"iwwjfyr T' MONDAY MONDAY ' January 1, 1917 $&t netting y l. VP January vi f ' JyUy . t L : -' ' e- i ; f J GLP T ;R AND GAYETY OF THE MARCHING NEW YEAR MUMMERS AS CAUGHT BY 1 IE CAMERA Pl"?SffiMiUAfl4uuSlilil!nte rBHSflBSfitti(liOIS''fi'9'f'?t?(Srt,?Wr'!SV7Sy',r'V"Sr " .! tn . . , .. .a. n. - -, t , r, ... . . ni ' - "wn.!! w , a ,..-.. "'"''ffJ''wWivi....Miimwm""' - wwiff"yiniiiinmnn ,Trv ihiiiih mimuMiiiiai -I 'i-f h--wwa "". ,',. . . ., .. w-j.v.-A vSgiCTL T"Trilwmfn w IT""'""" '" ','Tn' -- wwMMWMwMi,MM i m- in ymmmmmmmmmmmam I Starting with the first picture at the upper left, the Charles Klein Association ia portrayed beginning the long march up Broad street while thnuMmi. int- ,, k a , ,'boto ty """ iw4 itto trui. cortime Incorporating the Stan, and Stnpes. The man wearing the pyramid of hats is Frank Winkler. V trjo ?n NKXrs- 8trTe& tlLL-T' e second picture .is that of Fred Rpwi i a novel CharlM Dumont fn h,s oriB' mi striking collar and headgear, The "seventh-picture , is a gVneral vlw of thearade as it started up fforiPdrteSre' " SU By,e' the Weim.woi.NoTo reveals r