T -tr-imarf - t-j-t ? 1 4 tavPOtY XfAmwJIemtJe. JPjEARLS w Indian bunches of Ij oris --each pcorl of more than forty Trains Con be sold separately to enlarge clients own strings C artier 712 Fifth Avenue .New York S3p Entente to Amplify Stand in New Note Continued from Tnitn One hlch fenrci faulty translation Into t ngllsh of, tho French word 'sanctions" In the note's text might la) tho Allies opon to the charge of vlndlctlvencss The Dally Ncwh joints out thnt somo novvspapcrs had trans lated tho word "penalties" mid somo "re tribution" nnd some "repiratlon " Tho French word ' nanctlons," tho edi torial asserted, 'Is rather a synonni for guarantees than a blunt threat of punish ment, which would probably stlmulato tho Germans to right to tho lat man rather than submit " The Chronicle savs With a Power that franklv. declines to be bound b an obligations, it is useless to contract new ones Wo welcome In the note tho word "penalties,' because It seems to us to annphaslzo tho Idea, that the Indication of outraged right In tho face of tho world is not the last, but tho first thing for tho Allien to Insist upon Tho Sunday Obscrv er eays: It must bo borno In tnlnd that the reply of tho Allies Is to Germany s noto, not to President Wilson s Never has a choice between right nd wrong been plainer In tho wholo history of tho world The United States and other neutral powers should be nblo to Judge from the tono of tho Allies' rcpK what view to hold of Oermanv s motives In pro posing peace. The Dallv Telegraph sajs Tho Allies are united heart and soul Not until sho Is read) foi expiation should Germany thlnl. of sending an other note The Morning Post sajs Tho now j ear opens with the mo't signal triumph for the league of clvl Uzatlon Tho solidarity of tho AIHch Proves Itself to bo tho battle line which the enemy can no more break by guile than by assault WASHINGTON Jan 1 Tho Ufa or death of tho present peace movement tests wholl) In the hands of Germany This Is known positively to bo the belief of Washington officialdom, from President Wilson down Furthermore, while Administration offi cials bellovo the Entente Allies have n loop hole for Gerniay to prove the sincerity of her original peace proposals thoy believe pcaco negotlatlonn are today a little farther off than they appealed to be nt the start of the present penco movement Although tho Administration continued today Its policy of nbsolutelv refusing to discuss the International situation, It Is posi tively known this Government feels that Germany "msut more franlilj declare her helf In regards to plans and specifications ' If she li to keep alive an) peaco negotia tion sentiment among tho men at the head of the Allied cause That German ma take this step In her next move, Insisting however, that her terms be held In confidence is deemed pos sible by many officials for the following reasons GERMANS CALL ALLIES' PEACE REPLY VERBOSE BERLIN Jan 1 The oftlUal Press Bureau toda) lsi-ued the following state ment on 1,he Allies reply to German) a peace proposal The text of the Entente note replvlng to tho Central Powers' peace offer ar rived here In the version supplied by the Havas Agency The general Impres sion is if this version li correct, that the Entente answer to the sincere Ger man offer is verbose, but nevertheless a Hat refusal to end the war ThN answer Is especially selected for the sake of neutrals suffering from the war's consequence It is pointed out as especially remarkable that the Entente note mentions the right of nationalities, although one of the avowed purposes of war of the Entente Is the conquest of Constantinople and the Strait Grip Spreads Over South Jersey ilULLICA IIILU N J . Jan 1 Physi cians In South Jersay ure rushed with work because