raiwr IXi i unwipnumjipjiijiwwi'iJ up, mhnwmw Kill iMlWWHIWyWgprt .- fcw tf-wr-rr-TigRpijiyiiiSiiyi'iiyiiMit1 t1 tiiiwsjtsffqsys' wwiw v i f F I N A tt C I A' L ' E D I T I O N ' ,tfSTRA26v NIGHT EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA jV "Viy k " VOL. III. NO. 95 PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1917 iit 1"17 n iitf Ptniir I.epaen C'ompini PRICE ONE CENT ttfW & N i t -mrt, N" K?te. , PBH BJ j!' PENROSE LINES UP FACTION TO BALK GOVERNOR Floor of General Assembly to Be Battleground All Session DEMOCRATS JOIN FIGHT Senator's Forces Said to Fear Exposure of Themselves. Little Legislation in Sight flu Utaff Carrtiiiomlrnl HAItlllHIlt ltd. .tun 3 With Senator Penrose nml his taction oiienly aligned against (ho Brumbiugh administration nml tho Democrats through Hip mlnnrltv rep resentation In ilio l.egtstnturp on ttie firing line to tnli" advantage of nnv development! In the fnrllniul guhcriinlloin! uiiinemer 1HK the session of tho General Assembly will reionvone iui January 2.'. promises to furnish the iMltkRroiiiul for tho biggest political light Hint has occurred In I'emi svlvnnl.i slnic IS!P5 Until the Penrose forces nml the Deinii einlH have ilci'nipil wni upon the ltrum b.iugh ndmlnlsti.itlnn, nml they will oanv the wnrfaie to the admlulstrnthiu us often ns lliev see mi opportunity ilurltiK the neit five 01 M month i, .it least, nnv lion until the Legislature lln ills adjourns '1 lie Pentose ilei I irnt'on of tencued war fmc vvlilih the senior .S'en.itoi iii.iiIb l.ito jestoid.iv afternoon, Just licforo ho loll for Washington " ucjlvcd In tho Vnro-Brumbnugh-M lgee ininp iih the lln.il an swer of their opposition to tho lendeisliip of tho llepubllc in ore miration In tl.o State to an pe.uc proposils tli.it mil) hao been contemplalcil. anil from now on the Admin istration forcn expect I bitter light NO hTOMJ UNTL'ltNljIT It bCL.uue npp-irent In tho nnll-llrum-tnugh camp toda) tli.it Senator 1'enrosc Intends to lea mi no Htono unturned In hli efforts to hampei tho Ilrunib.iugh admin istration "Whether the u.irfaro will ettend to the Philadelphia bltu.itlon or not Is still to bo determined, ns Penrose has ho far declined to pa) nnv thing about his reported plans to hamstring tho Smith .idmlnlsti.i tlon Tho TIiumliauKh nd Intel tin appointments, however will ho held up by tho Penroso controllcd Legislature, anil nil measure' advocated by thn Govoiuni, with tho pos sible exception of n few revenue bills face bitter opposition on the part of the Penrose followers who nro members of the General Assembly The factional warfare will not i;o ns far as Impeachment proceedings against the onliniletl on 1iik Tmi, ( nhiuui Ml BALTIMORE SOCIETY MAN'S SANITY TO BE DECIDED Lawrence Perin, Globe Ti otter, Brought Into Court on Complaint of His Mother HAl.TIMiiUi:. J.ui .1 Auothei chapter was written Into the bomowh.it sens.it loiwil hlbtorj of Lawrence Pel In, iioclet) man and unrld-trnvelri of this clt). toil ly when he was brought befoio Jtulgo Haiiil in Cir cuit Court No J on nn older of tho comt. empaneling a jur) do luuatlco Inipiliendo The he.ulnR is being held to decide wlio'her or not ho Is insane and bhould he lonllued to an nsjlttm Tlio order was obtaliieil by his mother, Mrs I'erln Tho selection of a jury was Iicruii this niornliiR AmonR other tilings IMs alleged that on December 8 last Perln was ndjudged In fane b) a West VIirIiiI.i court, lint that he obtained a htn of proceedings nml had himself paioled In tho custody of a nuxt friend, who scried as his bondsman, upon potting up the sum of money required as x bond Later ho compensntcd his bonds T man It is alleged, mid left West Virginia, Intending to ro to New York. On his vvn he stopped in Ilaltimore. lie has been con fined to Springfield State Uospit.il for the last