I?HILELPHIAPETC GRAIN AND FLOUR nAr-niIPl! ! .'"'Iv rtw i11 &lr reVerired v!th mitlil titled 111 if iK rirtOf. QnMetlona. I or lion No I i yellow. liMttlot rtuow. !?! K(Hin ........ --.. . t . irriunwIM. s "" oumeit meet h ' "MflSit ol I" wa not mirth doing. KwtitK WU -... IL(1 hat! .nr. XtVl. ftA? .... Wtifiit xb nerktt ny dn1 kii .M'n.iiarviL'11 mww v. -. e iu ml unearned nasi BBWE 7R wee In smolleueyly end iteadr QUOie H'Ui lr VQI it ' PROVISIONS erWl ruled tttadr with flr lobbies The quotations follow. City but. E,rft seta! amosed. ftos titr bjf knuesiei KiVAtn i"moed and" H'M. l."lll 5.' im"? nJ "P""" STCH,".-g at htmi. amosed. women cured. i..e feinla. SSe. fdrnlfl hmil1ra ?R fwSi .Ioom. lno -Jo, imoked. lioj ;si5 In Plokla, according to aytre. loon, ''brteVfeit bacon, as to brand nj arena. Isid. to i Hr;. "" "' k,"' bjmoJftA l m. oo nBflTfV ivlir nit" imiimaiir'ai vw.. k"tt I iin, vin"-- -- - -- -- --". HOC. B DAIRY PRODUCTS rRDeelrsM. slock, eold fairly nl la. au&v nc ai IJli: RSiriotftw. "n.'i tiwrlal rant v liiiulr o( prima jonpi ;tk it Pino rrtai rs waro acarr and nrm . vivid damand Uuototlonai .S'tarbi1 ri 4o par dot . nrarliy nraia, III III ir Min warbr currant Mralota, SSitrn! titra. 4yc Iwr don f"t KYJr" a.i do. Ilrala, lis i ftnrator. .." '..;. ,?ni Jn. tlSHtrtU.HO par CHtt don FTiiM nitra nrala ml par caai1 ra aiiranci. nalil la Vb.i'7 I. tiirn.llOMi r--r ra. no ! 1M par rata, dp on.l lu.vn P"r ;. r ftlarlN candfrd raal lf waro Jolihln Ufive par doa (ClIKKSB nno aarll-mada atock rulad alaad) at iridt w au'!,, olloln ar thf nioia ttsna ritw ioik, lull crrMni iniivj iiiu u-a . Vn'.ri apaolala hlfbar. do. do. ralr to ooud, bald iW(f:Soi do. part akltnt, UOJlc POULTRY T IVE Cholro alock aold falrlr and rulad nrm Miatlontl rowla. at to qualltr ITWlVo. old IrMttert ISUIae. tprina riin.aena acturuinc to FIGHT AGAINST BOOZE IN A TEXAS COUNTY Prohibitionist.. Hope to Establish Dry Spot in Legislation k'AUSTIN1. Trxaa. Dec U J'rohlblt lanlntu Rdrirro itrlvlnir to Kko the nnt I.rBlaln- Iter i dry apot In which to roKltata on ttia ivopofed Ktato-wlde anll-liooio inraaiiro, llch la Kheduled to provldn the firework taint comlns aeiuion. FTraTU County. In which tho lapllnl la Mktid. la votlnr on local option Tho dry irt oonfldent of victory, oven thoiiKh the) ml to worry alona; In their campaign uilh lint the aid of "Cyclone" DavIh, who la ttlntd at Waahlnirton by n fnn"Mrll ftfpraranco. LONDON STOCK MARKET fBuiinc-s Is Slow. With Americana Soiling Lower ItONDON, Deo. 21 A holiday feollna; fvii In evldoneo an the Stock Kxchaniro to Ur and buelneaa wuu riow Tho innrUeta, IBsa'trer, cencraiiy were nrm. rststlraent In tho Kllt-rdirfd section van Mtrfuu Tho 4H per cent war loan wan sgrant. Homo rails vera oulet and Ir- Qifolir. The advnncs of SO per cent In pan iJinrir fare, officially announced, wan lh:tir. than linil boon expected, coiifimlnar tjt'outlook. Americans were lower on the decline nt (fe Totk and the Mexican nltuatlon Cu- rtadUna were ateady There wan n frenh H!itk In Mexican ralli. Support wan ijiiin to Argentine llneo. IHaipplnft- atiurcb were Hat and nominal on Oovtrnment'a control nlana mid fore- 5it of a further Increase In the rxceaa RcnU tax. Kaftlrn nere uood In npotn mearlnesa prealled In Induotrlala iindvn r Y li.10 p. I! Iii'jH "! .. MT' . 3'J .. .11 III ...137 . 11(1 .HIS . aiiulv loH't I, Uaon IfludUn I'aclflo , S I Pool ., h t li I.. .)( jilwU Cantrai I01S a; inns . i t i- 1 1 Ml) -rS'j PS"-." "" If lanlral yuini ... I.lbrn Pacific lO'J. ly a.stiai . .li7 Iiocrtaa iJacraaat LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOl'All STOCKS Did .ud 20 . H Aakrd 07 23 IS nanav aUlGk Val.nalnM Si?ui atar ' .Is I? &MSr.r : .24 ,S in OOI.DI'IKI.n HTCW!Krt JII.BI. gj bii .':;;.; .10 .02 n us .u .04 ,03 .23 .113 03 .10 IJwbtnailon Fraellon '...'