c L.4 V FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA vx3STRA NIGHT EXTRA V 8" L- -n Am . fc- wa .-. a at v II PllllPr c i z VOL. Iir. NO. 83 BRIT PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1D1G DE AIN REJECTS PEACE; 1MANDS BERLIN TERMS iftMtlftiir. 191(1, t m PtMie t.rrct Count?. PRICE ONE CENT '.R.T.'S STOCKS - SOAR AT TIP ON TRANSIT LEASE (Agreement With City Tomorrow, Says "Un- a . . derground .Report PEARLY 'CHANGE RUSH J SENDS PRICE TO 32't Mayor Smith Strengthens Rumor by Confidence in Early Settlement HEWS REACHES UP-STATE P. It. T. Trust Certificate Barometer of the Day SIGNIFICANT altitude of Philadcl phla Rapid Transit trust ccr- tificetoa today: 10 a.m.. 10.15 n. m.. 10.30 a.m.. 10.40 n. m . 11 a.m.. 11.15 n. m . 11.30 a. m.. 11.45 a.m.. 12 noon., 12.15 p.m.. HI 31T& 32 V 32 31-74 31 31 31 32 12.30 p. m. 12.13 p.m. 1 p. m. 1.15 p. rn. 1.30 p. m. 1.15 p. m. 2 p. m 2.1C p. m , 2J)0p.m., 2.15 p.m., .11 'i 31 31 32 3Hi 311 31 31 i 31 '4 31V. High and low marks of P. 11. T. trust certificates in recent years: Yr. llleh. I.or. Year. Illxh, l.ow. 1011 U 1C14 19M 20,f, 11 1912 29 22 1915 21 7'i 1913 28 18 1910 32', 17 r , Philadelphia llnpU Transit Company tftitl certificates leaped tn n new high mark pn the stock exchange today, jrplUnWnjr llnlJcB(o!l', Information that nt a mit- 19s; toinorroAvjiennna,. xerms jiu.ue oneiea MX r,Mi v 1 STJe'rceord mark, 32U. came during tha i twontyiflvo" minutes of trading after i-Cuspse, opened at l o'clock thl.t morn. Jaf. lluyerft wlth'tlps thai said "something ,tut In utoriJ fit I. It. T." went for the Ottincats with, a rush. . Prom & comtiitratKnltr mftdrat nfterlnir nf SlOff shftTM at 31. I II HV rirtmiMit.t two .,. .. ?"T " Tff - ---- -- -...,.......-. . minutes later Cfrated a furora of cxclto toent, Tyio thousand shares In a uolld .Mock were snapped up by tome mysterious pwrchater at 10:02 a m . and when tho first half hour of trading hail ended more! than JO.flJO shares had. changed hands nnd tho price had been jammed up to S3U. Uuylng continued. Harper & Turner taking between 1909 and 10,000 shares. JtBACinsa unvr riaunn , Tho slock reacted about 10:30 o'clock. vry)ng from thon on between 31i and , , The Bales, how over, continued heavy and up uniU 3 o'clock moro than 3B.Q0O Bares Jiad, chan-ed handB, Tho prlco today feraalp'd consistently ahead of tho high aatk yesterday, 30 V. Thattho tip was authentic was cor roborated In part todiy by Mayor Smith, Who admitted, -when questioned, that ho , "fted a definite proposition from the F It. T. tomorr.v afternoon, when tha company, thrsugh Inward T. Stotesbury. CaaJrman ef tllA tmnril nf ,Hrfstnrfl mill flcmaa Ji Mitten, president, wilt submit ibeir terms to the Mayor and other repre sentatives or the city Mayor Smith added, jwphatlcally, tluTOhe did not know what terms would be and how they compared wuif the tcntatUe agreement of 19H. The tip that tho Transit Company had Prepared something deHnlte to submit jwa lite witdfire hrough nnanclnl and PQUtiCa! r(rrtirt IfttA va,la,iltf n n.l Inifnv J5n,lll buying of certificates began yes- i. ----.