Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 27, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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TItl8&WF&w 'f,W '" 'm aa wwyW'Jglfffr'' W w ' " J 'A ' i
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You Ate Experiencing the Nervous Reaction
.'Which Follows Too Exhaustive Preparations,
Make a Resolution
7Atf iKTEnEflTINO ftftcrthouBht In Con
Xxfuinod In a letter received thla morn-
ting which Hi ay bo worth remembering
1 nnothar year In preparations tor tho blK
"Now that Chrlstmnu Is over tho time
Iiaa come for tho Chrl-lmiua reaction to
set In. Aliy ono -who has nt all caught
tho spirit of the holliftiy muat necessarily
fcol a loosening of th nervous tension
when the festivities come to nn end. In
tho avorngo bustling: American family,
whoro Christmas Is tho one day of all tho
year, after tho drat (lush of Yulctido cheer
has sWcpt by It Is a general observation
that for tho opaco of sovoral hours every
member of tho family takes a turn at
being tremendously pcovod,
. "This Is especially truo of thosa vrhoso
nty relation to Christmas Is that of tho
p'enauro seeker. The luiite army of work
ers upon whom falls tho burden of the
Christmas trado look: upon Chrtstmaa
over with n. slsh of relief. For thorn tho
seamy sldo of the holiday In associated
with Its preparation, llut nuch Is not
tho case with thoso for whom Chrlntmai
la only a aood time. Thoy have tlicle good
tlmo; they riso on tho full tldo of Christ
mod good-will and Indutco their anticipa
tions to tho last drop t)f nervous anorgy,
and then when tho clock has rolled round
Its twenty-four hours they aro toft strand
edwhore? "Generally, In tho dumps. It Is Inter
esting to nolo the way In which tho wavo
of depression proceeds. As a rule, it
passes from tho youngost mombor of tho
family to tho oldest, from thoso who
fooUs tho Intensity of their celebration
upon Christmas liny alono to thosa who
spread It out over tho whole Christmas
week. Tho children aro the first to go
under. They have stayed awako half tho
1 'proccdlntr night listening for Snnta Clam,
and In tho morning thoy aro tho first up
to ooo tho results of bin visit.
"By i o'clock in tho afternoon thoy
can't get a current In tho electric train
or tho Jumplnir-Jack refuses to wind
And snap go their swoot dispositions. Moth
ers' turn usually comes when tho
Christmas dinner has been successfully
served. With tho younger set tho wholo
week Is n period of excitement and tho
crisis is postponed until thoy go back to
school. Father watts for January, whon
the bills begin to como In.
tetter and questions tubmUttil to this department innit be written on one side of
the paper and sipnid with the name, of the writer. Special queries like those ptven
leloxo are tnWIeii. It is understood that tha editor does not necessarily ImJofj the
ttnttments expressed, .Ill communications for this department should be addressed
as follows: THE WOMAN'S r.XCIIAXaj!, Evenlno Ledger. PhllaiMphia, Pa.
The winner at today's prli U Mrs. William Ilaotli, of Bill Ilanlcr avenue, whtmo letter
appeared In renterdar's paper.
1. Is then onr benefit to be derived from
WTrrinr the funuto and heat-pipes with -tteiT
S. When no patent silver eleaner Is available
tefcat can be snbstltoted with sood rwltT
, S, How ean a irlor machlns bo qnlcklr
s s .!. 1 wa tat. In In M tl -twi IM fl (a lla
twmlne whether they aro edible Is to stir them
while tosklns. with a silver spoon i If they on
Cabonous tho stiver will turn color.
J. The expression "do lais" Is used to ale
Blfy that which Is most luxurious or the best.
3. When eleanins bronses washlnr with a
sospy sponse and rtnstns them In beer will Im
Brore their appearance Immensely. ,
Several Tried Recipes
To A Bailor 0 IVomon'e Joc;
Dear Iadm Hero aro sonw sood and chssp
"corn Meal Mush Ono pint cornmsaU two
tablsspoonluls flour, one tsaspoonful salt, on
tatilsspoonful of.molsssss, mixed with ono Pint
ef cold millet stir this In ons qusrt of boltlnit
waterumll thick, then put In doublo boiler and
Apple Bauco Cake Cream, one-half cupful
of butttr and one cup sutsr. mix Into this one
and one-halt cups hot appls sauce, one tesipoon
ful ot salt, two teaipoonfuls, soda dissolved In
a. little vlntrar. ons cup of talslns, ons onvons-
half cues ot citron snd one tsaspnoniui or
cinnamon and nutmtjr, sift In two and one-half
.i.a hilt, an4 Haifa In alnw. nVn fflr OH hOllr.
