f AtLY P1PP SOME HOME-RUN HITTER Makes More Circuit Drives Than Speaker, uodd ana Jackson Combined ilLEADS BY TWELVE TO TEN ... run huslne. art or rtne. Is 3?i..iur ami comnt affair No one can LU aJiwm'. "a- rol'j''. tnltop with r .in of nr "tiel. 'n Urn so-called par ' ! ... of the. pastime, he can paddle lh EnVllnr out of tho pill. -r.i wt-en r observe where 1'lpp made j tLMit porno i itt -- - -- - - .--. I, luXon combined, the dope, beu'na to -IHrr !,.. shadowy form rlBB out of H ah"" nl n- '"' twelve . ' , ,,,, Cobb. Speaker and Jackson rfr. smasher? out of ICS.l time nt Jit. ranr up ten heme rune Yel Speaker mail forty-one double, j.ekaon forty and Ool.h thirty one. against '"T - ..I.!.- r IlttlM twenty 0.0'iuim w ! .! ...i.,.i,i.,1W Mia lb. Imll wllh fneir- Flap iiiiuw' - --- - - - -r a whlpllkr "i"1" than T, Jon or Trls- flat hill mrslii f ponnr 1111 i as orcst n-v ' wall l tli P' arourul" Hirnlahed part f ef Hi answer i 1 Further proof of tills Is found In the fnct that Dave Itobertaon. of the Giant, lied for the N. ' leadership with twelve circuit tJilatM, and Pave alio had tills wnll for u Uriel. Anyway, IVncc Came Too Laic for J Toe nrooai.vii ijuukc. t Harvard, lVlrctoii nnd Uklilisn t. Keds, Cardinals. Cubs and Maikmrn mii eiA 11-rr.ait- rlaaa In AlinnunCA tint If I' the National league doesn I nttml It.i va. i. rlous '..) lhi American I.apu nmn will ' It Jfaulng II low ni.iin iui;ii m iuno u i .k... fmm lh tiM tin, v. wltpn n. Kt Sa caai'BD "! ' - - -'-ji louts ArarlcAn IaKiic recruit put futth tib rtiufi it ' iiiii " ! ' as 1 tfcW h '' wny ,l0CBn't t'10 National .... draft him?" I.nnirilr sanl to tIia t and fall 1" won, nalloni ami Klf lialli Of Uto years the Mitiunni nciia imrcnj fca bten polntlnc tipwiirtl In Its n.'rnt trend. Ht... n.t ttviitv.tvn ntilrt.tioiltoil uttn enough to last out a so.is'jti?" Imiuhcs 1 a reader neio is onn nmwrr- in- luunr had a toiiicli time stspBcrlns thioi.K'i last ....on uflnr mine up twenly-iilno luiaky- KlMklnc cltlrcn.i Drcjfusa for Player Limit ti. .. nnivrina nltvnMi lias been "itroiifier for the nmaller limit In thu Iencuu Mmsmbsrlr.c that Krcu iiarKC ixoii ms inai rittsburRh pennant In 1909 with only ,.- 1 .K.n nltihiru (ill thi roll. Hut Vtxtc iMi't alwara uulte Hint Kentlo nml soft Any number of oilier cuius nno iouiiu mra ; nitn too fc ' So far as the American Loru having n ' .I....U "UfniAn n trrnjitAr r.ilmliM of ' Itars." few start aro tlovploptu In the ina :' lors. Alexniular nnrt Johiisfi wee stnrn - tbolr flmt year out So were Hppaker, t'obi). i Jaekwn. Itlole, Olsler. Chose anil a lium "br of othem It doesn't lulio real Kenlui l .l.tn. Inm. Iji ihnU' 1IM V.iri.lt. Ill- Kf CI BUIIUUUI iwnh " .... r Ihoush cxperlcnco may help In thf Jeuloi- mcni. Ther have me nnlshliiB sevnnth about i.i. !. n"K uAiiNon' rininrked T'nt ''..... - .1.. n In... nrr. "litlt I'll ITII.la,Atlti!l tlVIIIII uj v ...- us. - -- -i to do better than that with Alexander nml a catcher" I-utum: rni in nevciiiii ymrc : In DecemlXT anil January nml hoIilInK lilm tprfi In tieptemiicr anu utiomr "- Mme Identical Jobs. 'EIGHTEEN NAVY PLAYERS IT RECEIVE VARSITY LETTER i.rtr rwM id lu liu tl Thf. . 1lrtr X teen iitsi1"'1 to Ihe folluwlni nmlir if lit .M.r.11 fioval Anndemy fnnlUjll siusil: i'ltfi of i'HT- i". " Wsrd. V. St rtrlffll V, . O. IM.rk H W. Jsrkiun. K a nair.li I. '. 01 llll-r i ri'vr. I .i ....r.,... Y- Oilman, r i e.n HeliaLerr J J i.rr. ;. f 13 J V Whelih-I. W. II. fla'wrll. W Ofrnn. . J I'rrrj, I i rcu unu . No mUlililuinan now at lh ncudi-mr l H soior or Hi aiar. which in nwimw. atr after nm ilunru wliicli ili Army tram Km Unu At am! . , , ?EnxM'jltlon aralnai awlmrilnr a i c.imptt.ve ,Mri rj nvl inrniii a limlled aelilnl le b rrarKail lllia wraun nin iiiHiiiiii'inru ..