WWWWWwp p iw 1 UT1'1'1 ' 'MijifWPi -Ttt" """ " "r4?y-,wift - iMiMifMWHi ilfrw ijffi'J8jl WELL-DRESSED GIRL'S DIARY An Elaborate Negligee of Laco, Satin anil CbllTon A giiueful fur-trimmed gown for afternoon tea. itTAM i" lrol xx liter ngnln Hobln, Will J. von lnl me out" I wnntcd tn be n "nn.-irt 'f ' mill inalto tills) tiCEllfieo my self, lii I imrlv did blto oft moro th.in c.iu i'i' ' llifno xxeio Mrs. .Ilminy'a wouli c1" vi otitic when 1 went oxur in nnwn l" I' r phono mcsnse. 5,lio i in Ire to bn'Uo togotber tbo pink eatin iipi! i 'i ffn pcctlont of tho nccllKee, but (.conn il unable U il'boovrr Just the rlplit xxax li (I' II 1 II i mfCH It xxiii n. jmz7lf to mo nt first, for Mm Jlnimv luul fulled to m.ulc which tcc'lms itt tniMiit tn RO next to each olli 'i Mt r tr; Inp to lit them together lllio the pm i 'i' ii jls-f.iw nuzzle. 1 finally dii iniri! Mil eh beloiiBOiI to which Tlii- iihrIi 'co li lather an Intrlr.ito nffnlr, end I linl to 't.iKo i.u h.it off' to Mrs Jlnimi f i liiiiu "-i nmliltlnii'i. It roiiilsti cf an cininio bodti skirt and expo drapery. ?Ii .llni-in- b.i'tnl tin- seams of the sntln boriuc t Bill" i iihll' I did thc tame with the Mlit Afti'i lilting tl bdillfn I mn-chinc-Ktitc ln-il I'm se.ims, K.-ithercd tho skirt Bhni.t lli" tup iind basted It to thn bodice. Tin' ltppi r ji irt of the nUIrt In front Is of Fntin w.th a xxide b.ind nhotit tho bottom of I'liliT mi to match Tho hack of tho skirt 13 mule nithrly of tho h.ltlli. Mm Jim 115 mlirold' i'i beautifully, and s.iieo ''" Intended to nso Hllxer laco and fur f"r tiim nii'ci I MiBRfulcd that sho add a teuih of nlxn cmoroidorv to tho chiffon rlcoiei unit to tlii- Kkirt. Tho rIccxch nro of the knmno txpo. ho Bho omhroldercd tliem witli .i Hlnipli- border design. I slashed eac'i il of the limit for pocket openings, and JIih Jimmv onlllncd them with be.iu tiful -.llxrr riiibinblcry Dhidlng thu bllxer laco Into two equal lenKtlii i.o UM'd tlKin nt the sides of the Fkirt '11 1 v i tend sexual Inches beyond tile hem and mo II ll Lined with silver tnsfls I ni.i le .hi cnxi lupe-fl.ip of pink at'n fur the front of the bodice and tiimmcd the point w'th a tarscl There was jutt enough brown fur, two InhpH w de, to outllno tho low neckline, mi oss I lie back and shoulders and to coxcr the Joining seam of tho chllfon and satin In the f i out of tho bklrt. After sewing the fur In plnco, I cut out tho hir 'Water Italolgh capo of satin and lined it with chiffon. It Is slightly longer at one side, which ghes it an unusually grace ful line Jh.x Jimmy ran tho gath ering 'lung tin uglf tho top and hound it with a urn inn fold of v.itln, and sawed the biiap-ia-tetieis In place. Slio decided that it imis bettei to hae tho capo de tachable it blips under tho fur, xxhleh glies it an flfcctixe lluit.li nt tlto top. The negligee was nothing short of gorgeous. Mm Jiininv is going to visit her in laws mi hi mid wanted a really ravishing lugllt'te to take with her. If they llko her an well In it as I do they'll think sho's too pnttv to ho leal. Jimmy surely Is n. luckv Id Kangaroo." as Pad call.s him, because hi s all angles K'opjrljht ) HOUSEHOLD HINTS When Sax ins Is Extravagance AnilJNcawoMAN onco said of an American housewlfo: "Sho tlirnxvu Into tho garbage pall moro than her husband can hhuxel In nt tho front ilnoi The v, nehwoiran.as every ono knows, Is msinelnusl" thrifty, oion In times of peace. Khe can cucoct out of n few left-ocrs thnt the American hushnud could not bo linotlzed into cnnstunlni; n dish thaP iooks appetising enough for u banquet Sho has liutnid the 1'iench lui.slmnil Into a liking for tho 'lagout" tho btw, tho cro quette, tho ir.ido vllMi" that bho prepares whh such tklllful hands. Thcro Is no doubt thit through lack of Information or experience a great deal it Wasted in many homes. Ilut thcro Is on other kind of waste that is Just as much to be molded, and that la tho wasto that . comes from n deslro