lirssd fllllni One small loaf of bread sliced,
two tablespoons earn ot celery and onion;
chopped fine, scald bread with one cupful ot
hot mux, add one cup. or masnea potatoes, i
'spoonful of salt. a little pepper and nutmer,
This. Is fine. ' t . ,
Cold Tomato Catsup One-halt neck ripe
tomatoes, two Jarce stalk ot celery, four larse
onions, three ireen peppers, three red pppsrs.
chop alt fins, put through meat chopper, add two
third of a cup of salt, one tsaspoonful ef pep
per, one-nair teaspooniui ciover, one tssrpuumui
cinnamon, one tsaspoonful mustard, one cup
sujsr. one quart sood elder vinegar, one pint
rj- ....t ...I m.1. w.,11 baan all alnl..
aud needs no bollW. (MltU.) r, 0. a.
Scratches on Mirror
To tfc Ktttor ef Woman's rout:
Dear MadamCan you advlee ma a to re
moving scratcbe on a handsome mirror caused
by a jnald uslns- a dusty elothT Also, can two
oft Tamp be equipped with batteries, as wire
the candlestick on ot your correepondent
gpok. of, iUrs..
X cannot understand. Just how scratches
could havo appeared on th surface ot a
mirror purely from a dusty cloth, as glass
has a very hard surface. If ydu mean the
back of tho mirror, It will need rcillvertnr.
If the scratches aro on th front of the
trlass Itself, I am afraid there Is nothing
much to be done. Will you not writ again,
explaining just which part ot to mirror
you meant
' Born oil lamps can bo equipped with,
tnUUrlea. It you talcs thorn to a dealer h
col. advise you '
Recipe for Spice Cake
jrs Sdffer ef Womoa Jaflj
Dear Madam I .Unclose herewith a , recipe
for aa excellent spica cake: One pound smtI
H raisins, two cupa brown sugar, one-half
cog, butts aud lard, one-halt teaspoon allspice,
elunamon. nutmeg, , cloves, two cupruls hot
-water.. BoU Uv mlnuteet let cool. TAdd. 'Pr
NaDa Hoar, lhfa tsasDoonf uls baking soda In
B Hi tie hot watsr, then ralxi add two well-
tea eras. This maksa two very good cakss.
s from thr-juartr of aa hour tp
o one hour
to a nodsrat even.
tuna.) A. S.
The Indispensable Ventilators
Xt th Xiitar of Womo' Pom
. Our Madam Tbaro Is much talk about
Maportanco qt ventilators. every Pnair
iHan. aet from too grocer several
hexes. Cut from on ef tbe a pair
iiitts. two uwhe wide at tho tot t Ma.
Xaefca IJa at th top. and ten Inches;
nui YbOVe on Inch from cmter ed
MA sIsm into,. Screw th Brackets on
wtfcu!ll. Measvir . aeeurataiy across
a jtresv to rroov the width th (Ull most
Tt two. you pu is, glass. or . , w
la friihth, then UX It Into th bracksts.
i 'J,,S.i??u",Ti,K,J2-'S1ir:
rBa la th ceeter largo BWh
fcrecanilck. well tislettd. WtTh
bid va Lsf a few stfcikes: ra&aov
mtnm rr Hwl. a fw lat.
m m urns w turn sgmgk . ,
'jiHfj?- -K aV
ees es vew
Mi MSi I
iii lart a
aaga iSa&aa
With the New Year
Im .3A.vin Christmas
monay now,
Just storing eJl my
For presents tdwcyj
co9t me lots
Pccmsc. I
crocket .
"itut It li qUlto a mistaken Idea ot
Christmas that necessitates nil this.
After-Christmas offects should bo thosa
ot utmost satisfaction. It Is pleasant to
think how we havo been remembered by
friends whom we thought had forgotten
uo: to turn over their cards and letters
and oxamlno tho gifts thoy havo sent.
Tho memories recalled nnd associations
awakened ought to causo us to look for
ward with pleasuro to next Chrlstmaa
rather than nigh with relief that tho last
In past. Tho Christmas Idea has been
exploited, and where wo try to fall in
with Its exaggerated jaco wo not only
miss tho Cliria'rinas spirit completely, but
also collect a bundlo of norves for our
"A great deal li being said nnd written
about the. matter of personal cfflcloncy.