ten dajs FIRE VICTIM SUCCUMIiS Burns Suffered by Porter in Explosion in Hotel Prove Fatal MOUNT HOLLY, N. J, Jon. 3 N,l- thanlel Thomas, the negro porter who was looking after tho acet)lcne gas plant t the Madison House when It caused an explosion and wrecked the building last Ihursdaj morning, died at the hospital here today from the effects of burns and other Injuries Thomas was alongside the gas machine at the time of the explosion, and he was blown about lift) feet from tho cellar to the end of the building, and (lames reached him before lie could be extricated All others Injured are Betting along well Named Library Head 55th Time READING;, l'a , Jan 3 At the annual meeting today of tho Wushlngton Library Company, one of Heading's most exclusive social organizations, Frederick J. Heller was elected president for his fifty-fifth term He has been the president blnce the company's organization In 18G2 THE WEATHER i FORECAST ..for Philadelphia and tctnltvltaln this afternoon, partly ' cloudy tonight, Mth louest temperature about j de grees; Thursday fair, Jresh southerly xcinds. I.KNGTII OF II VY fun rises 7 2Jm I Jtoon rlsu 3 IN a in. bun sets t 40 p m. 1 Moon south, 8 37 p ni UKLAWARB lCltKK TIDE ClIANOEM CHESTNUT hTKEET U W Wlt.p - . 4 Oft a rn. I Ijiw wal J -07 n n. Ilgti wattr 03 a m ! HUh wattr 10 H p in. TEMI-ERATIKK AT KVCJl IIDl'lt ALOi.lOt HI 181 II 31 31 4T6 EQI- 421 431 431 431 441 -HI 441 T NORTHCLIFFE DEMANDS WITHDRAWAL OF ALLIED ARMY FROM SALONICA LINE . ... 1.0KI10N'. .Inn. '!. A hi KONG demand for tho willnlrawnl of tho Allied nimy in tho Hitlknns Y- is iirinlcd in Lord N'orthclirtVs Daily Mttil today. Tho paper rontrmM t hat if tho troops in Mrtrctlmiin had been upon the western ftont this year tliey uotild luxe tinned the tide and Insured it decishe ictory for the Allies. The aiticle says in conclusion- Gctmnn tcerea aie not infinite, hut the;- are larp;e enough to icntlci it iinnrccroui for us to waste u sincle man. Throughout Kill! Kalonica Ivh been stub n burden as Gnllipoli in l'H; Our soldieis and the Allied soldiei i did not commit this folly mid they would be delighted if it weic undone as far as any mMaUo can be undone. Barsesci, Toposci, Pinteccsci and Mora Captured, '' Berlin Reports FALL OF MACIN IS is E A U ttP.ni.lN Jan .1 Uccupatlon nf llnisescl mid T'ip''rl In Rumania, bv Uermanli' fores, was mi tiimncpil 111 thn War ilUlce stateineiiVtodiii h'leld .Mnrshnl oti MhcIiphspd iilso re pot tod capture, nflei hi.nil-to-lmnd flRlituiit. of the towns of Plntecpscl tinil Men on the Mllepitil, with inn prlsonci. Cast nf S2I0P7.OM, ncai Mnnaioi In i!it llcln. Atistro-Cerinnii troops ntt.ii'heil lhi Itussinii ticliclies. cipturliiB three ofllcers nml 127 men, the Wai nftlin nnnoumpl , South of Drysiyntv Ijiho (In the lulnsk sector) Itussl.m rnldiug delnchniefts were eh.ised off In I'nbrudJ.i. til" Hlislans hne letlreil Into Mucin The teU nf tho Wnr lllllce stntement fol lows Strong hoHllle nttarks agninst Mt FnltiK'.itiii failed under limn losses Hem cen tho Su.slln and I'tilmi Ynllois seiernl heights wpip captured by storm iug In liaud-to-h.ind coulliit nnd Rus sian und I'.iiinnuian counter thrusts were defeated Il.irsescl nnd Topescl wci. oicupled nfter engngement on I'lelil Mnishnl ion .Mm kensen's flout moiemeuts pruceed further as planned In the mountains between the Xitbal.i Vallev and Hie plain, (lei mail Austro lliiugarl.ui troops pushed had. the uncmv toward the noitheaH West and Koitth of I-'ocs.inl trnoiis of the Ninth ntni) now stand befoio the forti fied positions nf the Uut-slaus 'hit ' ioscI nnd. Mem. on the Mllcllvol woin tnken bv stormliiR In liniid-to-hnnd on fhcts ami 10(1 prlsouen note brought In Ilcspllo tenrntous leiistanie fiiini the llussl.ins In Hobiudl.t the riiemi was furthci pus-led luik toward Vaiarenl und Y!)