"?f-r1lt . u EVENING LEDgEK-PHILADlLPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECESIBEB 20, 1910 , iT UT TMT, ,; K I i Pi - F I Bs j Hc i haant K - 'I i -? Z , iitKinn B"f3 r'Jvia yssfj FINANCIAL NEWS Jt . -f fc " PROPOSITIONS CONTAINED IN SPEECH ', OF LLOY,D GEORGE UNSETTLE MARKET grrovisiort for Control of Shtoniiie Sends Mercantile Marine Downward Greatest Demoralization in Stocks Since Lusitania Disaster . I NKW YOltK. le. 20. A greater doitreo of ditnorallraUon prevailed In todny'H slock iimrlit tlmn has been shown nt nny tlmo lnc the T,u-,ltnnla tllnMer. Wlillo ntl tho oxpreimliin-. of Lloyd Ur-orrro In hi aSdtea yesterday were rr-Kttrileil an immKIvo tin ttipy i-oulil bo made, Various prepositions contained In (ho Premier'", apeech liml n direct influ ence In unsettling tho mjcurlty iiltuatloii, The provision by which tho conttol of shipping I& to he taken uvor by iho J3rltlh Government seemed to Wall ntreot to tuko nwny a Rood part of tho riii-n- tn power or. international jvierrnntllo .Mnrlno and from tha opeiiliiir. Aim Inn preferred wairpresied forunlo, fnlllriir rnoro tlmn 12 points to below 0. Atlnntlo, Oulf and Went Indies, while not In any wiy wilijrct to the ltrlllnli Government supervision, had a sympathetic docllne. of moio than lo points, mid tho war-ordor Mocks generally wire without a nearby mat ltd and many of these Issues sustained Iobsoh ranging from 4 to 10 points, fulled Mate Hleol common wan In good demand at all times, but after aoIIInk at 113 yielded to luxti, with u moderate rally in tho lata tradlnjr. Thoro woro many Indications that tho railway list will break away from thn Industrials and war-order stocks. Union Pnclflo was vlwioutdy bouKht all through tho forenoon, when It advanced 2 polntH to lfin. with the buying coiiiIiik from tlio strongest bnukluir Inlercsts. This movement was bused on current lepoits that tho plans for" tho formation of a now Hecurlty company and tho distribution of" Its shares fw a dividend has boon completed und that a formal announcement In regard to tho distribution of tho security company shares Is close at liuiid. Tho coppor stocks reflected urgent liquidation, with t'tiili Copper the weakest of this group, falling about 7 points. Central Leather was also pi eased for sulo at sharp conceualonn and other Hpeclaltlca Joined In tint downward movement, meet ing with Utile support until after losses of about 6 points had been sustained. Tho general disposition on tho part of Important Inleiests to keep out of tho . market during holiday week rnado tho market sensitive bulb to bear attacka and, "" tho offerings of long stock, and It was not expected by tlmiit usually active l in market ntTalrs Hint an improvement will come until the holidays aiu over. ) Lata In tho day Jlothlohem Htecl sold at 6Gf), agalni! 1172 at the rloic yesterday. Tho bond market was heavy, with many of the conveillblu bonds retleotliiK declines in Blockn in which these lusues havo conversion lights. Koiclgu (loveni- ? ment bonds woro generally llrm, with Anglo-Kruncb fis selling at 03 liml us; I City of Paris Ca sold nt 6V4 to (, interutitlonal Meieautlle Marine lis Weie heavy nnd wcro offered at subslanttal concessions In tho Into trading. '- New York Stock Spies At) Mi IMJI 1M r,rH .no . IKUi . OT :o' . r,i . )if m nr . :iti oHl-i t $8,200,000 More Gold ComcH Into New York NEW YOItK, Dec. 20. Oold to tho amount of 18,200.000. Impoitcd fiom Cim. adit, deposited In tho Assay Olllco for tho nccount of J. 1. Morgan . Co.. making tho total broughtnto tho country from all aourccs nlneo Jniiuary 1 Ji!lfi,7o00,u00. SPECULATION ACTIVE IN CURB TRADING Pere Marquette One of Strongest and Most Active Issues. n Midvale Lower NKW YORK, Dec. 20. In Hie market for outnMo securities today speculation was fair actlvo ut times, and while consider b) firmness developed In the Initial deal lno In tho Jlrst lwlt hour, a reactionary tendoncy developed!'' which rnrrlnd prices, In many Instances, below the previous clone. Later, however, a. belter buying movement brought about good rallies, Poro Murnucttn wus