jjW'UflWWMfillMJipvipr lsasaTe -VWVW e-jwjwvi 9r9 -e ? "wiWW'iJ "! i DR. O'MALLY SCORES f IMMODEST RAIMENT Girls Powdered Like Rabbits. Grandmothers Corinthian Col ums on French Heels TALCUM AND ROUGE MODE AUSTIN O'MALLKY By M'LISS Do Cntliollc Blrls ilresi mmlctly? Tho answer, nccorttlne to Dr. Austin Yv.Malley, tlvpcntli on what part of Africa iyoti come from. I Doctor O'Mnlley, physician, profenior nml ,wrltcr, who lives nt 2228 South Ilroad 'itroot, believes that wo are IlvInK In nn WpnlllnRly decadent atfo nnd that tho ilccn ilotico Is spreadlnR no rapidly that If some 'body doesn't do poniothlng ilsht nulclt, Bomcthine la colnp to liappen. 1 In 11 BCnthlnff article In 'America," u fiJcstilt publication, ho Hays the Catbollcs, Good Catholic that ho Is. for tlielr part in brlmclnc about this decadence. Mixed marriage nnd fashions are chiefly fCBiioii" slblo. That 1'iotestant O'Liiail.ia and Mc Evoys nnd o'Donnells exist In this land, ho 'declared, shows which way tho wind blows. In nn Interview at his home. Doctor 'O'Mallcy expatiated on bis article, t.01110 of tho mnterlal for which, particularly that part about Catholic Bills dressing immod estly, wfti Kleuneci m i-iiiinueipnia. "Our Church," be said indignantly. "Is losing thousands of lur people throiiKh mixed marriages. It is no tmusuat tiling to taWo un a naner and read of tho innr- rlago of Hiss Gladjst Murphy to Mr. Fran cis Durlio In a Uapttst or Presbyterian church by tho Ilov. Peter Doyle, and 'every 0110 In the group from parson to flower-girl had grandmothers who took their beads to bed with them. "Our peoplo lire pulled down Into disho nor nlso," be continued, "by tho rapid de cadenco of the American public conscience. Walk nlcW Chestnut street today and you can see Indecent pictures on tho boardings that twenty yenrs ago would havo put some 0110 behind tho bars. In tho theatres you enn Beo 'actorlncs' that lit former times would havo been wrapped In horse blankets bv tho police and carried uway in tho patrol wagons. Vnclcan plays aro presented, brazen dames flop about In what aro called esthetic dances, university professors preach ethical slush, -without protest, yet 11 generation ngo these crimes would open 'the doors of tho penitentiary. The worst' quality of yds paganism is that it has be come n. matter of course. "Our women strut about the streets wrapped lit nothing much but powder, and rogue Even grandmothers vrnddlo about. Corinthian columns renrcd on French heels, clad llko an Irish sergeant In a Highland jcglmont, simpering, mincing, ogling, until the devil's faco Is parboiled with tho tears of his laughter. "Tho other day I was passing a Cuthollo school ono of our most fashionable. A number of rflrls wore coming out. Thcro was n basement window near tho gate .-which made an effectual mirror, nnd every blessed damsel that appeared took n powder ,iuff from her reticule, or whatever you call tholr ammunition boxes, struck her budding nose Into It. and pattered off down the street looking like the white rabbit In a Christ mas pantomlno. Powder puffs are not crim inal, but were these girls dressed modestly?' Doctor O'Malley paused and (united and consulted hla article. "Well, as I have written. It depends on what part of Africa you como from." But Doctor O'Malley would go no further. Ho would not bo specific In regard to the details or lack of details which made tho dress of tho girls from the Cathollo school Immodest. He saw them and that wag enough for him. Doctor O'Malley has taught at Fordham, Georgetown and tho , University of Notre Dame. ACQUITTED, HE REFUSES TO LEAVE CAMDEN JAIL Old Man, Who Killed Poorhouse Orderly, Says Ho I3 Afraid of Freedom An old man alts behind prison barB day after day In Camden although he has been decreed by the law 0. pie man. He alts there, friendless and penniless, In the Cam den County jail, because he Is afraid to step from tho security of hla cell out Into the maelstrom of Ufa again. He says so himself. Christmas Day, when all the-, world was (oyful, law tho old man 811110? silent be ilnd the bars, and the new year sees him 11 the same place. Thomas Green, for that Is his name, one moment last April forgot the burden of his evenay-slx years and In a At of anger killed James McDermltt, an orderly. In the poorhouse at Blackwood, N. J. Ever Blnce the time that Green had entered the home, McDermltt, other Inmates said, took an especial delight In bullylnff him, a practice that was continued until the orderly was beaten to death by Green In a fight. Green, Btunned at what ha had done, waa arrested and put on trial. He was freed by the jury' when It was testified that he acted In self defense. But now he wantB to. be tried over again and convicted, so he can remain in Jair. "I don't want to leave," he said. "I have no place to go. I am friendless and penni less and I don't see how I can get back to Blackwood again. I am afraid to go out Into the world because I am too old to bat tle with It, My cell la snug and besides I like to play checkers with myself." POLICE STOP CONCERT BBS of West Philadelphia New Yar Association Fall to Materialize Plans of the "West Philadelphia New l'Bir Association to hold a sacred con- rt uwii " -v.v ....... -r..- Isutt night when two policemen from the Sixty-first and Thompson streets station, Interfered with the proposed entertainment. The policemen entered the New Belmont Hall, Sixty-second street above Market, where a hundred persona had assembled, and told Thomas Kelly, president of the association, they had been Instructed not to permit the sale of tickets and warned him not to receive money from prospective guests. The order was complied with and (he audience toon alter left the hall. Dk. ARTISANS' ORDER'S OFFICIAL CHANGE The Annual Rotation Affected by Resignation of M. E. Master, Artisan-Elect Most Excellent Kuiierlntciutont Ueorga !' 