of the prevalence of grip and sick ness In other forms The cold weather Is not blamed so much for the sickness so much as the inugg), rainy weather of last week. Grip In some of the smaller towns has almost reached the proportions of an epidemic The outbreak has occurred tarller than t did last year, but so far Is not quite so severe There have, how aver, been several cases of pneumonia and the percentage of those that have proved fatal has been higher than usual Evangelist Opens Revival SCHUYLKILL HAVEN", Pa , Jan 1 A lis weeks' evangelistic campaign, to be conducted here In a specially constructed tabernacle by the Hev, Dr John B Uc Minn, has been launched here. Doctor Mc Mlnn has four assistants, and his tabernacle eats 1100 persons. T.EnAI, ADVKBTMgMEXTS PAHTNEFtSHIP hOTICH hOTICR I . IILUKUY GIVKK THAT tiiarlaa VV. loiuw retired from the arm of CtL. W. launc li Camwtnr on Dtctmbtr Sflth. Hie. ana that Uia ramalnln.- cartnara. WlliUni II, Voun. Iltnurd UlWou 11. lana. Oors F. Yeuns and Ida O. Vaunt Crombla, will contlnua Itw Imalnaaa th aima aa barato fera under iba nrru nam. s( Chaa. IV, Yaunr All dbta due the aatd firm are payable to Ch. W Younr t Company, and all bllla owlaa" by aatd nrro will be paid by Chat. W Ygunx at Company, Philadelphia. January la(, 1811 rABTNBBSHU- NOTICE Mwioii u UEBEBir given that kdwin Pic Bold has wUbarawn from, tha arm of Wllitaai Hadaya jto U and 11 B 2d at. Pstta.autU Va- Voa buatnasa vf 111 ba conttnumi under tb aama name by tha ramalalna carman. WlUUm atoda-ta Jr, and Walur K Hodata who luva aaaunuttl all liabilities of tha Arm and to Wall paymaat. fflQmpggt8& " wal.TKft Y. IIODdJSa. EDWIN P bOLD PWUdjlDhla Dae 2 19tft WK KKPHJ5 TO AJTCtQCJiCK THAT Mr. bUchia Vuoat. who baa dacidad to ratlra Xf UMe pxaaaat ,wu .! uwuuw ubi,i iq ft. sarioar we wtrarm a or uvceintMr as iuid. AgNJUAJ arBETIKOa VNWN NATIONAL BANK. ruudaifrbla Dtmbr uia. i Annual KwMIBjg M tba. StasaHsldtfa of on ftaMij, iaanua I 4L1ZAJM J JB. . "MEN ON THE PENCE" REAL ARBITERS IN FIGHT FOR SPEAKERSHIP OF HOUSE Conllnueil from Tnite Ona day by a squad of Philadelphia city de tectives The Grundy InterMls are itrongly repre sented hero todty b almost tho entire lobby thnt fought the child labor nnd workmen s compeneatlon bill last session ruder the personal direction of Joseph It llrundy lhe are active among tho Incoming members- elect Tho railroads and other corporation also are represented bj the biggest lobbies that have been seen In ttnrrlsburg since tho dajs of the Quay fights and the I'onrose Wanamaker fight The liquor Interests though, arc, etrangelv enough keeping out of tho fight They have taken no sides and apparently nre not maintaining any forco of workers In tho sucakershln content To day It Is bclntf uhlipcred around that Cot Is Just ns nccoptablo to them as Ualdtvln The first show-down on the conflicting claims from tho two camps will be made this afternoon when the Allegheny Countj members caucus The Ualdwln people aro claiming seventeen of tho twenty-four votes from that count), while Public Service Commissioner William A Magcc, Vnre Drumbaugh leader In Allegheny, claims either eleven or thirteen votes for Cox rUNHOSiS HOST AT DINNKU Senator Penrose gave n dinner to the Allegheny County delegation nt the "Castle ' house on Chestnut street, occupied for the seiilon by most of the Alleghcnv Coilnlv members, last night Thirteen attended tho Mageo people, w.th the exception of Itcprescntatlvo llearv, rcmtlnlng awav. There has been no chnnga In tho Lacka wanna and I.uzerne rountv delegations C'ok will recelvo one vote, that f I'owler, from Lnckawannn, and two, those nf Mr liny and Morgan, from I.urerne Trod f I'hrhardt of Srrauton who nnnouiirul his candidacy fot Speaker soveril weeks