Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 16, 1916, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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Municipal Court's President
... 1-fc--t IfSi.. 0Art1rt1
Called ruDneiitf ouci..
by Subordinate
juvenile Judge, Protesting
Woman's Appoiium?iu, -
dares Superior Una Too
Much Ptfwer
rrMln' Judge Brown, of the Munlilpnl
Court, h more power fit the matter or
trtttlnu omcen nml mnhln appointments
to offices than nny other olllee hol.ler In
lh CnlteJ Slate, nccontlnit to a. ilntement
Issued today by J"lK nmonit MncNellle,
of the Juvenile I'oiirt
judge MacNellle ileolnretl Hint n rptjucnl
... ,r.llon of elRhtj-fUc new Jobs recent-
P W unt to Council-) did not come from the
I Uunlclpil fourt " ") liul fm, lh
P Frtitdent JurtKe nlone Meeting of tutlces
fc stated, were lieHl no mircipiciiiiy mni
none Of the Jinlsea except .Indue Hrhn
tstv what wn Bolim on under the mirfnie
tr addition. Judge MacNVtllo nccties .Indue
Brown of being a publ clt nml glory
..... m.-vhu ntntemrnt ronstltutcii
new chapter In the. corilroer between
himself and Judge Hrnun oer a plan of
the. Utter to appoint Mr Jnne lllipln chief
urobatlon officer of tho Juvenile HU.Mon nt
a tilarr of 16000 MrK lllppln In now super
riling probation olllcer of the Domestic Ite
litlons and Misdemeanant nivlclon. nt n
salary of 12500 Judge MucNolllo It ionv
HUng the proponed appointment mi tln
- rround that the post should go l n ninn In
'suad of n vonnii In his statement todiy
Joan MacNellle admits that Judge IJronn
tin remove him from tho bench nt n mo
mint'a nitlce bill he un tint knowledge
will not prevent hli Hghting t" the last
ditch an attempt of Judgo llruvrn to run
the Juvenile Court "
MacNEIIil-i: a STATIJM i:nt
Ilia talement follows
IK "in no other rlty In the land 1i.ii nnv
FH? .h.lU.. mm m.iaIi nnnni. In Lrr.llA lfll. I
eOTCenoluor n utu... ......... .-. ......... ...... .
and fill then! ns the rrcsldcnt Judge of the
Municipal Court Ho can rre.itn position
appoint persons to nil them and forco The
county to pay tnelr salaries over any nlijic--i..
-k.i m-v Im rnl-ril N'fit Innir rnrn n
nun vi.k i.. .- -- --
request for eighty-five Jobs wni sent to
Councils as coming from tho Munlclpil
"However, the request ilooi not come
from the court an fen of the Judges l.novv
anything nbout It So the bl.imc for thli
tott not rest upon the court, but upon tho
President Judge V itnmv ver llttlo of
what l being done The Juilgcn linve very
ftw meetings Wo had no meeting from
May until last November Tho meetings
usually only consist of siting down nt a
tibia and hearing Judge Hrnwn saj 'Clcn
tlemen, there Is nothing to report '
"Then some one makes n motion to ad
journ Judgo Hrovvn i raves publleltj Ho
likes to I in known .is n hum. in Interest
worker, bo vvints for himself nit of tho
lory of the Municipal Court Hut I will
rot let him run the .luvcnllo I'oiirt as long
I sit there though It is true ho inn
remove me nt a moment') notice I nm
opposed, for good icasons, to tho nppolnt
m-nt nf a iinfnaii u lilof nrnlirillnM .ifll. r
r of the Juvenile Court Tills in n m m s
Ejod, no ma ter how brllllnnt the uomiin
Iway be A man can get from the hojs
l?t.fct nmA n .& I... nlln ......a. .....-.. . ....
