Illlu 8 Jil 42. Ht Udnarila 2d, 7
Cutaaauqui llllfll 40. llaziolon High, ,IJ
t atauiiniuu IllBh, 2d III, Majftli m
J'aiilD 11(11 2J. inionl", of llnrrlsburif 27.
Licaport JO. All-l ollii,ians 18
btarr ljhnlii loo All-.slarB 41)
hum-nlt 1 1 til ,1il I 11 llrlll Jo
J O HUH .'.l J-, Hununll IIUI. Sd 21
Bouthwiirk hiaool 10 Drexol Ichool. I
III Tnull f.i nrwi tnnen, Mo IIish (Vnininii bant
-- -- Hi" - 1-III4MS.J atltllltK-l !ll'14ll MVIII
Pannkii tmc aftvr ilnpninr the rt camo
ly orib urn thi atom. l iiitr 7.1 I tu 7' V.ither
won thu fin til suinu to Ho pins with n h')H
J core tuuimlnta. at Mathtr. hnuikiM duwn
IF) IM liln Win unit i iima Itbllntu n urun tiLn
maj iruns iiuiuiu itooaierM, uiu idia i
ttrB tapturtU all threu frm ivoplo's, tho
nnal by fit lit nit i v 1th a 710 st-ur Autliu
Won Io from 'lravtlin
L'amptHfU of Sh.inahan rot U.'rt In his fcand
fme MunPiini ut Inarnatiuu, l,tio.Unl Uawti
Ofj in iiiB k. on 1 i, in e
ft J lltiruhon, of st nilzabeth'u rullej bcutoh
Bcf '2H IQU u Pi -J. and 1 Mr Ma lion trut 1UU
i me inru am wneu t iiziuaui a toiaipq
cla. thu bent Luro ot thu nltht by uui ut ttio
fil-ht teainu ,
St Pettr Uranidtk Assuclutlon club tourney
IV. 111.... . II . .. I tAj i'mnl.J ...lit.
t b thrL. nuii, a H r.-. of NuiiU tl o tall
ider Btt a thrtt suniu nurk ugalnFt C'omus.
tai.iiK tnj hiiwiio Murca ot 'Jul. Jli nnd -3.i
CnfilrF Km. I.. .. ... t .- f hu niirlm ulrli I tin
! itiauu ii bi--i ii vi i me .,- ...
fader ana tnine Hlthln a pin ot iquallaic the
asut reiurd l.noiltlnu dawn Ui- vlni In It)
put came aided bj a Jl-pln hsndlcap ul
luwani It alto uon thrro guinea Croia Cumu
fl.huah rnll.il tna In lila fim! irntnA Uflth Ht
Peter'n U Welfeln eot u -'33 siure in thu
toira Kami
KmBMmMHMmBmmfTllmBmMmMmmflMlf BlIUII WliWiti n li m'iiiiWllliiiMsgffn.e'flgss'1 iilillWiilsl m , i ifcH.nit FsTTil.nri nmn -v , mwaii i "- , -w , in. m m ny mniim imum . ,.i. ij-iiBi.iai.iCitiMftTliriTTfiiTltiirii-Tfff-i - V" ' "" '"LJLT-!!lILzr. is-c ii tin TtnnMi i-Tftaif -inmiiiM iiiiitiii-tj.ii.ua.aM.-,BwisMiiiiiiiiii i
Church Granted License
to Stage Boxing Bouts
MIINELANDER, Wit., Jan :t.
TUIE State Boinri Commission ltna
x authorized Khinelnndcr to have a
boxing club in a church. The license,
will be itsuetl to the Kcv. R. Vetlr;e,
one time n clover welterweight. The
pat son already has organized n box
ing class among his Sunday school
"Iloxiiu: is not wrong in itself,"
Rev. Mr. Wedge said. "Tho art of
fighting with mitts is n good thing
for ntiu lint M
Last Barrier to Holding of
American Classic on Pitts
burgh Links, Players Think
l.at opposition, olllolala VioIlec, was rt
inoed todT to the holding of the nmatenr
golf championship of the I'nlted Slates nf
Uthniont. ne.ir I'lttRbiirgh this eoi when It
wan iinnotinccd that western delegates to
the annual meeting fnorod the Smolu t'lty
course Tim tournev vai held at Merlon
last seson and was duo In tho West for
With the westerners fnorlng the holding
of the cluinplonship In the fnr end of the
State, It Is n certaihU. golfeis feel, thut the
ucut will bo nwurikd lo (Jaltmont There
will be no opposition among Easterner, for
tho Units nro naturally mnru a.esslble than
a coutse would be In Chicago or nun hap
In tho shadow of the llocUles Addfd lo
popular faoi la tho fact tint the commit
tees nt tlalimont ate hut In pursuit of the
championship and nro ilutermtned to get It
This goes a long mil with the oieiutiW
committee of tho I'nltul Stntif Oolf A.so
clntion which nwuids the Aini'ilcau golf
clnsiilcs sitae gnat fnor N shown those
clubs which nnlto n sttong bid for ailnus
ecnts The Unkmnut t'luli Is spending
more than $20 000 on thu reconstruction of
about a do7cn nf Its holes anil hopn lo
lime one of the cnunlrj s finest 1 1 I - ti
ne'il Stptemliti, when the national will be
Ik 111
1 loward I'errln solo nominee fur nest
piesldent of tho f K tl A, Ih ei much
In faor of uikmout
It la a betutlful course," ho said re
centlv, "and would miiKe an elegant setting
for tho natlonnl I am quite pleased tint
tborc Is mh a Keen desire among golfers
to luue the net i liamp'onslilp tin re "
Vlituill'. thu onh opposition to tho hold
ing of the nnialem at U.il.mont has been
the fact that It was held In tho !:.wt last
j ear and that the two other American
classics, the open and the womui's cham
pionships, hau also hem Bet for I'ennjl
anlii courses by thoso authorls-id to do tho
solectlng foi the I S il A
A (ommlttce of women golftra choso
Shawnee, -it the WaKr fiap and tbe l'ro
fesslonal Oolfers- Asaoclntlon of the I'nlted
States choso Whltcmarsh In this clt. for
tho optn If Whltcmarsh mahes a de
termined bid for the open, It Is llUoly that
all three will be held In I'eniiMluiiila In tho
"omlng season as earl predlited In this
All Players Strictly Observe
Rules of Organization Big
Meets Scheduled
Bowllns was neer moio prosporoin
than It was labt ear. several new alleys
lmlns been built since list sprliifr, while
thcro aro still more bowlers now than thero
nro accommodations for them Itecorda are
not running as hlsh now as In former vears,
due to a shortnee In tho l.Jnd of tenpins that
were available when the samo was much
The Ffnmo still continues as ouo or the bst
organized sports In the country. Its niles
bclns utrlttly observed b all of the play
ers, who .ire absolutely free from nny com-
pulsion In follow Ins the rules of tho sport
The national tournament at Toledo last
March saw more than 530,000 distributed In
prizes, and tho comliiK meet at Grand Itnp
lds Is expected to exceed that marU bj a
wtdo martrln
J.a Sell"' tulli!e ts. Mcnonth tlllllary Vi.nl
eiii. at tlciioiinh, N. . , ., ., ... ,
boutltrton HIrIi helioot ts. Hutlioro llklt
blliuol. lit llntbora tcteniiiE).
AlilliBton Hlcli "iliool ti. Alumni (nenlnit),
Williams to Lead I and M. Klctcn
l.AM'ASrillt. I'll Jan 3 1 Y Williams
of Htruudribtiit tinM bt-in elected cautuln ot
the rranUlln uiul Murulult football teum for
Melrose won the second mime from Liberty
Hell In It" series last night rioua and Crescent
won all thne vainu front Krsatoni uml rinn
s)ttauU Hullrujil mutatis, und ltudd Miiuufuttur
Inff teum mode a mveep of Hu kuintrn with
JitrilnlotMi ,
J Ouet, of Liberty IlH, t'"t a S.'l
In hU ttrst same
Troettn ranclmtod tvlllj 1!IU for Jtelrouc, total
liiK UO'i plan
Illihnrdsoo. of JenUntown. rolled siorts of
l7, '.'."1 and VO.'