Today more than over before thoughtful
peoplo aro making a study of how to
nccompltoh their purposes with tho loast
possible amount ot effort. Undua oxclto
mont Is considered a waste of strength.
Thero Is a demnnd for economy In nor
voub effort. All this Is perhaps but a
now-fanglcd way of stating an old-fashioned
truth. 'Temperance In all things.'
"Where Christmas is colobrated with
moderation It will not bo followed by com
pleto nervous exhaustion; nnd where It
Is remembered that tho 'bluo sldo ot Yule
tide li but a reactionary sweep of tho
nervous pondulum, tho Christmas dumps
will bo correctly diagnosed."
1. Should it man snioko while nalklnr with
a wemnnf
2, Tar soup le eirellent for some heads of
hslrl when should It net be uiedT
3. In what position should the head be held
when applying hot cloths to the eresT
1. It Is always more courteous to take one's
placo card at luncheon or dinner.
2. Crumb are removed from the table be
tween tho salad nnd dessert courses.
S. A watch chain should never be worn with
n dress suit.
Will Give Luncheon
To the rdllor of ll'omon'i Pooe;
Dear Madsm I am to glvo a luncheon to
twelve friends neit week and would Ilk to
have your advice on how I should receive my
frlende. BlioulJ I stand at ths door of the
psrlor and aaks hands with each one as ehe
comesT How should lunch be announced, I
riad once that a butler should throw open ths
doors and announce "Luncheon Is served." Is
this necessary? 1IAHBU
If you carried out tho plans you speak
of you would make your entertainment a
very stiff and uncomfortablo affair. Have
your guests shown to a room upstairs to
remove their cloaks and bo In the drnwlnr
room when thfcy como down, as thoy will,
ono or (wo a( a time. Illae and greet each
pnu easily and In case they do not know
each other Introduce them, and ask them
to bo seated. Start soma general toplo
of conversation and let them talk together
while you are greeting your other guestB.
When all have arrived have the maid or
butler (whlohever you employ) announce
lunch to you in a low tone; you can then
rise and lead the way Into the dining
room. Always avoid anything ceremonious
In entertaining If you wish your friends to
enjoy themsehes..
Dutleu of First Bridesmaid
To ths Sditor of U'omoit's Pom;
Dear Madam I am a.gtrl eighteen years old,
light eoniplexlonsd and have dark hair. I will
be first bridesmaid nsxt month for a frlsnd
of mine and would Ilk to know what color drese
to wear. It Is. gotntr ,to be a church wedding
and I would like to know. If It, la proper to
wear a hat or Just a band on the head Also
what I the duly ot the first brldesmsld.
M. S,
Pink, blue or canary yellow would prob
ably be the best colors to choose from,
but If thero are other bridesmaids, consult
with them aa to what color they will wear,
as It Is very Important to have colors
harmonize at a Wedding. Deep colors are
never very pretty, and It la better not to
use combined colors. Yea, wear a hat at
a church wadding- by all means. The first
bridesmaid or maid ot honor Is always
ready to assist tha bride by holding her
bouquet during the ceremony, arranging
her train when she turns to walk down the
aisle and, If she has a, veil over her face
gstng up the aisle, the maid of honor takes
It oft or throws It back after the ceremony,
before the procession goes down the aisle.
The, Egotistical Mother
To ths JfJifer of Ifemon'e Pons:
Dear Wsd-inwAnpttitr typ besides the
tactless woman Is the egotistical motherthe
woman who talks and prate of "my children."
She raised them by her own exertions, and
they are a perfect and finished product la hsr
eyee. They are hers and bile alone. To hear
her. one would Wik that It wer pesilUs
to maka an amendment on nature's laws.
. This L type of Jfoman. submersce everything
In motherhood. She look with a superior air.
almost contempt upon the good and noble
mother-b-ert4 womsti who have never actually
beea mothers. 8)e would sot admit that thsr
an mother Who have never borne1 children.
as well aathose who have, yet aro almost
devoid of the maternal tostlaet. Ho look
noon. (he woman, v. ha baa passed tho meridian
ot lire ana is cnuann as one to be pitied, and
one having failed !n hsr mission in life, whlet)
In part Is true. But it li assuredly sot the
eslv thins-, further looked at from a auiv.
