DEATH SHATTERED BELL'S ROMANCE Chain Grocer Said to Have Been Engaged to Widow WEDDING WAS POSTPONED t ' ' " Jm Bell, lale millionaire proprietor of 'in. rhsln of grocery stores that tears lit &" .- i.t m Iisva tiii on th s hf .TtI to P""" 1,U,WP wh" mitw'1 n,,n ljrriov ...... tiin ,lntli nil slinrt Iho airWf "' '"", , .... ,.,. ,i....i .... i.-- llfTlllH Ul IIIO .VIIICIIIilril II1UI- PUirs which w" to Imto tnken tle on I irl wsre mealed today by Michael If nn. of 6719 KlmtneMlnis avenue, n Cisr-ln-lawof the natiete. Jira, iwiivin I Si wire, who liven nt tho Ocean Deck 'WtreMr Hell Jll November 23. How rilnerence in reunion wir nnijr to lh mrrlae belnir frfonneil before MI ath of Mr 1111 tirntiRht out In P .-J, im,i i.v Mr. ltvnn Tlip difference h rtllflon mnde necessary for Mrs Mneutra a ftelt dispensation which roused tho wed- iardlne to Mr Ilyan. tho mnrrlaRo was , ,,,,,. for November 30. ThanksRlxIn Ry, but Jt " ,"'or') "'' ,,",a u r Bill H"' ' -Mrs Masulre hnit Imown Mr. Hell for years." said ' an ,0,ltt'r- 'T "' CLulJdlnr octa funcUon. " I believe. Jt fcSJ no" until recently, however, that they fKelni. Intimately acquainted. Mr. Hell ,SS liwed an apartment nl the Ocean fprtK therefore they wcro tielahbors at one i 2i,out six week nico Mr Hell followed Nh advice of his plslclnrt to seek quiet ami cvi,, s went to .Aiiniun i-nj i.uiHi:icijr 1 hrAken down in lirmui . "" ....,........,., : far him to itet proper care nnd attention at iT.,17 L i7. wint to the apartments, where It would receive proper care from Mr. : MJil". h'A.?.?"' . . , Mr. . Tut mwriM" " r - .i. ti( m n tirlest whom I know nnd iouiht dispensation owlnc to tho difference In the r respective rcllmons. She postponed the marrtsBe sixty days on thin account The new al Fet wasjJor Novomlicr 30, TtinkMwe Oay Thn ceremony wan to ,hate UKen piaco.inii niwu ii:iv otutj tewn. between Philadelphia and Atlantic City I can I rememocr tno nanio oi ine -Unfortunately. Mr nell prew very III. fuf.- - nt.11.1 T tmnm naMAnt In .In Vf lie "in linn .iiii. .1 .ic..a. ' txerjuiinc ror nim. no touiu novcr imo received such care and treatment nt a hotel. I They would not have accepted him. ' "Ills pnysician irom nere -wem no-wn 10 Atlantic City every two or three days. Ju-.d h,s business manager, I believe, went rdown narly every week. "On November St, tho date of his denth. rilr. Dell wns present nt dinner. Ho np- S'prd to be In a happy mood, desplto his urrloiy we&Kenea conumon. a. tew naurs I Uler he died. "It was a terrible shock to Mrs. Momilre. She Is htart-broken over thb affair." I Mr. Hell's death Is recorded ns having fkn caused by uremia, and Ilrlcht'a die- ise He was attended at tho time or Ills Sluth by Dr. Joseph White, of Atlantic EClty. FIANCEE A. DnUSCTTD Ills fiincee. Mrs. Matrulre, Is a striking Irunettr, with blue eyes, nnd Is nbout i thirty-five years of age. Sho Is the widow ',of a former Philadelphia liquor denier who also died In Atlantlo City. Consider able attention was directed to Mrs. Magulra durlnr the sprint: of 1914, when aha filed caveat to prevent the probate of the will tf her husband. She was totally excluded .from sharing In the estntne. Mr. Ryan today denied a rumor that his lUttHn-farr was going to contest the will . of Mr. Bell, which was admitted to probata j!utt Thursday In tho, Montgomery County E-.wourti. "There Is no truth In these rumors," aula Mr. Ityan- "Mrs MagUlre, I know, Ilu enemies, who would no doubt try to Ihr harm. I nm looking after her busl- Ito adalrs and I can tell you tnat wo irt not seeltlnir any legal mix-up. Wo are Mt looking for nnjthlnp but proper com- Masatlon for the care and sorvlco given lilr. Bell during his Illness, which Is no BBore than fair.' llr. Bell's estate Is said to bn valued nt lltrtral million dollars. Ho began his gro- jttrr career some twenty years ago and rii so successful that nt the time of his Jddth the Bell chain of storeu numbered !