Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 27, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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James WMt
comb Riley
had the heart
of a boy and the
soul of an artist.
"Mr. Riley" is a
personal tribute
to the American
people's poet,
by Booth Tarking
ton in this week's
25,000 OfllcJne Mcccnniche Lavo-
rano G-iorno c Nottc in Italia
Per Produrre Munizioni
L Truppe di Cadornn Avnnzano Per
300 Motri a Sud di Monte Fnili
o di Gorlr.in
ItOMA, 37 Dlcembra.
Tutto 11 pariare cli at fa da tin pezzo
fll pacfl e til prospettlvo dl pact, con la
propoata delln flermanla del presidents
ilecll Stntl Unlll, non lia econso nftattn II
(tdverno Itallano cho pensa nolo alia contlnii;
azlono dclla (ruerrit ed nlln sua Inlennlll
cnrlono a plu' o nirno breve dlstunzn, I.'at
tlvlta mllltnre dell'Itata Intnttl lion e' illml
nUlta per nulla. lurl II governo pubbllcnva
un decroto col quale sono chlamntl alio
urml I glovanl dolla classe eld 1898, die nl
debborio prestntare al rlspettlvl dlstrettl
per ossere nrrunlatl II prlmo del mess dl
pennttlo 1917. cloa' lunedl' della settlmana
entrants. Questo miovo contlng-onte dl
truppa Rlovanl e frescho aumentera' dl ol
tre 300,000 la forzo combattentl dell'ltalla.
Nel tempo medeslmo vl Bonn )n Italia 2S00
stablllmentl Industrial! od ofllclne meccanl
the lavornno glorno o notte per la fabbrl
caslone dl arm! e dl munlzlonl.
Sulla front, dallo Stelvlo nll'Adrlatlco II
Natalo a' passato In una visile attoau, cho
In nlcunl puntl o" stata Interrotta da Im
prowlsl ntUocht nonoatanta le condlzlonl
atmpsferlche veramento tarrlblll. Nella zono
dl montagna la nevo ' alta (lno a qulndtcl
larl sera II Mlnlatero dolla duerra pub
bllcnva II setuente raooorto del cenerala
Cndorna circa la sltunilono alia fronto Italo
auotrlaca: SI aono avulo aztonl Uolats qua e la'
aulla fronte dl battaglla dell. Alp!
del Carao, azlonl cho pero aono atata
ostacolato dal cattlvo tempo,
SuU'altopfano del Carao, a cu dl
Monte Faltl, riol nbbtamo rlorBanlzzato
la, nostra Hnea avansando per una dls
tnnza dl 300 mctrl con un rluaclto at
tacco dl sorprcsa. In uno del foaal
croterlforml occupatl da nol In Queatn.
zonU appena congulitafa nbblamo tro
. valo ISO coaae dl munlzlonl ill artl
KlJerla clie erano state abbandonata
dat nemlco.
Tolecramml da 1'arlcl dicono cho II pov
rno franceso ha drclao dl olevara II Ken
ralo JofTre alia dlffnlta' dl maresclallo dl
Krnncla, como rlcompenaa per I argnalatl
servlgl rest da tut alia patrla. II decroto
dl nomlna. sara' oottoposto 1 l'arlamento
per la ncceauarla ratincaslone non appena
co' sara' posslblle.
II tltolo dl maresclallo dl Francla, cho
al ateva tuttora all'epoca del aecondo Im
pero. era caduto In dlsuso durante la ternza
republics. Pero' una Uut'o votata nel 1873
perjla rtoreanlzzazlono dcll'euerclto rlteneva
II gj-ado ma apoclflcava cho le condlzlonl per
ij conferlmento sarebbero etate flssato plu'
tardl con una nuova lfgse. Queata pero'
non u mal presentata,
Telesramml da Fotrograa dicono die II
r.itnlstro degll AnTarl Eatarl rusuo, M. I'ok
rqvtXI. ha Invltato nel uo ufflclo I rappre
sentnntt delta stamps, ed ha fatto loro una
espostzlono del suo prosmmma per quanto
riauarda la iliuazlont Internazlonale. In
spotania II mlnlitro ha dlchlaralo:
Cha non vl o' itato alcun mutamonto
nella relazlonl tra la Iluaela ed 1 ouol alleatl.