PlWentlal Information that Is vital than nnj
$400,000 SHAM0KIN FIRE
Clerk, It Is Bciioved, Threw
Match to Floor Many
Firms Suffer
SHAMOKl.V I'll, Dec 1 The worst
Br hi Shamokln'n hlstorv occurred here
Uit night nnd enrly today, i 'suiting in
damage amounting to MOO.UOO, with about
i9v,vuu insurance .lonn inomas u
Under, was badly Injured by falllriir
krlcks. &ct--1 Sremen were hurt The
hoses follow K C MeWllllams, business
and apartment house. M-5,000, j 4 I'crr),
notion house. J.0,000 Clurko Hrotheis,
rrocerles and retail house, J35.O0O; Malar
key's music establishment, J.5.000 , J W
Maus. viallpaiier and paint S7B 000. Vic
toria Theatre, J J Chumberlalu. munuger.
110.000; Coutls Ilrothers. business house.
Ill 000, J J Delaney, sewing machine es
tablishment 510 000, Grand L'nlon Tea
Company, 110.000. Kdwnrrt Steward, pri
vate; homo ard four tenements, $16,000,
Shamokln Wrapper Knctor). Klmber iW,
i?Il,lor' ,5000 ',' J Kel'j's rjestaurant.
I' (90, W i Hack, hardware, 116 ooo'.
Tlie nre originated In the cellar of the
MaUrkey store. In the McWIIIIams Ilulhl
jrg. where, It Is thought, a cleric thrown
lighted match to the lloor nfter Igniting a
cigarette, In a short tlmo the brick struc
ture, containing seventy-flve families on
ui second and third lloors. was in names.
5? f.,r ha,t ,n ,ho c"ter of the building,
"tuattd, In one of the most prominent
builnew sections of the city, formed a
good draft.
A majority of the Inmates wero In their
apartments and panla ensued as they ran
it. 1v,or ncl staircase to escape the
furnishings."8 l'me ,0 M8 housel"'l
Tries to Sleep With Third Hall
f.i??w V1' t8" Prov'' an expensive bed
uow to John Maloney of iiryn Mawr.
fU of the Philadelphia and Western Itall
th. V h" res,:u'd 0wln Miller.
M.,TOHtU.de by Puneh'nsT Miller on the
, "' 'ny apologised In Magistrate
tJuuuhT. .v!; "' v "" auviaea against
M4I 10. ttS beJfelIow "
pi&TURes fRAMenTl
&g Comfort
tU? tot yu m the
Corliss Laced Stocking
-,f FlXPtlfls oisrt and It trt
nitnt that lvt lmmsdlila com
't d or JmIp. No U.tlj li
Lt5? T luU u vnr coadlUsa
vlrfout ruLbsr. Launders M
' I srrt 'or montbj. Ut-i U your
! BMim II 75 ch. or two or
sunt U. (3.00. Call dJ b
' tousured Ire or wrlu u uU-
Business Men Aroused Over Sus
pensionOpening Not Ex
pected for 18 Months
Transit Illrector Twining a explanation
rr the sinpenlslon of work on the Frank-
iii I'fT''. ,,urln .,he wln"'r- coupled'
with his statement that the line to the
Northeaet will not be In operation for
eignteen months or two years has nroused
the rrnnkford cltltens
The frankford Htislness Men and Tax
WSJ? ! t'on and the Krankford
Hoard of Trade ex,iresed their strong ills
approval last night of the delay, and n
Joint committee of the two organltatlons
wns Instructed t mnfer with Hireetor
Twining nnd If he ennnot rffer a remedv
they will go to the Major
John A Qulnh of 4151 Itomaln street,
n whote home the protest meeting was
held last night will bead the romml'tee
An effort was made to get an appoint
ment with Director Twining todsv In,
falling In this the men arrnnged to ci.'
upon him earl) next week.
