Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 01, 1917, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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i ii, ...wunti.ipwjppiuiip win juw ,
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Philadelphia!! Who Has Been in Far West for Sev
eral Years Declares Neither Team Enjoys
Physical Advantage
fjlHOMAS F. CRAWFORD, a Philadelphia foothnll enthusiast who hot) spent
eoveral years on tha Pacific coast, writes that tho cllmalo of Southern California,
affected tho University of Oregon eleven Just as much us I'enti, nnd the lilea that
the trip across tho continent nnd tho cllmulo (if 1 nsidenn wcro terrino handicaps
to the Red and Dluo team Is erroneous. Mr. Crawford says that tho cllmitto ot
Kugeno, Ore., is as different from Hint of Pasadena as Is tho cllmato of Pennsyl
vania andFlorida, and that neither team has any ndvantngo lit this respect. Ho
points out that miserable) weather prevented Oregon from eettltiB ttio needed prac
tice from Thanksgiving Day until a weolc before llczdck's team took tho fifteen-hundred-mile
trip from Eugene to r.is.idena. Mr. Crawford li n loyal Pennsyl
vanla rooter nnd Is pulling for tho Red nnd Iliuo to win, hut believes that it Pcnn
Is beaten tho defeat will not bo duo to any handicap tho l'aclllo coast champions
enjoy because of tho cllmato. Ho deplores tho fact that Oregon will receive llttlo
credit if It wins, but that Pacific coast football will bo belittled if It loses.
Little Difference in Caliber of Teams
MR. CRAWFORD says that ho always has followed football with moro than
passing Interest, and that from what he has seen of Pacific coast and eastern
football he does not bollovo there Is n great deal of dlfTcrenco In tho callbor of tho
teams. Ho is a great booster of Ollmoro Doble, who has turned out ro many won
derful teams at tho University of Washington. Crawford maintains that soveral of
Doble's undefeated teams would have been ublo to sweep through tho Hast without
meeting defeat. He says that Doblo is ono of tho most proficient coaches in tho
game, and that his wonderful record of nlno consccutlvo seasons without defeat
was not duo to the weakness of tho opposing teams, but to his thoroughness and
ability to Instill football knowledge and teamwork Into tho wonderful natural
material ho has had at Washington for years.
Fan Suggests City Boxing Commission
BOXING fans appear to bo very much interested in tho movement to havo a
State commission appointed to control tho gamo in Pennsylvania, nnd a sur
prisingly large number seem to think that It Is necessary. Ono fun says that ljo
is not in favor of a. State commission, but suggests that each Individual city should
look out for its own interests and havo a commission of Ha own. Ho favors having
the Director of Public Safety appoint a commission composed of llvo sports editors
of local papers to govern tho gamo In this city. Instead of going1 through nil tho
detail that is placed upon tho Now York Stnto nnd other commissions, tho fan
suggests that this commission should merely see that promoters put on tho bill
advertised or announco changes In advance, and that both promoters nnd boxers
live up to their contracts. The fan says that this ono precaution would eliminate
nil tho dissatisfaction, and suggests that local clubs Insist Hint boxers billed to
appear should be compelled to present themselves beforo a physician nt least
twenty-four hours before tho tlmo scheduled for tho bouts to stmt for an exami
nation. Tho physician will then turn his reports over to tho matchmakers and
commission of five sports editors. Tho commission Is then to notiry tho fans
through tho newspapers on tho day of tho fight whether tho men will appear ns
advertised. If this Is dono the promoters will not bo ablo to mislead tho fans.
Who would llko to know in ndvnnce the correct bill.
v Claim Promoters Deceived Fans
IT IS claimed that soveral times recently promoters of local clubs havo known
twenty-four hours or moro beforo a fight that a certain star, lecognlzed as a
great drawing cord, would be unable to box becauso of illness, but hao fulled to
notify tho public and havo permitted tho pres3 agents to bill tho star right up
untll the night of tho bout. Both of tho big local clubs, tho Olympla nnd National,
are accused by the fan of having dccelvod the fans on Christmas Day. It Is Kild
that on tho Friday beforo Christmas tho Olympla management knew that .loo
Walsh would not bo ablo to box Jimmy Murphy, but no mention was mado of this
fact In any newspaper. Whether this was kept covered up by accident or design
Is not known, but the fact remains that tho Welsh-Murphy bout attracted a largo
percentage of tho fans who Jammed tho clubhouse. Thoy were disappointed by
tho substitution of Willie Houck, as a poor bout resulted. Tho snmo condition
existed at tho National, where Johnny Ray, ot Pittsburgh, was billed and failed to
appear. Ray was the main attraction, and the fan claims that It was known ns
early as Saturday that Ray would not be ablo to box, yet tho National owners
professed that they knew nothing about It until Monday morning.
