Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 22, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Harrison Entertain at Dinner-Dance
Numerous Dinners Before Meet
ing ox mrs. wurts's Dancing Class
ttJTII Ihd oxccptlon of a smalt dinner-
danco for tho youngfcr"' married at
to bo Riven by tho Harry Wain HartioM
and ono debulanto affair, tho school at
wilt certainty nava
lu Innings tonight
tit tho mcetlnB of
tfurta'a dnnclnn
class al Ashcr'a.
Thl class Is really
great fun, and Mrs.
Wurta certainly
doe everything to
mako It a aucccas,
Incidentally trail
ing the boya to bo
ot Treat tuo In tho
social world whofi
tho tlmo cornea fof
them to so to OUT
things, for ouch
week tho class Is
put under tho lead
ership of no mo
particular boys, who
lrad tho, serman,
plan tho figures ot
tliat Intricate
danco anil are
generally t o b o
depondek o n dur
ing tho ovonlng
to soo that no
Ctrl Is left with
out a partner;
In fact, to act
rind think for
othcra comfort, as
Eontlcmon should. It
Is a lino Idea, and
the boys coma up to
the test nobly. To
n Iff lit young
Charles a t o w a r t rtoto by rnom cmtur.
Francis I Fraslcr Mrg Rnns0mo beforo her mnrrlaeo
will load the co- nat month wa3 Miss Clarice Frlsh
tlllon. muth, of Rivcrton
AMONG those who will entertain at din
xxner beforo tho class will bo Mr. nnd
Mrs. Samuel Wnrrlnor, whoso cucats will
lncludo Eleanor DunnlnR, Eleanor Qum
mey, Evelyn rage, Anno Aahton, Jano
Hepburn, Banning Grange, Martanna
Bonncll, Russell Tucker, Charlotto Starr,
Dan Bacho, Billy Hnycs, Churchill Wil
liams, Jr., Morris Duano, Edward M.
Jcfforys, Poralfor Krazor, Jr., Billy
Tucker and Morris Clements.
Then Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Chapman
will glvo a dtnnor for tholr two sons,
Samuel Hudson Chapman and Robert
Chapman, and tholr guests will lncludo
Mary Fahncstock, Frances Ross, Mildred
Lorigstroth, Margaret and EUtabcth
Prlchard, Ellzaboth Taylor, Margaret
Rocs, Henrietta Wilson, Rosamond Wurts,
Jano Paxson, Oladya Muilcr. Parry Maulc.
Crenshaw McElroy, John Freeman,
Charles "Wilson, Alkon Rotclinor, Rey
nolds Wilson, Cornolius Wilson, William
Tho marrlago of Miss Molly Wood Bally,
daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winter
Bally, and Mr, B. II. Brewster Koons, will
tako placo next month vory quietly. Mr.
Koons Is nt present In business In Rome,
Go. MIsa Bally, who has been visiting Mr.
and Mrs, Joseph K. T. Van Pelt, Id., In At
lanta, Ga., has returned In tlmo to spend
the holidays at homo. Mr, and Mrs. Van
Pelt will spend Christmas with Mrs. Van
Pelt's paronts, Mr, and Mrs. R. II. Daynrd
Bowie. Mrs. Bowls will give an Informal
tea for her daughter tomorrow afternoon,
at' her home, 1710 Walnut street, when Mrs.
Standley Htokoa and Mrn. Orvlllo IL Bul
litt will preside at tho tea table.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Sartor!, 6730 m
len streot, dermantown, havo Issued Invita
tions for a dinner on Monday night, Janu
ary 1, at 7 o'clock. In honor of their
daughter, Miss Anna Sartorl; later tho
guesta will attend Mrs. Troth's Dancing
Class, held that ovenlng at tho German
town Cricket Club.
Mr. Clement Buckley Newbold and hts
daughters. Miss Mary D. Newbold and Mss
Anna S. Newbold, of Crosawlcks farm,
Meeting IIouso road and Fox Chasa lane,
Jenklntown, havo left for town for tho
winter, whore they will occupy apartments
at tho Rita Carlton.
Miss Mary Taul, ot Grave's line. Chestnut
Hill, entertained Informally nt luncheon on
Wednesday. Thero were twelve guests.
