f WINING PREPARES TRANSIT ANALYSIS Ijlushes Digest of P. R. T. Offer for Keport to h Mayor Smith INTEREST IN FINANCES Qftmpany'a Method of Raising i rnft nnfJ -for Rnnlnmrnf j Causc Speculation .. . Vn,it nubile sentiment Is rapidly errs- ! tnti.it.tf in favor of the prompt rati (lea- "'. . .. ). between tha city and the jrtldelphfa Rapid Transit Company, as ffin and f lulpment of tho new clty-bullt i .'.h-soee- lines. Trnnalt Ulrector Twining i hastening hl analysis of th company seoltlon In ordr to submit the report JSraested by Mayor Smith. Vending tha submission of this digest, neither tha Mayor nor any of the adminis tration heads will make nny publlo comment bww tha Urms of tha agreement Tha mat- iL' Mavor, that llmo should bo taken for Mature deliberation. l2th method by which the transit company raise, tho 1 19,500.000 to equip th lines I id rtine mucn speculation in financial ks Arties. Financier generally pronounca fair r Urtions pun iiiw i-n ---. ,, ii-fl-lder pay In tha IM.1JV4 -r necea. I the provlilon that thay receive Interest on 'this payment In addition to their present .feturn r : Union Traction directors, however. s'corilng to John II. Cheatnut, on of the 'board. r Klvlng thin prospect no con- llfle ration. Mr. Cheatnut declared that their ' ittllUUO Ol U1H'"VIW" V MIIJ ILdCMIItCIU bis not changed since 1914, when they fi JcflnHely reiuseu 10 co-operaio wun mo L jrsnslt company, ... ., fte 1'UDIIC service -fllluiPAUil nun HUM- i ih Denartment of City Transit that It will hold tho second publlo hearing on the application for a writ of public convenience a construct tho Thirty-fifth Ward surface K, line In Philadelphia. Tho lino will branch The first hearing was held at Harris burg Ust week. The next hearing, the date let which has not been set, will be held here Hrf, order to give more residents of the iTWrty-flfth Ward an opportunity to bo ard. Russians Chase i, Foes Into Lake fCenUaned from I'ace One EhaT been able to launch violent counter lattack against tho Vulgarian, German and Turkish force. h In Wallachla. tho Oerman allies are ap proaching Illmnlk on tho railway that runs ,Jato Moldavia. ("BRITISH PREPARE NEW ASSAULT IIV WEST at uy vviLiuiAui riHuu ouuma W WITH THIJ BniTI3H ARMIES IN T1IU VmhV, Dec. 19 (delayed). Whllo tho French are rolling baclc tho Sdtrman Crown I'rlnce'a army before Ver- itaa, the British army la not idle. M. Through the swirling Bnow and driving .Kin. with a cold tang In tho nlr remlnla Twnt of Christmas, tho British army Is fttofglng nway In perfect accord with the "Sliroea defending veraun. ?If the news from tnis ena or tno nne present nnt very sensational it is ause tho Allies' plans decree It so. No ' ens need doubt that absolute unity of ac tion exists along this front, from the salt Iwtter to tho Swiss Mountains. LAfter tho latest victory at Verdun, the rltlih army straightened for a moment to fplaud Its brothers In arms, and then ttst bacK to lis tasK. I.That the British do not Intend that the Kmy shall have any more rest until the :tsd of tho war Is apparent Visits to back r'sreas give this Impression as distinctly as Utose to the front lines. There Is a vast I war plant there buzzing ilka a great, busy linlll. r -In tho trenches powerful mortars are stemming nway Continually, methodically .'lobbing over sinister bombs from the site Jand shape of a wine bottle to thoso of a 'football, almost keg size. Snipers crack ' ray at every head that shows itself for r a second. Planted further back, field guns