EVENING LBB&BR-PHILADBLPHIA; TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, FINANCIAL NEWS LLOYD GEORGE'S SPEECH MAKES STOCKS V "GO UP IN WALL STREET, THEN DECLINE First Inference Is That German Peace Proposals Are Un- quaiifiedly Rejected, but Street Thinks Way It belt, Open for Further Developments' if.; sv a1 - t NBW YOI'.K, Ufa ID. ' -1 nHxtenslvo ntlvnnccn nnd decline. vti crowded Into loilny'n tmdlnK n tlio Stock Exchange, with bull movement rtml lnr movementx covitIiir n wldn .range nit ordinarily nro recorded In a. period of week. ocetitrliiK lit tlinwi In the ippce of a few minutes, mndo Wall direct tmillnc foU'rlsh iind prlcea uiietllcd nil cftirough tho tiny, At tho lnrt Hio volumo of bmlnem wan nmnll, with it srncrnl dljiltlim to buy slock" In anticipation of n ffivoralilo roatxmno u the npt'euh of i.loil (loome, Wlilcli Wns known would be published this nftornnon. CJ "When tho flrat flash of tlio tonor of tliln upeoclt bcoiune public, tlm Inferenrc Wwa that tho Knglfli Premier had uwiun1indly (ejected the . (leitniiti pence, propoaaln, and nctlntr on thin Inference there tvim a wild Hern ruble for "lui'lt on Which dvnncen rniiRlnrr from fl to 7 'point were iimdc In iiurnerniin Ihbiios. Slock wero Ii ncant supply nnd tho rdiort Interent, which bml icccntly Krmwi to largo proportion!), mndo urgent efforts to cover. .JUst when the bill lit aeomccl to be In nlmoluto control nf the nlttiiitlnn, detallcil , rdporUi of tlio KiirIIkIi nnswer wcro construed na liiillc.itlnu thnt the pio- 'Ppsaln had received rorlmm counldor.i'.on, nnd tli.it the niu-ci'li left tin un. upon for further development In tho way of condition nnd term that tho Central Power mlRht find It wUo to offer. yVJicn this view beenmo Rcilornl thero wan n. midden Htiiniprde iuiioiib tho tarly buyers nnd nomo of thono who had walled for the iiiiiiihimcImk of the liu: )I.Il position acted on tho imsumptlon that lielucen tho lliie it imihWK for pence could ba read. Price quickly crumbled awny, nearly every one tryltiK to hpII ut the aamo time, Jtist an only a short time bo fine all hnd hooii enllHted on tltr buying side. , United States Steel common, nftcr iiilviuidnu to nliove llfi, ilioppcd In I09i, Industrial Alcohol, which had sold at US',4. dropped tit 108. I.'tnli Copper, nfter advancing to 109, dropped to 102. Marino !nHiien were aliiit"llm we.ikcst fenltire; Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies dropped about 1(1 pnliilM, iIci'IImIiir a point ut n time between sales. Murine preferred dropped from 107 14 to 100. Tho rnllrond stocks wero well mnlntnlned, however, unci, nltbotiub they, wero dragKed down slightly by the extreme heaviness In the Industrial)! rallies, were, quickly In order, nnd somo of theso Issues ended the day with net ualtis. Trading was small In volumo In tli.o bond uinrki't and pilro i'Iiiiiiki-h wero In most cane confined to small fractions. Kurly In tho day Mine was n show of strength In Chill Copper 7s, but the gain mile In thesi bondi wns quickly lost. Anglo-French 8s wero traded In nt 03 to O.T.4. ljrliiwuiim Hleel I'm, after ad vancing slightly, s.old off under small' offerings. IRREGULARITY MARKS TRADING ON THE CURB Important Issues Rally Lnto in Day, After Reaction Follows Strength of Start NEW Yortlv, Dec. 19. Speculation In ths market for outside securities today de veloped fair activity nt tho outset, with considerable strength In tho moto Important Issues, where, gains of from n small frac tion to moro than a point wcro shown. He foro midday, however, n reactionary tend ency developed, which In many Instances cnrrled values below Saturday's finals. Later, however, better support was shown and small rnllles followed. Mldvale Stool, nftcr moving up nearly 11 point, broke about 2!s from tho heat. Hub marine Uoat, nfter a gain of n point, cased off IV4. Lima. I-oromntlvo was under good support, advancing a full point. United Alloy Bteel wns firm at an lm. Jirovemept