EMiri! Ttw-aMHSj IL TBlrtNGr Lfir&liSR-ItIirAI)liISPHIA; Ht?lRS)AT, DE0E3MBBR. kt 16 B THERE ARE VARIOUS WAYS TO GET THE MONEY, BUT MAGNATES GRAB IT &OING AND COMING m P. T. BARNUM IS OUTBARNUMED WHEN NATIONAL-LEAGUE CHIEFS PUT OVER THEIR ACT ON D. 0. P. .Brnse Price of Admission and Cut Down Salaries of Players in Same Breath Instead of Staging '' Much-Advertised Battle Royal TjAllNUJt probably hat! the right Men, but after giving Ills work tho onco over and comparing; It with modern tmalneaa method, lie nppenrs to Jmvo been very Wal arid quite amatourlsh. Old P. T. thought ho was Relllnp; away with nomethlnjt xesulnr wlien he Introduced hi "arcnt Whnllsit" to nn unsuspecting public nntl gathered In a Mr bundle of Icate, but It was only small tlmo stuff nntl nnvors mroriBy of the fecrosono circuit In tho light of recent event, It wan very much bush league nnd ft decrepit effort, mill, no ono has tho heart to ridicule thoefforta bt Mr, ilarnum. He had beon given to understand that thero was one born oery minute, but we must remember that tho split-second watch then wa.i unheard of. However, ho tnado a gallant effort to keep up with the birth rate, and hh method, which now1 Are antiquated and rolcgatod to tho discard, kept hhn loading tho nld 'by ft aaftt margin. Taking It nit In nil, his showing was remarkable, but thla Is n progressive age nnd during tho recent baseball meotlng In Now York tho great showman's most notablo achievement wero no complotely eclipsed that lili Ideas appear oven moro crude than wero nt first supposed. .w Iiarnum Waa Satisfied With a Fair Profit IinN tho great I, T. was working In good form, ho nlunyn wan sathllcd with a fair perccntago of tho volvet. Never In his most, daring moments did hn stream of annexing tho penny nnd tho cake nt one nnd tho same tltno. Ho wan Very thoughtful when It camo to dealing with tho Dear Old Public, nnd when ho pUt hi stuff across ho mndo them llko It. Dut tho National I.cnuuo boron havo mado tho crcat showman look llko n piker. You know, It take n lot of daring to stand right up before tho prospective victims nntl confess that oii nro about to raise the prlco of admission nnd, in tho samo breath, admit that It also Is your intention to cut down the cost of production. It Is a frank method of telling tlio aforesaid Victims that thoy nro about to play tho lending part In n gnnio whero they loao no matter what happen, and tho barons will grab enough coin of thn realm to pUrchaso lots of coat next winter nnd walk down tho utrcot without dodg ing the man who furnishes gasoline for their many motorenrs. Yos, It took what Might bo called Inspired nervo to put such a thing ovor, and tho National I,caguo owners certainly nro entitled to tho green ipatn nnd tho Indies' bicycle. Magnates Don't Seem to Care How They Treat Patrons DO ftOT think for n moment Hint It Is our Intention to hand out noma barbed criticism or severely pan the magnates for raising tho prlco of bleacher ncats. Th,o neata bolong to them, they own tho parks In which they ato nltuatcd, and If they seo fit to mako tho two bit section only a lingering memory It Is entirely up to them. It Is Just a follow-up on that well-known trick gnmo now Indulged In by cur very best people, oald trick gamo bolog labeled, "Inllato tho prlco nnd siiucozo tho Individual." In other words, tho hnscball