JEViSmm L13DU13Ii-PBiIli2VDI0LPHLk TUEBIMX DJSO$iIBEE 26, 1016 !$ FINANCIAL: NEWS' MARKET IS UNSETTLED BY WRAimTOSQ . IN MARINES AFTER EARLY ADVANCES Naming of Halifax as Atlantic Terminal Instead of New York Construed by Street as Indicating Greater Submarine Activities ' There na another p'erlotl of slrenalh far it-SNV V'?UK' i' ' fcuslneu on the Stock Exchange thl, mo nine .mi f """ "V "!2!l!p " "' Stock. moved up mud. many In th, Htnl iVf ?T '"V"" ind dlUtes w. over and thai a Ulllr7X 'V1 f """STT ,h.t .Inmgth rr.vni.ed mlvnnce, rnBTne ?rU ull T. T .T WWf . .lUIUh rtnnar aST l,.hl,h C,0,,, " R",,,t0 "l 1W' "Ve.l Uf 40 .l: noi to inn . , , ,H, T?"" ,0 " "" """i" "'! win mT ,W a. : 'nJ'MrlM Alcohol at tlm name, time rose, more, than t, point- to nrfJ;U Indie M 9 points to IH and Texan Company advanced from 20914 to 228. TMC!l?Hr n"10 W!lhf.ui m"eh ,rm,l,u'' th" -" " lPwiil acnrclty of offer ngs i all throuish the forenoon, but wrt.kt. shown trm the oponlnf In the, Marine Issues becauw, of the announcement of the or.lor by ivhlch '" la named na the Atlantic terminal of the- line Instead of New York, and thla order wan construed a. lndlcattnB an rpctaUon of preatcr mib marine activities. Tho preferred stock, which opened nt 914. dropped to 82,. and the common stock fell from 26 to 22, The weakness In these Issues soon had an uuaotttlnK Inriuenco ow tradlUK all throiiBh the lint nnd It was not Ion beforo nearly all the forenoon' iraltxi were wiped out. The specialties, which hnd advanced around to point, raaeteit nbout t polnta nnd tho lemllnK Industrial nnd railroads receded to elose to .ifttiirUay'a final figures. The declaration of tho regular dividend on Anaconda wna a disappointment to speculator In all tho copper shnrea. Anaconda had advanced 2 inilnts to SIH. but lost this Rain aftor the dividend was nnnounced. l.lttlo Importance could bo attached to the price movements during the day, as tho .market was morn of n holiday chnrnctor than It had been oven on the two final days of last week, nnd a petition to closo the Kxchnnge on Saturday, which was circulated nfler noon. Kts signed by nearly nil tho brokers on the floor. The reply of the Herman allies to President Wilson was- favorably received by Wnll street, but It did not have nny market effect on prices. New York Stock Sale Trading In bonds was In small volume, with must Interest attached to the dealings In foreign Issues. Anglo-French Cs were traded in nt HJV4. nnd 9S?i nnd United Tvlngdom threc-yenr notes sold nt 87 to 9SH- It was understood cner Klty that Grent Britain Is .arranging n new secured loan.' nnd' tills knowledge hnd much to do with restricting trading In bond-) generally. CURB ISSUES DROP AFTER SMALL RISE ''.Profit-Taking Causes Declines in Important Stocks Dullness Marks Trading NKW YOIIK, Dec. 26, l're-hollday dii.ll gtii characterlied the trading in the, mar ket for outside securities today. At the out set, however, a fair Inquiry was shown for a number of the more Important Issues nt light gains. After reactionary tendency set In on profit-taking, which brought many Issues under the previous close. The oil stocks ruled generally strong un der tho lesd of Standard Oils, with a fairly tood Inquiry for the Independent Issues. OfTrlngs in many cases were of small pro portions. .Mldvalo Steel, after moving up . eased 'eft a full point. United Alloy Steel nnd Bteel Alloy fluctuated narrowly. Submarine Boat wna strong nt the outset, but" likewise tascd oft moderately. Motor stocks wore somewhat Irregular on a small volume of trading, Mining stocks wore comparatively quiet and somewhat Irregular. Bonds were dull, but generally steady. INDUSTr.I..H Hid. Askrd. Aetna Kxploalves M American British Mrg o to American Marconi V American AVrltlng Taper 4Vi !4 Canadian Car and Foundry 40 Canadian Car and Foundry of 70 so '1 Charcoal Iron 1 S Chevrolet Uottrn Its lei Cramp Shipbuilding 75 s.i Curlbto Aeroplane ., ,.-33 so Rmerson Phonograph v',' v& Haskell and Barker Car 40 43 Hendeo Manufacturing ...... 33 til Kathodlon Bronie pref 3 4 laurel Oil & Gas .,..i ayi Maxim Munitions , 3U Mldvals Steel !, bo New York Shipbuilding 4 Mi 43 j JJ A Paper au s Otis Klsvator , flu 3 I Peerless Motors ,. I to f Poole ling so loo S S Kresge w I ..,.. II iti-J Standard Motors SH a 14 Steel Alloys 7 71k Submarine ts to Transue Williams ., 4n 41 , Trlanslo Flint .... . Hi ta; Todd Shipyards . . .' na is I Vnlted Alloy Siesl 4ou 4ui ,1 V S Steamship a ati l uuju Aioiora o 4n J l'nltf Profit Sharing , I ii u H I, & ( com ..,., li t VH h t. If pref 3 s World Film , Ifc IU. ( Wrlght-Martln Aircraft It 18 IlAIUtOADS x Pere Marquette Jl S7V4 t Pere Marquette pref s t , Rock Island com 41)4 ' 43 Rock Island A pref II I ! Itock Island U pref 74 71 western Paclflo w I II i western Paclflo pref 41 41 J Wabash Pittsburgh lift JMi . Wabash Pittsburgh pref .... II Si STANDARD Qlf STOCKS 1 Illinois , ; ...Ill III uhlo .Ill 400 , Prairie Pipe ....Ill 141 8 O of California no lT 8 O of New Jersey , . , , lis III ; B O of New York Ill 171 ' OTHER oih STOCKS ' Harnett Oil 4 Oas IK I I Coi4en Oil 1414 II , federal Oil , H , Houston OH , so ii I Jferiltt Oil litt 11 'Midwest Refining 7 M Royal I)utch IT Sequoyah .,..,111.11 a J Bspulp Reflnlng- H 1 . Sinclair Oil llli t I MINING STOCKS Alaska Standard ,. Atlanta l Rlsbee Copper (a prosp) 'k Butte Copper Zlno UK m& Htte New York ... IH Cerro de Pasco HH TH Consolidated Arliona IH Emms. Consolidated 1 1-1 l' yirst National IH Florence aotdtleld tJ Qoldfleld Merger , ! Hecja Mining 7 Hi Howe Hound 1 ' Independence Lead 17 H Jim Butler .... ' .Jumbo Extension ...., II ' jKewanaa 1 k McKJnley-Darragb .,, II f Magma, Copper i t ( Mines po of America I W iNevad Wonder ,.. Hi V4 Nlplssing , Y H Kay Hcrottlea -.. 