7 1 I I I GERMANS NEAR1NG I Teuton Allies Less Than 25 Miles From Russian Frontier TAKE 1000 MORE MEN Invaders Press on Slav Troops Holding Rlmnik Sector BKnLttt, De. 19. jtora than 1000 Iturslan anft numanlan jtlonr wre captured In partial fnaK rnnt of Flol'l Marshal on Mnckenflrn'n tattt In Jlumanla ilurlnic the Inst two ilajn, today's otflelal statement nraertttl Many Tthlete, moat of them laden with fowl ruaplles were alao captured. Cnntlmiril northward retreat of Iluaalan force In IV. fcrudja wiui reported Tim retreat Is b. end tha Tow tow fortified poaltlom. The CHrman army la ndnnclnK ngnlnat the )owr Danube. The German Allies In Rumania hnvn BUihed forward until thoy nro Iwwi than twentr-flva mllea from tho Iluaalan Province 0f Oeisarnbla. In northeoatcrn ltumanla Ilia -Auatro-Oer-nan forces nro preaalnc against tho Jtuii. tan troops holding the lino In tho ItlmnlU Ktor. Alone tho Danubo and In Dobrudjii Uie Bulftnrlnn, German and Turklih troops M driving iwralntt tho Iluaalan lines aroand Brail and Ilabailaali. it, as umo imiiiarj uiiuca diuigyc, me Otrraan Allies hope to Invade Russia and , Muti on toward Odessa, this Invasion must ' L- .... tiv thA wnv nt flfi!irntili I ! lflulr that tho Itumanlon army will bo set F knrder. It ts now bolnc reoriranlied and i part of It Is already In Bessarabia, where ' itnlli nro belnc rocona trusted hv Una. Ian officers. ncDrrnr AnnriTa rnec : ' OF CIIAMBRETTES FARM IltillMK, Deo. ID. While tho French woro repenting their assaults on Uio Vordun front they also mid deoly launched twu attacks In Champagne, Mar Tthotms. tho War Ofllco announced to day. Tho Champnano n I tacks wero re i volted, it was statod, but It was admitted that tho French woro nblo to rccapturo Chambrottea Farm, northenst of Verdun. The text of tho ottlalal report follows: Western front, army group, of Prlnco Itupprccht On both banks of the Somme artlllory and mine-thrower firs was temporarily enlivened. Northwest and north of Rhnlms French detachments advancing against our trenches after strong artillery preparation woro ropulBod. Army croup of tho Crown Prlnco On tho east bank of tho Mouso during tha afternoon the firing Increased. The French attacked our position In Fosses Wood. Chambrcttes Farm was lying In front of "our position nfter hnntUto hand fighting In that sector, having been taken by tho enemy. At other points tho French nttacks wero re pulsed. UOFFRE FORMALLY GIVES I COMMAND TO NIVELLE PARIS, Dec 19. fT.rmnri trmnn tlnllvnrtw! nil nttnMr nnntVi "Set the Sommo last night and succeeded In I penetrating some of tho advanced tranches ftOf the French, but woro Immediately driven cut. the war Ofllco announced today. On tho Verdun front tho newly won posi tions of tho French nt Chnmhrettcs fnrm and Louvcmont wero heavily shelled by tho Germans last night. General Joffro has formally turned over the command of tho French armies of tho Borth nnd northenst to General Nlvelle. It was announced today. Tho transfer took Jlacs yesterday. Oenonil Joffro made a Wort speech congratulating General Nlvollo trpon his promotion. General N'lvello re plied, warmly praising tho military ability ef General Joffro. Bulgar Gain on Struma Front BBnLlN, Deo. 19. "On tho Struma thero were enterprises favorable for the llul nrlan and TurklBh troona." today's official .statement said. Russians Fail in Carpathians nnnUN, Dec. 19. Ivt ..