kwo avary-day point t flew How oftea do w
sea weloojBe otdStrea. and bow many time
we Jttli ajraoaere wjicqwei
a rtnoiiier,
r."vjiaj5!irjaVJ5;s .... i i"i w.iai . iiari.i irtiii 1 i ' " - "! " ' ' -" in,
aif-ii9tiaMare5aa . I ,.iwiwwrilir,i.T-i ,; m i jjqggBSSswKn u,.L,mBfzfGKigJimA,'Ht naflx ..niw-w- - . , ,.,.l,.l ,,.., ,,i..--w---r:rsalM
SSBaikdlKii3HasLri. . ...,s... ! -& ' - - Tr'm "Y"!111 nm ii 1111,11 ii.i iii.i,', f jiieawjiiiSmii '" H
"Then You're
itmitlS Is what I call entlng." said Dicky.
J- 1 1 helped himself to a second por
tion of the steam nir chicken pis which Mrs.
Oorniftti had plncrd beforo us. The oysters
and the delicious broiled fish which had
formed the flrit two courses of our dinner
nt tho quaint "Shakespeare House" had
been removed by her sister a few moments
Dlclty hsd not been so absorbed In lit
men!, how over, as to miss any graceful
movement of A!li Draper's The ndmlrlnK
glances which bo gnva her as sho sorved
us with quick, deft motions wero not lost
upon mo, I knew that she was not obliv
ious of Ihf-m either, although her tnnnner
was perfect In Its calm, Indifferent cour
tesy. I could not enjoy Mrs. CJorman's excel
lent cooking. I wished, oh, so heartily,
that the menl would como to ait end. From
Hie moment Dicky had set oyrs onj this g.rl
In tho railroad station five bourn bofore,
when wo wero bcnlnnlng our little trip to
the country, the day's outlnp; hnd been
spoiled for me by his evident nttrnctlon
toward her.
He had said thnt his sudden Interest In
her was only that of nn artist for a woman
of unusual beauty, whom ho hoped to en
gage ns a model. Hut although I tried to
console myself with that vlowpolnt, the
little meeklng devil Which has nlwnyn been
nt my elbow kept whispering another In
terpretation. "That's a very convenient way for Dlclty
to disguise his Interest In this woman, to
pay ho admires her only ns n posslblo
Sty faco must havo reflected my thoughts,
for Dicky leaned ncross tho beautifully
carved old table, upon which our menl
wan served, nnd Bald In a low tone:
"For Heaven's sake, Madge, cheer up
You'ro about an compnnlonnblo as one of
thoio oysters out there In the kitchen.
What's tho matter, nnyway?"
"There is nothing at nil tho matter," I
returned, ns quietly ns I could.
"Aro you tired? Want to go back to
tho city after dinner?"
"No, Indeed On the eontrnry, I would
like to go down to see that hnrbor of
which tho caretaker at Putnam Manor
"Bare we'll do thnt Don't bo disap
pointed. It l-n't a harbor In tho regular
souse of tho word but It's Interesting"
"I'm sure I Hhnll llko It," I said, ns
MIh- Draper enme In. nnd, seeing wo hnd
finished our chicken plo, clenrcd tha tnble
In preparation for desnert.
"I'll bet It la something scrumptious."
whispered Dicky, ns nho disappeared. Ha
has n Hweet tooth. It over anybody hnd one,
nnd anything In the lino of dessert Interests
When It came It Justified his anticipa
tion. Mrs. Qormnn boro tha tray on which It
was served, a cherry rolypoly, covered with
a Bteamlng Bnuce.
"Vou'ro In luck," sho Bald with a naive
pride In her own culinary ability, ns sho
nerved tho pudding. "I don't often mako
this pudding, nnd my canned cherries from
Inst summer are getting senrce. But my sla
ter enma homo unexpectedly this morning,
nnd this pudding Is one of her favorites. So
I made It for dinner, I thought perhaps It
would cheor her up"
MIbs Draper, who entered at thnt mo
ment with tho coffee and a bit of Kngllsh
Four Delicious
TUG brenkfast "pop-over" usually takes
about three-qunrtors of an hour to bake,
but from abrond comes the following recipe
for a vory similar hrt biscuit, which can
be baked In less than hnlf an hour:
Two cupfuls of flour, two cupfuls of milk,
two v ell-beaten eggs, Bnlt to tnsto.
Beat tho egga thoroughly, then bent In
gradually tho flour, milk and salt. Place
buttered enrthen cups In a hot stove and
let thorn got very hot. Pour the pop-over
batter Into the hot cups, only hnlf full, nnd
In half nn hour, or even less, they will be
light, full blown and a golden brown.
