EVENING LEDGER-riIILADELPnTA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER &3, 1016 99 0 FINANCIAL NEWS 'HKISTMAS CELEBRATION ON 'CHANfJTC L LEAVES BEARS IN CONTROL OP MARKET iOfferings of Important Stocks Are Made All Through f ouaaiuu, uu iilira nangmg rrom One to Threo If Pomt8 ReSUltShort Cnvr-rinrr Unit.. of ni, - -,-... jl.hjo Uli UIUQU . Potofa in roday's Financial News Tradum on iVfirj York and Philadtlphia Slack Rxrhnn,,. an,- . M. wwl' JZrhl? L.t BewWo?Vr cotirinj,. Cation Mew AfcAir ,'eat rorcf rOMrf. Wrw VJL- fconfc ifaiimeNt wai stront;. 4wtw ' fraH and actwil incrautd. MHnvtnrhrwnS . . nkw Tronic. Dec. 23. Chrlstmsa comes but once n cnr, ami from Wall atr vi.- ,.! th. ,. proelon of tho trader on the floor ml In tho lobby IhU mornlnie Indicated that Feat la enoujsn u uto oirw in ohop io so thrown the, mtn experience It pawed (through thH holiday week. Thorn wna no doubt about its tulna; a bear' ChtUt. IjaiM a far n custom of eommlMlort house ara concerned. A week asoumiN siaie .leel common sold nt 1HH and haa since, been down gila 100i Jrarly cverythlnn on the list followed thla rrinrket leader, with the feeonleiueiit wlplnir nut of substantial muralns and the creation of general rtli-&-? nmnns thasn rfimmtttoil in lh Un i.i . t . , . . . . ,.w ...-.. ----- - " !. Aram uiej omy cneerrui one on Pthe Street were Included In n amill hoar contlnjtent. which, apcordlnjc to lu mem bra, bavo been working on velvet, basin their operation, on wii.rni.ii.i ...it. In regard to comlnsr developments which proved no truo as to now demand con fprejalonnl Investigation. f Tho strength that was shown In the mnrket vMtir,t .. . i. ..... overnight. The brocra devoted mwl of their attention to decorating the board- '"""' " " , -""' Ktv.ua. mm over wnero the 1indon arbitrage f rail, atood there ww placed a huge Chrtotmaa tree bearlni; gifts for all omntoyN.. 1(Th Piano waa placed In the New street lobby and from a few mlnuteti after tho erxinlnff thoeo on the floor devoted mom mttmiir... . . ... . mt tZ u " '" wraapiiw wnruimaa oiwerv- ancv iii-tii .u vufiiiivj.. Thl left the beata with a free hnnd and nil throueh n,n .i, -1 .. lnffi of Important atocks woro madu causlnc decllnea rnn.in, , 1 . - .- from tho opening flu.ca. Tho, decline, did not mean that tho market hord a weak tono, but .was Bltnply due to tho fact thnt th. h.. 1.. 1.. . .... H .! Wa ... ...., PtiWIIIMkUIB I Mill nfll I yet lost their connd-ncc. while thoM, who ahould bo on the buylnff .Ide ere not outwru w u.nw ..ujr lung iwiuiun wur. a two-day Interval comlnir. , V" -"- B..u.n nnu a nveiy opening, aelltn; at 101 to I07i and maklns n pain of . but It wn not lonu bofor it nr,r-. . .J point., and It waa followed on the early upturn and on tho later decline by nrarly mtythlns kIi. on the floor. In the last few minute there wa. the u.ual covrr. i tat ot .borbi to be ejected at tho end of tho week and beforo tho holiday, and Ha the last few minutes many atooka mado vlcoroun n.i.-,n. ,. . " . Fbi tho prevloua lo.SeB and making tho market tone nt th end .ironr. Thero waa a better demand for Undi. but holdr , .,. .1 !::.! v.- 0f ,hc cnIcr mon.y s; Y a-vv iiuuiuv MlHI I.IIU UUtlUU B. New York Stock Saks ttiett Advane Itum 1H AJax Hubtr . tjh Aiaitka UM MItwi It Mil Chalhier do pfd Am At Cbtm . Am 11 Sutar. . . . Aw Can Am (Jar A Fdy , Am ilM A I.. ds tM Am 1m . . Am UnMed . . . Am Ixv . . d ptd . . . Am 9mltln do pfd . . . Am Sugar Am 8tl T&r Am Tl Tel . Am Writ Tap pfd Am Kine da pfd . . , AnaecrxU Cnptwr Ateblwjn do pref At Clulf A W I . . de prf naldirln ltto . . . Halt A Unlo da pref nethUhem HI eel Iltklyn Itap Tran UuriM iirus . lltute A Sujmtor iiarrrtt Mfe lint re II 1 "i tVi H i i at at M a MH V' RU l 9t MH H 1W U t IS H IH 14 UH IIU liH M i a 1 to 10 19 vi UH UH l4 M IIU 14H 1M lei toH 10s v H 10SH tn 1M S 111 m us H 10014 1 00 VI I0IH U II ill M 4- "M UMl lt IIIH 41 41Vi I" III l It V 10 yt 10 4 IW IH MH S lolH 10H 10IVI 1- H IMU lOO'Vi toon - H IIY 10M4 til f-HN 81H iH H 1 R4H 7SH MH MV4 41 114 SI II s Jl MH nil 41 III MH California I'd pref MH M Canadian ltveldc .tliu lis Central neathtr , . RIH Chandler Motor lolH lot Chen A Ohio . . ftlU ' Chle Orat W. .1116 li do praf A . . 11 41 Chle Mil A St ) si 01 do prf , .1141 Chic A North W IIIH Columbia Clai. . 40H Chi It 1 A Pac. . mi Chill Copjr. . jJVi Chlno Coniwr. ... 3314 Compul Tub... , 47 ConiMl Ona . .. MUt Corn rroducts ,. nu do pref utH iruribio Hii . s MH H 7IU so MH U 4H III MH tiH H H II - H H 4- H UH v uu 4IH otH II4H JH 11 13 MW 47 1S1H IMU IMU MH -tH lolH tH H I4H . . 