ago, will not go Into tho (atiris, but will vote for Ualdwln The fight between I'ov nnd llilduln threatens to spread to the selection of n chief clerk of tho House Juit ns the speak ership contest resulted In 1111 'Ihomni Oarvlii, present chief clerk ti.is been one nf tho actlvo managers nf Hnlduin's cam paign, and the Varo-Brunibnugh fori cm an threitcnlng to plnco I'rnnk II Morrison ecrgeant-nt-arms of the Inst Mouse nnd n politico' lieutenant of lohu It Is .Stott In tho field nralnst him No opposition will he mado ngalnet the election of Semtor Ktl ward I nedelmaii, of Dauphin, ns presi dent pro tent of tin Senate nnd of William S Ilib, of t-'clmv 1UIII, as resident clerk of the House The Governor s statement follows The speakership contest will soon be settled Hut the Isiues Involved can never be Bettled until thev mo Fettled right Those who rpcclouslv prodilm that thla It a factional fight tor the good or this or tnnt leader In nn uty or county utter what the know to hn n falsehood The sole question is thl Can the Kermbtiian partj survive If controlled and dominated by discredited lendeishlp and delivered to tho special Interests that have at cverv turn cheated the people" Will It not bo well to heed this sit uation and avoid miking nn Ir retrievable blunder' Must we not render service real honest sen Ire If we nre to havo tho support nf the people- A party that Is dWionct can not endure. Some of us sense till sit uation TVe feel it l.eeulv We want the Ilepubllcan party to rid Itself of the bossed and controlled leaders who have wrought Its defeat We cannot do this If we support Mr Baldwin It will be accepted ns n victor foi reiictlnnnty and servile lenders who owe much and do all for special privileges unit who care not one whit Tor decency or right or Justice DARUS ' WV ONE TO nUriTTI'" These same men in 1915 were equally resolved to put Mr ISaldwln Into the f.pcakershlp They Anally vlelded, and Mr Penrose gave me definite assur ance that ho won kl btippoit Mr Am bler. Ho so told Mr Ambler later In the same dav In let-s than n day thereafter he at definitely set about to defeat Mr Ambler He did not succeed Thcso facts 1 dare nn one to refute The evening of the day of the Re publican meeting nt Wlllltms Grove In the autumn of 191' the same Seim toi, then a candidate told mo that both the then Commissions of Hlgh vvajs and the ihcn Secretary nf Stato were Impossible and ought nut to be retained Subsequently at Hlolrs vllle In the stand on the public square he assured ine he would have them resign Ho did not do so Me also declared at Pittsburgh on August 26, 19 H, when tho pnrtv plat form was under discussion thnt he was sure of his election and that he dldn t care anjthftig about the le malnder of the ticket This was cm the eve of the State campaign Can any fair oi lojal Republican follow such men? The people look to the party In power to give them an honest and a detlnlte service They recent rightly un at tempt to deceive or to cheat them Their interests are at stake I shall steadily stand with them and against false leadership I shall continue to Insist that this Government shall never betray any one, that Justice and de cency and right shall prevail, and upon that Issue and that alone I shall con duct my administration and shall de vote all my energies The control of the Republican party in Pennsylvania bv the special Interests, of which the .Senator Is the acknowl edged political agent, must and should be broken If the party Is to live Noth ing Is settled In this world, I repeat, until it is settled right PENROSE'S STATI'MUN l' .Senator Penrose Issued an Immediate reply. In which he charged Irregularis on the part of the Yare-Ilruinbaugh forces uurln.