' T - MVJfiNIStt LBDaER-PniLilPELPHIiV, SATURDAY. BECEMBBB 28. 1916 V FANCIES OFTHEJjMg AS WELL AS OTHER FEATUEES IN PHOTOGRAPH AND STOEY 'TWAS CHRISTMAS IN THE PLAYHOUSE Theatre, whleh Is eperatKt r ths Blsn ly Company, irera mads (tlstl nl this Chrltmas sesMtn by rewlvlne their shsfs of the first distribution of tho profits thai this popular house, mnds during the pftst few months. About ItoOO wss distributed among them, some reeeivlnit th smallest sum. which wss shout $40, nml others sharing In proportion up to the highest urn. which was JtlO. The plan of profit sharing wit put In effect during ths an niversary week In April of this year, and, therefor, ths first distribution cotefed only ths Intervening months. Ths plan Is to be continued from year to year. It Is frenuerdly contended that ths mo tlon-plcturs screen falls In Its effort to dart stage sttcsesses s tt loses many f ths effeettvs points of ths stags plsy, Irt tho cs of "Snow iVhlt,' an sdsptatlon of which has been mads iIth Msriruerlte risrk In ths slellnr role, ths produeert ts' llevo that they hsv refuted this conten tion. "Snow Whits will t remembra a ths heroins of ths beloved fairy Ifcls tj ths brothers Orlmm. It will be tha attraction at the Stanley Theatre next week. rtJWIUiaW.ag &C0&CCLO " f m a ', v.l WWWHIIWWWp SOLO SPECTi Of Scenery Scenery is intended to keep the audience amused while the play goes on. PuIlUer's Rctlcw. Xqi. PI'WMIWi pS?T QaV&eMMHR ., r,4A, :T,w. f !isHHBR!llBSfe Idlferr iff! I ; r 5Lf . Iv flSff988nl&$iMBK KH16iiir4sirfc 9n&3Ki u msml T psj " vm . "'A Mm 1 w Jl SWPL fcE3inflBi ii sf 7 i( bH KM IH9li' M i -- "' i WHteSPHy nSiPPS rWmvwf'' rJStJi I " SmstISKw raft lcCSrwimaNr7wuHQE iK f f Iwjb vjJ ill ylr mJHHIH . -- z&sismwsassasswmk ?"& W!"Wa3Sa Hnrry Lnno, Poverty In "Experl- JV r r r r r r X X X l'i i., "Candy," snys Gladys HulettcT Fathe-Thnnhousor star. GIndy3 'has borrowed Uio proper-sized receptfelo from nn Apiazoninn. "extra Birl" nt the ptudio. Hnrry Lnno, Poverty In "Experi ence' will play Santa Glaus on the Adclphl atnfjo Christmas. PHILADELPHIA PHOTOPLAY PARAGRAPHS i 9 There has licon surbcrJciI n "Oo-to- filoxiv W'tcK" by A. B. Ilrown, of tho Ovcr- irooK. Tlie limn la th.it tliroufih Rpncral iraUlclts- n sentiment may bo worked nu hlch will result In every ono irolnn to n ilc(ur theatre nt least once durlnir the ijirtfk bctwtcn Christmas nml New Year's. This Is on excellent nl.'in, to bobst attend- ouc durlnc tho holidays.' nml It can be tikes up generally throughout tho country VlUl cpnalilcmlilo profit to exhibitors nnil hs'tvlth tho brlRht nrobab llty of conslil ,ismt lasting benefit. $1 SU openlni; or tho now Strnwl Theatre. &MjB!?n Ws been orectetl nt tho northeast tfconttr of Gernmntown nvcnuo nnil Ve tngo rtreet, was originally scheduled for SOirlstmas Day, but this" has been iot- 'kWM5. Tho now houBe Is virtually com- ft'Mti, tut thero nro still Home dotnlla that rr.Tim untinished. And rather than present IWpubllo with It with those details lack lr.r Mm. ElllnKor and her son, Herbert, who met! tho house, decided to wait another -"" a msttata a niiffuwnmiifiMiiiiiiiiHfinii ii i ..