The general feeling In the two organlin
tlons Is that Mavor Smith nnd not ni
rector Twining Is responsible for the situs
tloti As the statement from the transit
bend showed that the prupoifd agreement
for the operation or the line Is the irux
of the entire sttmtloti the business men
declare that Mnor Smith should have
proceeded months ago to negotiate iih
Not onl has the dslaj It Is pointed out
poMpomd the ultimate opetntloii of the
Prankford "I." but llkcwl thn tint to
the clt) will bo greiter both through In
rreniptl labor otid nuiter-.ul t0iis anil
through the fact that the Transit Com
pan a enrnlncs, which nre to be protected
under tho agreement have Increased con
sldernbl) since the time the agreement wn
orlglnnll) planned
The toiumlttee from I'rankford will de
mind prompt ncllon both to assure tin
operation of the "I, os soon as possible
nnd also to safeguard the clt) s Unsocial
Interests In the lease
Jlsjor Smith today approved the con
tract nwnnleil to the Kevstone State Con
struction Compjn) by Dlrecln- Twining
for the construction of tint pirt of the
Hroad street siibwa) underneath CItv Hall
The rompiri) will get SU00O for the
work, which consists of a tunnel con
struction IDS feet south of tho rurb line
of tho north Ot Unll plaza
Philadelphia Orfjntmntion Calls Upon
Him to Exert His Influence in Be
half of Federal Amendment
I'nlled States Senator Holes Penrose Is
asked to consider the enfranchisement of
I'cnns)lvnnl,v women 'ns seriously ns he is
considering the enfranchisement of south
ern negroes In a letter sent to him today
by the centrnl committee of tho Woman
Suffrage pirty of Philadelphia
The Sennlor Is taken to task for the
amendment he proposes to the corrupt
practices act concerning the enfranchise
ment of negroes In the South whose right
of suffrage hns been abridged by special
Stale legislation
The letter reads In part
Moreover, wo feel that, ns our repre
sentative from Pennsylvania In the United
States Senate nnd ns an avowed supporter
of worn in suffrage. )ou should rccognUe
the paramount claims of the women of
)our Slate who have waited and nre still
waiting for you to act with such force
and effectiveness ns )ou are well nble to
ltcprcsentlug the Woman Suffrage pirt.
Mrn (ieorgo A Dunning chalrmin of
Philadelphia County branch, and Mrs
Ucorgo A l'lersol congressional thnlrman
for Philadelphia, will leave for Washing
ton tonight to help matte the Influence of
suffragists felt when the Susan It Anthony
suffrage amendment comes before the
House of Itepresenlatlves
A Third Captured in Arkansas Moun
tains hy Sheriff's Posse
HOT SPIUN'tTJ, Ark. Dec 16 Two of
three men discovered stealing cattle In
Oarlnnd County Thursdn) nnd pursued In
to the mountains have been killed 1 u
sheriffs posse and the third captured, ac
cording to word ncelved here today Tho
lend men have been Identified as Hump
Spark. tvvent-ono )ears old. and George
Halle), twent)-flve The prisoner is David
Short eighteen )ears old
The gang Is said to have terrorized farm
era for months by their depredations '
Womun Drives Away Enraged Animal
With Axe Man Knocked Down
IIANOVP.n. Pa. Dec. JC Mrs William
n Scott saved the life of her husband
when he was attacked b) an enraged hull
Mr Scott was leading the animal with a
rope when It savagely nttacked him. knock
ing him down It wns trampling and goring
him. when Mrs Scott appeared, armed with
a two-bitted ax nnd drove the bull away.
Scalds Fatal to Woman
ALI.RNTOW.V Pa Dec 16 Scalded ns
she was lifting a boner of not water from
the stove, Mrs Margaret Stewart, sixty
two ears, old, of North Catasauqua, Is
dead here
Try Our
. Di
The high cost of tiring aa-3
tie weekend rest are twj
zccllent reasons for bring.
leg the entire family here to.
flpeeUI llasl
Twelfth and
Arch SU.
m vwmubij,iiuu fsatrase " it .J
Ootirmnmls who enju n benr or deer stenk will lmvo a happy Christ
mas, Kamo bctnir more plentiful thin for several years past. At the
Avenue Hotel, on North Delaware avenue, there is a noteworthy dis
play, including three hears, several luck nnd doe deer, wi' ' geese nnd
ducks, rabbits, 'coons and 'possums. Among the lucky rtsemn who
contributed were Thomas Llttlehale. ('. A. Tji-crt, John H. Irvin.
Chr. Arnold, John .ellner, I.cn Pfeiffer. W. II. Hoardman, Charles J.