Moran Denies managers' Claim of Trade of Paskert
MANAGER MORAN denies that ho contemplates trading Dodo Pnskcrt to tho
Cubs or any other team. Tho Phllly pilot Inslits that Pnskcrt's narao has
not been oven mentioned In connection with any trado tho Phillies may bo consid
ering. Tho fact that Mornn denies Paskert Is tc bo traded Immediately after n
National League manager declared that tho brilliant center 'flolder would not bo
" N wilh'the Phillies next season Is proof enough that it is necessary for tho presi
dents of the two majdr leagues to muzzlo managers and magnates so far as trade
talk is concerned. Even if Moran really has decided to trado Paskert. the manager
who allowed the secret to leak out was not uctlng within his rights. Such rumors
only cause trouble in ball teams and should not bo tolerated. Such mix-ups seldom
ocour in tho American League, but happen with regularity In the senior league
because no real attempt has been made to muzzlo constant offenders.
The Real Reason for Turn-Down of Minor Leagues
JIMMY ISAMINGER hits tho nail on tho head when ho says that tho National
Commission will turn down the plea ot th Class AA minor leagues for exomp
tion from the draft becauso such a movo would mean that In tho futuro tho
National and American League clubs would find It itnpossiblo to get any players
from the American Association and tho International and Paclllr Coast Leagues
for a reasonable sum. Under the present drafting rules It Is possible for the major
leagues to draft players from the Class AA minor league teams for $2500; but if
these leagues were made exempt from tho draft they would demand $5000 or moro
for every player sought by a big league team. This would result In tho constant
covering up of players, which is ono of tho evils tho magnates have tried to stamp
out- Many minor league stars claim that they have been kept in Class AA leagues
because of the present drafting rule, which limits major league teams to ono player
from each team.
Minor Stars Are Covered Up
TF A minor league team has a wonderful player, sought by many major league
1 teams the owner often refuses to sell him at any prlco, believing that ho can
keen htm for another season. Ho Immediately starts boosting an inferior player
on his own team, hoping that tho team lucky enough to win tho privilege of draft
to from his team will take the Inferior player. T'nder tho old system tho players
' wera drafted by name and not by teams, and It was a rare occurrence when three
or four players of each Class AA team were not drafted. As only ono could be
elected It was possible for tho minor league team to retain a star for several
seasons.' More than one minor league player outlived his usefulness in tho small
circuit when he could havo mado good in the majors and was wanted.
-1HARLEY DOOIN, former Phllly manager. Is wanted by Vernon, of the Paclflp
KJ Coast League, and Rochester, of the International League, as a manager,
while Harvard would like to engage him to succeed Fred Mitchell as coach. Dooln
orobably will accept tho Harvard position, as there will not be a great deal of
difference In the money offered and coaching Is easier. Coaching Harvard would
enable Dooln to devote more time to business In this city, and Charley is looking
forward to tha future. t
WHEN Les Daroy arrived in this country U was announced that he probably
would accept a vaudeville contract while waiting for the arrival of Georges
N ntler Now that it is definitely established that Carpentlor cannot fight for
Vl7 months at least, let Darcy got busy and show Americans that ho can fight
bTfor they, offer him a largo contract in vaudeville. -
ATTJ3NTOWN basketball fans are having a great laugh at the expense of the
A K Basketball League. It is said that tho Eastern League decided
rinat transferring the TJe Nerl team to Allentown because the parties trying to
S,am for the up-State city 'vero not responsible." It appears that all of
lZ nesUd fn Z transfer of the team are very wealthy and are prominent
& men m ll.entown Now they are peeved and say they would not havo
, Eastern League franchise for a gift.
reflHDIKO to news dispatches almost every middleweight in the country has
ACr? tTera to meet Les Daroy." Now all that is necessary for the
' wrmotre dTu tc Tget Daroy's signature to a contract. All of the
TnPSewllghts are scumbling for the opportunity to m.et the Aus-
fi2TS? B managers are waiting patiently until the bids are high
tmush to suit tUem. ...
rnoo many managers and too much publicity has spoiled many great fighters,
jSld ty iqueh a tf DfW'ft eeS to be in Je WillanTs c4aw in o
SLTtit... Left alone, or gujdea by other toanagers than tb syndicate handling
W-,- : : . ,,...,. j ...,, n ha tvio most Tioaular cluimoion Ui the hlnlorv of the
... .. -,.. -hTH s, rv, have
BtU, ji.t.. " v, -. .-,--
Tjffiy Jg pi t9 lyiue l&afr HNW
f tfuj tii.it Y.1H tlMtnjy
nude tha uortd'n chamDlon decidedly un
- - - ----
msuupeM IWB Awua. uu nv l tauuu
w jipuiaruy he may win !y sensational
Jh f
Statistics of Rival Teams
in Big Football Battle
Oregon Wgt. Position Pennsylvania. Wgt.
