Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 23, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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, ,
Despite tho Individual Opinions of One or Two
, Benighted Souls This Form of Sending Holi
day Greetings Has Come to Stay
HAS it ever occurrod to you, -whoso list
of Clirlstmofl-cnrd friends grows
larger nitd larger with each BUccceillns
year, that tho custom Is a comparatively
recent ono, an compared with the day
itself, ntmtot two thourfnntl yoarn old?
Thnt until 1814, nccordlnff to Ocorela
tforrcy Dronnnn, In tho Bouthorn Worn
Mi's Mngailno, there was to suclj plea,
itnt way of oendlnK tho season's Krcot
Jtlgs, no that many df onc'o acquaintance!)
could not bo reached.
Tho iitory noca that on ono cold 13o
comber day In London, when tho shops
Trcro full of holiday goods, a young: rirtlst
cut In Mr studio, unhappy bccnUso ho
had not tho means to buy cvatl a ntnnll
Clft to Bond to Bomo ono In tat-oft India.
But fpcllmc that ho mutt 'glvo Homo
xprosalon to his thoughts ho Idly
ItetQhod on a nmall card throo panels
suggcstlvo of tho Reason, with wrcnth.i
of holly nnd mlstlotoo.
Thus was born tho flrnt Chrltmas
Tho young artist was nono other than
John Callcot Hornloy, who twenty yearn
later boenmo n member of tho Royal
It cannot ho dcnlod that tho custom
In a protty one. In thena bUHy tlmori
Tory fow pt uh cofild wrlto lengthy letter:)
to nil of our friends; tho list would havo
to bq oo pared Town tlint many would bo
dropped off entirely.
Thoro mny ho soma ono with whom
wo havo had n misunderstanding, yet at
this season wo summon cournKO and neml
him or hor n card, 'both of us feeling
bpttor for oo dolnff.
Bo don't bo a Mary Smith.
For It was sho who Idlsdaln fully ro-
Letteri and questions submittal to this department must be written on one elite of
the paper and signed telth the noma of the writer, Special theories Ilka thoso olven
below are invited, It is understood that the editor does not necessarily Indorse the
sentiments expressed. All communications for this department should ba addressed
as follotes: TUB WOMAX't) HXUlIANOi:, J7vcpi-i0 Ledger, I'htlatMphla, I'a.
The srlnntr of today's prize U Mr. K. 1'iilrr, af 22B Writ 01nry mentic Olnry, whoso lettrr
appeared In ycMcnlny'H twiner.
L. Vrenth fried potatoes oro frequently loo
hard nil the way tliratiKh nnd not crisp on tho
outside. Haw ran this I nratrnted?
S. Hair ran oolcn bo fried until lender nnd
a golden brown without burning?
S. How
ran costard Imi preyenled from
1. When clennlne lmlrkruiliea with tUony
bncln, befort wathtnr rub tho wood with
IVuMUnr. thru nny ammonia or lodu In the
voter will not Injure tho wood. After tho
bmill la drr tho viuicllno run enllr be rubbra
nir Ami tb wood will liuto n holt pollth.
When imltlni wbljo rlolliea nwar for the
r, vh oot tho ntnrch, rlnxi In IiIuIiib
winter, mill oot tho n
nalcr and lar thorn nnuy unlmneilt If thl l
(lone, tho elotbee wUl not turn rrlluw.
3, Whitn Ironlne circular rcntrriilMen. r (hut
tho Iron moirn with the atruliht of tho rlotlil
In thin war the plrca will not pucker In the
Simple Christmas Menu
To the Editor of Woman's Paget ,
Dear MdmU haa nlwaya fcmnl tn mo n
ralmaka for tho boutwlfo to prepare nn over
elaborate dinner for Chrlatmna hay. In the
nril place, tho children aro uunlly ao ctcitnt
over their omental then they nibble nt candy
preientu then the
all day long, and theroMa llttlo appetite loti
fni fllnncp.
I uiualty havo my laro turkey dinner at
'Heir TTear'a. und tor Chrhtmaa have a eoo
or rabbit. Of coureo. no ChrUtrnua Day
would be complete without a plum pudding",
brought In with tta flamlnc alcohol.
Tlta following menu la almplo and Inexpen
ahoi lioulllon. rout coose with bread eturf
Inif, creamel caullrlowtr, maahed potatoea, let
luce with French dreealne, celery, oltvea. plum
pudfllni: and corrce. Tbero can alao be u aupply
el Chrfetmoa candle and. fruit on the table.
Hints for Mnklng I'lo Crust
T the Hdllorof Womcm' Poet:
Dear lladam The pie ataaon haa arrived.
Tho eucceaa of, a pta llo". for the nimt part.