4H H f ean Toy , 1 fit JostptfUad IT ! f Touopab. Extension ..- J , Weit Bnd CoBsoWated ...... H Tl iWfctts Oak ................. IH BOPS Ae y d x4 w t. - - - " v MuutatoaJ jta .... 9Vi ' HtMi,i.a iT. Vt. ta New York Bond Sales Iiioii Am For tc S. . Iilwsiu Am.r kk :; r."iL ". r. n u. u. flNhl A.- i IS.VUHI Alrhlion li ".' iffi Allnn Co l.lne 11., i'l") iln l.i 4, 7. ouuo du fia f.O(Mhl ,lr. a- SlliU.1 llo c i ,!". iiXKi ( oipr . SWU lirook It t a, iiiih.. i'JIXW ,o B. luil .VMxi Cni l'c l.l 1a a hni i-hiii corper In. . .. ihiSSi lhf "'. cv 4W. lUnlHMI da ronr fi . . . . luoo Ch Alton -, .. awa i:hp K.,t f 4,,.. JiHHi fhl lit W..I 4a. . . . 30UU Uhl II A Q lolni 4 OODil Chi I, tl ? 6 Vts, . 1IIOIHI CM a Ml I'Ulv 4. . IT00H ,io c 41. a ?JSS C It 1 I" rl.l 4 . . inoo il,j 4. SCHSI da Ark 4ta a .... 4MHJU nir of rria ii l'oisi j-ai r t, i cm rt. . . KUOII t.n t. III.. II. Am W" K,u IMnv " H '' MXHI 1 (KM. llKHI lUOlf llraal Vplt, l.i'i 3m(ii) Hurl t'u (Ua 1. lOo Indians Hta.l 5. Iinmmi III C.nlral rM 4a . JJimh) Intarli Met 4'-, . isoou Inter It T fi r.. . . 39000 luitr Al.r Mar Vm . souo intarnl l-stwr IU ,. :i()(X) J.nintu 4a, , i'Oooo do n.w II H 41ia IOUU Kan t'Ujr Ho S. IniUI IJian 1'ltv T. l-t 1- ZliiNI Kniktik A II M I at 2 lllOOil ''do Sa. 1930 1DOU I.V. k.ii si, -limn ii ip .a iu:ii lHah 10.1 . 1)11, . ui; ItHIS . W. . VH III. . l . Il . K.1 .loov . uij; VIS VI , IWl'i .100 VuS .IIMI . ui. i;u di' UIS &l irni, T3 1)1'. VH U'.M, 10.11, 741, Mill UT 1)5 HI !i rw 3 ii.m. 10s lt III vi i Ml. HifliJ l Pi 1 lisS 1)7 1)7 tl)l4 VI 111 ml. 01 ui 1131, IW'l ((0, VI J. vs lm( 1110 v S 1IH Oil; II J h. 4i t.3 Uil 78 UK'i Vil VJ'i luo'i Mill 7a ii'i ' D.I HI IIS, UI ll in Hiuti tu. vus U!). VIU isl Hi Vll, S3 t(',. . OB1, DA vs"; IIMI 74h Ml'. vut. u;. HI ItHU ilJ san 4a 7j Vih Tii Klarlils K r IW... V, ul'. 111U Ki w ins 1.1 i... caii 011U ii'n! lUn Kli B tf() 11m luft . HKJVl IINlVl 10II1, .103 11)3 t3 ' in, nit mi . VIS HIS Vlli . IM DH'l 73 Tiii; 1 " I ttlL IUI1. h3 Vi Ul Ul I11IU tut '. 74 73 T Jt T- 711 jimmi in vsi f n r iita.iiniM ..Kill. iS 117 K 1117 . III! . . u. .. tin1 ,.1(11 . . 103 . I in hi', . D4. . . 73 , . -411, .. DJt, . I'll . . n .. ui . . v.", .. M1H 1)1' 00(1 l.lfir A M T A. tlHKI Uinc I.UllO I'll 4. Iihhi lo Uau a T V.l 4 llUOO Mil V.c w I 4a JIMMI On ta 1017 ml cl ikmhi 1I0 l tixiii .V.i Mn Hianin '" 00(1 N.I t'risl .St I. r. SilOU N V U t II il. r.O(K) ia 4e , llUOd da 41.1 soon n y riix 4e iust . 1.1)0(1 da 44 111 HO luoo ild ij. Max tU,1T ItXHI , Y (laa II I. I' 4a. .111(111 iln da (ODD X V Hwr ref 4a..., 140iki do sill sa , IDUOO Nort W.l 4a..., 3 lOod Mar l'o urlur 4 .. soon ila c.n 8it '.'OuXI Onttrlu I'c.w-T Sa 1( KM) or Ittry N con 4a JO(M) or a -b W It a N 4. KHlll I'.o I'oaal I at On ,. -.MIOil I'.oltlc T.I Sa., . ... 1000 I'.nna (111 rl 41, .. 100(H) I'va d Kaal lal 4 . aiM)l) I'utiUo H.rv N J fc- liioou Htiainr sen ta va'-t 7000 It.p Ir a t Sa uott SHOO Ilk. Of W let 4a. . 77i 1IHH) Mt l,(llt Ko san 6a.0lH HHUI HI I, I .M 1,8 (llf 4e... Sll 1 llion HI 1. II K sit .... 7H JIKMI llo II 7ll'4 33O0U 1U1 4 Har A 70V, lOoo Ht I. Hwn lal 4a ., V llMifln du la "I, ftf)(XI HI 'aui z m i mil ,a. unia iihhi Fasiwsru a i. uj hi. r SOOO H19UIB I'ao ov m. . . 0000 do rtt f p Sa SIMM do rM 4a 3(mki South llwv sen 4a I (XV) da vi l ; 8000 South llr Mt I. 4 likyi TWrd Av ret 4e Sunn .la d) 8 . . , . 5000 Tat IH I. V. 4a SOis) Ulb Power. Ss . . noon 11 h ft ft fl. 1000 If H Heatix Is 1 (inn I J N Hutilar na . . . joiioo II H aiael C S6IM Union I'se tat 4s . 4000 do rtd -j linno I'D nwrar loAOOO V K ofO II 3(13000 do .11 Ms. 11 IsiiOiiO do SH. M(ll DUU N7 , N7J. .Vjt!, 6S18 Kll'i JiHU K3 S3 'I USi VA& IimiH limit IDI 1 lul, N41. M nil. 107 III.I". nil R4' 117 i 1117 I IBS III! inf. tntti 11)74 IU IU II.' Ii.1 11)11, IILV, I Oil 111 imV, 7a S 4sl, V31 Vl'i 117 u. IIS'. it'-" in US .' Vila 1 &$ IIP! HI' '?& 4. U3U Vll. 117 Ul U'j'i kit. Oil llMlt. 1IHI. .lii'JW I ii'.", i . 73 7a UJ UJ USU U5W lil so .1 70 7H 117 0lk imS i-iiS miS SSK hilj SOH J03 IOSK KWjl . VJ'I USK I00U i7l( 73 UJ 03 li nn'i T'l 77 70 70 7S HI Oil) KB Atkl 0 Ht Ara Beetfietet An fn Ata LoeentnttTe Ara SnHl A. Ref Am Smt A rt tJ Am 6m4i tJ Am StM Ittta4nr Am Sit rM.trtM . , AwTrtATet Am W)et AmWfPifffpf Am 7. t, A 8 AnZI.AM. . . AMoen CM A(eh TW h F . . Ateb. ft T 8 A r 4 All tint A It I . lull IxvoWki ... Itmlt A 0m Hill A 0M 7f . . iVtntefceea meet- ... . Iletbtffitm Steel W nronWpa ttap Tr Hells A S4prkii . t'al IVrtreJMM. Cl ivtrnm n . . UtssdUs l'rtfle .... ceatnt UvllHf t'baiKllff ilSrfK . . . CB4 A Oltao f:l Orest Weil t-W rt WsAlpI CM MM Amp.... CM Mil A St V H . CM A KeitktwtB t4 UM A Met) ... . CM It 1 Pj CWee cepptr OHbo CBppf Col f a ires . . (tatMMed (in Own I'rwliieH ttf CtwlbN 84 Ssitr tulw CimSujm . Cata I'sue Kmt pt . DUIHI Sec Coip'B Htle ... . title lit i4 HfleW j Krd Mlt A Sbi pf Owlon W X V rieeenl lrlik (loodtlcti II K tlranby Coa). . . . tlrtst Notlbera pf l N tt for ore prop. . tlnlf MUIm 8II .. Int Con Cor r t e h Imp Con .ip Int riwf Int 'iKt ft Int .Nick t cf . ... lot Mer Matlne . .. 