-... tmprovea frtail) l.i l.iln aporl ilurli X recent Ntuii, Myrtck Honorrtl Apain W NBV TOIllv ltc '9 Julian H. Myr.r'j lii n renqmlnstrH r r iiir iirnsiuenuT ' '"" It Ki.li Trnnla i;! .1. auccflllnE l. I'lk tlrUit lie be voted on t lh ai.iual meeilni of tM i rttntutlon r.trronlo.i' on Junur7 IB. It Via announeeii ei "'M IuisvilU" to Train nt Athena' IAVlilV.li k l"V '.. ...H.IV.H.. "" . kM been mntle ilia- At'niu. tli. tlrtutlly 111 bwo MbeieJ ja ine iprlnc Iri'rlaJ camp for ine IiuUlll Aiuar.cin Xeiwiltlm clii" vi Araniami iq prrim 'ibi. i'i ii'ii'' ..... fcMftmbla at AtVni early l'i Sturtli lor aooul ' wuih a anaauniiiK Bowling Newa i . IVisttrn Klei ulc w the to In lb plneli . and Mil Mck th alrona Ward civl-aii; iiimuy rni.lblli allon In two oji of lnre iiiiih. RtanAr.t 1I..I1.V It-rln fi.niivitli WJ1 In 'Jorm sr.il on all tr tainoa from IJvii Kuiur i I Tyron ConiMMf la Improving rapidly, and S two rnniaa from Atlanile Ileilnlnr roifi- ny Itit nuhi.. t'avtaln Kindle topjled th UHtaln n,at form, havlnt 190. iol and 811. for r a 02 tutu. t Tounv Uiinli. n..i.n.i- ivdh Uivra.' Cole i,ua an) !.o-iei rolled wal'l for hlr reipill )"o ! lliduatrial league. iall aaalia aiel 111 VI1U H. eacb Iiavhur a ;. nniMr; lo ni creoii, f-.5lltlM S mad a (trad try lo dawn Jlaln fcufnea. lb American loa Company llr, but Sjwejunbtd lo th. latter In lb Uat two fcamea. RrUa Itaf nna l.w im... ulna ItaUoi. g, Ut years vhampkm. sained an Halu Uflea h. Mlmil.Laf l&raaA auralabt froW Ullsi) to Tha Italia IrAin litlan R salt laAcL tO forifl 4 won lbra tames fram HUtlon u. M'Caun'a 11 was hl&h almsla (or lie num. pkkaoq rolled well for Hlatlon 8. haWnc thr (tiH, aiu ivr - lltlWIWn"' -. - I V.IIAVII.IM 5ET UpriifitTTitX iiOMia. VR3CKIUC& Pot; AY'IA PETEY Birr oosw. '"N VJQU 5HC Yqu Have to Hand It to Wm, He's Clever! lJmS -B&ttm I vvr t Ti -F ' "ESm -MS , Ai V- sBssK-5JC. .--. Jt.r-y.-3g-r'llW,1' -. . , f ;, -fcl..l!HLBLsssssssh-iSI I. ' Mm.. i I,.,. ! wn iLron-.mjarsgU.uiinn..,, 7Vw i r TmTii I i Ttrlnsllasr 'ssJas-wi -rs wm.. -tint eji 7, yin-Tr r -- m 1. 1...- ".!' . .- - . T-,y, . . a. ssii.m '"'- "" p - -- , I VAUDEVILLE NEW FAT COMEDIAN " NOT A PIE-THROWER Mclntyre, in "TrnvclinK Snlea- mnn" nt Stnnlcy, Sots Novel Fashion in Grotosquerio Dy the Photoplay lllor llssJa rleraherl try lwrise K WU- Thei eertm haa n ni" comedian oiw who ooean t se.m I. rftv. .u k.....h .u.. tnr or novel nite- at fttat. btil wlu arrows i wis put over a .novel eff-i that of fro- .-iiun imi ritntil i'e:re Mr Me Jr.tre Ifmka aimeli!nir I.Ne l'aly Arhuekt. H doesn't fsll ilnrrn p wallo-t In minis meat The d'Ss-errs la refreahlne anil U's not unlliely In new setwol of esprraaion ".'l flml l(eif rirtily fountW n all hil IU eirimetii doii thr la a certain amount of reitrnlrit and surety snd his musical ccmiHly exp-T'eica la appirent In llllle treks that make for ity As for the play. It la familiar (n most thtr.goe throi-ah th alsce rrra.un plaed hrtth bv Mr Melntvri snd Thi-nas A ll"ei II eonivrnM the fn.tlntr of r. i-wtll town Tllln'n who seki to I uv nut lh pretty ttlecraph operators p-tprty. by a ilrumn-er. hlmielf mitlM w l'i the te'eeriph'.c erne's charms Tvo ramc'ln Inlrresr. nn! Inti-nilcal'y ei chin; or s-rprls'rr. Ixs been elleil oul with fair Ml trrldetil and f.io'al bplav. lihflwlie oms wel.itrltln leidcn V imrt'cularly clovtr ehiteit r.f Hn inured h.vd nin ri contr'buted I Wrv N'orthrup Il.rectlon. cultlnn and pholorripb arn of the bM AllCAtr-"e Pin . Ioi" Ki.V-.Tr. iitI wits rvn-V K.n .viarji'! Wltenn and llieeel U'.l.rnar! Hin-y br Jsin Ijru-h ;i-nei- br J l(aVa ifefr'.l .t VValtar I.dirarta rvv.orr vt ed he J l Jenelnia Asaln llij Ir at the eocrinjom th tear ful heroin, th mud. the venllet Hut soinfthlnc llt-r Ihs-v l"ie ueunl "not tullty" sITalr. fur a Hory of -evl human villus hs btcnevoliel aid slthniich lis 'esnihiera" hai oaued II to hn cut here avl there bv the cenr. I hns pvi-er of a Krlin srt wetl-si talntd ntlinn .i logtcnl cllmvx nml a )uit.1abl ,ind hirny endlru II Is very forcibly aclod Mr ICeer.nn effen nnuthrr of his "hard rnnnln; men of llm v-orld" rludle. hl!e the fetrhlnK M'ss WHs'in nr.d the enrnei Mr ItlcVm-vn have bii pa"ts Tin etmoiphere I thet of ' lle'n Wsulnd." in Ihri jl yo'inicslenocrapher rinr deri hr emnlienr when the '.Vtrr tries I" maVo her lak lb eas est nay ' This parr nf tha inrnMve I r.vlhr trjlou nd 'urld With th establishment of the fact thst the i'rd rrin's closest friend, n notable rr'm' nal lawyer, means to proieciits the case for the Stalo Kcalnit th e r who un liuown to hlni. In h'l daus'iter the story takes on n'loecli of Irnrl"' 1 sn'eis. Koenati. na the liwr. In the trial scene (In which bv the wa.