In tho cruet, tt you will try thla method you
will ho repaid for tbe little extra trouble It la
to make lit Mix cruat aa usual, ualnc a acant
cup of flour and three heaping tableapoonu of
rhortenlna for a two-crujt pie. A'ter puttlnir
owtr cruat In pan, brush over with melted
hortentnet then sprinkle thickly with Hour,
f makloaT a fruit pie, put tn a layer of fruit,
aprlnkl with (lour, then with halt a cup of
euaar. and repeat until fruit le all uaed, Holt
out top crust and apply anortenimr and Hour
uat aa rou dltl on tn Datiom onei pat tna
our down with tha hand then brush oyer with
milk and bake In a fairly hot oven until nlroly
brownedi then turn tha Ore lower and let elm-
few minutes,
ikv and tha If
'rha tan crust will i
irr and flaky and the lower ona will not absorb
Ah Jules of tha fruit and be sutury, as la aa
frwiuantly lbs else with rrult pies.
vpn maxinr
pumpkin, cream or custard
pie. If a heaping- teaspoon of
cornstarch ta
mixta wttn uie aug-ar tne ninna,
Ins never v
never wilt b
watery and wlU bo more firm w)um rold.
J. U. if.
Buns for the Holidays
fo the Editor of .Woman's Poos:
Dear Madam These buna for Chrlatmaa
luncheon are toothsome! Hub two ounces butter
into a pound of flour add a. plnrb of salt, set
nn to rla with R (lessertstwon of
Yaast. routed with half a pint pf milk tt It
stand for nearly an hour, then work It Into a
lurht aoujsh. addliuc 14
Litk a. lltila lukHwarm tntlk. a little: lUfur
weu-eeuien tn, missu
few currants, soma chopped candied lemon may
ba added Cover tha bowl which contains iba
to rise. In about half an hour make It up Into
Tolls or buna, brush tbca over with beaten .
take In a aood oven for twenty inlnutoa or
mare. Allow ono or two far each noisgn. put u.
red inaraacnlno cherry on each bun,
(Mrs.) 8. M. C.
Garnish Apples With Holly
To, fh Siltor of Woman's Poor,
Ifear Jtadinv Apples baked tn tho followtng
tssaar aro ttssoiULbli; Talur balf a dozen ytty
Una apples. I'ara and core without dlvldlng
tbem, put In a saucepan with a pint of water.
it rlad of a, Utnoa and a half pound, of loaf
susar 1'laca on tha nr. slew very a-antly until
the apples are uuile Uoder, then lift them out
bnd lay thsia In a, g-iass dish. Holi ausor and
ws.nr with a littla wslwd lalnsUa tomako It
tsftlnl "d put It aa de. V
csld. lay It In roOcrllM Ple a
BaroUh tbu dish wilti apr! of
Whan It ta quite
l araoiur
too apples.
ly. tni
of an cm; Lltn tit troth, sta.
This makes
' pretty auppef dish ttouh for Bya. or sU
xrajM. .. UVMiip It.
For Holiday Haking
To th W4uor o WpiiW Paov
Dear Madam Hera ara aaveral recipes your
Qui. WITH P)a
jfoUeM Cake
No Bcss-Ocs plat drk
tbro pint beowi voar, una . u.
viiwar Ct Ucbtty aU.toMMr, aod I
imvywiu vm
to rofl out. Ttds wm make about Slot
Titii &Ut lVk-i.lHil e .
tsr ut M two cups susar, on eun wt
ti , .,- ,.,ti . v tajt (rtin v I
ml. Vf M-iUlwoos ooooa.
mBt, lw tl mklt oupg
swim lwtle M.
VW .TI.IijJV ww
iiUUS IS) (me (rn
SA. 31. M,
Hares yovr pres&rvt,
tfcrvtle. rciudlar.
Dc-awtiFully sealed o.nd
All the. joy that I car.
imt vou
Vooll Find
wrapped inside.
marked In my hearing jtist tho othor day
that "Christmas cords wero In such poor
I fancy It will tako many, many rnoro
Mary Smiths to ralrgato tho ahucry
Christmas greeting card to tho nnli heap.
TtlI3 editor iloilrcs to wish tho rcmlora
of tho Woman's Rxclinnffo a world of
happiness nt this Chrlstmns season. May
all tho uood thlnjrs of llfo ho yours, and
In your poaco and prosperity do nut fall
to romcinbor tho tiny chlldtuu of tho
warring nations, many of them waifs of
tho Btreet. If you havo not ntrcady dono
so, send tiomo aiccttn? to them; hoiiiu
llttlo bit of holp at this season of good
will. I shall not call It chailty, for It Isn't
that merely their duo.
1. How' wxin should ChrUtmaii gifts
Mmn should Christmas sift be
.3. In It nrrossnry to arknowlrdso Chrhtmas
9. At what hoar should n party for clilldrrn
between tho Ultra of nlno nnd twelve be tlirnr
1. If the fultanlni; preparation Is npullrd
to tho luitr whci It U ilane up In curlers It will
keep tho curl ncn In dump weathert To a snmll
aunntllr of turn urahlo ndd sufficient boiling
water tj dlsanlto 111 when melted turn In nlcit
liol cnousli to make a thin fluid.