Mitchell 1S2 loft end light ...Miller 170
Beckett (Captain) 191 .... left -tackle light ..Llttlo 210
Snyder lflfi.... left gunnl right ..Ueiinlng 210
nisley 1"5 centor AVray ISO
Spollmnn ISO., right guard left .... Hrtresvaag 1G7
Haitlett 1S5.. right tncklo left .... MnthouH (Captain) 1S2
Taggai t 170 . . .' right end loft Crane 1 52
S. Huntington; 1S2 quniterhnck Bell 1C0
Montleth;. 170 halfback Light 170
Pai. sons, f 1G5 halfback IX-rr 19S
II. Huntington 184 fullback Uoiry 1CS
Oregon .eroge weight ot team, J SI: aveuigo weight of lino fiom tackle to
tncklo, ISO; nverago weight of bncktlcld, 175.
Pennsylvania At orago weight of team, 17C; aenigo weight of lino from
tncklo to tacklu, 1S7; nvcingo weight of baekflcld, 171.
Rcfeioe AV. S. Klenhnlr. of Pasadena. University of Minnesota.
Umplio Andrew W. Smith, of Pasadena, UnUeisity of Michigan.
Field Judgo David Winner, of l.os Angelos, Han aid.
Head linesman lack Wells, of Los Angeles, Unlveisity of Chicago.
Head scorei XV. T. Wilton, of Pasadena, Unlveisity of Chicago.
Manager ot
NiNirrnnN HL'NDitnn and snvuN
TIU3.N' will find tho Athletics back .n
tho running for the American Lcnguo pen
nant I am not predicting that wo aro
going to overpower tho lied Sox. White Sox
and Detroit, becauso they nil will bo jiut
as strong, if not a trlllo stronger, than In
1016. Theso three teams will have tha
balance ond experience, while my team
probably will be Inclined to bo erratic for
a month or two. but theio is no telling Just
how far wo will go. It depends entirely
upon the pitchers
With pitching of tho Red Sox caliber tho
Athletics would look Just as good as any
team In tho American Ltague, but, of
course. I am not hopeful of having such a
staff Just jet. My team will look better
than It has and I think It will bo a team
that tho fans will like. I have gathered a
group of players whoso Individual styles
Hhoiild be pleasing and I think iny now
team will prove an excellent drawing card.
I hae been worrying more about my
pitching staff than anything clso In fact,
my scouts paid llttlo attention to other
players because, while I will have many
men of minor league experience In my line
up at tho etnrt of tho season, I havo not de
parted from my original Idea of de eloping
my own players from my own particular
Progress has not been quite so rapid as
I expected, and it is necessary for me to
depend upun minor length plaseis for the
time being, but I will go right along do-
eloping my own playeiy In the morning
workouts at Shlbo Park and beeo that I
will surprise the fans before the season
Wants Two Pitchers
The Atheltics of 1916 were a much better
ball team than tho final standing would
indicate The fielding was horrible at times,
whllu a largo percentage of games were
lost because of Inexperience, but let me
say that the Athletics could hit and Ameri
can League pitchers will trtitifv that thoy
did not relish facing my team last sea
Eon, particularly if Bush or Myers hap
pened to bo pitching for us
Last season" looked mighty good with
Bush and Myers on the mound, and will
look een better this season, because both
Joe and Klmer are going to be better than
ever My Idea now Is to try to develop two
or three men who can keep pace with Bush
and Myers When I get them I will hae
the team I want. I am not worrying
about any other department because I feel
certain that I havo the men. either at
nand or planted, who will fill In the weak
I intend to gle Jack Nabors another
chance The big fellow showed some flashes
of very good form, and now that his hand Is
strong he should come fast. 1 also am
counting upon Russell Johnson, who pitched
several splendid games last season. Last
year I Induced him to drop the spitball and
naturally he was erratic and lacked confi
dence for a time, but he was coming along
fine late In the season.
Another youngster I like very much Is
Seibold. the youngster who came to me from
Cedar Rapids as a shots top in the latter
part of 1915 I sent Seibold to Harry Smith,
iny old catcher at Wheeling and he changed
lilm to a pitcher for me. Last fall he looked
ery good, and I will be very much surprised
If be does not turn In Mae very good work
I have eleven other pitchers, but aside
from Noye purchased from Vernon of the
Fauittc Coast League, I know very little
about ttieio Perhaie I may have one or
two surprises la this gro-iu, but I feel cer
tain that Noyss will mke guvd.
