MfUWf WMUMIl ttyii "IWwnrTPt" J0 C DR. HAMILTON WJIABIE, NOTED WRITER, DIES Associate Editor of the Outlook Was Stricken in Philadelphia a Year Ago fiV.KV YOltK. .Inn. 1 Dr. Itmnltlon WrlBtit Jtnblo tiled jcr.lcnlny nt Ills liome ort I'eriuvootl roncl, Summit. N. .1, lto una rvpnty yertrs old. Ills (tenth ivm tluo lo nn nttnek of nstlitnn.. lto liail been In poor henlth for n jnr. Doctor Mnlilo v,m nssoclata rdlloi of The Outlook, nticl 11 fi lend oC Colonel ThMxlorn IvooscicU. wlien no In riillatielpiila on a lecture) four nbout a yenr njro Doctor Mnble suf fered a nevcra nttnek of ncnlo Indigestion ,After llireo weeks In a hospital lie returned to lilt homo nt Summit, but never regained his former henlth He recovered slowly until two months rro, when ho vtns nbto to bo nt hln desk In tha olllco of the Out look. Ten days nrjo ho had nn nttnek of nstlimn, from which his death resulted, llo Is wirvhcd by his wlfo and uno datightcr, Helen. Doctor Slnhlo was born In Cold Sprlne. Kentucky, on December 13, 1S4G. lto received his .. It. degree- from Williams Colleifs In 1807, nnd In 18C1 he was Klvpri tbo de crco of 1,1,. 13. by Columbia, University, llo was afterward honored by n number of colleKes, WIMInnm, which Rave htm tho de cree of 1 1. II l In 1890, nnd fulon, which cave hlni tlm ilcRreo of IjIj. T. In 1895, vtlilili ho nlso received from Western f(e ocrvo In Iflni nnd WnshhiKton J.eo In 1D06. J le nmrrled Jeanne) to Trlvett of I'ough kscpslo, N v., October 11, 187C. 1 Among; the best-known works of Doctor Mablo nre "Xoiij Stories Keloid Krom lCddaw." "Noturo In New Iceland," ".My Study Fire-' (llrst Rerles). "Short Stories In Iilternlure." "fnder tho Trccj nnd Vise Where," "Stv Study l-'lro" (second scries). "Xnturo nnd Culture." "Rooki and Cul tuic," "Vork nnd Culture," "Tho Life; of tho Spirit," "William Shakespeare, Poet. Dramatist and Man," "Works and Days," "Parables of Life," AlVM tlm 20. rAHOMNR, widow ot ' Atliin TtrlnIIri nnd friend Jn Mtnl tu fiint-rnl h rtc?t. Tue , " p. m . liul V. ChHtrn v . f!rni intnwn Int private. AM.IIN -Dpr SH. JAMES, hunbnml of Kal AU(n (np I!(Mi(U)iO Hilntlvrn nnd friend, Woh 1ns ton Camp No Ml, I o S of A., emplojei of rhlln ontl lO-atllng Itv, ; Stoiuinen'n lVUow rhlp oT tho nsth YV'nrr. atnl till other nieani"i ttoiiA nf which li wns n rtjembpr, tnUtfwf to fu nrul HcrvUrK 311!. N t.lth t , Tues , 1 30 p m Bhnrp. Int t'cni lEcrialn may bo icwpit Mnn , H to 10 p. nt AI.KIN'H Irr. M'j, KMIMNFS MAZIH. daimh ter of Anhiir JJrnra una Umnn A Ik Inn (neo WlnlTl, ckm! 8 Itelitlvfl nnd friends invifvl to funeral kt1cp. Tuetf Up in , parents' resident. IN I Umcli nt Int Urceninount Cent. Itcnmtns nuy bo lowed Mon . after 8 1. m AIINOr.U Snddenlv, per '21. MHH ANVV W AHMiLD, need 71 Kelntte nnd friends tnlted to ftincrnl serlcei, 'I un . i p, m., Oliver II 1'ulr HlJc . lt rheutnut nt. Int. prlite nvimrrrit Div no -wimjaai rKnnt- NANf Infant aon of William iml Ida Mav IJnrhnffcr. uccd 1? month llrlntUe-t and frlcndn Itnltud lo funeral. Tu . UO p. m , lionm of Mr Uachoffer, Main nt.. llulniilll. Iturk Co . li. Jnt. lJchvood Ccm , ilulme llle Pf Tcr r.n umvAnn, huMinna of Itlamh ini i, nmd :(0 nUtlve nnd friends. V II T Itelief Asm , Invite In funeral serv icer, Wd 2 p in father-in-law a residence, Clement Hrnnner, 13M N. Colorndo at Jnt nrlwite- North wood Leni. Kenulm may be feed Tiiea v. i:i;i:il Dec nt. TIATTIB A . wife of John pjkr. Hire. tin. Uelntlves and frle.ndt Incited lo tunrrni noriice''. wpri., in m . 127 Torlt ne . vt.3i'o .i3. s. J im. co; M Spring! Cen llARJTIt Ilec .10 tSfilATIETfr. wl.lnw f KllJiih Hiker Rehitlvea and friends Invited to runeral scntfes. Tno , 1 lu p m reside nro of daughter, Mrs H. illlyard, 102i .V. HOth at. Int. pilvatn, Noithwood cm nAKi:n imp. an m t. i'it nt maut KATI2. dnuehler uf lat John It and Anna Itobewm l.oi !t.tlvM, nnd alufr of Ira Thonmo X.tmiiif l'"uieral frvli es and Int. prlvaln UARTI.r.Y At 241! Arch at . D-e. t, MAUT K. It . wlfrt of Joshua Harllev Relallvcs and frlendi tttvltei) to fun en I r eet, Tuea . 1 p m.. chapel of Andrew J. Jtalr A Son. Arcn and 10th Hta. It.t. Acnt Laurel Hill Cem. Auto funeral. UAHIlfnitP Dr '.'I, JAMUH. hn!i-i.d or TiUza Itaihford. ned m. Ilelathra friends Invited to fdhi ril. Toes, 130 p. m., 30-15 N. H.vdenham at int IVrnnood Ccm. I tenia Inn mav he viewed Mon . S p. m. lli:AU Dec. 30 J NIIW1 O.N", huhand of Maud Uenr (neo .Ncwaon) uuea 4, rtelattves and frlendi. mumbers of IT H. Shelp IteneMrlal Aim , Invited la funeral. Wml , 1 p. m . L'lai N. Uwreme at. Int. Northwood Cam. Ile malna may bo viewed Tue . 7 to U p. ni. Auto funeral. Hi:hU Dec. 80, TirxnN. daushter of latn William and l;llen VII. Itelatlven and friends lovlted to funeral. Wed . 3 n m.. i phnv's traldfiu . Jnhn Hnmtrond, Hook rotiii and Trib pt HVo roleroft Del. t'o . Ta, Int. Mt Morlah Cem. 1 rlonds may call Tus. eve. Auto funrn IinNDKIt Dee 30. MAIIY r, nlf of Dr. H. O. Uender and daushter of Richard Mc Allister. Uclatlves nnd friend Invited to fu neral. Wed S 30 n. m , N. V. ror. 62d nnd I'lne ts Solemn roulem maas CliureU of St. Icnathin 10 a, m. Tnt private Autu funeral liUKXtV- Der 31 ItOBKUT T. son of lat Thomaa nnd Kllzatieth Harr . UlatlveT and friends. Wnnhlnaton Camp, No. 317, P. O H. of A. Invited to funeral cervlce Tuei . 12 ro., parlors William II. Chew, 1028 Knlaral t. Int. private, lVrnrvooJ Cem Uerrulns may he viewed Mnn . R to 10 p, m Auto funeral BOIINUNUrnaGIt Dec 10. l"IX)Ki;NCB. wlfp of William Uohnepbercer (neo Ulmore), used 31 Relative and friends Invited to fu neral servlres, Wd , l! p. in., 2741 Helen at Int. Oakland Cent. Remains may ba Tues., 7 to 10 p. m. nOTJTCHKR Dec. 31. WASIItNGTON" M. husband of barah A. Rnutcher. Relative ami friends. Oxford Lodao. No. 14. T. o. O. r, In vited to funeral services. Wed. 10 30 u. 111, ftO.'t! James hi , Krankfnrd. Int private Re mains may be viewed Tnrs eve nOjri.H Deo 2i. ANN IK l'OYI.E. wltjovr of John Roile. relatives and lrlenJi Invited to fu rem), 'Itiee . h 30 a. m . residence of ron-lu-lntv, Thomas J. Kelly, 31 Cheitmit at., Colwyp. Del. i'o., 1'6 bolcnin hlah masa Ht. Clement's Church. Paschullvitlo, 10 a. in. Int. Holy Croij Cem. Auto funeral HtlADIjDr in West ComhohocUen. Dec 30. KRANCi;3 ir wlf of Jame I firadl . daughter of Richard and late Margaret Wll inorc, Ilelatlves tind friends Invited to funeral, yWed . ft JO a. in 210 Mooreheod nve . Wet ConshohorKen bolemn hlirh mas f requiem bt. CJertrudo'a Church. 10 u. m. Int St. Mat thew's New im BRADM2Y Deo 2J. M0lBT LECKfiT, Widow of John JJradley Iteljtlves and frlendu, ht Charlen s H V Sodality, Invited to funeral. Wed. M Jo a in reldent4 of daushter Mrs Trank N Diamond. 2311 Carpenter st Solemn requiem masH Mt Charles's Church 10 h. m Int Cu theJru I Cem BRANN Huddenly. Dec 2J ANDY RRANN. red 1T. Relatives and friends, Thllo lndxe. No. 41-1 r and A. M . ThlU Uodse. No. 2. B. I". O. U . Manufacturers' Club of phlla . Co lumbia Club William R. Ieds Republican Aaso . Invited to funeral services, Tuea. Jl a pi , 162.1 N. lttth at. tat private., Fernwood C.m. Remains may be, Iewtd Monday ve.. T tn 10 o'clock. WRAaa Dec. 31, CAROLINE RRAS3. 23S N 22d at. Duo notice of funeral, funeral apart jnnt of W J Reynolds IH21 yprlntr Garden at BRAY. Dec. 30, M1NNDJ ALVA. Wlfa of William T UVay, and diuahter of lata James and .Catharlno Waterhouse. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Tues , 11 a. xn . -i'JSS Wakefield at . Gcnnantown. Int. prl BKOyoflTON Dec SO, "WALTER A . aon ot Walter I, and Minnie A. ttrouchton. ased 17 TttAHthx. itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral en lc. Wed , 2 p. m.. parents' residence. Mar ket t and Marshall road.. Uarretafurd, Dela. Co, Pa Int Arllnitton Cem rfUCHANAN Dc. 31 MAR? H-. widow of Rkfcard Ruchanan, ased 01, Relatives and friends may view remain. Tuet., 7 to 0 p. m . 2318 8 Honaall at Jnt. private. BUTTKRWORTU Dec. SO. MARY, widow of CVarlea Uutterworth. aced 63 Relatives and friends lnvlud to funeral. Tues,. 