.'. ' ,'. Waoadatld 11 U g4u con'ao"ifi.ud "i.:.;.'":: Sf.n '...-.. . .::::::: sr nek ..,.. ., . ::..:.::: UIBCKI.t.ANROlIS IgjuT.;;;.-:.... :::.;-. 18 Sj illalai GOVERNMENT BONDS h(Uttra4 1U0 ,. iiki tWn.l,,V.:.-:::::.ii.::: (Hlalarad 10va ! .': io Ilo mmaw ,Tiwaiiiji ..:..: . io?14 H m amall honda SSUtruUrad II iStil iwpon a 2a rtetatartd itsiV!'!' ma U rttunrtd lSau . . . ' 0 car !. "1 espon tlavator No. 1 red. tiai N ' ojtharn rid, 1 1 ao 17-V d. it wet at So a rVT Ll iss reject! A, fl.asttl 81. rejected IISJT ... . tlM-eleia saiz imanei irao was nasi WWII Br "I if 190 IP " wowi . . " iniar clear iir.sdI!f"o. straight. "WT SS do patent 1"? iaedOSSO. llr tntll. choice on faner KTI:i' ItMOi.'rt, elty tnlllt. renular Td--Pt 'Iiri l kon.ii do. atraitht l! If unflT 7ft W3 Arm undtr iwni on.riniri viuoiuon XSIf?. c, MUM. 4I42c, tKirs nrU Da !ttfL" Afli. J4la5c, -ondi 3 fit .lie narhr tr r'n.- ; I ( VEf?V Wlci3 tM sow- ) uEi?y -sOP MADAvie Jo vr a I tnto-tAWCix rT?V Vom Hti-Be. "N TvVW-rR U qMlnn. fj,h V.IIM, rtrr Mckt'lS? ....,1IN, nt1 . rain- . ir ttavlUnal o tmi. d ?CrrVKi, rtrwr ..l-tS J"5."a'uVr'' "H. Jo. B IM. Hi :5 ' ?,f,il,4'l,,'4 Haco. IVC. do. S a SCJ' lif'J. 'WU.ln i,'fo B Jf Ibo.apMM. HUi. .! ,Ui ito viIiMm o 10 . anara. iHv.-wKSuiv.'b.":..!, ?s:r .. ,.i -"-.." .i....; iTfc."" A'".'. "yi'awx' iffrKTAK Mtt?-teja'?. S;:?" .II1!11'" " l M r Mt Voir lit r;5 Mbnw.Mi.ni in t .iitM.. V KM-mmB. 4i7' ni'WiP ?J M. oquabo, nor ot oblio. wtlinlna II to tip.: Y S &$, yv .!?s; nw" ; ;..v7A'5,5i '."'j'.A' Iba No 2 docuiTst) FRESH FROITS untral H8oWnu (Slarmlh f0 V MOS; 0;. untiaJa.) Ulgdiiu, Mnttap. Ni I ft US Uo uniraJ.J li.suOS 50. ACDlat. norih- Waalarn. tar hM tl RnnAaA I. .. .1. .' lirlfM UlSfS llntatt JJ -sfJ fj. ftrlnat, Florida mr ttrao. uvuo c, ala Tah ' ("" .' "'M.. r' Plo. II5HS 'ln t'loo. Florid Indian ldr.r. par rrtlt, I? S SU Cronbarriaa. i'op Cod. rar bbl ri lait tiraiiii lows. Earir mock isaasu rranborrln Cpa iod rr frala ISOi.lO: do. Jtnar, dark, par craia, 1302 40 do. do, licM. xr crala tl ins j Ntrawbarrlta Klorlda, par . . w . w . ... ..v.. .win .w i u.j.i. imii. .; i-ar Havkal !. 60O1, Hhtldon II .OOi !'. ixairrrt prr tM t.tfl VEC.CTAni.ES Orrarlnta war onlr imxlarat and valuaa tan arallr ntra vrll auilatnad aa followa Whit lotaloa par buah l'annavlvanla rtmira. II AS 111 W. Vn.k .fcl. II IIILI.. ... W. I. . lUIH) lllll,W .". .IIIIIW 111 loaa Jaraar lT batkat .() ll Sal put. loaa. Kaalarn Hhora, par 'Lbl No I I2.30U .' is o it tivi wU nnaai paiaioaa. ii. ." ... '..Jtll"-'. r '. . .- '-I.T-. -.1. B.v... K.I.IH.. T..I waro and alartlanl. par bampar $10125 Haul potaioaa Jaraar, Pr baaaai Mo i. 10 PIV. No j 4UUA0K Unlona tar luo.ib bar No I, In IDtM ia4 No 3 IIDDO. L'abtaa-a. Ilanlth par ton, Ialvtf70 nplnach Norfolk par tbl 11113 no l(al Norfolk, farbbl. tlO I It Cauliflower. Norfolk par rrata lit I no. loltuca. Ilorlda par baakat 1301 SO do Vlr rlnla, par boakat II Ol SO do North Carolina, par haaktt IIW2 tiaant, blorlda. ir baakat. It S0O- CatpUnt Florida par boi 12 2Jtr M I'apvara florid par tM, 13 C0O4 Hquiah Florida, par it II 7SWJ 5J I'aaa, Florida, par batktt I20S Granulated Sticar UnchanEcd SKW YOHK. Urc l Ma KTanuUtnl ulnar a unchanKttl todii' t T OBd. Tho last ralr In spot Cub mwn a at I !tc nn nilVHtu'o of 13 Kjlnt or Wnlnraday a tiponlnir Union Paelllc to Pay Extra NEW VOHK. Dec 21 Th Union raclflo llallroad has declared an extra dividend of 2 per cent on the common atock, payable January 15 to ulink of record Jnnuary I Theatrical Baedeker OAltlllCK "Muaband floarmiltrrd." with Xrlul SehatT. and Jaitaraon l)a Atnallt. Ciau furd Kant, William llarrlaan, CUranc liar ay, Amalla unimrllla. Allco llaarman and llrarca Brutt conatltoto a cood catt. uook onlr pataabla. MTTrj: THKATItK "Von