-- --- B " '- " - ","M" " I III I II ipRIIIUVVWW Tills timo bUro and movies unite. Hero wo have tho EvkniniJ Lnicnt Unlvorsal Animated Weekly photo RraphinK Sarah Bornlinrdt tho day sho arrived In America for tho tour which brings hor to tho Metro politan next week. i,MMaCfiRwSH?v &MfflM$s&2&& a K Two IVrformsncf Only - N.w TfSfs -""li17"1. o ciocii mi V .'" St s n.1 KAM T' NUM at S Hht1) f JAN. 1, 1917 IteAta N'aw en Ksle nt 110J OiMtnut St. MAMMOTH AMj.STAU VAODE SSSS?5T.ftp T,IE MKirrsciiwEim GEUMAN RED CROSS WOIUC. AM tMCUMl'AIIAIU.n AUtlAV OP HTAOB 8TAIIH h9H!?ft!ANl!.AM company ffl.rltf'KiSSJ, riUlltX t- IIIAFY l'l ,,,n I'nivi.'K vai'IIU i "'" ff,V,VE,S IlltAllO.MO.VllUKIL'U MARIE NORDSTROM J3.K.Sl!:i!"' CSSJEi ,IT JIIIB ll,ftl I lfVI ; ri.iGVKn 1'ittLAnfct.p uona". NORDSTROM VMENNE SF.r.AI. t.ik - . mmm ju, SIGMUND ROMBFRn ' TVf V , V.' , AM"l'H VI 5tll:KNB i'(i f a oim; tub nt.i.'u l'AiiAnt.MK" I'M VIKiKiU tllVIMMEH IN A PIANOI,HUH ANf ciTIIF.lt NOTAIII.C Attn I'orllencBU Mth, lic nj Ad.li fhciitre. Auriy UtiwSt ll.pt. 1-J.ene. "Wst (KM. l I tloiui Chrl.itmsii week at the Oreat northern, nnd they will nppear In photoplays that aro shown for tho nrat time lit that section or I'ltuniieii i. TBey wll bo n keen ng ' set by tho management to . et entertainment for tho Jen special musical pro- with the r glvo pair least rr gramr ractlvo array of favor- Mest releitses of linpor- In tho program nt the ek. "Tho Ninety nnd of tho spohan stngo 'nlmost untold mil- Sl,o first tlmo on Melgh n- Horo la GrlfAth, of "Intolerance" fame (not to mention a llttlo thinrr culled "Tho Dlrth or a Nation") lookiiiR tolorantly upon Philndcl phln while ho supervises tho show ing of his now spoclnclu nt tho Chestnut Street Opera House. masterpieces of length. Included In tho programs aro many shurl subjects. The many employes ;t tho Stanley j.ssr-"- Beginning Monday Night Tho Reigning Musical Sensation of tho Yew. THE IDEAL HOLIDAY MTRACTION Mat. Wed., Best SonU $1.B0. Regular Mat., Saturday Final Farewell Week; Pooitively Last Ten Times; 150th Time Next Saturday Night; Absolutely Last Performance; 4 , Special Souvenir Sills Programmes; e To Commemorate Record-Breaking Run; The Mo3t Wonderful Play in America; "Experience"; By George V. Hohart; Holiday M -iv fXmas P Vitj,..j ' . n.v V W h n t does Christmas mean to Hurry BulRer, of "Cohan's Hovnuo"? Just two sessions of-work at the Forroat instead of ono. His bnck expresses his opinion accurately. Who is cret," A Frnncli star, if. a week, and, therefore, tha formal opening nnd dedication of