1'nwllMB announces that owing to the pre RUro of lirlvnto bunlncBS ntnl his nlwiue from the country for nt least one-tlilril of tho coming year ho will no unahle to pi vanco to tho nlllco of Host ISNCellont Mum tor Artisan. TI1I1 ailvanocM M. 12. In'iiwtm .Jacob Jortlan to tlio position of M K Mm ter Artisan. Ilrother Frank A. nialniera, of William t'nlton Assembly, who recently nniiuiiiirctl bis cniulldary for tho olllco of Most llx eellent Inspector, will, therefore, luhnurr I1I1 name for the olllco of Most llxcollcnt Superintendent Two candldatca are nniioutieeil for the offlie of most eTcellent Inspector. Walter ChnrrliTr nf "lllngavvood Anaemhlr. No ft" nnd William P onrhcci of 0.1k laine Aescmhly. No ill Ilrother rarrlerc In well nn,l favorahlv known nmnne the eolith Jersey oHeeniollc nnd Is tl pute r lladdon Assembly. No 12. white Ilrother Voorlires In nn active memocr nnd tncnmlnr mooter nrttsnu of Oak I.iino. ami nln deputy uf Km, rprlse Assembly, No lit He In nil enthu siastic member of tho Artisans Howllm Leaiinc The ArtlnmV llsskethslt Lprrui- the litest 1 'iitnre etona Ihe athletic line, will open on Tuc.idiy pvcnlnic at tho Temple Hnptlst Church lf'tl 'I u end second und Tioga streets, Umnen ml) h hIavihI MPmlunpklv. nn Tilpmiil mill Thursdays. hotucoTi the following teams: North 11 si, rn. r c I'ndertoivn, Keistone IMlmvrn 1 lilalltt Kmntifurfl und Fnt Chnit aMPmMIri '' t.-atnn will ho pciulpp-il In thp nmpiiihlv t'liori JlrothtT T A Kaiton, of Palinvra As- lubt. hjp tieeii tho active factor In tho prt iitnMun of tho new pnlure ntnl in pi rninrv nf Hip I iiuiiu 1'lip iMtni pln!nir on Tmsum 'pnlntf iir. I r t'tntarilowii l-'laVllty mul Kpptine m rrutitffonl. Si .Tohn'o APipmuly honorpit Up IwiMpr nrtl nnn WIIMhiii A l'tirks. on Tutjmliy by mimlnc tho lnptlirj "I'urks Night " A luriro criion pnr tritit of llritthr I'urks mlorneil tho platrorni nl ChrhtinaH Irpp-, with lft vrp pIilpiI nround ih, niuptlnif room A ilunn of iwi-nt tnmlMjtcn wna preppriteil und Plxtei'tt werp iiiliultti'il at pup 1 lal mi'i'tlncf on F'rlday ornl Hntiinlnv niHKlnif Junt 'llll fur the Jour. Tho ChrlBtmnH po-It lirp. valli-,1 ntimnir thp 3U0 meinlierfl nn-apn: Dlftn wpre illptrlbulpil. Hong' puntf un'l nn h pppclal fuiittiro l)r t1 , Curroll Htlcppr linprrpoiiHti1,! it Iluppluli innitlrhin. Illn moe-uii wup txipttpnt hla wlltlclHitirt und rllatpot rhnrtulntf and tho trlrka whip tlone tin hi 11 maatnr hanil--npw onpa nnd tiiiniproup The ilmtor pnapiI hlmaplf to liti r oriMtlp Hrttrft uiil rurnlalird thirty iiihiutpp of ttip hpHt putortalnmpiit opr cIipii In thp na ypmbly ri'oiii. Anothpr foaturu of thp pvpnlna waa 1111 mlilrona hv tti, Hun fllln UrHii a ntpni hpr or St Johifn nml wull known in IrKal anil frntern.il rlri-lpp. Ilia aublhue orator uti'l I rtl Itnnt thiiuaiit IiioukiiI too nuillpnio to Hi Ir fppt nt the lion,) of hla aiMrcpa Hrnthor Jnrilpp II. Mnlonpy iirnpintnl on Iwhulf of tin naiipiiilily to Hrothnr 1'iirka 11 b-unllful nlrctrlc liiinp In tooenltlun of thp aplnidlcl pervlrp ho hail kIioii tho n8Pintilv durllitf the ynr. I'loctlotl uf orflcora ri-aiutod hh follovia: Maa tor ArtlHfin. (' t' Ainlunif, aup, rlnlpndeiit. 13. A. liurthohiiupw, liiBiintor, V. I Itldpimiir rp inrilpr. V V Poiint'llv. caahlpr, UaAraril Junpfl, triiHtPos. VpI II KPiir rvonunutiona ror n rvPintutlM'M to tho .Mont l;i-pU-nt Aunt-nib il.ly W. l-i, IlK fllllf.UH v V. DollllPl v v. Mllibi'll. .1. T flalivr, . 11. tvonr. i .-. Htlckcr. I-'rpil DIkpii, l-'roncls lllbua. . II rut-ln-k. A .M Oalprtiti:. Jnima IMnaoti. W . A. 1'urks, B. A ILirthulomew. (-'. O. Aiiiluuir. Jutnpa II. (.Illllpa nnd Jubn 1. Mliicot, 'I ho Janunry moptlnir will ''" known hi "Orlzrly lllll" nlKlit, In hoimr of tho n-corilpr. liruthor 'William V Donnollj. who will thin hao romplotcd twthti-ono jtara of fccrvlce In thut offlco. ltarmonv Asombly eb-cted tho followiiiK oftl rora Mualpr artlpin. Harold W Scott, auppr Intpnilpnt. Walter H Kootm. Inapt ctor. Ilnrry J llulilwln. rPinnlpr. tlooricp At. nlllltr: raatitor. A. W. Noll .Nomllmtlona to At. V. Asapmblj : II. M Mlllor. I". T ICluiilca. f V. aorlK-r ami It IJ WaKiior. for riiirovntutlveR. H. W Scull una W St Uoona. fur alternates. Aflpr tht hualniaa t.,..ntifiir thp iiHMAtnhlv hold Ita annual i hrlatmaa antonalnmint for the rhllJnn and laillpa. who woro preoont In larKo numbers. An nU-faanloncil l'unch and Judy how dollchtod tho chlldron, earh of whom was proaented with a Blft and rpfrrahmanta wore aorved to all Ilrother rrca lon T llhodei waa the aanin Olaus It waa ono nf tho moat auccoasful affair slen by tho aaaembly. . Jloro than 2t'0 members attended tho mcut liK of Oprmantuwn Aanembly on Thuraday night laat. Nino candidates wero utlmHtvd una pre K.inled with memborahlp butlona by Deputy l-'rank A. Chaln'-rs. XMltor Mayor deliverM an IntorentliiiC at"' .lumoroua talk, llruther Harry CJphman, of I t"n Aasembly. spolco pleasantly Tho result of Ao election of officer wan aa follows: Mua, Artisan. J Kdward Lans. auporlntendont, Jl'lIItam J Hutchinson, lnapoc tor. Harry ICo'iflm trustoo, Howard W. Hhaw, medical oxamlrtra, Doctors VltherstInc, ratton, I.ott. MrNalll. Bile. SIcCarthv. Cunntnsham. Hates. IuBher;' and yirlcke. Nominations for representatives and alternates hrouitht forth theso uaplrants for tho positions- Jonnaon, Uook. K. 1. Kondrlck. btompfla. Lans. Myera, llutrhlnaon Kendls, llrooks, Kloti. Hhaw. Jones, tlroff. Hayhurat. llatthows. I-ackman. Traiey, Jlarthl. 