ISS 0 , t, It- If TUB ARTISANS' PRIDE II WI'Mfl II I I I W Injection a rrtsptrtd Influential , ; Xfftltn datr Impetus to a Fro u grcsglvfr Organisation 9Mt St S, Master B. IV, far athend ria Me wmbr et Union Ammbljr alnoa IK MHto. bim Mslstwl materially in Jin trowtfe una In fc(lo(j It promtneint before 1 tlr EltMn year fiR-fj )i Intro (NijTu't the ldiv at Mi Individual assembly trie?, Ui Unkm Oasetta, that has since Vf bo -popular witnin me orner wnue MMltr Ma Assembly marln- sulwluitlat dtewtli In membership, in usefulness (uid IpWWWirltr IIo appointed thi firtt Artisan Br commute Bud baa helped In nil pro 1grwa!Vn moTOinents of tlio order. Cf la 1901 ha waa elected to the board o( mtatoM and lui, fcten a member of thnt lidt rvsr since, and both there hhd In tlio Most Excellent Awerabty always an active Jpportnr Of alt proirreitelve legislation. Xn U06 he wii chosen most excellent In Wtetor, In 1907 if. E, auperlntendont nnd te 1908 head of th orrlor. In wliioh position JW terred with auoiees nnd distinction. All Artisans rtU that wonderful thirty-fifth (Msntvtwary year, with It central success. tb Academy of Muslo folly, tlia forerun ra of mnny since, and Uin bx elms IhlUa Vten at Iu I.u Temple. lie hnd always en Joyed the confidence and eiUliUnlontlo aup Bert of tho workera of the organisation, nnd In 1901 they rallied loyally to hi support and made that year a wonderfully aUcoess pi one for the order. Prevlouo to that ttnie Bsnres) of local Moemblle had been bam pmd for lack of funds for lodga extensions tad entertnlnmenU, M. IX Xanter drest fcetvd, feeling tola condition ahouttl be aartfed, decided to tnttltnto all now as teaiblles on a higher mto basin, eo aa to jmvidi tho fund for otrenle work, and imcceaded remarkably. On retiring from office, hla principal recommendation was thai hereafter no assembly be instituted on & lata hnsle titan 10 for contingent dues and It becamo the law of the order, no that the assemblies ot 1001 and those Instituted Bines have always been on "Easy strcrL" lie bellevcn nothing to bo too Rood for1 the Artisans, that the good- they sell are of groat value, that the organization cannot charge too much and thnt It ho little to feat from Insurance companies or cheaper fMn fraternal associations. , , The "arealheeeVBeeea' MDBIIt Ot in.miwi in ii iii m j i mn iiii.i.ii, irriii. 1 H.f T$m$B iff fWr3JrSy BVBNBT0 Mt)aBB-PH13JDBLPHIiVt MOtoAY, BI20EIVd3fiR 18, 1916 ' I " " ' ' ' - ' "I ' tj ' ' '' -- fr t ., -t ,J ,-. 1,1-. n '-I-l ' -Hi BOKS OI AMERICA Prcpnrlng for tho Thlrtnth District Rally and Big Clnw Initiations A meeting of the rcprerentntlven from all the camps And nUo of the Uegfee ttsttn which will offlcintn At tbe 2000-ctae Initia tion wa held nl the flttn headrjuarterK on Friday night last, w1in nil the commltle retortrd frctr-M and that all of the Htnta riUccrj would hi present hi the ceremony to lie held Saturday erenlng, January 0. The Miir nutllnsa et tt Wllk Perre Cnt nti Cornlt . Uftnr-Bllno ef l'MUi1lohl wr- Mm In th Illu nod IU1 npom at th HIM" lwilourtpi on WMndir lt, Th mramltlMs or tioUi e-mMlnttona rtmrtd rpit proitrfM arid Ofe Ciiinr,OoriTntlin Asmrlatlon noUnl th kOou-oum Inlilnlloa pemmllit intt It wmiM hold i-omlilntd intetlns HUM the lr Jnttuurr & end will lirlp ell It poanlblr rn lit thn moTwnt All ot Ihi l"(lJn otnM