- he r.t.'end net his fr'end but the jlrl), has str arrestire mcmtP:n Th-t plctur moi rlowly hut si It li eocn tlully nn Intimate, realbtlo etudy of peopla. Ptul not a meloilrnin.i, th's vrlll not b mlnJtil by many. lli:OfcWT ' IVim.n Mine" WorlMlrnlr . with Alice r.railv und Arihje Aale Cirr bv V.'ll'ir-l Msik aAtlarl) ir Tranter ill rlon. itlrectM by ll.rrv r)avenjrl. phoio. sriphed by Arthur Sdia.in Tills HUrti off witn mi j3.celle.iit theinn the desperation of younc marrfeil womm fnted th lonelv llvei nnd with xcilont ii'nosnher nf t'i mnall town wrt But it becomes rambling ami Incohe. tnt toivarl the end and Mnalty almcst dluulves Into Ul ntcll'elhlllty A xrent deal rf In a nl It haa to do u.lh nuch nvvfiil thlnic as Uiby rlothif. pratjably la rl.ic It th jfuardiai'i of public mo-.il The ii':tlmt Is enlrlted nml sometimes as In the can of aVshley br.lliant. snd the Improvement In camera wort; f r mi tho t!ra(l jtud'as la o remaik aide that II seemi a rdti mee stlniu- Intlntc plel couldn't have been funrt 'fori MIm Ilrudy. SIio ucn her role of tn cr.ur.tr' maid inc'tv T.itt aio ani bub ber of attractive sen arid locations Hut as a story It l.i not highly Inspired. Ilonnlo .'.aldnian. furmer'v of I.uhlnv'lle, vtho amo hiB vvrUleii plec nbout Harold taoclcvrmd Mr..v .lllwn and oilier screen din. har p- eir-.trentrd hlmyelf ' Into the , Mt of special repiO."iTlnllv for "Doui;" i'lrbnnV So Ben haj loft California" .'-ir Ne.v Vurla. Theatrical Baedeker aAWtlCK llrliaia I'.iivritnteed," uh lltl Hit-ic and Jed-ticn ! Aril. '''' fiinl Kanl, Wll laTl lUrilxan. flirnne llr vav. Vna'it tummrvlll. Allr llrvemin and flfajta Kiolt loa.atuu aood i.asl. IWo 0117 iieeiiwl. MYTf.i TFII'-ATIliC "ton Neer Can 'fell." wlvh Chares li aluioll. Ujio!h Hhelmer din. JUrl- tiiar and ir Htsia o.UI I lay ers. Admlretla r"lal l.rr.U' "I Irlllullon." Tlviiian II law's mo-ilim-tlctur r"rtruyln IT n.irrnn or r snd Ifce Bscliaineat of Paul in 1'-1 ana sea and In lb air rtuMrh fnarlUl Pe Uul and amtlinenlsl sjinhollaii. I'OUItl.fl'r "Chlshln." olid lnM Jlonttom eiy an I rml flinn -lurn nnient of IP kipjlai ni'Jilrnl riirHvsirantn. run in fjim.i coraeillana apiesrlnc In varlou lui peruiMtUna ' dlnnlim A "m drn morality rlay." ! raor l.unaunaa Ibsn uraeed "Kveoae'iisii Vhan-'s a lara cast. Ulendlnnlna- site iu- P"'l)f' at roroi.An rmcta WAI.NCT "Jtott and Jef'a WiUlnr." la WhWi Hint and Jn dliport ttumeelves In i a nrv suIih- Hnlodraraa. (an, inuale anil ex trsveaanu tnlied In th entrtalnmnl STOCK KKICKF.IIOr-KI-m-''Tti. Ilaree" wlib i John iirena jiimI Anns Jialierty IMivlval or so- WIlbi.orwnaVi.rH H. Hh. don. orlilnally Jila'ad by lltnrr Mlllr and t.iir II.K Crw ntATima . srrN'l t:r "Tba TrTlln Saleauiaa," wllh InlI,Mclnt;rV.nd,pMr and Hr. Sidney n..r in "iiud If Ity. Brat nail or weeu. "nZ' Knleeaiac i"t." will. Kslblim WU tiaras and Vleler Moor. In "In Sotlely and Oot." I"lr half of w.ek. N.wa. actnlc and carloon fllma all VIU.'VDIA "Tha Mn V. Ho." Willi niB Kalian and Herjorl WIIan. "rat balf of vV,.. I n,iA 1-raux U.nn.tt. I.tl.r balf of nlc. Ulbar. vitTOTA-M ormui '." r te'ltuKii?:..W.hivi.0WrV.,t ..?..? la" of w. Other. l'VUVCX "Wbeia the M ni",.x,V!.irl!.e r. I l liiirr Woray, flral half of jrrJdwkk n" Wdlinl Maeic. lalt.r half or Hk (UL.r. 1UM"1NT--"A H.UI- tlvn." Wltb Allc Lei.' wl la-ilas r'slrbaain. trdneiy, ViVWixT Sll iit.R ' , . I -1 -1 I . ,'. a HE'S, MAJ3AWltt7 a N -J K-5B ?Ti-l-'Lii.; Vi I LAwl-. Q a.IMl. Vniir ,ie.E. 1 I F 1 to eti f 0 i. jLmm- v &lf tfJ2&( Vqi VS5 yJ- ' c c v y lSo s&"h . . srfo n j - sz- '-i-' v?;tss- "v -Asi""vi ilia, i - r r.r?z.'arr i J yZ&b I JiB&&$Siw zmO 1 7 c-A r 1 rh fig&toiiL iwSS vfcv.. m ram. IkA(iz.:w mQrWm w w lrFft d wL- EVENING U3BaER-rHrLi,DELP3EIlA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, AND NEW HAP.KY HLI.tSKK He cempa to the Korrcrt Tlcntre nnxt .Mor.dny In "Tho Cohan Kovuo of 1310." tho versatile Geor,;e M. successor to "Hollo, Broadway." Tbur!ee "Th tletll's Honlile." nllh W H Hail PrlUy. 