1st Mer Msrlmi pf Krnnrrott Cop h . fift htirl Co . .. . Lain Kris A West.... I jV Kilo A W lf . . IMcb VtWty Mtll Motore. . . Mai Melon lt pf. . Mat Molou 'id pf M ivrlroleum Miami Corixr . MKxiutl 1'Mlfk- Mo 1'itc r I Mo I'ae Ir cfj Mo Kan A Tia Mu Kan A Tela. l( . Nat Cloak A Milt. . .. Nat Cloak A Suit pf. . Nat Kium A S Co... Nat Lead Co Ner Con Cop New Voit Air lltake. . New York Central.... N V N II A, II N Y O A West Norfolk A WttB.... Norfolk A Weit pf.... Nortbern l',elfie . OWa CIUm IVnn Itallroiil Illle Coil e of dp . . l'nwd UleM Car... Ilay Con Cop Kraillnc ItepiiMlfl Iron AS..., Pfitoaril A I. if..... KkKt-Stl HAL... Mulbrrn I'aetflo Btl. AHKwl Rt IauIi SontfixMl Pf Sludelokar Cu....,. Hlutl Molor h Tenn Copper ., Teiat Ci Teias I'arirtc lobaoro 1'ruiIucH.. . Union U13 ! new., llnltixl Cigar Storee . UnlW Fruit ... Union VuUt '. . Uuloo I'arlfki pr U H lnd Alrohol.. .. II H llublxr 0 H H II A M tj.t ekM. ItUh. trf. Il'( mu irtl.- TS 77 74W ckm. men, 1 V ll'f II Ws ,p 88 Sa .tn. UK QI f'i 77 lOA't lt'f lqi( 1M 11.1 111 ITS IIS 07 MH 08 0 ItW'l ttO 109 1WH . w ot 01 ni VJtH 13A'J IM 1J5 . 41 tl'( 41l( A3i . W 44' i 4SM Wi ..:' OTli Wi 71) 7I .1', 71 H . 81 $4". 4 H .IOI'i Ult't lOVIvj 101't 100'i ll lttl'1 IIO'I .110 IWH 117 lit . s ran tvt '.o . bl'l M Ktli 81 7'i 7S I 7A4 7M Ufi Mil .V AOH . i: m im i.m H3s fan wi Wi . iVt 4U 47 474 . 3A MU art i . WJ 47 At' .I04t ir IU7 10 . S.VI SJij MH SOU ioii ml mi 101 . MU tMi4 0.VS MH . I4, llH 111 J4h 4li 41,'t 41', II ? IM trj Ul PI If mu VHU VHH VUH 121't liVi XMH 1'JA'i tl Mil Mli 4ft II IU . IJi'l. I.kt . il 21'i . as 1WI . 49'l . V.1 . :Wi .10 1 . 4'Ht . to . 371. 404 4B) .11 SO W 45 jei'i IM ni't 103 S'J 0.1'a .11 a. 4) 411 I07'e IIN'f 107 mh am atH Wf U21. IK) II7H 1171. 11714 117X :tt4 ;i'i .!. .m.'i 40'1 31 'i .'.U, 41 tail 8 ISOli IDJ 4U RV Ul .10' ( a Pi 4'.l'l 4'J wji 111 11 IU III 35.' 4U)i 40 :io? 40 lOSli 001. in lii . 17'f . sou 41 .IIC! . 41)i . M'i . (XI . 4 Pi .. M'a . i!7l Ml" . ) KlVi Ti :i7 1)0 VS'.' I6' lis I7 ll'i .. ai . 77i .111 . 27'i . CO .. Zi. -.140 . IM'i . M . mi'i 1.10 Ml, 80I IM 17lt !' ltt lltt'i Ma JO (ll'i 401, J.7'4 '.',.', .15 Til.'i .'.IH 74 17! i tH ,tSi I7' .IP. ll' t'i8 IXl I7U 17U Mli f7M 4 Pi 4SW IIIPI IOI'i 421 4.14 IM h"j'i IP. Kt '.'.V, 65 TllVi .W'i 7J a?". 05 :ih I7r an I7U ll'i 70? 1 70J i 'h hlli 4r.)i H7) ar.ti ,v. 7ll ft-.'). 7J :ui. 07H asic 171 :tii 17'i Il'l TJ. roi 1IJ14 U'.Mi 11'-' h .'HH -' GO'i IK) as 2.ii li; HO'i intu 11X11. .".Pi :.vt Wl. WH 135 K3' JSH lU)li MU 147 ltllli r.m VOIs 1:10 S5W no tiou-ioo', tiou .itm, 11.1 111 list? 60)1 oOH MHi . ,ti) 4i :n .. 7fll 70'i 0 .. aju i!7 avs ..imm 10.1 lonii . 7Mi 70i 77 :vh :wii ;wu 01T MHi 07 o;i . ft"l"i . 07!i , Hi -'. '0'i . &J Ml 50 naii.iui!, t,nu ni; Mt IlU'l 70 Jfill lot ;ui.' :vh)i llllt 07)1 J7 80 4UU fit) 60 60 lOH lOW ID'i ldli mn a 'jia I'M '.KI 31 '.'I -21 SS 60)( 57U 671. 01 03 01 05 ouii mu v oou ISO IS) 160 151 l7'i I4S I47li I47M 8P. K.W M' 0)4 lllli tlSli 10-lit H JU . ... Ill III "11. 0.1 Ulli ti 0U!i fi.1 If H Stwl CotO-n 1003 10S!illO() lll.M l. S 8tl Cotp-n pf ...f.11 lltl'i IIOU 110U lltab Copper IOO'i Ulsb rx-urltli "illi Wlali Wsbsih pr A 67 WabaiD pf Ii Wl't Wrllt i'arco Kip .M1 Wwt K AM.. 65J, Western Marjland A). WI.K I -'2'. Wllljri Oveiland .Wi VLwonilu Cenlul Hi White Molori 49'i 10.1 IUOI) 102)1 21 'Ji 'J I 1.1' i 1A)$ llli 58 67JS 57H :ii, 30 j nau lllli IlHi nu MM M 60V4 yol ssu 'i.'H MU 6:14 4SV,' -'tv :t7, lflj 814 :i74 6.14' 4SVW P,S' s. Il .... 2000 Wabask.lil is llsM Weal M4 1st 4s .. 700U Wlarenaln Cent sen in t.h 7, . IjHV. I...H 1JJ ::? WH , . on eo 00 . VI U4 Sll . .107 1117 107 .,1131, Ml, ft.114 . .luyu lojj. losjf . . osli viS "Hl .. UltJ DIU "1)1 . mC S 3S ,. UHH UH fisli . . Ufl MV, OHl, .. tS'i P7S S. , .lo4' i(jiC iuiu . 7Jt. 751V 73 la lad Kite SOli BANK CLEARINGS k. ei.srlnse ts4y Mmnr.d with rr- 11. r. spandlnf dar Uet Ul IBIS IBI4 E" ': 4fe awj? teg liJllTmSre -. ":IM $.o.w .t.J17S ' 1 11 I 1 T RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN NOKTJISJBN 1BII iMff.... Tblrd peek ! ..Jiailffl 4.4l7!oOO rr JiK 1 .77 7;736o 4.1l7:oo ATlJkNTA. milMWUHAU AN 4TMKTIO Narepi ym m4ts' si" abr ! :. ATV1I1S0N 113, mm 3l.e7(l.l 84.39 nni 77, SSI.D33 I nil .171 01110400, INOUNAJWUH ANP LOU1SVILUS tBttx&i zzr... iMm ll.4l 4W.U9H BUKVAIA HOWIIK'MIR AND J'lTTatlllliail mm M:J8 HM.ip. 4S.IWU, . iti.jj s3 ilsrfceis lie i Bd Mifttf. ?abioTvSsiM j iir... ia.Mvi.nt m!&&H& "f 'saw,,. J3.4S. MONEY LENDING RATES XIJW YIIKK-Cull money loaned today at Hi per cent; later 34 per cent. Time fimds were iiuotedly lower on eood inlxsd Stook KxrhaitR tollateral loity. an aKHlnst 4U and 4. per cent for "lr daja cnlly TI10 market tills lliornlliK Ws re portrtl 44lj prcent. theso rates appblnic 10 all iivrlods U to six montlis. All Indus Irla'a were anoted nominally iitxint t per cent. Prime) nifrcaiilll iapar was Ulot and nominal at 44ti per twnt ank o ceptanees wero uncliaiiKd. at 3 4W5" per cent for eliaTluio dims . .wtj rr .