persona simply did tho faHhlonnblo ' thing when they boosted tho prlco of tho great nummor pastime, hut wo tnke up tho cudgel bccnUso of tho rough nnd annoying munncr in which tho tiling wai done. Hero is tho dope. Tho butcher, tlio bnkcr nnd candlestick maker am getting Ikwny with tho samo stuff day after day. Ho nro tho coal mini, tho milk man, tho tailor and other octlvo membcru of tho forty thlovo. But when wo Rtudy It out, these polished plrntei nro doing It to us no gracefully and easily, and with ouch finesse nnd cunning, that tho operation Is perfectly painless. In fact, vo rnthor like It when they cull our attention to their helplcssncKS, quoting tho Increased price of production, pointing an nccuslng finger at tho man higher up nnd gen erally passing tho well-known buck, Dut 'tis quite different when tho baseball Karons of the National Leaguo npponr In tho spotlight to put on their net. They Insert tho harpoon nnd glvo it n coupto 6f twists by confeislng Hint tho prlco of production Is going down becauso thoy Intend to shako down tho ballplayers for any loose cliango that can bo detached from their salaries. Speaking of Systems Can You Beat This One? ISN'T that n swell syatom? You can't beat It, Mnwrus, becauso thoy tnko your extra quarter In tho right hnntl nnd tho players' money In tho left! And hero Is something elso again. Instead of getting togathcr, quietly deciding to porpctrnto a two-edged campaign to "got tho money" nnd then (flipping It ovor gently but firmly, those baseball fellows attract no moro attontlon thnn tho exploding of n "dynamite factory whon thoy tell of tho things thoy nro. going to do to tho patrons of tho gumol And they talk about cruel nnd unusual punishment! You know, tho Dear Old Public Is a demon for absorbing punishment, but the Dear Old Publlo doesn't caro to havo Its falling paraded before tho public. How the Magnates Horned Into Print F?R three long montha baseball had been burled under a masa of football nnd other collcgo sportH and the moguls found It hard to break Into print. Finally, when the tlmo came, thoy horned In 'with u ton of copy nbout the rlpronrliig meot lng that was to be hold by tho National League this year. It was widely nntl sin cerely presi'ngonted and those who absorbed tho dopo expected to witness n tor riblQ holocaust. John McQraw, tho bold, bad accuser, would bo shown what was what, Barney Dreytusa would bite off Garry Herrmann'M car tho first tlmo they met, President Tener would get tho gate and all under ono tent! No wonder everybody fell for It I No wonder our ory best basoball reporters wero rushed to tho scone to view tho awful carnngo, terrible disaster, etc., otc. And thon what happened? iWcro thero BCenoa of wild disorder when the magnates gathered In tho Waldorf? Did thesa bitter enemies gouge each othor'n eyes out in a tcrrlblo battle to settlo old scgres? You know the answer. Thero was carnage, hut tho only goro shod was tho gore of the baseball patrons. Onco moro, allow uh to remind you of tho good old password, "Pro Uunko Publico." On the Other Hand, Consider the American League MEANWHILE, tho American League magnates slipped Into Chicago, gumshoed their way through a meeting, held their Btuff to a quarter of n column nnd juletly beat it for home. If a raise In prices of admission was discussed or a gen eral cutting of