Meier and William J. Shcchan
Fnllito il Tcntativo in Russin, La
Gcrmnnin, Si Dice, Si Ri-
volgerebbo a Knnin
IIO.MA. IS Dlcembre
Iji Ilussl i si ' dlchlnrntiv rnntrn le
proiiosle dl pile fntte dnlla (.ermnnl'v 1.1
Duma hit vltalo unenlmemente In fnvoro
delta contlnuazlnne dclla Riierra sluo .il
consrgulmento delln vlttorln o perclo" lo
spernnic ihe II kaiser mitrlvn niicnru uni
voltn ill vedrre iiiietl-ita le Kile prnfTorln
dnl governo dello rzar snuo sv.inlte SI
dice or. chr l.i tlernmnK si prepirn n son
dire II lerrono In Haiti nclhi spernnxa dl
Indurre II govrrno ll.illnno medlnnle con
cesslonl. forinnche inmesslnnl dl gr,mde
Importaiiz.t nd acLettire p proposta tede
sche I n telegrniiimn da l.iindra ilkc dl
fiuestro programm.x delli Ci-rnianl.i in.i
nggtunge (bn noj circoll nfTIc lull limdlnesl
prcvale arsolutrv llduila nelli Irnltii del
I Italia II governo Hill urn rim irra per
fe'tnmrntn fedelo ill pittu ill'j,nndra la
n.izlnne Itnllnua del rcstn bi tanto Interesso
quanto nn hnnun le nltrn Hteiiz dell lutes i
tt noil lisclare chc 11 Crrmnnln conservl
sin pure l.i pirzcnz.i ill tin (TtHllslnsI lire
dnminln nell luropa
Cho ncl circoll llnlinul si sin ronlrnrll
all.i loncluslone dell.i pace prima dell lonse
gulmento delta vlttorla o un fntto InnfR.i
bile l.ilnlonn pubbllcn Itallanu rdnio
elm le prupostn di pace ratio dnlla Urrmnnln
mm slnno altro che una snttlle innuovni
ier innre una sliuazlono dl debolezza uel
paesl dell Intcs.i e far dlmlnulro la pro
duzlnne drlle munlzlonl ho dlpende in
mass ma parte dull appoggln cho le popola
zlonl dnnno ul govern! cd agll esercltl
Inoltre la (lermnnln si iirebbe proposta dl
mlnnre II inoralo ilella truppe nlleats che si
trovnno orn d, fninte alio sun annate
To examine and compare
this the most comprehensive
collection of articles ever
assembled for the Christmas
S ! V S.
m9 .
For Christmas
XiiSr si liS?SHflKiifs
II Hecolo ill Mllntin sirlvo a proposllo
delle ofTerte trdesihr
I'er In prima vnlta nelln slorli nbhtnmo
In spettneotn dl un gruppo dl polenze che
si rltlene vlttnrloso oiTrvudo liislstrtitcinente
1 1 tnee a quelll che rsso ierca ill fur
vredere essere buttutl senza spernuzi dl
r'icosn guestn r un segno ihe In vniitatu
vlttorla mm dl tul grnere di lasclnro
K rami I spennze per luvvenlre si nil nllcntl
persevererniino nellu lotta coo rlnnovntn
'Menlro la l.ernmnl.i parla dl rlspetlo
per II llbero svllupiHi delle n izloul es.i
rliluii" nil i sihlnvltu II llelgln e In I'olnnln
n consrgni l.i I'rnlsol i Italcnnla ol con
domlnlo ill ungheresl hulgnrl e tun hi Se
ouesto fossero In mndlzloiil dellu pneo e
fossero mi sso sullii cirtn esso provo
ihreri libero II dlspreszo delle mzlonl neu
trnll ed glustltlchrrebbern gll tffettl ho It
dlplomnzln imperlulo si sfnrzi ill enn
srgulro, iloe dl glustlflcare ngll ocehl della
su.t popotuzione lluovltnblle tontliiiiazlone
delln giicrra e dl Indebollre II reslslenzn del
siiol IH'inlrl offrrndo nuovl prrtestl nil
ngltizlonl parltlstn ibs (In orn nnnostantc
le lull nhlll suggestionl tiou tuiniio avutn
alcun.i linpurlauzi
Founded 1632
extends a
ft LAMP5v K
II FixluresT . s 1 1
A Lowest WSSLjCJin
IJ Large Wl M
X Show room 1 'J M
1 1 Can & Electric 1 I II
U ntttre i-tai U
A Company ,tfSSjJjp A
Il 1318 Arch St. B J j
Chocolate Buds)