to bo economical ! I hae beforo mo nn old rcclpo book which purports to be a guide to tho Inexperienced 5'oung housewife It juges her to bo ceo. npmleal of tho "left-overs " Sho is not to throw away anything. Left-over boiled potatoes can bo scried ns creamed pota. toes tho following day; If tho creamecKpota toes, too, nro left oer In part, they can be beaten up will) eggs and a llttlo cream ana make delicious puffs ! Add mushrooms to tho left-over bits of chicken and It be comes a royal dish, and so on. .Ciovr' thcro ls no usa disguising tho fact that there aro many kinds of left-overs that cannot bo mado to tasto tho same after havlns been served at ono day's meals. Warming up of any kind accentu ates, een If only to a mild degree, their left-overness. It Is not tho best kind of economy to add to such dishes any costly ingredients that incrcaso tho size of tho msh and also partake somewhat of Its left over flavor In other words, it Is "extravagant econ omy to add costly food ingredients Ilka i or crcam or mushrooms to disguise i leItoveri or to increase Its bulk so that It ii fifllclent for ono meal. Such foods can oe made to servo as a meal by them selves. For example, tho samo number of eggs that aro needed tn "hcln nut" n if. oxer can be creamed on toast, casseroled, served with a rice ring, eta, bo as to make a. meal that does not contain any left-over flavor. To preserve the economy of the lett ii 'i.u l3 wortl wliHa only to combine it .with inexpensive Ingredients. For ex JUP " new sauce that Is not expensive will dress CD tha lnft.ru er In nriuuinlnhl. appetizing fdtnna ThA. nw mn.. ....,.,, with an economical basis white sauce, to. ". t sauce and curry sauce, fof Instance wnieh are excellent for left-oxer vegetables nV 'm' are minced. Then there is the "bread crumb" founda. lion for the left-over, which U not costly ana u a Justifiable combination. For ex awjile, there U a dish made of left-over Wgplant, which, llko most vegetables, make a most perplexing left -oxer that la really jaw-oved by an Jnexpnle "morning itf treatment with bread crumb. The remnants of eggplant are chopped some what coarsely and placed in a casserole U alternate layers with buttered cracker ,rlaa crmbs. The top layer U of bread "lujibs and then tho dish is moistened with mut and brcn ned m a hot oven It tastes "r. m"ch luce casseroled oysters, and as an bo en fioni ihe Ingredient is a very mtxpen-iive though fauly aubetantial dish. wten juui K-lt oxer recipes lest they "jl yvur econjmic-a extiaxagant! U ' ' '' WWi COMEDY AND "VERY GOOD, EDDIE, VERY GOOD, INDEED" Nice, Neat Musical Show, Made From "Over Night," Comes to Adclphi "ory flood tlddlo" Iihh n tcry rr.nt bun! net!) m.ih connected with It. This doesn't refer to the gentleman or tho l.tilx xvho put tip tho ripitnl ror Hilt neit lit tle production; nor yet to the nbl pxerw then, like Mr Ilertaman, xxho tinxe nursed It ttirouitn two it ut loiiff Min.i in .Sw York fttiil Hoslnn. No, the bouiUtt l fer lli pet (inn who strewed tho slory and tho song with lota of iioxei, nmuwnir ant) peiii x "biiKlnpsf" Thill's Imlf tho norret of lio.x Veij- good this lMdlo Is It has nn nniitsliu; boon hecnum Philip nnrthnloniao, after maklnir two or three terrible efforts to write tauslcnl romedles hlnisolf, turnoit his own rarer ox-er to that rimneMip for the tlnrry I! Stmllh honors. Ouy Hollon. It has UMa de Wuire'n gny eeenery and nt last some morn ontiinies from Meivlllo 1:11m , , Jeromp Kotn's usual batch of whlstlnhle Illls nnd II hns 11 east of which more must lu said Inter Hut It has mnt of nil the stntte direction of Frank Mcrorm.teh, which xvritps nil thofe thhigH (ogether nnd Hot them up with Plenty of physical notion There's business efilPlpnuy for joti! Krnest True.x K still playing tho young .llsper. who got carried off by a Hudson ltlx-cr steamboat 011 his wedding day with the wrong bride, nnd he Is sllll Just nn full jf iimusliig Intonations