players' salaries debated, tho publlo was not annoyed. Tho only piece of news that' coma out of tho American Leaguo meeting was that a move had been Inaugurated to lower tho prlco of wnrld'n serlea ticket. And vot they, wonder why Ban .Tnhnsrm ' b hirirr ft,.i in auui Here's a Brand-New One ACCORDING to nn evening contemporary a wag suggested nt tho meeting of Xxthe, football officials of the central board that a euro for tho complaint of the smaller colleges that they never had the benefit pf big tlmo olflclnls had been found. Ho then declared that a nominal feo should bo paid nil officials and that the officials of the small games should receive Just an much its thoso Who handlo the renn-Cornell, Ponn-IItt, Yale-Harvard, Princeton-Yale, Prlnco-ton-Harvard, Army-Navy and father big games. Tho suggestion is laughable for moro reasons than one. If t was adopted the good ofllclals would give up the work, as they could not afford to give their senjees for the sum paid for tho email games. It is on tho same principle as paying tho Texas Leaguo umpires the Sunt salary tho major league ofllclals receive, and on a plane with tho Idea that great coaches should handle small college teams for small salaries, just to please the little fellows. Why not re-enact tho battles of tho European war In this country for tho movies? Wag Is right! Ellis Ghitbel Makes Excellent Suggestion ELLIS OIMUEL started a move yesterday that will do more toward upbuild, log outdoor athletics in' South Philadelphia than anything that has occurred Ja-yearu. During the cpurso of his presentation speech at tho celebrating of Sfewtnern High BchooVa first football championship, Sir. Olmbel made a plea to the prominent South Phllly business men present to lend their aid toward get ting an Immense athlotlo field for the southern section of the city. The field would be under the supervision- of Southern High School, but could be used for other purposes, according to tho plan. South Philadelphia has long been In need of a. high-class field that can be reached easily, and now that the move. inont baa been started it Is hoped that It will be a success. ? South Phllly Needs New Field TTjOn, years South Philadelphia haa been a great jirodqcer of athletes, despite - tho lack of Biittnblo fields for outdoor aports, particularly football and base. fcall, It la remarkablo that tho downtown section of the city has been ablo t turn out so many athletic etara under the conditions. The crop of football and Jl stara Has been falling off gradually, however, and unless an athletlo aueh as proposed by Mr. Olmbel, to built. It will bo only a question of tlmo hafora tho Jads residing in that section of the olty will confine their athletlo jtrawaaa to Indoor sports, at which wo believe they already are Just a trifle ahead ' f tha field. Southward Field Club haa been the leading athlrtlq field in the spatharn section of the olty for years, and thla field a so hard to reach, and a4tatsd in auch a location, that It has fallen shy of the 'mark. Now thla old 8M fcs seldom used and la in poor-shape. When the old Southwark Field Ctttfe built Its field, athletics took a sudden boom in that aectlon of tho city, and tfec surely would be another boom If a new field was constructed; Hoppe la Greatest of All Champions MJ$ JJQPjHb ha been hanelnjr up billiard records with; startling