H. O. Wilbur & Sons, Inc.
Oppose Zone System of Utiles In-
creasing Cost 200 to GOO
Per Cent
WAMIIINUTOV 1'ec I rubllshlng
houses throughout the countr today he
gnu their light ngilnst passage nt the bill
favorably retried from the House I'ost
olThje t'ommltlee, wtilih would provide for
lnrenlng the tstage on second-class innll
matter destined for polntn SOI) miles or
more dlslnnt from the mailing paint All
hesppers nnil periodicals would be In
cluded The puhlle.itloi Interests declare the
rhnhge from it flat rate of one cent a pound
for tienspaprrti and tnagnslues to a grad
uated sulr based iihiii n gone ijsteiii
means llir mst of tnngiialnes must be ad
valued I'nder the proposed measure Ihe rate
on magazines nnd other publications would
isngn from one cent a pound within the
Hrst tone of 100 inllfs, to six lenls a
pcund for thn eighth sone. with n iildlus
f IsnO iuiIps
Vfivspipris would feel the lhalige to
a less degree but mngnnlnes of nation
irti lirrnlitlnii would face a postngo In-
roisc if from 10(1 to 600 per cent. II was
iiomtril ..ill The opiKmeitlM to the measure
mend tliat iiubllsheiri will hnvo no re-
mrsn bin in tmost prices
Vo oppoKitinn Is rxpected from nny iiuar
lei i. the leduitlini In lucil letter postage
from iw i cents to one cent
Ailulti Also Anxloui for IJccovcry o(
I'renchinR Pnrk Gunrtl
The seventv-fiur-enr-nld "Preacher
sergrunt nf I'nlrniounl 1'arh " Charles
lban who Is seriously III nt his home 43S
Martin street lloilwiroiiKli Is being prnved
for bv huudrrds nf children nnd friends
who learned lo know him during bis forty
three vrars servlco ns n guard In the T'nrk
He became III last Tuesday nt Kedgley
Ituiird House where ho was on dut), nnd
his londltlnu Is s.ild to bn serious
Mergeint .Mlinnj received his title ns tho
Preaching Sergeant" from his practice of
visiting ihurthes awl Hunda schools near
the Park ner Hiuula) nnd delivering seml
rellKious talks tin their visits to the t'nrk
he took delight In explaining to the children
the secrets of plant nnd nulnuil life
E. Milton Dexter
1218 Spruce Street
Xmas Desserts
Xmas Candy
Xmas Cake
Ready Money
United States Loan Society
117 North Broad St.
411 0. 5lh st.
SSIS (iemianlonn ats.
4 46 48 &50 NORTH 312ST
tf!z JV iWStfi
Edison s Sublime Gift to Man
Diamond Disc Phonograph
This marvelous instrument, the supreme triumph of the great inventor's genius,
RE-CREATES music for the humblest home as well as for the most luxurious.
It makes genuine music a universal possession.
Let it be your gift this year, your message of cheer and good will to the loved
ones. It is a worthy gift, a treasured possession that will spread its inspiring
influence through the years to come.
It Meets the Supreme Test
Edison alone dared to submit the music
of his instrument to the searching test of
comparison with the living voice.
More than 200 newspaper critics men
who have listened for years to all that is
greatest and best in music were unable
to detect any difference when they heard
the Oiampnd Disc side by side with the
living singer or instrumentalist. Their
ears could not tell which was real and
which was re-created I
You Have "The Phonograph With a Soul," There Will Be
Real Music in Your Home Thi Christmas
On moderate terms, make it easy for every family to own n EdUon.