Mrs. Oeorge C. Thomas, of Norwood ave
avenue, has returned from Atlantic City,
where sho was tho guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. nidge, who aro
spending a month -at the Marlborough
Mrs. Oeorgo C. Thomas, of Howard ave
nue. Chestnut Hill, Is occupying her town
house at Twenty-first nnd Spruce streets.
Mrs. H. N. Cresswell and her daughter,
MIsa Marlon Cresswell, of Edgewater Park,
will leave for Florida next week, where
they will spend soma time this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. IL B. Gaylord, of Jttf
West Penn street, dermantown. aro being
congratulated upon tho blxth of a daughter,
Mary Elizabeth Gaylord.
Mr and Mrs. Ersklno M. Smith arid
their llttlo eon, of Ixmg Island, win spend
the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Smith's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson,
ot 1931 Spruce street,
Mr, Henry Bell, Miss May Bell, and Mr.
Henry Hell. Jr., of Evergreen avenue.
Chestnut Hill, will occupy apartment at
the Morris. Hi South Thirteenth street,
after January 1.
Mrs. Good, wlfo of Captain J. William
Good, of Troop D, First Cayalry, baa re
turned from El Paso and Is at her apart
ments a( tho Maldstona, 13JT Spruco street,
having returned In advance of her husband's
troop.whlcb, is expected shortly.
Mr. and Mra. Boston, of London, Bnr
who arrived in New York a fortnight ago,
ore spending eomoftbne In thU city at the
RlU-Carlton. They will Jeavo tomorrow
for Chicago, HU where. tby will aP"4
the Chrtstmao holidays, and will remain for
torn Boma j tha guest of Mrs. Bostons
parents before returning to England.
MIsa Jessie. Guthrie, of Wltkes-Barre, U
Siding- some tlma In this city.
Tha New Centurv Club -will receive on
Kwr Ytiir'a Day from 4 until o'clock at J
tk clubhouse, W4 South Twelfth strtat 1
Among tha dinners which ar bfta-E
PJawitd to take jlaea before tha baU l
th aoatawn Country Club on B7
fabi IT. will b o Mating Mr. asd
Mrs. qunwi Sna, Mr and Mr Hfrtstt
Ss Mr, wW siwl FMWi m Ms
tea. Mm. warn T nwm W --t2J'
W. K. rretman, Charles Pamxxut, Uar-J
om -Mockrldge, Thaddeus Daly and
mPh, Chman' nry Jeanes
will also entertain for her daughter.
Elizabeth. It looks
to ma as If things
would he mighty
festive. What do
you think!
camo tho Invi
tation from t h
Abrabamtohn Com
mtttoo ot tha Uni
versity Hospital to
attend Its Christ
m a a celebration.
This la n committee
ot women who. In
tho name ot dear
old Professor Abra
hamaohn. tho much
beloved and well
known teacher of
German t n this
city, havo under
taken to hold fes
tivities tor tho
pleasure ot honpltal
patients at tho Uni
versity Hospital
every Chrtntmaa and
Easter, and to say
they aro "some"
celebrations la say
ing very little, for
tho children pa
tlcnts at least can
scarcely wait for
tho tiroo to como.
It scorns a fitting
trlbuto to tho pro
fessor, who has so
loved children and
attracted them to
him all hts life, that
many of thoso of an
older growth, who
had been taught by
htm In their day, should have foundod this
memorial to him whllo ho is hero and, cAn
enjoy tho knowlodgo of It In this life.
Tho ontcrtatnmont will start at 11:30
and lost for two hours, and from certain
hints given out by tho members of the
commlttco thero will bo a Christmas tree
and presents for every ono. Tho womon
on tho commlttco Include Mrs. J. Kearsley
Mitchell, 3d, chairman; Mrs. Alfred
Stengol, vlco chairman; Mrs. William
Popper, Jr., treasurer; Mrs. Thomas O.
Ashton, Miss Mahal A. Brlce, Mrs. Banjo,
mln Chow, Mrs. John O. Clark, Mrs. Wil
liam J. Clothier, Miss Emma A. Dorr,
Miss Margarot Dunlap, Mra. Qeorgo W.