reau- rlastty Jn his recent exhibitions on the Pacific coast, but la receiving little Uloa i or tfta marvelous performances, it la the samo old story. So Otflfcta are the billiard enthusiasts that Hoppe la Invincible that they are not aur 0mm at anything- ha tloea. All things considered, Hoppa la without doubt the ::Mm( Miatnt champion tha athletlo world has ever known. He la the only -gtftptci; of any form of atptatlss who never haa an pit day. pay after day WW altar r mm marvel master all rival with auch ease mat the anee- mmm tp w win turn tuai ae qtmuwuaijy 13 creasing worlds record. eJBpt at . Wnrk tnas Hoppe U e ehumpten who alwaya gtvjft $jjt w iyj mqp w wwuqr. ffprar mg mm juih iuwwi ut atau KELLY THE RAFFLE PEST nj0ll .) IT .I3NT BECA05E I'LL tclc , J Hn,Lt e Money . , .!,, ,""v. ' RIM66 I Took in TtoADE L 1 , UGL ND , THOUGHT 'HCRC'S ( " Kwoui To- f CHAMCC To Do a CcoO ,,, f.. rir I AT ckbujO KZnZ UL Tuw rbR w ruiCMDi. !rwrMMo f 6M'T Te K?Z- V ( " V H0MatIR5 AtC ONC ICCSM T UttVl H IWT-artT ZZ- s Lav orr rue miom NtiMQcna ARtr fYou urtaV J V 1 That Cos. ?oe- wmt Tms-t a wishiw6 T-yCwrua At'ul V A7T7 ' cuen. Ucautiful atomg TjJ I For. S T.m mih f ( J!tC 1 irt,D 'T , -- IDIAMOMO K MUMBCR& ' LOSS OF HOUGH HELP TO CAMDEN Jasper May Be Beaten for Flag With Veteran For ward Out CAMDEN LEADS LEAGUE EASTKUV I.IMOUR HT.lNIIINd W. I.. l'.C. W. I. Cinntlpn.. . It 4 .131 (Irrrolnrk 7 1 -lumirr. .. Ill 4 ,711 TrMiton .. 7 0 Itratllnr.. H 7 ..131 He Nrrl 1 13 HCimnui.r. roit toMniiT He Nerl at Janirr. r.c. .noo ,43S .071 lly SI'ICK HALL It now niienrn that the nbsence of Hurry Hough from tho line-up of tlio J.-mpor tcnnl In tho inobt Important gaiiics of thn first Kastcrn League ncaann may cost tha Jewels the pennant, which they nccined to havo frtually won a "celt ago When Camtlon Inst Hoy .Htcolo tlio ling was conceded to Jasper by many follow era of league linsltct liall n,ii tho Pamclcn rooters wero will ing to admit that the Kkretors lmil llttlo more than u. flghtfug chance to enpturo tho gonfalon Hut hard luck oteppod Into tho broach for Camden, knocking nut Hough ami put tho teams on about the earno bat. tllng liusls Although Cnmdcn Is lending the Jewels today by tho margin of half a gamo, It l highly probable that by 11 o'clock thin ovu nlng Jneper will hn on an oven footing with tho Jrrsey rlxal Kennedy's men will play against Do IS'orl this ocnlm: In their own cago. and In Mow of tho fart that tho Jew els havo not loit a contest on tho home floor this season, It In reasonable to sup pose tliut In splto of their somewhat weak ened condition they will take tho game from Dudley's team, which Is not going any too well. Tho Do Ncrl five tonight will probably llno-up an It began iigulnut Trenton last night, with Dark and llargrnca playing forward, Qctzslnger Jumping center and Harlow and nilnon doing the defensive work. The Jasper quintet will havo Scdrnn and elthor Cashman or Fuller at forward, Kerr at center and Fox and Friedman at guard. Camden Ousts Jasper Speaking of names to conjuro with, ask'em In Camden who It Is. They will tell you to a man that it is Jimmy lirown, tho leading field goal fchooler of tha East ern Leaguo In 1916-18, and one of tho bent men In tho circuit today, ny a remarkable toss, inado whllo twenty-five feet from the VaakeL and wnii back turned toward It, Jimmy dropped a field