of fc. Haskell & Uarker Car declined . Central Foundry common, after nn advance of a point, ran off 2, while tho preferred moved up a point, hut later likewise lost tho gain, Motor shares wero reactionary. United. after a show of strength, reacted. Other motor stocltn fluctuated within nanow lim its to a small volumo of business. OH shares woro generally strong, with good Improvements in the Standard Oil Issues, although offerings wero limited. Mining shares moved Irregularly on a Somewhat lighter volume of dealings. ftlUUfclli.vin Attn Eaplnelvas im.rin.il Itrlllan American Msrront American Hritlah Msnufacturlni. . lllil, 11 a .1 r.,i4lan far 111.1 Foundry .. ,.-..... -.-. ---.. ,,--7, - - - ., Canuiltri v.r una rounurj yri,.. o.. Chiircoai Iron ... . , f..i Chevrolet Molnrs IS Cramp Bhlpbulldlne SS Curttu AfropUn 211 Kmuson I'hnnosrsph .." Gnrl Motors 130 Bkll llnrker Car 4IU na Ufa 'J.I Ktthodlon Ilroni" pM Alknl. 2(1 ; 4A 7ft H 1MI XfJ JT II li ins 42'4 i:ii Lurt Oil Om lalm llunlllona North Amor Papr im 4 10 tint Tork Hhlpbuildlns Oil. ISUvator ,v.. JO S.t 1 Pcrtt Motors Pool Ens ...... B f Kr: v I Htandard Motors RtMl Alton . Pubmarln ...... Traniu-Wl llama "rrlanvl lltm 1." T.'..T .-. Todd Uhlpyarda , United Alloy Ht T H Htiamahlp V H I. A H com tin s. to !. An ormt World Kllm t wWsDt-Msrtln Aircraft ,.., 18 rr Marquttta ncx-k Island torn JlAIIJtOADS nn do a prtf ,.., i. l do li prar .................. i W'Mltrn .raclllo w I WVi dit prer ,.... ... 47,. Wabaaa-rlttaburib ....3... iJU BTANOAItD OIL BTOCK8 '10 .JM Htandard Oil of Ni BtanOard Oil of N mp.. i-rairia nrw ..,,.,......, uoi BUndard Oil of California SiU ew jaraar "; w York - 37J OTllEn OIL BTOCK8 tumatt Oil and Oaa ........ 'OMll ... Fadaral 01 inur It IfnualAn el?t"l.v'J., j"f Miawcac iitnnim ,, Hpb!p lUllqfns Sinclair ., MININO STOCKS AUatiA Bttndard ......,,,..,..,, ; & uippar la, proap;, . , . . ...... fc." Y'Vlr fc..w. ,, i,.., ...... -',. att Oil and Oaa , 2U in ................... ....... 14H rat Oil tt Jatrol 10. too Oil -.............,. yl I:;: 78 03 i C.moai 5a f t rvrro.da Pa Kunu Coawl S-loranoa Ooiddakt U4 Consolldatad ArUona ,...., OIMUI n alloc OoUnalJ Marsar .. Hocla. Mlnlnc 18 30 ?. v.tM. ....... Jn ;u A ..M...... llawa Boand .. ,.....,. ........ a iBdapaadanaa Laaul ............... 2t Jim uuiiar ....--Jumbo. UxtaDalsn Mn.n. .tri:inlay.tiajrn . tumu uoppr S!QH.I.I 3!L iV7 ha 2S -At Vinaa rn if IfnsrWl. -.. MlDlaalnar Mines Co .............. hi Jiajr UrulM ,..........., n 84i Toy j.-i .- 1 Kt, Joaaiib,uad , . .,.......... .. JI Tonopab. Eftanilori ...,.,,,.,... 4 V. W,.l End CooaolldlUd ........... 0J vnau Dale 1I0NP3 Vranch Mania e .,,! JH M3?Ka Biaal ta J.,. M eiocUbr Oil , ,,..,, l8 S. A5tt SI 4A S 01) 0111 k 45 77 3.V, 35 SIS 3H .11 Silo iiiiu in M a IH S3 OH 111 UJVi H 32 SS SO Mi A DlggQTOBY OF ACCOWfTAttl CaHia4 PiUa Aooauataala ,s,IaE?AgtaB0 fttlLbtKC m&8mw AWMfAI. MWSjmGM k X)KTH VBKH JMKK or yiMiniPMt , njf.imh.tnf1 Bill IBM? New York Bond Sales U'lKio Anirr Asr , r.n . ituim iio ii-ii r, , . IJ.V.iHi Anl.i-Fr,'iiih ,, . . hisiii Ani-r Kur He, r,a Jikhiii Amrr HiiipIi H i!b .'oisi Amrr Writ I'.in ,'i Ihiiiiii Arimiiir To IWn anniHi Alrhaon uiti la ... IIHHI ,1.) iuIJ In . so'io .Minn Co I.ln tut l. ti'iiil Unit Ohio :IV4 IMSSI iln fta , . . . B.-.IKI ilil U 7IHMI ,n rv 4'js . 4 II4U I" lilitWV la.. I mil llnlli HtKtl III Tin ... IliOii dn rlil ."la .. Usui ilrixiltll linn Tr Tia. . 3ll(iil , :,h II) h . . 3IIIID t'mi (lovl . 1II3II llillllll .1,1 r. III3I . . . Usui f f bpii u . . 4UIKI Cent Ha inna .'. ,. ,i," ''nt Ifsiliir lnt r.s. 13IHHI iVni l'.ii lm la. . . Rlllill IVnl H l N J r, k ft, 4ilcm Chill Coiuwr 7. ... . lliiiii etna it unln I', a.. 43110(1 ilo tv r. I Htm Chl A ,i-;nt III la . lima Chl ilt'lVrai la. .. 1(1(10 Chl I .Nwn bo n I. . lNiiiiii cm II u joint In HlKh I lll.l lll.'l li:i iki;. . 117 ', . Ill'.l Ml "'. . I' IS . M, ii.i1, .llliia; . III. . ! . H7U 1 1 i.l N .un I'd. mi. 7li. .Mil, if.:;, ii? Il7'i .l.lll IPJ'i . Il.'i 73 ? . III'! US', II.I 113!. 