!ln and into Mucin. Tho situation In .Macedonia Is unchanged, tho War Ollleo stated todii) TEUTON PATROLS PIERCE FOE'S LINE IN WEST IIUP.LIN. Inn .1 Adiauco of Ccrinnn pttrnls into the third 1'rcnih truneh In- the forest of I'llest, webt ern finnt. was icported in toduj's olllcial statement The patrols destro)ed the defcnsle works there nnd i eminent with twelvo prisoners. Tho patrols wlilch ticcomiili.shcd this feat were of tho Ninet)-tlilid Lar.dwehr Infantr) icghnent. niseuheio on tho westorn front the state ment detailed an cnliMiilug of nitlllcry en gagements in the .Mciixo sectoi )esterduv afternoon, coming after brightenini: weather I'AIUH. .Ian .1 Liicl) aitlllery duels during the niglc north and south of the Somnie in the li"!! of Itouiroy, north of Verdun and around Dead Man's Hill, were detailed, in toda)'s olllcial htatcmeut Kiencli patrols were eiy ncttio in tho Cliamiingne scitoi, the statement said, and took n nuiiibei of prisoners Madison Square Garden Sold Aain Ni:V YDIIK. Jan 3 After holding Us SI 000,000 pun base less than u month, the Now York Life Insiiinuco Compiny hold Madison Squ.iro ll.udeii to a n llillc.lt headed by W C.iiniin Itoberts, of HJ liist Hlghteenth blreet The prlcu paid by the F)ndlcate was h.ild to be well under the propeits iibsisMd initiation of $2,850,000 EXTENSION OF TRAFFIC CIRCUIT FAVORED Walnut Street Business Associa tion Indorses Plan to Widen Seventh Street i:tenslon of the proposed titHUc circuit to Sexenth street on tho cast etui I3i8h teenth street on tho west was favored to day by the Walnut .Street Htwlnesa Asso ciation, which adopted a resolution to this effect at a luncheon at tho HI. James) Hotel It was originally suggested that tho circuit extend from Highlit 1" Sixteenth fctrecta nnd that the streets within these boundaries bo widened to take care of tho iraltlc which is bound to come with the city's deelopment. When the directors of the Walnut htreet ljuslnesa Association submitted a report f.iiorlim the laiger circuit, objeitlun -as ma'de by Colonel J Warner Hutchlns. He pointed out that such a. plan would cause tho remaal of tlio IV nn National Hank, which is built on the site of tho l'hlladel phU home of Thomas Jegerfcon But as the lesolutlon subqueiitly submitted iro tiled for the erection of a monument not more than ten feet In diameter, to mark the spot where Jefferson drafted the Immortal lieclaratlon. Colonel Hutchlns acquiesced. The resolution was introduced by tl C. llamsdell apd seconded b) Hr Howard S. Anders. K J Uerlet presided I)r!er Gone; Also $1800 in Shoes The Detecthe Bureau was akked toda) by Dell Walt & Co, wholesale khoe dealers, to find the driver who has disappeared and the $1800 worth of thoes that disappeared, at the same time He was enuaged eter day at the establishment. 28 North Third street, and Immediately put to work The wagon was found abandoned at Fifth and Commerce streets with tho cases which he was ordered to deliver missing. j Treasury Secretary Begins Plans to Replete Treasury by Import Taxes WOULD RAISE MILLIONS WAMIIINUToN .inn 3 Import duties on ma nnd i offep up 1 1 be resortPil t" as a uirniis nf filling the infteis of thp treasury, now fust rniplilng Lumber, Hip animals, intton and tiio.its hIko will ho taxed If the plans now being formulated by h'ccrptnry of thp Trensitr) McAdoo arc carried out by I'llllRTCSS TIip House Wins nnd Means CommlttPP and Ircnsurv ollk'niN have been doing some IlKUilnB and Iiiiip detPrmlned to rnlsp nt least tlnn.onn.niiii a venr bv adilltlntml Im port duties The) niitlelpiUe irltlelstn from Itepuhri'iihs of this depaiturp from thp iioied Pctllolllltll prlnclpil of low larlff. but the need for money Is great erotigh tn niercomp tmy such srruplps. It Is said A spei Ido (lilt) on coffee will )pd $10.