- .w.w ..M, wviwwu unaica i.,uii,,(U .??" y8lerdayi with the price at one time "H. tho highest point reached for seven A dlsDAtth frnm TFai-luhiiw tnav .tnl.if 15' ,! tip bad reached up-atate Jtepubll Mit politicians and they had placed orders it Jl b'ock of certificates In the belief Jt the stock would rlss to 35 or 10 within iwxtdayortwo. t conuoDonATio.s nv mavok Mayor prn(th when told of thess rumors taaiUted that he had. heard of them li.,...." w8 Plnt opt to the Maypr Ua ttlO tip tO thA Hli.l.l. nr,lllly.ln wan "nt OUt after In.l.n.l -. .-... .1.. T. n ml.i..ll ------d, .H F.wu, w.v. .V .. . -fimiifm, A StUdVt nf fh mnnlhli, .... rt lh Ann "" ".MM., ,SJV,. t'. ... wmpanya operation durina- Noiember aa E B'sMlff yterday shows a calp of F Oil m Krow "na 87.07 In surplfls oer -v..juimins period last ear, ' if thy.f'mouXt Prlod ending November ll'rriiZ' tlw "" .noome waa Increased by Jan..nJi "lis basis the wmnany should Ited n.f .Un,00n th Protest f the KcJk 1SLJ,?,,?UH!Sa oa" organiiitlons araM l;K,riTJ "" SYankford "J.- WIJl b --... transit Director Twlnlmj. IsMilg'iMLWBli tWMrjsrHBVliSlksmJir.,w V'reCTKsTEPvfsBf mmWM p til I 'OT"' " I LLOYD GEORGE CALLS NOOSE FOR ALLIES; SPURNS TEUTON USSIA R0P0SAL Says Chancellor's Speech Offers Small Hope for Lasting Settlement Asks Reparation for Outrages on Land and Sea. Germany Must Offer Tangible Guarantees Before Entente Will Agree to Conference, Prime Minister Asserts in Commons C.ar's Council of Empire Flatly Refuses Offer QUICK NEWS. DR. GEORGE W. IJAILEY DIES IN DATTLE CREEK Dr, Ocorgp VT. Dnlley, Mtlted pbyMcInn ami cx.prrsldint of the World's Sunday School Amwelnlion, of 0P01 Wnlimt Btctt, d'ttl Uit$ mornlnjc In n snnltnrluni nt JSaMle Cttclt, Mlolt., whtli he tnlerttl rn wcclt ngo. Doctor Bnlloy wns ncvrnty-sevcn years ofag. lU w'ft nnd daughter, Mra. Qrnco Elliott, eic at hU brilattlr. . HOUSE REJECTS WAGE HILL FOR U. S. EMPLOYES WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. A minimum wgc or $U a dny rot- all OoNCrnmcnt employes, ptavldcd by an nmendintnt by Ueprmutntlv Nolnii, of Cnllfotnln, wns knocked out of the IrglltiV.e npptopilntltn bill this nflonoou by the House. u M'NEILLE QUITS AS KIDS' JUDGE; SC0RESBR0WN Juvenile Division Head Denounces Municipal Court Chiefs Rule NEW PHASE IN FIGHT OF G. 0. P. FACTIONS Assignment to Civil Bench Following Quick Accept ance of Resignation DAVID LLOYD GEORGE Tho British Promter today uavo tin-, House df Common tho jAlhcs'' anawor to Germany's , MfififljjfSftr posnl. Tho photojrruph H 'n rej)pi ductton 'of a snapshot shoyinff Lloyd GeorRO watching u Zcppdlin flyinu ocr London. STATE JUDGES . BALK U.S. MOVE TO SAVE WO taction lanu.and ow sit!ratinat luilliiulil.i p Tliff-Premier coirnarcd flertnanv'n ncn O'Neil Pension Mutual Re ceiver, Dauphin County Court .Rules THOMPSON IS DENOUNCED THE WEATHER - t'GRKflAST fgt Phaadelphte and vMnUiiPaitly tovsy and continued u tiijt u,i VduetJau. trilh !.,.! i..it. ..... i cnse, gentle i-artaofo tetmlt itim in !4im. laws. at. Ih-NUTJI or ov ? 