goal through the rim in the cloilng moments of play last night In the Camden Armory. That goal gae Camden tho lead which Jasper had held throughout the game up to that time and enabled Henry's team to take the game from the Jewels by the score of 30 to 28 and Incidentally to oust Kennedy's quintet from tho lead. A goal such ns Drown shot last night Is usually termed blind, dumb luck. Hut the player inunt bo given some credit. While It Is true that a goal of this kind may not be inado again for several years. Drown ltnow his general position on the floor juid Its relation to the banket, which inado possible the highly improbable. This shot, which went back over Drown's head, must be placed In tho same category as very long Btrulght shots which land. They may be called lucky, but the player's knowledge of the basket's position and his own skill com. bine to mak.e these plays a part of the game, though they are unusual. Desldea making thla sensational goal, Drown had three others, giving him a total of four out of tho team'a six. The Jasper team also made e. half doxen field goals, but Adams had three more chances from tho foul lino than Hedran and took ad vantage of this, shooting eighteen out of twenty-six, while Darney mado sixteen out of tvventy.three trials, AX mrOMWNT Industrial League con test la carded for tonight at the Quaker City A. G., where Drill tackle Fairbanks. These two fives are tied for second place and both are anxious to not only hold their present placo In tho race, but a victory for either will put them In a position to jump Into first place should the leaders falter. Fairbanks la going well, but once again one of Its players la liable to be declared Ineligi ble. Whiter Wilson, the plvdj man and the mainstay of the quintet, Is under the ban, and will probably not be In the Scale makers' line-up tonight, Manager Jones will be sadly handicapped without Wilson, aa none of tha substitutes are of first division-team caliber- Brill, on the other hand, will be strengthened tonight, for the Carmakers have signed Walt Keating, the former Chicago National League shortstop and a very capable baaketballcr Keating ha played with many local independent fives, but thla will be his first bow to the Industrial League fans, TUB THENTON 1'IVK climbed another step nearer to Qreystock last night In their own cage by beating Da Nerl 35 to S6. Tha con) eat began aa though it would be a run, away affair for the ban club, but Da Nerl made a neat rally In the aecond half and at one time waa almost up with Trenton. How-. tvr. the aprtnt waa short lived and Trenton wo out by U points, ykfiAXMB taSPart l& Wa One for Jimmy Drown CAMIIKN' (loala Flrld I'nul Annie. l'l. 'l,ni, 'nrtrprl . . I II 50 Huner. forward 0 0 0 Jl.llt... tlltl . II II II u i1 mn. riinnl 4 o 1 s Dlrciin, sunrd 1 0 1 3 TotnU 0 18 S SO JASI'KIl (lail I'Mil Vonl Al. rtn. Nrdrnn. forward in 1 IS Cnfthmuti. forwurd . . '& 0 o 4 l'ldlrr, forward o o 0 0 Kerr, renter ..... I O 0 2 Irlpdninii. suurd. ..1 O II 1 oi, simrd 1 0 1 2 Total .. . Til 2 35 l'ntiU rnmmlttrd Cumden, X3 Jasper. 2(1 nefrrrr llarlirl. man played a brilliant floor game and mado two field goaln, Il.Wr. 1CF.II It SHUT OUT Dolln In tho Camden-Jasper gamo and scored ono field gonl hlmnolf. Kerr In steadily! improving nnd bids fair to becomo one of tho gam'e'n grnat players In tho courso of another season i:.ihTi:n.v i.i;.