I ." f 0 Mrf' -ffisilii-iI-u i' l - MVEtflSfG LtodliJlPHlLAfoteLPHIA, "tHlfesiJAY, DECEMBER 21, 1910 ( A 'A mTTHOKlTATIVE ANALYSIS OF RAPID TRANSIT PROPOSAL iJkatln&it rrera r On jMMUld b subjected to the disastrous retoultsj of a ureal conflagration, plague or rthquak, Or It the coat of transportation should lifcrease far berond any figure .$Qoh " cnn now nntlcjpato or contemplate, the Philadelphia. Rapid Transit Com- ,2s'hj' w"1 t"1 be assured of Ita flvo per cent, which Is reasonable return, and the , f1' ,8 lhu"1 Protected, to ft reasonable decree, ntftlnel any loss resultant frn such Unforeseen ContlnRenclos. This Is a wise nnd necessary provision for the proper pro. " -1! 0tl ot tho c,ty'" ln,'rMt XlrT CITT8 JttailT TO TAKH OVKIt PHOpiSKTl' -V"'' fourth. ThB city sains tho riant to inks or the property of the 1 It, T r Company at n prlco equal to tho pnr value of tho P. 11. T Company's stock at any tlmo durlnjr tho term of tho contract. ,' z Th cltX ' reserves tho right Vo take back the city-owned lines under a fair 'recapture clause at any tlmo durlnir tho term of the contract. t Theso provisions retain for tho city most valuable options which It may rxen Imo at any time. i Fifth. The arrangement also provides that tho new contract holwcon Iho city And tho company shall run for fifty years, and that tho 1907 contract shall ho extended so that tho 1907 contract shall explro on tho snme dnlo as tho new ton- - fract; also, that tho present Sinking Fund accumulated under tho 1907 i-onlruct ohall remain In tho hands of the Blnklng Fund Commissioners, nnd that pnymonls 'Into the same shall be resumed as originally provided In tho 1007 contract fi years after the ldato of tho extension thereof. It also provldos that accruals In thl Slnklna; Fund nhall bo available to tho city for the purpoo of piitrlmsliiR tho P. It T, Company's property at any time durlnn tho irrm of tho nminiet. Sixth. Under the 1907 contract tho Philadelphia Itapld Transit Company whs ntlflcd to rooolvo six per cent cumulative dividends on Its' stock beforo dlvldliig sxny surplus remaining vrltli the city. BACK DtVIDBNDH NUT l,liOO,000 Back dlvldonds on tho Philadelphia Ilapld Transit .Company stock havo boili accumulating since Januaryl, 1907; therefore, up to Jufy 1. 1010 (nlno )cars and a halO, the accumulation amounted to 117,100.000, less u two per cont dividend paid out of the earnings ot tho first half of thu lalcndnt car of 1610 (IC0O.0O0), IfuMiik ft rtet accumulation of baok dividends on Philadelphia ltupld Transit stock, ns of July 1.1918, In tho amount of $10,500,000, which the Philadelphia Itnpld Transit Com pany stockholders would havo boen entitled to receive lu addition to current divi dends ttt tho rata of rlx per cent per annum from July 1, loin, heroin tho city could profit to tho oxtent of one penny fioin tho division of mirplus, as piovldul lu the 1U07 contract. Tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company turn aBrocd to innrol thm $10,500,000 Claim, to tho end that tho city may share In any net Income lesultnnt fioin the operation of tho existing property Immediately upon tho opening iif the (list lileli peed lino. OITY DIVIDENDS BTOP WITH AUOMTIO.V OF I3XCIMNOHS Seventh. The arrangement provides that nil payments In th Cltj Treasury exmtcmplated by tho 1907 contract, Including tux on dividend, of suliHldlury com .., ..an niw ui mo uinu wio cxciiunsu iicKPtH aro abolished. Thus the nut , tncomo of tho company will ho Increased. Ah thu city khIiih tho henellt ir ninety per cent of all that net Income In excoia of tho company' assutod Ilvo per cent this provision works no hardship upon tho city and nffoids the company tompoiury protection, on originally contemplated, against .ixclianan ticket Ions, pending the wpauiutt vi tuo jir.i niffii-spcu line. equipment ot the city owned high speed lines, and that the form of