4IH M 01 H isin ... "H - H 4a r H 13 H ItH M 17 Cuban Can Sucar M OIL STOCKS LEAD DULL CURB TRADING Profit-Tnkinp; Causes Reaction ary Tendency After Fair Start Start Midvnle Declines NKW YOltlv. T)fC '23 IfnlMnv .lull.,... M ' " Characterized tho trading In the Curb inar KJxt loday At the uutaet. hoRcr. a fair inquiry way shown for a number of tho mire Important inaue-i nt slight ganr. Later, a, rfnctlonary tendency uet In on profit- tllimr. tvhlnh limilehf mint1 iHstinn nn.1.. btDc previous cloeo. jgrrse oil stocks ruled generally strontr ,vcj- the lead ot fllanJard Oils, with a wly Biatl Inquiry for tho Independent Soul. ? r!n.?s in munv mii u.r. nt Will proiurtlunB. HUMUiu ij.Qjl, u(tr nliivlnir tin -. enaetl Oil K full point. United AliOV Steel nnd SUel Alia) a lluctu.tteil narruwlv. flub. Eijrlno Hoat wno strait ot the outset, but uwu cascu on moderately. IKUCSTIUALS B9f,l 111)1 SetBa IIxiiIORlet . . iArnr.pr tlah JIfir . .. A " inn. rHta...I jbPAmer Writ Paper . fcian car . Fdy BEtaa car & fdy pfd , . jUiarcoal Iron . . Chevrolet Motors FCrimo bh'ubulldlne . Curl!a Aeroplnno .... : Emerson I'luinocraph lllikell & Darker Car pllindee Slfif , J, MUiodion Bronie pfd L, Laurel oil & tlas . . . islaxlm Munitions . ., iWdvale Sleel B T ShlpbulldlnK pOtU Elevator .... wrless Motora . , TOla Knaino . . 8- 8. ICresgo w I . standard Slolorn Jtbtl Alloys . . . ".umnne .... Tmubus Wllllama . TtUntle Film Todd Shipyards ftnlted Alloy Steel '.. iimti States Steamship ... fcpnlUd Motors lUnltM Profit Sharlntr V 3 Light and Heat com ... U 8 Light and Heal prof ... tnm rum . ,,,,. vrlght-Martlu Aircraft .... KAII.no A D3 MarnimllA fVtn Marnuette prof '. 5--iiana com . ......... Rk Island A pref Mwck Itlanr II n.f ft MTeitern Pacinc pref ....... . iMH.crn raemq w I j Wabash Pittsburgh - "r .. 4V .. 10 .. 3 .. 4 .. 3D :-: 70 .. 7 ..130 .. 75 .. It ... 9 .. 40 .. 23 3 .. OH .. 3U ... eon .. 44i ... SO ... t7 ..S3 ... 11 ... BH ... 7 .. 37H ....4 ... :u ...S3 ... 4IH ... Stt ... 4SV ... li. ... Oi ... 3 ... I .. 14 H 38 3D 43 II 73 48 11 33 Asked & SO 3Vi 4H 31 80 A 133 IS 30 10 43 ' t(l 4 "i B 43 03 31 100 13 iH '7H 33 43 39i 00 40 H 4U 1 t S 1H . H 3M ei 4H S3 73 41 S3 33 New York Bond Sales 1 1 0000 Amr Ar cv S IKS! ftlchiiou trn i, SiHiii do . 512?,'. !!nw!tlut' Tr 3. lift 4K)i Can Ool A i Ititmi do . (in "-' '""! !"'! bputh 3. , y.nn. i.ni j-ftq ill 4a ;il fin .la 2IMXI dg li Iiioo do 5i ct en ! . 1-000 Col A HalVi lit 4t hikio city of l'rl j. inoo lar Crnlral & uiini iokH Htvti i man Po .M.i Kan A T rfd 4s. snoo Montana l'owcr 3a liMHHi N v i 11 a. . . 4) fj y (nt A W in la L"iK.o Nor lMc prior 4 .KHMi I'ubllc Hitr X 3 la. Wiixi Ht I. -.II'HI Ml 1, I 3t A Ho urn Ba lnji. 1 .4 t' ill 1, llliwi Ht l'aut UlMnnlim iiMKl Mouth 1'ae cv 4a. . i'.'oni South 1'ae rt.l 4 L'tKinii aoiith l(w- ctn 4 'Jihio HMrta 4a .. . umd tra iiuitr iia.. MKl) i; K Ettfll 1 f Da IIWOOO 0 K ol Q n a I 3a. :uom n IWa 1BIU 3oi di nVi rji 000 Wlaron Cant van -la Tutnl aaJt. S1,3I.(HV), rvmparr.1 with ill 000 Tlfrdiri taxi tar IMa weak, 110,1 II aunip irruiu m wrra. 4,tw.,uvi. Illeh Ijiw floaa I'll lua liu V3K UJ'i tlJH iijS ifi us ltii tort. ji(5j uiS tits oii 0IH vK Hl! .inoji loojf lon uit ulK nlK N.lmis luon 1ini lllll 1IHI 1111 UTM 17H UT'. . liu ld.iv, lui . ..y "' ' " nc iat 4a . tlll nt'i liltL svx r.t u q j""" 4 uhr i.sv, uc 230H Chi M ft Ht 1 rv 4Va lot) W)S tiltU uS!!!i" th! I rfd la? Hi, Tiq i2 H. 71 71 Kim, kaK MV 03H U1S t'JS no Si uu vW, 01 HI HI OS Ot 03 (WW OHll UlV V'j' vu upH 111 my. iil5 SO hO Ml IH'( 1114 HI'. ill 1 !- H2h I'M 4 I'llQ 71 . 77 H Ot OH HOV "S U2i O-'S ON U OS UH "i uiu 7S "ty b.i'-i null i,i .O30 do prat. Del A HudAan . Pen & Illu Or pf . Tistlllers" Secur. Dome Mints. . Krlo do 1st pref. I-'ed Mint 1st praf. Clas W ft: W. . (leneral Hltctrlc Ueneral Motor do prof new Ooodrlch Co.. do pref (Irnnby .'oruiol arnat North pref do Ore clfs. U recti Can Cop. Uulf tUoto Steel. Ill Central ... . Inspiration Con Int Airr Corp pfd 03 H 140 3H 30 oh 33 40H 37U 0H 34 111 37 H 40 U S3 110 3H 30 30 3IH 0H 37 H 30 4U i H lit 81 1 4IH 03 . . 119 t MH H 30 -1 I I0H r- H 3H V. 40')4 M, 374 -IH (OH I COTTON VERY ACTIVE AND PRICES ADVANCE Wnll Street Shorts Produce Moat Demand Some Trad ers Take Profits corrtiv nr.i.T -vtUTiutR rosninna NEW , tiOHK. !). IS. Tw .fellowlnr tamprralorra wr iTrarceit In lt ratlan Mil 1M marnlfiii A.hrilllf and Nh till. Ill HMxillla ami I litltammm.. til aiaitn knJ Mrtl.tlm. ti MfL.bMfn, SIrm. iiaiaiiania, ufiU. JlontcomffT ami Manila . ,iian a,W rhla. illrmlntham, w 0. lltmlflKlan S YKAmwfttltta. i Tirana ami -fatannan. sat 'aakaanaltla aait iViiiamIi. in. nan .ynlania. Ill 1K1 Ilia. II, an4 lenm nl ami Sll Saw 1 natiMtan. mmmmn. am a riii.ii.iii kaamltlf anrf rfnarnla. 4Si Ahtlfne ami it ...