Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 18, 1916, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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    F M(W
r1""" ' " i - -i ilflifrfiiiljf-nrt- 'i r-" iii.iini.il
'Army Chicf-of-StnfT Tolls Sub
committee Guards Are
cfew and U. S. Only Nations Relying
Ion Volunteers, Says Chnmbcrlntn
W Bill Frlcrul
.SVASHiNGTON, Dec. 1. Tin tfnlfcxl
IHAUb nnit China aro Hi a only nations of
Ua relying; upon volunteers: fop tte(en.
declared Oeneral Hur?h I flcott. Chief of
Staff 6f tha United Btatn nrmy, testifying
""today at the oornpulsory military training
hearing before the sub-eommlttco of tho
Senate Military Affair. Committee
In tho coursa of n lengthy statement,
General Scott Indicia ilthe volunteer ay
tm no undemocratic, unrollablo, Inefnclent
and extravagant.
"It li undemocrntlo because It shift tha
burden) of nntlonnl defense from the shoul
ders of tjia many, wlmra It rightfully be
long, to the ahoutdcra of tho few, whoso
financial condition In life or whose patriot
tarn Impels them to offer tliomsclvcn to no
cept tha risks and hardship-, of war," ho
furthermore, Instead of unifying our
people to the extent whom nil Individuals
M trilling1 to undergo nacrlflca for tho
national good, It affords great opportunity
for thai eetflsh and nonpatrlotla to stay at
homo Jn time of war and to fatten on tho
adversity of the nation and on tha necos
altlea of tho families of better men who
liavo volunteered for tho counlry'n clo
fensa." General Scott declared that If the United
Btates Is over to defeat tho highly trnlned
armies of possible enomlen our farces must
liavo a training and dlsolpllno equal to
that of our opponent.
CltlnR tho startling fact that slxty-throo
per oent of the National Cluard railed to
arms for duty olonir tho Mexican bonier
two absolutely untrained In the lino nf
firearms. General Scott used theso and
similar flguros for cllnchlm; arnument for
the necessity of unhcrnnl military train
tare In thli country,
The first serious effort In Congress to es
tablish compulsory national military service
In. the United Btates since the Civil War was
toeffUn When the subcommltteo'of tho Kenalo
tllltary Affairs Committee began hearings
on tho Chamberlain bill, designed to crcato
an nrmy along tha lines of the Swiss system.
Anti-militarists and preparedness ndvo
J Mies In largo numbers woro present to lay
bofore the subcommittee consisting of
Senators Chamberlain, Thomas nnd Ilrndy
their objections, criticisms nnd approval of
- ho proposed legislation. Tho mibcoinmlt
"teo hoped, however, to conclude tha hear
ings about February 1 nnd to present to
tho Senata the revised drnfl of tho bill
designed completely to rovoluttontzo tha ays
o tern 'of national defense.
.Former Secretory of tho Interior Waller
tt. Fisher, of Chicago, tho first witness, at
tacked the Chamberlain bill on tho ground
that It would Impose nn unnecessary burden
on tho country and would fail to furnish tho
elvld training its sponsors claimed for It.
"The whole agitation for conscription linn
had a bad effect," ho continued. "It ban
dissuaded our experts from trying to formu
late a scheme for acttinl military prepara
tion which might have received popular mip
port." Tho German system of mllltnry training
was held up as a detriment to tha Industrial
- nnd social progress of a nation.
preparedness In Hwltxerland begins at
tha, ago. of seven nnd Instruction nnd prac--i
tic thereafter nra constant until tho forty
eighth year Is reached.
Thero aro flvo stages:
Tho publlo schools, seventh to fifteenth
Tho cadet system, fifteenth to twentieth
First lino of defense, twentieth to thirty
second year.
Second lino of defense, thirty-second to
fortieth year.
Territorials, fortieth to forty-eighth enr
, Hwltxerland has no paid soldiers and no
standing' army, hut with all hor compara
tively slight population of less than 4,000,
0Q0, she constantly has 000,000 soldiers
lead at a moment's notice.
One thing make, hor preparedness easy:
target shooting; la a national sport, just
as baseball Is here.
