JUST gossip Christmas DinW for the Family Will Be Mon day's Order of the Day-Several Enter tainments Today (fp!S the night bo-oro Christmas tab X most), but Sunday Jnlcrvcnlnfc cverr one Trill havo a mlnuto to brwiiho nnd tie last mlnuto paeknn;es. so that men members of the family may re ceive them tied up, and let mo tell you you're lucky If you get an open bo of stockings or a necklace dangllm; ever tho arm of n relative, m I n u a wrappings, entire ly, these daya, be cause, "Ohl It's Just for tho fam ily Well, to go on, Christmas really It nearly here, nnd I wonder how many of un stop in think of Its renl W-meAnlnu. Perhaps If we did nnd rend the message of IMace to Mon, of Oood Will," there' would bo no moro wars nor rumors of wnrs, and mon might bo found who would really (how tho Christ like spirit In their deeds nnd words. vwai, MISS EDNA UNDKRDOWN Miss Underdown took n lcailtnjr part in tho recent nmnteur pcr- formnnco of tho "Flicht of Fancy" nt tho Bellovuo-Strntford. Hf liUWlH UIIIU III!"' E Iraoraorlnl Christmas has been a day for tho gather ing of tlio clans, nnd Grandpa, nnd &rnnd - ma, and oven tho wccnlcut grandchild havo mot together for dlnnor on this Joyous day. Wo of Philadelphia, cllni; pccullnrly to theao old customs, somehow, though by no means aro wo behind tho times, as our New York brethren lovo to say. Ho qullo a number of family dinners will ho given on Christmas Day. Tho Lcdyard Heckschcrs, for Instance, will entertain 'the Ucckschor connection, and Mrs. WU- Jlam Carter will Bather her children and Krandohlldron about her for that occa ' lion. Mr. and Mrs. William Dlchcrman and Joy and" William, Jr., of New York, i will como on, nnd thorn will bo tho Joo j Lcldya nnd tholr children and Wllllo Car U ter, too, of course. ' Really It Is almost f frfollsh to onumcrato them, for about S every ono who has a family will havo a g' dinner for all tho relations to Join in rpiIERE will bo a llttlo cntortalnlns to, v. xday, though no 1)Ik ball or dnnco for debtjlc.i; still tlicro will bo two tlcllRhtruI theatro parties, ono for tho debs In tho evening and ono for tho school set In tho afternoon. Mr. Krank Pattersoh will en- mis, Urtaln In tho ovonlnK for Knthnrlno la, who Is tho dobutanto daughter of Mr. and rs. Charles Lea 8pcaklnfT of tho Icas, r. Lea's daughter by his first marriaBO, Percy Hudson, nnd her thrco chil dren havo como on from I-ons Island to .spend tho holidays with their fnmlly. Tho thtatro party for Knthnrlno will bo fol- I by a supper and dancing at tho RlUCarlton. IU school-sot party will bo clven by JLMr. and Mrs. CusUivuu Wynne CooUo Personals Mr. and Mrs. Courtland D. Crnmn. of l'JH Pino street, have tholr son-in-law nnd fdaughter, Mr, and Mrs. John Mulfonl, and thalr two ftmnll rhlhlrn. nt lenrlth f'Tarm, Lodl, N. Y., as their guests for tho Christmas holidays. After tho first of tho B- Tar Mr. and Mrs. Mulford will go to "Wyn- r ant, wncro tney will no me guests of .Mr. ' Hulfonl'a parents. Mr.' nnd Mrs. Soencer .K, Mulford, for several weelca at their ' home oa Church road, Wyncote. ' The marriage of Miss Konliy Mercer .Worth and Mr. Henry Morton McMichacl will take place on' February 17. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M, Gazzani, of 2GE South) Nineteenth street, will give n dinner la honor of their dauchtcr. Mlsa Olivia M. :dU. Gazxhm before tho ball which Mr. and ilr. Arthur H. Lea will glvo for their , nUco. MUs Katharine Christina Lea, on .January 2t. Mrs, Gauam Is entertaining house party over tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Hmvnril Rhrnva nahertn. '?( 4SJ8 Spruce street, announce the cn vMEement of their daughter, Miss Jivelyn roons, to Mr. Albert Whit ng Wassy, Of Mr and Mrs rtnhnrf H. Mason, uf jwtrolt, Mich. The wedding will take aUce in April, after which they will lle 1 la Shull's Mills, N. a Mr. Drvnnr &rn.in nt 1st ft Da Tjinrv j Pise. Will arrlvo lmmn flila wBtt from New York, where he has been spending PeaiS time. Sir. nml Wm I'.limnl Tl Moiirs Wl have Miss Margaret Hall, of lilla- , wonn, bt., as their guest over the Chrlst f '"holidays. Miss Hall IS attoadlng school " naoninston, D. C. The dinner which wnn In Iia irlvan ntl Da Ctmbair A at ih mt--nn..i,. t.u i.A tfiu.- Irbayer In honor of Mlsa Dorothy Kmlen :3 41rVo)ll) hnl hasn hnainnna.t until nftatt SJRuarv in whan ir -xfA.. nsKn.'dn Mn.i Pft AW-tandr Thayer will return trota, -V9 HWfuer. Mr. find "Hfia llnvvu lITnln Xtn wUnh ft j'kfPJ' Creek Farm. St. Daylds, have closed Wlr Country residence and taken anart- i)U at tho IUU-Carltoa for the winter. ney 'cntcrl-i ini iu ...nnin',. .., .mill WlftMr-danca: 2-. - " .lL.,na Mi Edwin Smucker and their . "saier, WiM EHiabeth Smueker, of B9JT Kr6rooi avenue, Overbrook. will close Jheu- country home next week and leave km. T i' t ."" 'y win occupy M -S.Sbteenth and Spruce streets, fer vr Zltun k.. -i i.. . ,--,. ' vatlr ian.in.ti.M i l.. it. .. Mrs. fehl,". 2? ."". r-.-. SXter tki rr .rfnion, us ior mw i -'u notmays. The weaauig i wrtta' arnnt0wn, will take plaea In fir. and Mrs. Carlton Adams, of Surrey iZrL"?. the Boardwalk, Yataor, K. J., . - -Kmg several days In Elklus Park- Mr. sjmJ JTrm, Oeorc-p, ir TIalu. nf Wrnnu- i,.!U P,ld ha holidays In New York TOO ttebr ma. Mr. IWcar IL Bolaa. Uk?Z',Ita?qIn Godfrey, who Is spaadtng I2fe. ;"' tha Rita-Carllon to this otty. wSi85' op W P Ts. whsr she htfJS ,thB ChrUtinaj. hoaOays wtth 3L Yr. IJncohi Godfrey, who la a 3RS ? Wr City Troop and wo et U site to return wuu tha mtddrt aboWpeople W fir lo Uh nny Wt by sho k, o nttraetivo nnd original. I be "ere she -wm como out In a, eouplo of years. Another party for the younger set will b given try tha Howard Rutshera, out nt their home In Ardmore, for tholr daughter Margaret. 