j.ritr.i jEBAS IS HEAR AND HERE CATERPILLAR SECRETS DISCLOSED BY FABRE The Ltf f tho Caterpillar" Accords Mlnuttily Observations of Homer o Insects OTHER GIFT VOLUMES Joswh Pennell's Etching of "Tito Won- v der of WorkM-Uhead's "Arn blan Nights" r, tir or a. ruTCnrtMAn. nr j, "IHflrt iSbr. O. r. Putnam's Bonis Nw tut. I .i. i. th Inst collection at the papers f the celtbrttod ntomoJQtet U was we. !it shortly before the death, nl an nV iancd . ' the "on""" ot M inscoi Those who have macvot4 at th mrinlte Bailsace. the Instinctive umlerstavilng'. the to philosophy, disclosed In Vie author's llTts of the Or ml the WW Vrlll rlml new cause for wonderment ,n ihs nmnrlna; records of caterpillar e-ryitenofl. Tho paper ire tound sclunco am. Oie aro good litem , tun. Any one wli tho nllchtest lovo for mature will do '.rfhisolf nn Injustice ir he doe) not add to his bookshelf this fascl Citing narra'Yd ot tho embryonic lepldop- Urea Fabre Tiad a special "station" for his ebseroOona He eolccted n, slto especially 4ord for thta on nccount of the trees nnd elnta of the. neighborhood. The ospcrl- lAenta of Cuvler and others had demon strated that tennble theories nn to the Mntorr of tho butterfly in Ita early stares could not bo formulated unless tho habitant trro itlmulated. Kabro deceived tho worms of tho Silk recessionary caterpil lar, for Instance nnd has left In his pair t tJMiys on them a complete mo history lie proves for ono thing that caterpillars ire not Intelligent an are. for Instance, the resourceful been nnd ants, but aro governed nrr strictly tho accumulation of eons of conflict for existence, which we sum up In, the word Instinct Thtro Is nothing monotonous In tho mi nuteness of tho diary 'of caterpillar life. On tho contrary, tho paces nro ns fascinating U thoio or a novel. The Appeal of Etchings TUB WONDCn Of WORK, nr Jowph Pennell. J, It. Mpplncott. Philadelphia. Philadelphia, through thn hotiao of Lip plnoojt. Is responsible for one of the finest jUt books of tho season, It Is a new col lection of etchings by Josoph Pennell, all dealing with "Tho Wonder of Work." In his very r-uggcstlvo Introduction Mr. I'en nelt write; "Work today Is tho greatest thing In the world, and tho nrtlst who best records It will bo best remembered, Witrk las always been nn Inspiration to artists from the tlmo when wo were told to earn our bread by the sweat of our brow till now when most of un nre trying to forget tho command nnd act llko 'ladles nnd gentlo Bin."' It happens that tho names of the two artists whoso products havo been most closely associated with the expression of the work of tho world are connected with this volume, that of the nuthor nnd otcher himself and that of the great Ilelglan sculp tor. Meunler. to whom tho volume Is most fittingly dedicated n.i "tho prophet and ex ponent of tho wonder of work." The selection of etchings Is nmazlngty catholic It Includes In tlmo 1881 to 1915, and rangen from Montnnu to Germany. Some of those from Teutoiiy aro particu larly Interesting nt this rr.omont, because e oafr Hooks far Cfrrigtmag (Efrggr .BETTY AT FCIHT BLIZZARD By MOLLY ELUOT SEAWELL Four Illustrations In rolur nnd Ueeorntlons. Decorated clotll In sealed paebet. Net at.SO. , . This Is a straightaway nrmy love story, with tho scene laid nt n post In the .far Northwest. It Is n sequel to the famous "Uetty's Virginia Christmas." so popular a few yenrs ngo. It Is realistic and yet ns light as Deity's laugh presented In a delightfully dainty gift-book stylo. It makes a charming Christmas present. PRACTICAL BOOK OF ARCHITECTURE Ily O, Matlack l'rlce. Is Just tho gift for any ono who contemplates building or for the architect. It Is not n tech nical work, but nt the samo time de scribes the various styles and fur nishes practical Information covering the whole subjoct. About 225 Illus trations. Net. 16.00. WINTER JOURNEYS IN THE SOUTH Ujr John Martin ItnmmKnd, makes trTe golfer, the automoblllst and the tripper of every sort begin Immediately to' pack his grip for the kingdom of wonder south of Mason and Dixon's line. If you can't go. then enjoy from your armchair the fun, the beauty and the humanity ot the Southern pleasure trails. 