In tho publlo school stage tho prepared
ness la chiefly -devoted to malting the boys
healthy, but tho military Idea Is given by
Using tho army commands. Tho cadet
U8 Is a drlllljur stage, which Is volun
tary, but which 'no ono ever shirks. Tho
third stage Is of more extended drilling.
fn no one of the Ilo stages Is tho man's
entlro time given up to training; only part
of, each day and most of Saturday nnd Hun
day. Tho Swiss make their preparedness
sort of gamo, out of which they got u
yroat deal of pleasure besides tho satis
faction that thoy nra making what they
uiuuucr wcnnign a perfect defense system.
John T. Mnrtln and, Ellon A. Kfcrmnn
Remember Many Institutions
The will of John T. Mnrtln. a liquor
dealer, 3013 North Brood street, probated
. today, leaves on estate valued nt 1123,000
In trust for tho benefit of Hannah W. Mar
tin, tho widow of tho testator. It provides
that upon the death of Mrs. Martin 180.000
all go to charities and churches.
Tho charitable boquests aro as follows:
IFlyp thousand dollars each to the rhlladel
phla Homo for Incurables, I'resbyterlun
Home for Aged Couples and Aged Mon:
Homo for Aged Couples, 1735 Fronds
street; Homo for Consumptives, Samaritan
Hospital. Presbyterian ni-nhnturn iru...
terlan Hospital, Masonlo Home, ChlMren'a
Hontsopathlo Hospital, Homo for Aged nnd
Infirm Colored Persons, Bethlehem I'res
hyterlail Church. Broad and Diamond
streets; Children's Seashore Home, Atlantic
Cy Sunday Breakfast Association und
Chdren'n Country AVeek Association and
JlQjPOO to tho North Presbyterian Church,
Brood street and Allegheny urenue,
Tho will of Jillen A. Klerroan, 13S9 North
Thlrteentlt street, disposes of an estate val
ued at mora than JIOO.OOO and leaven 1500
eaufc to St, Vlncenfa Home. Blghteenllt and
Vfno etreets; St. Vincent de Paul Hoclety,
oonnected with Bt Malachy'a Catholiq
CHrcUi St Vlncenfa Home. Soentleth
tret and Woodland avenue ; Little Sisters
of the rpor. Eighteenth and Jefferson
4rlM St John's Orphan Asylum and
Houao of tin Oood Shepherd. The major
pqrtlon of the estate Is left to children of
th- testator.
Other wills probated were thoe of Oeorge
Mahpars, Teuth street below Snxty.nlnth
vjinue. Oak Uine, which In prlvatti be
mU disposes of property valued at mora
tl&k 1100,000; Edward T. Gilbert, 3340
iSStt Sixteenth street, f 40,000; James Q.
Wtwc. 130 South Fifty-seventh street,
J,frOp; Hllia A. Hereto. 3111 Vina street,
fMi John K Jlalloway. 1437 North
ffttr-fiftn dtreet. J49.O0O; Captain Mark
. WMd. B.B.A, -n-ho died at Kort Bayard.
W Mexico, 13100.
, PiOTala Bill ItecoVerinB Rapidly
VBH, pol, oee, is. colonel William
f CMUnaio uuu who lias been in a
oondltlon At the borne of his dauch-
thl city, &4 a result oX a threatened
prpmmmonia, u near recovery, ills
a, caia twsy mat n would b out
p K t w day
J5ptugxarian Ifamkemest Men
-, MU&tW, Vs., IH AJtbMjfc
pMrt jimtra (uti, Mujer .
a ,iw wf !
-Wi iii hi H.infm.
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a-H--1-iii HI ill I ! - i urn i mmmmmmm-mmmm"m hsjssi in-! iniiini niaiipm- 1 1 1 1 I wmmmM I
At tho point pictured hero, Kcnslnjjton nvcnuo near Ontnrlo Btrcet, tho building of tho now lino hna suddenly
censed, cnillnK Frnnkford'a drenm of rnpld transit nt nn early dntc. It Is to bo noted Hint tho upper ntructuro
rcstx (III double Ilillnrs. ono on ench
nosctl to erect n lino of Blnglo plllnra on which tho elevnted trncka will be balanced, so to speak. Hut it haR
been round that the npneo between the Burfnco trncka muat bo widened to nccommodato those pillarn, nnd hero
tho hitch hnB come. The P. H. T. Company contends thnt time must bo allowed for tho mnnufneturo of new
Hwitche. to permit tho surfneo tracks to bo moved further npnrt. Monntlmo opcrntlons have been indefinitely hnltcd.