3. A ttowl wulerproof ilrrsalni for abora rnn
fie inntln by meltlnc tnllow uml mlilns It with
uniKfot't ,ejll In tho proporlloii of eeten imrU
of oil to Ihrro of tnllow or eirn Ims tnllow In
cold weather.
a. Tho word, "Indy" throuzh ronitant mlue
hn loit Its aUntflrniire nnd nowndnta inont
"laillro" prerer to l ileotznated ns "nomeii,"
slnro tho latter cnrrlca mora real dimity nnd
lueunlux. It Is Tery lnipmier to uo the words
"siilealadr, "forelndr." "wiuhhuly," etc, for
ulthouxli nny of these, mar be "Indies," their
I'roper titles In this rnpuclly ore "sulesuamnn,"
"fonnoniuii," "wushnomnn," etr.
La&t-Minuto Gifts
Ta the Tfilllor o ll'oman's Page:
pear llmtam-Very often In the last rush
befoM Christmas sovmv ono U forgotten, l'or
thf benefit of your renilr I nm mnllne In
uXT.L?!c"?lZ'"' ,ror lL"?' lnxp-nelvo gifts
in lh,i1,i"arJfi Jne. 'nih hour with rnaterlnls
?hlsi 'iZr" "; u 5l'y .llttlo hiinilKor
cH"f. can " rnods In a few inlnutaa. Cut n
small aquaro nt sheer linen! then, after rolling
the ; ds. overLast them with colored thread.
This Is done In no time and. tho effect Is v"ry
&.,&. ',ar,nanrc"1?; 'ha-?. 'm.q.
ov,V.rWwtt,Tirco,0rrint11r?aK ,h eJ"" n"3
..i'?..5'?u tn' any straight pieces of lacs
Kte.'i'J0U.M'ncl)"'.,;,i', " can wv it t . "
E.,!;?.or,C,bbon (whlla or Itesh-coloredl the aarne
width. Narrow strips of ribbon to go over th
shoulders nnd clasps for down tho front, nnd
EnX.lSJ.7t .""Od-lookliiB camisole. I.lkewl,'e.nSS
S?'vi2rSttr,l,.iua nom;,ilshl by two pieces
twoC Sh..8 .''L0, f. JSi 1 ?"u"'it rf
J?,,V,r,h.,,",im": "'th V.row 'r btK!n."f"'rUOthi
shoulder otraps. KATUUltlNU C.
Chrihtmas Dinner
To As Kdltor o U'oman's Paae!
n5'V.i?!im!if.m tt yan marrlcil woman
fi t,!!?H0-."i" c,'lldren. sgeit aeven nnd live.
wKh . lr.S.P.n,".",", m.v Pnta will dlno
with ua on Chrlstnias liuy, i,-0r a family d niierT
!h."..Vi0,V?ry le hft". " children coma to
the tablet How should I place my guestaj
I would certainly hnvc 'ttiV'cliiiarctint
tho dinner, in Chrlatmaa Day In more tlm
children' day than any qther. Place your
i.iuMiu, BV yuur iiusniKi h riBitt Imml and
his mother at hla left, your fnther-in in
at your right and your pwu fntlier at your
id. ,. una vnuu nit on oitnar siilo of tho
table, between hl.i L'randpnrcnta.
Giving Preaenla to a Girl
To tha Editor of Iranian's Pooe;
uear siauam way does tha popular
""' "" u,iMui'uir wiih ner men uooualnt
anoaa around thi Christmas holldaya i&an it
ba tha glf T This haa often bten a mit? tX
me. aa I havo known
a puixla to
M.i.r.i ;.i...r.. r '..rTr.","f!?. mina
now h
ri.. r:vT,'"rTtr,j,'.L"wvl4.,MW,,": airis, witty,
ng- clrls,
, tbs yog
lyiiuio, ww inruugnout the year
iv. - Miur., witn ueinv booked a weak
i. and yet lust before the Christmas holi.
n.nt. 2rwe5kr.tlW,M " Uuy "''
Hhortlji after Thanksgiving those who ar
college chapa make Hiam ihal they luia iu
stay in ami study for th. mldir iai.ii otftefa
aro ery bus at tha omoe. whllatSo rest Just
drop out of sight , They may Jail m Jtbi
Phona oocnslonaUy. 'Must to sm how you are
Then, about tha middle qt January or so. tbsy
rail up and "want tokmiw when tlley iSn aa
yuu." I ean hapily think that It Is o. aueitlon
of money, aa these same fsikiws spVnd I their
money hand over Ost during tie year to show
'Vhat shall I irtve" or "Waal wil sbo I-
Vow. bays, just rat It Into your l,d that
the sMslbla- gfH apprseistes al prefers a
g-ofd box of onacolatM or some nlM flower
rather than an xims1vs gift, as I have heard
these same girls sjly. "Itaw Bo-andio doiSFt
glvama a vqumt. aa I doa't know what to
glvo him." Afts all. It la th. thought and not
the alu that counts, C. 07 fifsaiws.
Ethical Questions
To Ms BJUor o 1Voo's Pag,
.fr droVl v8 of ,bf n,Jr rdera
af tha Woman", aUchang and have wrUtan
sivtrai tumu befon this. Knawlog that you
rJv your advlca,
1) Do you think
am ukUig your oslnhtn
Oo you think It M right, for a yasnecubU
feTaB hsr
fami i
uur gtri ta oer tasn
HI M. fr VtWm M SJJ
asus to allow
or to go to balls parties, etc
young man
At what aw. do you think a
ovk iiia-tisemenr than a. abort ooal (l Ho
can ana ettala lb respect of nianl 11. H.