- the last campaign and paid his re spects to ' the unspeakable John R K Scott." He pointed to Congressman William S Jya'utHejarwtvi Sth A CHESTNUT 8T8., N, E. Ccr. Uambers of.P&iIa Btaok Eaobanci Direct Wlra to Naw Tork aMVaVa'tl AIIntownBathlehem Cat Can'l. Si. J. a P.. I9M REED A. MORGAN & CO. 1 KMJ TKL'ST IILDU.. I'IIIL.1. Mtmbcre of tha 1'hila. Utotk Eitkante rUCTIUNB a-js TUB CtTBAb NATIONAL llAMi K3t' oy ruiLAnxxriiiA. Dacamber 11, lfllfl Tha Annual Elactton for Director! of thla Bank will ba bald at tna Unklns houaa on Tuaaday, January ", 1917, between 11 a. m. and U m, W V, CO.NHAU. ' Caahltr, Bt-3r ITttANKJUN NATIONAL ltANU. '-" Uroad and Cfaeetnut S tret la. PhlladalpbU, Decambcr 28 lais, Tha Annual Election tor Dlrectora wilt be held at tba bankltur bouaa on Tueedar, January v. 1917. batwaaa the boura of IS noon and t o'clock o m. 4 Wit flAnUT Caahler. KLECTIO.SS irSSpCOLUUUIA A YEN IT K TRUST COAIPAKY Pbtladelnbla December SS 1818. Tba annual election fur pireotora will ba held at tba banklnc bouaa WediMday, January 10. 1917. batwaaa tha boura of 12 o'clock noon ami 3 f, m. WM A. CAULILH. Sacraury PIBECTOBV OJ- ACCOUNTANTS fkTtifted fuMU Aaaamtaatai rrtua EVENING LEDOEB-PfllLADELPniA, MONDAY; JANUAKY 1, Varo ns "the boy orator and concluded by asserting that the Governor Is 'lifting the lid of a conlrnotors' garbage tan " Penrose s statement follows A statement regarding the alleged reduced mnjorltles In Pennsylvania hive been repealed so often that they seem unworthy of further nnswer They nro the stock argument of tho enemv In the present ronlrocrA As a matter of fact the majority this vear In Penn sylvania wns looked upon ns very cred itable under tho circumstances by Re publicans In other Slates In n presi dential vear cverv one thinks l'cnn svhnnln Is certain, nnd speakers nnd contributions go to States considered close or doubtful, to the detriment of Pennsylvania Moreover the State Administration in many places was against tho Repub lican rnndldntes In somo of the de partments nt Mnrrlshurg, I know per- Ronallj, that ninnv emploves were sent for and ordered to turn In for Demo cratic candidates, particular! In legis lative districts If the proper support had been given bj the Governor and his subordinates tho Thirtieth nnd Thirty second Congressional districts would bo represented In the Sixty-fifth Congross hv Republicans Instead of Democrats Insurance Commissioner J Dcnnv O'NclI nnd State I'mplovmcnt Agent Samuel It Thompson live In the Thir tieth f'ongrcsslonal district nnd thev wore openlv lighting tho Republican Congressional landldntcs vot oniii, s I'insi' orrr,.si:' This Is not Mr O Nell ) llrst offense, ns II Is generally conceded thai ho contributed principally to the defeat of Congressman John Dnl7cll, the cham pion of protection nnd In this vva'' In flicted it severe blow to tha cause of the protective tariff throughout the country. Tho part in Pennsylvania during tho icccnt campaign wns haru'lcapptd bv I lie character of the people who sur lounded Governor Drtimbnugh Refer ence has already been made to Attorney Gcnornl tlroun nnd nu investigation of this case Is Jut beginning Then the unspeakable lolm R K Scott was on tho ticket, Indirectly weakening the Milter The voleis Mill hid ficsh In tlielr liilntls the description of Scott given hv it Plilladclphl i newspaper which is now uippottlng Ins efforts wherein he wns descrlbid In the following language wllhout mil .attempt on his part to deny ur refute the chaigcs Quite apart finm Stott s pnliilial nlllllutloni we hold that nil lighl-lhliiU-lng, home-loving i lenn-lli lug mini i otild consclcutlouslv support him bv leasnii of his olllclnl and piofe"sloiml reiord I'or )cni-H this man has main laliitd himself ,t a defenilei and pro tecloi nf the lowest tvpe