5stiirdir l.irtlKWf.f.ff Kl.rril 8 KoalofT Uijln tx.llrl: Jan Adair "nl ruioiHiiT, Hllo". VI. Vura and Tyaon. Jk I. ilardn-i. M-aiut,. lli II Mies and lilanel.a in. nl Itar.i.e'ir and Madam Alf VV Uirsl's IVmdlia Siaburr and I'rlee, ai.d pleterlal newa Cll.olll',-lw William am eowpny: lh Day ion Trtnil., "llill I'lpU. . ..11V' l-laldi and lurnla. lb PIUIMrrl rur, Kp and Hutlnn Vrthur VV'ilelit. Dill- N.Kffle 4 and ftiehmmd and lh. Koiir l-n unAN'ti Im linn i ii'n t: lu.nnl Heitel. Kumn'r II a r - . iliinre and I anelOM. ' eUln VVe.inr .l i.i.irany. ' rb r'OInt ven i4 an.1 tb."- Wli.i.iut I' NN- v Hi-let Klur Hri an I Anna t.ane vl.-a lnl, Keter and rH". ird "Ti.. el.'il al ' pnetoslar Rrl Half ef v "IVMlnnl Minlrl". lb llr.n 1'oiia.lx Poji- Prtnar, VV'allan and "inpiny. "rimcX' Hit ,tl I Wharf nai " pn'iila 'altr hlf ef wreW I'lltlXK KtVtf Tl- Hrl '1 Hand pad iill'lt (ins f. pi-r end ".inpsnr Mlior nd 'i JIIIMr HIra. I'ai. ! ll.l suit I a-r ind la-r nr' hv'f of wl. T'i 'arnlinl dlrf . II' art V.r.eeKr I l'aa and rompany K.i. Allmen and .VI brt Arreir ' l I'ae and Va.uma inand latter half of w-er DI'HI.I:ttOI it TUnCVtH'ttfl-. "1 V reMiirl." wllh la tUrr-r. In ..! i.f p.a-a wMe. I'alneil d.- Vaud't'le a.t tiurla-U eoeelaltlei to on th frtsrutn MIY3THM.S IH'VIPSr --.Sew and r-talntd parodl" ard win m r t 'e r'liitirti In ul ir.aniraii. n .i blarlifar tin lallala wltb tr.lieitlea ol I'ldb ndnlpbia evrnis featur.!. "THE HAVOC" WELL ACTED HY KNICKERBOCKER CAST Play hy Kilwt.nl S. Sheldon Denis With EU'tmil Trinncle The lmpoHir who undr the Ku'ne of phllnviph) and ndvaticed Ideas, wrecks th hem nai beavll scored In "Thn Knvo'-" by IMirarl S Hheldon. the attraction nl Ihn Knickerbocker Thralr" Ih's wel The action o' the p'v deals with the sternal trlanclr tho hi'sbaml. the wife and the lover Tl.e Ilavoo" was presented III this oily several uraanna aipv with llonrv Miller nml Uiura Hops Criwu In the lendlnK parti .iiiia Dnherty wad eM'ellent an Kala f'raij?. tho wife while tho part tf Richard "ralf. tho husband, was pirtr.eil In a strorr and ' ennv Inclnu manner by John laorvnx l!ael T Wnntcn wna ciil an I'uul l'-rre.if. rifl lcB,rd'. and clip r lis Moorn ver-n Denton, UiaVtcTtc. ThpV was well projuod under (he direction of Mairlce .Stanford 'llrolicn Scarnh" Crosi Keys Tlirr li no end of comedy In "Tie Ilroltcn Scirnh" which heailllres Iho bill nt lbs I'ros.s Keya The muilc Is cons'atpnt with hc General atmosphere, and thero nro i number of itood siinim and tmvplilns which tirintr if("i ralli nli ilni- rnii Tin- art ii headed by l.irnry Williams, who has plenty of npportnnity hi a fiiiinint.ei The bill also Incli.deii llnidu and Mlllls, Dana Cooper and company. Hhon and tho Miller Sisters lawner and l-ir. and Ilatet and (Uglcy "The Carnival Ulrl" will bo featured the lail h.ilf nf the week "III .Mexico" (.lobe In .Mexico" drew many I.iukIih Hi ths Globe last tilieht, mid piiived an excellent hcndllner Th otTerlnic Is a miniature tuirWpw on the proienl situation on the border. u'id tho vaibiui parli nre admlrMbli" porlriiyed bv lw Williams and company Muh'o and darclni; add to tho success nf Ihe act. The Da) ton Troupv. acrobats of unusual merit, er well received niher nets on tho bill which plvased were 'Dan Cupid, Detective" a comedy !etci ; l'Meldi anil Hernia, comedy, kinchin and p'ano tiUluir. lli- I'lilllpnl our, winds mid clever palter; liipe .and Diltton: .rthur Whllsluw. monoloiilst : Hhefllrld nud ll'ch nioml. tvinnv and danco. und the four Chicks, tiny vocalists .Mlnslreli Uumonf.i This Is I-idl' listsrn Star Week at Du. moiit's MlnstreU, and iho blaokfnce cnm od Uns and slmrera Inlroduied an spproprl ate burlesque Lint night, entitled "Initialed Into the Katern Star Ixl;." A current topic. "Which la Oliver Osborne?" based on the arrest und career nf a New Yorlt heart-breaker, furnished plenty of amuse ment. The bill Includes new pouc. sketches and satires by Casaldy. Franklin, Itlchards, (lib son, Mnlone, I'atterion, Kimtdon, Cunning, ham, KrUoli, llradley and l.to I'sgan. ( ii(i(iusam ( or.LKorvi ITDAVPR'C Tl HwrtlualMss RoaC k7 I IVri t Un ti sti and I'h.eirm mi, a J'oaltloaa fvirrwn''! Bnlvr now. flay or nlabl, SALESMANSHIP fiycwf S K'tfiC"' BANKS , Slwrlhsad. IWak.apOiir, a.