(11 A fctame jouns; girl U nut sup
posed to allow a familiarity of this kind
Sbt alio u Id not go to a ball unchapergued,
but may attand a party If thr la Km
eU womai) prasaut to act aa clwparou.
tt) At ihatvr - this xparlenc cwmoa
1 liw. 8) It darRd on tha girl; soma ar
at aigbtsau, vail otiuua ara aim
at tlVnty-flv A lonB oncaifo-
ts, m a. rata. s ai.stu.li thrum thraa
t.i a, l'-uii a ttjfm auough. i) JJ,,
r fc Hsu smJI mnt.
"Why Vicky Mimicked, 'Don't
'(ATH the matter, MaJge? Dot n
grouch on something?"
Ulek fnewl rnn in tho old 1ml 1 of tho
drlnl t'tilnnm Manor Inn, where v had
Mpeeled tb Dnil v-nrmth nnd food and thq
ptetUreflquenM of a canlury hack, lnatwul
of them Ihlnfrs we had found the ptaeo
In tho hands' of a caretaker. MlOky had
nulled to bo through tho hoilw on the pre
tenw of wlshhiff to rent IL
"I liavca't a hit of a crouch," I tried
trt Mieak bs cheerfully nn I could, for 1
dreaded Bleky'n nnner when 1 told Mm my
feelings upon the subject of Rolnit over the
houae under fnlo prctcnaes. "Hut 1 don't
llilnk It l rlKltt for un to rto throURh the
roonm. Tho woman wouldn't have let tm
coino In If you hadn't said we wlfltetl to
rent II. lt'n deerpllon, and 1 wish you
wouldn't Irtnlnt upon my rtolne nny further.
I can't enjoy seeing tho roomi nt all."
Dicky Blared at mo for a moment ns If
I wero noino specimen of hmnnmiy ho had
neer seen hoforc. Then he exploded.
"Another ono of your scruples, eh? IJy
Jove, I uomler whero you keep them nil.
Voti'ro always ready to trot one out Just
In time to spoil any Utile thltiK I'm trying
to do for your plensurfl or mine."
"Plensn liuslt, Dicky," I pleaded. I was
nfrnld tho Momnn In lltn next room wouM
hear him, ho spoke In such loud tones.
"I'll hush when I Bet ffood nnd ready "
I IruiKcd lo slmko him. h.s tone nml words
wero so much llko those of a spoiled child
Ilui he Ipwcrcd his tone nevertheless nnd
slood for a iiilnute or two in sulky silence
lieforo the empty llreplaco
"Well, coino nlnnu," he snld at Inst, "J'm
suro there Is no plansuro to mo In luoklnit
over this place. I've seen 11 often enough
when old Korsmnn had It fllleil with Colonial
Junk nntl served the best meals to ha, fountl
on I.oitB Island, lt'n llko a colon now to
mo. Uut I thomiht you mlcht llko to look
It over, us you lind novcr seen It. Hut for
heaven's sain-, lot uh respect your scruples.'
I knew better llian to make any answer.
I wished nhovn everything elso lo havo
this day and htipplly. this whole day to
ournolVes In the country, upon which 1 had
countetl so much I feared that Dicky
would Ifo angry enough to return to llio
city, as he had threatened lo do when
ho found tho Inn closed. Ko It was will
much relief that after wo Imd gono hack
Into tho other room I liearu mm nsit mo
enrotakor If thcro wero some plnco In tlm
neighborhood whoro wo could obtain a
"Do you know wltcro tho Shakcnpcnro
ITottso Is?" sho asked.
"Never heard of It." Dicky answered,
"although I'vo been around hero nullo a lilt.
t0"It'B nhotit k-X htni'kn further down
townrd tho hay." she said, still In the same
colorlesn tone sho had listed from thn nrst.
"It's on Shore road. 329 Shore rond. Tho
Rnrmnn-i own 11. sir. iotnim., .... ..
builder, and he built an old hou.io oyer " o
a copy of Hhakespcaro's house I" I.tigianil
Mis. Oormttn l IJiiRllsli Kho serves tea
thcro on tho porch In tho summer, and 1 vn
henrd sho will servo a meal to anybody
that happens along any tlmo of tho year.
nUhoiigh Bho doesn't keep tt regular reita
rant. Tlinl'a tho only placo 1 know of any
whero near Of course, down on the bnj
thoro's tho Marvin Harbor Hotel ou cun
got a pretty good meal there "
thi: country STonn
'Thank you very much," said Dicky, lay
ing a tlollnr bill down on tho tnhlo near us.
I had a sudden flaith of understanding.