19 ilia. I Mean rlul ! a.m Uaau wnnlha 1 lUWASii BIVKR TJHK CUMSUlti luuindT Rtmrifif ff-S ' f-fl .m I Ism. " "" m- MF w Mix-up in Insurance Receivership Appeals TWO receivers appointed for Pen sion Mutual Lifo Insurance Com pany J. Denny O'Neil. by Dauphin County Common Pleas Cpurt; Joseph 'H. Thompson, by Federal Court in Pittsburgh. Similar fight over Union Casualty Company, Dauphin County Court may name receiver for it today. i Samuel W. Cooper already named In Federal Court here. Judges McCarrcIl and Kunko, in Jlarrisburg, say Federal CoUrta have no jurisdiction. HAIUUSBimG, Dee. 19. Judges Kunkel and MeCarrell today ordered n dissolution 'of (lie Union Casualty Company, of Philadel phia, and appointed Insurance Com mhjHjoner O'Neil welter. This action follows the action of Federal Judge Thompson in Philadelphia yesterday, who named a receiver at the request of the company. The Dauphin County Court Bays the Federal reeejer has no standing, ' j LONDON, Dec. 19. L'liK'laml nnd her ullics do not propose to enter into pence negotiations with ut knowledge of Germany's proposals. This was the decision announced in the House of Commont thli afternoon by Premier David Lloyd George. The liritfoh Premier announced that n formal note, tesponding in thin way to tho German pence proposals, wsuld in u few dnya bo completed nnd given to the American Lmbnssy for trntftmission to Herlm "Tho answer to Germany's noo," ho said, "is that emit of the Allies has independently nrried nt the some identical conclusion. And on behalf of the Government, I enn give elenr and definite support to their HtittcmcntH. llach reached the inme conclusion as the German note was received. ''The Allies insist that the only end of tho wnr must be a guarantee ng.Unst Prussian militarism disturbing the pence of Europe. "We limo done our liett to mnko ccitiilii that UatPiH rlmllir to that In Itumanln will not .orur That is why wo lme taken micli utroiiR ncllon Willi CJreecc. Tho Government bun detlikil to rctOKiilzu iiKcnt1) ut foiinvr 1'rcmlor Venf zclos. "The German Cliancellur'a sptech nnd the noti nffonl small hope for nn honor able or lasting netllrmcnt Th phrase about Hrlfolufcnite nro meant to delude tho German nation, (treat Hiltnln never wIkIicm to check Gcrmair development." "The Itumnnlnn blunder wan unfortunate." tho I'nmlcr cnntluutd. "hut nt Its worst It will only serve to prolong tho v.ai." "Hiltnln haa Indorsed oveij woid nt l.unsln'a nnd Prancr'n nnsvver," tho Premier declared, amid cteer. ''Without ropariUlot), ponco la Imposulble," Llojd GeorRO doclnred . "All the out- ,y by a fuuviJ(oura30.aboiiU'nujiinii.' Cfi lirniHiMOl to a tiOc4. ulinn.n liifrmml l . 