Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 01, 1917, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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    JWiW '
CAWN'S mayor
Extensive "Water Front De
velopment Asked in Fifth
Message to Councils
Great Municipal Advance
Urged by Camden's Mayor
'DIG Improvements in Camden's
waterfront nro urged bv Mayor
Ellis In his fifth inaugural messngo
to Camden City Council today. A
$000,000 terminal nnd warehouse nt
tha Spruce street whatf is naked.
Mayor suggests a bridge over tho
Delaware vln Peltv'a lelnnrl fnr vn.
hicular traffic and n tunnel nt tho
ferries for passenger service. Urge
building of new wharves to provide
for commerce of the future.
Advocatos purchaso of evangelistic
tabernacle for a convention hnll nnd
rocommonds that Cooper Park Library
be used as n workmen's community
house and general technical reference
Recommends that the capacity of
the city-owned asphalt plant bo
doubled to meet demands for high
way improvements; asks for funds
to increase the traffic nnd mounted
squads of the police department.
Recommendations for Immediate develop
ment of Camden's water front wero made
by Mayor Charles II. ytlls today In Ills
fifth Inaugural rllessace to Cnmden city
Council. He urged approval of tho plain
for a sre.it terminal and warehouse at the
elty-owned wharf at Spruce street
"Ernest and energetla prosecution of tho
opportunities for harbor development." ho
said, "means unprecedented progress for
Camden, and I strongly ndvocato approval
of the Spruce Rtreet terminal and ware
house plans, or some similar plan, as a
great bis step In tho right direction.
"So city Is rlehor than Camden In
natural water-front advantages or accessi
bility as a shipping center, both by rail and
water. The railroad faellltki nre highly
developed, but tho harbor needs havo been
neglected and tho time Is ripe for action.
'Tho proposition is a big ore nnd must
be handled as such ; It means much to tho
elty, and, while the estimated expenditure
Is large, the cost will bo Insignificant with
tho returns In after cars, not considering
tho prestlgo that Camden gains as a marl
time center. Puih this development to a
realUntlon and other developments of like
nature will follow as a matter of cotirso
and expediency."
The Mayor also advocates renewal of the
application for cutting through Fisher's
dike on tho north shore, asks Council to
acquire land on either sldo of tho stiect
ends now owned hy the city to be prepared
for tho commerce of the future, and wants
the city Immediately to extend Its wharves
to the new pier head lines.
Tlje Mayor recommends that the capacity
of the city-owned asphalt plant bo doubled
to meet tho demand for highway Improve
ments, urge3 Immediate improvement of
highways leading to the main roads and
suggests a bond issue for paving: 1-ast Cam
den streets
Directing attention to the fact that the
auxiliary water station diaws on wells In
dependent of tho Morris plant, the Maor
says tho new plant adds to the securltv
which tho city has long enjoyed for pure
supply of water IIIh Honor recommends
complete equipment of tho municipal hos
pital to bo prepated for any emergency,
aslta for funds to Increaio tho tiafllc and
mounted squads of the police department
and makes reference totlie splendid equip
ment of the fully motorized (Ire department.
Kmphaslzlng the Importance of a central
location for tho proposed bridge over the
Delaware the Mayor suggests that the tratlla
problem may bo met with a bridge over
Pettys Island for vehicular trafllc and tun
nel at the ferrleB for possenger service.
Discussing tho public educational facilities
the Mayor says that mone will bo needed
soon for more schools and suggests that on
completion of tho new high school the old
building he used for tho higher grades ot
the grammar schools and thus relieve the
existing congestion He advocates the pur
chase of the evangelistic tabernacle for a
convention hall, recommends that tho
Copper Park library which Eldredge H.
Johnson Is building as a gift to the city bo
largely used as a workmen's community
house or general technical reference library
and advocates tha establishing of a mam
moth playground on the Broadway meadow
tract so arranged that It could be flooded
and used as a skating center In the cold
Urging the further development of nil
the parks, tho Mayor wants the city to pur
chase ground adjacent to Battery B armory
for recreation purposes ; directs attention
to the fact that the city will be 100 years
old twelve years hence and suggests the
formation of a. permanent relief society
using as a nucleus the funds remaining In
the treasury of the committee which looked
after the families of the Camden soldiers
who saw service on the Mexican border,
Council confirmed the following nomina
tions by Mayor,Ellls:
Members cf city planning commission,
Charles V. Austermuhl, William Benner,
George M. Berlnger, T. Gordon Coulter,
"William C. Davis, I. A. Flnkeldey. Allen
Jarvls, George F. Kappell, John A. Mather.
Members of harbor commission, George
TV. Bradley. Benjamin S. Meloney. John
Miller, Charles S, Wolverton.
Member of the board of assessors, Walter
Member of the park commission, Alvln
B, Pitman.
Member of the library trustees. Dr. Alex
ander McAUster,
Council elected the following officials;
Assistant city comptroller. Lawrence F.
Klnei assistant city treasurer. Robert G.
Flaming; assistant water chief, Harry
HerUIne; first assistant receiver of taxes,
Charles JI. Klfreth; chief clerk Highway
Department. Walter W. Johnson ; assistant
clerk, Walter W, Lee: first assistant city
engineer. William P. Osier; second assist
ant city engineer, Frank F. Harris ; assist
ant clerks in Water Department, Edward
Jlollowey, William M. Flthlan: overseer of
the poor. David Ranklns; police and fire
fursf". Dr- D. A. V. Schellenger ; moving,
picture censor, Isaac W. Bagley; inspector
cf sewers, John P. Kennedy ; second deputy
city clerk, Harry A. Simpson ; cleric of flra
department, Harey C Watts; clerk, to
water Chief, Albert E. Simmons; third as
sistant ilty engineer, Thomas Daley; resi
dent "engineer Water Department, David B.