Noter Call Toll." wllb Oliarli U Mllcball, Uorothr. Hhelrrar dine. Marl Uaar and tb Btato Hoilaty I'lar art Ailmtrabla reilval r.TlUC "CUIllrotlon." Thomao If lnca'o mo. lion plcium tairtrarlnc th horror or war and tha mrltaroant of battle on lai.d and aaa and In th air, Suprrh martial tpc tael and aantlmanlal aymbollam. FOrtniCflT "rhln-CUIn." with David Montrom. try and Fred mone Italurn onaatamaot ot Iba popular inualcal oiiravajanta. with tb famooa romedlan apiwarlna In varloua Ira ptraonattona ADEI.I'HI "Kiperlanro." with Ernttt Olan. dlnnlnr. A "inodarn motalltjr plar," with mora humannaaa than ararod "Kvarrwoman Thare'a a Urea caat. Ulandlnnlnc acta au Dftblr. XT rOPVUAR MI0B3 WAlUT "Jliilt and Jaffa Waddlnj:." In which Mutt and J erf dlawrt thaniaalvaa In a new rulaa Melodrama, farce, roualo and travafania mlacd In tha tnlartalnuianl. STOCK KNICKKnilOCKKR "Tho ll.", with John lAiiana and Anna Kohartj ltatval of. ad. intratilo drama, bjr II. H Hhtldon. orlalnatly jilavrd by Henry Miller and Laura Hop '" FEATVRB rtLVS hTANT.KT V"The Trarellnc Saleomon." with Frank Mclnivra. and Jlr and Mr Bldnay Draw, n "Duplicity.", flrttnalf, of weak. Tim HeJeemlnt Ia.' with Katblyn ll; llama and Victor Moore, In "In Hotlftr and Out." latter half of weak. Nuwe. acanlo and cartoon Rlina all wak AltfADIA "Tho Sin Ye Do." Willi Frank Kaenan nil Marlorle WlUon. Aral naif or ek "Tho lltlraaa at t off a llan'a," wltn lletal I.ova ntij Frank llannelt, lalitr half of week. Uthtra. nCT01tIA "Mr Offlrlal Wife." with Clara Kimball Younr Brat halt of watk. "Tbo lllark llutlertlr." nh UKa Tatrora. lalitr bait of week. Otbera ALACK "It bom tbo Ooda Iloitror." with Allr Jorca und llarrr tlortiy, Drat half of watk, "Nanella at lb ttllde.' ttllh I'aulln rredtrlck and Wlllard Mack, latter hair or nek Oitxri Kl.tlBNT "A Woman Altne." with Alio llmdy. all week. Nrwt. avenlc and comedr motion plclurea will alao b dlaolaytd, OIIEAT NOIlTIIKItN "The tlien." with Thid llaro, Monday, Tnetday. 'Jlaohaltan Mad. lire i." with DouiUa Falrbanka. Uadneadar, ;Jhurtday "Tlit lltill'a lloubl," with W. H. Hart. Friday. Halurdar VXVDHYIU.lt KDITIt'H Koalorf Uuulan ballttt Jean Adair and company; Jlllot. MoWatttra and Tyaoni Jack a. Uardntrs Mlrnoni lluaall Mack and lilanch Vlnetnl) MonaUur aud Madam Alf i. 1oyat'a 1'oodlia, Baabury and l'rtco, and pictorial nine. Q1XIUR Lw Wllllima ana companyl tho Day. ton Trouiwi "Dan Cupid. Iwtaeitv": Vlaldt and llernlel tho Pbllllppl Fiiurj lias and liultonj Arthur nhlleU,; DUlai nliefOald and lllchmond. aid Iba Four Chlrka. ailAND U Hour- SUIeri: Ibe Uoanlo SeiUtj Kilrenle IUIanol bllnor and J'arlatoni Ca. rllU W'attoii and companyl "Th Vlrlaa; Vtnuo," and otbtrt WILLIAM I'UNN Do Par Buttti Kallar Mack and Anna Karlt: Odra Alnileei Foater and -arTJaon. and 'Tbo Criminal." photoplay, nrat half of watk Titlleoat MlBatrata"j lb llrown Comedy Fourt Pilr.tr. Wallan and mpanyi "Chuck" llaai. and "Tho Wharf Hat," photoplay, lattir bait of weak. CnOSS KGTS "Tho Ilrokm Scarab" i HandU ond Millie. Dana 4-oopr and company, .Short and iba Millar Uttltrot Uatto and Ultler. and Xetr and Ittr. rtt half of wek. Tbo Carnival Ulfl'l Oray and WhieUri Io Ueata and company: Keole. Alhnan and AI. btrti Archer and Co.r, and Vallao'o Hand, latttr r.ajf of weak TnOCADIsnO "The I'artaiaktr." with I lleraar la atrlta of poait with l.ralnad doot. VaudtvllU and burlmiat tpocltltlit l oa lb protram. uixtrnei Wa'kfac opeolallali, wlib lrava.tla of Phil. adelpnla elentt feaiura x.i- """ n n rairir r4i .U...J Kfin VK T'. Mlt 'MM ch tkana, nlMna !?. ""' Jmt fn. softJtc broil. vsm mint EVENING LEDGER-PIUL.UJELPUIA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21, DRYS WIN NOTABLE VICTORY AT CAPITAL Senate Judtcinry Committees Votes to Submit NnUonal Prohibition Amondmcnt