0 lelll, IIj ndman liel anil flurkp. The clsotlon will bo hold thu fourth Thursday In January. ...... This assembly will entertain tho Most fc.ice.I lent Asaembly at tha unnuU convention to bo held In Uormantown ou Starch noil, anil plans for tho reception ot the rcprcaenliitlies w-oro discussed ut lentth with tho Idea ot sur passing any previous efforts on .1 similar oc- Announcement waa mado of the t'andldscy of T Frank Kendrlck. past moat excellent mas ter artisan, for tho position of mmber of th hoard of Jlrectora ot tho Most Excellent As- "A'ccordlns to urramromsnt. tho members Urouirht packaeea well wrapped, which wcro auctioned and knockod down to tho lushest bidder. All Imaginable articles werti among- tho lot articles of noma value, and others appeal lnc only because thoy worn rldlculouB and tho prices rocolved varied creatly. A member paid llfty ceute for two nickel clajara. another ninety cenu for a foot or bologna, another got a drossed chicken worth about a for slxty.flva t-ento. and altoeether the inwunt renlliert was 54. which w. turned over to tho woya anil means, rommlttt-o lh niictlon provided great fun and Chief Auctioneer Hnhert lUvv n and hla ass slants. Aloxundcr mhn.on and Dave Slftlthowa, were in. enter tainnisnt In therosolvea. A minstrel show is being rehearsed for the January meeuor. Arflpht Assembly postponed the pecerober mePtlng from Christmas nlsht to Wednea.lay night and bad 123 members to celebrate what was called ''Jamoa U Clarlio Night' in honor of tho retiring master artisan. Five candl S.,.. wafa received, making forty-six for the "- Vi.T-- jii i. aMA.ua ui aUnta.l- Mali oa ter oari lnrtlanlnertram amlthi onperlntendent ' n IQllOWllIK ULUII siti . -- T examinee. ,!,; ;-, .vi?i..i- rir n. Wt Conrad.' Dr "samueVsio.i:, Ki eloctloii to tlia recordihlp of Drolhar I.lpsey for tlio ninth consecutive, term ahows the 1 hbtt estpem in which he Is held by tho.memborahlp Itie following were nominated for representatives and alternates to servo, ut the session of the M.B. Assembly In March: iopontatlves John Wpssy. Henry 8. Wurford I and Vnil p H. Arnold Alternates Jamen D. Clarks, JVIIIlam Plft"?-.. ,w'". ,, .i,Ai,a- n.v. .Tnniinrv meeting will bo ''Athletic Nljht "the entertain, mint to bo'lrurnlshed by Pro?, W llam H. H.rr- b turnisneu w ."";,." " "u maun, of rrogjessrv. ....-...-.--.. -!-,- T. ..ITOSloa. 01 . j-n"",'V Tiinna?. of HP"?-. P.? nd ibly West 'Philadelphia Assembly, were among the cimiiura A. hhjh-clasa vaudevil o showand the Weet Philadelphia Assembly's quartet furnished the ovenlng'a entertainment. Proaresslve Aasembly puts on In an adiolnlng roTm tomorrow ntiht a bin Cbrlatroaa shov fSmha ladles and children, with the laden tree. R.nia Clais candy, prlxis and entertainment for Si Chairman Martin Kano has provided a big crowd. THE MACCABEES Miss Burgin'a Report on tho Work of tho Woman's Benefit Association Keystone Review. No. 241. Rlttenhouse Hall. Fifty-third and Haverford avenue, had a very pleasant meeting last Thursday evening, with Lieutenant Commander Mrs. Marlum Nicholson presiding In the absenco of the commander, Mrs, Frances Helms, who was 111. Supreme Chaplain Mlts nureln and Mrs. Minnie Evans, commander of Bar tram Review, were tlyi euesta of the evening-. Miss Burgln spoke about the record made In Philadelphia during- 1818, and urged the members to assist In keeping Philadelphia District well to the front during 1917. Mrs. livans announced the handkerchief baraar, which Mrs. Nicholson and she will hold at the end of February for the Port Huron trip fund of the uni form rank, Refreshments and a "funny stunt," under supervision of Record Keeper Miss Minnie Tasco, closed a pleasant eve ning, Olrard Review. No7"So3. Parkway Building. Ulss Mary Collins commander, admitted two candidates to membership, closing the year witn a very creditable record and bright prospects for the coming ear. At a special meeting held it tha home of 51 1. Annie Haney. commander of Philadelphia lle view, 281T South Seventeenth street, last Vrlday evening, eight applicants were obligated, and Mrs. Haney and Hecard Keeper Mrs. Olson feel very proud ot the beautiful solid gold, badges which they received from the supremo body for the good work ef the past term. Two candldAea were alM obligated at the home ot Mrs Oaorglna England, commander of Delay Hois HevUw, who reports that the time of mtetlag baa been (.hanged from the first and Third Wednesday tuck to the second and fourth Tuesday of each mouth and all members of the review and ef the gsaeciatlon. will be welcome at ny tlm.e. Six candid tea - .i obUJIi n. comjrka r stref rf I tut- at fha home of Mrs I arris roaero. n.Lw 3430 Turner nder of Qjsksr Clt last rrlji) eeaioa iHrnl uritl Ifv Vf and tue, ofneera of tha pxa t-JB. mica to bm urge nstj la during; 1011 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1917 ,x U ' ' I mu in UllUiiUI St. MISS MAKGAUET O'NEILL Tho St. Edward's All-Star Urn mntic Company will present n pluy for tho bonefit of St. Cecilia's Church, Fox Chnse, next Wcllnes day niiht at 8:15 o'clock in tho St. Edwnrd'fl Church Hull, Seventh und York streets. The play, "SticnRth of Character," han sixteen persons in tho cast, one-half of ouch sox. The leadini; woman's pait will be played by Miss Murguret O'Neill mill the leading man's part by M. J. Flynn. SONS OF AMERICA Enormous Growth of the Leading Pa triotic Order in tho State Tho olllco at tlit Stntn licniliinarlorH la busier now- than ever before In Its history. The 111111u.il