(, n Philadelphia and surrounding coim Uies, He was n prominent horseman, own Slnj a large string of horaea nnd the Cedar , Ptrk Stock Farms. Ills home was In Uryn L'Utwr. but he Is said to havo resided with fa stiter In Cynwyd for a number of years. ;ur. uei was fifty-three years of ago. Polish Council to Meet Soon BERLIN. Dec. 18. The first meeting of Mh Palish National Council will bo held i,Ufore Christmas, eaya tho Overseas News , Arncy. The Polish National Assembly "III meet In February. r! 1 111 & Open Saturdaua Until Five Published Today A T THE WAR By LORD NORTHCLIFFE The strongest voice of England speaks in this book of the war and Britain's outlook. A daring, cordial, discerning, optimistic pronouncement by the man who has been back of mighty be neficent and fruitful movements and who must now be recocmized as one of the real ruiera ui His generation without portfolio. MAUtkokflhe, OctavQ With Portrait fot&W GEORGE H. DORAH COMPANY, New York .?MI ,,, ! aHrU, lor H0BSI ST0U6HTOW ENGLAND PUT UNDER FOOD CONTROL TODAY Regulations CurtntHng Meals Received Good Uumorcdly. Now in EiTect LONDON. tMe. U Pood control has gone Into efteet through Mlt Knglaml. Regulnthnm curtailing meal, whteh be eame effective thU morning r met by the Urttlelt ope with a soft nf sehwllwy gooil humor, entirely tolerant and uncom plaining. "I ewl too miwh anyway. The food con trol wltl help me reditee." This exprelan lmllctl general senti ment as the new regnlattmi lieme opeia. tlve A few lovers of fowl have dfvled 'trick menue" whlrh rlrcumvenl the pur Itoees of the fond cttrtallmelit but conipli nnee with the hew ruling! Is gentral Questions galore Imm tirn ntiseil b the regulations and their viwrntlnn One of the problems which fared the l.ondntier nt dinner was whether to helpings from one course constituted two courses, for the number of courses Is limited by the new law. TEIPEU'S TRIAL ENDED; DENIES KILLING MOTHER Young Mnn Insists Murder on Lonely Itoud Wns Committed by "Hurly NcKro" Ill'KPALO. N. Y. Dec tl The trial of John Ijdward Telper, accused of mur- dcrlng his aged mother, enmo to n closo at noon today so far ns tictunt testimony li concerned Tclpeh hhb his own last witness nnd when hn stepped down from the stand Justice Wheeler adjourned court to give the Wwverx n chance tu tirepnre thlr arguments They will bn pro sented tomorrow, nnd by Thursday Telpcr's fate will be put In tho jury's hands Telper wns nil tho stand only an hour today llo was visibly refreshed nnd an swered the questions clearly nnd sharply. Ho rrllerated under cros.examlnatlon that the nssault committed on Orchard road, whlrh cost 111 in the lives of his mother and brother, wns committed by a "burly negro." Vigorous attacks on his story f.tllcd tn shake It. Fireman, Suicide UponJVifys Tomb Conllnnd frm Pass One the grave. This was nbout 4 o'clock yes terday The body wns found nbout 300 feet from Cobb's Creek which forms the county Ilne between Philadelphia and Dolawnro County. G corgi C'onnell, superintendent of the ceme tery. Immediately notified tho potlco of th nlxty-flfth street and Woodland avenue sta tion, who In turn communicated with the Delawnro County authorities. Coroner Drewen took charge of the body. Stelnhauer'n sister, with whom ho made Cho!c toilet water always !a appro prtatn nnd welcome Ana none mor o thn mir 0rJnlv or VioM Huprm, fttc nrt $1.25. or our Flow rr of Itnlr Cologne o prp4tunl favorite tMK 7(.q unit 31 no All beautifully parkM and postpaid to any 17. 