$stm EXTRA SESSION NEEDED JfofiR of. AdniirtitriiUdh,& Pro gram Completed nrid No Pfospect of Speed ADJOURNS ON FRIDAY Ust of Menstifai tiffced by President Sh6w Kolhltiff AcfcohiUihel. Two Months tinly flehiain tfASUINUTUW. tii Uti. iMtotMS ii mm to (in ,tm Itf fctjwiAUt Mr, tw"n!!8 l $ '" tfl "rttfht hhti JlBftiirtUiHllhn IfrrfifrM ib Svoltl II. rtft Mtrii IliioH Hjipmfcl tollhy Hfc Unly HltfrrM 111 to rtVtrhlhR JilUaii Ht (H IMWhttM pronrArrt, IttcltiTllttR win 01 ilie White lotl rrcommfnilatlons. , , Wfitti CBtlgrriJi fttr1 FrhUy .vr the holldAyA It ivlll hAvo cotnoteirti oiHj-thlrtt BjlhlJ MiMt, U61 hue lihpor Unt bill ha Mil etiatlHl Into ia. h hMtotltMlUt lflvtrtMlflh or l.i. IH lilaitl tbetillhe UK lidvfc tfrblltlckl tlie Bit TMUlf' Not en forward ntri ht ttWh tnKtn toward carrying out the l'rliUtifs railrostd ifitWIfttltB flrbtnhi. Tho lttiU. iMfrMato ntltf FBrln tih merce romtnlttea In leUlhifc lite Btflitte )itttrtM' PoiftmtircS CftrHtrtttt tttko the lent!, rtnd tho 8enato rbmttillldfc hm dieldM tri hold lifSfinRR, licRlhttlnc Jan uary ! (h IMS trtoiidseil bill. , Tlifc edrrtlhl prdellcM Hill, dfrnlRnrd to limit rnrnpnlcn i"ndllilr, pro voked h rhucll dfbllla lH.it It Ha nnt tick to (hi) I'MvlltRH hnd ttlttitlanit Committee, for redrafting.' h8 WfcbB exhtirt Mil. tlrfent Hy the pMsldPtitt l.t nwnltlhfe hearing before lh(S Bnnto Interstate Commerce (!nin fitltttS. 4 Tho wholo connervatlvo program, pledged liy the Senate ideerlnn enm mlttee tn a preferential place on tho Senate calendar. Ilea neglected, If tint dead. Not tin) MlghteM effort haft lieen inif)( td rMli It off tlie leglalatUo sitla The t'nrlri Itlco org.ihlc hill, recom inendecl hy the President hna nut been touched. Thfl llifeateneil resolution tn Inve. llgalfl fcilinpalgrt expenditure have beert Jlscreelly pigeonholed by both ntctt-n. The Itnfnlgrrttlon bill has been iKtitee'd, Mi tt faces presidential veto, and tho fnauing complication ami delay of fiUilng It over the While Iloum Mijec loh. Bnormoua appropriation bill, fare fiilly pared ti meet a $300.1)00. dOO deficit, but rtlll hopelemly exceeditiK prBSpectivc revenue, atnnd wnlllhir fdr action. leaders today admlted that ecn the breaking of all Ictclalatlve epecd recortla 61ild not enable ConRreas tn crowd all the Work It has to do Into tho next two month.. Btlbwau Mishap StdtmTiioitBandti Ctiillnard from I'afe One fded naturcdly. The JammliiR of the ears will due larpely tb the passeiiRura them telrei), as they declined to take tho advice of ticket inkers at tho etatlona and wait fdf later trains. TIlitUNU. IS' cAus AMer tho workers and employer hnd kith dlsosed of by tho clbvuted-suhivny Uhii, they then bad to fad the jlropoM tioW bf carlnR for the tboiiKauds of shop. ptfS. many of tvltotn caluh frbltt slibilrbs and nearby towns. For some tlmd nftfr tfilnc was resumed, dozens of trains weio picked by crowds at Klxty-nlntli street and BUtleth Btreet All waitlnR pnssenRcrs east of thJse sta tions were shifted to surface llites to let th tdevatcd Ret somewhere near normal ninnlnK schedules. Prior