The rest of the team leaks good. I could
(hu AthlrtUb
use an outfielder and an lnflelder at tho start
of tho season nnd may find them among the
recruits, but even If I fall I will be In
excellent shape, as I have a pretty good
lino on what the other men can do.
1 will not have went, bitter on the
tenia, u'ld I renlly believe It "111 be the brat
ImttiiiE ilub In the American I.ruKiie. Mo-
Innls and Wltl will ba at their regular
positions, while I will stait with Dates nt
third and Giovor at second, but Otis I.nwry
will bo heard from before tho bcason Is
very old
Lawry reported sick and underweight, but
I know that he Is n gieat ball playei and
will bo a star In anothci season Lawry
has recovered from his Illness and Is rapidly
putting on weight I havo put him on a diet
to fatten him up this winter nnd he Is liv
ing outdoors When he reportB in the
spring ho will be a different looking man
You might recall that the fans said Uddla
Collins was too frail when he joined us In
l!i07, but Kddlo filled out rapidly, and now
is n pretty big fellow, though they still call
him "Little Uddle "
The outllold will be a hard-hitting com
bination Bodlo and Thrasher may not field
as well ns a Speaker but any outfield with
Amos Strunk. In centerflcld, Is going to be
pretty strong In fielding Amos coiers so
much ground that ho lightens the work of
the left and right field and I look to see
Thrasher and llodle hold up their end
Counts on Thrasher and Bodie
Tl.ero Isn't any question In my mind
about the batting ability of Thrasher and
llodle. They will hit all pitchers alike.
Uocllu had a weakness for a curve ball when
he was with tho White Sox but I satisfied
myself that his return to tha Pacific coast
had broken him of the habit of nulling on
curved balls and swinging on bad ones
beforo I purchased him.
Then-we also have Johnson, the Chicago
semi-pro, who was with us during the lat
ter part of last season I llUed this )oung
ster qultfl a lot and would not ba at all
surprised If he camo through In great shape,
lie Is at least an excellent prospect.
Our catching department will be well
taken care of with Wally S. Schang again
behind the plate and Bill Myers helping
him out. Schang will do the bulk of the
work because we need his batting and base
running In every game possible, but Myers
will prove a capable substitute. The
latter was not well from mldseason on pnd
finally was taken with typhoid fever He
has recovered and Is now heavier than at
any time last season. He should have a
great season. He is a clever, smart
youngster and a handy man to have about.
With this team I expect to keep the team
in the race and will do It If I get the pitch
ing I want. Last fall we gave all the leld
ters a great battle with a team that was
not as strong as my 1917 team will be and
they will be very much surprised at our
In the laBt series played with Detroit we
put them out of the race. T he same thing
happened to the White Sox. while only the
comfortable lead of the Red Sox saved
them, as our two victories out of four
games ployed against Carrlgan'B team wor
ried the Bostonians quite a lot Out of the
twelve games played against the leaders
in the last three weeks of the season I can
truthfully say that we should have won
all but one. We outplayed them all the
way, but tossed away gamee because of in
experience. The fans can rest assured that they will
see a good ball team and good ball games
at Shlbe Park In J81T. We may fall a
tilde shy of the matlf I expected to attain,
but the loyal fans who hare stuck by us
will be very welt vaijdled.
(L-ibiuuiiiK ucnuio x.w
That Dode Paskert Is to
Be Traded to Cubs
Maniuer or thn 1'hlllles
Doping out the Phillies' chances In ad
vance Is entirely out of my line, but t would
rather llguro upon tho future than discuss
tho past, not because wo did not win the
pennant, but because 'I never did bellovo In
replaying games After a ball gnino Is
lost 1 forget It nnil look forward to the
next one I flguro tho same nil the jear
.Tust at present I am trying to strengthen
my ball team In n few places I want to
s.iy light tinw Hint thcro Is no deal under
uuy for Dodo Paskert, nml 1 don't thank
another manager for saying such a thing.
Paskert pl.ijod wonderful ball, partuulnrly
In the last half of the campaign, and I am
banking upon him to go even heller nct
season Dodo seems to glow better with
ago find his legs nia just ns good ns ever
So long as Pnskert's legs hold up ho will
bo a wonderful hall iilnjer, mill thoy have
shown no signs of giving way
I might bo flguilng upon a Undo or two.