0 V COUIWIB, as every ono Is crasy alout the movies, every ono consequently In Philadelphia so ciety halls with Joy tho announce ment that tho fa mous and alto gether detlfihtful Mrs." Vernon Cas tle will be shown In her njw and thrilling patriotic film, "Patrla," in the ball room of the Uellevue-Strat-ford on Friday Hlftht of noxl week. To soy tho room will bo pack eil Is mild from all 1 can hear, for. though tho news has Just gotten out, thcro Is scarcely n box loft. It really will bo qutto tho thing to do, cither nfter you ditto or beforo you go to one of tho balls scheduled for Friday. Tho owns worn by thl3 great danco favorlto aro moro wonderful than over, nnd tho in teresting thing about It In that aho de signs them all herself. "Invites" havo beon sent to everybody, you know, bo ou can bet I'll bo there. Among thoso who will occupy luxes nro Mrs. .Ilmmlo Potior, Mrs. Samuel Houston, Stlo Uruce, Mrs. Georgo W Chllds Droxol, Mrs. Hussell Thayer, Mrs. Francis Howard Williams, Mrs. Walter Steel, Mrs. Georgo Frits Chnndlcr, Mrs. Richard Wain Mclrs, Mrs. Alexander Drlnton Coxo, Mrs, II. Dob son .Altcmus, Mrs. Joseph A. Jnnnoy, Jr., Mr. George Woodward nnd Mrs. Charles Potter. DID you hoar thnt Sirs. Charles Evans won tho Jicautlful silk rug that tho Arrnonlan booth at tho "Mado-In-Araerlca" Fair had on shares nt tho bazaar. Tho number was chosen yester-. day nnd alio was tho lucky person; It'a worth about $500, I understand. But Just listen to this: Mrs. Georgo IjotU mcr, who was head of tho lioolh, tolls mo thnt a person who took shoro 25 is entitled to tho bracelet which thoy had for sale, and, oddly enough, tho per son who took that number did not wrlto down lils or her tinmo. so they do not know how to reach him or her. So If nnyono has that number to show at tho Kmorgoncy Aid headquarters ho or sho' will recclvo tho bracelet, which they tell mo Is exquisitely beautiful, In Arme nian work, and worth $50. Tho Ar menian booth clcarod J3000. NANCY WYNNU. family dinner party of ten guests on Christ inas Day. f ' Miss Jean Hate, of Ilnrve'n Lake, has returned to her home, having Utlted friends In Gcrmantown for several weeks. Mlsa Ellen Knlpo, of 220 West Chelten avenue, gnvo an Informal dance at her homo on Thursday evening. Tho class of'19U of tho Germantown Academy will hold Ita annual (dinner on Friday, December 29. at the Hotel Aclii phla. Mr. and Mrs. William Tv Hunter and family, of Devon, will cpend tho Christmas holidays n New York. Miss Kleanor Harvey Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Albert Wood, former ly of ML Airy, now spending the winter at tho Clermint. Forty-fourth and Walnut streets, has Issued cards for an "at home" on Tuesday from 4 until 3 o'clock. Mlssi Margaret Jacobs, of Sixty-ninth street and Lawnton avenue. Oak Lane, will give a 100 party on Wednesday, December 2T. Her guests will be Mia Dorothy Kane, Mlsa Margaret lllckley, Mlsa Jennia Keys, MIim Margaret Henry, MUs Jessie Wlsaler, MI Jownhlne Fsmlsy, Mls lUUisr L. Dunn, M1m Helm Huston, Mis Eleanor HHUley, Miss Annetta MacOrath, Miss Nat alie Ullsard, Miss Allda lluehltr, Miss liar- bara BUenhowtr, iliss noun Ketcnain, Miss Jean Speeec, Miss Mary Hlch. Mlsa Marlon Denis and Mlsa Margaret Tolley, Mr, Michael A, Dempsey, of Ull Balti moro aenue, announces tho engagement of Kls daughter. Miss Helen Marie Dempsey, to Mr. Francis J. Walsh, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Franols P. Walsh, of 4025 Walnut street. r Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bngle Halnea, of Swarthmoro. announe ths ngagameat of Ihslr daughter. Mlsm Anne Hhoemaker Haines, and Mr. Albert Pray Martin, of Fawtueket, . I. Miss Georgene Datlsr. of Dorranton. Pa., who has bn th guest of her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Lasher, of Itydat. ,ba left for Dorraneston. whero sho wltt spend the Christmas holidays as the guest of her grandmothsr, Mrs. James Butler. Miss Marlon fisarplesa, of Hatherton. Chelten Hills. left yesterday for Wllkea Ilarre. whereas will spend several days as the guest of Mra. Butler. She will return to this city tomorrow. The engagement of Miss SB4rpl and Mr.-Jfthn Lord Butler, of Greensburg, was recently announced. Mrs. Walter a ChltUek. of 49M North HJvoth street, satsrtalaed st ISO Thursday atteraooa. Aawog -es iisse were Mrs, Clslni P. Brtsr. Mr WUMaw It Dsveany, Ma It Fraak Maxwell. Mrs. Louis J. ninrw-, Mr -Jarry Lsots, Mr. Edgar John en ajod Mrs. Tbowas Woolworta. Mr aad Mrs. CoraeUus Johnston, of 6 Bast Herman street. eetertle4 at ISO Thursday nlsht AW tb Wts peswrnt were Dr aod Mrs. Walt" F. Vraul. MM IrM Jaeobs, Mt Oertruds Jehaatw. Miss iune Jaiis, W- May Stbsl. Miss Ftor enas JohSton, Mlsa Marts Smith. MM tty Swelgert. Mis UW Jobastoa, Miss iMWvij, Mr. IMwari Wright. Mr. u. illfKaM41r. Mr. JdmM. Mr. Pier, trTruh, Mr. Iwte &. Mr Itobart CIy, SjShsJW Braksraa Mr. Crs4 Btbet Mrs- SMbu Oajfsssaa, 9l " Wt ftlt ff nrfKr Hottest) a Oaasaiatj, t Mr. KTONITO IJSBGKrHILABELPniA, SATURIUY, 1MMBEB S3, BEYOND THE GREAT OBLIVION (Sequel to "Tho Vacant World") By GKOROS ALLAN ENGLAND CeryrteAr. ttlt, h THS STOUT THUS PAIl .. Stern and Healrte Xendrte ar I!?? .' ,B .M iHn el Van AMlwrs. tLV.. A rjE '! " mes tfm botsa WjM, Dvrtnc tM .Wi ? r laey nr- o-, ItM ) that Aiwa Sr J-IV! 1. nm mu. una arn-. . . 