one of tho strong and actlvo features. Tho buying was by tho same Interests which earlier In the week were lustrumental In advancing tho stock. Tho common moved up nearly 2 points, tho preferred moro than a. point, nnd tho preference preferred about a point. Hock Island sharos wero stronger, with tl fairly good demand for tho common and preforrcd "H' Midvale Steel, after a show of strength, declined lis. recovering about '4. United Alloys Steel and Steel Alloys moved within narrow limits. Ilutterworth Juilsjn on a single transaction declined 4 points. Sub marine noat was fairly active at a range of IU points. North American Pulp nnd Paper eased off fractionally on small deal ings. Oil shares wore gonerally strong, es pecially In Standard Oil and Ohio, which, after moving up about IS points on the an nouncement of tha proposed increase In cap ital which will give stockholders u large melon, broke about 10 points on realizing. The Independent Issues wero nlsn stiong with a good demand for Coitdcn shares. Mining iitotku were somewhat irregular and less active. Honda were steady. 1NDUHTIUALS fll.l n New York Bond Sales Mil!!'! ''!" " ' ' ?,: "" Anslortwcli .-, . ajono jvin rnr Kfe 6t . noon ,i0 ,.,t 414, lii'M) Anifr lc il; . 2JUI10 Amtr Writ Pup ,iM . . .6000 Ami Mlnir -Ih "J!,0!; Atchison ki-ii U BilliO ,lu ev .In I n 17 1,0000 Alluti fu Mm IhA I'OOU .1.. lt u . . ... fteoo .Minn fimr r.H . t?8!iH A'lwaiiiis n.u r,. ..-odd ,io :,H .... Jtooo 1I0 4a . IoOimio ,10 n lln ... 1 1 ISM) nllih Kttel rfil lis .. If DUO llrHili-n OllllMT IlK iihio ran Uovt n idsii. Iaihhi .i, n 111.11 71)00 Cal (Ilia & i;ii n Illgli Low. :i Dii ii in. .10.1 .iiJi . 117 . Ill HO ti Nil'. 7 a ,i J. llMl' III nt lot '4 ll.1 inn;, ii.-.', lolS IDi'i ll IPS 111.1 lu:i HlBVt llli'i irii 117 01 HM'i lltl 'i Hit 7M lll4 lllllj, ll.'l '. Ill till', ni ; ip:i. Him, "IN lis t unit ""! mtti IllKd U'.iS 11.1 , i m HIS llllW lll) 711 tn, i'i' 01 in IllIU in'l on ' lots IPS' DIP j, oj.iuoi) chin I'oiiiwr 7n . inn'-i 1.-14 lait. siioii en.. uni 4'4 ii-2 1 s 2K C'H!!'!! ...'! .." ''i . m'i "IS lil! lUU.llP VIU A. AIIOll :i'll . Nit Nit . . . etot Mt ttami'lr onu AIM nubtr 7 Am neei Hujjr . , Anru ... Am (,'fA Koumlrr., Am locomolhe . . . Am fimrlt ft Itcf. Am fileel Kouidrlei. , Am Tel A Tel Am Wr 1'arx-f pf . .. AmZI, ftH Anacon V M.. ...... Alch Top ft S V ... , All tlutf ft V I IMM xo Wki lull A O.1I0 . . . , Ilcthtenem Hlcel . . lldMebrm Kl pf . . illitrnlt CD Unite ft Sup .... Cl ivirolpuni . . C1 Petroleum pf. . . Ccntr.it hreiltur ChM ft Ohio . . . Chi It t ft t'te Chile CoiiK-r Chlno Copper . . Conotlil.tlctl O.n . . . Corn 1'iodiii-ti Itef . . Com Prod Id-f pf .... Crui-lulo Sleel .... Cubi Cane Huear . , . Kile Ktle I it pf (locdilch It I' (Iranb Convil (Ileal Noilliorn pf (llilf StUn Htcl (I S rh for on prop . I nip Con Cop Int Paper . . . Int Paper pf ,1(),-, Int Mer Murine ... . ;:i;i Int Mrr Marine pf ...102 I-ack Mteel Co hH thli!h Vallfr Mill Mamcll Mnton .',11 1 j' Met Pctioleuin IIKIli Miami Copper 411 Mo I'ao I M.V, Mhioiirl IMelfle I!P( Mo Par tr ifi i.Sh Mo Kan ft Irian. . ..11! Nat Knani . H Co . . ;ti!) Nat l.eail Cn ill'i Nov Con Con . . . Utt'i new voile Air llrake . GI) Now j oik Cfiilial N V N II ft II N V O ft Weil Norfolk ft Wettcrn Noith-rn Padllc OhloClllei (I IVnn llallroad . . I'ltU Coal c ot dp. I' C V ft St I, . . I'renird Ktcel Car. lt.it ( 'nn Cup . . . Iti-adlnir Itrpnblle Iron ft S Seaboard Air Line Mo-.Shcf ii ft I Southern Pacific . Southern lly Southern H8 pf. ... Sluilrliakcr Co Slulz Motor sli ... Texaa Co Tobacco I'ruilucLi . II H O I P ft K. . II Slml Alrobol.... United Fruit Union 1'aeJflc U H (J I P A It pf. , U H Ituhher UNHII A M . . if H Sttrl Corp'a .. U S Steel Corp'n pf Uta.i Copper Va-Caro Chemleai . . , Wabash 8:00 Illah. Ixtw. p.m. 10K i 10! 7Wi iff .0) .. t8 tW!i P51 li fi0) 51 H 4!l -10 . (TO nojf fiijii MM Tl)f 80l 7fli IflJi .irmv io7H ion lor 02' m 52 02 .I25f I2fi1f VaH Vi-'ti . 4- -I7H r,H MM Wf 40 42! 4.1 . 8fl)f 87.' ( M 85 ll)ii 10.VC I0i' i0.V 121 " 12lit ion 10(1 . 07; r.'j ns ; . R' M ST 8.