Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 01, 1917, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Boulevards, Bridges and
Better Sewers Among
the Many Projects
1 1 15 Chestnut Street
Director of Public Works Tells
of Progress of Work on
Opp. Keith's
Public Work Planned
for the Next 12 Months
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WORKS, to clear buildings from
Pnrkwny anil let contracts for pav
ing. To start construction work on n
convention hall anil n free library
To complete Frankfonl creek inter
cepting sewer.
To build bridges coating more than
$1,000,000, including a now structure
at South streot and the Schuylkill
To complete South Broad street
plaza and sections of League Island
To construct concrete viaduct on
Washington avenue as part of rail
road improvement in South Philadelphia.
... ...Lit. ltiit.rniTtmnn1a nri lllotlltaecl
..IHIIJ iMli.iiv- inii-.w... - -
for 1917 l)y IMtector Dalesman, of the De
partment of I'uhllc Works, who today
briefly BUinmocl up accomplishments nnil an
nounced workliiR plans for the next twelve
In his statement, which treats of ex cry
phaso of public work comlni? under lilt de
partment, tho Director nays :
"Ono of tho moat Impoitunt accomplish
mont.i has been the plans made for the com
pletion of tho Parkway. Tho passage of an
ordlnanco to open the unopened portions of
the Parkiwiy. and tho fllinif of tho city's
bond to indemnify the owners, have com
pleted tho legal openlns. Tho sum of
J9.00u.000 has been set nslilo from loan
funds to p.iy for property damaKcs and tho
cot of tho physical Improvement, and
preparations are helm? m.ule by tho llureau
of lllghw.O'' to clear away tho buildings
and let contractu for the paving.
"Tho Convention Hall, or Municipal
Auditorium and the main building for the
Free Llbiary, which are to occupy sites cm
tho I'arkvvaj, have assumed definite shape.
Tho plans liavo been prepaicd, additional
loan funds piovlded and borings nic now
being made on the sites bo that contracts for
tho erection of buildings may bo cnteied
"In tho matter of tho Improvement of
Bouth Phlladolphla uiitlcrAtho agreement
entered Into with tho railroad companies,
work Is being rapidly pushed. Tho next
ttcp will be tho construction of a concrete
viaduct on Washington avenue and on
Twenty-fifth street. Tho prollmlnaiy woik
of shifting tracks, buildings, water mains,
etc . Is now In progress and construction
will start early this year.
"Tho first steps In tho carrying out of
the comprehensive plan for the collection
and tie.itmcnt of tho sewngo of tho city
have brvn actively started Ordinances
havo been passed condemning sites for large
treatment works in northeast and south
west Philadelphia. Actual construction is
now well undorway on the Kraul.ford Cieek
Intercepting sewer, which is designed to. col
lect th sowago of riermantown and con
vey it to tho northeast treatment works.
"Tho bridges planned for lii 1 7 amount
to moro than $1,000,000, of which theio ale
already under contract a throe-aich con
crete brldgo on Iicm-alem avenue, which
will cost $200,000, st'el-p!ato girder luldge
on Godfrey avenue, under tho North Penn
sylvania Kallrond. no cost $110,000; a steel
truss bridge on Mnigle street, over the Con
necting Itallnn. to cost $70,000 and a plate
girder bridge on Horttcr street, under tho
Chestnut Hill branch of tho Connecting
Hallway, to cost $10,000 Tho crty will
pay tho entire cost of tho Ilcnsalcm uvenuo
bridge, but tho cost of tho other tlueo will
be shared by tho railroad companies.
"Ono nf tho moit important bridges
planned for 1917 Is tho new South street
bridge, over tho fchuylklll Hlver, tho prin
cipal feature- of which will be a 100. foot
double-leaf bascule hnaii. This bridge
will cost $100,000, which has been pro
vided out of the recent $12,000,000 loan.
"It Is Intended to advertise a contract for
tho completion of tho South IJro.nl street
Plata improvement early in the spring of
1917. so that the entire Improvement
should be finished by next winter.
Tho contract for the Improvement of tho
western portion of I.eaguo Island Park,
which has been under way for the latt two
years, Is now about seventy-five per cent
completed and should be entirely completed
early In 1V17 This contract Includes all
the grading, bridges and roadways, together
with tho water and drainage bjstems. but
does not includo tho planting, footways and
superstructures. A contract covering theso
additional Improvements will, however, be
advertised oarly In 1917. The improvement
of the portion of League Island Park lyin;j
east of Droad stieet was advcrtUed In, tho
fall of 1910. and work under this contract
will be prosecuted during 1917 and 1918.