City News in Brief
lMn-ln It Kchollntd. I2ID Uidlnw street,
thief draftsman, Iliircao of Hurey, salary
$2000; lluyinomlM' Ijirldn. 2101 North
Twontleth, assistant ctiKlnecr, lliirrau of
Health, J1800; flmrlcii K. Swan, 118 TobI
t'psal street, enKlnecr draftsman, Iliirpiiu
of Kurvryn, JIO00 , and I,ulll It. Jordan. S135
Arch slrort: Laura IX Dot f'nmpo, 3010 Al
rnoncl Btrcet, Anettn levy, fill North Mar
shall street, lliinnnh J, Kplhe. 101 North
Flfly-elBhth street; Mnrlo Walsh, 10H
Drown Btrcet; i:ilznboth T Iloltel, 1B00
Federal street, and MnrKaret V. (lalhiKher,
1010 Illtner street, typewriters. Bureau of
Water, 2. BO 11 day.
;itA(lltH.Mi:V I'OI(t!i:i nn entrance Into
tho raloon nf Charles McCullouKh, Ht2
South street, opened tho sato, took $390 and
a Rold watch, nnd then refreshed thcmscUcs
with two bottles of champagne. When tho
proprietor uent to net aomu money he found
the uafo opon
has rnlscil $12,000 for tho Improvements
to tho now athletic field at Twenty-ninth
and Clearfield streets Alumni officers
elected for the year are: President. Wit.
Ham I). ArmatroiiK. vice presidents, Casper
uroiHiniR-, joint .1. Miirncy nnu willlnm
Vottinan; hecretary. Laurenco F. Helno;
treasurer, Josoph A. rflstor.
T.eaituo Island attended a celebration of
ipasH by the embolics of both ships yes
terday Tho Hew Caspar Hitter, nn as
sistant at St. Petor's Church, ofllclatcd
tiuj rr.AvonouNiiH ahhociation
has formed a "Ono Hundred Club," nn or
ganization to which each boy will bo ad
mitted when hn has secured n hundred new
inembpra for tho nnsnriatlan. Ono boy has
already qualified by Kulnlm: 12S members,
nnd Is president of tho club. Hn In Harold
i:itall, of 2 1 J Apsley street, Cermautown
Two other lioya havo nlnety-flvo apiece.
Iin. tVAY.Ni; IIAIIOOCK, profrmor nf
surgery nt Temple UnUerslty Medical
School, Is recovering from nn operation for
nppendlcltla at the Samaritan Ho.ipltul Ho
was operated on last Friday by Dr. J H.
A 2S0-POUND MAN, with n Imlft In lilt
hand and a. loaded revolver up his Bleevo,
won n debato on tho streets of Manayunh.
Ho la Samuel Denorra, nnd Is In the safe
keeping of the police Tho loser of the
dobnte was Patsy Fair, flfty.flvo years old.
140 pounds, who hail fourteen stitches put
In his face.
DIItnOTOH KItUHI-.N tnilny iim.ln n.
Chrlstmmi appeal for tho sick and unfortu
nate) In hospitals throughout tho city. Cliffs
such as flowers, greeiiH, fruits, books and
games aro tho best ror the patients, while a
little sympathy or a visit goes a long way
toward lightening their burden.
"Billy" Sunday, Former Gov
ernor Fosa nnd Others Lend
"Dry" Forces
BOSl'ON. M.XIB., Dec. 18, The most
dramatto uampatgn this city has ever seen
on tho quostlon whether Boston shall license
liquor dealera ends today. Tomorrow the
voters will settle the question at the polls.