- .5W fiOH Will WW Mfi 14.'U 14'llf 143U .1M) IWJf 140 141 . oli CI 47,' i 2Vi 20V4 !!.-( i M 07Jf .7 MM ri C(l r,Vi w M fiO SOU flfl!,' :i7! 20 otjf 1.12M 32J l.-2J( I.TJij " 2T 2115 H2i ttTf tHJJ (I7U n(( 02K mm .'mi, una ."lis mi r,ni l fi'Pi (Ml 02 III IU 117'f. 117-V llij i;ir i2i ij'i :iiit ."isi, :is4 '0 luh .ri7'i ISU 4V IK 11)111.' IDoli KlILV .1 1 27 2S 1IKIU H7i H7'4 ')! H4I, Kti, RO'4 r,ni 100 no .Ifpl; INti 111 US' .'II H III', ;." NHS M 101 311 :v,l Ml 10 IMi Ml 'J (i Hi 2,-il, WP 001$ Ill-'U III 10b I II! 1 i2h .12 r.H 2AW lW!r 1W) ITil". .. IU.VJ 1IM5 IIHS 101 ... fit's r,r, nm r,u, .11 :ti'i 31 u :ii'f . 130 137 13(11, IHf.'i ...no).' nor; nnig no . .nm. 1011 ion; nxu ... f!0i Wili W1V1 Mh .. 43 1. -r, 4ih iitii ... S.1 87! j ft'i S! .. JfilJ 781, C.-.I.- 7.-.U . 27ii 28 27' i 27 1 I0S) 108;, 10' J07, . 7U!J 8U1 77, 7,'i KHj 18 17t, 1,1, . IS.1 Oil 01'i ftVt . 08i ooii osii on, . . :ii'i aiji 3.1 .i:it . . 70'-i 7I( 71 711 ll.'l 113!, 112!,- ll.'li . . w;' r,a( r,:,u r,r,h ..2IMI's 212 207 210 Mil" 6(1' fill,' w, 22 22 2Hi 2M, llli 1I2IJ 108', 10) ,.isr iwiw is.-i l.ir, .148 150!f US!i 160 .. 00 1,2 iij ra . 5ii 0,1 Ik't 03 06ti (Wi 004 III) BIG DROP IN COTTON, WITH TRADING BRISK Disappointing Cables Have Bad Influence Prices Are Un usually Irregular (AtTON I1KI.T WKATIIP.R CO.M)ITIOS NKW VOftK, tlee. 10. Temprrslqre, were tenMllr nnrmsl In the fallen lifll thin mernlnir.. wllh l!ht prtrtpltatlan In me Mlilnnt vallff. The foUatvinK lemafrslnrf nfre rf rardeill OHIahitma 'llr. IOi KnoiTllli-, it) Ahlliu. 2Sl llrl Hln. lot I Wnillh. Mrnn. (hnllnnaotiii Ullmlnelon, ,uinla nnit Allunt,, 311 ( htirlnlon, 3H Thomil,IM' nil .Nsahtllle, ISI Hnmnnnli. Mnnlcomerr mirt lllrnilnaltsm, Hi At'inpM,, (Si lumen end jstlmenTllle, 4K Hnn Anlenls. Mil l.llllr Ilork nnd Hlftlrtlnn, mi .ilnhlle nnd Plirrte- Ket, asi lnoropi, GUI t'orpn Chrlull and ew lirlrn, ntl llnltealnn, nt, . , There nm ,,1'i Inch of piirlullnllon si In,amU, .01 nt (.nnltnniwiri, nnd (! lllf, .00 nl lllrmlnulinm, ,JI a MoIiIIpi .It I New llrlrn NKW A'OItK, Ilee 20. Ilusliiess nl the oponltiK was lartter than In a Ioiir time wltli heavy Renerat pressure on the call, espe cially SKalnxt the near monlhs. which showed losses of 2.1 to (! points, July wns down 12 and October I points. There seemed to bo a better deumiid for the tale opHonR iih a result of the early llipildatloii. CoininlsKion houses sold all months freely, while prominent roiim operators. Wall street and southern In terests piireha"i! moderately. I.lveipool was n buyer of Mnrrb And .Inly, but sold Mny. iorrlnir by dome of the nborls was noted, but It win believed nround the ring that further short mle tvein innde at the start. I.lterpotil enbles ncro very illsAppolnlliut and were partly reKponilble fur the entli weakness ' The market was extremely unsettled, Willi rapid und trreirular Illlctuatlons of from '.'' to 30 points ilurlnr; thn llrnt hour. Mnn-h iinitracts, for Instance, rotd up front Ii': to 17 3c. hark lo 17 Ofle and then up lo 17 30c. with lint mark"! showlHK rather n steadier tune after 11 o'clock. ltfiicllonnry sentiment seemed lo be naln Inir Rrotiud soon aftpr that hour. FOnfeldf? EXCHANGE NRW ronic. Dee. 2e. fcntttm dullness pre-ttlled In the foreign exchange market In tho early dealings today. There were few noteworthy changes In rates from Tuesdays final figures, quotations follow. Demand sterling. B -l, cables i 76 7-18; sixty-day bills nominally 4 71H. ninety day bills 4.9. rrn.no cables ft.SJ'j, checks S.MH. Itelchsmnrk rabies 71 U, checks 7m. 1,1 re rabies 6,02, checks 8.$:. ' Hwlss rabies R.OI, ahecks B.0I. Vienna cables 11 98, ohecks 11.98. Kroner cables 20.36, checks 20.20 Pesetas cables 21 111, checks 20,90. (lullder cables (0T, plus 1-16, checks 40U. less 1-16. ltuble cables 20.70. checks 29.85. In mldatternoon tlta market became a Irltle firmer, nllltnugh business continued liomlii.it In extent. Itelihstnnrks roe lo "I?ii for cable. 