Pmeillut of Crescent, runtrlbuted dlS, getltns
SHI In his third rani
Ittlley, anchor for Crescent totaled fi'JO,
turlhiK with Sld In his first innteat
Martin, of M 8 White rolled SlI In his third
catno atrnlnst Wampole
The rssults of the Imi,-'1.i anna wr" Kert
era'M tha liiader, won two from bmith. Kilns
t french Conip.tn team Philadelphia Whola
sals I)ru I'ompani tvon thre from llu'fordi
h B White Company tvon two from Wam
pole Company The Chemical tu IMimurt Com
pany verfe was postponed
Storck of Wholesulti Uruir eat SH In his
first came Muntclth, of Wampole, cracked out
tU In his second name Chapel, of mith, Kline
It French, totaled V0S In his second same
OH PCTE DBAP- - N ' NOW (I N TTTT - Eft- Et N v v -E-R-XmhS TMe?EyrJOWN0U
samp ( H n trf
Bob Simpson's Performances
in Hurdles Biggest Fea
ture of the Season
Athletic record? nro nut Jl In a 1'osl
tlon to wllhtand tho constant attacks belne
mode on thent Main of the Rood Judge nf
athletics hno iitiniiuliced that certain rec.
ord were safe, but tbes (OlillntiP to be
broken just the same Tho tulle Record of
Tommy r'omieff stood for tnsny enr. but
It finally fell berote the attack or .lohn t'oul
Jones tho wonderful nthleto of t'oinell
It has been thu same durlnK the season
of mifi; now recurds have been created,
and JudRliiii fiom the performances of some
or lite men more will follow during lilt
Two of tho create?! pirfnrmanco Wiie
Hiosp of Hobeil Simpson, tho remarhithle
biirdler fiom tho t nlverattv of Missouri,
nnd Ted Meredith HlmpKon not only tied
anil brolte records, hut he repeated the or
forninnces soerul times during tho summer
nnd then continued his wonderful Worlt
when h went to Sweden to compete against
the fornlcnci a with the American leniu of
Ills 120-.ard hurdles In fourteen and
Ihree-flfth seconds was a temnrk.iblo feat,
and pulrt tho tnarlt set b Alvln Krnen8
leln some euls iibo In the shade With
out a doubt, Simpson Is the most wonderful
hurdler ever seen In at tlon in this or any
other lountrv Pied Miuniv and Fred
Kelk.v w'io ureal but Simpson Is isteuter.
Tod's IV.it Woiitlerful
Tho tutinlni? of tho half mllo by Ted
Meredith In one mlnuto llftv-two and ono
tlfth setonds was a wonderful feat, nnd set
a new world's record lie also ran the 140
ards aiounil u turn In fort seven and two
fifth seionds width Is loiistiU'rtd belter
than Mnev Long s time of fllt-sevet
and four-firths for tho same distaiue with
two turns
IllSlta Diamond, tho negro i miner of
l.vansti.n ill, hi also credited with miltliifr
tho 140 In 4 2-B. but It has not been
pissed on ns et lairl Thompson of I'all
rortiin la another liurdlcr of creat iiromlse
Ailln Min'l.s, the Wisuonsln I nlieisltv
strong bo Is In a ilaws b himself when
It comes to pIi:IiIh and iIIsciih Tho big
fellow s Fined able to luuaU u leconl most
mi old linn.
Good AValUiuir JlarKs
tleorgo (iouldlntr, the Canadian wnllcci,
has It nil his own wav in that Hue and
Lout tunes to set now tnurlts lor ftltuiu
Krcnts to shoot at Howard Utew, the
wondeiful negro splinter, broliu the record
for ninety jnrds, but had to retliw becutao
of Illness 1 lo m.iv I till again, but theto
Is i doiilil about It
Andv Ward of Chicago Is another re
markable athleto and won the national
championship for the 100 ards John ,1
I'lUr of iw Vork Is a gieut indoor litinl
ler and Tom ,1 llnlpln, of lloaton. must be
considerd with the lust for I HI Minis
I V Wlndnnelo, of Coinell st a mark
of 4 15 foi tho mile tho last srason The
trip of tho "Vankoo team to Sweden was u
hig ent In athletics, and while the Ameri
cans did not win it majorltv of the exeats,
the set recoids and in tdo a most fiisoi ible
Impusaluu on the people of tint country,
which Insuies a leturn tilp bv the Swedes
and Norwegians later on
I'at ItMiu, of .New York continues lis tho
best hauiinei tluower, uphultig tho fa
mous John Klannngan
Quakers on Way Homo From Coast.
Coach Fohvell Remains
in Frisco
SA.V KriANCI.Hr'O. .Inn 3 "laid" Wrny.
r tin's lenter, recelted word fiom the fie
ultv of the I'nlterslty that he was ellgiblo
to play another jcor of football for the
Hod und Uluo If ho decided lu leturn to
college. Tho i buncos aro that W'ray will
Tho I'cnn men utrlted here frum Pasa
dena tosterdat on tlmlr tint home und ttero
the guests of Harrj Itraddoik, end of tho
1901 teim nt a dinner nt tho oltniplo flub
Tho platers started Host todti.t, but
Conch Folwell did not aieompant tho men
Ho will rein tin In tho West for a few data
to try somo shooting with "Andv" Smith
and does not oxpeot to naWi 1'hiludelphla
until Jnmuiry IS
Funetal of William H. .lolinson Will
Be Hold Tomortow
Tuneral sort Ices will bo held tomorrow
afternoon at - o'clock for William II John
son eighty-two jenrn old, tho llrst i-hlif of
Phlladelphlau paid flro department, who
dlid last Jlondnt from pneumonia at hia
home, 2353 North Nineteenth street In
terment will be In Westminster t'emetert
Mr Johnson was born in I'lillndelphU
and ttas In the Internal rovenuu settito at
the time of tho Civil War. Ho was a mem
ber of tho old Good Will Hugine Company,
at Juniper and luce sttects
lie orginlztd the citv Tiro Ilepartment
and became its llrst ihluf Ho held that
post until 1831), when be lu&lgned and or
ganized and put Into service thu I'oimsvl
vanlu Itnilroad tiro department cast of
IMttsbutgh '
Mr. Johnson ttas also piomlnent lu Ma
sonic circles, being a Hcottish Itlto Mu.-.di
past master of soviral orders, a member of
the Veteran Masons and a haitr member
of the iletiv Slirlno Ho was ulao u mem
ber of many other lodges and ursanlz.itlons.
Including tho Keystone Fire Chiefs" Asso
ciation of Pennsylvania, tha Veteran Fire
men, Mary Commniidery, No. 3G, IC T.
lie bore tho marlts of many injuries re
ceived while fighting II res During the tug
ttigiir-liouso tiro at h'eeond nnd Arch ttits
at the time of tho CenUnnlnl Imposition, he
suffered severe Injuries, and also ut tin.
