Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 20, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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f, S
Fifteen of
the foremost
.- ttxenaiid women
,?jboth here and
abroad tell how
ithey explain the
' ! paradox of the
great war and
the Christmas spirit,
in a notable sym-
(, posium in this
' week's issue of
Halted Workmen Stealing Coal
in Cumberland SInycra Said
They Were Freezing
IIAimtSDUlia, Dec 20. WlUlnni Dry,
white, a foreman fur the Cumbcrlsnd'Vnl
ley Itallroad Company In clianjo of nutani;
of laborer on a lino belnu constructed near
Novnlllo, Cumberland County, ynn murder
ed by threo Southern nenrocu'lnst night
-when he tried to prevent their taking roal
from tho contractor' supply The ncurocn
crushed Ury'a head with n tihovcL Thoy
have been nrroatcd by llio Cumberland
County authorities nnd am In Ilia Jnll at
1 Carlisle.
Tho nogoes declared thay Here ficezlne
,ki their shacks and wnnted the coal to keep
TAGS WORTH $500,000
First Da tch of LiconBo Plates, Mndo
by Prisoners, .Shipped From
Stato Cnpitol
HAiutisnuna, uoc. 20. Almost !oo
Backs of mall were carted from tho Capitol
to tho postofllco today. In addition to tlm
usual dally output. They contained sonm
40,000 palrn of automobile llccnno tnys
ehocoUto brown tag; for 1817
Half a hundred clarkn and others In tho
automobllo dUliton of thu Statu HlKhuny
Department have been buity for nlxty daM
preparing' tho tags neatnst Htnrtlnic ship
ment today.
Total recelptH for next year's tnts arts
approximately 1800,000 Uy Janunry 1 tliu
$1,000,000 mark may be reached Thou
sands of dollars nro received dally
State officials have communicated with
local officials onrywliiTu, statlni; tint no
machine may be operated nftor mldnlnlit
of December 31 without one of tho new
The new tags, were made tit thu Hunting
don Reformatory under contract with tlm
Prison Labor Commission I.Icoiihh No 1
will go to the CJoernor for hlu udlclal uar.
Fire nt Highspiro, Ph., Believed to Havu
Been Staked by Incondiury
nAItntSUUna, Dec I0 Kiro bellapd
to have been of Incendiary origin at IIIkIi
plro early thin morning destroyed tho homu
of Samuel Orris and Ht rater's Lutheran
Church, causing u loss of moro than J1-.000,
partly covered by Insurance
Many other homes In tho vicinity nnd
tho borough schoolhousa wuro threatened
for a time becauso of n lack of u.itcr sup
ply. Two Hteclton and tlireo tlurrlsburg
tiro companies ucro called to aid In light
ing the llamcH. To light thu bluzu u llm
of hose had to bo stretched inoru than 1000
feet from a crock In tho lower end uf
tho town. To reach wntor tho firemen had
to out through four inches ur Ico nnd then
hovel out the mud and slush to keep tho
pumping engine from clogging
The St. I'ctcr's Chinch loss Ik J 10. 000
and fSSOO of this Is covered by Insurunce.
Tho church trustees Kill meet tonight to
consider rebuilding plana.
Samuel Orris llrst discovered tho llanivH,
which startod under tho kitchen porch Tin)
omclals nro positive tho bl.izo wan starttd
by An Incendiary.
Austrian Columns Shelled Heavily
While on March
NOME, Dec, 20 The Italian War Olllce
baa Issued tho following statement on mili
tary operations:
In the Trentlno there were the usual
artillery actions which were particu
larly heavy In tho area of the upper
Aatlgo Valley, where our batteries ef
fectlvely shelled an enemy column on
the march
On the Julian front them were only
artillery duels Our batteries shelled
enemy Intrenchmenla on Monte Cucco,
on the Middle Isonio, and the railway
station of Volctadraga und Ovaladraga,
southaat of dorlsla. and dispersed
enemy troopa on the march on the
" Carso.