Horo la a hot breakfast bread which can
bo cooked on a griddle In twenty minutes
and Is exceedingly good:
Three cupfuls of flour, one-half tenspoon
ful of salt, threo tenspoonfuls of baking
powder, ono tnbleflpoonful of butter, one
half cupful ot milk.
Tho flour, rait nnd baking powder nro
sifted together, then tho butter Is rubbed
In Add milk nnd mix thoroughly, using
more milk If necessary to maka a soft
dough. Then placo tho dough on the hot
greased grlddlo, cover nnd cook slowly for
ten minutes. Ilemove, turn the dough over
nnd cook on other side ten minutes longer.
Do not cut this, but break Into pieces. It
Tomato Salad
One can tomatoes, ono teaspoon each of
sugar and salt, one email onion, chopped,
throe whole oIoycb. Cook together until
tomatoes are Boft, then add one-half box
golatlne dissolved In one-half cup water.
Strain Into Individual moldB. "When cold
turn out on lettuce leaves. Servo with
salad dressing.
Salad dresslnr Beat one egg thoroughly.
Mix dry one-half cup sugar nnd one tea
spoon each of flour and mustard: add to
egg also one cup cream. Scald one-half cup
vinegar, add to above mixture and cook
until thick.
Cream Scones
Sift together two level cups of flour,
three level teaspoons of baking powder and
half level teaspoon of Bait. Add U cup ot
butter and worlt Into the Hour thoroughly
with the linger tips, or cut In with two
knives. Beat two eggs well, add H cup ot
cream, and add slowly to the Hour, mixing
with a, knife to a dough. Lightly roll the
dough nut to about U Inch In thickness,
cut Into diamond or triangular shapes, and
bako in a hot oven twelve to fifteen min
utes. Safe
For Infants
& Invalidi
! Cost YOU
Sam Pries
A Nutritious Diet for All Ages.
Keep Horlick'a Always oq Hand
Quick Lunch; Home or Office
Do You Want a
Purs. Dalatr temporary
rOUDBEfl Is a
rv akin whltanar
is isfa amiir.ii win
J oally.lt win gradually bleach
tha skin, giving U m. fascinating and
I irrtsisuci cnarra of. iresn Gieanuni
us aay or viing
Department torts.
W teats
psr wiui
KXrEitT bd4
olUI fnparatlsa
ia SBt7ai
WflUTj gflSlKil UtlUaIalia--i
i&iirrNraa a'Eaw99'
li! iriss'.V. rW
----T--- '
an AHtetl"
cheee that looked particularly appetUlng.
reared distinctly nnn"yed nt her sister
referenpa to her. Her cheeks flushed nnd
i f "yes flashed a warning glance at Mrs.
"I nm sure this pudding would cheer
nhjbody up," snld Dicky genially, attacking
"It Is delicious," 1 said, nnd, Indeed, It
was. "I have tasted nothing like this since
I was n child In the couhtry."
Mrs, lorman beamed nt the praise. Bhe
evidently was n hospitable soul.
"Would you llko tha recipe for It?" she
"Indeed Bhe would." Dicky struck In "If
you can tench Kntle to mako this," he
turned to me, "I'll stand treat to anything
you wlh."
"What a rash promise," I smiled at
Dicky, then turned to Mrs. Clormnn. "I
should be very glad to havo the recipe," t
said to Mrs. (Jormnn.
"Hero." Dicky passed a pencil nnd the
back of nn envelope over the tablo.
"Ono pint of flour." Mrs. Gorman die
tnted, "one and a hnlf henplng tenspoonfuls
of baking powder, ono-hnlf tenspoonful of
salt, sifted together, sweet milk enough to
mnka a very soft dough. Then spread It out
on tho molding board Into nn oblong shape."
"That Is the snmo reclpo I have for
baking powder biscuit, except for tho short
ening," I commented.
"Oh, yes." Mrs, Oormnn returned, "It Is
simply a biscuit dough without shortening
When you havo It sprend out, flour It
slightly, then dot It thickly with atoned
cherries, either fresh or canned, pressing
thorn Into tho dough, Sprinkle slightly with
flour, roll up the dough so ns to make a
compact bundle, rub tho outside with melted
butter, nnd Iny It In n steamer. Btcnm over
hot water for an hour."
"And tho nnuce?" I asked.
