Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 18, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Srj,l Jr-- " irnn-y -n - - n- mum i'rti,iiMi,jiA.,i -
1 1 &WXStiSOM4f
I - Ipearlrings i
.'. ,Jj Pearls
I 'fc'ri f beautiful m
1 ,;y orient mount c
I vB ejd in rings 1)
s 1 C artier
J. 712 Fifth Avenue
.New York
r-tq ((Mttwg""-
II Gcnornlo Cndornn Bombnrda
11 Nemlco a. Comon e Fn
Tacero i Suoi Cannoni
110MA, IB Olcembre.
II Mlnlstcro della Ouerra pubblloavn lrl
'era, il seguente rapparto del generate Oa
eorna circa la altuaxlone alia fronts Itnlo
austrlacfl,: Nelta sona del Trentlno I'arllgllcrla
' ntata plu' ntttva chs nou nel glornl
coral, )-o noatrs batlerlo lianno ills
turbato i movlmentl del nemlco noll'nlta
valle dell'Astlco e eull'altoplano do I
Bette ComunL
Bulla front delta Alpl Olulle lianno
avuto luogo duelll dl artlgllnrla o com
battlmentl dl rcpartl In rlcognlxlone. II
notnloo ceirao' dl bombardare Monfaleone
quando I noatrl grossl callbrl Inco
mlnclarono a batters erncacemonte I
post) fortltlcatl nemlct dl Comon,
.Nulla, corns at nspatlnva da tuttl, si
A oncludorft,' con Is proposte dl pace fatts
Ua. Oermanla a dal allot allcatl. HI aa
. che la. Gran Brelagna, pluttoato clio Ina
clars la Germanla arbttra delta sua Idea
aulla "Mlttel Kuropa," I'ldea dl predomlnlo
u tutta 1'IJiiropa Centrnle, comliattera' flno
1 a che avra un uoino nolo, H ilnlla ateaaa
dcclslone Bono animate la altro poterize
che formnnu la Quadrupllca Intesa, com
' press, l'ltatla clio da una pace clis ilia
alia aermanla ala puro la parvouza dot
,' ra flomlnlo avrabbo tutto da prdcre e
null da guadagnare. 13 del rosto non
pare cha la Oermanla ala dlaposta a
rlnunclaro a certs suo mlro chs u lei pare
, all aver ragglunto.
T JTarilcrurter Zeltung, organo deirnlta
Snanta ebrea delta Oermanla acrlvs:
"l& Oermanla non vuolo una ccssa
alone delle oatlllta' ma soltanto una con
farema nella quail 1 belllgaronti facclnno
In loro proposte dt paco. Mrntre la con
rerehxa a' In nesslone tuttl I belllgcrantt
Iiotranno contlnunro Is loro operuzlonl
mllttarl, La Oermanla devo tmnedlrn
cha rlnteaa dla una rlspoata evnslrn. At
prlnclplo delloi trattatlvo cl attendlamo nun
grnnda dlvergcnxa dl vedute. ma queste
v 'ttvrnmio molto mlnore slgnlflcato iuan0o al
daranno. aplecaxtonl oral I. I puntl dl vlata
della due parti aono Bla' In parte Identic!
' per quanto rtiruarda ell scopl Kencrall e
,, fandamentalt dalln stierra a, la uota tcdeaca
dovo eaiore Interpretata nel aenao clio parte
." dells propose tedesche al rlferlacono al
, rlttablUmento dells convenzlonl Interna-
alonall per evltara nuovl conrtlttl e caran-
tlra la race."
II Blornalo conclude dlcendo cha aa le
propoata dl paco non saranaccottata o la
Oermanla aara coatrctta a combuttere flno
at rawlunKlmento dclla vlttorla definitive,
altora la pace aara' dl un gtnero ben dl
D'altro canto II parlslno Temps In un nr-
tlcolo dlos che probabllmente la propoate dl
' par fatta dalla Oermanla imacondono una
;, jnanovra, .per preparnro la, vtolaalona della
'3 neulrallta della Svlizera. ed avyerto la
Bovemo delta Confederaztono In questo
U.S. ARMY OF 250,000,
Hughes Warns Against "False
Security" and Urges Imme
diate Action
WASHINGTON. Dec. 18. America muat
push her preparedneaa plana now, lent peace
coma and find her sttlt with pending inter
national dtmcultlea, or with militarism nnd
navallsm atlll uncniahed abroad, many
ivoncreiumen warneu today.