Glass Workers Scarce in South Jersey
MILLVILLi:, N X, Deo 30 Lamp glass
workers are In great demand at the vari
ous glass plants In South Jersey, and white
the manufacturers have many orders for
this grade of ware, they are unable to se
cure enough hands to run their plants to
full capacity
Itef 1 Suggestions J
ftr't I for Women j
f . a Vanity Cases I
j JO Chatelaine Novelties
Wt - - B WrU Wa,ch" i
I AJ.requignot 1
K. I J33 Walnut Streat 1
Hipctc con Brinnd Che In Mossn
Tedesca E' Una Trappola
Tesn agli Alleati
ApptnuM Kntuslnstlcl AccolRono it Uin-
corso del Atlnlstro dcfili Eaterl
Itnllnno neltn Camera
IIOMA. !0 Dlcembrc.
l'nrlando davanlt alia Camern del Dep
utntl Ituieill', 11 mlnlstro degll Hslerl, on.
Honnlno, dines elm Krcchle onllnl del
ftlorno ernno stntl prescntatl clrcit Is iru
poslo ill pace da parte dclln (lemmnla o
del suol Bllcntl flo laeclavn stippurrn clio
loloro die II nvovntio presentiill nvrwero In
inento cho II governo nvosse ill gin' o steimo
per avero bnsl ronrreto su tul le tratlnllvo ill
pace dovrebbero Nvolgersl
"Come vl dlMl sabato." runtlnuo' II mui
Intro dfglt Ilelerl, "iiupmn supponlrjone non
rorrlnponda nl fattl Nella nuta del ncmlco
non vl o' nlcunn Indlcnzlono c.rca le basl
per lo tratlntlve, ed In stomio non ho nlcunn
Ihforinnzloiin III rrguardo alls nventu ill run
illilonl ill pace, nil eceeilonn dclla noln
che In i bbl I'oiioro dl Irggere nlln f'nincra
"Ha prupoHto iiincreto dnvesscro esscro
fntto In av venire, le prenderemn In fon
alderailunn u dliniilcrciuu mil da fare, ma
non Hiirehbe protlco lie' dcientn dlnoulore
It qulstluno oggl Inollro blsugua tnetlernl
bemt In inenla che neMiino degll nlleatl
dell'Intesa potrthhc premiere In lonslderti-
xlonn ipialslnnl I'onillrlouo ill lm cuu pu-
leneo per Iputral essorgll evi-nlii iinieniu
offerta In forma neparalu
"Nell Interesiin pubblluo o Jirr rlspettn nl
nontrl nllentl non linn.-o loinuulcnrvl nltun
cho ill cln' cho Mara' oonlenulo nalln rl
cpontu rhe not darcmu nlla noln ilrllo ijunt
tro twti'lize neinJrlm I.n rlrtliosln sarn pub
bllcAtu nun nppciiii mil a' enncrotatu
i'i:it la i:ci: DUunvoLi:
"Not tuttl ilrslderlnmo la pace, ma una
pace iliirevolo Oru mil penslntnu die per
oltenero iplestu pace durcvole li neccs
sarln una soluzlotiii dello iiulstlonl Intor
nnzlonall non seinpllreiiientu binat.i HUlra
Hnlldarletn', ma mi dl mi pcrfettii iiiulllbrln
tra, gll stall, sul rlpctlo del pilmlplu ill
nazlomillta', Htillo rf'golo dettulii dal illrlltn
Internazlonalii o itnllo raglmil ill uin.inlta'
o dl clvlltn'
"So nul vl foHlmo truvutl In prisourii ill
prupoato geiiulni) enii IhihI ill tnl nnluru da
Hodlsrnre I pustulitll koiiciuII tlella clvllta
o dnlln glustlzln, n i ill Im nipvii.i nrn nc
connntu, nemninn uvrebbo poliitu i lr tturlo
cosl', ex abrupto Mn non vl o' nlinlo nella
nota del ncmlco iliu iiioutrl ancliu luntntia
inento una lutainrlono nlinllo, ed mul vl
noun molto raglonl rlw IiihiIiiiio rrcdeiu II
"lo non vokIIo naare tin llngunggto uhiik
ernto, ma 1'aci.etilo ill urguKllii n la lu.inrnii
z.i dl dlnccilta' rhe inrntlerlzzuno II pieum
bolo dollii nota del ncmlLu, ttrtiimenlo non
lftsolano HUpporru the iUesto nilsti rlomi
