w!jHwam;Mgij"fli-fwwyj inijniyiii'iygi! fe- -. ,Jr FIRE HORROR ENDS CHRISTMAS HANS , i. . William Glazier, Now Telc- ' phone Operator, Describes Twctfttolidays in Hospital - Bureau's "jimmy keatii" t - Th "Jimmy Kath" of th lluren.ii of nt lntn! to enjoy a Merry Christmas sfMr ' on du l0 hlm '" P'menl tor th loss of two successive Christmas O) mJ l" hospital mifferlnic from Injuries i iurrl at tho ureal! calamity recorded k'j the annals of the Hureau of Vltt- the Kiflilrtictlon of the Vrletllantter factory ftadlne street below uirarti avenue un the foul nil" of December 1I-J5. 1910. Thirteen memoera ui mc nurcnu went 'dawn to aeawi on - "o i iinHc Bit! nofldsys and mora than a wore nursed Ifrsllured bonea or other wounds In hos 'flUl ward on December SS, 1910 WHIlatrt O alailer. now telephone oper i,,. at the hlah-oressure iiurmiltiK station ten !hl(th aenu west of Sixth street, was pcor n "cr LIVED I .nuku iiui.Na After an unprecedented experience tinder bthf ruin' 01 inn iiunim imviuij- wuuse fMTt md wall rollnpsetl like n house of Franl. Olaxler, then a nosemsn on angina k'o I, was duir out of tli debris at l: JJ 1 o'clock on Thursday, December 22. taken to i 1 Joseph's Ifospltal. to undergo a petlwl rof treatment lasting; sixty-three weeks and It constitute" an unparalleled case In med Ileal as well as Fire Kureau records t Monday. Christmas Day. 19 If will rind ithl survivor of tha t'hlladelphla Klre llu rau's blackest tragedy ehjoylnic a dny nt 'his home. 2511 North Howard street, show. lnr no traces of his frightful ordeal save . a htelless foot that Incapacitates him from active service but In no way Interferes ywlth his cheerfulness or his duties at the pumplm: station "rm KvM( to ha a Merrv Christmas thl J5f. I hopo," snld (llasie- s'nlllnc. 1 then iffJdlnir a bit more cautiously, "but I f Mllanned a Merry Christmas s'x ears sjjo with my wife and son Hut something 'MDDtned that spoiled my plans and those ef ths followlnif Chrlitmas as well I mtin the Dodlno street fire. Thirteen of our .fellows -went out tnac nicm nn never re. turned to their Matlons Forty or fifty ethers were taken to hospitals an J most of &thtm spent their Christmas In the accident Irdi. i "Charlie Edelman. of our rotnuanv was kerne of those who neer came' back OeorRo fWtnts was one who was luck enough to 11 eicipe alive from Uodlne street, where he ' seriously hurt but on Christinas Day. ; lilt, he died In St Mary's Hospital front 'a, broken back received when he nan tossed eff the wagon on CJ Irani aenue on the way J to another fire a couple of weeks before ".Vo; I'll never forget that Christmas or what led up to It 'ity wife and I had planned to have1 a (tree for our boy, then eight years old. and wnye It wasn't my day off we had every Klhltur prepared to celebrate the day as best rw could. TUB FATAL CAM. "I was a 'two-meal man' at that time I Frot back to the station In Kttst Montgnm jl'ery avenue, below Glrnrd nvonuc. on that ' Wednesday nlaht nhont 9 nVlni'lc. t hadn't ftjien In the house morn than fifteen minutes rwaen tne 'joker tappen err it was rrom IBox 304, at Third street and Olrard ave time, one of our first-alarm runs We got Nut In a hurry and when we located the friUute Edelman and I were sent tn tl.e sefnnd ISU. l,t. 41. & 1ln Wk lan! V .. . M In n&VA put a few minutes when t heard a crash fflfht above us Wo dropped the line and Vtn, for the window Hdelman must have reached It, but I didn't I ran Into a workbench my hat caught on n nrotrudlnc Jti Jet and I went down T don t reqiem jjber anything for the next twenty minutes Jor to, when I came to and found myself ttlaned down by the debris t heard the fellow calling for help, so I jelled also ! "Presently I saw a reflection and heard the rescuing party working to reach us iTfcty were above me and they let down a pope. My right arm was pinned down by some of the fallen timber so 1 tried ti 6 grasp the rope with my left arm. but I couldn't move It I found out later that my fleftarm and both ankles were broken. "I lay on my back, night above me were two plecea of shafting that made a n-rt of i wedge. They looked as If they mlelit come tfdoirn any moment nnd cmsh me to death "Really, that shafting was my salvation, -for It