Elklns, Jr., Mrs. Ralph B. Evans, Mrs.
Barton Cooko Hirst, Mrs. Frederlo R
Klrkland, Mrs. Arthur Newtln, Mrs. Theo
dore S. Paul, Mra. Charles B. Tenroso,
Miss Sarah II. B. Penrose, Mrs. O. II.
Perry Poppor nnd MIsa Marlon D. Binlth.
lando Crease, Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo do
IL Stokes.
Another dinner party will Include Dr. and
Mrs. Fielding Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. Brooke
M. Anspach. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Craig, Dr.
James A. Babbitt, Miss Catherlno Brown,
of New York; Miss Katharine Henderson,
ot .Pittsburgh ; Miss Berenice Berens, Dr.
George l'fahler, Mr. nnd Mrs. James A.
MoRatt, Dr. William C Sheehan and Dr.
Daniel Hoyt.
Another party will Include Mr. nnd Mrs.
Kern Dodgo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jay Gates, Mr.
and Sirs. Crnlc Watt. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward W. Deacon and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bllzard will enter
tain seeral guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Carol B. Grace aro arrang
ing a dinner party. Among tho members
will be Mr. and Mrs. O, Boss Carver, Mr.
and Mrs. William Edwards. Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Dykman, Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Steen, Mr. and Mra Harvey Murray, Mr.
Thomas Grace and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tatton, of Lincoln
drhe, will glvo a children's party tomor
row for their daughter, Miss Natalie
Elliott Tatton, nnd twelve ot her llttlo
Mr. and Mrs. EarJ Leach Marvin nn
nounca the marriage of their daughter.
Miss Ruth May Marvin, to Mr. Charles J.
Thomas on Saturday, December 16, at Port
land, Ore. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will spend the
I fer-Ts
S-l -v s -
Copyrifhl Ufo PublUIUw Comesay Jlwtaua by spactal rranmnt.
Their Christmas stockings.
holidays with Mr- Thomas's parents al
f Stat road. Cynwyd. Pa,
Mrs. M, I Jtarsslera and Mrs. B. A.
Williamson, of 81 South Massachusetts
avenue AtlanttO City, ara being enter
uSdbf their brother. Mr. William a.
tees, 1T40 Diamond street, over tho boll
days. The third of a series of subscription
dances which ara held tho third Monday
la tha month during tha wtaer la the Casino
in Uermantown wiU take pUwi January is.
Among tha subscribers are Mr. and Mra.
RMarabaU Trultt. Mr- and Mrs. Thomas
WuSSaTMr- and Mr. Albert M. Hoyt,
MrfsJad Mri Stanley Stager. Mr. aad Mrs
Raymond TunnilU Mr. and Mrs. Keni
mans er being mada by tha Jeeklatuwa
esSfK m i wir oaKrt wish
Mm Taut V tfttyett. of 4I0S 'Wayne are
mia. has returned from boarding school In
Ylrglnta for tho Christmas holidays.
Mra. Benjamin llouitm and her Uttla aon.
cf Providence, It 1 . nra visiting her mother
Mrs. R Itadls, 1133 Columbia avenue.
The Comrade Club will glva Its ninth an
nus! ball on Chrlitmaa Day at New Audi
torium Hall, Seventh stmt and Snyder
nvenue. It will bi a novelty affair, nnd
dancing will commence at 3 o clock and
continue nil afternoon and evening
Tha marrlago of Mls Jessto B. Shirk,
dnufthter ot Mra. Philip M. Shirk at Oak
Ijitw, and Mr. Georgn Porter Shotwelt, of
Harrlaburg, took pUco today at noon In
the Tenth Presb) terlan Chuh-h, Seven
teenth nnd Spruea streets. In tho preaence
of tho Immedlala families only Tha Bev
Marcus A. Ilrownson. D D, pastor of the
church, officiated. Dr. U M. Shirk, of
Baltimore, a brother ot the bride, gavo
her hand In marrlac. After a wedding
trip Mr. and Mra. Shotwell will llvo In
Wlltlamrport, where Mr. Shotwell Is an
officer In, the National Bank.