9 1drta. Aluo n rompltta lino nt foreign anil American pr cumta LLEWELLYN'S rhllsdrlphU's standard llrnc Ntere 1518 ChcBlnut Street Opn evtry onln till 13 Sf WCTreaswWWVWMWJei Ready Money- United States Loan Society 117 North Broad St. 411 8. Clh st. 5318 Oermaalown ate. FUEL SAVER LIDS Fortbo RANGE CUTS COAT, IUIXS ONE-THIRD 13.00 L. D. Bcrgcr Company Silidliuhli- Veokllt os Rtaunt Elegance and economy combined tn Clawsons 25c Vanilla Umo ont fourth lt$$ than any other. ATI L I THE Gift for Her! Give a Lamp A most acceptable Xmas gift a lamp is typical of Christmas time; it suggests cheerfulness and contentment. A wonderful assortment at moderate cost. Retail Display Rooms The Horn & Branncn Mfg. Co. 427-433 North Broad St. "A short walk along Automobile now" mmmmmmfmm mm EVEtftXft LEBaRR-HIIiADELHIA, MONDAY. DECEirBETl IS. KOUKllT V. STKINAUKll Lieutenant of Knpino Company 32, who shot himielf throtiRh tho hcatl nt his wife's irrnvc in ML Morlnh Cemetery. his home nt 101? CallowlillI street, mail arrangements to have the body brought to his home at once. oKKifi'.tru Titmtrn:. llatlallon fhlef CI force Y. MooJIe. Super visor of tho Klretnen's School, ileclareil that Htetnhnuer was one o( thn best Instructors he hail ever hail He vlsltnl the nrehous at .Sixth ami thrust streets on l'rldav' At that time hn appeared to bo In flno spirits. He Isniched nnd joked wllh the men and wished them .ll a Mcrrr t'ltrlstmns Htelnhnuer wan in his forty-flfth year lie was appointed n member of the bureau on December IS, 1902. and aMlrned to Unclne Co. IS, at Tenth and JUittonwonrt streets lie was elevated to the lleuten nncy lit 1910 Iteeently he took the ex amination for captaincy and Is said tn have been In line for thn appointment. He Is survived by a stepson &, ) JJ-ULJJLiJUJLuj.iiiiiiiiinunii in 1 1 U 1 1 1 iUMIH MUUn M II I MM I H I U i II nt i ntli iniaiii I Ml U' ' i wmii u uu t; u i u ttuuiutu lun 1 1 v) uuu u i uu uu h rL? ( II Gbristmmjugestbm M I (Mil H x j)jMPIiiimiiiiiiMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIllliiMMiiiiiHim MRS. RIPPIN GETS $5000 CITY POST Named Chief Probation Offi cer of Municipal Court Despite Object-ions WINS ON HER RKCOUly Mrs Jane t)eter Hlppln has been ap pointed chief probation oirieer of the Munic ipal Court At an anntitl salary of 15800. The appointment becomes elllectlve on Jan uary I. The appointment was nnnounceil by Pres ident Judge Charles !. tlrnwn, despite the opposition of Jiulite Itnymond MneNellle and others, v.ho favored the selection of n man for the poet Mrs ttlppln has been chief probitloii nmcer In the domestic relations division of the court and the promotion. Is vvas said was mvde tn recognition of the Im portant services she had rendered ns an orptanlter nnd administrator In social serv ice work Her record proved an effective weapon against those who disapproved nf the selection of n woman for the 11000 berth Judge MacNellle had Utile to say on Mrs Itlppln's appointment ' I wanted a man for the good, of the worV," he