add to f, the havoc wrought by high explosives In h th opposing trenches. Now and then mines i; placed by sapping under enemy positions eipiode like the disintegration of the world. Apparently t Is the British policy to -kttp the eneiny everlastingly on needlea ana pins, wearing down his nerve day and : Blent, Their raldlne nartlea suddenly anoear tfore .British trenches, scattering death among its occupants with grenades ana taking prisoners. napld body,to-body itruiglea In which the British excel and h!ch the Oermans sllke are often a future of theso raids. Dugouts are fre quently raided where the Teutonlo de- itnaers, sleeping tho sleep of exhaustion, se been awakened from the arms of lUorpheus to find themselves In the arms Est British Tommies. W AU this contributes to the highly nervous faUt almost dally manifested along the J lima. While these thlnrs raneat themselves un til they become routine alonr the front nines. In the "back the organisation and prep aration go on. Britain's punching power la Franco Is dally becoming mightier- oOYear-Olci, Man CommlU Suicide Louis Brandt, sixty-four years old, com- rattled suicide at his home, 19 16 Oakdale ' stmt, by taklnir nolaon. He was found at KS t of the stairs by his son August., rjwo bottles of poison were rouna upstairs f&' ITn.nt. .a -"viwi nu prosounceci uuu. HANDEL'S MESaiAll SlIMfJ IN TEMPLE jyiUSlO SERIES AdmirtbtB Soloists and Well Drilled Chora Feature of Oratorio Performance. elesiodr,.."H',B,"hl ' " sJrnm. .Worth "d l0"-f 'PlrltuM SL unl" ih?1 tr ' 'w musical K? JiLlI "l ,hldlPhla should be able to support a couple of performances In the v.0' I1.. l,ea,on- ,'llr t the ..? w.h,e" rammemoratea tho Saviour -ili l!i of. 1"Mw celebrated tn the text m.n. iiln.,el CMW tnm lh Kw Testa ment for his Ivor The projectors or tha Temple University eonttrt reckoned th.a way. ahd the reaull J.. 'lliment of an annual "Ales- Jinh uptown that will supplement the olden tradition of the Choral Society, whlth rings mo..L WI""' "f the standanl nrntoth t?e!l Ch'i,"nf week at the Arademy of u, rt Tnl-', lh ,MtA wncerl In the rts w., ..". broUBhl niiuical pleasure and cdincallon o the thickly populatwl com munity whleh runs from river to 'river from Broad street north of Olrard avenue, drew n very large audience to tha Temple last night. Clarence Reynolds, known as the organ ist of the "Storm" a few years ago and also for his organ polos at Ocean Grove, was conductor by virtue of his office of musical director of the Baptist Temple. The choruses- which are an essential part of the oratorio form and which In llandeVs specimen are massively and melodiously effective, as well as many, were sung by the Kestlvai Chorus. The soloists Included two not familiar here from earlier nppear ances Aim MaeMahon, soprano, ami Marie Morrlsey, contralto, and those two veterans of choral concerts, Dan Ueddoe, tenor, and rt-ederlc Martin, basso. The accompaniments were by n selected band of Philadelphia Orchestra men whose work was supplemented by the great organ of Doctor Conwell'a church. There Is little to ray at this lain dale concerning the tnusle of thn "lle-nlah." which has outlasted ths transient successes of more than a century and n half. It may be simple and natte. and certainly Is not redundant In novel turns of musical ex pression or musical thought, but It wears wonderfully well. Its sincere religious ap peal cannot be successfully denied. The chorus eeemed to have a preponder ance of female voices, though domination by tho