reports from tho 900 cainDt In thu SUU i' mo now comlnic In. All uf the ciiiiipA Hint lmvi iPiorti'il nn fur hnvo ihovvn Kriat Kiilns In tho last four months nml tho new Ktuto exrctillvo coninilttce Is olntcil nt the siiletiilld Hhowlnir of the camp Host of this Is iluo to tho efforts of tho Stnto l'rfildeiit ami .Statu si'crotnry, vvhn have been uncenHlni; in their vffoitt to arouse tho camps to increase their inciiiber Mhlp mul stimulate them tu (,'tenler rffoits for results. Some uf tho smaller camps bnvti iloulilnl their membership, anil some of tho luiKor nnes, llhu Camp GO, uf Rox boroiiKh : Camp 1CU, of Hcaillng; Cnuip 2S4, of Lebanon, nml Cnnii 48S. of Phila delphia, nto repurtlnhT increases of mote. than liio new members. The leports alto show- that not only the- membership Is Krovv-liiK. but that the camps nre also in-ci-cnsliis" their llnaucial value. The I'. O. S. of A. In Ibis Statu rnnks ns one of the leaillne fraternal souiullcs in mciubetshlp, anil in patriotic principles. It Is cl.ilmeil. Is the foremost. Tho ulllchil opiiitiin Is that "with nil thu camps vvhlenvv.ilto ami en thureil. the outlooU for the comlne six months is still brighter, and there are chnncc-M that the SO.OOn Increaso asked by State President Clark may be maile -S.0U0, or oven more." Tho tllno la iiunronrhlmr fur th tile 20UO rluss Initiation of the entnoa of I'hllinli Iphl t. and all nf tho roprehcntatiieu are readv and on edgo ror mo imnni r oveni 1110 i-isi metung 01 hip committee In thurko will )i held on Friday pvenjntr. January ft, nt the Statp hrndiimirtera, 1317 North llrouu street. In conjunction with the County Convention Asauclatlon whli.h de sires in giro any help to the movement The street parade preceding tho event will start promptly at 7:30 p. m at tht City Hall, and will prueeed north on llroatl street to tho Moo.o ulldltorlum, nppuslte th Statu headquarters, whore the ovent will ho held The chief marshal of the parade will bo Hiram Wmu-, of Camp oil. assisted by hla mvn aids The Initiation ceremony will be performed it t b till a m.. by an alt-star degree tiam. selected .from thu best talent In the clti There will bo two ad dresses by Statu President IIibw K Clarlt and Judgn Charles N llriimm of Hrhuylklll County Mumbera of Hie order In l'hllaileliihla aro urged to procure admission Uckpis from camp dele gates, aa no one will bo admitted without a ticket The offlt-erH. both Htato and national, with tho paat presidents, und prominent mem bers of the order, will bo aeuttil on tho atage, Tho' chief usher will bo Hubert Thompson, of camp 633 ' ,. . Tho follow Ini.- countlia of the Plato will bo ytprosented: l.uzernn County, by Pteven Hart Inan. Hecnrd-ir of Kee.ds of thut county: HerU-i &mnty by state Treasurer Irwin s .smith, and V-allonal treasurer, Osiar It WMherholdi Dauphin County i.y pinto Trust. 11 1;. 11111 fmgton and John German. IJplawure Count i hy Hiate muster of forms. John W Harppr. Krhuyl klll County by Post Plate President lotin Up, a,.. Btato Camp Incorporator Charles N. urunun, Charles A. Bnyder and Wllhum H i.elb. Alb ghony County by Mate President Kmem IJ. clarlc, Lebanon Oountv by Htnti- Vtee lTesldent tlabrlel II, lloyer and Past Btato Proaldont Wil liam Noll; I.ehlgh Cuiiniy hy Slate Trustee Claude Iteno and David Jacks. I..iikavvanna by State fluard Cliarho A llahr. and Northumber Ijiel County by Stuto Chaplain Walter If Huge. Tho Thirteenth District of the Philadelphia camps held a largo rally In the hall at So l Nouth Hlstleth strcwt. Heprtsentatlves from Hie eleven ,-amps In thla dlsirlrt vvero present, and tho lull was taxed to Its rapacity Muto Secre tary Charles 1). Helms spoke on th subject. "Modern Methods In the P. O H uf A." A great, stirring addrpaa waa made by Htaje liulldlng Trustea II. K Puftlngton on the aub. Ject "lave Wires " Dlher Stat and national officers and' prominent numbers of the order addressed the meeting It waa voted a great aucress. nnd will be Instrumental In arousing now enthusiasm and earnestness among the members of this district District President II. H. Shortlldgo waa In thurgo of the event Camp No. 213 which meets ot 801 Ulrard avenue, has notllled all ot Its members to be aura to bo present at tha meeting to be hPld Monday. January 8'.'. when business of a spec Ul nature and a ''surprise'; night will be held. Slatu Hnrotary Charles II. Htlins will deliver tha uddrcss of lha evening. A largo attendance Is expected. The ninth district Qf tha Philadelphia camps will hold a monster booster meeting In tne "amp hall of Camp No. U. at Uermantown ...,,,, . ,,...,..1 .,...a, Ul.,.. ilenrulu, avenue anu tiutti .hud. ,.., .....-. Charles HPlms, with othpr prominent memo, ts of tho order, will, bo present and addreas the meeting, w(j(ch will bo III I'barga of Dlstrltt President Daniel . Uind Is There are aaven camps In this district and It Is one of tho lead ing districts in tha city Camp No. IBS will hold an open meeting at Its headquarters, at 1038 Uormantown avenue on Thursday night. January. II. A apecU spsaker has been secured for this occasion and tha members of the order, aa well as iho public are Invlled tu attend thla event There Will also b special muslo and an entertainment. Camp No. 677, ot Kutitown. la ono of the camps that has made good. This camp has been organlled threo times In lis history The 5::. .JL" .,.., It fulUd uml was declared to be defunct, hut the few loyal members that re malned refused to lw discouraged, and several . efforts and also Iho splendid work of the re cording o.