--. w. uuu(a muum) U1VIIS, ilia UUV LtB-Tomatek.lino tn tho forest of the Car- wim.u aim oi uniiauona on cue vnio iiiuiy roaa were reported In today's omolal ttAttment. Tdmnnrnrv InrtrnncA nf (- iUiy aCtlvltV anllfh nf Vnrn T nbA J rs- -, ---.. wk , tiuiwta AintT Mill south of tho railroad from Tarnopol to jjfret.0' wa reported on Prince Leopold's ToolCsbtnstg ll-l, 1 10.00 Decide now to give tools Sui1"1 b?w prl" P o! abora xtTjthlng Decide now to give soma ayu uwi, or Dcucr suu. u KmmmK Tool Set JL'Sf ?iJ.trtw in& to Mil.,, or mi r Muutn,Mu4 epttul ToolCaUnit BookUt No. BST m frcnruu( rrjjartiu,uurti -i. c suuiats Simmons Hardyraro Co. ! It.A M.II.J-S-11. ..... !! yIH 9'l9tfm9 4Ui nuktu BTBAWnniDOK a tXOTIUEU v ,,,1,UEI' "80THEK8 ". B-VELLEMIIKQ COMPANY u,, C. GOODWIN M UsrLtl btrrel l2niv.St "" sn'u41lT'eB. KOUIEUMN JUBmVARE COMPANY Kivvn,. "l aA.t Street reniTER HIIKfl-ABO COMr.iNY " "ft'pN 1IAB11IVABB CO. . vNuiui oireei USEFUL GIFTS k ffansGom's h Qrtni Bnqu,t Coffo.. S-ib. $1.70 !CW-ltl, Bl.nd, 5-lb, Ar-- .a t-H. Ctt Extra. Ta SM t ...'. 1 -HE." " miLi st, & rcSir f NiVY CALLED JIELPLESS MINUS BATTLE CRUISERS Fnst Fighters Absolutely Neces sary, Captain Sims Tells House Committee SEES COMMERCE MENACE Declares Any Power Could Destroy U. S. Fleets st Their Present Status Ri2i-8l'IINOTO:,f' na '-" ,h" "nttfd pu?,.IT'.."1i. "f1 """out battle ijkw"" ,h'm- AmHui commerce tt iii u. flMnwl from the seas and the rri.t! "I?.1? "vy 'Iwtrnynl. shlii for ship, f aptaln V s simrn. V. S. .V . tmUy told thr lloww Mva Afflr roinmltte urest Itrllaln twiv etmininmls th seas. Slmms deelareil. bwnum. her battle crul era are more numtrnu ami superior to Oermanya He Mid- To f.nrt ordlnnry cruisers against battle cruisers would h the same .! ." on,lln ' cavalry force aaalnjt a force four times an great ..UU1-Cf"lwr tastr "n nny other, can nKht or run. as It chooses It can select Its own U,tt runne .U l-m??, im '''"'n' r an ordinary runs! Mnnot l ilestroynl If It ,.,,l,lJ!!po'e ,we 0PP building battle cruisers and other countries build them Wo could not ontch the battlo cruisers rney would command tho sea and sweep commeixs from It I'nlesn the I'nltMl S)lm i. ,. n..( sulllclont to enaso nn attacking force ne Ianama Tanal will beHefenseless despite Its land f.irtincatloiis No fortlneattons could b.. n i.rotec lon We must have a superior fleet to prevent landing. No fleet would at-" tempt a landing until It had destroyed or reduced thy enemy fleet There Is no danger of aggression If wo have n neet that would mako It virtually cer tain wo could di'jtroy nn enemy fleet. Hngland. Oermany and France, or nny of them, could destroy the canal If they could first defeat tho Vnlted States sea force, Hlmmi declared Hi, stated that the German Heel, which 1ms bombarded the urltlsh coast threo times, could bombard It many more times If It so wlshtd gerianyFefends columbian sinking Contraband Cargo Made Attack Legal, Berlin Replies to U. S. Inquiry riKRUN'. Dec, i. Qormany's reply to tho I'nltcd States nolo concerning' tho sinking of tho steam ship Columblsn was handed to Charge d'Affalres Grew at tho American Embassy today. The note states that tho torpedoing oc curred when weather made It Impopslblo to boo far and that a high sea ns running. The warning shot from tho commander of the submarine brought nn answer from the commander