mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmim f Bjuwf' i jft'Hi ii wmm w w twiwwi'i.Bn.miii mi 111 1 ii 111 ii i ii mi in i ip 1 1 pii 111 iiiii mini KV13NTNIT. T.lssTiaKR Imi,AI)MlJnTA. MONDAY. JANtTAllY 1, 1017 til 13 rnml das, mil. fun . nn lore, rlnir k-t-itor. let. ) ti. ft luck met ard -im! 70. it. veri. treai irr o. I N or. m ilea ned, and irk. !ak. ire Ol.l by i eil lor. In. th. sks 9 e. MT on: but ate ce. 9 llIK Vp. "ed ae. to iur an ell Jlr HELP WANTED MALE Coitllniirit front "Vererfliii- Tap-?. HHIRT FACTORV SI PEnlNTENDENr WANTED MUST BI THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED IN AM. HrtAKCllF.3 must tossebs rxncuTtvn ADit.tTr itate. sAr.Anr experience. nEiEn "A ' ENCES OXLT FinST-Ct,AS9 MAN NEED Arrt.T ADDRESS n 47," rosTorricE box jus - riitLADEt.riltA Youtur man atenoaraplier; mutt be Quick and accural! permanent posi tion l.jiaJaJJJtjyiI:? VfANTED -Namee men, IS nr over, wishlng-to nefome railway mull cieriiBi i-mnuicm-a v.v month. M 701. T.edter Office.. WOOt, BOTlTEnn vranled Apply Tuesday Wal ter J, Bteel, Hrlatol Pa YOUNG MAN wanted a aaleeman to call upon Actors, d-ntlet. nnd druefljta with Jliom -.; h established, connections to flrat-cla-s aalesma-t position l lilirhly renumeratlve. Bo 1B7P. Philadelphia r YOUNG MAN. Christian. 10 to 17. enerM ofn-o a-rrft: advancement accordlna; to ability: etnlo alary mrected and rcf. I lot. t,ederOtnce. nfiSh MAN. 20. tntelllitcnt. courteous (or real eatate of (Ice uptown. state nae. leri. nee. refererte and salary 1' 713. Ledeer Orflrr General VToNErFbFi hoys and oiri.s w roi., without money itocl, of pu- ,' ";IK' half the mor.e , sample pi;-7le and rro-raslllnn, dime. Untied LlthoT.ipli Co. I!ox 3il3RP, llo.lon. Mm SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER Position- anted bv vouni- lady with aeveral)ears' exparl-ncel reference, fiom emplo.ers.O 8.,7. Ledger Centril. GOVERNESS Daughter of collesa professor would lllie position an .Usltlnp euvetnees for children In or near Philadelphia, English aub. jecte onh. tJ ', Ledner Central HOUSEKEEPER or matron A capable, re fined. eaprlencil and trustworthy woman wishes a position, tlno with a needle; best of referenesjrlinnaed M Hl I.dr Ofllce. liOUSEI'EEPER Refined American desires po sition na worklm? houseueeper In Eemieman's a , Ledeer I entral flOUSEKEEPERttanls position In hoteL Instt. tutlonox private, exp. O 841). Ledgcr Central. STC'K I.EDIJl'.lt t'l.l'RK ii.MliP" i nosltlon with a rellablo firm, desires to mitt a inancc lanuary 1 O 818. l,"dTer Central. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE HKAHH 1'OMSHKK on uutoniohlla U'llllam Hayey, 1710Ilndman al CHAUfFEltn l.ndy luvitiK ,0'inliv .tamiHrv .", would Ilka to plnre licr rnt-clios iolnrd chauffeur whom ah his Knnnrn 1 vears: has worked In the fatnllv nnd with friends of thn family all of thla time; nult. hnneat. reaport ful, total abstainer, does not a-nokn, absolutely dependable M HIH. I.nloer Dfllrc CHAUPEEim ants vo'sltlon In nrHat fnnillj . sood careful tlrHer. a'rlctly temperntf A-l "f nod'r.clt Untlaeiner, 131 P-i l.ance t pHArKFIit H Privato fumnv. jton.l repair man. j 'eir soerlcnce. bent rtfcri-nt" H in7 l.-dr tifll cnEDIT MAN Wonted bv nilddlc-aKeil man f mod address and ability nosltlon ns riedlt man or ntTb n oxecutue correspondence so. Ilelt'd II J", I.ertKer OfTIc" BJIAHTSMAN. ilealaner on nirlinplrni struc tural steel ronirete. seral jeara experience, accurate thuroiich O U5ll l.di;er Central OENTI.II.MAN desires position for his lap-ineso serxxrt excellent tool, -cry wllUne Apply Til Lund Till lhllldinir. I'hllntlilrh i EaCE DV'.SHINEH nnd'draftamsi Can furnish best of refercliLC. Address II 111. l.ed OIT MAN vil'hes prUale place, experienced with au tomobiles heaters, cows, chickens, reference, ft 4 I.edrr Office TotNO MAN ".!! 12 jeara1 business vxp'-ilenia In Ne York v,lshea position, with nuwiucu- ment it 1U1 I.edaer Ofllce JAPANEHI- tlrat-ctass took, wants position prl xle fnmllv waxes tis week, best reference. Valilada 30H North lS.h. AUTOMOBILES, 1 or Sale DAKElt El. HI. rilK' Lady lll sacrllke modern 4-PTssenser coune perfect condition Mra. y , 471B Lelper at Phone Krxnkford 2d4. KtMCIv 'lOIUll.stJ. In eleirant. mechanical i ondl tlon. 111 tpske Ini price for quick sale 1 H IIOVKR"4 C').. Used Oar Deul . 