Ow.nvlerlc of Electrical Bureau. "William,
'. William; foremen street cleaning.
"Matthew White, Frank Truax; machinist
Water Department, Jacob Silver.
Member, of sinking fund commission, J,
Harry Jinerr, Herbert N. Munger; mem
hats Board of Health. Or David 8. Rtyno.
lfetold L. Snyder; members of Board" of
Sehoel' Estimates, Clifford IC Deacon,
Arthur Gemberltng; commissioners of As-
iwsSmt, Philip P- Fletcher. Walter E.
i .Garwood. William Wrlffordt cemetery
"ta, Reuben GtakllL Harry N. Knox,
Council also confirmed the appointment
f Receiver of Taxes. Sparka of George W.
labels us collector pf delinquent taxes.
- Hxe Experts Call Slater Insane
if-'USTQU. Pa.. Jan. L-rFlva physicians
Ttarr sjsobe peraajM who made depositions
"St, Patrick Cillery, who ia under death
iMtMVpa for afciaotlas hU aiter, Mrs. George
Hunt, Democrat, Arms Arizona
State House Against Campbell,
Who Claims Election
Cowboys May Attempt to Storm Build-
iiiB and Boost Favorite to
Innugurnl Portico
PHOK.VI.V, Arl. Jan. 1. Trouble was In
tho nlr today as the hour for Inaugurating
Arizona's new Stale omctnis urcw nenr.
Both Governor G. W. P. Hunt, tho In
cumbent, a Democrat, and Thomas 12.
Campbell, Itepubllcnn, ctalm to have been
elected In Nov ember, and formal oathi
have been taken by both. Campbell holds
a certificate of election from the Secretary
of State, while Governor Hunt bniei hli
claims on what ho declares the count will
show. Enrh haq prepared an Inaugiliul ad
dioss and each will attempt to deliver It.
Governor Hunt held tho advantage early
todav. Armed guards patrolled the Capitol
Inside and out, and every door Is locked to
prcent r'ampliell's adherent from entering.
Thousand of stipportcri ot each man nre
In the city for tho rerrmoolci and trouble
Ii anticipated when they meet on the
Capitol ground". That Hunt will appear on
tho portico nnd attempt tn take tho oath
when ho hour nrrlves Is not doubted.
Campbell's rupporters are prepared to try
to storm their way to the portico and, IC
nccoisarj, to boost their man up by ladder
from the outside of tho building.
Upon tho Chief Justice of tho Supreme
Court will ileponil tho outcome. Ho has
been nil'od to administer tho oath and Is
said to be Inclined to do H. Miners from
Gila County, itnnch Hunt inon, wcro ex
pected to arrive in fotrn today lo take up
cudgels for their nrin. I'mv punchcrn from
Yavapai fount are hole to help Campbell
I'niler t le .StMi law. If Hunt Is found
not In Imp been ro-electtil ho Is liable lo
a prison sentence fur lmlug withheld tho
office f r mi im duly elected and qualified
Churches and Cafes
Welcome New Year
t'ntitliuietl f rtim I'aKf One
P.nlnbrldge streets, held a dawn sen Ice, be
ginning at r. o'clock
Among otbir churches that held watch
nlRht rervloin won- tho Uaptlst Temple.
Broad und Borks streets ; the Third Baptist
Churrh, 2IC0 South Broad street; the First
Iteformed Mtithudlit. fifty-third street and
Haerford avenue: Ebcnervr Methodist
Kplsi'opal f 'lunch, Klfty-iiecond and Parrlsh
streets; f hainbers-Wyllo Memotlal Presby
terian Church. Ilro.irt Mi ret. bolow Spruce
street ; the Aich Slteet Prr-idij terlan f htiich,
I'lghteontli nnd Aich street!! and St. Mat
thew's TioteMunt Episcopal Church. Eight
eenth utrcel and Glinrd avenue
A great dcnl of speculation had been In
dulged In over the power of the pollco
to regulate hoin-lnnttng nnil other un
necPH.uy 'lntu-nitdtilght nolne In accordance
with an edict of the department Inst week.
As a matter nf fart, this rather staid city
had an uproarious Sahh.ith night. The lack
of liquid stimulus didn't seem to affect tho
spirit uf the crowd, for as early as 9 o'clock
a good sized throng had come In by trolley,
font nnd nuto and taken possession of
Market and Chestnut street.
Horns blown tentatively with an eye on
the cop weru unllnibercd freely when the
peace preserver paid no attention to the
noise. flatties began to chatter and sna'io
dances wiiru organised shortly nfler chuich
had let out. About 11. that final fillip
of gayely. the tickler, came Into action
With all these, nuci ssoi len In hand, tho
Bleat drive upon midnight ntaited.
When the time came, for tho City Hall
clock to glvo Its hlntoilc wink, the plazas
wero n seething carpet of Immunity ltd
face upturned. Young men blew valiantly
and little girls giggled and Billy Pcnn,
an ay up there, camo near losing his de
corum. Tor lie and ever'' other wise mun
knows that when the bright clock dies for
I'.vo minutes before midnight n fellow blows
his horn a ltttlo harder to hide tha fact
that he'a making resolutions.
Chiedono il Completo Ritiro
delle Truppc dalla Tessaglia
ed il Disarmo dei Cittadini
ROMA. 1 Gcnnalo.