trebles waa obvious In only a couple of passages. The volume of sound waa ample even for the magnitude of the "Hal lelujah Chorus." the attack was good and there was a fitting sense of light and shade. Miss Morrlsey was try noble tn Interpre tation of the great airs "He Was Despised and Itejected or Men" and "He Shall feed His Flock," and her full, freely produced tones were a Joy throughout. Possibly the favored aria among ths many favorites Is "I Know That My Redeemer t.lvelh," and this Mlaa MaeMahon gave reverentially, with no trace of the concert platform about her rendition. Her voice seems peculiarly fitted to oratorio. "Why Do tho Nations" has been sung many times In this city by Mr. Martin, but never In present memory with such robustness and earnestness. Mr. Beddoe set a. fine pace In the very begin ning In "Comfort Ye My People" and gained new laurels In "Thy llebuko Hath Broken His Heart." W. It. M. evening ipn-pnmAiM.pmA , Friday, DECE&raER 22, igig VI0LENTEAZI0NIDELLE AUTIGLMIE SULIADIGE Le Bntterie Itolinnc Bombardnno cli Nuovo lo Opcro Ncmicho di Comcn ItOltA, 11 blcembr. It Mlntste.ro delta Ouerra pubbtlcavs. lerl sera II stguente rapporto del general Cadoma clren la sltusxione alio, fronte Itale-austrlaea- Kulla fronte del Trentlno at rona Rvute Aitonl ill arttgtltrla. special inente hell valle drll'Adlg e null'At' toplano del Hetta Comunl. dove sdno atate partlcohirmente violent. Aeroplanl nemlel hanno tentato raids sulle rtostre lines, ma in ogni caso sono stall mesal In fuga dal fuoeo delle nostra bntterie antlaeree. Sulla fronts delle Alpl Olulle lartl gllerta nemlc a' etata plu' atllva nll soba dl 1'lava. ad eat delta Vertlolblaaa a contro (lerlalit Mnnfaleene. 1 nostrn battrrle hanno rlapos'.o eraoa cemente al fueco del nemleo ed hanno ottenuto llrl dlrettl e bene asststatl sail opere nemkhe dl Comen 1 noatre squadriglle dl aeroplanl hatinh lanolato radere bombs sulla sta slons ferrovlarln dl Dortmberga, nella alls del Krlglde (Vlppacco) e sulie retnvle nemlche sul Carso. Nonoslanta II fuoco vlolentlsslmo di numeroso bat tetle antlaerce nemlche, tulte le noatre tardl pro' It aegretaH dl Stato splegava. rhe egll non avva Inteso dl parlare dl guemt e cha It governo amerlcano non In tendeva. affatto dl mutare la rotta delta sua poll Ilea. Nel Senato si tento dl far npprovaro la nota Invlata dal prtaldente Wilson alio potente betllgerantl, ma II senators Borah rluni-r nd Impedlrlo nddueendo II fatto che so ll presidents aveva tndubblamente buono region! per aglr In queslo senio, queato mm era II csso del Senato che era Invece aU'eseura dl tutto quanta'aveAn determinate rations dt Mr. Wllion, tnacchine rltornarono senia dannl ntt lore basl. s i. rnorosTA di wiusom Mentre perdura t'tmpresslon dl aorpresa. caulata rialla not del presidents Wllion sulla pace, hon solo In questa. ma in tutte ! attra eapltall alleate, a Bertlno ed it Vienna si nutrono pochs speinnxe dl un nrt-onlo prtmt che gll alleatl nbblano mtenulo la vlttorta. A Vienna per esempto t comment! del glornall riflettono lo atato itcU'oplnkine pubbllca. 