M fc NIGHT EXTRA .vsSTRAy. NIGHT EXTRA y ro "IV . i mraner J?L amtsrJ' B. M. IB - BS SjS W BB 5 M IB ,& fvySiitocawLl , " . . . . e . . m VOL. HI- NO. 87 vc Kr -. "ipeace Jt CHi DHHPnVL B(FMttV.'!kVXirawPTraiir--stP .T .TiiiftKUEBia-. MHHF Affir. M ' i Trri "iiHF "iil" WMimIiiiiin HSt f a ; TMUff f'vifc- iiMTTTlHnHiMiiii' T" 1 if i'liTB"-r-Biir 9 P fit i lit w BHBBHBMa JSf " THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT AMONG THE CITY'S CRIPPLES , Llltlo Philip Penrose is discove-cd in the McCnll School Annex working away on tho gif Li which ho is making- with his oVn hands for presenta tion to his friends lEISTMAS SPIRIT -RULES 0VER-G1TY yi ; .. . yifost Prosperous, of All fJfeflHTMakcs Happy R67, day Sure for All ' PUKE THE POOR- JOYOUS WH V '. ' ' Christmas spirit wliUm tools ,rojt-on Suth tjltf yearn ago simultaneously with gblrtli of tho Christ -Child In tho undent ef Bethlehem. Is In full bloom 111 Phllu- Sw))! today, extending Ita wonderful In- it to every nook and corner of tho Ha Philadelphia that (ltie old mclisace the anitol choir, "I'oaoo on Karth and E gwd Will Toward Men." Is rlmslnir out an vr kfforo. for dayo tho face of men, tmta and children throughout tho city aye bfen lllunilncjl liy tho rplrlt which fM torn with tho Babo In tho miuiRer, jnoro 10,00 years aco"Tho Blory of slvlnc Wl tb splendor of rclf-jacrtnce have been HWapllded in Philadelphia Uil Yulctlde IMtt mora, thai ever before. 'evr has Philadelphia cxhblM such wuEBi tor uio widotr, fiie orjman, wa pW. tha Invalid ohd the unfortunato of -f .-. HMU VVIIH4MVII Wfc W jvytiDrreu Dy uio greaiesi era. Of pros- qr In the hliory of the Unlttil States, hrtslman uplrlt lias Mit Into hmos, 1H ttorea, lioepltalij. atyluma and In iiianufeeturlni; plan la und bull- fstabllihnienla heads of b'.e builness Srtjpcnded to tho IrrrelstlMa ine-.wae ancient Dclhlehem by dlitrlbutlng bo- They will enter on Christina with t& iAri ....--.. . .L.f . .. fc'lt chr6 In tho nrnnrlt' of the last r. Thousanda of workers who havo pd bljrier wages durlrw 191 than any Wis year are uIIIUIok their prosperity Wkotbere hannv. faij is tha last day. of the slropplnjr ??' tasl-mliuita shopper are surging it. i . .. .' . . k. gs-- mwuh upon in nearly oepieica P f the merchandise mart KONB TO BB FOfllGOTTlSN ilWsht the last curtain rlll so down on Aopsinff district, and tornorrotj' night. a Eve) the enllra eJ'.y will make rations tor the annual -reception to -" tswitx Jima-coy and kim jr. 'ejty today thrilled "h'lr Uia nearness irtstnian Eve- hey rohoplnjf and Hag that nothjng rrlll. Interfere with Ifwnsey 0f at Niek from lh poir re- a "morrow went tnouo oi cnu In Ph.Udlphla. will liasg up tbelr ogs, na when their rr.gtbem tuelc CllaiiJ an Taia TbUirtu. feluma SU THE WEATHER FORECAST J&r PkiladtlpMa and vUiHityFair wwnf eoltl twin lit, wittt. law w degree; Sunday fair, mtn wtie . temrwraturta;- Monday t- r euuatmeu ana raooy W)1 aentlt variable wind. I45NGTO OV DAY iteJH. WAW4tlB R1VEX TBB CHAKQB8 cHeBTmiT srrKBT Vlsr. . JUS m.tui.h vUr..l n.o fw T9ZD.H. ti Mil nrr,'-ii -mi rrrl mr &r&rmr t tTTTT" m m ttf),m FIDELITY TRUST BUYS IN BROAD ST. Acquirc3 Property Bbuhded l-Broad, Walnut, San- " som and Juniper PIUCE ,NOT DISCLOSED JTho Fldcjlty -Trust Cornpanj!, of -523 to 3J1. Cliestnut strict. hK acquired wnlrot of tho property bounded by Broad, AVnlnut, .S'aiifoiii nnd Juniper etrrot. Tho niinounccincut of tho ncqulsltlon of tho property wbb mado by vlco Proeldent J. C. Neff nt noon today. Jit tha state ment JMr. 