blaze which cpusumed th .l.inu Hospital
at Third and Chestnut stnet lie ttan budl
Mr Johnson's death occurred exactly one
jear after that of his wife, who, pastnl
attay just after they had telebraied their
sixtieth wedding anniversary
Dr. A. I.ottis Ilakin
Pr A l.ouis I tktn rn! -sefn vnars
old who had been an Invalid for some
eftrs fiOm the after fYort4 nf n wmitid
( he suffered In the f'IMl War, died yes
terdaj nt IMS South Porty-Mghth stieet
where lit) am Mrs P,alln were spending
the winter Their home was at 4SI2 spring
field avenue
Horn Irt tho old hoo that was built at
Thirtv-elghlh nnd Chestnut streets In 1S10
bv Chandler Price, Dm tor llakln was ft
son of Colonel Constant M tliikln, who
helped to organise the defeiife of Phila
delphia In tho CIU1 War mid UllMlntli
chandler t'rlcp He was a grmluate ot the
medical ilepartment r tho Pnhrrsltv of
Pennslvnnlti ami served In the I nlted
states Medical Corps In the Clll War
Wtr the nr he prnttlcid medlclnn hete,
and ma i th tl Mrs, TcUs, who wan Mis
Matgiret Wrav, nf Philadelphls tlisldcs
his widow he is sunlud b) a liiothti, II
I' link I n
Hoiior Makln va a member or the
Pn"ted Ser.he rittU ntld of Ht Mms
Ppifcniml Church His fntieral wld be
held touintrotv nftenioon at OlS Woiith
Ports-eighth stfeet tthtl he will be hurled
In his family plot In Woodlands Ceinetei
II. I.tieku I.oiris
II Locke Lewis, tnwver and Journalist,
died jpsterthtv In the Hush llofpttnl, this
cltv Mr. lewis was well known lu the
newspaper ft,.ld or the nmtdn, hating
worked In arlous cntmcltiei on alt the big
newspapers here an well ns In Dublin, Lon
don and Canada Horn In Ireland he was
educated at the t'nUcmlty of Dublin und
was an excellent linguist, tuning mnslcttd
six language After coining to this outi
trv .Mr Lowlg studied luw, nnd wus nd
mitlid to the llllnolH State Itar. In later
ciiiK Mr Lewis workrd hi this clH on
Mtrlous weekly Juurnuls and periodic lis
The funetul will take ili o fiom the OIlMr
tlulr istabllshinuit Saiuidn morning
F)cnN A. tlsijes
Denis A Hates nft soon teals old, one
of tho most widely l.iiown labor lenders In
America, died testenlij from pnniuioiilil
at the Wlndsot Hotel, ttheiu he had llteil
for a number of yens lie was inealdnit
of the (llnss notlle llloweis' Assixlotlon of
the I'nliid S'ates and Canada a pusltton he
hid held for twentv tens, and also Was
third tlee president of the America u Pid
eiation of Labor
Whin the .National Clle Asaoclntlon wna
organised ome tears ago with Seth Low
as Its uifsldint, Jtr lltjes was made a
immbei as a leiresentatlte of labor Inlet,
ests He also was a member of the Amu I
can Ai.nlfim of Sml.tl nml Polltlial Hu
ence He was a bacliel-ir nnd pending the
funeral atiangenunts his bodt was taken to
the undertaking establishment of Uhter II
'lliiiiiuts F. Midillolon
Thomas I' Mlddleton, u litmd farmc,
died at Ills home. 3d 10 North llioad stieet,
.testerdav morning Mr Mlddleton, win
was a member of the Koclett of Friends
ttas educated at tho U'esttottn Hoarding
School lie wns nlnet-two years old Ilj
Is suitlved by his widow, who was Miss
Cornelia M Wldtuev, of I'hl'idelphi i
Ciinernl sfrtlces will bo coudiit'ttd at his
homo bv the Itev Forest II V iger on Fti
dav afternoon at 1! o eloolc.
William A. (Jiiillit'r
William A. (llnther sevontj-nlno veais
old a Civil War teterati, died yuslerduv at
his home, 2008 Noith hlxteeiith street, after
a short lllmss He was a member of Pst
No 2 n A It. and served with the Flftt
ninth ItegliiHiit I'ennst Itnnia Volunteers
Mr l! hither hnd been employed as a timu
ltoiper In the eleelihal departmint of the
Philadelphli Itapld Transit Compnnv The
funti.il will bo held Satin dav
ficoigo II. Miller
SAI.KM. N .1, Jun 3 Gootge H Miller,
serietaiv of the Sulem Hoard of Fdiiiiition,
died suddonlv tit Ids homo In this cltv
Ho hud hem 111 for seter.1l vears, but
wns nbln to attend to his business ns pro
prietor of a llie-and-ten-cent store mil II
Snturdav night For manv M-ars the d
ceased was employed by tho Salem Na
tional Itaiililng Company
AUCHUUI.n -Um. 31. DAVIT). liusLauil of
Lucy Archil iUI Hi Intlvei unit frl nd-i initefi
to funtTiiI 'Itiurn Up in, JSl'U llflmout n
litt U't t I.iur"! I I'll ( -in
liKCK Pirst-day. Tneirth Muntli. lint, iM
N I .a kit u I'MKailnni) it I , HAItAll It
HAKUIt mc llittlulph) ltto of Pnimiel U.iUer,
an U (Pi lu Hnilm of funeral HI lo irfvtn
IIAIiU SuilOcnly Jun 1. UAUVRTT. hua
Inn it oT SulHtt J.rhnian Jtilk nKU All It i i
tivi'S itnU frit tuts i.iimhi ra IJrlth HhuhMU Nu
.1 ions iHlilur yiraiis I.oUt'. No -JIM.
I o W , ImlU'il to fuii'Tiil Thum , 'J v m .
at-'7 N l'urk u int Mont (inru tvni Auto
liAUHinT Jan. 2. HANNAH (nro Maim)
-widow nf Ilt'iirj llrrt( (it it H fu lurhi a
nMl frlttni invitcii to lumrui, hun - ji m .
rcstikm o of ton tieor? V Hirntt ( nt nu.l
nmtiiK at Int Mt f rnou I'tni ltt-inaln-i
may U luw.d ut 8 to lw p tn
HATCH Ian 1 AM.OPIAtl Ban of frank
and M&rx Uit-ew kkpiI ID Holutlu and friend t
tnvltod to funi rM I ritura . n a in. pureiita'
rpi.inee lOls Hwuln Nt Jliqu'em masn (Iran
Churrb 1015 u m Int New i'utULdral Cem,
HULL Jan a MAItV C. ttlfo of JatntH
Iltill. JlitutHeH and frlnndH Anna if Ito-i
Auxiliary of Camp Nu 1 H of V Llftit 13 W
Uroy tlrih. No -.3 L idles of lh ti A H ,
QarllaM Lodifo Nu ID M uf 11 . und all other
Judsea of vtdch aliu watt a memut-i Invltud to
funural, frt 1 V tn nsldstnctt of ttuu. nd
ward J Johnson. 1707 N 4th at Int Hl!Ixtd
dm. U trulley mr. Itunuin uia 1m tuu,a
HftiT 7 i m Ibum
HINi:s Jm 1. ANNCITA It wife of AVil
Ham 1 fllnm and d lUKhtrr of Uto Albert J
und Attneitu it Lnsl ItulatlMH nnd rrlieiidJ
ttultud to furii rat faLrUK Ittu-K, J i tn
CJu Haverfttrd an1 tt riiiludcluniu Int
yrlut NortUwoud '' m
IfOWCH Jun 1. XlULIA tUushtur of Ids
Mttlmw nnd Aim v Howtia Uulattvus and
frlunda ImtUd to finurul Irl . N40 n m .
