Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 20, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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ZamW J&VrJevt3t.
A fine col
lection of large
pearls of more
than fcriy-
grains cadi
C artier
brlc I
712 HflhAverutc
.New York
Stato Pardon Board Deluged
With Pleas for Mottcrn
and Haines
U. p. Senator Engages Head
quarters at Harrisburg for
Speakership Contest
Bnldwln Claims Much, but Writ
ten Pledges of Support Are
United States fienntor Holes Penrose will
take personal chnrgo of tha light agnlnst tho
Brumbaugh Stnto administration when It Is
launched In earnest Just beforo tho session
f the lglslaturo opens January 2 noxt,
ami will personally direct tha campaign of
Richard J. llnldwln, of Dolawnro County,
tto Icnrosa candldata for Hpoakor,
I'cnroso haa engaged headquarters at tha
Senate Hotel In Ilnrrlaburg, mid Ih oxpected
to go to tho Capitol and assumo direction of
Ms forcoa In tho factional fight tho mlddl
f next wook.
In splto of claims by tho Baldwin cam
paign managers that tha Penrose candldata
la certain of at least 110 votes In tho Re
publican caucua that will be held on tho
Bight of January 1, and tho aosertlono mado
ky Republican Organization leadora of both
factions that Cox Is facing an uphill light
for tha speakership, It has daveloped that
either of tha loading candidates for Hpeakor
feas sixty votes plcdgod to him In writing
Uatdwtn, according to Republican leadero,
lias tho personal nssuranco of support from
a majority of tho member of tho IIouro, but
tha number of votes pledged him In writing
Is far below tha neceosary elghty-lhe to
make him tho majority choice of tho Repub
lican caucus.
Rebellion haa brokon looss In Governor
Brumbaugh's camp In Harrisburg as tha
result of tho proposed plan to havo In
entrance Commissioner O'Nell and Stato
Highway Commissioner niick trado places
In order to glvo tho Administration addi
tional strength for tho Cox speakership
It wan reported that tha Oovemor con
templated tho chango because the pouorful
political machinery of tho Highway De
partment could be used more effectively by
CNell than by Black. Tho latter, however,
mado It plain. It Is said, that he would
resign rather than permit himself to bo
mado a party to such a political trado.
' Nearly eery department of the Adminis
tration appeared somowhat demoralized,
and yesterduy was filled with conferences.
Uncertainty wan In the ulr. Tho Governor
after a lengtSy conference decided that
Slack should retain Ills present post, nc
sonJinr to word rocelvod from Harrisburg
There wera wild rumors currant through
out tho day that other political heads wera
about to fall In tha Cox-Baldwin speaker
Ship fight. One mora head has fallen In
tho Governor's effort to wlpa out "disloyal"
employes. James McKlrdy. of Pittsburgh.
assistant director of tho Legislative Uofcr-
enca Bureau, tundored tils resignation yes
terday. He was asked to resign a week
One of tho featuren of the Cox campalgi
against Representative Baldwin, tho Pen
rose candidate, Is tha detailed, State-wide
C&nvasJi being made for Cox by Congress'-tnan-at-largo
John R. 1C Scott, In Pen
rose headquartora the statements were
bluntly mado that Bcott was utilizing the
present occasion to develop his guberna
torial boom, with tho special object of win
ning Progressives, returned to the party,
to his sldo far the fight that will mark tha
next State-wide primaries.
Rumors of other decapitations were nu
merous, but the Governor took no publla
action along that line, Ho declared, on the
Other hand, thero was no truth In tho story
printed at Pittsburgh to tho effect that ho
contemplated making changes In the heads
ef the State Health Department and tha
Department of tho Secretary of the Com
monwealth. The Governor refused to discuss the pos
sible removal of Banking Commissioner
Smith and Chief of Mines Roderick.
Mr- Cox after conferring with tho Gov.
ernor, 'Attorney General Brown and Publlo
Service Commissioner Magee left last night
for Pittsburgh, from which point he will
visit several counties with Congressman
John R. It Scatt. Mr. Mageo believes
tho majority of the Allegheny delegation
yill bo for Cox.