condlztont dl pnie i.he le polen?o leutrnll
illcono ill uvcro lnten?lone ill eHpurre plu'
tardl, 'alio Hi'npii ill gurantln I'onore. 1 en
iHtenza cd 11 llbero svlluppn del lorn popoll,
coBtlliilHcanu mm ilnpoHta nl iiimtnlatl ilio
nol abbhtniu csposto "
II mtnliitro Sonnlno isorto' unlnill I tie
putntl, cou lo parolu umttu dit Urland, a
non pcrmotleru lIio la iiiuhh.i ilellu potcuze
contrail ".ivvolcnl la, mciile del popolu ' id
n mm fare 11 gluoco del ncmlco iililiandonau
dost ml Intempestlvu inaiiirestiizlonl i ho
IiOBHono Kcmlnnre lit illmoiilla u In Hcora
mento II iiilnlstro II ewntu' u non votaro
nlcnn online dot gluruo tho potcHso nucha
liiiitnnamento Iniclnr supporrn cho I'ut
tcgKlainvuti) ilell'Itnllii fose allelic In mini
ma pnrtq dlvcmo da ipiello del mini alltatl
I'onl', Ir.i npplausl entnnlatlcl, la Camera
Mitii' riirillint del gliirmi puro u KPinpllio
eeprlinentn lldiiulu nel gnvirno ed nrdlnaiita
rim II dlHcuruo del inlnlntro degll KHterl
fosso alllxio In ognl loiiiiinii del regno
L'urdlnii del gloino racLolse 270 votl f.iv
urovoll o to cHiitrurll
II dlticorsn del inlnlntro Sunnlmi fu spenso
Interrotto iln iipplnusl, hpeclalmcnto iiuando
cgll nffenno' he era sua nplnluno cho In
mossa ilellu potcMizn centrall era im trap
pola per gll nllentl, linppoli nella ipinle
cl non Hiirubberu ludutl rlnfTermo'
solcnncinoutu I'lncrotlalille nnllilarieta' digll
nllonti dell'Intesa. Holldarleta" tho si sarcbhe
preitti inunlfeaf.ua nella rlspostu Identlca
che cusl nvrebbaru data alio putmzu cen
lerl uern II Mlnlutero ilellu Oneria pub
bllcava ll neguento rnppurlo del gtneralo
Cadornn circa hi sltuazlune nlla fronts
Sulla fronto del Trimtlim l hoiio
avute lo sollto nzlont dl urtlgllerln cho
boiio stuto piirttcolarnicnto vlolento
nella zona dcll'iiltn vullo ilell'Astlco
dovo Ik iiontre bnttirln liaiino canno
negglntii elllcacemento una tulunnii no
mica In innrclii
Hulla front e dello Alpl (Hullo si sono
For Christmas
Biggest Variety in Town
Prices Will Attract Your Attention
Christmas Candies
Sunday Schools
liar Htliools, ( liurrhei, Horletle, Mr.
Christmas Specials
Molussca Cocoanut Strips... 21c lb.
AHsortcd Nut Candy,, -10c und 60c lb.
Cream Curamels 40c lb.
Chocolate Marshmallow ... ,29c lb.
Chocolate Caramels 29c lb.
Chocolate Chips 29c lb.
Chocolate Mints 29c lb.
Superfine Gum Drops .,,,.,, 25c 1.
Wonderful Jap. Scenery Box
2000 Filled With
Assorted Chocolates
j -n. j jut w an
MVvflliEWi I B W
&TOwnivt!waiiL "v
Open UitoUm
9 S, 15th 10 S, Broad
Oilier MeaUllie Uttall 8tats
t,,. t Market H(.
40U MsrLt Ht.
1U1U sir.i pi.
UiS larktt ht.
Stb A Ulruril Are.
Hb CbeetwH l.
(WIS 1 Mauuaa hU.
tut ffikRKiura 4
t9 ft H!f
'i '-! m ,, , , , , , ., J 1 . r 1 i .,.,.!
fcttitl wltanto rluelll dl artlgllerla, t
hoMro batterte Imnno bombartlato Ifln
eeramentl nemlcl sul Monte rucro, nel
Media Isonzo t In sUalonl ferrovlatl
dl Voleladraga ed Ovoladraga, a aud
tst dl Oorliln. ed hnnno dlsperso trupp
nemlche In marcla sul Careo
Aeroplanl nemlel hanno lasclatu e
dere liombe nell'nlta valle del Corde
ole sd Auronzo, lovo und del nostrl
opedsll ftl colplto nl nlcunl pnzlentt
furono fcrltl II itanno inaterlole e
stato Hove.