- unn noil a year fir oer lent n pound ai- t'lidlnit In pstlmiites due million dollars n i en i an ho rnlsid for pi cry cput a pound 4111 tPlt Kiirs. cocoa and bananas also are almoin sine In hp tii'ipd. while silk In inrlnus forms Is being ronsldeml a favorable objprt of taMitlmi Tho Trpiisun also Is pxpcctcil to iptommeud mi Impoil (ax on works of ml other in tit Ich now on the fteo list which are rei Piling consideration as possible ob jpitii of n new Import duty arc binding abianives, gloves, hides and, skins, certain lentheis and parts of shoes, milk nnd crenm, linn htepl and wire nnlt.i, needles, nuts, cot tonseed oil ors mother of peml, innllnu piiluio lllms, sago, seeds, milphur. tanning in iterlat. tapioca ami tapioca Hour, tar and pitch, lln oio. wheat and wheat products, wood, woodpulp mid ran wool Administration support of tho plan to tax: inld-Ktnr.igo food holdings is nssuied The Wins and .Means Committee Is prepared to act favorably on the hill designed to nccom I'lith this, according lo Iteprpsenlntlve McKellar. of Tennessee, its author ' 1 think the hill as a revenue measuro v ill help meet the dellcit which Is stnring Mm treasury in the face," said Mr. McKellar Inlay, "and It suiel) Is designed to. break up tho woist feat u ic of the eold-storaco Imlness the holding of foodstuffs at pro I, bitlvo priips Tlio pioposed taxes will fune tlio cild-stoiage people tn put the'r ales nn the uutiket in a reasonable time. i, tho tax incienses according to tho length of the period foodstuffs are held In storage " I nder the McKellar bill a cold-storage tax would be laid on beef, veal, mutton. r, ot meat. lamb, pork, poultr) and game, butter and ecus. Imports in the Treasury and Agricultural I'cpartmcnta are figuring on tho possible lcvenucs to be derived from thexo sources. Their figures nro not )et complete - 1 Compelled to Crack SherilT'rt Safe WOODlll'RV. N. J. Jan J Tho safo In tho Sheriffs ollleo In tho courtroom has been opened at last, and business is now limning snioothl) ngnin The safe defied ordinarv mtthods of aixniug, mid business was held up thiee dns bcrause the books ould not be obt lined An ixpeit tried tien couihin iti.ui uiittgiuahle andnaspom pellid llnalli lo dull lie found that n hill. ill titl.'U bid worked Into llu lock in some w.i) 15 F CAMDEN FAMILIES FLEE Blaze in Wall Paper Plant Fills Whole Neighborhood With Smoke Fifteen flreiuen vvere overcome, another vas severely Injured, ami more than a score of families vvere driven from their homes ty snioko and water today ns the result of a blaze in the dry kiln department of the Hitchqer Wall I'aper Company, SOI t'outli Fifth street. Camilea The loss cos $10,000. Thousands of tons of water poured on tho firo through fifteen or mure high pressure liose lines overflowed from the basement of the factory and filled the cel lars of a dozen or mora dwellings in the vicinity, extinguishing furnace fires and weakening the brlcl; foundations of the house Thp Ore was one of the mott stubborn In the hutory of the Camden Fire Denartihent It was discovered by John Wilfon. a watch man J'our carloads ot lumber were do ing In the Kilns, and when the lumber be came Ignited dtnse, black smoke issued from the building First there were two local alarm, then a general alarm was turned In Six, engine confianles were quickl) on the 8fot In order to dlroct water on the smold ering tire within, the llremen Iiad to break holes through the brick walls of the kiln department to permi the entrance of hose lines The unusual amount of smoke made the flre dltllcult to tight One after an other firemen were overcome, and as fast as they were removed from the building Continued ou Vajo Two. Column I"lvo WALL STREET MAN BLAMED FOR'LEAR' Bernard Baruch Called Re sponsible for Advance In formation by Repre sentative