3S.1SL l"" n rseiKts riS. ittJ-K? ura inm la Ik reiwirseiiefl S Vflrthr eAaaale-' a-aff. f ha l4aS la jwitir eaaaala erafL ' ha Mans I "B?".."" war In sweat, of cIvtMa ITOfl. mss w, throttat, ift. llB mw . tfclrv BlIHa akinc h aemd. stars deiaa.aa tr (m mlnwn mf wh-n ha mk" Bmkjtlw boat It tVitw Siawn to larrtlM mtfti)w b ani haatrlra Sfa "r fr aih h i- th rt plo-wr. HI.IM l M all ih4r f"ir ' anrnminnant on IS ai '! i km ait im rot latfi .. rfcr naeh the rutnt of ProrMftw, . !.. r,H SKra flada a raaT1fl tSiM'. is It tbajf Mart thtlr Wht to Itssnm, tM anfaqnlrr hntfi ' nurHKt far out. t ihafa mnt. riiArrmt xtx Wtnarl Hot F.VTR mnt that they should live, thowi tiro lonn wamlcreri on ths faeo of the treat ilaaolotlon; and, thoush nlhl had t!hrl now nnd all vrss chxiked In gloom. thy landed with not woro than a hartt hk-up on n levl strip ef beach thai fJnt the connni of the unknown lake. Bxhiiutta, by the strain and the long Relit with death, chill.! by that cojourn In the uppr sir, drenched snd ntlTcnul ami Imlf dad. they lwtd no Mreacth to make a camp, Tho mot that they could do was to drag themralvcs down to the water's wlga and finding the water fresh, not aU--drink deeply from hollowed palms. Then, too wont wit even to eat, they crawled undir th shatter of the htplanr'n ample wings, and drorpeil Initantly Into the long and dreamleM rleen of utter wearln MliVmoraliiK found them, stilt lame nnd stiff but rested, cooking breakfast over a cheery fire on the beneh near the machine. Have for hrro and lharn a tr that had blown down Irf the forest, wm dead branches Mattered on the sands and a few waahed-out placea where the torrent of yes terday'a rain had KUlllnl the earth, nature once more seemed fair and calm. The full force of tho terrtflo wlnflstorm had probably pamhi to norlliwnrd : this land whera they now found lhemelv whatever It might lie bad iloubtlwm tonie only a amall part of tho attack. Uut even no, nnd ven though the eky r(eaniel clear and btuo and sunlit once again. Stern nnd tho girl knew the hurricane had been no ordinary tempest. "U must havo been a cyclono. nothing lesa." Judged tho engineer, as he (lnWird hla meal and reached for hla comforting pipe "And Ood knows where It's driven us to! Ho far as Judging dlstnncen goca. In a hurri cane like thnt It's Impossible. This may bo any ono of tho Great Lakes: and. ngaln. It may not For all we know, we may be up In the ltudvm Pay region somewhere. This may b Winnipeg, Athabasca, or Groat' Slave. Wllh the kind of etorms thnt Imp lion nowadays. anythlngs posilblo." "Nothing matters, after nll," the girl as sured him, "except that we're allvo and un hurt: nnd the mat-hlne rati still travel. for " "Traveir cried Stern. "With about n quart of fuel or less! How far. I'd like to know?" "That's ao; t never thought of that!" the girl replied, dismayed, "Oh. dear, what ahall wo do now?" Stern laughed. "Hunt for a town, of course." ho reas sured her. "There, there, din't worry! If wo find alcohol, we're all right, anyhow. If not, wo'ro better off than we were after the maelstrom almost got u-v at any rate. Then wb had no nrm, ammunition, tools, or means to make fire, while now we've got them all Forglvo my speaking as I did, llttlo girl. Don't worry everything will come right In tho end," Iteassurad. she sat lwfom the fire, and for an hour or moro they dreiy mnpn and diagram In the sand, made plans nnd laid out their next ntp In this long campaign against the savage .power of a deserted world. ' At last, their minds made up, they wheeled tho plane back to tho forest, where Stern cut out among the trees n place for Its protection. And. Iwivlng It here, cov ered with bmnchea of tho thlck-topped fern-tree, they took provisions and onco mora set out on their exploration. Hut this time they had an ax and their two rlflea, and as they strode northward nlorg tho shore they felt a match for any peril. An hour's walk brought them to the ruins of a steel recreation pier, with nu merous trnceo of a town along the lake behind It. 'That settles the Hudson Day theory," Stern rejoiced, aa th'cy wandered among tho debris. "This' Is certainly one of tho Great I.akes. though which one, of oourso, wo can't tell as yet. And now. If wo can round up some alcohol, we'll bo on our way beforo very long." They found no alcohol, for the only ruin where drugs or liquors had evidently been old had caved In. a mass of shattered brickwork, smashing every bottle In the place. Stern found many splintered shards of glass; hut .that was all. so far as fuel was concerned. ' He discovered something olse, however, that tinned of tremendous value tno wrecK or a pnnnns omen. Treason and Iron of all kind had gone to pieces, but some of tho lirger lead types and quads were still reonimlsahle And, tha crucial thing, he turned up n Jogged bit of stereotype sheet from under tho protection of a concrete plinth that had fallen Into the cellar. All corroded and discolored though it was. he etlll oould make out a few letters. "A newspaper head, so help me!" he exclaimed, as with a trembling finger he pointed the letter out to Heatrlce- "Here's an "IP here's "mbur1 here's 'ally,' ami 'ronlel'! Kh, what? "Chronicle' It must have been! By Jove, you're right! And the whole thing usl lo spell 'Hamburjr Dally Chronicle,' or I'm a liar!" He thought a memept thought hard then burst out! "Hamburg, eh? Hamburg, by a big lake? Well, tho only Hamburg by a laka that I know of used to be Hamburg, New York. I ought to remember I drsw the plans for the New York Central bridge. Jual north of hers, over ths Spring Crssa ravine. ' Yea, sir, this certainly la Hamburg. N'aw York. And this was mutt tm Kris Now If I'm eorreet. Just baek up there on that hill ws'll find rsmaina of tha rail way out. and Ism than tan miles north of here Ilea all that's left of Buffalo. Soma luck, eh? Cast away, only fifteen miles or so from a plaes like tliat Ami we might have gene to areat Hear Lake, or to h-ml to any atbsr place, far all the cyclone cared. 