-cretary. George W. Smith, the camp was enabled to slowly advance and prugrtsa Their report has been received and tlw hv, showed splendid gain In membership and tha secretary reports mat ihey aro at last tm tne road to ureal success, both In membership uud in nnancUl stability. Camp No 221. of I.lme KII11. will hold a large class Initiation at Its hall on rebruarv 13 mate Hecreiary liiuii ,,u.l!""-.r""'i'"" Srer Irwin S Smith. County Prealdeni Clayioij I.uu and District President tieorgu Jleluler will address the meeting, which w II be In Oiarge of District President George Price, -This s the third big boom session held by this camp sln.e the 1 election of the new Slate officers and all of the previous Initiations were a success. p O 8 of A news appears in these columns on Moudas and Thursday GIRL LEAPS FROM WINDOW Discharged by Employer, Young Serv ant Jumps Three Stories to Ground CHESTER. Fa- Jan- L Lena Spence. a domestic, fifteen years old. who had been discharged by Joseph Taglin. 8300 West Third street. Jumped from a third-swry window. After striking a shed roof her body rebounded to the cement sidewalk Her skull was fractured and she Is dying After her dismissal I.ena returned to the bouse, and vhen discovered In a. room on the third floor she leaped through the window, t Baltlmoreans Pay at Sunady Concert BALTIMORE. Jan. 1. For the first time In this city's history a secular concert was Sln on Sunday at which an admis sion fee was charged openly The Balti more Symphony Orchestra, ewtabluihed end maintained by the ruuntolpailty gave sym phonic selections and a choral organization iang a Cbj-uuuas pastoral" PATRIOTIC ORDERS ON IMMIGRATION RILL The Attitude of Native Frater nities on Restrictive, Not Pro hibitive, Legislation In view of tho prcctit consideration of Hie immigration bill by both branches of CiuiEress Iho followliiif analysis of the main objections nf the leailliis patriotic mil nntlve beneficial orKiitilrntlotis Is pre sented by an eminent ntnl itierlencnl olll epr who was a le ulef of the Joint frnlernnl 'lelPKatlnns in i-onferein'o with tho Presi dent on the subject "In discussing the tltiestlnti nf lestrli'tlve mmlgratlnti, I shall only consider It In so far as the literacy lest Is concer-nnl. be cause the many other Itupnrlnnt phaKcs, siieli ns pauperism, contract labor, lunacy, disease, snnllntlnit, crime, etc, nre taken rare nf bv tlioso who nre familiar with the drre'tprntltit; nml debasing Intltiehees which flow from them. "The tuillniilnim bill, which President Tnft vetoed, prnviileil for I10II1 a readlmj nml writing test Tho lliirtirtt bill, vvhlpb will very sliorllv enmo befmo President Wilson tor Ills signature- or Veto, provides for a reatllhL! lest only, mill for tbnso fourteen tears uf age or over The Intent of these managers is not prohibitive, but of n re Hrlctlve nature "The iMtrlitJit' fraternities tire moro espe cially Identified with the literacy test be. cause thev believe In the education of our boys nnd gills nnd nil of tho people. Thev nre ilefemleis of our public school system Kdiieatiiiii ttuiltps reasoning nnd Intelligent minds nnd provides 11 heller cltlneushlp. It creates a belter valilaKo ground In the battle for existence. '"Ihp f'THir of ttie t'oiuiiilsalonpr ilprieral of Imitilitrnllon fur llitt showa that for tho flaeal pnr endlnr iii" .'III. lull I 2I 40 Immliirnnta were iidniltiid tntn the I'nlttd Mtntta ir,s.il'JI wpro under fetirtenn ypars uf ue t.n.'O.ti.'i'i wpre nvpr fourtppii pnrs of asp. 3n7l of thos- over foilltt- e -tars uf .IM- , nuM rPBil. 1,111 enutd not write. 2tio 1S2 could iielthtr rrnd nor write Twenty.nvn p, r rent uf the total numbpr of Immlgriiuip who eune to this country that par wpre Illiterate llenipinhpr thla fnct. "The Imiiiieintlnn I'nmmlMiiiin nftpr four v, nra" apnrchlng Investigation that enat morn than SI noil one buth at homo and ubrofld In Its ripurt to Cunrrras embodying fnriy-two vuliini, s of Iruka af'ld that the retulln nnd wtltlntr tpat la the meat feasible alncle inethml ef rptih-tli'K undiatrabte Imnituratlon ' This whs -one irred In bv eight out of Hie nlnp members of the tomiul8stoii. Th Iminlgrntlon Cointnlaaluli ilpu foiiliil 'that IlliteraPv nniiinn tmmleruiita imountpd for Increased mine emtio alnna InerpaHPd Induatrlal nicblptita lower slnndards of Mug. lower vvneva. longpr hours, vvurau a.iultattuu. Iiurp.iae III pauperlam. lunury and crime ' "There can he nn nutation but Hint pilch con dltlnna ur. n pualtlve menncp ntnl ihltiKerelis In the vvtlfarp of .1 ciMllinunllv and Its peoples The Illiterate fmnilKrnut Is tualy liniieacd iiihui und vvronKed both Hi home and abroad Pptm bis iirilval In Ali.irlut Inn llllliraev ixiriit' him and he bet onus the bull anil prey nf nil who come hi contort vvltn him and wallows In the mire nf illaiidv'nntnge, illsconttnl mid discouragement In whatever line of umplov nunt hi becomes enguytd his lKtioinhto opi-rad s BKiilnal the safety nml wage-earning cupnclly of himself and his fellow -emploiPH Thla is mar.ltpsliv exemiuiiipu in tne niiiii- and Industrial ratabllahniPlits. where his In ebllllv to read nulleeH. unierM rules t tr . teu,lt to iiicldmt diimtiKt' und ih-nlh. So. loo. It tuuaes him to work for low wnurs rather tliaii l,e unimpluvid. whlth vnrv ntur,ille Icids to ihr ,IIpi liniK" uf those receiving Utlpr pit mid lowers the standard of wages The lllln cite linmhimnt la nut wrenm-d Ho posppshps no liihinnt right tu b aihnlttnl tu this tuuntri. It Is only it l rmlssibie rlaht No oie- i.ui be wronspil bv refusing to sriiut him sum, thing that he his tin light to e,cpt bv p rmlsslon "llnve von ,-vpr ronal,br,d tin- Krtut w runs that Is perpptrnted upon the American i npln b permitting undesirable (Illiterate) Immigrants to enmt hpre" Surelv Hip Amerlcnn lw-opte ore entltlPd to aome thoughtful consideration 1" this matltr It Is u well-known f.ic-t that our early Colonial fathers eume lu this tuunlrv tu escapo rellulous persicutlon and tin- tyrunnv of thn Oovernmonls of the Old World. 