Mackensen Wins
Fortified Line
I.'onllnufJ from I'sce (In
wondering where the next bluw will be
Ihe lltnnanlnn advance has now about
doubled the distance between General Har
rall's forccit In Macedonia nnd the original
Huinniilnn front, thus, It Is believed, avert
ing nil danger that theso forcen might ef
fect n penetrntlon tn the Itumnnlnu theatre
for the relief of Hnnianla This ndvnme
now serloiiily threatens tho line of the
Kercth, in Moldavia, according to the Her
man military authorities Tho line In ques
tion Is nlong a forty-mile front, which wm
long ngi) fortified, and In believed now to be
even Htrniiger thnn nt tho time of Its
original preparation
Tho itnnmnlnn petroleum wells In the dis
trict occupied by tho Teutonic troops liavo
been found mi little damaged, the report
nliites, that nil already Is being produced
iih fast ns It can be transported with the
aid of tho Itiimiiiilnns who have remained on
the ground nnd nro willing tu work
I'UTIiOmtAI), Dee. 20 The ftusslan
War Ofllro tins Issued tho following1
"On tho Rumanian front tnu enemy
sipindrona with n bnltory of horse artillery
dcplojed In tho region of the village "f
Ilntonu (midway between Huron and the
Danube), vveit of Vlruru, but retired .In dls-
nidor under tho fire yt our nrtlllcry Two
cannon nnd a Umbel were hit by our artil
lery and abandoned by lliu enemy."
I'AltlH Dec 20 -A laid nun undertaken
by ilirinnii troois Monday night mi the
Smuiiio front north nf Chilly
(Inc (lernian detai hiiiint wits siicceesful
In pcnetrntlng n unit nf the advanced
French trenrhei but was Immediately driven
On thn Verdun front active nrtlllcry
lighting ncunrcd In the nglou of lauivi
liiiint and Ch unbrilttH
HIlllLIN, Ucc 20 riny headquarters
has IshuuiI tho follywliu:
On the cant bank uf tlm Melius yes
terday afternoon tho artillery engage
ment Inert fined In Intensity. Tho
rrein.li iittnrlced I'tissei Wood. Cliain
brcttes, whlcli Ills before our position It
liinalncd In their hambi nftei liand-to-hund
fighting At nil other places on tho
front of I ho attack thnv wcro repulsed
Northwest ami noilh in KIicIiiih
Kreneli dctiichments, advancing upon
our trenches aftir strong artillery
lireparntlon, wcro repulsed
AlthoiiKli tho Clennnii military uuthoritlei
nro muklng no iffort tp belittle the recent
Krench gnlni In tho neighborhood nf Ver
dun, and look foi more attacks In tho mar
future, they maintain that the results at
tained nro small mid have no effect on the
1,'eneral military situation Thcj do not he
lluvti thn nutitlpntcd future nltnckn will
necessitate any tiansfir of troups from thn
east to the west, slncn ninple rtserves nro
tin hand
f i
Mufflers, Neckwear, Gloves, Kerchiefs,
Silk Shirts, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Bath
robes, Vests, Belts, Pajamas, Jewelrp.
All Reasonably Priced.
Only Ihe
One Store
1018 Chestnut Street
v. In Oift
. -vvivi. a . wiuivrn i .- .Tiin t..ir. v sa
in ;... ......- ..'.. 7T HI . I m
S-jeX&iU ill. MSii"Jle" n moo (ad Loots Lat Manufacturer, m I ... , 1 - I .a
mmimmmnmmmrQhmnutStmum-:: I PT mWOsW n "' r ' ..- , lbS&. M
llugTs: " ' iaiisMMMaMdjiMisjiiMMMia.--. ,, j.w ' i'tt'- J iw..-TgL . , ..-.., ... ..... i - SwSW ' '
Professor Rowe, of American
CommlflBlon, Cheerful After
An early solution of the problems at Is
sue belnecn the United States nnd Mexican
tlovernments was Intimated today by l'rof
L s Howe recretnry of the American Com
mission, which last night wound up a-Jdut
seMlon with the Mexican representatives
with nil Indefinite, adjournment.