--;- --. -- t nriii, a NKW YOIIK Dei? 23 Tho colton mar ket displayed unusual nrtlvlty and strength at the openlnR today and llrst priced wero IT to 33 points hl(hr Much f the de mand appeared to come from Wall street shorts, who felt that Washington de-.elop-menls wsre no lonisr favorable to opera tions on the bear sld of the market tt was atan recognised by the tradi that reeent heavy liquidation had ilae"l the. market technically In a much belter position and that thus far no pahteky con dition hd developed among southern holders nothnllhitsndlna the hi break In futures. After the orHinlni- reactions of nearly 10 point recurred under scattered local pront-taklne. but support from traders who frenuenlly act for spot houses absorbed a rood part of the oftarlnxs. At the end of the first fifteen minutes the market was fairly aetle at about S3 to 3 points net hlihir. Sales in Philadelphia 1 4t Am Has ..110 lee Am Wool 43 14 II A S t c. H I da pref. II 10 Cntawlna id pref. B4 IIS T.h Sup C 1IH is I.eh Nav UK 11 Lett Valley ItH 110 lh Vol Tr It. 3 do Pref 43 H loo Nv Cons 3IH ill Tenna It It MH 13 R-t Halt M UH 330 1'hlla Kleo 33 S Sill InT tr cfa 31 lo tteadlnx,. lot 310 Ten 13el.. 113 Ton Mln I-w llo 13 II II rteae. ItO 43 7 SI Nt CM w 1H II 114 IJV 7H H 4IH UH H a 33 101 III 4H4II-U H m 14 U4 H H 4- H H I IH Ik MH 71 H "M 4IH tin IIH H 33 tt lot 4. U 3-U 4to Union Trac 47 4Vl 47 H 41 Vn n Imp o to 10 H 3110 tt H Hteel 101 N. I037 1044 3 War Ir A S l 0"4 H U 10 Win Cramp 13 13 IS -tt TaUl salt. SIJ3 aharea, rem n.rn araiaranil inaa I hartai Mine wrled last a, rerararrd "Its II.Mt far I hi. Hk. tMilU wiek, tll.lU ahsrta. .... .... t "'SB. In ,CIa. 1400 Allegheny Val 4s.. 9 p II son Klee A I'eo Tr 4s II J H soon rott Heart- Ine Ss ..110 110 110 Nat ttur. 1 LIGHT TRADING IN PHILADELPHIA WITH NARROW MOVEMENTS OF PRICES Rapid Transit Certificates Lend Local Issues, Sell Lowers Then Recover York Railways Fails to Rospond to Clearing Up of Preferred Dividends nuttwn was ot small proportion! In tha llonsl gain, hot th stock followed Tral 3U IIU twambar January March . Msr . Julr. iVIohar . Spal In, elaia Opn llleh lor "4 Kb 8 a 5 s s4 ill all III 3 41 &.4A 13 31 CHwe PHILADELPHIA MARKETS 1114 1174 I07S H 130 0IH so lit IB 130 DIH 30 111 7U 130 0IH H t 1 H 30 tit 7H 1174 117 117 H 33 13 It 107 31 13 Int llarv Crp N J 111 33U 44, its 107 S3M 4tH ItO 17 W 7t 44 33H H loovi lot 117 M S(li 7S 91U sai i LOCAL .MINING STOCKS TO.VOPAH HTOClta nu an 14 in Is MnrNamilrs . Midway . . . . , lllKinh Uatonalon Unntuna .Norin Mr nacu Kula, weal linn ,,. .63 fioi.DKiui.D trrocKS in , IIJ Atlanta Illu. Hull Ilooth t'emhlnattan I'rartlon .... DUmondllrlil II U Dalajr Oro Kindatonn KnJll ..,,... BNvtr rick Arliona Ilnlt.d ..... .so Nevada lllll M Ttoopa, Ulnlss 10 :i? .IIS .113 .30 (JOVEUNSIENT BONDS STANDAItD Oil 8T0CK3 niUnoia. e?uruo S'Pralrte IMna . ', i O of California ig V or New Jersey 8 Oof New York ...330 ...303 ...130 ...330 ...113 , . til sw York OTHUJl OIIj STOCKS rr.alt nil , n-, iu gWen Oil ....'.'.'.. '.'.'.'.'. 14. wai uu tematlonal letro won oil . . . Tltt Oil . west Itellnlnir . Lttal Outeh . . uoyah 10 13 UH 77 67 333 311 333 331 S3S 373 S IIH H 10H 33 II 13 IS 1 11.18 3 ll-l Pialna Itertnlni- a Hoeiair on . ,.r ot M1NINQ STOCKS ' Alaska Standard . . . 3 L Atlanta a . fSf.r CPP' a prosp) j-" wpw Kino......... ioy -'mia Nl Vrl. tu Grro de Pasco 38 Wfto!kute4 Arlsona. .,,,.. 14 a Consolidated I.) ::t &t National H -nauce uomniid .. Wdflald ilsrgex , . . Hfrcls, Mining . . . Wow Sounda XfiSatDairWlaVMeu. T . W? t -arssjssp jtt,u . oo atttension . . . WKuUey,Darra-b, .. Copper . . . . fau Co ot Araarlca. Wotwtn, Herculta . .. li Eteosjon 3 1S-U - j van con 70 POKja Tel T nw . . uo ,... 3d 7 7K H 17 SO 10 3 l 1$ 17 10 3 IS 10 UH 3 37 IH 1H 4 13 IH 7 1 tt 30 IS 41 IU H IT 17 H 3a ratlatert.l IB30 coupon iuu Aake.1 UT "CV .11 IS .70 IS .03 1.1 OT ,0T .V'J III .14 .33 70 .40 .:i in j 011 :....:.:. :::i: o 3a raslatarad ISIS '!"" 3s coupon 1011 fw JuOI 4a raslstirad l". .110 II coupon 1KJ ... f lV'a 4a 1010 amall.lM.nJa .'. Is reslatarod loll aa coupon mm I'anama it trclotorajl Panania 3a resli Tanaros 8a coupon iisi". I'anama ta rrslaternl ,IJ" I'uniima aa rsiaiii .... 8 FOREIGN EXCHANGE SKW TOIIK. Pc. S3. Ilmlnesa In for Ian ezohanae was quiet this mornlrir and changta era In nearly all cases to lower nt-urea. nelebsmarks wero weak, balaK pressed tot sal at concessions, with checks selling at 7JH. M-alnst 74 at tha c4m yesterday. Life checks declined from i.tf to 4.9 1. Demand sterling, 7S 7-U I cables. 4.11 7-11. Franc eheeka. J.HVt I oabl;, 8.13 U. duUders, 4 . cheeks 0. nelohsmarks checks, 73 m ables, TJV,, Ure eheeka, I IS: cables. Ml. Swiss checks, 6 03. cablee. 6 01. Austrian kronen cable, Btocklwlm kroner checks, ?9.J0. Copenhsa-en. IT.19- Pesetas. 31.0. Jlubles cables. 39 30 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS miminn n.a 58 HOflfl Itoralnta. 