of c'llmlunls ballot-box stuffer", i adet white slavers and ko ponderers IIIh gang loiinertluiiH have given him such profit able niitoilot thnt this business has hi ought him a 1'ortmio. the giowth uf which was not hampetcd In simples ns In the form of his fet s for It Is s lid ho Iihm ntrepud the Vei Jewels fiom women clients In lieu of cash hTRMin IMIAMMJ INri.LH'NCi: 'I he Ignomlii of the strei t leaning loiitractlug influence cm the p irty wns another henvv handicap This i mild not be more forulblv Illustrated than by witnessing the character of thu meet ings which were held in Philadelphia undci the auspices or the Cltv Com mittee and directed bv the Wires ouh no one cl'-e being nskeil to take any part Particular! Is this stntement true in reference to the meeting nt the Aeailemj of .Music In Philadelphia This meeting w is unanhnouslv cim- ceilid bv those who pnitlcipatcd In It to hue been the most humiliating fut ure that could be recalled within tlie nieniorv of the oldest campaigner llattllv nnv citizen of noto permitted the use of his name in connection with the meeting few were on tho stage and the hodv or Hie houso was lint much mote than hair filled The piti able performance of Congressman V&.i in living to monopolize the glory or the occasion, liko a bov orntoi lent rt touch or comedy to the spectacle but did not help the success of the ticket the following week When the present cheap and sordid gang of political conspirators now at the Governors elbow Is eliminated fiom tho Republican parti uf Pennslvanla It Is likelv that the majorities will again return to their normal slie It is nn wondei that tho people of the State In the midst or a general pros pcrlti, hesitated when the considered the course of the Governoi of the Com monwealth Mo loustantli preaches sweetness and light ' and he seeks them h lifting the lid of a coutiactors garbage can State Senatoi Edwin II V.ire Immedi ately took issue with Sen itoi Penrose Phli'jilclphiu gave Hughes a majority of 103,000, ' he said 'That Is greater than the majority Hughes received In any other city In the count r, and more than twlco as largo as Hughes s niajorit throughout the lest of the State That is the best answer I can give to Penrose " Vjfc Tights Husband's Saloon Transfer HARRISUirilU. Jau 1 Included In a llbt or names on a lemostrance against the transrer of Andrew Kchtitzenbach'ti wholesale liquor license, filed today In the Dauphin Count Court, Is the name ot his wlfo Mrs Andrew Kchutzenbach The liquor dealer Is in the Capitol Park exten sion district and he wants to relocate, since tho State has taken over his propert BISBEE COPPER KouglU Sold Quoted iiifoimaelon upon requeat Land Title Buildlnir, Phila. Te'ephonee Spruro 4I1U. Hare 130 New ork llarrlaburr Ilmdlui Allentown si,vaAvvva,-a,vxvivvvvv,vvs,vva,vvi,va,va,vvvxvvvts S t "Strtntth and Stuic" We Have Deposited A Happy New Year for you in our Bank subject to your order though, after all, whether the New Year be happy or not, depends on one's self. We'll honor your signature for all the good wishes for 1917 for we've put a goodly lot of them to your credit here I , Tradesmens National Bank The Builntti Man' Bank 431 Chestnut Street, Phila., Fa. Established 18415 Resourcu over $13,000,000 PEACE MUST END VITAL ISSUES, CHURCHMEN SAY Movement Under Way to Enlist American Sentiment Against Indecisive Settlement CLERGY AND LAITY JOIN Sixty Prominent iMen ot Several De nominations Sign Stntement Defining; Principles A tuoicinent In enlist Ameilcan publlo .sentiment In opposition to stopping the European war 'wllhout adequate considera tion of the Issues tho war Involves" Is undei B) lii Philadelphia nnd New York, follow ing the signing of a statement of alms by sljwtv prominent men