explained 'As the nppolnlment has been made I have nothing to say In criticism I wish tn see the best results, and we can only hope thnt the appointment will prove to l) for the best interest of all concerned "Mrs ltlppln Is a IhornURlily capable woman My only objection was to the appointment of n woman to a place n man should nil " Mrs Itlppln's omen will be In the remod eled Magdalen Home Twenty-Aril and ltace streets, where the new quarters of the Juve nile Court nnd the domestic relations divi sion will be located In a statement Issued through lllon air land, executive clerk of the court, the ap pointment thus was explained Mrs. lllppln is now supervisor Jif pro bation odlcers In the Domestic ltela tlons. Criminal nnd Misdemeanants Divisions of the court Itv her now position, which she will assumn on Jnuuary I, sho will take charge of the Juvenile probation work as well as that heretofore Under her supervision This nrrangrmtnt will facilitate the co-ordination of all the probation work un der one chief ns contemplated under the act of Assembly creatlnit the Mu nicipal Court The salary of the chief probation of fleer of the Juvenile division has been For Women Pearls and Pearl Jewelry Sincle Pearls Pearl Necklaces Pearl Collars Pearl Pendants Diamonds, Sapphires, Finger Rings Brooches Pendants La Vallieres Neck Chains Hair Ornaments Bar Pins Sautolrs Miscellaneous Gifts Opera daises Opera Bags Enameled Boxes Eyeglass Cases Fated Bags and Suit Cases Lockels La Vallieres Lip Salve Boxes ' Lorguons Puff Boxes Photograph Frames i'apler Poudre Cases Hat Pins Hind Bags Mesh Bags Glassware Vinaigrettes Vanity Cases Belt Pins Belt Buckles Bracelets Bangles Brooches Book Marks Bonbonnleres Card Cases Coin .Holders Lorgnette Chains Dorine Boxes Embroidery Bags China Plates Cups and Sauccra Opera Fans For Diamond Jewelry Finger Rings,-Jeweled Signet Rings, Scarf Pins. Cuff Links, Waistcoat Buttons, Studs, Waistcoat Watch Chains, Miscellaneous Gifts Ash Trays Cigarette Holders Cigarette Cases Cigar Cases Cigar Holders Cigar Lighters Cigar Cuttera Card Cases, Wallets Corkscrews Cuff Links Chain Key Rings Cocktail Sets Cocktail Mixers Canes Drinking Cups Desk Sets Ink Stands Calendars Pen Trays Blotters Stamp Boxes Eyeglass Cases Flasks Key Chains Lapel Watch Chains Match Boxes Pocket Electric Lamps Pencils Fountain Pens Desk Shears Paper Knives Pocket Knives J. E. Caldwell & Co Chestnut Juniper Soutk Penn Square Dress Modeh Stuff as They ! "Show On" Latent Styles I CHICAGO, Dec. 18. SIN01NO models, tho first In the history of fashion. It is snlil. mmle Ihclr appenrnnce nt the convention of tho Designers' Association of Wom en's Clothes hero today. Special melodies nro Biinjr with different styles. A brown of black suit tnkes a somber tune, a frrcen or pink suit a dnshlnR strain, urny requiring something In a reverie.. It's to Il lustrate tho psychology of clothes and to impress women with tho fact that their personality Is shaped to n lurne extent by the tnsto with which they dress. UOOft Mrs. Itlppln's salary as super vising probation olloer hat been 11600. t'nder the reorganisation h'ans the of fice of the supervising , i.illoii onicer will be abolished, so that In maklmr the salary of the chief probation of II err KOOO the net result wltl be a saving of 1S00 The Increase Is mads as a matter of Justice tn Mrs ltlppln and In recognition of exceptional abil ity as nn nrganlier and administrator of social service Hlnce her connection with the courl Mis ltlppln has de- HIGHtESTp&PAID ILVGO urn? etc co.;: ! r; I in, c-i .. amvi s. inn ironi v-u.mut I'henet Walnut 13 blamondi.P.wrie,Hubloj,?tocI ::mqdern refwiwc tltIIllltaXXaIIJiaX:lll.SXttJlllIIlIXILlXIlSUBSXJilLtlSI.lSiajlIlXltS a, cwsv Novelties E. Bradford Clarke Co. ?:::.,. 