and vocal quirks, multiplied a bit for the lyric btage Alice uovpy plays uppiiHiln him In thn hlstrlonip shoes of .Madge Jv-nncily. Thev nquenk n bit xvIipii sho tries too hard to "pull u babv xolco," but she Is 11s plealiif to look on as of ore. Julia .Mills doserves mention as in OMiot rcpltcu of onu-hnlf of those tic. Hghtful Dolly Sisters, Floionco liirlc, with tho nsslstnneo of Dentnau JInley, sup plies a very amusing biirlesqtln of the trlatiglo drama, which Insinuates Itself Into the i-nursu of songs and plot. Oscar Shnxv ts nmoin; tho rest of the expert company who de.ierxo moro mention than they nto going to get. Theic la food for thought In "Very Good IMdlo" besides mere casual confections of Jollity. When Is somebody going to xvrlto a nexv tuiioV Or when Is bomobodv going to write a tuno that critlcj will feel rnfo In hulling aj nexv.' Mr. ICern has four ex cetdlngly good rngtlmo molodlen In "Very Good nddle." Jolly, Infectious, pxcrythlng they ought tn bo. Hut musical plays linger so long In New York, xxhllo their music wafts Itself ncioss Now Jersey on the xvood xx I nils of our restaurant oii'licstraq,, and composers li.ix-o Just a fatal habit of "10 xxorklng," ns hlgh-broxv musicians xvould call It, about hnlf a dozen Ihomo, that tho critic never knoxx" whether to call "On tho Shore at l.o I.el V1" a nexv edition of "On tho Khoro nt 'Wnlkll.e," or vlco xorsa. Anyxv.iy, tho newest descendant Is Just ns txelcomo n3 tho ono xxho niuy not bo his ancestor. Nice, neat nnd nnttty and x-oty Jolly Indeed Is this piece which Inevitably tempts critics to end their nwlexws with a com mendatory repetition of Its oxvn tlllo. K. M. OLD-TIME FAVORITE SEEN AT KNICKERBOCKER "Alias Jimmio Valentine" Re ceives Warm Welcome on Re vival as Stock Production Tho revlv.it of "Alius Jlnimlo Valentino" nt tho Knickerbocker Thcntre. Fortieth nnd Market htreets last night proxed that tho theatre going public hns lost 110110 of Its appreciation foi thnt tpo of tho dotectlx'o drama An excellent stock company, xxllh John Loronz and Anna lloherty, lucal faxor Ites, In the titlu roles, gaxo thu various parts n most Intciettlng and pleasing Inter protutlon. Tho play Is based on the well-known story by O. Henry. "A Hctrlex'cd lU'formn tlon." Measured by tin Ills nlono, tho .uidlcnco last night xvould bax'o pronounced It .1 sin cess Ilut with tho lidded touch of huuiiiii Interest tho play brought tin th iipplauso In such x'olume that tho wlfilmn of tho mniingemput In revlx'lng Taul Arm stiong's production was concliislxely dem onstrated Continuing Plays At tho Broad Mrs. Kiskn Is to bo seen In a comedy of tho rennsx Ix-anla Dutch, "I5rst whllo Susan," in xvhlch sho plan an elocu tionist xvho marries a hard-hearted and hard-liundcd old fanner In order to reform him nnd tho community. At tho Gnrrlck Frank Craxcn nnd n laigo company of leading ladles nro ap pearing for a second week In "Sax-en Chances," n comedy dealing with n young man xxho tries to find a brldo among sex'ou of his feminlno friends In order to xx'ln a largo Inheritance. At tho Forrest nichnrd Carle. Willi Valll, Harry Ilulger nnd a I ueo company nro ap pearing In "Tho Cohan Itovuo 101G," n successor to Gcorgo M, Cohan's "Hello, nroadway." Llko that piece, It burlesques 'ho current tucccsscs of the stage. At tho Lxilc, "Tho Blue Paradise." nn operetta inude over from u continental original, nlso continues. In tht cast aro Vlvlcnno Segal, Cecil Lean and Cloa May-Held iyzjLuaiijSSWcvi -rfin ttpS lit;'- " " "" ' """Tri 1 srs7rs?ni- m f) i m wj' '' 7 o T.jO, 1008 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia . . First View of Cotton Dress IWB I "N ovelties Hi V For 1917 PlairJ and Striped v y i V OllG ( foulard I ussan Deauville White Fancy Voile SO cents to $1.50 yard PIQUE OTTOMAN POPLIN EMBROIDERED SWISS DOTTED and FIGURED I EVENING LEDGER-PntLADELPmA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, MUSIC GREET NEW