of Um tilt em mm enroIlM In tnwo tirotnlo movemtnl- , mn 6f, the ThlrtMfllh I'MIt Rill hold a hlr .rallr, HtuMy, lli hull at !l7,l South Mlitl-lh . The fltt" 'oil' ?lphi, ui-trict lMmir illl Ift -1r-t Tlw imlilnd CAfno of. thu ftl-lrft tuvn more then sotxj rn-mb-r,L, Nellonnl Se- r,iry tnfi- ni-w Tfiii verr niceir in trwni n for n Vrrr ellrrln n1. Olhr national nnd RtMa efll-ere wilt nnd rn hi ronl'l atl-nd. DiirlncT the lt wek dtte fleeretary Helm 19. ? i nna tno, in. naai liendautrteni Is buiUr Ihtn ever before. Vinltnd t'enipe 4f uinri. tint, la dnr ninht l!01 nd 4nB, lotr he r-mttt l.vl!t- end, toe nnlee. nt the Utete ilr Ilia AUM r nlht 'Ch n-w BtHo Mcriturr -mreptil) In ellrrlnit tiv lift Mij grrtatfr InterMt In M A (rAltmtl vlH wss raada. br Camo Boa to I'lmn ma ei vfronn, reeeniir. na dTM leurn ot.Cemn B05 ror lion rites for the othar cenin, he oraok J the loltln- E. S. GRBAT1IEAD r, M. E. Mnnlcr Artls'nn of Arti sans Order of Mutuul Protection. iKft r I base r . in unlauo ei- Irtimnnm n- Inatltiil.! tn asl around l'UIUdJwili durlur tbla xenr iOiio ly tlie Uien moat xoHent rnaatpr, whoao name fitr bur. A yaer or Brant bilalnnaa nnd In wtnal dcereaalon. all fratornM noclrtlra war t bard, nnd Cha euecauful ormnliatlon of ao eevm naatmbilae and .n, ratnarknblo it-n-era numerical Inereue In lha ordar durlnr tlia tvalnt nintitha were all tbe inora ourprlalni. Kram the flrat IlartrAm. llarmonr. North WMterD. Lahllh. XHthM. I'asarurUc and Mail M KeUhta Man nrao te conjure .rlth. Toay bare conauutly (urnlahod anoujili Idtaa, Mthuelum, praotlaal raaulta and social tunc wh tn foeu .the constant attention ot the orrnniBRiion. na)r nnvi baon rorcmoat tarinir nil tn nopuiur mowmanta Mid HOTiDttaaiern noiabi th t Artisan, an Thar linva allty-savml 130.004 ortbttaatern notably liatlns qit. MiiDnnriau nil iMii-riin Ua-ball. If arua and.ull nthlatlo aporta, Ol ntnlneit Artlaan day, aupportai ua. baaaoaii ifairua nna un in tenerai aiaaaminauon huafaam amau olhap atjirinhll,ii. Jon Initiated 930 men! Uartrani. tl on niaht. Karthwvt-rn. tfHl in llh X'aaavunl u riiaa aarrtml, 1'nM mil in daalliolatma, lopvO In alok linata, rlin a fceal oontlnirent fiovl of tliOuo. Taar lmo today a total matnbatalilp of. tan ir cant uf th vntlr erCer, produod hundred! of thn moat rmrkt ils fratarnal -rorkare) om t sue sr aucb man sa.u crait Ato vanar LiaYi luvaaaful braaklant :iub. Wat Maaur liartla. whom Tlnrmaji na' Athletlo Club. alar eyar, tin of na, of llrtrm.m Aaxrhhly Aruun JJIJ I'aaayunili 1 tone of tho Miiator Nlrho fljitA.1 tln-(-. i tart 1'aat Master ilullar, cat 4 of Nwthrreatorn, who all riff anrcnaa pa 1'aat Maatara Uliitnar i i'aat i Artl rhnlnn. alone Initiated ninety men r Ajuitar, ue ziart nn-alilnn nt fhn Artl. and Punt Miiator Nlrholna. I racordara wr Inltla or iiartrum. ono auh nnthuatniitM I pair. WnrnxlO. ot Ailetnhl: '. Nnrlhwaati-rn. nnd I'aat juaiar im unavr, or Jlauuon iiaunia, rathor and promotsr of lb ramarkitU aecrtt-norlt eontnU carried .on rHtli Incraulng yearly In rxnl oyer )n New Jerney. llcnr. realiHil On Noti iHeven.' thoe ateetqtlles . travel ran bo tlia errata of th Inat thirty Uya, r 0 but fUrtram cnlcrlnlntif the lll I a.M.n, In nf.Hirf Bhia..A Taeayunk came In epaelal clsrt-od cam with ljearly 1UO nn. a b!S nnd fanay coatumaai Adalplil In nulua vita nrtydvo man, llnddmi Malmta, ntur. a d!nnr nt Doonar'a for a truiriar, nrrxTau wiui n uuariei. ido tn: illli n. filiartat. tbn .I, "--'. ..rT7T - Z"L5'..