Senators and Kepreaentatlvea franlcly ad
mit that behind their warning" Ilea thoucht
of atlll unsettled submarine differences with
ilermany and poaalbls dtrTerenceH that may
irlss wth Japan In connection with th
mmlrratton bill which recently passed the
They likewise were emphatlo In declar
ing acalnat "alarmist warnlnira." merely
drawing the comparlaon that It Is at leaat
unsafe for the United States to be "eatls
tied with financial fatnesa with no sinews
behind the fat."
Senator Hughea, of New Jersey, today
came out for a great army of professional
icldlera, backed by a tralnod, equlppea
volunteer army. II said i
Some of that which I have to say
has been said bfeore, but all will bear
repetition. It seems to me that the
people of the United states arV now
convinced that the recent events which
have oooarred In the world are of such
a character 'that nations are likely to
go to war against each other on slight
pretense, for any or no reason,
A sreat many of us believe we have
lived for year in a fools' paradise
, when we believed that nations could
sot be cot to go to war No man
wonld have been rash enough to pre
dict that the situation which now ex
ists In Europe could possibly take
Dlaee, but hero It la.
Tho Senator's proposal Is for an army of
r BBO.oOo men at least, serving two years
frith the color and four years In the .re
,..,' -carve. Ooa hundred and twenty-flva thou-
- aand would go back annually Into civil
Mitt, giving 1,350,000 trained men In ten
, '- years,
, ! . tt these men were given vocational
,an4 educational training during their two
J, years? active service," tho Senator con-
3f-Jnue, "0lr time would not be lost either
jr to themselves or to the nation. They would
Tm bs to civil life aa trained soldiers
. ' .ad better citizens than before.
1'olnttng to the small pay of the regular
- stripy Senator Hughes declared that It was
K4viaabls to make army life more attract
, ' ive, but ba It attractive! or not, ha favors
". trtation of an adequate soldiery through
J? k$ RxeUiPd,
' . .If w want to defend thte nation, if
.jy- at to feel ! U aald lt uu get
! .' g m-aiy if profesatonal aoldlery and
'g i-fc!n4 that front rank of trained profes
Usr.m ngrainK men Jec us organue, equip
'-f -tad train a real volunteer army.
250 Elk Huuteta Snowbound
4r , wtw V automobile an4 4
m sunk? of Jrtfls te and wagons, have
Mtt BtKUtA fw aavea days In. ihs upper
'titotiemtt nirtnnTTAt
Receivership Appeal Heard
in Dauphin County Court
Many Witnesses
Insurnnce Commlasloncr la Con
fident of Victory Real
Fight Tomorrow
. Judges Kunkel and McCarrelt, alttlng, In
the Dauhpln County Common T'leaa Court
at lUrrlaburg, today will listen to argu
ments on the application riled aevtrat weeks
ago by State Insurance Commissioner J.
Denny O'Nell, to have a receiver appointed
for the Pension Mutual Life Insurance
Company of Pittsburgh, with n branch ortlce
In this city.
Officials f tha Pension Mutual, wliloh
Commissioner O'Nell states has a deficiency
of more than 11,000,000, and among whoe
policyholder are many poverty-stricken
families living In different parts of Penn
"J'lV'jnln. will attend the hearing. Lyndon
p. wood, president of tho company, may
be one of the chief wltnasaea. Attorneys
representing the company cnrrylng yards of
legal documents today left for the Capitol.
Attorney Ueneral l'rancls Hliimk Ilrown.
who will represent the Insurance Depart
ment, will ba assisted by Deputy Attorney
""rl William At. Ilargest nnd Horace W.