of both cuics cneorgo Wharlon Pepper Is at the head of the move ment In Philadelphia Hchlnd him nro tho lit Rev Philip M Rhtnolander, Protestant Episcopal tllshop of Pennslvanla, the Rt Rev William Lawrence. Protestant Epis copal Illshop ot Massachusetts; Rlshop Joseph P Ilcrrv, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. President John Gilcr Hlbben, of Pilnceton, WlnMon Churchill, novelist, tho Rei Vewcll Dw Iglit Mlllls nnd XX 11 1 v Sun da v The statement signed In the sltti men lies the imaging of llelgluni tha massacre of the Armenians the desolation of Serbia ami Poland nnd the sinking of tho IaisI tanla ns tho vital Issues ' which should be adjusted In leaching pence In Europe The moiemeut Is designed In stav nny American efforts toward establishing penis until the 'vital Issues' slated are "sitls factorlli settled I lie iiocninent also sets foi 111 tint as Christians tho signers 'deem that titith nnd righteousness nre to he inalntnltied Inviolate, ovin nt the sacilflce of phsknl lire The doiunient Is not one fin which signets will he sollilted It wns explained todav in one of tho leadeis in the mole ment With a few e vceptlons nil tho names desired have been signed In Ihe document It Is planned to send the paper to IGOftOU ilergvmen of nil denomination. In tho 1'nlted States mill If feislble. the stibstanie of the doeutnent will lie preached h Hum from theli pulpits This Is Ihe ni with the aid uf whnl eier general publicity tho movement nun gain, th it the nioiunont Is epecteil to take hold uf Ameilcan public opinion The net Mcp In the plan or the ingan beis will he the le.iitliui of the publle opinion upon the Government in whitevn ageniv 1.01'kH to brill, nliout peine without the adjustment or the 'ill.il Issues' set fin th In the iloiiiiucut The papei was signed It was evplaineil In otilei that It oil 111 he known as upii sentatlie It was ghui mil hv Gemge linns mie nf Hie li-ailns In the movement from Ills nillee in the Land Title Iliillillug Whittle! (lie puipoe nf Hie mnvtmeiit will riinlllit with Hie 1 low 1 anient iolc loward a Euiopeau pi ait Is n question that has nlreuli been raised .Mi Pippci Is limited on this .is suing that If thciu should hi 11 iimlllct In I ween Hit principles Inioliid In nut si itemeul and olhei jirlm Iples governing: the JMest elents action we will stand hv the state ment and not h the Piesldent Anothei leadi 1 of the moiemeut said tint the public could dinw Its own infeiences ns Id the question of eoiillictlng purposes er the decument and the President (RI'CTS COP WI'III PIST; riNHU New Year Cclebtnnt Pnys $5 lot Ex cessive Knthusinsm It costs J" to wish n Camden polle email a llapp New Yeai This comes from Geoige Milen a Rus sian who sas he ought to know, nfter pai iiig that amount for merely wishing Police man t 01 nog a prosperous 1917 I'ornog dldn t deny Mllena vvoid, but added that the greeting was too enthusi astic. In that It consisted of a punch In the face Milen who lives nt GJ6 Jackson street, said he must have been eclebrnting too fieel, and he ineielv wanted to spread good feeling This statement honeiei dldn t alter Recorder Stackhouse s views and Milen was lined Said Milen I knew the cost of living was high hut not the cost to greeting Cam den policemen ' INVESTMENT SEASON BANKS. TRUSTEES AND INDIVIDUALS. A LIST OF SECURITIES THAT WILL SATISFY THE PARTICULAR REQUIRE. MENTS OF EACH CLASS OF INVESTOR HAS BEEN PREPARED OY US. YOU MAY RECEIVE UPON REQUEST THIS LIST CATALOGUED. THE SECURITIES THEREIN DESCRIB. ED ARE OWNED BY US AND RECOM. MENDED AS HIGH QRADE, CONSERVA. TIVE INVESTMENTS. YIELDING AN EXCELLENT RETURN. BAKER, AYLING & YOUNG LAND TITLE BLDC. PHILADELPHIA BOSTON CHICAGO BONDS Carefully selected securities, of proved merit. Send