-iy-s - -a ,-? ,s ,r 1 --oP1. aMwcMiunmj yintikjuiiwmniuW-wiji a wmmmmfmmktir .Pi-n" -w "MONDAY ' December 18, 1916 imttng wwiger wi I raos i H,v, .'ui-'M ,1 iWi E3KI PsiKilnB A v m i js: .' t. r? -.'. . - ft w ,-t A- r: m- ,- "fi -fc. A CimiSTMAS SHOPPER WHO HAS NOT OVERLOOKED THE KID 13 ROTH ER THE MONDAY MORNING "STICK-UP," THE DREAD OIJ THE "HOLIDAY PICKPOCKET The unlucky prisoner who is not scared out of hla wits by having to face such an us!;c inbiagc must hnvo his ncrvo with him. Tho masked men are detectives. The prisoner is placed before them nnd subjected to the scrutiny of fifty pair of eyes, so they will bo able to recognize him again, but he cannot recognize them. sfo&r SSS noma X '' . - r t&b &B -' r. " &a J2 m m m ' -,- M- .. ' ., Mi ffij'HiBK aK';UiW M TCS W Tp . . r. - , .r .,.. 5..".-a . '- ys..c , ' i;iv",-c ' '--; sw - v. fe".-'-'! :. rx:: H - ;$.' f MK wPPtI iM i fUi ff wes Mi ? PH ; ti3JfK5H!W .! $$sr&te&f"'1 HUNTERS GET BIG BAG IN NEW JERSEVT Christopher Powell nnd his sons, Thomas and Harold, of Merchnntville, and Benjnmtn, of Delnir, brought bock this load of game from Cape May County. Included were twelve ring-necked pheasants. ONE CAN ALWAYS II AVE PUN WITH A .BOBSLED AND PLENTY OF SNOW For tho first time In several years Philadelphia has had n heavy snow boforo Christmas and every, available hill in town nnd suburb has had its joyful patrons. Ik- L'iyi -fi ,ji -j! .: -a?. . -j- ''" ;&mJ&1 . isan ! jyCVS b; .jac' ,f .f , -' :., . -f $n -- v .-, : N ' 'f rf. cf T".a. u. .- - it.f K!3Sf H t .?, Hf - i 4 - iWwav ..jftte "$fX ' s. ."r- i , v ' "' ; ' ,. w ' fel n :" . A V . fr-'ffIT'i1 "' 'f Wvi-S' . V " T.JS'., &tf t. - ?il. - ! BETA4L DEALERS ATHEIt AS CHBISTMAS XHKB CAMS AtthlVB ,,, os-gaa ctT, ' adtd wufc ar-aad jf,bv8 nrid a tM Ifldlans avsau ywds ol lbs SMdtiiy Bailwiiy .CJusts ojf buyi uwttfrjyg sWPPIfe YQU MAY NOT QARB FWtt SOft-ULOUQEH aTBBETS, BUT THERB AE ' OTI INHABITANTS THA'f DO '1 :l 'i v;,a s W - J