11 Fremdenblalt, seeenrmndo al dltcorso recente deiivn. sonnlno hella Cn mem del deputatl. dlca: "Mentre Ton. Sonnlno nen ha rlgettato I'ldet della, pace. IJoyd Oeorge, nella. sua capadta' dl dlttatore delta (Iran ltrelagnn drU'Inleaa, la rerplngo. rrobabllinente II glorno vlclno In cul egll rlmptnngcra' dl aver measo la ttMa deU'lnteu In un no,ln worolo riRutandoal dl venire a pattl con There was an elaborate musical program is potente ctntrall. A Londr la not del presldente Wilson e' stala nccolta con marcnta freddetia In nanti tutto si domandano iv 1,0 nil rn che corn tuol aapera It presidents Wilson quando gll soopl degll atleatl pono stall ooal' chlaro mente deflnltl dalle potente alleate medelmeT quando lante Volte It hanno deflnltl rtpetutl I.loyd George, llrland.Hon nlno o Trepoff T 1 nuattrs prlnotpnll mlnlstrl dell tntrea hanno dlchtarat apcrtamcnle he te proposte tedesche dsvono mere con siderate ron sotpettn n mtno che In tier mania non si offra dl dare quatche naranxln del suo delslderlo slncen ill reasare la guerra, n han dla le condition! il! quail esaa o" dlspotta sd Intavelare la tratt.ttlve. WASlUNaTO.V. n C, :S Dlcembro. lerl It segretarlo dl Blato 1-anslng nvevn detto che gll Stall t'nltl si avvlctnaant sempro plu' alia guerra, do" cho aveva causAte Mve apprehentlonl ed allarml. I'lu P. H. T. Men IUto Carnival A Christmas carnival waa held at noon today among th fifty employra of the llapld Transit Company stationed at road way nhop No S. 113 Schuylkill avenue. In which a string band consisting entirely of youtg men employed at the shop partici pated. An amateur boxing exhibition with employra as ths principals was also ar ranged. Among the spectators were sev oral cfflctals of the corporation. For the Out-Door Man la trenf and erv- all Hindi weather, eleelnl nt rah )U4 r KasrttrM kin. laretl, lined ani. rfNv tiv,', zN i nia ana flS.VV2k Ireaole J mj. L T-rs - w,,n anetp nrtet tfELGREFMRFDr Wit VBNEST.Jssi?1 - $3.00 Fathtr Accuse Girl Eloper of Porjutr lIARt.KTON. !'., IHA J Mrs. Oeotg TfocablMum. of lAttlmer. w arrested on n eharge of perjury, prfrrvl by her father, and held under tJ80 ball for court, betause, he says, she cava her nga As twenty-one when ens ran away to Wllkes-Barre fw daya ago and was rnar Med. Ph Is only eighteen years Old, iac cording to the parent Frank Crane' Son'g Wife Killed NRW TOItK, Dea tx Mrs. Blanch S. Crane, daughter-in-law of Dr Frank Crane, writer and lecturer, was killed early today by a fall from th stx-story window of an apartment houte on West fteventy-nlnth street Shi wns th wife of James K Crn u actor l ! I " I I 1 I !, Xmas SftlRTS 3 rR 14 Thla Frlnm of nivra tio doubt wears Vndenlown Shirts. Wo don t see how he could rnlsa It IUO each or 3 for 8i.00 Attached or DetaehM Ctiffa A. Jl. Undcrdown's Sons Itaeber Oooila and Men's rViraUhtagS 202-204 Market Street r(aWthit Ktne lilt J"r tajjxsssxaaaaaaajLaaaaaaa4aaiAAtxsaj,AajjiaAaaajitajia,a Qj ,1 AMU' X .sslsk. 11ff &ZSS& W) tzs Prompt Automobile Deliveries of Christmas Supplies onoemta IMI'OHTBIig E. Bradford ClarKe Co 1520 CKostnut St. Hnruce SIS Itace 1457 taWTtntiiitiTtViTiYriites'amasTnn DIES IN HER 95Tn YEAR Mrs. Philcna Ynrnnll Wns Descondod From Pioneer Settlors WEST CHESTER, Pn., Dec. :J. Mrs. Phllena Sharpies Tarnal! died here In her ninety-fifth year, She was n de scendant of Joseph Sharpies, who settled In Hidley Creek, near Chester, In 1(33, nnd was the daughter of Jesse Shaples. She was married to Nathan Yarnall In 135. Mrs. Yarnall was a member of the Society of Friends and had many relatives In this community. Recently she broke her hip through a fall. WVVVVVViWVVV Any Man Appreciates a Diamond Stick Pin FOR CHRISTMAS Splendid chance ror nelectton here. Cach fpln set with n flashing genuine Allicneii aia mo n d. Trices up to $100. $10 Every -j-f .it diamond is guaranteed exactly a revre- tented. $ Call and see our marnlfl. cent stock of attractively S prioea joniiry. 