- BUSINESS artR'saSK- "M1 " COLLEGE Clwstaut slel. SbM1 Sk wfilv , ! h''jjJH :i t 'i AW"' JFfmoff . l-:..j. .-,i..ail MOTION PICTURE OFFERINGS SHOWN LOTS OF GOOD THINGS ON VIEW AT KElTirS Jcnn Adnir Compnny nnd Rus sian Dancers Prominent in Very Worthy Bill The happy atn.otvhere of the holiday sea son which previulM Keith's Ihts week Is emphialted by a mtry show. As a rule the temperature outdoors af 'feds the tempiamnt of the audience, but Hum whu btaved the weathir last nlnht wire quickly thawed oul by Rood enlor. tainment. CollectlTly jpeaVIn. an audience U A peculiar thins; in tha summer In won't an- HUutt becam Ifa too warm, and In the wlner when applause Is really icood. wholesome eierrlse. If ortn keeps all ap proval soreswhst ronrideiittal Tou'te per hapuheinl the fellow nett Id you aa That's certainly a rreat act." and ytt lie illdn'l move his hands. Ut th taller make an especially trowl mt and has patted on Ihs back, and you oven prals tin cook who servM jou a uood I'lral, so why not encourage the nctor. who chtss tha ,ovm out of your svstrm. bj lomelh'nit more than InUrntl approval ion Kt mora for your money when you apiilauil Krer ael does a Utile more. There are many ihlnei wjrlhy of ap Plnui In the Keith ,how. The llujlan dancers, otrielally known as Koslolt's llallel l.usie. Justified their retention for a oond weeh. They prnled a uumb.r of new dances In which whirlwind flaures were about ovenlv alternatjit with nymphs of the woods, shtdnwdiko cr-alus Theodoie Un.loff. Vlaita Mailova and a ausrtet of anitilanln i-ce vjd plentiful applaute l'i doubtedly th mol enjoyabl- act of the bill was a aflCh presentid bv ran Adair and rumpan ntllled "Macala Taylor. Waitress " The stoo, which li by John R Il)mer, tells bow a disheartened molhir In tin evenlnc of llfj is brought lo happiness and prosperity br a faithful son. Th sketch rcoilved heart) approval. McWaters anil T)poii two vetaran vaudevllhans vtho ran do iretty nearly verv thins; nrder the un seeimsd ,'n-t is vlvncloui as they wsre ilfteen years aen Their many iharacterl rations miKlit ho juill) called "a little show of our own ' The Klumour of youth and optimism stloka out all oirer Jah H.vdner. who. In addition lo poaemainjc a new line of roods, knows how lo d slnlute Ihem to the best ndvau tKe. Ills sonics and talks weava In con slatcnlly to good comely fahrlc. which elves you something to think about and Inuitli over at lh sume time lie haa a clever iirslstnnl whom nam we do not Knon Mllu. the rather ittle fellun who l-us been with ua before only has about twnnly cents' worth of wsrdrobe. but he has more than a thousand dollars' worth of act Ills sous; nnd tmltalluns were a storm l'lenslris nets were tlso offiir-d bv Mlnnn. n Utile bunch of cleverness; Iiyal's Trained Iiors. .Mack nnd Vlncjiit. In piano comedy, nml Seabuiy and I'rlce. "soni; pnlntera." J O C. I'.onnio .Seitcttc Nixon Grand The lio.'inlu boxtett-. a musical sketch of mora than usual quality, with beautiful reentry and pretty girls, pleased a Inrgo 'tudltno Inst night at inn lirand This not la or.n of the best of Its kind In vaudeville Th stuce settltiKS consist if nee. iis In bonnle Scotland Tame urn depleted fields uf heather nud unterfail apl-ishtnr down rocky hlllsldet Tho s-i-ttt'a rtudltton of tns musical numbers was charmlncr The show at lh Grand tills week Is nno of Rlrls glrb all tho vray through, and pretty ones, too AmonB the other at tractions are Hie De Ilouri; 'listers, Kugenln I... Ulanc. I.llnor and Cm 'ton Cecilia Weatun ondcompsnyandthe "Klylim Venus " De Pace Sextello Penn All the e5ntlsls nf a flrri cla-is musical net ate Included In "Th De I'acaj Hexlotte. ' tha headllnsr