'yt said It wan tho Intention to erect a largo ofllcn bulldlni: on tho site. ' Mr, Ncff would not Rlvo tho prlco at which tho properly chanced hands. Pinna for tho new bulldlni; have not yet heon formulated, but It was stated by Mr.' Ncff that nderiuate room will bo provided for tha plllcca of tho trustjonipany. Jfr. N'eft w Tery care'ful to tto that It woe not .tho Intention to abandon tho present properly of tho company nt Fourth and Chestnut streets. It wan Inferred In tho financial district that tha company In tended to move the main oftlceti-to llrond street nnd the old down-town o!TIcj would simply be used nn a branoh. . Thla properly, which Is kniiwn n tlto old Upplucott properly, was at ouo tlino owned by I'cllx Isiiian when be waw rronlnoit In the rval estate business In Philadelphia. Tho notion of the Fidelity In moving to Uroad s(rct follows the action taken t.y many other conoerns which lavo for years been located In the eastern section of thw city. - I'AIR CHRISTMAS PROMISED No Rain or Snow, bufCrlap Weather, ; Forecast The Weather Bureau announced today a Merry Christmas; Predictions are that tbtiw will lo no rain or snow Chrhtmas Day. and just enough erlspnee to lend a real Christmas atmosphere. It will be fair and cold, tonlsUl and tomorrow, rj Tlth In- creasing oioudlntss. Olirer Remembers Senate Pages WASIIINOTON. Deo. S3. Senator Oil. ver. of Pennsylvania, and Senator Sauls. bury today distributed liberal ehecks to tha sixteen page tu the Senate. Senator Oliver left Wasblpgton without making pro-. VlsIOM tor nj ousiornary ajairiuuiMiu, um wired the. money to B. A. OToole, tho chief MB, teiay- Week's Wage ss Christmas Present rANCASTHH. V-, Bee. 3J. Tk Ham lltaa Wateh Company. wh aetory h serve sest week as holiday, h an ncuiwed that all f Its M employ wUl receive a. full weak was a ChrWom ift. u awwnn to WW- Refined 0,1 for 8po Advances KW Yonlt IW SJ. T Standard QIJ Couipany anmeuirted lin dvan otwtt OMt in refld Mi la 'w eivrt to I Life, TUB trill not be iued on Monday, DMfer SW CHRISTMAS DAY fjp Hall M v. 3 " ' "M""'Ha BOY SERIOUSLY BURNED LOOKING FOR SANTA Childish Curiosity Gets Too Close to Fire in Investigat ing Chimnoy f ALBERT DI nilLLIPI With child lh wonder as to tho manner In which Santa Claua could descend the chimney at hU heme, four-year-old Albert Dl Phlllppl, U 8utu Tilth street, got too oUm to the kitchen fire, and was seriously burned tWs raofatng. Tfee child was alono at ltie tle. swt his motiwr. hWring hta crle. ran frs 4 upstairs mom ard at teapiwl to tsar att hl burning ctotheg, 8h hsrwrtf was tourswl about lb lutads, arm aw taf ' Palioeau WUsait, at tha Heventb and CrfMiMf strrt ttkn. bearing the ebrieks ! mother and son, rualwd lot tfae house andbraw bi oveitcAat oer ttw bjr. He took both to Uta Uouni Sinai ilos l(,lftl, where Albert is la a very critical cun- dlOoB Jb txptaiuinK b (.:du. Hie mother taj-s tb boy rm.y htiid of eUnta t:(aus sat xefn vi j uuruu bout thf majR ae ui whteft Mm sto abu wouW "er tb lose on feruUnss v, uuu h thiuks hi J tst tv door this morowg Is Ms curtosMr. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBEU 23, 101G - ant. &to&pttity The earth's shroud is embossed With gems of twinkling; frost; The heavens annp with cold. A wind mysteriously thrills, Above the sleeping hills, With music sweet nnd old. The stnra snnR one December And shnke with music yet; For nye they will remember, Althougtt the world forget, The God-child'a birth-cry ringing From out n lowly place That set the plnnsts singing In farthest fields of space. From warm, sweet depths of sleep Where little child-hearts keep Their fnith until the morn, Beyond the sunset bars To shake the farthest stars ' Another song is borne. Their hopeful dre.tms ascending In waves of music flow, A joyous chorus blending With that of long ngo. With song the night is teeming,.. Jh' How mute we arc, . .., Who have no fnith for dreaming Nor wisdom of the star! T. A. DALY. 'A i t ssssmmmrt!m'i BLIZZARD KEEPS PEP IN BUFFALO Severe Storm Cripples Traf fic and Quaker Eleven Un able to Continue Journey HANDICAPPED BY DELAY Dy NEIL MATHEWS Captain of Term football tesin. UUFIWI.O, N. Y.. nee :J. Huffalo Is snowbound, and so Is the UnUerslty of Pennsylvania football team. Ths Iteil and Blue eleven arrived here late last night, several hours behind lime and found that It was impossible to get nut. as tratno Is tint up wast of here, and 'no trains are being ran' out nf Buffalp. It la ono of the most severn storms In years, and lid fowls, whq la managing our parly as' n representative of the Philadelphia and Reading Tlnlhvay. announced today that it looks as It wo will be stuck hero or n day of .two. This snowstorm Is going In prove n mighty severe hand loop to us unless It lets up soon, as we probably will miss connec tions In' Chicago and bo farted to renialn. there another day. If this should happen, we would. have osily three days" praattee Hfter'u ons ride, and It would stuten the boys up, " When we left rhlladeJuhta wa had made arraiigimetite to praclka in Chkaao today. This would' hive ILmbaied the men up and done them a world of good, but as It looks now, Ifwlll b impossible to wastr the tlms In ny hpipe town unices something un foreseen turns up. t'oaeh FoIwe.II said thla morning that he nither vrouldriiccd several hours In Chi., cago, where we could practice, than to get the extra day on the coast, and If arrange meots oan be made with ;fce railroad au thorities wilt stop anyway. Kverrbody In the parly s very much peeved eicepllng Charley Hcrjnlng, who lives here, and It Is lucky we have ewls with us, as he oau do more than an" ordinary manager of a foot ball learn, sevwaf g the boys braved the storm to visit Wnnttfgai home, but the majority were oonttfit to limber up by yalklng about the statlfT(, Card playg and lying. I meaa rsnalpg, lio uken up the grester part of tho time and everybody bad a good time until w learned nw;n)tt3)ti w wro behind time and that thHyinn was raging stronger west of IlufTalo than the billiard we ran IhW orvtha way bare. Women Philanthropist Hies NlfW CASil.W. Det, XHe, JJ-MWss 8uan it. gpettswofA daughter ef the tats Rev. and Mm. Jehu li. gfMMUwood, . lifelong resi dent and ntd pmnibrupWt. died, of gen eral debility, Wh was preskteBt and K tuawber of b Bible luion Society of America for many yeara Hr fathef was pastor ef U Vint l'r nb Urian Churcli fun -five yean- ieorge PWe. ppmii nsu; ;oniey f PbJladliihw. la tuviJwr-ta-law or 4MsMMSt Certstsat. m "O LITTLE TOWN OP BETHLEHEM" A It was on thesa rolling hills nearby that tho shepherds watched QU ICE :V?. 1 . -.. .rbk:7 ... SHACKLETON' SAILS TO RESC0E;MARQ0NED EXPLORERS BUNEDIN, New Zealand, Sec. 23. Sir Ernest Sliacklett famous, Antnrctlo explorer, snjled for-rort,cWalriies today In wi tCort to rescue tho ten members of his expedition marooned near' Itosn Harrier, Theso men bad only a scanty supply of provlsToha when, the exploration sliip Aurqrs, 