LUDWIG PIANO CO., H03 Chestnut Street
Will Act With City Committee
in Petition to Congress to
Investigate Fnuuls
The Hemocrntle rlly committee has re
ceived assurance that the Democratic State
committee will Join It In n petition to
Congress for n thorough Kedernl Investiga
tion of the alleged election frauds In l'hlln
delphln nt the last eleellon l'luis for the
amalgamated ncllon of the two commit"
tees will be discussed at n meeting of tho
Democratic members of the Legislature In
Hnrrlsburg todt)
The offer of assistance from the Slate
committee was received with ojien arms b)
meniberi of the local (ominlttee, who Im
mrdlalelv npiwluted n subcomniltleo of the
speilal itivestlgntlou committee to take the
matter up with Acting State Clnlrman
Joseph r )uffe
Members of the subcommittee are Demo
cratlo t'ltv Chairman Kdgnr W Ijink, ei
State I'halrmnn Itoland H Morris nnd
Joseph K Willing of the Torty-sccond
Tho conference on the proposed nctlon
will he taken up nt the Hnrrlsburg meeting
todio, nt which tlurTe). National Demo
cratic Chairman McCormlck. National Com
mitteeman A Mitchell Palmer and tho
thirty-seven Assembb men-elect nnd the ten
Democratic State Senators-elect all are ex
pected to be present
The Hnrrlsburg meeting will not be a
caucus but a conference over what course
Democrats should pursun nt the coming ses
sion of the Legislature Tho speakership
situation also will bo outlined
J. E. Caldwell & Co.
Chestnut Junipct South Perm Square
' ' Antique
Sheffield Plate
Authentic pieces
1790 to 1820
Including fine specimens
of the valued hnndtvJork of
N. Smith & Co. Richard Morton & Co.
T. Low & Co. Daniel Holp Parker & Co.
S. Kirkby & Co. Wntson, Fonton & Bradbury
Kirkby, Waterhousc & Co.
A highly
interesting collection
Bfn 1 II i 6
II -' (v
It is as though the polished case was a
veil that concealed the living singers.
You almost expect to see Zenatello,
Marie Rappold, Albert Spalding, Anna
Case, Emmy Destinn, Margarete Mutzen
auer, Middleton, Goritz, Chalmers or
Julia Heinrich step into the room.
Whether you buy with your head or your
heart, your choice will be the Edison
Diamond Disc,
nillifli iiil.Vil Ifirmt V trr I 1 iiTnrfrffir nm. ,, idi.jW
Storekcepera Also Urged to
Vigilnnce Against Candles
nnd Cotton "Snow"
Safeguards against fires during the
Christmas bolldAvs nre pointed out In e.
series of warnings to storekeepers nnd
housekeepers of Philadelphia. Issued tod ny
hy (Icorge V Klltott, flro marshal Thei
warnings, summarlted, strongly urge, ngalndt
the use of lighted candles, cotton Onow
and other Inflammables in or nesTr Christ
mas trees, toys nnd decorations.
Defective wiring, danger from ocenmu
lated rubbish, especially papr boxea nntl
wrappings, tiro alluded to as frennent
cases of Pre during tho Christmas pe
riod, both In homes and In business places.
Marshal Klllott nska pastors to warn
their congregations against tho prnctU!,
which he declares obsolete, of placing
lighted candles in windows The, Use
lighted candles In Christmas celebrations,
Ihe marshal pronounres almost criminal
Shopkeepers nm advised to bo on their
guard against crowded aisles, blocking of
oxlts, smoking In Ihe stores, empty flro
buckets nnd lnxlly of employes.
"Do not allow carelessness due lo the
rush of Christmas business," ha enya, "to
vtlpe nut tho entire ear's receipt, or thh
lives nf customers or employes to bo sac
rimed 'These warnings." he declares, "nr Is
sued ns a result of experience extending
over many )ears throughout every part of
Ihe country where dls.ule.r ha followed
Christmas celebrations "
4 1
,.i aua,tsat feUak 2a. .
s&e-i4iej io rar
Koojra a S, Wlf, la 4 ssi.
u"' SmWUP? - ,- ,,IM