I am like anv one else, I will mule any
thing If I think I am getting tho better of it,
but tho oilier National !,-aguo managers do
not swill nnxlous In trade on anything like
an even basis I admitted that I was con
sidering n trade with -Chicago Involving
Dem.nee, because Al would llko to play
In his homo town, but slnto that time I
havo done nothing In the way of trades
Tho coming season "hould produro the
best race the National Lcnguo has had In
voars, and that Is snvlng rniiiethlng I
think that every team will be stronger and
that f also must stiengthen to win
If one in two ol tile boys had plavcd ns
well nt tho start of the ponson ns they did
nt the finish wi- would have vvnn last sea
son, nnd I hope to get them all In splendid
shnpo down South and stall Hip reason with
a rush Last ecafon Hanoi oft fell off In his
hitting, and fri" two months h.is a weakling,
but I think Imvo will lilt hi his 11)15 form
this ear.
Wants a Pitcher
As thing stand right How. I must get an
outfielder to icplace Ciavath, or fill In as a
substitute, piovldlng Cooper conies thiough.
while I nl.so med a pitcher and possibly
a utility lnflelder, I niu well satisfied with
tho ret of tho team and look for several
men to thow gieat Improvement Tho
pitching Is the thing I am thinking about
most, hut with Alesnniler nnd Hlvy I be
lieve I should bo ablo to develop a powerful
You ran alwajs count upon "Alex"
coming through, wlillo I think UKey will bo
even belter next season ' Itl" Is just be
ginning to find hlim-elf, and will Impmve
nil tho time. Ho Is onl n Kid. and a big
strong one at that. Maver fell down laH
season, but 1 still think be Is a great
pitcher, nnd will be very much stirprlsi-d If
lie does not go Just ns good as be did In
10 IS, when hu was oio of tho best pitchers
111 tho land.
Then 1 also am counting upon Joe
Oeschger coming through, whllo Young For
tuuo looked llko a mighty line piospect
when ho rotiirned to us last fall Ilciliting
that wo must bo slronger and have more
consistent pitching to win ngalnst Mich
opposition an the Ulnnts, Uiave. Dodgers
and pel haps a "dark lioisc," I plan to glva
Oehchgcr and routine every opportunity to
make good, as the lapld development of
either would ptove a wondeiful help
I am not going tn make un prediction
one the final outcome of the lace, but 1 think
vou will find the Phillies veiy much In Hie
i.itc You nt least will t-eo us out thera
hustling and fighting for ovciv game Just
ns wo have in the last two seasons Ono
or two other tennis look better on paper,
but that dors not bothoi us any. Tim Phillies
will do everything possible to make 10 1 7
a Happy New Year for the fan'
Philadelphia!! Well Fitted to Fill
Racquet Throne for
1917 Season
Ninteen hundred and sixteen saw lllch
nrd Norrls Williams 2d. of this city, en
thioned for the secondlme as national lawn
tennis champion, a place which ho Is em
inently fitted to fill both In point of skill and
by temperament.
Williams fought his way to tho top by
vanquishing tho most formidable list of
opponents that could bo brought against
him, and in winning the blue-ribbon IWture
of the courts In this country ho amply ful
filled the prophecies that certain experts
had mado ns long ago ns 1S13, when the
1'hlladelphlan began to amaze the lawn
tennis world with oecasional flashes of
What will 1917 mean in the foi tunes of
Williams as a player? Will he bo able to
maintain his proud position at the top. or
will ha have to jleld to some other con
tender, either one like William M. Johnston,
who has already held the crown, or some
vounger and as yet unheard of player,
perhaps from the shores of the Pacific, per
haps from the L"asf
In a game bO filled with uncertainties
ns.lavvn tennis, where a single "off day"
may lose a match and a championship, it
Is difficult to forecast Just what may hap
pen ne'xt September, when the clans gather
again to struggle for the national title.
But applying the same rule to all the
leading eontenders. It seems that no other
player In the laud has quite as goiJd a
chance of gaining the championship In
tho year Just dawning.
CHICAOO, Jan 1 Freddie Qllmore,
Chicago boxer, has been signed to accom
pany Les Darcy, Australian cnampion, on
his three weeks' theatrical tour. It becaino
known here todaj Oilmora's contract per
mits his canceling stage work at any time
for a boxing bout Qllmore and Darcy be.
came close friends when the Chlcagoan vis
ited Australia a couple of tears ago
Muggsy McGraw Off for Cuba
NEW YORK, Jan, 1 John McQraw,
manager ot the Giants, will leave this week
for Cuba. UcGraw intends to stay there
until it is time to go to Marlln, Tex., the
training camp of tho New York team How
ever, the "Little Napoleon" may change his
mini and come back here In February to
put through a deal for a pitcher now with
one ot th,- western clubs (
Danny Hutchinson Wins by Default
TUXEDO PARK, N Y . Jn. 1 Kultou Cut
tins', ot Tuxedo, defaults to O. L. Hutchinson.