security to be Issued by thssompany to cover the com pany's contribution for the equipment of the city's high speed tines Is to be the best ?hi!ic, J 'patlblj wllhhe Interests of colli parties. This provision Is manifestly,,!!! the In. i!M,H.J,Vh?.,clly..,,ecUM MU.r the to be paid thereon, artd any saving In In. erest charge Increases the amount of hct Income which will be available to the city TODAY'S MAIlRIAaB LICENSES nVft,f..a." m "" "' "' "WhSraV'&ift .r" -5 l-r ia'iii aarciai itm Krnk n l . n,l iini.n. riK;iiirr. nixi ,n inth m and li.l 19TH STREET HIGH-SPEED STATION WOULD OPEN NEW BUSINESS CENTER Benefits of Free Transfers for Cross-Town Patrons Shown in Proposed Plan for New Stop Would Become Important Traffic Point IB N Kmnhlln l i tfiti. . JorjPh l'JliM"iori ar,n I)won t Kmul Homern H2 N 7t(, a Wii.covlli, 1121 N. Tlh l Wlllltm O. f.niin, 5001 tufonl M , v rvwiurii, ntd Arnonn M, i nriinKfi, V3l Itorrl rrlnW,! Co)im. II2D finlly t. Monlrijus t IIHlnM lu wnlti. 2107 Cn MorrH littntr 2T N 2.1 ni V034 NnuJil,, ,t -i Sin! Km Hint CmrnA tnl-CIr anil Al.tlil.i a till Jennta ftd Mary A. ami ami and Annn Hutun. Hrhnlf.lmnii. AAnt Mi,ll , Cliarlta Jlo, 1.18T Kllbft iat Utlton S.117 Vllharl r llnrn.y I). Hllvirman. l2t H Darlru at viarjr l.nttih, A31 Itobrry ai. William II Kaumlara, 1 .11" H Clivalaml at l.tl II I" yihTia'K. llll H n.Bh,l .. ...iz., ;.. i.a ..."'.-: ".'"!" " rtimi i ivrotip jiiuu ma ai iu,i n rid ai. hatlea nltth, nrooklw, N. V. ami lluno (Jroaa- mat,. L'JJt H Tilth a Cliarlta '. tilanay. ,VmI nl-'lrrlaw, '., ami m ran M. Drunk.. 1227 N HI. U.rnnr.l it Charl f. lupataln Uainilan N, J . and Kala Uoltn, 21J H. Thompann at. Charles I'ule, 12I Oalharlna at . ami Cor nells, Juhnaion. 1701 llalnt rldira al. Hamtial X. ivrrln ni7 I'arrltli at ami Mary R. l'rn, smiil .V I7lh at William C Vlnient Ir anil N May at , ami IMItli V. Jot... bim N. .May al. (Ii-nrsa v. ounr, ).l VVondataik at, uml Mnmntft H. tlrnoka, r,U .VUrln uatr Ho!(imon Cahan vnt N I Dili at., iiml lin.a Honrtnlclt. 1220 I'oplnr at Chnrlca I tlrHnmlllr-r H4V", llraddoclt at., ant Ail'llne VVIIUIiiin 2.1HJ N Maarhrr at. IV IT I. O Mallr IHI'.'J H ItlnaKOld at., and I'luru c Knutt. 217 Muntun at, Juaapli A. .lonna. Uultlmora, Mil, an I llaatrk lllock, llaltlmnra. Mil Divorce (Granted Ciiiirt Vo 5 krrsnlfd u ilium o to lively n Ilalitwln Hinlth from i; Hnell Hmlth fc. Rlshtb. The arrancemsnt further oro vldes that the company will undertake to obtain $19,500,000 ot now capital us and when required tor tho future requirements ot Its own system; that Is, for tho exten sion and enlariement ot the present Market street aubway-clevatod lino and the present, surfaco lines In the olty, and that the com. pony shall be allowed Interest theroon. This Is a necessary and fair provision, no matter whether tho monoy be contributed by tho Union Traotlon Company stockhold ers or It mo secured by tho sale of preferred stock or some other security Issued by tho Philadelphia Ilapld Transit Company ' UNION TItACTION'3 OPPOItTUNITV . If the Union Traction stockholders should bo permitted to pay In tho $32.12 4 per eharo necesnry to muko their stock fully paid, nnd rocelvo Intoreat on suoh ndltlonal amount contributed by them In addition to the return which they now rocelvo on their atoclc, which Is only I17.B0 paid, the result ' would bo that they would havo a fully paid stock, free from the evar objectionable as- sessment featuro, and that fully paid stock , 'would net them an assured return of ten 4"Pe cent por annum on Its par value. f The arrangement recites a sus;retlon, , whiui. u In understood, .was made by for- ' mer Director Taylor, that the city from 'tlmo to tlmo might offer to build surfuce t lines or extensions to surface lines which would be reasonably renumeratlve and rent them to the company on the flvo por cent basis. The company accepts this sugges