2 p. m . real- S- sr-TTH ' 1 : "'" vv0i- II ; 1, fe' V0M W rrHOV MES f AMD Vns. r- T 7TZ K -H so clao Nouve The nicest T5ov mie mjifen's -hi?s Thb k7 Wi' - r. ,,, V t5S0NBJ lb -vW A V IM Te "SLOC GONMETSGoHHEB. vL7vfV,KBST',T''-E ) f. K fTljlTZY VAND comou ouft ) AlHT UMS PETeV ) rr W So hueio 1 d&L MX)3oK w TVie V J ff denc of aon in liarrv tlet, 3049 N, Tercy at. jnt liiiisida Cem. Remains may b Mewed Sun . 8 to 10 p. m BYRNES, Dec 20, rATIlICJC, hudhand of Kat Ujrne Relatives and, friend, employes It. Prllon Co.. lnvltetl to funeral, Tues, 7 SO a. m, frrm 121 Chenaniro at. High iham Church of Immacutato Conception 9am Int. Holy Cross Cem. I'uncrat director, J. V. Con nor a. t nvrtNna Dp en, p.VTntcK, husbunft rt Kate Hjrneft. Ro'atlves nnd friends, employee II. firltoii Co invited to funeral luf. 7 30 a. m . trom 1 Jl t htnanifo at. Htah mae church of Immn ulat'v t'oncpt(on 0 n in Int w cathedral t em RYll.NRW. Dec 20. jOflRPIt T . Iiuibftnd of Anna C lljrnea naed 7 J Prlendi mi lw remains Mon . after H p. m . reirtnce of aon. Howard L Ityrnes ni,i I rankford ate Int. private CA8KY. Der. 30, MR.1 MART tJAflin'. dntmhter of latn Matilda Hofnacte, fined ?7. Kuneral arvlrea wed , 2 p m , daughter a retl denre, 1203 Warnoek at Jnt. private CIIMW Suddenly, Dec. 2. llRNRT L, aon nr lat ens ties H. nnd nnabth Keen hew Kunrol services prlvat reMdenci of brother J Klmey Chsw. 17 I'enn at.. Camden, N J. Inf. Pre Cem.. Salem. N .1 . Tuea CLHAIIT Der !i. MARY, widow of William riptr (noo Colon). Relotlvea and frlendi. Ht. Ialftchy II V M. Sodality, Invited to funeral, Tuea , 730 a. m , residence of niece. Mrs. Hush Merles. 7418 N. Bancroft at tlmn nntl York ata ). Solemn requiem misa 8t Malflchj's t hwrri 0 a m. Int Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral CLOWNF.Y. De 30. MARY. wlf of James plownev and danchter of lat 1'initcU and Isa bella Murray. Fiinerit. to which relntlvea and friends are Invited. Wed. R n. m, 1725 Hat Mns at Solemn mass of requiem Church of Ht. Thnmi a P 30 a to. Int, C-ithedrnt (m. CO.VARR Nowfown, Pa. Dec 30 MYRTT.M W COVARD. wife of Maurlrs Connrd. nsed 41 Relntlvea ond frlendi Invited. to funsrsl without Mirthor notKe. Hierhrc at , Newtown, Tuea , U a. Int. Northwood ivm . Phlla Train for Newiotvn leaves RQidlne; 'lermlnol 0 23 a m CONM5M. Der 30. JOHN J., husband of Matilda A Connoll fne Ifutton) and oi of JitriM Connell nnd Ht Josephine, osert 30, Rel atives nnd frlinds. Hoi. Name Horiitt, Invited to funeral. Wed, H 30 a m. 22ts yndr nv;. Requiem high nms at Ihn Church of ht. IM mttnd 10 n. m. Int Holy Crois Cem Auto oervlre COdNAN At Chester Pa. Der. 30 MAR C3ARHT. widow of Jsme Coonnn Relatives atid friends membeis of Rosarv foMrtj, of tha Inimnru'ntn Heart Church. Invltrrl tn fnnernl. Wed . H .10 a m . reeldenre, of her eon, Daniel F. Coonan. 214 Rdward at. Solemn mans ot requiem Immaculate Heart Church 10 n. ni. Int. Ht Mlf hael'n Cem IRAHJi: Dot 29, VtRHINTA I. vMmr of Charles Cralse Relntlvea ond friends Invited to funeral aTvlrcs Tues., n a. m , apartments of Rlrk & Nlc 0301 Memantowii ao.. Herman town Int private Omit flovretfl CllttaS Deo 30, WILLIAM, husband of lar Louise A Cress, aged SU. Relit It ea nnd friends. Neptune lrfd,te. T O. O. I, Invited to funeral services Wed, 2 p m, resldncn of daughter, Mrs C lloirard Wortmon, 23u7 N. 2'Jth st Int private 1 ir4Vi:0. Dnc 30. FRCDHRtCK A . son of Clara H cunio (n ltenry. and latn AiiEniattis Cuneo, need 22 Duo tiotlro of funeral, ical dence of Ilolvrt llenrv, J012 2oth at CfNNINtHIAM Dec 31. MARTHA, wife of Alexander (unnlnaham Duo notice, of funeral, from rcaldenco of son-ln-lav'. Albert Wclsaler, 2110 Pacific at CURT1N. - Der. 2S DNinL V, CtTRTIN. Relitlves and friends, Leaauo barred Heart of Ht Stephen's Church. Invited lo funeral, Tuea . !i a. m residence of son. Wllllim Ruffner Cur tin, 3721 N HAilenham st Holemn IiIkIi mass ot requiem. St. Hteph-n's Church. 10 a. tn. Int. Ilolv Sepulchre Cem DALY Dec. 20. MAROARET DALY (ne- Cannun). widow of David Dais. Relatives nnd friend. Hatred Heart Hodalltv of Immaculate Conception Church. Invited to funeral, Tua . H 30 u in., 102l N. Front at High irqiilem masslO n m Immarulata Conception Church. int uki 1 nihfflrai im DANIKLH Dec. 30. I'LECnRTTE M.. daush ter of late Hamuel and Hophla Daniels, Rela tives mni friends Invtred tn funeral services. Tues 10 10 n. m , 2020 W. Cumberland at. Int Mt sinai Cem DW13--U Atlantic City. D-r 30, MAR OARirr. wlfo of Or John ll DovIs, aged 7i. Kuneral nltl leave Atlantic City hy nutomoblle Tues 11 m, aeriIiiK nt Kvcr&recn Cent. Camdeti N .1,1 'Jo P. nt DAWSON Der. J'. DANIEL, husband of Mnrv Dawaon. aged J2. Relative! and friends, also riil'opce Trtbo. No- 170 J O It. M t Lib ertj Castle. No. 14, K tl. R Kensington Yearly Deneflrlol Aaso.. No 1. nnd members of 11 01 Ice 1c Club, emploves ot 'Ihotnas Dawaon JL Co. Invited to funeral aervlce Tues, 2pm. 1813 V, 'lusculum st Int (Ireemnount Cim Remains m-v he viewed 7 until 10 n m Mm. DI' DORBIR.BR Suddenly, at 3H32 N. Delhi it, Dec. II. KIDONIV M. vldoir of Arthur De Dobbeler Relatives ond friends invited to funeral services. Wed . 2 p tn . Oliver II. Unlr llMr . 10 1 heatnut a Int private DINAN Dec 31. JOANNA widow of Dinfej J Dlnan Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral. Tlmrn . H 30 n m. 5H.13 HUsworth at So'omn htjh masa of requlrm Si Carthago a Church 10 a m Int. Old Cathedral Cem. O.ult flowera TIOHANKY Dec 2". MARY A. DOIIANRY. wife, of Michael Dohane, (ncf Watersl Rela tives and friend in'lted to funeral, lues, 8 a m.. parents' reslden 'e, mtd H loth at Hla'i nass Ht Thorn is Aquinas s ( huich V JO a. in Int. Hob ross r em. DONALDSON Dec !U MAROARRP. nldow of Robert Donaldson, aced M Relatlvej and friends Invltd to attend funeral 'lliurs., 7 30 a. m., 133t Princess ave , Camdu, N, J. bolemn high mass Church of the Imtnnculate Conception u a m Int Calvary Cem DORNAN Der. 20. JOHN, son of Alesand-r and Uto Chnrlottn Dornan. Relatives and frlrnJw. Coirt Robin Hood No 14 l of A., in vlted to funeral services Tues. a p. ni., 037 Hprlnslleld rd , Darb, Ta Int. Mt. Morlah Oni Remains may bs -viewed Mon, betweun B and 10 p. nt Auto service. DOL'dHERTY Der !.-. LAWRKNCK R.. husband of Klla Doughertv nj25 .Spruce at., aged mi. Ralatlves and frienda Invlmd to fu neral aervlcen, Tues 2 p in , parlors of Nathan Marple St Sons, ft323 Uermantovvn ave., Ucr mantown Jnt strtctlv private. DOYLU. Der. 2H. THOMAS, husband of Mir- garet Dovle Jlelatlves and friends Invited to funeral lues . 8 80 a. m . HMO Harlan st. Sol emn requiem mans Church of the Oeau 10 a. m. Int Holy Cross Ccm. Dl'MCAN Dec 110. MARGARRT V".. daugh ter of late Joseph and Anna Cummlngs and wife of 'itiumaa Dunkan Relitlves and friends In vited to funeral. Wed . ..10 n. m., 33JJ N 2Iat at. Solemn requiem hljh mass Holy Souls Church lo a. m. Jnt Holy Stpulchre Cem. Ant" funeral KDOVIt t 10S W. Atlantic av-.. Jfaddon Heights. N. J . Dec 2H, HARRY L. C . husband of Ida V Kdgar nn1 aon of late Albert and aarah Hdcar (nee Coriell' Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Tues . 11 a m. Oliver H. Balr Rldk. 120 (heatnut st. Jnt private. I'rlends may call Mon ee. ULDRIDOE. Dec. 2H. CHARLEB &. eon Of late Albert IS. and Rllen Kldrld;e. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Tubs . 