7I, for cheiksj lire cables (o r, 92 and checks to 0.92. ilubles tin tinned to 20.S5 for cables and 29.80 for checks Sterling and francs were steady at unchanged uuotatlons. HANK'CXBAIMNtiS Hunk trlns itKtay romtmrtil with inrre ttHinillni; day IrI tu enrs. ,. nun. ni i.i tun. Piilla.lriWii l M. ii i.i 03.1 J I I.iiiii.iiti ia.,,.KUM.nn.i llnnlnn . .. ,11.7"l ln 1 l.llH.H"i -.ll,4n,liln New York ..1Jn..1IH S32 (..l.80O.(0S 2IIM80.23T I'hlrimii Si) III.-. Jul fil).ia fts.l 4.a.H,liM MONEY LfiNOfNO ItAttES TilKW YoitK-t'nsetllemenl In tho MCUr Itles And other markets' has resulted in unusually close scrutiny of collateral In loiAns, and tho banks and other lenders nre Insistent upon a proportion of not less than 50 per cent of rallnoad stocks In loans. TlilS condition has been In force for nearly a week and In some cases It denends more upon the character of the collateral and tho standing of the borrower whether ac commodation ran be .obtained on those terms. Straight loans on railroad stocks are proeuraole without dllllculty. but so much of the trading bus been In Industrials that few entire offerings of railroad collateral have been made. Nominally the market for good mixed sloek change collate!1! ! unchanged nt 4WfiM per cent for sixty days and UO (' iim win tor periods or ninety dnjs to' ' -,-.(h T-if -nl, nil all Industrials, as above slated, while nominally about G tier cent for all dates. Is actually n matter of negotiation. Prime mercantile paper Is dull nnd nar row at nominally 4fi per cent. Prime bank stcecpUncjs an sii.mj- . n. moderate, velum, of deaiLTl are quoted at S" Mr TV m eligible at t'iciH ,"' ! rmr..tni:i,fitiA r-.i, . Time, 405 per .ent CnL i three to, l months, "eitel fllK'AdO-Call, 4 Percent irn. I percent. u "", j IIORTOX fall. 4i .. ,. .,1 4 per cent. p r wnt' m t.OMXJN Monev ceill today, unchanged Th T roilnt in the otrt m...... '. '' M three montls' bills was SiiesV''3! jnchanged, wH pt Cumberland Walcr I'anl Rnj CUJIBRIIIWVND, Md , S i-umnerinmi water works attd iL municipal electric light" bIM fc2?1 therewith wero wrecked by nr, i r I'liim.. i)pin, II .m. I a in. 2 p in. I)cii-inl,r 17 Is lillin 17,01 ... . Jumrnry I T 1 r. in so I7.tr. mini 17 iw Mnreh 17 SJ 17 III 17..12 I7.SI 17 IH My 17 .'.. 17 .',. 17.KII 17 14 17 0.1 "! .. 17 f.7 17 US 17.ST IT.r.ll 17 ti' iirtnur . iii.ii-. u, 71 ir..sr, ir, su Hp't ... 17 SO . J .112 113 ..lllIJi no ..to i wr, .. -141 Ifi'. W.tti.-un pf A fis Aetna Explnalvea .. . Amerlcitn-UrUlih Mfi. American Marconi ,. II Atntrtean writing i'aiir 4 Canadian Car Vdy 3.1 do prer , , . Charcoal Iran Chevrolet Molora . . . . t'ratnii Hhlpbulldlng ,. i;urnaa Aaropiano 12 il.l Kmerion hanoirranh Ukt9lI UarUer Oar.. Jfnd llunufacturlnir . imtliodlon llronza pref.. iurn un (ja,f . 3 m Maxim Munition, 1 ilMvala UtMl , .....) MM. New York: Hltlp UK Amer Pntwr v . . . 'k no IK H.I 11 Jl 7B!4 so UndnJ Btndard Oil, lsiavntnr pMrleia Motora J'oolo Knit B H Kra w I titand Motors ... Pled Alloya . .. Hubmarlno Traniua Williams -i wangle .nim Tooa ani, IFnltad A 11 H Hie, Dnllnl lluta tlnited I'ront Sharing u i u ii com do pref ., Wolf Vllm ., ''M'rltht Jlnrtln Atrerafl JUII.IIOAD.H Jfare Maeruqtte ST da imi K" Rock lilunJ com ..... ......... 43 da A pref ot do 11 pnf ...... ..4.. ., 7ft Wa!.rn I'aclfle w I ... ......;.. i'-'li do pref . 47 Wa-baab IPttabursh 23 Vi .rum, - a ilnyartla ,., UK llqy Htcfl ,, 014 lamahlu il'l Motor, ..:.;.... Ill ,xs ........ IR :S-: a ins Aaked. H 20 a n 4.1 7ft H 141 II'.' J I 01 125 I'M 4 'n (luti 4ftH 10 11.1 .... loo 7 .10 4'IH .1 II tjS 4IHi n n m HIV 37 u uo -I! 2 70 23 Ii 41) 21 200ll Chi (It Weat J. 2J( ' Chi. lit g Jnlnt 4. Jl)()0 Khl'St l M A O fta 1HOO fill lnd A Weal (la 1 (Kino fhl U Sl Ht l ecu 4a 31)00 ilo tonva 3a 1000 rto rp Un 10011 ilo cv 4l.il. , . , (HHM iln sen 4W a .... 500(1 CM MM I' H 4a 2301)0 Chi II t P rfil 4 17000 iln fta. . 4U00O ilo ct fta mi- atn . 0(11111 Col i Hniilh lat la . 411(11)0 City of Pnrla Ha . . 4IIIII) Comp Tali lire Cn (Is. iinoil Corn PruiTfta 11)31.. . 11)00 D.M & llud rfd 4a... . 4(100 Dan A 111(1 Or 4a 4IIOO Detroit Tunnel l, . ShlllKI Detroit I'nlteil 4'.-, . 