Wedding Annual Avcrngo
Newspaper Olllco
M1LFOUD, IX L, Dec, 31. Holding Its
record as a matrimonial bureau, the print
ing olttoa ot tno Mlltord Chronicle has ah.
nounced the marrlag ot XIUm Olive Hill
man, troin tha preurooni, and Henry W.
llarrtagtou, tho press toreman.
For nurty-a-gitt years, wbou tho Chron
icle was established as a country weekly
by Colonel Theodora 'lowimond. an avvrage
ox moro tnan una cuupie annually haa been
married from the otuue. Willi only ono cx
cptlou uia tnatclies havo bveti unusually
happy, mm tho positions upon In the otUuo
aro aiways eagerly sought after by MUtord
young girls, wno are sura It U u certain
sup towara matrimony.
(Sequel to "Tho Vacant World")
Corirrtl, t$U, bl frank A. U,tv Cemmnv
nrn irmnr Titija rt
Btrn nd lUKtrko Ktndrlelc or
the old mitntlon ot Vn . Ambuf .
work In rnnt to mli the hV.TI
Tini at tha al
larl In wm.V (n AK-n., In mil. Ihs tlOIl
habitable. Dorlns tha naaki of " JjJ
Oown" lhr lira en tha nil that Allan
catehaa with a ruJa rod. an ra .
Tha worU'a lone man apanS a sraal iii
of hla tlma attar that In tha ronatruetlon
of a wurthr aaasolos craft, for h P'''" w
-ltnA (K& nl, In nt.aa, nf 1 VllliatlOll.
. Tonthar th atart en thtr pUrlnjf:
Ofathar thay atart on
llr nftht thar hava travalat ttown tljo.lJSrJ
. Ihrouffh tha Hit im llivtr ana v"i-'
throusti tha ItarUm lltvtr
i alans tha aaund. Stern ui
and 1W?
InlUa alnnv Ihn anunil. Hl-m d01a OU Ipr
? ' ?I'"T..""S:.'rr
in i"i
a f mtmti, .n wrhn ha
r a piviw aaav v4"a a.aaa W-V ta.H
A n.!nii,-a n wh.fl ha BWtRO .5f
n-il. fliA Iw.l la hit.. nvan liV
mrrt toward a rat ratarart. tn aomj
ralraculoua war ha ami llaalrlca era y?2
from daath In tha sroal oiunca. but tna
boat and all thlr provlflons, ara "l.
Aftar a waak'a aneamrmant on tha ilI
tha a. thor Tttnvrt auitlclant atranstn "
piifa to at on acain lor ifoayn.
aaful trial nisntha raturna to
OIIAPTEH XVII (Contlnuoil)
IOUT.DN'T run finer, little girl! P-ar-J
ring a little stiffness hero nnd there,
she's perfect So, then, when do wo .'.tart,
eh? Tomorrow morning, early?
"Why not thl- afternoon? I'm suro wo
can get ready by then."
"Afternoon It Is. If you say sot But
wo'vo got to work to do it 1"
ny noon Ihoy had gathered togethor alt
the freight they meant to carry, and
though the sun had dimmed behind dull
clouds of peculiar slaty gray that drifted
In from rastwnrd had prepared for the
flight to DoBton. After a plentiful dinner
of venison, berries and breadfruit, they
loaded tho machine.
Stern calculated that, with IJeatrlco as
a passenger, ho could carry seventy-five
or eighty pounds of freight. Tho two rifles,
ammunition, knives, ax, tools and pro
visions they packed Into tho skin sack
nentrlco had prepnred weighed no more
than sixty. Thus stern recKonou mars
would bo a fair "coemdent of safety" and
moro than enough power to carry tnera
with aafatv nnd noted.
It waa at 1:15 that tho girl took her
place In tho passenger's seat nnd let Stern
strap her In. ......
"Your first flight, llttlo girl?" ho asked
smiling, yet a trlfio grave. Tho barking
motor almost drowned his votco.
She nodded, but did not speak. He noted
tho pulso In her throat, a llttlo Quick, yet
"You're posttlvo you'ro not going to be
"How could I, with your'
He mado all secure, climbed up bcslda
her, and strapped himself In his seat.