Che dopo la guerra I'alleanza mllltara
tra Ituiala, Francla, Inghllterra cd Italia
aara,' conaolldata In una atretta alltanza
Che la guerra aara' continual flno a oh
Kit alleatl dell'Inteaa non nvranno ottenuto
la vlttorla declalva.
II Ulnletra parlo' qulndl delta propoata dl
pice, della Qtrmanla, delta nota del pred
dento Wlleop o della areola, Popo ever
zicordato a recentl dlohlarazlont della Duma
in. relaziono alia propoata tedeaca, II mini
atro dU cho la Hum la apprezzava II
mot'ro che eva ayova laplrato la nota del
preildentt "Wllion, ma sgglungeva che easa
non poteva In alcun modo alterare la alt
uiilana potltlca creata dalla fa!a moaea
geaultlca del governo dl Herllno. Per quanto
rltwda IaOreda Pokrovakt dlchlaro' cho
SH ujeaii non (ouereranno per un aol mo
menfo un attegglamento da port, della
Orcfla cho poaaa In alcun modo raettere In
vert -olo la situation mllltara dgll alleatl.
Ksl amiunsa che prowedlmentl erano via'
tat preil In questo imnaa e che altrl dl
canlttero mllltara aarebbero atatl preal per
matters flna una volta per lempre all'lnda
lIone della Qrecla.
Russian Positions Acf'oss
Danube Already Under
Fire of Germans
Violent RcnKGunrd Actions
Continue in Itimnik mitt
Brnila Region
, r nnnMN. Dec. 27.
IlUMlnn noaltlona Ire Ileaarnl)la aro being
bombarded from the Rumanian aide of tho
Danubp, anyn a dlapalch from tly; Ru
mania front today,
All of the Danube River la now oon
trolled by the Oerman nlllea. except a mall
atrip between Ilrnlla nnd IxnUldhl nnil the
Klllaarm, one of the thri-n dlvlnlnnn of the
htrenm where It rmptlea Into the Illnck
Field Marahnl von Mackenaen'a nrnilea
are preaalng toward Moldavia through
Great Wnllachla, hllo the Ruaslan ile
fendera fall buck. Violent roar guard no
tloiiH liao been takltfg place In the region
o( Rltnnlk and Hi nlln.
Cities Designated
for Rural Iiajiks
tCoiitlnurd frem !' One
One hundred nnd forty roiueathig cllloa
were illanppointril.
The nnnouiiceinent of (lie location of thn
twelve Frderul farm loiin bunka imirkH the
longeirt nti'P In prnllinltmry urgtnlrntliin to
be taken by the board prior to thu begin
ning of lending uperiitlon tinder tho new
rural credit, ayxtrin.
Actual lending It to begin, tho board
Miya, In time, to give tin American farmer
funda to llnancoWila xprlng d.iulliig The
board now niuat take ndvnntagp of the pro
vlalona of law, pcnnlttlng It to Ihhiip bomlH
to ralaa money to give the farmers. In
accordance with thla rovldun. from $100,
000,000 to ir0,000,000 In farm loan bouda
ahortly will be laaucd.
The funda thua ralaed will 'bo lent to the
farmers at rntcs yet to bo fixed, but thought
to be about five par cent per nnnuni. The
botidx will yldd u frnctlou oer what. Is
charged the fariiu-rH In order to enable
tho farm lonn banka to pay for organization
and operating cxpcnueH.
' Thn Bnllcnt fentures of tho new rural
credlta aynteni are
Ixiana to farmer, at low rates of Intcrcat
I-', tended perlodn, up to .forty JcirM, In
wlilch tho farmer may repay tho loan
Ironclad eocurlty for the Oovornmcnt nnd
tho farm loan banks In that loanH will bo
made only up to fifty por cent of tho valun
of the farmi upon which money In lent
No money can bo borrowed for npecula
tlvo purpoaca only for mining mortgage.,
purchamng farm machinery nnd operation
and malntonace of fnrmn
To borrow, farmers munt Invent livu ier
cent of the amount denlred In national farm
loan ae.oclatlon stock, tills to bo refunded
upon retirement of tho loan
The news of (Jormnny's reply to Preildent Wilson's pence note and the
proposition thnt delegates of the belligerent states meet nt n neutral plnee to
discuss all phascH of thetgreat European stniffjrle prompted Mayor Smith to
sny he would urgo Prcsidont Wilson to name Philadelphia for such n mcetintr.