YEAR KEITH CROWD THRILLED BY FEATS OF MAGICIAN "Wonder-Worker" Defies Death in Tricks Unusually Divor ' aified Program Holiday crowd xv'ilch thronged II V Keith's to rapacity three limes yesterday enjoyed a vnudexllle bill of unusual xarlely nfi'l rltnrtu. The stir feature of the dlx'ersl fie I' proRrnm was "Moudlnl. tho xx-onder-xvorker," whom denth-defylnii Irlelta remain n mystery, although they linxe been seen the world over. Both of tlnmilhl' offerings yesterdnv were unpleasantly dnnucrotts for the per former, nt least thev seemed so from Ihe xleivpolnt ft the audience tils big feiture xx-iib hln excapo 'mm the Chinese xxntoi lor turpcell, Inveuteil by himself. Willi h's reet recurely Inehed In Iho top, lie xrns liixxerrd herd first Into n xx'nler nnd nlr tight rise xv.th top, bottmn nnd Bides then sicined xvllh sleel bands nnd Inckril with twentv padlocks In n little oxer one minute lie omTCPd fiom the cabinet drlpplnij nnd panting foi brrath. but nppnretitly no worse Tin his nstoiindlng performance UVre It nut that ho frnnklv ndnilts his performance is onlv a trlck.tlie nudionoe xvntild bo llkelx to iiH'rlLo supernatiitll powers to him one i.f the striking hits of the bill xins 15 .Met Inn's Sxvlss canine notors. l'rnm tho point of man clou training these dogs haxo in en exoplled rirelv In loenl xntldexille I5nt re'x unassisted bv anx pernoti on the nag- lliii clever troupe gnx-e 11 humorous pn i ntation of a pantomimic play called The Territorials Quartered " One llttlo dog neoldentlv slipped out of Its costume dining the performance nnd In oxldent embarrass ment It dashed from the stngo. A dimming one-act sketch xx'as presented by It'ibort T llnlncn nnd company Tho playlet entitled "Wnnted. a Ktrnnger," cen ters about n conspiracy between tho hus band of a charming xvlfo nnd two of his fi lends to tench tho xvlfo a lesson In pro priety of conduct. Txx-o offerings xvhlch nppenred for tho first tlmo In this oity yesterday wcro tho Aus tralian Ciplghtotiii, whoso clexor acrobatic and Juggling stunts drew continuous np plauso, and Joseph McHhano and Aula Hathaway in i.mart pongs nnd dances Mls llathawiiv scored a particular lilt as nil Impersonator of Clmrllo Chaplin Tom Hinitli nnd ISalph Austin haxo some thing genuinely now In 11 comedy dancing specialty, and their effort was xx-cll re warded .llinmlo Ilussey. an old-tlmo fn xor.to, appealed xxllh VIlllam WotMey In a lot of nonsense. Hmma i'.iius, nsslstcd ly Larry Comer, presented a medley of sparkling comedy bits Hut. as usual. It Is tho xx'ay sho did Jior parts and not xxhat sho did that mado tho hit. Hdwln Gcorgo xvon continuous npplauso xvlth his Juggling act. He could haxo been a 'ory good Juggler had bo chosen, but he preferred to mako many mistakes and ap pear as a droll cutcitnlner. Aliern's Cyclers Xixon-firand Charllo Aliern's Big Cycling Company furnished plenty of thrills for patrons of tho Giand Theso dating performers of x'audc vllle cxcllng fa mo started ott tho Nexv Ytnr with a lot of biand-iipw stunts. When jx'erjhodv In tho aiidienco xxasnt g.ihplng they wcro laughing, which amply testified that tho romp my ban not lost Its nblllty to entertain. It was a crackerjack Nexv Year's bill nil 'bo way tlnough Ileainnonto nnd Arnold performed xvlth, their usual brilliancy nod 'Billy llulloxvn's Blrthdax" mndo a hit. The latter net was full of tho sort of humor which is deeply appreciated on tho first day jf a new jear. Other good features were uroxldeil by I.ockett and Woldron and Aiehto and Gertlo Palis. Theic w'ero three thoxx's yentoidny, nnd oxery ono of them xxns snaiipy from stait to finish. Tho pictures wcro up to tjio usual high standard. The Mu'fiicnl Festival Globe Tho bill nt tho Globo Theatro this week Is a particularly happy nnd fitting combina tion of attractions to liepln tho noxv x'enr. Tho Musical Festlial." a x-ocal and In itrumcutil production featuring tho Four Manning Ssitcrs, l'.i tho