WAaUlNOTOV. IJtci JlJ-The "dry" fore won another notable victory In Con re today when tho Senate Judiciary Com mttte t-oteit tl to 1 to reeemmemt adep. tlon of the fheppart! bill prtiprHtitT t sub mil a conatllutlnal amerhlment for n tlon-wlde pruhlbltlon to tho State. Hanatora lteed, r'ulb-raon and Ilrandtnee were the only mrmbera to vote acnlnat It The bill a amended by the Judiciary Comrnltten beenmea nn Ironclad dry mena. ure. The bill prohibit! "the Mle for tha manufacture or tran-port.itlon of Inlotlcnt InK liquor within, the Importation thereat Into, and the exportation thereof from the t'ntted Klatee and all terrltorlta nuhject to th .urltdlctlon thereof, for bereraco pur poet t " Beetlon two of the bill provide that "tho ionrea sr.ia.lt have ptwer to enforeo thla article by all appropriate ledalatton " Htata rlht recardln; prooeoutlona of votAtlnna are taken care of In the follow. Inr amendment Thla article ahall not ba canatrueil to abrldee the power of the reral Htate to enfortM Htate prohlbllory lexlalatlon Th flenxte I'oatorTlco roinmltlee today reported favortbty th llnuor advertlaement Mil. ban-inn from mall In dry Jltste nil Honor advertisement.! COMMITTEE FOR PKOl.f. OF FOOD COSTS BY U. S. House Judiciary Reports Horlnnd Rcso- lutlon Would Cost $142,000, Says Trade Commission WAHHIVflTON Dee 51 Iierlnrlne that the hlRh crut of IIMrnj pmblain ilemnnilo the MmmtMllate Intelllittnt ronaldcratlon or tha Federal autlinrltlet. and 'may rHulre ItgU latlve remedy a formal tepoit on tlio nor land resolution to authorli u coat nf llvlnar Inxeatlirntlon by the Kaderal Trade Com mlaelou wan filed In the Hum toda) the report was auhmittnl by ltriiveiitalio I'aMIn, of Vlra-lnl. who - Uealitiiatnl b the Judiciary fommltteo to prevent tho matter to the llouae The reKirt wa arromhnled by n letter from riinlrniuti llrle nf the Trade I'uni. tnlralon. eatlmatlnic thai an lniiulr would rruulre nn appropriation of IHJOOO and nuld take nfteen or ehchtren month The farlln report after aettlnx forth that the cost of food product la onv of tlio Krvateat problem confronting Hie nation, continued "The hearing on thla raolutlon all-i-cloacd n imnlltlon etmnitly polnlliiK Io n lontrol nf fooil proluct liy tlioao .ikiik-1 In marUetlnH In thla and forelKii countrle-e They dlacloa nlto that umrketlnic iiunll tlona wero not at all natl-fnctor) tu n laiisi' number of farmtra nnd atock rntatrn It nppenra, hoecr. that the production of food product la not keeplnr pore v.llli lonaumptton throughout the country n repreaentnl by tha gronlnit Induatrlnl pop. ulatlon of the cltlea Your commlttro lie Ik'Vca that there la an economic problem In olved which enn only bo enlvrd In the In teres! of the American people bv a thor ough lnvoatlitntloii of the subject" Tha renolutlon would provide for aneep line Inijulry. nnd would rail for a report nn to whether lcitl-lntlou la neoeaanry to In ntire n inaxlmum of production nt price profitable to the producer! nnd fair to th consumer JOY FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN Tree, Gift nnd Luncheon Follow Ilin ney School Exercises Crippled children puplli of the Horace lllnney Hchool annex of tlin MrCell School, nt Sixth and Spnue strertn, held their an tiual Christina celebration today Toys wire ulveii each of the soenty-fle voungsters by tho Lovers of tho Children Club MIm Sara II 1 1 wife as In charge of the excretion A Christmas tree the present of the Nature, Club, composed of Undents nt the (llrl1 HlRh Hihool. lidded n touch of holiday tireetlnic to the room A luncheon wan served bv students of tho domeatlo science class of tho McCall School ONE THEME TOLD IN FOUR Separate Stories LOVE'S STRUGGLE THROUGHOUT THE AGES Absolutely Mr. Griflith's Only Production Since "The Ulrth of a Nation," Which PJnyed Here to Crowded Houses for Five Months. 