to the accident at city Hall there, wlaa tie-up In cast-bound tralllo for nearly' hjllr lin linlir ii romiH ,.f ti Iilntpfilil t; II. it .reilr shop at Sixty-ninth street. Afler iVAi damago was repaired tho trains were lofillged to run very plowly. .uni6rdlis ftrillls were also stalled lietwceo stutlmiH Ken West-bound elevated tracks. tA6out 10 o clock tho road resumed nor mal cbndltlons. ft) ItfeWAItn iJOV PAKMEIIS BUrllnfrlfln County Lads, ltfcccnt Prlzo Winners to Htivc Trip lllJtttilHtJtd.S'. nTT, iJea 20. As a re .ward for Victories it i-Urh-RrnwItiR nild (grlcUHurat L-oiilests iluHns Did last flritson, stdre bf UthllriRtoti (."utility boy will get . free twd-ilay tUp to slate t'nllchc, ht New hhlhswlck. nlid ntt IiisIrIU liltil the dviihtaiies df it sclcntltlc educdlloft in farming lit a tour bohilUcted brt Thursday nd Prlility hf hext week tlritlelr direction ' tM UtiHlbklitti County ybtlllR Stcli'S ChrlSllan, AssbcUUlon. Hoys from setfcral other counties wilt jnjoy n similar nlltrrlmnRe, and plans have oeeh inalle bj- thb collese rtUthorltles ror n Ihstructtvo rtild InteriatlnK protfrnm durlluV their slay. ' AhibhR tho BurllmHhh County boys who wort arda entltllOK tbUti to the trip are ChHes Ventiel, liaj-inuhil Wllsuli. Howard Wills, of Marlton; KlUbbtl Piltiii. Percy Klrby( Norton Klrby. Howttnl Shtim. of Columbus : iiblm Ijvahs, llasll sholl. df llur Jlngldl) s Hussell (Vdwsllaw, tif WHkIUs lott Warren Philllh. Wllllalu II Urat. of Johitowri : Jben!i V. II. Pefc. Kdinunti Davis, Jogfun nngle, uf Sledfrtl; Samuel SharH, Wllllani HalrteS, bt Slnutiutllle. YoUi1 Boy Wants One tilack lieUlity Bicycles lnn "id a. rubbtr ua eAil r. 3 ill, rubUtr rlp sod t.hthtr KiBdili rilhklne frUm lit.So to ' ulilmieil on blibrUral. m oul of toin cunidiiifm. fU of wrl" fiiLrtSfff.."M. .ft "' Btc,u" M ih' Ojiru h ckarsle account. Havgrfortl Cycle Co, 603 Market StreL Atnric' Largeit Cycle Ifouie tr WtUhiln Louet CANDY Jt Mftfc Sit jftanseom's CHOCOLATES csrrtca a thessaii that words wjnot tell. BILLS SWAMP CONHBESS; Slrlef "from (bl ISetoFt, FlnUh.d, la VtiV-blck."i" UgiiblS sola trlBlnic tell. your card and tell us IM onq RlBfe TlittifY M1LE8 HANGING ON TRAIN Victim of Thfiliiiip; EXpfJrlehdd Nearly Eshnuated When Im press Reriulies Conteftvtlld tOAflttHUft, t)e id.-VneH A Pnh sylranln express nrrtretl bete early last ! tl frrew fettml a ymiriir mft ellntc d t m , trtr,r" f (HI tHf bar. In htf, peAUibS fie HtldfFi fM Un. wsten a dlvane bt thirty miles, llft Ht ef 111 rftfjht um m afftll , lHnd was tulle HJoft, tm III fWt The fMMIh .!... .. l ..u.... . ... WJiiwwr h. J isTt IB "Mi hi .- iir.T .i ,0.,!r,n "l"lr. Vd IllUrhed ?AM '' ItalH iri nrattoft.' ill erfthbM J i. . "!,.r "" '" ? r. be e He h ??"&. s,,, t tH the Mr. rllld wh"n LellelHR h e lounu n could lhAM fiM rii hMt- the SPViVT?' ,ff"1g f ffl'1 'hat ,he did not Isfe1 Jrtlhp Hf? In the bitter plJ ,S Ippf.i ii' i "."". n'Ml hfM on 111 'h tralrt made fcxhilistell. but ffrued the colrtlWitys offer l ftrovtd lneltic.il ItfttttrieAt. saylliR he tVoilbl conlliiue- oil IH hit ilMiliiallbh. 