bcadliner, and the npplauso this sketch xvon from tho niidlenco last night ls a sulllclent recommendation of Us merit. Vjlng xvlth this sketch for chief honors on tho bill Is n minimum musical corned)'. "On tho llooftop," xvlth n bevy of pretty jlrls and couieillans xvlth real fun. Other good features on tho board Include Mortis and Bcasley, In 'The Manicure Girl"; Mon roe nnd Duffy, Lucky nnd Yost, tho Three Axnlkfl. "Outsldo tho Law," Joo Keller nnd company. Gray nnd Wheeler and Ihe Uqullla Ilrotbeis. "What'? Your Name?" Cross Keys No end of eimedy complications, Inter spersed with catchy inuMc, makes "What's Your Name?" n llxcly tabloid which oxer ftoxxs with laughs, an Ideal hendllner at the Cross Keys Tho act. xvhich xx-as xvrltten by A Sey mour Broxvu, has a number of now Ideas that will undoubtedly keep It In tho top- notch class of x'nudevllle O'Brien and Ilnxel wcro seen In a snappy comedy act xx'hlch was glxen a hearty gicetiug. other good ncfj xyoro presented by Lxans and Wilson nnd Johnny Jones. Tho pictures follow tho quality pace set by tho shoxv. O OjO iejcpau (pory &a cents 10 xi.jo yara . .30 cents ani 38 cents ou cents , . . , , 28 cents ' m ONE OK TIIH Mt'SIC L AVOLLOS Appenrinif nt the Globo FOUR LITTLE PLAYS AT LITHE THEATRE Drnnintization of Shaw's Story, "Tho Emperor and Iho Girl," Is tho Fcntiu'c Theie's moro rent fun nt the Mltle Tho ntro this xieelc. Three of tho four one act plays nre delightful comedies nnd rarrv on tho spirit of humor engendered by Shaw-'s "You Nexcr Pnn Toll." xxhleh xx'as ..o effec tlxely presented by the Rtnge Society actors during Iho Inst few xvneUi. furiously I'liough, the single piny of tho eurient bill which Is not In a lKht mood Is tho drnmatl ration of the Faino O It Khnw's short story, "Hip Kmpcior mid the t'.lil" Tho story, adapted for the stnge hv Henry Starr Blchnidson, Mioxx-h whnt Hbaxv thlnhi rliould be going on In the mind of the Oertnan Hmperoi nfter contemplating tho results of thn xxnr to dnte Ini'ldentnllv. .Shaw early dispels nnv delusion that he Is nntl-tiermnn or pro-Ally m his rentlmenls iiv liming tho Kaiser rtate that (here an threo Knlsern. nnd "those thnt enn't mnUo their mustaches tin 11 up wear beards." Tho act Is xery effectively Muged. with shells constantly bursting In th- distance finally one explodes on tho stage, uproot ing n tree nnd Killing the girl. Krom then on tho girl's splilt t-peohn. Ilemv f" Khep. pard xins tho llmperor and Hiss Mario llacr tho girl "The Subjection of ICczla." by Mrs. Ilaxo loek Kills xxas tho llr-t of tho four pl.ivs It Is an excellent romedy of rustic domestic llfo In which Mrs Kills, following along tho lines of her husband, demonstrates thnt one touch of nntwio Is much moro poxverful Mian a brutiil club In the cff-etlx-o subjection of a xvom.in William II. Whitney was nn ex cellent husband sorely torn by tho trials of a w-lfe that nccused him of lack of Iceilng when bo atn his dinner and of Inconsl ler nteness of her pains when ho loft It un touched Henry I, I'oi was a good Matthew-, and Miss finer nn effective Kezln l.eo Tape's "Tho Ungerlo Laureate," Is an excellent ehlclo for Miss Horolhv SIul lnerdlno nnd Vinton I-'rrtidley, Tho act sparkles with clox'er lines Becanso of lllnens In tho cant I.udwlg Thoin.is's "The Birthday." w-as not glxen. Hubert Garland's "At Night All fats Are Ciray," was substituted Tho cast xxhlch presented It earlier In tho season appeared. V. H. I,. Haul Coal Five .Miles to Church rtOADSTOW.V. X. J, Jnn 2 Jn order that serxlcoa may bo held In the Coh'insey Baptist Phurili hero, tho f.irmis hauled coal from Brldgcton, a dlstnnco of fixe miles. No conl can bo obtuiuuil hi the -v II lagc. Tho Thirteenth Street Shop 5.f7 xf'Tf wfU. &JV w - & Ml &r VSSJii- . iS Knovn for Bona SERGE DRESSES AFTERNOON DRESSES . . M cyy? L,Jf. 11' JfJiT HinrA?) s ViJ January aran Former Prices Up to $39,75 Evening Gowns Former Prices up to $55M NOW 29.58 Former Prices up to $85,00 NOW 43,75 Former Prices up to $ J 57. 