2M1 N llroail si. Walnut 70.' Bl'll'K 1IH2. r.-IIJ. ."i-pnas . line condition eieiy wax. exceptional tuirclinse. $n."iO. LOCOMOBILE. 2.114 Mnrl-et si Locust 4:.0 r M IIALLIOAN. Mcr Exchunae Car Dept CTaUII.I.Ai 1014 toutlnK car. oierhnuled nnd repainted, full equipment, price $7.10 AU'iO SALES COItPORATION. 112 Nllroidsl yUT-ItlVIEFlA. 4-R3 tlle'aame mode") i, iw Flat aKncy are aelllnn now mnranteed the sime an n new tar, roloi, dark blue: ft-pas-senitei' lourlpflr car with two extra disappeur ti sents. 2 extra tires, coat tonu i bxruln to quick nurchnaer Itox 31LlIaerford TulOSONM Piiaetona, roadsters and cabriolets equipped wllh electric llcbts and etnrters OOMEriV.SCIlWAllTZ.a53 N llroaLt. IriTCIlKLL. 1017. latest mcdel fl.30. 7-paa. tourlne. email mlleaco car deihorcil In Au v.s. look this exrpptlonxt barcaln over. 1.0CO.MOI1I1.E. 2114 Mallet at. Locust 4511 P. MIIALI.raAN. Mur Uvlunc'ii'nr Depl. , Vi:i!LANr. 1'iltl tuUilPK Ins winter iTloaure. fullj rotiiipped: electric lights and starter: blK I. S TIO i:rt9. I'seil Car Dept ".lit N" lllimd el Walnut Til? , rCICAI!I). 4-:itl, "landsulet, luechanlcally (lneTi n'wly upholstered last apririr electric Ben er.itot for lights, eti . tin equipment, excel lent W K Carruthera llaxerford Mi LAUD 4-i'jrIlnder 3'l-H I" 7-passeuxer II pousliie and tourlni;, snv, THE WHITE CO . 2111 North Ilroad st ftl'KARD l.IMOCSINES. 2. lull, hest conill. tlou, for sale cheap. Crawford Auto Parts C 12-'iVni t riCKArtn. X. llmousln fur sale che-p. Craw ford Auto Parts 12211 Vine at rort sM.n several Ei.ECTnii' cars. i.imi'p?rtv 1 yph. tifjntre.M iv i-au. CONDITION. IIOTOI.H AND IITTEItIES IN C,101 hlJAPn llll.l, M3I,, AT VNY lltJA- hONAUI.E FIOUftE. AhnnriH 'run 701 WASHINGTON ST.. NEW YOUIC I'SED TUUCKS ireral well-known makes, ranglnir from 1 to 1 tons, with and without bodies QarforJ I'hlla Co , 2.IIJ8 chestnut. COUPE for aale, 4 passencer, 11 cylinder: "Vie vant condition, tlrea practically new: fully equipped M"40. Ledger Centrjl 1100 WOOD'H ELECTUIC'COVPE. seats four pood condition Powelton Qarace, 31th and Lancaster ae. " AUTO 1IVEBY AND OAItAOES INDEPENDENT "TAXICAB CO. 18IB W SUSQUEHANNA AVE SUPER-SIX HUDSONS TO HIRE LIMOUSINES. TAXICADS & TOimiNO CAK8 Diamond 6468. Never cloasd. Park 7.1. JOPLAK. 1117 To hire (open day and nlahtf. Jark 1483: brand-new a-pasa. tourlntr cars. St. 25 hr. , also brand new 7-paaa llmiualnes, si. so hr. : weddings funerals 1713 Olrard TjalbUBINES AND TOURING CARS KOIt ALtl ucuABiurvw ttcAti uaica rut' SillU. BUT MOISTEIt portable garazes, ateel or stucco On display 3U31 .N utn uoga .'ua AUTO EEPAIKHTa SPEEOOilETER TROUBLES Bee HILLY at hie new location, B10 NORTH HROAD 8T. AUTO SUPPLIES PARTS to build or repair any car Phils. Auto PartsCo 823 N 13th rark 1418 ' TJMKEN-BEARINaa HYATT New Departure Service Hta. The Clwllllam Co , 18U Arch at. Ph Valnut 3437 Itace 3002. F TOO WANT to sell jour old car or want aiy parts to repair ltuii. ,,., u, piiwmb x. ,. Auto Parts Co . 813-17N. 12th st Park 1149. PARTS for 1B1B Stearns. KnUht 1014 Abbott parts. CRAWFCnO AUTO PAHTH CO. 12,'a Vine at. PARTS, bodies, engines, at jour own price. CBAWKOHU AUTO TARTS. P.20 Vine st AUTO TIBES ' PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 33UU miles Compare prices ORIM'S 230 N Ilroad st i'OxSVi NONSKID TIRES 7 JO SOxSVi Red Tubes guaranteed J. 73 RUDOLPH TIRE CO 1233 Arch st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES If YOUilAVEnEAL MONEY and jou want to take an active Interest In a eolnu business as Its treasurer, nr If you want to atari jour on on a, profitable business career Investigate K?s slaploproposltlon. M SIS. Ledjer Office TWO-STORE HUSlNEia l'noPERTY on prln" oIdqI street of thrlvln city of 60.0UO near booinlii city of Uethlehem. Pa . prloe IO.u5o to aulck buyer, a. bargain. Room 1. Wuol worth HulMlnr. Bethlehem. Pa. ACTIVE PARTNER vilh some money for well, eqilpped printing plant, estabilshecf 18 jears. with very good trade; capital Is not the prln elpal thlnrtl.e main object la activity. P 711, Lejger OflleV. , PATENTS Our four books sent free. "How to Uiln Stents " Vltfor J.Evuu 4. Co.. I4J0A Chestuut t- TbllailelphU BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOIOHT TJanW referemes Appraisement 1 per cent IIABHX W SMITH JIT Sanson. L BUSINESS PEUSONAL3 Conllniiift frowt 'lecfrfino Column ' Vi'.'