7H0O K Ten V 41 II roll On .limn Kria ronv la aer A SftOUO du prior 4a. . l-ooo do sen 4a lillllll ilo lat con 7a 1111)0 Or P-nlla 1'ower .In limn Hud Cn Una On 2000 Hudson ii Man In r. 311(10 Uo rfil fta 7(10(10 111 Hlrel dull 4', a 1HOOO Inillani. Mtnnl AM IIHIO ill LVn U H I, & N () fta 101 14000 III Centrnl 4a 10.12 Ml', 400110 do 4a IU33 sill; imiim Intr Met 4'ua . . 7U, .uuini uuer ii i rer ria. 3l'(Hio liner Mer Mar flu 7000 Jan new (1 H 1U. un soon III) 4'ib . . 7IH, 11)00 Kan City Mo fta M) J ;!!! )' (.'lly. Ter lat 4a S8-T Bllllll l.ex t K fta . . . loati mini i m.i... u. i - ....... :!:ri" .-."":: ..,. uirr u iu.,i.iiu . 73', . Uh'i 1111 107 . 113 '4 UH'i 1 03 llll'J 102 112 77 71', 7.1 1U14 n.i'4 H7!i US IIHJ, noS Dill, Nl 07S IIH Nil 731. IIH 101 1117 113', IIHJ, 103 0(1! IOI. U2 71)' 741, 7114 II3 ll.lt, S7 H0 ll(l- KI7S 107, ". un Ml 7:iV, us lot 107 ll.'l U lilli, lii.l', im'i 102 112 v3i II H4 ll.l'l ni 117 IIH Kll 110(4 ni H.IJa H.I', H.V, 7.1W 7.1'i 73'k IDS',! lilll'i liislj .101 . inn . mi irii. ii.!; . 72', . Illi D2IIIIO do ftn 1U.10 .21111(1 t.Kde.l,, (Jna Ikt .Is 171)110 I.k Hti deli 4a ltl.1l aeon Mh Val con 4H 5ii(iil 1.1k & M T Ba . . 11(1(10 loula Naaii 4a. HiiOn Minn lc HI U 4a . 2(100 Mo Kan & T 1st 4a .201)0 ilo Kaat 1st fta . . SOOOU Mo pau w 1 4s '3110(1 do w I Ba 11123 ilouo Mot.t Power fta Sooo Mont TV fta 3000 N V (! A It 31, a l4 III 10.1', 2SM, till U21n 10,1 101 Rll't ?2: IIHJ WIS 7", 7tn; Nil", K7j 1II2H 101 nni 01 i (Km 23 V Oil tu'4 lo.-iS 101 ?s liiiS iK'i so4 7H'i KUi "il in.!i mi tis; W.ibuli of II.... West Union Tel... West II V M Western Matjlanil. W & I. Ii w I Wlllj Oterland.. . Willie Motors IVoolnorth K W,. .. HIM ...lOl'i .. Ml, .. 30 . . 23 . 30', .10' I.-i 10'i r,Hi Oil fifi'i :u 21', 37 WTh ms llfl'i 1 1S'a. OS j 01 .( . 13ih I. 'IS U'l 10.i fiS', 31 !j 1)11 fit', 2UJ. 24 ati'-j r.o 13S HJIl 11)1, fiV, .tl'J on ftS 31 211. .(i'i All I3H Liverpool Cnllon I.IVKltPOOl,, Uec. 22. .Spot rntliin to d.iy wns (inUli-r nnd 42 points lower on Hi" basis of I0 2!)d for mld-tipbuid. 'l'h Miles nggregnlcd Tmin balos, Including CUOO b.ilei American Tho lintiorls were 21.000 boles. Itii'ludlng It. 000 bales Ainerioaii. The inar kel for fiilniOH closed misruled nt a net iIclIIiiu nt 3it'J pultlls. Knitland'H OiUcial Wheat Price- LONDON. Dec 20. Announcement wns mailo todnj I hat the proposed iitllrlnl nm. tract pi Uo for wheal would bo 6iif per ipiaiter Kx iUldenJ llarrell Coinpnny. 1, per cent nnd HI per lent extra. I allroriiln I'rtruleuni Cor IHirntlon preferred, 1 ner rent, Cluett. IVulrady Co. I1, per cent. The Wllbn-Ovcrlarul Com pany, 11, pr rent. Dayton Pner ami Light. 1ft per cent, Jewel Tea Company Inc., pre ferreil. IS, per cent. .Milwaukee. I.tika Hhorn and eatern, 1, per cent American Agricultural Corporntloii. 1', tier font. American Asrtrul luriil Corporntloii preferred, P4 per cenlt tinder wood Typewriter Company, IV, iwr cent. Under vnnwrl nr I ninnnnv itr.ra.r.il I,. ,v .i.,i.- ....,, ::-j-. -.-'.-'- --. -. ? "" . t.u,,u-.,.,.ni!ii ,uaL ,.rrVU iroau, ls woo, Tvpowrltar Company Dreferrcd, .tlhonB-.MlUllkfln Orel ttrHfrrA. irh Creek Hiillrnnil 11L m, r'mni llnental Can, I', pur oent. Continental Can rent rent lleach IV per ton tirrrerred. 1. ner r.nl llnTtioMinfrn tlnln. t.i nnd 11 extra: Detroit Hula and Moulhneatern, 2 per cent. Jllllua Kayaer & Co . H, per cent and 1 iw cent extra, Now Urleana Hallway nnd Llulit, U per cent Now Orleans Hallway and Light preferred. I', per rent. Wraiern Union, l'i per rent nnd 1 per tent extrn. Financial Briefs lolS lots mis un;, ti.iu ii.iij 1 .1.1L1 1.tlLr I,.,,".' loos 10Ii llll . no . 7flH '" . uti'I . mi H.l'i InoH ions inijl lot ; '! U.l'i oo mi, no HSU U.ITi llll no C'l . s.i'i 30IKIII (In II, 1 1 1 1, 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 w MUM) N V City 4a lUBII reg.lllll', 1(P(I, llldC 12(101) .In 4s 10.17 Illlll llll! 1111(1 BIIOIIO .1(1 IUh lllllll ... . Ilia.. 1(I3(J 103! JDOU ilollli Nov 10B7..tOII 1U0 1011 4li IIU 7IH 111 ll.T N.I loo i.V, i.ijj l)i 1 fiTANDAltD OIL Pralela Pin .. . . . . Btslidard Oil California I.Ci Mtf N 13' f xura HTOCKS ,..,,,..240 ........8UO 33T ..'.!... sua ........ IIHO ....".'