- " vuncit ana pronunani mn nt jinoaan iteisnia. HortHweatirn, llaruiony nnd LbJcli wero all wait rprentd nnd full uf nnthuatnetn It wa aorne nlrht" notblng Juat Uku It In Artl asn biatory. Ncrvpmbor 20 Ufddoa HolJlila triumphAntly ,T0? lb aeral.wrkontet .from Colllmtewood and Itnddon Aaaambllae In too preaanco uf the jumbi. Hcftieni Dttinn. .a innru man laaa were Injtlnud on th folloirliu- ntjchi WJis nal fVir a buquat In jnnunry. ,orcmlior. 31 AdalpnJ teodorad u, recrptl noa( juiceiioni unater jtouart of now ;nt nnd ii recrntlon to .C .Thompaon, Pranttell ceblr. C. W. MrConnellt mtillcnl einmln-r, J. Alnrrln Itnnnni truatro for turn laara, C It, Ilrootpoll, thar brtnie no tiintfieltiiw for nny nnlce. Tb rstilnr t'hrlaltriitn larvlr, was rendered liy tjm jil club neaf-itad by tin ohanlaln and V, M..K. 5f, Ai C'harlca T. Mc n rvlr lie ohanlaln and V, M. K, i (Mnnell. 'Hie anaembly tn prcajnt n pound box of fine rtndlra. iirnthrr A. J, Kolly, of Oak laino Aeeembly. made u tirrnted Iti every ono fine ndirra. WHIUm Pntten Aaanmhly'a mellnpr proved on of the moat Interpntlna; of tho voar. Four cnndlilntM wero ndmuted and aaverul apptlrn- iiona wer- pr-a-nicil. wnicn nt the ndtmiriiad ataalon on tonka as If. the century me win in rcoon-a nnn prooably ovartoou In Indaeil oncournelrur tn th litiatllni Ul til the century mnrl jrnainn' rold m offlcrre ri nan.. Walter II Will lie ncted ulmn Ilercmbnr 20, I It : In mamberahln lis two.ynarold netrjnbly. cauiten na toiioira rinnter nrtl chnir vtllc-re J, y ovrtoDi,d, ne filT Itin tfnticnx nt which icern Kenton fturmrlntcn'tynt. Jo inrrinic j rifunin, lIllAf Vl II. lfor till rnrdrr, Hlcharti If J a ok i on t Ir examlnor Dr. i;n.t KoUtiy ninminm . ox iin'ition Jicii.ntn Jnaexiih .1 Vslinan . rs. i ' 5. TV. " ".'. """"IJ -" miiar irico(ii riMiilor, w Inarfotor. nl T ran (i jefiQnt iruDtM. Wnltfr i: Oray. mn ftltPP illCK. Irnlhr fun. ifl Iii,1 htlB Aeanmlilu n.l- tbu iiitlne. In n.mont tmiiny aril en'. euuifct. man clfta tqrtntnln? man "Wnat la nn to ennh tins. In a, moat tmiiny and I"".'. chSS,lnr 'O1: ."li ub ArtlaanV1 l7io I'hr itmon i member "reacnf by tbe entertainment lumiiii.t'-., inuini ii, iiii.ii, imin nrcrnta .uurr;iinu. uanuicurn ciuer ana provlatd, entn cut ra wero Proancrt Parle will alnct the followln nrflrtr tsacmbly maata tonlntt nnd OWlnir niTfr-eia. rt.rrtlB-nS..f a Innl ,nulln.. r-B- " aa """Vi,W"-U " ee-a, KiveuiM jintsfr nriiwnn rrfttlK T trtrni BUDrjntn(1rnt. Inj r,, In jpocMr. Tliro, V Tourhstnnoi rrcorrtor. WlllUm Ii. Normsnt oMcr. Wjiltcr flnowtlon: tniMe" for thr yMni, Jnnifii It JUinn; midlral ix Amlnar. Dr. KTS r JJotce. Cmn 73, of or uiiTKrion. t. Clitre suittrlatlonl .h. ramci mcKTint nni iiirnrnTiiia ItVleTel A YMir in th 9ttl?r, ThurJy nlxhl lat. A I.lVawtrn inir ." nncr. warn a it onv rtlrtrirt prAi1)nt, ortinerfl ami mm Alxrut 2Crt 1a1flnff lirnlh t- . """- -ai r-..r.7" . rvT. --i-- ;ra iTrn prtafm. 1 f ot niait irf1,UQni ionn .