34. of Phlladjlphla, la tb opsoIbk plsy for tha
Tuxedo ctulUas cup oa th Tuxifda Teonlj and
Kacuunt Club court xuturday With CutttaV
uut Ibis leave Lba llul round to ba plyd
ham today whn Hutchinson will mitt EUaley
a Usrtiuwr u( Tuxedu . Th challenge wis
take the plate et th Ooula raCQUot. won sev
eral year so by J. OoulO. Then were only
Uue wrU.
Trouble Between Magnates and Players, Class
A. A. Tangle and Rumor of War Will Provide
Excitement for Baseball Fans
Tim old year was a most eventful one
In baseball In fact the mot exciting
and Important In the long history of the
game. Just whnt tho new tear will bring
retimlhs to be seen, but Indications point
to another senRoti that will go n long wav
toward shaping tho destinies jnsebnll
for the future.
N'lnetecn.slxteen aw the signing of the
peace pact between tho National and Atner
lean Leagues nnd tho outlaw Federal
i it, ,,,.!, ii, iitatis were drawn up
and agreed upon by representatives of the
wurflng factions In December, in
peace which was so necessary to the health
of the game wiih not made officially, how
ever. Until the first week of .Tnnuarv. wl
The rettitn of tho Jumpllng plajcrs,
change-, of ownership and .e
nnd manv trades of unusua Impoi u i . n
coupled with tno Hose pennant race I n
two major leagues, made the old yai "e
long to be remembered by funs. pi. e" ""d
iiwiiem Tho old year nlso saw the return
merest and prosperity In minor leng iw
ball As tho minor leagues are ino-t m
poTtDiit cogs in tho wheels of oiwiii Uul (
ho prosperous season enjoyed bv inmost
-,11 nf tho smaller nigatiUatlons presiigcs
nrr.sner.ty for baseball In general, pro
Soie niajor leagues come to an urn er
stnndlng with the minors w hi c p entl
are about to break away from the ""'
Si HHeVla'm'li:
because tho team's appear to be morL even
lv matched .
Tho trouble ttueatenlng betwee the
""Jr'nie National romml-slon can smooth
eXnm,vl,ors.uou To template starting
wraith, sports ki wi)r
another "iiieiH-.....-.-.-.-; , m
nr;iotr! u- ,0 .,w
Thold connect with the fen-day nnd
r(.-eohiuses will not hoUl , ,n coin, av-
Sr.l3fT.,w.Vr: i vdituy iio
,,"rriM; tow",,,r:ott r,:tt .r.1 ai.J"o.t
r,',aPie h " 'will be greater than
',',e one waged by .ho Kedeial League, It it
over gets under way
X P.'".'..' tlmeWto l.. est. 'apila.lMs In
tho venture.
Gilmore in Again?
vfier having been out of the limelight
t ,' f, Inl 1 voir and app.irentlv happv and
co tent 1th , gii wing stationery . taWI-h-me
I in New Yo.k Jim (Jllmore. president
and organizer of the Federal League Is
attain bus. King into the MioithU" pages with
JUt. .lews on various subjects lllmor
admits hat he v earns fo. some excitement.
Jm in " " . intent on of mix-
retaH .il.7 Krlends of the. 1
leader say. however, that he Is more Inter
eMed in baseball thai, ho elites to have
people know
Uiganlzed ball Is not woirled, as It Is
better foititled now than evei b.-foie Tho
addition of Weeghnuu. and Uaught.m t..
tho National League, and Hall. I Minn, 1-r.i-zee
and Waul to the Ameiluiu l.engim g.vis
... ... ......, i.acriiu mm .- coital than
they had during tho snuggle with the peds.
and they louUI meet uuotlur war with djllar
for dollar.
Ah for the pennant races, advance dope
generally Is shot to pieces beforo the seawm
Is very old (In form there should be five
teams in rucli league with a pennant chance
right down Into tho sttetch. the breaks of
luck, ns to injuries, etc , all being equal
Tho American League appears to bo slightly
stronger and much better balanced, with It
virtually certain that tho Athletics will be
much stronger than In 191!. and 1916.
Tho world's champion lied Sot, Detiott.
Chicago, New York and flev eland will bo
Just as strong as In 1915, with the possi
bility of either St Louis, Washington or
the Athletics surprising the field All things
considered, tho American League appears
to be better balanced than any time In its
seventeen years' history Not only are the
teams iisaily of equal strength, hut the
caliber of the players Is higher than ever.
Anybody's Race t
Doston may prove a disappointment, nnd
many critics and fans ar Inclined to be
lieve that the world's champions will be
extremely lucky to finish In th first di
vision This opinion may ba due to the
fait that Hill C'arrigau, the tiut-tllng man
ager, has decided to quit the game far
rlgan Is considering an offer from the new
owners of the Red Sox, but It Is not likely
that he will return.