.SOS OTHEIt OIL STOCKS Barnatt Oil ft daa I'ujiden. p-tNwrsi un star Petrol r .aaeac iter ...,...,...., tjutcn , annlrvA Ttf . loclair , MINING STOCKS Standard U.-0 Cocpar (a proap) ,,,..., uoppar ana ino .... h. - ...... 4.UII. . AtUnla liiatwai f Butt, nip ("sirro, d Pasco . CeosoUaatad Arlxona cmou, uonjoiioatsu I .(ioldflald yiisir Heeia, Mtnln- . ; " " V I,-Iit Katlonal ilk S ,. - Wriw Ooidaeld La4 !,. Kaund IBdapaodtac alia JB41HF . . . . Jombdi Jxtalaa IbKluley Darrasb Magma vsppar jUite Co of A IHelaslna- . . Viy llcrcul,. , . if. latest. ' tid ' ' '. leoepab Bxtenslort W cSk America, .7 i2 SO (17 M 23 lift ....... 20 s r. 7S .....,, ! ....... 211 4. 0 .. . . i5 2(3 34ft H43 3tH 1190 2T3 It1, 22 13 a. M i". T if 83 it I'enna gcii it 4'ja ..1DSU Kijjt majl i tin cn 4H a Hint! imifj nMl Peo k Uasl lat 4a 77, 77'i 77U 1 I'hlla Co cony Ba 1022 1)21 II2! oaJ 1-iibllc 8ry N J Sa . . 112J, P2! 02H UftM. 100 7ht, Bit hll(-i 1000 N V tlsa 11 Jt, ! fta lull. 1HII00 NV Nil A lis lilt; loon N V Kwv rf 4a . 7.1 ftonoo do ad fta 41) (lil(li)ll N r Tel aren 4Vsa . mi 40011 N V VT V & II 44 a . 73 lhlHHl North I'uu prior 4a lilt, 2000 Ore H Line ref la. U3!i ftOOO Ora 1 11' 11 l J, nii loono I'acllH Tel Bs Itio', Hum, ,-eima sen 4 0UUII lllllll mini) 120(io 1'iibllc 8ory N J Sa . . U2S HOIIII ltundlnir f.n 4m nil! 811)011 ltrp I (K la ... luo . 200(1 Ht 1, Sl B V ujt 0a . , 78'i lliooil do lii fta .... . BO lisooo do 4a Her A. ... 70 230110 du fta Her II ... a? ftOOO Houlh I'ao 4a . . . h.1J h.1' 12000 do cv 4s 87 HII , BOiio do rt't f n is loAv ioJ Hiooo uo r'd 4i .... o-J. ii-iC 18000 South llwy Ken 4s . 715(4 7nVi 42oiK do eon (is inil! niiS 11(100 IT H It Oa , dl,' lii'J ft ftOOO O B Oovt Ha ill IT, I ig 1000 II B ellalty fia . (IS is hoihi u ri itubtiar as lost. 2000 tl B titeel a f Ss . .foa, 27000 Union I'ao lat 4a .... lat! 12000 Unloi. Pan r(d 4a ... 01 1 Kltlul IT.. l,.uU. . ,. - 7... " 4S0OO U K (l( II II I 'fta sifouu no niii 111111 117000 do Otta 1021 ... or 2000 Vi, l!r Ohm 1st Sa . tia; Af Ui Pu tluiv. K. n.,al 23000 Wub-l'T lat e"t p is 3s U1111I Vt Kltctrlo Ba. 102 ftOOO IVaat Bbore 4a 02. (l'i llll, 104S l'l J IMS 73S 73K 4h. 4NT IIU 7ft UI 1131, nil llll 1 7KU .111 7ll S7 IIH', sin! U2', sa 7,1(4 10IK 11)80, !,"," 1(4 loan 10'u 'i ins; llanltn Rained from tho New York Sub treasury yesterday 35,737,000, and since last Friday Rained Jt9.GtG.000. Commercial and company coal shipments for the month of November over the Nor folk nnd Western Hallway and other rail roads In Us territory totaled '.',"110,178 net tuna. A seat on the Philadelphia Slock Kx cluinKO has bVeti sold for J3G00. The names of tho seller nnd purchaser were not made public. Tim last previous) Bitlo was for J3S00 mi November 20. Honshu,- conditions III Plttsburch nm lo be Improved by thn WrstluKhouso Klectrlc and MaiiurncturliiK Company at nn expend I tu 10 of U'liO.OOO. It la ono of the most ex tensive hounliur projects oicr undertaken In tho l'lttsbuigh district by nn Industrial company. Twenty rallionds 'report cross earnings for the llrat week of December of JS, 739.052. an Increaeo of Sl, 308, 136, or 17.60 ner rent, as. compared with tho corresponding week of 1915. The Man Who Knows (be Intrinsic ratue of slocks la the man wnn profits tnott In bla market Inunction, Tha Jones A Hiker Weekly News Letter keeps Infeators Informed nn lnlrlnle Tslues and market posslMllilea br lr Inx ibrni each week Ida I, Int news snd drpendstils Inrormailon oa the lesdlnc InliLlrlsl. Oil, and Mlnlne se ctirlllei traded In on tlie New York Cnrli. Send for Ilia current lime. JOSIIB HARMS, Widentr Mil)., rkUatelpMa, ra. I'lraae aeud me tli current luo, of jour Wceklj New, latter. Kami ...,,.,....,,,.,.,,,, AdJrm I UnqtiesMonsblj, th kailo enalltr of thrift It lbs Utili ty of pnttlnc 'otna portion of on,', esrnliir In tha bank at reenlar IntstTtli. I Then tba next step, afttr a certain sum has been ae cumulated, 1, to tek Inrsit ment channels In which to nlaco the isTlnft, at at ta eniura the maxlmnm Incams return, compatible with lia bility Cf principal. (J Bsrsral