81 Illus trations. N,t 11.50. FOR BOYS AESOP'S FABLES Illustrated by V, tipper There nro 100 uproar iously tunny pictures (8 In color) by the famous cartoonist This Is the edition that will delight the whole family. Net, X1.G0. RACKHAM'S THE ALLIES' FAIRY BOOK Arthur Rackham has Illustrated the beat fairy stories of the allied coun tries. A truly beautiful edition that will delight svery child. Net, IMS. WITH SAM HOUSTON IN TEXAS Ily Kdwln I- Sabln, Is full of patriotism and ad venture and tells In story form the struggle ot Texas against Mexico. Fully Illustrated. Net, I1.J5. BLACKBEARD'S ISLAND Ily It. 8. Holland. A new Boy Scout adventure in search tor the gold of Iltackbeard, the pirate. In the Islands oft the coast of South Carolina. Fully Illustrated, Net. 11.35. AT AM, IIOOHBTOKKS F. B. TLIPPINCOTT CO. A Great American Historical Novel First Edition Exhausted, Second Edition Ready Today EL SUPREMO By Edward Lucas White Jesse Lee Bennett, In The Baltimore U big book of tho year, a book which Ksatirertiv .1 snaure as 'jrna uoone,- -ine Jrna 'El Supremo has that rare quality the Is never diffused or Inchoate". There Is wnicn make you begin It without hesitation Uere U a book to read, to reread, to lend or Jrica 11.90 f. PottaoB extra, Ml Baokitort. E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY, 681 Fifth Ave., N. Y. New Edition Ready Lord Redesdale's Memories Delightfrd, Racy Records of a Modern Diplomat The New York Sun aaya: "A feast of anecdotes, character aketches, diplomatic embroglio, political, literary and artistic reminlacence, of as delightful an autobiography as has appeared in many a long year." , u fc n . ... ... v The demand for thee fascinating memories hx ben so ereat that tue Publishers have been unable to fill orders. hi,,. .,. .,. , On account ot the shortage of paper thla new edition U limited and we advise r' purchase, I f vokmes. Net, tiOAQ. Postage $xtra, At any bookstore. h BUTTON k CO,, 681 Fifth Ayue, New York r m.m' - ' v. ,.-" ft1 j wme,. WHS-tir . , r.jm&&amiM f Wm& SMt . v t, ji jir .ai w; pd " :"'" -"Tm TirniiirWrf c- lf . a -K&mn m WMmri&j&LfjJtiim w'.: rw ivli mammi JasaiB. i saaaaaP IOAsbWIUIII JS- JHeeaeaKf yfGTHUa LbbbbbbbbbbbbV i,' ??EsaaT imWilWmVUmR HIlflA LuVvv-tG ' f' GtCfSOflt JaaBaBaBaBaaaBk 4fL 4assaP JMf f JMffU Wl MsM rCkFWx r'GOlarA OS' ewBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBk. 2 ' J&BBBUBBBBP jVB fflBS SYVsWvSV B' fBBBBBBBl rrfw"jH(J uLbbbbbbbbHiBbbbbbbbbbbbw F) HsKvCaf WsU WaU aBBBBBBBBK IFS "Oleanlngs front Old Khuker Joiu-nnls." Just BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBafSHnHBBBBw t Wtf I fWSxVsTK SiB) sbbbbbbbM J It a isun publlsliH by Houghton Mirtlln ronipany, SBBBBBBBBKjBNBBBBBBraBEaSiHaBBBi.! WML ?'W Hf bbbMbt asff . i bbbK atBBBBat ( KfStjSVv '"' 8ves a full and readable nccount ot BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBnHfflBlVtiBBBBiBa,' V VJKbBBTWJbW W'sBBBBrjBBBBBBBBBBBB Mjgsf1 '"Tjlfff b HhskerS their WltyS. (lniWIl front HHHMMiHK BBaTaWiaWMMBTsBBBTJB aaM''BBBBBBBBBBM jK D manusortpt rrrords befnro HHBEbbbHHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSLs. 1 lSSBBBBBBBBBVaBBBT4r"''laSaBBBSBBBBBBa nV7CT Copies of their strnngn nro In- HfHraHHK iVaTaBBBBBBBWjBBBfVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 O '" "lfl "" nlU mn"' PllOtO- fBBBaBMBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVnBaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS. BBBlafBBBBBBiaFBVaBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW J RTapllS befom IBHJLfJH jriwkvKJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW. RflffiHHaaHiBBSBBBBBa, MffB&ttfuL tWfKti bSBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBflaBBBBBBBBm i?afjnriXT JBBBBB . JjBBBBBBBBBBBBBk BiHBBaBSBBBSBBBBBBBBBB& SBBB, f T'IUbBBBBBBBBBBBBbV Blk, Hfi V 'sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb IsnBUVBaBBaBaaBaBBaBaBBaBaBaBaBaBaaBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBa BBBaBaBy- . V . 'VH uiiVQIHIta A Y B i mtttmgs WHiRier in (fl) AP ;3R jjH they deal with tho great munition works IK WILSON V WJ j-.'lr5 ViR VbbbbbbbbbbBI of Kssen. lSOMWHB,i v 1a -. .. ' -kB ? kCbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! It Is little use to ndd more worde to ,,, Zj 111) l& . 'K, bbbbbbbbbbbH thoso that had been written already In V &D GrPffY .A" iiB''W9bbbbbbbbbbbbbbT pmlSO Of thO delicacy nnd the Vigor Of Sy J 'i IBBBBBBBBBBWJaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr Mr. I'cnnell's hand. I'erhnps It Is worth rs Jp '- t. ' ... JivVt ' W!iSsMBBBBaBaBBBB comment to note tho Inherent effectiveness . ,nnr', ggsW CwtVi w , iM;'7 vjslHHr of tho etcher's nrt, with Its thousands of V -- -"tvFYj , i'lV a." 'iBMBBBBBaV lines nnd multitude of shndows, In render- ., - tjHftkSwKV'iKv ' 'i'tHbbbbbbbbW Ing tho stono and steel work which play bbbbP! PCBft JjiJtVS Yujfi s tjfT.991 such n largo part In tho modern wonder of ' JP: sS - "' '''MraflaBBBBBBBBBL. v t fcjy fli 'SsfojJ bbA! tbbbbMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV Arabesque Decoration ' '-' Vr' 'iJMHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk. TIIH AIlAntAN KIOIITH. IIIUltrstM by lAUls . '. flK' .l'-W? -, . , JaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV. Ilhestl llarir llroa.'. New York. ITS ' u-mm. tiXi? WBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBt This yenr Harper's Christmas book. II- -; - VaHV"';,fW) Y&i ' "IHHPbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI lustrntcd by Ixiuls Ithend. Is 'Thn Arnblnn . VififtSJsJ t$!vm V a' bibbbbbbbbbbbbbbI Nights." Tho nrtlst's strong nnd graceful "' R fm aksffl .V,sSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! pen llnds an ndmlrnhlo subject here. There '- v VfJ. i5? sUbbbI n bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH Is notion lots of It In the eastern tales; . .qCSs bJ WItSb I JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH thero Is always the" plcturcsnuc; thera Is ,.i;-' M??' SXkuTiM 1 . BBBHBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! even n chanco for Mr. Ithead to show bis Vsrffl SwSSmSi jdm Eaa jJbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! knack for decoration In the ArahcAquo fash- WsxS?' uK B'Ibbbbbbh sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT KI.ECTED H" iX'" 7HJ8 BBBP tilttenhoeSer. Harper A Urothni. New ark I 1 JbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbRS-- This an Interesting addition to the 1 &. .i tjL ,, tKSK sl growing VOlUnlO Of LlnColnlana. The Vol- JK ' V, J& BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS time Is largely n. narrative of porsonul sVvnS. ?l ' ,y5l- .HbbbbFbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsW BOSTON recollections ot tho great I'rcsldcnt nnd .M!y 8 ' ImtiSkm -4HBBBBHrBBBBBBBBBSBBW 007 - men of his tlmo. Tho nuthor was n cum- JH. jM&XEif i bbbbbbbbbbbbIVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV okhlcy VA palgncr for Lincoln In 18G0 and n Lincoln EfcyflB' a- fi$W ' ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb7 1 "SONGS Of PRACTICAL DOOKS OF EARLY AMERICAN ARTS AND CRAFTS Ily Harold II. Kberleln A Abbot Me Clure, with Its 350 illustrations will de light and Instruct nil lovers of old pewter, silver, wood, needlework, -lass. ota, etc.. of early Amerlcnns, Tho pro fessional or amateur collector will II nil It a treasure Artistically bound. Iloxed. Net 0. 