JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Mr,nn n' S0?10? Will Entertain at Large Ball.Tonight in Honor of Their Debutante Daughter Other Matters mnB rVbutante nro once wont tn the X foreground thlss week, though ihcr managed to frwln) nbovo-water last week lt sptto of the bazaar. Liut night thcra mil thq danco In the foyer of Itbrtlcut tortil trail, which wm given hr the John tfewbolds for Dorothy Nowbotd and patty Uorlo, who jure their nieces, Dqro thy Is thq daughter P Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur pmlen Jfqwboul and Patty's parents sro Mr. nnd Mrs. Beauvcau Borle, Jr., jrro. Uorlo havn(f been lUs Nannie Jfowbold. Tonight tho James Hancocks xtil ftro a ball Rt tho Beltovuo-Btrntford tn honor of their dcbut&nta daughter, Knihaxinq Jlnncock. It is to bo n vory beautiful affair, I understand, nnd, ns Is uunly the. case, many persona will en jjiartoln nt dinner be f pro tho ball. Mr, mid Mrs. Bbswnrt "yTurtfl will give & din tier for Galnor Dalrd, nnd Dr. nnd Mrs. falter Froeman will entertain for Ellra tioth pribboJt tho guosta at this illnnor Will no cnUroly from tho dobutnnto est, with; tho exception, of course, of Corlnno, ftcwpl) coodncu knows qbq Is vory llttlo pjOTO ttom a debutanto liorsolf, us alio only csme out Inst year. Tho other guests ulll bo Veto, nnd Allcp Janney, Mario XoulsQ Fortes, Isubetla Wanamaltor, tcl?htman Forlon, Clarcnco Freeman, 9bo Orubb. Jr., William Pazton, 3d, Ianno Btnrr, Jr- Ieorsg Boyd, Jr- and Walter Freeman, Jr.' Mary and Ellxnboth Pnck anliwlll boonor truest at a dtnncr given by tho Alan Wflsons and Mr. nnd Mrs. 6eorgi Burton xrtU entertain for Iiorralno dranam boforo tlio ball. SOME7T1MES ono wonders what tn tho worM tho mothers of tho present day nre thinking of when they vtll nllow tfcrir daughters to appear on tho Bingo tn tbo costumes, or lack of costumos, that eao sees In somo of tho amateur produc tions. Women with dignity, too, and who ero nupposod to llvn "reverently, soberly and In tho fear of Ood," as the marrlngo service -says. I was utterly umaxed at a recent performance to soo ctrls who nro generally doslgnfited as "nlcq Kirls" np pear on tbo ataoo wth far fpwor nrtlclos pt apparel than ono is wont to Wmr oven In tho privacy of ono'a boudoir. And In fho rows qf spectators pat smiling moth ers, who oxclolmqd, "Isn't she cute, sq perfectly at case, topi" with never a thought that thq nion who aro dancing Tilth theso glrlfl dressed 'n la Moulin JIouko" or "Follcs Berporo" havo lost nil respect for them. Why can't tho modern girl of plRhtqpn to twepty-flvo bo modest? Thero's nomethlnr? wronr and, to my mind, It's largoly tho parents who nro to jilame. T()oy should keep their pyps nnd. ears open whllq tfloy nrq so busily aunur jntr tholr daughters, nnd perhnpq they would hear what I did; oho man explain ing to another, who was. cvldopty n stronger here, ''Oh, thenq plris nrq nil right; yes, ther cost urn ea arq awfully Im modest, but, qf course, you could pot get Pico girls to do those things." FRIENDS of Mr. Tom LlBROtt wl bo mighty plod tq l)car that hic is nbq to bo nrpupd ppnn, uftqr havJtiK been HI jfar some time In consoquonco of a very M fall, pho was E4(tH flunki ypu know, snd is an awfully popular girl. Slio ami torn went to llvo (n Haverford, nnd ono day cqmlnB dqwnstalrq qn tiq beautifully polished floors tnero lay a rug; sho slipped pp It and 'foil, hurtntr herself very badly, and had to bq kept In n dnrkenod room, ufforlng from ej)ock nnd lnjurlos, for porno tlmo. Jjjst Vook, however. I sayv hpr at sovoral dances nnd parties, and plic is looking as bloornjng as ever. NANCY WYNNE. Personals Jllia Marlqp Button Una Issued Invita tions for a iunchcpn on January 9 In honor ef lilts Maud rpylln. of Virginia, who will bp her gupst for two weeks. Miss Mary D. Thayer, of Pliestnut Hill. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrt. Arthur '.'m?n Newbold, at 3Qi South Nineteenth strpctj tor several days. Ml 3 Msrlon Savage, daughter qf Mr. nnd Mrs. Charl A. Savage, qf ((raver's lane, Chestnut 11(11, wilt leave tlio first of the ytar for Orpenstiurjc. Pa., where she will lo the guest of Miss Caroline Jamison for a fortnight. Miss Jamison was In the same class at BL Mary's Bchool with Miss Savage Snd Is q frequent visitor In this city. Miss Amelia Sparks Douglas, of 401 South Twentr'Sftjond ptreet, entertajnd a luncheon, follqpd by prldee. yesterday at tbo aermantown Cricket Club. The guests, Who numbered ntty. wero seated at small tables decorated. wth polnsettlas. Mrs. Andrew Derr, of Wllkes-Darre, and her daughter, Miss Elisabeth Derr, who lias returned; from Farmlngton to sptud tha pirlstmf.s holidays with her mpther, s pending several days this week In tho city. Mrs. Derr was he, guest of honor a sev fiat luncheons given last week by her friends n thlsity: Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Marshall, of Itydal Waters, Ttydal. bare Issued lovlta tlpna for a hunt breakfast pn MonJay, Japu ry 1, at lit 10 biclock, after the meet of the Huntingdon Valley Hounds. The tlounda will meet at ltydl Waters at J I 'clock that nutrnlng. Mr, and Mrs. Jay Cooke, Id, of Brook JUld. Chestnut Ulll, spent several days this ek tn New York at the Ps(a Hqtel. Mr. and. Mrs. Jay B. Upplncott and Mrs. Pralge fjpplnoott, pf Second Sfreet pke snd Meptlngr Housq road, 'Meadowbrpok, have closed their country home and arf fcupyins their town house, 10! 5 Sprpcq ftreet, for the. winter montPf Mr. apd Mrs. X Orna Oodwln and their fqn, Mr. J. Orne aodwln. Jr., of 'HQ Pel jjn road, arwantqwn, will leave the end pf this week for Flushing, J t," where they Jrlll spend the week-end as tho guests pf Mr. and Sirs. Thomas Wtls5tf. and will re taaln foe Christmas, returning to town next vday, Mr. Jofcn ERk.ds, Rf Wynsota road. IVyn qt has returned to huj home after spend-Pf- several weeks in Indtanspolls. Mr- Eugene Stull, Jr.". wllj return tornqr tqw from JPennsytvanla 8(ts tglfjgq and Kill spend the Christinas hQlq"ys as Mid feat of his parenU. MrTand Vrs. Ifugena KUU, a( their home on Woodland avenue, Wypoote, Mr. and Mrs. X. Harrlaon Hutcblnsoa. pi kwqod, Jobstown, N. f , w IU bay Mrf. Tf Miiifi &&k$:f it n. 1. fertt ma sbl. mm&ss am hsss 5.-J$ii " jM& .'Hl' vVaSMal?k JUi'niC wiTCTi MISS THBUIA. MAUIB HESSE Who will bo mnrried to Mr. Paul Rj Wemlt, of 1333 Pino rtrcct, In Old Christ Church nt 4 o'clock this afternoon. ter IaldIow nnd their family, of Plalnfleld, N. J as her guests for the Christmas holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Hand arrived last Tuesday nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Laldlow will arrive today. Miss Natalie DIUard. of Pulnakl avenue. CJcrmantown, will "give a luncheon on De cember JO nt her homo. Tho BUCfts will bo Mies Nnncy Hoyt Smyth. Miss Annelta MacOrnth, Mica Jran Hpeers. Miss Allda C. nuthler. Miss Harriet Smith, Miss Slnry nich, Miss Edith Kelcham. Mlfs Margaret UlcMley. Miss Marlon Stearns. Miss Dor othy Calne. Miss Dorothy Bteffan. Mls.l Dorpthy McBrids, Miss Ellsabrtli ltutnn. Miss Sarah Cooke, Stlss Eleanor Webster, Miss Itqxel Pomp. Mh Helen tloyer. Miss Marjorlo Boyer. Mlsa Mnrrraret Hpeese, Miss qrace Bnlloneer. Miss Margaret Jacobs. Miss Clarlco Moyer. Miss Alice