. .." ll two. that such a proposition has been made by Germany," said
tho Mayor, "I will bo the first one to urce upon the President tho ndvfsnblllty
of holdlnfr auch a conference in Phllndelphln in Independence Hall. A moro
sullablo spot for a conference of this character could not bo selected in this
country. I am certain that Philadelphia would appeal to all concerned as an
ideal placo for such a conference. I will net Immedintoly when convinced
that there is a chance for tho proposed conference or series of conferences."
Ambulance Corps Veteran Fears
Peace Pressure on BrsIb of
German Victory
ConUnued from Pace One
Intention In his note, the Westminster Cta
zetta declared-
Wo should mako our own position
plain. It Is to be hoped that our reply
to the American nolo will bo a full,
careful and wcll-rensoned statement.
Tho Dally Telegraph says:
We have not wished to have prema
ture peace and wo do not mean to have
It. Our enemies have willed such a
pence nnd are making every possible
effort to forco one hi the only nlternn
the to final defeat They have failed
to disarm any of their Intended victims
by military means; certainly they will
not do so by the exercleo of diplomacy,
tenle Allies their terms of peace Ocrmany
lentn Allies their terms of pence Uenhnny
"probably" will furnish to the President
tho Toulon tPiins. It was stated at ho
f.crniHii Kmhnssv today
Diplomat of tho Central Umpires said
today tltej do not cxptct any moc from
President Wilson until England replies to
his pence note Should I'lesldent Wilson
thereupon transmit the Herman reply to
Ikighiml nnd should Knglaud nindnlly link
for (lerniany's peace twins, through the
President, It Is thought probnblo thnt Ger
many would ippty fnonildy If n similar
concession were mndo liv Ihiulnnd
In such no eent, however, llermnuy. It
wan said, would prefer both sets of pence,
tonus to be held temporarily uonlldontlnl
between thu belligerents nnd President Wil
son and withheld from publication except
by mutual agieomcnt.
enter a peace conference with their exact
conditions unknown, ,
Neutral diplomats declare It Is evident
that (lermany wants to parley upon the
basis of the present war map nnd that It
Is equally evident tha,t the Allies will not
listen lo any such proposition nt leant foi
tho time being
The developments of the last few days
strengthen the belief held here that the
war will continue Indefinitely.
Warships, DisRuiscd as Commprco Pro
tectors, Ready to Prevent Repe
tition of Wholcsalo Sinkings
BOSTON, Dec. 27. The presence on this
side of tho Atlantic of u formidable fleet
of Allied warships was Indicated dellnltoly
todny. Tho vessels are known officially
as commorco protectors. They aro heavily
armed and disguised. For obvious reasons
their exact disposition la not rovenled, but
the arrhal In Amorlcan waters of this new
est unit of the Rrltlah and Tronch Ad
miralties wan mndo known from n sourc
that hardly can be questioned.
For some days skippers of transatlantic
and coastwise steamers have been bringing
to Now Kngland ports roports of stratifta
nppearlng craft making their way west
ward. They mado no reply to signals and
could not bo approached.
The commerce protectors ure described
aa large and powerful, but capable of fair
speed. Thay were designed. It Is said, to
meet tho German U-boat danger nnd In
anticipation of nn attempted raid off the
Canadian coast similar to that mado by
the XT-B3 off Nantucket on October 8. A,t
that tlmo Bhlpplng men ngured that there
was not an Allied warship within S00 miles
of tho spot that Captain Hans Rosn de
liberately selected In which to operate.
TY'aahtngton, p. p., J7 Dleembra.
La Tlsposta delta dermanla alia, nota dil
presidents Wilson ha. portato tin eenso -II
- Mjonforto nel Dlpartlmsnto dl fUato e nella
Casa- Dlanca, Coma ' npto, II presidents
ayeva chlesto alia potansa belllgerantl d!
Stablltra a quail cond(zon ess aarebbero
entrato in trattatlye par concludere la pace.
Ia rlapoata della Germahla pon da' alcunn,
rondtalona, .laiclando la coca perfattamenta
owe erano nella propoata tedesca. Om
lutato fatto ' conldrato a Washington
Mms vn grave colpo r.llo, prosptttlva dalla.
pace. Ia rlapoata conalderata coma In
odlafscenta da ognl punto dl vista e prova
aneora una volta cha offerte della. Oer
laaouv non erano sincere.