1520 Chestnut Street ".'?, TrrTisViretTTTrsiiTWTiirniTriTresssiiiTTeTTT Pearl Rings Pearl Brooches Emeralds, Rubies Earrings Lorgnons Bracelets Bangles Bronzes Pencils Potpourri Boxes Sautolrs Slipper Buckles Signet Rings Thimbles Crops Umbrellas Toilet Articles Desk Accessories Mantel Clocks Hall Clocks Porcelain Vases Lamps Suving Seta Tape Measures Men Pipes Reading Glasses Razor Strops' Riding Crops Shaving Strops Shaving Soap Holders S having Sets Scarf Pins Signet Rings Tobacco Pouches. leather, rubber lined Travelers' Cups; In Umbrellas (sets Fitted Bags and "" Suit Cases Watch Chains 1010 cllneit twft offer of positions at &fa starillat inereases over her prMeat wvlaey. Tha statement further says thai lit Juvenile Courtv Committee, of which tho lata tteorge QuinUrit Itorwlta was chair man, recommendeil the appointment of Mrs, ttlppln. because of her "peculiar fllnteS" for the position and thai her work has been praised by Colonel lloosevelt arid many other notable men More Funds Needed to Aid Soldiers WASttlKtrroN. Dee IS U Is estimated nt the War Department that the 1S.000.000 appropriation which Congress made for de pendent relatives of enlisted men of tpe militia and regular army will be exhausted berore the end of the bresent month. Steps will be taken Immediately In Congress to provide more funds, V MEN'S TAILORS & Cor. 13th nnd Snnioro Cnfallertng skill, through organisa tion, has mado us the choice of men who want attire that's correct to the last detail Trices moderate, suits or uvercoata to order US to so. THE ffianscom's RESTAURANTS HomtCookingPopaht Prittt 1221 Chestnut St. AND TJUlDL'ailOUT Till. CITT Christmas Finest Quality Confectionery Glace Fruits Fresh Fruits Plum Pudding Mince Meat Fruit Cake Fruit Baskets packed to order it i I . aL q, himAi iiigi,iiaai- ii Triii m i - ma " a 'i"'iim ii, ii i,,i.,jJ,,i,,i i.iii iiiiTuj gww-r '$m2 v r .1-1 -if. 1 A Citizen of Philadelphia . ; said to an advertis ing man the other day "Tell mb how to advertise my busi ness successfully" and quick as a flash came back the answer: "Make Satisfied Customers! They ivill 8 end Ijou more new business than any other kind of advertising." !And that is one of the principles at the bottom of Perry & Co.'a .success. We want every man who wears a Perry Suit or aJPerry Overcoat to be a booster for Perry Values and for Perry Service. Cjlt's with that aim and ambition in mind that we tackle every phase of our work. In the back of our head wc have the t h o u g fi t: "How will this fabric wear, liow will it look, how will it advertise Perry's?" as wc go through the millions of sample's that the mills offer us from season to season. 4$ Same thing of Perry designing and tailoring. They must have mqre than surface finish. They must be sound to the core cut for com fort as well as looks, tailored for service as well as show, sound at every stitch. JFor, the man who wears Perry clothes and finds them even a little better than he ex pectedthan he ever got from anybody else is bound to tell Jack, Jim and William about us, and they'll come here, too! Q What kind of clothes service have you been getting? PERRY&CO. "N- Be T." 16th and Chestnut Sfs, If t