w!XSwmmimaaSSSXBn I EMERALDS! Of deep, intense col or up to fifty carats C artier 712 Fifth Avenue New York WIFE OF FIREMAN HAS LONELY LOT System of Coiistant Duty Gives Husband Little Time at Home COMPANIONSHIP UNKNOWN A brief lttrtttcclred ' the EvnNlsa liDann, tind Written by a fireman's wlfo, rtsdV. I am at a loss to find word suf flclnt to exprosi the dcp apprecia tion of myself and that of our four chil dren for your Itlnd and very valuable publicity Riven In behalf of the city firemen. My husband has been a mom br of tho Ilureau of Tiro for tho last fifteen years, and what lonely fifteen years the1 havo been for wives and children of tho members of the riro Bureau and -what a groat dirferenco It would mako to ua all, f tho efforts of the men. ably assisted by tho Kvenino liKDdKii, were to eventually prove suc cessful. "Fifteen lonely years 1" On the roster of the Bureau of Flro there are veterans of a thousand battles with flame, whoso service moro than doubles tho period of loneliness complained of by tho wlfo and mnih.,- quoted above. And tho patient holpmatca of these scarred and grlszlcd men who have attested their devotion to duty theso thirty years or moral These women, likewise, crown wrinkled and gray with tho advanc ing oars, continue today, as they have done through tho days that havo crown Into decades, to watch and pray In patient hopo that tho sound of the alarm bell which summons their husbands to risk their lives that others may llvo may not sound tho abrupt knell or, their own widowhood and theorphatnff'of thoso who call him father. The ifeman o wlfo sees nono of the Ua6ur that bo otlrs tho public as tho gaining apparatus, with Its hclmeted crew clinging to Its sides, speeds through tho city streets on Its errand of rescue. At homo she alta with her little ones about, silently praying that thoso "fifteen lonely years" may not terminate In n fntnl $1 catastrophe to tho domestic Ufa which her Pfi IiIIbIiaH'iI fl4rtAAl(n t.....-. -. . . - k. i,i.- """" "MuiraiiM never permuted her Si', and her children to enjoy as do tho wlvei ana (amines or tier friends and neighbors. Twenty-one hours out of every twenty four every member of Philadelphia's Hu mu of Fire must spend on duty at the station to which ho Is assigned. Threo hours a day are granted for his meals provided attendance nt (Ires does not cur tail this brief allowance. Often It nrmM that an alarm In his district sounds a few minutes Deroro hH meal hour. Tho Are nan must respond with his company and his. service ai tne nre cround mav holil him there well past tho limit of hi meal period. In such, event tho walling wlfo and chil dren can only hope that "lather will be luckier tomorrow." The fireman's day off duty one In every Mi la aubject to similar Interruption, no that the plana for a weekly outing too frequently come to naught through tho Interruption of duty. Thus pass tho ''fifteen lonely years" which In many cases have lengthened themselves Into twlco fifteen In the homes of Philadelphia's firemen. BIOUT-HOUn nULG lONORED Municipal government mica nrnvlila an Ight.hour day for city employes, or salary bated upon that system. Public sentiment upports this view as Just and equitable, both In tho matter of working hours and Pay therefor. Federal and Stato departments operate under that system, as do tha larger cor porations and private employers. Work men of all grades enjoy It. The letter carrier and tho policeman are permitted to Jhara tha day with their families. Only tho fireman is forgot." He Is the public's servant In Its hour of direst need and his master may demand that service at any hour of day or night. Therefore he must be at his station, ready for the call to duty, prepared to sacrifice life or limb, as uireauy nas put behind him the do piestla happiness 'that his fellow-worker , rightfully cherishes. "Fifteen lonely years" are actually forty flve years In a fireman's career If measured ' comparatively tc those of other publlo servants. Tha fireman and the fireman's wlfo realize their wearying drag and lonely