The application for thn appointment of
n receiver for the Union Casualty Inatir
nnce Company of Philadelphia, whoao homo
. mcea nro at Third and Walnut atreeta,
and which Is u "sioicr company" of tho
Pension Mutual, will ba argued tomorrow
at J o clock, provided the Pension hearing
wTl',? '.'y'0'' ot. ,lmo ,,ml ,in el0Pd -e-..,?!-J
ho,rt:lverahlp application by tho
insurance Department and tho time set for
thn hearing today hnx given opportunity for
men from many polntn outside Pennsyl
vaula to write both to Mr. O'Nnll nnd the
J'.vismixci I.rnriKn, and say that Wood
otiKht to ho put out f i,iiners.
Tho most notahlo examples were Insur
ance president)! of Washington and Ohio.
r. wuons nctlvitlea eeom to have been
exceptionally earnest In those, places, nnd
the complaints mudo against him have been
blttor. Tho Mayor of Cincinnati Joins in
one of the most bitter complaints made to
Mr. O'.Vell.
The Insurance Department does not ex
pect an hard a battlo today as It does
tomorrow. Tho case against the Pension
Mutunl l.lfc, otriclaln say, In bo complete
that there la no doubt that tho application
for u receiver will bo granted. They udd
that there i.i little reason why It should
be opposed, because there Is very little of
the company left, they say.
In tho Union Casualty, however, thoro
are aoma particularly flno aaaetn which tho
men In cliurgn do not wunt to surrender
to the State'n disposition, say Inaurancii De
partment orrtclala. The real fight will be
In thla case.
Mr. O'Nell thinks ha can win, though.
He understands that tho Union Casualty
defenders will try to get a postponement
In tho caso by alleging that State nxamlnors
have so muddled tho books and papers that
tho nttornoya have not been able to mako
neaa or tall out or the confusion. Tho In
surance Commissioner says ho can prove
the untruth of this, however, and Is con
fident he can force tho hearing.
Passengers of tho Now York Battered
Wion Mountninous Waves
Strilto Ship
NEW YORK, Dec. 18 Battored by tlfty
foot waves In n hurricane off the Irish coast,
tho American liner New York arrived here
today from Liverpool with 430 passengers,
most of whom had bean seasick. Six were
under thn earn of tho shlp'a doctor.
Mrs. Samuel Hall, of Pittsburgh, wan
hurled down u companlonway. She was
removed to n. hospital.
Stuterooina wern flooded, two porta were
smaahed In and overythlng movable on deck
was swept overboard.
Among tho notables on board were Miss
Maxlno Elliott, tho actress, and Mrs, A.
Saunderson, daughter of the late John D,
Volunteer to Dio Three Dnya Earlier Tbo
Funerals Mny Do Over by
OSSIKINq, N. Y . Dec. 18. Two youths,
tho older one bnroly out of hlo teens, volun
teered today to give up three days of their
Uvea that Christmas Day may not be a
mockery for their mothers. Both are con
victed murderers and they will die at dawn
tomorrow, Instead of next I'rldoy, as sen
tenced. Charles Kumrow, twenty years old, who
killed a tugboat captain In Buffalo, und
Stanley Mlllsteln, nineteen, who shot a po
liceman In qtlca. explained It all to Father
Cashln, Sing Sing's sympathetic comforter,
as they sat in the death house.
If they Khould die, they nald, their bodies
would reach tholr relatives on Christmas
Day and It wouldn't make It a very happy
Christinas for their mothers. So they'd
rather, they said, die tomorrow and have
their funerals out of the way before that
Fattier Cashln carried their request to
Warden, Moyer, who, after some hesitation,
acceded to It, Tha priest carried back the
measage to them and tomorrow morning
at 6:45 he will take each "through the lit
tie green door,"
"Movie Trust" Suit to lie. Advanced
WASHINQTON. Deo. 18 The Supreme
Court today agreed to hasten considera
tion of the Government's suit against the
so-culled "movie trust" and set the case
for argument April 9. The Government
sued the moving plvture patents company
under the anti-trust lawK and In the
lower courts the movie concern was ad
judged an Illegal combination. The pat
ents company appealed.
The Pequlgnot Watch
for over 60 years a perfect
M timepiece. In thin models
m and Wrist Watches.
1331 Walnut street
Chamber of Commerce
Wants Increase in Central
Business District
Communications urging a 13,000.000 loan
for the purpose of Increasing the water
supply In the central business district
were sent to Mayor Smith and to. the
presidents of Select and Common Councils
today by lha Chamber of Commerce.