Longport Bea Wall Assured
' AT1ANTIO CITY, Dec, JO. The long-
4forfd project of erecting a sea wall for
k tha protection of longport against the tides
la about to bo realized, Tha estimated cost
of tho project has been brought down to
JJ6O.Q0O, which Is well within tha financial
resources of the borough. It Is considered'
certain that the contract will be awarded
early in the new year.
For ladles and gentlemen. All
reliable timepiece. Elf-in,
Waltbora, Howard and other
standard models,
Diamonds and
Comprehensive collection of
beautiful designs, ah moa-
r priced,
Fred G.
Tie eratelj
HAnnisnunO. Dec 20 When the four
members of the Stato Board of Pardons
Lieutenant Oovemor McClaln. Secretary of
Internal Affairs Houek, Attorney Genera
Brown and Secretary of tho Commonwealth
Woods take their seats today to hear the
third appeal for clemency In tho rases of
Henry Ward Mottern, seventeen years old,
and Krnest Haines, Jefferson County boy
sontonced to die In tho electric chnlr, they
will bo deluged with n mass of pirns for
The pleas, In tho foitn of lotters. tele
grams and petitions, como from oery sec
tion of Pennsylvania and bear the nnmei
snd opinions of hundreds of tho most promi
nent men and women In tho State Many
of tho documents nro from civic societies,
women's clubs, religious organizations nnd
social servlco bodies, and they set forth n
multiplicity of reasons, ranging from tho
extreme youth of tho condemned, their un
fortunate environments and lark of train
ing to tho decadence of tho death sentence
as on Institution of punlnmnt. why tho
sentences of Mottorn and Ilnlnes should ba
commuted to Ufa terms In prison
Secretary Houck said today that ho ban
never before been led to such serious con
templation of on oinclal act ns he has of
tomorrow's session of the Board of Pardons
Hundreds of communications, mall and
wire, havo piled In upon him, both In his
omco hero and at his homo In Lebanon
Counsel for the two boys arrived In Har
risburg to bo ready for tho hearing. They
aro Raymond 13 Brown, who reproeents
Mottern. and William T Harr. who will pre
sent Hnlnes'n plea for Ufa Both nttornoyn
nro from nroolallle, whero, in tho Jefferson
County prison, tho Inds aro prlsnncrn nwnlt
Ing transfer to tho deathhouse at Rockvlow
A well-known Pcnnsylvnnlan, not di
rectly concerned In tllo case, also nrrhed
to do what Is In his power to Impel tho
Board of Pardons to a merciful attitude Ho
Is Representative Lex N Mitchell, of Jcftor
son County, and ho Is prepared to Inform
tho Board of Pardons thnt tho people of Ills
county aro unanimous In their nppcal for n
commutation of tho death scntonca to life
"Tho county Is aflame with sentiment
ngalnst tha execution of thesa boys," he
said "No one believes Mottern capable of
realizing tho horror of his act, and Halncn
Is n victim of nu unfortunato home en
vironment, as woll as of tha natural result
of Isolation In the barren Oliver township
Mr. Mitchell has written a letter to tho
board, detailing his personal knowlcdgo of
tho circumstances In tho ensa of Mottern,
whom ho has talked with In prison Ho
believes (Irmly that tho ladn am tha lctlmn
of environment, plus hcredltnry montal
weaknesses, which, rcgardlesi of their age,
should explain their wlllngncns to commit
Mrs. Dannnhcr Wants No Do
mestic Warfare, So Prize
Package Is Sold
Fifteen men might havo been able to
tangu on n, doad comrade'n chest, hut nlno
kids, somo of them Blzabln, could hardly
expect to Jam Into a flivver. Thus ends the
droam of tho younger memborn of tho Dnn
naher family for Joy rldeB thin summer in
un automobile which alght-ytar-old Cather
ine Dannahor won In a radio at a Darby
Church fair Monday night
Tho Dannahor family llvo at 888 North
forty-sixth street. Tho father died threo
yaara ago. Several months ngo Kllzaboth
purchased two tickets for tho ralllo, laid
them on a uhclf and forgot thorn Ah n
matter of fnct, tho dog got ono hut not
tho right one Thon when rather t'ltz