tion, stating that It meets with Ita nppiovul Tho advantage of It to the city Is mani fest because such surfaco lines or oxten 1 slons thereof, which may bo built by the , company, would havo to bo built on money borrowed by the company, and If tho city eyor wishes to take the system over the city would havo to dlschargo or assume tho Indebtedness Incurred for tholr construction It Is far better that the city should Issue, for tho construction of such lines, ilfty-jenr four per cent bonds, which, thrgurh tho op. ration of a one per cent sinking fund, will bo tllsclmrKe.l uml p.,ni orr In lias thun nriy yrai-H out of thn ih.i por tent rental which tho I It T Company will pay upon tlm cost of the surface lines or extensions bunt by the city from tho proceodi of (he sale of such bonds IIONDH NOT OlfAHCJED .AC1AINST TAXPAVKHH Honds Issued by the city under theso conditions and for those purpoieH will not po a charge against the taxpayers, because iho rontal received by tho city will fully orrset the Interest and sinking fund clmrKKs thoreon, They will not nbsorb or he n charge against the borrowing capacity of tho olty because they will be self-sustaining w thin the provisions of Iho roccnt Con sjltutlonul amendment Under this provision the olty would be come the ubsoluto owner of surfaco lines or extensions thereof built from the pro coeds of tho olty bond, unci coure tho snmo as an unincumbered municipal asset, freo of debt, through the operation of the sinking fund po-ymonts covered by the rental paid by tho I' R T Cnompatiy Tho arrangement nlno provides that the company shall ralsu thu nmncj f0r u,,, (Jon. von Hissing Danerrntisly III AMSTBItDAM, Dec 21 General von Illaslng, riermnn Governor General of llul Kltiiii, nas reported dangerously III of piinu montn In dispatches rerelved toila from tho frontier Ho has hern li-iupurarllv re placed nt Ilrneeels as tlovoruor tlnierul pending his r cover) The remodeling of the Nineteenth 'ami Market streets subway station to make It a stop for all subwny trains and a freo transfer point both north and south, ss pro vided under the tranalt agreement proposed by the Philadelphia Ilapld Transit Com pany, would give Phllsdelphlsna their first realisation of the Actual benefits n( uni versal free transfers nnd nt the same time would make the section around the station one ot the live dullness centers of the city The plan of the company Is to spend nearly $900,000 In remodeling and enlarg ing the sUtlon nnd lo begin work as soon ss the agreement between the city and the company is signed and ratified, All high speed trains would be stopped nt that sta tion and free transfers would be Issued to Nineteenth and Twentieth street surface cars, with the further provision that free transfers on theee transfers be given on Intersecting lines either In North or touth Plillndclphln All dally riders who travel from West Philadelphia to North Philadelphia or the reverse would find the running time cut by several minutes and would renllio a navlng nt between three and eight cents a rule, Recording to their destination, TKANflr'im IHSNKKITK Aa nn Illustration a man living at Six tluli nml Christian streets could ride north on rlixtleth xtreat to tho Market street ole vsted pas, down the elevated -o Nineteenth nlttet. get u frre transfer north on Twen tieth street on I tun to l Cars on this Una tun north as far as York street. Tho rider accordingly could transfer east or west on Olrard avenue, east or west on Columbia avenue, or fin any other street where the lines Intersect without the payment of an additional fare. Likewise a man residing In Overbrook could tide to II road and Snydsr avenue, or almost any othor place In Houth Philadel phia for a single five-cent fare Leaving his home, he would take the Sixtieth street car connecting with the Market street ele vated at Blxtleth and Market streets. Here he