tho Strand will take place on Monday afternoon, .January 1. Foremost In providing Christmas cheer to thouHunds of I'hlladelphlana Is tho Pal ace Theatre, for the first three days of tho week Ireno Fenwlck. assisted by Owen Mooro, will be seen le "A Coney Island I'rineess," which Is nn adaptation of IJd ward Sheldon's successful play, "Tho I'rin eess 55lm-Zlm." In every dotall so fnr as tho genera? character of tha entertainment that th Stanley will offer for Christmas week Is ni complete, as the human brdln can devise. In thera nro special reatures mat may b ovt IB looked by the patrcms of this house, and t,JJ; jj. , ;,1TTLB IUBAM" J- IID11L- Timmii k unua numb M phla trlrl, who returns to this city -inua raraaise," at wu Lyric Monday. H Market at 40th MATINEE DAILY Blotlt Company Headed br John Lorenr & Anna Doherty In rieturtsQua Production of KUtaNop. HERBO.N'8 RUItAI, DIUMA The Dairy Farm n.t... ,,. Ml.11' Innoratlons . urtag the Klddlte ta See Oar Xmaa Tree S"Tr,tt.,Atla jimmy Vslentfne" DANCING I iff()Cr s prtu raaima. 11 A I . fa Vu. AGNER.DANC&SERVICE fa P..I 1... IT fel1 Bailr o.i m 7. f . .... iiS? N. BroadPhone Dia. 838 tit TWa Wees-JTuaay 4 TtnawJay XMAS MATINEE MQNPAY. OCCKU11EK 13 EVENING DANCE Reception Wed, & Sat. Eygs. Jr TtirlUroe (Xrchaatra. ot Ta lisaaant aurrouoillasa. Ideal fleer. itinee New Year's Reception t i lTtMJiilrn nil n.im iii.i nil 3i 1UNH itABK" $J Joyous Clirs SrKC'IAI. BNOAOKMEN-1 'fP "'0 t I? nn Wb I J R W I J I 1 -I- . Aktatataa ataS.asaaist-' aw "AiIV TKEBT CK in 114)8" , m SEVEN I MARKET STItKET dl Man' Icarltt nuninr" rk-lltf Ifv, TlfJ i..?Li.l .. A Brahd-N., - 1 . .... . a TT lurnAi, Ainne" &tp" MRS. GfcTr- "Vmaw maws vpe,10ckb! st. VJiiiil PraiaotUW Baarc . 11? . i ' mi? n C my ot. m mm JiTI8CE ECT r TTir ftXHt?5T I,"" 1''"LAn,May Allison AINtS" "OklahS nKBT A Pra4at t lB ,n p ay, ile Caroady . '.'r.,1 In a maaia uwvh 1BTU Wm. h. Gib'45 S " la 'HO. Bradna & Perrip-go bt JAN. lst-A NEW ni, - SPECIAL NOTICE 3 Shows New Year's , 7 i 'r:: " - MinJniTmT !. ' 7y . "Pea The Management of Your Favorite Photoplay Theatre Has Secured . , V-." aaa -a rl or rmy ;" - - . .. v Ask the Attaches When It Will be First Shown r t Impressed by the satisfied patronage created with Pearl White In "The Iron Claw?' more.tliwr fifty per cent of this country's theatres are showing '"Pearl of the Army" to capacity business. x Pearl White in "The Iron Claw" played in fifty per cent of the local theatres, while seven teen out of twenty-two theatres showed this serial in the city of Reading. Released through Pathef Exchange Inc., 1 235 Vine Street V 73 fw Year s Eve Wateh Parly . -vftliNT OK TUB TltftMiWU" IISOS r12 Midnlghr UnUl 3 A.M, 4? if jftjas TBA MATIN KB BHC. man to sbk tu TO vau " LfFPCTtJ PBIVATB Tiqe COBti ,S f "sstrl Qsca naw a; rm, Xviiiii j.aiaK. is. , 8Jr--flg'.t .. . ITT SkjiitJtM.