1'itiNKs u. s. will Loan WAR OttDBMS TO JAl'AN UHtftln Will lluy in BrtUt, Where She ltd Jloney lnvMlctl, S&yA t'rofessor Japan Ii rapidly supplanllnR tll Pnlttd Slates as the market for the Allies' war order and this country will Soon lose busi ness valued at J 10.000.000 a dsr. In lbs opinion of Prof. Thbrnas Coilwar. Of the Wharton Hchhol nf Klnance of the Untrer- ti&r ,,'.'!:"'lvi"ll!, '" n "'cl before -th. IlOlnry (.lull. nd unless this rountrv eet.i hark In t normal basis Rradually, a Rreat ilepresslnil wilt follow." he mi. ", sudden peace troltld pt-Mldct a deptessltill. The reason hat there will be no Inore war orders Ii IH.1l Hi nhnthtr year. If (he w.tr in contin ued, all American secUHtlM will have been returned. Already JMfln.OOO.OOO has come back to secure loitns maili by the warr.liR nations, mj.dtlfl.UOl) of Which was eol.l "When they conle' to the ilrrllt in the near future, they wilt bntfc ttt play their Irtsl trump cant by ofTcr'Uit: (heir own securi ties, plenty of which itre available In the. South Afrtrnn diamond Millies and olher properties all lA-er the Adrld. tlut to avoid this (Ircat llrltaln Is fdaclliR new war orders with Japan, where she lias Inoncy III. Vested ami where labor Is cheaper. So, rrtim now on. we will probably Ret back In this country to n normal bails, for which we should bo thankful. The pinnacle or prices has been reached here, but tho great danger of our natural lack of caution In tlnnnc.cn jtlll confronts u.i." INVESTIGATE TlttJOl'S I'ltbTEST Itc'sllll of Inttllry on Ohio fJunrdsmcn nt tloftlcr iVot known Yet KI, PASO. Tex . Deo. 20. Action upon the cases nf .ISO Ohio national guardsmen for hreai'11 of nillllilry reRUlatldh1 In slRh InR and inallliiR n "rouml rolilh" to tilt Ohio newspaper protesting asalrtst n loiiRCr' stay oh (he border and against camp cop dlllnns add the foodi today awaited thfl report of the district Inspectors tnt'cstlKUt Ing thb affair ly order of Central (IcorRe dcl. Mnjnr II. Kly, of Ceneral Hell's Slarf. went Into the (ihln fit in i again today to corf' tlilllh lilft ItlVerillgatlUns and ascertulu If there Wan any basis for complaints. As the Investigation prnceeeded It was fduitd (hat the protest wiih mainly a maill fcstatloH of the desire of tho tneh to re lUrh home. Although the results of the Inquiry have not yet been made public. It Is known that 1'ttle JustHlahle Cituse fdr tha Jihitent has been uncovered. 3042-34 S. Jewelry, Furs Dreascs, Goata Sult. Waists Hosleru, Underwear Handkerchiefs UloVest UnlbMtan NeckWear, Iieeftto Overcoats, Sulld hbetilbr Coats ' Suits Mackinaws, Mackintoshes Itlddkets, Conl forts Talking Machines lltiuMfdrnlshlnos Hugs, Oriental and Do- Vadium Swiipets ntesllc Shoes, SlUif)Crk, Rubbers thousands of bdttUtiful thingfe gifts for thd elderly, or the- yoting, for every length of purso and every taste. They are all here at remarkably low figuresf Hnd upon very easy terms Store Open Evenings Till Christmas Christmas Gifts . Electric Lartips, Solid Mahogany Moot Larnps $ Q RELIANCE i!ksc,Dc SVEmm liBDMB-PSI&ilDBIHlA, WBBM8DAY, UMBMBltt