tbouisnd pxpla bass foond that this la read lljr facilitated by "The Twenty Payroail Plan" end "IriTeslmenl Opporionitics" I Anyone who is Intended In deTeloplnr th, thrift habit with tha mlntmum of an dearer should not ' fall to t'cnlirly racslsa fnrrslnrnl Otportunlttet at It II Itsned from fortnight to fortnight. It will ba tent without an. talllnr any obtlcatlon wbst eser, betlnnlni with tha cur rent ltau. upon requeat for Zt-TL. Includlnr booklet l rUlnlnr 7" Tutnty Paymtl rian. Encourage Thrift "by Your Christmas Giving We Offer in $100 Denominations! NcBOtiable Inteiest- Bearing Certificates (Coupons attached J Louan Trust Co.. Truster, the fnllnwinir Sinn.r.i c .i. . U''S r. .-...-. u ucvuiiuei: SERIES "A" Southern Utilities Company t-lrl .Morlsnse MnUlnir Fund Of, (lold Ilnnd, Due April 1. 19.11 At 101 nnd Interest, Yielding O.flO'J. SERIES "B" Pennsylvania Railroad Co. - t ltvryimfilycciirilkv (KltotlUtcd 1008) JO Exthanie Place New York 735 T f. Cit. Blalt. JONES & BAKER STOCK llllOKt-.ltS Wriencr Bldg., Philadelphia Hell, Walnut 1(100.1. Kejatone, Kace S200. Mrtet Private Vlret Connecting New York Itustnn Chlcntro l'lttalmrch .ot)tno lo Sell Hut Service" ttof O au a . un'; . . ukI; ZOOil Weat Union 4V a . . . hill 6U00 'Wheallnc ft 1, ii 4t... TuU lti.1 ! II K on. ao IIH 07 !i Ul uH UN!. ai lo- IMlil 7U un Hits !1U iis- 117'. ".. not! Toll SPECIAL DIVIDKNDS N'HW VOHIC, Deo. 20. The Atlantic Ktcel Company has declared the regular nuarterly dividend of IV, per cent und nn extra dividend of I per cent on lis common stock, jiuyulilo January 10 to holders of lecord December 30. BOSTON. Pec. 20. Island Creek Coal Company Iiuh declared tho regular" quar terly dividend of f 1.50 on tho preferred and SO cents and art extra of tl on the com mon. All dividends payable January 3 to stock of record December S3. The American Zinc Company declared an Initial cash dividend af $1 on common stock, payable February 1 to stock of rec ord January IS, LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAK STOCKS i.i.t MaOJamara ,. ,,, .mi' Midway ,............. so Mlzpah Kxtsnalon 14 Montana ., 2U ....... .13 Nortlmrn Hlsr . isaoue cm . . . iS'tat End . ... :n BONpS kmtt .T.4 T osw S . . .. 11 Hit r ; rnsxh il unlc IS Hnu EliMsesle Stl 4 ii JKirfiUj 6 '.,'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.','.".'.'.'.'. 81 Wheat Dull In JU?erpooI WVKBPOOI Inc. JO. spot whet was Aug mSny, wtih Ko. t br4 winter quoted a. Its M, No. -N'oftheru ifanitdtw mti M f ft. . I Northern iUuitotia at i lltHt, C v rt wto irfrr immXiitm u imj mm at.. T 4i sltr s. , OOl.Ill'IKt.D STOCKS AtUnla. iu HiufUuii :..:;::: m ("omblnatloo Y'rlix4l3n ' M WIHUIH.tlVM CIHRWU ............ . UA buroomuMM jITT ?,, :; ;& Palsy . I ot UoMnsld Couaojldated ........ .' .(d f.-nv ............. andsfor'pV Usodi'll '''.','. Bllvsr Fl?k ". : MiaUKbllANUOUS Ainder 7i, TaosiL lileltur it fiBiasr !!?::::::.:::::: S? tHU4 T4MJ4trr .., J. Atk.d. .ol $ .2t .70 .18 .03 .70 II .33 .TO 4ll iiivgw iiiia mmBetMMMikV r ittYJS; NEW YORK HUTTER AND EGGS NKW TORIC. Dee. SO UUTTEIl Iteeelpla. 4331 luta. Hleaity with small orferlnas on hlsbsr srades. Medium quulltls alower and wsaksr. UuolRtlons not chaused KIlOS Iteeelpla S07U rates. Kreah fathered ..urf.ii, vmbiw M.tMvr i...urp ,Q Clean lit) HlorUK.i ataadr. Hitra filMS2c; extra flrsts SUoOfl; Brats. 40, ,8oi seconds, 40 u"&' while, eaas. tlauHSc: tnlsed t-nlnf. jfl.1... sMcta niarkst r(rUerator, 33 (i 3l0i rstrlser aior rlrata. SaHftSSo, tirowq unjhaned, , More Cotton Ginned WASIHNCSTO:, Dec. 80. A report Is sued by the Uureau of the Census today places the quantity of cotton ginned from tha growth of tho crop ct 19) S to Decem ber 13 at I0.84S.9S9 bales, counting round as halt bales, compared with 10.306,305 bales In 1916 and 13,972,2:9 bale in 1914. Tha corrected statistics of the quantity ginned this seasoit prior to December art) ,v,04s.vid uaies. Organized 1807 Foreign Exchange Foreign Drafts. Let ters of Credit, Monoy Orders, Travelers' Cheques issued nnd Kcmlttancea mntio to ull parts of tho World. Inquiries solicited re Kardinu