00. AND GIRLS STOItlEH AM. CIIILItltEN LOVE PINOCCHIO Ily O. Collodl. with S lctures In colors by larla U Kirk. Net, 91.35. ROBINSON CRUSOE Ily Daniel Defoe, with 8 pictures In color by Wil liamson. I'lnocchlo, the classlo Italian fairy story of an animated puppet, and the Adventures of Crusoe are splendid additions to the Stories All Children Ixive Serlsa. Write for n descriptive circular of the set Net, J1.35. FUIILISIIEIIS, 1'IIII.ADKLl'JUA. Sun, say! "Mr. White has created takes Its plice alongside and will wniio wmwo; T""u authentic, touch. It never fumbles. It not . dull page In all those J00 wges ana lay it uown wiin regrec. give to those you wjsh to please, jVBHm mmwmxEmmm& batobday, deobmbbk m ARE BOOKS THAT MAY ANSWER THE GIFT QUESTION .. FACES IN THE LITERARY LIMELIGHT BUPCQT J- HOLLAND 'SNOW JHOr LODGC" JOSHUA SL0CUM NOW IS ADMITTEDLY DEAD Royalties on Book Go to Widow. Other Stories of Authors nnd Their Work Joshua Slcum Is officially dead. The Century Company announces that after eight yoars, during which the nuthor of "Sailing Alone Around the World" has not been heard from. It has paid over the ac cumulated royalties on the book to his widow. Tho Incident reveals an Interesting story. It was In September. 1908, that the Century Company nent its last royalty check to Mr. Hlocuml Tho check came back undelivered, and upon Investigation It was found that Slocum had set forth on another of tho soli tary voyages described In his book. He had sailed from New lledford In his little boat, and was said to have been bound for South America. Word came back some time later Uiat ho had arrived In Hrltlsh Hon duras. A further report, never eubstan. tlated, was that he had been seen tolling up the Amazon. This was tho last that any one ever heard or seen of Slocum, though all these years have elapsed before U has been regarded as safo to assume that he Is no longer alive. It la Interesting to note the rumow. re cently revived by the Indon Morning Post, "newsier In special touch with official source,, to the effect O'WWhw i ..er.tiv offering ' l Allies all aorta of favorablo peace terms In exchange for the Si. oft free hand In South America.. The. Post asserts also inni u um"j - hLnMrraffilhli f" h"a ln past !& w would never have occurred. Th.aa lrt. .tocUv' bear out the contention of ! 6o UBhe"a "Pan-Ainerlcanlsm." which further asserts that the International hTXltvA iVirpKcle. case a. they proved In the case ot hie "Pen CJermanlsra." - n. h amusing Inoldents recalled by ir.hr? Nloolay's "our Nation In the Duild lna1? is that o? the first arrival of Jenny l if ifi New Tork. carsfuUy staged by her Und mf8 m naroum. "Barnum." says Sta NtoouV WS it prise of HOC .for ., L . in her honor, which was won by a, voung man named Bayard Taylor. When h ship was nearlng port h; erected trl ,,hi a7ches on the wharf, a una ant S Sir arrival off Sandy Hook, and he Ktlllousl "climbed aboard the VAtlan fwTwilwnn her with choice bouquet stuck "ta Vm? bosSm of hU white ve.U An I!K man ostensibly Barnura'a business rlvaL was already at hsr side, presenting her wl""" bouquet three times a. blg but h. may have been part of the advertising .?. Indl'gulse? At any rate, ahe smiled un parVunTind he mounted the bo of he? carriage, white