1I74 l(lh' Nil "'. W3 J4 Kit H.'lS II.I'. I not; III ll." a no . t in. ln.i Hut 113', 117'. Km mi ". IMS HI. 1131 11111 II Hi 113 MU H7U 111.14 111.14 llll' nn lllll' nut, iiS 1IIIJ, 1" it llll'i 1171, lr. ., a is mi;. m ; lint. Ull'l till 1"! IMl, IMlSi 711. Ilil, 1IP1" IIOV 117'. 13.1J, II J'. 111'. ""! 73 i Hl'J IIS 4 ll.T? tin J mini no urn N inii I, ii, limn nht t i. u. ,, ..'..' . ' :!.? !'.t IBihiii .In rf.l IWa tinij list? mil i'Hiiii ii ,-,,pv r, ,)S 1(M .,,j -(Kill ,tu 3'1N hl,l, 'yU 'm'iJ r.imii Chl 11 I & v rfl In stum no rm limn ilu Hi it .in- am . 47IIUH ilu ,1, 1 1 i n(H, somi On Arl I 'in niliKI Col & Mnlllh lnt In 3.-.HIHI ig l,n jlrillil IMly of ParJn lln . tmno i n .' ft K fin 1000 CumbiTlnnil T-l (la 7(1(10 Corn Print 4'ia :ii)(in ), a ilu,) rt, I, , 3IIIIKI Dla II.T.ur Corii ,1a . 400(1 Krl nnv In nrr II.. 10(100 ,o lnt con 7n.. . 4I)(I(I flrciil Nor lt ftn. 3111(10 ltuil t ll.in rfil .la lllliilil 111 BIppI il-l. 44 a 1(100 III Centntl 4n 111.12 230(1(1 intrrli Mrt 4'ia H.'Oihi ,n ref .la 1 .-111111) lnlrr Mrr Mar On lrion .iaii n.ff i'.n 21'onn i.pk av K a. r.lliio Laika Blml Aa tU23.'llli .ii.iiiu no .in in, tii inn 77 7n'i . 711 IH'4 l'l3. . Hll' 11.1 fj UN., iiiii, i'iiiU iim'i 77 7r,4 7n o'i's H.I ii.-.'. IMS I I Ull'j !i'i. 71) llll'- IIIH 77 7r.H 70 72'i 72 n:it R.I ii.-.U rnnvC IIOU (111", , I lull, toil l.ll HI) ll-."l UJ'i Kll'4 ..HIT, IIH 11.1 Kt iiu; io24 llll till II.I', II. S 4'l U ilil). U ino'i 111 '3'4 llll 113'' "II IiH'a IMW Hs I'I3, till llll) ll.1 i, 4000 I.k Hli ilvl, 1. lli'u n m: inoilll llll 1031 11.1 V!!?!! lfh yal.l.1 4''" i- i,nS i""i tons 401)0 Mnrrla ft i:nox ika snfi miT rh: .linn liiinnaltnn Hla 4a, . 1)3 113 pa -noil Hilim Bt 1, a . . . 1111 nn no no(ii) Mnnl Trim Rn . . . . . 1111 tut pit n?!!?,'! J!" K11" !:"."1 ," B" 7H ' "T. 7R 0.100(1 Mn 1'ao w I -In .... im 117a, hh ....... .... ., ,, , ,,, ,, H nln 1,., -1 ,.. 1,0 .. sootsj Nut Knnni Bin 3 .11111, Inoli Hid), 1HIIMM N OT A M UK lis... Illl4 llllli imii Wil.NVCall.1H... H.I Hift 8.1 IIIKKI 1IIIMI lln 111 lln 4't r.ono N V City ilia . 0.1'i . 113 .11111 . till). . no 'I . ins . UK', .11111 mi . lIH'i . hi) . 70 . All . 7(1 7ll't Hn! ll'Ota ".: Ill, L 111S 11H 73. 7.1S 47 It 4II 1111 un 7.1 7.1V4 lanw lanvj ins ins m I niu 11.1(9 US'! 13 1 1 1 . 1114. . . nM'i mm nn', 11(11 11 inn inn JSvn',,1?1!,.: "IS !!!! !!!iS ......... i. V."7. : 7.'.. "" !V.'., '"': ."': ,.,..,, ,, 1 f. ,1 B 11 na ....hit. Oiino K Y Itwy rpf 4a 7.1K 8000U iln ndj As to?. juoii t ri ai-n ivia .. mi" nuiiil IV l- i II lVn . 73 Sfiun N A IV cl 4a I0.33n. 1X1 300 do la 114 .uuiii, ,or rnc prior n l4. IIHHI fin, ..In 1,Au .. K. ft. 11 1000 Oro Itwy A N con 4a 30(11) I'a.l A 111 IV, n 100(1 I'.iolnc Tl r.a 1110(1 Purine (iaa ftn 300(1 l'enna 4a 11) 13 loon I'ocu coll Ba '.'OIHI Itapuli Cul4 Aa 1110 r.iinn Itrp Ir A B Aa . . 1000 II)- Bll Bprlnva Ba '31 300(1 il.l Aa 111.11 .... limn Bt I,, I M & B (lit la (TlMnl Bt I. B f Rdl lU. J04MMI do llfSa; AOOII do sll rl .lit 4a. . 87AOO iln 4a Bur A . . . 311111I do Hi irr II HOOD South Hall B noon iln cv 4a 331UHI ilu ret f n 5a . 3000 tld rM 4a A10O0 Boulh llwr sen 4a BIOOII iln r.in h tllli; 1 AOIMI T W V A I) 4Ua H A. Kill Inn 1(1110 V H flny 3a r-( litl, mil, 4000 II B lltalty Ba . USU URii unon tr B 11ublr Ut l(i; III-.", b.'iiihi 1; 0 nil 51 r na . 11111 l()3' .loon Union Pac tat 4a ... DN'a ns-j zihuio a 7IOi)0 l'n ahwhi un 43000 do Mil llllu. lIH'i OK ORH B.d.... ... Rl lll'll at. a ...a. n.l ail- im im. "-.; M.74 WtT oih 1000 Va ltvya A I'owar Aa MO no on I.WWI IVali-I' T lat Cl f p 4 37 37 37 4000 Want Bhera it . 03s vi. U2H 1300 Waal Union 4Va oAH UilS OilS ItiiH J 1 113 inn I'm'. 1C". Wi lllT II Kl, too lot l'. Ml 7H, Ail 7H 1.1m tllll'. STj. IISS 03Vi 0I?J 7AW tlll'i 03 100 10IIV, 034 UllU IMS isi mn 101 IIS',, Ml 7h". B 7 mm. 671, nw; U3S 7AJ, inn ini. IMl. i! .8S jnmn 1'ao lat 1 ... lin.a iia. phi. d.i rfil 4a 01, lilt! ui! n ltwa H I'll . 