125,000 P.E0PLE 7500 HORSES UHfllNMNI) TOMORROW NIGHT AT NitO Then Twite Dally 2:10 and 8:10 P. M .Motors at II P. M. w . , , , . "PHIL AND DELPIM" SCREENED TOMORROW PrivatqViewof Evening Ledger's Photoplny to Bo Given for Actora lly the Photoplay Wllor Havlnrr einetRtd from the developing am! cutttnr rooms without lealn n cellu lold epanxle tto adapt the rtmu phrneet, Thll nnd Delphlne," the nvRtttrn I.r.lwiRn'a prlie-wlnnlnu trtntlon picture atory, will have Ita first ahowtnc (a private on for member of tho cast), in the stidU terlum of the tMrtl llulldlnir. Independ ence ftcjuar tomorrew afternoon In ad dition to the 'laaiia f th, company, nil ronteatanta are Invited to bo preaent The film display will atari at n nunrter paal 3 o'clock Thoee who are folnic to at tend the performance are fnueted to lino the entrance at jo Rauaoni street The auditorium I on the tenth noor. The Ooldwyn Picture Corrorntlon the latet bl firm to promise bier thlnus for the mot lea, ha mad a atrlde In the right direction by acnuirlnir tho aervlce of Hay nrd Velller author of "Within the Iw " ami 'The Thirteenth Chair" the latter now runnlUK In N ork elt. Averv Hop. wooil, rho Ka llrondway 'fair and Warmer." Irvin H t'obb ton favornbly and widely known to nenl a deerrlptlva label; Margaret M)o author of "llaby Mine" and 'Twin lleda", IM-.r Helwyn. author of "The Arab, and Uol Cooper Mexrue. author of 'feven t'haneeo' which It com lint to tha Umrkk Thla la nn natonlah. Inarly pmlino and talented nKKrenMlon. und the Individual writer ouirlit to be nbto to turn out tome lltely muff for the new coin pan), vehlrli la backed by Samuel (lold flili. fonnerly of Ijtaky; lid-jar Selwyn and Arthur llopklna A areat InnoMitlon In lllm faahlon l ronlalned In the (loldwjn atinnuncement that ro.iltle lll L )inM t rtulhora. Keaturea of the Kvuvinii l.riMiKHl'nl veraal anlmtteil weekly of current lsu lire n folloua llOtmiNKi w tSTKU -Olant dam drnamlle.1 Io rraivn; In. k Bow or water from menarln luiinirv Whtinat n t IIIKIMI FOH llIt.hl-Munlreda of man an I woman atari rrom 0 It w lll- atadlnlll on elaht mil walk in fraali air campaltn New Wrk rll UANl KltM I1KIK AnTlsriCAt.l.Y-lracafiil airla In ilreek eeib alt tiaaite rihllilllon amii ,,"J,!!,V,i.,l,., "!.f.!"."n"i "et Irfiula Sfo I'M'I.K HAM riVVKI lid ono frvnoeet way io l tin) Ion ntlna aboard I' r H itirnma 2. '". V" s,,,, eranaMar Inland Savy Yard ( al MAKKH USTt l t.Afrt MMII.K U'hnl. hlp'oad uf ( Mlalinai Urea rrla from Mlehl. Hn ( hlean III ItlU'NIHNti t'i' I'ATTLK Ciiwbora brlna In alayr foronno! tirandlna to alww uwntrahlp MIHrerMI Aru ItMTiUl nTVKS TIl".Vl'OttT llriAPIIKtl Th Humner ao.a aalinr n-r eii, of .oyrtr from tathmu of Pntit-ary t'oaet near livrnefat Kl.hl'IIANT AII1M KAtSKII Hut teaat makea Uarlt uaefui in iniHInc up Iteaa rorry Im bevvy loada and ilolna other nork for th rin -On the llumnnUn b,r1r. NrSWK.S1 Hh,UIMl KAHII6VH U hat a,, rlaty wumen wear thla aaaini while on th U .Saw ofk ell) Conxratlon Makes 200 Men Idio HHAIto.V. I'll Dec 21 -Iiecnuia of n ahortuRn of coko duo to railroad conceatloii furnace No 4. of tho ShenatiRo furnace, ha ctoaed fur nn uiiUrtrilie period ttirowlns: O' men out of etnplutment fACOlSS O B01CS and Stationery- FOR A BOOKISH FRIEND We Htlll have n few more copies of the large paper fdltior uf Dr. Ellis Pa-ton Oberhoher'n "Llternry History of Philadel phia," price In cloth $3.00; threcqunrtcrK crushed Levant $.'