'Ihev vvrre not llllterntrs In rttent jpnrs ih great mass of Ininilgrants esniechiltv the lllitrrittea, who come to us. coma for sordid Kiilu. avari cious mutlvis and pelllah purposis Pralernltlrs Inivp no fiuerrrl with aiu nationality, rucivor cried. It Is the unilealnil.lp Immigrant, nnd that means llllteratta. that should be excluded Whv should a premium be placed upon Ignnramo to arcommoduto fortlgn born Immigrants'' "The United Mat, a Unit rnm,.ir hth! Ihe eu -ernniints uf the aoveral Plates liave ebtiilillshed publlo si liools und inany have provldtd fur Iho tnmpulaury educ-jtlun of our bovs and girls Tho child Is compelled In nlleml uiliuol. niluui llon la the liasle iirlnclpln upon which th,, in telligent administration of a guverninent Is bnspil und upon which the Improved condition and bet terment uf Ita people ilc-pmds Without educa tion of the Koule disintegration nnd ilpgpnerev are bound tu follow Whv should Ignorant mi uilgrnnts le permitted to deluge our l.iud and deteriorate and lower th- educational simulant of our countrV Why ahuuld we not nut us much from foreigners aa we do from our ,wu bias nnd girls? Don't ou think that theae lllltprate Immlarnnts ought to I.nnvv aninethlng rnttier than nothing? "Acterdlng to the I'nlted Plates Ituretu t,f IMuiatlon there aro uijrli r (inn. Mm udulia tint are Illlterulo that runnot l'" reached bv the pub lu Hhooia Tin rpfore. It seems, lo wipe out Il literacy 111 the I'nltPd Ptuti-a one of two nitric triuvt happen: Wult fur the preaeni generation of sdulta to die orf ur. If puaslble. by some means such as night pc-huola reach these Illiterate mil IIpih ' oinmlPhlulier I'luMnii has said Hint Iho public ayatim of schools or even night schools will not renth thla class ut adult Illite rates ' The Induatrlal l-eesue Is endesvnrlivj to awaken Industrial uuin.igerB. chambers of lommeree boards of trade and the public gen erally to Iho Importance uf Installing some system of elemeni.irv Inatrutilun In large In dustrial establishment", whereby foreigners who speak practically no Hngllsh miy l taught to read atld write and speul. the language of the inuntry at least well enough lo familiarize theiu splves with Us fundamental Institutions. loe Abertnnitile llliuroit olll belore I'mi- rreaa a few viars ago sought to require tho lureau ot Kducatlon to und, rtako this work un r, fin, si of the pruiirr Ptoli authorities and named an appropriation of J 15. oilll for the sear HlKi llolh of ttieso latter suggestions uru only theorellc.il and of ps, liuloglc Inference as lo means They are Impraitlral and Imposslblo of accomplishment le-couaa oil are dealtuK with adults who nre out III Hie vvurld earning u liv ing and havo not the time ami upportunltv to attend any such meuus of acquiring an tduca- "Nigllt si hunlp unit Inihialriul si hnuls fur Iho education of lllllerjle adults aro entirely differ ent from the same schools for the purpose of advatnlng thoao who are already educated and aro seeking to Imprmo themselves In some particular lino of ocuipatlon ur business We have tlsi.it r, uuilinriidulti woo ure Illit erate and about 230.000 more coming to us each ear it is u stupendous proposition to solve. If we cannot educate those Illiterate adults that wo alreudy have with us. whut are wo golna; to do wliu lbs uddltlun.il ligtous that aro constantly coming to us' "The sound prartital. common sohse thirg to UpintheCatskills, on Meridale Farms, isaselectcolonyof bovineariatocracy. Puro-bred and healthy, those cows yield rich, wholesome milk, the quality and quantity of which is maintained year round. Only the croam of this milk goes into MERIDALE BUTTER iTi!s"uncommonly good butter" is made in a way that si vea a wonderfully rich, creamy, uniform flavor and firm, dry body. And you Bet not only a better butter but more butter when you buy Meridale. AYER & McKINNEY (Makers of ,., . . ,. Meiidale) Philadelphia Dell Phone, Market 3711 Keystone Phone, Mala 17U Look for Ihe "Mirloll" wapptratMlgM. dust- ana odor-vroofat year groan. (fib do t to prohibit llllterrte ImmUrnntii from lnndln upon our fihoren "For a numbpr of years 11 hs !ppn tho opin ion of thp workers for Koclnl bettpfmont In our itreat chips mat tne conspauon 01 mi ivimuinni In tho uoorpr nuarlern l nmomt tho . Krptpt if evils and malnlr dun to IllltPrney In Immi in iiiiiiii' grant localities. The chief dancer arising- rrom ths Incoming of tho Immigrants to our cities Is tho tetidoncy to crowd together In a certain et-ctlon. end ovm when not living In lnstniisr, conditions lo remain Isolated from lha Ameri cana thus forming foreign colonies ami ono K Ing assimilation " Jt-tiKs nnd l.nucli on Immi gration 1'rotilrm " , Tho Immigration Commlsalon found that Illiteracy runs letrallel with the alum popula tion, with crlmfnnla, psupcra nnd JniPhll, ile ilnnuenls of foreign birth or pnrcntnfe. and Is out of all proportion In their ah.iro of the total Population of Immigrants inmpired .with the porcentngo of Iho same cbiM, s among tha natlvo born " It Is easy to deduce from this that Illit eracy Is the enmerous sole that stimulates huddling nnd ininasslmllntlnn among Illiterate ImmlRranta Statistic and nthPi references i nrroborate the commission nml establish tho fat t that tan a few Illiterate Immigrants become educated. The