'j '. v.a. V-: -"- nnd, the Allies were aski-d to put tltclr licndi. whllo GcrmatlF lielff the loose opd or tne rope. fc "It Is cruet foll," the Prime Minister toiitliuicil, 'it rtwniilibiickllnff thrniiKh thptrccts of Hurope la not dealt with n nu offenHc npilnst' llio laws of nntlonn, "We will wnlt until terms nnd r.uniniiteea aro better than those which Ger many ha lightly htoken. Untlier tho thiust ot nn unbroken army than biokcn faith." Prom description ter. Ilo did not mince words In refcrrliif.- to niiKlnmt'n lack oj concerted effort and proper energy in couuuet m me war untiei tno ohi tumnct. i "Twonty-threo moinbcis us In Ihegj'ld Cabinet, wuro too mnny," he explained. "The Allies HUffurod two nnrt a hiyfjreirs.' disaster front lardlnogi nnd Indecision. Tho Allies can bo run as a 5a n h eilrl 'tiWJuHi'j1 ,10 Mid WASHINGTON NOI "SURPRISED AT PRITAIN'S! STAND' ON PEACE r nr-T : mOro definite cnnsldcratlnn than .her Initial pilfer was a question III grave doubt here this nfternoon. Ulploiniillo circles wanted in study In detail the entire speech ef Jm Uritlsli I'reinler before inutclng any ftrttllc tlon v ' I'reslttent WIlMin and .Secrelaryw ttj Ijunliig declined (c make any $lnment whatever on the basis of thrao prno reports from Londun Whetlur the JTcsldejitvlII feel free to take any sfSftt torg9 peaca jtlll remains problematical. 'wSliaol reach any decision until after hi mviiffura bim the tent of the J.loyd titvrtc statement and the formal reply which will b m'(jiIo the German not forwarded thKnuh llifi rt. ' kj;4 " t0vrnmnt. ROW OVER MRS. RIPPIN STOCKS HUEAK AFTER RALLY ON LLOYD GEORGE'S SPEECH NI!V VOItK, l).'c 19 A hull imivrnipiit. which ntaitt.il on thu Stock i:iclinns when l.loxl GcorKe'.i "neck In the uooii-' atntenifiit nnd refusal to consider pence nt thli lime iippeiilcd no the neivn tloIim tiime tn un uliiupt nd nmt wan followed bv n Kuicrnl Invnk In pi Up later In Un- afternoon Tinderi saw In the latter pnil of the li pinicr'it (ipcrtli Imlliatlnn Hint tho dooi N still open for pence nKutlutlons. I he Irtittotii fnlilv dmiiped uiit of the wurxtooU miuUet ut .' 1ft o'clock. Steel loimmm who hnmnieicd ihiwn to lOH,, off mure than f. polnlx. Industrial '"ohol diopped mail) II pnlntH to 10S. Mutine nimimiii wan down Hi fiom the mark miido at 1 iiilock. sellliii; nt 33'j. Itiills wen te idler, but Ueadlus; lust 2 nt 107. AMERICANS AIIOARI) SHIP TORPEDOED UNWARNED l.Mi:. Dee 19 Aoionlliii; in nn iiiiixtlsiillim of the ilcolructlon of tho Italian xteiiihlp Calermo. whlih N tielng inn led on bj Thonms Xrtson I'nKo. Atnerlcnn AmtiaHwdnr, the viwl wni iittuel.ed bv n suliuuirlnc without wnrnliiR ThciO'Wno twenty llvo Ameilcmt humo tentUii on board 5210,000 APPROPRIATION FOR PHILADELPHIA MINT Inunedlatu nppropi billon or $'J10 0UO for whkos nnd tontliiKcnt cxponBeu In tho Philadelphia .Mini Is piopoied In un uiaeul (K'Ikluiej measure tepoited favorably lodny b the llotlso Aiiri)prl)itlnns fumiiiltleo. Of tho sum, $110,000 is for tho wiir" of workmen mid JIOOOOO for contingent 'MiensuR. Olllelula of tho J'reasury DeiHirtment havo repot ltd that tho I'lillndilphln Mint will have to lie cloied down unless the nppiopihillon In nindo nt ouco liLinusu that for the piesent flicat cnt' Ima Jieen nvlui listed