50 NOW 89,50 Evening Coats Farmer Prices up to $3B5.00 NOW 1 25 0 60 Former Prices up to $175.00 NOW 69.50 Afternoon Former Prices up to $95,00 Former Prices up to $165.00 Street and Motor Coats Former Prices up to $55.00 NOW 29.75 Former Prices up to $157.50 NOW 75.00 ' i i i n l i . i Na. C O. D.'tz Ho Exchangta'- IN LOCAL THEATRES-NEW HEROINES MONOPOLIZE THE NEW YEAR SCREEN Misses Frederick, Dnlton and Voinijr Seen in Inlet'cating Features Ily the I'ltotopliiy IJ-Jilnr sr,.VI.t:V "Ihe s,uh Murkit."' Kniimus Plm ers l.irnmouiit. with I'nutln FrniprliR nnl Tliomns MIKhnii Hum- iiilnineil from t'reil rMrli Arnntil Kimuner s fils 'The Pitlntul xX'omm. ' illreited Iiv Jmifi Kitirmnn t'lrntes. hidden gold thu Spanish Main hoxx- seldom they nniniir In th innvlts, )' how nleelv rutted lo tti ncreen the nn1' Kdlson's 'Ti ensure Island." xinrs old; "t,nslj s 'To Hnxc nnd Tn Hold." Flnr Artss Imphnn and the Pinto ' lire the onlv films In Ihe xein of t'ipfiln Kldd the rexli'wer run reisill, until th.1 1 rent nppenmncp of "The Hlnx-p .Market" It Is an ittiailxrnc'l. iH"lodtama:lc tnle of 11 hemi t trill girl spiled by n brutal ruirinn of t te seas, who Irl-s to wnbdne her pride nnd B" n l.-flfe between bis ribs for Ills troubl Ilnmnpn Is then ib-nged lo the bluett ni'il nbout lo be auctioned off to tin revi'tir'efitl mhtress of the dead bnndl'. wh-n th- liio who has locnted n treasure rhct. gnlloi s up nnd i-ni'es the dn.x --also Rnniann All this glx-cs Jib's Pretei lelt 11 I'lmine eunlii t'i In throllled nnd benteii 11 ml to M;l'." "UlTerlne despair, etc l'i to th" 1 0I1 t 01 the minder the picture Is not xiry ex riling but It then token on elements of I suspense and beautv In the nirnngi'meiit mid pbologrnphv nf some exquisite cluse-uiis rl other scenes The xx-hlte nnd x- How tints of throat nnd fnee, xvlth rich ilndiwi for contrast, nnd some ilnsjicsof n cnxe, printed In green nnd ollow glxe cvldnei of Intel llgent nrtlstrx Mote might hnx ' b-en mini" of Ihe nttai'k by the pirates on the ship licmcvcr. Alll'AlllV "The IViunle nf Die Sntcs." lm Trlinsle, Willi tlmnlhx Ilntl'in iiml F.n il Mnrltex Sinrv I v ttnusi II R Smith ml-i'l I Ity Mnnle Kiittcrjohn nnil ilrn i.tl U Uninnnd 1 1 XXVsl West hns done Rotno xerx fine tileces of direction for the lnco iieople, but nntiilur rlexeier than "The I'eninle of the Species' Ho has it fnlr-lo-inlddlln' star In Miss lial ton nnd an altogether Infeitor neiios In Mlsa Jlirkey; ho has 11 simy of lost men ory, coupled xvlth Ihe doFlre of tx.o xvoni'n for the same num. which Is nboi t ns im plausible ns most of then' 11 pin.' ',1 nffmi nnd xvliieh has tm "putir'i ' nt the 1 11 1 lo compensate And et -Mi Wet Ins produced n picture that stendllv Itili rests Ills sets nre splendid He has plentx . detull, but not too inucli lie has soine real night pliotogrnphv of a xxred; im-tcid of daylight fnke He tuiudli's a lelegiapble "conxeisallun" In n sliiklng 111 d tenel m inner Ilxeryxxbere there is thoioiii'lim s nnd finish, coupled xxilh Imagination SI'IJAN'IJ I In- 1'nnltili MrKlil." lnli u I'I, lurm Willi rixra Klmlmll "Xinni; uml 1 .m xvav Tenrle X'liinti..! f-nni tl llev 1)11,11111 lilvm n unvel of the sntni iiiiie liliiili.l ! Albert I'nii. Ilinl This Is 11 gient bnproxement mi The Common l.nw" In diamatio tensitv nnd general Interest, tlinugh st.ll a bit lone and nrr-i -detailed The rhaiiictiis me taiilx well drawn, and the cllmnv xi heie the 1110011 shining mother, unconscious of his identltx stnbn her Fori, bus a tlulll xxhlch will ph i-. thoso xvho llko violent nelin-i 'I he m in near Ashexllle, xvhlther "the foolish xligin Is taken by her thlexlng and ill Inking miiiiik husbniiil, I'oulu ill tho moit Inpichslxe ami horror-eieallng moments Ilcni the cum 1.1 work ndds to the repulsive nnd eerio qualii of the sltuitloiin nnd lucat tons Ml -Young continues to play in the iiiauui 1 xvhlch ban mado her populsr with her ed mil era, but the real star of the perfotm nnco Is Conway Tcaile. xxhose pottiait nl tho wastrel (redeemed In itel sexiit) is ion xlnclng. X'ivld mid nd'nli.ihle in gestuu and facial CNpresslx'cness. Films already rex'leweil In these column xvero shown at othei theatres jesteidav Tin Victoria dlrplaxcit "Tho Sin Ye Du," xxllh Frank Keennn; tho Belmont. 