Then ho threw In the clutch and released
tho brake.
"Hold fasti" cried he. "All aboard for
Boston I Hold fasti"
The Ilurrlcotia
SOAIHNO strongly even under tho addi
tional weight, humming with tho rush of
air, tho plane mado the last turn of her
spiral nnd straightened out at the height
of twelve hundred feet for her long north-
ward run across tho unbroken wilderness.
Stem preferred to fly a bit high, believ
ing the air currents mora dependable, there.
Kveg as ha rose above tha forest level, his
experienced eya aaw possible (rouble In tho
wind clouds banked to eastward and In
tha fall ot the barometer. But with the
thought "At this rata we'll males Boston In
three-quarters of an hour at tha outside,
and the storm can't strika so soon." ha
pushed tha motor to stilt greater speed and
settled to the urgent business of steering a
straight course for Massachusetts bay
Only one did ha dara turn aside his
eyes vea to much a to glanc at Beatrice.
She, magnificently unafraid on tha quiver
ing back of this huge air dragon, showed
the spUodid excitement of tho moment by
th sparkle pf ber glance, tho rush of elo
quent blood to her cheeks.
Stent's achievement, typical of lbs In
VIncifela eonqiwsi of tha human aou ver
matter. Um and spact, thrilled her with
uMpeakau pride. alA m aba breathed
for tfew ftrst time tha pure, tbla al.- el tbas
tmger (fitem &" sHww hfarf leaptd.
w(iWt ho- Tumm, Hi A Mmw Umt tM&
man was worthy of her most profound, In
dissoluble loo,
Kar down beneath them now tho forest
sped away to tho southward. Tho gleam of
the river, dulled by tho sunless sky. showed
hero nnd thero through the woods, which
spread their unbroken carpet to tho horlxun.
Impenetrable and filled with nameless
perils. At thought of liow he wna cheating
them all. 8tern smiled to himself with grim
"Good old engine I" ho was thinking, as
ho let her out another notch. "Some day
I'll put you In a boat nnd we'll go cruising.
With you. there's no limit to tho posslhlll
tlen. Tho world Is really ours now, with
your help 1"
Behind them now lay the debris of Paw
tucket Stern caught a gllmpio of a ruined
building, a crumpled-ln gas tank with an
elm growing up through tho atark ribs of It,
a Jumblo of wrccknge, all small nnd toy
llko. thero below; then tho plane swooped,
and all lay deep burled In tho wilderness
"A few minutes now," he said to him
self, "nnd we'll bo serosa what used to bo
the lino nnd bo spinning over Massachu
setts. This certainly beats wnlklng all hoi
low I Whew!" as tha machluo lurched for
ward and took nn ugly drop. Ho Jerked tho
rlalng-plnno lever savagely. "Still tho eamo
kind of unrellablo air, I see, that wo used
to havo a thousand years ago 1"
For a few minutes tho blplnno hummed
on nnd on tn long rising and fatting slants,
llko a 'swallow skimming the surface of a
lake. Tha even ntnecato of tho exbauit,
echolesa In that height and vacancy, rippled
with cadences like a monster mowing ma
chine. And Stern was beginning to con
sider himself as good as In Boston ntready
was beginning o wonder where the, beif
placo might bo to land, whether along tho
shore or on tho Common, whero, perhaps,
somo open space still remained when an
other formidable alr-pockol dropped him
with sickening speed.
nn righted tho piano with a wrench that
made her creak and tremble.
"I'vo got to tako a higher level or a
lower," ho thought "Something's wrong
hero, that's pertain 1"
But as ho shot the biplane sharply up
ward, hoping to find a calmer lane, a glance
at tho sky showed trouble Impending.
Over tho gray background of wind clouds
a fine-shredded drive wan beginning to Rcud.
Tho whole east had grown black. Only far
off to westward did a little patch of dull
bluo show: and even this was closing up
with singular rapidity. And, though the
motion of the machine mado this hard to
estimate. Stern thought to see by tho lateral
drift of the country below that thoy were
being carried westward by whatto Judge
from tho agitation of the treetopa far below
must already bo a considerable gale.