'That Is easily made," sho returned. "Put
Into a doublo holler ono tablespoonful of
butter When It Is partly melted add two
tnblcspoonfuls of flour. Htlr until the mix
turn la perfectly smooth, thon ndd two tea
cups of boiling water, ono and one-half cups
of lugnr, ono tonspoonful of lemon Juice,
nnd tho Juice of tho cherries you have used
Cook thoroughly nnd serve hot."
'Thank you so much, Mrs. rjorman," I
aid ns I finished writing.
"You nro ory welcome, I nm sure," she
snld heartily. "You are strangers here,
aren't you? I'tc never seen you around
here beforo."
"This In my wife's first visit to this vil
lage" Dicky struck Into tho conversation
1 realized that he wolcomod this opportu
nity of beginning a conversation with Mrs
Gorman and her sister, so that ho might
lend up to his request for Miss Draper's
services ns a model.
"I have been In tho vlllnge frcquontly,"
went on Dicky. "I ued to sketch a good
deal along tho brook to tho north of the
a Hinge."
"Thon you nro nn nrtlnt?" wo heard
Miss Draper's volco for tho first time slnco
sho hnd shown uh to tho room above Then
her tones had been cool and Indifferent
Now her exclamation wna full of emotion
of Home sort.
"An artist!" echoed Mrs. Oorman, staring
nt Dicky ns If ho woro President Wilson.
I wondered .what In the world could be
tho causo of their sudden Interest In Dicky.
, (Copyright.)
Hot Bread Recipes
ean bo nerved with butter or In smnll bowls
with fruit Juice
A BUbHtantlal hot bread for brenkfast Is
a common! and rice combination. Tho
rlco can bo cooked the night before nnd be
used cold boiled in tho morning It In made
as follows:
Two cupfuls of cornmeal, ono cupful of
boiled rice, two cupfuls of milk, thrca eggs,
one tublespoonful of butter, one tenspoonful
of salt, two tenspoonfuls of baking powder.
Mix tha well-beaten eggs, milk, butter and
cornmeal to which tho oalt should bo
added and the rice. Finally, the baking
powder should be stirred In Tho batter
ahould pour caally, but If too thick a llttlo
mora milk should be ndded Pour Into
muflln tins and bako In a moderate oven,
Hero Ih tho reclpo tor Scotch scones,
the favorlta Scotch hot bread:
Two cupfuls of flour, one tenspoonful of
baking powder, one-quarter teaspoonful ot
Bnlt, two tnblospoonfuls of butter, ono egg,
ono cupful of milk.
Mix the dry IngredlentB together, then
nib In butter. The egg should be beaten
up In tho milk nnd then poured Into the
dry mixture. Mix thoroughly and bake on
a hot griddle or In a quick oven,
Stove Polish
Dlack lead mixed with turpentine Instead
ot water gives a more brilliant and lasting
polish and provepta the stove from ruatlng,
no matter how damp the weather.
Fresh From the Farm
Deerf oot , Farm
Sausage -e 8tm.
saae with a distinctive taste.
S lflf?W Unrefined 8kln, Warts. Meles. 19
(33 gears, lllrthmarks. lied Vein. ff
iHthjtK Hupertluoiis Half, ete., ,. IU
n (va-- A oiored without naln or knife, n
kif iv.'fr Dr. W. H. Montgomery a
nl ,Vl nnjr llulUinc. 007 S
Rl 'Ji Walnut at loth ' Rj
Reduced Prices
'"'"" Millinery
,5 8 $10.
Coats and Dresses Also Reduced
BLYNN, Inc. Chestnut St.
Fura Altered n& Repaired.
Smart ekntlnp; act for tho young
AOKLIOHTPUli skating Bet. consisting
of Tarn o'flhnnter. muffler nnd eknle
bug. Is of mustard-colored Angora, It Is
Jauntily trimmed with taesels of vnrl-col-ored
worsteds, which mnko It, decidedly
youthful In character. Tho bng Is ot gen
erous proportions nnd Is supplied with a
worsted-covered ring large enough to slip
over the arm to make carrying easier.