'The AwnU cuing of Ilvleim Itlchlo," with Kthi 1 I'.nn mole, uud the Locust, '"llni IMnnoi.il.i 1 with W S Hurt "Intokinnce" eniilinucs to "iack 'cm in" nt the Chestnut !-trt,.t Gperu. "Wanted, n Wife" Penn Them nro many nnxeltlcs on xiew nt Mi William I'enn, nnd tho shoxv Is ouc all' timely The tprliikllng of comed. nudum . Is Just idiom right to lound nut. mi eujoi able hill. The lending featuie Is "Wan' id n U'lfo." a tabloid miixkal comedy, nnd It xx'aswell ri'ir'eixed. Chaillo Ilnllly and thoTes I'hnxv Cats mnile il hit. while Mime ni'l Hilly Ilnrt pleased exerybody In their del. piesenlntlon of "The Circus fllil ' Pornlhv (lamble. In "V iiumhlo of Souls," proxod a pleasing wh'd-up Where, fashion Reigns Thirieenlh Street J.tst llclow t'lwslitut Fide Reductions ) I3. 5 Dresses NOW 4875 NOW 89.50 sJVd Approvalt- Javjm&? 4WUXJIW 1917 "HIS HEART'S DESIRE" COMES TO WALNUT Fiske O'Hara Pleases in New 1'olu at Popular-Price Playhouse A rolllekliut Irish romantic routed v came to the Wnlrut vesterdav afternoon, nnd Plske rvltnr.i, the J'oung Irish sinwr, had I ril xvliieh nffirded htm .-tn ntee'lehl np pnrfunltv to rtlmlnv his vocal nblllty. The reception which Mr. O'Hnrn reclx-ed Inst night g iim lo s'inw that he Is threatening to jeik ChniiiMcv Oli-utt fiom the pedcstnl xvhie'i the inner hns ndomed for maTiv icirs- thnt of 1 up most popular Irish nctxr-p ngrr In thp country And (I'Hsirn Is ito-ni'thliift more than s singer; lip Is a enniei'lan of n-, ,nrnn ,it,ity, fnf he had I'iosp peps,.!!' Hi the 'n h nine "laughlnif " ",'' "r.".5't,",""',n I" f.-'ht o' us icmnrhetl, iiht. I their r.bs xt- mid ciaeli " Mr O'flnr-i HMium-s fie part of a dash- w 11 Hi. rilnid. Lord Henrv B-.re.ford fMr. niHl'.ii ' ",,"rn " IK' imtlx. Ireland, ,' .';,r?:,,,"",,r!," "K'-'th-ns l.nally ""' ' 1IlR 'M'rt . Desire" ,. the pi,.- SWOBB3 iV'gjr.yj tMcwa Bsarjrxi RiaJnit'i irxn ttppaata Rsssaa ISPSBW tejacai azsxss SRIIfl SI Ifll I3iini IB in imixi s a b r n o m d n.R u &SSiQliO fills H fl S Oh 0 s j H 3 h B S n Wm I-OR irEOXi;SDJY,JT II Ih and THE GREAT SALE OF HKH-CUSS S at Offers Wonderful Choosiniv From the Verv FJix'f nnrl lllnel T..r.U 1 """H x itiXJSi, 1 iiatmillcUJIU iUUUUIS 1UUUC to Sell From $15 Up to $125. Beautiful new Suits in large, complete txsaan assortments at far lower prices than you inmna would pay elsewhere f follonlin; Ihralrrs nlit lla llielr Bzascsa (lv KhiTOKg -dTj.-'J , fTl VSSS3 fflEtt5'' "'" -. fllafemJMr .? ' n...: , ..., , . bsm xxxi&tf hriiitiaJ'' v Av iiiiumeii wtiii l'iciie.sc ,: s w m& - furs- A" co,ora and a" sSS: 'JimSp rr.w-K am. sri.i:it EE53 PHOTOPLAYS PHOTOPLAYS MBn&t. Booim? Gmwnu. I 'I'lIK follonlin; Ihralrrs nlit lla llielr iilrtiiri ihr.n,"!. il,. kTixri'v 1,1... riimKiii. which N a Kimriiiilrr of early .Innliie (if thn llnf"t proibictlonH. All rlrtiiMs retlrnril hrforp eUdMllnn. Asl. for tlie tlientrr In jour locality obtalnln: plcturei llironcli the hlUM.IIY IHlKKl.Mi ttllll'ANV. """" ALHAM3RAM,:!,,'.VS.i 1 fc fitfriyun'i e 'J . UtiH II .!.". 