waistcoat and all, and droved! with her In triumph through the J?Ij a move which his autobiography Snfeises wa. a detail of hU well-bought, out plan." "In international reUtlons, the African MttUment U going Kj be a Important and I. algnlncant for the future as have been .fl African Vevelopmeqts." aaya Herbert Adami aibbonil In "The New Map of Africa." the new companion volume to hU "New Nap of Europe." "The history ot Africa in the last generation, and especial ly In the decade Immediately precedlngjthe war shows the vital part of European rivalry t Africa In forming the aUIancte aVd to stirring up the friction that made a Muropean war Inevitable. Unless the Atrican aetUtment U made upon a bash) of broad statesmanship, the peaoe treaty will coftUU amber at a are unqusnohed, ready IjVlak v agato wha fresh ftitf fai Will Oermany be excluded from Africa, or will she bo readmitted to co-operate In the development of the continent on n basis that will glvo satisfaction to the abilities and necessities and aspirations of the German people?" Mr, Gibbons, needless to say, although a fervent supporter of the cause of tho Allies In the war, Insists that Oer many must bo readmitted to the African comity. When John A. Oade. author of "Charles XII, King of Sweden," In order to mako his narrative more vivid and ot more pres ent Interest, decided to write as If from records left by a companion of Charles whom ho called "Colonel Kllngspor," ho llttlo dreamed what tho consequences might be. So well did he simulate the language of Charles XII's devoted office that (he book has beon taken for a translation ot an actual document. One. of the most Im portant newspapers In the country. In a laudatory review, speaks of tho book throughout as an old diary, and even Swed ish editors havo fallen Into tho same mis take. The American-Scandinavian Ilevlew, In deploring this widespread error, writes to Houghton Mlffiln Company! "The decep tion la a tribute to the author's skill, but does scant Justice to tho research nnd con structive work that have gone into the volume." From Kentucky comes the story of three nged survivors of a once large colony ot Shakers making arrangements to have their lands, valued at more than $1,000,000, revert to the State. Thus Is passing one more of the picturesque little Shaker communities that dotted the East nnd the Middle West after the coming In 1774 of Mother Ann I,ee, an English factory girl of unusual force and character, strong per sonal magnetism, an ardent religious spirit and perhaps, unwittingly, some hypnotlo power, On the estate of Miss Clara Endlcott Sears, at Harvard, Mass., la a Shaker colony established a century and a quarter ago. Miss Sears has long taken a deop Interest Jri theso quaint people and In her book, Delightful Gift Books A trio of exceptionally Arte vol umes, tho stt of which will bo espe cially appreciated by people who know art and love books. Vanished Towers and Chimes of Flanders By George Wharton Edwards lloxed, small octavo, tl.Ot nil, nichly illustrated by the author In full color and monotone. Thirty full-page plates showing famous buildings of Vprta. Dlxmude, Alost, Mallnss, eta, nearly all of which have now been de stroyed. Tho Book of Boston By Itolxrt Shaekleton it.it nt. Boston of today treated with the un. demanding and sympathy of an old friend. Many sepia prints with deoo. rations. Unvisited Places of Old Europe By Robert Shaekleton Boxed, li.tt net. . Bhort trips oft the beaten paths which disclose a Europe not In guide books. Twenty sepia plates and decorations. At All Bookstore The Penn Publishing Co. rtiudsiatu "The 1'oet Of Energy" this phrase has been aptly applied to Kmltc Verhneren. who was killed