(U)i: magxatrs have muddled up tho Do Kcrl-AIIentown affair nbout an badly as It could bo imfddled. At least four different "official" statements have been printed t-nncornlng the playing olft of tho Do Ncrl schedule. Tho latest an nouncement Is that Do N'cri will open In Allentown next Tuesday night with Orcy stock. thi: Hiii.u'uni: iiAHicnTiiAi.r. tram has made n wonderful record. Dy beating Princeton List night tho Now York 'tcrB won their forty-fifth straight home game nnd the sixth straight from the Tigers. It took nn extra period for tho Jungaleers to be beaten out. Tho rcoro was 20 to 21. Golf Protest- Meeting Tonight 3Jf, M.. Dec. 21 Dtteimtoii i nit the clubi of tha MBacmiieiti nOSTOJ. Mi.. Dec. 21 ent nff nil the cluhi ot tha Aiinclfttlon are expected to no solidly tuntvht In xivnr of chnnslns tha rrenunt national voir Dtlesaton ritprt- .HlcfclllMta flfllf iirnnteur rula at n apeclal meatlns railed by tho tvoofiinna uou imu. AiemDcrn .ok inifl CIUU. tho expveted cnnnonadlni ma uniuu mate uoic country-wlda nnht, are nd tontaht li tha rirat run of idlnir against tha ruling ot olC Aaaoclatlon In January. Krancia Oulmct. ,1'aul TowkBbury and other ftptr inainna luoin una reMionai uecattue nc Tho meetlni St. Joe Gets OIT to Victory St. Joieph'a Collera baiketbnll team opened Ita aeaaon by defeating tha Crimson and 3rar rlub, rompoted of former ntudents, 21 to lft, In tho college symnailum last nliht. ig5! I WANT TO MEET YOU1 ye. fiicf to inc. to thow ODDIPM II fhn nabbfpftt lln nt nuitinvs anu fJrfirco.uin.rt your TP Make eeen our tr roil trlltti rOu'T ney're beuullej. aelecllon lodar. ?ouo,v,r ."":"':,." si6.5o Billy Moran, 1103 Arch THE TAILOR Open V.ri: OLYMPIA A A ,,ro'' nalnhrldse CltniHTMAH AFTEnNOOV, IIIW. 25 IXIIinH II'F.N 1:30. FIKST niHTT, 2(30 Jill". riHilElt T. UAIIItV HMlfliV John Itarnlnakl . Chart a (ltd) Thomna OUNt .1jeOtlF.nN t.. 1I1UMI DltlfllNS Artie rltrawharker t. Johnny Medley JIMMY Mtmi'lIV v.. ji: WFI-Slf AKTIK KUI1T til. KDIIIIJ OiCEKli: Adm tSc, Hal. Ilea . OOo & 73c. Arena Bee., (1 Ryan Athletic Club "th & iianphin St.. Formerly Uaaker City A. A. JIMMY MimrilY ?.. JOHNNY MII.I.KU FItlllAY KVK.M.NO. DKClillllCH XZ, lUld CADDIES DENIED "REPEAT EATS" BUT ARE ROYALLY STUFFED UP WITH TURKEY BY GOLF CLUBS TODAY Is the Feast of Olblel Bauce for the caddies. About 400 youthful cheeks were puffed with nil sorts nf luxurious eata when four golf clubs of the city gave their annual Christmas dinners at noon to the small club carriers. Huntingdon Valley started things with a dinner to Ita caddies and a gift for each After the dinner the cad dies entertained the club members with Imitations of golfers and other antics. Oolfera nt Old York road nntl rhllmont nlso Were hosts to the boys, who haver toted their club, around for them nil sen son. These three dinners were placed nt the same time. It Is said, because the clubs ate so near together that many ot the hun gry tittle "fellers" had a. pretty custom nf "repealing" and "gettln In on all de eats" at the three clubs This year each caddy had to make a cholco and be content with ono dinner. Whltemarsh will dine Its caddies tonight, and Borne of the boys at tho dinners men tioned nboe caet rolling eyes In the direc tion of Chestnut Hill and wondered If they could "ring In on doso cats." The 1I