-..n oil Inellglbles. CIIICAOO Money conditions In Hie Wsst mads llltle ohanje during the last week. althouBh sow Irreaularlly was shown In prices between loinmerelal banks and trust companies. Itatea on collateral at the principal financial centers are 4 4 psr MM, 5 per rent oij commercial paper and 4 4 per cent to 6 fW cent over the counter, with 4 per rent as a minimum In all transactions. In the Northwest banks report tome In creases I" uuelnesn. IHlh prloes have brought law Inflow of money, and Hie piueliaslHir durlnr the holiday sesson la vldene of prosperity. It Is possible I hat the effects of llw ahort-erup production may be seen a littles, latsr on. but for the time ttier are sunlalent funds In virtually all lines of trade, with wbJeh. to meet any and all requirements, nates of Interest are I to S per cent Ht. touts and Ramus banks ara finding the demand far money a little stronger, but not surtlolent to cause any Inereass In rates from 4 tq t per cent. vrh(o! have prevailed for verwl wU. tJvmmtrelsl paper Is only l moderate demand, and what little find Ita way pn to lbs market (s illnjouiiuJ at 4 per cent. NEW YORK UUTTER AND EGGS IIUTTBtl Kasalpte. eruia-Olber 4iMe. bfstter ifla". i2lfUlle. Urate. 4ie, .... ".ma. ......a mi MOW YOHK, Pee. SO. 3343 ia niM jryao w .s,r r,liM iiuiel w over suppir. .K!lr. 4if II Wa-ZmmamiM. SIBC mm. Msrkal d rai Irish qua nil." iWKM tmew si saaut WSVWU iUr'ATiiWvA: r ,at-..i nniiuu' jji -..- - ji jau r ur Hula. M sTails uatBeJ. ft- "e- ters 04 bar VAJ$ SILVER liiw t DIVIDENDS DEClSLRED Cauforaia KUelrW Cermrstiea. II.M s. stre u p((uil stoek. vWf JaBoary W lu suwk ol iawJ Desember 30. Auwsle Clr Cwor. virtejly ef It a siariTe!! T"" ?4 10 stuck r rwsun) JIBMM 30. This is s;ne a thM louuits ssa rwntiar qurtarly ( !wM. (urjMe Jurj W ftsi4Ji t ttcuti pSeatSer o. . Granulated Sugar Reduced NMW YORK Dec. SI KTM TrBiiUted waa quoted f die by ail rsflaers today, tuson after lfc aixutns- liowever. they a-edutwt lb firU 19 i4ata to tJUc Ttio ia sl U ftt t,vb rws wsji st (.Ota, a 4tfi 9t iMstaaf rB HWSr "gesitnr. GERMAN NOTE SENDS WHEAT PRICES DOWN Trntlors Put Bonrish Intorprctn tion on Roply to Presi dent's Letter ltrsATHKIt CONMTinSa NKW atlllK. te. B.-.lilile,reelirj IS Mesltier. Iloreaii IM frwrnlmr liwl Ie4 Ihf fsllanlne wrslher efMllilanei Imw, t 10 Ateele. ..elr vel eleer elesr prl. elear Terrerlree, iiitn l Ii 4t lln Inche.) ,kf .nl Swift I er- t'anajlan Nerthweet aalhe.t t Fif Sll.s. ,s Ixiw.r Ml.., Vsller tltiM Vslles . Mlaw em Ttte f.llfwlne erfflpllivllc" lll..l. at I.... is .1 k.k. -i .t..l...J. . a. lltl.lAI1. .01 Ii.lnlh. .1)1 nt Sselnan.W. III.. .01 .! 'T elnssll. .ie itJKwii I llr, . el !l. Tsui. I'lltCAHO HH- Jl- hearlsli Interpre tation was placed on tlermanys reply to President Wlleon's reeent rMite by traders In wheat today, and the tnatket, after ilia Playlne; a sreal deal of strenath durtnic the forenoon, vrss wenkened by aetlie selllns. The strength eeirly was due to a report that n. larre Utet was neetrlnr the Atlantic btMtrtl to retry out a hist lot ot sralti. DeeinKer, after reaehlnic I1.ISU. flnlsheil at lh lowest nt It l. r ijo shove the last quotation ot Friday; May, alter seltlnR up to It 7tU. dropped to $1174. emllnc nt 1 1. lit, tn II. US. compared with 11.11, the final quotation of Friday; July, after ris ing to $1.41. fell to 11174- closing nt II.5S4 to II JUL compared with II 33. Friday's last prtco. Iteeelpts at Interior polnta were small and there was eivltlence) of a further Inquiry from abroad. The market at Liverpool re mained etotl Th International lnatitule of Anrlculture at Home seilmate.1 the world's wheat crop at fully J& pr cent under that of last yenr. The vlalbl supply In the United Klnlen decreased 20I.0OO Imshels (or the week to 1 5.0 10.900 l)UhlK, I'om also lurnnl weak, alter haxlni; moved upward, wllh .hmit nnd on vset weslher In the Imlt rrly. The deplorutile fhlpplnR situation had nn tinravoruhln ef fect on Urn rtish. article hie. The visible supply In the United Mimes Increased 111,000 huehcls for the wrrk to O70.000 bushels. Followlne tlia oilier ara Ins. onls also sold off nfler nriniiew The visible supply In thn I'nltwl Hlstes decrensed 5 1 5,000 bushels for Hm wrcli to 10,401.000 bushels. l-iv.llri rutur.a r.tufl ss IaIIqws IVlWMt Ol.", llleh. i) 1 mivj I : 3iat . 1 ini. Safes in Philadelphia Cleee. a 43 ! IH 4S . lie. llleh. IS It A s pref aa 71 ram Iron 43 an rim ator. m l Ins Ca N A17U 10 Kenne Cop l loo Key Tel... HM IIS t.k Sun Crp toll 133 lh Valley 10 13 Val Tf MM 10 da pM. 43 10 Kehityl II llo Net Con. tilt , 111 Penna It It & IB i'hlls INi.. 41V. 30 do runt pf Ills l91 l'h Wee tv II IUO I'UT tr cts lis. 140 Iteadtnir Its Ton Del iso Ton Min . an a l-to lip Union Trsr 4Hi 4U II I'n a Imp. 10 vo lM V K Hteel 1091, loeli 10 V Jer A H loii, salt, llo Wiufrsnui silk as ll()M!i lll(h, 1 1". 