gcrald camo to notify Hllzabeth of her
luck, olio offered to sell tho machine to him
and ho gave her Its nluo of J3G0
"Thore's no one starving around hero
that I can sec," said Mrs Dannahcr yes
terday "But of a summer night, when
everything ban settled down, nnd I'o gotten
tho family adjusted, I don't want any wir
faro to break out over who Is going to ubo
tho family car that's all "
Jersey Officials Seek Fnkc Scales
TRENTON, Deo. 20 Because of tho
number of schemes for defrauding tho pub
lic discovered about this tlmo Inst joar
weight and measure officials throughout tho
Stato will pny particular attention thin
week to tho uulo of poultry Stato Super
intendent William L Waldrou, of thu
Weights nnd Measures Department, has
notified each official to be on tha lookout,
it Is also urged by tho superintendent that
housewives be on tholr guard
Trenton Teacher Quits to Join Army
TRUNTON, Dec 20. Prof. Hottry Worth
Ington, of Lancaster, Pa., a teacher In the
Junior High School of thlH city, has re
signed to accept appointment iib second
lieutenant of Infantry In tho regular army
Ho recently passed an examination for tho
position, and will probably bo nsslgnod to
duty at Fort Leavenworth, Kan
McCoach and Powell Can't Agreo
on Personnel Clash Over
Varc Men
The appointment of n new Board ot
Mereantllo Appraisers, which was to havo,
been made during (he Innt few dayn by
City Treasurer McCoach nnd Auditor tlen
oral Powell, will bo held rip Indefinitely
nnd may be thrown Into tho hands of Gov
ernor Brumbaugh.
Tho City Treasurer nnd Auditor General,
who hae tho power to appoint tho board,
havo held several meetings, but so far have
failed to agreo upon tha personnel of the
new board
McCoach, who Is a Varo follower, wants
at lonst ono mora Vnro man named on tho
board At present Select Councilman Wil
liam K. Klnley, ezecutlvn director of tho
Republican City Committee. Is tho only
Varelte on thn bonrd McCoach wants
J'rnnk J Rynn, Vnro leader In tlui Thirty
sixth Ward, appointed In plnco of either
tho McNlchoI or the Penrose member of
tho present bonrd
Auditor General Powell, however, is hold
ing out for tho reappointment of tho pres
ent board In nrldltlnn to Flnlcy, tho board
la now composed of V A Vnn Vnlkcnhurg.
brother of 1J A. Vnn Valkonburg; John
J 'Tout, Jnmcs A Cnrcy and IMward A.
Vnn Valkcnburg nnd Crout wcro np
polnted throa yoars ngo ns Washington
pnrty men nnd havo tho support of 13 A.
Van Valkcnburg nnd Powell, who Is also a
Progresilvo Carey In tho McNlchoI mem
ber of tho board, and Dovllu Is Ponroso'n
principal lieutenant In tho Eighth Ward,
Penrose's homo ward.
Should McCoach and Powell disagree on
tho nppolntmcnt of tho board, tho naming
of tho body would automatically pnss to
tho Governor whon tho terms of the present
bonrd expire Tho Governor undoubtedly
would nppolnt tho men favored by tho
Scrim Data on Itunianlnn Booty
LONDON, Dec. 20 It is reported In
Uudnprst that Vnn Untookl declared: "I
ntlll hava no detailed dita concerning thn
Rumnnlnn booty ccrenls, petroleum nnd
other nrtlclcs of Importance Tho booty
obtained In Rumania ought not to bo over
estimated " ,
Ducks Lawyer (Joins to Wnr Zone
BRISTOL, Pn. Dec 20 Hugh 1. Hast
burn, Jr, n prominent young member of tho
Bucka County bar, who ban been practicing
law In Bristol, hnn enlisted In tha French
Ambulnnco Corps nnd will snll for Franco
on Saturday.
Juiljro Chnmbcra Says Brotherhoods
Will Not Call Wnlkout Deforo De
cision on Eight-Hour Law
WASHINGTON, Bee 80. The four big
hrolhorhoods of rnllrond men will wait for
the Supreme Court of tho United States to
boss Upon tho latldlty of the Adnmson
.ilght-hour law beforo taking steps toward
calling another strike, In tho opinion of
Judge William I Chambers, head of tho
llnttcd States Board of Mediation nnd Con
ciliation. Judgo Chambers Bald ho did not expect
tho brotherhood to force tha Issuo beforo
tho court ruled, nnd ha based his statement
in Information from tho councils of or
ganized labor.