Cn dlspacclo dal Plreo dice cue I
mlulstrl della Quadruplice Intesa hanno
presentato sabato scorso a) governo greco
un nuoo memorialo nel quale sono csposte
le seguentl domando dl guranzie o rlpara
zlonl: Garanne Tutte le forso mllitari greche
fuorl del Peloponneso debbono cssere rldotte
al nilulrnn nccessarlo per 11 mantenlmento
dell'ordlno o per 1 servlsll dl pollzla; tutte
le arml o le munlzlonl debbono ejsero tras
portate nl Peloponneso, comprcsl cannonl e
mltragllatrlci, do' lino n die gll alleatl
dell'Intesa stlnieranno neceasarlo; debbono
essero prolbitl tutti i comizll dl rlservletl
nella parte della Urecla n. nord dell'lstmo
dl Corinto, o noirum borghese deve eisere
autorlzgato a portaro arml; 11 controllo
degll alleatl deve essero rtstabillto
Blparazlonl Tutte le persons detenute
per l'accusa dl alto tradlmento o per altrl
reatl politic) debbono essere rilasciatl; II
comandante del prlmo corpo d'aimata dee
esaero rlmosso. a nieno che 11 governo greco
non dlmostrl che questa mlsura deve essere
appltcata a qualcho altro generate ; 11
governo greco deve prcsentaro le sue scuse
at mlnlstrt degll alloatl dell'Intesa ed ordl
naro II saluto alle handlers degll stessl In
un luogo pubbllco in Atene.
La. nota conclude con 1'affermazlone- che
gll alleatl dell'Intesa si rlservano llberta' dl
azlone nel caso che 1'attegglamento del
governo greco non sla dl sodlsfazione per
Gll alleatl dal canto loro si Impcgnano
a non permettere che le forzo del goerno
nazlonale, quello dl Venlzelos, approflttlno
del rltlro delle truppe del re per occupare 11
terrltorio cosl' lasclato libera o passare la
zona neutrale stabllltn d'accordo col
governo greco. Agglungono che II blocco
dello coste della Grecla sara' raantenuto
fino a che gll alleatl non aranno avuto
plena sodlsfaslono,
Telegramml da Atene dlcono che sublto
dopo la consegna della nuova nota degll
alleatl II re ha com oca to II conslgllo del
In un precedents conslgllo si era dlscussa
Ja sttuazlone net regno, che e considerata
come dieperata. II re ha ordlnato alio
Ktato Magglore che affrettl con ognl mezzo
U trasporto delle truppe dalla Tessaglia al
aud, trasporto che pare sara completato
per il S gennalo, epoca In cul si spera ad
Atene che gll alleatl toglleranno 11 blocco
delle coite greche.
Ierl sera 11 MlnUtero della Guerraannun
clava nel rapporto del generate Cadorna che
1'artlglUria era stata attlvlsslma bu tutta
la fronts. Eouo II testo del rapporto:
Nella slornuta dl Ierl si sono avutl
I soli 1 1 duelll dl artigllerla nella zona
montuosa, aU est dl Gorilla e sull'al-
toplano del Carso, Alcunl tlrl dlrettl
nostra batterln sul Carso hanno fatto
esplodere un deposlto dl munlzlonl del
Skipper prowned During Gale
CHARLESTON. 8. C, Jan. J. Victor
Brown, master of the American schooner
George W. Trultt. Jr. was washed over-
r boaijl and drwnc4 during a gale off Cape
liaucnu Jje$mecr , tue nrsc male re
ported when' he 'brails W; the Teasel' Into port
here ytuday front A)W Tfrk.
lSViiiNltftt LEDUMi-i
"'': y ivWnn
Harry Noncmaker wob one of the conspicuous Cikiu'cs in the van
colored procession that moved up Broad street today.
Wilson's Railroad Regulation
Measures and "Dry" Amend
ment Will Be Considered
WASHINGTON. Jan 1 Congress, which
lecouvoncs tomorrow, is cApected duiing
the forty-tluee daya remaining (cscludlng
calendar Wcdnesduyn and Sumlnjs) for
general lcgtsatlo woik to otc upon the
following legislation:
A law to prevent lallio.td and other
strikes or lockouts pending a public investi
gation of all controversies, bllterl opposed
by tho railroad brotherhoods and oigauized
labor generally
A law to empower ttie Piesldent to lake
over and -operate rallioad, telegraph and
telephone lines in time of military necessity,
and to draft Into the Federal nervice the
olllcluls and cinplo.ves necessary tn opeiato
A law lo Increase the personnel of the
Intoiftatt? Commerce. Commission from
seven to nine members.
(The three foregoing measuics. the last
of which already has passed the House,
would complete President Wllson'K program
of lailrnad legislation, begun Inst cession
when tho Adamson eight-hour law was
forced through Congress u is planned to
enact tho compulsory arbitration and gov
ernmental control laws as Senate amend
ments to the House measure Increasing
membership of tho Interstate fonnnercn
Commltislon, .is the shortness of tlrtio will
preclude House consideration of this legis
lation except in coufesence)
fonseivatlou laws, including water
power and land-leasing bills, which already
have passed the House.
Nation-wide prohibition by constitutional
amendment, prohibition for the District of
Columbia, upon which the Senate Is pledged
to vote on January 0
Nation-wide suffrage for women by con
stitutional amendment.
Vocational educational training, already
passed by the Senate.
Authorlzatlon'of combinations to pro
mote American export trade, passed by the
House but due to meet strong opposition in
the Senate.
Corrupt practices act, limiting expendi
tures for election to presidency nnd vice
presidency of tho United States and to the
House and Senate, passed by the House.
Legislation to provide for deficit the
treasury wilt face at the end of the current
fiscal year
These appioprlatlon bills: Agricultural,
army, navy, fortifications, general de
ficiency, military academy, pensions, post
office, rivers nnd haibors, sundry civil,
diplomatic and consular. District of Colum
bia, Indians and legislative, executive and
judicial, of which the last four only hae
as yet passed the House
A strong tight also will be made, espe
cially In the Sonate, for a bill providing
for compulsory military training and serv
ice ot all eligible youths of the country-
Biggest Battle of Present Cam
paign Wins La Cruz
for Bandits
Kh PASO, Tex., Jan. 1 In the biggest
battle in point of number of men engaged
since Villa regained power In northern
Mexico, Villlstas have decisively defeated a
column of Government troops sent out by
General Murgula to hold the northward
progress ot the bandit forces.
