Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 20, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Editorials Agree Lloyd Georgo
Went na Far na Could
Bo Expected
Germany's Sincerity to Bo Shown In
Reply, Papers
Follow Ine nr the efIltorl.il comment or
jjtir York paprs Ihls mornlnirm Premier
Uopl Oeorga's reply to Clfrmnni'i puce
proposal .'
jitvr Vork Time: t "
Alt Ihe portent forctiatlowel the tinture
f tha fpeech I.lojrd Oeorce would make yes
terday It waji Inconclusive. It et forth no
definite penco terms, but unmletakahty It
(tare the iloor open to further exchange
to actual peace negotiation That I nil-Important.
It l devoutly to be hoped that! the Allies
wilt not miss their Brent opportunity, that
they will not fall to make It clear to Ger
many, to tha Teutonic Power, to the people
of Germany nnd Auetrla nnd to tho whole
world, that the enemy over whom they must
he victorious before penes uin bo made I
rmt'lan militarism nnd the German Idea of
world domination, of which I'ruaslan mill
tirlJin I at once the Inspiration nnd the In
itrument The enln .'o he hoped for from
ftttlnK that proclamation of purpose Into
ti minds of tlio German peoplo will be Im
mense. "Stvr York Tribune:
The reply of the UrltUh Prime Minister
Mn the German peace proposal wna simple
and M might forward It was tlic only reply
that any responsible Minister of nit Allied
nation could make. It did notrnakn wnr
en the Idea of pence, but It did make
clear that cnty peace was possible, nnd
that was a peace which restored to full
rigor, that wholo structure nnd body of
International law nnd national right which
Germany Invaded two yenrn nnd a half mo
We shall seo now whether the German
peace proposal wm a maneuver or nn
earnest sceklrs; after a settlement. The
restoration of Delirium and of Serbia,
reparation to Serbia and llelKlum for crimes
committed against them, and through them,
against civilization tkeso must be the
minimum condition, not for pence, but for
the discussion uf pence.
New York World:
Instead of doling the door Mr I.Iojd
Georgo Is careful to hold It open nnd In ef.
feet to Invito the German Government to
submit It terms Jteduclnc the Prime Min
ister's speech to It simplest form, Great
. JJrltatn will not offer peaca conditions to
Germany but It will rJvo due consideration
to any tieace conditions that Germany pro
poses Till In nultn a different mutter from
declaring n war of unconditional surrender,
as tho extremist!) demanded
The speech of Mr. Lloyd George leaves
the Isue wholly In tho hands of tho Im
perial Government, which cannot flatly re.
fine, to meet tho Ilrltlsh demands for a
definition of terms without confessing that
Its original proposal wan a plc of diplo
matic pretenses, designed chiefly to divide
the Allies and bedevil neutral sentiment.
New York Sun:
There can bo no further doubt In any
Quarter that the force arrayed against
the agcressor Powers aro not In a mood to
grasp for peace merely for peace's sake,
and tho quicker tho steadfnstnesn of their
Intentions I comprehended at Berlin, na
.sooner or later It must bo understood, tha
brighter tho prospect of tho advent of tha
day all men deslro.
. New Yorker Stnats-Zcltung:
I,lojd Georgo evaded the real question. In
that he (slides over tha offer mada hv nr.
; many and seta up pretexts In order to be
i-lble to Klve later a hnlfwav nlaualhla mniiv.
,or tho unwillingness of the Allies In
trder to shift from hi own shoulders the
leiponsiuiiity in the eyes of tho neutrnl
world for tho failure of a peaca conference
to come together, lie calls to the attention,
jery craftily, that his Allies, particularly
Russia and France, havo already, and very
decidedly, refused to enter Into any peaca
Thercoy Lloyd Georgo leaves a. loophole.
An answer will go to Berlin, and this Is
to be so composed that a response to It will
be possible. Time must show what will do
Velop from these events.