held up a broken rafter and pre kttnted any more of the debris falling In eon me. "In the meantime the rescuers iere trv- Flng to get a rope around my legs to haul , 'a uui mm way (iikiu in ins niiusi ni ii. Nown came tho other wall. That was when Smoit of the victims lost their lives. I 'hit managed to swallow a little liquor btstt they let down to me on the rope, but (When th second VolUpee came everything cut off again FOOD AND Alii THROUGH TL'lli: "I called nut far liIn n arnnil lime Jkut couldn't Ktt a reply, I thought It was Jl up with me. but after a time I heard nUiem coming nearer, and they answered my llhout. I could talk to them, but we L couldn't see each other then for the piles of debris, our only communication was hn they would pull on the line and I Lwpuld answer back. I "After a while Doctor King, of the Med- Ko-Chlrurclcal Hosoltal. took charge nt I rtny case. Us dropped a tube with a light jjscnea. ana In this they let down liquid food and pumped oxygen Into my mouth. . "Toward morning I felt my feet and Mf burning. I thought I would be burned w atatn. The boys turned a line of water JBlo where I waa pinned down and relieved .that danger, but tha water kept backing ; UB Until It rr.hrf mir n.oilfa .,1.1 f ffd I would be drowned, So they turned vu, leaving me In a pool of ley water b that nearly frox. me Yhen they had made a hols bla enourti ae of tha men waa lowered by a rope, out h Jumped on my broken legs and t nad to ask thm tin! tn nflntlntie that I effort to release me. It tried to raise one leg but It fell back i M ' Paralysed My left arm waa bent ack of m.e I found out later It was caught rm pulley Finally, they aawej through a machinery over rtiy head and lifted me gout, i had been In that pcalllon from S 45 Sftclock Wednesday night until IS S5 p. in rTnurcaav. iimM, Anun nn,,M K 1l "f recall them putting m in an am. j,Buinca and hearing: the ahout as we gal- ,ea out Qlrard avenue to 8L Joeepha . Mospltal a they laid me on the table In receiving ward I remember looking at (at clock and nntlnlnc th.f It mi ten mlBttt to one. Then I went over f - DOClar Tlarst-an at... tmessklttil tataltY WOtd wmi cocalna Into m. and tby JPPd mi In aevtra) la of blanlwU sd botwatv bottUie ELEVEN DAY3 OF DKI.IRIUM EK .. Thy ,,n m wne" ' 'eached the . t!Zi ., wa oius ana tney were ainu would fres tqt iatb from the effect of mug sq long in tha ley water of that eel- If It ttnr BMU. ... . i,.u. sh. nut - iav Mn uuuil I.U IIMH "- t,ho; th bed as chill after chill aeJxed V vvii nnaily they oyercame this danger AIW HEVPNTBEN WEEKS IN BOX "For SSlenfftan uaL n-u hrnliin Ann f waa uj a fracture bo My ahoulder aad ' Sr "'t-tnch gaJ in my head. I waa gr "wcuia ln i, ani j,tn wa( anoweu w4i ,a wheeling chair. c.wa tn nrat operaiwn n my I DM kfnb a Kb K X kaMI 5d wy o4 tea doctors war afraid eaWsW J(ka3av' kfaeflsaei MeBBsaV HiiafaavalLaaaavakiafto liafKHHilaaVaaV WILLIAM G. GLAZIKU KJreflffhter, who Intent!) to make up this time for two Chrlstmascs spent in hospital. that danger disappeared On August II they grafted eighteen square Inches tit skin from my thigh on the burned foot, and on August 10 the operation was repeated ") .September It I was able to go about on crutches, nnd on December Vmost one i j ear tn Iho day after I was admitted to the hospital! nAs allowed to go home. 1 tell ou. I wss glad to get out. even If I did have to report back to the hospital dally for treatment "This lasted lees than three weeks, and the next. Christmas tlnio .found m again In the hospital Kr)slpelas reappeared In the burned foot, and Doctors Nassau. Spel llsiy nnd Ds Costa on March l. 1912. de rided that It was ncceixary to take off pnrt of the fool They performed the oper ation ami on April 1 t waa out sgnln on crutches The ,ort shoe wss made for me on July t: 1012, and 1 have worn It ever since I got a new shoe later In the eur. w.th n brnre. but the Utter part of tho oaint I on!) v,ear for pa't of the dav The burned tissue still has to be treated wire In n while, but tloen t Inter fere with my work "Of course, I rnuldn't go back to tire dut). so un May 2R. 1911. t was assigned as operator to the pumping s'atlun at Delawire avenue anil Hare street. Ijitet they nt iim here, as