pat&age COST TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A YEATt In their pending campaign for readjust ment o,f salary and working hours tho fire men of Philadelphia, have Uld little stress upon the conditions resulting from their continuous tour of duty. They ara willing that this long-maintained sacrifice as old as the fire department Itself shall go on, Provided they are enabled to give to those wives and children from whom they aro forcibly separated a monthly stipend that, to some degree, will compensate them for ths anguish endured daily and nightly Jrhlle fatherls at the engine house" or braving erooWOnd llama or Icy Udders and roots at the Ore grounds. "What n great difference It would make Jo us all" the 800 and moro wlvea whose husband are Included In the Bureau of Fir. The difference to the citizen tasc payer In granting; the request of bis fire men-servants would amount to possibly twenty-five cents a year for every resident of Philadelphia, whose lives and property the fireman constantly protects. To the fireman and the fireman's wife the difference remains a question that pan only bs answered when. It Is ascertained how closely the heart and the hard cash o( th citizen of Philadelphia are allied. Vina Man's Body In Creek ATlANTIC CITY, Pec, ST, Searching parties organized in Abaecon to eJk Charles Klngsbarry, forty-three years old, who disappeared, on Christmas Day. found Ma body under a bridge in that town late ytattrday He lost hia way while going jsflflM at night and fell loto Absecon Creek. Stwral person heard cries for help, but "BtW unable to tell where Ihey came from. J Butler Merchant and. PsUtieJan Pita ! WTlB, Pa., Ds. ST. WUIfcuw A. "ftttor, lorty-jjjua ya.r aid. jmhomi s Hwrw of Um KMfciivu eowny , teBjBuutwt e pMUer tigurtr. w is iu ik jMnmami At tat sfesHS. BU " 4 to- rt iilABUii. ADDICT UNFOLDS dopes HORRORS Fiend Ri8ing Prom Depths With George Long's j.iu, Tens story RUGS GIVEN SHOW GIRLS Ano tar ih ? .. i ., . R.21 rTh " 'fi m.ri. J?.m? .""r-four years old. tor-to- vai..u'. "" briht comedian, on Orient '? MM Whether or not iMru .fac,,u ""I remain balanced de- making that nght umUr an able ehlettaln. MIf- .r' wriM-nilent of Inasmuch lon and a reformtd "dope fiend" clinic Hospital. The ..lwl m M1 ',. l ., a Mw dl "Tf" Jtvlsed by Ir Orel LV.J11"'-"'. n"l'e l Prt. tWaJ ,hfM ,,3psl "" hat cure. '"5 ''i'", fifth with a clear mind ft.r"nMn" d"lre l back hit health and selr-retped. he unfolded a story of the h u?..!c?ur",,1n ''l"-Ielpli!a that would Bated and found true wibE-opRN norn city nrV-f. ia.r' ,ome of th l'n Samuel ureen told a representative of the Evening IrTtrna eUB',n,ln,r th nreolle ,lrue ,rfflo !ihi",!tlph.1..1" ,h mott w'I!-0Pn lope city In tho Unlled States. . .u,,jr U "" tewar of tho drug traf fic of the country f.-'"'. cl,n" "r smuggled In from Canada. Mexico. South America and Eng- lAnu. 1nI5,U8 .lftbe! ro P';lc'' epon these drugs to filve the Impression that they aro the Roods of Philadelphia manufacturers and deceive Internal revenue officers. Oreen. himself, has helped to parte the labels on the bottles, and ho received for compensation a "shot of dope." More than 5000 persons visit different sections of the Tenderloin dally to obtain i.i.1 upP1' ot 'Mope" from the peddlers. This does not Include tho thousands who are visited by tho peddlers dally In other sections of the city. Many Phlladelphlans with responsible Placet In life are dope urs. Ho knows personally of five so-called reputable phy slclans who take thslr morphine dally; he ui, iuur i-iiiiaueipnia lawyers who are f?cai,18flen'U y Prctlco regularly at the Philadelphia bar. i V.n1JL.me.mbr8 of burlesque shows that Walt Philadelphia do their acts under the Infiuenco of cocaine. Some managers In sist upon the chorus girls' taking cocaine before they "go on." The drug gives them "pep" Three "hou" Joints are running r,,n hi.. on the edga ot Chinatown In tho Tender. iS.i1".uSco,r"!. ?' B,rU nml J,0UnB fellows hit the pipe' In these places every ntght. "PAIlTinS" TWO "WEEK3 LONO There