Tho work of tho Mediation Board brings
It In constant touch with tho labor unions
nnd Judge Chambers today explained that
ho had been Bounding out sentiment at
ovory opportunity, and hsd como to the
conclusion that no railroad lnbor disturb
ance would nntlclpato tho court's decision.
Should tho Supremo Court take a stand
contrnry to tho dcslros of tho railroad
brotherhoods, tho Mediation Board Immedi
ately would step In nnd nttempt to prevent
rt now strike, Judge Chambers announced
Ho dec'ared tho affairs of tha board had
boon gni In readlnoss no thai, quick action
could bo had as soon ns any threatened
dlsturbanco nppearH
Will Ask IJids lo CIcnr Parkway
nHtlmntcH for domollnhlng tho remaining
bulldlngii on tho lino of tho Parkway, In
cluding nix saloons, will bo asked for In
n few days by Director Datesman, of tho
Department ot Publlo Works. Tho Di
rector hopes to let tho contract for tearing
uwuy tho buildings ently noxt enr. Build
Ingn to bo razed Include the Medlco-Chl-rurglenl
College at Seventeenth nnd Cherry
streets, nnd p.irt of a largo building oc
cupied by tho otncoB of tho Pennnylvanla
Railroad In Fllbort street near fifteenth
All of tho properties como into tho posses
sion of tho city on December 27 under
notices served upon tho owners three
months ngo
A fflanscom's
Beautiful Lustre
Pure and Delicious
The IJest Candies for
Sunday Schools
28c lb. or fi-lb. box 51.25
If He S
Give Hi
n- ,
im cigars
nnd if the Cifjars are a reliable brand your good
wishes will be doubly appreciated for few Rifts
are more appreciated by Mr. Smoker than GOOD
Our carefully selected brands combine finest
smokinj? qualities and attractive appearance.
All smokers recognize the '
Merits of Ackers Cigars
Imperial Pcrfcctoa
$G.50 Box 100,
$3.25 Box 50, $1.03 Box 25
A ctimhtmitlnn nt rich frng
rnnro and IianiUome appear
ance. The Famous Wiaaalitckon
$4.50 the 100, $2.25 Box 60,
$1.13 Box 25
Always claimed tu lie America's
let .1,0U t'Unr lliere" li lOo
iliurncter uml nppenrnnca to It
that inukrm npprorlute.
$12, $10, $0, $8. $7, $5
j:quul In Imported ninny, rrltlcs
Delightful, rich moot li hand
some, too.
Imperial Bouquets
$5.50 Box 100, $2.75 Box 50
$1.30 Box 25
I.nrce Bouquet ume character
ns Imperial l'erfeoto.
Victor Herbert
$5.50 tho 100, $2.75 Box 50,
$1.38 Box 25
l'ull size Freildentei every pnff
full of mtlifactloD.
La Belle Cubana
full l'erfeoto, ZS.tW tho 100.
11.23 Hoi 80 13.13 Ilox 2S.
llvllrlnia, B the 100.
Sl.00 llor BO S3 00 Iloi ZB.
Itelim l'erfeoto, 17 the 100.
13.50 Uox 8011.15 llor IS.
Jtlill and fragrant one nf the
fluent Clrars made In Philadelphia.
La jManatia
$12, $10, $9, $7 the hundred
Delightful Cigars for the smoker who appreciates
mild rich aroma.
Handsome similar to fine Imported Cigars.
rmley Acker Go.
Chestnut at Twelfth
Market at Twelfth
above Arch
li,ji.L.,ii.j...j.M.f HMBSsazBgea
C. J. Heppe & Son, 1117-1119 Chestnut Street Sixth and Thompson Streets
Order Yoor Vietrola .Nowl
Call at
1117-1119 Chestnut Street
or Sixth and Thompson Streets
$15 to $350
(Bell), Filbert 2-5-8-Q
(Keystone) Race 1-0-0-8
iP -' v
Settlement by cash or charge ac-
rent applies to purer
count or rental-payment plan; all
r -
9 rt-.. Mvsui Intra traa H
f n wm r TaB5 m
Or yrite for Salesman to Call
1117-1119 Chestnut Street
or Sixth and Thompson Streets ,'
!' N. B. At the present time there is every
shortage of Vietrolas for Christmas, We
advise yon to place your order with vs at
the earliest vossible minute and avoid poa-
mbl i(aappafatoHt.