l'rof essor Itowe would not any what this
solution would be, but his words had an
optimistic ring
from oilier nouiees II was learned that
If I'lrst Chief Carrantn does not sign llio
protocol agreed upon at the Atlantic City
conferences, the negotiations of the Joint
commissions of America and Mexico wilt
end abruptly
This attitude of the United fita'es was
communicated In a terse ultimatum of 452
words, which hud been drawn by Kecrelnrv
Lane, ratified by his colleagues, Judge
Orny and John It Molt nnd, It Is said, ap
proved by Ihe President The hesd of the
de facto Oovermr.etit hns until the end of
the year to lc his reply
The United .Stales, according to those
who know, has heeotni- wearied nf tho
"manniia" p-ilcy and tnctlcs adopted by
Cnrrnnzii and ban determined on a rigorous
policy '
Luis Cnbrern who Is the chief siinlieHmin
for the first Chief, wns nsheil Inst night
If an ultimatum had been decided upon He
hesitated for a moment nnd replied
I ran neither nfllrm nor deny any
such statements ns Hint nt this tlm,
You will have to wait until Carrnnzi
lins answered.
1'roni another olllilnl source however. It
was learned Hint the mesnugp to Carranza
wus virttinlli no ultimatum, it Indicated
to the I'lrst Hilef Hint with Ills refusal In
neupt tho protocol the negotiations would
ho stopped iiillom.itleall)
This name Informant dlnilosed that the
chief oliktncle tn an agreement seemed to
be the disposition nf (lenernl I'ershlng's
forces Cnrrntizn. It Is snld, holds that the
piesencc of llio American troops Is u source
of Ntteiigth tu tho hiindlts. who sllr up the
peons against the de fnrto government by
pointing to the Invuders" The ultimatum,
so II Is Inferred di t lares that the I'nlteil
States alone Is to lie llio Judge of thu tlmo
when I'eishlng shall lie oructed tn with
draw The feeling obtains that having made
formal protest against lis objectionable pro
visions, the do facto leader will plead lo
his peoplo that lie Is fni o to face with n
situation In uhlcli might Is right I litis
wltli n protest for political reasons, he will
sign tho agreement
Negotiations reached the climax with
suddenness that Is hardly compatible with
tho Latln-Amorlraii Idea of speed He nor
Paul had laid before the Joint commission
on Monday tho oral rejection by Carranza
Christmas copies Q
: of C c o r g i n a of (he B
Rainbows contain a
picture of the real
& Georgina in life col- 1
ore. All stores. i
I The Christmas Gift H
Beautiful. $1.25 net.
A Cnno is almost a necessity for tho well
dressed man. Wo nre showing for Christ
mas Walking Sticks in the latest approved
stales and woods. Among the woods nre
snokeWood, rosewood, ebony,' Cornell,
mnlacca. partridge nnd opplewood, with
silver mountings.
$1.00 to $18.00
Also complete nssortment of
A LL over the world the Conklin is
looked upon as a useful and most
acceptable gift. It stands out distinc
tively in thciountain pen field on account
of its "Crescent-Filler." The"Crescent
Filler" fills pen with one thumb-pressure,
Also prevents rolling off desk.
The remembrance carried Jby a
Conklin lasts for years. $2.50 up.
Fountain Pen
B oxes
and ttw reason by th First Chief for hit
-efusal to ratify in protocol.
Secretary Lane Invltej the commission
er to meet In a secret session lite Monday
night At that conference Senor fanl wa
requested lo put Into writing the nature of
Carranza s objections to the protocol, and
lo outline nt length the reason for the First
Chiefs attitude
The messago will be coded tonight and
wired In Queretaro to the American tep.
resentallve who will transmit It to Car
ranza The omclal letter containing the
ultimatum also will bo sent today
Mi J'AHO, Tex Den, 20 Ill-feeling
toward Americans Increased In .lunrex to
day in the result of Oneral Hell's refusal
to turn over to the Csrrnnza commander
(lenernl Comaduran, who deserted and fled
to HI f'nso Americans were ndvlsrd not
to visit thn Mexican city until the situation
Is adjusted
Having failed to move General lle'l, (len
ernl (lonrnles. commander of tho Juarez
garrison, today appealed to the LI l'nso
civil authorities, alleging that Comndtirati
looted the Juarez treasury before fleeing to
LI I'aso He ileilared further that he
Mould refurn In return deserters from the
Aineileaii nrtiiv who sought refuge In
(IcneraJ (lunzaless revolt against Cten
era I Mtirgula and bis refmal to surrender
his command llireatonul serious come
ipieiiies loilav (lenoral ('omadiirnn has
sent scores nf lilegrams to (lenernl llbre
gon, urging that ho send a forco to denose
Honzales (lonzales appeared lo have the
upper band He wns In position to cut off
Murfttiln' supplies nt Chihuahua City and
at thojiainn time to desert to Vlll
umtcHvilk- to Have Mummers' rarade
fOATKHVILLL. In , ec 20 Contes
ville Is tn have a mummers' parade. March
ing clubs from all over the county will
participate fur cash and other prizes. Tho
Chamber of Commerce has donated liberally
lo llio success of tho demonstration. Tho
rhanibei nlso has nrrnnged for a community
III "" " Tl
Our jewelry stock solves the gift problem.