'St.POO wnuf-ww. -.---...... K.a kiwar tin 4tVi 1H 00 77 S5i no 41 "IH S7H 79 03 SI 71 37 0IH 03 371, Interboro Con . . 17 H llo pfd ..73 Internl Paper II ilo pfd .. tot Int Nickel .. ItH Int Mer Mar Sfi4 do pfd . DIH Jcuel Ten . 77 Kan C ty So 3 Kelly-Spriiitc Tire Do ICenne Cop . ... I3. ijckn .Steel . K3H Unke Krie & V tltfc IblRh Vnl .... 10 Mackay Co ptef. . cs Max Motors .. .. 83 Vi do 1st pref ... 73 do Zd pref ... 37 Mexican Petrol . 00 da pref 03 Miami Copper . 33,', M St P A 8 M. UAH UAH Mo Pac w I 3I 31 H Missouri rai'lllo . 17 do t c . . . 17 Vi Mo Kan & Tex . 111. National tiiacult .I34H Nat nnamelli.e . 371, Nat Lead 0H Nov.mU Con . . . 337 N Y Air Brake 4 N Y Central lot N Y O & W . 30 Norf k West 130 North Amarlcin.. 70 Norlb Paclllc ....HUM. Ohio Cities Oo'i. 109H Ont Silver .... o Paclllc Mall .... 0H Penna It R 10 People's Oas ....100H Pitta Coal tc ... 40 do pfd t u Uli. Pressed Bteel Car, 70 PubServCru N J, 130 llwy Steel Spring. 40,, 44 li 113 4-S 107 SIM V 41 111 17 V. 73 44 rl H H IH I I3H H U 3H U 4 7v I . f IH -I- ITn ) I H Ml, 4 H H 17 17H Uli fty Cons Ueadlnu d 1st pfd llepub Ir 8tl rt pfd Heabosrd A t Hear Itoebuck . Houthern Vac South llwy , . . do pref . . Ht I. A K Kran . 37 lolH . UH 77V. UU IS .381 ..07H . 33H . 70 V 37 HI I, A SothWest pf S3 Htudebaker . ...IIH 110 TennCopAChwl I0i III, Texas Company ..IIIH too Third Avenue .. son SOU Tobacco Prod ... 38 Vi S7U Twin City UT ... 03 U OSH United Clttar Wo 09H 0tt Unlttd Fruit ... Union Vitolflu . . . do pref .... . i; s u i p & p 3SH 00 77 334 (tO u I3H 37H HI) 07 33 H 73 37 110 03 31 Vi UH 34 H 17 17 H int, . 13 1 H 131 H tH 57H 37H . 60V4 no, . . 33S 33 ll 110 103 n, losi, 30 30 130 131 -f- flH "OH ' 1I0V4 UOH 107 10tVi 0 R S0H ton saH sevi lOJii losu 30 30 1IIWMIIU 70 70 130 130 104 to 103V UH 70 101 I7H 111 07 H 33 70 37 tt urn ioh 10 Vi, tH 03 44 H 701 103 Utt its. 07 stw i4 t7 St H 7, s t " 3V s 17 1 t tH H soil. SR osh 00 H 130 II0H UtW I47i US U7i K4N. SI-'. 11 J1IH H H l -4 H H 107H 107 I S fH ma J! Hvli KHilTrtl.T4! eow end halfars. tl ..''?! 'JaVAU.raIS0aWO. TtU. fl IU. MlVta. IISIll.TS an. Ki-f4rtiu. low Native ana wtauro. 11.49. f9tf 19. lajafcs, fit M Financial Brief d . .u,.. n.rH ai Trade and the New YorkCoe. and Suiar BiehaPBo were closed today- Banks aln4 from the New York ub-14-eMurV yMtarday I1MI9.00I. Tt,. ii.tinat commute of tha Kaw York nVctloi. tlh ortmaryshare pf tha ifiih.iinrtea Tobacco Company sbalt KEatMM -rt-" dlstrlbutten It 4Sy. Dae"- - tiu d apiiiilcjdly for sb. saatafta wttaV ta JIiealPlaMaflBT t 9f laat rr- i 304 tOU U H Until Alcohol 11 Uj 1D4H IT tl llubber .. HIVi 0H V H HmelUni . 03 ItH V B Steel . . . do praf .... ItO Utah Capper .. lor VaCarChem ..It 41 H Wabash ...V . . IIH I3H do pref A I7H SOU do pref It .. MM " Wells I'-arrf) ....III Ml AVfcsilnnhouU Bleai SI 33K WhMl ililivl. 33M 31 do 1st prsf w I. ton H White Molar . I4U MH Willys Overland.. 'H 37H Wisconsin Cemral II SI i H i I ton h IH li IH ei 03 IIIH 130 3HH lOOVi UH ISV'j 47 H . 30 H III 43H .. UH 341W 37 H S4 H H H f H 103.10 aharM. rnaiiwrrj wt wrai. 1,114,1.1(1 aharra jrealenJari Hnia rsr IWa k SM.4GO ahsrcai isms prrtaj la.t week, IS, 031,100 ahsrta. UIG GLttTlN CLKAKINCS Increaso of Week 66.0 Per Cent Above Last Year liauk olcarlnis throuahout tha country for the week ended today wers Q per cent above those of tha oorreapondina week of last year. The total this week waa M.3I9, P10. as oompared with f.sil,07M? Ult week and 3,TIJ.004,1II the same week of till I'hllaJilphli's esln la woond In the couinry. Detail follow i ot tan rw Yeaf..l3,n.Mf.Tf2 IJ.W.JJ . tt iT:i:x.aif i s?2i laiIM 31 9R.iat .Ji warn JMUTtk lesat.iis ;bm.m3 m m S:JH i"o.S se .UJ. (fcwa iir II !W.135,0 3,071.SS.Pt .! IS,M.1I 731 3M.0I1 31 4 II IOI.W3.Bt3 I3.7S.44.UI H.1 1.0WJ.1JO.WI . . (Hbar cilia. Ba jUlcJAla. AU "La 14,1 ?ia, tt,-WMm W.7M.WUW il sak xiixm im 5t uwl . Wt. a W (JHAIN AND TLOUIt Thara ara tit t la nhlial Iruilnaia trnrt,J artO qualatlena ot Mtt. corn and eala nta onlltnl Tha t'ammarelal Kirlin adjournoil front cloaa et builsaia Fildar until Tuia.ly KIAJUll TMre waa lit llo tra.lme an prlraa wara without Imnortanl vlvanaa lluola llimi w IS I IU In weol. VS'lntar rlr, I8-"lfWr & strslsht ittfl'-'S uo ralorilj It.MltlTTi Kartot cUar, rotten aacka, 17,111 r7 tl iln, atralahl mttrm oarka II Jd lutrnt. nillon aaraa. laiufJSIu aprlna clear. U 73tS. 1j ti.t.nl iasiBS.tn .lo (aartta t-ramla II 3ti uoi cllr rnhri, choice Mtanl 11 aor vn. lir mill,, raorula Wlnlar, claar, tit An ll,71l Io alra : L'J iln natont It Allot 7 M ItYK fl.OI'lt waa In atnall ,UFPlr ami itaailr. nua qum we .uota II soul 1 qua my I'ltOVISIONS n. tancr ir srauta--allM, ITO par tbl . aa to baralv atoadr ty ar. in Tha mark! waa nulat anil a'ollowlnc ara tha ouotatlona. (Mtv baaf. ..,b .M.l b..i( . I. lai&J 1 haA.aa.. 1.. 