11 a. m , 1H13 N. 7th st. Int. private. KWINO Dec. 30. WILLIAM IICXRT. nos hand of nnle Rwlnsr (nee Uray). aged t!3 Re, a tlves and friends invltd to funerul aervbes Wed., 2 p m , 20-to K Allesheny nve int. private, Northwood Cem PAlMX- Die 20, ANDRRW. husband of Into Rllen Kican. Relatives and filends, Willlini ci. Warden Hen Society and employes of At lantic Reflnlnir Co, Invited to funeral, Wo.1 , u a 111 , 1030 Hlcel st (20th and Mifflin). High mats at tit Thomaa Auutnas Church, 10 3u a in Int Holy Crosn Cem I ARROW Suddenly, near ralmyrj. X J. Dec. 30 UMZAlIimf M, wifo of tiborgit Tar row, arjed ."j Relatives and frtenda invited to funeral Wed , 1 u in . Jladdanfleld road be low Burlington rlke Jut. Morgan Cem Cai riaises will meet trolley tar leaving JIaores. town. X J 10 33 o m . at Haddunfleld mad and Camden pike: also iVnfcaukjn car leavlus Camden 10,45 u m.. at 1'rrisaultn, KLSRER Dec 30. KRKDRR1CK. husband of lata Mary Klsher, aged fiJ Relatives and friends, Itarrowgate Cos tie No. J23, A. O K M. C, Invited to funeral, Wed, a p. m. 3S40 Kmtratd at lot Belvua Cem Remains may be viewed Tuea . after 8 p 111 rLRTCfCBR Use. 2S JAMKS V.' husband of nna f I'ietcher Relatives and frlendi In vited to funeral Tu-s 2 n in 2311 W Le high ave. Int private Cody may be viewed Mnn eve Auto rvlc FLYNN Der 31. MART, wife of Thomas 1 bni and daushter of Margaret and late James Conry native, of Alllntubber, Count., Rosrom n on, Ireland. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed. S 30 a. m. 12J1 X Taylor at Holemn requiem maae Br. rUUabath' Church. 10 a 111 int Holy Croia Cam. FLYNN Formerly of Likens, Ta.. Dee SI. MARY K . widow of Patrick Flynn. Relatives and friends, L A. to R. R T. Liberty Hell. HO. Invited to view rmalus, Mon eve . 2534 Ox ford st Mass and Int at Iycms, Pa, FORHTLR in Norriitown. Pa., Dec. 30, Dr TAD FORHTKR. aged 0R IUlMlvei and friends invited to funeral aervlcas. 311 D KalU st Wed. I p. in. Int privpfe FOX Dec. 31, RLANC1IR I.AXGSDORF, daughter of Charles Edwin and Ifortenie Iangsdorf Fog, aged 4 vra S mon Due notice of funeral, parents' residence, 143J Glrard ave QALLO At Portamouth, a.t Dec. 20 CATJIAUINE. wife of (leorge L Gallo. and daughter of lata William and Kate Jeffries. Funeral Wed 2 p in., from Oliver II. Hair Rldg. 1320 Chestnut ar Int. private UAROH Dec 31. MART J , daughter of late Hamuel and Catharine Kdwards Due notice of funeral residence. 1910 Parrlsh t. OEEHLEMAX A Ambler. Pa . Dec 30. FANNY, widow of Oeorge H Geialeman, aged DO ears Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Wed.. 2 p m , chapel of Kirk St Nice, 6301 Qermantown ave , Uermantown. Int private. EVENING LEDGlCE-PniLAJDELPniA, MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1J17 . iiryTiit OOEDTS.- Dec flL RttOKNB M , husband of Anna Rlir-vbeth Ooedta. Relatives and friends, nlav Poatofflr) Protrctlvo Aaso , In cited fn aervlcea, Thura , 2 p m , 3Mo Wallace M Int Fernwood em Friends may call Wed . 7 to 9 p m. DORRON Der 30. TD V R daughter nf Oeorge and Ida R. riordon and Rranddstmli ter of Prank nnd Kuain Kllni. aged U Reln llves and rrlends Incited to funernt services. Wed 2 in, parents' reMrre 1421 N How ard st int private North Cedar Hill I em Retnnlns tnnv lei viewed Tues after p ti OttM -Der 20. at Atl-intic CRv Rev ILLIAM II ORAFP. Services In chapel M The Holy Coufortr IPth ond Titan ls tlHow Cederall Tues 12 nonn tlodr mav be viewer nt rliurrh nfter 10 30 a m Int churcMard nf Ht James the 1,eas. HnRKNHAUlir Doe .10. Pill Mr, an nf Into James and KMsihth flreenhnlgh. need E Relatives arid friends Inv'ted to funeral aervlr. Wed, 2 10 p, m alstrr a resident'. Airs. Annie Hamilton. 4711 Mulberry st Prnnkford. Re mains mar ba viewed Tues. after 7 P to lot Cedar Hill Cem, finorr At rrteii.U' Home. Woodttown. X. J, 7lh-tMv. Rih month ,t0h RMILY OROFF ne,i 70 Relatives nnd frlenrts Invited to fu- rerat eervlcs, Friepd' MeeRne; House, Mulllca till, N J . 3.1 dnv. 1st month 2d, 2 r n. Int Frlarda' Cem . Multf'A Hill. N J 1TANDWORIC Tec 30 .IAMr4 If If VXD WORK hualnml of 1 lorlnds H Hvndworl; (neo Dukemon) aged tin Rln tlves and friends. Jvevaton' fodge, No 2 HhlMrt of Honor: Tinlt Webster Temple No no. () V. A , end Wash Insist- Camp. No 43. P " S of A invited to funeral, lues. :i p. ni . ..Gin n Siit rnr Northwood Cem , Lnnraster Pt and Now Hol land, Pa . pnpors copv Auto funeral . . , HAin.RLL Dec 31 HMI CL husband of Mottle llnrtrell (neo Colquhoitn) Relntlvea otnl friends Invited to funeral services. 'Ius. 2 pm. residence, of fon In Mw, P A cron. 1013 N IVtton at tnt private, Arlliinton Cem HAWTHORN D-t 30, MARV R widow of William Hnvvihorn (ne Kempton) Relstlves and friends Invited to funeral Wed , 8 lo a m 2010 V llonaall at I21J nnd Indiana nve 1 HIrIi re ntilem mass Ht Columba a Chutch JO n m l"t Holy t rnas im .... ifAYEH At realdenee of Ms ilsugt.tor Lsd'a R H Leeds near Moorestown, N J , Der. 20. ,1 IIORTOV HAYC3 igerl 8rt Relntlve, nnd friends Invited to funeral, I'rlends' Meeting Houe Moorestown N. J. 3d-Dav Ist-Mo 2d 2 p tn Inf Westfleld Cem Train leaves Market st ferrv Phils . 12 30 p. tn. Trolley leaves Camden 1 OS P m IIRADLHY Der 30, I'.MMV. VTlf of Ehvood ITeadley tneo Zlegler). arfed Ol Relitlves and friends Invited tn funent aenlre Weil. 2 11 m.. 2121 X. 10th at Int Hillside Cem . rla Mm-rsl nr Remains miy bo viewed 'lues., after 7 10 11 m IIKN'DRlCK Der 30 ANDRKW. son of I'airlf U J and Katb rlne M llrndr'rk (nee Do le). aged 2 vesta 10 mnn tin. Relatives aid fi lends Invltrd to Mnern1. Tuea ,2 p m. 2117 N Oirnet st nir PJtlt and Dauphin ats ) Inf Nv Csttiedrnl I'fin HRNDRJCKH Dc. 20 ANNA R HKX DRICKH, daushter or D (J nnd Anna R Hen dricks Relatives nnd friends Invited to ft. tieral services, Tors 2 p in, pnronls' resi dence 221 W. 4th at . Cheater. Pa. int prl- Xam;NEY ludIen1-. DC 10. WJM.tAM W. husband nf Margaret W llenrv, ijiji nntbe piven. from brotlur in law's residence. 1 heodura nf Uobrt Jlppburn, Oaunhicr of tuto Mlrlnl and Catlierine I'onnfrton. JlelifKea nnl frlendr In lteil In fuiutn1, Tu.1 . H VI n m , rrnMonrn of huib.inl "1'J1 rrnnii t. Koiitnn retpiloni innx HI. IMmond'fl Cliurcli ID n. -n Int. lluly Cr"si (m. IIKHIIIMI Vcr 2(1 HUMJKTlt r-OTT1). rl!ov of I rplrti ( t. Inrk Unrrlnw. rvii'tl I. Ilolnth'" ami frlntli Itultnl lu i"rl'., Tilr , H p ri . rrRMnto of boo Slim )'. Jlr rlnp t"JlM l,niu; t Int WoaJlauild Cem WHuh'nafiin. 1 0 . pnperi rnm Uk!UKt lpp J't IinNMlV hllhntiil of TSUnboth Howkln nct WtlRliM HptitUru rthI frlenfln tnvltril to fun-rnl. Tutu , 2 p. in . lint f!ncf of non-ltt-law Jo't'b Unuciicri. H7tnl Wharton l. Int Mt Murlih Cam. Itcinaln. mny Vi lmod Mnn e IHC1M Sndilnlv r.lM?nc of hfr won, r r r) KIcUo ism riictr n.. ier .it, ,M.ltA I,, ulfo .f Jninfi i: nidify. Notko of fttnirnt Inter inr.i, f :' MAr.cnnF.v n. rtd-.t rttlhtpr of MnrBurrt nfl tho lati ft Tvnc Hill, n.lhln.s nnd fr!rilt lnltl lo funtTnl i"rvjpn. 'lu .It) m . I"1 N' 1U st. lm lirUutM, Mouth I.iimtI IMH vtn "udiini.. neo :!. .miiv w , ,ir foil of John W nnd lain Surxn M llilx.i nj;r,l Hx It.lntlve. nml frlendw. nli(j l.oinl No H I V.' of ''' . lnitd to funrnl irhrj 1'upi , 2 CO ti ti . nt t'"hlMHa of h'K flntpr, Mil. Naomi Pottir. -1-1 H f'nrmp Bt Int trhnti FrloitK mn mil Alon penllnr. Anfo i!tlrft IIOI.I ,i"ilnl Dec 2ti P;H, 1101. t. as.d tl nml frl.ndu, Antprtrn- roimrll, J12. K. of C Mull i Tlrp. Hook nnd I.otlrlcr Co. No I. nml nil otlvr nid-rti of v hlrli ho vni a member Imlted lo funeral. 'Inf. t 10 m. HtHt. nnd Or.insi St.. Merlli T'h I-oletnn reqtitoni lnai I'Sure'i of NotUlf' 10 n in Int. nrlinte Auto FerO"p, IIOt'D ll-o .10 1IA,r.V!S HOnr (nto Alln wmi of William I' Hood H I n 1 1 r o nnd Irl.t ds Inilfed to funrrnl aervties, Vr . 1 30 p. tn . II Ontario t lut prlv.ite U. lorlah Cem. I'rlendi tna cnll Ttien , uftcr 8 HOri'lVIl Hee. .11, '.inN I ldnw nt Wn II Ilopplntc aed m It.latUo nnd frienda ln1ted lo tuuotpl .etvlrea, VhiI . 2 p. ni , lud N nodfl'M Bt Irt Arllnstnn I'tm IIOCHLMAN tlr .10 IIARItV .. husband of Annlo II. Sprowl.i nited fn ltpatlp jml friends lnlle.l to fnnrrnl sen U is Weil 2 n in ltherr ne . Snmron ne . Plllla Int wm PeitTi ivm Tnln for tnmerloii tenps lteadlnir Termlnil 12 3" p m. tone uures will bo In u.illl'n? Ill NT - flee .11. 1010 JA'll'S J husband nf Helen Hunt (nee i:iirlev) and sjn of Ihe lain rranl: nrd llonoroh Hunt I'tm nl. tn vl loll the, rolalhea n:nl friends nlso !H n 71, A O H. lre hulled otl Wi d . 