! V,,r-'s AN1 TI XEDO SUITS to iiims (latest a'sieal also 1 button braided cutawisa r!.r-,V;,"r weddings 'imPElt toin tilnrd ave PopMr fi-112 i.i-,.Jv.r'v'lvoLCI'1T,,KQ TO "mr l',.U.V.l, .bbpne Poninr 23", open es LLIIJER S loth and illrard ne s. W ro SUPEIiri.COl 1 ItAHS remold bv clectroljsls; loS,,J,,'',,, lebrons arched SIISS SMITH, iru Kitn Ihritre lliilldlnc FOB SALE llll.LIUtD. I'tHlL. rnnililnallon secondhand boualit. nold, irnteii, exchahretl, retalrlni. supplies Lnfe Keafer Anierlein mxniifnc- . turer 3.'f (llrnrd ne Phone Kens 2313 Itlt.r.IUtl) Nt POCKET TAIll.l:" Ales lovl Ing allevs phonocrnph!, ensj pn ts ttnt'NS- - WjCK-llAI.KIS COLLENDER CO. 1002 Arch. lliril.IARt). pool tlbles ii accnnd'nauit bowl ing alleys, easy payments Uosatto-Harr . J.rS?L.Co "J South Jith at Phone Wnl 22S4 CASirnEOIHTEUS bought exchanged repaired replnted supplies new and factor- rebuilt new tolal adders as low as 840 Call nnd see mir new models Registers sold by us on ensv l"inienls and fuliv guaranteed THE NATIONAL CAtll IIECIISTER CO 710 CHESTNUT STREET IRON lIUlLpiMl" 20tlHi feet American Coal etto Co.. 32IJ N "1st st p9XL,i'H"0nA.,.!nv,f'0.J'.IrTi''lli machine; i.0-A?,,hKiV'..,OMr',',:T'! 'I21 CHAIR E.CHANaE. E COIL 0TH AND VINE. SAFES, fireproof nlso thin waif safes rfoslne out a large lot of allihtiv used, nil al?ea and mskesl)ig bargains 2IH North Fourth at SATES r freprnof.' new. nnd "slightly ifaed: all aliesi bargains, repairing, opening all makes: low prices 1131 Frankford ac. I SBH OFFICE FfttNITL'IIE cerMhine Imaginable in this line nnd p'ent ';' I'.best assortment and best atue tn I'hlla n'lphia fr,e sutn deiiery anjuhere HCilHES II Hi ami Iluitonwnoil 2 fi TON panel wagons prsctlvnlly new. Amerl can Coalette o , 3.M2 N 21t st HEATING IIEATEns. Imiiers ranges nfw nm rebuilt removed foi lli Makln-Kelsev health heat "III Install rheap 1SJ7 T'llbert si. MACHINEIIY AND TOOLS '"'!',!:J Y 8.,'l'.,.''. '.'Ol-I-Alll and YOCOM IIANO J. IS ami PILLOW HLOCK1 nllh finished tall nnd enrkri henrlngs nre the best for nil !".'?.fJ!P.'!..',"rnr"-'' SHAITINO AMI MA I MINE WORKS II', North Second IAMES OCO.M !OV POWER-PLANT FQCIPJIENT nmnnins mntnrs hullers stenm nnd oil en glues pumps nlr fomnressors rilNK TOO.MEY Inc. 127 V 3 1 SI A III rnMi'liriscnlls st"im and bell pumns lime TtnlaHl,-4,!,"-l,l'n, "'ot"', d,n IONVMIW motors nnd hnchliwuV bought, sold ii ml rente, armstures repaired Main HI Almliet 3(1111 cnrale Co 224 N 3d at. I.OCtlMOTIVE HOlt.ERS r.O ill) TO. 0(1 Kill "llV 'S'yFeIiTs' sKJW 4r3V"N"'-,.",r",,,k HIT-EL SHAFT1VO VL1. HICM IN STOCK CHARLES HON!) COMPANY. ,,20 Areli , "t MM.i"'r,!i .nf ,'!,''.ln .""'J nntomntlp nai hlnry. Semi for hooklet. A Nacke i. Son. 210 H Olh MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ID- NEW I'PIIKJIIT PIANO J.TI" Oiiulitj Uinrnnlee.t TKRM.W 1 r.ll WEEKLY 1.1 I.I, VK 11211 CHESTNUT ST -Cllrci-EUINO I PRK1IIT PIANO H., lloWWtO VINCENT 38 V XTH IS Jl It PLAYER PIANO OUT OF ORDER" !. . .,.'1 , """.."'' "We nre Expei Is." l.ian.l I nlou Pinno to. 3130 Kensington ave PATTON PIANOS, QUALITY EXCLUSIVELY. wOTb.,ffiVr.??ac?onlnlL'sou,,rl8h, '3ti0 OLD GOLD OLD OOLD Cash paid for old sold, allver. n,'!;:iy!'5,.S'0'.X'-. f:.ntl postal, win cmi RKlhRS 27 S 17th st Race SOt).-, A OLD (IOLD. slher. platinum nlaled ware, nld ?.1 Vs .L5.'',n. "p,n Plates bought fur cash. '-at laiO J I. clirk. reflner. bi)7 Sansom PRINTING '"V-i,"-'. V-ND 'ASE. nxmo onlv .t(lfi lluslneas Cnrrts nnd rase., r.on nn- n. r-B... .. 3!o 11 Oil -n-. ,."...---. . j,,jH nun rune, ... I .; 1000 Iluslnes" firds and rise . . 