ratio of pprctntnsn between the Illiterate and literate Immigrants In tho rommlsslun of i rlmj paiinprlam, luti.iev nml the ether nienatlng evils comnlilnrd of Is very largely upon the sldn of the Illiterate '-Our dpstptulanls will lonh bark on the Nine teenth t'pulure us our golden age tia we look back on Ureses. Tliniutbtlul pi niile whuie work takpa them Into the slums nt the bottom of our fnrplgiilnril cities nnd Indiistrlsl emters And dp cllno nrtuallv upon us I'mtury Magazine, I'ebruary, lul I. "There ore mulllludps of ImmlurantJi coming, with lust enough mono and material tu tsc'ipe hung paupers nnd rrlinlnnls, nml thev settle hero and heronie a t-nrhunili- on the nceli of the bode polltte PUtv-nlne per tun of our crim inals are either foreigners or of foreign parents You wrt'k the streets of New York or Philadel phia or Chicago, and not one out of thrpp fact will have In tht m the strains of pure Aimrlcun lam 1 can ito up In the Mnnhttlnti liulldlng and In n radius of twpiitv miles see where one ilght cehlh of our potoilatluit Mips Thpv turn our Id'ss of the Mablnth Inln the Continental Idea " I'hllstlelphl.i North Am. rlcun. William A Kundjy. eeitngpllat New York Is the ..frond largest Italian cll In the world, em-ncdiii unlv bv tn City of Niplia New Yoik la the thlul largest Jewish illy In tin, world, exi ceded onlj liy Constantinople atiil Mos tow New York has the proud boast (?) ihni unlv one out uf eierv nve of Its people Is .m American ur burn uf Ame Icon psrents Don t It win -easonabln that If oti In op out the lllll erute miutgriint thut I. wilt help tu riatnr ir .Vnwlcnn Idp.-ils If unlv in a r.-tble vt.iv" Th. Induatrlal League of New York haa reiently lirnushl out tile fact that the tide it llllteraiy la Increaalng rather than iperraalug The prln 'Ipul reason f.u this is the largo Influx of for eign Illiterate Ij'ior. rpetlily tn manuf.iciuriitg Ullll IllllllUK. t'nlteil Plates i-tuiiiulssl,tntr of Hilur nti.in Pht lander i' Clnslnu aavs "Thut llllleniey Is cost ing this cuuntrv som-thln llko live hundr, .1 tuilllon dollars nnnuallv, to sav tiothlnx of Its men ite In rc-pri sefitntl-e ffovornmenr' The public schools call take enre of the bovs und girls mid prevent anv Inerpnsp of lllttpfiicv lu ibnt illrecltiiii. Ian there Is no feasible way ur hanrlllnp- llllterntu mliilts ilinmlgrontsi. Inainlty among lllltorate Imnilitmnts Is cost !V."'m i"1.' "f ''"'lars onnii.itlv. It has bien snld that llllterucv should not bur Immigrants bc c.iiipe It Is a test o opportunity nnd not uf character. I submit aa a n iiBonnhle Interim.. i".ij.i;i::::.u:j,:!,:j-:j;jj;;;;;7;;-;-!niii. it Kiti- mtnss hmarti.v v.ivi: siovi:r;ii"n5-:";-";:uijn"S.nn;!3;txi!ii-:r See Our Window Displays tleforo going anv. where lomorrmv for outer iiplmrel The Suit Sale 1200 Magnificent New Suits to Be Sold in 5 Days t ii l h si-:.i.oo Vcloiir do Lillue Is 11 I t I genuine .Mole rape toll ir and trim- x5 mine, nl I'ltANK i HI'.IIKII TIIIKU FI.OOU 35 English Tweeds 21 Plnid Mixtures , 38 Cheviots 56 Boucle Cheviots The season's best models, Women's Street Coats Formerly Up to 45,00 A number of odds and ends in various materials and styles. Only one of a kind. Women's Bolivia Coats Very Special ai A number of different models various French colorings. thsl when the number of Illiterate Immigrants who commit crimes and become degeneratea in Iho sot HI life, and are the mesns nf disseminat ing thoso habits nnd propagating those agencies of personal icvulslon become so largely In tne majorltv of the while number of Illiterates, does not the test of opportunity btcomo a misnomer and Illiteracy become n teat of character? And as there Is no distinguishable means whereby it can be determined at the time of their admission ns to who will become, tho rere llcte or undesirable, should not oil ll'lterste Immigrants In, ilenhd admission as a whole, in the Interest of good morals the public welfare and to avoid all of thetlls Hint grow out uf llllleroiv ., , Whv provide Jor the trnnsnorlatlon and dis tribution of llliteratp o- othpr Immigrants to unocctiplnl lands In the western or Interior pirt of our eountrv when our cities me full of our own people erln for the relief from the homi nes of servile living and frepdom from the unbearable surrreimllnes that face th-m In their levervdav life' Our own eountrjiiieti have first claim upon our genprosiis vvM. A. PHvls. Stale t'ouncll Secretary Order of Indeis-ndent Americans (irniui Fraternity The removal of Ihe eflteis nml lipadfiuarttrs of the rlrnnd Prsternltv from till Arch street to Insn-'JS Arch street Will Ih, lelebrntnl hj hotise-tvnrmlng" perclsps At I n in th, re will I n presentation snd raising of a dag. then reviewing the mummers' parade and lumh l-'rotn 3 to n p. in nil Its given a high clnas musical concert. Interspersed bv addresses bv I'realdont Fridrrlrk Haston, vice President tlenne A Hugglns nnd H,iret;ir William 11 ilresg. Oaneing will follow In (he evenlnft. Mepsrs Itugglns, rJregg nnd Msrvln W. Alelxel, us the committee un arrangements, ih serve high praise for tho very conlpletn preparation for i lie event. SKAT13U lI.ttiAKS IJOTII AMMS Arthur II. Tiiomns, of Unvcrfonl, lliully Injured by Kail on Ice m.ANTti' riTV, N. .1.. .Inn. 1 Atthitr II. Thomns. of Ilnvcrforil, Pn , a dealer In lnborotnry npparntun nt Tivolflli mitt Wal nut strrotH, Philadelphia, fell on the Ire vvhllo slmtlng on Lnlto I.enape, above Mays banding, late .veslcrilay nnd frnetureil bntb nrtna nbovc the elbow. Mr. Thomas was hurried to the Atlantic t'lt.v Hospital nnd bin pbnlc-lan Mild today that he was rest JiiC comfnrtabl. Mr