11100 A (UKI Is e 01 ins t'lly Is '10 0U oU 300 tflP Tr 4s as si 1000 Int Itrs is is & 3000 Pa Co cons 4Ws . ..IDOH I0SN. I0S 1000 pn uiee isioou 10m 10m too Sunb lias A W Ss loon 100V. toon 1000 WalmsliTer ts tir. om oil. 0114 lw. M II I IHt II II 111. US MV, 41 II 111 IU 114 Ills im mi 101s 10111 101 I 13-11 4H 111 Net rhse. V ii 4 IU lli 1 ao 1- M MU W 43 U 01 U SI H oH U HI, IH 41H 31 at 1 U U 4IU U to mm 804 ASH Close. OS II ss 14 els. r- M LOCAL LOANS SMALLER m Julr I .liv: t.i Corn tn.w illl.iy Irfiie I au i.s 1 W Clo. II.3M 1 sv. D.r . VI til SI !'. Mu mS diU ins ih Jul. S3 vas tn, VII, . Data IIM IB &0S 4' til). .Mar . 1.1 N All. i.", 231. Julr . si. 37 ;nS ,nns lr.l lir. inn; isiij incs tie ss Jan... nirj 111 ill I3U7 tIAo: Slay . IU Sll 111 .11) 10 17 IS 13 Itlbe Jan . 13 03 14 INI 13.U7 13 M 11 14.43 II. U 14 37 II HI l)l.. 27SI 37i7 57 St Ul S7 Jan . 37 in 31 33 '.'7 III S7 1'3 Slar . 3ti.7ft 50.03 n 73 aaui Ilia MeStHl. l.Nomlsal PrbUi'B tl.. 1 nH t.ns lx3)lS . IB.1S .'Hi. 31 IS .VI IS UJ 111 III 13 T 14 57 37. SO 57 III 50 fl J LOCAL .MINING STOCKS TONOIWII HTOCKS llllt . .on . ,5'i . .11 SLrN'Aittar. Ml.lwsy Mlirsli Hii.n.lou Ainnian , .....i..... ..11 Naitrnrn mar , .13 11. ..uf khu ...: .31 Wist KihI t (IDI.DriHI.l) HTUCICrl AIUnl HI II hi. Hull llooth 13 CnmMnatlr.H faction "3 DlamuiKineld II 11 Usl.y 0I Oro . Halt.l Kmi Irt Hlli.r I'Kk 3u MIHUKI.I.ANKOUH Ailsant t!nlleI NeiU 11111 . . Tr)r Mlnlns .All .23 ,10 AekeO :3 :n .is .u .in IS "I 111 .00 .111 US 33 .70 .41) ,5U Charcoal Iron Pays Rack Dividend! DKTItOIT. Deo. SI, The Charcoal Iron Company of America has declared a divi dend of I per cent 01) the preferred stock, payable February II 10 holders of record Febtuary lf. This has no connection aeltlr th dividend or S per cent to be paid Jsn unry 31. Ily this declaration all acoumii latlvo dividends on this Issue are cleared up and leaves only a per cent still to be provided for tho first six months of next year. Dccrenso of 8.2"3,000 In Week Sur plus Ii Larger Members of the Philadelphia Clesrlnr; House Association strengthened their posi tion In the last week, Revrral Items In the weekly bonk statement stood out promi nently l.oans showed another decrease as com pared wllh Ihe previous week, falllm? 11,773.000 to UH, SIC. 000 This wns Dot s'irprlsInK In view of tho holidays Hnd the consequential slackening- down In general business. The decrease In loans wna reflected In nn Increase ot IS. 636.000 In tho surplus Item. The hanks v. ere the only ones to show n KSln In this Item, the Increase belnR IS.C39.000, wherrns the trust company members showed n loss of 161.000. The jowerlnic or loans was also reflected In n decline In deposits, nmotintlne to f 1.1 11.000 The reserve held showed n sslii of JI.9S&.000 For Ilia previous four weeks (hero wero decreases In this Item. 1t..M,lr ?S. 'Ill Dir. torav v,k. . lft33,.1sa,lKMI IS.721.U00 4JH.7nT.IKX) V, I IKI.OIHI I.IHMI S3.250.IKKI 5S3.1HK) 1I1S,I44,0(HI S.3II.IMIO 5S,SIS,I)0I l,aK3,IMMI U3.I15.0(SI 4,lS.0Oil 77,sts,(MKi lT.siv.'aiii -a naa.insi una. ! l4,tSS,l)iH), lhw.mUr 50 I wins IVapts llmll f'rrrulatlon Dim frnm lniis twp. or iwn.s !. rt.arlns tiou. Itts.n hM .... Ittr.a reil . Hurvlu. Hurplua. Dreniwr 37, nrinlier 2S lull 11)13. lO.ssnooo. ittrsmtar vj, mix. ii.sus.noo. l).mWr 50. 101 1. s.15I.tsu Inci.s... KORKIGN EXCIIANOK NKW YOHK. Dec. 2(3. Tho market for foreign sxchsriRe In thn rsrly deallniis wns dull and without particular Interest. Itnl Ian eichanae improved n shnde. rtetchs marks were heavy at the cIosIiik flcuro of Haturday. In other directions the tone was, In the main, steady. Quotuttuns' Demand alerlliia- 4 75 7-U, cables 4 717-13) slaty-day hills nominally 4.71; nlnsty-day bills 4,09, Frano rabies CHS- checks 11.10, llrlchsmnrk cables "lA.. checks 73. Vienna cnbles II, checks 1180, Lire cables S.OOU. checks 0.91. Swiss cables E.03. checks (..OS. Kroner cables ZS.dS, checks 59.4S. Peseta cables 31,10, checks SI. ilullilcr rubles 40!i less 1-lC, checks III 13-10 less 1-16. Itubla cables 10.40, checks 30.30. Sugnr Kuturt'H Decline NKW YOHK, Dec. Jl. Thn sugar fu tures market was quiet at the opening- to day with a further satellite tendency, first prices showing declines of 3 to 0 points. Tho lower refined market and quiet condi tions prevalllnr In spot sugars caused senti ment on the exchunite to lis rather unnot tled. with traders closely watchlnK further developments In actual sugar. PHILADELPHIA MAEKETS CHAIN AND FLOUR WIIKAT Iterelpts. 73.071) Irtish Th tiisrkat was slruiis snJ 4o hlslier with sow! demand UuoUllons: Oar lele. In .riper! lalor K57 3 rail. .not. II 71 I 71. ' 3 JffSif.V rj.1, 1.0WI.Ys. atsamer Na J rajl, 1 ! -9222 s asi' No. 3 rtd i arui.Ti). r.j.cinl A. II.OSVI.SO, reJrtlnl II. II.SOUI.O.'. COIt.V ll.lple. t4,t)VH bush, pifrrlnss w.ra llahl aliJ prlrea war vsri- rtrm. but Irsil was mlet. Uuulsllooi: Cr, lls J?ri.ll,1!r"'i& ! lo locstloo No. 3 yellow, iifitUiMiNa. y.llow. 11.1)39 1.01; NV I Jallnw II.UIUI.OVI. No. 0 ylimw Mei)lt. sonth.rn .lluw, uoew 11.01. OA.TH n.ralpla. 70.00 buh. The market sd- III a lair remain, am. i,.. ,., ma Ns. 3 whlt, CIIHOOUn, aland- aid white. urt59V4c, No. 3 while, as.tJOS.vta vaiMkl thn m llise. Quotallo1 No 4 while, SOHWOTHci aampl oala. oa-i VStUe fUU Iteeelpts 140O bhle. snd 5S0.I3O lbs. In seeks Tlia raarkat was atronx, In arinpsthy with th a Ova 11c. In wheat, but omii;l was llahl Queiallana p-r ta lea In wood: ilB,;r' efiar. I,SUS7. . atrslsht I77.5S- do. walMit. ffoo7.73i Kansas, clear, cotloii aacke. I7.1SW7.IU. ile. eiralsht, ralian sacks, I7.SUVS. pilwi. otiion sack., l.