111 arta. anioVrd 3le. city baaf, knueklaa aivl tn1ara amokril anj alr.drlM. 33e waatarn rf knurklra ami Irmlara amskod, 3V. I'at ania, iSHfisut iwrk. fmllr. IJJ 3ti18, hama, oot aainnm. lociaa tfilflJOVte, vihar 10 orana nmi TaUl aalra, tllOO, rampnrrd wllh I' r.tfrrt.ri thua tar ltd week. 3IS,tO0 rloU l.i t uaek. MIJ.HW. na.ooo lam) rk. ramll 1'. runKl loo. IJVtUV, tstrleVtc. Jo (la imkl cliy currd Sl(tatall tar as am, I jaa n t-tl raw I --.a.-, .. ." "w.-.,. - DtMI-IM atC riTilC B1UIlfI Nra. ST Kaaina. amokwd. f4.rtr, rHc. JS4r. !j bnilf.1 il I rurnl Imii. lf. In pick). ftCTordln to mt Ikip 17c. irrtakfiai btfron. n In brand n1 Yirt y ur, Jlc ,brRe.rat bacon, irtsurn rurrtl Utc Til, wttin, rnnM, tea . l(.ai lv, do. do lu!r lr.ci Urd rur Cltr. kvttU rnnderrd In Ira . . Urd, pur. cliy, kittle rtndrfl, In tuba IPX. TI market MT KEFINEl) SUGARS lull nn'l unchanso.1 It ira Hat prtn. rtitra Itn sranulatnl 7 03r worr.J 7 1.1c. cenlaclloncra' A, ti.VJe, mil a.tra. O.JUtlMJlV DAIRY PRODUCTS IIUTTKIt IlKwIpta of faner atnek r lleht .n.l v-nluaa wra wall mln(lnL tint thrro waa tt! wholaala Iranlna Uuotatlnna VVratrrn rrah auiu pMCkf1 eraamry fancy ajnactiila. IW . cutrea uvi.e, eitrs. nriia, iiv,uao. rata 3arj.iiHt aaconoa, aotrJie, nearoy prima, ancy 41c avarac nit. 43U4le, tlrata 3WO hit, atromia aien atMciai tancr tiranua ui irlnla Intihlns al 47A30C KIKIM Choir Irnh ass wrta In amall auii- ily an J nrm with u fair 1manl Uuolallon Vnorhy aitraa. li'c par ! t marly flrata 14 t" rMr eaa naarhr currnl rinlpt 113 so r raaa. wratarn rilr. II1'- t'r ilox , .to. extra trata IH 111 par e iUi (trite, .IIS 10 par rrrUrator osia, aloraza am Inauranca alii lo January 1 nlra, 110 SO r mias do, tela llii.On pr ea. Jo awwnila, ll oil nor a. fany alrld randlctl frh ! were lililn al Slajerio iwr to. t'llKHSK rul,l itoaily unilor mn.)irate otrrr a hut Iruila waa qutM Knllnwlns nra the unlallon. New Vork, full cream, fancy. liM u.'nr. aneeia ntinart go, . ao lair to la, ).v. irtMl hl4. pari akin POULTRY :ic, I.IVK Tha markat rulid firm umlar llsht itrrlns and a fair ilrmariil, uuotatlona owl, a iu quaiiir, Main; inn iw.i., 37 14c. prlns rh!rkn. arconllnr lo nual ty 1TSMUOI VVhlla Ushorna accOMIn to uallty, l'lfftSc diRka aa t.. nuallly. 10011a, likrj SittlK saaa. t II If 1 liar . plirono. old. ilr. 3JsiKi, do, iouiut, par pair, sowifrje I)nK.1HKl Thra waa a fair domand.for iiwr alpek and lha marktt rulM nrm utdor llslil f"lraa Tha quoiMluie fraah-klllad dry pacxaa turaay, pur i. iu'r, u..iv. ...wu, i.,in.ii ioi hishr Uney weatern Slq. fair i noodi Sleiix. eommon, 3321ci fowla, I J 1 IM3. ury pirww innij. ,wir... .4i)si uui .llhlrut 4VA lb", apleca. 33c do. 8 lha. flr. 3Wf( do, 3Vt lla. aplrca, loffSOf! do. I Iba sptaro. 17et: fowla. In blila , fancy. .u i.l.. ..II.H AIL rtIL lha and flvi, nlA. '4ci3ii'wlihlnit I lb !, i'lVie. smsliar iwa 100 too, old rooatia. ory-ptckra. irei rvaiarn, .irr'iP'.vu in ihi.v. a, par pair. 5.1c. rosallna; 00 ch! Irkona, weal Miallna elsnlns uwio - it.kn waalarn, ary-pirato. iii iniira. waiin ic s It par pair, Sir rot eJilekans, w"tm itatii, wlhlr.ir 7 lU Pr pair. pieJJ.'ei iatin chick.r. wlrn. IcwpatkaJ, In itai, .Ui-V.i.r., a lha und nvr Dr pair. 31UZ2ei 4f naaruy latin chlrkn. watrn,..ln hbls, walxhtnir I ma. bar pair. ltlatiUo browns- rmraana. waai rn. In bases, wai.h ns Jgl Pr pa r ai V." Ihi.b.n ,lrhln Saj A lb Dr oair ID " ...vw. "- -.-...----- ...-,,.' , -- - tic do. rnitaq aua ma'w w.wimm- -'- Tt. r iflOSU brollara ihr nearby wlKhlu UO'J Iba aPIc aitlSIW urouara, najaroy. nUTlar atsaa, 3iWc. duck. nesiDy, so -.. walarn, isws"c. . wrettrn. ISWSiki aou,i v.lahlnu II to U iw par !'... J,!k."- -! " "e.s - ,..--.,,, A j.. rtiUflli Ik.' ' .,MK' iJoWS SSToaVi; u ijJ W.'V-wii nd no :, ooebiiss FRESH FRUITS Danund taaa snly moderst. but luta wore II ajaialmd on cholotUik of mol dorip. .a Volloirliia- ara lha gueiallon Appl.a, r IA.J Jonathan, II Soff J!i?"t H? i vicaisni tors miliaria., t-j. j . "- i, 313 SOt llaldwin, jm I. It e!4.riui di. uu. I 1 . " -T t'lal'f mi No. I II Sl taap. ,-u i. a. SoWiSo. ?naj?9. 1,11, par lu , whlta, "do. S Tiifl li whlta, par do. MMSJIS SO, 1 liajl 31 do. do. llaldwm, Nu I. I Tad..Hi lf .slrr Ptr UT II W"3WA Uweas per .IM'. I? ft? 7Sltueal iJ?o. tin rdiwl. K . . ..".aj-Ll ttlti At sTiflB Mi'do ur.dj IJ aiwoish No 1 4f unsrraaau. izmioj o" ..io.-. -v ... -" rlaaa. MorUa rua rult. j'lorl irs, run "i. Cr; ata uu aalMBrrtaa ih)', dirk n.r Htrao. ir eraia II 3'iera f1ri. rinap. Ierid IiHlwn, J'lil .' "fib' 'J;? faphrrla r'aw.CaaJ. or WH : rta i'p. vU lff"rsla, MJ.4Ui da. IV. IV Mvl, xm' IH.H.I rraia rHrawbarrii, rlorWa. It u.r ' tasi'j.ii.wwis ' VEGCTAHLEH Tha saaaral mtrkat mas uull sad without wall pol'teaa. Jr- ry. ear Ueket. l 9- B" ., ilir barapar X.3? I ' af?lK VKfc twa.. Kerfulk. par erst I fl-W. .! ,(, tleis tUaar. fVarlds ',W Jsi AMI, d. Virginia, par isni vara!! 3,wi. Bouj Wjrloa or Uokfl. 