1 7h lomii rclHl Print .or i EngraVg our specialty. CA11D SHOP, 1004 Chestnut st STORAGE FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES ( 1311-18III MARKET ST MILLER. .N IlilOAD HT0RAOlj"t O . IlroaifHb" lehlKh uve. new tlreprcor addition, rooms fireproof: furniture nnd china packers, nuto vans: estimates rree Ren p10ni, Tioga 47110 WEST PHI LA MON'RCH STORAOE CO. A,1'J,, PacMni- nnd Shipping Sr.RVICK 3S7U LANCASTER AVE. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES ..V-li.l.f.'iv. ', wiarantee.1 In "flrat-clasa con HEMI.NOTON dlt on, ope month. J3 three TYI EW11I rilRfi I mos 7Sti. rental pa-mint -i',.,." . ., i'-,-,iu. ibeniuiKion ij'pewnter, eu-cha ih at WANTED ANTIQLI' fumlturn fuather beds, elher, broken Jewelrj. gold false teeth, diamonds huught "Antiques ' H2S Chestnut Pn WnlnutTOJO UROKEN IEWELRY antiques, pistols, coins, coin book will) prlcei 1 pav. mailed ir.i- J II Hnss IPeotde's Sluro). 2BB S llth Wal. 10 CAST-OFF iT.OTIHNO Hichisl price paid for ladles and m-n a clothln7 bats shoes, etc. Phone Poplar 3771. ULCIER, 123') Poplar. DESKS. SAFES, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE etc , bought Dullng Central Second-hand Furniture Cu , jioi-nutl-llll Cnllowhill al FURNITURE plaron, carpets, antiques, entirn nr pa-t houses bought for cash no matter how luge ,rI!ernsleln.13..l Rldsnae. NEWSPAPERS, magazines, rags. iron, metals! carpets furniture, feathers anything; every where, postal. Rell Popisr 410,,. Kev Park 1127 Oldest nios' reliable dealers In city. DOUGHERTY 4. SONS 20th st. bel. Jefleraon. ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNI T. 211011 Di:slKAliUKROOMh PER MANENT ORJTRANSIENT CHESTNUT ST. 4000 3 com. "cor rooms, suit" for dressmaker apts orprofeaslonalpfflces. SPRiJCL 10"0 Attractive rooms "for gentle man, single or en. suite, private Jiaths WAINI'T. 101S-2U-1,2 Illettlna") Modern rooms, pilvate baths, steam heat, electric lights, con- llnuouahotwntor. moderate rates 2UTH N. hOS Newlv furu . warm rms.. stncfe and en aulte, running uuter. Poplar COOS J. BOARDING CHESTNUT ST.. corner 20th (The Margrave- Vacancies permanent, transient, aup. board. hURIT.UAN tlERMANToW .N 00 E Price at can accom modate few more gvests com rms; excel, table, rotlned surroundings, refe. Otn 220. SANITARIUMS ilEAL'TlKLI. LOCATION, special aclentlnc i.xie". nervous, clderlj. every comfort, nuraes, book let Dr Randal. City Line Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS LnKSTNUTrST..4O0O 3""com. corrroomsfsuiL for dressmuker. apts. or profesilonal offlcea. fll'.RMANTOlVN THE NEW ADDITION TO PELHAM COURT , 13 OPEN PELHAM COURT was not built to make an appeal to every one but lo jou who demand the best and are accuatomed to receive It at a price, which, considering what you do de mand and receive. Is moderate It will make ii atronir compelling appeal PELHAM COURT Is locate 1 at Carpenter's Station. Qermantown, Just orf beautiful Lin coln ljr'. on the Pennsylvania Hallroad. 00 or so trains a day. surtly. transportation er.ouah for any one Suites of 2 rooms and 1 bath to 0 rooms and 2 bxtha, the size to suit jour require ments i jvs".'5ir..:v'. u" UJ PELHAM COURT Is quiet, perfoct APAKTMENT HO I EL, and le-died in an ab solutely Ideal and exclusive suburban location. In a word you may come to PELHAM COURT and find a perfect suburban location, with transno ; ration unexcelled dn Ideally urn atructed building, quiet, dignified, elegant. You may select an apartment ot the size to suit jour Individual needs jou will tind all your housekeeping problems solved and taken care of for jou absolutely without effort on your part, you will find a table of the utmost oxLellenca at a most moderate price, and the same courtesy, service and attention Is uniform throughout the entire establish- roFor full Information, arrangements for In spection and reservation call, phone or write to NORMAN S SHERWOOD 1111 WALNUT ST. SPRUCS 8071 ... .URACE802J or to bis representative en the premises at " Pelham Court Appointments may be made for. automobiles to call ut your realdenoe or business place and take Tyou directly to PELHAM COURT at your convenience and pleasure. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS "NEW C0R0NAD0 CHESTNUT AND TWENTY SECOND STS. Extensive alterations have been, made, to rludlcic service elevator. uduTtlonal story for acivaats' quarters, house telephone system, vie Apply at building or to SAMUEL J. HENDERSON co. Moaiiia build jno HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Caiiliittiri! from Prrcfrffno Column 31 IPUIT'IENTS HhNTF.Ii ONLY S l.EIT N. E. Cor. 17th & Walnut (On hlnrk from Uiti-mour- PnmrM Tht hnu'4plnlt f-ti.1- nr -rfvt In flilr Man .1 lor- bf-ilmnni. "fl't- 1m v uiD'Inufi nn In run IHIntt fn,,n, itlnfiTi; room ktirlirn, inntl mi m nmi .T bnthroomii im ur-tl f cfn1 winter nmi 'im inr nt-nrimnt Ain hmUa of "J tnomi nmi (nth frf nio of lititi'1r. tt tup flour Ynur lnf-ni tlnn ronllrtlly Imt'til MERT0N GREIMS t limit 002'! Usee 22n 1 llierly llldg.. Ilroad i I licslmil. TIIEItf ARE MHVI'HM. ll'AII rF srCFRIM! AN APARTMENT Hut supnosi Instrnd of tr rg nil i ' thes illffeteui iinvs v m lust call ni this nfnee tlio In'test, ninit ilirilvr nnd best emilrpe I III PhllMlelphln, devoted errlllU"1v to s-cue. inir Just what thrv nnt for pn-tlctilnr people Tell us vnue re.iul-rments The lending an I desirable apartments In Phtladelntut are I'sted Willi or mai be tented Ihrougtt u One nutomoblles nr wotting to take you tn the list nf propertHI ou designate, o that with th" letst possible errnrt mt ma secure- Hie one. npsrlmcnt In Phlln wliicli most nesrlv approaches our exert ident NOttMN a SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST Snrucn 3171 na, e ftil.'l itm N inril ST Two lsrre fnrn.slieii housekeeping rooms n Rnnm hstli l "in sms'l room. Jl..,n west,riii IM.OEI rirv APARTMENTS Inth and Locusl--3 outside rms and Itnth secotul door, or will sublet furnished If ileslr 1 APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL Wnr THE BEST ROOMS AND SUITES With the best table in Philadelphia Day, Week, Month, Season, Year PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Minn Mnn H M nimlo. Mm nurr Jin.rPdior r( M" linrlrn Mi Ulna Inrkl1p nM til l'li it ,M , l-IIlKi'TI-V OlMMimTi: fVlltMCiCNT Pnu I our direct lln"t In rntitpr of rltv ... All ciuii-Mf- ronrn furnlth"1 or unrurnlilna i'wUlno of tf-ctilUr rttellMu !' iK-phoiit It.i r Ins --I THE GLADSTONE 1ITII Ml 'INE STS Absolutely Fireproof SE F.RM. VERV DESinAHLE SUITES CN in: secured FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED THE CLINTON TnNT;,!iiV.lF-Itfw cna rtnnift nvnnv coKVtJMinN'i'R rurnll.c nr unfumlBhrd. -H1.r bv tnnn or trant"nllv Suit" of ono or four rnnm-twtth ttrttM - TlKI.MAR-MOUItltl TV-i ni 1 1 mi ft, fsf-rmanlowiT 2n mir.uti fmin Urortil Ht Sliitfon: fiirnl"licn or un furnlfh-i1 ftprtinnti on room nmi Inth or mnr- iilxn houj-rtUroiitntr nnnrlin-,i IIOTKIi fOl.ONIAI. Spruif- ni nipinth m A BfIrt fnmlh npnrtmt-nt holri all lorr-. nr llibt outBlili room" t-llt-ns room li mnm find Imth with itunlt fcr t n persona, 53" per wk niul upwnnl IRVING HOTEL ...t-alut .Vmprli an plan 12 Uurnpnn ?1 up. the'esmond 3AvV; s'.'iT-sts7" hlllTES OF L1. 3 ANtll IIOOW AND "ATJL IN rilE CPNTER OF EVERY! HINU" HIE LITTLE HOTEL I!-'.". S HROAD ST THE TRACY PERMASENT OR TRANSIENT OUESTS 3HTII AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 'Try WARD'S STH ST. HOMES, north of Hunting Park nve nre rntnntete in every dotnll. See them nl once 1U"TZEL SON nsents HEAL ESTATE TOR SVI.E OR RENT 1IAR11ER HART.MAN Sc CO 11!0I Chestnut 11043 LOCUST STREET 10tl feet, l'J rooms Olid 3 bntlis RAJH'JlJli . LEVIS. Real EMntn Trust Hide CENTRAL DWEL1.1NOS $13011 UP I A PATTEIl.SON.l.10 SISTH IlEAUl'IFUL HOME on N. 1J lioulevnrd. nevr nth st., a sty., porch 7 rooms: modern, prlo J4.'0O. Ivennedjr K Rsimbo. 374U (lln nve llullillnc DELAWARE InlaaTilltorr Sites, ItlVER-FRONT PROPERTl KS II II. McCOLLUM 1314 Wnlnut al SEVERAL DESIRAllt.E 81TES for sal-aroom. eervlco stntliin or irarace nenr Ilroad ftnd Fjirmount M 01. Ills &CO. Ilrldge ut Ilroad CHOICE nUILDINO LOTS and lart" Irncts of ground In nil lurls iltv. also over 'JOU mfB. sites Melvln Ifil.VlllJleal Jt Trut IIMir. Stores nnil llivelllnts 007 s Horn ST 0 rooms oil conveniences, lot lSxtlO. lorner. aide nrd, cement nllar, suit anv buslnesn room to entarpe: rented at 31J0 n ear FARRELL. 