(is.40. sprlnar. cle.r. h.TSC): do, iMleoLllSfttVllA. de. 'avorlU brand", it Silas uo. tltr mllU. iholi;. and faney 0.1. ni. ts Mtil 00, efir mllla, resular srsdja wlnltr. clear H30I71 do. slrsltkl. I7W upplrand arm. par dul. pa 10 T.33i do. patent. I7.IU4I7 71. . IIVB VMIt'ft m I; small . 1 but uul.l. W iiwia 17 360 I 71 "' PROVISIONS Triers wae a ralr itWnt rnarka rulad elead VslUwIs lions: Cll tiief. In sals, ainok ilamand snd Ihe n H. ih. .mala inoked snd lrdrled. .... u ..... ..... u ..I. .nuik.i a.e. eiir a.W, ...... H.,,1 , r.. ..... . -;-- bear, knucklaa and lenders, aruokad sim sir dried. ISit: w.alarn bait, ksuskles and lenoe amokail. 3$. beef bsrna, Ijsejau, pos. laj.aouss. name. o. i-,.rfi. , roasting cliliV.m. weatern, dry-picked. In bases, welshlna- Ktflo lbs. par pair. 3S03Hci roast na rhlrkena. .I.rn, drv picked. In loiea. welshlns H Iba. per rtlr. Sl02Be. roaatfns chlckeiiii. west ern. In boiee, welslilnir 7 lbs par pair. 53423C1 rnaatlns chickens, weaiern, li'-parked. In libie.. wslshlnaj s Iba. nnd over lr ilr. 23ffS3ji ruaailns thick. n. w.atern. In hbla . welshlns 7 Iba. per pair. 5ie3lc. hrnlllna- thlckene, wni em. In boiee, welshlns 3U4 Ilia, ix-r pair, 54 A 5.V: chtcSene, welshlns ftM iba prr pair, lOfe 5IM llo. inlled ll.. ISH5IK-. Iirollera. Jaraa-. fniM-y 'Jfl03lr brollera. tuhar n-arliy. welshlns I45 lbs p!k. 57.51)c. Iirollars. nrarhy. amallar U. -.'te3S.-, ducks, nrarbr, 3'.'l5lr, Ho, weaiern. SU4J33C. . ntsrliy. X2U34r; do, weatern. 5'rt35rj aiualia, !r doe , while. wlhna- II lo 15 Iba per das . 15,73 S: while, welshin S to 10 Ibe wr ilaa.. II SSIiS.SII; wlill. welshlns H Iba. par rfu . 4ttl.3Si do, do, 7 lbs. per doa . l3.SU4i3.7B. du. di, Uttnt. Jba per do, 5 TOtea Vi, dark, 15 BiieJB.Uil, small snd No, 5. alatL23. ritG.SH FRUITS Choice sleek was In ralr request and ssnerallir aleadr, sa fellows. Appl.a ir kbt Jonathan, II S0WS.2S: llilm..' itoldnn, II AurtS.53, York Imperial, licM .Dan Dayle. l3tfB.SU, lladln, No. I. II 53 Vl.SU. do, unsfadsd, I343 71)1 tlreenlnr. No I. ISItB.3&: do, unaradad. 39 4 JS. KIM.. ru. 1, uo, unsrsue 3t4. HiallMn. Nc 3 003 SO. VVIn.aa unsraded. . 13 Sij par Mt. II 00 iiransea. . UIM, S.I Oransi 5 70.. ftui Ids. per. sir No. I. IIW3; .do. unsraded. p. fio. 1. 11 ouuo.ou: 00. 3 SO. .ApoIis. northwssl. rn SO. Irfinona. per bus. 13. SU 'lorlda. per crale llrlsni, 1? Sll ivaejv.ia. Tansariiies. Vk Ids. per strap. I34 (Irsiierruil riorlda. par Of O l.nrmy.wm, .,w,M.. .lii.iai crate. 3. han ed. lo IVtJlOI- do. rs. . Jamil. IB loll o. do. arnokat. no. sainneo, loose, tivmii, vy. --., ?OB20W, otker baraa. amoked, sill' sured, ss lo brand and sverssa, 3u-vc, p.mi. ini..w, mu- rn ejured, 30l e, de, boiled, boneless, lloi plenle B. I. rured, .loose, 13c. do, inioked, lie Willie. Jn plekle, , aeeorVlsar Jo kV-ersso. loaae tie. bctsktset bacon, ss Is SranV aneTl ersse. ctiy cured. 3le. basen, wieleru oorwt, Vic. I rd. western, ra Bnid, tea . Ho. do. d. Jo, lube, llsi lard, purs Sly. k. 111. rendered. In les , Ikei lard, pure sitr, katilo renderad. la tub. Its. REPINED SUGARS TrsJo was slow ssd prices wars reduced 10 Mlns. Il.nn.ra1 Hal ."' aira rtss srsnu lated. O.DSe. itiederd 7 (We. iwsrwtlouera' A. a.lMi MlT irid.a. .S0 0 DAIRY PRODUCTS UUTTKlt OfTeiisas of (anas aleok war llahl and . u w.ra w.U auataUijd. but trada was uutal. Uuolallooa: Voatsrn. IrMh. aolU-pssMsd (an.r spaolals. 41c. Klraa. 41643s. aatrsTrsls. 4040Ms, rale. iFetlJie. aewnde. SJOtTo ri.arbx prints. ftw. 44ss aJaras ill. 4244 Je; Jlrsts. 340c: aaceade. SSIfSSe: smTs! fancy brands e( prints, lobblsa at EdaSWJoelrabls fresh es were stare snd b.iulht7ulalJ. rsTes. J foOow; l srs ISe OW4S- VsT Bavv. Ffta Srsta." Ill IU VhuarV I sairs, lltt-ia per eaie. tioAa; Nearby aaiiaa. 4ts per doa.. rwarbir Snls; lUTlO per "see pe't tsrital iMelpls. pir ssai! wa"ro satras. 4&s Par.doa.1 do, nil. rs suti. ojj). nrii mmi txtirlBwrnlor efs. lrt w imranw '...-.'. ... . ... ..,. ... ..w AS .a . n 1H1 iu January , .. . ---., -. 119 30 per tats. de. .sefoada, l.u POf Unay tifmUfl raauwa iriio Mil w.ra '"" ".."- A .. .J ,W. IWIWI.I. S.M. .M goiei sw at al SI tW. V E3V. W.rlo wars 10 I fuliTeiasdy. bul Irsds ? .srT Ike . Wttlsitoew: , . was aslel New York, s, tMslals itlOii de, iuU .. 1.1 blah.r. . par o.sik. f.ncv Iia1L do. do, ralr 10 cuxl. aalMa, i.Vjlc. POULTRY UVB was in ley teauaaj sad Urn unite- luM jSffirf . Sr.'fl! I tomans. bir5eVKr.-T6e market rdd Arm yador Kafcl pnertess and a U(W fceiiirs ofSsw- Mmwm, UA...II. t.Iik.r Quotatlase: Irrcab., rfrv.ioCi ..!,. va s lb . faasr. fissrUr. Si SbostTeul lata tusker, fssvear waiiMii. SSc. fl f e- m., isr- .sss6- s weieoUis AitVS 1. !. .& "iS!'aSE. BU'VlaSE-Ti ra 13. SO ill bill UIlaSBB. r luriun. Illvar. Mr crate. It-SUttSSU. rranberrlea. i.'at I'lneabDlas. I'lorli ii.r.ulea en. I'r.nb. ,d.l n. I,hl iaiuitf Into .arlatl.a. KLariv Tiurk. IS&e Oil. Cranberries, face ited. nor crata. 13173 4U. do, Jeraey. dark, rr crsto. S05.4U. do. do. Ilht. par crate. 11.1003, lor DOI Indian . i.