would psss down the elevated, ride to Nlnotetnth street, transfer south on the Nineteenth street line, ride to Hnyder ave nue nnd transfer east to Ilroad street or wherever his destination might be. Hlnce free transfers are not to be es tabllshed In the central business district for tome thm, Nineteenth street would be come on of the biggest trafflo centers in the entire city, with the result that the Imme diate vicinity would experience the greatest business boom in Us history DUBINE03 DOOM Business men In that section declara that It would mean a new era In the history of that section of Market street Just west of City Hall. For years their complaint has been that the location of City Hall In the center ot Market street has stopped all development west of Broad street, To remedy this It has been proposed frequently that the Municipal Dulldlng, costing as It did In excess ot IIS, 000,000, be demolished to prevent th complete stifling ot business, The location of th new station, business men declare, would accomplish the same purpose, so far as business development Is concerned, as would the demolition of City Hall, and that tits ooit would be only a traotlon of that necessary to change the site of th big building Wotmn'g Body Dragged tT i.. . i SOMBttS POINT, Deo. Jl JWL. rt"JH Shrimp, a barman, dragged npfc!,,fI'wl no uruuani up me Body t,t a li.vu "" woman The body was IdentMM .VX Vlr nanra, rlnA.1.-.. ,'J"11 M Ikil. residing on Ne Je'reey- 7"tL V H$i aaaraanaes Banna mm m reaUi thi. ." HOTWATtS BOTTLE 0 ICE BiS t iui wairr ntr i - t. K'tirpaiicd. Ai an fee bS - S ft has. no enuai. AbiolntViS l! air tig it. Can be tefili,.i and boiled without Injury 4ffi;7Ms.VWKCfi JTKICE $1.25 uosrsntMl So (4 hv all UaUng drycaUti, HIVION KAUFMAN CO., lee. Hsmirseiaren, Thlls, rli irfrSfln&Rmu E. Milton Dexter 1218 Spruce Slrcet SWEETS Xmas Desserts Xmas Candy Xmas Cake cZ3SSSfZ2s KtK Preparedness Enables This Philadelphia Institution to Serve the Public Well mmu GIFTS FOR DAINTY WOMEN Boudoir Cap nnd Slippers liaml - crocheted silk cap with oxquisito lace trimming. Lnco - trim med Satin Slipper to mutch. J -4 .II WE like to make "now friondfl, but our abiding aatisfac- tJon Is the number of old ones we retain. They bring tho new ones to us, and soon they regard them selves as old friends and aro acting as trade missionaries in turn. Honest work perform ed with the determina tion to Impart t r u o Hughes & Mullor In dividuality and distinc tion to clothes designed by master craftsmen has made friends and kept friends for us. HUGHES ..AND MULLER TaUors a 1527 Walnut St. suggestions for Men Evening Dress Sets Platinum Vest Chains Thin Model Vntches Pearl Studs Pearl Scarf Pins Z.J.Pequignot Jewels 1331 Walnut Street $6.00 "Cumfj)" Slippers for Mother All that tholr namo implies nnd beautifully finished. "Puss - in - Moots" slip pers will mako baby ni o r 0 cunning than ever. Thoy como in Rod, Pink und Hlue; nt u $1.25 GUARANTEED HOSIERY Thore la no timo limit to our guarantee. Wo leuvo it to you to decide whether or not thoy rIvo sufllciont nnd satisfactory service. If not, wu will gladly roplnco them. Thoy are beautifully finished in flllk nnd lislu und come in uvcry concclvnblo shade. 55c to' $2.25 New and effective deiiiyna in evening slippers. SOROSIS SHOE CO. 1314 CHESTNUT ST. SIP vt y i .i. t& P ' - Z -$hMMlmffl! ..Iky1 I 1 JlHalsaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK7nHP VrdCT- iaail,TaaaaaaaaaaaIBBa1IaaaiaaiaaiaaraHjaaur. W -- 1 vr.ri Wt'.-aiSaaafaSl 'JtVaiaSaBaKataiaatMaaa. . . ' VfkL -' r - . . j- , I ., UWBSaaaaSlS.rSsaajaaj,;lMaaaaaaaaap infcilVfri7iT l IrrilKffiSasss .Vl' ni lkaBBBBBaBBBaBBBBBBBBaBBUiaalBBBBBBBBBBBBl.B:aaBr.BBBBBBBBBBBBBkaBBBaBBBBrbVTrV J J - . " n " ' i. tf. 1 p Mai 1 ! a ,ii a la a a aa I a....7, a'CK 1 . .virjlS',PtM(f lpl,IWlJJ?T"SSaaaaaaaaaaaWPw;i7' " -.,.-mw1M) 4Jljr!aaaaaaT!A;jL. -..