of tho Columbian that he could not see tho flajr of the submarine. Relieving that this was possible tho sub marine approached nearer the essel which had stopped and inspected her through tho periscope. Tho nolo declares that the commander of the German submarine halted the Colum bian during a storm nnd subsequently released her. noting tho American flag nnd tho vessel's nainu "Columbian. New York." L-Uor It was found that the Colum bian hail sent broadcast earnings that thero was a submarine In the lclnlly Tho Columbian was then stopped again and searched and steel, which Is contraband of wnr, was found aboard her. I'hiladclphian to Hunt Gorillas NHW YORK. Pec. 19 Prof Robert I Garner, of New York, who for a quarter of a century has chasod the gorilla and tho chimpanzee to their lairs In the Congo, has willed for West Africa, where he ex pects to remain a year or two collecting specimens for the Smithsonian Institution. C. R. W. Aschmelr, of Washington, accom panied Professor Onrner. Alfred M. Col lins, of Philadelphia, another member of tho exposition, will sail later. mZEKSBSSM Vou Will Find The Blank Book Vou Want and Meed 1 m in tho largest and most diversified stock in Thlla. MANN'S FLAT-OPENINC BLANK BOOKS aro a pleasure to work on. Well made In every particular with tho experience of fl years, DURABLE and RELIABLE Phone Varktt lit for tits Uann Blank Book Catalogue WILLIAM hWM COMPANY Illaak Dmss Lsesa If BUUsssnr I'rkitlas and UthssrspUac 529 Market St. PURE FRESH PAINT ! Believe Me Kuehnle workmen are indivi dual experts who con tinually practice prompt ness, thoroughness and courtesy. C$t our ifmat na obligation Kuehnle , POINTER EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TOESDAY. DEOEIrBER 19, MEXICAN INTERPRETER SEES END OF QUARREL Native Land nnd U. S. Will Coma to Penccful Understand ing, He Says WILL HEAL ALL WOUNDS tlrolhcr-ln-I.aw of Kmmn Enmcj Snys Wilson Is Gaining FrientU The United Suites Is the nation through whleh wnunds of all other nations will to healed.- ami the Mexlcin problem will t soiled noon and without sr. according to Krnl de tlogorM, Interpreter nf tho .merlcan-.Melran Comm!lon in sesclnn at the Hellevue-fttratfnrd, a pmfewnr In the rnltertltr nf Mexloo and brother-ln law nf the singer. Kmma Karnes formerly Mrs Julian Stnry. of Philadelphia N'gnor de dogma said "I am sure thi t'nlted Slates ami Mexico will come out of the present problem safely I am sure the Amerlcan-Mexlenn commis sion will take care of the situation and everything will be all right. The fnlted states It the only nation of ths great nation of the world which has kept Its head As a nation now just so will It reap The fnlted States has not sowed steel and death And It will not reap It The twIWy she M pursuing with the weaker nation, Mstlro, is n policy of practical Christianity. I feel euro it will come out alt right, and wo will have no war "Ulgtlck policy reaps blg.stlck policy." he said Hgnlflcantty, adding that the Moil, enn people dislike ex-rresldenl Roosnxelt because of bli nollrv. nmt f.nrii r,- th e-iei) or meir nation when there was talk of his retaining any power In the govern, mental affairs 'The Monro Ihx-trlne mil b, tested some day," he said, "and the big etlck pol icy would not help make Mexico line up with the fnlted States when that test comes And as Mexico gtes w nlso will the South