. JEent at Biennial Convention of Sigma
Alpha Epailon
f , PITTSBURair. Da ST. A thousand
1 4wsrada and alumni shouted b'lgma
- Jjpha, gplIon'a4fctUecry with great tlu-
ijiy an fansfclU tha arnoker in ChU
incroa'a ClubJppiff hero last night, puno-
tuatlesr tha cartMma at the smoker which
ite-d. PttUburgfa's) biggest Greek I(tr
JraUrnlty wee tics ihe biennial national
anviUtoa of 8. A il. wheh la tola year
lrUn Us ytlatn birthday
With 4 exj)tloa of last night' sunokar,
M wlilch ttto studauta of tha Put C'hsptr
Wtt g Vl, tfe ytinlnaa of the corjvMiU!.
saaanaaH Uh aoiTrnr u wux sw aut aa
Four-Year-Old, in Mother's Confidence,
Refuses to Disclose It Though
at Death's Door
NOnniSTOW.V. Pa,. U'.: 27. Berth
Kcmlnghaus. four years old, win was
stricken with diphtheria at her home In a
farmhousa on tha grounds nt the Norrls
towi. Hospital for the Insane thrca wees
ago, (lied with a secret whdi tdio had kept
front her father for weekd. Ke'ore Uertha
liecatne III tho mother had urr'ingo-l tr, m.iko
the father a Chrlatmas gift of nn enlarged
portrait of himself. Her four children had
all been taken Into confidences by the
mother, Inoludlng Xltrtha, and although the
child had aeen tho portrait In Its gilt frama
and knew that she was near death she re
fused to dlvulga the secre. and It was
buried -with hor.
Sha never lived to aea tha father receive
It A few hours before Christmas Uertha,
n a weakened condition, said to her
"Won't papa bo pleased with hla picture?
I won't tail him."
Sha died a few hours afterward, The
father Is employed In the laundry at tha
NorrUtown Hospital for tha insane.
Despite a general feeling of hopelessness
among Government hendn over prospects
for pence. In tho light of (lerniany's latest
communication, men closest to President
Wilson bollocd today ho will strle to the
utmost to prevont thu situation getting be
yond his grnsp.
Two rensona, they sild. will actuate him,
namely :
A desire to cud thn war.
A desire. If possible, to avoid having
to put through his .Sussox note throat
to break relations with Germany should
she overstep her suhtpurlne pledges.
Officials made no secret of their possl
mlsm over tho Allies' rejection of tho (ler
tunn proposal for n round-tablo conference.
This wns the moro emphatic becauso Ger
many does not propose now to link tho Idea
of a world penco guaranty with the round
table BOHslon, apparently Tho Allies want
such a themo Included.
However, men In touch with Prcsldont
Wilson said the "door In not closed," nnd
that whllo the Allies may throw down tho
German conferenco Idea hard, Wilson still
can move again, especially with the back
ing of other neutrals.
Wilson's frlendx hold ho has placed him
self In tho position of nt least a potential
mediator, and nonce cannot quit now unless
his proposals aro flatly i ejected.
Whllo tho Idea of obtaining peace Is up
pormost In Administration minds, there Is
ntnong the Inner clrclo a foar that a break
with (lermany Is Inevitable if present pcaco
proposals fall utterly.
In fact, ono of tho highest oflldala said
todny that prcnent plans call for no moro
nota writing to Germany on the nubmarltio
And. ho added, If the Marina, Arabia and
other cases develop clear-cut violation of
Gorman pledges In tho Sussex case, or If
Germany starts a new submarine campaign
In case pcaco proposals fall, then a break In
German-American rotations can bo tho only
Ho declared that President Wilson's
"peace" note und Secretary Lansing's sub
sequent "verge of war" statement woro In
a. measure educational, so that tho coun
try would not wonder what It was alt
about In event matters came to tho break
ing point.
Oflldala make no secret privately of tho
fact that tho pence note nnd tha Lansing
explanation were aimed mainly at Ger
many n warning to her not to cut loose
with her submarines In event peace over
turcs fall.
KIt.VNCi:, Dec. 27.
"Never hns the Ilrltlsh army been so pre
pared to fight ; why should we talk pence"
"You can safely glvo that as thn Ilrltlsh
army's answer to alt peace talk," declared
a stnff general today In response, to ques
tions of what lie nnd hla men thought of
President Wilson's note
To say that thn American tiole ell like
a bombshell here Is putting It mildly. Ilomb-
snens arc iiwns more or less expected
hereabouts; whereas such a step, lis that
taken hy tho American President wan most
lomotoly removed from nil thoughts.