SPANISH STEAAISHIP SUNK-, SAYS LLOYD'S REPORT LONDON. Dec 19 Tho Spanish steamship Avon hni beon unk, Baya a dis patch to Lloyd's lodij. She plied botween llrltiih, I'ronclt ni)d Hpnnlah port-j. PROBE ORDERED OF CLEVELAND'S ALLEGED MILK TRUST ,.. j. ,. . ' . m . - ' ..m 1 T'"" '(Xt:m;.vST);T5jtf.9 e.ir f his dtscusslou af Gernmni a lJiro pi offer l.loyil Gcorjro launched lutev, u of tho "rcconstiuctlon of sovtrmnpnt" by which lie'bccnmo Prlmo.'Mlnlj Jury to mnl.o an Immedluta nnd cclmustlvcjJnvosUBntlon into.ttrt ipllk situation here ami tletennlno whether tho Valentine qtlll truit law wns violated hi thq enlb.iVi'o4 declared by the Northern Ohio I'roducern or by thu rniio In reiull prlco today to ten cents n qunri , r ' GARSIENT MAKERS' STRIKE PARTLY SETTLED y" Nt:W yoitlC. Dor ,1 An ngrromunt wni inched tod i 'butween inanufuoturcri arid oniclnli i( tho German1, Miliars' Union which partly aettlcd the strlko called t wtek In vviilih '.3 000 woil.ers walked out Sidney Illllmnn, presldont of the 'AiWilR-nmnted Clothing Workers, announced that 100 shupH hud acceded to the dcmahd-i of tho union for n forty olsht-hotir week nnd 2 weekly Increase In whbci, and that 23,000 emplocs woId ko back to wotk. Niffotlntlons ate pending for a' complete sottlemcnt of the strike. JBfJ"' ij mRmkhmm tsBBBsflHRK. BPjB ' ? v" - ' RAYMOND -WacNEILXB , & .J.if1? JS? J S: i ULAKIE'S LIFE TO BEED, BONAR LAW PLEDGES tVAaillNOTON. nerigli, Ilejectlon by Oreat Urltaln folowlnc those of her Allies, of Germany's peace pro posals caused little genuine surprise- here However, both otllclal nnd diplomatic cir cles saw a slnle ray of hope In the fll words of I'remler l.Ioyd Ueorce In sa)lnis tliat "Great Urltaln yould ruo to entei. Into any peace negotiations unle OenTJfhr tnt nn-whst lurnij she is wllllllC to make peace." It waa felt, now tint Germany vt opened the door to Paeo suBsetltons. sue would be willing to bo further and tell Ut world on what basis she was willing to talk peace. Whether, however, any terms that r many might offer, the Allies would receive -r LONDON. Dec. 19. .Solemn .promise ."tvna nuido In the Ilousn of Coinninni tnu nftcriioou by Ilomir Iivv thnt Captain lllnklo. "would not ahnie tho tuto of Captnln rryntt." Blnklc, captain Ofhn 0lfrdoulnu, Im now a prisoner of tlie" Germans und chanted by them with iittemptfli to rum a (lcrmi(li..Miitmiiilh. H'ryatt was executed several months npo for IiAvIiik made a similar attack oniflubninrlno, nrouslns the ... . ,... I...II......I !..... t..u., .J"P jiiuai luieiifiu oiuiHOHiiuo in r.nisiuiiu! f -JC A WRONG SIGNAIMA'DE DEUTSCHL.AND SINK TUG .i:W LONDON. Conn.. Dec. tP. That the- collision bctfaum the German under sea, mrrcliuutmau Douti5hland nnd tho tutr T. A.,Hrott,"r,l wu the icsult of n wronK signal by Captain John II, Ourncy to his eiiBlneer, which resulted In tho stoppliiR of the Hib'h cnjfljies when she ,was In tft'e path of , thu Doutsahland, Is the decision of tho United rltuten steamboat Inspoutora In a leiiKthy reporjt on their mvostlgiitlou of tho collision. Rlvon out here today Tho tuj "was rammed nnd aaflj with tier cuptuln and crew. rvH. rsU Usf JMIfe Pi a flla CertutwAnl HAHIlIStlUIia, Dee 19.