Tatnall, Miss IxjuIbo Roacon, MIsh Evelyn Lothbury. Miss Margaret Henry, Miss Freda qillesnlo. Mlsn Sarah Frey. Miss Catherine Smith, Miss Mildred Haven, Miss (Jenevlevo Blllenbeck, Miss Allco Dlllcn beck, Mlsa Catherine Stephens and Miss Matilda Heard. Mr. nnd Mrs. John P, Hutchinson, of Clove rdale, Ooorgetown, N, J..' left this week (or Camden. S. C where they will spend several weeks this, winter as the guests qf Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeqrge Cooke, of Trenton, at their southern home.. Mrs. A. O. It. Taul nnd per son. Mr. Henry Paul, of Mount Holly, returned this week from Jacksonville, Pia,, whore they havo been upending some time. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry franklin Baker, ot CtO West Phll-Kllepa street, Gcrmnntown, announce the engagement nf their daughter, Mlrs Margaret Cheston Baker, to Mr. Hlch nrd Warren Spracue, of Bryn Mawr. son or Mr. Edwin I Sprngue, of Boston, Mass. Ir. and Sirs. W. J. Stralcy, of Atco. N. J., announco the ennncernent of their iiaugnicr, .miss .veiiig jfanneitn utrnicy, to Mr. Ucorgo It. Pratt. Jr.. of Wnterford, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Ilfeso P. Pavls,, of Copaho Jiqcken, nnnoqnco the engagement of their daughter. Miss Emily M." Davis, to Mr. John McAllister, of Media. Sir. and Sirs. Wlllam J. Kratt have Issued ... ..... . " t. ... . -"r" ittS(it3uMif, m ' 't " -'i" : EVOLUTION OP A CHRISTMAS SHOPPER r mk CopnlSr Wi Psw,,Hn Invitations for a dance at their jogjj, Bay waymal. West Colllngswood, N. J., on De cember S8. Mr. and Mrs. Newftn Firth Hill and their son. Mr Newton Oliver Hill, of lSI Brie "sjTAtSntlo Clfy. where they wll spend the qqllds- Varying fh custom of previous seasons, the Dermlntown Cricket Club will celebratq tS asslruf of 1 mo" the advent of the jYTnstead of New Year's Hve, which falls mi ISrES fordinnV A dM? w follow, fft- Wbleh two orener Will r nlah virtually continuous music. " Noyel and tewt)llv tXf tVITaJWW Dtonntd fqr the ballroom ot the clubhouse gflanhWra. Tb. Yuletlde spirit wIU be rroUdratwH. iivirJZJaZZZ3.'PM fer fha'Sce 'nwaTattraTtiv.. Tt.e feMwtof iv2 amon sofas who will entertain at dta are amons "?;,' ui.hrrtuiH. Sir. i who wiu enter! Urs. T. D- Blehi i. peaoon, Mi SJrlr Horace V Dn, Mr nd Mrs. John Blakeley- My. and Mrs. O- X Jphq piaxeity. k rr.,." n,i tin. It, Jt. Newbera, uTlJdMrsTjo Wayiw. Jr.. Mr, p4 SL Sn BspdqlPh. Mr. and Mrs. Jt A. AWW t04 Wf; t Hf W- fH ihmw ...a. rf t)H JHS MslB(S Jtf WIU iOSS SSJ.IJM a T'.. bzszx-SZ mosiOTc Mn-PHrDAOJiEPiEwc, thotsdat, DuscmrasB n, OLD If R1SS' ADVANCE AGENTS BUSY ON SLY Yotingatora Lured Awny From Uomo While Flood of i?nck- ngos Arrive REAL THOUGHT IN GIFTS "Somcthlnfr to Plcasq" Slogan o Buy er! In Th!s,-n Record Year for Buying Mysterious neekagca are arriving at homes while the kiddles, ate out. young sters are being lured from home tempo rarity bv aunts snd uhcIm and conspiring neighbors. It Is during their absence that the bundles come. All nt which will serve to prove that this will be one ot Ktlsa Klnnte's busiest years. lint nil or these qdd-tooklng boxes nnd thing that find their way homeward are not ror tha children. Some ate for daddy and some far mother. Sha sees daddy slip ping upetalrs quietly with packages, of all kinds, but try as she will there I no clue to their whereabouts. There will be a great unpacking and discovering op Christmas morning- A"d speaking ot bundles, the girls In ths stores, tho aisle managers, the cashiers and the, drivers say thay never saw such a year. There seetpi to be more sincerity than usutl about gifts this year, they