rntcs. Farmers and Mechanics National Bank 427 Chestnut Street Province of ntario Canada Gold Bonds Interest June 1, and Dec 1. Due Dec 1, 1926 The estimated population of this Province is 2,750,000, ap proximately one-third of the total population of Canada Price 100 and interest yielding 5 Descriptive, circular I'E-81 on requstt The National City Company 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia r York Cldcato Sin Francisco llostoa I'lusDurtn 1421 C I New Yo Cnnsnlldnlrd .MortKncr IS 'A (lold llnnds Dun AUKtMt 1, lnr.O At lOIVi and Interest, Yleldlni 4.13 t SERIES "C" Pennsylvania Railroad Co. (lenernl .Mnrlif.ne 4V, (Inld llnnds Dun .lunn 1, 1005 At 103U hiiiI Inleresl, Yleldlna; 4.30 i SERIES "D" The Reading Company & The Philadelphia & Reading Coal and Iron Company! (Irnrrnt Alnrlcnin 4 (lold Honda "nfl Due At on'i; nnd Innuary 1, 19D7 Interest, yielding 4.13 SERIES "E" - Lehigh Valley Railroad Company x (lenernl Cnnaotldntrd 3lnrla;ncei 4 14 lold Honda Duo May 1, 200.1 At 10S and Interest, Yleldlna; 4.40 BROOKE, STOKES & CO. Members Philadelphia, Stock Exchange lfith & WALNUT STREETS CALVERT BLD I'luiadelpliia Baltimoril 120 BROADWAY New York - TTrilaTJansaaTJassaaaMalISS BaB 4 "1 VICTORIA OIL The one big independent Oil Company. Hai acquired and retired $500,000 of its own tock purchased or absorbed twelve producing prop erties in West Virginia entered the great Kansas fields with the acquisition of 13,000 acres ALL IN THE SPACE OF LESS THAN ONE YEAR. We specialize in this Slocfc J. S. MCCORD-& Co. 301 Real Estate Trust Building PHILADELPHIA Telephone Ilell 440S Walnut a.VlVl1YVVVV,VS,YVXYa Union Passenger Railway 4s Due March 31, I960 Particular Upon Application A. B. Leach & to. US South Fourth Street Ilell J'hons omijarj S9T Naw York Cblcso liufUla llostoa I-ondon, En. lialtlmor ANNUAI,JIBKriNOS 5S UNION NATIONAL HANK. K . PtdUilalpjua,. Uacsmbsr . Jglfj. ,. Tha Annual Uattlturet tha Btoeknalr, fc.I. Ibis Banlc for tba auction of Dlractora win "I is ttoum nous on Tuudar. Janu.,; V, IVll, Utwetn tl. hour of 13 u and 1 a, uC fcUUia ii. BS-iriliHIlltUCK, Csnisr. ULKOTlONS, fSS1' US CVXTOAt. NATIONAti ll.lMi at tn ruQEmiT onr.ai WWTO mttaaitJK 'dmnssxv !? ET UMt I Union Passenger Hallway 4f, I960 $100 Bonds Price 92 and Interest To YUld M0 TAX ritEE IK PKNXSYI.VAM.V II 1' "II l"'"l 111 MELLOR & PETRV MemUra K. V. A PblU SUck Kiehani.s sstt comju:kciau tbust uuiluino ASSAY1NG-J0RE TESTING lixpeit ad vita on tualmeat of or st Vtry aecrlntlan QGDEtT LAB0B4tt)RIEa 239 Cliaacellor St, S "Strength anil Struiee" l WE ARE ALWAYS I GLAD TO ASSIST DEPOSITORS S iif any matter whethqr or- dinary or special. No legiti g mate service is too much I trouble. The Hank for Business Men ; Tradesmens National Bank 431 Chestnut Street f Established 1846 Resources Over $13,000,000 Foreign Loans in America Thirty-clgnt Issues of foreipn securities now dealt in In American markets are briefly reviewed in Our December Investment List The List also presents our current recommendations ss ta home investments, with income rnngintr from 4.10 to over 7 Copies on request Edward B. Smith &Co Established 1892. BANKERS Utmbsr New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchange "ll Chestnut Street Philadelphia 80 Pinh Street Hew Yomc IL SteelfllogsGjp. Tbls arttvo Issue has recently advanced From 2YS lo 71. Writ for Circular No. X E. H. CLARKE Morton R. Alexander (lUsUsnt Partner) l'liu-e 1113 gpnico Stock Exchange- Bldg., Phila., Pa. ST William St. . " Nw York en arc. .-. j. GEORGIA RAILWAY & POWER GOMPANV We deal In all tha stocks and other lacurltle of the above Company CHAS. 0. HARRISON, JR.. & CO. FIFTH & CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA Member New York una Philadelphia Stock Exchanges DIHHOTOItY Of ACC0HKTANT8 " Crtiatd 1'ublle Atcaaataau I- Brown Brothers & Col rot'irru Afto Cincsmorr Streets PHILADELPHIA Securities and Iweome 'W uita, chifge of seiurltist and ca1itet.ilMcamj, wsiltlug a " STliAfg " J ' T .-M.1- ,-'""- ' ....- -r, MHSBl "I5Bfi , IMmiMtirimmMm9miMM& . - fti fit " JWBsBStwffir toi -.nasi