The inovo wns nrlously commenteJ upon
by the fighting men No ono doubted for
nn liintunt Ihn President's good Intentions
In the suggestions, but tho feeling was that
strong Influences had succeeded In Inducing
him tn bollmo Ihls was nn opportune mo
ment to net Such action was regarded
n smoothing (lerniany's road nnd enabling
her In tako the second step In her "peace
plot "
Sentiment nt tho front Is unconditionally
ngalnat penco now. Every Indication points
tn much worse conditions In Germany than
the world even suspects; An tho other hand,
the Allies aro dally better situated to wage
succeaiful offensive.
Tho Ilrltlsh, who aro little given to de
monstrntlveness, are unanimous In their ex
pression of absolute confidence of the com
paratively early defeat of tho Central
Powers under pressure of the Allies' growing
LONDON. Dec. 27.
Oerman dolegatcs havo arrived at The
llnguo to mnlis preliminary arrangements
for a peace conference If one can be brought
about, nays n dispatch to tho Kxchango
Telegraph Company today from tho Dutch
Tho text of tho dispatch from the Haguo
In view of tho preparatory meeting
of delegates to a. peace conference sug
gested In tho German reply to Presi
dent Wilson Gorman agents havo ar
rived at Tho Hagus and aro making
Inquiries for hotel accommodations for
Germnn pcaco representatives.
LONDON, Dec. 27. Major Krio Klaher
Wood, of the. French Ambulance Corps,
writing as an American to the presi here,
trges thn need of more tffedlve nrltlslt
publicity In tha United States. Among
other th I rigs, he says:
"tfrmtavcr may be the outcome of Itr.
WllwnV pcaco proposals, a tlmo will
eventually arrive when iremcndoif pressure
will bo brought to bear by America In
favor of peace on the basis of Osrman
victory unless a vigorous system of Ilrltlsh
publicity Is organized to combat the. ex
tensive and shrewdly managed Oerman
propngahdu Into whore clutch the United
Slates Is falling.
"America's failure to Indorse Great Ilrlt
nln's course, the political defeat of pro
Ally Colonel Iloosevelt, Hie antl-llrltlsh
campaign of the Hearst newspaper,, the
Wniburir outburst, the SctilnT-Speyer In
trigues nnd a score of similar occurrences
favorable to Germany would all have bean
Impossible hod America appreciated Great
Mrltaln's ideals nnd actions In the prenent
war. . v
' It Is no exaggeration to say that ninety
per cent of our American cltisens havu no
ndequata conception of what Great Drltaln
Is fighting for, nor any appreciation of the
splendid part she Is playing both on e&
and land, from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Amei leans ask the Otrman-taught question.
What li Knglmid doing, besides making
Krnuce fight for her, nnd what business of
ours Is It, anyway 7'
"What other result did Great Hrllnln
expect from her policy of discouraging
American correspondents nnd limiting their
publicity to ofllclnl communiques? I'ar
from encouraging American authors, the
llrltrah authorities met them with hin
drances and suspicions, and although
offering no substitute, deny them the op
portunity for pro-Urttlsh publicity.
"Germany began by categorically telling
the American people what they were to be
Hove Heidy-mado news was crammed
down their throats and Doctor Dernbcrg
was sent to America to aupef Intend the
cramming. His failure was 'ktilosaa!,' but
Germany learned from his mistakes and sho
not only recalled and repudiated him, but
thcncofoith under tho guidance of that ex
pert In American psychology, Count von
Hernatorft, shn has used highly effectlva
Indirect methods."
Major Wood suggests that Great Britain
should follow tho lead of France, whoso
publicity has been written to a great extent
by Amorlcan soldiers In tho French army,
and he says. In eonsequencs of Franco's
shrewdly managed publicity, Amorlca Is
wholeheartedly pro-French. Ho concludes -
"It Is tho testimony of tho participant
and, above all, the American participant,
which Is most effective. If wo Americans
are to begin to apprcclato that Great Brit
ain's battlo Is our battle, we must bo al
lowed to know that 50,000 of our young
men aro fighting In tho English nnd Cana
dian armies and sharing tho almn and tdenls,
sufferings and privations of those armies.
They aro so many American Indorsements
of Great Britain, yot their presence Is un
known In tha United States. I myself
learned of it only two months ago on a
chnnco visit to Canada."