of n flret.'lars shoe- at lb Wllllnm I'rnn whlrh opened the first balf of tho week's program with an enthusiastic inception from th audience The act Is well utnged and the txirformir gave miiPh Rtter.tlon to detail Kellnr Mack and Anns Carlo mido n bit ' wllh their tUver sl.lt rnd received uup :ticares other good number on the pm- irrani were Odra Alnslro and I'nttur and j I'ergus'jn The movie of tho evening. "The Crlmlnnl." made a hit "I'littlcoat Mlmtrels" beadllnes the bill for the last half of the week. "PacemaUen" Trocadero i To the Trocndero Theatre ytslrrdnv e-i-vi "The I'acerualien " n li "lv i -ir u" itrlct of viude'l'l- nnd ties. In the company Is La llerircre, who, with her Iralnril u .ki "e that had plrfrlnl poliili, aid was ujiiIbuiI cd Hongs and dances wen not the ItaU pnrt of tho entertainment I STKAMSHIPS .mmni- -t'rTrTTTrvv-e-- CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY TRIPS From New York lo NASSAU, ad in i- lfl J... Ve" " dars st aaa, 4 I Id tla arur HAVANA, $qC",, 10 to 15 days A ? f " days at , 4 t 10 .111 stivi Including firat cbin berlli and meals, alio hotel expenses. Large, new twin-screw Amer ican iteamthips tailing under the American flag. , Special tailing from New York tiec. 21, 23, 28, 30. Well fr tnltrjallaa lllaealare as. letslled lu(riaatla. WARD LINE New York & Cuba Mail S, S. Co. Csa'l OITIe, Vt f Wsll HI., J(w Yurk llrssch THkl nje. 101 Ckfitnul Hlrnt, I, unaaai pU 'f'l 4UCIA" IS STILL MAD, BUT NOT HER BACKERS Intel iigenco Marks First Pro duction by Philadelphia Opera Compnny In the. Academy of Miis'c lone destitute of what Is pimpously known a "the lyric drama." tha Philadelphia Grand Opera Company last night gave Oonlsrttt's "l.ucla dl Lnmmermoor." 11 was tha Inaugural of a season of local opera planned to eovoe much ground and a fairly wide repertory .nd thern are three trump In the hand of Impresario William It Iloeenbnoh that must be tabled here before, any of tho weaker cards In his gamblo are disclosed Ileal popular prices Tho ooetllest peal for the eerlea In the Academy la M The cheapest Is fitly cents That colistllutei i a fair deal If ho contlnuea to stick lo hli promises and nhows real sportlnR blood Ills worst enemy could wish him nothing. lees than decent succei on such term Gratifying profrsslonllm Ills artists. at least those vtho rang last evening, are no( amateurs p cknt up here and there, and pushed, wllly-nllly. Into a bewildered and bwlldtrln en.iemblo of nonentities. They nr all, even those not the moat richly en dowed, distinctly of the thenlre nnd of the singing stage They know tho dif ference between Cherubino nnd Chorublnl, bstwean a foolllght and n spat. Promptness and s.lftness The curtain went up at R It. niartlv. nnd tlm perform ance prwei-ded with n aeal and a prtigrrs Iveness thvt tvrmltteil the auditor to ho horns an I ab.nl at a moderately early hour All these facia especially the laM-named. make for comfort, not only tho esthetic kind, hut the phyi'csl IrfinK wnlte. drugged tempi. Incunpetenri of dntnil have been tha curse of lev many operatic oratiltatloni bfore this The local company may pride Itself on having resolutely turned Its back on nmatnur fnlllg and profovdon.it whims alike Now. If Mr Huirnb.ieh will only en courage the absence cf ov-nlni; d.-cas. ho will go down In I'hllndelphli h story as a ben'factor. nt Iran of tliose who prefer raes (nnt "glad'l to roval raiment, when worn for ostntn'. Ion's sake Thero are uihur kind and genuine tlilngi that may be said for hn venture; thit he has an eiceedlnsly painstaking and scholarly maestro In the permn of l.ltore Mnrtlnl, Hint the chorus wnrki with alacrity, a good -ense uf pllrli end i.ip.ibll.lv nr nnuiicln tlnn; that the orrbartra though 11 numher.i but llftv. li vivacious Intelligent and Im bued with Ihe team-work spirit The brniises are sufficiently mellow nml full . the other choirs cnpible Th rtrlnss might, however, bn slrcnstheiied, In order to get tho best effects wllh such llurlil crentl'itia ns "l.ucla. ' Of the cast. It mr.v bo said that It was In ntveral cares