The battle occurred at La Cruz, the first
station on the railroad line north of Santa
Rosalia, according to reports to United
States authorities here today.
Player DieB After Hockey Game
MONTCLAJR, N, J Jan. 1. Trlstran
Bouther died suddenly after a game ot
hockey on Verona Lake. Souther had
been playing a strenuous game and it la
believed that he overexerted himself, He
was formerly captain of the hockey team
at Harvard University and also played with
the St. Nicholas team of New York.
R. W, Sylvester, College Uead, Dies
BALTIMORE. Jan. I. Richard William
Silvester, for twenty year president of
the Maryland Agricultural College 'until
his retirement four years ago on account of
111 heal'h, died here yesterday. He was
fifty-nine years old and a native of Norfolk,
aUaAs xj
Head of Historic "Lexow Com
mission" Carried From His
Burning Home
WILKES-HAI'.ltE. Pa, Jan 1 Slate
Senator Steillug It. Cntltu. of this city, had
ii imriovv escape fiom death by burning to
day when his home caught fire and the
Senator was awakened from a deep .slum
ber and rescued by Chief liochieller, of the
fire ilepaitment
Senatoi fatlln aio.se nt t o'clock this
morning and lighted u gas heater in the
buthiooni to pieparo for his tiip to llai
rlshurg for tho opening of tho Legislature
tonight He then letuined to hod ami fell
asleep The gas stove was set too closj
to the wall and the flames soon burned
tluough lo the outside, whom tho (lie nan
seen by a passerby and nn alarm turned In.
Chief Hochrclter was with the first
squad fiom the department, and while his
men wcro extinguishing th.i fire in the
bathroom he made a starch of the bed
roonra nnd found Senator Catlln asleep.
Had tho flames eaten through tho Interior
partition Instead oftho outsldo wall the
lawmaker would have been certainly burned
or suffocated to death As It was his room
had already begun to fill with smoke when
the fireman dragged him fiom tho covers.
Catlln Is a bachelor, but his housekeeper
was away and there was no other occupant
of the burnliiE building.
Senator Catlln was head f Hie "l.eovv"
Commission wnlch Kcuntnr Penrose had ap
pointed In tho 1911 mayoralty fight to in
ostigate the municipal contiactH of Sen
ator Edwin It. Vare The Catlln Commis
sion proved such a boonieiang, when
Francis Shunk Rronn. attorney for the
Vares. forced It to investigate Penrose him
self, that Catlln called oft the commission
and hurried the members nut of the city
before the Inquiry was concluded.
American Conferees Expected to
Settle Matter of Troop
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. Decision on the
stand to be taken by the American section
of tho American-Mexican Joint commission
will bo leached tomorrow when the com
missioners meet In the office of Secretary
of the Interior Lane, chairman ot the
American section
At present there appears to be no way
to continue tho deliberations of the com
mission unlets it Is agreed to take up and
dispose of tho question of the presence ot
American troops on Mexican soil before
other angles of tho situation are con
sidered. Despite the conciliatory tone of the Car
ranza objection to the Atlantic City pro
tocol. It Is doubtful If the American sec
tion of the commission will recede from the
attitude It has taken.
It was stated In Philadelphia two weeks
ago, when General Cairanza'a first objec
tion to the protocol was laid before the
American members, that under no circum
stances could nny modification of the
protocol be considered that it must stand
or rati as It was drawn up.
Tha main objection now raised by Gen
eral Carranza, first chief of the defacto
Government of Mexico, Is that It was the
Mexican understanding that the question
of the withdrawal of the Pershing column
was to have been discussed and concluded
before other matters were taken up.
Near Death After Fight Over Woman
Max Glanz, thirty-six year3 old, of JJ7
North Eighth street, is near death today,
following a fight between four young men
over ft woman In a restaurant near Eighth
and Callowhill streets early this morning,
In which he received a deep stab wound In
the chest. Glanz was left lying on the
floor of tho place and the assailant and his
companions fled. He was taken to the
Hahnemann Hospital, Detectives are look
ing for the man who did the stabbing, with
very little basis for their Investigation, as
the wounded man cannot tell who his as
sailants were.
Chicago Dry" on New Year's Eve
CHICAGO, Jan. 1 Chicago's celebra
tion of New Year's Eve was one of the
"driest" In the history of the city, according
to police reports. Several hundred police,
men were stationed at the hotels and cafca
to prevent any attempt to evade orders that
the sale ot Uduors would be permitted only
between ratdnljht and l a. m.
Fit .
..- -vV
' '"
New Ycafs Shooters
Dazzle Broad Street
Continued from rate tine
shuddered nt the extravagance, for our own
kings, princes and queens had hundreds of
train-bearers io attend their wide-spreading
Speaking of rtyles. milady a there In
all her glory nnd more There were no end
of dalntv diaphanous damse's who floated
along bravelv atop Ihiec-slory kid shoes,
front head to heels thev rehVcted the very
latest Ideas hi daring reihlnlnltv Despite
Iho pneumonia atmosphere, there were
dozens In decolietle. Their dresses fitted
well and the gloves and bracelets yet, and
handbag?, too wero In uniformity with
most of the creations
Arthur Ross, of New Voik a liallel ghl
with the LobMerM. collaped fiom the rhM
at City Hall. He Was uiapped In blanket
nnd rattled ovei Hie lest of the inula In u
In viewing the great assemblage one could
mt help thinking that .Mlltou must have
lioil our imiintitets' show In mind when
more than 200 years ngo lie wrote "Jug
glers and dancers, antics, immune)."