71I1S. 'JOth at. VI EST PHII.XIIEI.PHIA OUR HOUSES WITH t17 IDEAS SU" PAR LOR CENTRAL DOORWAY Colonial Htatl ny llrealtfaat room, hiruo IMnK room nnd limine loom, hot-water heutlnc. Italian rear Barden In our reotrlited au-irler. suitable for nsrticutar people, and with prlees and terms u? "ale "ntlreli enttsfoilorv PE1I1IERTON ESTATLS. I4llr iiiii ei ATTHACT1VE HOMES 'lO OFFER EUGENE L. T0WNSEND R E cor 40111 A Hallo nve . Ph Wol.500 HIE I HILTON AITS. 3UI-3J1 N. 33d St. Full of tenants. pavliiB Investment, price and terms rlkht. Sea Hirrls J Chilton, owner. 3'i31 Lo'list at , ntolljl 1.1 TVVO-.STORY stone-front divclllns. H rooms and luundr 4Mb above freatnut. price J4'..0. H.V1IUEI. -TijlN. 1LU1 Chestnutat OUR SPECIAI.TT WEST rilllJVDELPHIA. REAL ESTATE TAYLOR A SON. I'd S. 41111 FT. SEE THE NEW SAMPLE HOUSE r.713 IIOTk"iN AVE BNClSSlSU HEATED POUCH EN1IIK1 HUlLDJ.Jts. JJI)M)-W1LL0W8 AVE.. .17th to 5bth. furnl.Ve.l sample house nnen dully to Up in Ivl.R- SHAW . CR0VLOners. WJ3Chinut st. COZY HOMES on S Allison st . h rooms, porrh, only '.'pu Win jlJUrnIBIJi'olurnbU ave. riyiNTnwx I RllE LIST Or flHRMANTOWN HOMES ' HMULLEN . HAHHY I Iherty llulldlnir. Ilroad ami I'hesinut REAL ESTATE SERVICE CALL. WHITE OR PHONE CLYNHON PRIES r.MAN.S.MHI Oermantown nv ocit NEW RENT and sale list of Q.rinantmn Oll.l Chestnut IIIII prmieil ley sent on npplleB lloii 11. II Li"ter Ko" r'nl- OerminCn ave. IP YOU MIF. LODIIINH Kill A HOME n Cer mintown Ml Alr or chestnut Hill, consult mil A. R Merhtti. 7I7 Hi nnanlown jive OUinuiAI. ESTATR HUI.I.ETIN will be sent in jou by mall on unplUatlon Oermantown Trust Co.. Chelteii and tlcrmantOHliaves I.oian ' nPAti ESTATE nior'sas-es and convejranclni. 4tl33 N.Hrod at . VESiVM:.NIsyHUIHI IN rtnnnt-t.lNE Ilunaalow. brand new. vrhlta nIsuicco: 5UX12V 1.ardvood Iluors til, bath water heat, fruit trees tonvrnlciuly located. 1400. .1 te"nr Wau Ardmore rii pkhidK HOMES und bulldltiE sites 4ry C"de'ic?lpllon KENNINOER i ItENNINUER. lllenslds.l'a . "vi KINITTaRK Now Colonial dwelling, HI K,i,Vmr "baths, hot water luar harsa In. 3 rffl?is from station M.CORMICR- t JIC. lORMICK, 1011 Chestnut and EJklns Park iMTY"AND SUHURUAN IIEL EST.VTr, L.ITY Ar,l,j,EAUs . HltOWN 0S S 15th St. hUlfUllHAN REAL ESTATE nv orlte All locations Sale or rent ritAltLEH J HOvlD i CO Morris Hide SUHURUAN lOWN COUNTRY S'nHROVN ""t'LOlD Norrlstown. Pa uiTtTunllAN RESIDENCES for sale or rent, 8H.Vi.actlv" lotitlon- l"-'i,f right. Maurlco j Hoover Ilea) Estate Trust Uulldlus ; iTn-c 1 1ST OF SUHURUAN HOME3. aale or -A?.SBoy1 the Main Line-or Heading It R wil. H Wl&ON . CO Morris llulldlus iiATiMTnY SEATS farms suburban homes and CS,V,tidinf sites l" northern suburbs of I'hlla. LwriieH J IUjr iJKAmblriPa "" MA151 '!s'' ' w- rn-M maWR New houses of the finest con- t..,ln. mid finish at ultra-live prices, also ttV.iir,-: slit by the aero or front foot I ?x iirJn DOLMAN 4 CO . northeast corner HrMdanJChejrtuut a-fiv-E- HOUSE. 1- rooms. J tf'ft. leotral pU ' '" FRONEPIBED. Wttn. P NEW JJt!EY 8CIH1HB1N T 1 1PPINCOTT 1X.T8 AND 11 1IADDON IICld-HTSi N 'v. ii .let -.ipiiiNCon AND HOMES n J. rr- "00 ACRES rltht t ,Mala L1j P. R K. sad"c.l.r. Ps. NEW JEB-F.Y rAIUIJ "HfENltYTl-li818 VINELAND N. J, REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT UTY AND Rl HI RltAN properties tor Me or rent Inw.r Merlin Re illy Company Ivnd . Title) tlnlldlnit Phllidelphl- Pn CITY ENTRAI, PROPERTIES F ir snle ,,e renl JAMES I) WINCI1BLL 17th ah I sansom REAt, ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT 1IIK 1 NI) TITLE AND TRUST CO. Ilrosd and Chestnut sis IT.NNS.I.. l. stlllRHVN liAl.t-CVNWYl) I sme llt lmuses sale or rent nt nil prli es s.muel c Wanner jr.. Com-neretAl Trust Hldit 1,tli nnd Mntfcel. MAIN I.IVi:. P. II. II. MAIN LINE Rest line nf Main I ln houses either for Slle rr rent nt nil price ... HIRST A M.MUI.L.N West End Trust UM. HEAL ESTATE WANTED WJ.NT SMALL HoUSl'S in West Phllidelphl.. for ssle we hole (he hn e"S I' II MAOINVIS SON anno llaltlmore nve l.tsT your suhVrhan pro'perties NOW ,'; VetERs A sun r.os ciinsTNCl' s WlLlllt'V pht-a'i real estate eny section Phlln, deiphl.1, lmmllate answer brokers trote.tuj. Cheater 1. Hollner I1JD Chestnut. REAL ESTATE TOR RENT CITY '.ni'n N. MARVIVB ST Three atnri . 