3if, sis H In Kt Qf (1 II A I Ba hl lihi, ukU do Mil mio. tm'J ok nsi. The Way Bonds Are Bought by reliable invest ment houses assures their customers of every protection that experience and conservatism can provide. Ef ficient engineers, accountants, statis ticians, lawyers and bankers examine with care the rec ords, present posi tion and prospects t oi the corppratipns whose securities are recommended for investment. William P.Bonbrighl & Conine, MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia . J era. twain ixual raru 'i". BaaVMWACa. k- 101G . ilil mil svftJkdHA-4f New York Stock Sales Adr nnmlr . .. Al ftnbb-r . . AIIH-Chjl Mf pf. Am fjivt fluf f . . Am Cn . . Am C'f A Founrtrj Am lllili k Ualhff. Am Itlds A l.lhf Am lfomntlio . . Am Smell A lief. . . Am Stcl Foundries. . Am Toll tif new... . Am Tel A Tel Am Wf Paper pf Am 7. I, AS Anicon DM AtchTop A Up ... All nulf A W t. ... ttald lyrn Wk . . . . Ilelhlehem Strcl . . Ilullc A Hup . . . ('! Petroleum . t'al Petroleum pf .... Central fvilher ... thes A Ohio Chl It I A Pe t;hllo Copper Chlno Copptf.. Corn Prwliicta lief . Crufllilo Hhvl . . . . Illillll SiMCorp'n .. Ktle t:l lit pf tlencr.il Kleelrlo (lordrleh II F (Irernn-Cananea . .. . (lulf HUtei Hleel. . . Inp Con Cop . . . lnt Paper lnt Paper pf lnt Iter Marine.. lnt Mer Muring pf. .. Lark. Steel Co Uhlsh Valler Mjtwell .Motnri Mat Motors lit pf . Mas Motor j '.M pf .. Mei Petroleum Mlml Copper Mo Pe fr cN Mo Kan A TcJae.... Nev Con Cop New York Central. .. .V V N II A II... . N V O A West Norfolk A Western Northern Pacific Ohio ritlei (I Pfllll Itlllt04ll P.lts Coal c of dp. . . Prewil Ktorl Car. . . . liny Con Cop Iteadlnit ltrpuullc Iron AS... Beabo.ird Air I.lnc. . . , SloM-Hh-f H A I t-oulhern Pacific Koulhcrn llv Koulhcrn UK pf Kt IjiiiIi A H F w I . Hludcbalrr Co, Mull Motor Jh St Lotlla irouthnut... Texas Co Tlilnl Arcnue Toliarro Products U 8 O 1 P A F US I ml Alcohol U K llraltjr A Imp. . Union Hag A P new United Fruit Union Pacific United Kys Inr U H HuMier II HHteel Corp'n U 8 Steel Corp'n pf . . Uta.i Copper Utah Sccurltlei Va-Caro Chemical.... Wabash Watiasn pf A Wabash pf II We.it K A M Western Marjland... W A I, K w I W A I, K pf w I Willys Overland Woolnorth F W Worlhlnston Pump.. pf tAX ctoa: 21 Ii ROli 87H DS )! on nt( m ..lort! .. n; . ins till' . 40' ( .. mt .. 87 ..lOI'f . . m . fiT.'i . V2', . ii'. . mi W( 50M .. :W( .. 27J( . r,m . aw . nnu .. :im, 37 .17l' . m'i IV, HI) . r.HH . 4VI ..KM . . IWi . .10.1 H7I, .. Kni ,. MH .. 71 . ID .. ll .. am. .. 111 . . IV! an 1I1.V, . . M'i . mn I.Wi ..no ltl'JI, . .'Hli .. Utj . 7riU .. "J7t, ..H)7'i . 7H'i . IK . . '' . . IISI. :i.Vi . . "i .. '.'8 . llll. . . .1.V4 . . Ml ..lilStj invi Itlah. txiar 20), 20H 81 S71 100 Ml, 7i.r ii 70 8.T1 10) ruir 8 R7 08W 14 mil m am mj, las'. 1o7-s 1211 iw. 40W 4f mn so ll)t' ion. l.llli HIV 71 08l 6V2 Ttil M't 2.'J fif'i 00'. 117 311 .7U S3 JiH 70J4 .11 :i' an, o 3o on Ofllj 37 20t ro'j- iwi :m. 37 r. 1 I7.IU 171 'i KH to HO np. u .s to 130 IIH 107' 100' 38), 3.1 I07U 100 Oi). 8S 81 (KM 7.1 tl I0UU 4P4' 10, 1-"; J I M) .VI 72 III III) .'111' i 10 111 as 100'i IDS"' f,oi r,r,n :ni mi I.'I71. 1,10 lit 111)1. in.) liH 78 28' 10.1 ftOtf 42 ,0 27j IIHI'i III Kit,' 7M.' M. 57 17tj liO'i' 07!j 33 71'. 20 lUli 111), 32 32 211) 2(11 mh twt 18 , IWi 00!, .11,'. 7li :) . 23 .107 ...im . lW!i .ISO .Jl.Vi . 12 . I'.l.'i .112', ..110)i .10.'. .. 22M .. 4', . lfi'f .. 07)-. . 31 . M!( . 28U . 2.1 .. M . MU . 13, . . .10 118)) ,12 ton 157 ll7i 12). 1)0 110),- lio;, 100 23't 4.1 Wl 501. 32lf C5 .')' aiu 52.', 30! i 137 30 5 22U IDS 32 00U 155 14,r)'f I2t,' IMl!. 1104 102 22'i t.r 10 5K4 32 51'. .10 21 52, 30K 1.17 ;io -M l m 20H .8 87 100 soil on II 00', ;n inoi oi, I07' I254 I8' 47 8 4'. IDl'l 120 71 572 52' J 2.V.' 50' ( 00 00' 37' 27 57 as o.v- 32 37 M'i 173 5') 40 1.17 58 47 107 31 102 02 'I W) 50) i 72 II KXI'i 40'i 10H 12'i 25 105'i 50 31'4 1,10 lllili 11)'. 