- - K-v sii: - u Sterling Silver for Christmas Gifts m TOILETWARE Hair Urushes, Combs, Mirrors, Cloth Urushes, I'owuor uoxes, 2,7fi to 21.00 l.UU to 7.2Q G.75 to 2.60 to 2.25 to Manicure Scissors, .75 to 35,00 13,00 10.00 7.00 SJLTS TOU TSOtJOH OT GOLDFISH? Japanss snd do mMtloi ornsmsntsl varlotle 10c to 28c each jLqnsrium. all slxts flllad to prdw 1 to $10 HOLLOW WARE Cream & Sugar,?n.50 to $05.00 Uaskots. 5.00 to 200.00 Compotes, 10,00 to 100.00 Vases, . 2.25 to 100.00 Sandwich Truys.10.00 to 50.00 Tea Rets, 110.00 to 500.00 TABLEWARE Tea Spoons, doz.,$0.00 to $21.00 Dessert Spoons, 17.50 to 113,00 Dessert Forks, 17.50 to 83.00 Dessert Knives, 24.00 to Hl.OO Oyster Forks. 10.60 to 17,00 Butter Sprenders,19.50 to 211,00 NOVELTIES 4y Scent Halls, Vanity Cases, Dorlne lloxes, Citfarottu Cases, Pockot Knives, Silver Ilelts, $1.00 to $5.00 2.00 to 36.00 2.50 to 10.00 4.75 to 31,00 1.25 to 11.00 2.B0 to 7.75 May we send you. a copy of our new catalogue? It will give you an.excellent idea of the extent of our stock and will be of great assistance to you 'in making selections. It is the largestand most complete jewelry cata logue ever published. $. Kind & Sons, J 110, Chestnut Street DIAMOND MERCHANTS jHWEJCEHa SILVBRSiHTUS Noting hour six p'cloeh until Christina These big factories have been running full handed all Spring, Summer and Fall and for more than three months have been working overtime m preparation for just what has happened the Diggest ousmess we have ever had. The result is our ability to serve last minute customers as faithfully as those who bought early. .You can be suited in the style, finish, tone and action of either Grand, Upright or Player-Piano. You take no chances. Every instrument is guar anteed. You get a standard .article. And we guarantee delivery Christmas morning or when ever you wish. The famous Lester Player-Piano is easiest to pedal, easiest to accent and has a wider range of individual expression than any other player. Its player action is made entire in the Lester f actoriesand is used in the Lester Piano only. The Lester Home Grand occupies no more space than an upright, but has a great depth and breadth of tone, enabling any one to produce the same effects as a concert player does. Its exquisite touch, graceful lines and superb finish make it the acme of excellence. ' fl VSa3sHialaflHp9HBiE7 I M laaaMaSaMatliyPy aaMPfsSsiaaaaSsivP us II Is'IbS Pi ' nsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCil The Lester Upright Piano is famous throughout the United States for its mag nificent tone, easy action and wonderful durability. Only the very best materials K and superior craftmanship enter into its construction. Seventy-five thousand homes throughout the United States give daily testimony as to its merit. Remember that notwithstanding the admitted superiority of the Lester line, it is as easy to own a Lester as one of the inferior makes, because, being- sold direct, all "in-between" profits of jobber and agent are eliminated. Our easy, confidential terms make it possible for you to haye a LeBter in your home for Christmas, All Our Stores Open Evenings Until Christmas A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. AVEST PITILA. 303 South 52d Street KENSINGTON 3214 Kensington Arenac CAMDEN 820 Broadway MENTON 709 East SUU SUttt NOBRISTOJVN 228 West Main Stmt REAVING IS North 5th Street WILKES-BARBI5 170 South Mla Stret . MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY P, A, NORTH CO., 1306 CHESTNUT ST. Philadelphia. Gentlemen; Please tend ma booklet and complete description of Lester Grand CI Upright U Player-Piano U also details of easy-payment plan without interest or extra. Pltatf mark with X tyh in which you art MtretUd, Name .,.,.,,..,,....,..,..,,,,,, , Address iJw! mmf a u is-ii t MM. v&MiitiKum .. M"J 29 m &!" i.vsfca-i tk Mtjl tSw mmm TiiaiO .- ssassm0mmm SMseEF-j