.00. Truly u rare treat for a bookish friend. SERVICE IS THE KEYSTONE OF OUR BUSINESS 'MEET MP D. W. GRIFFITH'S COLOSSAL $2,000,000 SPECTACLE Four Parallel Siories in One The Ono New Mode of Lxpren slou Conceived in the llrnlit of .Man in the Last Two Ihousnnd Years. The Most Revolutionary In novation Since the I'irst Concep tion of the Drama as u I 'or in of Speech, "THE GREATEST SHOW IN THE WORLD" Ashton Stevens in the Chicago Examiner. Chestnut St. Opera House Seats Now Selling for All Performances Huy Early Io Secure the Rest BURTON KLINE'S NOVEL SHOWS A NEW BOSTON "Struck by Lightning" Drops Conventions of Classic At- mosphcro nnd Such KTrtt'CIC ttr MntlTNRfn Ur Ihirten Kllnt. John iah Ctwnponr, Naw York Anythlntr I likely to happen In tlo-ton A irovetlft cn make anythln happen there In th Modern .tub. whteh U by rm mt-an. the Modern Athens nf llolmn. Iwell, Aldrlch. Creates Ilrownn. Whipple. Tlelds and bthers without fear of belnit held up for fraelure nf th realities or the unities. One has only to remember th tneredullty that swept over th Middle Went. Inns: ftrxiwti out of eiuberanl and eupeptlo pro Itenalty to such dolna nt a flrat pf news story of a few years stw Not on lone bandit, but rt bevy of them shot up Washlnston alreet. lomowhera beyond where that Intereetlncly named thorough fare. I'eter Parley lane, enteta the citified cewpnlh named after the rather of 111. Country. Tor not only did they rob nnd elay, but they made n netnway to a moat appropriate haven. Torest Hills Cemetery, nnd It took tv poe comltatu seteral dajs to end their wild career Mr Kline. In -Struck bv I.Uhtnlnir." has no such llendle and Adams ancle to hi pint but whnt happens In his story is not Just what would happen In the Huston of Mr Howell or Judue Orant Ho I keen for the fact that llotnn has chnnel and that the lloston convention In ncllon I outmoded So he eholter traditions and Illusions nnd write n atory that srlvcs the reader aomelhlna: Impresstnnlstle of the lloston of lodv n atory Hint Is ns mobile nnd na Intermittently brilliant n the levin that tjlves It tiame nnd nn lllumlnnteil by conatsnt ntaheti of eplnratn Struck by I.lRlitnlni" ts not a novel with a purpose, or if II I the pnrpo'ij Is eheerly to entertain It has no problem nnd tint n crcat deal of psychology. thouKh the tmlls and mood of the ndveniuresi nra rather heenlt analyaeil It Is. In short. h fantaala In term of realism Moat or till. It I daahlbrt rnmanre. both In the etns of what deviate from the format nnd uual nnd In the derived rolloiUlnl eenaa of ilevotlnu to aenl Intent romnnco that rli.ea not illsilnln turnlnK to comedy Womsn Is either n ilnnmo nr n thunder bolt. ncconlliiK to Iho self-appointed Mentor of the rlabur jouhk statesman who fliiure n hero and nf courae temporary dupe, slnco there Is tho aforementioned adven ture.. Success In life depends on whether u. man Is onerglted or rth&olied by worn in It would not bo fair to aumtntrlic the plot: It never Is In a tsle where the plot the thine nnd rehashlns: of melodrama i an tinpilatnble ni tlio rechauffe of nn ome let. Hut thl story hi such fitrtnra of compelllnit Interert kh o widow who win' a. imlltlcnl rampntKii which land Ihe'amne what errant hero under tho neKls of the Sacred CodM-li In the Kubornnlorlal chair despite hliiKalllvantltiR like n BaddluR vlro ntiout Iho trellis of love; nn liidustrl.il crisis. In whlcji.lj Is n vital force, balmy hours mi one of tho benchea: n Harvard atfnli of course nnd unturalli , a lire, k lot of old fnmllle and soma of Inter foundation than 1C3S. nnd n marvelous motor escapade follow Ine Mimnultnt the route) of Paul l!'ere mil endlnu In a cuikio Jaunt Hint would du credit to Cllllor Olyn 1628 CHESTNUT STREET AT.MCOOB" Symphony Orchestra of 10 And :,0 Voices Thrills! Mystery! Itomnncc! Adventure! Love's Pilgrimnge in Search of Happiness! 1200 CHARIOTS :) ORCHESTRAS I'rlreai Kianlnie. holiday and hat Mala,, lower floor, lie. SI. 00 some l 60. Ilrel Ha ronr. 80c, ft oo. nMnd llalmnr, Sir. other Mali, neeai Uwer floor. 30c. 73r. aoma Sl.uo. ffrat llalcouy! J0c. 73f. Neeond lliltulu. 