are hotels in tho Tenderloin and outside it where "snow parties" are held every night. Olrls and young men get together and sniff cocaine. At times these parties last for two weeks, without any of tho participants getting a wink of sleep. Nnrcotln drugs aro moro accessible In Philadelphia than nny other city In the United States. If provided with the money he could go out now and bring back a aultcaso full of "dope." Eight dayi ago Oreen collapsed on the street nfter n drug debauch which had lasted nearly eight weeks. During thoso eight weeks Green and another dope fiend consumed more than 11500 worth of heroin, cocaine and gum opium, which they had stolen from n dope denier. During the de bauch Oreen and his companion nlo Just five meals, and they wero hmall ones. It was costing Oreen 110 a day to buy the dope ho craved beforo he went on that debauch. Ills dally dose Was forty grains of heroin and thirty grains of cocnlne. He was eirnlng 180 a week as a vaudeville comedian, but that waa not enough to keep him In done, so he became an automobile thief. During a period of several months ho stole cars every night, and sold them for anything he could ret so he could buv drugs. I.KAIl.'nD IT I.V SHOW "I got the drug habit eight years ago at tho age of sixteen." said Oreen, "when I Joined a show In Duluth, Minn. Tho man ager of the show gave me a charge of cocaine so I would have pop; all of the girls In that show were charged with tho ntuff. They could dance and sing like persons possessed There were twenty-four girls In that company and n 'leading lady.' Folks out In front saw a snappy show, nil right: but they didn't know 'coke' was producing It. A lot of shows right here In Philadelphia aro made snappy In Just tho same way. "I lost my Job In Philadelphia two years ago because my salary of C0 a week wouldn't buy my dope. One night I went on without n cliargo, and my act felt flat. Tho manager fired me. I had to havo tha dope, that was all ; so I decided to embark upon n career ot automobile thieving. I todk a course In an auto school so I would I know' the ropes, and then I started In. I paon't know how many cars I stole In Phila delphia, but It was a good many. I waa arrested five times, but was never con vlcted. BOBBED BABTS BOTTLE "In the meantime I had sunk so low that when I ran out of money I would drink the milk out of my baby's bottle. (Tnt hafarM I went nn that rlmv ,4- "bauch my pal and I were tipped off that a certain well-known aope dealer was com ing Into Broad Street Station from .Vow York with a suitcase full of dope. We needed a 'shot' badly VWe met the dealer at the station and asked him for some coke. He refused to give t to us. so I snatched It away from him and opened It up. I pushed two bot tles of heroin In his pocket so he wouldn't dare honor for the police, and then my pai and I went to our room, at Park avenue and Dauphin street, and began our de bauch. In that suitcase wero forty-eight bottles of heroin, valued at !4 a bottle sixteen ounces of cocaine, worth Ml an ounce, and four pounds of gum opium, worth S0 a pound, a total of 13918. We consumed It all In seven weeks and five "IOST SEVBNTV-TWO POUNDS "I ate only five meals In that time, and my weight ran down from HO to 81 pounds. When the dope ran out I went out for more and collapsed "The twilight sleep treatment seems like a dream. Far three days I seemed to float around In an unreal world. I had all aorta cf terrible hallucinations. I Imagined that I waa trying to use a hypodermlo needle and the needle was plugged up so that the dope could not get through to my arm. The pictures on the walls ot the room seemed to sing, and once' I was certain that a lithograph of Oeorgo Washington walked out of the frame and waltzed about the room In a most undignified manner Then r thouxht that cop were watching me ikmuirh tha kavholea. I would conceal imaginary dope tablets in my stocking and hang the stocking out of the w'jdowj . But I came through it all right. I have mr crrfvlng; it makts me want dope right now to talk about