German lTcrold, New York:
Llojd George's speech In tho British Par
liament shows that tho way Is left open
for tho ppenlng of negotiations. It Is In
deed possible" that still more Oerman blows
must ensue. But, on the other hand, there
Is tha possibility. If not tho probability,
that, Germany's suggestion of peaca Is really
the first step toward peace.
Leg Comfort
.!" Varleoee Veins. Iel't'lteri,
Weak Anklet, Swollen Lets make
lire mlaerabu: Tnire Is a mtaMie
of Joy for you la the
Corliss Laced Stocking
A selentlflo support and U treat.
mant that atvea Immediate com
fort and sure halp. No elaitlo to
kind adjuiti to every condition
without rubber, launders as
easily as a towel. Ktepa ahape
crura for months. Mad to your
mnaura. 11.74 aacb, or two for
earns le, 13 00. Call and b
measured free, or write for salt
meaeurement blink No. IV.
Wa alao make abdominal baits
(nor, elaatloX to nr.ltr.
Hours U to 0 dally) 0 to 4 Bat.
Penns.Corllu Limb Specialty Co
1S11-11.1B lfllbeM St.. rhlla.. Pa.
Butte 430. Vail phone, Walnut H91.
jcuer Vork to Brln'ri Sixteen Out
of Exploded Mine
aun'SS '?TDm- -newer.
le a 5 0Ph"t-Johnwn mine at Il,.
folowli-" Wt! " "Med to be alive
tw" men ihty,1,p,l0!,,,,,n "m "'h ""led
n (tit i. JIi.: cf",'"t during the night
n nit I believe,! that (he half do.cn ,.
who ..... ,."'."M "?'" ' u"en men
ther .r r7.rw,.1.I'VM,na t"hutl. as
Will Be of Greater Vnluc in Vic
tim's Native Land, Says Com
pensation Award
l,.lV,.nUrnL',w'' D" Sft- " "'""
iiandni uown by Chairman Harry A
lloar.rr'i "" ,nl -"HMtln
i- ,-'"' eninpenaatlon was mttda to
Tony Ferrett. Philadelphia, who waa per
Si".ctlflW whlla "' h employ f a
niiadalphla construcnii cominy 1h
opinion aavs that It was agreed to make the
award In a lump sum at once, so that the
'"" ,nl"l return to his native land, vvhete
Hie money thus secure,! to him will 1ms of
greater value thnn here"
The board disallowed tha claim of S
Tranqnlllo, Coatesvllle, and dlsmlsaed the
appenl In the rase of Fenwlck v the Mc
Donald foal Company. McUonntd.
Tha board has upheld Itereree T J Dunn
Pittsburgh. In tefusinic compensation tii
.ary vargo. winow of n man killed by a
shot from the rllle of a deputy In tho labor
uiiuurnances or last iprlnr at llrnddock
Tha opinion says that the mm was not In
the courso cf his employment by the com.
pun, whose works the deputies were guard
lug In an opinion by Chairman Msckey the
board upholds Mr Dunn In awarding com
pensation to John !L and Julia Hhlpe, Crnf
ton The father Is nn engineer, but Is In
poor health and cannot work regularly The
son wns killed while operating nn auto
mobile, and contributed to support of par
ents. The opinion sus that "reckless In
difference to danger manifested by the de
cedont In the operation of an automobile'
does not bar recovery, ns both decedent nnd
defendants were under the act
A new hearing has been awarded In
Ilrown va Johnson, n MclCean County coin
peniatlon case
Representative Casey, of Lu
zerne, Advised to Begin Con
test Against Tcmpleton
WASHIWroX. nc SO Itepresentntlve
John J. rey. a Demoerat. whe carried
t.uterne County two ers ago by 03
majority has bean advlee,! by national
Ivmoeratlo leaders to begin n contest
against the waling of (leorge W Temple
ton. Hepuhlloan. who wna eleeted lat No
vember by a majority of Jeeo
It la rhargnt by friends of Mr Caaey
that Ul.eoa was weed by Itepubllean vrotk
trn in a fraudulent manner.