- iiiiai BTViBrai r,n i nan etiniarrr -- the Ntate, vnrloua. CAinpe, On Jnnnry 4 eriem tno camea or Ainnanny rrM by. tli tl bora of th ramp IB wll City nnd Aa! if,,, puin. w enillnir musical clube of tho 1' rill nt ahlfniL wnirti nhenn: imo 1 tirotid of It rei-oanlieil ns ono of the u. . or a. in . A lerm rla Inlllitlon wee held nt Allen town In tho Dixrn llouaa on Tour-Jay tueht nat, which waa rrreIM by n eiret pnmdf. rn iioiivvrrii iiy -iruatce iieno. ijauii fTlrra (if tK. nMiL Mlnln H.i.f.. nry Iljlma epokn on the aiibjrnt. 'Kohlo Tench iiiiiMACCAiiEea Work of ilia Vnrloua Committees of the Woman's Benefit Association The itedlfcAlory committee held n very In teresting meeting last Friday evening, with Assistant Chairman Mrs. ICnglnnd, of Iletsy Itosa Itevlew, presiding In the absence of Chairman Mm Ilelme, of Keystone Itevlew. The press committee, consisting of Mrs. Mc Ollnchey, Mrs. Bmery, Mr. Jlotenbiiry, Mrs. Anna Wright. Mra. A V Kennedy and Mrs. Martha t'ngemach, brought In most Inter esting report, Hie door committee, con plating nf Mra. Sablna Krlodhoff, Mra Mary Jodan rtnd Miss Frank, will luwo a report for tho next meeting, as will the wardrobe committee, roiisletlng of Mm, Mary Moris eey( Mm llitltlo Kddn nnd Mm llertha niltf. Arrntigemelits were mado for the supper for the committee nnd guard nnd oilier talent and for the mtprcme nnd grent commnnder, If they can remain over for 11. Mrs. Morlssey, Minn Collins, Mrn Kddn. Mlsfl Prank, Mrs ltuber, Mrs, Mitchell nnd Sirs Deck constitute thin commutes. Ml,, itt.r. gin announced that the next reheat sal for mo aeaicatory Mart wmiw take placo to night. The next meeting of tho committee will be held on Friday evening, December 29. llnrtram Itnrrrford evening nnd ItTlr. Ftfly-eecanil air.-i .n,l aveno. report l very nlaaaant iii, aai Aionnoy rvai .. evehr Jack nf Our order ' Tim tn In pfrltPd nnd aa In ehnrt:i uam tn: isrvv nit waa a nry letriit I'reii lluftlnaton. of I.vt. npnenrnnce ntnrilni Journnl nnd max nrd e.!lted by II. i: will onn mnkn Ita Tho n-w P. O. S of A. ln rnllnl thr fire Vlo n ir i.rLana i'a atnrilttir with nvir f.llO anliarrlh-ra TJiIa Journal will bo Inatrumentnl In imttlnir In rerlaln Ulrrctlona the necreaitry vlror nnd euppnrt thnt thn order hnu nenled for ynnra. nnd will nld All the crent mnvamnnt i fnatrr" by tho nrw Statn naadiitlvn ranmlflfn. It will ileal entirely with the. new of tit cnnine of j'ennavnania nhd will u n arr-nt rnctor in in aurint; tlio aucccae ur tho on: The IDOO-clAai Initiation of n-JIInit will 14 in t'liu aiitiwa' i M-lltler la In rhars of thu fifTAlr, The enter irri ilar. held on relirmr; nwr l.mnla. A ineellnxwne. delil Vi!nty nlrht lat end rmirT-tniiuiYcn or 4 In wm attended by IBO inunrii.n locti tamiie - l)latrlctPpaldmt Onorn- ot tim n.7Air the nlntnant nommtftao la ne folnwet Krank It. lelil-r (iimn f.n lilt rhAtrman: Nnthahlnl tlrlnrr Cnmp Sa 17H. nnd .tohn HtrAtih, Cnmp finu t'rcaa rorninute, ueorxo t-roiiar, wii Nil Ham llorfmnn nnd ltcnlamln I.attia. Thn ramin nnto act thn una.1 nt 1000 ctmllilntaa nnd It in i. u, title In ranohed II wilt be n now record H. of A clrclea for surb n short tlm Mtnle rreafilent l,rnat U I'lark, Btnt Hocretery fhnrlea It. Helm end Htnta Treanurer Irwin Hmlth will nddrrea the mcetlnr lie A Inriro rnlly wne h-ld In th room of ?rnp nay. rtinune; Conahohocken nn ru.adAy Win ill-trlct rrrali drrnee Imlni; mnilo by IAdlnx olflclAla of th int, iai. in riiAmo or ml- en ni(. Cninn No M of IlrliUtewjrt recently admitted n clean of rlihtaen cnndldnti n Tim Hrije rliaa Initiation of th Hnrrladurc