for Circular MELLOR & PETRY Member. SSS&SSSr"1 336 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. IS SOUTH BROAD STREET WaaafaP Teutons Sweep on in Rumania tonllnntd en rase Tslne. Column I our Wni Olllce statement on operations on the eastern front . The stntement said South of RlRa and near Smorgen sliong Russian raiding detachments were repulsed On the north bank of the Prlpet, neat Plnsk, German cavalrv on foot stormed two Russian positions nnd brought In nt the point of the havonet one oftlcer nnd t I1I1 tj -flv 0 men as prisoners BRITISH EXTEND LINES SOUTHWARD IN FRANCE WITH Till! nltlTIIII ARMY IN KIIANC'IJ, .Tnn 1 Nlnctoon hundred and seventeen finds the nrltlsh line itraduallv cxtenititie southward More and moro nre tho lthakl-clad fiolillci 3 of llrltntn reltovlnR tho hotlzon of tho hlus of the Prenrli pollua Tho procesi haj hcen roIuk on ever since 1911 And toda I.'ni: land's nintninoth ctpedltlonat V force In rondv ready hoth fiom tho viewpoint of number of men nnd equipment to answer any call the Allies' council deems dcilr nble Thcie Is n vast difference todav fiom 1 9 1 C, when a thin ranged line, lacking re serves, miraculously chins on, desplto nn npparenllv Impossible situation 'I he most strlklnB areas between the trenehes nnd the sea lescmule I'nglaiid more than Trance The Ilritlsh foires hive Just roinpleleil taking over a pectlon nf the I'lciuli front nnd the Hrlllfch line Is now longct than evei before AUTO CAUGHT BETWEEN TWO CAKS; SIX INJURED Five Victims of Acident nt KiIrcvvooiI Sheet nnd Lnnsdovwic Avenue in ,'ieiious. Condition Sir peisons weie Inline live of them seiloti"l, uiilv toda) when nn niitnmiihlle in uhlih thev were ildlnrr stunk n ill cc t cat mill wns jammed between II nnd nnothei Htieet ell til llilcreuood slieel nnd I.nns dim tie avenue 'I he lii'med me Lewis U'ooilheail t vvctit v-tiliir Soinlei lon la , nwilei eif Ihe automobile , ft He lmed hip nnd M'vero nils l.lri U'oodlientl, twenle-i IrIiI wife nf l."ls Wnoelliind, fiaituud libs, hrules nnd Internal Injiiik-u Hirrv Muddls Ihlitv lO.'S oith IklRi uood tlieel , fi act in eel ilhs nnd Inlernal In juries Ruth .Mndills thlitv-nue wife of Hitirv MmlillH, possible fiauuie of the skull and biokeii libs VIibIiiIii ilnildls seven, elaughtei of Harry Aladdls, sprained link unci bruises ilam .Muddls, .It nine . right hand Indlv maiiRleil mid lite. amputated, seveiu biulses v Mrvs 'i ii.ors r Cor. 1 3th and Sansom OUR SEMI-ANNUAL SALE An xci-pilon.il opportunity tn hr hi lishiv Hi 10 nnil 80 00 NI'lTIMiS eir QKfr llVI'IttlUTIM.S tn r,lJr OSIa 110(111 to f00 si ITIMiS or En IIVr-Rf OVTINfIS tn nnlfr 3H) iii niici aisnn stniM.H or enr IHIIttOVriNt.S t onler kj WL&imm mmmm Adv The increasing cost of labor and raw materials (particularly cotton fabric) has made it necessary to advance prices to dealers and consumers effective January 1st, 1917 -15 per cent on pneumatic automobile tire casings and 10 per cent on pneumatic tubes and motor truck tires. Present abnormal conditions fully justify a greater increase, and should they continue a further increase may become necessary. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Akron, Ohio f 1917 TWO ATTEMPT SUICIDE; BOTH EXPECTED TO DIE Woman Sets I'ire to Her Clothing in Pitmnn, N J. Philndclphinn Shoots Himself Two nl tempts nt suicide todnv will te suit In the death nf a woman nnd man It was said nt the t'ooper Hospital!! Cam den The man Is i Philadelphia!! Ilenjimln Ilnrrlni; slxtv. nf 37.15 North Mnlshatl street shot himself tevlee In the bend nt Second nnd Jlllchell streets, t'am dn. beneith the elevated trntks of the West Jerse it Keishore Rnlltond An ntnhtilance took him to the hospital vehere ho was able onlv to Rive his nime nnd ad dress before