'Well, pome on now. let s sea If the rail way cut Is stilt there, and my old bridge; and If so. It's Buffalo for ours I" ti u nil as he had said. Tha right- ,r.rav of tha railroad atlll sliowad dis tinctly. In snlta ,of ts f"t that Me ami rail had long Islnae vanlshsU Of He bridge nothlBg was left but some rusted tssl stringers entangled about tho dlaln tagratsil eaiwrets piers. But Stem viewed them with a melancholy wide and Interest Jla awn handiwork in the vtry long ago. "They bad no tlws, howsvr, (0p ratro aseetioo: but, one mors taking the ahers, Suit steadily northward. And bafore noon llaJy raaobsd taa debris of buffalo, stark .ad dessrtsd by ths lake wWe once Ita busy commerce and Ms i noisy Ufa Imd throng! By 4 o'clock that afternoon they bad colUwted fuel eaougb to do that dCunCo on aad mor. Late that night they wars agsta back at ths spot wfear? they had landsd ths night tutors. And hare. In high spirits sod with every bona of better fortune now to foilow evil. thsy coaksd thalr hum I aad spent an hour In pjanBtwr thalr next move, then slept the sleep of welt-sarasd rest. They had now derided to abandon ths Ma of vtsltlag Boatou- This seawlnjf Oiinss of front was net without its ema -w'rs ban y to Cfcg sutk" Stent tuaJHMxl up Bit Bwruim- "Osault, Fronk A. Msatcy CsmjMi-s ttons nrn rvM).Mw !. it -i.HM ik. Atlanta masts there's rta life to be found there. On the ether hand. It ws strike rr V"9 West there's at least a chaneo ef running across aurvtrofs, Jf we don't find them there-, then we probably shan't find "'" anywhere. In ChlnaBo we can lira ami restoek fer further explorations, ami I '"! leeatlng a teteeto. the University or cmesgo nuns ar as.promlslng as those of Harvard. Chicago, iy all meansl" They set out at I o'clock and. having rnaao a Koo.t start, reached Buffalo by tweaty minutes past, flying easily along the shore at not more than 100 feet elevation , .Jr'r 0 ,a, sparkled nnd wimpled in tha morning aim. unvexed now by any steamers rrow, unshaded by any smoke rnmi cttle or roaring mills along Its hanks. Despite the lateness of tho searon, the ,,m,iH irns Trarmi a mlM brecae awnyed the treetop BnJ Mt tho i,(tft whitMlll, foaming here and there over the broad expanse of blue. Beatrice and Stern felt the Joy of Ufa reborn In them at that Sight. "Magnificent!" cried tha engineer. "Now off!" Wl"S U" pM,t NI",r"ro nna Wor Tho river, they found as tha plane swept onward had dwindled to a brook that they could tilmoat leap serosa Ths rnpkta now were but a dreary waste of blackened rocks, nnd the falls themselves, dry save for n desolate trickle down past Goat Island, praMnled it atMClnola nt .l.ilh the death or tho world as Ueatrlco and Stern had known It, which depressed them both. i That this tremendous ontaract could van ish thus; that the gorgs and the great falls which, for uncounted centuries had thun dered to the rush and tumult of the mighty -wnterti oould now Ho muto and dry and lireless, naddened them both beyond meas ure. And they were glad when, with n wide sweep of her wing, tlio Paulllae eerod to westward again along tho north shore ot Lake Lrle and settle,! into the long run of close on 3$0 miles to Detroit, where 517? ""'"'ed on making hli first stop. "Without mishap, yet without sighting a single indication of the presence of man. they coasted down the shore and ate their dinner on tho banki of I.ikn Hntni rinie hear the ruins of Windsor, with those of Detroit un the opposite side. For stunt reason or other tinpoaslbla to nolle, tho current now ran northward toward Huron, Instead of aoulh to Krlo. nut this phe nometion they could do llttlo moro thnn merely note, for time lacked to glvo it any serious study. Mld-nfternoon found them getting under way again westbound Chicago next." said Stern, making some slight but necessary ndjustment of the nlr feed In the carbureter. "And hero'a hop ing there'll ha nonio native to greet us!" "Amen to that,!" answered tho girl. "It any llfn has survived nt all. It ought tu be on the groat central plain of the country, nay from Indiana out through Nebraska. But do you know, Allan, If It should como right down to meeting apy of our own kind of people aatagM, of course, 1 menu, but white I really collate I'd bo awfully afraid nf them. Imagine white Ravages drcsicd In skins" "I.lko us!" Interrupted Stern, laughing. "And painted with woad. whatever woad Is; I remember reading about It In the hlatnrlwf of Hnglnnd ; all tho early Britons used It And carrying nice, knobby stone cleeks to stave In our heada! It would bo nlco to meet a hundred or a thousand of them, eh? Itather a different matter from dealing with a hordo of thoao an- inropoiu creatures, I Imagine," Corrrlstit. Life l'ubllahlrur Company. PUZZLK PICTUItK What is she coins to five him for Christmas ? Stern onlynmlled, then answered: "Well, I'll lake my chances with 'em. Better a fight, say I, with my own kind, than solltudo tike this you and I all alone, girl, getting old some lima and dying with never a hand clasp save lrliais such as It may please fat to give us from what ever children are to be. Hut come, come, girl: no time for gloomy speculations of trouble. In you get now, and off wo go westward bound again." Only half an hour out ot Detroit It was tliat thsy drat became aware of some strange disturbance of the horltpn, vome Inexplicable appearance vich as