Civil War Veteran Dies
rOTTSVrLI.Ti;, Pt-, Dec. 27. Edward'
Mauenrord, ninety-two years old, the old
est resident of this city. Is dead. He was
the head of five generations. He was a
Civil War voteran.
Tha llusstan press la strongly backtng up
tho Goernment In rejecting peace over
tures at this time. Tho Novoo Vromyn,
which frequently reflects tho attitude of tho
'Itusslnn Governmont. takes the view that
tho Wilson note was Bent nt the wrong
time, nnd deserves a courteous but nega
tive reply
While tho Forolgn Office has the peace
issues under consideration, the War Office
Is going nhead with plana for a. mora vig
orous prosecution of tha war on all the
Hundreds Gather at State College to
Study Improved and Eco
nomical Methods
STATU COLLEGE, Pa.. Dec. 27 Tha
grand assault on old "high cost of living"
gained fresh Impetus when several hundrad
atald farmers from all Parts of the Stat
traveled here today to spend a week In the
study of Intensive production and reclama
tion of waste land, Tha farmer students
art occupying the dormitories e't vacant
by tha collage students home on Christmas
vacation, and just to show that they haven't
forgotten their boyhood days they are
pulling a series of "student" pranks that
will turn the regular sophomore class gretn
with envy wfcen they return and hear
about It,
. ' ' '
Shenandoah ComDromises Claim tnr
Stream by Payfngy,?3SQ0 to Paper ilJU
fOTtSVILLE, Pa., Dec' 27 Judgment
lias been confessed b M. M. Burke, so
licitor for Bbenandoah borough, for 11500
In favor of tha New York and Pennsyl
vania Paper Mill Company This averted
a long legal contest for damages claimed
by the paper company becaus- tha offlolaui
of Shenandoah sailed tha company's stream
oi waur in we uaiajriasa. vanii
fflafeiA tirt w 1 1 tsr li tiirt innHie,lat,l7 at..
s. IsaLi!? ?ww waier
g41K fNpisf
BEItNEI, Dao. 27.
To make known her peace terms at this
time would seriously weaken Germany's po-
Mnu.i, Bccuruing 10 a view expressed in
dlplomatlo circles hare today.
German statesman ara aald to feel that
they can bargain for batter terms It they
New Year's
Greeting Card
It, .will Increase jour eustaossrs' sootl
will towards ou al little twuit,
Appropriate Designs 100, ?3,00
200, JS.OOi 500, $10.00 1000,
J 7.50, (ncludinr your advertise-
ment. Quick nrvte; of count.
Louis Fink & Sons
Printers Stationers
56 N. 7TH STREET (Firat Floor)
Leg Comfort
O f-II
tela support.
llUll !.. Or A t h m w l-
treubtts wbla bm4 canaTsAf&sr.
111 maks u hacpy and easy.
irav away torturlnx lastka air
ima bindi sj ami
-- .jrm.- ."3r! "ST v"
. Wwnj. lV7HM OlOCSIII
mtda to mtnaur. witboia
taratav fnw m nw niAnll,. '
tr for uuitxr months.' Wish'
iu ABitarr. iisni
able an
iOTf wr .lonurinx alastKa as
wuiwiw. ana iar
bH. Cost only 11,19 aach, or
two for th same limb, aj.wsoi
iroa'd slaaly pay much mar ft
tha BUDborl and uu. Pll na
"..aaasvrad fraa, or writs. Ur
Sflf-maaagnment clank Wo, IB,
Itoura to & 4aU, Sat, t i.
w, alia make atOumlaal MIU
M-alaatk). to rdr.
Con tinned Tomorrow
HTODAY'S sleet storm pre
vented many of Oak Hall's
customers from taking ad
vantage of Acorn Day's spe
cial prices.
Wanamaker & Brown
Therefore make an excep
tion to their fixed rule and
announce that all of Acorn
Day's prices will hold good
Wanamaker & Brown
Market at Sixth for 55 Years
Six-Inch Guns Will Give Creator
Radius of Attnclf on Mor-
, chantmen
WASHINGTON, Dec 87. Submarines of
hitherto undreamed-of offensive power and
radius of action ara under construction by
Germatiy. Tho Navy Department here lias
been Informed, It was learned today, that
theae. great undersea units ore being; rushed
to completion In German ahlpyarda and -will
be put Into service as fast as they are, com
pleted. The only example of Oerman submarine
warcraft to reach American shores tha
U-63, which put Into Newport unexpectedly
nfter nn unheralded transatlantic voyage
will be dwarfed In ability and power by tha
tttfr type of submersible, tha Information
hero shows.