13 bo,. liiiO da, pat baakat, 1303 M. BtertSBl WI'M. par T-. W own and oltsr City of Phfladelphia MATURWC , July 1, 1640 My 1, 1942 July 1,1948. Jan. I, 1046 A B Leact & Co, BrnU !IJl4iitAyrfiitCf KZ"lMS Local Bid and Asked Prill J il Hurt a kui .lo prf MH t e twin .J atorasa n Aap , .. K Til do t e do prrf Lake Pup Corp Irfh Nar . ,, . Iih V'nllay Uh Val r do praf . . Innarlvanta nil a ni Phlla Co do S per lllJAsted. i ?1 . es ; ., i 3 10 . II :4! tsVi ; IS 4J 14 IS TSh sri 7V 31 4.1 M1i 13, 43Va sw l.Tr'rd. m Si a B it m ? IV slU 1 41l 3.1 1, 434 ill ..Son If Ms ....103. lois 10l 4?il vt .Ut 1UV4 31 4.1 43 43Vi l 1014 iih ". or 4T HI in uon vn tni?a inrtVt iri4 IUT. 1011, 'in. R l!H U lav, ,. SdU it MVaM'i t SJ par ronl rtraf . . -:' : L . ri, ii . n pr wni it l'hlla ll I . Itai1ln llVt InSt TnnnpAlt llalmont , 4S 4 4S onapan .iiintns Union Traction t' Via Imp.. I' M Mls.l Tork llwy . . do iircf Win rramp t e NKW YORK RANK STATEMENT AvoraRo Lonna Docrcuso, Whllo Actual Gain for tho Weak Ni:V VOH1C, Ilec, 13. Ttio members of the Now York rirnrlne House Association tilV leaned n strong; statement of condi tion for tho week Tlioro wero no exfrcmely wide chances In any Hems The at erase lonna decreased t,S18,fl0i), hln tho nctiml Inoresped 1.71!.0ll(l. Deininil ilcifislts In creased In both statements. The surplus. Kalned In the average and lost In th nu ttial Details follow. short seseean on the rhllaitelphla Block Mi olianse lexlajr. In attiklnc eeKtrast with lifethMU iia)i or the wr-K. attendance waa amallef In tha brokers' oiTlcea ami en the Stock Hxehanate floor A ecneral dtaooal tlon was stwiw-n thnniRhout tlsei whole floan eial district of not maWlns; new commit ments lo carry aver the double holiday, and In so dolnit Irndera nere simply fol lowed New York, the market In that cltr bclnit quieter than II has been on any day of the week. Itreaus of the plan for new transit fa cllltlr. which Is how pending It was natural that l'hltadelphla Itapld Transit trust cer tiricatea should tie the most active. Til turnover In th eertlnoate. waa far smilltT than on prevloua days ot th week and tha movement In the prtco waa decidedly narrow. On the first tranmetton thero wait a small coin, hut later in the ntornlns; this was lost nnd tho price went below lha I'lnwi of last nlitht Union Traction waa unchnneeil Jti.t before the close two I It. T certllleatea came out at 3t, a rslti of m for the day. A little previous In that the price waa 31 United Stales Bteel Common com hack Into Ita own as tho market leader here, but In that Issue, too, the movement was over a narrow range, and for the most part tho price was below tho llnil of yesterday. Ijk Huperlor Corporation stock came out on the tapo early with n, small frac AVR11AOK SiatVemsnd itrpoiui s'.sWnjK Nat lima dplta. . 1117,13 I, I'lrculallun llraarva. own tsutta Itaaanc, Wdrl He- atrva banka llaaorva, athar de- poaltarlfa Aarit rrarrva . itaarrv r(iuir'i 000 ,000 .000 sH.nni.non t H7.7B1MKM Increase. oil.nui.iHMi lu.;iai,non 4,ufB non ss taw 3,1117,000 t73.MJ,OOH 4,711.00a SK 041.000 nui.nno mi ess. is 4tn Hurplus 7U,0I3 8UI nil which IW3,7h3.OO0 la acl. tiana , , Nat demand dipoalt Nl lima dopovtl circulation ACTUAI. 8 3I1.U1.IMHI S.SIin.lftU.IHHI Ins n3,unii jH,Pdn liu.. ll,Uli,CMMI ltrv, own vnult llrr. rursi lie rv banka . . Itraarv. othor da. poiltarl Assrneala rrv llraarv roulrd nUrpiUB ... u.V',....r tOf which I3S3.S3I.00O la ipcls, HTATK IIANK8 Man, lnvlmnta HI" Hold ... , Currency bask noa Papoalta .. iloaorr on dopoalt Wrccntas. of r- am. 33.3. pr- rantaso of In- rraaoa, I Trul rompanlaal liana, Invaatmenta. lold , ti.,- urrancy Imnk bllla ltarva daulalta Koaarva on dopoilt. ii i S3 t0l T.lTS.tlfKI t.saMOO rt.uS4.M0 ljtiono ii, iin.oiin 3,34J.OOO U.ixmi S.333,000 li,o:,omi ii.23o.ooo 1,1110 000 8 IMKl.OOO l.d.fKVl I.3S3,080 si.ooi.coo SIS Hdi.lHXI an, 100,710 im.oni.i'ili) 430.r.00 as.slQ.liMl loi'.luj'.iiio ,ii7,3ls.sno 130. ma l.OJB.JOO 4.tn3.oo 8&0.I00 ra- pr- ln- Prrantaco aaiva, 20. H rantsse ol rraaaa. .3 .Slot Lanka, truat companlaa not rip; r t I n s to I'laarlns llogaa, tiana, Invtalmanta, iioid ...... 'urrncy lnW noua Total dopoalta Nrt drpcatla ltarM At, itoiinatl. tvrrontaiia of rar, craaia, ,5 lTeaa 3. JOS, 00.1 3.