say. The many thousands, of buyers seem to be nuir anxious than ever about a desire to pleas the ree!plcnti, Those who simply dashed Into a More In past years and bought torn trifling necessity that looked like a' gltt are going Into details, as It were. It it Is a lobneco Jar for brother or dad they see that his Initials arq In It. npd f It la a sowing bag or opera glasses for mother, daddy takes the. same Interest. The Idea of giving mother a gift that can be used by every one In the family Is a thing or the past. This sort ot gift giving Is not In keeping with the real spirit of Christmas. Thq plan of presetti ng something which appeals personally Is followed fortunately mote than ever be foro. Instead of tho Inevitable, carpet sllppqra and IioUim coat, granddad will find some thing from Krlsa which ho has been crav ing for years. It may be a pair of com fortablp leather boots or a great, big old fashion woolen scarf. Financial values do not count It Is the Idea ot pleasing. As on artlatnncq to buyers, many of the stores have signs posted about! whlph u gost what will be good (or "blip" or 'iier." These suggestions go Iqto details, nnd most of (liern ari decidedly practical. CI'mSTMAS ON WAKSHJP Tnra Will Entertain South Philadel phia Children More thaq ope hundred children of Squth Philadelphia will bo entertained Christmas Day afternoon on board (he battleship South Carolina, at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Captain S. S. Iloplaon. Chnplntn I. J. Boufrard. J. W. Cavnnngh nnd other of flccni and members of thq crew have ar ranged tn have a largo Christmas tree on board, from which wilt bo plucked candy for tho children. Besides, to each wl bo given n pair of shoes, stockings aiid other clothing. A luncheon will be served them by tho crew. Moru than Q0 was subscribed by the olPcers and members of the crew for the entertainment. I.cavo ot absenco has been granted to sixty per cent or thq men an board. Thcsn Kill be permitted to go to their homes during tho holidays, and those remaining will entertain themselves serving tho South Philadelphia kiddles. What's Doing Tonight Philadelphia Oram Own Compsny prutnta ' J.UCJS. JCUffWlJ W, MUHli. County f'nlr anil Dance. unJer nuplets of Friend of Jewish Shiltfrlnr Home. JJanm d Dancolami. Mnntomry avenue and rvrnn tn slret lllu trtel Ieture by Jfred Fotfr. Ibby rl Y. M. ". g o'clock. irs BUI Improvement AsiocUllon. 1'rsok- Cntre htnrmm' tin Tnialr Uulldms. ruiy-n'cuna srritl 'and Ulrard avenue, H o'clock, free. Itrovrnlns Society, Nw Csnlury Club, I I'lplK-onal Acsdomr Domino Club, Jlellevue. fltratrord. -& Cepjpauy. ifprmtsd by sK(al arranssnwnt. GHEgfl VOn GEUMANTOVN POOR Wonlcns, for Fourth Year, to Dis tributo Christmas Baskets Christmas baskets wl be distributed, as usual, this year to deserving families of dermntpwn by Mrs. William Warden and Mr. hdV,Mrs, William Gray Warden, of gcbftpl jinf This is thq fourth annual obseryapca of the pustom and, through ths reuee't of Mrs. V'llliam Cray Warden, a box qf candy Will be added to the already crammed bast uts. Boast bef and yea or chicken with hatter. M. WW, tomatoes, potatoes, celery and ergnea are Included fn the food. Tbi dlstrlbutfcn will be made Saturday after noon by h Wardens' agent, PsimsF jiu.t bach, of thf Beoordef pf Deeds office. PfipVOST TO DlflE STUDENTS Mora Than 160 to Be quests of XJ, ot P. I(ca4 PpayoaJ RRd Mrs. Brjilth. have made ar. rangemenu for their snoual Cbrtstmas night dlPP" for tn undrg;rsduate students St tha Qntverslty of Peansylvanix who Uv too far frwft bets to Journey there for the Prqot SUh said today M bad as. fiatatajBssWl sijua L&a ab&SMat. as srranfiT Wrbm wmwmMmmmm '.' HBirSsSHiSSiil'l BEYOND THE GREAT OBLIVION (Sequel to "Tho Vacant World") Bv GEORGE ALLAN ENGLAND Crvraal, I'M. v frank A, Jfasifv tUmpanu TJin STOnT THUS TA". Allan tit.m.and liftrlei jjendrlck at red at the old manilen of Van Ambutst. irt tA wn,k in ttrnsit t tnake tne pom rlied start t fiabttabla. burin the w ot SsttHM nqr down thr llv on th OtT thr llv on tb Oth tnai Aiin ,. uuiini v,iw wv. w.. ---.