of goo I sound, ral'ahle. If not electrlt)lnc (tuallty lteg'ni Vlcarlno. a graduate of Oecar Hammers!.' u s company. arg tho maddened Lucy to the luno of much applause. She la a pnp-ly trained, ipiltu resonant cnloratiire sop-nno. vtllh a nice sense of vocal dr.tmit'cs This Intler ktionlrilKo she dlspli)cd vrltli cumldriible runulni; In tlm dear, old nrln of liunnlly. throiuh tho thoroughly legitimate Irak nf ssvltig" her volco Often shrill nnd enino tliues mechinlcal. she la jivcitlili"ir. a use ful and comely person Ulungrn. who wna ssld. suttn voce to Imve llroken I. Is 'en Iract. was replm ed m l.ditni by n voung Scolllsh-Amerlcin leimr KnrroM Lnmont, STEAMSnil'S VAMAS'c'p. -leal climate nnd surround ui. Splendid modern hotels 1 lone racing at Oriental Pork. Sailings from New York Thursday! &5aturdayi. '.vcidlenl pasacritfer iiccniumo. I ul.ini mi fast in In screw t'aiu-ia s-illliiR under (he vinrli.in flnrf NASSAU IN fill, BAHAMA-' I'.ibi tennis, golf, surf bnlhlnv ' nrge capsclly h'.tefs and n de lititful surlHl llfx Hnlllnga r jiii New York Thmsdays v-tc ' Itclce u tceik errifr brtflsnllU i's. I. Isir brlicrin Ja(i,witilii. r'n, uPtt Voiin. Mi-'lcan crulso 14 days Includ X Havana Cuba. Proptej rd Vera Crux. Mexico Sal! Mgo fuitnlglitly uu Thursditii. VARD LlNf ..UORK&CUBAAIMLS.S. ml ClflKf, lat wf K'att ii llraacll Tllktl Olfli . -i f.te.lnut M.. I'.l.lHuri,.' FLORIDA "IT KA" rHIUUinU'lHA TH JACKSONVILLE I alllnr .1 HstHaai UrXJIIHIIlL lAt ru ai.auitra. Lm ratv u.at aaerW-a ill aoU Uallil I.m4uUvI. Vlan Yuur Trlv n IihIuD-i "Tb nnall C.aalwle Irlu hi Hi rTstl HlMllula4 Utaikl'l nil H-iurt Merchants & tVlmura 'lions. Co. cum, toa .i ytb pi., riiii-.. i. IIImHII 1010 an artist of engaglni: uertonalllr. eenerall riuenl and bright In ton. While plainly not the, greatest lenor In America," aa an enthusiastic member of the company's executive staff exclaimed, he was irood lo hear Ilolwrlo Vltllone. the Ashton. wan Iho. victim of a cold. Hut no undue allowance hail lo bo made, for him. Ill merit was obvious. Please rimember that the company Is not oul for the lauret wreath of an Oscar, a Until or a HiismII It would b fatuous In say. for example, that lis neenery I In the latest "period" cf Urban or Jones, or that a genius designed th costumes. Mr. lloien bsch's experience goes bnck lo th day of lustnv I llurlch In this city nnd he Isn't going In try Ihe Impossible. Properly enough, ha regard the musical end of the game lh main rhanco. (to ho doesn't scant even Ihe flute or Ihe harp. Ily th way. both themv were extremely well played lt night The house was. "comfortably niled." rapturously appreciative, and In th sympathetic key II, D, f.UJ.JJLagaaT-!JaBa Prominent Photoplay Presentations asagCaTOt I UK ritMftnff Iheatrv4 tblntn thttr :.Aninr, IjlflSty Mrh la a insranle, ( early ahawtng ( Ihs no sredaellatia, Mlr'te.1 bfot ihlhnlei. I l.ji in theatre In your locullly ea Ihrvinm lh. PTANI.UV nOOItlMU CHMI'ANV. All iilthir n kUInlni plrturm ALHAMBRA)!::h'.',,,,3V..rno,.tr. 1-a.ainAiine l.elurm. Marguerite Clark In "M1HM (llXJIUlli W.V8IIIKOTON' A Pf.1 I f Mt AND THOkirflOM VrULJ-J 1IAT1NSC DAII.T Marie Doro .THE LASH" A RJ P A n I A ciiEUTNtrr Frank Kccnan rrnE Sjn YE DO' PI I IPUlUO. UltOAU AMI DLULDliVJJ HUD4l)l.ltAN-NA AVB Wm. Farnum n'lJ' 'Spoilers' Mstlne I 1 al I'lral r.vtnlur Htlow ll I' it CEDAR corn ami cntiAit avi:. IMRaUUV-NT TIIKATUH Fannie Ward "WITCHCRAFT" ?AJRMOUNT MTaNr, avkko. Lcnorc Ulrich &c Herbert Standing 111 "TIIK INTIHtll'B" crrTJ-J CT THKATIIK OO 111 Jl. llaluw fiitun WAT. DAILT l.I. T te li- Blanche Sweet i.Unpr.cctcd.. IN' l-RANKFORD 4T1I riiA.sicyoiio AVh.SCE ri :' r?