(Copyright )
Marshmallow Cream
Dlssolvo ono henplng tablespoonful of
gelatin In ono-hnlf cupful of water nnd stir
oer tho flro until thoroughly dlssoUcd
Add another hnlf cupful of cold water to
hot gelatin nnd let It cool n little until you
septrnto tho whites of four eggs; bent the
whites with a llttlo salt very stiff: then
pour the gelatin very slowly Into' the whites,
beating constantly; sprinkle a cupful of
sugnr and add ono tenspoonful of almond
oxtrnct to mixture nnd bent. Tako out a
third of tho mixture and tint pink. Spread
over tho bottom of the mold. Sprlnklo with
pecan nuts nnd marnschlno cherries and
put n layer of white nnd more nuts and
cherries. Mnko tho lost layer pink. Serve
with whipped cream flavored with 'va
nilla. The Woof of Life
In tho moth-hour'n silver gloom
Tho Weaver at Ills loom
The uulet pattern of my life would trace.
Tho grnyncss of the moth v
Ho wovo Into the cloth, ,
And wrought thereon tho red rose of your
Charles I. O'Donnell.
Brand-New Babies
The Erenlng Letlrtr will. print, free
ehsrre. notlres or reeent . nirin sein
thronsh proper ehannels. .Address "L
New llsbies." Kieninr i-eoger. ouq nesinoi
Ireet. Nome and address nnil. when possi
ble, telephone number of sender must as
rompnny each nolle so sent.
OHAUmo, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, 2258 Clove
land avenue, a daughter.
IIOI.MAN, Mr. and Mrs, William IC, of
Ithnn. Pa., a daughter.
JOltNHON, Mr. and Mrs. William C. ot
Wynnewood road, Overbrook, a son. Mrs.
Johnson was formorly MIbs Ethel M.
MetlAHVKY, Mr. and MrB. Anthony, of IStO
West I'assyunk avenue, a daughter.
WII.UOX, Mr. and Mrs, of Glen Echo
Karm, Doylestown, Pa., n daughter. Mrs.
Wilcox was formerly Miss Mury V. L.
McClaln, of this city.
From tho churn to
your table and
never a hand has
at the Meridale
Creamery, this
good butter" is
made under the
most sanitary
methods. Even
you could not be
so fussy if you
made it for your
self. Machinery and utenslla
are thoroughly steril
ized nnd Meridale Uutter
comes to you from your
Urocer wrapped In"Mer
ifoil," a wrapper that
insures perfect sweet
ness and cleanliness.
'ttleV PhllsdelphL
Dell Phone, Market 3741
Keyston l'hone, Mln I7U
Zoo for iht "Mtrloll"
wrapper atr-tliht. datl- and
dor-procat tour iroctn.
Kit T.tIP.PR7.tA Tinnr X4. ,
frtma Donna of th
HAIttDnnssiNO Is very Important nt
all times, but particularly nt present
yehen most of the modish lints expose the
hair. If the WntteaU hat, tip-tltted over tho
ncie and raited high at tho back. Is to
ha becoming, the hnir
must be well groomed.
If the plctur hot Is to
enhance our charms
there must bo soft
ringlets about tho fore
head nnd over tho
ears. Kew of the new
est hats will stand the
closo arrnngement of
straight hair that has
been In voguo the Inst
The hnlr must bo
waved, not crimped.
They nro two entirely
different things. Waved
i,uc it nz I A UOltl
hair that rs soft and fluffy makes n most
becoming framo for the nvcrngo face With
older persons this walng of tho hnlr lifts
yenrs from their faces. The nrrnngement
of the hair means so much; If by taking
the trouble to wave It you can Improve
your appearance, surely this Is compensa
tion enough.
In answer to the question, "Docs It Injuro
tho hair to curl It7" I sny "yes" If It Is done
with a heated Iron, but "no" If It Is waved
In tho proper manner.
I never recommend tho use of a heated
Iron. Many hends of beautiful hair have
been ruined by tho tienrlng curler. Tha
Intense heat robs tha hair of Its life and
sheen, nnd It finally breaks off Into In
numerable short lengths, or falls out at
the roots,
There aro any number of patent curlers
In the shops from which you can mnko
a Detection that will not do tho' hair the
slightest Injury. Avoid tho curler which
has hinges or sections In which tho hair
enn bn caught nnd broken Choose a
curler made of one pi ceo of material npd
of a thickness to produce tho typo ot wno
you desire. Soma hnlr appears host with
a broad wave, while another colfturo will
be mora becoming If tho wavo Is closer.
If your hair Is Inclined to vac naturally,
I consider It no less than n small crime
to curl tho hair artificially and spoil tho
natural wave.
When 'you havo provided yourself with
the right kind ot curlers, brush tho hnlr
thoroughly, for It Vihould not be brushed
moro than Is necessary to nrrnngo It after
being unrolled from tho curlers.