-.'3.MHl S.SM.OOO N.MII.AOO 3.1S8.100 7M,l.1,uoq io. Am ion oji.soo sou 9,130,003 Hss.ioo 143.401) B.7J7.5'in o.Bno.son 1.0411 .ion 3Vni iicrcantssB nf In fco,(WV7,on!i i.,OM,P!ai HANK CLEARINGS lank M.pdln loday enmpsred with eorr au-nd na dar laal iwa jiata; lain mi May .ni,ii7i,onn laay ja.aio.oil I'Mladclphla 1101011 l'IJo,SJ III?!1, 3!UI.SSt iloilc Mora Currency Notes In England LONDON Dec 33 Ths Hank of Ens;, laud reports the amount of currency notes mistandlns as 1133,119,791, oomparsd with (13I.S10.I97 last week The reservo of cold held for the redemption ot such notes remains at fll.SQO.OOO ' An Enviable Position Is Open for a man who can write good, snappy retail copy QUICKLY; who can do newspaper detail work THOROUGHLY; who understands and can order art and engraving I work INTELLIGENTLY ; who can "make up" adver tising pages PROMPTLY; WllOi IU wuu, wan (iiuuugc a newspaper SERVICE Dc partment EFFICIENTLY. The salary, to start, is mod erate. The working condi tions are IDEAL. How Would You "fill the bill"? Write Box A 314, Public Ledger other and declined a little. Philadtlphia Klaclrlo allowed a email downturn, M did United Oil Improvement. No rreponse m VhtntrB waa ahetrn ljf York Hallways shares, to Uv elearlnr up of tha baek dividends on tha preferrod stock, which waa announced after tho. elos yesterday Tlie way ls How tleAred for the mntnmn shares of th company to share In the profits atlep tho payment ot Uia regular preferred dividend. Thera waa pronounced activity Irv tht hond market dur1nr the laat week, although n strlklrur feature of th situation was the akeasnoa of anr Issues pratelrul for !, 1'rlcn remalnad rirtuallr urfcttatvsed from the prevlotM lereta and there waa a fairly satisfactory Investment absorption hUtli Brad aeeurltlea, This waa attributed partly to Hwltohlnjr. from the stock market to th ltond market hy ?ine. who, hnrlnie mad extensivo profits on tho lone aide, emtet talned skeptloun with regard to th future outlook Notwithstanding the Herman peace pro imsnls and the sensational stateraenta by Secretary Lansing; the WltMti not, etc, tlwre - no degroa of Iniprgyoroenl In th prion for foreign Issues, Antlo-Freocfi fs, American lttrelgn Becurltle I and City of 1'arls Is. Under ordinary conditions w lilt peace) overtures, the securities would have, recorded substantial advanrn. AJOJl't, iKirnsga MSS NATIONAL UAMt, , Local Kesr-rro Hank Statement Ths weekly ntatement of the condition ot Jie Federal tleservo Hank of l'hltadelphla at the close of tiuslnesa December 23 com- parea as follows with th previous week i . iiKjtoimcr.i , . Dacarabar 2. IVaeemUr 16. OoM coin ami car- llllcalos In aull IM.Wl.tSaoo tll,TT.0&00 Hold eii(innt tunil , balalKa 10. 10,1,000 DO O o I il redemption . tuna 100,000 no 100,090.00 Lea I irmlar not,, allrar, ale. ... Tt.MT 10X011 M Tlsl rfatrvr ,! SSI. SIT l73.R0l,esnej Commarrlal paper., a IJS.MS 1 t &t'J.S92.ts i; IS.ViV.1S9 HI lank accaplancaa . l8.ftli.O1M TeUI Mil ilia rounla.1 and ., Iwuulit ... I1P.P00.102.PS lJ0.631.HT.e3 t n tonda nnd nous 3.S2s,ooo,ivt a.s:8,ioo on atunlclpal warranta Iln. OIK. Hi) iSli.SIK IU Inrrat othar ailral nsrv ansa Total lau.a Du tnint tr,lral liarika (net) rcloral ttcacrv notaa on hsoil ... Nntte of nallonsl iMtika anil other loOfral Il(ane banks All other r-sourcca 13.641. 178.10 S,3OT1.BO 117.411 l 11 A. 110.00 us.toaoo esn.Bns.oo ,..v .,.,, 1.010, 910,00 19,451 00 GII.STMC DHlladsUbhiA. llMUtaibatr ft. tftlaL .- ,-T7.-""'j n -'-rr t t.-. ti .-""". Tb, AunuAi aWfinx i io oMrSaVWJ-iaHi r MiA TaSrsffi juun i ----- -t . -" -a ;ssacrv J2iv,fiMM BmvfAX Total raoureaa 15I.OJ1.JJ7.9. IM, 1131,501.13 l.lAIIII.ITIrlH nr-UtiB j , IHCtLVAnn. Hu.lcnlr, JSSI r Marshal ,. r.- 2.i!HtJli.AA..A.. widtwUi cW. Wll, lam T, lUrrmrU, Italailra aaS rrlcnia ajr In aarvieaa Man 3pm.. Oirr 11. Walr illaT., WJ'i'Ju!" itan i s P m-i y' r ;f jteM' A? si It tnak. ! M IlTlaftVra SI vlta to aarliMs, Mttn,, 1 p, m.. 1; Int rrlat. jioV u, 1. jt. nnonriK i, Kliaatwili llarla, a urd l. IlaUtln twite nt lltrt lllltlirl. rorar mi Irajto aqttad. Theraaa II Hmllh llarobllcaa Club. wlitow ef Atwis and rrlanda tn- I4MA ii AA at. Int rlnt. --.--,.-.. Kliaatwili llarla. aerd 41. IlaUtlns and tritndJ. lie ( llirt Uiathcl, faraar mmbrs nt Ut iraiio anil.il. Theraaa II Hmllh IWpubllcaa Clui ItlllMU vf..A M. BV f , I. I. 1M.lut , fjinorsl. Wait, a SO in.. SII3 N, Oral U flasa al Oar tadir ot Merer Cliurth 10 a, rn. Int Holy I'rosa Cam. S, IlltAfW Al IMIand. fa., the. 31, UAIlT . wldair of J Tsiaon iltaaa, sd,Yl, Mala Ufa JiJ trUnda Inrlttd to nuursl aliaest iirthar nollra, mllnir, of ami. Andrew U, ..TV Kolland. I' . Tuea.. llio p, ts. Int. lllrhtiom rrn. Csrrlas will met train. t llnltand Blallon. f,iiiif Itaajlna Trrminnl at v.33 and Irolio at Newtowa al 10J0, . ItltAUN Oar 60, linNIUKTTA.. widow ef "nu urauii inrv ia,nA ai. Ii.a ami I :vanrltral strvltya. Tura.. 2 n. in , rrlal. NarlhwooJ im. Ilaroalas rn iriT,Ki ainq , allcr 7 p. io. Aula luaarsi. flnwars . lllUIVENTII V.". .AUIA