This contract Includes all the Improvements
within the eastern portion of the park with
the exception of the superstructures.
"Work has been vigorously pushed on tljo
contract for tho Improvement of tho lioule.
Vord from Rhawn street to Pennypack Or.
cle. and two of its ledlatlng branches, Hen
sulem uvenue, from Pennypack Circle to
Lexington avenue, and Holme avenue, from
PennypaCk Circle to Holme Circle. This
work will probably be finished by the sum
mer of 1917. Contracts for the extension of
Uensalcm avenue fiom Welsh road north
ward, Ponuessing avenue from Pennypack
Circle to Lexington uenue, and for tha ex
tension of Holme avenue will be executed
early In the coming year, to be paid for
from funds provided in the recent loan.
Food Cost Foea Want It Under Dela
ware Bridge Approach
A city market and storage plant under
the Market street end of the proposed
bridge between this city and Camden aro
being advocated In an effort to fight the
present cost of food. Many of those ad
vocating the bridge contend that tho mar
ket and cold-storage plant would eliminate
food speculators and useless middlemen.
The plan would centralize most of the
markets of the city under the Market Btreet
bridge approach, which, It Is estimated,
would extend back to Sixth street. Plans
also are being considered for (he widening
of Market Btreet fifty feet on each side,
giving ample space for one of the largest
terminal markets In the country.
The plan, It Is said, would be of especial
Interest to New Jersey truckmen and gar
deners, who will have little trouble In bring
Ins In their produce
Elmer I, Phillips, Ex-Senator, Dies
NEW CASTLK, Pa, Jan. X Elmer I
FbUlipi, sixty-live year old, former State
Eeiuiiur from the Forty-seventh District,
consisting of Lawrenua and Beaver Counties,
4ied at hi bom here toultflu, after ftfc Mi
sts of oo week.
jl ue&aay
Means a Saving of One-fourth to You on Any Fur Coat,
. ..1
Save "Bte
if or Scarf in Our Store
A Genuine Bona Fide Event and in our earnest endeavor to
convince you that our Sale is Absolutely Legitimate we here
republish an advertisement used by us in the Evening Ledger,
December 1st, to enable you to com
pare the prices and note the real saving
On These
Fur Coats
54.50 French Seal Coats 40.87
Skunk Opossum, 40-Inch. Smnrt Model,
69.50 French Seal Coats 52.12
Dlaek Opoisum Collar and Border. 4J-inch. smart flare.
87.50 French Seal Coats 65.62
42-Inch. Full Design, Seal Collar, Select Quality.
' 89.50 French Seal Coats 67.12
Contraating Collar of Skunk or Raccoon, 42-inch,
Full Model.
92.50 Natural Muskrat Coats. . .69.37
42. inch. Full Models, Large Collvro of Muikrat or liudS'on
98.50 Hudson Seal Coats 73.87
-40-Inch, Full Model, Smart Model, Brocade Lining.
100.00 Hudson Seal Coats 82.50
.Skun.i or Sell Collar, 40-inch, Chic Model.
135.00 Hudson Seal Coats 101.25
40 and 45-inch Model., Select Quollty, Full Cut.
150.00 Hudson Seal Coats 112.50
42-Inch. Very Smort Model, Very Choice Quality.
160.00 Leopard Skin Coats. . . . 120.00
4 2 .inch Model, Collar and Cuff of Badger or Raccoon.
175.00 Hudson Seal Coats 131.25
Very Full Jaunty Model, 6-inch Dorder and Collar of Skunk.
195.00 Hudson Seal Coats 146.25
Cape Collar and Wide Border of Silky Slunk.
325.00 Scotch Moleskin Coats. .243.75
6-Inch Border end Collar of Skunk, Fox or Flying Squirrel.
245.00 Hudson Seal Coats 183.75
43 -Inch Model, Collar and 6-Inch Border of "Silky Skunk,
700.00 Natural Mink Coat . . . .525.00
43. inch Flare Model. Talla and Sable Pawa at Bottom,
t 1
S?0 Save
We offer for sale almost every item
that appears in this advertisement
excepting those few that have been
sold during our Christmas business.