While big worldwide events were echoed
bv many of the Individual diameters, It
was the floats and br'gadci which drove
home the great happenings with which wo
are most familiar.
There weie vicious-looking submarine
with patented periscopes which enabled the
lookouts to lay In bed and wnlch the enemy.
Unt thee wcie oilldonc bv rome new Ideas
In the way of airships which could tiavel
on the ground nnd under water as well as
In the air The mechanism Is n secret, but
whatever il In It worked sntlsfnrtoillv
Anolhcr float showed the dlftlcull.v fu
countered bv President Wilson n sending
notes to nilous ruloi', and there were no
end of portable scenes giving inside Infor
mation concerning the high cost r living.
Ono of these exhibits pictured the futuie,
when eggs nnd meat would lie used at ban
iiucts and exhibitions onl.v. Another float
pictured tho present speokcishlp llghl now
the center of Slnte politics,
i llow the suffragists would get ml of
Villa and what the "null-suffs ' would lllin
to do to their female opponents was also
graphically Tihonn vvllh much detail.
Whllo llilily i liihs obtained permit", only
Iwenty-foui were lepicsented In the pmade.
There were 'more than li.000 matchers in
tho big show
Following a platoon nf mounted police,
the pioccs8lott was headed by Common
Councilman John II. Balzloy, chairman of
Councils" New Year Committee, lie rodo
ii prancing white charger and carried a
mammoth bounust given him by downtown
admliers. Il wan Just a trifle after 8:.in
when the parade moved from liroad and
Poi Icr streets
Following him In spick and span cai
ilages were Select Councilman Moirls Conn,
of the Eighth Ward; Select Councilman
William .1. QitiRloy, of the Twenty-eighth
Ward ; Common Councilman Frank B,
Stockley, of the Twenty-sixth Ward: James
-I. Lcnnoii, president of Select Council, nnd
Dr. Edward 13. Gleasou, piesldeut of Com
mon Council.
Detective .Stanley Dillon, on a .spliited
hoi so, acted ns cpecl.il aide
Tho Silver Crown Club, the daddy of them
all from the point of view of age, led the
muinmei.s It was heuded liy Captain M.
J. Qulgley, who had a glutei tug cosluma
which required fifty-two pages to take care
of the train.
fP.OWN fllOltCS UHll.
Piomiiicnt In the tanks of the Silver
'i own Club wus Wilbur Fo. ns a Rieen
nnd white chorus girl. Ills costume fitted
llko n gloveand aioused no end of feminine
The bravest 111 tie "shootei ' In tilth or
ganization was flvc-year-old Hugh Itojlc,
of 2538 South Mit-et. Whllo thousands
weio shivering. he man lied along with mi
Imperious air ns a gorgeous little prince and
was Kicvtcd with much applause and man
".lbs" ft oni the mothers and sisleio.
Cue was lemlnded of midsummer b the
nttlm of WHIht Ilodgetts, a coy-looking
'maiden" In while. "Sho" w.is refined,
etherlal-louklng and seemed to he under tho
Impression that winter was nowhcin about
A-collection,, of oigeous clowns aud
Juckejs was followed by a number of ex
travagantly dressed negioe-s and v.ulous
other characters.
A beautiful girl In ounge, Wesley Dean
bv name, was in tho front rank of tho
fliarlcs Klein Club, which came net. Sho
was cscoitcd by little Thomas Goiiulej. a
diminutive policeman, who h.iw that sho vas
not molested by admiring youths. Gonnley'n
father, Incidental, Is a leal policeman
who has a good recoid In tho i-ervlce.
Ono or the prettiest costumes in tho
ranks of the Kleins huh that of Chailes
Dumont, ns a king clown. Ills creation
which consisted of panels of plush alternat
ing with nccordeon plaited wings was cov
eied with raised flowers In nitlstlc designs
Directly nt his heels was Abe Wodack.
as u choius girl in oiange plush Fiom
head to heels ho was what the women called
the latest model.
Dut light on his tiall was a beautiful
Indian maiden, Harry Guir, wIiofo costume
was pel haps ono of tho most icalistic In
the procession. J. I). Humes as a klng
clown and Hughla McCann as a king Jockey
alKO wore lundbomo costumes.
When Adam Alburger, captain of the
Kleins, ai rived at City Hall, accompanied
by slxty-lhroo piges, he countei marched
Ills beautiful costume for the benefit of the
Judges. Hen K. Kalelgh, nichard J. Ileum.
Ish and Chailes P. tinrile. Tho captain's
approach was announced by two heralds,
who can led a magnificent banner, bearing
the words 1917.
A watchful eve was Itent on the canmiii
bv threo very beautiful girls In strict eve
ning dress They weie John Moser, Clar.
ence Waltman and Oscar Miller, 'of Head
ing. One of tho most defiant of all the 'glils,"
as far as braving the weather was con
ccrned, was Walter Davis, of 1022 McKeau
street. His neck, shoulders and arms were
bare, nnd a black clinging gown of silk
made a nice contrast with his orange, ttock
ings and slippers.
Then came one of the most striking novel
ties of the fancy division, a Jockey trio, poi
trayed by James Heed, John Coyle and Louis
Sloyer. They were attached to each other
by pretty horseshoes, and their costumes
were the high point of extravagance;
King clowns, stllsh maidens, Mexicans
and Indians followed In glittering attire.