The letters contained copies of a resolu
tion adopted nt the last meeting of tha
hoard nf directors and were signed by
Howard II. Kreuch, president, nnd N. II.
Kelly, general secretary of the Chamber
of Commerce.
The Chamber of Commerco based Its
complaint on tha Investigation of water
conditions In the central section ot the city
conducted by the Chestnut Street tlualness
Men'n Aeeuclatlon, It la explained that the
condtlon of the water aupply, already In
sufficient, becomes worse with tha erection
of each new oirtce building.
"In August, Hie," the letter rends, "the
preasura was so low that It Interfered with
the conducting of mercantile establishments
In the central part of tho city.
The Chestnut Street Business Men's As
sociation Investigated water conditions In
105 stores and buildings between Ninth nnd
Seventeenth streets on Chestnut, uccOidlng
to the communication. The Investigation
revealed that sixty per cent of these build
ings nnd stores wcro forced to Install tnnkn
which were filled nt night In order to have
n reserve for tho day use. Morn than fifty-
had established pumps and twenty-seven
pumped all tho water they used.
The buildings Investigated were Htores.
with the exception of four ofDco Ntructnres
It was revealed that for lbs. last seven or
eight ynrs fourteen establishments visited
by the committee hml no supply of wate
I'l.ove the first Hoot .
Director Datcmii:in ami Chief Davis, of
tie Bureau of Water, ale raid to have
confirmed lreH ficts. Chief Davis Is
Uiiotcd as saying that "tha wnter facilities
rf the city are taxed to tho inmost nt the
prisnnt time "
The communication points In the fact
that any Interruption In Mm pumping v.iuicc
would prove n great Inconvenience to mer
chants, manufactuiciri i.nd householders.
"Blue Monday" was experienced by
many housewives In thn eastern sec
tion of thn city today because of thn un
usual demands made upon the city's wnter
supply. With two forty-elght-lnch mulim
out of commission and n twelve-Inch plt
in tha same condition, tha water system
wns heavily taxed. The nverage Monday
demand for water is about twenty-flva per
cent greater than nny other duy of the
week. This la chnrged against thn city's
"weekly wash," For the first time In nix
months tho Corinthian avenue reservoir
has oeen placed In active service. This Is
filled with filtered water to meet emergen
cies. There Is no danger In Its use, as tho
water Is tested twlcu n week.
U. S. (Jrnml Jury Begins Investigation
ot Illegal Combtnntionr.
DETftOlT, Deo. 18. Undo Sam's first
blow nt Detroit's high cost of living full
today with the assembling of a Federal
Grand Jury to Investigate charges that un
lawful combinations among food or coal
dealers have put prices on a speculative,
high plane.
While plans of conducting the Investiga
tion were not mode public, it was believed
that today's neuslon would be incroly pre
liminary in character.
Youth Taken III Willi Smallpox
POTTSyiLLK. Pa.. Doo, IS. While) vis
lllng Shcnniidooh, Michael Cabno, nineteen
years old, of Lewlstown, Pa., was taken
III. This morning his dlnenso was pro
nounced to be Bmallpox. Tho patient wns
Immediately removed to the Municipal
Smallpox Hospital. Ills caso la pronounced
a mild one.
One Day's Notice
is all we require for
printing your name on
Greeting Cards
Done in our own shop. Looks
like engraving. Complete stock,
sold in lots of 25, 50 or 100.
Sample In ilore, nr salesman will call
Louis Fink & Sons
Printers Stationers
CG N. 7TII STREET (First Floor)
Optn Evening Until Clirtelmas
You ought to Bee the good
times hoya have with Erec
tor, building1 bridges, towers,
aeroplanes, battleships, ma
chine shops, saw mills and
hundreds of other big steel
models many of them run
by the Erector motor (free
with most sets). Get
for Christmas, "and you'll have
loads of fun every day in tho
year. Sea Ereetor today and get
leaflet telling all about the
Fun, Fame and Valuable Prizes
for live wire boys I
Edwf K. Tryon Co.