While possessing greater speed and cruis
ing radius than pretanl types, the most
striking feature of tha new vessels Is tha
fact thnt six-Inch guns ara mounted fore
and aft. Thla may reault In doing- away
with tho feature of undersea warfare, to
which the Administration has objected ao
etrongly since tha beginning of tha war
tho destruction of enemy shipping without
warning. Naval officers hero who nro re
garded as International law authorities
pointed out today that tha new submarines
will be ablo to II so far away from vessels,
and signal them to stop by tiring n shot
noross their bows, that tha danger of defen
sive guns on merchantmen harming tho
mbrveralbles Is gone, or at least, greatly
liven guns of similar range mounted on
merchantmen would not be n great monace.
It raft oolntcrt mil. ... iw . "&
choosa Its position In respe iotisf-S
is halllns before exposlngTuVVv!11
to the surface, Wh ii5Ji'' rWwr 5
with bow or stern bearing recti "?.
vessel It Is hailing. th UhraTJJ? V
tho undersea craft I. WrVaiJK"
pared with tha target pm.ntVd btT"
merchantman, ordnanca offWrs ..m r i8
would mean that If .. mwchSSU J?
the same type of guns, with aimna?!
and accuracy, attempted to alnk th J2
rins ordering It to hall, the merchVJ FLbmv
could be destroyed wHh25 WhmI"
necf ssary range-findlng shots cmm v. V
from It at tha small, low target, B,M
For This Kind of Weather
The ordinary hsater pertisrs enlrton
cent smclent la an eronomlo waata ai
n manaea to balth. Dkum wrfAt JSJ
taction acalnat the tmanls-nJoraL!
juts comfort by Installlrur a """"
Ml Hack hfattra ara daeaneabla. rct
orlva tha. exact amount ot hm dMir JS
matter how exacting your naslrtmesta
Ttir ara teonomlpal. too. warminr aWii
nook and cornar ot tha larxat hm tm a
Riirprlstnaly small allowance ot fqit, tl
11a prova that It will par you to rclaea
jour ordinary aystun with
a riCK nqaiar. ivtua ia-
aay (or eartiojiiars.
VlUt Our iToilly
Ittoctitd Showroomi
iil 3
Prices Will Advance
January 15th, 1017
Up to Hie present-timo, BUICIC Viilvo-in-Hcnd
Cars havo been built of materials
contracted for before tho-jxlraostiainiver-eal
That Supply of Materials
Has Now Been Exhausted
An increase in the prico of all BUICK
Valve-in-Head Cars is therefore impera
tive. On and after January 16th; 1917,
prices of the various BUICK Modelswill
bo as follows:
D-4-34, 4-Cyl. Runabout $G60.00
D-4-35, 4-Cyl. Tourinc; 675.00
D-C-44, G-yl. Runabout - 1040.00
D-6-45, C-Cyl. Touring 1070.00
D-6-4G, G-Cyl. Cabriolet 1440.00
D-G-47, G-CyL Sedan -. 1835.00
Orders Placed Immediately (for delivery
prior Jan, 15th) Will Be Booked erf Old
Bnick Motor Co,
Factory Branch
Broad and Poplar Sts.
III . ' Tl
' ISgf I
'S. ' s
I ("A.
.. mm.
Wallets .
Cigar Cases
Cigarette Cases1
of blugk silk with gold '
i?. Ktnd & Sorts, 1110 Chestnut $t.
mwwgM$mB - -' 'f?- um 'mm. mi iwmw,m mitmwwmrmm
Wet accept all makes of used automobiles a part payment ol.the
purcbass pries of a
New Buick
Wilkie Motor Supply Corporation
Edw. Wilkie, Pres., UeA',.te; SSSnJff' fl77 N. Broad St
Only suthorUod daslara in PhUadalpbla County for tha exebanga of
used autoa ia tho purchase of now Buick Valve.fn.Head Car
Buy now and save tbe incraaaa in price.
W will store your car fraa of cliargo until wanted.
Thte management announces tho usual
celebration of
Nfew Year's Eve4
December 31 $t
will be served from 10 o'clock, Special
features and attractive souvenirs.
Please WTk Ueserrntlqna Early. Phone Walnut 4790-
W 'IgBjIlaW