A quacking duck announced the anlval
of the Lobster club. It was accompanied
by a good-natuied-looklng Dutch boj, im
personated by Stephen Shropshire He was
followed by a stjllsh-looking Juvenile
couple, all dressed for the opera eight-year-old
Charlie Moan and nlne-year-old
John turning; They danced for tho benefit
of the mole men and photographers, who
snapped and "ground" everything worth
whllo in the big show. "" rtn
Frank Carter, a veteran mummer and
frequent prize winner, then swept along
with majestic mien as a society queen Els
well-fitted black gown accentuated every
curve of his anatomy, and a striking head,
dress and fancy staff added to his dignity
He, with Alfred Townsend. Itlchard Moan
and Paul Franklin as 1917 decollete girls
paid respect to the Judges and the movie
.H.arrl'..Adam8' as a sJ"lnt!me girl In
white, with two smaller girls, who held an
arch of roses over his well-dressed hair
was another good feature of the Lobsters.
Within speaking distance was Joseph
Chambers, ca,ptaln of the club, whose great
handsome royal train was carried by US
pages. This costume was one of the most
magnificent of the whole procession and
showed great attention to detail. Each
page wore a costume which any real king
would be glad to use for court occasions
Expensively dressed, Jockeys, devils, cow.
boya and clown followed in glittering
The comic clubs kept the crowds In a con
tinuous peal ot Uughter. The East Bide
Club of Camden bad a clever burlesque on
the Camden fire department, called "The I
Homo Wreckers. A rickety wsgon with
nn old stove pipe, n clock nnd a few olher
cAst off pieces of mechanist!) was the flro
engine on which n sign rend "We Save
the Foundations" The driver caused n
lot df mirth by getting oft occasionally
nnd fanning the horse. Behind wnllwd the
firemen In comic costumes. The club alo
showed "The Original Powder Mnnkes."
represented bv women Impersonators pow
ilcthiB their faces as they walked along
Palm Beach alrls who never go near the
water, a float builesqulug Infantile parnl
ss nnil n hnve.sty on "lie Kept !' Out
of Wat'" also were nmong the clul' fea
tures The Mike and ll.e Club had nn tinusual
featuro In fhatles McCo.v. n one-legged
dancer, who executed fantastic flguies on
n crutch, llo received loud applause,
another "stunt" that drew hltcnlloii was a
gionp of men wearing boxing gloves, lep
tesentlng the waning nation". Leading
them was 1'ncle Sam with thn biggest
gloves of nil. The sketch was entitled "lie
parcilnes." The lull alo allowed the fllst
flint Icy Chaplin Inl Ine
The John O. lllRitnns Association had a
number of hoboes In line, who kept thing
going vvllh their Tunny nnllcs Home bote
the sign "Too Ptoud to Woik " Thteo men
labeled "The Thtee Musketeers." harncsKcd
tOROlher, had a good nssot Intent of (licks
nnd lidded lo the merriment of the patade
The old trnveslv ott lite lush navy broke
out again with the nppearnnco of a cnplaln
went In- n la-ge cape held by mnnv pages
Th cape ratrled inlnlatuie boat on It.
Hawaiian girls pUiiug ukelelrn that might
have been tinned "fake-kales." etcrtilcd n
preit.v dance Jusl befoie thev leached iho
nidg.es' ntaml and ended It with a tnbieativ
fan. inn's iinnv. In weltd uniforms, monk
es nnil olher tinveslles BCived to uukj
Ibis club one of the most popular In line.
The West Philadelphia Club made lis
ilebtil ns a factor In tho Intinimers' patade
wllh gicnf succesc. Spcetatois were Rtn riled
lo fen n huge bare viol walking down the
sheet, and weie later amused at Us queer
nntlfs The man Inside was Fred Muillu.
A huge captain's cape, home by forlv
pages diessfd ns Hoy Scout", gave it real
istic view of mi in my camp, with Us totvs
of nilnlatuie tenls. Afilcan shurpshooteiM
mid tn.iiv.' Miter good impel aouatlons weie
In the club's t.inl,."
The noted Saucr Kiaut Band, of Polls
town. Teddv Bush, cuntnln, was lendeied a
tremendous ovation. This band was out for
the brigade pi Ire. Ted Hush was longed up
to represent nil ' hKh Napoleon " He woto
n ted wig ami made Napoleonic poses nil
along the toitle. The inenibeis of tho band
ucie bedecked In gaudy niilfoims. The band
would start pining a popular nlr, get the
crowd Interested, then .stop the tune stld
denlj and move on with the greatest solem
nity The John fJ Blggan.s Club had enough
up-io-dato hits to organize n tlist.class
vnudcvllle show Thcte was a timely float
on which was staged an effective butlcsque
of tho fight for the .speakership now golng
on In llaitlsbutg. hi tho center of the
floitt was ii clioli. and n bunch of strong
amid politicians fought for the possession
of thi.1 chali. As quickly as one gained pos
sesion of the chair he was unsealed b.v
another political loughneck. Theic w.ui
another float which burlesqued the shark
scaro of List summer ut the shore. An ugly
looking connivance beailng n fulnt le.seinh
lance to a shark opened a horrlhlo mouth
at intervals and gobbled up mummeis in
bntalng .suits.
Another float told folks how to live cheap
b.v dancing themselves to death. Still an
other, entitled "ICpciIencc." showed a
hunch uf convicts cutting stone, under a
strong gun id. There was also a chariot on
beer barrels for wheels, nnd I.ogau Johnson
walked along suspended to his own scaffold.
William Colly, inptnln, Impeisonated Villa,
tho holder bandit, and ho hnd u strong fol
lowing of 'Mexican cutthroats," who bland
ished knives and looked fierce.
Then came a group repicscntlng the
"Lauding of the Irish P.ebols." Al the head
of the tcbels was Bobble Ba.tcr, two jcns
old, the youngest mummer In .the paiudi.
Although of German paientnge, little
Bubble made a most leallMIc little hlsli-
man. He woio n red wig and it cl.iy pipe
was tin list In his little mouth.