50' , 42', 70', 27' III, 7h'4 17'j 00' 1 Oil, 31 7H 20 i 113 .IH5 32 209 .'.0)i 5 1 22U 112 32 IX) 155 it.'- on. 112 2.1 afl Wl 50 i i 32 55 .10 2l'( 52' . 'MX 13V .10 Financial Briefs Thn riillndelphln. nnd Western rtnllwny' continiiCK tn mnko fnvornblo cnrnlnira r liortH. For Novcmbfr tho ktokb totaled S 43.4D2. n Ruin of S2992 ner Nnvcmlirr, 1915. nnd tlio net Increased S121G tn 122 G12. (Irons for twrlxo months was 51 1,227. nn Incrcosa of S&4.872 ner tlm previous year, nnd tho net wns J2G7.105. n train of 30,C56. Net cnrnlngs for the Tonopah Helrnont Development Company for tho month of November wero $121,000 nnd Jim Duller .IllnliUJ Compajiy wcro 131,000. Tho Tluaslan Oovernment has plnced nrdorH for 3000 fifty-ton standard nil steel frolRht cars. The order Is divided equally between the American Car and Foundry Compnny nnd Standard Steel Car Compnny. At tho mcetlnrr yesterday of tho hoard of KovernorH of the 1'hllndelphla Stock P.x chaiiKe, Lewis M. Josephthal was elected a member of tho KxchaiiRe. Itanks lost to tho New Tork Suutrenstiry yesterday Jl, 171,000, nnd since last Friday Rained J 13,038,000. RAILROAD EARNINGS CIIESAPKAKR AND OHIO 101(1, H.conil week Decemlwr, Sl,0.10,:os From July 1 S2.U3,&77 Inrreaae sni,N:io 1.531.033 ST0.S00 6I0.U7H 170.000 DBNVBft AND HIO OUANDR Mri'ond week December. S.MR.HOO Krom July 1 . ; 13.000.710 RT. LOUIS HOUTIIWKSTEn.V Meroml week Deiemtier. S3SI1.000 i'a.iiaiiiais i-Auirii; fffrond neak Derember. SS. 100.000 1.11. 000 From July 1 00.023,000 11413.000 MIHHOI'IU. KANHAS AND TEXAS Thlnl weak Dei ember ISUI.L'HO IS0R,32 From July 1 18.820,h73 8.733.070 nilANn TIlUNK Retoml week December Jl.203.8li". 1 HO. 4 33 PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPAL BDNDS LEGAL INVESTMENT ran tdiict riiMnc Hit ArLICT(0N Martin S Co. Mil Walnut Street Philadelphia MOVEMENTS ERRATIC ON COTTON EXCHANGE Bunlncfls Is Active, With All Months Except Janunry 16 to . 24 PoinU Net Lower I'OTTON IIP.t.T wmTIIKIt rONDITIONrS NKIV lOBK. Dee. I ,M,r.i."'tl,fI prraalled In the aanthrrn part f lha .eollan iM-lt thla mernlnt. lth '' I" Iwlalnr Alnbaria. (leorcla and Moflda. ,.j, The 'nUowlnr lemreratlirea Wttt"?1, Sa.hallle. It KimiT He, lOl Aahetllle, It fhaltanMiaa, li Atlanta. 1 si naiei a Illrmlnaliam. Iti lann od f"i fimlili. Itl MenUnmeo. Mefldlan. 'Hlmlnf',?i1,",l . Ancaals, 18 , IJtllit nock. ,Jekn"''S Th.m.,llle. an """J"'..?!', 'I'""".'!! ' Li'T.i- ... . anrt fl'httriinn Chreteiwrl, . 4arkn l'e '" ''', ii.i nln. Ill Stir llrleana anil Man a 0 1 SSl An tnnln. Sill Abilene and Tampa, asi Larnn. : llalteam aa .01 Ir ,11 Ineh, fit. inr.ii, am "r""i ....i.ii.n.- .1 M;nnnr .IJ 'h.l.'VJ"'',i,81 '"h"1 SJ harlealan na i)i'""K'" ; V",i, at lialtanmicn and Na.htllle, .t Iprli "I llalel.h. .JO Ineh al A'"": Si A nn'tb ! Aahetll If, ,3t Inrh at nn'',.Wi ,0' '"'" " Tamos, 81 Inrh at JarknHle. NIJW YOIUC. Dee. I Hitslness wsa ae live nt the openlnR. but price movements wero erratic, January helnit town 6 point, wllh other months l to 21 points net lower. Ths tone was rather weak.' A prominent Wall street Interest, com mission houses nnd New Orleans nold hut tlm larReit supply rarno front tlm West. Liverpool sold October, but purchased .May. The demand wns scattered. helnR led t y tho blddln by n. prominent spot lioure, with room traders also buying- After the call prices rre run up 3 tn i points, from which level there wns n sharp drop, nnd by tho end of the Ilrst fifteen tnln lies nf trndliiR additional losses of 11 tn ;0 points hnd been recorded. Tho market ronllnued cry ner.voua The market showed IncrcnnlnK weakness nnd excitement durln the middle of the mornliiR. Ilravy Mvorpool selllnK strengtlt ened thn Rloomy view "f pence prospects, and further stop orders wero uncovered while liquidation beramn more urcnt nnd fresh sclllliR more iiRRresslve. Karly In the second hour Janunry con tract sold nl IT. IfV nnd Mny nt 17.50 or 81 to "I points net lower nnd 30 points below the prnvlous low point reached, r'ttht after the publication or thn tloiernnient s crop estimate) n week oro yesterday. There seemed lo lip an apprehension nrniinil the rliiR that spot liquidation would follow any ileflnllp elimination of pence neRotla tlons and It was evidently believed that the l.loyd f.'eoriio speech would Indicate a ery determined attitude on the part of the llrltlsh Oovernment. . Yes rln. (ipen. lln m. 12m 2pm lei-ember II mi 17 M ... . January . 