It. but J a going to fight It through. "Jail wall are no bar to the dope dis tributor When I was In Moyamenslwl prison awaiting trial, a girl usfd to come there- and slip W morphine via the taorphlne klas.' She would kUs me and when aha drew btr mouth away there would bi a morphia tablet on my lower Up. Tin. guards never Mat wise. Tt5 Tverybody In the Tenderloin ha abandoned booze for dope. -" know ped dSrTXwB there who aro tnaktaa for- Wo!n told ha ryf the prewncerf Sk1'" M few, "ft W8 hi. uAu tat i m M& SistSS, ?w?wi i 6j tm tr hfc sr BVEKISQ I-EDGEK-PffiLADELPniA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, ILSi2X3sM This is the entrnnco to Tournament FAMOUS OLD LETTER TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Descendants of Robert Morris to Sell Communication He Got From John Pnul Jones A letter, highly Important from the view point of the historian as well an the col lector, written by John Pain jonti to Hob srt Morris, hsi bsen placed on sale by descendants of the nevolutlonary financier. The communication remained In the Mor ris family for generation without tho knowledge of tho public It Is now In the hands of Htan. V Ilenkels. 10 Walnut street, to be sold at auction on January IS With It will be sold several other old letters. Including one written to Morris by Alexander Hamilton. Tho documents give Intimate Insight Into the political Intrigues nnd Jealousies, friendships and gusslp ot Revolutionary tltnei. Ho valuable Is the collection that It has been Insured against fire for approximately fCO.000. It Is being guarded with moat complete caution agatnit thett at the lieu. kels establishment. The letter from Commodore Jones to Hob ert Morris tell how the naval officer was presented with a sword by taula XVI, and contains a lenathr defense of lletilamln Franklin against the attacks upon him by Arthur t-eo. Describing the Incident at the French Court, tho hitherto unpublished letter says! "I have deterrnt writing you since my return to this Kingdom, because I had orders myself to return In the Alliance Immediately to Philadelphia. I was under a necessity of gplng to Court Iri April to procure the free sale of the fleparls and our other prises, nnd was received by the Iloyal Family. Gov ernment k People, with that open-armed Affection that so nobly marks the Character of this generous Minded Nation; Ills Maj esty ordered a superb Bword to b made for mo with nn Inscription In Latin on the Dlade, that would do honor to tha greatest Admiral In History; Tho King directed his Minister to write a special letter to the President of Congress, expressing In the strongest terms his personal esteem toward me, with his entire approbation of my Con duct, particular desire to promote my future success and to see roe again at his Court. ttc" On the machination ot t-e against Franklin and Ie's antagonists attitude toward himself, Jones says: "I am convinced that Mr Lee has acted In this matter merely because I would hot become the Enemy of the venerable, and' Wise, and good Franklin, whoso Heart s well as Head, does and wilt always do honor to human nature. I know the Ureal and Good in this Kingdom better perhaps than any other American who has appeared In Europe, since the treaty of Alliance; and1 if my testimony could add anything to frank lln's reputation, I could witness the uni versal veneration, and esteem, with which his name Inspires all ranks; not only 'at Versailles and all over this Kingdom, but also In Hpaln. and In Holland, nnd I can add from the testimony of the first Char acters of other Nations, that with them. envy Itself Is dumb, when the name of Franklin Is but mentioned." DIES ALONE IN HIS HOME Victim of Gas Poisoning Last Seen Allvo Ono Week Ago WILMINGTON. Del. Dec. f!. 3. Gilbert Skinner was found dead in his home. 911 East Seventeenth street, last night, from gas poisoning. Ills wife had gone to visit rela tives and he was alone. Ho wa seen to enter tho house a week ago and nothing more was seen ot him by neighbors. They had detected the odor ot gas for several daya