American countries go And there are 70.000,000 people In South America. Mouth America li watching tn see what the I nlted Stales does to Mexico Kor years South America has feared the United Stntes w,i going to grab inorr Meilrnn territory Rut the present policy of the fnlted Plates toward Mexico Is gaining friends for this country In the Hnuthern Hemisphere" In talking about the attitude of the Mexican and the South American toward the United Stales, he said President WIN son Is making friends dally by his attitude toward Mexico "I nm actually surprised myself how the. altitude of th Mn.lmn toward the fnlted Suites bns changrd In mree years The old bitter feeling Is din. appearing. In the Uniierslty of Mexico. Where I teach, there la hardly n graduate who dom not know Woodrow Wilson's book. Tho New Freedom.' They know tho last chapter by heart, nnd the book hself Is making a wonderful Impression on tho young men. who go forth after graduation and tell their people of the feeling of tho United States for Mexico." Deal In Illinois Coal SCRANTON. Pa. Dec 19 M P Adel son. Dr E. R. Troxell nnd the coal Interests at Plttston have purchased thi ICejutono Hlg Muddy Coal and foko Company nt Marion, 111. paying III.GOO for tho prop erty at a truitoe's sale Tho purchasers, with the late William Strenr, of Plttston. who had largo coal hold. Ings in Schuylkill County, put I17 000 Into tho property ten yenrs ago They expect to resume operations nt once The mine has n capiclty of 1000 tons a day An Eng lish syndicate Is negotiating for tha output. i UNtj experience counts henvily in mnintnininp our rep utation ns mnster tailors. But we do not depend on ex perience nlone. Con stantly we seek the originality and en thusiasm of youth. We surround our selves In our business with younff men. Their taste, temporcd by our experience, makes im possible the out-of-dato or tho foolishly faddish in clothes. That Is why wo servo so many younc men. HUGHES ..AND MULLBR Tailors 1527 Walnut St. JUL CONVEViNG MACHINERY pUT your conveying machinery problems up to ua we have tho best type for every pur pose at the least cost, chap tea W COMPANY 1 ffGmoom's Beautiful Lustre Candy Pure and Delicious Suruiay Schoote 1 iU h, mt 5-3 W. box fl,l?J wnm KIOTO PROFESSOR SEES WAR ON U. S. Cannot Submit to American Arrogance, Says Imperial university instructor P E N O U NCES 'lEJDLING" . y noCTOH SUEHIRO rrateuar tn Kroto Imperial VnUerslty. (CerrrltM. ll. ty International Newt Srlel TOKIO. Dec 19 We admit that tha United Ktates has not the slightest eauss to nuarrel with Japan; hut Japan has very good reason to nuarrel with the United States. Biery day the American movement against the Japanese immigration In tho Paelflo coast la becoming more and more critical, nnd sooner or later Japan will nnd herself no more able to submit to tho American arrogance with humility. Very few people, nnd not one American win tiiMe m If I state that the JapaneM In the fqltrd Statu are being treated Ilk eats and curs, nexerlhelees, t nm telling the truth Thus we can never hope to secure the reep-t of China until we flret command the respect of the United States. To me the very mention of the ao-called friendship between Japan and America Is a cruel Joke. There are three major Issues between the two nations of tho Pacific, nnd unless these, three outstanding Issueo nro settled, nnd settled Justly, wo hardly expect peace Tho nrst Issue Is that the American Oov ernment Is not willing to recognise, or admit our conquest of the South Sen Islands from Oerinxny The rerond Is that Ihe American Oov eminent persists tn Interfering with Ja pin's policy of peaceful progress In China. The third leiun Is the Increasing economic rhnlry between Japan and America, nnd the consequent Increase of armaments by tho Unl!d states. 