-.Upea of Ln don l) Wood 1 prevent thei insurance p iwrtment from taklM pojswss'on of lha t'endon Mutual Ut Insurance Company and It "sUter company." th Union Casualty Itwurariae Company, wre shat. ter4 today within twenty minute after Judee Bujjkrt and McCarrtJI took telr seaU In M Dauphin County Common PJea Court. The Court ruled that the Kderaj Courts bad no authority to appoint a reviver for tb Pension Mutual r th Union Casualty. aflr receivership i-oedlB-a had already fcicH liurfituted aialsst the compantea lrf the Dauphin County courts. 1 eatery almost slmulUneoviab PP uMbm were made in Pttuburgh for a tern "J5 r-ii.r for U Pension Jlutuai whil m ii.uuuw ralU,' J,ppi,i,$' vsm iua4 tut ike CrOoA Cjuahy ffl v- Ktileral soun, i . . !?'& .STSLl'SLiSf at ua aimraisajna mm -w5 .- - b RUSSIA REJECTS PEACE PROPOSAL OF TEUTONS Council of Enipire Votes Unani mously for Flnt Reftn of Offev IBTIUHJn.lD. 1UV 19 Th. Cqunell" of the Kmpls today de- clarerunanlmously In favor of rf catsrl- cal recusal of the Allies to enter Into peace, negotiations with Gsriuuny t. The. Council's dciten mj liiuMsdUtilyi upon its adoptlsn of a roluitop iw dt ago in which was imstd the IntentkuA of the Qovmment to drtv tfum power alp oiTleJala of Germnopili.1niathUMi and ta Inject greater power ami ffurlncy Ipto the military hd ailnUullritle- tacilnry ot lh natjon. j. . The ttuUh, CJan of the Hmplr .i.ii of an aauairuumber ot elected men ". . -li.s. ..-j .... ..- .. bcr ana neiueerf iwniiiHtiM "i "" -. It U oaveiM ujw vrmvuwot mmu by lmpr(al 'ukas. Ttw Cooncil at t KtuDlru and thm-ina bwh , Ulive powers and th right ot initiating r forms, and aba Uie iwwj tu JU-isa quean tkuva to th Umtsters livery measure N fore blnjj suWn'4 fr Uantrial sanUlsB. must .be passjd ujkhv by t? oUin-il of he l&npire. nLfJctd by 13 touiitj .t om not J to TJ;h i'ar New YorkPrflkfr Suidde M?Vf YOrtK. fcC 13 Saorg V CJujxH enbiMh, a, broker, cJuoilUd suicide today bhangmg bUMeM la lis aparuneots ,n WW Tnjrty-tourtH (trau jus wwj was touud and out down by ska caretaker A to th tw ANOTHER SNOWS 0N,WAY,SAYP11 Will Arrivo Tonight Q$tijpk row, unit uiinniiiuia 435 to Bo White y 1 v.j'.irttfiwi '. HARRIMAN EMPLOYES GET 50 PER' CENT BONUS Jept of their nnnual auluty. .V-NUW'YOni;, Dec. 19. Hnnlinun S. Co. will Ktve a bonus to emnloven of flf.' or raurp litUdelrtnU ;.KENSINGTON'rr'SANTA CLAU$ LADY" HURT.BY FALL 1 waiie' 'Santu CIuun Lady of Kenslnvtqn," .Mrs, Alllllcont Ketchum, villi be Wivblo to eontlnua her Christmas wbrh ninoUB ilio ioor because of luluria. ". All 1 .. I.u,t l, a nil iIawii uttilt nt (ir 1,,n -mQ n..Hl.Ak.tSl .i -... . 