-,. catches with a ruda rod. and ""'. a.. The world-aloes man pnd a sreat oa of his tlm. ainr.thst tn the wn'r.fi t of a worthy seittolos cratt. for he Plana ' deal ' Vosether ther start on their ""'"MJ: Hr nl.bt tn-r hayj travejed ,A"n Winirtv ton. throush ths'tlarTerW nlver and'J'IJJ miles alone the aouni. .Storn do" ort or a few m nutes andwhen be awasaa no nnds'tha lost Is belns drawn br a terrioa currsnt toward a (real ctsrsct. In 10151 miraculous war hr'aod lleatriee are "d . rrom dth to tha sreat plunse. ,", lioat and all their rrovtslons , ar ..'"''i After a week's rnnrnprnent ?n lh aMa o! the a, they recover suSlclent rensth ana upnttea to sat orf atln. tor Joavl";..,.., ther raseh the ruins of 1Vr?,l"lKSJ Jt. I., whera Burn nnda ""Vf"," mi aeroplane, ip this b' plana o continue ma tsploratliins, CHAl-rr-H XVI (Con)lnnedl SUV. smiled at his enthusiasm, "nut fuett" niked she. practical even In her Joy. '! don't Imaglnq there s any gasoline left now. do yotiT A stuff as vpla tlle ns that, aftor all theso centuries! What metal could contain it for a thousand years!" "Thero'fl nlcohol," tie answered. "A rpld on the ruins of a few saloons nnd drug stores will give rn all I need tq carry me to Boston, where there's pentr, never fear A few slight adjustments of the engine will (It It for burning alcohol. And as for the planes, good stout buckskin, well sewn to gether nnd atretched on tho frames will do tho trick as well as canvas better, mnybaf ''But" "Oh, what a llttlo pessimist It Is today I he Interrupted. "Always coming at me with objections, ehr He took If r In n s arms and kissed her. "I tell yqu. Boln. this Is nq plpo dream at all. or anything like It; the thing's reality we're go n to flyj But It'll moan tho most tremendous lot pf sowing nnd stitching tor you 1" "You're n dearl" sha answered Inconse quentially. "I dq beljeyq It the whole world fell opart you could put it together Kan. wlth vour helo. yeo." said he. "What's more. I'm going to and a better world at that than over yet was dreamed of. alt and seel" Laughing, ho released her. . "Well, now, we'll go to work." ho con cluded. "Nothing's accomplished by mere words. Just lay hold of that lateral there, will youT And we'll haul this old machine out where we can have a rjal good look nt her, what do you say! Now. then, one, two, three" CIIAVTEIt XV" All Aboard fpr Boston t NINETEEN days frorn hq dlscpyery or the biplane, a singular happening for a desolate world took pljice pn the brpqd beach that now edged ho city wiero opce the sluggish Providence lllyer had (lowed seaward. Vpr here, clad in a double suit .of leather that Beatrice had made for him, Allan Blern was preparing to gfyq tbo rflhahllltqted Pgulllao a try-out. Day by oay worimis i.caiuM "( it occupied n hunting or flshng. tho man ,d rebuilt nd overhauled the entire 14. Is.""1 -..,- I.. I.