Dleky meant all tho tlmo to recomponso tho
wnmnn In this way ton ullowlng us to seo
tho house. Hut tho prlnclplo of tho thing
rcmnlncil tho same. Why could he not havo
told her frankly that ho wished to look at
tho houso nnd given her tho dollar In tho
did not nsk tho question, however, oven
after wo hail left tho old mansion and wero
walking down tho road. I felt llko adopting
tho old motto, and leaving well enough
"I hope wo don't hnvo to go clear to tho
irnrbor before wo cat." grumbled Dicky ns
wo trudged along I echoed his wish silent
ly hut heartily. Tho sun was Juft as bright,
tho winter lumlscnpo Just as beautiful as It
had been an hour or two hoforo, but "our
oyes wero holden" In the nnclent phrate.
Wo could think of nothing hut tho savory
menl of which wo had been ribbed by find
ing Putnam Manor closed.
'Tcrhnp-i they hao a telephone," I sug
nestcd. "If wo pass any storo or placo that
has a phono wo could find out whether or
not this woman at tho Shakcspearo Housa
could sere us."
Dicky stopped, and putting up an Imag
inary monocle, surveyed mo from head to
"Sometimes you havo a gleam of almost
human Intelligence." ho commented gravely.
"Thnnk you ery khidly," I roturoed In
the same spirit of ralllfry, glad to Imva Ms
good humor restated. Dicky, good-natured,
U a delightful companion. Dicky, sulky, I
nbout as compnnlonnbla as tho traditional
bear with the sore hend.
"Wa'al. by heck, hero'H abnout what we'ro
looklmr fer." drawled Dicky with nn Into
nation ho fondly imagined to bo a success
ful Imitation of n countryman's voice,
"I.ook nt this Joint, will your
"This Joint" wss a country storo, which
evidently had been tho old-fashioned "par
lors" of an Immense farmhouse. I went
slowly up the stops trying to think of some
slight purchaso I coultl mako beforo asking
tha courtesy of a telephone. Onco Inside I
forgot for a mlnule to nsk anything, en
charmed was I by the flfty-ycar-old ntmos
pherq the llttlo store breathed.
Darrein of suit pork and potatoes Btood In
tho middle of tho room. Cans of corn and
tomatoes rastcd naxt to boxes of writing
pnper and bars of soap on the shelves.
There Mas a small glass caso of oandles,
such as I had not soen since I was. a tiny
child on n visit to tho country. Hut the
(hng that attracted ma most was a display
of calleoea which lay spread put upon the
counter, I gave ono glance at the vivid
pinks and greens and knew what my pur
chaso would be
I had seen tha same thing In quilts which
my mother had pieced when she was a
jrjung girl. I had heard hor lament that
nowhere could she I) nil such callcoas any
mora.. An old friend of hers, n gentle, frail,
old creature, lived near the boarding house
where my mother had spent her last days
with me, I knew that she delighted In the
old-fashioned patchwork, and that she, too,
mourned the absence of the old-time, ma
terials. "How much Is. this a, yard?" I laid my
hand upon the oalloo and lifted my oyea
ta the man behind the counter. I had hardly
observed hb.ii in my survey of the store.
Now I Maw that he completed the picture.
Old, yet rosy of cheek and bright at eye,
bis white heard and old-fashioned spec
taclw made him Just tha right centra)
I flashed a glance at Dicky, who had
followed me In, but be did not sea It I
saw ha was absorbed m planning soma way
of putting this interior on canvas or In an
"Bight cants a yard " The gantle old
voice of tb storekeeper brought ma back
to my errand. ,
"I wlU uk thm yards of the pink and
(three) yards of tha green," I aald. laying
Perfectly Protected
Deerfoot Farm
an sage f,hf,om7h,
(arm if pound parchment paekagt.
Fsurm nt SoutfcTjoroujh, Mnvt.
Speak That Way, Madge."'
down th money. "Ha,v JNru n telephone?"
"No, we nto not wo modern as that"
He smiled as he mid II, nnd I had a sud
den glimpse of a quaint old srjlrlt that re
sented modern Innovations and clung to the
ways of his fathers
"Isn't hotW wonder ?' Dleky asked ns we
left tho nlot t- nnd wnlked on down the rosd
"I hop he lives until summer time. I want
to get htm In a drawing It I onn."
"Don't epenk that way Dicky, nlswt hit
living until summer time. It s6unds so
callous "
"Don't spenk that way, Madge," Dicky
mimicked me so perfectly It was almost
sure I hail repented my own wards. "It
sounds no preachy "
I did I not speak again until vfo had I
turned frtim tho street down which wo were
walking Into a winding thoroughfare labeled
"Hhoro road." Then a thought which had
come to mo miring our walk demanded ut
terance. "D'rky," r said quietly, "wasn't Oorman
the nnmo of the woman of whom the station
master told you, nnd didn't sho llvo on
Shoro road?" ' ,
Dicky stopped short ns If ho hnd been
"Of course It wss." ho almost shouted.
"What a ninny I una not to remember It.
Kite's the sister of that ntunlng girl wu saw
In the ttnln, Isn't this luck? I may bo
nhlo lo get that girl to pose for' me without
much trouble."
Uut I did not echo his sentiments Secretly
I hoped tho girl would not bo nt her sister's
A chnrmintr frock for tho littlo
dnuKhter'o holiday party.