Six yetvra ago. when P P llownian. a
rtepiiMloan, was ehwted over George !L Mc
lean, a Iemoerat. Mr Mclnn contested
the election Uowmati m unaeated by the
llouee, but hta seal was not given to Mc-tan.
Two Berks l'ostmnHtcrs Nnmcd
Iti:ADlNO, Pa, Dee 20. Harry K Moyer,
postmaster at ltobcsonla, advanced to third
class, salary $1000 a jear, has been reap
pointed by President Wilson. Murray D
Zcchman, Democrat, has been appointed
postmaster nt Sinking Hprlng. succeeding
C. W. Steffy, a Hepubllcan He Is n nephew
of William M Zcchman. Democratlo elec
toral candlduto In .N'ov ember.
Man Killed by Fall Into IlarRo
ClinBTnit, Pa, Dec, 20 Falling from
a dlatnnco of thirty feet off llgmont avenue
pier Into a coal barge moored alongside
the wharf, Theodore Alley alighted on
his head and fractured Ills skull He died
In tha Chester Hospital
Special Program IJurliir- Farmer'
Week, December 27 to .tnnunry
3, nt Stnto Collect;
STATU COM.IHIK, Pa., Dec. JO A spe
clal lx) ' ami girls' program has been
arrvngrd In cnnneetlon with the annual
farmer' week In be held at the Pennsyl
vania State College from December SI to
January J I'our days will be devoted to
he Interests of the boys and girls
I or the Ikvs them will be periods of
organised play lersnne and demonstra
tions In rorn and potato culture, dvlry farm
V.'S' ,,or"eulture and Judging contests of
(I fferrnt kinds yOT the girls ther will be
play periods, leenon nnd demonstrations In
the making of undergarments. In table serv
ice and in bread. Jelly and preservo making
Those who vvllt havo charge of thH pro
gram Include f W riemtner. State leader
In bos nnd girls' club worh . K K. Illbs
man, state leader of county extension rep
resentatives MIm Penrl Mn-Doiiald nnd
Miss Jajio Newcoinb. of homo economics ex.
tenslun, 11 It. Hnvner, In charge of live
stock extemlon. It I Watte, ilenn of the
school of sgrlculture, M 8 Mt Howell, di
rector of agricultural extension, A. A nor
land, of the dalrv extension staff ; U I'.
Ilceij. of the department of horticulture;
W. i:. I,ewls, ph)slrlnl director. Myrtle
Allen. N 9 Grulihi. O. fl Mcllrlde, f, I J,
Oarber, n H KngK A. T Kearney. C C
McDowell. It M. Decker. D K. Hlonn. IX
W, Atkinson. O II. Iiedell. II. (). Hender
son, P. II Dougherty nnd It. II Dunlnp.
representing extension work In their tavern!
Winter CnmpaiRn Acnirnt PcMa Hcjriin
nt Capo May
CAPH MAT. N J . Dec SO Despite
minus of Ice on the beach and six Inches
of snow on the ground, the work of cutting
through the Pond Creek outlet has been
begun here The outlet will drnln tho mosquito-breeding
marsh at Pond Creek, near
Capo Slay Point.
The work of tho Cape May County Mos
quito I'itermlnntlon Commission will con
tinue throughout tho vvlntrr.
. $6.00
Boudoir Cap and Slippers .
All silk, hand crocheted cap, lace trimmed
Satin, laco trimmed slippers to match
"Puss-in-Boots" Slipper
Blue Red.
Do You Know
An Autocar
When You See It?
In a broad variety of styles.