17 7"! 17 7II I7.fi J7 40 I7..11 Slarill . IS O.I 17 HI 17 12 17 110 17.111 Mali IH .. IMOll 17.00 17 8.1 17 SO .llllv IS .'. 18 III . . ilrlnbrr . I'll" 10 3D 10 2.1 111 18 IMI8 Hl-nt .. . 18.10 I1M. Liverpool Cotton I.IVlIltl'OOt.. Dec 19. Spot cotton to day whh III more demand nnd price were 9 point lower, on thn basis of 10 71il for mid. upland. The sales nRRreRated 10,000 hnlcn, Including 8000 linlea American The Import wcro 18,000 hnles, Including 11.000 bale Ainerlcnn The market for futures closed weak, nt n net decline of Ci21i50 points No CliaitRC in Granulated Sugar Ni:W VOItK, Pec. 19. Fine Rranulnted suirnr continues tn bo quoted at 7.16c. The last sain in spot Cuba raws wa at B. He, n decline of 13 point from Monilny'n open-Inx 75 Cent Silver Diraoa in locreaaa la proflta anj poa albly mora extra dlTtilenda for tba atock. hol.ltra of Tonopah Extension (Ths Larftit Silrer Mino in Tonopah) Thla Company la gradually Inereaalox Ita output for irhten It la reporlad to recrlre half a cant par ounce mora than ttia prfTtlllnj prlct. M A D With oar drtillad report on rm thla eooalilrnt producer and dlildand paytr, "HI ba aeot a map ahowlnc the entire Tonopab dlatrlct. J US KB BAKBR. Wiirntr Bid)., PMIaUlpkUi. Pa. rieait arnd me a copy of your d. felled report, Including nap o Ite Toao. oA dlelrtcl. yja r.1. fi'jme AdtrtH aty.... a ) fitel JONES & BAIKER stocic nnoicEiis Widener Bldg.t Philadelphia Iltll. Walnut ICSO-I. Keyatooe, Itace S390. Direct J'Hmle HTIrri Coaaeellae Nptt York llnaton Cblcnso l'lttabarsh .Sothina to Sttl Hut birvice" Tax Fr in Ptnna. WE OWN AND OFFER Lehigh Valley Coal 1st S. F. 5s Due January, 1933 A. B. Leach & Co. 115 South Fourth Street Hell Phone Lombard 237 Near Tork ' Chloato tlultata Uoaton London. En. Baltimore Edmonton (Al'tn) 6s, 1921 Edmonton (Al'ta) 5s, 1931 Southern Indiana Ut -Is, 1951 New Orleans Ter, 1st 4a, 1953 Prlca ana I'artlculare on 'Application 8td or circular Morris Brothers Co. lEatablUhed 180.11 1421 Chestnut Street VICTORIA OIL The one big independent Oil Company. Has acquired and retired $500,000 of it. own stock purchased or abjorbed twelve producing prop ertiei in Wt Virginia entered the great Kantai ' Gelds with the acquisition of 13,000 acres j . ALL IN THE, SPACE OF LESS THANT ONE YEAR. ? 'f Yc xptcial'ae in this Stock J. S. MCCORD & CO. 301 Real Estate Trust Building Telephone BU H Walnut PHUADELPHIA V- J'zA-'ll ' J'UIL J lh"1wi Sales tn Philadelphia Net thae t II St"). KT ntm n:i A 431. StH s M i M HW H0?4 1 St" "ii 1 -t- V, -4-IW ! !!lh. leTiT Cloae. Its Am Mllllnir 9H U V4 IAS Am Ilwva. 1,1 it Ut If) itn pref. 91 07 D7 .. loo Bald I pf 100H 10014 100W 1 t It A H I e. " sto KlfC fitor. B8 f. fin Kenne fop 4V4 4V4 14 loo Key T Co l nm l.l 8up v. J4 l lll .VilV.. II I.eh Vnlley l J Mlnehlll .. 7l 4 N'ev Cnna It,4 Jiio l'enna It It SI'S 10 PlillA f'n 44 Ul Phlln Hire .Itn aS I'll Itnp Tr 9Mi. 4I.1JJ iln Ir rfd 31., 50 liny Con tn 3.1 Itenillnif.. 109!', 130 Ho Itwy.. 3Vi 1SJ Ton Itel . . ft tRS Ton Mln. . Vi J.1IH Union Trnc tVH 4t i: (I I . . H. tnn It S Hteel 1 1. Mi, 70 Wnr Ir & K 0i J.1 Wentmnr C Two Hliarr nolil nt 30 'i IHIMIH HUM. 2ono Am (Iaa Kleo Ba. I anno t:ier Ten Tr 4ii .. 2ono Hnr 11 tin. A7000 l.k Hup I nc fin .1.1 I looo l-li V conn 4t,'i 'f3. inn? looo Lh V Tr lat f.n... 9 ,1.1000 Pa Co conn IH" ...lnfl4 10(1 MlfK ftono Itenil Rn In P.1V4 03H V3V4 4000 ilo Ter Ga.113 113 113 i4 tt 31i 31 .tt t IOJi.4 107 U "Mi 3 1 '4 3414 V in t- v, v. 41 1-. 