being nearer to lit) home COMIIADR CIU'.SIUID TO DUATII ' 1 was In the hnpltal rust slxty-thren weeks, hut I nm lurkter than Charlie K1 man, whu wai caught right beside me. Poor fellow" He got to the window all r ghl. hut he mut have been carried duwn when that second crash came, for 1 was told his bod was found that night under the debris on the ravement. "It Is Impossible for me to describe the sensations I endured while under thoso ruins t am thankful that I got out nnd am able to enjoy myself Today I am bet ter off than most of the boys In the bu reau. I'p hero 1 hav e a twenty four-hour tour of duty, with alternate d off f am he.irtll) with the men In their right for shorter hours nnd I would like to see the whole depnrtmont organised on a ) li tem like we have It If I can help In any way to bring about a change for the better, or If my experience rmmta with the public In suggesting consideration for the fire men. I will be glad 1 hope It won't taka n repetition of the Itodlne street horror tr. awaken popular sentiment In the liurrati of I'lre" Olaxler, except for the short shoe nnd a si ght limp, exhibits no outward evidence of his experience He has come to bn a "hutnsn barometer," he rs, the sensitive nerves of the shortened limb itlvln advance notice of weather changes. His disposition Is nlwss sunn), however, his comrades de dare, and to thin trait they attribute In great measure ha survival of the terrible ntteen hours on the eve of that fatal Christ tnus six jenrs ago CANADIAN SEPARATION FUND REVEALS SORDID "ROMANCES" Government Discovers That Troopers in Many Cases Left More Than One Wife Behind Them To Solve Problem at Important Conference Uncial Currtipo'ttmci Kvnla Ltdatr MONTHKAU Dec 18 AN' INTKItHSTINa phase of a recent de XX clslon handed down by the Canadian Government at Ottawa I attracting the heated comment of some of tho most promi nent women In Montreal and other cltle When war wa declared, and Canada' faithful son prepared to fight for the mother country In fact, the very first day that enlistment and recruiting began Canadian women In all the large cities or ganised the work of supporting and visiting tho homes of the soldier. A fund of mora than three million of dollara was sub scribed to th Patriotic Fund In Montreal, an Institution which show a perfection of management and a taft of workers number ing the wealthiest and moil brilliant women tn the Dominion. When the khakl-clad men and boy waved their laat from the huge transport that were to take them to "omwhere In rnnc the soldiers' wive and mother returned to their home secure In th knowledge that they were to be provided for during the anx lou month of waiting For It only re quired tha nama of the Boldler company and hi number, and a copy of the marriage certificate, to etabllh a claim to hi ep aratlon allowance. ThI I where the trouble began. Some time two, and often mora than two women, claimed separation allowance from one man, Bigamy case that would probably never hava been known came to light au tomatically when th unfortunate women met at the dingy little office where they came to ak upport for their little one It would requlr th wldorn of Solomon to tell who was deserving of th moneyhers were two or more women with absolutely no mean of livelihood In many ca Ig norant of the fact that thy were not legally married to the man whose separation al lowance they claimed MUa Florence Jteed, secretary " th Patriotic Fund, acknowledged that h was "tuck" Fund were too preclou to b used on the undeserving, o the question wa put before th Government at Ottawa. After much discussion th decision a handed down that the women with whom the soldier had livid i month prior to bU .nlUtment should receive hi expiration allowance ThI ruling w received with much Indignation among soelal worker "...'. o i rmln.nl Members in Montreal K,w."- - -"' . , of th Patriotic Fund announced their In tention to. realgn Tney usvisrsu ... w L. d not work to wpport a daw of un- de.lraW women . "What good l a roarn . -----they "If the legal wife la paa4 by and the tney, " """ . Thl deeldon is ruey- woan in Can- Ida. If w am iv .