The Red Sox have n. wondeiful pitching
staff, but Carrlgan's excellent judgment in
handling the men had a lot to do with the
tesults obtained, and it is possible that the
same men may not go so well under a new
leader If Huston's pitchers do pot hold
their pace, or the rest of the team should
go back a trifle, the world's champions will
surely be eliminated, as tho White Sox
should be more consistent, while New Yoik
is not likely to be so badly crippled, as was
the case throughout the 1916 season
In the National League the Giants are a
top-heavy favorite with many critics be
causo of th wonderful inuterial McGraw
has gathered and the long run of con
secutive victories, last fall Rival man
agers oppreclate the strength of McG raw's
all-star cast but they contend that the
Giants cannot win the pennant or play
consistent ball over a long stretch unless
the pitching staff is strengthened
It really looks as If the New York
boosters are taking too much for granted
As powerful as the Giants are there are
a few other teams in the old league are
certain to be In the race. This includes
Seduced from ISO. fzS and Stt
if Uur 7 Big Window
8. K, Cor. Btb sn4 Arch tile.
.a P SI N'KVV YKAll'8 DAY JlSO I. if-
naVionala!c jiftisassfw
Ullly Kramer . St ,!.
Terry MGuio , AJtfMf8
Marty Barrel! Johnny Out
8 fitlKK UTAH 1HIUTI S, ,.
i). mriiTKii
the Phillies, llrnves and champion Dodgers,
who hnttled throughout the 1916 season.
All of.llieio teams should he stronger than
last j ear, whereas the Giants ate not
likely to be as good.
Phils Will Show
The rontendlnr teams In tho National
Le.iRiie hnve not been strengthened to any
great extent, but the tnnimgeis are de
pending upon certain plajcrs showing Im
proved form, and ns usual, are expecting
better breaks All managers point out
their chance In advnnce alwajs look upon
tho bright side Tho breaks nil even up,
however, and are a part of the game,
Local fans cm rest nsured that the
1'hlls win bp ,rv much In the National
League tn.-u The loss of Cravath may
weaken the offensive strengt't a trifle, but
Moran Is llkelv to have more consistent
pitching from hurlets who failed to hold
tholr end tip lait vear, while the defenso
should be botiei th.m over An tlrllght de.
fetiso with (rood pitching Is llkelv to prove
more effective In a long chase than the
great ' punch" pin-led by the Giants
Cnnsldernblp Intel est Is added to the
renlor league ram by the addition of two
new mnnngeiH, Matliowsoti. of the iteds,
and Mitchell nf the Cubs Mnthowson
piloted the Iteds during tho last half of the
lilii rare. Inn .le.illv hud no chance to
show, ns he took n tnll-pnd t.am that was
In n h.idly ilrmninllred condition This
tip.ison he will have n fresh start, as will
Mitchell In Chlcngo
Hoth are considered unusually smart
baseball jn.-n nnd It Is believed thoy will '
make good It Is odd that Mntty and
Mitchell nro stepping Into Jobs that havo
proved too big for manv other noted bnc
ball men In ireent vents In the Inst six
years the teams have changed managers
iiinn- llian nil the other ma lor league clubs
combined, nnd the unsettled condition may
make It much harder for the two new pilots.
A brief minini.irv of tho mrwi linunrtttnt ,nt
of tno ot,l wnr mnv In. of Intirept It follimi.:
T.n.nrv 4 IVht .inct Hlgned hi wrcrrlnr
fm Hon with ml,, of llronnn to I'hll Hall nml
Coin tn i-hi-rli-i VVemlim.n
Tnmmri H lni-1, l.nno "nM t,i Whllo Sox bv
th!tlr-, llrniott turr liiMt-.t l Rwullrat.' hend-Ml
bv IVre. nonunion
pttii. ir. H UlBhtHmlerH piir.l.ae 1.pc Maeee
for tr, ono
Ti,Hn.ir 17 ainntr. purelmAe JJrnnv Knun for
IB i 000
nrll s TrlH Spanker, Hi moil- HoVun out.
tw,l.r (told to riiclund for Inn.. t mint ever
pnl.l for n l"tl pln.er
Mny 10 TMrtv lRBe on tmllfl wero Klien bv
Vthbllr nnd l.trott nltrhert In n nlno Innln-r
rnn. urn. by Tleers. tn to '.' In thin nerlen nil
wnrl.M pei-nriN wcro broktn for Inpes on Imllf.