from jiarlurM of O f Olvnov. SJli i: rum
Liprluiid tn Hilcmn reautun maw: Jluty Njmo
churth id a m Int at. Anno a Ccni
IMiVs'K auddiMib . Jan 1 1A ntlCU J non
uf Wl'ti it i und Annlu Uivi" uud ," Jttlaiivtw
und t iiud. Htudntitd lit Kill lt. s imlttd
tj fuu-rul, lurenta' rttiidttii JJ Mrtnafd lam
I'lsfnut 11111, 'Ilium h id u tn Solfiau
r".piluin musH Holy iVoaa ChurtJi, Mt Alr H;
it m (nt Holy ifenuuhT iVm
htVU Jan 1 J OS K I'll husband ut Anna
Uojd ltolutltH und frlettdi Hundv How L
u L . Nu lo. I'rinrtj of Ornnsa Ulutrtd L,
O L No 1 Court Ann? lift No. 57 f of A ,
Hiid Xtonmit'it IVUowwhtn Jun in-U d t
urn ml L'tllU Jlifllln tit IV1 ! p m Int Mt
Wrluh m Hudy mu tu Uewwd Tlmrs v
Aut r.rU
1 UII.KY lun 1 IiWIt L liiMbinii cf
Ka'U brudl i uii iit, i; ii in) Hid non ut litu
J ili und Mran't Urad'f ot Uoa, Urupiin
titwn County 1) rry InUn 1 ttwlutivm und
fiu ..da lih No. 7. A O H Invited iu funeral
frl 8 Su u tn l!a"J Slaniuii at 8-jt-amn hdh
tnaia of rsHiuU-m. St CtiurLn Uurruuito OnurtJi
lu ,i m Int Holy Crava; t m
HIMIU in -In 1'tiilu Vi Jun 1 JWIKS
h slant of lltiin It radii v for iriy of lUicwiii
itli i'a itUti-tcu und frl imJm altfo all w
.ti - uf lih h lu v.ur a tn iii'u r Itividd h
fin r.l li h tn 3TWI N llln fct IUi
renulem mii nt Stf Sterhen's thnrihti a m
Int nt St tlsrv a i rhoenlttlll Pi
pnMi ti, si on U 22d t r vim
tl' Mltvi" It. intdes flivl friends ("nth Irnl
I t i -"iInU I i dies 1 V 1 hocinv
I " i n . r tl " s, ret II, trt Alt ir 1 is r i
tblt. lnlt 1 lo tun rat I rl SKI n in. fu
nrml iuwntnni nf v J Keynobli ts.'l Sprln
U1M1H sf 1 1 1 t Ii mnes at the slhedrnl lo n
rn Tvt I'nthedrnl i ,m
nill'KI.T VJnn t AMANDA widow nf
Simon Hreikh-y Itelitlvrs nnd frind milled
to funeral scribes Thnrs . lion in reiden n
of son t'hnrlis Hie itu, 1811 VV Somi-rs. t t
Int NorthnooJ . m
. i.ttuwfit tan s, At.i.vv nitnwnrt if it
.V I'lh i au'd on Itohitltis nnd frlen Is n
Mtetl to ft ill, is 1 1 iiri lip in . till".' r It ii u
llutlilliiB Is.'o riintmit t Int nrltnte
imoV'V-At Mnn(, shad' N ,t . Kir 11
VlAltV t HhtiVVV H""lntlve nml frletirts In
t Iteil lo fun, ral Tluirs . J i ni . Uakinnd and
Park atn MopIh Shnde Int rnleufnn-n tm
, lilt I Klltt Dec. St , lOfll husband of
Aunusn tirutli r inee tlnilhon. ,ned nt fteln.
tlves nnd frl.nds Intitexl in funeral. Thtirs ,
1 8n a in. If2j VMmroiiacklnx t Hluli mtoa
St I'oini. niiiiu n ilniuli 0 n m Int Unit
aeptil, tint r, m
I'VUttV-tif epblemli' rereliro nplnnl menin
Ills her ai MAItlt, ilnushltr of John slid
Mnrv CBbrj X fiim-rnl
I'lii'lttts.V tan 1. Kf.t!! vmiTir. wire of
toinfj It i net nn llel,iti,. frli nds lit
titi-d to fiinnni sat, nt S W n, in JJW
vVhiirton at , Ittnulem ran nt St, I'iisntwih
Pi; itmreh IBth nn.l Jllfnin t, In o m
int nt Mr Morinh rem
I til I: linn on UaaiiI Vl-rtl. I'tlttA
M t iilb, widow of John C. CoU Esq tl
rro N r nml dinurnti r of taw In 'lliomnn
r Hmllc. i f philmlelrhtii
, I ONSOLI.V Jnii I MAftV a widow of
Tone. Connolly lletnllvin mil ri lends II V
Hndilltt Ssir-d Henri nml Altnr dm letlen or
Jlsltntlon i-lnirih I .miles' Aiitlliai .. .So.
Knhthtn nf ,t lohn, lnlto.l to f ml Trl
S 30 n m . "iiM'l llmernlil at sioh-niii r,iulrm
mans t'hinh of Msllnlloll III a. Ill Itil Bt
Ann's c m
itiNlttiV -inn it. Ml" IHM, liimlmtul of
Jfllliitt i u iltot into Vtnidi nnd son of ln(.
I'nirlM nnd Attn .1 uiiliot ot MniiiP, t oiintt
Lelirlm inlititl It. IntU.s nnd trlftittii Phtlii.
lltltf,. 1 11 II II Nn ,M. l.nrtuli.. ,,r H K ti i
lbnltof 141 Thonlun A.iutnss's riiuri It ind Ion
tiiiuclit t,n"n IV nml II Hoibtv n Ml t, llrlii!
t of 141 ThoniM Aiiutnss's riiun h ind Ion
lit Mill's IV nml II Hoihtv nnd l.llrlin
s P nnd 13 Sis ett. Imltnl In funeral
S 10 h in, ISJtl H tilth st. HiiUiiiii hluh
i of tu tilom Ht IMniond n t lntnh to n m
i ll n r ii
.int , a in h
IllltHH ,lf (. ,
nt. Hol i rois fm
hoi i ross I'etn
n !'!, .tun. 1 I ntl!i.VttJA. iliuiitor
if 1 lie It lirv tl-lll Kllmillotll 11 Olllitlss Itrla
tltis n id frloiiils United to fin ornl sennit
I hnrs II n ni 'twill t nnt islet ati VVione
!- 1 Co 1m Inl prlvnii.
i CNKo r an htKimnicK a rpsjnn
aiteit tfj, non of late Atlfrustus Cuneo nnd Clnrn
I! flnnrt (non Cuneo) Helntltes nmt friends
i inployea of Comptroller's tJept of 1 J. I .
Newmiin iBtholl" Cliib Itnlteil to fiinernl, resl
dsticn of parents Mr nnd Mrs Huui rt ltenr
1012 H 211th t , 1'hurn R 10 a ni Ho'iiiin
hiith rvnulim iiiiiss tt rjtnniid s Chtirrh 2a,t
nnd .MIlTltn sts 10 n tu Int New Cnthdral
TAtt V -Ian 1 HHIDfinP t ut 1 it.'
Uml I ImIU It tV md fi.nmH tn(f -1 tu
fniit ril 'ihm- 7 .HI a m , ilafnw of .'Ih luil
ilul In Ml I Vrslilwrlinrl Ht Pftlfinn rr
mil tn iiw-m t Mirth of Aii union ! n in tut
New C-irhPdrW tin Auto fuiTut
HANtfLH -lHtt I. MAUV A widow of W !
Il-im IMine'H (tni Man A turl) fmmrrh of
Hlinnnndonh. 1'n tttlatlxm nnd TrUmN linitrd
t fumrtit frl 7 JO n in H7 U fonl
r lllah niiM St MuhMh-t m Clturtli 0 a fit
Int Huh Cpow. t m Anto norilrn
1)W UOI t HurfdeiiU. lull 1 OSWALD
1 1I", lUit'SI. ltIitlvti und friMiidn Indt'd
itprvlitit 'littia .1 lj in li" W Hortttr nt
Ui nmintuvtn hit piint
nuMM: Tun a 1:1 rttnTH. nue of
Inlnt P tlio and il itiKbtnr uf I1'' )atrh H an 1
Mrldtfpt McVani" of Count Fyron Irclind
FMitlMii nnd f"h ndi linlt-il tt- fmiprni. t
SSH a tn l'"H I! Mjiiinouth t HrtVnm
r- tnilfMit tiiiin Chun Ii of tint NutlU lu u in
lut N'tw ntbmlril fim
HTNAN - Di 31 JOANNW widow of Daniel
T IMnan UululLtH tttat lrtnd tnttUd to fu
imrat J hum St I-H) a tn 'iH. l.llnuorth nt
Holtmn hlsli minn uf ifMiuItin Ht Curtlu.t.f m
Chun h 10 it in Int Old Cuthidrul (Vn Omit
flitwt rn
IIUSXIH i: r I ill 1. MAUV (I. wlfn of tnt
T.HMdi lunnliip iihd IU ItodntlfH und frli mis
liultrd to funnrul frl S '(0 n tn , isll N,.
tiotiul ft laroij, niiiu m hi nit muii st
I H h hurt h ID a ni hit ht Domlnh n t m
ihi.n'ai ii-ox Die. ni MAiuiAmrr. widow
of Itotu rt DunuldMon tmed Hi H'litUcn and
rrtemlH inxitid lu iittpnU funeral riium . 7 Jn
a nt. 1 1 II Trlnmi nn Cirnd ti N J
Holrnm blh mnn Churrit if th imtr. uulatu
iotiit.pt Inn 'i a tn Int ulxary Cetn
ijunu ' Jun n. i iaii u jtriMi
A'AV lau of 1 ri Nml Itotnc. I".l!n It. la
HiiH unJ frli'nJji iiirfiiili ri if thi IIo uno
foilitv, Confn m or st Vincent Ut I'mil h
and itlipr rnmltl nf uhlLh he v ih a iiunibir.