5 MITCHELL'S Kltabllahed 1B7S 5 DIAMOND STORES 5 --. c O.U Ok RR N Sll. Q it VwVU)lnl Baeklat frae on requeal.it.t ' A S . B S20 ? ' vs. V i I I' llii HJMlUMSjj in,! i li Hii He Will Appreciate HIS GIFT More il" It Cornea From MARSHALL BUSH.inc. 113 So. 13th St. Below Chestnut Street The Larc.tt Dlatrlbntsrs at MANWATTAK Bblrta la l'lillail.pki (Open Katalais Until imi) There's a Gates' Store Near Your Home tik . - S&B&j, Jntl A. flfca a IsPii BK T Christma Specials 5 lb. Box of AA 5 lb. Box of Mixtures (27c lb.) 5 lb. Box of Mixtures (35c lb.) 5 lb. Box of Chocolates (35clb.) Boxes of Gift Oft- "P Phni-nlfltes. tJlyt CAocofaU . Hart-mad Toy. Candy Can and Batkett, vanoy J,""j"L"ui. S1.25 51.50 51.50 " $5 23 Qihft Slotm ivnsUMCArYCi. S. E. Cor. 7th sbi Mwltet Sta. SJ01 ti"Ml CM. i jMAii, I'lio.vR onnr.ns nt.i.Kii; STOItr. OfKNS 1A1I.T AT SlSO A. M. CLOSES AT P. M. MA1I. J) 1'llO.Si: OltDRRS ril.UlDH Here Are The Gifts For Last Minute Shoppers rrompt ueuvencs : spicnaia selections : uomplctc Stocks : Low Prices : Best of Service : Shop on a Transfer te&fffiZzszSR " . i." " ijin . Mall Order. Filled, (ATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Phone Order. Filled Market Eighth ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh -- 4 ---- -------------e Many Elegant FURS Await lasfrMinute Choosing Values That Excel Avu Ever Previously Offered at This Time of the Year, (iiiaranite uacks Every Artxcle. Our Broad $35 to $37.50 Black Fox: Sets, $29.75, $39.75 &$45 Muffs lixxll or melon shape. Scarfs In dnublo vhole skin or broad silk Until effect i $30 to $50 Red Fox Sets, $25 to $39.75 $10 & $!5'Kit Fox Sets, $29.75 & $34.75 $90 to $175 Cross Fox Sets, $79.75 to $150 Sts?.69'75 Hkunk opossum, border ami collar I Lit Ilrolliera SECOND FLOOR HUDSON SEAL COATS Collar and cuffs of contrastlne fur. Also many wlin borders. $80 Coats SG9.75 $100 Coats $89.75 $135 Coats $100.00 $160 Coats $115.00 $25 Fur Muffs, 15 Illack fox. Hudson sonl, natural while akunk, Kltch dyed skunk and black-and-white skunk, also roso wolf $80 to $200 Natural HI ink Sets, $69.75 to $150 $50 Japanese Cross Fox Sets, $39.75 nluc Fox Xcck pieces.. $20.73 to $39.7.ri Ji2.S0 American licit Fox Muffs, .S29.7". S30 Skunk .Muff $19.75 Kamchatka Fox Neckpieces, $31.75 to $59.75 . I 1 $70 Moire Russian Pony Coats, $57.50 Kull-llnro 5-lncli model, with deep border nnd collar of shiinu opossum gSto" flippers & Shoes for Christmas f Men's Slippers, Values $2.50 & $3 $1 QO & $0 Cn Romcps & Jjovf Cuts ' L VO 42,,OU $1.50 Romcos and Evcretts, $1.19 Women's E. Z. Slippers, $1.50 to$l - Q !? Vnlnpq J ? With padded soles. Various colors. Misses' & Children's $1.50 Felt Juliets Slses 7Qo I Sizes qqciSIim qqi to..., y ' i)S.to 11.. OO Un, toS..,0 Women's $1.75 Hand Crochet Slippers, $1.25 Children's $1.50 Felt Bootees, $1 lied felt with leather soles and heels. Various patterns on cuffs. Hliea B to 11. Men's $2 Slippers. $1.59 Iilack. and tan llomeos and nveretts. Also various color felts with padded soles. .Sires C to 11. Af&9ftvTJ iBfiMNGIK Men's & Women's Stratford Shoes & Women's of patent colt, uun-metal and Biased kldskln- Also " i.. !. nt l.tntr np brown Kill Wltn wnila Kltl umiera Man's In tan calf, patent colt, gun-metal And glazed kldskln. lasts. All wanted Lit Ilrathere FIRST FOIt, NORTH (aaaa-aasaaxaaa-aaaaaaassjjaasassaaaaaasaa-jaaaaaaaaAi.ajajai Save Money on These Fine Gifts of Leather Goods Hlandnrd Makes of Mljllih TtfrrehandUa $2 Leather Hnnd BaKS, $1.49 Kmart shapes In