"Billy" Sunday, field general for the'
"dry" forces, will hurl the final blast Into
the liquor Interests' camp. Tonight, at tha
tabernacle, the evangelist; wjll Bound the
charge lu a- wind-up sermon '
Uned up on the side of prohibition, sec
onding Sunday, are many of the city's
leading oltUens. President Hmerltus Kllot,
of Harvurd University; Major Henry Lee
Hlgglnson, Courtney Clulld, Paul llevere
Frothlngham and former Governor Eugene
N. Foss ara umong the leaders,
The latter has made an extraordinary
offer to tho city of Boston Ha has agrend
to make good to the city for fir years
any loss of revenue that may result from
the city's going dry, It it will give him
for five years one-half of any savings the
city may make directly or Indirectly as
a result of this He has agreed to post
a bond of 11,000.000 to protect the city.
The "wet" adherents have enlisted In
their cause hundreds of prominent business
men throughout the city and have spent
thousands of dollars In advertising.
Publlo demonstrations were held through
out the city yesterday by both sides. Mora
than fifty rallies are scheduled by the "no
license" forces today, while tho "wets"
will oanvasa every quarter of the city.
"The trail of the serpent," perhaps the
greatest serown "Billy" has delivered
against the liquor forces here, was given
red hot to two overflow audiences of men
at the labernaole.
Moro than 3000, led by ex-aovernor
Foss, "hl tha trail." while 30.000 cheered
and stamped and pledged themselves to
yote "dry." ,
Shoo Machinery Suit Advanced
WAblHNOTON. Dec 18. Efforts of the
Ooveniment to hasten consideration in the
Kwruino Court of the antl-trut salt against
V)0 Vm4 gh JJ$Miry Uowiiany s
m u 9H)n B.iivand the
sr tm av-
jj.vii.Mi'G Lmmii-miLADtewmA mommx mmmm m
nliln. Tim fmindntlnng nxlnnil in rimr -
Lnwyer Was Working on Lcgis-
Intive Program to Aid
Municipnl Court
DcnlinRS With Delinquents nnd Abolish
ing of Red Tnpo Sought in Pro
posed Measures
Oeorgn Qulntnrd llorwllx at the lime
of hlti sudden death last week, n work
ing upon a comprehensive program of leg
islation which would cnnblo Urn Municipal
Court tho moro effectively to handle, r.ixcn
that comn before tho Jucnllo branch, It
beenmo known today.
Horwltx was acting as cnunucl for tho
Municipal Court In the preparation of tho
legislation, hut his death occurred heforn
tho draft of thn bills that will bo presented
to tho next legislature had bcon com
pleted Cloorgo Wharton I'cpper. who fre
quently has acted as legal advlnor to tha
court, was asked today to completo the
work begun by Horn Hz
Tho proposed legislation which tho Board
of Judges of the Municipal Court will urga
tho Legislature to enact Includes tho following-
Correct the legislative errors In tho
so-called "sixty-live rents a day" act,
passed by tho Legislature tn 1016, but
dcolnrcd Invalid by the Htato Supremo
Court, thiough a technicality. Tho bill
provided thnt dcpertlng husbnndn sent
to tho House of Correction should get n
dally wngo of slxty-fho cents, which
w.-ih pnld to his family The new bill
to bo Introduced will provide that this
money shall bo paid semimonthly.
A change In tho act creating tha
Municipal Court so thnt the Juvenile
branch shall hnvo Jurisdiction over
caaen of mentally deficient children
A change In tho Municipal Court ao
so as to do away with red tape In han
dling tho coses of adults who nro guilty
of contributing to the delinquency of
children. "Sucli crises, which Include, the
selling of cigarettes to minors nnd simi
lar offenies, aro now handled by tho
Grand Jury and tho crlmlnnl court.
The Municipal Court wants tho power
to Impose a sentence of n smnll fine,
upon a summary conviction of tho
ndults nt any time they appear as wit
nesses against thq children.
A more humnne handling of unmar
ried mothers' cases, so that tho unfor
tunate women and girls will not bo
subjected to tho prosont sorlea of hu
miliating hearings, Thoy nro now ro
aulred to tell their story, first to 11
committing magistrate, then to u grand
Jury, then to appear for trial In the
Criminal Court, boforo nn order for
support can he mnrlo. Other changes
to provide for bonding the fathers,
forcing tho into pay from the date
upon which the child Is born.