51" 1" Al Hemnrcn broken fltintv winning
utrnnk or soienteen Mrnlght Rnnlefl In morning
Kiin.e k, oro S to 1
.film, lit Ton. Hughes nf llrnvei. nri.it out
Plllsliur-rll Without t. hll Ilr.Mlo.. winning n ,,
Juno 21 floome 1'tinter. of Hm1 Snx, -.hut out
Vonkee without liernil'ttntc n hll wonrn 2 to 0
Jul 20 (UnntH tn.riV VInthewsnn !luu- h nnd
MrKerhnli to Iteils for Oiirlev ll,T7nr 111 ints
iK save J I ll.oiio Mntty mn.le innnniter of
.Toll- 20 Ha.,, Dnvenport. of Prow n. p'tched
nnd won both rhiiips or a iloubli-l.ea.ler nKutnuc
Now York llo ullowi'il onlv nlno hits In the
two frnnien.
Aunuit l Atlilolli-i .WeitPd Detroit. 7 to I.
nfter luflliur twenty tttrnlffht wiine which
eoiuled American !,cKuu iecor.1 Joe Hush
.Annual 2l" loe Hush of Atlilnllin. pitched a
no-hlt Knmo i.K..Insc C'ltwcland Onlj t.teuty
nlno men fuced htm
.September 211 .VI Demirep of tho Phllllen.
pllined nnd von both Kamei of a double-header
uk.lnut I'iitMitirKh
September 2.1 Orovor Aloxnndur pitched anil
won bulk Lamm uf a double-hCHilcr ub-utnat Cin
cinnati ,
September 2.1 -Ginnta broke nil nnjoe league
moult, for loiihecullie Wctoriit. by UefeHtlnff
Ml l.oula r. to a Previous records, twenty
stralBht luatlH by Providence in IbSI
H .Member ao lllants nrter wlunlmr twenty
-lx Ktrtlirht Knmen. lost becond uime of double
btuder Io llruUH, ncoro H lit .'1 Tjl.r pitched
fo. Huston
Octul.r 1 Ited Hox clinched American Tissue
i.i i in, r 2 tiroolibn illnched N'atloml f.eatue
mttunnt by winning from Sew urk wall I'uus
lout ilt.uble.-hi Oder tn Hraien
Uuubtr 12 Hid hux win world b chnmiilon
shlp ny Hiking fourth kuuio frum llruokbn 4
tu 1
December It National League succeeded la
MHStlUK Whole Week lit meeting Mill I.C-ll'H Rl-
polutlneut us numiKer ot Cubs belntr only event
u, liuporluuie
Hie Shoot at Wcstmont, N. J.
Wi:.STMO.T, N .1 , J.m 1 The West
mont Field Club will bold n big shoot to
duy. beginning at U ..'dock noon, and
plenty of turl.ejs and chickens are offered
us pniM A special ovtint uill he had, the
principal pwie being a young pig
I mint to be the Tailor that Unit
imie In jour mlnU. ou'il lis
more than eutlitled with the
wirkmuiiatilii, uuallty, tit urn
-Oh, Salts to order 3t)o new.
ftVboor.r'oT. S14.S0 VI-
B'lly Moran, 1103 Arch
Till: T.UI.OU Open i:m.
"neff" college"
A suli.nl.iy Afternoon riase will open January
Utli, ut 2:3ll. under the peraounl
Instruction uf Dr. Sett,
The Trustees announco a three-ear Rraduet
Ins louree In liuelneaa l'scholoiiy and Self-Kxprt-aJlun
riner Inn two hour a week In any
class ah paai i!.iruuiiui toum iqnara ffra-
,,n. Ion
A tliket sdmlttlns tn the first two Saturdays,
Jan t!th und 13th, will be nent on application
Two Deinonatratlon leaaon will nleo be given
Thuradoa, Jan 4th and 11th, ut B 1'. M Ticket
on application
Da. lirenlnv and Saturday Couraea for men
only, for men and women open Jan. 2d Call,
write or phone Hpruce 3J18
SKFV CULI.EOU. 1730 rbeetnut Htreet
hllb S. M.rK I'h.O. J. VVAHKli.N MJFF
l-renlilenl tt Founder Manager
The Berlitz School of Lajyuae
16lli and Chestnut Htre2L
l.oJtr Utdf., Over Ittker'M 1'liu
Terui uiay be becun at anyi
The nt llu.
8th nnd Che.
Co ttone Kuuruuteed Enter now
- - lio.! wHi
.kSTo&z JV
A. rccqflMsed11starvaara
I Ccny600 WA1XZRJ.BU2BY.
Atlantic crrr.N.j.
Westminster - 2&,
Uter J vgJT-,, "?!' " Buhrif
olm joint coMronTtyA,
K Mr- Vwi. KtKixa "c-.rW
C'gSf. iw Cbeeuut t. ind LedieVa-,. it
Mz& raj 1
nvi.aBjejtr -
ifl'O t
rWvKa f'Trjy
-M. VZvZk4
"T1 mamt