It your hair docs not readily take a
TXrrr.lHIIxnHuoi' unun nnnss
rfx- I
(I I
A 6 -Hour Suit Sale
Thursday 9 A.
Coats are extremelv lorn? or medium and some have
rippling cape collars. Skirts hang with graceful full
ness, according to the season's mode. Plenty of all sizes
and colors.
No Mail, Phono or C. 0. D. Orders
Quality and Standard Famous Over Half Century
. Pre-Inventory Sales
Special prices. Bis opportunities in practically all Departments.
Take advantage of these value-giving, before-stock-taking reductions.
, B. F. DeweeS,1122 Chestnut St.
There Are
Every employe is a seasoned business man, a specialist In s
ms paruguiar line
If you need the services of an advertising expert; yoq will t
find here a wise counselor
He wil analyze your problem from every .angle and show
you how to obtain maximum results at minimum cost- His
advice will be disinterested and constructive. More, he wm
prepare a strong, convincing ad, attend to the insertion and ,
mail results to your office. (
Wahjut 3QQQ
Metropolitan Opera Cotnpahy.
IStUr JIf iL,!hu? r mo
comb with Water nnd drawl.'!?!" W
tho hair. If you live wW. .C? " k
is Inclined toy be d7p, &w "a
hair with a harmless curllB, "2 Sf -V
Will causo the hair tn t.i. .! J0' !)
nuw ik niinniiv - a . ij
Bneh a n,,i.l .iiini-n.
.. ,.m.u !.,, . mag, 0.f
Jiain water ...,....., ,,N,,,T!Wfl
.-III,! T-., ....,...,.. ..
lirutse the seeds and add v. 1
water. Boll gently until th. "S ? Vs
reaiicca to- three gl, -n.,: ?,"wr Is?
Wrlafl r-f.T.1 ,s A , . -"-
....v.. vuiu auu inre
cologne. If the hair
sir Is natural .ni . I
nan icaapooncui of pow
added to the mixture
first In tho minima fi
moistened with the fluid Just ! h.!1,. "J
rolled upon the curl. ,U1 b,,or It 1.1
upon the curlers.
To wrap tho hair about ths curl.-, .
erlv. annn-Ata u i-. '.? curlers
thickness of which depend VoW I
the l.o of tho wave rf..TL?WI1? Wf
strand of hair and, holding- th. .J:. l "!
to the head, proceed to wd tt2l.,4
nuoui me curier. Securely fasten ik?J
tt'eV0 that lh "' M
.. ""H? 1!0 or thr row of curlers su3
your ncau, nccoruing to tho thickness 31
your tresses, as n . t.J"7nMl
tho hnlr appear thicker. " Bttk'J
.... . . . . m
ana now, iietor i go further, let ua.
plead with you never to appear irt-n E.1
fore tho members of your family -,i.l
your ncnu uraiiing with curlers. Hide tkif
unsightly knobs hy donning a beeombi
boudoir enp until you are ready to ea-51
your hair. l
It will tako your hair from half an fcmis
to nn hour to curl; much depends wml
Its texture. Then comb It so that tuS
...ntiaa ...III enll h.,ii..IIi, lVO
.. . ,va ..,, . itniuimij,
Hair RemoTiri
The nlr treatment btrt $
pSeissssr Epwdi
isc. neck, arms or anrsin?
oi ine boot, lesnnanentrtj
or hlemlah nn the motTsif
burning csuitlo or psitjeri'
used. . &
Orlslr.ntor. itsle Owner tU.
Reg. U. 8. rat.orr.
Dr. Margaret Ruppert "'SJ&.'JS.1!
"svm gaiiuaiiEir nr mtm
Bull "(0.7.-7S. Est. Mxrs. Tbens WstsetlM
s.maiitly havb monky:
M. to 3 P. M.
ar W? J.T A
uuering- uie must re-y
itiui.n.auiu vdiuca nu
high-class Suits ever
known in Philadelphiuj
We have taken 460 superb
silk velvet and finest chiffon n
broadcloth Suits from our
$35, $39.50 and $45 racks
and will offer them for 6
.hours only at $14.50.
They are the season's most
fashionable models, lavishly
and beautifully trimmed
with Hudson seal, opossum
and real beaver.
& iJfcJJh.Ki
No Clerks at
' m aow
yCS"aOT. ""
as' 5 L ? B