neither of them had ever seen, a phenomenon so pe culiar that, though both observed It at about "the samo time, neither Stern could believe his own senses nor Heatrlc bars, For all at once It seemed to them the sky line was drawing suddenly nearer; It samt that the horlson was approaching at high speed Tho dark, untrodden forest mass still stretched away, away, until It vanished against the dim blue of tha sky; but now, Instsad of tliat mssllng line being forty miles off. u saamad no farther than twenty, aad minute by minute It Indubitably was rushing toward them with a speed equal to lasir own. Stern, puszled and alarmed at this un ususl sight, felt an Impulse to slow, to swsrvs, to test the apparition In aoino way; but second thought convinced blm It must tm deception ot some sorL "S4ms peculiar state of the atmosphere," thought lis, "or perhaps we're approaching a high rfelgs. on the other side of which lie cloud that cut away tha farther view. Or ls no, hang ltl the world sssins to end right there, with no Plouda to veil it nothing, only whatr" s He saw the girl pointing In alarm. She, too. was olttirly stirred by the appsarance. What (a do? Stern felt Indecision for tha first time since he bad started on this long. adventurous Journey. Shut off aad desoend? Impossible ans ig thoss forests. Swing about and return? Not to be thought ef Keep on aad mast perils perhaps undreamed of? Yes at all hasards ba would keep en. And with a tightening of ths Jaw ha drove tha I'aulllao onward, ever onward -toward he empty spans that yawned ahead, "Hnd- tba wortdr thought he. "All right, the oJd machine Is good fur It, and so are we. Here gees !" CONTINUBD TUBSDAY) Her OJI Stock Now Worth f 100,000 XBY YORK, Dee. Wbsn Mrs. Lewis V 1111 began UtigaUott in 1910 to obtain passsssjjjn of fifty shares ot Standard OH vt Nsw Jersey stock disposed of by th will of Jjtr fatbsr. Jonepn Jt. Msgrus, ths to& waj wrtl l.0 Wbsn the Ap IMrtlau Division of ths Supreme Cotwt hauiaO. dwti a &ut dasialen, la tha to day aww4ias ttm stock to Mrs, Usst It wm wfth $ i,tti. t xi. KftaefiviM lr R&ssmi&fsRk fnlfi fw Kr'W W CHRISTMAS CHEER IN THE HOSPITALS Shut-ins, Young and Old, . Will Share in Joys of tho Day DOCTORS AS OLD SANTA Trcos nnd Cjlfta at City Iiiatl- tuttons for Sick nnd Afflicted Children and adult huMns" at the various hospitals In the olty will have plenty of real Christmas cheer. V Kaeh patient at ths Polyclinic Hospital. 1S2S Lqrnhsrd etreet. will receive three gifts on Christinas Day, ths children toys and ths men and women suitable and useful articles. Separate trees In the men's, women's and children's wards will be pro vided and a fourth trea for the nurs. Kaon, ward will also have Its own dinner Christmas stockings wilt b distributed by young women of ths Bible class of Holy Trinity Pplieopal Church, taught by Ml Mary SchotL The ladles' Aid Society ot the hospital will asslsL The entlro cele bration la being arranged under tho dlrec- iion or mo hespitai trustees and menus, Dr. William Mull Will act na Santa Clnus, At the Pennsylvania Hospital. Ulghth and Sprue streets, several doctors are wrangling aa to who will act as Santa Ctaus. A largo tree will bo placed In tho assembly hall, and after n turkey dinner and the distribution of gifts a special pro gram will be rendered. At tho Mount Slnal Hospital. 14 Jl South Fifth street, both tfio patients and nurbes will have turkey dinners. NUIISKS TO SING CAttOLS The Women's Homeopathic Hospital, at Twentieth street and Susquehanna avenue, has made arrangements to place a large Christmas treo outatdo of each ward. Tho trees will bo handsomely decorated with lighted candles and clectrio lights. Can dles and presents will bo distributed nmong tho patients. Thero will also bo a chicken dinner, tho chicken coming from prominent Honors or this city. At ths German Hospital, Corinthian and Glrard avenues, a largo treo will bo placed In the dispensary and gifts of different kind will bo distributed among tho young nnd old who como thero dolly for trent menL A turkey dinner wilt be served to tho patients. Directors of fit. Josaph's Hospital, Seven teenth street and Glrnrd avenue, have made, arrangements to gliiildeii tho hearts or every patient In that Institution. Gifts will be distributed ami n special feast will bo served. At the Northwestern General Hospital. 20 17-20 IS North Twenty-second street, trees will be placed near wards nnd presents also will ba dlstrlbutod. Tho episcopal Hospital, nt Front street and Lehigh nvenuo, will be elaborately dec orated for tho occasion In Christmas colors. Light Christmas tress will be erected In as many wardr. Chrlstmns morning tho nurses' choir will sing Christmas carols throughout tho hospital, and tha 120 nurses and atO patients will bo given gifts and a turkey dinner. A special celebration will be given for tha children, with many songs and tov s. At tho University Hospital visiting rules will bo suspended nnd all patients who nro able lo receive visitors may do so through out tho entlro day In tho morning the nurses will go through tho corridors sing ing Chrlstman enrols. Christmas trees will bo scattered through tho entlro building, and lu tba children's ward will bo ono largo tree with olcctrlo lights and other decorations Tho chil dren will receive toys and each erson In the hospital will rrcelvo n box ot candy, an npplo and an orange. MANV HAPPY BABIKS An eighteen-pound turkey has been pre sented by Police Lieutenant John Stlckol, nf the Third stroet and Fnlrmount avenue station, and tho policemen under his com mand to the nursea nf Itonsevclt Hospital, t