- . ---women of ihlrelaa wa prefer to resign. It Oovernment get paid aoolal worker to ""olhera who wa no: o dra.tlc In their v ."' .1 a nraltat. which I to b8 prentea v . Cib-omn. auffrs- ?!! !7r.r tha sxrtintry wiU be wre KBt4 by Ml- Beed. BVBNIKO- LEDfimi-PHlXADELPHlA, FRIDAY. BE0KMBI3K 22, JACOBINOFF'S FLAME ILLUMINATES RECITAL Clever and Popular Violinist Heard In Sadly Selected Program Faseha Jacobinoff'a electric p'ecodty a a tlQllnitt has been recorded In this news paper twle recently when lie played aa aololet with th Nw York riillharfnonle Orchestra, under Josef Stransky, nml pri vately before the Doraen Society He bowed professionally to an nudlene that nearly filled Wllherepoon Hall last night It was his ritlt public- recital here, at least since he has put aside ohlldlsh thing and adapted -Jacobsen Its his more euphonious current name It Is easy to understand why Mr Jaeqbt noft has so taken the fancy of many per sons who like their muslo heavily pplced and scented Ha Is as clever an can be He has learned almost nil the traps and snares of cunning wherewith the virtuoso catches the popular ear Above all things, he Is facile, fiery, with a kind of stlngless rlame. and as quick and darting as a fork of lightning Ijvtt evening the Inadequate c ..million of his Instrument oevcudonally turned the glitter of his mer.ts Into a mere glass of surface htllllsm-e And the artist did not aid matters by very audibly tuning his string while ths piano accompanist. Clifford Vatighan. was still plslng. Only extraordinary absorption or unaccountable carelessness can b cited In his behalf for this piece of atrldence Vhn It Is added that the program was not the best In balance nnd individual worth, and that in spite of It Mr Jacob! noff again "got ' h s audience with his cus tomary assurance nnd promptitude, the tribute to his power Is plain Ileglnnlng with CorclU's Seventeenth Centur) "Vnrls llons Kerlruees." a eompne)ltltm of cloying dullness but merciful brevity, he plajed with leaping vplrlt nnd vivid abandon. I) Atnhroslo s isincerto In 11 Minor followed, nil the galvanic qusl ly of the music snap ping from the strings like bits of instal To heap the Pellon of teihnU-nl stunts In this work on the Ossa of the Curelll number was a boyish fam-v justified In the eparktlng and sprlghtl) manner with which he ful filled the rtxm remeuts of Iwih it w.n like a great collection of colored rockets. The reM of the program contained as 'features Schumann's Ourten Melodle" snd 'Am Hprlnshrilnnen ' the Istter with nn extranrdlnar) display of difficult bow ing, the well-knnwn Weber-Krelsler Idir ghetto nnd the more than well-known lion dlno. b) Vleuxtemps. one. of ee's pet pieces There were nlso conventional clip pings from the hook of Hi-humtnn. Ileger, llrahms and others. The whole made up an nmaxlng testi mony to the Ingenuity atid the srholurshlp of this britllnnt vouigster If he Is not deep, nor gentle, nor known tn humtllt) yet he Is nevertheless n violinist of potent prom'se n restlesj Intellect And his grip un the crowd Is vise-like II l. DKUXKL CHKISTMAS CONCKUT Oratorio Selections Arc Ciivcn by Metropolitan Quartet The annunl Christmas program In the Drexet Instllute's exrtlleiit series of freo public concerts was given laM evening be fore n large and enthuslsstlc audience In accordance with tradition, Its character par took of the Yuletlde season Kxcerpl.i from tho standard oratorloM were sung, with, ot course, a considerable lev) nn the musical nnd seasonal rlchc-i of Handel's "Mes siah." the work of all others most appro priate to the period of Noel The Metropolitan Quartet was charged with the artistic fulfillment of the program nnd discharged Itself of the task with muih credit to Iteelf and much enjoyment to ll'i hearers The personnel of the Metropolitan Quartet Is Ahbln Keel), soprano, Clsri Yocum Jo)ce contralto. NeUon A Chesl nutt. tenor, and John Jay Joyce Jr bneso These sterling artists gave of their best In solos, duets and concerted numbers Many of their selections were well known, but this did not create tho lonlempt bred by famlllarlt) . on the contrary, foreknowledge of the measures and the meanings aug mented and heightened the pleasurn of the audience James M. Dickinson was nt tho organ and h b accompaniment furnished sub stantlal support to the