Invited to funeril rtiiira , H a m iarlut of
J T Whltn Ln ?'" fltxnntHr nt lllftli
tun n of rtiiiitMii t in I hum a tun h U lu
a nt Int llol Ciokh t fin
DUlMIILftir Inn 1 JOHN M. luiMi md of
Mur ntniKht?ri, aTfd 7 IMatiWH and
trbmU Huh mn Him if t. of Ctiunli uf ihu
ImmiMi'iin Coiirt-ptioii. KniBhtM of t olumhtii
No Hi of Cuimltti Intitid to fun-ril Inurx
7 'ID a tu Holly i MH'I .shudf N 1 I Midi
tn inn at hviri li uf Our r adj of Hood i outiw 1.
Mooii8iowi, N .T . 1) it nt Int CuUur t tn
DOUiSI ASS UrooHl'-.n N V Hi 0,
1 l' V dauuht'r of lut llt'oritf t nd Cithirltu
DoujtImrh Ituo notice of turn ml l npiit.ir In
Thuridu, n puptin tlld'tut of hm r Mm
' I Lurktn. tl-'l AV UiiHtrt ui U'.th and
'iorlt nts )
DOYM3 Inn 1 ANVIH POYLH. dauRhtcr
of the Ut lluuh and t i( -lin Va lttitivtrt
nnd friend tmlud to funtrnl frl s iu a ni ,
fJU N --d t Snlmu IiIhIi tmix of ruiulem
St 1'runriaH Chun h in u in tnt Hob - rotn
fmnral mirvlLki. Thurs . 1! p m . PIS H
LaFcINH HA UAH A. Uautfhti r of tin lulu
Jatmn und i:ilin Caklrm U !;itl-H nml til iH
Invitid to futiprol KirtlinH. I rl. J p in. 1J7
wr,;i?v"i-7n,!;, l,rtKi.reiuiSni i ku:t
(r.. .ulnl nltu of Udvrunl llpkli Jlolitlvii
u ml frtnnila II V M HoJalliy uml .4.u rul
Hiiiirt tiuiUUt of tlio intnu(,ututi Cijnr. pilun
riiunh Invlti'il to runcrnl. lrl , H Jll n in .
huNbiuurs rcsldeiiLP. OoM S trail si Iniar Kriink
furil uvc uiul Allen) Itlsh muss uf requit in
Inunucutatii t'liiuuitluu t Uuri.ti lu u ni Int
Ituly ( ross i i in
l.l'M-'ltl Die St. WILLIAM I. IllisUlinil of
rullil.ili.it ni!il Mi UnliitHiM uml frl. n Is In
lrd to funsriil Thurs J n. m .t7J7 Culumet
st Ini WiKltnliiHl i cm
nNNI'OAN Dl'C 31. JOII.M J hushnnd of
Hiissti flnncmn (ni'J IfhleUlal HnliilUis mitt
rrliinds tnttcU to fumrr.it, thurs b 3U u m.
2tn Amlwr st. Hiuulun mass t'hurrh of lioly
Nairn 111 u in Jut Mt Dunilnl- s 1M11
llll'lll Him' .111 W1I.IAI A, hmbinil of
JtnrU il Ilrth (nip I'llwsirUsi Holiilvii uml
Trl nils Wlnlllln Hiott 1'ost N" IH II A It.
mttl ttmiiluyirt nf 1' A ill iPk X. Sons tn.lticl tu
fun. ril crrii.tH Miit at il lu p in lu.ll V
Iiiiiluna a tot al Mt l iuu L, m Uody
ina b.i lpwi.l trl nftr 1 p in
ri i.pv run k lun. i mmiv n riTX-
PATKIiiv It' lutlVLa unu fin nts litvltuij t
fmaral I'rl H JO u m, noil's ti.sUIpiii.p. 2121
Welsh rO , HoliiM'Stiiiru ItuquUm lilun mnsa
Ht Dammic a t nurtn in o in im ai ijoiu
lnti"'s im.
Tl YNN Tan 2 PATIHCK. l.usbina of
Jirtilirt-t 1 htin unil non of latp James jmt Ann
1'lMin tlulutUis ami frlfiirts InvitiU to fmit'iiit,
I'rt . S-1U a in, ISJ'i TncliaviiniM st , Krank
fuitl llpqulpm htEh miss Ht. Jimchlm a fhunli
ill ii ni tnt Ft. IiomlnU s w m
OVl.l AOIIlltt Jan JOHN If Imslninl
of ICittmn OulliBliir rtiluiUm unit frlnn.ls
lmltod to funeral Mon ti I'll a in ll"! V
auili st Solemn rfimlom mass hi Asutti.i'u
ClinrihlOa in Int r ithralml funi
widow of Jul n O.lllPn ui.nl 8 I'rli rids Invited
to riinpral Krl 7 30 a m. 101U Whurton st
ltpqtili m miss St Ctmrtus's Church l u ni
lut ('iit'iedriil Opm
il.VMhl' Der !lt. PUTCH H C1AMST Med
r, J ltnlatlvus and frtendu ln)iHd to funerul
pel vlr a 'lillirs. ; li in risidvlico of I'ster
i lirlfltonsaii IIJU N Marshall st tnt foi nsonil
i'pui Krlenila nw rail Wd , 7 tu lu u in.
Autu funeral
ter of late omnut-l and t'utharln. Hdwards
IMallM'3 and frliii.W luttnd to fun, ral Thurs ,
ha m . 1UJ0 l'urrlsli st IIIkIi mass Church of
Upsii u in a. m Int iuthilr' l'uii
All 1,1't Jan S. CUiSAIIirrit widow of tho
lata frank QUKn inen Oarrv) Itetatlvpu and
frl mis InUtml to fuiiaril, l'rl H lu u m :il J
K'ubld t Motomii rraulpm mass St UKUstinu a
t'lit.r li tn a in Int IIolv Cruss IVin
r.INrtlljn Jan S WIU.IAM A hunlmii.J
if I.lllli A inpe Hulllvun) Itelalltps und
frlunda I'ust N'n ", (1 A It Stun IVnni Itnut
Vol , smploips Uleitrlcat Dtjt of I It T, I5tl,
und Huntingdon sts Imitid to funeral, Sat ,
I llln ru , '."tins N 10th t Int iirl,itp
ilonillB Dei It. nt'OR.N'rj M . husband of
Anna Ellrabeth Cloedtu int-o i'atonl Jttlutlv3
unit frUndJ. ulsu i'ostofflia 1'rotit.tlvu Assu .
ii nd ICe'on Ilium h N'o J57. N A I. C In.
ltd lo snrvlcis Yburs S V in , 331(1 Wallaie
st Int fVrnwood t'liu lrlenda may call
Wi d 7 to u in
l.UilUl.hV Jm 2 JAVrrt t!(UUU.i:Y tr
husband uf late bllul.lli Jornilia IteUtHfs
an 1 frit'luU, Sit.red liurt budullt) Miul L'onfur
enitf uf ht tricent dn t'jul s of liurnuculatu
i 'uiu. ..iittuii i'l)uri..i imd M Michael's T. A ll
tfo,.t. Inviud lu fitnwral Hit, b Su u m .