Fifth street and Fnlrmount avenue A largo number of Chrlstma.i trees havo been sont to the hpspltnl by school children living In the neighborhood. In tho afternoon toys will be given tu tho children who aro pa tients at that Institution. Flowers and plants will bo distributed nmong the patients In tho Hahnemann Hos pital, Fifteenth street below Vine. Thero will also be a ulilckcn feast. hfiiraoH nt Iha Merilon.Cht Ifnanllnt. I'lghtcenth and Cherry streets, will have a dunes Clirlatma.i Day, rrosents will be given to tho patients nmr a special dinner will bo served. Trees will bo placed In the wards nt the Jefferson Hospital, Tenth and Sansom streets, and toys will bo presented by donors to children patients. MANY HAPPY BABKS At the Ilablea' Hospital of Philadelphia, C03 Addison street, 750 former patients of tho hospital nnd the clinic will bo guests at a Christmas party today, frOm 1 to 4 o'clock. Not one of tho baby guests Will bo mors than seven years old. Mncli will recelvo a toyor doll and candy. Tho Led ger Santa Ctaus Club gave SCO dolls and 2S0 boxes of candy towards tho festivities. In connection with the children's party nnd Christmas treti there will be a reception for 600 or 600 mothers, who will be served with hot chocolate nnd sandwiches. Tha generous men nnd women who sup. part tho Babies' Hospital of Philadelphia have also purchased enough supplies to give Christmas dinners tu forty ot ,thq moat nsedy families on the lists of the social wbrkers of tho cllnto. Sidney Davidson, secretary of the organisation, says the re sponse to aid others has been wonderful AMU8RMKNTS FOP. PATIENTS In the Jewish Hospital Christmas will be observed on Sunday! There will be a. Christ mas tree u the children's ward. Abraham Iflnsteln, of the Stanley Hooking Company, will have charge of the oelehratlon. He has ensasrd talent from the various theatres. who will entertain the patients ot the hos pital with vaudeville and music. Children will receive toys and candy and older pa tients a suitable gift. All will ba given a turkey dinner. At the Samaritan Hospital the celebration Is under tho auaplcoa of ths soelal depart ment of the hospital. There will be a trea In every ward: ICO children who are pa tlents there will reeelvo candy and toys, and turkey dinners will bo served every older 'patient aula to partase or one. There will ba a community Christmas tree set up in the dispensary on Saturday. The Chestnut Hill Hospltsl will also bays a tree In every ward, aw well as In tha nurses' home. All patients will receive gifts and a turksy dinner. The Junior auxiliary will have charge ot Christmas In St. Luke's Hospital. There will be tress, presents and a turkey dinner for every uue. Tha Qermantown Hospital will have seven Christmas trees, ona of which will bs In tba nurse' horns, livery available physioian. interns and nurse and every olflaial. oast' and prasaot, who qaa bs found has bsen preasad Into srvtes. On Christina morning in a body thsy will marsh through vy ward of ths hospital slngbw CbrUlmaa carols. Prsnta and a turkey dinner will be given to all. The Junior aid society will havo charge of BL Timothy's. The slaty-five patients will receive gifts and a turksy dinner. Th he, pltst has mads u campaign throughout Rax borough and has eoUaetsd a large amount Of ft dstuffs which will ba dstrlbuted to the poor of that Motion of tns city. There will be about 1(0 baskets mi distributed. SANTA AT GBNKltAL HOSPITAL TWrty-flve hUMlr&d imupnda of turkey, as ptes, flva barrel af cranberrlss aad JM Christmas trams ar to atom for tha 1800 patucu of M piUladslphia, Geiwrai HoapltaJ, Thirty fourth b4 Ptns street. Kverjf patient win rwJv a smalt gift. aw4 (ha S&at I'Uu letter writtem by tha 1M BbtUres wMi bs aaswsrsd. panKMaUy by 0tU 1010 T-..r I ! .11. -I,r I ) 1 III I 1 It I iroilllWMli.lMl,hiU,l1l t Cepjrlaht, Ufa ruatlahtnc Company. I-'OR A GENEROUS FATHER "This ought to about covor hla Christinas expenses.' verstty students nnd members of Sunday rcnooi ciasees. jvo applications for fur lough over Christmas have been filed. In the rnomlng twelve nurses will walk through tho hoepltal grounds nnd Into all department singing Christmas carols. The 1400 Insane patients will receive special attention, tie the afternoon Dr. Wllmer Krusen. Director of Health and Charities; William MoCalllsler, superintendent: Dr. Allan Jackson, of the Insane department, and other attending physlclani will per sonally visit all wards, consulting the pa tients and giving advice and Instructive cheer. CHH1STMAS TUUKH 1X)11 GUOWN-tlPS For tha first Christmas tlino In lt hla. tnry, the West Philadelphia Homeopnthlo Hospital. 1234 North Flfty-fourth street, has no children In Its wards. Neverthe less, two treen will be decorated for the fifty adult patients nnd for any children wno may oo admitted between now nnd CJtrlttmas Day, Hach patient whose stom ach Is In servlco will receive candy, nnd all will recelvo gifts. Miss Ida M. Bwarts. superintendent, announces that visiting hours will bo suspended nnd friends will bo welcome all day. Visiting hours wilt nlscr be extended nil day at tho Presbyterian Hospital, Thirty ninth atrcet and Powelton avenue. Tho twcnty-niio children and 102 ihlult patients will havo five trees with gifts for all. Nuraea will sing carols In tho wants morn ing nnd evening. John M. Cratty. super intendent, Vromlsea ono of the happiest Chrlntmnses In the hospital's history, HEMGIOUS BKEVIT1ES Ills Orsra tho Mont Itev. Archbishop Prennar int will t ilia eelelirnnt of the solemn pon tifical mans at tho Cathedral t n o'clock Christ iiiss mnniliiB. The V;rx llev, lMmonil J. KH. Itiurlw, 1). 