'broke her mo?rln"s8. In a gftie , nearly two yearn o;;o( and Uio i 'v ' .,! "i1 s 'If,1. ' CONCOURSE LAKE CROWDED WITH SKATERS Thrro in skatljig today on Concourse Lnko In Knlrmoiint Pnt'k. An army of devotees Invndod tho vast oxpntiso of the Inko tho moment the Turk Kunrds took down tho dnuger signs. Contannlnl, Clustlno nnd other lakes aronot considered tati! ns yet, but my he thrown npon tn tho skutern lator In tho day. CHICAGO RESERVE BANK DECLARES DIVIDEND CHICAOO, Dec. 23. A dividend uf six per cent per nrmuin, covcrlns the period from April 1 to December 31, 1915., bus been declared by the directors of tho Federal Itcscrvo Hank of Chicago. Tho dividend In payable to stockholders of record De cember 27, 1916. " TWO SHIPS AND CREWS LOST; ONE THOUGHT AMERICAN HALIFAX. N. H., Dec S3. A largo unidentified schooner hns lwon-lo.it off Dartmouth Point, Mahono liny. All on hoard are ticlloved to have pertsned. Another wreck, believed t? be thu American schoonor WUHnm Mason, is at Irish I,odgo, near Yarmouth. The body of one man Wa lnshcd In tho rigging. , BRITAIN BUILDS MANY FREIGHT SIIIPJPOR'AFT ER WAR IjONDON. Dec. 23. The llrltlsh flovern,ment wni shortly let oontrocls for the construction of a large number of freight ships of standarlwd cargo, the Times announced . today. They will be put in tha Oorarnmritt service. iThe foregoing dispatch indicates that Kngland l itittlclpatlnp nennmiy'n program of morcantlie marine expansion. The dlspatclies from Qerman eourrea liavo'statedthat tho Ger man quve'rnment Is iHilldlng a mighty lltet of ronimorojal ships to be put ,ln com mission after the w?r.) ' ; DANISH IUNG RATIFIES: BILL TO SELL ISLES . - COPHNUAOBN, Dec. .4 Caily tho financial details, remain Ho be. setlleit In the saia of tha Danlali Weat Indies to the United 8ta(esi,for. tSB.OOO.OOO, King ChrlstlSn has approved the trtaiy nrovUlliig for tha sale following tho passage of tho ratltleatlon hill by both liauso? of lllgsdag (Pnfllamwnt). The rattflcntloh will be eent to tho United Btatea, ' U, S. BOND ISSUE IN SPRING ALMOST CERTAINTY -. WAUINQTOK. Pec 33.--A ond Ipauo by the Government orly lrx t)i. spring appears to b o, certainty, TrMury Department oftlelal admitted today. Tha.baJ. ance In the Btasral fund, of Jje Trejusury la dllnlng at tho roto of auout I3$ipg,oqo ij,.m9nth Tha actual net balanle. In the .fund Is now little more yia'n HO.OOO.OftO,' l"anama Canal bonds, rather than one-y?ar Treasury certificates, wjll bo tasued, it la understood. Secretary MeAiJeo farpra the canal bonds it It la necessary to raise money in aueh manner. , ' READING PLANS TO, BOOST CITY EMPLOYES PAY RKADINO, pa., Dee. . AIbumm averybody m tha pity payroll, tnaludlug th hundred iDembem of the Poltoe Department resatvad Chrlatmas, presents today jrj tL, fann of Ip4raa in salaries ranging from ten to fifty per eenj a the Uwdaj ftr WIT, wWh wait laid befora Council fjr udAjHton. Incrwisea amtHitiUng'ti) .about $0OOO a yaar havo bein Bgresd upon in the "1917 budget, the advaaaaa in the ptoliw 'Department alone amounting to HMflQ a, yr, ' - ' ' WILL LAUNCH NATION.W'IDE PEACE MOVEMENT HERE A natlon-wlde peaea movejnant will be launched in the Aejtdemy of Music on January if, when leadJng pacifists from all ovar tho country wti gather to plead. for peace and indorse Presjdt Wfttw's policy to end (he war, aooordipg t a dU pateh from Washington, t4y. After tb movement y bti started In tbla oily, wbleh was slc$t4 far tt "brotbary? kva" 4rit,. welugii a, atttHUjr oiwractwr will b hW U Prt ot h coulstjy. ' WMt th movwet ftii mioU tha poaiuon of President Wilaou, ha baa no ooa&WtUui with It, Tha ww-n h4iliil i$& plan ara pro-Ally as wall a prtvSatwu ' 1018. t tits feme l.tMu CoUmmt. ttfitn tKfjp NEWS ..