HAPPINESS BEAUTY'S BESTAID By LUCRBZfA BORI HAPPIN'BS3 U n unrivaled help In mule Itur woman beautiful ana churmlnr. X tv " tn" Plainest of fscn tcom jistotil'hlnstr beautiful In momenta of reat luippInM. The mot convincing example vi nun iransiormallan lira llio faces of the children when they rather about the tree Christmas morning. The homelltet of little Klrls is lovely to look upon when happiness transforms her fe. lures. Then, loo. you mint have nolle! ihe In crenseil rooI look of j-our srvUvn-up friend ilurlnir the holiday seftsan. Vnnr tiu. ,,n..M iiuih tnelr faces been more animated or prettier This Is usually due ta Ihe fact Hint they have cast oaf. and worries aside for the time belnir, ami are irettlns; a wealth of pleasure out of raaatnr others happy. Some wIm person r,u written: "Itapplnen Is a perfume yoi rsnnot pour on others without Retting: a frsr drops on yourself." I havo never believed In an e.xlrava 'gnt use of perfume, but I hopo that you m .- v... .... ,,..,, (nf, perm nimtd "happiness," and by so doing In crie your own beauty nnd charm. LOOK ON' "DIHOHT SIDK" , nut there are always sotno women who l Tin when the world Is Ray with the holiday spirit, find It hart! to be happy. They allow lliennclvo.i to bo overwhelmed by the annoyances nnd illsappslntment that troop upon one even durlnR this time of peace, nnd Rood will. Ah a result, new lines arpear about the mouth and on tho fcrow, eyes heenmo luslerless nnd sad of ipresslon, complexions lose their brilliancy of coloring nnd smoothness of texture m truth, the most luxuriant head of hair will btgln to show signs of faillni: beauty If FIRST WHITE HOUSE RECEPTION A NOVELTY Only 1000 Guests Instead of Usual 2500 or 3500, and All Havo Good Time BEGINS AND ENDS EARLY WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. The 1000 In tltfd guests who nttended tho first Whlto House reception Inst nlRht felt n wholo lot tetter today than any of tho 2500 or SD00 who on Whlto llouso occasions In past years have literally Jammed themselves about In the executive mansion from 9:30 p. m. to 1NV or i.JU n. in. They weren't eo sleepy nnd had fewer bruises to nurse. Incidentally there was never auch a noisy fanfare of Marino Hand trumpeting to announce to the fect-wcary guests who had been on file for an hour that tho President and his ontclnl family wero In lino to recolvo them as was played last nlnhL Many of tho eldest Inhabitants nnd most regularly at tending reception guests remarked on tho extra lung work of tho horn blowers and tht ipeclal presauro employed by the fiddle payers. There were soveral Wllaonlnn Innova tion!, Where other receptions havo started at t!J0 or thereabouts, with tho ICaat Room -dually crowded and bulging at doors and windows, last night's nffnlr began promptly at nine with the big parlor only comfortably filed by the guests converging Into tho .tingle nio lino that filed nasi tho President lira. Wilson nnd tho IhiIIch of tho Cabinet. LWhero there havo been heretofore llnger- ptnr squads In the Hast Hooni, Uluo lloom. arute dining room nnd corridors (but mostly lis the dining room) until way past midnight, Iitery one was back home or might to havo ifceen and tho Whlto House tucked away ftn the night by midnight. H was called n Judiciary recentlon. but . It really wasn't. Tho Whlto llouso social mentor this year decided It would bo better to "anrcad the butter thinner find mnln It I, ro farther In the matter of guests ; ho here- alter none of the remaining receptions will bring more than 1000 or 1800 guests at a time. This mnkes "foraclnir for food" at the tu.Tet tables much easier nnd offers fewer eDSortunltles for sullllng one's coffee on a tebutanto'a unprotected back. Still another Innovntlon wns tho Inviting . It officials and citizens from all circles to meet the Judges nnd Justices. Undo Joe unnon. with his usually swinging left hand Jailed In his left hind nockct. and Mrs. Thomaa Walsh, widow of the mining king, and wearing enough Jewels to ransom' Eerbla, were as prominent, or more so, than ay