Tho next In line was Hariy Wall's Comic
flub, of South Philadelphia. Harry llankey,
captain. Impersonated Father Time. The
Kit Zu Comic flub and a group called the
"Irish Kitchen Maids' Dance" made a good
showing The latter beat uucait.ily noI.cs
fiom dish and fiylng pans.
Tho liiuder Cltin were tendered a big
leci'ption ull along tho line. Theie were
ncaily 1000 dancers In the group, uprcsent
lliff builesques on national. Slate aud city
flguies There were Charley Chapllns,
Mexicans, Indians, etc. and all were danc
ing fantastically.
The hiring bands, ten In number, bi ought
up the i ear of the parade and weie cou
sldeicd above lite average both In costume
and music. All the associations marched
nnd played hi very much tho same man
ner, the oiil difference being in the cos
tuuicH. The .lack Rose Association, diessed in
comic costumes, lud tho section. Next came
the Cedetal Association, which contained
a "jailbltd squad." The burlesque on tho
Irish navy broke out ng.iln with four dum
mies Nlttlng in a box on u float, tagged
with a lurge sign leading "V Have .v
Navy, but No Captain." The Philadelphla
Camdeii biidge was also butlesqued by i
laigo float. The Blue Ribbon Association
followed with a float lepresentlng a can
nibal hotel In the South !-ca Islands. Next
came tho Wood Club, having ns a feature
the Mooie Street Tiamp Band, composed
of twenty youngsteis.
Following was the Tillby Siting Band,
about one huudied In number, garbed us
white hubsars. The men marching and
counter-marching in a military manner
with striking costumes gave this club one
of the best appearances In the parade. Fled
Allgerlor, captain of the Whllecaps, who
did not take part in tho parade, acted ns
Tho Soulh Philadelphia String Band
came along next, garbed tu tuxedos ami
straw hats, followed by the J. J. Frallnger
Club, who made a hit dressed ns green
Hussars. The Oakey String Baud was next,
dressed ns Highlanders. They were led by
four-j ear-old Robert S. Helsler. dressed In
Scotch costume. The Victoria Club, dressed
In Turkish costumes of red, camo next,
while tho Talbot String Band brought up
tho rear of the parade dressed In purple
bloubes over blue trunks.
The parade took two hours in passing.
Shortly after the parade was over a
motion picture of the pageant was shown
at the Stanley Theatre.
'he Held as Pickpockets
Five men arrested early today on the
charge of picking the pockets of the Ken
Year merrymakers, were held under ball
for further hearings by Magistrate Mecleary
In Central Station today. Tho men are
Chailes Howard, twenty-five years old,
held under ?600 ball; 'Michael Ovack, seven
teen years, of 942 North Orlanna street.
JEOO; Charles Reed, seventeen years, 921
Spring Garden street, 1800: George Fein,
Brooklyn, N. Y-, ,1800, and Kuzman Bacran,
of Newmarket and Vine streets, J 800.
Third Industrial Exhibit and Mum
mers' Parade Well Attended
" LANCASTER, Pa , Jan. 1 Lancaster's
third annual Industrial exhibit opened to
day In the Young Men's Christian Assocla.
tlon Bulldlpg, seventy establishments exhlb.
Ring, Thq display, a great one, Is being
visited by blc crowds.
The annual mummers' parade today was
participated In by fully 2009 persons, a
number of excellent features being present
ed, Largo numbers of visitors are here
from all parts of the county.
Harvard "Bad Boy" Marries
CHICAGO, Jan. . Robert Cram Bacon,
the lad who set the Harvard faculty on
pins last spring whan ha published "Har
vard Inside and Out," in which the foibles
of his professors were held up to public
gaze. Is a benedict today. Miss Helen Hie
field, a Chicago girl, wit not afraid to mar
ry the "bad boy" ot Harvard and will go to
Boston with him, whore he will manage a
branch of hia fathers grain house.
Smiles Happily as lie Reverts to
Barbaric Gayety on Ai nual
Fun Spree
(teal Pageant. Silly, Some Sny, but a
Spcclncular Thriller, All the
Uy M'liISS
Woman' place on New Year ni . m
Philadelphia, as a led-nosed. rhetm-ejed
lltllo thing voiced It, Is fn the sidelines. She
held In her ungloved hand a goigeous bo i
qttet for lift man, who this one day out of
lite tin eo bundled and nMy-flve achiev.s
a paradox. He Is n heto and a lobster at
one and Iho same time.
The ihcumy-cjcil little th'ng took her en
Jovmetit vlcarlott'ly. For months and
months she has been Hitching, along wi'li
thousands of other women, in make 'he
fantastic roslmties for the spectacle tlut
places f'l'llcdelphla m hlsloty hs bite o' the
pageant cities. Household accounts hae
been elmtil. self-denials have been made.
inldn'iM' nil has been but tied so that th"
liitd of tho home rould go forth nnd cavoit
even ni hln ancient ancestors must lin.n
Once mine the Muniniet's patade I is
deiuonctialed tho colotftii barbarism that
lies beneath the ulv Miration which tueiel
ciust3 m?,it. I doubt If a holiday celebta
tlon In nn Afilcan Milage could show a
more elemental s'otesquerle than todays
lltindieiln of nifii who oidlnmll fesr t
weal a led necktie or change the stylo nt
their hats because of the jibing lendenrv
ot their brollicm today ens: conservatism
tu the winds nnd became ukelelc maiden",
balliooni belles, clowns or emporon tf
their fancy dlclrled. And hundreds nf
women, who oidhintlly would blush wl'.h
shame at the s ghl of their spouses maklin;
plain fools of themselves, today swell will
pride when the men Ituv call their own
grimace up Broad street a ct editable pail
of the woiidctfilllv picturesque whole
And If you nte Inclined to be Ml
snobbish about his parade ;lf you feel thai
there Is Ronnthlng about It offensive to thil
.seventh sense which Is your csthellv ren.-e
keep nn lntrospcctlvo eve on your own sen
sations nn the hlsuim and gailsh Kllvtr
Clowns or Lobsters or Kleins go b.v.