-.. in l "TIIK DAtJOHTi:il OP MACriltRilOlt 'Hlurla's Ilumaivca" VUICIUWIU VXIUlll Kvtra lllllle llurk In GREAT NORTHERN a1;. Thcda Bara IN 'THE VIXEN' liVi- C.K1AL. Ti.Kh'v' wHiivv UMt.r Vnlenka Surntt in "Jealousy" CM! Mil. !CS CHAl't.lN In "n'HK ItINX" nFAriUI VX1HTV-HIIRT AND S,dAUE,t I.ANCAKTKIt AVRNUO FANNIE WARD in TIIK Yimti IU' iiii: I.OCUHT' I mV P TV fKOAO AND WILFRED LUCAS in Till: MIl'llOSCOPl! JITHTK1IY" ivkht riiiiDin.riiiA " II R EKA 40Tn MA,:,CKT BTa LOUISE GLAUM in "THE WOLF WOMAN" SOUTH 1'HIUtlir.f.l'IHA i I V 1M P I A UnOAD AND , I. i 1V1 r 1 A ii.iNnniDa "YBI l)W JIRSicy ' Van CHAPLIN in "Hb Triumph" IMIlh H"ore In "Tlia Twi-IJ.tced Maord" WINTER KESOIlTS HIIITK NPLI'IIUIt KI'llINflH. W, V.. ? White Sulphur Springs Wait Vlrainla OPEN ALL THE YEAR TSi GREENBRIER EUROPEAN PLAN Finest Bath E(tabluliment in America, Connected Directly Willi the Hotel Nauhtim and all principal bath of European Health Rttorti ar glvn in the Bath llout by $kitliJ attendant rnv,l HTCttnv "V,l...i- ll rate .. , ,, ,,. .-..-- ATLANTIC CITV. N. J atAOTnORtSOelT HOIKLOF THE ViORLO- iijlavitioroiijhSMeiin TLaAMTIC CaTY.N". J. owNiaanip aiaa-ucMaarr. .J08UH WHITKaV BONO COMPANV Atmt'BTA, OA. PARTRIDGE INN K w. pvnTniDOB a r. cuhhino KI'HN UKi. KMnKll TU ilAY Bt.am btatst, elaclrlo levator. pf)al vran. 1, un parlor on roof New additions aulua wltb baths NoleO rr hnraella euujfurl. and tulalnr. T -ll iif pouiaa ne Inn. H-,11. IHtiL WINTKH 1'l.lMATi; is eatfjg AlfrmOaK. Dee. 1. ItANHAlt. wWew t Dtnnla Amtrese, Itelatlres am) friends latiMl ta fnrreral. Wed., S I, in. sea'a rtdacv Xltehstl Ambretf. 91X0 F.lltwctth at. fWltmn rMUtm mass St Anthenf Churth 900 . in tnt. Hew Cathedral Cetu. IlKltKltAnD Ute. ir. ntlRDttntKA pnn.NIIAUU (n Drubselwr). widow at rtr Ilernhard, llttttltes and friends, nermaa Se elely. l-vdles' Auxiliary alt ether orranrtatlamt of whleh she was a mmUr, Intlted to iaatrat sertlees, Thur., 3 P. m . Ml N. "th t int. piltat. MC Yemen rm. Auto (antral, lltllKHBAD Oe- It. ItAnnAItA wlf of Bamvel (ilrtnead and 4sorMr at ( snll snd llsrbara HKIIII. . flelatltr and frltnds. Iteaary Sea-Nty et'i Jft"n tha llsntlsl church, Captain J. J. nlMillnr Council. Ho, 13, Vaulea Auilbary. II A. M. Invited lo tuneral, hnr . l.stl a in., lit Jameatnwn L. Hot Ixrvush iplfnn filch lid's CMiroh 10 s, m. tAr Mass lt, John tfia llap- ini. prtrat. wcaimin. str v.nv. 1IOOAK. Dec, IT, Et.LKN. wife of n-ri)arr.ln Meaan and aavitMer "f 1st vstrlck awl tains rlne OJIIen, Varlsh ef Oirtsn. Ceimty pnntral. Ireland. Itelatlres and friends Intlted lo fa nersl. Wed.. 1 an a. in IflO R. atafford St.. Vrmsntewn, Illsh rna, H Vincent d Paal' Uiurtti ru, s a. m. i m. JnL Holy IHpulchts Cm. ('ntlsned on Neil rat SoSm Gmpamji t-ltnr JbrotiiU thu WTAM.KV (Vdoktul I CCy ICT UB A.NO tOCUST i-tKJJtJ 1 Mats, I ilto and II 1.10, 10a. nit"., 0130. H, BlIO, ISe. IIA110U) IXICKWOOU MAH At.I.lKON In TIIM Hill Tlll.MAINK" OVERBROOK K0"..(? Gnil Kn.no nnd Arthur Athloy in "Tim XIR.N HUE MAimilttl" Market St. Theatre b3 it xn it nT BTIIRBT VIOt.A HANA In 'TUB COflnACK Willi" Cenilng Jsn d Nw Unlvemal Serial, "Tha Purple Mask," featuring Canard and roM. pLACJ? 1311 MAllICKT BTlltCiTr ALICE JOYCE in "WHOM THK OODM DKaTIlOt" PRINCESS l0,,OTjirCT KMH.T HTKVPN8 In "THR WAOKn" r.i AM. Atlr. Tli Tenth Kptatvl "TUB 8C.mi.irr nUNNRII." raturlng Karl Williams DFPPMT lM uaiikbt (nnitBT tvL-vaLaii 1 iiuuax owu og.uf ALICE BRADY in "A WOMAN ALONB" I A L l vj ,vt TU-U'ltHOCKr:?; ST Emily Stevens o-pj-jr? VAGER" RIID V UAniCBT frrnKlCT U U I UELOW TT rrnEBT Mary Pickford tlfea Adtjft,. SAVOY ""fi'SF1 Olrra Pclrovn in "Tlio Vnmpiro" Bxtra CHAntaKrl CHAPLIN In 'THIS IU.NIC CTAW1 17 V MAIIKET AIIOVH II OlAiML-C.1 Jlll.lA M, tollllSV, ICTtl it FRANK McINTYRE in "Till: THAVni.lNO HAl,K8MAN' in. l HTH AND VKNANQO BT9. "HEIR TO THE HOORAH" Hi Added Attrattlon "The Blil.hllna Mliadow" VICTORIA MAIIKRT 8T. AIIOVH NINTH CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "Mr OKI'ICIAI. WIPU" NOKTII I'llllAIU.M'IIIA RIDGE AVENUE " ,UDUE ? ROBERT WARWICK in "THE HEART OF A HERO' When 70 want la know when I GOOD I'hsUplays. rad Ihls dally 1'hstsplay tiuld la th -nlnx Ltdsar. WINTEIt BES0H.T3 W1IITK Hn.rilCU (il'RlNOif, W. TA. ItailJial Uaastar wi.NTim nsaoBTa ATUVNTIO CJT7 K. J tOeH&. riAfncan ?oc?0na A rocxirdsd ..atanilaTd J o tt.t.eueicc. Cs-rr,6oa wmaiJ.mr2Br. M-aln,inalr Ky- ats. near Dach. rir " " " ' ler lo at rrlv. baths. run's water. tS up wky. it up dally Chsa Iluiuv aeFJstaafJSavTjnsssssssMH