blue, i;ren, brown or black. Envelope Purses, $1.98 Illack pin seal. Nlcoly lined, $5.98 Draw-String $1 QO Hags ; 'VO Vehet. or silk, embroidered with cut steel beads, l-'lttrd with purso iinJ mirror. The Da Before Cnrtatmns Flsils ts'lflia The Most Complete Stock of Victrola Records in the Whole of Philadelphia 7nr(ui(nj7 mnny fatcinntlno 6rnAric-' December Iltconh logtlhtr tc( all the lavirite, flineJioiiorrd Vhrlslmm Ilumns ar.4 caro's. Buy on Oar Club Plan Pay at Convenient Hero are a few sucrentlons 1IAI.I.F.1.UJA1I CHOROS. .It Cam Upon tho Mldnleht T'lesr, Stlllo Nacht, Ilelllco Nacht, Hosannatv and nine Out Wild U tils. Vo Trailing -lamps "With Vlclrorna or Accords. LIT nilOTIlhltHFIFTH FU3011 : I , Still Time to Make Selection From Our Jewelry & Silverware Specials Unusually Well Filled Stocks of Good Qualities, Economically Priced Men's Solid Gold Waldemere Chains fZ '-?1254.98, ?7.50 & s9.98 Values . A fashionable chain for nny man rjcyjiie 'liAWjft viJ-iil EMBLEM JEWELRY (lolf-nilnl Holtd Oold Charms. 1'lns. Uncltets, iluttons. In cluded nro SSd drrree Masons, Maa trr Masons. ICnlglit" ut Columbus, Knlchts Templar, I'.IUs. ctir. $7.50 to $12.50 La Vnlllercs, $1.98 to $9.98 Solid cold. Set with diamonds nnd precious stones. $3.75 to $6.50 Cuff Links, S2.98 to $1.98 Solid Bold, Hundreds of protty styles. $7.50 to $12.50 PRINCESS PEARLS, With Diamond Clasp, $1.98, $7.50 & $9.98 Kvenly strung or ,, graduated beads. White iiold clasp with nenulno diamond. $2 nnd $2.50 Pearl I Qgc Beads Jvo. Oval nnd baroque effects In neck lenRth; also opera lenth in KrAduated beads. Cream or pink tints. $3.50 Sandwich Trays, $2.98 35c to $6.50 Brass Jewel Caocs, 5c to SJ.03. $2 to $15 Urass Clocks, $1.25 to $12.50. 75c to $7 llrasH Frames, COc to $4.08. Guaranteed non-tarnlsriabte. , Men's $5 to $10 Gold- cgd ) $3.98 t0 $7.50 With safety Ruards, Silk Hlbbon Fobs, $2.98 to $5.50 With. Plain and Chased loekeU Koine limn Mnaunle, l(, of C, J'.lk And other society emblems. ' QuadrupU'Plated Ware $9 Toilet Sets, $7.50 Three pieces. $2.50 Powder Boxc3 & Hair Receivers, $1.75 Sterltmr lops; pressed Klaus bowl. $G Baskets, $4.98 $7 Jewel Boxes, $5 Lit Ilrolliera FlltST KI.OOR, SOUTH 1 $2 Leather Shopping Hags, 08c J leather lined. Haiity 'Joe m j $9 Leather Traveling Bags, $7.98 Oenulno cowhide. leather lined 11-Inch alio with sowed corners J.U IlrotheraKIRST FLOOR. JTIt ST. --, Our December Clearance Can Stylishly & . Economically Answer Every Last-Minute jCall for Smart Outer Apparel There is a marked saving an each fiarmcnt, and styles are the season'a smartest. For jT17 SIS & $16.50 Coats, $Q jrcj Two-toned mixtures, many trimmed with wool plush and lare cape collars. Looas or belteJ Men's Furnishings fienWISeJsuSomoate Misses' $20 Coats, $15 .a ...(...I ..aI...... ulalif. ihI,,iip., nn 1,av r UUViCn, nw) v(wm,, iimiun. ,,,,, hh. ,,.. n-,-- ssys the majority are. belled and many are trimmed wt!i Novelty bouclcs, luige capo collars They are half or fully lined Low Priced for Christmas S6&$7Houso$498 All wool, In plain color and checknl cloths, "Sport style" with plaited bck and notch collars. O i-nm-.-i'ii-'-'"1 - '"V r $5 Blanket Bath X $349 I Robes ..,, J Y lixtra heay wool roblnir lJr collar, pocketa and girdle. $5 Silk Shirts, $3.98 Exceptional quality Pretty plain and novelty trlpJu effects, in beantlful col orlnits. Soli ouRs. Any One of Them Would Make a Splendid Christmas Present i OVERCOATS? I'M'i' . io-.- I "I UlVV-iJ.k milmr mill furm.llllltiff. lloubU or alnila breaalcd moUl. $12 to $18.50 Values. . . .