-.V f,in,l nnl.nlV In Tools he had' found nplenty ila which ho nan irround and ted With consummate care and skill. Alcohol ho had gainertxi unnmr tuni score of sources. All the wooden parts, such as skids and levers and propellers. fn sln.ee vanished and gone, he had clev erly rebuilt. And now the machine, its planes and rudders 'covered wlh strongly sewn lye. skin, stretched M Ight as drumheads. Its polished Krew qf the. phauvlere type gleem Ing In tho morning sun. stood waiting on thg !'"tli Whll 8tern fY, painstaking ll!BJS,1on' T think," bo judged, as he tested the, lastf stay and gave the engine. Its final adjustment. "I tbnk, upon my word, this, machine's better today than whan she was Writ built- If I'm no mistaken, bqek Ikfn's better Uteris,! for planes than ever canvas waa-lt's far stronger and less por oUs, tor one thing and sa for the stays, I prefe? the braided hide. Wire so liable to' snap. CThui compsss I've rigged on gimbals here, beats anything Paulltae himself ever had. What's the matter with my hqrne made gyroitat and anemometer? pd hasn't this aneroid barometer go( cards ond spades pyer the fJd-"tyls models,?" Bnthuslastlo as a boy. Btern shook his, bead1 and smiled dellgbtldly at Beatrice as hoexnounded thl mer tq pf the biplane and af the poaalbl5 outcome of the venture, stood by and l;Pd nd rt"ii sh undfrittpod 11 th mlnutlaa hq ex? plained. So then, you're rd to go up this mornlnir'slie asked, with Just fc quiver Pf certain everythlng-a all right-n? chanela p accident? Vor If n?thlBS happened "There, there, npfh!W , PP0" J?' tpgVilir' he riassqred Mr- b's motort been run three hoqrs ij suoces(o already iil- a. tiinnrner aaia SLSuiusiiwiai xaiiir fififii ta absolute order, tsit you. And as tor tue numu, rjsrrr --t- - ni yquch for that myself I" Stern waiaoo -j f--"."! 'r qve tha Tej knotted a, trPPK leather ford to the, buK. brquKt I Ipnrwd NI Mcurcd tt to, the franjf pf b fNom BeaUlce.1' be d'ectad. "when J'rn, ready OU put th pord- I hayen't any rtahl rSupsM and than gfva tn s, ahov.'q tTfa do U thte Ol a q& yFSMm do' awrwaq, jii oege ?&&nrrm $& IK M... . , J .. SfSBSJfapHBa B aafassar fJSSr machine, plcavea u . "m ',i h? harerJared. toi Ws ax. and at a dUtnco drqvt Tha stakq very deep Into tha bard TOIO FIRST OHEISTMAS CoprrltM X-tfe. Publlstlnt motor. It caught, nnd now a chattering tunuilt ntlcd thq nlr, rising, falling, as Stern manipulated tlirottlo utid spark to est them once ngAtn, Into the driver's seat he climbed, strap ped himself In nnd turned to smllo at Beatrlco." Then with a practiced hand ho threw thq lever operating thq frlctlon-clutch on the propeller shaft. And How tho great blades began to twirl, faster, faster, till they twinkled and bussed In tho sunlight with a hum like that of n glgontla electric fan. The machine, yielding to tho urge, tugged forward, straining at ita bonds llko a whip. Pt eager for a race. Beatrice, her face flushed with excitement, stood ready with the knife. Louder, faster whirled tho blades, making n shiny blurt n brceip sprang out behind thentt It became n wind, blowing tha girl's hair back from her beautiful race. Sterr) settled himself more firmly Into the seat and gripped tho wheel. The engine was roaring like a battery ot Kprthrup looms, titcrn felt the pull, the power, tho life of the machine. And his heart leaped within hi in at his victory oyer tho dend past, his trlumVh still to bet "All right I" hq cried- "I-et go let got" The knife fell. The parted rope Jerked back, writhing, like n vourided serpent. tienlly at first, then with greater and greater speed, shaking and bouncing a little on the brpad, flat wheels that Htern hud fitted to tha alighting gear, tbo piano rolled oft along tho firm-beaten sands. Htern advanced tho spark ana now the screw nang a louder, higher threnody. With ever-accelerating velocity the mnchlnq tooled forward down tho long stretch, white Beatrice stood