iiBiatirea atn farrlcca n. i.. lanpY.asajl.M,,. .Bl' trar AlifoC lit. MI-h- i ihuprtv lnltd to runcml , iizi Tranton an. Int, ro. Ilaroalas mail IH , ra, Aula tuaaral. Ooill J frlamla InnltaJ la funarol. Suli. at lraol.. . T. ----, u p. m, Mar. Capital paid In, iTunt ana ioaa. . Itaaarva ilapoalls tnotl Oov,rnmnl dopoa- lia .. Du lo other fed eral llaarrte U'aa (net) Kedrrsl ItearnHi note nutatandlns n.t llabllttr All othor llatilll. tie IJ.J'ja.iiH) on JS.4S3 p n,:sa.Mo.m 3,in7,7:o.l0 II.V'SS.IOO 00 Sv,70.OI7.:0 i.oo,i:i,04 3.57MIP.02 l.nwi.ooo.oo. :,4i no I 300,000.00 C1D.TU Total lUblllllM IM.03I.33T PK iai.OE0.SOl.33 1 entfjg. IO, Alb nvll Nun , 3 p, rn , aon-in-law's rvalianevC'riar.a V. iajr, 0JU Mrchwoud avo. lal. rernwooi V?. . ........ . a ...H..,tMW uMm at tt,nTosr-TY. "n KiAVnt.I ot lata Lmma K Albartaon. asad 03. 111 llva ana irionua tnvtiaii io iiinimi hnaband lata. rrtcas, ANnilKVV'U Doc. 31. CATIIAIIINK. wwoar of Juhn Andrews, llaratlwa snd I'W.i" J.T vitwl lo lun.ral. Tooa , S..80 m . 3l Fll Imrl si. Uolrtnn rasulem. maaa HI Jsiir s Church 10 a. in. Int llo r Vroaa ..vfni., ssril r.U. Ilclatlvra and frlaml' , Invllid to lunoral aarvlcra, Tois.. 3 a ia,, slater real danca. Mra. Thoinaa N. Qulnii. 0330 1'ulukl at.. OarmaJitown, lot. Nprthwood ttm. 11ATUMAN Iec. .82, JUJ.1A. lPtrfp.V, dauihlar ot Iholato Jomaa and Mary man. Henlces Hup., a P. in , at Sua h. S31U at. Int. rrlvala. Oro I flowers. liAIKIl--I)ae, ilO, . CIIAIII.KK. hustMind. of llarr A. Uauar tnaa VVIIoni. ssru y. uoiaur; and frlende. Ht. John' lls. No 116, K snd SI, I I llliaalill .fMla..T-,. . Al-.V W. ,1 J, a. . r,,ni,Bu, a I., si. A. II. I rouncll in, ,ii playrs louder 4. tt It.. A. af t UlBllBWUn liraciors snd Voun Mi la, II and'U Aaao.i Krnnkford aroccra' Aaao t am i.w.a iji,M,p a. inn i'n.. inviiaa io luoarai a4lca. Hun. I j.. rn.. 111! C. Tlosa si. 1st. rrlrata. lllllald Cm. Ilamalns WW vltarad B,IlatfltD-?lift.ASl WV H4JAKO. dausoior or Tnoiiwa j. inn vainariiw , nlnaliarn. asad r llalailvr slid (rlanda. m. ii o of Cnlldi llrnoy lo . Inn tad to funarsl. Tit,, n a. m,,, SlT'i N. VVrnofk at Maaa i at Ht Edward's Church ll a. m Inu Nw C'alba. drir.N!"lJtKT( Dae. S3, CIllltHTIAK, husSsml of rraJcrlcIt D. llenrdlkt if Walk), apM 81 llalaltvca and frlanda, mmbra nil II a I,. a... r whlph oraaad waa mctnher. l'nlla. rtarlan. Church. Cap ,ni. ijoia norm uetn. ItliniVM i,am 4 if,-vnv tr iinmra. om ot.lat llanrr It' nnd Catharine iirawn. Xts mitlc of tunaral alran Tatar. llltrANT te. 31. WAITHll, huaUndof Teresa K, an I ion of Marr an4 late Walter llrrant. runrral Tu., T.tO a. m 731 N. ltlnctpld at lllih maaa ot raqulun HI. Francis s Church, 0 a. m. Ilalalltas and friend Invited. Int. lluJjr Croaa CVtl. titlliriii.w . n -- .,,i...i Unoraa. town, N. J., CIIAIIt.i::! Illiuriir.ltr. husband of. Xlartha, J 1-urnar, seed 73. HelaUvcs snd ricmla, Kj atone Ixxlea, No. 371. I" ami A. H Itporaatown Jm4s. fin. Ill, Y. and A, if , Coiynitiln ChaplvJ-, Tfo. 01, ft, A. M.I Itenao, ala Ailatnlion l-3. Ne. SS, I. O, O P, Orn. I'lrner l'oat. No HI. Hunrtvors f 34 V. V. II. AMIIIarr nnd 1 and II. nallat Aaao., Invitad I funeral, fjie , 1 i, m.. ill Vat 3d at. Woorea town troll y linn Camdm 1 1:31 a m tor Mooraatown .IHIJUtOWa Ijee. 31, K1.WOAD II.. son ef W. rrailor and late Kllsatiath C. llurrows. IlaJtUtea rind friend. Protection Loose. No, 341, I, O. ), l', ln,ltd to funeral a-rvlca. Hun . I p. m., 1311 N. lUdftold su Int Cheater Uural Cam . Chctr. I'a. llUTl.r.Il, Huddmlr. bac II. FIUKK T!,. husband of Kinma rarkar lluiUr. aa4 tiO, lt,ltlv-l and trlnJo. Waahlnston Council. Nd. I. Jr O Cf A lt,i llta Camp. No. B. a, ot V , tnvitod m fararal ar?lce. bun , 3TI0 v m.. 1163 Jaltraon at . oanttaiilnwn Int rhaltart ttltta Cam lltmalna may 4 lawrd Hat era, ..VAH,'".,:I'li'-TAA Ncrrfetowa, De . . :p, IBA 1A11. biiabsnd of Krnnia lfnrun Campbell asad an. nnlntivB nnd rrlaods tnrlted lo runorst. nan W Uifairclt St.. Nurrlslewn, I'a . Run . 3 n. in. Int private, Itlnrald Ctm. Auto fun rat Continiird en fotlowlnx I'at Chailea J. Bender & Co INVESTMENT BONDS Mtnibcr rtlladolrhl fiteek Cxeksai NORTH AMERICAN BLDO. tun Wed . 1 P m tnlnitar Cm. Pfatcoa f'aainn. .-:! -:,.' . . -- ion rransioru are Invited lo funarai, int, wcai- nmy.trnjttV or cpvrAVT CxltBad JPWlLAc!n.tJi afaf a06ra l i Y'Vaa" VI gMsMl JS3 fatriicciut aril' fes flWstrtfci. U If W aJtOuMWTT U TftaiaJfftJ. -8 ' s c"s? New Bank Accounts With thu ppproecb of lha Nejv VM, contidsrilioa , generally given to ,be opening of nyw of uddilloru. bank account. This Company solicita account of Udfvitlualt, 6n or corpcrntioni, and offer you the adveBUjti af a thoroughly equipped banking tepartmeat, Commwcml Trpit Company 1 aty Hull $mw nrm w.wtmA$fifV k.Mimm' l wwmmmm wni' i i f