juages there. Have You a Perfect Foot? Few tyrannical h!o.va owners avpp treated their minions worse than most people treat ttilr feet, the -willing servants who carry tbetn everywhere, run all their errands E-, and bear the entire burden of their avolrdu. jrnia, just cons dor for a moment the III treatment meted out to tho unfortunate toes. Once tho utralght pretty pink toos of w baby, they are crushed by the draw w vanity of sweet sixteen In high-heeled ' With tiolntxil tnnK II. nt mlali llm III "St Inward and nrnrlllfA lh lurmnnnnl fltfu PL- -rtmeni. an enlarged Joint which perlodl. mj innamea ana sometimes develops into a unsightly bunion. Aa time goes on the toes are com yrtaaed Into distortions by tho Insane prac W of aqueexlng a No. B foot Into a No. 4 , fo. a No. Into a No. 6, until the foot "comes. Instead of a thing of beauty, post. uvtly rerjulalv in k.hni.i t,-.,-,, it. J1" overlapping toes, malformed' nalla. 5i ,?. '0,nia. ft plethora of corns and wuoaitUa. Tet wo exclaim In horror at U aiformrf t. m.iH... ...-.... .- ---..-. v ut ilia wituivav wuiuu Oil C&n fmatflna. u. 1a kailnta "r horrified at the feet of aome Amerl SJ women wero they exposed to her gaxe. nt hours of misery aro represented by M maltreated extremities ( Tain In the - i"vated by the weight of the sedy anil fcv k. .. .. . -L- . ,... f.- " " Kura oi mo unyeiumii K;5i ir upon the 'nflamed surface, and thla Jr a' Pln has the effect of causing tho tatenaa feeling of fatlguo and depres Mt of spirits. Afothera am nitnni.i,jiw .....-. iki. . fc . . al ' th, unnecessary Buffering, rSJ5 i "in' thtt ,he'r growing girls are 'eel .iy ,no, No' lr moment would . Z. T' vocate ugly wide-toed shoes which IIL ."""f th" derlalon of school fellowa. f .? '."'J bootmakers keep footwear wbictt E Itralchl nn th. i .M.. ni I., i " exr.!-.. . w liniBf Btuca. -iijiaiv4t ki!"1 nl dancing strengthen and Ira- 4'ie m shape of the r.et. : eiaflU,,? onan whose feet are already "jed tha servlcr pf an expert In aVav '"'"''lapenaablatocure and keep VVr&a. WOmn nt vnillu Mi..llltitnnri ffafio iubl0 t0 oo nd should b care tL kUC Uw uaount of acidity In tho liom,by.car'fu t and by doaea of r narmleaa uun rP.iv. i-M t th x?out Wnful of foot troubles wis i5 fTO btwcn tho toes. This may ad ei.n ? n,t'l. excruciating pain, la ? JntUmmatton and suppuration, and t-j.ujr caaea u virtually Incurable. niSL.. V?,w cWropodUt'a treatment at w5cVl rvu ralnimUa th dl- "ikmA y-by tAtawodlat, aa If re- kW.JvSeT'nrBll",'M l " lh, neSin Tkl'l M.-no jl'hy for the bTETii- '? ,h "taeklwn- to throw &U?t7. worf,'- w"' If th fruit rake t-ifn "u, or lno lrmaker falls Mr- a-Li?"1. ft?k ln t,me wr ii.t' 5!?letr. '-' trtyT lie thankful and that the too brown parts can U cut itT'' nd 1 1PPln nut of the thought innt you were considerate enounh not to il your modiste to the phone and aootd tf .. ''"PPOlnUna; you when the prob bly tried her best to have the frock fin. i!,. .Jn ,lm- ton rur old frock, ami), ing the while, and In a happy frame of mind go to Ihe party Ten ehaneea to one somebody will say: -t never saw you look mora charming." DOTIiUMtKKtl TO UK ItAtTT Do not fall to remember when you are eoM-creamlng your face In the wee am' hours before retiring that you havo pre. vented several "worry tinea" from rob- "nit your skin of Its beauty. I know that It la not a pleasant task to do your holiday shopping, but do not lose your patience with the overworked saleeglrl who may appear Inattentive. She baa mom worries and annoyanres lo con tend with In an hour than you hnve In months You must expect to have your feet trodden upon and your hat knocked awry. It all rtoea with the holiday season, and any display of Ill-nature when these IhliiRs occur will only harden the expree. slon of your faro and rob you of gooa looks. Make up your mind to allow annoyances to roll from you "like water from a duck's back" nnd be happy- There Is nothing more Infectious than kooiI. nature, and soon every one about you will be looking upon the bright aide of things. Happiness Is synonymous with outh Now