cnmp will bo held on Wuahlnston'n lllrthdny, bcn n rlnan of arvcrnl hundrnd will Iki Initiated Into thn order Dlatrlct l'ri-ahlant (leoreo ilohen nhlblt In In thnrmi ot tho Affair BVmriili i in .., -..1-...J-; 'irriTTlaTTaT ' ' " itA-WMiTa i mi i in rl,"r7ri7 1 1 preeentlrur him wlU a, wonderful clock and u. eju of eorentoen onndldntee. with not u ellent uuii raonwni ir?ra atari to nnian. Lealsh durlnr Naremuer pas conducted vial ..hiiw. u uAjirajn ua hi u,n Jermantown. . Utio In fnVftmbr NitrthTiitrn nif htt-al-a silei1tu )fWOa thai thy 'qnaUiesil flevan1' ahouid Mk tli ilotropollton Opera llooie for a roua r nuini. sua aeaujr iiiaiii, Pasayunk. November it. .100. atronir vtnlted Palmyra with Its Oerman Imnd and enlhunl nin. nlcht eandldnte nt lla ottn rl.iw i j wi r jt riiwiica ii iieio .wwu iiviii rfuni a i Bo n fn ben O. T llphl and. made preparation for impeoatuxnt ueteutber i. an of the occaafan was la I fie wae alyen nn Dr. 1810 and eerveii. aa . -ndeltlr Amembbr.helil Jpnet maatara' nlsht hat Uendsy nnd baU a full lipue. BUvan out of Mh twenty-two aurrtvlnir 'has beene1' ntre nna nav n npienqia exntsitlon nf linw rao in ' noya teb. wbo waa InitiateO. I: air Arnaan in VUCI aa h hurrta train, lor homo. Tb fantur on tbU 'oyuue Moasion wna.tha mnmraotli cbrlatmas tro. Uaea with sifts. la. paper box. Knch member yeoelreil a pnaeent, "Santa" bet&a "Harry" ood e all. per candidate Wr Inltlatod. p. M. A. mull- urv.vniin m inillon in isjon. 'ii. election or orn .oey need, to p: n 1 lBBH. H Ml KIVLltl .il n h hurtled oil to catch tho mldnlxhl Si! road tan! a "wolkovai When a battl. r until It cam in true rail oern nrovvrf th Inaiifator, Urother H, I, fiitil apa finally, winnlnc out. He "looked good" for ion, Tne inut Heater artisan, Colin Vllaoai eapertnttndent. Arthur IL llacNnln tnapecter, . IS U aibeom recordor, br It. A. th fob. The O. Viiom i Inkfeal eaahlap. JntLtl KnaaOAnfarl t-tal... i 1,1 JJoarrj rnedicail wnrniMre, JUr. J. L. iledmnn, My. B. U..Krney, Dr. O. r7 Chandler, .Jr. It. , Wlllouxhby and Dr. A. D. Xurtxi oaalatant editor pf UaMtte. A. B. iloNtr. Ttl nitnndxtLR nrts ,.. tin hv n.nlhai. C. .11. Wtlxcot nnd tb popularity prla by an i quartet. did efrlolent Itrolber Alonj atoaa. work, reoderlax anal cacturlnx th bruwd, Haiwalexl nonrea ware il work, . noderlpx eotn aplandld nelectlona nnd oaptorlrur th Crowd. Kaiwalexl nonree ware il joauila;!,. until finally Taylor and rJhoemnker asarrletl llrown nod Jflrakln back ot th bus Ctuistma tra. wber thmv warn fnnnail hank II by th nbiavttoits aooarapanlet, walla Warden Jirpwri dellrered th prayer, purine reoee. wnlla tb ilftj were balrur dlatrlbuuj.l. oroinare rutuimx tnoir i in room, etc., while .ever in the rlaht-hand Plye4 baelcetbaJU Hrather Kane, of aalre. No. 4. anlilte hadn't bmui bo much ba a lunr tuna. The eommltto narvad ra. bmenta, reoee. wnlla In ilftj riot ran rampant, th I -'exprees wanotu'' acroa tbe Wo In le bleoahere rornar playe4 baeketbal lVofrakalva. No. 