In addition to tho program which Hor
wltz was preparing, other legislation Is
being prepared by tho soolal organlzatlonu
of tho city, with tho support of tho Court,
The social organizations want a cor-ordl-nation
of .the various charitable organiza
tions that place dependent children and dis
burse tho Stato appropriations to them,
Three propositions have been advanced
The first Is that n Stato Board of Children's-Guardians
be created, with n proviso
that only such children as are committed
by the Board shall partlcpate In the dis
tribution of State funds.
Illg Fire nt Jersey Shore, Pa,
WIMIAMSPOKT, Pa.. Deo. 18. Fire
that caused a loss of $90,000 started in
the Masonlo Temple ut Jorsey Shore early
this morning and raged four hours before
It was under control. The Masonlo Build
ing was destroyed and several adjolnlnfl
buildings were damaged. The extra stock
of merchandise of the Allen store was
burned. Aid was summoned from "Wll
llamsport, Lock Haven and Avis.
trm i , , v-v v 1 ilau' '"'.j-i
7crz-s3''-)-.rr2iM. crvviJv j-
vtti-vvffr 1 j. v vs s xf ccvcviJTWVV wnv-tarr
tmm . nhvmmhm m SS7 L jSSy . 0 B
In casting about for Christmas gifts
why not consider the claims of DIA
MONDS upon your attention?
Your choice couldn't fall upon anything that will give recipients
greater pleasure. Wo hare a very Urge assortment for you tu
select from puro white stones In rich and beautiful settings.
Our Confidential Credit Plan
enables you to buy not only Diamonds, but Watches and Jewelry as
well, on convenient terms at cash advantages.
A. SIMON & SONS, 13S S. ISIii Sf.
pli nfrnt l.'mm 41,1. ,!. tt I. ,..
News at a Glance
Ninv tflllK, Dee. IS. Apparently one
of tho best things they're tenrnlng nt Yale
this year Is to elopo. First It was Walt
Smith, of Ifannns City, who married him
rclt Into Carolina Parker's Hartford homo
nnd out of his millionaire Kausan City
fathers will Today It Is Gilbert Collins,
who unlil, as ho nnd hln bride started
through Broadway, that ho was Smith's
roommate. Ho married Miriam McCIcrry.
Smith Is now a Hartford department store
floorwalker. '
WAHIII.VOTON. Dee, IB, Tho Tight of
an Individual to sut a railroad under Indi
ana law for failure to destroy weeds on Its
right of way wuh upheld by tho Supremo
Court today, sustaining a State court de
cision WANItlNOTON, Der. 1A. A cn brought
to tent tha constitutionality of tho Now
York Stato law limiting tha hours of labor
of women was dismissed today by tho Su
premo Court. Tho court asserted that tho
resources of the New York Stato courts
to ndjudlcato the case had not been ex
hausted. Tho case Involved the conviction
of the Charles Schwclntor Press, charged
Willi working Mary C'ashal after 10 o'clock
nt night and before 6 o'clock In tho morn
ing MIW YOItlC, Her. 18. That there may
be no crossing of wires In legislation pro
posed at tho comlnt; session of the general
assembly for lowering food costs, Chalrmnn
George W. Perkins, of tho aovornor's food
commission, was In tho conference today
with Mnjors of moro thnn twenty upstato
HANIIINOTON, Dee. IK. Iteverilng a
Stnle court decision the Supreme Court to
day held that tho Ohio Volloy Tie Company
was entitled to recover general dnmages
from the Louisville and Nashville Hallway
after the Interstate, Commerce Commission
had awarded specific damages for rate
WASHINGTON. Dee. 18. Cmitaln It W.
Alllster, chief of tho engineers of tho
United States Coast Guard, and Lieuten
ant F. A. Hunuewell, constructor, leave
tonight for Pittsburgh to Inspect tho types
of tlat bottom river boats tn uso on the
Ohio nnd Mississippi IUvcrs to obtain data
for constructing three new coast guard cut
ters to be built by the Government for
flood relief work.