.IJI ll UiM.y il .Solium n-imlum muss lin
mai uiul I mil npiloii rtiun.li lu a in lut Kww
l all edr.ll I tin
liHUKVIVAl 11 tin 1 tint 1 11 t wlfa of
lirtir Urspnvuld iu 11 iKvr) lf.-laitt!ti and
friend, I.tidltt' Aid Socl"tr of Knrmel Oermnn
PresDjteriau t hurrh. Invited lo fouernl servlren
rhurs 2 p in IMrt l.direW st (lath nnd Dia
mond! Int prltnte (lermnn Lutheran lent
Kemnlns tnnv u tt wed VVd nfl r 7 p in
i.nilott Vf tl. ,r, Rto-rn M J tlan
VNMI. 11 iilltlOM ni 1 70 tl lithis nnd
riloum IntllMl l i funeral Irpiltj Church
vt.orestown Thurs . 1 to p in Int I hurch
jard livnw Jan. 1 ilivtttts lfVUAV him.
land .of Agnes Hnpiu (nee -Jiotln) nnd son of
lot? tMtrlrk and KlUahetb llamin HrlntUrn
nnd friends Intltod to funeril rhurs .10 n
m tdl i Hntl"t st Si Inmn requiem mnss
itAonei n " ouriii iu n in iiu iioij? I ross
II VtUlRItTV 'nn
,,lna no 11 Wtti n
t . HittV HAnonitTY
ml ,rrl(iulM Imttpil i
fnnroil Pnt 8 Stl n In V'i
hnvn line ami Ii
Jitfti hhn a I h.irli
t Solemn reqiinm mnss "t
10 S m IIU ist w I Hllli.iri. i ni
HAINntS 1 81, "fiAS It . itntwhl. r of
Intp .fsioli nhd Mnfltirt Itnliirs II'IiiIims ami
friends Invited in fnnpMI nnlr.il Thurs, 1
n. m , resident p of brother Alb ti It Haines,
liflil N t itm st Int !lst- Wist Laurel
lull t'etn Ilemalns mn be Vleued Wed, 8 In
'' Piahamv tun 2 iti'i nnv v. hail
MAS ol-ed Inlillhes ami fm nile milted in
Tiimrai bptii.ih en s i in . s i m a nun si
inirtln r seftliei Wmt I'hnn It. Hit. It
lfiUv--rr .11 AI.nXANtlKIt. Jf lii,9
tuiul of Mjrtrill Ifanlia and son of Aleninder
nnd Mti Itnntlit. utie.l SI It. Indies and rrli mis
members of ttlihurd Meninrlnl rresuMerlan
I'htirth einplnies nf t'lilln Aiilomolille t'luli
ntid niemliers of I
lo s. r it es Tlmrs
t.rollitr Alfml ll 1
,M I'lllhi lilt
inm it i r tu line
inohll fun rl
nt out iuiiiit i tun, luiiitt
tl p m , resident e of Ms
Isnin HR? N Dearborn r ,
Ml Mori ih I t m rrlends
s lu In t in Wed. Auto-
m liiiiitrnT it ir.itit,
1,1 V "ueil df
llAI'.Tl BY. DPP.
ttefutlw nnd friends Itlemlii ra
ui M 15, ihunli, jnilted lo funeral
Thiim . S p m i ttat I'ruse J Int.
I'Heilils lllnv mil Wed . aftee 7 n. in
. Il.lllli - lii.l.l. nl. jati j in.NI A
ll'vll Kiln I ll.l- unit frlmds nin Me re
ninlii" niher tt Palp IiuIIiIIiik 1HJ0 I hestnut
st .. "A"! 1 to 0 I) in
ItlltMWN --.tun 2 HliMf wl.luwof
(Imili li ll.rmann rntnl ii IIIiIIms nml
rrl mis Imttid to funt nil It'.' .V Mttl si I rl .
lu 'in a. in rrleiuis muv iult Thins , i to ttt
p in Int ttknwtiod I'vin,
llUY tan I, JIAitY A., wife of James II
Hui tti'lutliea and friends Turn si 11 ltliillie
roumll No 3, D of I. Int Hid to funeral
si nil rs ihiirs J P in 19 I. rishers mi,
Ulney tnt prlinto lllllsld.. I m
Ill.SKLK At tin r s'denie of her son. Man
lulbi, JC J Ian I, HAItAll rnlNi:it. widow
of rhiirles Itlnklo used ki) Hi hithas nnd
friends ImitPtt lo serlns uimrs J Hi p tn ,
tilinr It Hair tiiilldliiK Is-' i i imtnut at Int
liruati nt 1 iiurel 1(111 i'im
1 1 IN Jun 1, S'OHMAV H. son of Joseph
It ind Annie M lllnr, afitd ft IlelutlMis nnd
fil itds iiiiitt.il to funi ral Plium t p m . par
i its r sld mo 41V!,I tlldKi' in I'ulla of
H. hui null Int lloli Hi mil' her rem
1 Vt HUH Dei .tu ilAIIIIILI- A JACOllU.
p 'fe of Hi njuinlii I' Tntolis lit lathes und
frit Ids tnilltd In fun ril s rilfs Tlmrs 11
a tn, husband's result hip M7 t'plantl terrace
Mala. MontKiUilt l v l'o lut tiliatc Wist
minstee ".in
.lOlt.S'HON ls,n 1 Wlt.IIVMlI JOltNflON,
nuitl MJ ItelalUts and frl ml, l'lioiulx Loilij ,
No Itil. r and A M Mary t'onimnndurv. No
.111 1 T . I tl I.ll Temple A A O If if. ,
I'lrn IM pt Itellnf Asso und l'ollpp lleno Asso ,
ntld .ill othei soelitlis of uhlih he tiaa u mem
I. r Irtilteti to funerul Thurs J p m !:3ri3 N
Itnh st tnt WeBimlnst. r I im
JOHNSON Jan 1, ANNA K Mire nt fret!
t rli Nt Won Johnson ruin ral s rUtrs rrsldnnen
of itnti titer Mrs John 11 Mason Jil w t'lust
line uti , i hi stnut Hill Thurs tnn ti upon ai
rlwil of tiatu Ifiivlm: Uruad Ht Htutlun in II
a m tnt nriiatp
lOItDAN fan SI, AflM H ( lfe of lames
Junliin hup i'oIp) ttt Utiles nil Mentis In
Mind to funi nil. Bat H 30 u in L'li).! N
Ilamrnft Rt Solemn rt iintem lutiss Our l.n.1
of Mony I'hunli lu u m tut lloli truss
t tin
UAI.UAI'lt Jan 1 JllIIV LAWItLVl'P son
of I oulsu Ivulhnih fn i l.iti ik ltelatliis itnd
tn. lids, members of tint lliimti of the Ho)
Aposllea anil Mediator, emplous of 1'omiis
i t lulttiniili Most tmartt n lit md I i Lrietntt
i ihiiii u tiu no i j' . inviuti in rtmt ral
Thurs U p in rt si ltni e of mother ill li
lllav s ue Wist l'lilU Int Ternivoud Ceni.