'pep'' la a lung tli xreenmenti .. Went inillaa!pl.l.n Aaaei njamo-ra. prenant. leatea in reiti lln, Xr,s2' iaWirftir pln-r effloera I had ISO -e ana fnllo-rln T P. Roade.. suparlnteadant. I.lwnml uif loapawiur, e, M, aawwwiai rvcoroar Ml. Na. hre candldAti ror 'Hiii Maatvr eywooi rcoi CNALL today and hear the wonderful phonograph which won the Gold Mednl of Honor at the Panama Pacific Exposition. Its tone is superb and unrivaled. Qhooto the model which yon like beat. $43, $60, $75, $100, $150, $175, $190, $225, $350, $1000 Sonora Phonograph Corporation 1311 "Walnut Stroct fit nlng. and thnt It le reins to taalet Mrnia. nvnns Mi Nletinleon with a hnndrrhlef aI fir the bene-lt of In Port Huron lSjini of the t'nlform IMUht rblloOalphln rtevtew report that the claim Tb Brpreeda -rill be need to iurrhae niw beuiens for officer and mambern nnd fl?'. juiT fivtwLw,:.',. S'.tioS?T."V.,"r ' JPbtb.dal,.l.r Jieview, wee a welcome laltor. Two nmillra tlonj war reoelvwl ami two Applletnt Bad the "bort form conferred on them. sifi?li rredlt Is tu the. commander. Mh ifnry Colllna for prorroialre work In 6lrard Itevlew. v0"ln"- ror A rehenraxl of lb Uniform Hank for He llapley drill wan t.l.l and the tam will I formed Idle evenlnr for the work at l,u iii Tomnl on January SI All will "" Inisy" io rnlae tbe fund a to tnkn the t'nlfonn Hank ! Port Huron, .Mich., for th dMIcn on of the new bom iiffloo bulldlnc n.t fell, ,t""on OL M ntw Ifeyatone lint low, 341, Itlttenhoiiae Itall, Mra Krnr M. Holme .noinmnnder, rnnortrd n . ceiieni inaetine. wllh two npnl'cntlona and aevan oandldalte Initiated. It eippct to Initiate nn other cleea nt It next ineetimr, on ThuradAy 11 rrv.nlnr Dacembor 114. monthly "eoclnl nleht " which also Ita KNidirrs op the oolden EAatE PreparnUong for tlia dehornl Anniver sary of tho PhllmlolphiA Castles lied Croat Caatle, No. SO. has secured a dispensation to omit tho eeealons of De cember 35 and January I. This cate la In a very prosperous condition and tnjoying a boom in memberahlp, having recaJniiy taken in twelve new candidate U w arranged to hold a public Inslallatlon or eftlrers on January 1. by the degree trtm of A. O I.yttlo Commandery, No. - Vmler command of District Ornnd Chief V, K I-yttle DIatflet Orend fblaf 1 K I.vttle l rhflrman of the publl'lty r-onrnlttee of th raneral annl nnir of the rM In Pnllaile'pBIt anfl an notinr4 tha' every mri wetoent I bln mnoe for th reaeptloii n,i ilaic. on January SI In Jliarcantlle Hall, broad am) Healer irtreel. Tbla will I one of the are!, uncial event for the nmbr of the ordar anAa lrs crowd I an tlelpnted. Tlckeu adTerilalner tbla celebration hnve betn L-eurd to every ajaetle end , tempi In and near Vhlladelphla, , I'aet Supf"" Chief Jonn M. Bhnppell l chairman of, tbla rec-ptlon ml dene committal, a rtd, la prlm no pnlna to maaa the event eciual to, If not l-uer than, the on hell a year sro, when more than lft0 Per rone ntteini-ii, Ivenhoe.Pllrrlm Cealle. Ne. 2 bed a ljm eeeelon last FrMay evening., which wne attendM hy n number of vlaltlns iljxnltarlae, amonir Jhom were l'nat flupreme Chief John M. Hhappell. Iel Orand Chlefe Walter C. Ilau and Harvey J. I.uls and arnml 8lr Herald A. O .ilsmnie, Derby Cattle. No. olO, nne.ef th new caatlee H. .t ni- v-.a 1... A.M-.I a plaea of twenty five randMatee, eecirrd thfooxh the effort of Orranlaer William M. Manaley. of that caetle. (laletoa Cnalte. Ko, 403. will admit a.elaae of elxhtaen rendldntee. on., Weflneeday .nlsht nt Tnte ceall I In the rll-trtct preeldeil over by Dlatrlct rirand Chief II, K. Kluck, who recently nniAnltl DeetonU Cnatle. .Uroth-r lCluck re port hie dlatrlct In a npltmlH condition. Mltlerehurg Cealle, itn, flJJ. will ndmlt a claae of tn tandldataa at tonltht's meeting. Throusli the efforte ot Orxenlxer N. II. llotb. i,., j- USEFUL GIFTS 0an$com's Grand Banquet Coffee, a cart .. ,.. ., ,1,70 Common wonl th Dlend, a 5-lb. can .