CHICAGO. Dec. IB. ror the second time
a Chinese will deliver the convocation ad
dress nt the quarterly convocation of the
University of Chicago, At the university
exercises tomorrow V, K Wellington Koo,
Chinese Minister to the United States, will
speak. Wu Tlng-Fang, Minister Plenipo
tentiary to the United Slates from China,
was tho first Chinese to be so honored.
' HEADING, Pa., Dee. IS. Amm F, Btrse-
ser, Blxty-one years old, of Temple, near
here, fell dead from heart disease while at
work today nt the Templo furnace of the
Heading Iron Company,
IlKAniNn, Po,, Deo. 18. Arthur T.
Wndsvvorth. Hfty-eaven years old, and
Sarah M, Krb, aged llfty-slx, both of Phila
delphia, cims to Reading today and after
procuring a license at the Courthouse,
were married by the Bov. Dr, J. V George.
The couple returned to Philadelphia to
reside. The groom is employed as a build
ing Inspector.
NI'lltTI.!.? n- IT ' .' ....
Mr.. ANNA C, SoilULkB" n ApVff'wiaiw of
Henry tkluilu. seed 78. Due mitlco of th
v. IJimnst8J3S.'jUth; Woodland 316
YOUNO LADIES for Ub.llna- beltlesT Call N.
lonjOruaIomcovyayno junction"
luajMyANTwv majjj
MAN. ANI WtrtJ. chaurtsur. houa.m.n nrt
cookt V
rails,. Phono WooJIanitais
n p. enoi.u. wan.
ill VitalliliHJ
A L ri Mtv-VaHHv7 V4 1 Ml
Kesumcs White House Confer
ences With JournnHsla After
Lapne of Year
WASHINGTON, Ie". 18. Two score
newspapermen blazed away today at Presi
dent Wilson wllh Interrogations of every
governmental topic when he met them ror
the flrst time In more than n ear ror
formal conference In his executive office.
The President let It be known the subject
of place would be regarded n ft sacred one
and nothing should be said or done that
might bo misconstrued or that might nrousa
speculation as to this Government's possible
course In the closing scenes of the war.
Mr. Wilson let It be known that his at
titude on universal training Is dependent
entirely upon the plan which might be pre
sented. The essential thing Is how tn work
such nn Institution. It 1.1 noi ueneveii
tho Chamberlain bill covers all necusnry
ground. Tho federallied mllltla plan ha
not been thoroughly enougn iriou o con
vince tho President that It Is olthcr a.
falturo or n success.
On the Mexican situation the Govern
ment Is now considering suggestions from
General Carrnnta mado beforn the AmerJ-can-Mexican
Peace Commission meeting
nt Philadelphia today.
The President let It bo known he ex
pects his recommendations to Congress re
garding clearing up tho rnllroad legisla
tion to go through. An extra session would
bo necessary only In caso a sufflclfnt
amount of tho recommendatlona were
omitted to make the program worthless.
Any compromise program will not change
the President's attitude toward the legis
lation he has recommended.
The Government Is ievotlng much at
tention to means for rnlslng revenues for
the next lineal year.
Convinced that bond Issues are not good
business except In emergencies, the Presi
dent nnd his Cabinet nro formulating their
Ideas as to how the money can bo ob
tained. The President may go boforo Con
gress to discuss possible additional taxa
Fierce Snowstorm
May Hit City Tonight
Continued from I'sse On
It Is fair, and the cold weather will con
tinue, which menns that tho walking will not
bo bad, even If It Is slightly slippery Tho
wind Is very light, only about nine miles
an hour.
Christmas shoppers started out In greater
numbers than wero noticed last week. Many
were bundled In furs They found nn
agrceablo surprise awaiting them. The
sun was on the Job bright nnd enrly, nnd
although the temperature dropped to
22 at 6 a m , It began n steady climb up
ward Forcaster Bliss said tho day was a lit
tle colder than normal for this time nf
year, but In no way unusual.
Thero Is skating on both Hunting Tnrk
and Concourse Lakes todny.
'Twas a bit of old Norway that wan
transplanted In Philadelphia yesterday.