1010 HERE'S THE ANSWER TO THE "KID QUESTION A Few of tho Jinny Christmns Volumes Whldi Would Look Weil on tho Treu TIIK rKVP n.VCTCLOri.DtA. Ily Ult llur. a j-rrd a (tokta (.ompany, Nw Tor Clelelt lluritf never saw a purple cow, at least he saht he never did, and no ona has ever nuetUoned either his veracity or so briety but. oh, thoe Ooopsi He ha seen hundreds, thousands, millions I Ha has seen so msny that. In spite of his ofl-te-peateil Imprtcatlons nn th little rolypolles, we are morally mips that seme day he Is coins; to up and be one. And that will be the day when he slops supplying the eauer Christmas public of kiddles nnd grown-up with a book about throe fapclnatlnr and salubrious "critter." Hero's a new one We wlh w were older We wish w were able to count up nbnva ft hundred Then we could tell you Just how many varieties of bad manners and social lapse are recorded In 'Th Oeop Hncyelopedla " Ilut we could never hop to tell you with what charm, humor and erv they are both recorded and llluitrnted. All Around tho Playroom. I.tTTI.K rOLUB, IN nUHT LAND, . Hi V. ( llar-la and Mrt c 1" W.ldft Cheiltt ttcrlbnar Bone New Terk. This book utllltes th ttilnfj-i nt th play room too It combines fiction nnd picture for kiddle with expeditions Into the fields of Inanimate things to which even th smallest child Is Accustomed Thus on set of text has to do with rnpsr-I-nnd, others with Shndow-tjtnd. , llox-LAnd, Color Country. Wood-Land, etc lit each cn the story (Its the Ic.cn I o (to use irrown.up, critical limmnge) and tho Illustrations nil In color very cleverly take on the shsps nf the particular ' land" In which the scenes nr laid, Thus the character In I'nper ljintl nrc like cut-out figure und In Wood r.nnd they recm to be made out of bits of tree, leaves nnd fruits An Old favorite Tin: AnvRSTfitnst or miltiadkb i'ktimi- KlN I'Al'l, liy John llronnjohn lolhtup. Lee A Hhtpnrd loeen nf lonrsn we don't know what jou read ns a child, but we read the works of the inun who rejoiced In the name nf John Itrovwtjohn H.itd work were combined In a nit kIj volume, which went under tho name of The Adtcnturcs of Mlltlndrs l'cterkln Paul" nnd supplied on Ita t It to MB" the further Information, "a very great traveler although he was small ' N'ntur nllt enough the book was n double nroiluct llkn Its title, half proso and half verse. C5SSia6SKKB3 Prominent Photoplay Presentations m JSmh BcSm Comoam rpilM fnlliiMlnt thenlera i.blaln their plrlurr throiiah th MTANLKV lleaklnc -I. t'nmponr. which It n soarintee of earls atinwliis of the nueat prodnrtlana. AM pictures reviewed before eililblllim. Aek tar tha tliaairr In roar totality obtaining ulcturea throuih th NT.VM.LY llOllklNfl COMrA.NY. ALHAMBRAv!.:!h,.V.0,;j"a,,s;..unuk,tr I'aramouni l'lciuree l.i: ItltlllKI.V an I WAI.LACK ItKID In Tilt: VKI tJW PAWN APni I Pi 6SO -"0 THOMPSON " 'JL.LA-' MATINSD DAILT NORMA TALMADGE in CVITIV ATISU HIAIIY ( AI19TAIIIS ' ARCADIA cllllTNl, ItEIXIW 1CT1! BESSIE LOVE in i nn ii:ihrnh at roFlTi: iianh' BELMONT f,;, AHOVi: MAIIKBT REOPENS XMAS DAY Mvilni". Dally IIH Ktenlne l&e Ulundsy rueaduy and Weilncadiy Next OUIA I'LTIlliV V In ULACK IPj'TTKIlKI.V" BLUEBIRD hiWukiianna avk. MME. OLGA PETROVA in i:TIIAVAnANCl?' rrri A i? 41otii anu ci:hah avk. UE.LI fllUHOV.tT TIIKATIIR Mmo. Pctrova in "Extra vaptnnco" Added All nn ' Th Crimson Hlsln lljrtery" FAIRMOUNT X?& Avns Gladys Coburn nnd Art Acord in this iiai ri.K ur i.iiiir MTU CT TIIEATHU it AT DAILY out l u a. 11,1, lew tfpruce Ilrga T to II. ANTONIO MORENO in run dkvil'h I'lii.i: FRANKFORD 4m 'PRAiiKXvn Uv Special J.'eaudl PAIII.LNH KltCDKUICIC III Till! BTBIINAL CITV ' Addr.1 Attraitlan, b'IX)ltn.SCK IIOHH FAHIIION I'llTUltUH GREAT NORTHERN iVrl. a';.. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in MAMU-VN MADNEHH" IMPFRI AI 0'rrl, WALNUT UTS ttVJrEeIlL. 