W, ri'ii.i MLVrtt t?iilmstt Htt iir """" i nnnvno nimiau Pilpll Ih llto Sthoat at Prdctlce, tvllb - n. j. r.j,, ilf,j. ,lr dl)r .,' ,lir the tJhhmber of Commerce for the best essay on Ihtlcpendeitco Hflll, oITeretl to mthlls Ih till sehfiols ih thb eitjri She In IvVcIvb yfcnfa Did nntl lives nt C05 iNortli Twcnty-llr8t street. HOLD J,-),0.10 REttMANS ilrilish Cnpturris Exceed Poe' Captures of llrltlsh hy 1.1,020 . Ill replying to ith IrilefpellnUhn Irt the Hrlllsll lloll.e of I'hnittiiin.t m Nntembcr H, J. IIMpe. Treasurer" of the lldUMriold. ali1 that the number hf lleriiinil military prison ers In llrltlsh hands, hot Including lhe 2106 caiiluted on November l213, was as fell lows: AitMr onvcts ( ni Jten IS.US 3 NAVT "n1er , 131 Men : ,oJ Totsl l.l.Mll The corresponding iluiiibeF of llritUli prMontrs lit tleftliatt hands, Inrlinllng those of Colonial rtlnl Indl.iti force.. naS: Aniir l.ymthi ,l.o:i mh ih.,ii yHAvi (lllttet (IneluJlng nstl .tltlilort) hi Men (iRCludlnz natal illtltlonl I, SSI TolSl . .31.1111 Oil tictoher 14 the record Stbod: tterlndil prisoners m rtfitlsh hsndH. il.OiO; Iirinsii prisoners In (lerlnart hftntls, fO.llll. ChtitifTeUr Held for Newell'd Death PITTSUL'IKIII. Uec !U. A coroner' jury Has otderefl thill Oeorgo c Rlcheh berg be held for the drain! Jury on A charge bt rhunslaiighter nA a result of the deatli tif John Newell, a millionaire hotel and nil Vell owner. Nevell was struck hy an rttithrribUlle alleged tu hate been drlveii by Blchenbetg bn thanksgiving Uaj' and dlfd shortly afterward of Injuries. SECOND ST, Llnoleuni, Curtains hlbtary Table tiltmlc CablMts tUdUtiihte Ititcks Iloafictisen Davenports, Rockers CMlM Closets, Desks Morris CMlfs lltibu Cdtrlagts tt2B-:-?ju::.-mc7iTt for the Home Dlnillg ftoom Electroliers, All golds purchaicd ftfj iee vill be hung frte of ihire ju"W Boudoir Lamps LAtifJEl BliOWilOOMS LOWESf fRlCBS FIXTURE CO. fiOAUDS'FAMlLlKLOSG AID IN Mlffi WEEKS J U. 3. Allowance of $50 n Month Stops When Troops Kc turil llUlfie UASIM.VOTliN", Dec. S9 All Uoverri. ment Ahl to dtltri! I am leg of Pennsr m ta idtltM fallle of Pennsyl gjfetPBMieH Hill eB hri (he trocpX vnnla im return fftr lhe bolder within tM next thrrt weeks. ptlJ, trtatettltnt wa dfnwn from ItepreofnfAlive John J. PltilWld. of Nelv lork. .bhstllnmn df, the lloiistj Appropria tions femlnltte. by ltprtllitllte J. Hump, ton Meets, of I'lillWlelphlrt. today. "War wtflows' ttf ghaHlittneTt nbo have lost (Heir tKltlon In civil life due to pro tratled servl.-e on Ills Border lll uw tn he litktii rte of t,y t-l charltie. he sold. As KoOK a the guardsmen rtte inuJtered oiit of th Federal service the (levernmehl will cease to pay jo ft. luoullt lo fautilles who nee.1 tl Th slAteihent of Chalrtnan PlUgernld was made dUrmg tUbttte ot an emergency appropfiatn.n uf ll.ijti.eOO IH continue tile payment of (h. mohlhly rtlhieranee. tin Kridsv " lleprsHtaHve Moore re oilndMl Ithrl. -tnii m, js.l0tf.eot would be neetwMry Wh U tho lIK.pHallon cut lit two' "The Sitin n,) tceominMittett itui make Iwsslbl continued Wyifielits until April I." was the answer In view of tho fact that iWvlvanla troopl hate- heen ottlsieil Itothc and lll me in the next, three weeks, has the n prtipnatirtn been loAerwl?'' "No" atd I'halrmun I'Mtigrmld. "tie cause this e. no Is1 aked on the basis of keeping ;j.oon troop! on the border " ACTltS'S I.OVIJ NtlTES rtEAl) V6rHitti Wlhs Illvnrce hj Rhbwitiff Colt, flicntcd tellers CHIPAtin. Pec :o.