1 maintain that Japan will neer permit America to Interfere with our plans of cct.nonuo expansion in China Japan will neer permit America to meddle thero Un its AmerliM recognlteii our supremacy In the Far Knat and radically changes her ntitl-Jnpaneee polle within her Iwmlers. there never will 1 n real peace between the two countries ritKMCTSjUCIVEIISAI. PBACE Current Kvcnts Class nt Uollcvuo licnra Wnr Discussion A perpetual and universal leaco will result from tho present Uuropenn wnr, oc conllng to Mlrs Kathrrlne l.oi-ko. lender of a current eientH elans, which meets every two weks In tho Junior room of tho IJello-lUe-Ktratford. "Tho great wnr going on now In Europe." she said. "Is merely tho birth png of nn ultimate lnternntlonallim Tho world will eventually learn that the best system Is not the survival of the fittest. I mean tho phyel cnl flttost Civilisation consists of some thing else besides physical fitness Parwln was talking about animals when he talked about the survival of the tttteM Ho wns not referring to tho physical ntness of tho human race " Silk Shirts for gifts $3.50 An unequnled assort ment, .in bright, rich colorings. Tho best qunlity ever shown at this price. EID fP R ORT 11 14 Chestnut St. 11 S. 15th St. 1119-21 Market St. C0MP0 BOARD tub ontorKAt. AND nBAl, Chearfr and llfd.r than J.ath and TUitar fir. ,7X"?:t. Wort M.nj,:i:s7 HOWARD KETCHAM f gVoftgStT Look or ts Wca.1 Core Watches nliir S . nit'.llirf i mm .4PJbv The frequency with' which' a-watcK is con sulted makes it extremely personal and keeps the giver in constant association. Our stock includes only such' makes and grades-as we can recommend and the senrice of oar watch, experts is back of everjr-timepieceweasell. Silver Wrlab Watches. 1 0.00 to $2B.0O uoia-nuea wrist watcnea, 13.E0 to S0.00 qold WrUt? Watches. 20.00 to 100.00 Platinum Wrist Watches, 160.00 to 50.00 Jeweled-Wrlsfc -Watehea. 225.00oJ750.004 OurcatalogucI&&laahlcis1jod!&of,trcfcrcnpo. It shows thousands of photographia Hlastrations not only of watches, but all that isnewOjJcwela, GoldwaTe and Silverware; May-wesendVyatuaaCQpy?. S. Kind & Sens, 1TW Gkestma-Stoeet DIAMOND MBRCaiAWT8--JBWBLEIl--8TDVieRSan!ffl Closing h&r six a'ibMk UftlfcChrisimai ii fnJ'rh 1 iBgaa NESSUNA PACE SENZA ILTRENTINOE TRIESTE II Pnrlnmcnto ItnHnno VotnCon- tro lAccottnzlono delio Rcccnti Proposto delta Gcrmnnin ATTIVITA' D'AIITIGLIERIA GH Itnlinnl Conquistitno Unn Positions sul Cnrso I Hussl Dlfcndono Orn lo I.inco Rumrno ROMA. 1 nicembrs letl ser.t II Mlnlstero dells Duerrn pub. hllcava II segtlente rapporto del generals Cadorna circa la situations alia fronts Italo-auMrlanv Hulla fronts del Trentlno t'srtlgllerla nemiea slat pluitosln nltlva nella xona del Pn'iililn e suH'alloplnno ill Aslago 1 nostre batterln hanno ills turbato I movlmentl del ueinlco neU'alta xalle delt'Aaticu Sull'altoplano del Carso nol a'bblamo occmiato con un attaooo ill sorpresa un foiO