90i 1J 111 114 Oil 1V4 1 l4 0(4 tn(4 noli Hon uii I'.4 Dnt.4 a.l 103 ' I..IW. 9II,4 lt.1 L'loae. 90 V4 1 103V. in. Hi MV. 3.1 loon innii 0? D2 Net chee. 2 54 14 9. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET SKW YOrtK. Per. 19. Tho market for rnffep futnrea opened 2 point", hlftrier to 2 point" lower today. Trndlnjc on tho cnll vim ipilet, nnlc lielnR ratlmnled nt nliotit :ooo ii.trk. Toilay'a Teeterilay'a Derelnher January .. Vbrunry . Mann ... Aurll . ... Mny . . . . .tune July A must ... hepie mbrr tv-inher .. November lllil. opening. s.sri AViieVV.Vi h 4n(rn.-,o ns i!oii8 70 Vll'S.(l'u R.h.l .85 rloae Rinjra.a? N..ir.ft.io m riH. ir. a.niMra n.Miifa.r7 H37 a M a nra ;n 8 739.7I .7,frl ,11 H.K'.'dK t H H70.H9 I1AU SILVER Today. New Tork (rental .... 7I1" l-cndon Ipencel 3(1",, Tat. 70S 38",. t.aat Tuea. 7r, 3H The Choice of Investments while naturally depending upon the individual's re quirements and preferences, is frequently influenced by recommendations of bankers who have had long experience in handling nil types of conservative bonds. We should be glad to give suggestions regarding Gov ernment, Municipal, Rail road, Public Utility and Industrial bonds. e.O!.glarfc$go. lUNKF.nS (Katabllahed 1837) 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia rittaburgh Uoaton Chicago Wllkea.narra needing RAPID TRANSIT CERTIFICATES REACH ANOTHER NEW HIGH MARK SINCE I9091 Street Hears That Company Will Propose a Plan on New System to the City at Meeting TomorrowMost Active in Local Exchange Trading Plillndelptiln llnpld Trnnalt trust certlfl eaten wer III Mr thlnir In th trndlnir on Ihe Philadelphia Stock Kxclmns-e twtny. With tho atnrt nf trading nt 10 o'clock theri wan n rcnewnl of the demand which wnn In proureaa In the Intc nenslon yeater dny. nnd the nrm tmnnactlon, which wnn for 0l) nhnre. wan nt the new high mark of 11. n gain of H oiernlght. Following lhl 1000 flmrea nppenred on the tape at 31. and then the price wna moved up to 32U. the highest nl which the cer tificate have wild alnce 190l, nnd nn ad vance of 14. na compared with the close of yesterday There was n decline from the top on proflMnklng transactions, tint most of the gain was held to tho close. The company's nnassessed slock rose nearly 4 points, and t'nlon Traction roso more than 1 point. Many trnders on the noor of tho hit chnngo had orders to buy nt the opening nnd the nioWng up nflhe price was easily accomplished. The real renson for the niKnnee In the certificates nnd the hlg de mand was still n secret to the Street. It Is true that thero were many rumors, some of which had been heard before, and-oUier. which were new, but there was turn! definite. The general understanding tn . 'quartern was that nt the. meeting-.,, ,," "i ' " " inn cuy orflchle morrow the company will offer denmia plans to the city with regard to th rSl2 lion of the new transit system, thi.?? who has bought very heavily Into thae-8 pany's certificates, said that he bajhMY buying on two things. First. Iha SStii! are running nt about S per cent, and m.j the agreement between the city anSiik company will go through. The KoranSI cenrnlngs, which came out after the Stl! yesterday, made a. very favorable lmniil! slon on the Street. "nprt , Next to Transit certificates In Una activity was Iako Superior CorrenliM and nt one lime the price waa im i!.ri fraction of 3 points for thn day, nii, ,. E per cent Income bonds showed a .t. .1 R points. .When tho market In Xew Telv turned reactionary In the afteraoon. miev. In this city followed suit. DDna !lif.H"lfWHl,lW.'W'i''HL41l'.l,l'l J ii uafl Safeguarding Your Valuables OUR Safe Deposit Vnultj nro of modern construction; fire proof nnit burglar-proof, nnd protected by every device necessary lo iniurc safety; indMdiinl saffca rent from $4 up; charges for special deposit, such as silverware, are based on lie value of the articles deposited OIIGANIXKD in 18G9, this company has always made particular effort to perfect its service to the individual, nnd it is prepared lo relieve its clients of every detail connected with the management of their financial affairs Complete equipment at both office Philadelphia Trust Company 415 Chestnut Street :: 1415 Chestnut Street Philadelphia snaiuiusaiuiii.uJuujisjKj we-Miaeaf'ag.jn.j!!' mi'.ai-t .