and last evening broke open the rear door. Skinner was lying across a trunk In a seoond-story room, evidently having Jumped from bed and tried to get to a window. Two burners on the stove In tho kitchen and two Jets In the dining room were open and gas pouring from them. , Girl Breaks Through Ice; Saved by Boy LANCASTER, Pa., Do, tf-Ilsba, the ten-year-old daughter ot Ileuben Wenger, ot Leaman place, broke through the Ice on a stream near that place while sled ding. Banford Krlder, fourteen years old. Jumped Into the ley water and rescued girl and sled. AUTBEI) IIOVT GBAMlKa pUt!asUbd Asuriesa Ankltect r.ri, a,qhs5jaus:f . "I think it the bound en duty of cyery Amer ican citizen so to fortify and strengthen his knowledge of the past that he may b "pre pared" is tha highest sens of the tern, to serve) hit country and aid tor by eivery mean la hit power to solve) the problems now facinr her. ALFRED H, GRANGER, AUTUOU Os England's World Empire A brief account of her foreign policy since the) discovery of America, up to the present time. Alt Bookstore. Cloth, $1,50, THE OPEN COURT PUBU5HWG CO. ieeaaasyt3j2wfA3fcJBft. HsQjslaW MsHwsEfisIiikss&a. WHERE THE PENN-OREGON FOOTBALL GAME WILL BE PLAYED 'SSUMLMT'Z'MtyH Pnrk, Pasadena, Gil tovvnnJ which tho Ucd nnd Uluo team Is now trnvolinK in order to meet tho husky University of OrcRon cloven on Now Year's Day. NEW JERSEY TEACHERS FIGHT POLITICAL RULE Six Hundred Stnte Association Members, Mostly Women, Meet nt Shore ATLANTIC CtTr, Dec. 17, Six hundred New Jersey school-teachers, ninety-five per cent of them women and the great majority young and very earnest about the future of publlo education, are here In their newest clothes and smartest hats for tho sixty. second annual convention of the New Jersey Teacher' Association. HfMlon.i opened this nfternoon In tho High School auditorium with an address of welcome by Mayor Harry Uarharnch, .who nald It never had been his good fortune to meet n flner-lonk-Ina; audience, and was promptly greeted wlth-a round of Ironlo applause, led by tho pretty "ma'ams." nx-Presldcnt William Howard Tnft. who Is to arrive late this afternoon to nddrcs the convention this evening, will be tho lion at a reception ot the Hotel Dennis after the night session. This will bo brief, for Mr Tail Is to bo the "whole show." KDGt: DISAPPOINTS There was much disappointment thl afternoon over tho tionappea'rnnco of Oov-ernor-elect Walter li IMge, who was ex pected to aure the teachers that they might caunt upon him an nn ally In the big fight to be fought at Trenton this winter over the tenure-of-orfice bill. The Governor-elect's acceptance wns only tentative, and he found It Impossible to break a prior engagement How to keep New Jersey's schools free from domination of local school board poli tics is thjo big nuettlon confronting the convention School directors In tho cities and rural districts have organised nnd will ask the Legislature to mako tho period during which a tencher shall ho subject to transfer or summary removnl for any cause whatever five Instead of three years Under the present law no teacher who has served for three years In nny community can be disturbed except for legal cause rstnhllshrd at a public hearing by evidence which will stand Judicial Inspection WOMEN TO DOMINATK Women will run the convention this week. Just ns they ran It from start to finish lust year, even If they did relent at ths wind-up and select a mere man, Frank It. Lloyd, of Perth Amboy, for president; nnother. Kdwln S Richards, of Ktlsabeth. for vice president, and a third, II J. Ncal, of Phllllpsburg, for secretary A wwian, Miss S Ida MncMahnn, of Trent in, does all the banking for the association Women also hojd every ollice nnd commltlea posl tlorcfnthe teachers' retirement fund, which Is thoretcran instructors' annuity rjstein. U32S&SS3HBJDQ3SSS3S2&Q2B Ik M $15.00 Will Buy a Choice of MUFF SCARF French fll Black Tat ItaUton 8tl Itaecoon $25.00 - Will Buy a Choice-of Black Fox Set Barrel er Tlllow Moj Animal SearA or Natural Raccoon Set lUrr.l