Bonnet CIIAKOE MADE IN HOUSE Liberal Contributor to Wilspn Kuiid Name aa ProflUng by Peace Nolo WAPITI VdTO.V. .tun .1 Sensational I'linrRes that Itcrnnrit tlnrueh buvp Wall street the "lenk" on tho President's pence note not a half hour before It was inntlp public were made on thp floor of the House tmlnv bv Ttelirescntntlvc Ilennct. ot New York Mr Ilpnnefs declaration camp following n qiitry from Iteprospntnttvo narrett, Ten nessee as to names This Is the olllcial verbatim quotation from Rpprriionintivc llennpt's spppih' 'I will flalp to thp gentleman fmm Tennesspp whn tho minor Is T.ip tumor is thai Hiiincj ttniiich, a metnbpr of the Counell of National liefensp. wns the mini who was ipspnnslblp for this Information Betting to Wnll strrrt. and that thlrtv mlniiles beforp the I'resldpht's nipfcagp wns made public, he sold, nn n lining market In .Steel b) Hip vvii). IS nno slinip of SIppI comninn shoit Tlmt Is the tiimo, in Now lurk city. If the Renllpnuin minis names" It was oiip of Hip most dm m it It nio mpnls the House has pxpprli'ticpd for )pih. und made ceitnlti n i (uutrpsslon.il Invostl ratlon of tlio Thonvis W l,aii!in clinrgps (hat $Hn,ntm,flft0 had been niailp bv Wall street spectllntnts beiausp thpi got an nd vniicp tip" nn thp I'reiiidpnt s plans llepipsentntlvo Wood's irsolutloti. i-nlllng for an pxluiimtlvp prnbi to dpteimlnp uhotlipr nnv high nllklnt nf thp Admlnlstra t.nii or nnv rplntlvo of a IiIbIi olllcial in nlllcd from tho stock niniket changes, was refprred to Hip Itiilcn f'mnnilttep, with iklrucllons in repnit it wltliln ton da)s. The action concluded u Hot my bpshIoii In the IIoiisp. resulting from ,n attempt made to hive the chair declare the charges mndo by laittson a question of personal prlvllcga. Itcpicsentntlip (lariett, of Tennessee, nml some of Hip other prominent parlla mental hijis nn the Utiles Cnmniittce, con tended that because no members nf tho House were limned In the Utivson charges nnd thnt bei.iuse his attacks were general in their ntituip. they could not ho con stiued as constituting a question of pot snnal privilege "I know thorn wns a lealc." declared ltcpresentntlio Cai'dner. nf jrnssaclmsetts, showing much feeling "Tho stock market shows that I would older this investiga tion bv a special committee and I would llnd out where the leak occurred. I would summon tlio I'n sklent nnd ask him who wns present when he discussed his plans t would ask those present whom they told of his intentions. 1 would question the stenographers who took his dictation" "Will tho gentleman make thoso charges on his responsibihtv as a Representative?" asked Speaker Clark "I will." said Iteprcsenlntlvo Gardner 'Then I shall hold the resolution privi leged." announced the Chair. I "nt II llepiescntatlie Ilennet named Ilaruch as the man who is supposed to have given Wall stieet the advance information It seemed certain that tho resolution would not be declared privileged and that no in vestigation would be ordered itepreseiitatlvo Henry, chairman of the Hides Committee, was assailed by some ot his Democratic colleagues on tho Hoor of tho House today, becauso he has held pri vate "stai chamber" sessions with Lavvgon, und has declined to mil In tho other mem bers of Ids commlttvu to lie- tho state, inents of the speculator Ileury galil on tho lloor toda) that not a member of Congress would voto for an Investigation if they had heard what he bad from Laivson. "Let thu members of our committee hear it then," said llepubllcan U-ader Mann "Why not make the sessions public.'" "I am chairman of a committee," said llepreseulntiio FitiBcrald, of New York. ' but I am not tlio committee. 