1 1 rminis. sjinveiileni e nr e-der -ent redied. keis at 101ft N llth . IVM 1. CRAVEN'S SONS. I.Mi) V 7t!l st BTHnp.FI ASH IiWEI.LtNt'S In nil Be, turns of ltv, see nur I'st In ll-e l.edjer Saiurd. SAMUKI, T li)X, '' , ,s K 'nr tlth nnd Callonhlil 1SSS tin LANCE? ri.AT It. rooms and 8 bath9,fentnl per annum 1.1.1500 litlOAH H CIIOS8 1111 Walnut at 1 .'.!! t 'HANCELLOR . ST -SilRnbls ns n 'O'l tractor's olllce MtNTUHN T WtHOIIT t ii .Morris jllds U.ln.s Pmperlles nnil s(ore MAHKET 8T .031 Enllre bulldlni Ihromtli to Commerce, si suit retail or wliolenale buslners, Immedla'e roJjesslim Anplv PEN.N'A CO , MT Chestnut st "lores unit Hnelllnrs ItlHOE AVE NEAR 17TII Smee nnd dwclllmi, In fine. order. MYKRS I1ARTH. IIIDfll. WE AND 10TH Pnetorles. Wnrehnite. Mfe.11oor Cohocksink IMills r'r,1)vr.on,'u,mbraT, Floora. ."nun to is ono sn ft . cheap power II P MiNI.F.LV. 1..1. RundnlPh HAM! PARTY who will oreel bulldlnit. central or other loi itton for satisractnrv tenant tllETERICH. 737 Walnut st FACTORH'S. sites warehouses, f.nor space ft. cluslvely. .1 Alan Mlddleton Faclory f!p riallsl nnd Hnnlnoer ilu'i-ll Wldener nidK. I'M'TORIHS and floor apaie ,,f every i!e-erlptlnti. I'lllla. and virlnltv FACTORY E.CHAN(1E. Stephen Olraril llliltr Filbert 4700. Race .0.3 HlirilRCS Il2.n (JIRAIILl Room, fill irm I.' ft htKh, sill erli lo III, II luetttn? nttaihed. lensonable lll'FHT.S. RI'SI.NESS l'.llOMS. Of DUE". El. HUM! (H PICKS- niininl tntals sinslo rms i rms . 1 1 nu. fl.n. jl.t i.-,ii, '.".o f,nn i.ti I4I. lir.n $1(11, J'.'iio. $... l.T.o i .1 r's. $S7.i $10". MW. JI.'iO $3011. $7ril Mullen Corner suites 1 to S rooms $ll,0 to $ln.n sin in $1175 I'x.l null,. '?r.n n.itinrn feel ".0 rooms tiLLIS 11 VV U.I.IA.M. ftiiu I'revei itiuw- $l.'r.O 1IEE1) HUILDINO It. '0 Ccntrallv located, all conveniences, rents attractively low: service continuous $18 00 EL'L:,T Pl1",r' "' maini.ini:. p il it. DESIRAHLE RESIHENCES FOR KALE OR RENT WARNOCK I- EMLEN Comnierolnl Trust llulldlrir $ no MORTGAGES MONEY TO LOAN ARTHUR BOSWELL 233 N. 13rlt ST Private, trust nnd DulldlnK Association fund. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES nepiftl. lii terni-i of years or on installment plun. Northern Trust Company r.Tir AND SPUINO aHDUN $10dl'000-4,2 FLAT SPECIAL TRUST 11 Nl FOR (lOOH FIRST MORTHAUE-I Horace ii vnvry.. 7i:i walnut st TO SECURE A MORTOAai: be 11 first or recond If oil ileslro eflclent service, iiutik und satisfactory results and modernte charces CALL. PHONE OR WRITE TO US "Your inortifnue will he ns pood ns pliced '" NORMAN S MIERWOOD. Hll Walnut t MONEY FOR MORTGAGES llulldliu '.ssn, Intlon und Trust Funds. T ULANE lino Walnut at FIRST STRAIOIIT ninDTrAntrc second juviv.vjnviiu ii -. I.N MI'.VIM HI MlJIl irjlElUlElt 4 CO 7'h and Oreeu els TO BECURI! A MORTflVdl' lio It first or aecond T ou desire efficient service, quit It nnil satisfactory results and moderate chnrjfs CALL. PHONE OR 1AIH1I TO US "Ynur mortcaire villi he as pood ns plaied " NiRtAN S hHERWOOIl 1111 Waliiuial MO.N'i:Y FOR MOIlTflACIES LARUE AMI SMALL AMOUNTS QUICK ANSWERS w it noon nt:: w. norrlsjit $1P(I,(I0() 'lO INVEST In first mortxacrs In aums from $1000 up. nlno bulldlns nssoc'atlon money for sei nnd mortffURes tl C. SEIDEL .' CO. till and CalIovhll"ata WORRELL 1'UNUS FOR FIRST AND SECON'O -VIOIlTUAOnH .'.IS NORTE 17TJLST 10. $.'00 TO $3000 TO LOAN LEWIS i. CO IS'7 West Olrsrd nve $50 LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reaeoniblo charges JOHN A. HARRY. 307 lau.ljrRleJlidi.- TRUST FUNDS For nny (tend inortgacea J EDWARD I.inv. 2-10 N. I7lh st ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES Quirk un iwer. MAUIUCE ILMATSlNUEn Rl Est Tr HIIff FUNDS FOR 1ST ANI 21) MORTGAGES MORTO OES FOR SALE TJJI'0. 