Muff; Aahual Bearf, or an excellent Hudson Seal Set Dsrnl or FUlov Muff; Novelty Bearf. LttowN ro.x7 WJUT& ywt , WuaoJr iSlx $35.00 Will Buy a Choice Russian Pony Coat (Hw er Itsccood Collar.) Brown Fox Set turret Wutfj Aalmal Bear. Black Fos Set Bsml Muff j Aalmal Bcarf, Natural Raccoon Set Barrel stuff AaimsJ 0caff, or an excellent SCARF Drt.1 Blue Yax CUM Kos WbtMFtut Cru Vox I!!fk Vex Wuk Ltax exuma or rrJJJ!uFo llUcic V IuTr Suva AtUtmlUa Opeteusi lluljsn SJ WbI $100.00 Will Buy a Choice of Hudson Seal Coat 4-lJt UodL Btl er Bkuak Collar, Caa ss4 Batitr- Nfitum! Muskrat Coat Uadssa 8i CiiUsr 4 ColTs. Or Choice of 8 Set rub! wteM in cbtt tss ErisIM Bin la MM m IJiiiit Ym MUM Lm i i ii ' r -i - i mu ii i i i ttZSjSCLZSX twtBitmLjzazsi i&,3L-Mvmtm HORSE CARS TIED UP; GOTHAM IN DISORDER Pcnrl Street Choked by Crowds Rending Bulletin of Quaker City Somnolcnco NHW TOIUC. Dec S7. Horsecar trnlTla on Pearl street was tied up today when crowds stormed a bulletin board Upon which was chronicled from hour tu hour tho atti tude of Philadelphia's population toward the French marine from Uortleaux, who has slept twenty-seven weeks without hesi tating The news from the Quaker City was dispatched tn the outlying districts about 0 a, m., but failed to reach Manhat tan until about 10 a. m At noon tho space In front ot the bulletin board was crowded. Somo of tho throng pushed up out of Idle curiosity or Just to icei nt name wnen bring manmaulrd. Hut by far tha greater portion of the mob was composed of professional song-wrltem. col yumala and cartooners, who never miss a bet In tho matter of glc.tnlng In fresh nnd unhackneyed humorous field. Shortly after noon a delegation from tho Home for Aged and Infirm Jokesmlths ar rived In a stagecoach. Among tho arrivals was the man who first rtskfd vv hy a chicken orosscd tho road. Tho man who Initially extracted humor from a mother-in-law was III with Inlluenta. and could not Join ths Pilgrims. In the midst of the bevy of old fellows was n floral wreath, very fresh and very beautiful. "What Is thatT" the head of the delega tion was asked. That." he replied, revorently. "Is a trib ute to the memory of thnt humo)Mu pioneer who first accused Philadelphia ot somno lcnco." "What happened to IilmT" "Poor old soul, he died ten years ago. Ilut It was Inevitable I mean his death for he was one hundred jenrs old when ho passed away." Along Droadwa, whom trenches have been dug for tho protection ot the Inhabt tants against a new Idea, thnro waa con siderable rejoicing, as tho trenchermen free ly admitted that the Josh from Philadel phia was entirely mature enough to turn looso upon the Manhnttanrae. At i p. in, tha bulletins wero stopped by tho "Society for the Prevention of Unduo Metropolitan Incitement"! A disorder closely resembling a riot cnued. The po lice were for a while quite powerless against the charging hordo of light vrrso writers. Jokesmlths. sporting chroniclers and comic supplement artists which surged nngrlly over the pavement denouncing tho ntoppago of the bulletins and crying: "Give us a chancot Give us a chnncol" In his ofilclal statement tho polico officer who checked the disorder described tho af fair as a "food riot" and dwelt nt length upon tho ferocity of the assembled humor ists. .assort & ) 1 1 15 Chestnut Street Opp. s Fm Suggest II irk i Hudson t!U liacroon ulaekLru for Tt Who. Received "Cash" Gifts From $15 to $150 and above if desired of $85.00 Wilt Buy a Choice of Hudson Seal Coat MacB Smart Uoosl. Vtt Ooai. QbsIUiv SETS Dyed Bluo Fox Black Fox; Slats Fox Skunk MUFF $125.00 Hudson Seal Coat iO-InoJi VuU KeJl. Cbetce aeallty Seal e cestrasUa tus wiur. j Or Cholca of 8 Stta dhoss rox, bi-ack vox, risumix, bulck LTKX. HUDSON UKAL, UHOVtlt VOX, PTsx,Bum3POXt uauz. l iii i mu i i ji 4 i iiwuui'm' iimii ii lii i iqiji j.iji. 1018 Photo br American t'rt Aeoe1tten HEAVEN FOR MONKEYS, PROFESSOR CONTENDS II. G. Walters, Lnnghorne, Saya Pet Has n Soul nnd nn Ilnlluclnation Thero Is a monkoy up In Langhorne that Is under the Impression he Is being hounded by some one this, according to the simian's master, Professor It. O. Wallers, who also ascribes to his pet, a houI. a love for Its master 'dearer than that of a, woman' and n rabid thirst for coffee. 