7.10 n ni . from the reaidence of Ills nephew, f!orje Hunt, ir,IJ l.ltll st Mais of reituhm nt the Church of tho Gesu y a nt. aharp. Int Holy Cross Cem HCMtfMXN" I'ei- 21 nl Leeds Mills. Md ni:onoi: w urMrsMA.v ii.iitive. nml friends may lew rmnlna 'lues., in n m , pnr lora of Itonjaiuln T. l.le, 1II1J Columbia ae, Int prhate IIYIIK 1-" .10 RACIIRI. AW. widow of nhhnrd I!. ll)d nnd mini nf Mm (1 Ham Ia!s 1' eorlces lues , 2 p in . draco Chnreh. tlowen me. Mt Anry Int. private. HIWIV At National Park. X J, Dec. 30. KAM.1H daushter of Carolina llar and late ileorrte Irt. In Kelatlves nnd friends luted to funeral services Wed 2 p. m resldenc-j nf 1 rotper-ln-lnw. itouert i oroes, ia;,i i.nipaa at Int Mt Morlah Cem. Remains mny bo viewed Tuea, a to 10 p. in Autn funeral JACOliH Dec an JIMlltIL" A JACOHfi, wlfs of llenjatnln !' Jocolis. It- itlvvs nnd friends Invited to fttnernl .ervlcea. Thura . 11 n. m husband a residence, 117 rnlund terrace, Hala. Moutcomery Co. Int private, AVeat Laurel 11111 Cetn JONTS. At Mlanllo f'ltv N .1 . Dee .10. niI.U' I' . widow of lleoriro Auffoit Jonea, Punarnl nerv'ea Tuea. J Hit p in. Oliver 11. lialr Illdj , 1SC0 ibeatmit at. Int private. IvAIOlT't At Strntfont N J . De. . 31, ItlCHAItll. huibaud of H. i:iUabeth KnUriui (no Itutiher). aned !,-,, Itelatlvea nnj friends lnvltetl to funeral ae vlcis. Ved . I Jo p m . Stratford, N J. Int. Friends' lluomsr tlround, Hntlteld, N 1 Ilfritalns n'av b viewed Tuea evo KIJANi: Dec .. THOMAH J , husband of Klleu 11. ITeane (na Mornli). Relatives nnd frlendB, so'letlca of vvhle'i ha vqh a mem her. Invited tu funeral, Tues . 8 n m , HUH Tlroadwnv Camden N J. Ilia'i niaan lit y .10 n in ot church of Sacred Ilcau Jul. Calvary cent auto 1 tnerai KIT.! II -!" 2'i. .IVMKS I, Iicshund of MarU Keech (nee Levnia) aon of Clara aid lata John ICeecn. ated -10. Relatives ami trli nda, loiuuvva Trlli' No 210, I. II n M . reserve offlmra of t'hl'u police liivli.U iu fureril aervlcfs. T'i-a 2 p ill .301.1 N Marshall at Int Northwood cem. frrieitda may view re mains Mon . s p. m KI3M.KT. D'C 20 AMANDV JI. dai.hter of AEliea ll and Samuel M Ivellev Relatives and friends Invited to funeral sjrvliea. )12i Pnulkrod at f rankford. d a ti. in Ii,i Srlvato Meslmlnaler Cem 'lraln for Arrott St ratio i. rraiihfpid leavea Iteadliig 'lermlnal 1 1 p m M-.LI.V Pec. 31 1IARCDLM, widow of Thomaa Isellv Relailvea and f i lend. Invited in funeral Wed 30 in rshlem of aon. William 1 I.ellv. lr.os s IVibi ni hol.inn nana of nnulem Cliurih of the Moat lllesied Saernment 10 m m Int Sew Cathedral Cam KEL1.V Dec 29. J'AIRICK. hmband of Mary Colbert Kell Uelattvea and friends Holy N.m. Hoelt and Altar Society invlt.d to funeral, Tues 7 JO a m B03J Chevy a: Otnaanlovtii Holemn r.nulem mass linmacu lata Conception Chjn-h u a in Jnt Old latho- dr KKlKV Dc. 20. a.t New Torlt. rIRr;s H aon of latn Jainea R, and Parah J Kell ated C Relntlvea and friends Invited to funeral asrvlcea Tues. 2 p m . .residence of brother. aOJ.a Larehwood ave lut Woodlands Cem KEiTCItKIi pec JI, JIARRAIIA KF.l--TKKKR widow of Anton. Ketlerer U3 Relative, and frienda Invited to funeral, Thura . Jit in 202O Poplar st Int Mt Vernon Cem llemalni may bu viewed Wed , 8 to 10 p iu Auto funeral KlNNi:V Der 30 EMZAllHTIf, nlfa nf Jamea 11 Klnne anil daughter of lata Lobert and KlUabeth Rarr ReUtlvea and frieds In vited to funeral. Wed . H 30 a rn . .223 Main Wed Ha in , 2.13b N Mdunham at lllati at . Manaunk Swiemu hlbh requiem rnaaa tit John tho Ilaptlat Church 10 a. in. Int. at. Johu'a Cem KOl.'N'lO Dec 31 IIKRTII V (nee Mueller), wife of Frederick Koenlff. aged 33 Realdeucu. 1340 N Park ave Dje nolle, nf fiinpml KREIMUORQ. D-c. 30. THBODOllK KRIHM nOHO Uelatltea and friend Invited to funeral. HRATIf! mas. St nonaAenlnra,". rhureh 0 SO a. m. Int. Jioir tiepuicner t em auio runerai, -t KVRTZ Suddenly, Dee. 30. AM.ntmt ,T , son of tvl O and Anna. C Kurt. Relative, and friend. Invited tn funeral aralces Tus , .10 p m 11.1 Harrison at, Frankford. Int. Wed . at Kennelt Hquare, Pa I.AVXtNO lr. SO. ANNA M ,. widow of Chartea l.annln- Relatives and friends In , nM "o funal ervl-es. Wed. 2pm. 8S23 t,erust st inf Arllneton Cetn. Remain, may bo vUwed 1 ues rve I.KAUV fuildenlv, Dtc 29. DF.NNIt I., tineband of Variirlta l-eary tnen Kellyl iil aon nf Pnlrlc't rnd Hantaiet Lr. ns. Uvea an) friends Invited to fureral. Tuts, n 10 n nt . 6100 vvoodlind ave Holemn mass nr requiem t hureh of Meal Uleased Sacrament 10 a. ni Int. Ilolv Cross Cem I.t:flt.1i: Dee 31, ,1fAtlY CtTtTl'). daulllr nf Andrew nnd Annls t; Leslie, aited, 2 Rl lives nnd friends Invited to ftireral. Wedv. 2 P ni , parenla' resldenee. lli P 34th at . Cam den. f. .! lal Ml Morlah t em.. Phlln Re mains mav r" vl-wtd Tuea. evj- Auto funaril l.OCKAbl: De 211 THOMAS .JOCK. At)H. nueil r.o runerai aeralces Tura . 3 p. rn i . r'aMmo of dutuhler. Mrs John T. Ilysn. 02JS Addison at. Int pilvste. No llnwera. Remains tnsv be viewed Mon eve . LOIt-'R Dtc 21, DAMIAN A .husband of Marraret V I-rser (nie tiiuellch). .red 4.1. Relatives and friends, Ht Pntrlek a Alliance, Phlln. I.ndsc. Nn. it. t, O. (i. M Invited to funeral, 'lura, S 30 n in, '.M2 I.oucshore at., Taconj, lteuulcm hirh ina SI Io'a Chtireh 10 a. tn Int private, lit, Dnmlnlo's Cem. Lebanon nnd t olitinbla. Pa., pppcra copy. MnCALIINAN Dee EO. MA'llLDV. Vfldow nf Thomaa MrcAlonan, n.ed 71 Relailvea and rrlrnds Invited to funeral services. Tues , a p ni , renldonea of son Arc'ilo MacAlonan, 6137 ltrr.-rn st int. Mt Morlsti cem . MarrnnitliV. Dee 30 MART A, willow nf John MicPerron. nnd daoahter of late Pbtllln and Hannah Albiiritpr aitcd ill nelallvea and friends Invited to funeral, Tuea . .1 p m, OHO Dalv at Kervicca Church, 3d nnd "?nvder nve, 3 p m. Int. private, I ern wood t em MADDUV Dec 29. OWEN M.vnrKN rtols llvea and frltnda members at Cathedral T. A. II Korlety, invited funeral, Toes . t 30 a. m . am.! N 2lat rt to.enn requiem mam Chii-vlt of Oi.r f.eny of Holy Soul", n n m Int. private, New Ciith.ftrnl Ceni. Auto service. . MALONHV Dec. 2P, IOHV I', tiiiahsnd of Nnrah Molrney tnec Flavin), lata county Kerrv, irelnnd Retail' ea and Iriends also Pennsylva nia Relief and Kmploves Round House No '.'. Invited t funeral 'Ittea, K .10 n in r123 Ml. a ernou it, v . Phlln bolemn teqnltm mass Mt. AKatha's Church. 10 n m. Int. Holy Cross i.em MANGOLD Dec 31. CIIARLnfl T MAV r,Of,D Relatives nnd friends Invited In funernl aervnes, lues, u- p tu, 727 ureen st. jnt. Private MARSHALL - Dec ?7 WILLIAM H , hus. hard nf Anmo Mtirhnll nnd so i of lato James L nnd Mary A Marshall runrnl, to which tclntlvra and frlendJ. nlso members of the Vet eran i;mplovos' Association Penra K It., nnd etnplovra of same nnd Robert H Patterson Demoernllo Assneiatton, Invited. Tuea , H 30 a m. (138 P f,2d at Solemn mass of rrnulem Church of th 'iransflturatlou lo in siiarp Int. New Cathedral em. Auto scrvlee. p.o mains Innv lio vbiwed Mon, eve MAZIlltin Dec 30 nt Sea Isle City. N J . SAMUHLT MAKURIB. BBCd 11 lluilal a.t West Laurel Hill l em , Tve moinlur McALi:sn:it Dec. no. 'edwin r Mpal- IISTKR, need 71 Relatives nnd friends Invited lo fuiiural H-rvltes Weii . J p m . 211 Roxbor oiimt ave Hoborounli. Int private, rrlends tnnv call Tin nve MiCARTHV Muddonlv, Dec 30 MART, vvhl ivv or Dllllel M, I I Ilhv (lieit Sbcl llO Itel I- llves and fil-nds Invlltd to funerrl. TJmrs.. h 10 n tn 2111 N. 2d st Solemn tequlem maaa Churcli of Visitation 10 a in Int. Holy Cross Cem McCAR'IIN Dr 20 niUDQUTA T. Ife nf 'Ihomia J. McCnrl'n Relrttivea Hirfh friends Invited in funeral. Wed . H dti a tn . lesldenoj son-ln-lavv etceant (Jeon,. H. Pener. rrntik- ror.t Araemi) Holcinn requiem mass et Inn hints Church 10 a m Int. at Domlnlo Cem. .McCOVNKLL Dee 30 DWIPL. 'inilmnd of lite Katharine V Mrt unneli Relatives and friends Invltrd tn funeral Wed . S 30 n in 14 w r,1tli at , West Pnlla lliirli mere of requiem Chnrih of Our Lady of Vlcton, 10 a. in. Int Halv Ones t'rm Mel ORMICK lud.Ienlv. Dm ,10. DR WIL LIAM Mcl'OltMIt'K, dlllt Tluklini av . hua laiHi of cinia .linn Vci o-oiti u Itelnttvis ap(i fr'cnds. alan ICIngfteaslnir Lodtt-. No Joy, I (). ii I", Ivj Cnunill. Ni UiH Jr I) 1 A M. Court 'llnklnn No 207 J" of A, Mnndana Tribe No. tin I O If M. and -40th Word Re.i'ihll'on Inn nnd Hi ,1 rtt id Republlcm Cluh Invited lo servlres Wed , 2 p m . nl the Oliver 11 IJnlr lllils IK JO crcrlnut st Int. private Mt Mo'inh Ceni Pf mains mnv be viewed Tues from 7 In ll p in . nt nun me.tnut st Mri-tlV - Dei HI). HAR M. wlfn of John T cCo Inec J.annilJh) Relatives and friends Invited In timet it v il . 