'f.kiif1ifA,t li, linl. hMil fn- Hcivnrrtl ilnvtl Tim nflAMitnl tw,.......l ...l.lfL ... . linpgeveral hats upstairs, which he had Just trlmunSl hud intended to ffiin n ntll.tirl m ,ho nalahboijicHMl, pit- pat hbaljdbictuna folLbuckwa'rd from the P- f 2 I SOU y tM ttWji twut4 $jr to 3Mr 4 "- M virtually 1 assured tma this, year ancoraiDgTTu to more snow on lha way and cjI'I weather or.today. s lashtnK wln-nnonatorin, t tujt ' snovia Ml w4 0ttr a kuscked ambulatuM. on funeral, most '1. .VO t Wiuit i? .f."1" ' JMWlual ww tp at aS.Rr f I miAf 'ii AiiotliBr stiimi is iMSdirut I' ward ami should ri0b ln-r lalif ,"Sjf ttaftT erw lamorrew, acrordinic to liJl weiithe- tatd H l nt from Jhcl IjiU- Itegten and probably will brine; aWI otie snowfall, pnt aa ha a that of ytaterdar, whwh measuri! four tttenes If tha oity wiwiws sno-v l-'orecsir lUlsa aM, It miLtubtlly will get ttn .fuu-meaa. ur rot blirnrw'.nd and sharp Ci'wjater and a cloudy, dull graj k . I'niljilelnlil -wmte enx iir. hum. aud tho b aftir ret! the "Chi! the YnUtldt. Train ajM troUy h) 'sfcj-blBb' Th toro d iVIia af.r1 lsi t f. wmi M&r unmBoftw -Jryi'0,','' KKi tun aledUoitf ttl VHlh w IU WB' ay V Mfuta' ' HaftiTDeeiiaur tKe r old; cf BiHina lurh run uver b. al JluUes&blhi hn"t i&Uillug t jV"' rt Uci'uiiiijs siv'-pEaMrtt rt ttiieo lawn'iuaBHi? turm.i i-raiAins IjAV-& iePMea MM t street, fn " m Wet IloiueoitlW Uol a I. auk acV-ey-M yv'ics old of CbaetsM atiMt, "to lupd ' at. -. r JuiIr ItaymoiidTfiiacNFlllo irWJcmed toi" day from tha Juvenile .Division, Of thi Mun'olpal Court, He saya Judjfa, Iirgwaij " fA.A.,1 1.1... ,.. 1 ..!.,..... 1...-t.(u .,1.. th ?S v.cu lllMl UMl. ,11 lll,M,Ji,,ljKl)l 0b , ;V in a letter to Piesldcur. Judgorown, of" the Municipal Curt, he declared Jutlge ' Drown had "iicrslsttntly IgnofoU" him,, and said he had not been consulted about tha division conduct, and that hU sm;geittIona had received no nttentlon Ho declared that Judge tirVP appointed, nisslntouta whom he, IacNejM?tfrievcr saw before, anb) without nollfylngrlilm .that the appoint ments liad b?n tnade He accused judse. Drown of having usd obstructive tactic In' hid relations with the court. imOW.V'ACCKITI UUHIONATION Judgu Drown promptly acLeptod - the revlguatlon, Hejond announcing' that ho bad ncteptml tha rcucna(lont however Judge Drown would Bay rfotlilnj. Jjo merv ly ranlled. II has u.iilKncOJMJi, line Nellie to the Civil DlvslauWn CourV to tulie effect on tlurnrst oLhe nw yearv uoporia in, ony t,i"'( ore. 11 io enact (hot Judge Ilrown will hlmatfjsit hs Juvun. llV Court Judge In Place, ot Jutbja Mao KeJIJld ,lse pv liwdqmtejs i. na Curt In tha rebuilt dtnuftaleif WooWat Tv.fity ' first ami, Unco street Xlie Mdaten Jljomi property was oo-JUh ed -by-Hira fnanco ,wMcJi waa i;i't'7l tiy Cotinells over exMayor llliyjke'nJrK'H Vetb Jit lt4, At Giat t(m Jude Hrtwn aiftj(noic4 tUSriheilta wpuM evoiituall used, for tfia ll.COO.OOO ' ble,rhmisT5'hn for n.arouii fit bulldlngte 1 the Muiih-iiul Court to'housa GUARDSMEN MAY BE DISCIPLINED Vt)H "RQUND ROBIN" $$$ Kli PASO. Tx.. Dec 19. Hy urdora iif General George Dell, Jr., commanding JiT ' 4 1 lAi'riitli nrniv dlvliilnn linrM n rleriiiniia (iiiam,!,.,.!,... iu ...i.u .. 