-If Miss Irene Hrown. la to of n. New Torlt musical coin edy company, still wants her "llabe dear" and "dear fat fnce." she can have hlln. Dr. I.ouls Krhultle, dentlit, wits free hs a bird today. Mrs Kchultto having ob tained a divorce on the strength of Irene's letters. The girl's letters ran the gamut of 191(1 'lore stuff" and carried some show-girl Impressions of certain New York pro ducers "Went up to see a man who is going to put on seme of ihe season's successes ueTt fall,' she wrote. "Maybe he's kidding me. Mil I can't hurt myself If I Ko to ,tn him om-e n week You know nhnt these men are. but, dear, t must get nlong In this business." I'rlchd Wlried nild Dined Wife, lie Snyg PlrrSfiPlHljt. Dec. I0.. 'barging u,at Herbert It. Waller, "one of his best friends ' had "wined, dined and noneri" his wife Until she left him, lloss ti Mlnckhiiril, a dancing muster of national fnme. brought a suit of UO.oiio damages agnlpst Walter alleging rtllepallon of Mrs. Itlarkburu'n atrectlons. Illarkburn sued for divorce several weeks ago 1 Hi Fe l) ' 1 s mam plans tunMT TO END CROSSING PERIL City's CllnhlbfJr of tttlHlHiefce Presents Project for Expendi ture tif SlJBd.UdO MtAUINO. Pa, Ifc. 16 The eommlltee 6fi slfeels bf iiiK t1lmbe,r 61 fcolhfrtre made public Its deferred report bit tits plan tri eliminate th Heading Hallway's grade crd.Mltlgs Ififdligft trtri center of (He city. Its estimate nf the cost Is Jl.250.0o6, which Includes j(!0,00d In propefty dam ages. The carrying out of the plan would r sldfe SevNtfi strMt, (vidclhs now fctsMtfled by trttclw, td the munlelpatltjf. It lnolve"s the driving of a turinet from the southern end of thb clly td Ihfc conlMriy'll main statldn to the north, rieventlt and Perm streets, where thousands' of persons ass every day and which hid lert deWHbed as ono of (He SoHi rffalle crdstlilRS Id I he State, (vould tie done airity With. PltOt-'lT OK hl'tiU'V HIEAI.S 1400 lleren Sludelils Do Without CotTcc, ten rt ml Jill tie-r ittttUCA. Ky. Dec. !(t. llereil College (Indents put (.'liirngo'S diet squad to shame. Sin rehls a meal Is what food Cost each of lhe 1(00 students rtt the modhtnlll IhMI tullon. ahd St that figure tlibstl Id Charge at the heordlhtf hall clear ah HVerage of SG59 45 a year. President William Ooedell Frost, explain ing this, refers to the economy of numbers, and s.tya that the students are nccustomed to plain fare, so that they nlmost unani mously chooje lo do without tea, coffee and butter to reduce expenses. Td offset thefl dmlsslons the balanced rallon has been In troduced. $1 Christmas Neckwear Scarfs such as men apprcciale. A wide va riety of bcttillful pal terns and a wonderful silk itirtlily at tile price. 