gaxlng after It in rapt at tention. Then nil at once, when It had sped some Mm&m . V M JJSSSjSBBBjT.amafSBSSBBBBJ tek ssjnnasjjw Edison's Genius Will Bring Reql Msic to Yaqr Home This Chrhtmas "As 8hepherila watched their flocka by night," an, ongel choir waherpel fp. tho Christmaa, For nearly two thousand yegrp gopd niusic Jins been inseparably intertwined with the pbspryance pf this day of days. In fact, it ia impossible to conceive pf Christmas in which muic pjaya no part. Will YOUR, family this Christmas enjoy the inspiration that only good niusic can afford? Giye them DIAMOND lho pif tbqt maj?c Chrjstrpflfj ffceer lout the year round. Th" "wondpr phonor Bfpph will brine t? ypur homo more than fi tin,c pleasure. iMustVa RE-CREATION will ntrenathen the bond tween yflH and yPHr and will dmw the family together more plosely, rn Etjison homo rnmlenlp (n h evpninp vyill Mt tho children t their Bttjdipf with rifiW enthnsiajm W wil atrip the ypaja ffpm thfl BTflwnwps, meeting their varied moods, Btimulcttins or soothing the spirit as nothing elso can. It Ym fiMe "The Phonograph With a SouV Time Wm tie fienl Mwic in Your Home This Chrfamm Pjjf pjoflars-tt terras make J f asy foif sTqry fsrally to tfq s Efll'Pn ludwig piano co m&m3m zm -asjsjE-Iteprlnled Xr uttiol nrraniment, Company. three hupdred feet. Stern rotated thq rising Plane : and suddenly tho mnchlno lifted, In a long smooth curve, shq slid nway up tho air ns though It had bten ft nolld hill tip, up, up swifter and swifter now, till a suddenly accelerated rush cleared thq nltltuda ot the tolle.it plpen in the. forest edging tho bench, and Stern Jmow ls drenrn was truol With, a great shout pf Jay. ho leaped tha piano aloft! Its rlaq had all thq exhila rating suddenness or a seagull winging up rrom tho foam-streaked aurfaco of the breakers. And In nl moment Stern fplt the Mlsa pf conriueaf. Behind him. thq spruce propellers wero making a mluty Imxe'ot humming energy. In front, tho cngtnq spat nnd clattered. Thq vast aproad ot thq teather wngs. sown, stretched nnd tc(cd, crackled npd boomed as. tho wind got under them nnd heaved them' skyward. Htern shouted again. Tha machine, he fet, was n thing of llfo, friendly nnd true. Not anpf that (Ima Irj the tower, months ago. wien tip had rcpalrpd tho big qteam engjpo und actually made It run, had liq enjoyed so real a senso ot mastery over the world ns nqw; had hq sensed so det lnto a connection With' tho mechanical powers of thq world that was, thq world that still should bo. No longer now wnn ho fighting tha forces of, nature, all barehanded and alone. Now back of him ny thq energy ot n tnachlno, a metal heart, throbbing and Inexhaustible and (ul of ltq fpw'tio had tapped tho vein of Powo'rl And lit his cars tho rip ping volley of tho oxhaUst sounded ns sweetly ns might tho voice ot a long-abjont and beloved girl returning to her sweet heart. l."or a moment he felt a choking Ip his throat, a mist boforo his eyes. This triumph stirred hint emotionally, practical and eool and kcer) though ho wan. Ills hand trcmbloi! n second! his, heart leaned, throbbing lko tho motor tnclt.i But almost Immediately ha was bmsolf once more ' Tho weakness passed. And wh n sweep ot his. clear eves, ho saw the speeding landscape, woods, hills, streams, p DISC PHONOGRAPH The love of music is qur second nature, but until Ed (eon perfected the neMr art pf musiq re-creation it was possible to heqr really good music only on rare occasions. Nfiw yoM can hear the world'i best mwij J9 your own home ns pften as yqu w?h ZcnateJIo, Mttrip Ranpold, Anna Case, VlPFY WesHnnt MMgatPle Majzenaufr, Wlfldiflon, Qm?t