Till: young daughter of tho household
mtist hnvo u now party frock for tho
holiday festivities. This charming model Is
of dotted pink net over pink satin. The
surplice front crosses over a glrdlo-llke
hodlco of the i-ntlti, nnd above It extends a
chcmlsctto of shirred net. Tho short sleovos
aro formed of three scalloped tiers bound
with folds of satin. Narrow bands of
beaver trim tho ueckllno nnd hem. and a
wreath of tiny pink nnd yellow silk roses
adorns tho corsage
Brand-New Babies
Tho l.ienlng I.rlzrr will print, frto of
tyinrte. nntiret of recent births ..nt In
Crobrli iirpiwr cb mnrle. AdJresa "llrnnd
ew llohle.." Kirnln-r 1-eiltrr. BOO f'lirtlniil
Mrrct ftiime nnd nddretn mtil. when pontl
hie. telrtihono number of sender must uc
company eucb notko so sent.
l'OUT, Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman Watson,
WcBlvlew avenuo and Qrceno street, Qer
mnntown. n daughter, Elizabeth.
COMIUtroitl), Mr. and Mrs. J. J., of
Wayne, Pit., it daughter. Mrs. Comcrford
was formerly Miss Anno Cities,
THUI)i:r,r Mr. and Mrs. It. J.'dwln, Cameys
Point, a son. Mrs. Trudol will bo remem
bered ns Miss Ituth Lear, of this city.
MAIITIN, Mr. and Mrs. Sydnoy Hrrlngton,
133 South Eighteenth street, a adughter.
The Aldine Hotel
Chestnut nntl IDIIi Htrrets
Haa exceptional facilities for pri
vate entertaining.
Receptions, WeddinRa, Cards, Din
ners, Dunces.
f i)K
' ... j MtSsTSassiaBssajeiiis tsWWisaai pyjgr)? t
pyV Cm: ' ' y r rMt? d ifPlilK
tat-aansjay xi tari....rjy.,T8- unRKxiBtftev l Mi rT .i,m.j , i .nn
aaflanaSkv , A,l asv SS iPf F &V
aSaHaW1-- i .S" Wv . v i ! , r. W mi KEXStNOTON
H&fA sI!I.I MII1IW(a)plpelgi H I jllS
B't aj(Cyrsfia3 Greetings mW&M niSl ifiiffl
ll fel Mil Heartily I wish youiiH i MaW
m v&-i - '11 seasn f "U f cheer H 1 KIS
RiiMiJ,ii ."if - And iwhen its joys are over W& i Hf aMKffBHrf
If Vt:if A Happy New Year M ! B'HIHil
iiSJiHS'' Mlls- A-D- ayers JM ; B'BkIHI
HMHiBaV-ek ..asBBaflssHataaBBBBBBBai li CTeaasstllMll.il
Prima Donna of tha Metropolitan Opera, Company.
mriB woman who has been following theso
JL common sense discussions of beauty
knows by this lime tho massage and tonlo
treatment that stimulates a luxurious
growth of hair Sha Is also familiar with
inc novice aituut iru
quqntly brushing tho
hair, particularly tho
"hundred strokes" to
he given before retir
ing, but then Is still
another feature of hair"
treatment of which sho
mny not bo so well In
formed, namely, tho
right brush and comb
to choose, nnd their
proper care.
You should bo most
cnreful In the selection
of your hair brush. If
l.t UKXV nolll your tressen aro long
ard thick or curly, buy a brush with long,
ytlff bristles of uneven lengths. Thoro Is
no economy In choosing n cheap brush
the best Is not too good for tho hair. Pay
for tho quality of the bristles and not for
tho tortoise shell, Ivory or silver mounting:
It Is also a good plan to havo two
brushes, tho long, stllt-brlstlcd ono nnd nn
other with short, medium-soft bristles to
bo used to polish tha bnlr after the comb
nnd tho Inrgo-brlstled brush havo removed
tho tangles. When using tho burnishing
brush put, a drop of brllllantlne In the palm
of tho hand nnd pnss tho brlstlci of tho
brush lightly over It. Tho brllllantlne will
Impart n lovely sheen to tho tresses.
The right comb to chooso deponds en
tirely upon the growth of your h.ilr. If It
Is curly or unusually heavy seo that your
comb has long teeth, net rather far apart,
with blunt or rounded cuds. Close-set
teeth nro destructive to tho hnlr. If your
hair la rather short nntl not very luxurious,
buy n comb hnlf of which Is set with coarso
teeth nnd half with finer tooth.
After you hnvo provided yourself with
tho right brush and comb tako proper caro
of them. Hack tlmo you usa tho brush
pnrs tho teeth of tho comb between Its
hrlnttos, lengthwise nnd crosswise, and
slinke and bent tho loose dust from It. Then
wlpo tho hl8tlcs with a soft cloth. Onco
n week or ofteitcr. If the bristles become
(Illicitly soiled, wash tho brush thoroughly,
l-or this process provide two shallow basins,
ono nearly Illicit with warm, nbt hot, water,
to which has been added n generous lump
of washing nodn, and tho othor with plain
warm water to bo used for a rlrtso. Pass
thn bristles of tho brush hnck nnd forth
through tho soda bath, being careful not
to wet tho hack. If tho bristles require
soap to clcanso them thoroughly use a puro
white, roup, Then refill tho basin with a
second w-nshlng soda bath, and finally rinse
tbo-brlstlcu In tho warm wntcr and then Ip
Tho brush should bo dried as quickly
ns poHsIulo so that tho bristles loso nono
of their Btirtncss. Stand tho brush on Its
sldo upon tha window nlll so that tho bright
sunlight will fall directly upon tho bristles.