-.imi"i.mmi. Foreign Loans in America Thirty-clRiit issues of foreign securities now dealt In In American markots nro briefly roviowcd in Our December Investment List The List also presents our current recommondations tu to homo Investments, with incomo ranuinp; from 4.10 to over 7 Copies on request Edward B.Smith &Co Established 1802. BANKERS llembert New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchange 1411 Chestnut Stmxt Puiuuixrnu SO Pine Street New Yobx Exempt fifom Federal Income Tax $3,000,000 Marin Municipal Water District (Located Opposite the City of San Francisco) Marin County, California Water Works 5 Gold Bonds Dated October , 1915. Principal and semi-annual interal (April hi and October lit) payable al the United Slates Mortgage & Trust Co., Ncr Yorlf City, or in San Rafael, California, at option of holder. Denomination $1,000. Due Serially October 1, 1926, to October 1, 1955 These bonds represent the only indebtedness of the district and the Water Works for which they are issued is self-sustaining;. Population -Population - (1910 census) 21,000 (1916 estimate) 25,000 In the opinion of counsel, these bonds constitute a direct obligation of the Marin Municipal Water District, with an unlimited power of general taxation upon all taxable property within the district for the payment of principal and interest of these bonds. In addition thereto, the revenues derived from the water works system are pledged to the lame purpose. The income of two private water companies, which served the district until they w'ere recently purchased by itf amounted to $160,000 per annum, which amount should be greatly increased when extensions and betterments are completed. The Board of Directors of the District has estimated, bassd upon the report of its engineer, that the earnings of the water district will be more than sufficient to' pay both principal and interest of the bonds as they mature and all operating expenses, without increasing present water rates and without levying any taxes. Since this is a gravity water system, no expensive pumping operations will bo necessary and operating costs should be reduced to a minimum. The District comprises 105.13 square miles of territory, including a number of suburbs of San Francisco, and is a most attractive residential section. Having sold practically all of these bonds, we offer the bal ance of the few remaining maturities, subject to prior sale, To Yield 4.70 Lecal opinion of the followlnr well-known attorney win ba furnished upon application :ilesr. flood fellow. Bl!s. Moore & Orrlck, of San Francisco: Mesar. Caldwell & Masillch and Messrs. Dillon, Thomson A hlar of New York ally, and Messrs. Storey, Thorndik. ('alrner at Dodge, of Boston. In addition thereto, the Superior Court for Marin County has rendered a decision sustaining the legality of the issue. Descriptive circular furnished on request William R. Compton Company Spencer Trask 8c Company 14 Waif Street, New York Bt, l-oole Cincinnati Clilcam 25 Broad Street, New York Albany i Motion Chlcsta Chas. C. Harrison, Jr., & Co. at - - - mi il Ii IM In .Mil ii IIMI lilBI i ii I llll I III I in in b E.,! Mill ' ' . - , III I ' .j&.J-5Ef - . , . , r Fifth and Chestnut Strc.U Philadelphia r 1 ' ''HI E-:ffxwtmmBmunmwunamr- Ma i i .v.; v Hriki rmm- . . s - -:.&&& tTjilMsaBBBWsaMlliTlMPiUjtTgfTr irTTTTHirniBr:. I tu I im i i I r ii si ii ' j-i," a - i.ugsru,j 'i maj Sir f iiijjtMMiiiiiiuMiwiHiBi J'l 1 Lm' - - jmi iihsh emu i nipeitj mm im ii jiiaiaMMiiagMiiMau. iiMatJUlIT ISSBsSHMMMMMMMMK-UMeBl tri JMMfJIMIMllMKItKkKmmmwSmMlmWkWmmSKmWktlkkmkmmlmW iSHUH. inyr -iii).