1 10 n m 2317 Pino el Hkii mass of rcqutem Si Patrick's Churc'l 10 n in lm. Ilolv ( ross cni Mi IlCRMOI'T Die. 2. .MART wife of Vll llnm Mcllermnlt (nee Devllie) ReUtlvea ond frl'ods, HI Ann's .sntred IKaii Hoclotv. In vited in tuncrnl Wed. S 3d n ni 21.'li B 1 hert at So'emn requum mass ht Ann's Chur ii lo a m Inl Holy Sepilcrer Cem I'ottflvlllo I apere i in MtDONVLD -D'C 2" JOSEIPIL son of late VhimiMH unit Sarah MrDoanld. Relatlvis and friends Invited to funeral 'I nee S.30 a ni . res'd"iue nf omit Mia. Cahsilne Mulaiiev 130 Hermit ni'.on Requiem mn-s Hr Jrh'i tha Ilaptist Chuch 10 a. ni. Int. Si. John's Ceni MtUONW.D De 2H TCfLFN dauith'er of late Pattlcl, nptl Marv McDetiHld. Relatives and friends SI .Toacr-lm s Aliar nrd rincrrd llcnrt hoelelv. Invltrd fo fumrnt. Toes . e 10 a ii.. 42"0 I'enn ai , IrankEcrd Solemn rtqtiiem mpvs nml Int M loach. :n a Hi e in Mi'lNTIRP, Suddenly, at Nrv Ynilt Dec. 20. IC'HN husband of lalharlnn Mi'ltiDru Relitlves and frktula Invited tn funornt, Tues. 7 10 a m noil frvtnzst. Ulili mass H' Fran lis do t-aleo Chm til 'J ft lu. Jnt llo'y Cro"S cem MelNTYRF: Dec 2D 5H.RTIIA. Vfldove of Thomas R Mclulyie tnre Qlaall1). nnd friends, mentoera of Third Cnureti of tho Covonnnters Invited to funeral services, Wed . .' p in, 2171 K Flrfh at. Int. p-lvule. North Cedar Hill Ccm. Rcmnlr ma be vlcwol luva , after H h in McINTVRi: Dec. 30. M.UILOV. busbnrd of Carrlo Milnlvre. Relatives nnd friends In vited to funtiral, Wed. h 30 n in. 2740 N. ralrhlll st. lileh mnss of requleiii SL. l.d woid's Church lo h rn. Int private, St. Mnrv's Cum Dovleslown Pa I'rUAy. Dee 2H, SOPHIA 'tel'AV. widow nf Jamea II. McKay (neo Do'ithart) Relatives and fi lends mor.ibors Norria Sqtlnra I. I. Cmircn. Invited lo funeral services Tues , 1 p in., 3111 N. 11th st. Int. private. North Ce.lir Hill Cem. Mclflli: Die 30. MM.MA J., widow of Wil liam I McKee Relatives and frienda Invited to funeral -:rvlte. Wed., 2 p r.i cmpel of Andrew 1 Hair i Sous. Artli and lOtti ata. Int private vim funeral MitvF.LV ilV lite ,11. JAMES MuKllLv BY. need bt Itelatlvea and friends, lernuooil l.odin. No ill C and A. M . CMveralty Ch.ipi.r No 2Sll, RAM: Equal ISlKhla Lod.i, No 4dl I O O F : .Mnaea Lodge N'n i i. p of A , Pnll. Pnllra Dept , Invited to ruiieiat .ervli'-H Wed. 2 u in. msldem uf sen. John W JUKelve. 712.1 Ave B. Clojrview West Pnlla Jnt .Mt Morlah Cem. 1 rlends May tall 'I tea eve Auto funeral. M UINLHV Pec. 3d. JAMJ-.H If . husband of MatUn J. MrKlnliy. ftclullvtn and frlemln lli vltut to funeral services, 't'uns . J t. m . oa3 WootUiwii ave, (;crniaiilovti Int piava.e, Nort.a C'djr J till i em MiN'ALI.V 0c SO. ..'Nil n Mow nf Piter Mi Sall IUdsllM." a'id friends Invltnl lo fii t.erii. Tues . 7 .10 a m . at u'a tea denci I rat U Mi!.all luuii N cr.lh at . West I'nt'a. Requiem mass on- L-idv of Lourdia Church. U a in Int St Denis's lm Mi'NAMKK Dec. 29, El.I.KN widow of Rerliard MeNanvts Relatlvea und friends la vltid to funeral Tuea , H a. ni.. Stt3 Master at . West Phlla Hlih uiasa Ft. tlrecory'a Church I' 10 n. ni lot Ilolv Crose Cm MKANS Dec 31. FIlANCnS I'ATflERY" dauffhtir of Robert IT nod Anna .1 Meaus inee. MilCeai. a-ed 20 Relatives and fl lends Invited lo funeral Wed . 7 v in . parenla le.i dcnio. 1-1" S. Md si Int Tnurs mornlni, t:plst.0D3l Cem Luwisiovvn. Pa lirbiltN ller 8t. MARY Widow nf John Mtehau Rclalivea und friends invited to fu iter. I, Thuia. S 30 n in, 1910 South st Sol em n requiein inasn Sr diaries' Church. 10 ro Inl New Cathedral Cem Aitln funsral MILL10AN Pee 31. HELUN L..1BJ7 Cheat mil at. widow ot William formerly of ouobur, N J runerai at con,enierc of famllv MILLS Dec 31. CLAUD1NE ROBSON widow of Joan Mills Relailvea and frleqds in vlied to funeral services. Wort , 2 p ni 1US Marlboroj'il st Jnt. prlvnle I .dar IJIM fern MP.SIMKR. Dec. 30 JEH3IH 11 . wife of Leo If Mlssinier and daushter of Albert R. and Hmnia 11. Waiter ased 2n Jtolitlvea and friends Invited to funeral Wed , a p in , par ents' residence. 4MI Manayunk ave Roxbor nugh. Int. I.ev.rlncton Cem. Friend, may catl MONTACUi; Pec 29 ELLEN I. , nau.htsr of lata Peter and Mary Mont..u. Relative. and friends Invited to funeral, lues . 7 30 a rn slater's residence, Mrs. John J Starr, tali) Mar ket at. Solemn hhrh requiem mass Church of Our Lady of Victory 1) a. ni Jnt. OM Cathe dral Cem . private. MOORE. Dec. 23. BAR MI, widow of rieorso Moore, aii.d 73 ReUtlvea and frlendi invited to funeral aervlces Til.s 2 10 p m . 1321 N Bid st. Int. Illockley Ilaptlat Cem Remotes may ne viewed Men from 7 to 0 u m MURPHY Suddenly. 223 Winona ave. (Jer muntown, IM.. Dec 21), JOHN P. MURPHY. Relatives and friends Invited m funeral. Wed . 9 30 a. m.. from Oliver 1! Hair nidi . into caeatnut st. bolemn requiem riasa St. i . neovnui ... cwinii ir.iuir.ii nas. H, i 1Tlrl aBU JlorrlS SIS II g 1 rmuLli m... tll-ATHS Patrick'. Church 11 n. m. Int. Old Cathedral Cem. MOnnir. Suddenly. 22.1 Wenona, in , Oer Piantown, Deo, 29, MARY, wife of John P lurphy. Itelatlvea and friends Invited to fti reral, Wed , 0 30 n. in . from Oliver If Hair Hid-,, lelti chestnut st Rolpmn requiem mass St. Patrick's Church It a m Jnt Old u tlierlral cem. N'ELT, Dec. St. 1IBNRY DP. NOON1 son of ite, Morrison Coalca nnd, Clara Nell aced Si telatlves nnd frlenr'a Invlied in funeral serv in lunerei n"i Kehr. 2101 Dm- res resincnc. or.weaiev ji niond st Wed . 1 8o p tu NEWTOMM. Dee 31. JOHN A. NI3WCOMH aired t Relatives and friends Invited tn fu neral services Andalusia Ilurka Co. IM . Wttl . 1 10 p m Inl. Hrlstol ivm IVRRtEN Dee 30 K'.IZAftETH. rlluehter of .tames A and Msflh"- McDowell Hrlen. o.etl r). Dua notice nt funeral will he clven. parents' residence 11S3 N Md at, West Phlln. O IlRtEN Dee. ,10, JOHN J , husband of Mar-arei O'tlrlen (nee McKennal Relatives and friends I.ennu'V of Saered Henri nntl Altar Society of uur Lady of Meiey flntreh. Invited to funernl. Tlinn , 8.10 n ii , 2142 ;'. rber si holemn mnta of requiem at fit llllMbalh'sj ihttrchloa m. In' Holy Sepulchra ccm Auto Ut"rARA De. 2S JOHN htiabind of Kall.e. ring O'Hara meo McLamthlin) nnd son of Ml- had end Illliabetn O Hura lite of o. Ar miKli. Ireland. Relatlvrs nnd friends L"nrus of tre, Saeretl Heart. Altir nnd Ilolv Name Societies nf t. Stephen's- Church emplnvrs of Mldval.! Steel Co, Dlv. No. In, A O It. In vited to fureral Tina, 7 30 n tn . 4.112 N. IBIh at. lllaii mass nf requiem Rt Stephen -Church 0 n m Inl. Ilolv Hcpolehee Cem O MALLITV. Dec HI, MARUMtLT, widow nf Peter olMolliv. Relatives nnd. frlenas In v'led to funeral. Thnra , S n in , tiun !'. Itlcks at., Tnakrr nbove Kth Solemn requiem mavo Church or St. Thomas Aqutn&s U 30 n. in. Int Crthedral Cem O'NP.ILL Dec. 29. IICOtT. Iiusband of MAry A O .Nelll Jlplatlves nnd friends Imlted tn funeral Wed. 10 a in. JlBii Shsekimnxon at Illah mass Church of Immaeulato ( onceti tlon in a. m. Int, Ifolv Cross t em .. OPPF.NIMNDEH Deo 20, MARY OPPHN LANDliU (net. Welile). wife nf Aliaust Opptn lander. urMl 70 Relative, and friends Invited tn funernl. lues. 2 p. in, 1(101 N. Franklin st Int Mt. Praco rm OUKaMSli Surldenly, Dc 2 WALTER floor r, son of Helen C. nnd lata Kilns Oursler Relatives and friends Invited lo funeral aert leea. TUes . 2 p m. 2M4 N 21st at. tnt private. Mt Peacs Cem. Friends may tail ton A to ion m. IVTTON Dec. 55. JIARY, widow of Jamra Palton (nq Davis). Relatives and friends, I adiea' Aid Bncietv of St, Strchen a Episcopal Church. Invited to funeral. Weil , 2 p in . 