'Thl llttlo marmoset monkey." aald the professor, swinging the beast to hit shoulder, "does not carry Ua brains In the usual place. It carries them In Its soul. The monkey knows that tho room and the world exist outside of his skin. If my monkey has no soul, then no church member has a sour. I tell you that my Darwinian heaven is big enough to let In the souls of monkeys as well ns those of human beings." Tho professor believes In teaching psychology In classrooms by means of monkeys nnd parrots. This," ho wvja, "U a suro way tn Incut cato on the minds of youths tenderness to ward animals nnd nt the samo tltnq teach them tho fundamentals of psychology." the animal down and holding him like an infant, "that thla little marmoset has more mental power than a. great -many Phlladel phlans." Tho professor Indicated that ho might send hi pet to Philadelphia, sometime, Philadelphia Is twenty-four mile. from Langhorns nnd situated on tho Heading Uullroad. INTEREST ON MOTOR TRUCK INVESTMENT IS IN DIRECT PRO PORTION TO THE RELIABILITY OP THE TRUCK AND ITS MAKER. THE AUTOCAR COMPANY ARDMORE, PA. Di any Keith's $50.00 Will Bay a Choice of French Seal Coat 40'lneb Uodst. Skuas: 'Hudson Seal sO-IdcU Ua3i. CcUJ. Ruattanr Pony OslliMr aaS Or a ' $150.00 Will Buy u Choke ot Hudson Seal Coats vlLU cHiliattnjf tin. Or Cho!f 8 5u KtxtJKaKV. tMJTix, smMmm, yam AsS Waffiil OOitKIWATSCK W, WiC !HJIf4 AQWmJOMM OfONHr, tW MNUU 5 TO GIRL AND IS Kill Stnbbod Through Heart by Out of Four Men Friend ' Wounded WlLKBS-DAlims, Jfa., Deo. sfAn J suit, alleged to hart btrt offered br fbir youn mn to a Brour of glrla nna Iwy leaving a party at Plymouth, ended in tha murder of John Itomahofsky, twenty-four years old, of K5 BaUburg street, l)y" mouth. Ignatt Cykowltch, twenty-thf years old. ot 110 Notlngtuvm street, Ply mouth, was (tabbed In tho tack: and is ut-rU oualy wounded. After n twelve-hour search, police last night atreld Joseph Miller, ot 410 Elft'.o street, Larksvlltet William Keefe, of 4U Stale street: William Hart, of 412 fJtato street, and Frank Morgan, ot Carver atrtei, Plymouth. . While no evidence Tun been premV1 against these men, It la alleged that they were' In the Vicinity at th time ot Xhs crime and tho Coronef has ordered them held to? a hearing. With Mlsa Helen Mells ami Marsha, Orlls, Homanofsky and Cyaowltch were en . their way home from a celebration ot Christmas at the house ot n friend, They were mat on Nottingham etrret by four men. Ona ff the four Is alleged to hare made art Insulting remark to tha girls, and when Romanofsky remonstrated, against the action he was ttabed through the heart, It Is alleged. Ilia companion endeavored a assist hi mand a knife waa plunged through his back. The girls, terror stricken, iled tho scene and the naiallants escaped. ' tttvr L . " "1 IntUt en tali imdnnark WATER BOTTLE and ICE BAG The atllnen U dally being welcome Into hundreds nt heme a a uirfal hoo.fhnlJ neecMlly. Your druggist' will show It to you, nr we will st ntt you a (lencrlptlve booklet. Wlnl ev two bacM wAtn tse .AWitoin uoee IK teeth of eeihr 81.25 Guaranteed HoM by ll ItuJlne drutslats HI.MON imsm-usxr Int. ;:. ' SMSSMSMEmSMSSMMMSSSVi m X-TC I M 'H .iTO'- 'U'.E-S' I er Beat Cellar, Or Choice of S Sat BTJuac yox, drown rax, roewnt beai. JlttD VOX. TJEAVElt, nACCOOW. BRWrfK, aAXI3tm oret roST ' $65.00 Will Buy a Cholceof French Seal Coat Collar aoA Berdsr ot Silk? JUk Ofottxtm (r Or Cholco of Q'Set BUCK FOX, ItED VOX. BgAYSlt. BXUKK, niENCll BBAU BXJICIC I.THX, AVSTItAL IAJ1 OTOSBtm BATlXr43im oret s-oic $75.00 Will Buipa Choke-of Coat Sar, Bksali Enalflt r Bui Coat JAeriltt e BUVy Cesssv Chalet of 10 Seta 45.1aoJi t. AustrsUsn i ' IBjIl L Llljegsasg f,i uA iin,I dw -r nsLHIIikW ttUlKHWJ'Wa, " u if Sfcc it - j A - -,,,,,. m -- - r-iritlr - - - - - -- i.n - - - - BHeBsMilsiiiBiisW BHB&BHsBBBBlaSalllHBBSBflHBBBBBlHBBBBHH