ltelmilns limy bo lit wed Wed .e
Itlll.LY Jim 1. DANIIt.1. Jilisband ot
Am i II In llv Hue rihellluiil mi.. I III. II, li,
tll.S und fli.Uds ini II, tl In root ral. Thurs
li tin tt. III oi in iwiuillltoi HI
uutss I'liiirth of Asitnslim 11
i.r.ss i in Auto funeral
Ul.riLrtl'll Doi .11
'11. III. It. uiilmv of Ant, mm I,
Hoi. mil r. quit 111
ii in Im Iluly
HAitiiutA i;nr-
ii. 1 r ufceil
ItilullMS and frit lids United lu funt ral. Thurs
L p ui - 2il ruplar si It. mains miy bu
h will Med 8 lo 111 p in Im Jit ertlull
( m Alllu fllllftlut
KIl.t'Antti'i; Inn t M.MITIft dalialm r
of Julin anil latt Kllabitli Klliulrlik tii,t 1 Ji
liel.itll s and Irlimls tlililo.s of n.irle Store
Imitid to funi rat servlns Thurs 2 p m ,
rtsiden'ti of blather In law J ihn Htei-le aj.ll
Orst? itf Inl orli it. Ti rn'inud t'em
Kiil V tilddenly. .Inn 'J i'A'1 ll MllNU
uldiw of Julin Kuni li UKid Til Ui'IhIUph and
f 1 It litlil mt mbers uf Holy rumtli Uusarv anil
Altar Hot It t and H-nnd tlturt I t iiirim of Ht
I onlf ii lus'H I'hiirell liulted to funt r il Prl
7 111 a lu tl.'lll Woftrluo at Uniuitni Muss
HI tliuilfut Ins s L'hurih, ll it in Int Most Unlit
Hi d. oini r i t in
Mil VII! Huddtnli Die 31 HIirtTICA
1.Oi:M0 (me Mueller! wife, of I'ndirlih
Kui lllit iiRet 3') Itelntlles mid f rl. n Is inilttd
Co funt ril 'ihurs M p m tint N Pari: ui
Int (Sre'inmnunt Ci in 1 rl. n.l.s mas loll cd.
i to in p in.
Kt'llN-U.i- .11, i;tHVIM 8 Kt'IIN U.la
tuiH and friends, emploies of John Wann
iniikor a, invited tu funeral hat . 7 Hi a tn .
risliente of nliin Mrs Inuiis J MiOilllis
17l"i 1 riintls st Soltmn hluh reinl. m lines
t'liurih of tho Uesu U it ui Int II0I3 I'ross
LAZMtl'H Jnn 2 flt'STWr husband of
Iliise 1 iiurus itKtti 5,1 I'iiutrel servlrt s 'ihurs
II 'to u in HUH w lltrku st Int Mt Ilonu
l'. 111 rsprosa lilllu. N 1 omtt llomra
L1IIDY Jan H. ALOVSTl'S l' . husband of
thu lulu Joeuphlne A J ettb (neo Klosternmn)
ltnlathta und frlelida invited to funeral fi-rliees
Prl a n in . resldoncu of sonlu law Chnrleu
1iiivr, SOU N Orlanna at Inl Mt TrYuco
l.l'NTZ Jon 1' r.LI.A diiiBhter of lato
Dnnl I and I'ltderlcla Iulz nel-UUes and
ft lends momh rs ot Hummerfleld M IZ thure't
and tilblu ttniun of 1 il ruuctu l'rtsblert ut
riiunh Invitid lo funt rat sonlces lrl . H. 311
p lit 21!U' II Dauphin st Int pilmto West
l.aur, I Hill Cini Hut u p m Auto funeral
IliONABD-Ds III audtenlv, ANNA M
I.KnN'AIICi Im e AVhlte llurchlll). lfo or John J
Leonard nio d 47 Uelalhea und friends In
Mtid to funtral Thurs. N 3U u rn ail S
Oiilnett st tilth and Malnut) Illsh musa !t
Julius ihtirih 10 u 111 Int UM I'lthedrul
t t tn
fnrm rly ot Dublin. Inl ind. ond Iatt.r uf Nt w
Yt rk illy and lMlll tdt Iphlft rtelatlves itnd
frliuds United to fun 11 tl I'M, fi :iu a lit . Oil.
er 11 llulr Uulldliur l.n I'lioMuut ht Solinmi
retiulem misa Rt Patrick u church 10 u in
lot Iloh f'ross Jctu IVItiids may letv re
lliitlns Thurv no,
LINDSAY (nei. :orlon) tut 2 ISAUIiliT.n
j , wiuotv 01 iiinjam j itiusa. rotico uf fa
nerul later
A Ss.il urdjy Afternoon CLimh will nucn Jimuary
Clh, nt -i.tu, umlcr tb imtboiiu!
In&lriutloii or Dr. .Nt'ir.
Xlif Inidteetj mm lurict. n thr e-juar uradu it
Inu courm in llutin sa Vn lioloy and Self-Uxprsv-ajiton
covt-rin; iwo liuum n v,m.K In uny
cURd. All paet Instruction i.ounta toward erad
A lliket edmlttlnff to tho first two Saturdays.
Jan Lth und 13th will tni pent on appllcntlon.
Two Demonstration Icaifjna will nlun bn sien
Thurnduja. Jun. Ut) and 11th, at b i. M Tlckbti
ui) ui'pllcutlon
Duy lvi.n!nji und Saturday Courses for men
onii tor mon nnd wnnin open Jun. 2d Cull,
v.rlt cr phonu hprui o 3J18
M.rr roi.ij:(.i;. xim cutmit stret
ttlUM h. M.l'1 , I'll i. J. UAUKIS Mirv
Irf siltirnt A 1 otimler Marucvr
A i v, (U8 logins aturtJitj nfttmoun lun
(1. ut y 3d Publlt limited ttrt tv.,i leuauns. Jjii
it and Id 11 Ki ts uu apMUuttun
HJO Cliektnut bt.
Stammering Speech Defects
rorrifle.lt LU" KKUUNll for udult draf nnd
luirdwtf.h'rarliii;. riillailt?Jihl Elinor btbool.
IIU the-.tu.Jt street. 41 M. Kedd, l're-.
I he lie 1 Uu tints' School.
K li and t hentnut btrcet.
t-d 1 nt r tint tiny or nlnlit
I w mini I 1 ft.ll 11 11 I.
I.ON'0, J.n 1 CATKAntNIi JJ , Wfo
rtolxrt C Lone (ne liroadbent) RolatlTti and
Jriendi Invited to funeral services Krl , I v m ,
i13 K Huliy at Inl llreenwood Oem. Friends
m-it tall Thnrs , from 8 to 10 p. m
, 1 owiikr Jan 1. nponotl i-owonn sited
Sd ltelatlxes and friends Invited to funeral
feritres Thurs 10 3D n m , Mllford, N, J,
Int I'renrhtown Cem
MAM OT tan 1. MAItY A MAM.Or.wl'
of Patrick Mallo llelillies and friends,
I.tanuo of Haired Heart nf Hi Thomas Aquinas'
thurtti Invlt'd to funenil. I'rl 8 a m. 20IH
Morris st Itlirti mass Church of St. Thomas
Aquinas I' 10 a m Int Holy Cross Cm.
MAlSRrO- Dec. 31 IOUISA 1 Widow ot
Dinlei M Mnlsi'id nlted Sd liclatlves and
tt'ends milled lo mrMrei. Thurs,, 2 n m., at
G20 ledernl st. Int Woodland Cem
, VIA ri litis Ian 1 JOHANNA, widow of
Henri Matthes sued RI tlelitltes and friends
Inili'tl to funeral seniles, P'rl , 2 p. m , 00
vf York st Int, private. Ml. Vernon Cem
Meimitin Jan 2. PATHICK husband of
(tract .Mi Hrlde tnee Mnllnle) Itelatlirs nnd
J rlends m Anthoni a Holy Name Hoclety and
liineBiil Snrleii Inilted to funeral Frl R n.
ni 2I...I Alter st fJHIt nnd Kllsnorth) Solemn
huh miss of rcoulem Ht Anthonv s Church 0M
11 in Int Calhedral Cent
-Hi,i'H.0.I,,.,il lJn.n -' J0''"' J .husband
nf Mnrx Mil ullnintli tinsi rnrne) nnd brother
tu one 1- j aim unniimi 11 u . or irfincaster.
I'a und n-itltp uf Lemloughnn. County rrono,
Irelnnd Itelnlhes ami frit nds Holv Kama Sol
iltti of the Church of the rransllgurallon In.
ltid to funerul I'rl til a m 217 H liM.h
ft "est Pblli H.ilvmn imii of requiem
Jhiinli of ih.. Irnnsncmatlon 10 u m Int.