1).. V. a., will be Ilia assistant ITlcal. Tha ltl, Itnv. UlahDD MrCnrt will nfP.rlala in- morrnir murnins nt tin orruir mum n, nt tlia il-tli-atlim r ,k- .. t'huri'li of Our Lady of Consolation, Taeanrf Tnn rornaratena was tuiif l,v Ittatinn t,rn,fr nn m ivnirn ins uy. Aitrauo t-rnoopio is raetor. r, Aus-uut a7l Threo aoUmn maes will t celebrated on fhrl.tmna Unr In tlia Church or St. Thomaa, V lllanova, Tha Ausuatlnltn acholaitlca Mill Siva an elaborate inuilrnl prosrsm. .,Jlli,lieii McCort will wlebrata a solamn ron ItnoRl nisss nt Hie Clmrrh of Our Mother of Sorrows on Christmas Har. Tha ltv, William A. O'ponnell will U Ihe assistant priest. Tho rtov. rtr.'ndirln Ifeyl Delk, pastor of Bt. Mstthena' Lutheran Church, wilt preach tomor row miiriitn on "Tha Iiva of, tlia Cradle," Tnere will l no eventns aarvtea, but.oamls will b sii-ig tomorrow afternoon by the Hunday school. tliHirso ton. sttpertntendMit of tha Inasmuch Mission, will apeak on "Madam Mlraciaa" to morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the Locust Theatre. itanry i vn(ier, rmror or chorcn his tory In Croser Theoloslrnl Hemlnsrr, will preach on "iinclallmu nnd llellslnn" totngrrow after noon ot tho Dread Htrcet Theatro- , Ir Alsernon B. Crapsey will atv his second lecture on "A Its-Interpretation of nallslon" to marrow at tlia tlroad Mtreet Thaatrc. Ills lll toplq will be "Itevelstlon." The ltv. Clarenco JMtrard Mneartner, psatnr of the Arch Street rreatitrii Chu-eh, will preach tomorrow mornlnr on Th Immortality of Klndneaa." nnd at night on "Tha Incarna tion " Tha choir will render Maundtr's "lietb lehem" at the nlnht srvlco, The Itev. J. Orny Helton, pastor of tho Hop Preabyterlin Church, wilt prneli twice tomor row. "Prophello Vision" will Im tha mornlni loplo. whllo Doctor llolton will have "The Child's lllrth" as Ills evening topic. ItllMOlOUS KpTicra IlsptUI ClIIWTNirr HTltnTCT IIAPTIST CIIUItCH Chtitnut at. wrat of 4llth. ar.onuu . ahajjh. i n vastor. CltlttSTMAH MUBIO 10J0 a, in., urvaii rrciui Adoration," Anthnt Dubois "Noel" . ,,,,,.,. ,,,,,,.,,. Neweomb "Tbare Were fthephorda'' Marks letlilali.ni'., liarttet I 'The Holy Nlahl' ..,, Mueller Orn Prelude, 'Triumphal March".,. Wachs Barman by tho Paalor. 71 P in Itanda 'a "ItalUIUlah Chorus" "The Chrat Child".,...., ....Itewley SoI'IIaNO Mima Carey Johnson, Harsh HJs.'aid'.'lafii"-.. ow iiiAiauii sry J.. Tfewklrk, Mrs. Itus TicWI-iH I MacUllsn Frederick Aim, UASSIW Horace IL Hood, Franklin L. Wood. PraUtrlak O. Itaaa, Howard A. Itollls, Cholrmsster. VlttNT IIAPIlftT ClIl'ltCH 71b at. abova Walnut. It.v. anonQB IIOOPKJI FBItntU. I) D Minister llev. njtin, ii u,, jimivter ibofa. Aaaltant Minlatar, wev u. .iHiooia. Aaaniani ai'KClAI, CII WA nrif if STMA8 at nor HV1CKH loao a. 'VtS. VilMJ A. IIAIIUQUIJ. D. T. WsHna, "ThV Fuflnaaa of tha Time." MB p. m HpfccIAL (JjIHIAtMAS MU UU8IO Jtev. Cl-AUMNCS A. ILvntKIUR. IA. Ill i-al TTFSS.il ailllllaS li D. D. Theme. "Uavd Ullts," Bearaao gate, "Contiqu. Ct tl, StraaSeea aad V'i.lluri oard Pradariek Msinwi. t5rsnlil a ' llr, ll.nl, Here. oardUflr Invited. eatulraatSr, Jtei"ft- yiKST.f'lIIJKCII OF TIIK ISSBrilKKN iimnkari, r. Carlisle and Dauvbln sis. rreaaalac ISrfO a. m. aad 7:44 p. a, unilay Wm3, Sao p. m " 1'layer Maatlij. euoii Wedauday evtnlag. Itthlesl CeltHe J)ll i. ALfliniNON H. CBAPHKl ttuiiaiiiilon,'' Uruad HL Tbi ubllu Invited. V will eaesk ori Pul aire. 11 a. m. Lutheran AT TIIK. CTtE-SIlL (iicnrii . wiMraAm u 8T8 aUVU'Ai. iuu S BBIt- ?J WftUBBtoutm HT, MARK'S LOTirremAN'CHlJiiCH IfHi a.sa ffrylce and. Senaea, Paster. iSs riS-Ebla SSSi and Christmas Bw CturtstliUa Pay a, m. Service aad Sermon at It MttltoJl.t 13-J.toyl TT h Jefid ML Veraoa. mw. ia-f ''. 1 iw . ra. -I UttlUIB -Mt-JsemmmmLmmSi CmU,D- iVf.ra-WVV5-aS'g- JUmUmmt immfemsA&SSE n TBlKirY , Hjia Met gm BSfaeya, UB&m tsiraftt, &&&&M ffirttlP ffiSjEfs fej 1ST SANTA CLAUSMMS ANARftlYOFASSMAim Old Follow Finds Work GGtiink n Llttlo Heavy and Calls in Youngsters AT TUB NOHTH PotH (via wireless), Dee. 5.. It was pitch aark wSen the cor respondent gt hare to sec $r,u ciatw this yoart and h had to ring the sielgit blls at the main entrants of Santa's big silver barn a long tlms betora anybody answered. Finally, a big, cheery voles In side called oult .v"l(!f,L0' i.hero ' Wiy don't you turn oa the llghtsf "Whero are they?" ths reporter called back. "Why." said Santa with a chuckle, h h rolled back ono nf iha Mr tllnatr m,Ma doora and stepped out, theyra whera ths north lights ought to be; la this gold and sliver box fastened to tho North Polo over here." So saying lie switched them on, and, say. weren't they beauties I Mnybo you're seen tha northern lights, i great, glowing shafts ot pUrpIs nnd crimson and white, all laced and woven with tha softest hues and lints yon ever saw. ... l ?". blt worn out Bsttfng ready for the trip, said Santa as he turned around and shook hands, "ond I was Just gettlnr a llttlo nap. N Won't you sit downT" Ws whikcu over to a Dig trotted snow bench In front ot tha barn. Things wars n Jot different from what thsr wero when the reporter was up hora last year The glgnntlo nllvor barn with ths hundred reindeer, the heavy sets of spun gold harness and the Christmas sleigh that a regiment of soldiers could walk around In wero there, Ahd tho mountains ot ton nnd dolls and sleds and all kinds of pres ents wero scattered around ths North Pole as far as you could see In all directions. The reporter know that pretty soon (lis hundreds of little SantA Clsus children, eacli one looking like a Tom Thumb edition cf Santa himself, would