caddies of the rhllmont Country Club, who assembled for their annual din ner ns tho club member's guests, missed their friend nnd chief patron, Ellis A. Olmbel, who was 111 nnd unablo to attend tho function. In hi nbsenco Henry Btrouso attended to tho war.ts of tho caddie, being assisted by Mrs. Milton Herold, Mrs. D. T. Flelicher, Mrs. I. Oaum and Mrs. Henry Btrouso. Tho boys assembled In their clubhouso nnd then marched overto the olubhouso of their hosts. In tho capacious dining room they found a regulation Christmas dinner awaiting them turkey, cranberry souco nnd all tho old-tlmo accessories. Welcom ing tho boys as they snt down were Benja min Washerman, Charles EdwInFox and Ull K. Sollg. Dy his plnce. each boy found n. sweater, a box of candy and a pocketboolc with money In It. Ilefore attacking tho repast tho boys sat nnd listened while their caddy captain thanked the members of theclub for tho fenst Then tho Joy began and rapidly the viands began to melt In tho fierce light of tho lads' appetites. "I'm too full," snld Ralph Plelsher, aged six, tho youngest caddy In tho outfit, when asked tho mako a spooch, after tho dinner. Samuel Sellers, Blxty-soven years old, was Si iinne.s,t0 Uend ,hfl fuvt,6n 6B ?t Expectansy was on tlp-toe while tho, W.4. were eatlnfl, for after that the ti! pries wero to b announced. The JU prle. one for the most courteous iS efficient boy went to-John nrndfleldirir n. flve-dolhir gold piece. Two ?, 5Sj the second prlio. II, Edward Dohl ari i Ham Dnbeck. The war's hoVor ro ?: as follows! " M Charles Smith, Victor Scott. It... Auternr. William Porter. Itoftrtaffl Carntel Shlbley. Franco Doyle. yiimSL Doyle, John Dltters. Robert llwrtaeJ , j? aeph Douglas nnd Harry and awrV! ping. All the rast of V UttSSSS j JALLS ASLPEP AS IIE RIDES IN SIX-JJAY RACE; INJURE?) NUW YOIIK, Dec St. Ernest OhM . the team of Ohrt and Dello, In New Tort-; annual alx-day bicycle race at MadS Square Qarden, fell asleep while rou n turn Just before noon today and wraiS over tho track. He was rendered iMeniu solous. First-aid treatment reyiTed w. and he was led to his camp, limping baanV llynn was leading at 13 o'clock, with t ton lending teams having cohered lii miles and nvo laps. Smith and KcdiIit ana E. Ohrt and Bello wero a Up Uhtni ! record for tho tlmo Is 187 miles and thr laps, mado In 1H by Moran and MeNi. mara. , Jacques, Noted Golfer, Dead 1103TON. Deo. 31. -Herbert Jaeonea. nn. tholeadlnr iretfera of th. Unltffiatet f.l d.ad todar while attendln the Aulid fctur at Mechanlca" Hall. w no rratern Inl Bowllnjr Boom nt Lchlfh OTIf fitcniLEIIBM. Dee. 51-lh rt. rnlty Uowllc Aaeorlatlon has bwn ornnl at Lehlsh IJnUeratty. " ,r"a $ SUIT OR OVERCOAT TO OBDKR Kedared from MO, fis and K S Out 7 Big Wlndowa PETER MORAN & CO. B 11 80 MERCHANT TAILOR, , K. Cor. Oth ana1 Arch Bti. This Christmas We Have Six Stores riliMtratlas AtSbv Collar I j a- W 55c For tho convenient selection of your haberdashery ijifts. Our Ties, of courso, need no introduction, so wo will pass right on. to our Silk Shirts Gloves Hose "Mufflers Bath Robes SI V Deg. Trademark March 18, f91 1033 Market St. 1305 Market St. 2436 N. Front St. Star 1430 Chestnut St. Broad & Oirard Ave. 3047 Woodland Ave. ?fl .i 'SMSMMSSSMSSMSSSl .iAs n if Vs i & D .awson & JLeiviari'V H15 CKesthut Street Opp.