$1.30 A 5-lb. Cheat Extrn Tea. . . .$2.90 232 Market St. &. Branches : BrfJl H THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS AN UN EQUALED OPPORTUNITY TO STUDY THE DELIVERY (fr GOODS. NOTE THE UNPRECEDENTED -NUMBER OP MOTOR TRUCKS. Qmstmas Store forMexi hrisfmaiS Neckwear SOfc $522 ress enm& Mufflers and Mof&nng Scarfi- tfUK or ifwoolen I- Q. Quse P1 g I If H HI : u Vk II fQft TKE iwcmuMtHr or quality , i 1 jffy Jl tUST CI-EAR AS A BELL - - - J yf isSSffrraJiff-Err-a-MW 1 fo arments h or iTIen $222 W OuioAoors Sweaters. Vmrmyesls and Jackets., ilk Shirls $822 flkHatfHose $522 WaIkind5Kclc5 I Ifand UmfcrGJlas EraMankGiff In our Men's Haberdashery SPECIAL NOTE Artificial Dnvl.'cht in In NULNCiCVEA.R" Qh?V&s Etc, under contra8tlnff artificial lifiht and daylight conditions. Closing Hour, 6 P. M. JA jsuMSMmms CQB KEEDS OONS 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET iziag!3fflflnTMim ymat g&Mu TnE AUTOCAR COMPANY ARDMORE, PA. I JVM i 4VlVaN4a-e 'f' m pmmmmm 'DrH ee,' m fL' 1 m - Exquisite !d wprk dcafgna Ir-p!ptfnum set . ::; ,, Eg diamonds;. , alone or in combination with , 1 K ': i 1 Calibre Sapphires or Onyx. ' $100.00 tb. $950.00. K W R , Others of gold se with diamonds, pearls and . . 1 K H ' '" 'Pf1?"3 e'tones, . $10.00 tp $70.00. I WKtSmm ;- van dusen.& stores cp, , I SH 'T TT TATERMAN-S IDEAL, W , is known for its qualitj by both those who give arid those who receive it, even hefore beginning ita years of omcient work. It takes a"ral place in the every day work and ac tivities of the owher.J"Madein many sizes juKr'styles, plain and mounted. with pen points to hand exchangeable ristmas.$In Christmas; bg-Buy the genuine. Sold at the Best Stores $2.50, $4.00, $5,00, up to $ 150.00 t. E. Wateman Carapaar ftew Yetfc. N, Y. flnaW. BJOC ( 'PowMsMPoii BaKj...&riRCe aBaBaV aBBBBBBalaa" & Tt -f --fe Jk r of Mtrtnctlert TttHI. K. fit. Allenna tfit eaetle has admitted tare renahJatM ,rd, three hy reinstatement an4 nnr-tnre t IgUlj tlon. mattlna a totnl oi nttyelcM new rnewber arlmltleit Unea Beptember 1 iJtlnxeton ''setle la the Mryaat cnatle In th entire onlar ha?l a member-hip ot MS It la the twrpoj" or jni cxetla tit Inrrwtae that nuwifcer tn IOT frt the nelt rirn.J faatle ereelen, ertilrh wets In Allentotrn next Mny Loyal Order of Moose After aom weeks. et etrennmie rrepnrstlejs the irrent Meier anil Mrnlral slvji nnitar the noipfee ,ot rhlls'lelnhla lile, S ',,' cpannl with a fcler of tlerr nt the Mooes Home leet rituray The function le stnirni In .w nutltorliirn nnd the barnuet hll. and th seen whlrh arret the y of the rlaltnra le a -j lln An X t.-tln far lad aa nrM rhtloren aa heiit on HatnMay nrternoen whlrh ana wan nt OTnt nmlra h. v.f Irfillilln thouferula marrTr entertd. mad a tfljr of nnna nnn tnrn n.pnrie a heiit on Hatnrtlay nrternoen whlrh w all ntiemleil, but tn vnt nrorar was r irmally nti in th eTinln In th rreaence of a fen. a or aroeetalor ni niiea errry mron oi set htillulnjr rl dan-ie wea lua uihh itoi anila tnr-lr -.ntrrrd. mnd a tojr Of tha) mils nnd then rl.herteJ ... . A similar function wss lieU leal year, nml at thet tlrvM a earnimt .. tu k. mitt,- r SOO worker Jn"Mt sSIitt to (Jul!