$10 & $11,75 $18.50 & $20 Values $13.75 & $15 $25 & $32,50 Values $18 & $25 v- Csaaertatlv and amart pinch- list- styles. SUITS $13.50 to $10.50 Values, $9.75 ft $11.75 $22 & $25 Values $15 & $18 $18 & $20 Values $12.75 & $13.75 t Boys' 5 Suits I $3 f i & Coats I Vl0 Boys' $4. Ker;Sad525 - noo Caw " j 65c Fine Silk i Neckwear. ... ! Persians, brocades, self figures and fanoy stripes. Largo four-in-hand with IUl--y band. Only enough for tomorrow's selling. , IHIH ll HI $3 SHk-and-Cotton Shirts, Soft Cuffs. Beautiful material in pink, blue Hvin- ruuTorlVTH i JJf-.-aCO-OR.TTUT. 49c $2.19 Gift Special $10 Halncoats, S7.98 Caalimore In tan. gray, olive and Oxford, with cemented seams, storm collars and ruffian sleeve. IJcth women's and misses' alaes. w For Women $22.50 Coats, $135Q Of wool vclour In brown, green, gray, blue and black, with braid-bound e-ges. deep collars and belts. Also smart fur-trimmed mixture On, sketched. -J. women's $-.5U.L.oats, 5- Wool velour. plush, duetyns and hroailolol'i Some with dean border, and capo oollsr of plush t other trimmed with velvet or bubv lamb cloth. Women's and Misses' $16.75 Suits, $ 1 O 7 C Tailored and fur-trimmed style. . J Poplin and broadcloth In navy blue, black, grooit and brown. Lit ilralhcre SBCON'D FLOOR ,VlWlA.WWVVlltVllWVtAV1 MiAAA-V.VIAVSy-t Toilet Articles Hosiery & Underwear Gifts Any Woman Wilt Appreciate Twe-Panla bulla I'lnob-baek Norfolk A ID pittl-S anu jr-WH itu if; muiuira. jl iv iu,-itjr a iha i , i.mi Y N-rolU Msekluawa illaakat platd. A I'laelibaeH 1'ula it'll unincnui- JW- .50 $0 QEL Raincoats ' -- With Hat to Miteli.- Of bombailne stolh. with cemented I seam. Uuaranted Hlse i to 11 year. Women's $1.75 I! h-$1 .49 Grade Silk Stockings Illack and color. Also blaok-wlih white clocks and wimi Richelieu ribbed. Thread-Silk Stockings, 55c In black, whits and color. Spite) tea Y- 4t- r$ V--0 -00" X 4 &- and heel, re-enforoad lop. Handkerchiefs -.fX'?' Men's Initial Handkerchiefs : Pure .IJ.nen $1.25 H.U.D.n QCC v,,t, Quarter inh hm ml block JnitiaU. 20c Men's 39c Silk Handkerchiefs OC All whIM with block initial. f W Women's 50e Madeira HandkercWefa 9Kr irtna sei-U stua. ( ' v hUdrea's 25c 'Kerchlefg, Box of Th-, J5c IM f-lfr.--iiiT tX XOKTif, Attractively Priced Fine Gift Gloves Women's 2 Frcn Kid $f 7Ef Gloyes, Two-Clasp i. .;,.-' HWctt or won., who sejr or un ment Women's $2 & $2,25 Genuine Gray$i 7c Mdcha Gloves, One-Clasp ?1.25 Women's $1.50, Cape Gloyes. , . Wafthi1:i0. la tan or nurl. Oiui elanO. Men's $1.75 & $2 Cape Gloyes, I $-1 E( I Tan Shadea s " ' Ut alU-rt-i-Ui-T r5WK SOMTH $1.25 Thread-Silk Stockings at . . . .". , illok- whit and dolor Iilgh-M)li4 hael, double sol and ra-anfor-sd top. 98c $1 Italian Silk Chemise, $2,98 Pink or white with pretty lag irt-unln. Various putter-. ) IVORY SETS AND PIECES f 15teT.letS998 Ten places. In Urge- white fanoy box,. $7.50 Manicure & T-Het Set, Complete, $5,98 In fancy base. Klht plem. $1.50 Manicure Sets, 98c Attractively boxed $1 Jewel Boxes, 59q $1 Puff Boxes & Hair 7E Receivers ot $2 Clocks, $1.49 $ljiPvory Trays, 9$c $2,50 Italian Silk Vf 1 QQ ramfanl. ' f 3F Camisoles Pik or whita. . PrwUy fU-IMfiia. pwnR M mi pii i',inii Mui" I ''" '. "tt im'ii., Hudnfl'8 Perfume $f Og Seta l ? Iwm .oiut water, talcum p-wr M MP, Li J-SS.T- Wm m BMyMw wtmm, mtmm -visit evx uWA.HAair.i-J o- vi8--( ah uarit yJ4ifc firm o DIm- Kt Prri- Sate. X Wki St Tttt, Wafer a. kCMJIIC- t Ut rr- FUUr4llMW -flWfi J i i sjnr flBl m