1 belle vo in lotting tho other members of my committee know what Is going on I'nless the chair man of the Hules Committee assume a somewhat different attitude with reference tothls, I snail be forced to vote for the appointment of a special committee to In vestigate these charges" LANSING IS AHSOLYKD IN STATE SECRETS LEAKS Occurred Heforo Present Secretary Took Charge of Qfllce, Senator Stone Explains WASIHNUTON, Jau 3 Senator Stone, chairman of the Fotelgn lUlutious Com mittee, on the Senate floor today exoner ated Secietary of Slate lausliur "for any and all lilamo" for leaks tn the Stale De partment, which the Senator had declared resulted from tlio present civil service sys tem. Senator .Stone's defence of Lansing fol lowed a conference between the two today. "In referring to the Slate Department leaks jesterday," said Stone, "I should have explained that the leaks did not occur since Mr. linsing has. been at the head of that, department ot the figi eminent "Nothing I stated )btorday referred In any way to Secretary of State Lansing " Ice Floe Sinks Boat; 25 .Men in l'eri! CHUSTKU l'a , Jan 3 An ice iloe in the Delaware Itiver. Just oft tills clt), ktove a hole in a gasoline motorboat carr)iug twenty-Ova workmen from Camden. m pU)ed at the sard of the Chester Ship building Conqiany All vvere in danger of drowning when the small uuft began to sink All were rescued In the nick of tune by Captain Edwards, of the freight steam coat Chester QUICK WILLIAM G. COCHRAN DEAD Willlrtin 0. Conlunii, eighty-six ycnis old, tlio Inst mrtlo rtmtv tier of tlio old IMillrulclpliiti fnmlly or thnt nniiic, died nt his residence. S000 Walnut street, today. He is stnvlvcd by his second wife, who wns, before her marriage, Groiglana Haven, of Boston, nnd by a tlaughtei, Mrs. Suydain. of New Voile. Mr. Cochran was formerly a member of the Cochran-Qoddatd Company, one of tlio oldest liquor Importing concents In the city. He had totlied from active business, however, some ycats ago. Ilia fitst wife was Miss KHza I'eitrose. TORPEDOING 01 FRENCH BATTLESHIP REPORTED oJilltlctN, Jan. a.Torpedolng or the ricncli battleship Vertte by a German submarine near Malta is teportod by tho Zurlohor l'ost. I'lio nowspapcr says the Vcrlto was "heavily damaged bororo tlio port ot Malta." $72,7(r).!)2 COLLECTED HY MAGISTRATES IN li)lfi Pops (filltM'Iril In I hi twintv flitlil pnliii iniiclsttntes of tin city ilurltiK Hip last throe months tolnl $11 otlfi The tut il penalties i ollpc tci nnd paid to City Tipiih tiirr MeCtmilt din Inn lOlil were t?2 "f!S .' Tlio amount paid out in sal.uips to niptnliets of the miiini Imliilnrv ilm inn; the )ciir tins JRI.OOO. (JER.MAN SHIPS READY KOU FREIGHT PER. 1, REPORT SAYS l.tiNUnN, .inn Tho Klni'kholni cnirpspdndpnt of the MornltiK l'ot quoted tho Mwedlsli Mount I il tipuspuppr Afpiiisvm lilcti as siiiinfr thnt Hip llnmlnirR Amci lean Linn nml tlio North flptm.in l.lnvtl l.lno linvr split out clrculais iiiinntinc ins thnt thpv will br ip.hIv In ip(pm fi eight for tho 1'nltpil States on IVhruar) 1. (TIip foipgiiliiit dlHpntth septus to Indlcnlo Hint tin nllli-inls of Hip slcntiislilp lines vvpic nntlrlputiitK Immpilluto nccpptnnii lv tin Allies nf (Iptmnti)'H pinposal for a peace conrciciipp) PRAIRIE OIL PRICE ROOSTED FOR SIXTH TIME INnni'rlNDr.NCi:. Kan , .Inn S - The Piiilric (ill nml (las Company tod.t) inado aniitlipr mlinncp nf tin uppts In iniiliontiiipnt i iikIp oil lo $1 no per ban el. This Is tho hIMIi nilvnuip in Hip hi.t ids weeks Tin Kim lull (HI nml JlcflnliiR Corporation qillcklv follnued Hip t'iniric Willi .i slmil il .idi Hire CAMDEN FIRE HARD ON FIREMEN Fifteen lltelighturs were ovetcomo todnv befote a stubborn blaze wns subdued in tlio plant of tho Ilitclnier Wall l'niior Company. Camden. Volumes of dense black smol.o ntado work umistinlly difficult. U-ROATS SANK 1JG WARSHIPS DURING WAR BHItUN. Jan. 3 ltecpnt sinking of tlio Krencli battleship Oaulols inclmlcil, German subtnariiips huie to dato sunk 190 hostile waisliips, including torpedoboats nnd Hiibmai ines, the olllcial picks bin r hi nnnoiiiicpd imlay. Tho total touimgo of llii-so vHsscls is i.'