- A. llian4 e sry nfX l nrJ?irrtf the Ivro romnanlee of th Mo-iei l,fL.Jt , ' i"Tii,"1-J"" "eyr. .ther from .VI " and rllr tli event bits fair in KJ5J.IHur; , S'.r J1K "311 '" tn ir-.eeiuA.itjte : t,tVS,.Z. "" '"e.'tivert.ii dlrvrttV t 3 . JkVtlti a m'mberehln of nearly iS Ann JH upon Ihl bnranr trlfi prohabllr SmS?. ' orn . t, nn'l ' tfi tBo sP,Vl5 Of IIS rharerter rr h-t,, . ."Trf'ol nr.,X 1 fraternnt order "wx tt a , Woman Freeien to Death in noma Ul.i.t3FOfTS. Ta.. Dea II -Jo,,, Dellne. ft negro woman, froj. u, deatht! tier home Zrr weather he a pf-.,.. ? w the last threa .lays nnd, on account eh.? scarcity nnu men prlca of conl. thir. iT tiAaan lltl it.Hr1Al amnitHi a -.... ,r' It&t ""- -.. .....vHKi ui "uiierirn: has lS I HALLAHAN'S $1 Don't Forget Those 1 0M$fia$ Slippers Our five stores prepared for you with n stock of 50,000 pairs, and that gives you a choice big enough to satisfy every slipper want. Wonderful Values in Slippers V1 ah Women's Slippers Fur trimmed Juliets, low heels, in block, gray nnd wine. $1.00 Ribbon trimmed Juliets with leather sole and heel; in black, wine and chinchilla. $1.75 Comfy" Moccasins with Comfy" soles in old rose, ght blue, taupe, pink, laven der, French blue, apple green, canary, orchid, chin chilla. Special Quality, $1.25 De Luxe Quality, $1.75 Men's Slippers Romcos, Everetto Sc Operas, fine leather and workman ship, in black, tan and brown m kid. $ A wonderful variety and un- 1$ matchable value at $2.00 ot Others at $2.50, $2.75, $3, yy $3.50 Vs Felt Slippers, $1.25, $1.50, M $2.00 til Children's Slippers jl Felt Slippers for boys and ? girls, with heavy felt soles m and Teddy Bear on vamp; 8k red and blue. ' 65c ft) Felt Moccasins for misses J and children, special quality, jg in light blue, pink and red. tQ Misses, $1.15 Children's, $1.00 fit Infants' Felt Bootees, red i and blue, trimmed with whito fft fur. 85c &t Big &mm. Thousands of pairs of fine felt Slinoers in i a big variety of styles and colors, suitable for ' men, women, boys nnd girls. Regular $1.50 value. Special pair Do your Christmas Shopping Early or Late, just WJ as you please--all HaUahan stores are open evenings b until Christmas. Jfi P. T. HALLAHAN 919-921 Market Strieeti in9Q3n T nn.if.. A., CAil, J 'L-.f..a Ci- -swmw-wv idlvuaM.I r-aT.. UU1U U11U VI1C9U1UI kjin, 5604-06 Germantown Ave. 2746-48 Germantown Ave. A Whistling Kris Kringle Free to Every Child J--xa'l-iorTja-'TXii-vi.w..ix,vTj.'i,Mk-j;,i..j. kti3SiiWlf35-S 11 III ffWr WzMrWW Make Saturday, Sunday and Monday a holiday vacation. Tho folks will bo happy to s,ee you and your journey will be clean and comfortable if you Take The Reading 33 Fast Trains to New York 13 Fast Trains (o Reading 8 Fast Trains to Harrisburg and Lebanon 6 Fast Trains to Tamaqua, Shamokin and Williamsport 12 Fast Trains to Atlantic City. 17 Fast Trains to South Bethlehem anil through coaches, parlor ears, sleepers and dinlnsr earn to Allentowu, "WilkeB-Barre, Pittston, Scrantont Ithaca, Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto, "Detroit and Chicago. Telephone tbo WUecer BuUdlrig Ticket Office for tickets and Philadelphia $: Reading JSflihvay i peiiaiinanns Vi,' .,, m-wf fteja. ftxHiL LjjA aim iirfiijujjL a lni hi luiHTia jib. i" UlUUJUIBH1