Chalmern will swg irt ypu whepe.ver yqu re in the mood. And PVen thp mos,t critical par cannot distin guish between the voice of the liviqg arti$t and the Edison. Re-Creatjon, of sympathy be jj .'mi imi that ww Wero ttrordpf ther fsa Ilk A fluid man. "My Hod. It's stand, though f W claimed, swerving the plane" Irt ascending tmlral All the art. tha-ki ot night enme back to him, at lho te ot ine wncei, as) reaoiiy ns nwunm aft exnett In tha water Pent? Tha ti nq mre occurred to him th.m tq Sroa, J ing mess. worn. Higher h mounted, higher itltt, hft hk whipping out behind In thq wild wWB, till lm cjnuM me th anaekt at NUM.mil irett Bay. there In the distance where fiver brosiiened ntq IL At him use ws tore, louder even than the knitting r, Of tha tnotor. it only labghed, rind &? again But now he thought of Beatrlco; ?n5. as he bnnkeit and cqrrta about, he peereel far down, for atghi of her. Yes. there aha stood, n tiny dot upon tha dIMant BAnd. And tnough hq kttaw a could not hear. In sheer Animal sptrttft nM overwhelming Joy he shouted oncq hgitlti, a wild, mad triumphant hurrah. tnM lft Itself In epipty spade. Tho test h travo lh rautltaet peritnceVl him sho would entry all the load lty ould need put upon her, and trior. Ttq climbed, swooped, pplraled, Yplplanftd, and rose again, executing a scries of avotuHofts that would have won him fame At any eto meet And when, alter half hn mmr'a exhaustive trial, hq swooped down toward the beach again, ho fqund tha pln nllfhWd easily ns eno nou risen- Mko n pea-brd Unking with flat, put stretched winks, coming to rest With pert 11 -..', . 4i . L'i..'i',j ease and beauty on the surfneo of the deep, thq Paulllaq, slid down thq Ion? hill ot nlr. 8lern cut oft power. The machlno took the sand with na mora than ft vlcbr- mis bound, nnd, running forward perhaps miy jnrua, camo to n stantt. Btern had no poopcr leaped frpm the aedt than Bontrlcq wns with hlrn. "Oh. glorlousl' she cried, her facq alight with Joy and fine enthusiasm- All llV spontaneity, her lovq nnd admlratlpn rM aroused. And she kissed him with M frank nnd glad a lovq that 9ern Wi hi heart Jump wildly. Ito thought she haver yet had been so beautiful. iiui an (iq nam Wnqt (qONTINUKn TQMonnow) descend Sis mmm PILGRIM FOREFATIMS Tprnprrqw 20GtU Annivcrstjiy q Lundinij of 101 Valiant Pionecra Tomorrqw Is Fprefathers ?fty, ths wo hundred nnd ninety-sixth anniversary ot tho, landing of the Pilgrims on Plymouth Bock. In nil parts of tho country more than 3C0O descendants ot thq 101 men, women Slid children, who mada thq vqyngo will celebr&to tho occasion. The anniversary wilt be mentioned in the classrooms of the publlo nnd private schools of thlq city. Thq day nlso marks, the! twtnty-second anniversary of thq organisa tion ot tho General Society of Mayflower Descendants. In tho nctlovue-Strntford tomorrqw nlaht the New Enalnnd Society ot Pennsvl- vunio wilt hold Its thlrly-qlxth Annual din ner. Among the speakers wilt be ex-Presl-dent William 1L Tnft, tho Bev. Dr. Neh' mlah Boynton, of Brooklyn, npd cx-Cprt-gressman J, Adam Bede, of Mlnnrsotq. The present otllcers of the lioUlety arer I'reqldent. Cyrus If- It Curtis: vice presi dents, Lincoln IC Pnasmoro and Arthur W. Bewail; secretary, E. W. Mumfqrdt rpa's urer, (Icorgo Irving MerrllU phsplaln. tap llev. pr. Floyd W. Tomklna; physician, pV. S. D. ltlsloy. .Tho menu will Include typical New Knst lahd dBhes. Tio decorations wll bo nt tractlvq nnd tho banqpet pronllseq tq bo notable In tho number ot distinguished nqn who. will nttond and thq wit and brllllanoo ot the speeches. Christ rjias Delivery Guaranteed m