bocomlnsc unconscious .Mm Clara l.ary, flftv of l'ltmiin. N .t . evcused herself from tho breakfast table on n plea of nn errand to the rellai mie nrrled nn nil Innip with hei When dinvii- slnlrfl she saturated hei rlothlmr with the lump's fuel then set fire tn her dress Tho pain berime so excruciating that she t limbed fiom Ihe tellir thioiiRh u window lo tho lawn nnd there her streams ntlrniteil hr-i husband nnd tun neighbors, William anhutner nnd I r Dunhip The rite do ptitiiieiit iilso was tailed Mis I. .icy was uucoustlolii when the flames were finally extinguished, mid l'lre t hlef Watson MeMlehnel took her to ('11111 deii In his molor cm rtho citinot live, It was said nt tho htispllal Mr l.tcy una unable to nccount for the act Short N'ciKlit Coal Dealer I'lncd TltllNToN. .Inn I --When .Itldce Oei- nitlitv Inlllcled a Hue of $100 tin t'hailes 1" Hlrieh, n locil mil dealer, oertised of selllniT short vvclitht tho lattoi an luniucid his business for snip This Is the thlnl tliiie lllrsch linn been Illicit for a Klmllni olTe lite Two members of the same firm of Illrtth Uiutheit wetc nlso fined a, 1 000 III .Mil cor Couit somo months nsn on rlmiRO of silbol tuition of iei jni, wblih was the oiiliome of a hoit welRht ininplalnt Motorist to I'roscLtitc l.:nvl)reaker. I.VM'Asrillt l'i .Inn I 'I ho l,mi. enste-r utomnhlle ('lull with mole than TOO membeis hns decided to uiopernto vvltli lhe mitliniitlea In inotettliiK tin public ncnlnst wilful vlolitlons of sifen iiRUln tloiiH bv iiutnmohllft elilurs 'I hev will rmplnv il pilv ite eletrcllve In inuiid Ui mid piosetute vlnl.itnrH of the law a ai: IV e Wish Our Friends a Prosperous New Year E TAKE this lime lo express w our appreciation for the patronage of our many, many friends during the past year. We only wish you all as successful a Nineteen-Scventeen as your friendship assures to us. &OYAL Boot Shop i Mmt&L Boir hp FOR MEN QsA FJSJsSes $2 grilli Chestnut St Notice fOOWoTEA TIRES Good) ear Tires, heavy tourist lubes and "tire saver1' accessories are easy to get from Goodyear sen ice station dealers everywhere board Re-elects school officials Dr. John P. Garbcr, Superin- lc(lciit nnd His Assistants Arr.nin Chosen lir .lolm r Onrber was re-elected super intendent of the I'hlladclphK schools, nnd tho sl assistant and ten district attpcrln tendcuta were nlso re-elected today nt the annual mcetltirr'of the Ronrd of rdttcatlon In the tostone School, Nineteenth nnd Market streets. This was the mat tlmo tho Uoard ot l.Mucatlon ever met on New Year's Dav It happened beciue tho re vised echool code calls lor nn annual meet Iiir nn the first Monday In .Innuarv Theie was no change In nnv of the board committees reappointed hv llenrv R I'd tnunds piesldent of the bonid ( Ity Con tiollrr ,1ohn M. Walton vvna ngaln chosen School fonlrollei, In nccordanco Willi the Itw provlilliui that the City 1 oniroller must be head of tho school flnnnclnl s)stem Ihcie was 11 hunt for n Rllilc when the lime came tn sweat In Controller Walton for tho cnniliiR cnr Pcska vvero ran sacked nml the scare li was growing ex tensive when one of the stenographers r membeied she had a Illblo In her desk Tills was obtained however onlv after a long semth for the hev of Ihe desk if . Tp . . At This Time of Year 1 ! I in1 i..iy linvoo wlih ftr farf hi I ImntlK Innuio nualnsi urli lirni hv dills ui of our Sktn rm h 1liliifiil prepTrntton that can not Injur thrt ttnilr-it "kin flhd ht'lpn lo rlnni roft-n nn-i tinurlfh A il ftrst nM to b'ft.iiv- T.ub IV Jr II I'otpiifl nnvnlieiA In LLEWELLYN'S I lillnilflnlila'a stnnelnril Ilnic ''lore l.18 Chcslntlt Street . I...I. rr--l..... It. f i rji unr-inim initiuii air t Kj P s . ajaaana n, mranjiftmrnm. vtvvvv.vvvvvvvvvvvvvv.vvvvvvvUvvlvvvvt': " t I --&