Itulj 1 ross 1 m
.ViiDr.lt Ml IT r .tan 1 nLLTIN vlfe of
James Mrliermntt da nthler or late John and
.1 er; Ann Welsit H.-Htlies and friends In
l'e. li. funeral. Rat. mo a. m , huband'
risldnice 420 I.eedom si, Jeninntown Pa.
Bun 11113 ""t requiem hum linmaruiaia t oneep
tlon Chun h Jetililntoivn, tl :,u n. m Int Holy
Septlliher Cem
Mcl'ADDIJN Huddenly. Jan I, MlrllAr.L.
liilsbnnil of lale Allot,. irtr,,.i,lA i.J,M.vit
r1.1. f-l-mls emi'loe, f iiriiedinti llros c0
Ini lied In funt rnl 'I hun , 8 10 a in son a real.
. ....... "nTi et aoiemn
111 inn pi ttiniiaeis I Ulirtil 111 n
llenls H C.ttt
inr hi
s.'V.,,.'.,,:l ",,'XV,T,',"M - ANNA, w f of tumej
M. 1 leu b in It'lutlus and rmnds II if Ho
iliilltv of Ht Hienhin'i 1 hurcli Marv Penlstnn
l Ircle Lady Portsters Imiled to funersl Prl
S.u"in .m... l1"!' S"""'" t . Holonin nuss Hi
Hti phi it's Church lu a. in Int Iloh Hipulrhrt
Mi OP lilt: .Ian I. JOHN liu.l.in,l of late,
Mfl' T McOtilrs ttelitliea and friends in
ilted in funeral stribes. Ihurs, p ni par
Kim of H P I'ronkeutleld Hons. ciuo luo st
Inl prluite
M. MMJIV Jan 2 JAMF.M I husband of
Hiir.ih Mt Maliln mini till Hi lalltes nnd friends
Inilted 10 funeral Hat R a in, 1271 t Hon
Hall si IiikIi mnss bi Anthonj'a Churth 1130
a ni Int Holv Cross Cem
NiNAMi:n .Jan I. VICTOR t. DIt LON
wife . of Kriutk MpVuinps ltelalhes and friends
Imiled to fini.rui ihiirs 7 JU 11 ni husbnnd's
residence :uin jj j.t t solemn reimlem
mass i hurt it of our I.stlt of Huly Houls Hith
and ritm 1 sts . II u. m Int prhate, Holy
Hii'ttlth'-" tern Auto funeril
SlcNAMLL Jan t CA I ILMltNi: r Mt-VA-Ml.U
me" Corcoran' ti Itliiu of MIctianI J , tt
mee Itclltllea nnd felt nda Inilted to funeral.
Thurs 1.10 11 in from 4IJ IJ Uildey st.
H il' mil mass of requleni at Church of the Int
nineulitD Concoptlun. 10 it in int Huly 1 ross
fun Auto funeral
MIIAI.IJY Inn 1 IOHN Imshiml or late
Mumnret Menle formerly of lllti s rrsnk
lln st HclatHes mil frlrntts InMted to funeral
Prl H 1" n m irstdeiiLO of boii In luiv James
Urtttht Mils tilth st Holemn requiem ni"s
lit I'lturUl ot lilt. AiiltiilKlatluil 1U a in lut
Iloh I ross I 'em
MRVNti-llet II ritVNCi:" I:TIIBIIYM.
fhiuelitt-l of Hi In rt If nnd Aifia 1 Cleans (neo
Mellpe) njpd 211 ltelalhes md rrlenda Inilted
lo filllnlat at rill 11 Wt tl 7 p ill purilits rrsl
dence I .'Hi H n Id nt Int ThurB mo-nlnit.
l'plsennnl I't-m l.oivlstoirti Pn
MCEIIAV Die 31 MH"i wlilniv of lohn
M- linn ttilath s and friends liult d te fu
neral. Ihurs. 1 ?n 11 m, lull) Houti, ,1 s.
1 inn rttiui'in niasit st Charlis hurt h 10
a m Inl New i ithidrul Cent utn funeral
MUftt-DITII Jun 2 JOIIV W liusbin.l if
late Jennie Mertdllh Hue llnniier) rt.lili .18
and friends implulrH uf P it r t 0 1 rank.
ftrd bint, nn I nil sotlelbs nf whl b In was 11
mitiibtr Inilted to fun, nil HenlfB Frl i
n in imrhirs nf .lohn IV Count r, .tics 1 rank.
I rl uve tnt tirhale c, lar Hill 1 em Hu-
mains null b ltllet1 Thurs R tn 10 n ...
MIIUM PPi'V Jnn .' IIIOMW r husl'-ind
of Conn Mi M Mlddlilun (iiip WhliniM ais-d 11
tleliithea uiul friends linlud to funi ral rifth
Itv 1st Jl 1 nth 2 p in .1110 N Ilro td Int
Mtl.Pi: sutldenli nt "-.Uem N T. Ion, 1.
riKOHUi: II MII.I lilt son uf Mary I. and lata
Wiiltt Mlllir at tl 41 It. lathis and friends
Ivltcd to futu r tl Thurs a p m 0 l hestnut st ,
Halnn, iiitlinut furtlur in tin Merilus ut resi
dents lut Until 11 1 in Hnlein
1ldltl1111 il llititlis itlll bp Pniitid 011 Pitirp 14
IN 2n i.FS;niuq
t i It teach sou to play real r laiiim. on ths plana
in .11 lessons IF YOU DON r 1M1W A NOrfi
In Kos lime If ou already plas Ion ,1 learn to
play popular Monss fox trots, "rai: uny pleca.
Call or plane fur Fr l.tit klet
3'.ll (lirm ililnwil Ave Phum Tloza 3J01
13-'U Tasker Ht. Phono Dickinson .170 U
oic: iini:LoiMt:r
Ciua runt 1 h proijr kh i Ith Pith lason nnd
mrr Hun nf am ih f. tt In th otn
Sliidlo. Slat Montromcry Ae
STANGER stotiT-sixaiSa CLAssna
Diamond fl13 J 2001 Knrlh Tlilrtenth St.
Samuel Dunk Tiiwmv
20 outfi 18t!i ht.
.''iiVon ACKROYD
Vdlco Culture
Art nf Iklnirlni
tiidlu, r.stey lljll. Main-it ut ITlli ht.
Opcrv. at allscasoxwj j
A w i.isi x&ui;
Arcco0niScd)Istanaard f
l-gfiLv600. Jt'Aimi'j.Bi7zari
oivhtmnip Hwumtwewr
Westminster ty ,ttve' MarlHach. EUa.
water fs up nky ll' up dally. Chas. Buhrs.
OMIr01?TjCpMg0ItT. YA.
Snlmmlnir Tool, Coir. Sea-
tooilCuiiiee, hvery European
Lath snd 'iTsstment. WrlU
ut. Kriu . V .
fortrai. tlanra.
I usrui
Ut I lh nn.l -V. ... . .
C0 TW;13'1 S Uroa1 t the i'Vnn. IU M.'
Co J531 I'hestnut st .andjdirer Central.
-Mlij-trptm. n. j
CaLewood, N. 1, Noled tar
Itu tin.. mill... n. I
Uoir prtvlleso.
n u. aiANau.s'nBita. mt.
Ilupllcates or Any lT Mads
Mhllo oa tV-lt
2 for 25c
khn.iuiiD.l It. .
...M.n ..m. iiriicr iiuiu new,
?c r.nh. Durham Duulei. 3c.
SJ c run. jiiiniaiu liuinei.
All Kinds ot (irliidlnt and bhiiroeuiuc
Mall Ordtrs 1'roiniilly Attended lo
TO 4 10 . UOI MI.III.K1 ST.. 1'IIII.A.
M H 1!? ts&bPI
ttc. rtsir
yy Aias'Sff isf Ms&i&&a
A.. Sti
io yr