Thomas, who had on now sliates with pointed toes, tripped on iho Ice ntu" fell, but ill physician was unable to stale how he broke both tirms. Ito said both wore compound fractures und aboc the plboiv. Altiiona Contractor Dies At.TOfiN'A. Pa. dan 1. -0. Warren Stohc, sixty years old. for years a leadini; contractor. Is dead of typhoid pneumonia. llo vv-ns n deacon and trustee o thu Klrst llnptlst 'Jhiin-h and tcnchei In the lllbln school. MAM. OUI-ir.RH IMll'VtPTIV KII.UIH Willis At'rOMI'ANinn HY I'OST.U, miist:y iiiini:ri nut ri-i.i, amiu'ni- .satispai tiun- II'IIAKTHKII OH MONHV ItllffNIiEl) i:u:ri:rii .ixn m-irkft strflts WOMEN'S & MISSES OUTER APPAREL Xihtltlonsl Hiitrunce from rirveiith Strpet Mihwn Sliitloti BEGINNING TUESDA Y MORNING AT .9 A. M. Superbly Elegant Garments Worth from SIS l'i to S12.'i Will Ut Sold in Two Groups at iiiimii7"i,ii,wii1 ImMr -e l !! ssea - V Marvelous Purchase, ISrinjjini; tn of the Very T.ntest Stylos at Charirinp; for Itrokon Lois. Theso Biiureiuelj lint, suits .ire fior metiopolin Tliuusli J'ist fiish fi mil tin- i sai-ritlied to us at the cre-itctt eiiin e-siim vv facluruf'H HiuitiK wuhuii Ii.im bfituii the models that So new are tendencies Materials I in lode Chiffon Velvets English Velvets Velour do Lnino Duvetync Satin Broadcloth Finest Poplins Models Fashioned After the Styles of Famous French Designers Poivet, Worth, ,uu i'lii. t) recall. llxpreuslitg Hie lalear np i roved modes for Immediate Mnlngs are of richest satins and peitu da cvgnea and early ripring wear Hoors Not Open I'lilll tl o'l'lotU Tuesday so .ncrutrrtrcFRANK and SEDERxr;::p::::-::-:.u:::::::::-i--:Lruj:r-nr!;trcd T TELLER CHESTNUT AT 13th STREET Have Arranged for Tuesday A Very Special Sale of 1 inl 9 aO Ji. ' omen s ana misses Taken From Our Regular Stock Reduced to Half Former Prices One Hundred and Fifty Coats - ? ,ftf9tfSt IS .,...,,.......,, t ' ' te t f t Women's Velour Cloth Coats 35.00 in belted effects; ? nOYAL AHCAttUM Concessions for Suspended Brothers and Cash Prizes for New Mcmhers In nn official circular Urand IUnent OIrenbcrBcr says: Tho Supreme Council has made It com paratively easy for members suspended dur ing; tho readjustmint period to return, th onlv conditions to be compiled with nre! A certificate of pood health; the payment of nrrenrs, If any : the payment of assess incut for current month Kvery council Is urged to appoint at once a "team" of five or more for the purpose ot personally flollplllnif nil members suspended to retiifn. "Thn Supremo nnd tlrand Councils have foimulated a rash prlte schedule that e reeds anvthlnit heretofore offered by way of compensation for special services. Councils will understand that nil payments will b tunic to the council, tHe council lo make distribution of cash to thp members secur ing tolnslatemeiits or new members In pro port Inn to the number penned." Thp cash prlres offered by the Supreme Council fur irrndci! numbers of candidates run from $.10 to $M0. and the prizes offered bv thn lira ml Council run from 112.50 to $100. Philadelphia Co-ineil, No IM. held the month ly mellnr and the annual Christmas celebra tion laat Monday evening Ilrother Charles O. l'roivcrt distributed gifts to all present. Twelve tandldatps vvprp ndmlttpd to the council.. In response to Ihe request of flrnnd Regent Heleen lairger. IP cent John II I'ulbert appointed a cof tulttpp for thp purpose of Inducing recently sus pended members to liecome reinstated and Id urge all members to Join in securing candidates for Initiation As chairman of the commute be appoint' d Supreme Representative! Npwlon I.. Hnedi'l who mails nn address outlining tho plans of the (Jrund lteacnt nnd advocated the prompt io-operatlon of all brothers predicting that with Ihe upiillcnllons In hand and thoso In prospect the vear of ID17 would show ft surprising? grow ih Of (lepra elected to,arvs for the your 1UI7 iv .re ns follows, Rputnt K it, Rvansi vice regent I', A llollpv orstor T. A. Knorri pnal r, gt tu .lohn H i.'ulra-rt. spcrctary. A. P. hawser, eultector, John Kllndworth: trpasurer. I' A llirnelt. rapliln Y Jorgenson; guide, If. f NiikpI. warilen. rrnnte llreenwoodl sentry. C. W tngrnh.im. Irustees v o Trowert. Oeorgs 1' Nngpl W. II Vhkpry. rpprrsentatlves t tlrand I'uuncll. John Kllndivorth. A. I". Lawser. r l rrowert und W II. lekcry. allernsts reimpentntlvts to Oram! Council. O. 1. Nagel, It II Conway, A. W. llrelms and llobett Masir Perry County Out of Debt SIAUYHVIIjIA:. Ia., Jan. 1. For the first time In years, in fact for tho first time since its Incorporation, Terry County is now practically out of debt The bonded In debtedness of tho county approximates J17, oitil and the balance In the treasury nnd out standing: tnxes balance this. Over $27,000 county bonds vvcie redeemed durlnff 1316. Store Docs Not Open Until 9 A.M. Tuesday R of the Season Our Customers Complete Assortments Lower Prices Than Other Stores Aro Hie fureiiinst inannfucttirer of tho "dies f sUlllful tailors, they were h.tvi- enr enjiiyed. Iiecauso tho manu- many embody the advance spring style Trimmings Include Genuine Mole Hudson Seal Australian Opossum Rnccoon Muskrat Callnt, t'remct, Bernard, Paquvi. nverv new and favored color uf tho season Is em- br.ii e,i Thai Vie fun lluve l.trryiiung in iieaoineas GbCQ oais 39.50 35.00 .were , were Now 12.50 29.50 , were - "''" were ,vv " 28.50 Veru Special at Lined throughout and with large collars of fur. Women's FurTrimmed Coats iq pa Formerly Up to 79.50 TV-OU Several distinctively different models of velour 'cloth and Bolivia; suitable for afternoon wear or motoring. ttf T J I J m