.D 430. tif these u;, vissols vveie Ilritlsli, with 5C5.J0O tonnago. RRITISII HAK COAL EXPORTS TO NORWAY LONDuX, Jun 3 The Ilritlsli (io eminent lias prohibited tho csportatlnn of coal to Norvva), act aiding to mi Kxi-liunee TeleBraph dispatch frotji Copenhagen to da). This action was taken because Noiw.n had failed to cairy out certain Instruc tions from tho IliItiHh (lovernnit'iit, it wax stutcd. TWO NEUTRAL, TWO ALLIED SHIPS SUNK I.UNDtJN, Jun. 3 Tlif sinking of two neutral and two Allied merchantmen' was reported by l.lo)d's toda). The vessels vvere the Norwegian steamship Jia. 74T tons: ilia Swedish teumbl) t iouhebrldgo. iii tons, the flritlsU (itcamslilp Hullyhrunch, 3,'.ti5 tons, and tho t-'iemh saillnij ship Aconcagua. 1313 tons. JAPANESE SHIP CARRYING ARMS TO CARRANZA TOKIO, Jan 3 The Mrumshi" Kotchira Mum. which milled from Yokohama yesterday for Salina t'uu, Me-lco icported to cutry S500 rllles for tlio Carrnnza Qovcrnmont In Meslco. It is fue er stilted that tho ship, us well as largo eon slgnmonts of ammunition, linen and cannon, was purchased by three representa tives of Cienerul Cunauza. who came Intro to bu) war material;. RAIN PUTS END TO SKATING ON PARK LAKES Skating on tho 1'aiU lakes and uttier signs of winter luivo vanished under a moderate und somewhat wurm ruin, which sett in this morning. The weather man does not hold out much hope for u disiontinuunc-e of sosg) conditions until tonight, rjven after tlio ruin slops, he tw)s, u raodeiate tcmpeiaturo, with 40 as a minimum, Will prevail for a, while. The present disturbance centers over the Lake regions. JUDGE BRUMM STILL UNCONSCIOUS; SON AT BEDSIDE rOTTSYIM.n, l'a, Jun. 3 Judge Hrumm. who was sdeken with patal)sis while making New Yeur culls, is still unconscious at his homo at aiinersvllle. lie is being attended b hU bon, Ur Seth tlrumm, of l'hiladelphla, who came here as won as the news of hi father's condition reached him A Might Improvement has been noted in the jMtlent's pulse and tespiration His light side remains paralyzed and ph)ktclans sa)'theie is still a tdlght potsibillt) that conwiout,nes8 may return U, S. SETS WORLD'S RECORD IN FACTORY EXPORTS NEW YORK. Jan 3 The United States expoited more manufactures last .ear than any nation ever Iwfoie exported in a eai. The National City Bank showed that the )eai's total exceeded fj.000.000 000. as against $2,012,000,000. the highest export lecoid evei made by tlieat Hutain founeily the world's largest exporter of manufactures Knglund's tecotd was made In 1913. the year Imme diately preceding the war. Pi lor to the war the United States held third rank. NEWS GERARD CABLES "INTERESTING" THINGS TOILS. t Ainbasscidor and Bcthmann- Hollweg Confer on Peace Prospects BERLIN MAY SPEAK AGAIN Germany Likely to Define Viewa in Direct Message to Neutrals By CARL Vf. ACKERMAN unrtM.v, Jan 3. A leiiKthv report was cabled President Wilson todav by Atncrlcnn Ambassador (iprard follow Ini? a. confcrcnco which he held with tho imperial Chan cellor, von p g W It o n asked what the Chancellor had said ho replied: ' Lots of in torostlng things " It was au thoritatively vm dorstood that t h o American diplomat and f! o rmnny's Clinnoellor tnlkpd, among other things, of tho Allies' tin faeomhlft rpnlv t vtti w v. lvtltviVN to Germany's penco offpip ficrm.iii ncwKiuipprs arc a iti.it In viewing thp IhitintPB unto ns only answerable through forco of arms Tho Cotogno Gazette sa)s It Is not jet decided what tho Gov ernment 111 do, but It Is lint improba ble that (iPinnny will again precisely dellnc itH views In a direct message, to neutrals I2dltori.il comment nnd opinions ot the