15. NICKLES. -in 1 3 tlernuntonn ave ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY IIAHLETT i MOSS Gib WALNUT SI MONEY for mnrtB-aaea, Rucks County pruperti ARTHUR, p TOWNKEND Lincoln llulldlnir. Philadelphia THU8T FUNDS FOR FIRST MOIPlOAaES , HERKNESS . SlElON LAND TITLE HUH D1NU MONEY FOR MORTOAOES' III'ILDINO AND ASSOCIATION FUNDS HENRY S REED. I ISO Chestnut st. "MONEY FOP. 1ST AND ill MORTGAGES T WEDDINO A SON TOO WALNUT 5iT ri:o-,hPRUCBRT. UND3 FOR FIRST MORTGAGES I.nrf-e and small amounts CHAR. I,. IIROWN & CO . i!7 S. Ilroad at $30 TO SS00O tn loan on real estate security, Immediate settlement, pavabla as desired EDW M MOI L. 13d S HHh St. FUNDS for first i"id second mortgaaes, an amount; nub U nnswtr CHAH W MILLER -101 --to jjpmmouwealth Hutldlnsr MONEY for first nnd snonil mnrtKasra bulldlni; assOLlatlon and Installment mortffases M, IIH' Winchester Co . mill Cheslrut st EMERGENCY funds placed at once, an sum imriedlate answei loweat rates F DE LA.NY. 1112 Lincoln Rid": Ilroad A Penn sq PRIVATE FUNDS for first morlraBcs It and L money for a.vonl mortpaces no premiums JOS ALLEN POTTS. HmO Baltimore ave FUNDS FOll FIRST, second or split mortgai;... tollatvral and short'term loans AUERNETHYia3 S l.'th !-II N 5th MONEY for first und second mortgages prints funds and hulldlnc; uasoclatlons WM I'HIEDHICH & CO 601 N l.'th at FIRST 5IORTOAHKS FOR SI.E 11000 $2(100 Papers free. PEMHERTON Eol'ATES Har ilaon Iuil4lnT. ALL AMOUNTS to loan on lat and 2d mtfes Chss 7. De Young. 400 W End Trust Bldf FOR MOHTOAQES, 41500. $5000 I 1S0.0O0 Edwin a Ulson EOS Chta 16000 and stnut st MONEY TO rOAN YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JHWELS. ETC $Si AN7 fp -. $78 AND UP ufrj, 1J0O AND UP l-i ' 3VV RIEDSRM ' 128 ISSe AVE-. AND OXFOHD ST, .1' yy, eot'ill aia MONEY LOANU5D to helra of unaettled estatee. InUrests bou-lht. FRANK .P. MARTIN. 72$ L'i Stecb.n Olraril Hide.. 31 a 12th st. Farmer Smith's column, which has hitherto ajh ' pearea on . this page, is printed today on page 9, i jysc Tho Young Lady Across the Way Tho otiiiR Intlv ncrofs tlio wny F.ija n Krcftt many vvclI-incntilnB; people pay nltogctlicr too much nttcntloti to the trlfllni. fnultr, of othorn whllo they oter look tho renlly aerloim things, nnd you can never reform Hie world by straining at a camel nni! swallowing n nnat Compongatioii T'verytlilni. lins Its compensations', Just ns t.mers'on nnlcl, nnO one ndvan Inge of mil li.tvlm. nny more ilcbtl tanto dnurfliterfl than a rabbit In that wo ilon't hnvo to nit up till 6 or 7 o'cloclc n. ni. watchlnff the ".nuns folhg ilinco nmt KtrlvltiK nR-ttnut fear ful odtls to look pleased and nlcrt. Ohio Htate Journal i)f comae, it 11 verv nice delightful Uut when u man'n nervea have been tried If the flapper Know prudence and toot, a IT'S A WISE MOTHER WHO "r M In IH rim P&WdL TlM JST ptl-.r-) I S f A rAAN OP GREAT QEKlUi-H """" 1 A rAAN WHO I THE TRIALS OF A WOUNDED TOMMY Juvenile Diplomncy LIJJ, , , mi,., nn, "What Is your policy, my boy"" (to SrxwA eeW y& ' -- "--s,c. i) -z- lael of seven). CrSV'l rV -? Lf'ZSL'ZZiy s3z s "A note to Santa Clans, followed Kt oiiAnoj--- J jsJ5i S-i'aZS- ' by watchful waltlnB." ,-t .. ! moo cA,T htN neWfe)i LwisSLesVKrtA feejlsa, ibu! ?V. raTiei aa "ShTTVi -Qt if I llPiC lTn lVYnUiiXli i Sif iT Vi i iimiNn TTTSSaM .vekis.' , er - -- i wow is coe)tbAiM.aToni .i ornell Widow, l.t.i.tjil.M ri"Vv 7J1. tFtin. ejfc teaauM.lf ,, . tw., v.a V. eia5- VJfzw"lr 'tpV SV JK . BS v. M lo (" O'CLOCK AUlX - iMiS-. RAP P THE PADDED CELL - BV HISTELETH f I '"" l(rWSn I THE DUNIC OF A BUSY HUAIN Tlw Dally Sketch u be taken out 1 an ardent flappet. on llio Somme, It vrould uo even nicer little reaeonablo care. KNOWS HER OWN SON a s; LVTI LE ilVV U I mghf Well thero was miatletoe there and I tlilnli there vias a mlta-understande tnir ' Ho Knew Latin Professor Tho ancients con sidered the Uver the seat of affection. What Is the seat now? Ilrlsht Stude The knee. Cornell Widow. a EbDCbGfltF CADDV AT AW Q-OLP CLU12, r tm. SHOP r- $- " . P l B N lllll I l ! I. " ' Ml A 'JL&?. v -tspls ljUM iiif isTi itir;.,;ag;j