11 i .ii atnruiit I'lriurtu, Doughs Fairbanks '- ll)(Jlc Aprjl J O -r AM) TUOMP.SOS- WU(-V IATIRI' nin.v FANNIE WARD 'Witfiheraft" A P T A D I A i-iu:sr.sLr v l K V U 1 i. it.iow li'-TH Dorothy Dnlton and En?d Mark;y in -Tin: fi:mw.r or tii,: srwiES" BELMONT "-" AN" MUl,,n ETHEL EARRYMORE in "in:: awam, vi . up iiiv.uva uiti'iiu:' BLUEBIRD IIIOXD AVI) M hQI'KlIANNA am; ARY PICKFORD in MXU.XJli: llt'TTKHKl.V" CEDAR OUTIl AMI I'KUAH ATI. CWMUUfA'T TIIEATrtK bl.iM a IIWAKAWA ntfl sivrtn k KTi;nsu in tiii: joui. of Kcn.v san" PAIOMnNalT .TII AM) irunii.uutu n:it.Ro avu.sti? A".S' 1'KVMM.Kiv "I XX'SI roi rti riiill jrt iii -tiii: iiv'vuuw pp.iM'nss" RfiTU CT TIIKATItn sit. DAII.V "ojrl'3'' i'i t-ti-ii, . i:x. 7 to ii MARGUFRITE CLARK in MIS-t lUntnli: XX'ASIIINIITO.S" FRANKFORD " rnANKjJ??j?l. ANN PFNNJNGTON in ' TUP MIIMIIU I'ttlNCEFS" GREAT NORTHERN re,"';. Audrey Munson pijrity" IMPERFAL U,,T" o"lt "T!ie Country That God Forgot" I PAFiPI? UlRTY f iisr AM) fVJARGUFRITR CLARK in xilt-K i.EHIli.i: V xaIIiN(lTON" Liberty R-o-0,UilB1.v DOROTHY GI3H in I'llll OHISS OF THS PKUli' XV OT rllllwXDEI.I'lHX. EUREKA i0T" MARkET s Norma Talmadgc & Wilfred Lucas In rllK ilK-BOSCOl'E MVSTER K'stnn IriirKU SHf-ry V'lrit Ambra" Mil Til rilll-AllKI-riUA O L Y M P f A MUU .VBHILX... 'IIIK UASii.tK OF TUB f O With HELEN HOLMES Ai u IUV t.1 l.UVV McNAlfc' PHOTOPLAYS tlurtlnn Is called Hurlng Iho course of tiia play Mr O'Hara sings several pretty Irish ballads. "Be Suio nnd Kiss the Blnrney Stone" Is the first of these. It evoked much applause "Heart's Deslro" Is nnoth.r yreltx song, ns Is "Thais Hoxv tho Fairies Came lo Ireland " A lilting gong xvlth ft swing" to it Is "Molllo Mine." which tha slrsfr had to repent many times, nnd xvli-n ho grew tired of singing It nnd naturally h( xould he xvhlstled It, A chinning Joung hdy, Jtlss Patricia Clary, ably ns (dried Mr O'Hara as Millie MrQarry, nn Irish lass J I'. Sullivan pHyfd tho part of l'addy Tnni. n gond-nnlured Scotchman xxho "whittled xvhuttles." nnd Mlss Lou Hlfilev. ns Ulddv Tarn, his wife, furnished ft rood denl of humor William T. Shcehan In tho rule of Jonas Slatts, calamity howler nnd dispenser of gloom, drew many laughs from tho nudlencj If xoil unlit to enjoy n real good cheer" M'f Irish piny sco I'lslte O'Hara In "His Heal t'n Heslf e " IJilJ Kcvisxv Trncadcro Hnapp' songs, (taucen nnd sketches fen tured the "Big llexlexv of 1017 ' nt tho Tiouttlcro Inst night. Harry Lexan headed a good compnny nnd kept thu Iihubb 111 11 continuous upiuar with bis Jukes and nntl'S 1 Tho chorus it lined xvllh pretty maids, xxho can datun mid kick, nnd the piee'o xmn adjudged a mii'"' s in cxirv xxn) Soviral bltrleltns on the po,nilarit of moxlng-plc Hue ttlirs xxeli al-o iieecn PSX3SSS3 Market Sis. gang E-ESOESl " & $25 C&SZOM :.. l.l- H.I1 If.J. UHEBS tSSZSQ3 lor broken lots. HllVJiyM Chiffon Velvets Ksraa glish Velvets Velours de Laine Broadcloths Chiffon Finest Poplins, WW f nlrtiiri,. ihrmi LOCUST ."Jl A.NO LOCltfT Main I ..'111 ami :i inc. J5o. I IK." 11 nil, K, l. -v;n;.T q u th IIAWNMAIvUIl" Market St. Theatre 33.i jfAiiKirr STltuirr CI.AIIX 'CI Mm i.i. XOIMJ In "The Common I c Tiai.T I.' Kplmilo Tin 1'unils Mank." I niturliiK I'm in a rmtl) ami llmro Cl'.S'AHD. l)ali' I.THCI. i'I.AVTO.N nnii ' I'AKI.VLR UL,.rKVni.I. H In ' HHOKIl.V CHAIN'S' PALA6E Ui n?""" MARGUERITE CLARK in HM1XV IV1IITB" PRINCESS 101S MAHKET STltUnT MABEL TALIAFERRO in riiu si mh:.m" REGENT ICC I SlAltKirr hTHEET in jmv voica ona.irr Thsodcro Roberts and Anita King in vros' Tin: i KrmiiiL,B" RIALTO liUR!IAVTOVN AVE AT 'ri'LI'CIIOCKEN BT. AllOi: JOM'I. llAltltV T MOHEV uml M Xltl' Ii DI UMOTT 111 XX1IOM TIIC HODS DKbTBOV" RTI R V MMtl.ET bTUEET " w " 4 ntsuiw ttii arnnET MARY PICKFORD in "run exhi.es mate" ; a v n v vit MAitifET E. K. Lincoln and June EJvidgc in THE XVOUl.l) AliAIVST HIM CTAMJ KV JIAUKin' AUOVK Itt'iH " oiy-iNiJi.i uixA jitoiiwi'u PAULINE FREDERICK in 'THU SI.AVK 1IARKET' S'PP AWn OUUMANTOXVK AVEM 3 - iVlNty AT- ytXANOO STJtfcEV CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in IHE FOOLISH VIKCIIN" f Q ( A 1ITH AM) VENANOO SIS. DUSTIN FARNUM " 8,ER1.V. 'SHIELUIN,ttSHAUOy VICTORIA jgMM,, FRANK KEENAN in ' THE BINS B DO" -NoiiTH riiii.i)Ci.rni.v RIDGE AVENUE mi RlDB Ma MARY PICKFORD in "Lew Than the Dust" "PHIL AND DELPHIiW ' TlK ;T5NIKO LEDUEE l'rie-X,Xliu4lnt Hatitt W!U B JHwwn a aui JCitAist KAit At 1IK HVAttlM MfK UMJISH faagatg BITS s f il I II . irfnT' ; Jej, erf- -t . -v --ttfm ir'.iSi