2.. . , ' SErf., tn eieventn army oivwion nere, a rtgoious. mvostinatlon Is under av to iiti.r. mlpe whether discipline shall be tituninUUptd to 580 uardmen of tJio'KKhrHyOhlo National Guard Infautri for ttlenhiij' a 'Jrqiiad robin" protest, uddroset! to arViOhio newapapor, at"iii 'utwiw iuy on ui ooruur ana against cnmp conditions nnd ff-vtU,- ' s i .' DREXEL INSTITUTE' HEAD ONtlk S. DEFENSEJOARD lirt bench ruaner,ili) 'msmM f, ha bean electej chairman. pf fill, wu. imt.mj fifll TVi. 1fnlll iiAtruv ItrAMlritatit f rirAviil InkAt ,, .,. -,.,, r. . ... . .,-. ,,,.,..,.,tv, e mcciej cpairinan.nf the National Defence Advisory Cammliwlon awftulns to oijitcea fropi Wahlngtifi today, tfProf, Abrehan Henwood. an imrtruetur oi ftvfctel, was namtd ohlef of inve- ueaiion unions mo uiieria appoint1 to iMWtorm m'ih fur (ha tommUsion, ii w jli-u ' MINT RECEIYES S6,50Q,0d0 OF &NADllN tG0LD ' Tie Phltadalphla. Ilnl toUay receiv4 l airmon, of gdld ojnpuiuing; to fSM9,m oonisne4 to J. P. SJojgon Co. fiojfc Captla. tieonJinu A acfvji, te$n New YurW.ll1 roanUng tnttleei at ih iiffii bought forth.Bqthlnjc but "th toformatloii la a little prloZ- 'Xh total gWl k In 1lM aftuwtry in, tlw prewt war movement from all iwunwa In sijta t aprt to Jii)Si90. Ue& SEEKS LIGHT ON LOSS OF 17 AMERICANS ON, SHIP jt?HlNGTON IM 19 -The Ute Dpa.tmnt has eablaa tu rfpreaentlvej abroad for detail of tbf sinking of ttw swamsWp ltuwian by . tjlrnwn Submarine in the 4diierniian on DMembr with the Uwu of vantu Aejwlcan hMUsrs Up tp tfc present it ts without any imoxmaikm whataver regjinj the voamil. fb utattw ot tae RuMlan, foimsily the inland tur VlworiaB, juy s tn doubt. It n flticrtsta ui vp m AOwtnuty r u a Hvltuh hora Ummtrnt." it It is Tba rslgnathguIg ttsVellte pfcuitir-ivyiMijill m)(sw; wonin Mtl Itarrieil-xf? ilia dLnnitl tjiweit SuAuo MAnf . 'ylH' BJid Judtfllrawii oer Ihe; qpiMliit ... . Il.t t-l.ln.jA, ,h, 1Si-..l , frihtonol"d led to fie .omenta that. ate -taAweui wtum jetne JOVWH'. tr witn Un, ehlle tmlbatlnn. . . j- ... . t lrfr- ' f''H,'8,! xiie imnieaittce i3u&aifr ik.n frMUni.s Is the nDoolntnuai. of JIri ja. t35S ...k.,A ... .!.... u.i.C.r .te... .,.s -.Muhlctnal court whjoh4iotfi, Vhirf of th prebation viotU of JMgjVfulU tjoujt ' dlvislop. Ju(lgMlie,VelJj1 fad oppoW ftp pointing llra.nfppbj on the fiiouna tluft tj Juvenile probAtnfirpj8H,h-jMid bo In cbart of a man. 0f Ilakif Un ttippln atipotntuwnt, lnw vf. is th patUJcal fud of th Varus muff IXeXUhol.lVorone InUrtwtii. Jvla J Nflll la a Vare apporte from Sati JJfflad-)hhta Juds BrjW srewtfngOot fouilatj gn fa. Two, jRlasB Wf mPpjSW fjl IU j y.w fc. iHIl.liaiin, j1BJ ,ti. NQTBEBS -'i"-i' 'ix .nMui, a&u. i.n 1 1 w who are rotsiry? their bojf3 to be tears would do wetttQ read the taidiB - Bj, u tlw I tt ni Ah tr omr sr - -9& tnw? v- r rtTO w.wmffA i p SMC? JH;--. - WW fcy 43- 4l,ii m 1 .issm sfeif ' Tp? 'mmmt &simmjjz H U( $K7"n! vm m$ t b m r Mmsmin- tm oaMcwiti m um. itll Ire r.i.Wt ii M M teldlMt SB T1AW, Oi m JC A to - tiit ftnirwpH 5 wjmi, m wEMamm ' 1 wif rsf .X--aiuuiwiK . mm itC 'r'M