One of the Moot Acceptable Giite of All
Beautifully finished silk or lisle all Guaranteed
to qivo perfect satisfaction. Also new Rembrandt
and Richelieu stripo3 in black and white,
55c to $2.25
. k t
Dashing New Modes in
Sorosis Shoe
1314 Chestnut St.
m H9tiMftir MstuK
I HhC,., Artificial Daylight is in use in our Men's Haberdashery llllllllllc-f 1
I rsHli' Department This is the only store in which you may. at a) 1 hours H Ki
"ft WSf ilTOv. HiaaalCr ' buy NECKWEAR, GLOVES, Etc, under contrasting artlfieiaU 111 111 IIS i
It " I flvt"JX nCQVr ut .ml flavlipht conditions. Illllllll nl 1
f JMBWE C.o,ingHou,6P.M. II GIMB
--& Jacob heed's Sons Market j Chst h and Kmih II H
L ARDMORE, PA. j MTjnTTf TirprT tm iiirira)nmiT ifiKLw andiiftWi":wp4erful wfc BuytfwCW4wswriafiagJtt Wm
e CJiriastmas Store for Men1
68 us mrAese iasf
aays or snyiii'
c5wAat vou Aavo
neglected, o tuy
Crushing of tho Snloon Would
Help Defense, Snya Reprc-
scntntivc Webb
WASIUNOTO.V. Ore. 10 Tha Ihrto blR
roriRrrslonal hfrnrltiKs by which prsiwreit
tis mlwcslw hte lll ti sx-chil sonio
ihmv "ami more mllclnl" syln of na
tlonal .lefenar cotillntiMt their work of
tfsllmnnr tsKlnr twlky
While linns ami Henatp Military Affairs
Commuter hul frmit IiIkIi army ami War
IttlwrtinMit xllh-lala nml rlvlllans. th Hous
Naval Cofflmlttpo hraril mor pxirt ail
M rfitnrillnK thf nllotnl ilefrnsrlpmnr
or ths I'nlinl Xtatrs Iwcatis of lnsutllelnl
sr forces
Ainl In the tnemlm llftrmiitatln 1M
win V Wbb of North fanilln, author of
th natlon-ttlits dry bill, nnnoiiticil that ha
would urw tnimisllato iwwhbx of Ids
nioasiirr ii n lha erolind that ho nation can
irally I prrnarrd axnlnst iwsslhlo ntlnik
by a forlnn fo, as well as economically
and soclatlv, until th Nilo of all Intoxl
eatlnit liquor Ik stopped
Wrbli sas ho will Insist that crushing
out of the mtluflu mid the llipuir tralllo Is so
bound up with real preparedness that It
cannot be pushed nslds
"Anv kind of mllltnry prrpuredness Is
necessarily Imund up lth phslcal bodllv
preiMirednriw of the IndMdual." said
Webb "Th warriors of lturopo hao ruled
that Ihev cannot bo succeeful under old
conditions. That K obMously, hy France
then llussla. and then KiiRlnml declared
neilnt tlquor sither In abwlut prihlbltlon
or the most rimd reKUliitlnn
"And lurldeutnllv I inlKht add that the
rlcht to sell nr ininufaeiurn Injurious In
toxicants Is not inalienable '
Niy Tiepartment llure.m Chiefs np
penrnt before. lh 1lous NktAI rommltlss
today. Increase In th cost ef battleship
bulMtnir in tha last two year waa to be
shown by Ihess dcparlmental heads
H It (ttw Chlcaro, advoeat of tha
tinlversaj military, training system, will
appear tietorn tha Benala Military Commit
te today.
It la expected National Ouarit officers
will b ghen an early opportunity of pre
senting their side of the question.
Ucwnrd Offered In Liquor Fight
NICHOLSON. I'd. Dec. 50 The ,Vo
License league of Nicholson has offered a
reward of B0 for the first conviction for
Illegal sale of liquor
Send a
of fresh-cut flowcra
for Christmas. A suit
able Rift for any one.