you know the secret of warding oft old age. To my mind, the person who walks through life full of the wish to be happy and to promoto the happiness of others Is Irrrs'stlbly beautiful. (Copjrlcht.) HOUSEHOLD HINTS How to Onrnlsh Holiday Foods THtt holiday reason Is the one lime In many households when the thrifty house wife allows herself the luxury of adding eomo noeltlea In the way of food, food ac cessories or garnishes. Hern ere a few suggestions to tin nilded to the marketing list, many of which nro not expensive. Sim ply because they are "different" they add a nolo of novelty nnd color to the holiday menus, nnd aro especially helpful to tho housewife who plans rome holiday enter taining. Klrnt. there are Ihe novel frulti. like tho alligator pear, cntnwba melon nnd per simmons, which wo may consider out of the reach of the family piiMo for everyday use. but which wo gladly Indulgn In ni a holiday luxury. Tho alligator pear makes n de llclous salad, combining with lettuce, en dive or watercress. It li served with a light but tart Xrench dressing A WIDK citoict: Terslmmons can either be cut In ob longs and ndded aa a colorful delicacy to a fruit salad or they can bo served "an naturel " They should be served cut In h-vlf. or If served whole, there should be sharp-pointed spoons r.o thnt tho skin can bo pierced easily. Also, they can he peeled, tho pulp removed, dressed with orange lulce or with whipped cream and served In tail sherbet glasses Then thcro are ripe fruits, such as ripe tigs and ripe olives, which are holiday deli cacies. The ripe olives can be used In place of tho pickled green ones nnd served with celery, or they cin bo ndded to a salad or n cold meat dish as n garnish Gelatin and marshmallows are two In dispensable holiday accessories. Oelatln ran bo used to make many bright candles that tho children like, and which are en tirely wholesotnn, and also can ho trans formed Into n quick and attractive des scrt. isi:tiii:m lightly Marshmallows lire Inexpensive, but give a festive look to many simple foods A marshmallow melted Into hot cocoa or coffeo turns It Into a holiday dish. Toast ing marahmallowB what child doesn't love to do It? makes them delicious confections. And there Is nothing that will Improve an Icing mora than u fow molted marsh mallows. Angelica Is another unusual garnish for cakes and desserts of various kinds. Havo you over tried plno nuts? They are small, very avvcet and oily, and enn be used In candy-making or to sprinkle over salads, cakes and drsserts. Then there are a few other delicacies that can bo tried nt the holiday season, such an preserved ginger that comes In the plcturcsquo gray atone crocks from Ihe Orient, dried, crystallised bananas, crystal lized ginger and crystallized orange and lemon peel and citron. Try a few of these. It Is the light touch of the unusual garnish that transforms tho homely dish Into something worthy to garnish tho finest feast. (CoprrUht ) No Christmas Trees in Uerlin COl'F.NHACnN. Dec, 10. The Berlin correspondent of the Polltken says that owing to tho prohibition against unneces sary transportation Berlin will be without Christmas trees, Thero In also llttlo shop, ping done on Kunday and thero Is not the brisk business that Is usual at thla time of year. As the comprehensive system of cards hampers shopping, many shops are closed at 7 o'clock Instead of midnight, as there nro no customers. SMa' TsPorlQ PfaCQ 1 1 0OCQ VUU.Xv OUds poufcr To a ahauld know, br paraonat at, vaa quaiiiy ec iuim a aualltr or dainty At tha totlat raulslls. en sale al ma Batur Hhepa only. Price SJo and 00c, H Ti ry compuxh Complaxlsa I u 70S sTaader tloMlm, 10th and Ualaal Ufa, TeIf PrryaroHoas I aaaaMaaTivrrJsinre-Tfr1rrtirrJ AIl Good Housekeepers Willi Serve Grand Banquet COFFEE for Thtlr XIAS DINNER 36c lb. msGom s 1232 Market St- S PIMP1ES, WRINKLES l ortanad SUa. Warta. Moka. Hcaxa. Illxtbjoarta. JUd VUaa. HaperOaaua Jiair; ale.. a- BMieJ wlllwul pala or ajola. Dr. W. H. MoomMy m EVENING XKBGEIt-PHrnADEKPHIA, WEDNESDAY, BECEamEE 