7 It It Eli SHOWS DAILY Robert Warwick and Moliie Kins in "ALL MAN" I PAriFP roivrr-rMiST and LDrtUCU LANCAHTr.lt AVBNDn KATHRINE WILLIAMS in tub vai.ianth or vinuiNiA" I IRFRTV unoAD and ' La 1 Ce K i X COLUUBIA CHARLES RAY in TUB IIO.NOIIAlllJS ALIir' west 1'iinnr.u'itiA EUREKA iQrvu Mu,ItBr "Tfl GAIL KANE in "The Men Sho Married" MOUTII l'lULAMELrillA f YMPI A imoAu and Grace Darmond ,n "r"t?HA,iIv",N0 Also A Surprise Feature IB mUMPMNSTOIN PAGES OF NEW NOVEL Stories Ranging From Old Penn sylvania to n New Sort of GraUstnrk Among Fiction Penn'n Charming "Wife A miKAMKU OP DTtnAMB. ItyOlrrep ttoektl. Tbomaa Y Crowtll Company, New fork. Th average mints! picture of the found er of Pennsylvania Is that of n sedate, dlf. nltlcd gentleman, who mad treaties with, the Indians Instead of flghtlnc them, after th gtneralty nccepMc. fashion of his times. Mr Hufikil's book gives a somewhat nearer view of "Will Penn," the Quaker, and pur ports to n narrative from the suppoe-4 Journal of th fair Oull Bprlngtttl, tht rhsrmlng young wlf of th founder yet to-be, with additions by Itltl renn. Tht Journal Is represented a having been found In nn old oaken chest at Wormlnchurst, Kngland, nnd niver before set in print. The charming Oull, who hitherto has ben little more than a nam, ts dlscovarsd to have been closely associated with th romance of tha young Quaker's lit and the tal unfolds nro seen episodes Oiled with tenderness And of tragedy. There Is shown ns a background th pageantry of Kngllah history at th period nf William I'enn's youth glimpses of Charles I snd of Charles If, of Jsmr IT, William nnd Mary nnd "Good Queen Ann"! of tho t!a nf the great fire nnd th plague of Cromwell. John Milton. Samuel Tepys, of diary famel of Trlncess Elisabeth of Be hernia and other Interestlns historical per sonsges. $13,033,233.08 in City Treasury City Treasurer McCoach today Issued lira weekly statement ns follow! 'The Amount paid In tho City Treasury during the week ending laat night was $17I.1IP.S4 and the pajmants amounted to fl.ll6.9St.37. This, with the balanca on hand from tha previous week, nut Including th sinking fund ac count, leave n balance of JI3, 031,311. OS de posited In various city bsnka," IB ! JUVHNILE ROOKS AND CHILDREN'S PICTURB ROOKS IN GRHAT VARIETY Campion & Company 1310 WALNUT ST. LULUOi Mata, IHO and StSO, 10. Uie.. 0H0, S. BlBO, It. I7T1IKL CLAYTON I CA11LYI.K 11I.ACKWELL In 1III0KKN CHAlNfl" Market St. Theatre 3S3 MARKET BTIIEfST IKinOTIlY PHILLIPS In "Th Price of filltnea" I'omlnr, Jan 3d Now Unlvaraal Atrial "Tha. Purpl ilatk," rvturtnr (J Cunard h r. FopS. ' i -' v S-IDK.UUrv PV jow unit OreS. lll'PBKT JUUAN In 'The Right to Ita lfappy" i Charles Dlcktna'a t'laailc Chrlttmaa Carol) CIIAIILI:! CUAI'I.IN in 'Th Vagabond.'1 I PAI AiT ,3I MAnKET TnKET rt.LaV'WCe joe soe. PAULINE FREDERICK in "NANKTTI. OS TIIK WILDS' PRINCESS "'HJftffi IITIIEL CLAYTON In "Th Madnaia of HaUn. IHtry Wadneaday 'TUB HCAItLfST nUfWrsn' Featuring CARL.I7 WILUAUS VCVJl-t,l tislly I(V Kvtnlngs if ALICE BRADY in A WOMAN ALONE" R A I Tfl OEnSIANTOWN AVB. 1 1 L. 1 J AT TUtJ-BIIOClCK.V trTB, WILLIAM S. HART in Till: HKTt'UN OP DltAW EAOAN Rii d v aurtuer firneET J O I 1JELOVV TTH 8TRSB FANNIE WARD in tub YEAim or tub Locuar' SAVOY ""aBffig" BEATRIZ MICHELENA in TIIK UNWnlTTEN LAW OlVLNL.L.1 mitt A. M. to ItllS I. U. KATHLYN WILUAMS in "nBDEEMINO LOVE" T I Q C A TTH AND VENANGO 8TV BY P.MTWVJ.JW RKQvuar MARY PICKFORD ' cTn'mA'a01" VICTORIA "SSv-Miirw MME. OLGA PETROVA in TUB ULACK I1UTTEII'LY" hOKT't I'lllLAUElJUIA RIDGE AVENUE "" nlvan xr Tyrone Power ,a T,,ou SStf&vw- "Yellow Menace" No. 15 "PHIL AND DELPHINE" The KVKMNa LKUOER I'rlio-tt Inning Hcrlpt Will II rlbown as an Added raturo At TIIK UTANIOT TUEAtBB l tl Hf a j Hfi f SI