Mavteon & DeMany
1:15 Chestnut Street
By Specializing In Furs All Year .
We Can and Do Offer the Greatest Values for the Lcaal Money
IleicAre Three Reasons That Should Convince the Most Skeptical
va ! at W - Wat
CV Fti KvwKli B t-m
35,00 39,50
PtdFti I I HfM
51.50 I 78.50
For Saturday Only
28 French Seal Coats
fu r,mks-j SI :
Cxi .C"u W .;
I GiM j ' ,U0 II 69-B0 I J I
HV affirm Your Punhait Cpvna IMSJ 1 I lUrm 5) 35 ';
bmall tkpatlt or Chargi It fou Coat f
j$T Men!.'! k Fur Coats
M& Iter,', the Fur W ltaiK52L.J"
tUf She M'anU for Xmat TO), iu-wc"" inn S K
tfjt FurStts FurUatM m "rT. d ffl
Cl Ir1.1" !! hTcrini fL'JL fc..w.utw. tun l k
lWl Wtfae MW v---. IrLV H . tan 1. il.li k Z
Y.JC. tWH-f HH U-4I him Jir " - t '"
Apsax tae inn "s - jJ6?5C?i itwJ mi Cet, in it f
t f four Sitt "" fti S5SJiSv s-df& iW rwif coiti I m k
n, tf I' iwrmttt ltd L v F'l,W: 2Xitoxs-&ffj3SISr (KA of buperlalU in .5
f luxury i JJF" jGLjSKa' J s Quality IF ;t-
j twiaiUiaUb 11111 r! :-A&ftlr& MrV uyiuci ih &
1 etrj:- For Saturday ZmLT m R ii
I t:rZi 1?J2 A Closing Out ofSlxtptwo Hats , Srvs K
I 7iZi.ui.iiih So Tvo Uikc-.tw Shapes ZZiZZc? m ft fe
M (. M Ote4 C'-fnfTMITI-1"- ' -" " J P.w.Mki I Om HaJ K F
z k
Fur Seta
Ha,. J-. .. ., Ill
s.-.:. in
4W- Op-iSt't MM
r..rijv 11 M
lV.l.lJ,!. UII
lt.ktft9. .... MM
trut , .mi
r.ku . 1111
IV.B-rfFMS . 11 u
rtrs) .. 1111
, Mil
tL,4Inlmt . Illl
9V.rt.Svr. Hill
roi.i .. mil
On These
Fur Sets
Reirularly Now
25.00 Hudson Seal 18.75
32.50 Raccoon 24.37
35.00 Black Fox 26.25
50.00 Skunk 37.50
50.00 Beaver 37.50
58.00 Dyed Blue Fox 43.50
75.00 Red Fox 56.25
75.00 Sable Brown Fox 56.25
75.00 Australian Opossum 56.25
89.50 Moleskin 67.12
98.50 Kolinsky 73.87
98.50 Slate Fox . 73.87
1 20.00 Natural Fisher 90.00
135.00 Cross Fox 101.50
Regularly Now
16.00 Raccoon 12.00
16.00 Black Fox 13.50
18.00 Hudson Seal 13.50
20.00 Beaver 16.00
25.00 Skunk 18.75
50.00 Black Lynx 37.50
58.00 White Fox 43.50
89.50 Ermine '. 67.12
Regularly N
16.00 Raccoon 12.00
16.00 Black Fox .-.13.50
18.00 Skunk 13.50
20.00 Hudson Seal . . . , 16.00
20.00 Beaver 16.QD
35.00 White Fox 26.25
39.50 Ermine 26.25
39.50 Black Lynx 29.62
Here Are Six Extraordinary Specials for Tuesday. The Values Are So Unusual
That We Quote No Comparative Prices
Russian Pony Coats
ir Raccoon
Model. Moi
Beaver or Raccoon Collar.
40-inch Model, Moire Skin.
French Seal Coat
O.inch Mod
1 O.inch Model
Controitingiluffv Collar
Hudson Seal Coat
ch Smart t
Collar and
40-inch Smart Model
Skunk Collar and Border
Black Fox Sets
Newest Style.
Skunk Sets
Netvett Style.
rJmiiia&SSS&MJk- s 9
Jl!iKP'r IE
Tim- v & m
24.00 I
Newe.t StyljjWr
Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted
Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention
Furs Repaired and Remodeled