Wo a r r a n k o thorn
$5 to $25
Other Flower Gifts, $2 up
1T$o &gn ef&e tfpao
221 South Broad Street
In tht nuJJU of tha btteh
n-iiflin 'tiftafriN i diml-,riilt,wf-.
-jewelers '
Since 1332
$ x?k
Brooches Bar Pins Bracelets
Necklaces Pendants Sautoirs
Earrings Loigrtons Fitigerl&s
The richest and most beautifvil
slock ever prepared i3r Christmo?
An Ideal Christmas Gift
that you can give only this
Christmas never again
HAVE you thought of tho new Encyclopaedia Britannica, printed
on beautiful India paper, as a gift? There are half a dozen
persons (including yourself and some of the family) for whom this
great library of knowledge would be a superb present.
Consider what a day-after-day source of pleasure and profit tho
Britannica would be. Realize how wonderfully light and inviting-to-read
the famous India paper makes it
Tin's is a gift you must make floif or never. You will not havo
this chance another Christmas (nor for very much longer) because
the few sets of the Britannica still unsold are printed on
the last genuine India paper
that could be obtained
before the war cut off the supply of raw material (flax) out of which
this thin-nnd-tough paper is manufactured. Not only is this the last
India paper which could be procured for the printing of the Britannica,
but it will be years after the war ends before India paper can be
produced in sizable quantities.
Therefore, the remaining sets arc the last printed on India paper
that can be offered. They will not last long you must act quickly to
make sure of getting a set.
is the time buy the Britannica for
Christmas for the family or yourself.
This is not only sensible Christmas
giving, but it will prove to be tho
best investment vou have ever made.
For the Britannica is primarily an investment an investment in all
kinds of interesting, instructive, useful, practical knowledge.
This celebrated work should be in every
home it is the greatest, most authorita
tive book of facts and information over
published. It touches every subject in
which men and women aro interested it
rocs back to the beginnine-days of history,
and is in step with ail modern movements
and events.
It discusses the wonders of earth and sea
and sky the thoughts nnd activities of man
and yet it teems with all sorts of the most
everyday-practical information connected
with such things as farming, housekeep
ing, painting, architecture, electrical engi
neering, art, music, literature, everything.
Hero are the answers to the Questions
the children arc always asking. Here are
the fads that you arc constantly seeking,
to help you in a business way or other
wise. Here is the means of improving your
education along general or special lines.
Here is insurance against ignorance or lack
of interest in the world in which you live.
Think of having n complete library in your
own home In 29 compact volumes, 30,000 paces.
41,000 separate articles. 600,000 Indexed facts,
44,000,000 words and 10, 000 illustrations andmaps.
Now reallzo how easily you can own a set of
the new Hritannlco, In tho popular "Handy Vol.
umo" form, printed on genuine India paper if
you act at onco. This issuo Is identically the same
us ijiu niL'ii-pnccu uamunaco issue, except in
vizc ana ivpt
vdc. liverv naco,
colored plaie. every iliusm
everv word, overv
nlaie. evcrv illustration, everv man of
the Cambridge issue is reproduced in the "Handy
Volume" Issue, of which 76,000 sets were sold in
six months.
You can have the entire set
(29 volumes) delivered to
your home or office upon
your first payment of only
You have Immediate use of this marvelous
work you reap its benefits while you ore paying
for it in small monthly amounts for n short period.
Of tho 75,000 sets of the more expensive Cam
bridge issue printed on the famous India paper,
less Than 1600 sets are left. If you prefer one of
Don 'I lose any lime Christmas Is almost here. Make sure of gelling one of the few remaining sets of the
Britannica printed on genuine India paper. Qq TODAY to '
these and thfs set certainly makes a magnificent
appearance in any library you must order It Im
mediately. You can get it for n first payment of
13 (the entire set shipped on receipt of order),
to be followed with A limited number of monthly
payments of the same amount.