For a moment the engineer cursed his
foolhardtness In having started In face ot
such a storm as now every moment threat
ened to break upon them.
"I should havo known," ho told himself,
"that It was suicidal to attempt a night
when every Indication showed a high wind
coming. My Infernal Impatience, as usual I
Wo should havo stayed aafo In Providence
and let this blow out beforo starting. But
now well, It's too late."
But was It? Had he not time enough left
to make a wide sweep and circle back
whence ho had come? He glanced at the
girl. If she showed fear he would return.
But on her face he saw no signs or augnt
but confidence and Joy and courage. And
at sight of her his own resolution strength
ened onco again. ...,.
"Why retreat?" he pondered, holding the
rnochlno to her long-soaring rise. "We must
have made a good third of tho distance al.
ready perhaps a half. In ten or fifteon
mlnutea moro wo ought to sight the bluo of
tha big bay, No use In turning back now.
And as for alighting and letting the atorm
blow over, that's Impossible. Among theso
forests It would mean only total wreckage.
Even If we could land, wo never could start
again. Noj the only thing to do Is to hold
her to It and plow through, atorm or no
storm, 1 guess tho good old Paulllaa can
stand the ruoket, right enough I"
Thus for a few moments longer he held
tha plans with her nose to the i northeost-by-north,
his compass giving him d rectlon,
while far, far below, the world slid back
and away In a vast green carpet of sway
ing treea that stretched to tho dim, dun
Stern could never afterward recall exactly
how or when tha nurncano situs iiu.
So stunning was tho blow that hurled It.
aetf. shrieking, In a tumult of mad cross
currents, air maelstroms and frensled
whirls, all across tho sky, so overpowering
the chUl tempeet that burst from tho.o laky
clouds i ao sudden the darkness that fell,
tho slinging hall volleys that lashed and
pelted them, that any clear perception of
their plight became Impossible.
- AH the man knew was that direction and
control had been knocked clean from bU
hands j that the world had suddenly van
ished In a black drlva of cloud and ball and
wild-whipping taper; that he no longer
know north from south, or east from west!
but that-struggling now even to breathe,
filled with auk fears for tha safety ot the
sir! besldo him ho waa fighting, wrenching,
wrestling with tha motor and tha plants
and rudder, to keep th machine from up
ending, from turning; turtle In midair, from
atlaWiri her aaM under an air-layer and
swtwpV. ;sfejrtl!g over and over, down,
down. '&& shattered rocket, to dash her
self to pSbes on tha waiting earth below.
Tho first furious onset showed tha en
gineer ha could not hope to bead up Into
that eyetano and live. Ha swung with It,
thirefora ; and now, driving acre tho sky
Ilk m, filament of cToudwrao. rode on the
ersat of the great atorm his tastor scream
ing its dtftanM at tha shrieking wind.
mi Kaatrtee stent 8t to MmT Did the.
try to flk Mm "-"r? M aMiUi not tU.
m hmnit-B ww wat nav p- mmu
Coprrlsht Life IHibllsMnc
"WnRlntr, wnltinj;, under tho mistlotoo."
In such a turmoil. Stern had no tlmo to
think oven of her nt such a moment of
doadly peril.
As a driver with a runaway stallion Jerks
and saws and strains upon tho leather to
regain control, so now tho man wrestled
with his storm-buffeted machine. A less
expert aeronaut must havo gone down to
death In thnt mad nexus of conflicting cur
renin; but Stern waa cool nnd full of craft
nnd science. Against the blows ot tho hugo
tempest ho pitted his own skill, tho strength
of tho stout mechanism, tho trained in
stincts of the born mechanician.
And. storm-driven, tha blplnno hurtled
weatward. eer westward, through tlio
gloom. Nor could Its two passengers by
any sight or sound detormlno what speed
they trnoled nt. whither they went, what
lay behind, or what ahead.
Concepts of time, too, anl(ho!. Did It
last ono hour or three? Five hours, or even
more? Who. could tell? lacking any point
of contact with reality, merged nnd
i helmed In that stupendous chill nightmare,
all wrought ot saMigo gale, rain, hallblanta.
cloud and scudding vapor, they senned
nothing but tho fight for life Itself, the
stnigRl" to keep aloft tilt the cyclone
should have blown Itself out nnd they could
seek the shcltefl of tho earth once more.
Ileallty camsMiack with n rift In tho Jetty
sky, tho faint shine of n llttlo palo bluo
thero. and a whllo later a gllmpea of
water, or what seemed to bo such, very far
Moro steady now the currents grew. Stern
otplnned again; nnd as tha machine slid
dawn toward earth came Into a calmer and
moro peaceful stratum.
Down, down through clouds that shifted,
shreddad and reassembled, he let tho plane
roast, now under control once morn; nnd
nil at onco there below him, lean than throo
thousand feet beneath, ho saw, dim and
vaguo as though In the light of evening, a
vast sheet ot wntor that stretched away,
away, till tho sight lost It In a bank of low
hung vapors on the horizon.
Tho sear thought Htern, with sudden
terror. Who could tell? Perhsps tho storm,
westbound, bad veered: perhaps It might
hne carried them off tho Atlantic coast I
This might bo the ocean, a hundred or two
hundred miles from land, And If so, then
good-by I
Checking tho descent, ha drove forward
on level wings, peering below wltb wide
eyes, whllo far above htm the remnants of
tho storm fled, routed, and let a shaft of
pallid sunlight through.
Stern's eyo caught the light of that set
ting beam, which still reached that height,
though all below, on earth, was dusk; and
now ha knew tho west again and found his
sense of direction.
Tho wind, ho perceived, still blew to
westward; and with a thrill ot relief he
felt, as though by Intuition, that Its courso
had not varied enough to drlvo him out to
Though ho knew the ripping clatter of
tho engine drowned his voice, ho Bhouted
to the girl;
"Don't bo alarmed! Only a lake down
thero I" nnd with fresh courage gaio tho
motor all that ahe would stand.
A lnkolT But what lake? What sheet
of water, of this size, lay tn New Hngland?
And If not In Now England, then where
were they?
A lake? Ono of the Groat Iwikes? Could
that be? Could they havo been driven
clear across Massachusetts, Its whole length,
and over New York State, four hundred
miles or mora from tho sea, and now be
speeding over Urle or Ontario?
Stem shuddered ot tho thought- Almost
as well be lost over the sea as over any
one of these tremendous bodies! Were not
the land near, nothing but death now faced
them! for already the fuol-gaugo showed
but a scant two gallons, and who could say
how long the way might be to shots?
For a moment the engineer lost heart,
but only for a moment.
Hla eye, sweeping tha distance, caught
Wrist Watches, platinum, diamonds Dress Chains, platinum and pearl
$400.00 to $800,00 $50,00 to $75.00
Brooches, diamond and platinum Scarf Pins, diamonds and sapphires
$50,00 to $1100.00 1 $15.00 to $175.00
Bar Pins, diamond and platinum Dress Sets, platinum.onother of pearl
$110.00 to $1000.00 $35.00 to $175.00
Lorgnettes, diamonds and platinum Rings, diamond and platinum
$ 1 50.00 to $450.00 , $n 5,00 to $400.00
Pendants, diamonds
$50.00 to $900,00
Rings, platinum and diampqds
$50.00 to $7400,00
Flexible Block Bracelets, platinum
Suo.oo to $iaoo.oo
" " ' '--""! i 1 II ' riiskpi llBWWillSliliB"lr:sifflWiri 1 mBi nmsiii1Isii5siiiiiiiSFwm
s, t . .., ,f,- T i i iirTnnTnj.iiruJijrpiip isttfiii.inr ..T"imrr'TrTHfiiiiT.JliHr TjTrinTnlnnwffinrlisniaBW iifT IjMBgaMllBKffiMiMM
ntprlntxl br tpoctM rrntmont.
sight ot a long, dull, dark lino on tho hori
zon. A cloud-bank, was it? Land, waa It?
Ha could not tell
"I'll chance It, anyhow," thought ho, "for
It's our only hope now. When I don't
know whnro I am, one direction's as good
as nny other. Wo'vo got no other chance
but that I Here goes I''
Skillfully banking, he hauled tho piano
about, nnd settled on a long, swift slant
toward tho dark line,
"It only the alcohol holds out, and noth
ing breaks I" his thought was. "If only
that's tho shore, and wo can reach It In
time 1"
What's Doing Tonight
Nw England Boclety dlnntr, Uallavua-Utrat-
Ohtntaa Night, llouaton Ita.ll, Untvtraltr ot
"Judaa Maccabeua." to ba suns, ItoJcf Sha
lom arnarorup.
ruil our peranneiir new
door, tormirlv tha home
Mp The Xmas Gift Shop of Chestnut Street W
Last-Minute Thought jM
for the friend forgotten or the mM? VE jriER
gift you couldn't decide upon. jfmS? Crane's,
GIVE HIM A Mm nr "?! .
jBWmF or Whiting?
SllSiSSl jMmW $""' Exquliite, Now
iICieyy &X0r Effect. Striped In bo14
.. e2Sa VM AMmy $1.50 a box up
i MrisMlf
Stationers Engravers Printers Offka Outfitters
902 to 906 Chestnut Street
nliplay of Beautiful flifta and Personal Greetings Card! la lbs New Store
and platinum Link Buttons,
Gold Cigarette Cases
' $85.00 to $JOO.CO
Gold Match Boxes
$40.00 to I75.OQ
nz3 Chestnut Street
Thirty-sixth Annual Dinner W$!
j Commcmorflto Pilgrim
Fnlhora' Coming
Two hundred and ninety-! yer m l
day our Pilgrim forefatM-rn. 101 merMtoteaa
and children, set foot upon Plymouth Jttek.
They left their homes with tha avowed pwr
posa of establishing for themaslve In tWa
country a government dedicated to htghar
Ideals of citizenship.
Through nil tho intervening year their
descendants hava striven to carry out til
work which thla little band ao nobly started.
Throughout tha United States ara acaUer4
mora than 3000 descendant ot the Pllarim
Fathers. " ' " " """""
The anniversary wltt b one of th teplc
In tho classrooms of tho publlo and private
schools, while In many ot the New EnsTand
State special serrteea commemorating tha
event will be held. The day also mark tha
twenty-eocond anniversary of tha organisa
tion of tho donerat Society ot Mayflower
Tho biggest celebration. Irt honor of th
etent Will be held tonight In tha UelloVUo
Stratford Hotel, when the New England
Society of Pennsylvania win hold Jta
thirty-sixth annual dinner. '
The principal speaker wilt b axVProildeni
Taft. Other prominent speakere wltt ha th
llov. Dr. Nehemlah Boynton. of Brooklyn,
N, Y., nnd ex-Congressman J. Adam Madft,
Of Minnesota.
At every one ot Its dinners tha society na
presented nn array of eprakora renowned in
politics, literature and nther walks ot Ufa.
Among the distinguished epeakera who hava
nddreeeod the memheni In years Ron by
wvra'Presldent McKlnley, Mark Twain and
Wu Ting-fang,
Tho present otltcera of the society nrsl
President, Cytua IL 1C Curtla; vice presi
dents, Lincoln IC Paasmoro and Arthur "W.
Bewail; secretary, E. W. Mumrordl treaa
urer, Oeorgo Irving Merrill; chaplain, th
llov. Dr. Floyd W. Tomklna; physician. Dr.
8. D, Illaley.
The menu will lncludo .typical "Now Eng
land dlshen. Tho decorations will ba at
trnctlvn nnd ths banquet promises to ba
notable In tha number of distinguished men
who will attend nnd lu tha wit and brll
Uanco of tile speeches.
Santa Clans Train From Camden
WOODBURY. N. J.. Dee, ii. PoH
mastera between Wenonah and Camden
hava been notified that on Sunday night a
special train carrying mall -will ba run,
principally for parcel post packages. Post
offlcoa will bo open on that day for the tie
livery only of these packages betwoen 3 on
4 p. m., whllo In this city carriers will de
livery packages only during tho day. This
has never been done beforo and naver wcr
thero such congested condition? of matt la
tho packngo lino.
addition, tho burning next
of J. B, Cnldwtll i Co.,
diamond set
$100,09 to $250.00