Mother nnd Six Children, Aban
doned, Rushed to Mission
at Atlantic City
ATLANTIC GITr, Deo. JO. A com of
destitution wss discovered In tho plno bar
rens, two miles from tho McKea City nnll
road station, whon ex-Senator Iewls
i:vns, Aislslant Cny Treasurer ChArles
1'arsons nnd Charles Tllton, a contractor,
on a Runnlntr trip In tho snow, found Mrs.
Nicholas l'lanto and six smalt children
starving In a hovel, without either warmth
or food The woman said her husband, had
abandoned them and (tone to Philadelphia.
Mrs l'lanto wa wearing a shapeless fjar
ment, made from battRlntr, In which other
gunners a week airo saw her itklrmtahlng
throtigh the woods for fuel Sho had neither
hat nor stocking and her shoes wcro with
out soles Tho six children woro garments
made from flour sacks They were crying
for something to cat
After starting n flro and procuring a tem
porary supply of food, tha first the family
had eaten for more than n day, ex-Senator
Hvans and hla companions hurried hero and
notified Prosecutor Mooro of the case.
Itte yesterday afternoon Mrs l'lanto
and her brood of six little ones, wrapped
in heavy robes, wcro brounht to tills city
by County Probation Officer Scull In nuto
mobllos nnd tnkon to tho Crlttenton Mission
ir"" i
Wrtte or colt for our nna and
InttTtnttiio Joofclil "iooktiiB
Into Vour Oien KviS
A Series of
Eye Talks
Our Neit Tulle Tuti, Pre 20
IJy Joflcph C. IVrKUson, Jr.
Hi: IndtsrrlmlnMfl un at
lotion" And drupxn in th
rye ) nomtlnid iro
(Juctlve of irra cono
nuonciwi Inrtammntlon i t tha
X trlii of tho rym l nown
hr trltli IiarrtcnintT 01
th evobnll U known n cUucom
Olnucoma. whon Inflammatory n
po ulmtlnr to Irltli that It cun
only ba lUtected by tho phyil
Thn line nf
NtUndonna, which
wnu 1 1
iv m ill hit vnluatitJ In tritlw
nlmoit aurrly cauiii bllnclnrufi tf
uitfHl In an oy uftcrlmr from
When your evi need Attention
content ynumelf with nothlns loia
thnn thuroush and efficient Mien
uu nn
rlnu who piclilltci lit treatment
Hon Consul I
, Oculist a uhynl-
of the eyre.
Then If KMaen are needed,
havo hie prescription filled by a
reputable Optician
rretrrlptloa Opticians
G, 8 & 10 South lSth St.
Tf Do HOT Xrombif Suet.
This Talk'
erl. All
from a
raiLirPlNBS piiosPEnous
JmH sfnni unii im-
Exports Stcfldlly Increase, While fm
porta Deellno
WASHINGTON, Dca JO Phlllppln ex
ports (ire steadily Increasing The returns
for September, just completed, show exports
of thai month exceeded Ihoso of tho same
month last year by 2,95!,1 Imports fell
oft by $l,8J,Sja. Tho Islands raUed moro
rice and bought less outside. Wheat flour
was Imported In much less amount. The
Imports of cotton and manufacture of cot
ton and of steal and Iron also fell off, being
In caoh Instance less than half what they
were In September a year ago. Hut of auto
mobiles and parts there was nn Increase by
192,000, The hemp export was 1800,000
greater than last year, nnd the gain In ship
ment of cocoanul oil wsa fivefold. The
sugar export Increased eighty her Cent. The
export of brown sugar was valued at
$1,168,000, a gain of mors than (100,000.
Corrimanded nn Armed Cruiser ft t.
frcM. nnd 11ml feiM ' J
Attack U-Bo&t
LONDON, Dec 20 - I Cowmon, .