Cashfor, Who Entm When Job Is Half
Done, Put In Vault With
niH'Ulf. Col. Dec lg.Two men held up
bandits were about lo leave. He nnd the
he Stockmen's National IJank, of tlrush,
today and got away with 17089, The rob
bers found three men nt work nnd nt tho
points of pistols forced them lo Ha on the
floor. Then one of the men rifled the vault
Cashier A. P, Kerrlchs entered aa the
other employes wero marched into the
vault and the door was alammtil. This act
ret off the burglar alarm nnd tha robber
lied In a touring par A posse, In fifteen
automobiles la pursuing the robbers, who
ale headed for the Kansas line. '
Shoo Workers Threaten Strike
I.Y.VN, Mass., Dec. IS. More than
15.000 men niul women, members of the
United .Shoe Workers of America and em
ployed In Iiynn faclorle. threaten to go on
strike next month unless tholr 'demands for
an Increaao In wages nrc granted.
x2Ey.'s i-" .'Jr" Jl - - ""--"-
-tiTd -
' , J-1
mmjr-:---;;-: g Bfci i klTi-nw-Sr-bli 1
mcwmm is, 1010
Missing Child Returns to Save Play
mate, Who Says "Third Dcgrco"
Forced Confession
HAf.TtMOlUJi Deo. lSW'fharlle" Klein,
the flfleen-yearlold Iwy for whose body
detectives have been searching the Pen
Mnr woods for several days, is at his home
here today, very mueli slivp. lyehard Par
rett. fourteen years old. hail "confessed
In the police that he had killed Klein last
.lime near Pen War nnd hidden hla body
In the, woode,
Wfnin Klein learned of Ilarrett'S "confes
sion." he. came here from Cumberland. Mil.,
where he bnd been working elnce he disap
peared rrOtll nOlllO I.ISl June. nrr-n. xii..
Is confined In Hi. Mary's Industrial Hchool
a. it .lil.alllJla Ia Ills! !! M..
IlCre, IHiuiiffH inn urirtui-n ". "" ,.
m . ti It. a.j.t,i I. mi Irtlit lfim al flrat
reunion no rum i ,...... .... .,.,..
thnt h had not Imrmctl Klln, btit they
WOUlUn I UCJtw" 1 1 mm. in"! wbsin . ,...
through the "third degree" he told of kill-
ng KICHl JUSl IO pira.-n liirm un ntaiu.
Klein said today he had hndr no quarrel
whatever with Hnrrett when they parted nt
Pen Mar.
m. lie 'U'&ii.iiiuricis j.
the Gift of Gifts a gift that means more, day after day, to
alt the family, than any other gift in your power to bestow." '
j&Sjj MjT "PCS W
J HIjK1 M JrnSsssn
Columbia Grafonola
Price $200
Price $100
raw I G5SSi
8 fw
New Columbia Records oq pale the 20th of every month
('uiinhisliain 1'lann Co.. 1101 Clietlnut tit.
IVnn.j Ksiilu TulLlnr .Machine Co., I toll Chutnut Ht.
Nnelleiiburs, N.. a- Co., 1','lti anil Market Ht.
Mravrbrldio Si Clotlilrr. Bill nnd .Mnrket bis,
Cltr Use I'harinurr. York roud nnd Cltr Una.
Hatter. John l! 13.17 Kurklund ht.. I-crs".
l'uternlk. Ilenj.. 140 .North Slh nt.
ileal l'liinj and Tulkim -Muehluo Co., SB33 Oerluan.
jpldewurtel's, 20J.1 (lermsntown Ae.
llliier Mulo I'urlor. 0313 North flth
tun.. f.V.
Ht. .
I'lillsdtlphla Tulklnc Mschlue Co.. DOO
1'ruliL.llil Ht.
AcMey I'lauo rilore
3003 Oerwantowii Ave.
llurr. ftlwaril II,, S1IH Krunkford Ate.
Colontnl Hflodr Hhou, 3131) North front Ht.
1'runkforU .Mu.lo Hl,pre, $331 llilhoitux ht.
Ilaodmsii., I I... SS7 Wnt lilrurd Ae.
(iutkowikl, Victor. Ilrlhoilot and Almond BU.
Uemir. Tbonino 31.. 3131 Ken.lnjton Are.
Klltjr, Z., ISO Vt lllrsrd Ae?
Iirjiler Joeuh. M3i llirbuiond ht.