-auw IOcjiji ptrawberrl''. ytorlda, per l., S9SU. VEGETABLES The senersl market was qul.l snd without Important (basse Ouejlsltuns. Walls poiatoea. rennayirfni1.. fr'oa ei.woae. io. 11 no. wuis potatoes, jer- bar bush Now York, choko. say. par basket. SMtri', ' .rviaioas. uaat rn tutors, o.r bKI Ms Uveal poiaUwi. 1 I3(3.2S. rui. 5, j.i.wsrs BDa'atsry- and. par baoiPer. 11,23 I 0-,J."ee! nslalMs. I.ra.y per beakot No. I, ofl: No.3t 40t 0, flnone, per loo-lb. bas--Nu. I 11. SO 4.IS1 No. 3. 13.60 US. Cabbase. Danish, pw ton; MI70 rJelpaeh. Norfolk. Par bbl.. JS 6. Kale. KerfHk. per bbl ... l t lu. iSul. nawer. isoriois. pwr .la.a. ..w. ffiLttriWiTCap: 1 1st 4 llatnat. nurlJ. iTK, SO Irflluc. Vlrslnls. per nawer. J)' r;' .V! i.".Tl lorth Caroline, par ba.ker. II03. U.ana. yiorhla. par baskat. litis 23. rJssplanl. Ilorlda.psr .bo I'J 3.a t. I'ep- irs. Florida, paribos, s buss nquaan, trior Ida, per boa Tl33 3l I'eas. 1Wa, per Ueksl. 133.30. LIGHT TRADING IN PHILADELPHIA, WITH NARROW PRICE MOVEMENTS Quietest Day of A1onth With Exception of One Situation Furnishes Difllcult Prohlem for Rail road Officials -Oetr It ws an uneventful day on the Phila delphia Httxjk Hxohsnse. llut ones before this month was the) tradlnrr ai small for a full teralem at ttday, and that was on De cember 1, when the total transactions amounted to 11,111 shares. Today the tttal was allchtly under 11.006. With the tradlnr so small. It naturally followed that the movements In prices should bo narrow. No one In the Street evtr einecta the mar ket tn do very imifh after a Chrlstntaa holiday, and, contequenlly. tin one teat dis appointed when no larce Inquiry developed for nny Issue. Tho bond trading, too, was small, less than JIP.000 chanclner hands during tho seeslnn Tradlmr was brightened up a bll by Philadelphia Ita put Transit trust certifi cate, but tjven litis issue was In much smaller demand than heretofore. Kor n. Isre.0 putt of tho day a loss of li point was shown, hut In the afternoon this was recovered, nnd beforo the close n fractional KUln was eslabirnhctl. I'nkm Traction, on the other hand, started with a lota of t point at 44, nnd nfler Kolnu n fraction oame back lo l!l, at vrhlch'H tJcttd. , , u 1 Superior Corporation stock had tpi widest movement of nny of thn local otcxJ, itnlnc up m after selllne unchswred rrrmi the close of Saturday, rhlladelphlr. i:io trlc came out for nn hdvanco of a full point, ( selllnKitll. Omclala of railroads opernllnr eastwara from Chlcnaa and St. Iouls report that the car situation ts one of Ihe trtatest proli Urns which they have) ever had lo contend with, Embargoes ar continually he Ins; placed In order, temporarily, lo relieve In conireatlon which hat been brought about by the enormoui shipments ot freight Rome ofTlclala say, that they har never teen conditions rivaling those now pr valllnc- Freight yardt at soma of th targa terminal points are filled with cars to such an extent that It Is almost !m possible (rt penetrate them. What Is true of tha east-bound situation It now virtually so na to ths movement of freight wtsU bound. Dullness conditions throughout thtt territory continue extremely active. COTTON STARTS BAD, BUT SOON IMPROVES Covering Movement Appcnrs Early niul Sends Mnrket Up- wnrd for Good Gains NKW Vonif. Dec. SI. Al the openlnrr today tho cotton market was Irregulnr. January contracts on the call, reflecting sales against noticeswere oft i. points and sold lower than the same delivery In New Orleans, The last January sale on the call was nt lC.JIo and the first one after the call l.3:c. from which It subsequently' ad vanced to 11,71c October wns the strongest of the later months, selling IS polnls net higher al the dart. II was estimated that notices aggre gating u,vuu pairs ivera isaucu 011 onnuw, contracts this morning. At 10:16 o'clock the entire market acted stiong, advancing nbolit 25 points over Saturday's close, with tho covering- move ment which chsrncterlied Saturday's mar ket again In evidence, letter Ihe demand hud subsided a llltle and prices worked oft a few points from tho !((,). The quick early rutly met some local selling nnd realising, but reactions of 10 or 13 points were followed by renewed firmness durlmr tho middle of the morning, with nc llvo mouths selllnK about 19 to S6 points above Saturday's closing figures. The stop ping of January notices was considered a bunking proposition, while the widening dlflerenro between Jnmtary and March was hardly a bullish fenture The market was less active during the noon hour, Much of tho enrly trading had resulted from the circulation of Janu4 ary -notices, belnir In the way of switching or readjustments based on near-month de velopmenta and ns this subsided the market became nUlet, Thn Into forenoon rally carried the active monthn about 19 to 2fi points higher, and prlcea held within 4 or C points of the best during noon hour. Mat. rlnaa. Onan. II a tn. 13 m. 3 b.m. January ,... n.'i3 in.74 j,7S ,,,,, March . :.. in.Ot 17.IS ft.itt 17.01 .11 ny . ... 17.33 IT.'.'I) 17.43 17. 4S 17,03 Julr . ... 