Novcr. If you can avoid It, use artificial
heat to dry your brush and never turn It
on Its back to dry, ns thla will hold tho
moisture In tho bristles, which will, in tlmo,
loosen them from the back.
If your scalp Is diseased with dandruff
you should cleanse your brush nnd comh
utter every using. Ignore this prccnutlan
Try Our
The high coat of living nna
the week-end rest ara twj
excellent reasons for bring,
lor tha entire family her fa
morrow. Bpeclal Mnsla
Twelfth and
Arch Sts.
npr 2$lf)ttc''
r I I t
! !Sk Twelfth and
il4v5ti3kwk Arch Sts. J
fl muU(u,vJail24i' iKMtM.M m. eth t T
, - ...... w ... H. r I
i HI ' !
Hfl cx-Aupn u. uorrn. j
f 3L ' i
m f r t
tH 111 fjr MM .at.
IM l 111 VT JT w a' -
H iv!7wMt " "h T&S) m Jfrs ' -
I 'Zla I yLnsseU st. I
nnd your scalp will ho reinfected each time
you comh your hair.
Tour hair brush and comb should be
sterilised at least onca a month, excepting
In cases where the hair Is not healthy, then
they should be Immersed. In nn antiseptic
bath at least once a week. When sterlllx
Ing brushes, first wash the brush and comb,
then place them In a shallow pah contain
ing enough, four per cent solution of boraalo
acid, to wet the bristles, but not to cover
tho back. Allow them to remain In this
hath for fifteen or twenty minutes. lie
move nnd dry In the sun.
Tho comh requires dally attention. Every
partlcla of clinging dust should be removed
after tho hair has been combed. This la
a simple matter It you will buy rt comb
cleaner. This consists of n set of strings
bound nt olther end with metal rings, like
a razor strop Ilun tho teeth of the comb
through tho strings until they nra qutto
clean Whenever you stcrlllto your brush
sterilize yoUr comb and comb-clenner.
If you doslro lo Improve the condition of
your hair nnd Benin, mako use of those sani
tary hints In caring for your comb and
AS A varlntlon from the lime-honored
XAholly-and-herry decoration of Christmas,
tldo, you may have tho same colorings,
but In different shape, In the polnBottln,
which each year Is becoming mora popular
as tho holiday flower. Holly and smllax,
and, of course, mistletoe, Will always ho
noeded for tho wreaths nnd trailing decora
tive effects; but for tho potted or tablo
(lowers nothing la quite so fovely as tho
polnscttla, with Its splash of vivid, star
llko flower. '
To mako your tree a little different this
yenr why not havo It a whlto and sliver
tree, Instead of tho customary green and
red and gold? For a fairly largo trco you
will need n fairly largo sltvor star, some
Imitation glass Icicles (about two dozen),
it fow dozen largo and small silver balls,
silver tinsel, silver tinsel rope and plenty of
Don't Dream About It!
Call at our store and make your
iclection. Christmas deliveries guar'
anteed. Sec the Marvelous
Trayser Player -Piano
A beautiful instrument with' the ,
Tone of a Eaby Grand '
Nothing like it in Philadelphia.
a man nit.vni: vlaybk-i'iano at
Don't take our word for It, enll and
see It, hear It,
Try It Yourself
TIik rraulta nil) open your ryes. Wo
Aro l'layer IJxperU ''H'e If.now."
tV Unvo no collectors- everything
conlldentlal. tVq liavo it Selling l'lan
Hint will more tlinn plrasa you.
lli:X(!ll VKin: lth every l'lnyrr.
Grand Union Piano Co.
3136 Kensington Avenue
Open Rvenlngs, rhllndrlulda, I'a.
Grand Union Piano Co., j
1 3136 Kensington Ave.
I rientlrinen I'leaee mall me ratalnsuo af 3
: jour lraj.tr I'lajrer-I'lano (with tho tone t
5 of a Uaby (Irandl, nlto rour heir belllnr J
li.U. . VI,,VUUI. VIV. 1
Kama , ,
Addresa , ',.' 5
S59R r)nn.!t
TOTAI expenses
per month
(lash MOO. 1st
I "J? v yi -" -r.
First llortsaxe . .,,11600.00'
Second alortxaxs . . . 000.00
onty required ...... 400 OU
. . ...WOMB
Rent at t5t . . .
balnx UU Asso
$25 Deposit
1st Mtxe . 1500
M IV .........
Tax per year ....