came rolling and tumbling out of ths barn nnd go scuttling around over ths hills of gifts, puttlnt: ths right labels on each one. All that was hero last year. This year thero was something more. All around ths big stiver barn thero wero hundreds of little barns nnd tyttv one of them built of hammered gold and green marble. An In each ono of them was a llttlo polished steel sleigh and fifty teams ot tiaby rein deer. "I see what you're looking at," snld Santa Claus, "and I supposa you're wondering what tho Idea Is," Of courso the reporter wan wondering, so Santa explained r "I'vo been trying lo do too much all by myself, i Tho world is growing so fast, there nVo so many mora llttlo boya and girls nnd grown-ups thnn there Used to be, and I nm getting so old that I had to get somebody to holp mo or else glva up, trying to get nil nrouitd to everybody In ono night. "I was talking to Mars about It tha other day, and he offered to build ma sv ttlnnt aeroplane- and a Zeppelin and a motortruck for land work and a submarliia a hundred times bigger than any ever built. , "Mars was very kind about It. nndI i appreciated his offer, but I'm nn old-fash. loned duffer In a wny and I didn't like to glvo up tho sleigh anil reindeer, so I Just put up theao little barns and filled them with sleighs nnd baby reindeer, nnd tho children nro going to help me tomorrow night." "But, Santa Clnus," said the reporter, "do you mean that you won't got around to all tho places yourself?1 "Oh, no. I don't mean thnt," Bald Santa quickly. "I'll go every place. Just aa usual j but tho youngsters ,wlll do all tho heavy work. Their slolghs will carry most of tho packages. I'll wait on all thb roofs anil tho young chaps will ncoot 'up' and down ths chimneys with 'the gifts," Just then tha northorn lights wont but and It won day. Thoro was nn awful com motion In the big barn, nnd nil ot n sudden tha sliding doom rolled back nnd oUt scampered tho llttlo Santa. Clauses, whoop ing and yelling and tumbling over on another. , "Well," said Santa CIsub, jumping up. "you can easily bco I'vo got my hands full now." i And tho reporter, realising thnt 'Sonfcv nnd the llttlo fellows crowding round him facod n hard day's work, shook hands with Santa, said good-by to the hopping, skip ping Httls Santas and hurried, away. RKI-ltHOrS TjOTlCKS I'retbrterl an Continued ASCII HT- ClIl'ltCH, ISth and Arch, '"lie" eUJHfc-VCn JsDWAJlD MAOAItTNET. lp.tJ 'Tim immortality of Klaoatss." lSaJO aunday School, a ,00' Tha Incarnation." Ths rholr will rendar Maunder"". 'nethlanam,' Blnalna tl ;nree liana, m u its, 7:30 ai S, Ionari! uit. iRiiur stnti mrariari sirnn ic iHiusn; orrsnlal. Miss Floranc Lewis, Violet tarrlll. harplatt Yllllam f?P' annranul altaa SUxaliain IJIC1 contralto! r. Millar. baas. Christmas Carols wl! a suns at lOaa sou mo. , (Tm-'ouii ,iriatiiVTRiiiANrm;Kcii Itov. JOHN WYt.tlS V1IANC1H. Minister. HUSO ."A Chrlatmsa Telearam from ileava Chrlatmsa Telearam from Heavea" a a. Christmas tlcrvle. An excellent This will be .a Christmas Uervlee. An excellent musical proRram will bo rendered by the Ox- fnr,l Hntalta and Chorus. saltad l'Mla. O Mr. Carl l'fouts, 1st vlottn. liv fJrchiatra. Mr. Cart Knelael. 'eelllsl l'hlla. Oroticatra. t:ia rne Liiriaimss uessasa ror mo i;rs and the liar." a len-mlnute talk by iha ras ter. This e-rvtra will consist nf RPECIAti CHPIHTMAH MUSIC from HCHtf 1AM COM I"OSBlta, Tha srooTam will be rennered by the Usford Hatoisls and Chorus, assisted by Messrs. l'fouts and Knelsel. of the I'mladil Phla Drchestra. Clarsnce K. Bairden, musical director. J'reteatsnt.Knlseepat CIIUItCH OF Till. HOLY APOSTLES. 31st and l-lirlsttati HI SIS., 1MV UCUUUU IlIillUKIff TUWI-, T:30 The anlbem sntbain "Olory lo Go,l " by IlotolL to- cathar with popular Christmas carols, wilt be aunt, followed Immediately by JIOLX COMMUNION.. iiijsii a. m -r-iiui,r ij3-iaiur,ji, ana kh uoTl IiT Tltg il&CTOii. Anthem, "Wbta Christ Was a u. m. i. ll.n V.w -ka,M u. m.- c-iiHiarMAH '- -II ft. -''-'' ANNlVKRBAnY a( the Monday School nd lilble Ciaaase In Xht ttlnVICBH OK CffltlSTMAS DAY 0 a. m HOLY COMMllNltiN. . in a. m. iioi.r troiiMUNio MON IIY TUB ItSOTph. Antt Thai Tsllest Oood T-lfns to t KiN and sen. itam, "O Taos ion," by Haa- Jill ccitci, or Sr. iyK ISth street below Seruea. He. DAVID M. StUKLfi, Hector. tM .. Holy ComnjwiUU, luSKi a.m. Sunday Hcticol. 11:00 a nv Momlnic rrser and Sermon, 330 utaT lfsnlar IMbaol aud Klble ClasMS, 4Sl p,ta, Chrtsimaa Carol Htrvlce. Qfaaa. harp, vie Un and cello Instrumental nuinBara iw ,w,mi,,m, ,,.. , varoiai A Child la lrn" Amarlean s JSero" . "Usten. Lentilns-" . . j. , al j .. .. t l&urut Cfhrtatmaa . . .uia rmatjsti FUinliU AbwiUn . . . . . .Ilusatsn. 'Sliep, Utile, Dove" '-rt Wj a Orsy Lamb" . iTolir Ntahf'. . .Old Crmsti UeU ' DPJa Jim lb at both services. Ue formed .'" St. ntr lath. tUU HSL.EAN ha incttaoea of ClsL. 40 p. nu-Bu4ty joheol ChrtstSMt 4 p. . Church Chrtetmas servMs sarvlee. , ad c-ii'sts BlalU Jterarjr. Soleljr I'll OK IIKNI1V C VWillKIt, nrcr.seoe el church al'tery to Croier Tbeoioyleal Saoiiaary will soaek oa "ovu,u, aha liliat to- irrew. s b m.. mi maa . 1 utairo, Musis ixiB tjuanei. -u.ae mvtts.i. .JeJtil5. ip. to,, SiiHay teohswl, U . so., Ity. Ott K. Duerr, sf Los--t.r, Mass, will ereach n "iBaaasBal." .... Msrn," by J. Ii. wf- Cwals, 5 Sss m S. le at M. 2hBmfM,s, lBMl Tors Klnss," oW FrwtW, 'SmVSxmwst dnitasiah gociirfr ssr&3HJ& JKIaJ-Utt4t Y.u-J- Watt's Cti HiH.M aifH'n nu.MiAv "oaci-4ti i u." " ajip sUAetU us Ijj&amiioa MfTim It 21. M. III -iwTnt Hflfci. i "1 iUard the 1! The llaetor will 'JMs q ttv mu&t. a, awna a. tt I I