Did you feel no thrill nt all as Joe Chain
bei.s, doughty captain of the Lobsters, cap
nilsoncd In a gigantic robe requiring lit)
pages to negotiate swept, or alher cre.st
up Bioad rtreet Inch hy Inch with a toi
tiuoti.s ma Jest) Induced somewhat by the
weight of tho costume.
Did not the blaze of solor, softened
nnd made mole beautiful by the confeitt
which nature sent down In the form of
downy snow flakes, make homothlng respond
within you?
DM .vim not feel that ou. too. even
though ou nie fond of your Henry James
and George Meiedlth In your lioimal mo
ments, given Kitch apparel, might be the
fool or the king for n day."
Did you not (jrlu a bioad grin as Waller
D.ivls, In coftuniu that would have done
Lillian Russell or Vnleska Kurnlt credit,
made his sweeping bow befoie the Judges,"
And could you keep your feet quite still
as the iniimniera. some of them who have
never danced a ballroom dance In theli
lives, achieved u piimltlvo grotesque grace
as they camo bouncing, balloon-like, up
the bioad avenue, performing the almost
uiihuallh dame th.it has become char-
acteilmlc of theli pageant?
There was n man In the side-lines who
came fiom New Yoik to see tho P.liladei
phla show for the first time. Ho Is making
u study of pageants. He spoke superlqil?
of the early Florentine spectacles and quoted
Symonds. the tlallau historian. Ho felt
that hec omlcs were a mlstako and yet he
laughed the loudest and clapped the hardest
as the Motrlstowti man with the trained
goose went by. He evn ess.ijed a Joke
about that not being the only gooseflesh
in line today.
He bticcumbcd n.s we all did. It was a
good parade
Clubs, Schools, Churches and
Houses All Join in Greet
ing to 1917
Our little btother 1917, whlilcctless and
without a face crease, wants to hrow about
his new Job, and so he sits back today and
looks at us. lound-eyed, while we caper. Of
course, tomorrow but that's cruel.
In club, school, church and wherever
men foregather, receptions, some formal
and others without much shape, are belli
hold. Some of these gatherings are simply
for fun, while others have for their ob
jects the purpose of summing up visually
the progress made in 1910. "Written Into
the doings of every festival, however, are
the words "Progress and Prosperity."
The V. M. C A. is showing what it ha
dono In the past year. From 2 to 10 p. m.
there will be an informal reception to mem
bers and their guests.
The annual New Year's reception of the
Quaker City Motor Club began at 9 n. in.
In the Hotel "Walton, when dancing and
all-day music started.
In the chapel of Glrard College exercises
mo scheduled for the day. At 10:30 a pro
gram of hymns, choral Blnglng and a Scrip
ture lesson begins.
Virtually every country club around the
city Is having open house for Its members.
The custom of calling from house to house
Is In full swing
The rumble of the water wagon dear
old hopeful bass Is audible from every
angle. Men are abroad staggering under
tho weight of resolutions. Those New
Yorkers who came over expecting a was
sail are going back satisfied.
And as our nice little milk-fed brother
1917 looks at these hopeful things he Is
doubtless clapping his hands and shouting,
"Fine, great, elegant I" So It you see some
brother fall oft tho water wagon as it
switches around the corner, don't tell the
child. Let him be happy and Innocent, To
morrow's another day.
OOEirrs. Dee. SI. EUOENK II., huiband of
Anna Klliabrth Ootdts (nee Cton). Relatives
unit friends. I'oitofnce Protcctlv Association
and Keystone IJran.h. No. J 67. N. A, L,. C .
Invited to orvlco. Thurs, 2 p, m., at 3310
Wallace at. Int. Pernwood Cera, Friends may
call Wed . T to 0 p. in,
UAUNE3. wife ot Oaorst Bttvnion. Dut
lotlre of funtral from 1821 Spruce at,
WOODLAND, fonr.trljr of Norriatown. Pa., ased
T4. Rtlativaa and frlanda Invito! to aervkaa.
Wtd., 1 P. m., at mat Baptlit Church. Norrla
town. Pa. Iltrnalna may b. -vitwad Wad.. 0.30
to 11 JO a. ru.. at tha Oliver II. Hair hide..
180 Cheatiiut at., Philadelphia, Int. private.
JOHNSON. Jan. 1, ANNA B.. wife of Frad.
trio Nelaon Johuaon. Harvlcca at dauabtar'a
raldnc, lira. John IL Maaon, 80 W. Chaatout
., Cbrataut Hill, Thura. upon arrival ot trala
leaving- liroad Bt. Station 10:13 a. la. ipiT
i.ujjd. Die, ai, at urania,
N. J., tha knm.
of her dausbtar. Mra.
John i
Cannv,, 11.171.
liETil, wio
aw of Knhrfljm .T TJnv.l '. u.
u. c
t. I - -T i & ' l n - "es ..
J. LJovd.
Kunerai service at Eaotvlaw Cam . Balam. Is.
rf . nwr .mm w, ,,, tiatmug paiam p.
HAM11KUMAN !antJ on laoO-iMHdaueic
hammer (day work), rauat b aapartancauT
"Hrl. ob" ai y work .-uaraoUaJ
and fall waste vrlth bonus paid Write, atitlna;
aire whether married or alnala. where iaet
oti exwrlenee. B IIS. Ledjer
'I I
v - -
.. A