Water ReM
Lto Loan $T par mo
Total yearly ,
Total nMotnly exp
the artificial snowduit l' trtti. j
insiemi or tbe red or mulU-eolored lTST 1
do sure not lo disturb the hrmt...Vn'13
,.-.. iu umain stiver or white a.w. J'- i
iMMa of any of the other iSSS'V '!
wmi aro generally used The brUUsZl V' J
splendor of the perfectly iVhlta r.!T MI
tlrrlng and lmpVe,iveS
with nil the candies burning. r " n!M
t-BT CUI&DtlCM Ifctt. J
"crB mwh 't the child x.a. . a
vroininu snara m preparlne tki iZ,r. M
"''"""t ""nr tais of Santa CIt. v'."'S
?,?.w.ry ,cnl!'r" birthright, to iS iwlj
uviiwiu in mo tree decoratloni but i J
ara many other things which wit .ViSM
:r j,k,s " Mm fMiiSaTca
.- -.,... .., .,mro m vnrutmas. "v
mere are- cranberries to ba truv .J
paper ring wreaths of man J5f5M M
made fpf stringing along' pic ,.! H
walls, eta. to give a holiday V ? E ia2
room Children love to "mnK tv7,i " J
oimra nnu paper and mucilage. anY7",S
cents' worth of colored wper sStA.'J
.nam to spend hours producing Irifls, .SI
T.IHt. . i I.... . .
-,.... f-i,., misnotn nnd harni ran uvl
made of colored paper. nilA wiu?iSl
candles or nuta and ra tin Tand . J,1"1!
Christmas rom.mbranc.,mfo,r"u,e,r,1m,l
friends. There nro special little Wv.!HJI
(nlnlntr rrrfhn..l i..... ""'.OOOkl CobMI
put and properly" ' WhT
lovely llttlo pin traya nd boxes 5
qn uo patnteci in colors, elvlno- tk. "t
dren many delightful hou of &:.
iu ina.ua v-nnstmns presents' a J v?" S
please the llttlo reclplenll ' 8d "'i
Buy These Uscfnl
Gifts Today
Sfade of handsuia.
white china, n
Bros, toilet aeees.
sorlea meet the ten
for nll.whiu bntlt.
rooms and are ur
to bo appreciate
They are eMly ictpt
clean and will net1,
Visit OUr mi .n.
reachod ahowroomi--today
. and ate cu?
epoctal display. Ton.
can buy these res-
ulno fixtures ONLY
Showroom 1
44-46-48 and t;
North 5th St
sari Avrtfrtr
ww sa.re.r4.fw - ,
Opcrv at allscasoivs
. r of theYcaii
-A. rffcoardscd ..stanrlaia.
ol excellence,
llllLaDlHanSOHl ItOlELOFTIItl.Ca'.'i
WrRtmtnatrr nwr Iicl. Elltiijj
westminsier ,or ,0 t ,,rlv tatht .,
water. IS up wky. 'i up dallr. Cnas. ItJtuel
i.umvoon. n. j
Laltewood, New Jersey
A dellshtful plnco to spend
the Winter end Spring Season
Day and Hvenlnx Clsutv
bpanls-i lauibt tn beta
0J5 Cbe.tnut rltreet
Vnm nat Uuslnftkll
Stn and Cnestnut eujjtjS
Positions aTiarantsed.
Enter now uar er "-
tSortpH'R bcbool. Shorthand. Hue, Vst. NlfM
bCneil 5 Prlv.,. Rslect. Limited. 8003 OltofsV
STANGER oaMB"S czarf
ntamond 0313 J SOOt North Tnirjeenia e ,
ukax estate fob sai.e
,-ro J?sCi
fittStf &8SU
WU bold ono of tbsae housei and
r w x-t,f.w-k occupy beforo settlement la maoe.
sSdlin Co alt T-Itoom Modern House, Blectrie IJb. "
At KensJnirton Ave. and Ontario Street
Russell and Schiller Streets H to I Street
$18.00 lPER "SvEsntKfT
Mtxe 1500.
o. ,. nnn Total t:w,
Toil bid. oer year lflW
Yearly Satins . fltM
eirst Mtxiriiwo a 4-io m
Taiea psr year (1
Walir Rent . ,. "
UWx. 1 UM". t if" ..no
fatro.tn wvai fre - aas,
Total yearly an
. 1210 00
I 43 00
i.aj ,u.
Vankford B3T TELEPIIONB Dickinson 2J73
mt on i'hi:mimks oh jjsi buuru imo vu bt.
wlU boM wx of thssa & B.."7
can occupy ttfors seui.rawi
II msa.
ttifl Pa.n - 7-rooo Modern Home. Sectrto 42250
ifOOU asn Ltxhts. ttun Heat and Laundry ?-"
400 Built and Sold to Satisfied Purchaaara
Frankford.ve. & Venango St. "pSftH
Total expenses f rJ fir A JT per ent 61 7 Reflt
per month ,O.UO investoisnt ?
- t . Rented houses aujranteej to Iitors .
Cash, tUO Jst Mte., IISW. SdWe 1T0O. Total. "
Tl axpsnass ft.ft W
year "-""3
Yearly sTtal .?f
f 1 8T.0
tie ''x vtixxiysa on 'uh rsv4UA ti -
-! "
H -:'l , ilM.W.IMM.BBBBM