solus and ensembles The next Drexel Institute freo public con cert will take place Thursday evening of ' Christmas week situation over which they have no control thr) may have to pay the price of their Ignorante and endure the scorn of their neighbors. The wonderful work of the fund cannot be overestimated Supported entirely by public subscription. It has administered medical aid and material comfort" to thousands uf Canadian women. Visitor cover every section of Montresl from peaceful Verdun to the great wards ot the Grey Nuns' Hospital, where many of the wounded are brought A missing soldier ran be traced, a letter to hlm I sent by the fund direct to ths Government at Ottawa whence It I sent to Its detlnatlon There Is not one Canadian, out of the thousands who are fighting somewhere In Franca to day. who cannot be accounted fqr. Crowds of men and women stand before- tho bulle tin boards of the newspaper In rain and snow and aero weather, wntchlnr tne casualty Hit aa they are posted three, time dally. Thl la the only way you can tell the toll of war the Canadian women never apeak of It. WINTEB KES0RT3 ATUNTIO CITV. N. J. pt&r& VjtTLANTICCITY un i Opcrvot cdlscasorur " or uc xcaij j rocoanlsed ..standard or excellence, Cu:,t600. WWERJ.BU2BY. nrefltsJlBtMHThTaoflHtVrOfiLO fflatffioroujfiIenliain ATLANTIC CTTY.N.J. OWHISSH P MSJUkOf MINT infllAM VMITfc.ONa CQMPSIIV vTZ-.r-.t Ky . aesr Bescli. Kiera- WCSUHU'Stc .,- , ,, ,,rlr. n,,,. run a water. It up wiy. up dally Cbas. Ilulire oiji vr. cquroiiT, va. HOTEL CHAIV113ERLIN gwlBualaz yul. CM. Bw (ooaCauns EiiotyrM"' Pl s4 TixtBSa ""u IO. r, 1DAM. MS e "-w wmrfmm pesg - w ASK ilr. Vosur, at Ulh ao4 CaesUiul 1U.1 Ceaks' Tours. 1ST B. Ureal St.. Uw Vsaoa. It. U, Co.. Kia Ctautnut at . aod Ldsr Csotrat. AUOISTA. UA PARTRIDGE INN u vv PABTnirxiH a r I'ustiiNa OJMN DEC Ell U EH TO MAY UlM haalA.1 ftlCflrbl mlmVAla USlVmt CA11- Aaw. I K,m Ba,Uf an raal aNaw - -" '." T-"--T .1" -Jil.u.- ."iTr. wltk U. i "".L -2y..T i- -.'" -i.. T;..-. --5 UWHWf, ,!W, lUi rwimfi tec bwwhm imuhv iw Two It-ae Iif ui mji loo. UkK euMuss, LAKtmuou. N t X KATIILYN WILLIAMS IN A HUMAN "MELO" "Rcdeemliifr Iovo," nt the Stan- ley, Hlgh-Wntcr Mnrk for Morosco Ur the I'hotoplnr Kdllor 9TANLKT "Redeefsles it," Xtemsre Psrs meant. wllh Kathlrn Vvnilm srel Thoesss Ifettiinr atery by I V JeBtrsen sent ttsrrt nr llnnllnr. .Hmited fcr VVUIlam I) Tsjler rhetwrsrhed by llemer feett Althotigh It's hsnl to feel ninth s)mtthy with a clerical hero whose principal ex plait Is being robbed and knocked nut twice, the latest Morosco feature h the high-water mark In narrative, production and, best of all. In human warmth, of th company Iteglnnlng with th baldest old est situation In dram that of th bub bling sinsll town girl lured from home by a 'city chap ' et gambler It progresses Into a melodrama plotted with theatrical skill and regard for chatscter value The girl, whose faith In her Ideals Is soured by her educer' cynicism, nnd who makes money her Idol Is quite natural, and there I a general absence ot rant nml cant In the story and the acting, though Mr Hold ing doesnt suggest nt all the decent, well meaning chap mad clear In the printed word It's significant that she hates, not the Gambler but the life surrounding him Ths old-fashioned movie element Is sup plied by the dash over a cliff of a motorcar bearing th two crooks, leaving .Mlrw Wil liams, who, with ths quietude of th experienced cinema player, l natural throughout to replace the abstracted funds (of her own saving) In the safe of her min isterial adorer Solid and expensive sets used In the nim are hardly matched by ths camer-t wurk. though this Is good enough Mr Tajlor uses n greenish tint for day scenes with Incomplete success The censor's usual snipping, with th usual rensorlous misspelling, fill to mar ths pictures tense moments AllfAOIA -"The Heiress t Toffee li' " TrUnst llim Arts With litle love siory he HsrnsM Mrt'vnnell tnreeteit !,r tMwsrd lUPen lletssle I.ove Is growing up At an) rate she gives us In The Heiress of Coffee Dan's" a ure enough hint of tho fine wom an she will be when she gets Into her twenties The story of the Hlm Is ordinary enough Just a good nld-fashlunad )nrn about some society crook who discover n long-lost heiress and fatten on her good fortune until she Is only Just saved from marriage with one of them b bit of coincidence and a fight Some excellent directorial detail nnd some fresh Incidents enliven the tale ami permit Miss l.uve to remain as charming u comedienne as alio lus atuav been since her singular earlv Itnll.m beaut) flashed upon the Fine Arts screen Hut more) than that, the Mlm gives Mls I.ove u chance to dress her hair In twentv -two-year-old fashion, and look well quite as line-spirited as nny leading woman lod.v With "The Holrtss at Coffee lum's" goes a cracking good Ke) stone In the usuul crncklnj; good t)l, "tfafely Flret Am brose" It Is all full uf Murk .S v . 1 1 1 and n trick hnrre which gallop upstairs and over beds, and 'buffalo' a saloon generally. In addition, Hnaln drives a nail with n ru- volvrr shot nnd a looomutlve stands quite still while Its wheel revolve furlousl) upon a grrasia truck One of the features of the Klelne-lMlson-l.inn) service during 117 will be plc turltatlnn of three Cohan and Harris pln)H at the Iuiimy studio The rights tn ' Haw thorne, of the I' S A " done on tho stage ti Douglas Fairbanks, "Voting America" the lio-nnd-dog piece which utilised the famous canine, Jasper and "tin Trial." seen Hi Philadelphia at the Garrlck this seaaon have been purchased b) President Spoor Prggy Hvland and Marc McDermott will STEAMSHIPS HAVANA SVBK Ideal climale and surround ings. Splendid modern hotel. Horse racing at Oriental Pailc. Sailings from New York Thursdays &Saturdayi. Hxcellent passenger accommo dations on fast twin screw steamer sailing under th American flag NASSAU BKSs Polo, tennis, golf. urf bathing targe capacity hotels and a de lightful social life Hailing from New York Thursday ,Vrv, (alee a ursk snic beolsslstr Jan. . iJ7 eeluerit Jtcktonvillf, fla. ana .Vaiau Mexican cruise Z days, Includ ing Havana, Cuba, Progrcao and Vera Crux, Mexico Mail ing fortnightly on Thursday WARD LINE CVUORK&CUIUMAILS.S.CO. n,l,l USil,,. ( sf Will ll.h I llranib Tfekel nfflc. ;m tbestaal HI., rhUsdetphU. p9TTtTTTnfirTr$1tMntt11rWTrlTTTr9 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY TRIPS From New York to I NASSAU, $QA 10 lo 10 day , J v-,y yB a uai ai wa Me. ...w.w dS DnllOr IE HAVANA, sott"' 10 lo 10 dav J i da at sa, 4 t 10 dars atltsr Including; first cabin berth and tnealj, also hotel cxpennes. Large, new twin-serew Amer ican steamships sailins under the American flatr Special laiiings from New York Dec. 21, 23, 28, 30 Writ fr Utereslls UUrtm a4 detailed laferiaatle. WARD LINE Nw York & Cuba Mall S, S. Co. thai OffUte, r f H - w Yrk llrauth Tka.t M, ll Chistaat Htrsel, rhUadebhU IqiimiuuimiiiiumuMiiiuiitj FLORIDA ur 8EA. l'HiiJvrjeu'iiiA to JACKSONVILLE 11a tKMiaer U '". . ? SUTiss jyLuUsad Pas TfHr ' ertb tuiueWo. Th rUtl,MUt.s.T,l,. I tJM WWU' n y rrib ttt xefiuoa bei featured tn VltaaraBha fotlhcrtmlng ptthluctmn of icdith Ellls'a play. "tary lansn in. incHiemaiir, uo you recall that Mary Jans was enacted by CJretehen tfftrttntiHt tsst m aaI11(.I4 famlla miViah Ihe comedy was In tha legitimate thealrcsf Il of trick photography waa needed, to rnako "Snow White," tha Famous riayerV fantasy which cornea tn tha Stanley next week Msglc ami wltehenvft. of course, predominate In the tat It Is In lx reels. Instead ot five Theatrical Baedeker ClAltrtlCK fnsbnN CloerseteeV with rrtttl tehePf.jBd Jenersen De Apsell. Crau turd ttent, VTIlTlsm llarrlssn. Clarear Itsr ver, Amelia flummrvin, A I lee It, reman snd llrsre deett resitltut a teod csst. Hook enlj passsbl. LITTIJt TltEUTnn "' Netee Can Tell." with CAarlea Ii Mltebell, Oorothr Mbslmtr Use. Vsrts User anA th Stat Bocletr t'lay. ers AJmlrsWs rsrlrsl. l.tltlC "Cltltlssllsn." Themss It lace's ms tten pleture rertrsrtni the nerrsrs et war nJ Its eiellement of battle en land sn.l a snl In th air. Ssrsrb msrtlsl spec laels am sentimental srrnbetlsm. IxmHRBT "rhlivCtiln." with DsvM Monlrom err snd fVeJ Htene, Iteturn eniatemsot "t the rnpolsr musieal sxtrsvsrsnss, with th r smetis renieuisn iprlrx In tarleus lm VsrseaalleR. AtlMl.t'ltl "Kiperlenee." with Krnest Olen llnnln A "meMsrn nwrsiur lr." with inor humannees than irsenl "Kverrwemsn There's a larse essl, illtndlnnlnc act u rerbly. r rortfMfe prcm WAMCUT "Molt and Jeffs .Vedlnf." In which Mult snd Jert illsrort thsmsetre In a new aulse, Melclrams. fare musle and trarssaniA mltM In tho entertainment. srocic KNirKRnnoCKKlt "The Ilaroe." with Jehn lirsns ami Anna ItohnrtT lUflrsI of ntl mlraMs iirams, lir It H HViaon, orlalnallr r'sre tr Ilenrr illller atiit Uura Hep Crsirs. rn.iTunr mux STANt HT "The Tratellnr Halesmsn," with Prink Mttnurs. an Mr en J Mrs Rltlner Hew, tn ' litiille!tr " rirst halt ef vireslc. "The ReiteeTnliit tee." with Kslhlyn Wil liam sml 1etor Moore. In "In riecletr and list," letter half ot wesk. News, seenia and earteen nlms all wetk. VIICADIA "The 1n Ve tto." with Trsnk Kunnu mt Marjurle Wilson, nrsl half of f ."The lleliesa at Oerfee Dan's." with llessle Iiv snd Manic lleunsll, Isttar halt of week. Others. Vir-rontA"Mr OfneUI Mlfe," with Clare klmuatl Tcunr nret half of week "The lllnrk Itnttenlr." with OIa 1'etrovs. latter hilt of week Other. IWI-ACt: "Hhoni the tleda tlestrer." with Alice Jew end lurry vtorer, nret hslf ef we.k. ".San, lie ( the M !,' with Paulina rrederlck and Wlllard Mack, latter half of sek Oihere ItlHlKVr "A Woman Alone." with Alle lirsdy, all wk. Veito. scente and eoniedr motion elrtuiea will also l dlrvlared OIIKAT .VOIITMUnv "The tlten." with Thj "ri. Monday, Tiiesdar "Vtanhattiin Mad ne." with Honalas Kalrhanvs. VVednssdar, Thur,1v -llm )e,la Jlouble." with VV. H Hart KrMay. Hjtiirilar I'tl'Olcrff.B KHITII s tfeslorr ItumUn IIIM Jean Ailalr ard eomixny, XtllflT MoVVattsrs and Taon; Jack I:, tlardner. Minion. Ituasell Mark and iIoii-Im! Vlnr-ni Motiaiour aud Madams Alt . . '"' s I'oeallos Meabury and Price, and rlctonal news Ut.OllK--tw William ana eemranT- tht Pay. ton rruupa1 "Han Cupid. Iwteeilie". Held, and lUrnle: tho Phllllopl Knur Kapo and '"."?". Arthur Whltelaw; tHals Nnefneul and Itlrhtnond. and th IViur Chicks UIIAMO 1 liourr flstars. the Bonnie Bettsti Lyssnla I.eHlsnr. r.llnore and t'arlston I e eliia Weston and t-unuianyi "The Klrln Venus." and o'hers Wll.l lAM'PCNK IH IMi-e nexlet. Kallar Mack an I Anna Karle Otlra Mnslra huilac and I ertuson ant "The Criminal photoplay, frat half of week mileoal Mlntrrls": h. Ilruwn i'omdy Knur. I'llntt. Wallan snd ""?. Or.itel," llaas, and 'The Wharr Mat." photoplay, Istter 1 alt of week CIIOKB KKVM Th. Itroken Ncnrah"! Itandls and Mini Dina f'onp.r and eompanyi Short and tho Vtillsr nisltts: llata and Itlflrr. and I ser and lt,r. nrst half of week, Ths i'nrnlal tllrl Orsy and Wheeler, I llsris and ciinniiv. keefe, Allman and AI- (,ll(i(il.s ami rm.t.EMrj; The Berlitz School of Languages lfilh nnd Chestnut Streets l.ndr IllUf. flier ItlkerS I'hsrinsrr Terms may he heauii ot any lima QTRAYFR" Th "est llusiness Vrhool OllUilCrVO Mh and Cheotnut Htreats roslllons ctianinlssd. Kntsr now Day or nlatit. vtrsit) IN 20 LESSONS V II leach ybll lo play real raatlm on the piano in :il lessons if TOl DON'T KNOW A NOTK In less Urns If you already plsy. You'll Isarn lo play popular suns, fos truta. "res" any piece, i all nr phnn ror lr, ll,Mikll, t llltlKTfc.NSIKN HCIIOOI.il Ol'l'riPUfJVn SIUSIC Sn.'d tlraiantownAve Phone Tlosa a-tit IS.'ll Tasker HI. Vhon. Olcktnson .17111 I, STANGER VOICK HICIIIT HIXt;l.(l Ct4.S.Sr.', niamond n.113 J SOOI North Thirteenth fit n&fz TIME The Famous Raphael Madonna Two. years ago the late P. A. B. Widener purchased this celebrated painting from Earlf Covvper for the sum of $750,000. It now hangs in a Florentine gallery at the Widener estate, Lynnewood Hall. The Raphael Madonna is only one of the five beautiful Christmastide pictures that have been reproduced for the Pictorial Section of Sunday's Public LecJger every one worthy of a handsome frame. Ask, your newsdealer now to reserve a copy of PUBLIC 101G hertt AttJ-tr. and Carr. M VaHao' Han't, Utter halt ef week. fltmr.got; TTtfTAtiRnO -'The . aeems1r,, .With La nsrs-ere In rTle ef pose with trained ewes. VavrdeTllle and trarlestw sptcUltles also oo th pretrsra UIXSTMU.X D0MOT - Vew d retained pared! and sorns by Ih .reruiar .leeal onrnlsatlon at blefaei speelaflata. with traveslle ot Phil- iltlrhta event featured. DINNER TO AI) MAN Foley Afrcncy Colcbrnles Comlntr Mnr rinRo of S. H. Chnso A dinner was held laat night In tha Ar cadia In honor of Samuel Hart fliasev flnan. ctal ndrtrtlslng expert connected with tha Illchard A. Foley Atlmrtlslrur Agency, Inc. Tho dinner waa arranged by tha ndrer- Prominent Photoplay Presentations imhh SoSna (hmomk MM in fallawlnt theaters obtain their plclare thrsoih th flTANtXT tleailBK A tamtianr, whlrb It a suaranlee ef early ahowtnr f th naest predotUan. All plclares retlewed Ixfare eihlhlllen. Ask faeth, theatre la yr leealltr Vtalolsf pleture Ihrtnib Ik tlTANI.Kr IIUOKI.VU CUMrANT. AlUnmU.. ISth,Morrls I'aMTunJrAse. l'aramount riclure. CI.KO lllDOKl.T snd WAt.t.ACTJ HKID In "T1IH TKI.I)V I'AWN" j APOLLO "" ANO t,maS"Da...t Blanche Sweet .,THE sTORM ARC A D I A CltrjITNUT I1KLOVT 18TII BESSIE LOVE in "TUB ltnillEHH AT corrttR UAV8" BELMONT r,i, Anovn MAnKKT REOPENS XMAS DAY Matlnse tislly 10c. Uvenlnts ICie VIondsT. Tuesday and Wednesday Neit OU1A I'ETTtOVA In "m.ACIC JIUTTrjtiri.Tr BLUEBIRD HUHQUKIIANNA AVfl MARGUERITE CLARK in "HKf.r.vi: or tub Noiunf fDriAD TII AND CRDAn AVri. AUJiJ. PAItAiiaVXT TIIUATTIK VIVIAN MARTIN in 'IIBIt KATIIKIVH HON" FAIRMOUNT "$ Wu Mnbcl Taliaferro in "Sunbenm" 5i anil latest Krilscsls of IVerl otjho ArftirJ' CCTtl CT TIlBATItU m"aT DAILY DO in Ol, n, Hpmre llvss, 7 to It. DUSTIN FARNUM in A hOV OP KIIIN" FRANKFORD 47U n,AN,iDun Vivian Martin ,n ",,Bn KAT,,nuSov- Kslra Atlrsrllon "Hllini.niNn HHAnovv GREAT NORTHERN a..ra,. WILLIAM S. HART in TIIK UKV1IH l)OUUf,tr' IMP17I3I AI cortu ANlT WALNUT KTft. f.lntlva Brockwoll ,n "rlIK n,r'-8 "TUB. rll'Altl.lTr IIUNNMII' I PAnUD iOllTV-FIHBT AND 1EaJULZ.I J.ANCABTKn AVKNtlK MARGUERITE CLARK in MiriH or.onoi: wahiiindton" LIBERTY '"0AD Tg,.,A Hnrold Loclcwootl & May Allison In "010 TIIKMAIKK' WKST rllll-VDnt.l'lIlA EUREKA 4trr" AilU ,A,lKKT "Tf FLORENCE LA BADIE in "Tlio Pillory" HUUTII t'lIILAOKt.VltIA Ol Y M P I A u,,OAU wnninoB Lionel Barrymorc ln 'Tphkaval- Also "Tbe Girl From Frisco" WSf SUNDAY'S U Ttemj, iiiti i-a tialntr sencr land Wag nttandM hr Atf lh employes, tt Cha la m Weil ktrhwit amonjf financial m,n aa hs la In ths advert Using world. Tba oecaaton of the baiitjn! waa the. Impending rnarrUjr of Ur. Clda4 orl January C to Miss Susan X. Drue, daughter ot Mrs. Arthur Bruce, ot Ctorrnan town. The room In which tha function to place) waa elaborately deoorated end tha dinner was marked by an nJoyahl muite4 program. An odd featuro of th affair -wsj av rntola tura newspaper, In whloh th menu mu) printed, aa well aa Kood-natnreft "knoeks"' rtt tlis futura bridegroom. Tit paper WM called ths "Foley Foollnna., Tha names ot many of the friends of tha guest of honor wer contained In th 'publication," and the "editor" referred to their wMma and personal pecuttarltisilnAhnmortra faahlon. LOCUST BID AND 1OCVST Mats. llSO and IS4, 19. KTC. VISO. S, 0110, 1. Mnbcl Taliaferro ' - iAr Market St. Tlicatre us uAnicm CTrtKBT nohsrt Warwlelc Mollla Kin In "ALI, If AN"' Comln January S Th Haw Untrsrssl rtertal- "Ths urplo Mas." rsatunnr cunara a Fara, OVFRRROnTC aD ifAVanuronb WYE.rvDIA.UUIV. nop, JoMg OMk NANCE O'NEILL In "TIIC 1IION WOMAN" PALACE "" MAnKlrr BTRBT PAULINE FREDERfcK in "NANKTTn OP" TKH WILDS" PRINCESS miSa Hobnrt Henley "" m?D00Ppr. Kvery Tuea, Hatlo Williams. "Bearlst Kunner' REGENT 1M' MCT- & ALICE BRADY in A WOMAN ALONH" RIA1 TH oehuantowk ave. llrL,lU AT TULrCIIOCKEN sTT. RTI R V MAnKirr irrrtCET J D nstflw Tin crrnBBT WILLIAM S. HART in tub nnviL-8 nount.B" V V SJ I BTItnBT VIOLET MERSEREAU in TUB 1I0N0P. Or MAItT ULAKK" OTAWI PV MATtKET APOVE IBTa OlVINLXUI , hub A. M. to Hilar, u, KATHLYN WILLIAMS in THIS nnilBBMINU 1OVK" er. I Q Q A 1TTII AND VSNAKOO sTTB. flUSSUB IIAYAKAWA A UTRTLH STEDMAJf In "TUB BOtlf. Ol' KU1U-8AN" Added Noyalir Keatura, K, It, Junila rictur VICTORIA auovq'kintsi MME. OLGA PETROVA in 'TUB IIICK IIUTTKUFLT" NOR!! I'lflUMinU'llIA RIDGE AVENUE 1TM ,UDon Am JANE GREY in "Tlio Test" "PHIL AND DELPHINE" The :VtLMN(l I.KDnKll I'rlie-t Innlns Hrrlpt Will Ha Hhown aa an Added Featur AI TIIK HT.VSI.BV TIIKATIIK ssiJ.JSi,i LEDGER Lake veil. ! Us tuxwIUbS (MMstin a.it 't$xiSihesQ. ur. UiyJUrtH-t'J trWLMI SMP CaHsW friwiiiutnlg &mr TtAHt, Co, "F Jfnrta ftt$ hs so Jym H ao4 tnM WBi Sft I ajj a n, ijRatlwtt WJfl USUI w1SUr k Wtot