Klltloser. Maniuel, liol .Ncrlli Slh Nt.
OunSHorlll's, Bit iVt.l I.elilli Ae,
I'lillaileluhU Talklns Mucliliio Co., Oil North Til 81,
Ilelohtlaier'a lltvartmcut Mturr, Front anil ofuxiue
J'ar.on, T. !., BStv (Ifrjuautewn Ao,
IlotU.Frunklln. fiooa Vjne Ate.
hcherier'o I'lauo Couipsny, S3 North 3th
$b A PIPE B30EK"D rJ
As a Gift
Harmony may also be
had in the useful
to or. glass humidor.
The ground class story
per keeps this Wend
1 23.Z2f,
in pcrlcct flavor.
7JC-- your dealer
Have a Columbia in your home this Christ
mas be sure to see your dealer. today
The $200 Columbia
Grafonola represents
in tone and appear
ance an ideal that
gains for it a place
of honor in what
ever surroundings it
may be placed.
'The $150 Columbia
Grafonola is an in
strumentof strikingly
handsome appear
ance and is remark-,
able .for .its purity
of tone.
The J 1 00 Columbia
Orafonola, dignified
and artistic in ap
pearance, represents
the utmost in value
for the price The S50 Columbia
Grafonola is the most
popular instrument
in the industry. Its
'tone-volume is aston
ishing and- its tone
quauty exceptional.
felinjll 4 Mesahan. lit: Columliln Ate.
Keratone Ti.ltlnc Jfarhlno Co.. -'KOI North SSd tit,
!!St, ,!'r..S8,ft' tlenoantown Ate.
Nadel. eln, I'nlilp. 3114 Wett York Ht.
liSEE1'?''.4, i?.nW' s!'t "ermantown Ave.
itelee, , s mi, (ilrsrd Ate,
l.ooUman, Jos.. 4101 Jlaln ht.. Monajunk.
Ilannemann. N. & Jcoh J,. 1301 lierniantown Ale.
Powers and Hesnolda, 1033 Went Tlosa Ml.
Carr, II. V.. Bit Main Ht.. Ilarbr.
I!"?!' '.'? "v. -0,i MM LanrasUr Are.
KaUlns 1'Uiio Co.. SflUa Houth 3SU Ht.
llllmao, VV. II.. 41114 l.un.done Ate.
Indepenileiit Talklns Marhlne Co.. 4310 Wooaiand Ate,
l.edane. Ila.rrr. 4111 North a:d HI.
'lel'hlorri llro... 4UJ4-IH lnrnter Ave.
Hindi's Itrjut Hlere. 303a Jlarket Ht.
Unlrtnial ralkinr Mstlilne and lleeord Co., SOth and
Ctiestnul His.
Weil .I'hllsdefphla
COtli HI,
Dei Ilrow, TialSi
'M HIHWl JMUIll I.Vd ODHUl m Bl.
Olobe Talkliic Machine Co.. 1337 I'olnt Ilreeie At.
1303 South 4lh Kt.
iiiodo Tallin Machine Co., 1327 l'on
l.uohiarcl, Antonio, 73D Houth 7 II hi.
Miller. II.. UOI Hoiilh-IJ Ht. '
Iu.lrt Kcho.Co., The. J., ebeii, l'rop
OIIibiiJ llalnbrldie hit,
l'hlluiitlphja l-honosraph Co., SID Houth dt
l'bllsdelvhla I'bamisrapli Co'.'. :s BoutU Oth Hi.
hlolfo, llarry. 013 Houth Vth Ht.
lludlcr, U. t llS-7-S! Uraadwar.
-,. mw-m Jtl.tWVU of
anrNHneiwH .
ArL"y ".'
i zMrzi"?'
ft .":: "f iro-rtvA
' Mh7,i?A'?ff I
' st hatih :,V'3n'-
cents inA,
cream cslmi
fjsssea -' SHhS
Columbia Grafonola
Columbia Grafonola
Prico $SO
Talklur Machine Co., 7 Hoalh
N. K. Cor.
j,-je,3S iTTr ii isssTsMri "fraWlrmfr! sll El we&sk mH
1U&1? NSikSt. .
fio&ii ftbukftsi