craterlforms a slid dl Rosco Malo. I dlscorsl circa la proposta dl pace fatta dalla Germanln sonnn statl messl virtual mente a tacere dalla dlscusslonn svottast alia Camera del Pepulatl Krano slate pre sentato parecchle Interrogation! ordlnl del glorno circa queste proposto dl pace, ed 11 rleultalo e' statu che la Camera lia votato che neesunn proposta dl pace sarebbe. no cettat m non fosso stata In accordo con le nsplrailonl uaxlonall Italians e con I dl rlttl del popoll e bnsata sul prlnclplo dl na. xlonallla' So la pace In questo sento non al polra' ottenero per vie dlplomatlche. si deve ottenere con le arml Ml era parlalo anche del posslblle Inter vento del pip.i, ma el npprende ora da fonto autorevnln che. mentro egll desldern urden temente la cessaslone delle ostlltta', non rara un passo se non sara' certo del con senso dl nmbeduo le parti. Telegramnil da Londra dlcnno che si at lende eo- l dlscorsn cho Uoyd Oeorgs pnvnuuclera' davantl alia Camera del Co.nunl come prlmo mlnlstro, dlscorso nel quale egll trattera' ccrtamente del soggetto dell.i pace o delle proposto della tlermanln. Contlnunno I commentl sut glornl Inglesl e francesl circa le iropvetn tedesche. com mentl Intonatl tultl nlln stesso motlvo- la Oermnnla devo lasclare I terrltorll occupatl, e devnno rlsolvernl I probleml dl naxlonnlltn' che sono sortl mh t'lntervento dell'Ilalla a con In gucrrn In genernle Pappertutto nel paesl della. Quadruples Intesa. el e' con Irani all'idea della pace In questo momento n..i..,.i &s&(r$'$r .S&r jdsZs &sy & 7J? ssx r S -CS. AAJY oy S Be liSmUamr Are what he I vCfJMmr ,at 'vc healthy Mw in so brimful of energy and play that his shoes must be satisfac tory. Our famous "Boyproof" Shoes are "just right" for him sturdy winter shoes that stand the hard knocks. Big Boys' Sizes, 1 to 6, $4 Little Gents', 9 to 13&, $3.75 Even the Grown-ups it Need Sturdy Men's, $6 and8 Women's, $7 Growing Girls', $6.50 Misses', $4.50 'TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET Mksmmm Shoes and Hosiery 1204-06-08 Market L I for Christnums Gifts Xedie3SIheyJWtclias, 67J50 iatA2IUn lAtdki Gold TVAtchea, JOANS OMJVU.W ilea's- Silver Wdtcbas, Meir-svGoUJUned Wntdwa, lZOOto W pSIen'sold Watches, ih.ooko300.-00 aiMMaaimmiiiMM -m m 1916 s stnta la reatltxailone 41 quegtl obltttivl per I quail gll alleatl hanno combattuto combaltono. NHt.LA nt'MANlA tt sttiiailons mllllare nella Rumania sembra mlgllorala Ixi form rtisss hanno preso wr conto loro II complto dl dlfendero is llneo della Moldavia. I.'eterclto rumeno, che e' al slcuro, sta dletro la tine russs s proeedo alia sua rlorganlttaalone. Rl dlco che la reslMenta del russl a posslhlll niiovo avantate delle arniat teutonlche si nvranelle xlclnanis det Rereth. una Ilnea che si dice sla statn fortement pre parata per la dlfesa e cho sara' un otllmo puntn dl partem per la futura offtntlva del rusal. Notltle da Alena dlcono che o' stato emesmv cola' un mandato dl arresto contro I'ex presidents del Conslgllo KUuterlo Venl relot per I'sci-usa ill alto trsdtmentn n dl llbello contro lo (tlato Maggloro Oeneralo ereco Venltelos, come e' noto, ' a capo del governo provvlsorlo stablllto nell'lsola dl Creln e a Salonlcoo, M II mandato dl arresto rlmarra' letters morta. POOR FAMILY GETS AUTO FROM SANTA AS GUT Mnchino Come to Widow nnd Nina Children by Wny of Drnwlnfr Con- test Won by DiuiBhtor