2T"S Howarth st. Sorvleea nl church, II p. tn Tnt Hast Cedar Hill Cem Remains may bo viewed T.lmrs iittvveer nnci iu p. in. PAUL Suddenlv. Dec no. WILLIAM: O ,v 1'Mslond nf Knlio E I'.aul nmli son nf D II. aid Sarah Paul Reletlvea nml friends losVn Irlbe, No :i7u. I o It M, Invltrd lu funeral ervlc-s Wed ,2pm 2S22 Kenslnclon ave lr,r private Remains may bo vlsv.ed Tues . S lo 10 p. m 1'BIJiT Dc. 2R, IltlSStn I! . wklovr or Clia iAs Jil. lellv, ami dlnehlcr of .losepl l and Kate ll. Simpson nned 30 Helntlvea nnd frlcntla Invlied lo eeivlce. Wetl , lu n in . ut Ihe Oliver II. Hair llldg , 1SJU Chestnut si Int private PERL D-r 30 (ICOItOE I" . husband nf Anna K Perl (nee Itettela) ar.pil r1 Ittilntlvr and friends E Copptn Mltihrll f.odse. No 001, V and A. M Totem Lodce. xn moo I O i) V . Tcmplo Kncumpment, No loo I o o V , lljriy c'lnv Counill No 7 Jr. o I AM. Plltln Murlnt Vssn . Musleiatis' Protective Aaso . Local No 77, A F of M . the l.onnn Im provement I eacue, Invited lo funeral. Wed ',i v. in , 1818 N lllh st Int Wist l.nuiel Hill Ceni Remains may bo vlevrcd lues nfter 7 V m PtlORlCER Dec 20. JOH.v POOUICER hits. band of the lite, MirKHrelhn Joorktr In" Hnff. main, naett an uiiatives nnu iriemn us-vpti-cher nluafeat Vetein Imlted to funeral .rvtiiia. 'furs 2 p lit . 110 Master at Int private rernwood Cem Friends may call Mon . 0 tt ll) p m Vnto srvle POTTER Suddenlv, Dtc 29 JOSEPH IN TI D vvltlow nf John S Potter Relative! anil friends Invited to funeral servicts 'i urs 2 n ni 72J S -Mill st . W. Pnlla lut. private Mt Morlah Cem l'JWUi: Dec 29. KATE S , wife nt Robert Price Relatives nml fi lends invited ti' sen Ices. Tuea, 2 p In., 20PJ N 3f,lh . Int. private Wett Laurel Hill Cem RAITII Dee 31 llCDWKl widow of RnlMl (ne Rodlerh). need HI Re atlves nrd friends. Vigilant Council. No 121. J of I, . Invlied tn funeral, Thura. 2 p m. nils N ionUlln si lilt (Iiceniiiount Cent Itenialiia mov bo viev.ed V eti , 7 to II p 1,1 Ki'tlt-'H --Dec 30 WENDELL ItEI'.ER M p Relatives and friends, olivet LoiIkp, F nnd A M No HII7 Me-!dlan Clnh tenihers and st idepis of IVniplo I nivereltv and all othrr or irfl'i1.:ailons of which be was n member lnvltetl lo fut.eral stivlrew. 'lues . 2 n m 1.11 W. Si hoal llllte Int nriva'e PJenso omit Itowrs REDEUER Die. .lo I'MKIM.S'l: REDE KCH OlM llrin-eri, widow of II W. Retler n-ed 81 Pelatlves mid frieiplj invited tn fn leril 'lus I .10 ti m. residence Thendam Redeker. 1S W Shariinick st . Herri inlown Int Ml Vt ice Ceni Remains mnj be viewed Mon . h to 10 p in REID D-r J.i. WILLI M RE1D Rlallves and fi.ends. Polls lluatal sso , lnvltetl it, fi,. nernl. Tuts , H n in . 717 S 20'h st, RcquUn vass St Patrick's chu"th 0 13 n m lul New ( nlhedrat Cem UEINHVHD M Plillndelnhla. Dec 25 QIJORilU II.LIAM HEINHARJl Relitlvis nnd friends Invited lo funeril seivltes Tues, J p in . sister s rerldeace. IH01 N ;:d at . Har llsb'irn. t'o lot HnrrlsO'irji nwsunni'oit Dec at iiitwvRn wl- 1,A' M l,uiiantl cf laic RoLassi 7. Reabrm.Bh llelallvrs and friends and I ompjn E, imilb RfCltuent. Pei.nsj ivnnl liifauir. ami i rrsvein Miisnnti t.od.te of Penns 'nil's, iimled to tune nl We.i 11 n m 1140 l.nnsdovru aw., 1 let peivltle I ii'terl Hill I pip IUHS !ev 31 KATIIERINE RIES luce l.a 1 pri vvitli ,v of Itjtiiloa 1'ihh ii iri ij Iti. lit. lives nnd friends Altar Sieletv cf Cillirch nf Our Lnd lle'ii of chrlstlnna Ladles' Aid Sj ilely of SI Invent s Oiplnn s lum. of 'la tonv, In.Hid to funeral Wed, h Jo n nt . ,1471 E. ' at t,n!emn lequlem moss Church nf Our Ladv Help of christians, 1(1 a m Int. Holv Redeempr i em RilltnitrSON HilddPiilv, Dpi. 21 P'.THIin A . widow of Jilin 1. Rnbrlsin Relatives nnd frlnds invlied tn funeral services. Mon.. s u in . i. s'denco of aon-ln-tnw. Ifenrv r. Johnson. Chestnut ave ut d UiM.ri lerrnce. near cll Llri Int prlva'e. Pntlsvl'le Pa . via train linvlrir Co uiubJa nve lues, 1 3o a m Potts vll's peners i.eiv, ROOER.S Dc 30 UlVISIl ROdCHS fnr i,ier'. of Kansas citv, to . niretl US Funtral ser,lcca Tins . 2 p ill . 2100 Chestnut si Int private, f.ansis Cllv, Mo., nanera please rnpi RO"nNrilL Dec. 30. L'1H'ARD husband of Manila Rosenthal, axed 17. Relatives and frienda invited to funeral. Tuts , 2 i m , 2U1 u .vinntnna si jnt Auiu.i .i m urun t cm. SCIIARO De 30. I.Ot'IS.. daushter of Henri and Annie l: Sctiarc aced J eara S tnn.iths Pelatlves ami frienda Invited tu fu neral a-rviiea "lues, 2 p m , parents' resi dence 210 Nedro av, tllnttx Inl. private bl llVbllU."'. U J! JOHN ANDREW, rr of John and Cithnrli .. neid.r liieo tlfrorerl, ntfetl 7 lliitnlhs l'Ulleral Tues 2 p 111 parent, r.slilet.. iti N 2tl s' lul prLnti Holy Sepuicjier Cem llenialns may be viewed Mon , U SCJIOMir.ROKR Dec .11. JANE N SCHON ltl.Kilh.ll Inee Jniieai, wife ot I'rttlerbK 11 SeluiuberRer Itelatlvea and ft lends Invited tn funeral aervlcea Wed 2pm, nt rraldence of pnrenta 70tt Kddystoue ave Kddva'one Re in.lns may be viewed Tues. evv. Jul Chester Kmal l em ncllRICADKl: De. H PETER fl husbjrl of I'Uen hchieidr (ue ijulnnl ased 37 Rela M s us I friends also meipr-eirt if 11. n Holy Nflne St l.awrenre Counrl) No 811. K. of C . Iilv. .18. a o 11 Court Patrltk lleniy No 231 F of A : St. Michael's T A II . 17tl Ward Executive Commltree. (.luplove. nf tijreaii of Illehwaa. all aoclntiea of which he vvaa u mem ber, Invl'ed to funeral Tuea ,0a.m. 132J N 2d sr. Solemn requiem mass 10 a m bt Mlclael'a Chuieh. Int. St. Charles a Cem. ivellyvllie. SCHUHERT -Dee 30 ANN MRIV (nee Mass). wilnw of rtpt.ert Sch'jlterl ntnl 711 rip'n Uvea and frlnds. memlters (lennan Church of I'eoc.i Invited to funeral s-ruite Wed I 10 p m son In taw's rr.dture l hi stoph Elder. 10.1 rjreenway ave Djrbv Inl Mt. Pence Cem Autn fun.'al Friends mai vl-w remains Tuts 7 in in n m SIIADLE -Dee 30 I LORENCE T diusli !.r .f. KdW'fJ W and I hrlstlna hhadle. sued II) Relatives and friends, m-mbers and Sun ",V "Jho.0, .ehol.ra of Mt Hermon Reformed church InvPed to funeral servlies. Wed 2 n. m . u.renla' residence 1524 Uratit si . Nice town Inf private Northwood cem. Jtrmslna ir.av be viewed Tiles ere , SHARPLCY Dec '.7 J!IRM F SHARP J.F,Y. fir. r -band nf late Clara M .1 hhari ley and son of Ijts John and Ann Snaiuley (nee W'berton) v;e4 so -.unarjl to wiilin rel ative, and friends. Star of IletMehem Lodse "..S0- '.? ti- Invited Wed. I n m. S.yS ? ,,,,,,h,, ,SrvKes St Luke a ill E church, llroad and Jackson ata Int prlvat. Heat Laurel Hill Cem Remalna may be viewed Tue. after n p in tlK,T J. .-. llEN'Rf MER Relative, and friends Invited lo funeral Wed .' 2 p m brotber'e residence. John a Sler. 22J0 S Ilose wood at lm r.rnwoo.l Ccm Remain. ma be viewed Tues .KtolOpm S.M'V. Kec 28 HORBRT M . son of Hiram and lute Smith and husband of Mary I Smith (nee Norman) Relatives ami friends. l,.i-ounr" - 's'' '' A Court Arden V.'.i'' r of A Invited to funeral Tues -Tin.lariy - at 2 p nt Int F.rnvvood Cem SMULLEN -Dec 28 FRANCIS son of lata William and Mary Smullen aged 23 Roli. tlvca and friends invited to funeral. Tues a a in resident a of John Walter Murke, S ti cor 17th and Morris sts Illili requln niaii DF.ATH1 Church nf St. Thomas Aqulnaa 10.30 " Inl Holy Cross Cem SNYDEP. -Dec 30 JOHN T .on of .'Jhn nnd late Kllabeth Snvd'r (nee Clark) llfl. tlves and friends Invited to fimerai We. . i 30 a m. parents' residence. 102 S. 23d st. Sol emn masa of requiem .Church of. ' M,',''".nn Ii a m sharp Int. Holy Cross Ccm. Auto service SPESSFR Dec II el residence, ip I 'lrjv nve. Jenklntown. MAnY CLARE SPENSER, need qa Funeral Tues Int prlvaie Dec 21 OLOIIMIANNA !.. Widow of Ftephen D Ppicer aped K2 Relallvcs and friends Invited to funeral Tues Sr"''!!; deuce of son flepien O Spicej, 0131 cnllowhlll ar tnt Mt. Mnrla i cent Remains mny be vle-ved linn after 7 t m .,.,..,,. t . STACKHflLrir.l"" . M , ,Urt,al. J STACKIIOFSE husband of Julia K ,jV"''1k bouse nml son of Morris It nnd Int; .Martha Rinrkhou-e Itelallves and friends Woodland Council, t TO t). of I A.. Jnilletl to funeral. Thura . 