-Keith's M $15.00 Will Buy a Choice of MUFF SCARF Trench Seal Illack Kox lludaon bell Itactoon m,.v uv lludaon ileal Itacconn Illack Lynx $25.00 Will Buy a Choldt of BInck Fox Set lUrrel or I'illovy Jtug; Animal Heart. or Natural Raccoon Set Barrel Muff; Animal Bcarf. f or nn excellent Hudson Seal Set Barrel or Pillow Huff; Noyelty Barf. ?.? V.&CKr'?-3tKT X. BRAVER, UlACK FOX. BATTLESIIIP aitEY POx! BHOWN FOX.' WlUTH -UX, iruiJSON HBAb $35.00 . Will Duy a Choice of Russian Pony Coat (Ueaver or Itacceon Collar.) Brown Fox Set i Barrel Muffs Animal Scarf, Black Fox Set Barrel MuOTj Animal Scarf, Natural Raccoon Set Barrel Muftj Animal Scarf, or an excellent SCARF or MUFF Dyed Blue Fox filat. Fax Whit Fox Cro. Fox Black Fax HlaoK Lynx Skunk Djt4 Blue Tvx Dlt Fox Baaver , bit unit Auatrallaa Oporaum lluJ.oa Seal Uola Fur Suggestions For Men Only From $15 to $150 and above if desired Furs are more than , mere gifts, they are permanent, service able and sensible tokens of thought fulness. $50.00 Will Buy a Choice of French Seal Coat 40-Inch Model. Skunk or Seal Collar. 1M '"aJ . I Or Cholco of 8 Sets BLACK FOX, BHOWN FOX. FBEKCII BEAL, RED POX1. BEAVEn, RACCOON, BKUNK. BATTLESHIP QnEY FOX. $65.00 Will Duy a Choice of French Seal Coat Collar anil Border of Bllkx Black Oooaeum fur Or Choice of 0 Sat BLACK FOX, RED FOX, BBAVER, BKUNK. 'FRENCH BEAU BLACK LTNX, AUSTRAL IAN OPOSSUM, BATTLESHIP ORET FOX. m $85.00 . Will Duy a Choice of Hudson Seal Coat a-nch 8mart Modal. Vary aood Quality, SETS Dyed Blue Fox Black Fox Slate Fox Skunk $75.00 Will Buy a Choice of Hudson, Seal Coat io-lach Uodal. Btr, Skuak. Brrnln sr Baal Collar. ' Russian Pony Coat, Collar and Rordar of SlUr Opoaauav Uodalj btiutlfully nurkad.aklns. 45-lncJj 8Uta Fox l)iJ Blua Fox axuuK 11 kuu a Fox lack Lynx Or a Cholco of 10 Sats Raavar Illack Fox Brown Fox lit ltleihto nrT FOX AuatralUn Opoaaun I! Will Buy a Choice of Hudson Seal Coat 40-Inch Modal. 8e or Skuak, Collar, Cuffs en- Bordar. Natural. Muskrat Coat ' Uudaaa 6(al Collar and CuBJi. Or Ch9ic of a Seta . Flahar JJUoli Lynx iWtaa Fox lirmliLa Wva .Foi. BUta Fox i i , i ii in'i'in'ii ii i a!svjti,Mxi i iiir'jiJMyJ . r ' . -i $125.00 Hudson Seal Coat aO-lnch Ful Mc4l. Chclca quAUty Baa or ooatraatlfif fur collar. Or Cholco of 8 SaU CROSS FOX BLACK TtfX, FISHER, BtAOK I.TNX, IfWOSON SEAL. BROWN FOX, yB BItfK FOX, MpLK, $150.00 Will Duy a Choice of Hudson Seal Coats X aalasttoa of many modtla. plain or trlaunad with contraatlnx .fur. Or Choice of 8 Seta K0UN9KY, JtOTAL EnMINE, MOLS ad BKU1NE COMBINATION SaJjT. BJQK FOX, AUSTRALIAN 0O8tlUftt, llVDJN BSAU KAMCHATKA BU.K K, aiaWpt. " l' wia'uyijaatjqyqsffli,iir la-p" " 'J 'l' "-u ' nw TranLou. I IH I m aw I I i I "fl.'aSW jwaaa Pm Tai-i,yiTiiaa t..J. lal ' '"" L u ' ' ' " ' " - "-avoo, imm iinjm j iaLJi ULg mn i .---- j- -- - .-;',' r " -' .-- -- -vjajp jMWWaaglaifJJpMaaawpcjawiffifiap r :" MaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalHaaaaaaam .. oaaat I . -i. ' iEShsIL . - M "-T :Tr -i-V---- iVn VfftaTfllltl lir lillWV "Tl1 i MaWlltfclJaaaaaiaaaailMaWlaiaV I r' id ll 1 ffl aaff aMaaaaaamtltaaSlai 'ill - f-'W -"TfrTlWraiCTlWIlBlaMM Li ' x( ' IT"' TTll m ff WaaaaaaWMfHlasMlWaHffilWmW J 1 " !P :3gmglnl!HIWHHV (V. 1 .it) liffl rrilr 1aaaaaaaaaaaaaMBMaMtWaaaMW I1 I mi SimmBtBr WlfimWSsRImSIMWBtKKlMWfmUmlBmlmKmWWt ----1 -U"1'-, i - 1 V-liaamaaaaLJaaaaTaaaTaTaaaTaflBaTlaaaaraaaallTa a Hi