Were you will find the largest and most com
plete stock of gold and platinum jewelry
shown in this city. The price range is wide
enough to meet every requirement.
I'iiiBcr RitiRs, $3.00 to $3000.00
Bracelets, 2.00 to 2100.00
I.. 1 Vnllicrei, 2.00 to 2300.00
Bar Pins, 1.50 to 800.00
Brooches, 1.00 to 2000.00
J.orKiu'tu-S 10.50 to 300.00
These arc only a few of the many beautiful arti
cles we have to offer. You can get a better idea of the
magnitude of our stock from our new catalogue,
which contains thousands of illustrations of the
newest and best in Jewels, Goldwarc and Silver
ware. Call or write for a copy.
S. Kind & Sons, 1110 Chestnut Street
Closing hour six o'clock until Christmas
I I i wj
Bolter Explodes In PitUburgh Junction
School Pupils Ecapo
WILKBa-BAnnE, r. Dec. JO When
a boiler exploded In the engine room In the
basement of the Jefferson Publla School,
at Plttslon Junction, 800 children be
enme panic-stricken Only heroic efforts
of the teachers saved the pupils from In
jury and perhaps death. Classes wero
marched from the building In an orderly
Sent to Prison for Threat
nELLISFONTK, Ps , Dee. 20. Announce
ment hnn been maflo that the Superior
Court haa connrmed the verdict and sen
tence of the Center County Court In lh
case of U Paul Swartz. convicted of at
tempted extortion by threats to burn a
barn He must serve not less than ten nor
moro than fifteen years In prison He has
been In Jail for six months
for Christmas Gifts
Scarf Pins, $ .75 to $1100.00
Link Buttons, 3.00 to 500.00
Tie Clasps, 1.25 to
Shirt Studs, 3.75 to
Chains, 1.00 to
Pocket Knives, 2.25 to
Handsome Limousine
Mounted on Famous Chandler Chassis
SPECIALLY designed' for those who seek the
utmost degree of beauty, dignity and luxurious
ness, this handsome Chandler limousine is fcone of
the exceptional cars of the season. Not the slightest
detail in equipment has been overlooked. Bodies are
of aluminum, and pleasingly graceful in every line.
The interior is tastefully trimmed in plain gray,
brown or blue plush, blending harmoniously with
the rich mahogany paneling. Extra folding seats
are concealed when not in use,
$2695 f. o. b. Cleveland, O.
Walter O. Uarbtit B. W. Cook jy. V. Herbert
Chandler Motor Car Company, Cleveland, Ohio
Republican Chairman Announce! r. j
Jf.t... f.. st.. ... euB-:
""' gc uacKa Him
TnrS.VTO.V Dec 20 - .vewlon . fc
bee chairman of the nemihi.e.- V..'?' Jo.
mlttee. has formally announced hi. if071"
dacy for the omce of stato Com.??1-
New Jersey, to Succeed Edward i"rfi
Democrat, whose term will exnlT. ...f
February. The Comptroll.r.hlS wn ii.,5
a ear for a term of three art ' ""
tt Is regarded as reasonably cetl.u .
llugbee will get the place aoYJ1
Walter K Edg thinks Bugbe shMt1
tho post In recognition 0 ! hi, ,.rX,h
the Itepubllcan party. 'rrlcs t,
Meningitis Attack Qnardarnta
KL PARO. Tex. Dee. a.
pan)es of tho Oeorgla Infantry BrlMj.vWa
been quarantined Because or lh Vi-Ir" 9
of four cases of spinal menlngut,,Jltf!r 1
inniii. -
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