In Itoucit on November 27 while endenvorlng to board n train. Professor O. S Gordon, when In 10H ho presented Verhaeren for his dfgr nt Leeds I'nlvtr ally In England, spoke of him ns the repre sentative poet of Belgium, "born nnd bred In tho heart of Flanders." Ho was born In 1555 at Halnt Amniul, on the Kscnut. In thn ne.ghborhood of Ternionde. and received his education frum tho Jesuits nt the Col lege of Halnto llarbo In tlhent. There Oeorges Ilodenbach wits his schoolfellow nnd Intimate, and thither n, few yenrs later came two other boys equally destined to literary fame, Maurice Maeterlinck and Charles an I.erlieigho. I-atcr Verhaeren studied law nt the University of Lnuvnln. but literature had already claimed him nnd he flung himself with enorgy Into his des tined career, Verhneren's first published volume was "I,s Fla.nnmles." nnd of tho poetry Mr. Krnncls Illckley says: "It was such ns wmild have arrested tho attention of the weariest critic. Violent, sensuous, Implncabty real istic. It wns of tho order of poetry which can never bo denied a hearing." Since then several other volumes of poetry havo been published, nnd tho Houghton Mimin Com pany expects to publish n posthumous col lection of "!.ove Poems" In the spring nnd nlso a volume of his plays. Doran Books for Gifts MY HOME IN THE FIELD OF HONOUR By Frances Wilson Huard Tho simplicity, the graceful intimacy, uio lino spiritual icrvor- oi inis r.nrrntivo form n mntcmess tribute to American woman. Exquisito pencil the volume. MOREWANDERINGSINLONDON E.V.Lucas l'rince of wanderers, retrlevor of lost literary treasure, contriver of companionable information, Mr. Lucas revisits London and discovers to you tho British capital up-to-date. Beautiful colored Illustrations lend this book distinction. 52.00 RECOLLECTIONS OF AN ALIENIST . By Dr. Allan McLane Hamilton Memories of Agassis, Edwin Booth, Mary Baker Eddy, Max Bcerbohm, Henry Irving, and mnny other brilliant folk ndd interest to a volumo equally notablo for its authoritative chaptora on capital punishment, insanity nnd American legal procedure. A grandson of Alexander Hamil ton, tho author is reckoned among the most distinguished alienists of the day. $3.50 FIBBLE, P.P. By Irvin S. Cobb This is the Merry Christmas Bookit's so very, very merry, and such a cheery, Innocently humorous caricature of n typo every ono of us knowal A book that provokes a laugh on every page aubtlo, adroit, convincing. LOCAL COLOR By Irvin S. Cobb Horn of alfectionate understanding, Cobb's big, kindly humor Is always pleasant invariably emphasizing the best that's In tho worst of us. This volume contains ton atorlos of our own pcoplo nnd our own day gonial, warm-hearted, bubbling over with sympathy and laughtor. $1.35 THE WANPERING POG Marshall Saunders It's more than twenty years since Marshall Saunders wroto that won derful dog story, "Beautiful Joe." This Christmas, boys nnd girls aro asking for the new dog story by "tho lady who wroto 'Beautiful Joe'." And parents aro glad bocause "Tho Wandering Dog" is even a finer story than Miss Saunders earlier book. $1.50 THE LION'S SHARE By Arnold Bennett The whimsical will-o'-the-wisp humor of "Burled Alive" flickers through the solid sub-strata of heu.-ty commonse..so in this attrnctlvo new novel quite distinctly one of Mr. Bennett's most human, most rational achieve ments. $1-50 THE PARK FOREST By Hugh Walpole This Is the great WMpolo novel which all tho critics and all the "selected lists" have united In calling "one of the two best novels published since the beginning of the warl" It's tho book you'ro hearing so many people talk about. ?U5 CLOUP ANP SILVER By E. V. Lucas With all his magician's skill nnd in tho truo Yuletido spirit, Mr. Lucas has given us this inimitable volumo of jolly llttlo essays and quaint fables. A book quite unforgettable light as a cloud, ns bright as polished silver! $L25 THE WHITE ROAP TO VERPUN By Kathleen Burke "The Knight of Tendernoss and Pity" is tho title they havo given Kath leen Burke in Franco. Three government have honored her; trance paid her tho Bupreme tribute Inviting her to visit the gloriously uncon quered fortress of Yerdun. The story of her visit Is told in her own sprightly words. $1.00 THE LAST PITCH Will Levington Comfort A book for the lover of real romance. Written in Comfort's brilliant, inr'iii stvle. full of his wonderful, (lowing descriptions of the Far East the narrow, crooked, lnmpllt streets flatness of tho Northern desert the the Hill country at uusk. At Every Bookstore GEORGE H. PORAN NEW YORK u tt 38 WEST Publishers Irt America for HODDER Katharine Pu'a Beautiful Edition of GRANNY'S WONPERFUL CHAIR Written by Frances Browne and highly commended by Franeea Hodgson Burnett this wonderful book of fairy tales never grows old. We confidently recommend this sew edition as the most beautiful child's book of the Christmas season. Pries, fiat $2JiO. Pottage Extu. At all bookstores. E. Pa DUHON & CO., 681 Rltlt Ave,, New York im TIIE ITCHING PALM AND ITS ANALYSIS Tipping Hnbit Condemned by W. R. Scott in Dissection of Prac tice in America THR rrcittNo VA1M. K&I.I. In InlXl.,. ,t, A stuJr nt the tlrrlnt ilr William J. Seen. Penn IMbllthlnc Comparo1. Philadelphia Mr. Scott tells us that there are 5,000,000 liersons In the United States who derive their Income In whole nr In patl from tips, and that they receive between 1300, 000,000 and tSOO.000,000 n year In this way. He attacks the custom from the economic and moral point of view and re views the history of legfctallon to bring It to nn end. The antl-tlpplng laws of such States as have them are given, along with the Massachusetts law. Intended to prevent the division of cnrnmltfalons between pur chasing and selling agents. Mr. Scott Is convinced that tipping should bo nholtshed, ns It la undemocratic nnd demoralising. He asks that thoso who ngrco or dfsagree with him address him nt his home In Padiicah, Ky., giving Uielr views. He evidently thinks that he has made n contribution to tho dis cussion of tho subject which will lead to a reform of our social customs. Ho has rer talnly produced n book which contains much Interesting Information not to be found elsewhere. Whether It Is possible to prevent the giving of tips Is not certain. K.icl"iail Richard By HUGHES M EARNS A new novel about a man who avoided wealth work woman until but that's the story. It is a clean book, and may be given to any one who likes thoughtful humor. jtt all thobkitoro, 1.11 net. The Pcnn Publishing Company, Philadelphia tli in cnurncro nnd sclf-SUcrlfico of tho drawings by Charloa Hunrd UlUBtrato of Chinese seaport the hot, dusty coio, snarp air ox fm i-jo JB' T a nnni COMPANY! 32nd STREET & STOUGHTON 00M Miuaimiiiinmjifti BOOKS F0I IIFTi "A Dig Blazing BooV' A HOOSIER HOLIDAY By THEODORE DREISER Author e f The. oenlus." "RUter' tssrtw tr., with m rimtMt Sli-PS- JlHfil trallons by Franklin iieelh, .. , A vivid picture of the MideD West- "Tho pngog flash nnd Bprttkl. Thoso about the old home atoll through tears. Altogether. ft biff, biasing book. Literally n thing of beauty and n tasting Joy to tho lover of good books." New York Snn. Lcacock Entertains FURTHER FOOLISHNESS By STEPHEN LEACOOK Author ot Wnntensa Noli," "BeMnd ill liejonrt," etc. Cloth. ISme. Sl.SJ net. Dcliirhtful sketches and satires on tho follies of tho dny by America's lending humorist. 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