-' . ?. f ", .v. . ' ' ', , ?.wt : y' ..v- '.-. gravest fears "re fel,t (or tliem. '.V4'. t : rl PRICE ONE CENT Palate tts rhoie by umrweod Und.rweod. their flocHs by night. BELLIGERENTS MOREFRIENDLY TO PEACE Ni3TE French and German Press Particularly "Interested" in Wilson Plan BRITISH CH A NGE TONE London Phpcra Sny U.. S..- May uavo opecmt imormauon From Berlin a ' u .' ' J'.OJfDOM. Dec. 33. Tho London preis took ' "new taclc today in figuring out whs PcostdeiitAVIlsoii sent . his' eacoTnitel i1ral'!p'ulburstofmJr'',fc dgnatlon having 'died down'mmewhat, edl. tqrlala today began snee'ulatliig in the be lief that tho American President has "gome- thing up his sleeve,V Borne had the Ideanhat tha note was based on special Information which President Wil son' had obtained as to. the exact .terms which Oermany Is willing to make, and that tha noto-iwu not an Indication of anti-Ally neirtlmSnL The two statements by tho American Secretary1 of State Arising were held thor mighly bewildering, but tho cdltoHabi agreed they were a sldo Issua, All. newspapers expressed the hopo that the President's hint that pcaco inny bt "Just around tho corner" might, luiyo been based on nccret Information frpm Germany. TAntS, Dee. 33. While the Prench Foreign omca considers the note of President Wilson and 'ex'ehangea Ideas with her allies, the press la pointing out that the document may force flermany Into tho open with definite peace terms. A noticeable feature of the press com ment Is tho friendly tone. Tho Temps, a newspaper that .Wields considerable political Influence, admits that the people want peace, but declares that they are unwIUInK to lay down th'lr arras until victory Unassured, In view of the' fact that "war was forced up Ihrtn." IIntranslgeant says It'wIU be Ipposslbis for flermany to alSestep tho' request of President Wilson thatahe terms ojf pac be. inado known. nisnws, Dec. t. Kcenea't Inlereat mlaed with Jubilation over the reviving prospects of peace was aroused hero by news of President-Wilson's peace note. Newspapera subordinated tha war news aVd lengthy speculation as to what tho British Premier meant In his speech of 'fjueeday on the IJerlln proposal. The move came when editorial comment reflected tho publUS view hat peaco was ;ar off. In view of the Lloyd deogo. speech. The Tageblatt had aptly expressed tha gen. eral belief In Its editorial, i-onciudlng, "the ab)ts between Lloyd Gj?f&dpolJt ' " . j i i. i. CvnUmi'4 en Je Thlrfeea. Cebuaii feer . ). i i i .i ipiiii i .li tifiT7 l in PRICES QF TURKEY" -..owM.GHytowEa. "Fajiolfi," However, Bjrinf 38 Cent. Big Shipment.May CattS Bigger Slump Later - Turkey prices ranged from thirty ta thlrty-efght emta a pound today, wltn tha beatgrada birds asjllsg at thjrjy-faur ta tltlriy-Uva aeats from the "reasonable lr, TJe "fauaj-" trade Vi hlgba price, but- there wsf .rVatmtlveb fw tales at that Ugure, tn eenBeQuence; of nriaaa (ewer Uan p TbaakagtvlBtr. the umM-gafthwd befeMU nt tlw bousawivea asanas to hive been lifted and tha tale ar brlak, Dlw aaM tkat rwa mlglil drj wlltt Mw arrival at tfe iaat iruate af'Mtaaa osle4j! of tMriua eoMustMA t ttw mt markat. 'flu ,tv nwnt w 4m V tV V Mrl 4y ao. iMtr asflac tu taa fatii coaessm li w,n M4 sit. csfipei