Kauta snmetlmrs plays weird tricks, but Send a Flowergrarn of fresh-cut flowors for Christmns. A suit able jrfft for nny one. We nrrnngo thorn from $5 to $25 Other Flower Gift, S2 up TZSo Sfgn effa, Jfc, 22 South Broad Street In th miJJU of tha htoik HK T VI s Will Boys! Shoes wants of yours Winter Shoes .'Si tA-N'i., tSSS ?. $m St. m m ty llll(i irW4 I t JIM, B I w mammmM ltf 5 whn h lMyetn nut6mobllft wllh wlw with nlnt chlldrsh, he In op to hie ftMhteafc prsnks. nneh ws ths cits with Mrs. JtthrIW Cjnnshsr. of tl North Torty-slith rthtrt, . who wss notmsd r'surdsy by ih Ito. "WIU Ui?l plBrld, wetor at the nomati CAtholle Church nf ih nt.. -imji Wenth nd Msln slrssts. Dnrbr. (hat httf dsusMer Kslhfrlns hsd Mron r JI0 auto nioblls In n ilrsnlnic contest ... don"! Jlnlt wMow " "'ne chll L.i . "? ,h womsn when sh we i f 'l ,h lt?uM r,hr hVB lh monr. 11 will be our happiest Chrlstmsa.' Held for Beatinjc WIfe'a Jlother COLMNQSWOOD, K J., Dec. lon a. hV ,of, "U nd bitUtr mw.S ggHgsfeags SHANNONS Osms ri(jos,..,.7.B0p nBn I.50tc 9189,00 nTfrs .,e.B9t f!0.a rithlnt Tiieltt. Tool Csblnsts Chsets .0O t IJ0.06 Itmplr Tsol Cn"S l,e0o5J0 Uschlolatf Tosl Chests, 11.09, 110.09 and 1.09 nedters Nsw Ketell "jw with Emsrr "heel .. .....,.,,,11,09 Slr Seroll Saw $7.89 llsnuitl Tralotnc Il.nrhn ,.(.7Sto J1S.S9 Csrslnc Knlrri, (.tlt6llt.00flel Wth $1.00 to (4.0(1 Itssers ...... J1.00 ts 8.0 Itnhbtrsel Hhsrlnr ' Brushes . ..,.to tafS.09 nior Htrsps,.,50otof3, flsf.tr Iltion, stl mske 11.00 S.BS FflMom BOe to 11,00 Bcliaors Sets, .01.10 to 15,09 r-ocVel KnWs..lSa to 1,09 Ire Hkste Je to 16.88 Btralttlron Bete, 80s to $3,09 Mechanical Toys Rlectrlo Trains and Toys; Clock Bprln Toys, lnrom 90s up to tio.oo. W Iiavo nddsd two new delivery cam to our fleet to tsks cam nf ths holiday. Prompt nnd'correot sonrloo s-uaranteed. SHANNON, 816 Cheakut ci.osino noun 0 P. m. lg4a3aSsflXttiCTtTO'1Wfffl I YQ CKnshnas J OXQYQ Tor Men oves $159and $222 Special values at these popular holiday prices. Gloves at $1.50 Reeds' Special Cape Glove. An exceptional value; horn button or clasp fasteners. Natural ColcTrv uiaraun uiovcs WHtl DiaCK CR1 broidery and white chamois with eelf-embroldery. Fownes' Heavy, weight Tan and Fownes Tan "Hand-Sewn." "nymoutn buck," black or Bcll-ernbroldercd. "Buclcett," a gray washable glove, with black embroidery. Fownes White "Hand-knit" Woolen Gloves. Fownes' "Doette, a fabric glove in chamois shade with self--embroidery. Gloves at $2.00 Our assortment of Glovei at S3 Includes many special values from representative manufactur ers. Fownes Brothers' "Caven dish," Dents "Havana and Ma nilla, and the heavyweight "Jack Buck" Glove, with spear-point niuin, aro wen ana favorably known. A Yellow Buck Glove, black nr self-embroidered, Is also popular. I Qther especially good values at I 82 are a heavy tan cape and a grav I Mocha Olove, P. X. M. with black Tan cape Washable Gloves. Assorted shades. Pearl washable glace Gloves for dress purposes. Washable Cape Gloves, tan or sand shades, black embroidered. Tan cape and gray or tan "Mocha Gloves, silk lined, $2.25, Special Mote- Artificial Day. light Is la use in our Men's Haberdashery Department This la tho only store in which you may at all hours buy Neckwear. Gloves, etc, under contrasting lrunou jjKiiE inir tuvuent n t.tuuona. ClaiatfHoartJRitt TACOB & TFFTY t !WJtH3sirtftit St. p-