20. D. W. GRIFFinniERE FOR CINEMA OPENING Producer of "Intolerance" Su pervises Presentntlon of Big Picture in City Ur the I'hotoplay Editor Coming here from Pittsburgh. David Wark arlffllh. creator of "Avenging Oen-sde-vee," -The lllrth of a Nation" and "In tolerance." Is In Philadelphia today to su pervlse (he opening of his newest and largest film production. The pteture "In toleraiw" will be shown for the P.ret time In thla city at the Chestnut Street Opera House Prlday night His visit emphaalin t! Orimth love of detail. In presentation aa wall aa creation. For while he la here, the director will see that the photoplay Is Installed properly In the Opera House, will hear Ihe m-ehestrni score run over and will keep a watchful eje on the decorators, who are to turn the lobby of the theatre Into a miniature aby- w ThMB decorations will suggest one of the four iwHIoim of the story. Hang ings ami color ieheme will carry out tho ancient Oriental effect. Mr. Orimth expects to remain In the city until after the premiere of "lnlole ranee " He win Im, nt the Opera House on the opening night The KarnumsDiHtln and William reeling the urge of iho fraternal ami Christ 21. rP '." Jmvs ll''IJ lhat one company ?." ,lnl'l them both. Which means that .li .m..hft!l r,r,,VRl!'! on Oustln to Join U iVi""". K"x forc"- '-tor Wllllnm i.;nLr r. " n,!, I'lU'Ing the Moroeco. l nllaa combination with I V. He will go to fox. likewise. flr.l0,",,."!t nn nn tho"Rh "f this be iil ,v toJ'ln,on ""oo" In the movies li ,J?i J "" ,ia n ihem all to . and lm announces n nve-pnrt version of the romantrt lf of Defoe's hern. I In does E2Lw " l?lher Al Jo,,on n1" " en gaged for the role of Man Prlday. Another Interesting bit of news Is that Thetia Hara is to do 'The Darling of Paris." suggested by lingo's "Notre Dame" The Advertisement are so retl.-ent about the ? ,h"''I enacts, that thoso who have followed Mft Iliras ambitiously versatile path might think she had Quasimodo or Claude I rolln In mind for her character. Probably h will nppear aa ICsmereld'v The title of the first .trahe! Normand film since that becurled nnd cunning ladv went Into the silence Is "Mickey, Get lirAdy." Ostensibly It Is a romrdy. We wonder how many producers ex hmitors nnd players have noticed how faro nml Its vnrlsnts are looking up In the cinema world? Keystones wo havo always with us. The Drews ar tin the screen every week. Christie Is doing aulto a bit, of neat work on Uuh-maklng lines And now comes ,vnrd that Marie Dressier ha organised her own film concern to make a aerie of two-reelers. These will he re leased through Mutual There will bo twolvo comedies with Miss Dressier starred, the stories having been drawn from "Sweet Mario's" old singe succesn. "Tlllto'a Night mare." The film win be produced and re leased on tho samo basis as tho Chaplin specials. Another comedy angle I to be looked for from Ned Wayburn. noted as a musical show producer. On his return from ten don, where he went to rtage n version of The Follies." ha will Jump Into the screen game with both feet. Incidentally. It might be remarked that the IJlark Diamond comedies, which give rest to the Paramount program and nro frequently shown at the Stanley Theatre, seem to be about Ihe only pictures which consist almost exclusively of trick stuff Of course, Kennett nnd his assistants are constantly "pulling" double printing and tho like, but not In Ihe fantastic manner used In Ihe II, D. offering. Theatrical Baedeker OAllltirK Itiutmnda tluarantred." wilh Frllil Hrherr. ami Jnnwn Da Anseila, Crau furd Kent, Wllltvm llarrlsan, Clarenre llr. v-y. Arnrtl Suirimervllla. vAltre Hrsaman and nrarre arnit conitlluto a aoud call. Iluok enly paavahle. I.1TTI.B TIIR.VTni: "Voi? Neeer Can Tell." with CharUa I) Mitchall. Dorulhy Mtiolmer dlne. Maria liaer ana tha Ktuto tlmlaly 1 'lay er. Ailmlrnbln revival. LTIIIC "CliltlMllon." Thomas 11 Im'e'a mo. Ilon-ptcturi uortravlnr lh horror of war ami lh rirllamelil of ruttU on Ur.d anJ ara aud In iho air. Furrli martial - larla and aenllmtnlal ajrintKillim. FOimi:sT "Chln-f hln." with David Montaom. ery and Fred Hturts. lleiurn anzasamant of lh tHipular muileal aitravajanta. with tha ainoua comraiana apiwarina in various nn roraonatlone. ADKI.rill "niperlrnre." with Krntat Olen Olmiln. A "iruxlcrn moralllv plar " with inoro humann than Krir. "Rvarywornan Thsri-'a a larao caai. (llamllnnlnir acta au perbly. at rorvuR ruicns WALNUT "Mult and JeO1. ttrddlnr." In which Mult and Jarf dlfport Ih.mi.Ufi In a new culaa, Malodrama. fare, muilo and i MERIDALE BUTTER reaches you as fresh and puro as tho moment it leaves tho churn. Thenew"Merifoil" wrapper safe guards this "un commonly Hood butter" in tho ahort, quick jour ney from tho creamery to your table. Sealed so perfectly that dust or odors haven't a chance in tho world. Ask your dealer for Mcridalo But teror phone AYER & McKINNEY (i& PtHidelphli Ball Phon., Market 3711 Ksyatcno l'hona.Maln 7U ink for th"tUrtMl" wmpptrflf'tlint, aaaf- ana der-pnafat your troctn. Deerfoot Farm SaUSage have suck a sa vor u, smack -your lips flavor. Farm at Southborough, Maj. travaiaina failed la IM .aUrtalaratnt. sTOCJC K?'ILKrnnTCKKn-t'Tn H"V !il Jena Jnt sn.I Anna JWrtr. llerltai t ad. IAIrM dram, hy II B. BheMen, ertclnsllr rrt br Henry Miller aoJ l-ar Her STANtXT "The Tratellnt Salesman." wtih KrsnK Molnirre, nJ Mr. and Mrs , HIJnr JiffiT'i."!. ' first heir ef we-k. "The lle-teenMita Iire." with Ksthlrn Wll- I !".. f M Victor .Moor. In 'tn heelelr ami !!?iLu&!' .'.' er J"- N,w- ,e,t" ratteen Blmi all Mk. AJtCAPLV "The Rtn Ye tie." wllh Fran 2,"". At1 ?JVile Vllwn. first half of EJ!,. t"th llflrr.. at CerTee IlsnV rrltn KIM '."SX? '", Frank Hnntl, latter half of inhsts. V,i2SSJ.AT",,r fMal Wife." wllh Clsra iiiImiT .. .. V2'.. nr-' es,f ol wea. "n L.VI" ,'""'rnj.- friiu Ulaa OI rstrova, latter iwii i im, uttisrs. 'xuH iTIJ,N,m ." ?' letrr." with "" ,- nn n.rrT atftrav. nrii viair pf Vftr. mfk ."w' .. ii: Tr. . -r. ""." v.""'..- areaeriti! anit . . ' " anetle r Ihe VWIds." Utll.M UseV. Ith rautlne Utltr halt . "es Oihtrs. nJ.li .!' Woman A lane." with Allc iHHYl: J.".J'1 News, acenle and eomidr 0 7iT !S'"Tn,!M-, "The Mien." ut ii.l S?itari-Tu,,i''. "Manbattan Mad- ii5?I,d!.r,. T" lUla lloable." lth v. k Hart. rtMar. KaturOar Uh Theda i.... vAirKYir.r.n Ui ' ', Kealfff Hunlan ballM Jean Adair 5Si.f.,"?!n,,j' Mil"', SaVWattats and Traont iiuL '?nne Mltnoa: nuiiell Mark and lnefc Mnennt. Munilevr iJ Ma.lame Alt Sr!rmV,J?0i"- """" ,ml ,,f'' ,nJ tSnr7 .- Yf.,.'J,,'" nl1 rpwr-nr! thr Day. ami tl.LT' ;i," . "P1 tlrtlv". Flel.l n ivi,' 'JS:'- tni ' I'hlek. i'liff" ':,,,,, .Klfnoro and rarlaion. iV ,,.. P,,, fed "Iheta aii'V,1.' "i'N-te Paw n.tteii K.liar Mark Krl,. ' Vr.lhakio..r anil nrai hslf if m.1, "PeiilnMt vlln.lr.l." n,; lUzZ?. ' r0.'' .Fer. PrlniM-. VV'allan snd .TC, . h,Kl! ''i nd "The V1 ni!k M?l!rtot J""1 hlf f e riltma kr,rl-- Th. tlroken dfarab'i lta narr andla EITTrTTn "urnr it t:ui: iuuhm ELEVENTH AND WOJIEN'S & MISSES' THURSDAY The Emporium's Stock of $22.50 to $30 Silk Plush Coats Also High-Class Suits $11 O g? ( and Dresses, at . . . XtoJxf I'hia Silk I'IuhIi Coat, Satin-lincil, $12.50 z.rKi:rj'3:r.Tr'.rnt: franu & sner s,romi MWfil Prominent Photoplay Presentations Jffiity rpilr: rolloxlnt lliealrrs tlaln their J- Lonip.inr. vshlch I. u. Huron!.. nf All a ol Plflurra revlenrU l.er.rr aihllilllan. alulua plttutra llirouih ba riTA.M.KV A IUr..U- istn.llornaa !.. rune A... Ainumora. Mat n.ur :. r.iw rt.tsaii I'aramuunt ricturaa. Marguerite Clark ' S,, APOI I O HP ' TIIOMI'SO.N J-U JLA-J HATINKK PAII.T CirAItLRH ruvr MAIinRlir WILSON lo -run imMniiatii.K aijjy" lh Eet.Kala VVlillama In "Hrurlat Jtunnar ARCADIA CUKSTNHT iiKi.oiv iiirif Frank Kcenan RI IIFRIRH "Ho11 -D OliVJU,OilVU HfSqt'KIIANNA AVr Ethel Clayton &c Carlylo Blnclrwell In "HIIOKK.'J CHAINS" pen A P TI AN0 CBDAn AVK. VClt PA.KAUOVNT TIIKATKB Louise Glaum ,0 "turi voman- MACK BWAtN In "Ambroaa'a Rapid HUa" FAIRMOUNT "to AV.o VIOLET MESEREAU in "T1IB HONOK Or MAKT BtMKB" MTU CT TWCATlin MAT DAILY JO T aJ A IWInw Upnic. Kva-s. T to U. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "PBEP I'tmi'Mi" FRANKFORD im ?&, UAtlOM) J)OKWOOn and MAT ALLISON In TIIK Hill TKl'MAINK'' Artda-1 Attraction An K A It JuneIs I'lttura. GREAT NORTHERN ifttf, a';.. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "MANHATTAN MADNBB8" 1MPP17IA1 TI1 and WALNUT HTS. UVIrC.lVl.tt.Ju Til HSU TIMES PAH.Y Robert Warwick & Mollio King la ''ALL MBN'V LEADER yOKTr-PIBST AND LANCAHTBK AYEHB E. H. Solhern & Edith Storey la "Al twmiT to tii Kjwu" LIBERTY bboadalvtb,a Bertha Kalich '" 7&lr CHAR LIB CHAPLIN la 'THal MIKK" TTKiiT rmtvtnigjniA EUREKA iVtu UARKST BT"' Naomi Childers & Antonio Moreno in 'THE DEVIL'S PRIZE" . NOBTIl UHLAOEXPHIA RIDGE AVENUE f ,UO0vNvg TI4PMAS SANT2CHI in THE COUNTRY GOI FORGOT ae4 Jtllllf Dana Veerer and eomrsnii Htert an.! th Miller Rlstera: fiale anJ .JtlaHj. 5a. I """J teaser. flrat halt of ymk. Th carrilral OIM". Orey ana VVhelri J nra and eomraayi Xeef. Allman and At tMi Archer ami Carr, and vallaea uand, latttr half of week. nvnt.nsovit TnpOADF.nr-"Tlie reeemaker ollh t.a llenr-ra.ln rle ef poets with trained daea. vaujeviue M tmrlfnua tpeetalttes alaa on tha erccrara. inxarnxta Dl-MOMTB New and r-talned pattntlea and fm by tha perular loeal otsanliatlen ef blaekfaea pelaluia, with travtallea of rhll adelpnia tytnla fraluraj. LESS CHIME IN DENVER SINCE CITY HECAME DRY Reduction of 30 to CO Per Cent During Ycnr, According to Police Chief's Report DBNVKlt, rot. Dets. 10 Prohibition has operated to relui crime ln Denver between thirty nnd fifty per cent In the year that Is closing, according to figure made public by Chief of Police Armstrong. The decrease Is particularly noticeable as regards drunkenneas, disturbance nnd vagrancy, threo cause which contributed heavily lo tho number of nrrtats beforo the dry law was enacted Tho number of arrests for the entire year are erpeoted to fall Just short of an even 10.000. aa compared with lS.7e In 1915 Following are the figures for eleven months for tha three principal offenses. . 1SI 1DIS Deereaaa prunkenneai 11H as? 111 lUeturhanr m tout ajn Vnri,.'y inu sain livu What the polleo refer to ns the "major crimes." Including murder, burglary, high way robbery and forgery, also havo shown a decided decrease. sm uti.y-savi: miivhy t-r.aTTSTnX.i MARKET STREETS OUTER ArPAREL THE COATS ITIOM THE EMPORIUM nro tho moat lux uriously fur nnd Chase's fur trimmed models in richly sntin lined silk plushes, volours, brondclotha, Olivias, otc. For personal use or for Christmas giving hero is your supreme opportunity. THE SUITS FROM THE EMPORIUM nro stunning winter models in velours, brondcloths, finest wool poplins, etc, with seal, opossum nnd Chase's fur trimmiiiFJ. THE DRESSES FROM THE EMPORIUM are of rich satins, Georgette combinations, serges, etc. Also dainty, charming eve ning gowns nnd pnrty frocks. ami Third nooraixTrrnnnnnnnnnT IHH T!'tiiii&rwmriwrrvww.wrar- tvsmwemv.cmxsiiMiAfiLiMsMsvj Boolstmg Conmmu plttarea Ihrouih lha MTANLKV llaaklar railr almHlnc of tho Hn.i i,rJ,,,iL.r.. A.k for On theater In Jour lacalltr IlllUKINu tOJJl'ANV. ''' 1 Olr TdT 6S" ANI 1-OCUMT LiUlvUlJi Mala. I lS'1 aiM H3C 10a. l.lj. OlSO. US9, ID. Market St. Theatre ".ms?" LIOVKI. IIAnilVMOnn In -llran.1 of r.iwan". ' Comlnr Jan, 81- Naw l-lr.-i . - turji Maak," with O. CunarU and T. Koril. OVERBROOK IMIJ A ll.VVl.llrwnu llopa Jon- Unit urea. Fannie Ward in "WITCHCRAFT" PALACE "' MA,,K,rj BTitweT ALICE JOYCE?n VWIIOM TUB OODH IIKSTIIOT" PRINCESS'ilSrr" ' vm. nLgonHonrDA,.T0.v .a tUIra Adjxl Allractlon Trlajiia Coined? REGENT ,Mi "AnKET Deltr lOe Ertnlna jdq Alice Brady ,,A Wo RIAI TO OEIIifANTOWN AVU. D II R V MAIIKLT BTKBaT IV U D I UCLOW TTH STRKn Mae Murray .THEPLOWGIRL' SAVOY "lrSfilSP Mabel Taliaferro in 'The Sunbeam' rHAIU.ES CHAPLIN In "TUB COUNT" STANI FY akw Aoova itii ' OlrtlllXI JlilB A, M. to Hill p. FRANK McINTYRE in .,.. "THH TBAVBL1HO HAt.KtHAN'l TIOGA ,TT" xuo VENN0 Mme, Petrova u, VICTORIA ""SMS CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in 11T OFWOtAL WJ-E" SODTH PlllLAUKIJIlia O L Y M P I A BR- IMI CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "THE DARK SILENCE" Wka ih aal kaaa; abut ta C0QI1 PbetoIa. nai thla sails fkataslai told ia lb JfttBter laiiw. 