2 P in , 201.1 S r.Tlll '"' .' Zlon Cem. Remains may bo Mwed Wed . nfter 7 p m, Auto funeral .,i..pirs mnr HTM'NTON. ller. .10, IlttlDrlET MAIlr. lau-hter nf PntrlcK nnd My,.A..!,,I,,"n'on1 of Mantilla, ca-lln liar. Countv Mavo Ireland Relative, nnd friends InvPed to funeral. "o, 7 10 n m . residence nf Mrs arlff In. J to L. Rlttenbntn. st . flermnntown Solemn J"" f"; Vincents church o m Inl Holy Bepulchre C'hTFtrEL. SutWetitv. Dec 2 CltAnLKS, seS of rirl nnd l'-1r,,;,.,fnnVral 14 Ilelatlves nnd .friends InsPen: t. n era services, residence o! Wnrrn J. Dan. iWOy ford nve Fn- Cnase, Phils , Tues . 2 p. tn. In.. srEVI-vSbN-Drc. 20. BUJA1I. Irtfaw of Wm 11 Mevenson. Sr. (neo Haslami Ilelnllves end friends lnvltetl lu funeral services rues, . p m . 1724 N. 2S:n st. Int. prlvaie. Laurel 1IIII Com .. , .. STEWART Near Vlieenlown, V J, Dec .10 M MIY J . wife of John Stewart, aied 62 llelathes nnd friends Invlied to tunftM. wr Vlneentnwn N J . Wed.. 1 p m !n'-SJ'',''' town L.m Autos will mt trnln lea vine Matltr' St lerry. rniia jua.t n ni m Cslt'' I'lJliOER Dec 2, UiHF.PII. hush.nil nf nilnbetli St 1 nnd friend". Iiol' Nrmn nt Ep prnns- f-no"h:, "rj1 FlilelJ of Hoanr. No 0. invited In funera rues' 8 80 a m re'depe of nephew, Innii Mitrchy. 4.-B V f.M t ten'ilein masa Church tf Our Lt.dy or Vlciorj 10 a. m. Int H"lriNO-Dr. .10 1FN. vvlfe "fJohn ft Slink, need mi ll"'aiies nnd friends Invited to funeral services Tips. 2 30 p fii ' . Avsli y s' , ilermatuoiTn. Int. Weslmtnsler Ccm A i o funeral .,..-. sritAWHRIDOi; At Saranai; 1 ake, N'. T . Dec. .11. IRLNH ANNA, wife of "Aelsh Mrw bru'en nnd avushin nt r.ilivurrt.IiwiniBSS. I ii nernt services in New York Int . St Thomas s Churehvartl, Whllemarsh, l'a . lues . 4 p. ni Hl'Ul.f -- Dee .11. AIlltlMtKI', Wife of Oe.irco S. Mllllts n-etl nl) Relative" snd friends Invlttd to funeral services, innrs , J P in . jjuu HavcrMrd nve Int Mt. Morlnn Clii HlfltflBS Dee 2S. SAMUEL HTCP.OES. ttalatives and Vrli I oren Iilnn'e. Nit 37. O V nt A . Wushln-ton Camp. Nn r..1. P i) S of A., '7tn Mum Hionenieu's reliow-sl-Ip' American cnlns. nrotherhocd "?'" teplern nnd Jplnersi , Local No. Hi West Pblla. Ileptibllcan Cluh 27lh W 'iril. I'uWIrHull.lntt Re lief Asso emplojea nf Cllv Hail. ."Ilu'''" soiletloi o' widen he vns n inomte". lnvltetl to services. Wed. 2 p 111 43H Ludloiv si Int I arnwond I em. Friends may view it mains Tues. 7 to II) it ri ,,....- W EENT.Y hud lent' !" - Jl USi tlauihler of late end Noiah Hweei.e;. or Ilnlivnaihrlih, fount Donesil lielinl Rrla. Uvea nnd frioads. it V M .sednllli, Invl!;rt to funrrnl, Tues, s .10 n m slsier a res lance. 17(10 Urown st Knlenin n qulem mass c.Rinilral 10 it in Int Hnlv Cio". Cem TA1 Uil !) 31 MARY, vvlfe of flcorce Tallin, ddiirhter of Pnirlck nnd Itossnnna, Pont r itehttiven and fiends Invltptl lo fu neral. 2213 lel'jud rl C.'Jtl and Hunlln.T Pant ve i. Tnurs H .til n in Hjiemn nlfii ma-s nr requ'eiu Church or Our Lady of lluly houla 10 a m lm St. Ann s em . In a. m. Auio "CTIVNEY He .11 JsMI'S M.HFRT. son of Annie nnd late Hiinuel Tin,trv, need It Itj '; lives nnd friends invited to funeral , Wrd . S 30 ii in . ipslttenee of mollie . 22ld Huh at Solemn leiulem maps t liaTh o' St. .Mon ca, 10 a tn Int llol "'"?''' ,, . , TOLE Dec. 20. ELLEN E . widow nf Dennis Tole (nee C'onwn.,) Relatives ami friends Ir Viled Iti fureral Wed. n a. in, lealtj.nce r .mi in.Imi' Thomas Juvte. Ii21i Hair si lllsh Ilequleni Mnas St Michael a Churcu 10 u m Inl M Doinlnlt s i nil TOMI.INSOS -Uto. -1 HANNAH, widow of llforRa H Tnm'lnscn. Pelatlves nnd frltlitls lu vlted to funeral Tues. .10 n. in.. r;ldiice of son ml in tUorce A WHImaiiiu Hull . c naiiBo st Solemi requiem mass Church of Our Lady or llol 'U.u's 10 a. in. Int. cathedral ''TONr-Dec's ELLEN A TONEP. wit. of John. Toner nnd dju-htu' of lale John and Mm Dalion Jtetetlxs nml fiend'. Sr Charles It. V Sodal'ty. Invited to funeral. Tues A 30 a m, h is'.iond'a residence -141 Titan si Solemn requiem mass St. t-harle-Uorth 111,1 ni Ii lto) Cross C"in VALI EE - ll Miami' llnme. Dei .0 Ilf.N IV'i. VM.Ilin iT'd 7" ricMtives rml fci't'd" ivanboe LoJce No 419, F and A M. Invlied to fun. ral. Tues 2 p m . .11 1 1 N Proad st In I Femwnotl C" n Juto ' . AN DER VEER -l"f .11 A1RAM T VN DER VEER at son-Iu-low h residence l.llvvuod It Chnpman. toil Colllnsdale nv. Colllnednle. Pa berv.. o and int. nt Long Branch, N .1 1UVAN-SNT Doc 30 JEHC VANS N'T ased 7H Relatives .intl frienda Invlfd to funeral. Wed. 10a id. IcsldenLe Dsvlsvllle Pa Serv ice also In Somerion M E Church 11 10 n in. lilt William I'enn Cem Trans for Somerton leave LaiiKhorne 10 01 nml Reading Terminal Vis1 fFlVlT2-lS?"S5. KL.ZARETII V XN M IVJ.R (nn Worthlnfflon) njted 01. 1I-Itvv-H nnd frltmU I ivHd to funeril AWd . I V. 1it s. !.iinMlowi (iv . Lansdown-. Ta. Jnt. Mirlftlv privot'. Mt Mot inl. Ct-ni. AI-OHAN.-Dec 30. KATE F . vvir- of Wil liam 11 VniiKlian (neo Mtlnnlsl Relatives nrd friends Invited to funeral srvlccs 'I ues . -' It m s04 Mercer St. int private, .-turtnwooti Ceni Remains may be vlewtd Mon .Sutler ' WALSH -Dec 30 rUTIIERlNE WAI.II Ineo Dlamomll. vvldovv of Jos-ph Wnl"h ltela. lives and friends Invited to fureral Wetl 8 30 n ni . residence of sister. Mrs Rose C Carrl nan 2-'H Firth st Solemn requiem niass (hurch of tho tsliullon. lo u. m Int New Cathedral tern, ..,,, .,-.. WARRIMnoN --Vr 2S, LVUP.X WAR ItlNOTON. vvlfe of William War-ln-loll (nee wuindrs' Relatives and frienda Invited lo funeral Tues., 2 p 11. 1SJ4 s Ilancroft at Int. i?crnwcotl lent Remains mn be levvcd 11 WTERS De?' 21), CATIIVRINE. widow of John Waters Relatives ami friends Invited to funeral. Tues.. H 10 a m . residence of sou, T V nulllsan, 2317 S loth at. High requiem nines J-.pip!inn Chunk 10 0 ni. Inl. Holy Cross CWVTT Dec .11 MXROVRET A. wife of James Wntt and daughter of Alice and late Ed ward McAditnH Relatives and frlmds members Ontario Pros Churth, l.ivltod to funernl, 'I Intra . 1 30 p m . 714 E Madison st Services nt above-named church 2 p in Int private North Cedar Hilt Cem Rem&lna mav be viewed Wed . N tu lu it 111 . ni.d Tout, until 1 JO p ni , at house onl WIDMKIEn Dee 2. ELLA P. vvlfi nf Chnrhs F Wldilieler tueo McOrtv). ngrd BJ. Relatives anil friends invited to funeral, Tues. S 30 a. ni . 1731 N Warnotk St. Jtequle'll mas. SI Mala. Ill's I hurch 10 11. m ll., Holy lit viterner Cem Autu funeral wll I)J1A.-At tealdene or Rra ddauiiter Mm Mar HP'iiiaiitm Deecon at Warrenion a 1 .10. MARY LLOYD wdoc- of Elvtiou Wildiiieii of Il.tieaitnt, Pit l.a Co Pa . aged &9. Vunvral Wed 1 p 111. FalrhJll Mielma Hi.tiss. lllh and Camhila sis Int hi Falrliiil Cem 1 lowers iua ho sent in Ol.ver H Ualr a, 1820 Cheslnul Bt . up to 12 in Wll.l v Ml Hoilv, N .1 Der SI ED WARD WILLS, nged (tu Relatives and friends invited to funeral, lues, ,1 p in . h" Andrew's htircn Ml. I toll .'. N J Int Kplsropal Cem . Moorestown, N J. Remains may be viewed at Keeier a Parlors. Tues . 1 tu 2 10 p ni WINNER Suddenly Dec 29, ROS, vvinow ni inuinus r itiiiuer men r.lllimerinail aaed f.7 Relative, and frl-nds Jtrld'shuif; Presbvterlan invlied 10 fitneral lues 2 p m 4937 Hawihorn. at Inl Itrldeaburc Jresltvlerlan Rurjliip; Grounds WISE De. s MARY wife or late Ferdi nand Wise acd .10 ReUtlvea nnd friends Lin coln Temple No 2. O 1' a and. Camp No 1. P O s. of A tiivtled 10 funeral. Tues 2pm. 30S W I'aribrla at Int (Jreenwood (K nf P ) cem Remains may be tlened Mon., H p m W I3SMANN Dec 21 HERMAN 11 !,.. baud cf Dais) M Wissmaun Relatives snd frienda irvtted to services Tues . 2 p. m . lllfl S Passnn si Int private u WINTBRIIOLDER Dec 27 MARY 1CLIA. daughter of Francis and Julia Winterholder (pes Wright Relativea and friends tin lied to fu neral Tues , H 30 a m parents' residence, 3I1H 1 Ivlngsione st Solemn requiem mass Church of Nativity Hi ai 111 Inl St. Peter'. Cem. LOST AND FOUND HAG Lost, leather bag containing evex' and mousy neighborhood of 17lh and letferson . to lSlh i. Montgomery, reward 1707 Jetferson Ill'LLPOO Found female bulldog, owneriall N BUns1 pr""rty -"a P"1 tharget. 2J.3 ''Vi,M!;7,,."aM''ll"l0,li0a',-'i ausvvefsla Jm 'iKwut n" ,'u,er-1 " "IpT'-o," brown murt December '"J Sii 103T AND ITOVND bot'itinerf Inm J'reeriflno Column " ItANDllAd- tsl on Punl. nbout 12 n0o-C rn'nie from 10th and Chester nve rnlirnmi ?,tlon lad, .;ndbnR Apply TueMa",' c E suelman. fourth SI N.