Whllo Jingling sleigh bells were heard In
many sections of the city, oven on Mnrket
street, and ukatlng and sledding wero af
fording delight to thousands In nnd about
the city, ski drivers appeared on the roads
hi Fnlrmount Park In a rather startling
Itesldents of tho Main Lino and many
suburbs enjoved all forms of winter oports
The Merlon Golf Club's skating rink was
crowded, and thn Haverford Collego
campui proved to be tho rendezvous for
many sledding parties.
uf? r .
li (
4 '
eagonabiettggejgtions tylMiabklmtvchtmtg
28c, 38c & SOc Lb.
TlttVr urtat
1232 Market St. & Branches
Outfits for
( Brass Croft Work
F. WEBER & CO., 112S c1Jmx
Opn lSvoolnxi. Doe. 18-S3. IncluiHo.
I Mazda Lamp Outfits
For Xmas Trees
11. 21 and llj
lamps, nttedij
with approvea!
awivel attach-
,mcnl plugi nnd'.
(excoDt the $
light atrlns)?
wun uarrei!
Junction boxes. :
P u r n 1 nil e d
either In one-J
1 11 o h round J
, ibulbi In aaaorted
colore or In fanoyJ
Olrulta, flowers,
.comla figures of
otfsque destsn.
anlmala, nutB orj
wonaerruny 10
aiiraciivsneaa 01
tree. Packed In
ready for use.
tastefull holly bor,J
Ulr assortment,
Frank H. Stewart Electric Ca5
37 & 39 N. 7th told Mint nidr.k
ii At fr tn 4lclrical calaln.
Xmaa Cards
Post Cards
10o PER POX. TO S.1.25 EACH
lOe UP TO $3.60
an esAOKCR
$1,00, Vaiuc tl.ss.
S1.BO TO S4.00 $1.00 AND S1.25
800 TO $9,80 A BOX
UBKi' sua and vnvrr sass raOM i.ee ur.
Fins Leather Ppcketbooks,
Ar9fiAT( eatscirr ren mcn os sots
25c to $6 each
Ivoar Srr . SS.00 u
rAVLlKO 8(TS .---- S1.00
MAMieusue Sirs - vl.SSu
4n ivimi4
EII.EH Leather Mfg. Co,
ii n.T ;,-;
Hnddinuton Onrnnizntion Pn-
trons Tnken With Gambling
Mntcrlnl nnd Liquor
Twenty men wer taken prisoners nnd
quantltlra of beer, whisky and olher liquors
wero seized nhd dice, roulette wheels nnd
other gambling devices wero !-onflcted
in n spectacular raid nn the Haddington
Ilepubllcan Club, 6008 Market street, early
The raid was mado by six policemen nnd
the arrests were accomplished nfler severat
weeks of Investigation Two members of
tho ''vice squad," Brendley and Fanla, Had
been planning1 the raid When sufficient evi
dence had been coilecteu tney tooK tno
police of the Sixty-first nnd Thompson
streets station Into their confidence and con
ducted tho raid with their co-operation
Twenty men, according lo tho police, were
In the club about 2-20 o'clock this morning,
when flvo plain clothes men entered thn
building. Tha sixth policeman, Fanla. wns
participating In a crap game, with the
purpose of "cinching" the evidence.
Several patrol wagons had been drawn up
before tho doors of tho clubhouse and the
men, liquor nnd gambling apparatus wero
driven to central elation The men had n
hearing thin morning nnd fourteen of them
wero dlviharged because of lack of evi
dence The majority of them maintained
thnt Ihey were only "watching" tho gam
bling Tho six who were held In $400 ball for
a further hearing on December 22 gave
Iholr names and addresses ns follows
Jamei P Whiten. 335 North Iledfleld
street: James Wlllsman, CC12 lines street;
Samuel Brown, Seventeenth street and Co
lumbia avenue; John tloyd, 25 North Six
tieth street ; Ocorgo Watson, Lansdownc ,
James Brown, 402 South Sixty-first street
A remarkable frnttirs of tho raid wan
tho secrecy with which tho vlco nquad men
performed their work. Hven Lloutennnt
i;i!ls commander of thn police Motion of
that dletrlct knew nothing of their activ
ities until ho wan asked to furnish tho
patrol wagons and extra policemen
No charge concerning the sale of liquor
was mado ngnlnt tho prisoners. They wero
merely accused of participating In a gnm
bllug gamo nnd mnlntnlnlng n. gambling
Acceptable Christmas Gifts for Men
Smoking Sot3
Card Cases and Wallots
Umbrellas and Canes '
Library Set3
Engagement Boolo
with gold oornora
Cigarette Cases (very thin)
1121 Chestnut Street
For Men or Women, $1 to $25
Children, 50c to $3.50
Walking Sticks, $1 to $10
Everjthlnr In Lamp Shades Tteaeoneble
HARMAN'S, 115 S. 13th St.