1114 Cheilnut St. 11 S. 15th SI. 1110-21 Market St. illiatfi m '' A "-' 1016 iiAN'sMWNi edMPANif WOk JJfeAfi Afttfovito Public tietTleo llosnl Upholds Ooanlles Ons add Eledtflc Cdrnpanifa Appll- ctltlbil td Acfullfe- lloldihfei flAtthisnen6 Dc fo.--Apprvvt was ilve-ft by the TUMl& fttrlc fbmmlMloH to the application of the Counties) (las and Ulectric Compajtiy. a PennsyhanUi eorpora (Khi tfl (cijulre th butstanfllhlf tb( bf the l-atiMlovne Construction Company, ft New Jefsey eorpofadon. "fh ceinmlBioh," tys hi rfee'fsfon. "looks witit fator Upeii lhe transstetlon ris a who!. Bill Irt (SntlHtfii? UK fflinf(! of publlo ixintenlenre. evidencing It approval It Is penstraiued tei state tlml it has not attetriptcil to valiiata ,th properties, frail CHm t edntraet.'l bt (he" ebmtMnleg pro peeetl to Wi aetiulrfd nor does It paw tipoh br approve of the valuation placed liimn MttUtlwvtiviV All Sites M Widths Lace and JJUltba Not until you make hon est comparison Will yoli be wholly BntiHficd as to the EXTRAORDINARY VALUE Of these siloes. Slaty - one progressive Ut StAiRS fitores that's Why you save ONE TO THREE DOLLARS here. W - Hi ll J osfoii Sample Shoe Shon . S.W.COB. 10th & fit:roM ri.nott linnn Cnl PilriHlH f j Oeheral $ ovi:it oiiii.iih vi'Kii uai. bsuuiiijj j9amU&jt Stithhgef g ii il n ilfti i i Wj& S UMisvt'iV.4 UMl) MAttKin- flli Tlitftf it fiT. til.nVATOHH ttAVltViWVMT 34.. The price of the foiir and eight cylinder Stearns Knight cars will be advanced $45 and lOO respectively on Jan. 1, 1917. Four-cylinder Open Cars, $1495 Eight-cylinder Open Cars, $2250 YOU CAN SAVE $45 ON THE FOUR AND $100 ON THE EIGHT BY PLACING YOUR ORDER NOW The hew 1917 Stcntrm series, rtow be ing delivered have many improve ments and are not subject to change in the Spring. WE WILL ACCEPT BONA FIDE ORDERS FOR BOTH THE FOUR AND EIGHT CYLINDER STEARNS KNIGHT CARS UNTIL MIDNIGHT, DECEMBER 31ST, 1916 AT $14B0 FOR THE FOUR CYLINDER, AND $21S0 FOR THE EIGHT CYLIN DER, F. O. B FACTORY. hj ernes SPRING GARDEN AT BROAD PHILADELPHIA bfl ? JMf. O tHe ecfitcaeU tit ttiABaffa 'MMimf VflMh a U AM ft e4HfleJ efj corlxtfRferlcl will CI 18ua br t m (Ion. The Counties Comnanv I tT.ssk turlhtne gas anS electrlclly In iUmim ti. IJelntrafe nrid i'llesfrt- Cobtittlit ' Ijml6vrie company Is apUHxM 1100.000. dbjtctiohs 18 ih proposed mergw dti vgrtfiUS Pennsylvania line west InfdW Pittsburgh. Cincinnati. Chicago n4 m Itits Itallroad Compsny were wlthflrfu tM matter will b Ulcert (ij Id HmCm SeMlon today. HtilTnlo 11111 lUcorerlhB DliNVBh. Cot. im sS.-r'rio reeorery hf Colonel W. F. Cody, Is rlrttially Mur4. aeetirtllng to Ur. J 'if. B, thd phyilsMtv lltHeSS. tioelor ffelit fielletel tfi: fil IWIKHI will b rtbl to flt lb tiM fiSrr.. in Wyoming wKhlri tho next teh Akfh " ' ' i' . '" lii'Mifr.t.'ife.y Havana D t 0 IV 11 , Mahogany and fan Calf, ahdt a wide range olf pretty etc. , I ' I MARKET STS. W-M Ml lfa i A95 1 Mi 1318 Arch Street Phiitfe phia EiTa EfUtif 2Br. 9H. Mr Mi otm ivm iWrtaf m 'wt MM Chri riilmat L tfc i ft,, m.U i to, uai , -JM-