( uanit Reword NFCEPtECE Lost, n senlskln neckpleee.Bim tn nfiernoon. between 42d at and 41th at on Ralllmore nve or 4tlh i si Intneen Raltimore nve and I'lne. nt "'jvaf''- fhons Rarlna 1H7.1 W 4.11 South lllh pm 'KETrtoOK Let. Sn.iiird.av neon, pocket book conln Inl ut 111 l'iess-return tn ,), Auto lub of Phlln J Samnle 2.1 s.jjaa , POODLE t.ot In navv vard nn Christmas Da, white poodl' answers to the nsros i 'Pitrrv'1. J't rewnrd and no questions, u 85s, Central . pritsi: teael. r'c. BT. le'W"" ',roftd Street Station nnd ltli ami Tnsker MreM, w,eJ turrr- contnlnln- nbout .IBtriil ino i trip tick,. ,.wen Torresdale nnd Phladelplila Reward If retiimeil to c 11 8Aselitin23Walnutst. T0UR1NO CAR IJfl rewnrd for return of stolen 1017 Ford murine car: 018111118111' number 10370M. IVnna license No samn. Report lo A P De.vcre.amr. .121 Walnut at HELP WANTDj-EMALE nooKti:Ktrrl. nsslsiant. yount lady, experi ene'd must be quick and sccurnlo at flsairest cood w-.trr. state n.e. esnerlence and aalary L'eslred V nj Lf'brerC)X2c" fJIRL o'er to veors. pood wnces, ateadv posi- Hon. Irlldberper .aron .vug. to.. 4000 N "tli st near Vane Junction Oiltt, ere-epcd for Ice cream and enke .tors. Art''" 1410 L'custst between J) nnd12a m, Olttt S WANTED, over, tfi Increased faeimi-s la-e made opstiln-s In qur plant for refined, jaiel'jent ait is for IsMllnr lid sealing and patUlt.S i.tpdical n'lpples. light, easy work. elenn. beallhv si'rrcundln-a. 02 hours week, ralarv in to beplcn its, with rapid advance trent if ooud workers. 12 minutes from Dread M Slallon on trelri" Applv In person or by leiterJoJlIC JMtititirAJ 'ofllenoldeni.p, OIRt.s. 14 to 18 sears: llalit, clean work, well ventl'nted s.anltsry verkrooms: steady emplov. ment (ton.! wa-es North American Lace Co , tli anlAllennen nve 01RLM wanted 1 amlv with nertlle, pood wages, s-eady eniplo.vmpnt App'y rranlt Schoble A Co Wthjind Ovfiiril nia HOSIERY Toppers nrd knlllera on Scotl 4 WiiitsiiiH aril Stamlard I machines highest wfl'trs. "lend' work b'sl working conditions. HvulenV Fleeced rnderwenr Co . Hosiery lr' 2I1B North ttruaril st LADY Wanted, ft rennet! rultured lady to In. tr' lew the nsn of people Call at the LItt'e Theatre. 1 to.lp in. I HIT Wanted, n m ddle-ntred lady to taks ue of 2 small children and keep house. 11 1)2 Lcilserlllce MENDER on uphola'ery poods A. Theo aC butt A Co.. tlerkley st., eaatjaf Wajna ayj. Si riNOOItAPHER. eaperfer.ced nnd thorougriv cnmttlent wanted for permanent pos.tlon: i.lso rprulne Tor otio leas experienced but sTltllrvi; to larn nnd anxious to advance, stale esv i .etc. nml salniv. P iL'S. I.edeer Otflc. STFNOOltAPIir.R nnd IMilst wnnted. first class; 1 flu .0 :1.11s or nav. niuar be rootl nt tiiking iliititloq, cood snitrv to rUht person Ap. tt'i Tues J'rauklln sukit RcllnlnR Co Reed Hi. Wlurf. Ivlnware River STrNOOEAPUERwantrd who la fast nndae- urnle, permanent position with rood pay to matt ntlvnneement Applv In person at our olfli o in i.envjii. on .Main Line American Itfto r" o TRIMMER- wanted, eaperlenced on men's felt hats, send wnsey, stent! emplovment Apply lVank "-t hoble ft ( n loth nod Oxford ats fleiieral HOiS AND HIRI.S Money for bova nnd girls! we tol Htttll without nione atoelc of pu2!e ta sell, keen Iinlf Hie nionc sample puzalo nnd proposition diaie 1 nlted Lilhccirntili Co llox .1715 R P Roston. Mnss HELP WANTKD MALE v if Ii frovc.i tihlli'v, nood opportunity for th tlslit mnn. tl s"j I.tilKr Central TLi;lArT-. nml nuntia lu tho trninlntr Bchoul loi mnl inr"t In larKi prl.atn Imapltal for l.p it in a-. In Iliilad-lp,ila App!j to Kupcrln trmlfni nf ImKpltnl. 4lth and Mnrkt sts bo tHii 1 ..'. aiii i 10. or l appointment iilLI CI.ritK; mnn nbotit IS years of HK9 to mal " nut iilH on t. c Smith tipewrlt er. nrjwt b nat am! nccnralf Ht flcurea, op port null- for i.lanp-inen. answer in own liantlurltlnif ?tatln.r ape experience and ial in I'XpTl'il It 111 Ledger O.Tire HOY iiit n nl InteliUent In larjro office, goo-i opcoriunil fo advaiiiement, annner In own Imi.dArliiiiR-, ntitln? azr anI salary cipected II IM Ledjer Ofti't ItO 1." or 1(1 for Milpplmr room In fn-tnryT Kooil rhancn fn -Heady bi Applv Tursday afierI a in or write ll!ll SnrinytJarden it. jjOYi it tn IN eirs. atcuUv rmplo rnent goal uirtii North .American I.a-io Co, 8th ani AUBhenv I'OYS wnnted fo en rrrandi Apply Tuesday" Quen-Oray Co . IS18 Chestnut at floor. ijtl'Tl.Kft. flrit ilast, wanted nnd flrit'CUjr wouiHii took, colored, cood winrri, nclehbar I nr ells, references regulrtd .M bl'3. Idrer 4 if Are . "CAniNCTMAIvl'nM --! VXCTOIt 1AI.KIXO .MACiilVK COMr.VNr'i hi. inranrla. frw 7 i nblnetinnkers Hardware fitteis Itnuh rip navvers .lolnier orerntnrs r .perlenceil rubbers i end niolder operators 'llllng-un .s-vvvera ly-hour-weel, aeliediile Ph)s!t,ii fsamtnation necessary. AddIy Vlcini 'Mlkltnr Mut hlne i iiinpanv . Application ut'ice, .u i uu;, r .' t tvriucil. .1 J Cl.KHIC Wanted, jouns man between 18and 22 3esra nf age In uiTItu of hirge furilitur. luonufucturers fine opportunity of learning business and advancement iissurcd. knowledge of hool.keeplni: not retiuiretl. apply In own handwriting, atstinir age. experience and asl nry expected ll 111 ledger Office IJfllVnit vvanttd, ateady vvoilt. gnotl wages Ad nlv Crancolce Cream lo . 2.18 H 2Sd KI.KVATOIl" MACHINIST nnd aa.lsta"ntfo7 large aeaahore hotel, must have experience on hflriuIlo elevutora. their opera lion, upkeep and reptfra. atnlo nge nallon Hlity experieme, references nntl wages ex peiml h hour shift. 7 daja Address M 821, L"d;er Offtj kNGlNKKI'. experienced oti C'orllvaenglnes. vt". ler tube boilers, refrigerating, pumps and general power plant op, ration, state uge. ni. tlutiallty. experience, leference anil wages .! peileil. 8-hour Sfilfl. Address M 822. Ledj.r Offite K.ilIKLlt mill electrical uasiJIaml on7 who haa red experience on I'orliaa englrri, i luimpn i.n.l ilnamos. Apply January 1. JJiJ t ni Miller Luc. i'o . 4Mi 'lucony ijj era I. ford jew UOL'SKMAN. while, nlnsle. for private fatSs! best reference renuired 0 15.1. Ledger )-el LAUUItAlllltV ArflMlANT Illch u-nn.ii .ni iixt-.i wanted us Uh.irdtory aasistauts. stead position with atlvinc-enieiit tli pending on Ih. nioji Appiy lu person or by lettei to It. lv. Mulfnril ro. illeuoldun. l'a. MACHINISTS Lathe milling ond bench hanail i ...u. ,-i iiini'iiiia. itiet-iiaiiice, sieauy ivi. Applv Tue.dav. Uueeu-llray Co.. 61b Chestnut at .llfth floor MAN wanted vvhn thoroughly tintlerstands Ids ' paper twisting business, to take full chars, of our repor spinning plant, ateady position wflh good vvngea guaranteed to thu right msa. Ilepl or sddress llresinln llroa. Co , Hug Works liluin.en.rr I ll, N J. MAI" CLKltlv Heart office uf Philadelphia Fir. Insurance Co wants an experienced nisa clerk Apnlv. vvllh references and salary ex peeled 1 70'. Ledger Off It ". MKN WANTED Uollermakers. locomotive ma. rhlnlsts car rrpalr men, laborera, locomotive cleai.era I'enn.. It lt..17sl lllbert at NEWSPAPftlt MAN wanted" preferably on. with trade paper experience, knowing soma thing about market, state age, experience and sal-iry M (iJ.1. Ledger C.ntrsl (4X.LESMEV no RocTii ron tub winter Ihe Handy Vuluine Edition (advertised hy hears. lloebuck Co I Is the greatest kelllng proposlilon ever offered by salesmen. '-Only one dollar with the order and three dollar monlhlv llae room for only a few mor. real salesman. We train you thoroughly work leads exclusively, and pay drawing ao Count weekly ENCTCLOPEDIA UIUTANNICA CO. J3U S. 15th at., cor. Walnut, S . l.KMJ n.N vvanlul to preenrta"iuta rd medics I books to phi.Iclan. only; we have and now have In preparation many new rk that are meeting; with pronounced favor; tucj lesiful books mean successful salesmen: good, Invome and agreeable occupation. Address with fullest details and business references, J II Lipplncott Company, Philadelphia. P.