The Ideal Gilt For
Friend Wife
All china, clan and sil
ver wnehed and dried tn
it fr minute by tlm
Sold by Gua Companies
and leading Department
SIS C'heatnnt Ntret
JN'rlte ua for Illustrated
folder or phone Walnut 300J
He Will Appreciate
More ii It Gomes From
8 ' ' o
ifligltcy far i rntUnttgnP!
113 So. 13th St.
Below Chestnut Street
The I.arse.t Ill.trlbntars of
1IANUATTAN Shirts la I'hlUdelsbU
(Open Bvenlnss Until Xuii)
Electrical Set
will enable you red-blooded
boys to build your own motor,
v s
' ..in... i. iii, ncanaaMjaj , jiaLJMf n i i- i -
" ' "fti' . i"j
EftBCTOIfc s!Svi
install electric lights and bells,
build a hoisting engine that.will lift 200 pounds, operate electric
trains and mechanical toys and perform more than 100 inter
esting experiments. Included with each set is an illustrated
manual explaining the wonders of electricity, providing fun for
every day of the year. Ask your Dad to buy you one.
WALKER & KEPLER, 531 Chestnut St,
ConRrcssman From Pennsylvania
Drnws $21 n Day, but Spends
His Dny8 Elsewhere Mostly
WASHINGTON. Dec is-Ar-soclMes ef
Itepresenlttllte J IL K Scott, Congrewm,..
nt-Lnrgo from Pennsylvania, today recajui
that ho had attended only on session ef
this Congress, the openlnir dav i-i.
serted that while It might be commendtM.
In Km AliMlln Ik. fl.t.ft . .. "
In Pennsylvania, to do so to the
of his duties here deserved criticism
Mr, Scott certalnlf Is living tip.. M.
wan the worst nbsehteo of nhy mm!fViJ ,1
session and promises to Un i t, 1
about 121 a day for nttendln, to his dnnl!
hr. Itn )m relv,1 111 .i.. " . """M
year, for which he performed no Services!
Foreigner Frozen to Death '
Identified foreigner wan fmm,i e ." "?
death with his head hanging gcrS. .
fence on William P. McConnell'a farm
Delaware City today. ""' '
Fine for Xmaa Gift
Electric Lamp
It beauty.
Oraoeful, stylish, ail
sign. A most un
uavial bargain at the
price. Height 11
Indies; shade dl.
m,ol.?ri JH Variety
brass. Japanese bronxe, verde erun.
(Bllver nnlali, tl.50). T
run) suit Basaon
orange blue, pink, old
complete, ready to attach.
jfvnsrraj j nMiasiMi ertKIrt Itr
Aoitfay tVt: attclrle ttj, n trtt
Uwtft tn atmUmee. Alt frr Uf clUlef.
Frank H. Stewart EImWp Cn
t37 & 30 N. 7lh ou miu x,-U
For Her
Thla dainty lftiU rajfakla
boudoir slipper la lust U
thins she will appreclAU.
Lined with Umb's wool. .All
Mali orders
You Can Save
By Buying 'From
M. & S. Fridcnberg
Expert Diamond Appraisers
37 North 11th St.
Between Filbert and Arch
Cor. 9th nnd Buttonwood
K.Ubll.htd TS Year
A Trcsitired OIII
The New
and Re-creatiou! i m
The flrt ebetee ef U
those who spprecUte rI tM
muAte. .
"Xothlnr but EdUens",
1100-1102 Walnut St
Open Kvenlnss after
Octembor IT until Christens.
fll I I il 1 1 bvb
I "
esivj-tX tm.V. 9$
lHafi Wff