1016 DELICIOUS 0D0U POINTS OUT CHOCOLATE PLAINT Housewife Learns Thnt Cocoa la "Puro Stuff" Procww of Manufacture Whet) the policeman on n popular corner was asked how the place Oould be found he Imltilirfd himself In a broad jrln and after a few vaitue directions said: "You can't mlaa It because you can smell It a block away. There ain't nothing; smells so Rood ns chocolate" The pungent odor of the chocolate bean Is a pleasant preface to a visit to the choco late factory, where enough noodles nro made dally to satisfy the longlnns nt all the matinee Rlrls In the world. The chocolate maker, who ahowa the vis itor through one of the most InlereaPnit plants In the city. Is convinced that If any thing In theworld Is n misunderstood prod uct It la cocoa. To the nveragn housewife cocoa Is a fine brown liowder, which somehow or olher la left oVer from chocolate. The conviction has established Itself In her mind that It Is not unite as "chocolaty" as It ought to be. tlccvusa of IhN conviction, the chocolate man likes to take housewives through his plant. He likes to hear them say sur prlsedly: "And so cocoa Is really all chocolate and PARCEL POST MistMiwawwiWsin The Rnpid Clothe Wntlicr Abaolutalr a neeaalt In everjr home wher waahtna la dme Will lie a.rtl prepaid to any addrata en receipt of price, SI, Oil, (inniins into. $031 MOUTH m.VNKI.IN HTRKr.T -&.&& ""P-tu? P.- i.l.tfs'WV -? "i Larga Selection of Diamond Gifts tncludlna- Iji VallUroe, Tiffany lllnsa and Hrnrf Plna, .V up to Itno, T IDITIM f. W. Cor. Illb nihert flts. Walk up one flleht fave o 1st Prize Exposition WATCH $41.25 G o 1 d-Plateil Thin Model. Stem wind JL and set Two ycars,vi,iuthf7 Kuarantced. ' Will kaaji as rood time aa any HI) ten. vve have purehaaed a apaclal lot HaoJ for ona all aol.l. bafora thay ara YOU SELDOM SEE 55o AND BOa CAUFottMA noi.ti i'jF.cr,i Plonear ultra ot tha early ilara r California. Quarter-dollar alse. 00c. half-dollar aire. fV, We alao have sold dol- laraand larsolxiinlas. We havo marla up aneclal lot In aollJ cold aoarfplns In nuartar- Jjl ff dollar alia, while tliajr last. l,JJ Model Jewelry Co. 253 Market Street Opa Kv-enlnis V'nlll t'hrlituas I.areo anil Piimous Plnno "Bctory. re solvlnir lo discontinue nhowrooin ot hleh Krade I'mnos unit I'layer 1'lnnos, 88 note, nnd to close out Hample Pianos and 1'Jayorn nulckly will aacrlllee entire lot at one-tlilrd of regular prleaa. Factory Best $250. $300 anil $350 Pianos wo aro SELLING NOW FOR $100, $125 and $150 I'LAVICIt 1'IANOH, H8 note, reduced lo nenrlr one-third of Furlorjr lkrlrea. The Inatruments are of Hie Tarr laleat dealcna. Hie works are Kunrnnteed to be uf Ilia liltliaat quullly materlul und war ranted far 10 A 30 years lif llm makera. All Pianos nml I'JuyerH must ! aul.l. Act NOW and buy or ronio mut loolc them over. . Kvery trnnsartlon atrlctlr raali because of tlio wonderful redue Hon.. No Clinrifes, Installments or Agents Discount. Cash only A de- fioslt will, aecuro any Piano or Player. Inlnnee C O. D. J $100.00 Mahofrany Talkinr Machine And finest Victor Ilerords, irood bh new, for nearly Half Price (cash only). Private) sales Afternoon & Evening Can alao be aeen on Sunday at WINKLEMAN SAMPLE PIANO CO. 1710 N. 7th Street, Phlrad.lphla, Buy Xmas Gifts Here Bracelet Watches Vavlua tJlF Our Prlc 310.00 aas- 4.0 duaaantaad for 10 yaaral perfect tlonkaap. arsi lirsa aasortmaot to eliaoaa from. Olbar Jawalri; ataraa chana 110 for this watch. Our tpaelal Xraaa price A Kn $4.50 nir ..,., $4.98 SPECIAL $4.08 aaaaaBaaaBB DUmond I-v Valltiras, wiin a full-ojt aanulna mood, and tha UUat b made solid sold La Valllaraa. We cuarantaa that tala la tba turaaat barfalo vr of farad. Oihar Jawalrr atoras cbara, iio roi- ttl. K Valllara. Our apaclal 5ja OQ Carlatmaa vrlea onlr a "B Monogram Jewelry Speclali 91.00 Sijfnat Rinfs, SOc 91.00 Sirnat . Rlor.,N75c 12.00 Signal Rin.t, 11.00 I? t-V aiRTVtai Tiwvt &!T?j"vSi?:-'' SjMtp 'a sfiir xD' Factory Samples Pianos arid Players Cash Sale gysaajataij5"naSSflF! " aj.n. sat I Dla. J anil. A. OaM Kroat Stfn.t Bearf Was - OoM Tont Curt Vuttona .. ... anS Bcarf Vtaa and Itoldars, up to ... Und Curt Bultooa. us to ...;,; IrB. Tba atwva arilelaa ara all auaraalaaj foj MaU Oldtts FUU4 Same Day RtctUvd Mexican Diamond Co 33S Mwket St, Phlaj, pa, ty-4 Krwiajt, Ktaw t& Xsaatar, iCG nothing' Ise. Well, henr did I im Ui 6thr Impression I" A properly conducted tour of tha diyja. late factory Starts at the top of the hflrt Ing where) all tho llltla cocoa beans, h and bags of them, hava Jdst arrived Xrwet the tropica. Although tha bean In Xm original stale looks qulle sanitary, frm the manufacturing viewpoint It la UncJwn and must therefore be carefully dusted,' S an especially provided machine, befor l la roasted. i It l then cracked In circular mllllngMn' rhlne. which, like tha mllla of th rod, though they grind slowly, srlnd cea(nr small. The cracked bean when Its ahell nnd germ bnve Ieri removed become tha nib. Ills Nibs, the chocolate man, will tell you, Is about fifty per cent chocolate and fifty per cent oil. or cocoa butter. When the entire nib Is milled, oil and all, a thick syrupy delKlotis-looklmt liquid reaulta which Is the pure unsweetened chocolates The chocolate, minus tho oil, however. It the cocoa, j "Where did tha Idea over originator tha chocolate man wants to know, "that cocoa Is made from the bean shells? To ray knowledge tha nhella ara used Only In prison cocoa, but nlnrty-nlna per cent I used for fertilising purposes." Cocoa bavin been vindicated, tha visitor passes on to Watch tho various processes by which chocolate Is sweetened, hardened Into .ntipelltlng bars, wrapped 'and labeled by Intricate, fascinating' machinery and finally crated to be ahlpped to all parta of. the country. llnnllratea af Anr Iter ta4a While Yea Wall 2 for 25c hs.rptHJ. HflUr thtn iwr. 9a oaaivh tlrlahalM lints It 9. u .. "' .V --''"i"IIa. -""'. -m JtlMlt OrdrrA l'romplljp AlUmTfti T rox a cu.. voa nuirjiT at.. niiLA. EXTRAORDINARY 0m Solid Gold Front ijs; $1.00 " Mallrit Anjwhrra 1'rrpnld KCONOMY JEWELRY CO. I0IB LINCOLN IHJifl, mono Walnut 8t7 This Beautiful Bracelet Watch $5.00 (I-rrpatd) Monar raftinflail If jtiu ara not plaaa4. uiiiers su. sin, ns anl upwara. JOSEPH WEINMAN JEWELRY CO. ... ... so? nnralB IIbIIbIdc N. W. Car. Ilth and Market BU., IV LILEaf TheSavae-Sweet native of Hawaii U EASY TO PLAY. ,$3.50 ?.' $15 Wa carry a doian illltarant atrlta. Includlns OKMIINK HAWAIIAN INhTKUMUNTS fifnJ tor rrlf lAtt F.RBD C. MEYER fiO- I2iu rcti si. Philadelphia Violins. Mandolins, Guitars. rgtmiits S3. SO '"sniond anrl Panrl lm Talllara. Ui SGI5 Diamond lloraeahos. a.nta' Boart Pin, all alonaa tarftlr matcbad. Cast I10.0U laal Chrlatinaa. SSO ""''" Dlainnid l'ln, aapphlra aanttr. aurrnundail br nlra nn quality dlt monda, Vulue IIOO. S'lO diamond Earrtnis, blua-wblte, porfaotly matchad. Valua 115.00. S5tr Columbia nraphunola, nrrr condition. "'ol UO.oo sroile. SIS " 'Una-, olid nld. with diamond; handaomaat rlnr In town. SIS HollJ (,M Uaaonla Charm, niua Lftdaa, " aat with diamonds. Valua S0. SI O 'dr'a citra flna aold-platnl llaah Has. llakta a rsry handaoma prcaant. 5Sff 0olf Uasa and HUtka; complata aolf art. ia" msda by Camjiball. Valua I3,00, $1.50 Up MEN'S Overcoats a-We Are Bonded So tii e ' Qly WALTER'S PAWN SHOP 004 VINE STREET Vwit Mai one and maka tha bar htrvr br ptuxsaa. , In a bicrtla for htm. Tou can maka bun no lilt Da Trill Caah or aaajr parmanla to suit Tour conranlancs, $16.00 and Up Am IKS rmc ia cut UK ItOUDATa pumpa. Wa ,aia cbaapar ttan tba chaapaaL and our suda ara battar vVrJcEP COJ' MALONE Old Rallabla. 12Q3 Glrard Ave. otvs EnsaKas Poplar 5243 PwJt 634 U 5JVv rMflfjfiasS5?5J 'C5Liffi aX "!iV JM sijl-fr snaran bfsr ( rlaa U -J AH bUb-f rada blcrclaa and r.lir ruarantaad. Call and look foam ovar bafora purahaslua alsawbara ami tou wilt aava luanar, Wa bayo a 131 flaa st auodrlta, larusa. tlraa. LailiT ICMaVHBai :' Lmmwrntiummuimmmmit J t-TSV .