general public today vicro Increasingly em phatic la the belief that Germany should now answer with tlio Bword the rejection ot penco by tho Hntrnte As outlined In my dispatches )pstcidn). It was held that Ger many had set her position clear beforo tho world by offers ot peace; these being llnutcd by her enemies, Germany's course Is now clear Tho language, of the allied reply has cre atcd not only surprise but linger that peace should bo cast asldo on such superficial phrases Tho KreiliS Zcllung calls It "an Insult to which the sword can bo tho only answer." LODGE AGAIN FIGHTS PEACE NOTE i .PPROVAL WASHINGTON. Jan. 3 Tlio United Mates .-till does not know what riosldent Wilsons note to belligerent I'ow ert I ctuallv means , this should bo made plain ,ir n thcip Is nnv congressional ac tion tnrillng Indorsement of his action is ta..en, decl.iied Senator Lodge on the Sena p lloor todav in opposing a voto at this t ino on the Hitchcock resn 1 Ion. "Wi must hnvo time to cons!- what the President t notes commit the I nltci, litfftes to " dccla ed Lodge Senator Uidgo again argued postpone ment nf action on the ground that the Senate has not bad time to consider "what tho President s nolo commits tho United States to " Ho said: ' The importance nf tills resolution can not bu cMiggerated It projects Congress into tlio neld of foreign negotiations. It :iNo projects Congress into the Held or foreign polites. nml It involves us In the affairs of L'tnope Tho resolution docs not htato that wo ask peace In the interest of humanity It makes tho Senate givo the most absolute nppiovnl and Indorsement of the President's note Therefore it Is de sirous that we consider what the note com mits tho I'nltoil States to ' 'The very oilMence of neutral nations Is becommiug dilllcult," declared Sennjir rontlmiril nil I'uep I'our, Column Thrr SOCIETY WOMAN ANGEL OF MOONEY DEFENSE Mis. .1. S. Cram, of New York, Said to Finance "Dynamiters" SAN rHAN'CISOU, Jnn 3 As the trial cf Thomas J Jlooney for murder In con nection with tho preparedness day dynamlt ng was beginning here toda) District At torney rickert asserted that letters which his deputies seized showed that Mrs. J Sergeant Cram, a wealthy New York woman, ts llnanclng the defense of Jlooney and four others Tho letters were seized In the otllco of the Illast, a radical paper. Klckert Issued a statement In which he said that Alexander I'erkman, editor of the paper, had charge of the defense nnd had Interested Sirs. Cram In tlio case. W. llourko I'ockran, of New York, and Maxwell McN'utt, of San Francisco, ure at lor lie) s for the defense Tho task of selecting the Jury began tu duy ami is expected to last a week. Warren ijuiiubs was cunwc-ieu ce v complicltv In the crime three months ago itosldes Jloone) ine oilier ueienuams aw Mrs Mooney, Hdward I Nolan and Israel W Weinberg DEPUTIES TO FIGHT I. W. W. Minnesota Sheriffs Swear in Aids In Woodsmen's Strike DU'l.L'TII Minn , Jan 3 Sheriffs ot northern Minnesota counties are swearing In additional deputies in preparation for repelling Industrial Workers of the World who are promoting a strike of the lumber jacks all over the big woods country Violence was reimrted from various points during the night and the I W W a continue driving the lumberjacVs who wut not join them out of their camps At Virginia, one man was beaten Into unconsciousness At Hemldjl hastily armed Utlzeas met a train that had been selsad by the striker and compelled it to move on. Milkman Dies on Route Ql AKKRTOWX Fa. Jan 3 Suffering a stroke of apoplexy while homawaid bound after delivering milk at JUcbtandiowa, Aaron Hum sevent)-Qve years old a fat mer of near California was found di-.aa no. his wagon In the barnyard ot bu homo, bis borse hav ing brought the body honse i (i i'A -Saife "i dk .Afci, MWAfinP-'