Bonar taw. Chancellor of the Exehfcn
eald IhcdermMt Foreign Offlca had !
nssuranco that Captain James Blaiku, uv
pisoner by the Oermans when the Ci
donla was sunk, would not ehare th f.!
of Captnln Fryatt, of th Drusstlt, fc
wan put to death on the charge tht iu
vessel ntlempted to ram a Oernun mk!
marine. Personal assurance to this rfct
Uonar Law said, had been given the AnHril
can nmbassy at Berlin.
It wv added that Germany eoniu
the Caledonia an armed cruiser and ivT!
Captain IJIalkle In ntlemptlng to ttmtt
submarine waa merely performing his dohr
Frlr to Inias Only
HAVE tho Thor delivered by your next wash day or send
it to friend, wife or mother as a Christmas Gift. If you
can't come, phone or write. Get your order in at onco
on these $5 terms.
Public laundry Prices Arc Going Up
Washlmg Machine
will do a Rood nlze washing In nn
hour. Guaranteed to cost no moro
than 2 cents nn hour for elec
tricity. Will wnsh anything. Put
In your line laces. Wash heavy
blankctH. Tut in your tabic linen
and bed linen. Sec all como out won
dcrfully clean cleaner than you
can wash by tho old way by hand.
Clothes arc not only washed, but
wrunff. Tho Thor docs all tho work.
Ask nny of the 500 Philadelphia
women who aro uslnc It. They will
tell you how tho Thor has saved
them money and work.
You should accept this offer.
Only $5 down, then $5 a month.
Call, phone or write today.
Your order placed now can be held for Christmas delivery
on these special $5 terms. This is the chance to answer the
nuzzling gift question. The Thor surely makes a useful gift
one that will be appreciated one that will be a constant
reminder of the giver.
si tall mfslfc swwl W mI 2
J Li 8 lr Ik l Ik L
J. F. Buchanan & Co. $$ZSP 1719 Chestnut Street
III III i JMiU1"1 mi' myrnxL-uiiMuxmam
A SEDAN which is aomething more thnn a
closed car restricted to city streets, or
smooth, level, paved highways.
A Sedan built nlso for the open road. Light
enough to hold down the cost of upkeep, yet
sturdy enough to travel in comfort over long dis
tances and all sorts of roads.
An open car or a closed car in a twinkling. Wide
open to bracing air of autumn, or the cool coun
try breezes of summer. Cozily closed against
the, keen, sharp wind or the gusty storms of a
winter day.
Blessed with the pulling power that distinguishes
the Hupmobile Perfected Four. A marvel in
heroic hill-work. Smoqjh and swift in high-gear
pick-up. Delightfully flexible in thick traffic.
And with a National Coupon Service System
which transfers its mechanical care into the hands
of experts, A service that costs you not a penny.
The regulation Touring Car and the Roaditar
re convertible Into winter cars by our Yr
'Hound bodies. Though th cloaely raxrabl
permanent enclosed bodl, they are easily re.
movable vjhen you want an open ur again
Powerful Hupmobile
Four-Cylinder Motor
Tha Sedan, like all our other
modeli. la equipped with tha
Hupmobile Perfected Four
cylinder motor.
In this motor we hsva created
what amounts to anew type.
It haa the power-capacity of a
racing motor, Initead of
uiing thla great power for
poJ, we tranelata It Into
pulling ability) or, aa tha en
gineers call It, lugging power,
ThU U tha source of tha Hup.
mobile's remarkable high
gear performance on hllla. In
aand and mud, all over the
country In which It la not
excelled by any multi-cylinder
core, snd equalled only
by tha better types.
Fivt'Pasaenget Sedan $1735
Fh-Paimotr Year 'Hound Tourint
Oar, tllli; Year 'Kouuit (loupe, $1111,
Mv-P0Jrer TawUa Car, Ill8.
Hoadtter, JS; Bne-Fafeaer Tour
ing Oar, IJIe. I'rleet I. a. b. Detroit.
R. M. McCORMICK, General Manager
Servtc. Station, Poplar 8875 Ball Phono, Spruce 4905
1 1 . . -1.
tnwmirvviwn-m-Tn -n-- nn unrntmiiin ' TTr7-TnTfflrr hiTfnmroriitrimrntwiiLiiiiiHN siijiiiiafetriirrriiii HiiirrmMJ j
Pi '"'SsallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllBallllllllllla