II DONALDSON GETS INSURANCE TASK Named as Permanent Ke- coiver for the Pension ,' Mutual Life READY FOR EXAMINATION Work of Probing BookB of th Compnny Will Beghfttext j Tuesday TTiotnfts 11. Donaldson, of 3)1 Walnut strut, wtio lnca HI1 h liwn th pUI ttputy tor nil llulitlitlon of lh Mat Iniuranc iJonriment, has tiwn nntnstt ns ptmnnt tecblver of Hie l'ilon Muhml Ufs I nsuranca Company iy HIMo in iurnc Commissioner J Dsnny 0 Nell. Mr Donaldson wilt beeln lilt examina tion of th wfkMl ikimimnjr's book next TuMly. Thn examination, wliloh may list tot l month or loniter. will bo marie uri unit In lMIUburgh, w)isre tho home ofllcai of tha company nro sltiiatiU or h llttla poolroom ami barbershop. Common Councilman Thompson, of the rorty-lth Ward, wlw two weeks ago In traduced i resolution In Common (Munch asktnc fof n Inanlry Into tha business con iIOM of tho folic Ucfienolary Aimoela ion nnd rtnalon Mijlual. which was "gnlked" In .Select Councils, anld today lie would do nothlnc In tho matter when Coun cils meet thla afternoon "I Intcnri to leave tills entire matter In the hand of ho insurance Department," Mid Mr. Thompson. In Mllabtirgh ye.iter.lay U J. Kent, at torney for Hi Penilon Mutual Life truur ante Company, wna censurcit by Kedernl JuflRe Charles I. Orr. who revoked the oriler made last Monday appointing Joseph It. Thompson, of Heaver, nnri tho Common wealth Trust Company, of this city, re ceivers for tho company Tho order re Yoking tho nppolnlmenl of tha receivers 5H mado after JUdga Orr and Judge W. . S. Thomson hail conferred In the matter 'This Court should not have attempted to tnko this matter out of the hands of tha D.iuphln County Court and would not have done so If It hail beth fully Informed." said Judge Or. This statement from Judge Orr came after Deputy Attorney General Horace W. Varla had filed a petition w th tho Judges asking that the order of revocation bo made. Ut. Dals explained that the act of 1911 fare, the Insuranco Commissioner full power (0 llquldata any or nil companies selling insuranco Hint were found to be Insolvent. Mr Kent contended that tho stockholders were entitled to at least temporary protec tion by the Federal court. ' "Tho Dauphin County Courts." he said, "at tho Instance of the Attorney General, hao used a steam roller nnd run oxer tho vast number of stockholder In this company. The re ceivers havo been appointed, and surely they can do no harm. On tho other hand, tbey are protecting tho assets of tho com pany and the Interests of tho stockholders." HELD FOB JJUIBEllY ATTEMPT Negro Electrical Bureau Employe. Ac cused cd Approaching Officers Charted Connors, a negro employe of tha Ktectrlcml BUfc.iu, wax held under $500 ball for court by Maglntriito Ileaton In Central Station today after It had been testified by Hart nnd Klaetmau. members of the vice BqUnil, that ho hud attempted to bribe them Into "easing up" their testimony against one of his friends, Who had been arrested for conducting a speakeasy. According to the vied Squad men, Con nors approached them while v they woro waiting to testify against Imla Cattolt, also a negro proprietor of a restaurant at Tenth arid Wood streets, Accused of soiling liquor on Sunday. The case was up for trial before Judge Uorman lit the Municipal Court. Hart testified that Connors offered him 110 td "go vaajr" with Castell. llart ar ranged for Hlselmau til arrest Connors tha moment ha handed him the 10. Connors was taken Immediately before Magistrate Ileaton. IfiVJSNliKJ Ll3DO!2B- IHtLAJDivlAHlA, IftljiitilJAl'. lAhiUuiObiiui 2JL, Ivxsl . -... .. . II aaii1iMariiliirr " ... -. .iia. hLaat i .. , - 4 FRENZIED DUKINtt FIRE Wilmineton Woman in Binning Homo Attempts to Commit Suicide WILMIJiOTO.V. Del, Dec. II When Are swept her home at 11 15 Thatcher street gnd caused i loss of $200, Mrs. Mdry McComba became hysterical And' tried to lash her throat with a razor. ratrolman Collins rushed Into tho house in time to seize the weapon and stop her. The worrian was taken to the police sta tion and held until her sanity Cduld be looked Into It was found that she wne merely suffering from nervousness. COP CANT CATCH HUflOEU Pottavillo Policeman, Disguised ns Woman, Hindered by Skirts POTTSVILIiB, Pa Dec. 21. Tho hug ger who v (till raced half a. score of women while they were shopping still eludes the police. Trapi were) set to catch him by dressing Policemen na vs'omen. When tho hugger, deceived by tho female attire, approached ene policeman, he was" chased, but tha cop found that skirts were an impediment to rapid gait, and tlie man readily escaped. V I Mazda Lamp Outfits For Xmas Trees bulb tn assorted ruuy iiowera, comlo figure of teaqui design, wonderfully to attractiveness of tree., Packvsd In readi for us. i. ni,M3 lamp, flttodj with Tapprovaj swivel attach-i meat plug ami (except the iivht itrlnzll with b a r r 11 Junction boxes. V u rnlahadl i s. round rniora or tn fancy ,.lmili. nuts erj ro- Ji i1&$& d4 Ihn tasteful! bollr lo.f tifc eMortmeut. ! iFrank H. Steivut Electil? Ccd j! 37 & 39 N, 7th (old Hint uut.l 3 I Atk tot Kfw tlUrUtl ttUttt. 4 JOkJ 6.95 BUYS JfcU $15 Talking Frlackla? 1 ""e-tmnh. ., H nfcl.y B!ilfid nuboitur flnih cb!s. tM tea 2fn' Pt eentftiUL r sue SxI!x,I4. WoaeTtoM, Oyttlfl oI4 iHi wctkt. Only Wtt4 suprfy left Ca et write- Kitrji jjest Teee Needle. M f' tt HOME OPEIU COMPANY GIVES FINE "TROVATonE' Capital rerformnnce. of Goovl Singing nnd Acting Wager Audi ence Dwen-cd The Philadelphia Urand Opera Company, whleh on Memlay atarteil Its enterprise ;r giving thla etty grand opera ef Pfo femlonal merit and high standard with n brlekly mnvtag and -oeally etnetent pre entalhjn of "laMta." last evening courted emarleon, In Its eecand onertng, with the Metropolitan. Tli tooal "II Trovatore." on fifty rents to it pt Mwle. had many merits that even II opera eonnot aitr ma. The proper representation of ffalvatore Cammarano't melodrama tlmpoeelbte In plot, but with Hhat oime-rmvet thrills and shivers'! et to tllueeppe Verdi's melodle (earlr Nerilt. but how tuneful anil ear tickling ) retpilrea abova all ehe enthu alaam for what they are doing from alt the twrlleipantB, and thla attitude of fresh, frank Inlere: is pre!iy what l lacking In suelt etar iTfoHii.tties as that given at Uroad ami t'nplar streets a week ago TllooiUy night The iJcal "Trovatore ' last night had It almundlngly The Metro. loll(nh of N'ew Votk haa n right to offer U the stamlbya of tho repertoire In a smsoii of weekly productions. It place la to give our opera lovers and connoisseur hovelllea absolute or relative by way of revival. The place of a home company equipped to present adequate opera and tilled with the verve and vigor of new eml'tlso can Justly Ihi deemed tho main tenance of the standard repertoire with ah oivnslonal flyer" into the empyrean of the new and unusual There should be. there la. a definite plare for n company that can nlve such capital Performances as thla week's "l.uola" nnd "II Trovatore" I'hllidelphla apparently ha not yet awakened to the fact that It hat it chance to support to tuccesa kn In stitution that give tho osntmuntly lt " opm and provide facilities for tl Pr alio education of tha younger generation. Palermo. I.ureo, Hi tlallfrt, Malnt. Ora numerous cltleo either totally unknown or merely geographical name to tho aver age Phtladelphlan- support Hielr own operas wu thla city do tho came, and wtn ItT That Is tho mieetlon whloh M agitat ing Mesora. itooonbaeh. Kahn atwl Mar tini, who have Inaugurate! tho PhtladelphW Urand opera Companv The lst apttel tlon Is not ospreseel In verbal lr; though lhat Is a balm to tho nNll ' "' Impteoarlo and nrtlst. Lot Is shown Ixot In term of box-otUoe iMtronage ahd oub aertptlona tor soats. Thlt t the klml appreciation lhat must tio shown If this excellent eoason to ta run Its courie. "his hi the kind of appreciation that has not been given yet In sunk-lent quantity. PoMlbly theeo are mottera outalda the provlneo of a review Well, thero w a lierformanro of "II Trovatore," and It w4 n gowl one. Lively movement achieved theatrical effects ami i pervootve was the eeneo of drnmath) motion tlt the con Rlomeratlon of Verillan melodlrn got far from tho "roneert opera" whloh 11 hao.lieon oalleil Maestro Martini breaaht Illrt heats and passions to tho score, ami hi bohd raught them and eommuntcalwl them. The chorus eang In tune and time The principal wero ttoter Kernvblnl. a soprwno, ho evcellenl lower tonen bevnm some rfliat strident Up the settle, but whoso ms slon of temierantentAl ferwr made her (minora an nppenling nml believable per vinago. Margaret Jarmah. a meno of lueclous quality ami tho mletrven of a marked theatric instmrt . Korrret Lamont. n perannahlo younc tenor, whoeo voice Is freih, full, freoly liroduml and soeel even in ringing nMn, ami Manrldi Alnetn. who has tho Invaluable aseel of a good Iwvrllone and effective Mane method. They all took 'Trovatore '-seriously, not superiorly or sneerlngly. thy wero suh JeCtlve. not detached from th opera. W. It. . PHIUDELPHIA Oriental Pearls Diamonds THt INSTRUHXHT Of QUALITY CLEAR AS A BEUL -iiu iritu. cieur, ricn tone oi wio ia x Sonora is extraordinarily bcuutlful. Hear this. THE IHOHEST CLASS TALK ING MACHINE IN THE WORLD, beforo you buyl TEN SUPERB MODELS $15, $G0. $75. SI 00, S150, S175, $190, $225, $330, $1000 Sonora Phonograph Corporation 1311 Walnut Street Gold Medal of Honor PanamarPncifie , Exposition jWeawV t A I8 11 pi M Jf atifaiUl itisasttMwssWWlsfcwiiaS .fim m ljblaiyilla Christinas Gifts for the Home Electric Lamps, Dining Room Electroliers, fj lUiectric Taoio amps, uas Table Lamps. ' Solid Mahogany Floor Lamps Q 'Ml goods purchated this neel bill be hung free of charge &itv,T Boudoir Lamps $2 SD L.tRGE SHOWROOMS LOWEST PRICES RELIANCE &?cffic FIXTURE CO. 1318 Arch Street. Philadelphia Optn tutry vtnlns until 9 o'clock until Chtittma &mm?m&2m Spend The Holidays SEASHORE The Monday holiday afltrda an excel lent opportunity (o enjoy i brief va cation after tho strenuous activities of tho past few weeks, Tha Befidjnff la ''shorter by miles and mlguies'1 and offers tho best train: eervico to the shore. fffMTJp $1.00 Excursions to the SeasWa EYEJIY SUNPAY Durtait tfie VOUr 7:S0 pipra Cheetnut S. Ferry ft - .X rn j, mm ,ii 'j i t ir III IiJiiI. it r-'ili' iliriiilfririiiiliiilliiifiirtMlliiiflliiiiiiiiiwiiiii1iiiSli MilifliflT '! "--ir-'ll'iT filf T'l I'm i il 11 iffiTilriirjpBnillffiffiii ' ''"': lM i- ln ,nn i d ,iii,mM,nLJ..ii. li ilift vifi Ti ,....,,...,,-.. . , . ...., - . n. . . n n it r n-i a-aj-i, m 'Everybody ia giving this sensible present this year; I shan't have enough to go 'round" rVH K IS is the last Christmas that you can buy the new Encyclopaedia Britannica print ed on the famous India paper. This great Library of Knowledge is the supreme gift .for business partner, friend, family or yourself. If you're wise, you'll order it today; don't wait till tomorrow. Take the time right now to go and see it at GIMBEL BROTHERS v' 9TH AND MARKET STS., PHILADELPHIA down secures a set of the popular "Handy Volume" Issue, and you pay the balance in small monthly amounts of only $3, $3.50, $4, $4.50 (according to binding) for a limited time f , -f I . 'if -$k 4." sj '- JmltM" i"- fciW $ lJW?TOPftiWf11' nMpiitf.faafpAi wjpwwwn VF 4 Evli4yft ,f'iA nrriiinr . irrrnnnrwrim lit wn r n ffWWWlHlflTIffTLqTTirisjiSiBM ! rO!Sl(0ilS agf, i mmasmomwwisrwmTii " t fnrr.a. SMsssssssisBSMHqg Ulli tvut.-