17.37 17.4S 17,47 17.4B H.Ss October .13.113 is IB 13.77 IS.oO IS.70 spot . iu.00 . akes Strides The Itny Hercnlrs Copper Compnuy tie hloekiNl cut ore reierrrs of more thin 10,000,000 tone --in,! upoa tfis roaplelles l the neer mill now build lay. It Ie estimated that It eboutd be able lo prnlnr a n n a s 1 1 y 10,000,000 poonJe of copper, Wrtto for eur detsllnl anilUral report, A.U for 137-T, V. JONES & BAKER stock iinoicuii.i Wirhner Bldg., Philadelphia Hell, ITslnat 1090-1. K.Jlloof, Usee 3300. Neir York lloslnn Cblcntto l'lllabursh niKKOTiinv or accohntantm IVrllflril I'ublls Aceoqnlsnla T.AWIIBNl'H K. llttOWN CO. J SIS ItKAl, HHTATH TlltlaT Hllll.nlKO 11UI1NH IIPKAKUAN Till; 110U1IHU Wll.I.IAM K. MONTKI.IUH v:v ciiKMT.Nur ht. KLKCTIO.VH 5T-3J- Tiru"CK.VTII.iJ NATItlffAI. IIANlt " Tin Hank TtiMtlsyi .. in llf l'lllI.tllKLMIIA liicmUr II, 1013, Ulecllon lor Directors of this lielit si tho bsnklns house on anuarr V, 1017, between 11 m. m, anil war. 2, a 11, Ca abler. Annual win no ANfJlAI. MriKTlNOH oltfl mux iunic or iiurani:i.riiiA December Iltb. . lata The Annual Rtertlon ror DlrMtora nt trif. li.nk K1"- '" ?. ,n banklns; house on Tiu.dar, Hie.Oln uar at January, 1317, between lha hours t i p, in, end 4 p. in n. T. UOTKft. Cashier. !T3JJ VNIUN NATIONAL 1IAMC. er I'hlladelphla, ll.c.mb.r 0. Ills. Th Annual Ml. Una pi lha Htockheldera nt inis nans tor ins oiseuon ot uireotors will De nam ultl at Ina lanklns bouse on Tu.Uar, Jasaary L00I8 N. -a ' 1 m. anrt I p, in. Bl'lCLlHIllQKn. usanier. r'AKT.SritHlll' NOTiru M1TH KtijIKKKIIV IIIVE.V IlfAT KIIWIN .. .u "1?. ? withdrawn front, tho nnn of Mllllsa. Ifedsss iCe,, f ana llM. !J ii rhlladelpbla, 1'. Tlis kualnaaa will be ronllnu.d MBX?.r n aama ill me by lha ramajulns Partners. millam IIckU.s Jr.. aiCd"VaIljr . Jjodsu. who have aaauratd kII llalilllllaa ut lha Arm mw.A A whom all payruenia du rblltdelPhls. Ph. 3. lata. us lha aamt are la bo made, Wll.lJAarilbrxiBll.r. KOVVI.M rXJLU. EifawsaisiK mmi.1. ' iitiinwii iiiiiiiiTrTrrr,,"Tn''''"'"'n'''"f Collection of Income TQ ihoso who wish to be relieved of the trouble Mine detail which the collection of Iticpmo involvus.e suggest the service rendered by thU company as Agent. Tim not only includes the custody pf securities, cutting of coupons, nnd collection of dividends .and interoeU from slocks, bonds, nnd real estate, but also comprehend the preparation of IncoraeTax He turns. Our (harftof thh m ii tnodtraU Philadelphia Trust Company jClieatautSirtet 1: 1U3 Clxwtnut SUwt, Philadelphia NEW YOHK COFFEE MARKET NKW ronfC, Dee. SI. The warkti for coffee futures onentrl stead today at an advance of 3 to 8 polnta, wllh trading nn the rail quits active. Prices held fairly steady rlahl after lha opening, with tradlnir not very active, bui oulslde Intrretta seemed willing to buy on the decline. eember , January -. February March .... Arrll le Juno . . . July 4USUII ... Hartember IXIober . . Nerambtr ( ma. Today's eoenlnr. : Ui .' i.'e'ios.oj ! S.1BOI.81 ' 1'rldsr't inao, 1,3 t.4 '3 .SI IMS K K.l M.SS n. Pi a si a. n V UOs.ti AiiC rifiin kiH 1 Vse.i.llisaslf, Ike ailt aani7 r tanri 11 tas new ly sr tuttltr i.n. forties sf esa'a e.mlsti In Ue kisk si retstar tatarrali. q Th.n the nest" itr, after a eertals asm ssi bees so. carsslated, la Is aeek mint ahaaaela Is which ts tlaea the laelssi. is ai ts eassra tie mi 1 1 mom Iseemo relars, osmpatlkla with alt. slllty sf rnaclpsl. q literal thtaiaad jxiile hare fined that Ul. la read llr fatllltated r "He THtnlj rajraail Plan" end inTttlmccl Opprinnrtiel', q Asysss wis Ii' Istereatad Is deraleplst tbs thrift htMt with Ihe ralslmsra sf as leaser efcesld sot fall ts recslarly rsceles artilaiesr nyssrraslllee ss It la lused from fertslgltt to rerlBltkk. I It will be east wllheat en. .teUlsa ssr sUltallea what, trsr, etlaslsa; wllh ths car. r-.t lune. uoen ruae.t fer IT-PL, taclsdlsc beehUl ex pt.talor Te rweslr Jsrsiisi hi Jrvvetmnt?aTltic (B.ieiiuaiJ lBOtt M 40 Exthtnit Piece New Yorit SSKS Earning Power Wlien you invert, elimi nate unneccatary factors which tend to decrease yield without influencijiZ safety. This policy will conserve your resource and increats the legitimate earning power of your capital. Our December bond dr' cular describes a wide selec tion or itiues yieldln j from 2.90 to 6.30 and adapted to varioui requirements. f Bend fer Circular ri-l: TheNationalGty Company 1421 Chsstnut St., Phllndslphta ITrer Tork Calcirt Baa rrssebeo Uoittw ' lniUbariH 9 Public Utility Securities Vfe ipecUlUe in the isecurl ties of well-established Pub lic Utility Corapanlei, and will on request submit a, list of (rood inveitmints of this type, yielding from BY to over It Income, Edward B.Smith &. Co KlTiUDHSS 1181. BANKERS Sltttbsn Htm Teri ant FMa44lfil Bltck PneKottftt 1411 CUSSTSUT Ot, o rise uxsut Piiruuissiu aMasr x0at ilHfr-KJJl HEcKiRfCd BANKERS and BROKBHS Itri A CHBBTNUT STeVrN. B. )Bf. W"18.! JT. i5i.I lafif ? nf ..'. --. ...w y DIV1DKKPS tun I'HOVIDBNT TJFB ,HJ TaVUtIT tuurani us i niMiiti ri PhlladalBhla. Twelltb. UsBtli .- -'-.. T. . ' Z.t ... '. -"fc Al . .WieM ".. ' Ki isw out. a atruana asm tola, sw acBi.a .mis em ISe tfiw w U asi ruluriilrt! IM fiMiw r jHr.fjgt.t' kl?ifcof,!. I .1 tk.4i ,1 a. itb HrtS.ciatlarv.l. vkxzSm sueKKeutra ut reil jjjj i?' tl" b- jswto of ti. utltasw iil jaar-,.. wrm. tMannuMss llTii,ii'iiriiiwteti)aiaastsasii-i'Oie-isi fiiiitir-n-TrrniirTniTiiiiinwi -i m nn n n nmnni urn f ..YJ-f,, Aviv.. "