Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 16, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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ILss'g Field Goal Wins for
Cflamp"1B -" "" -
ablcs uamaen 10 uraw
l V .79 Hreysloek. 7
i.. r.t
I) .317
. ifcZinl-C.milfn nt llesdlnf.
yresitasa ' ,
f i.,nin fJrerslotks snueeieil Cam-
P-I i in lie for first place In the tiaslern
l&J' f, VH. .unSlnic last nlKht when
""" n,. the Jasper Jet-rets, 56 to 21.
VT.a .in .iair,.,l in c'ooncr Ilaltallon
, , lorrm -
l - ........ i. 9.. r.
I, contest was no B","j-i""". "
BOin icnin-. - - r:","7 mJ
ittM desperately ir " ; '""" -
't"?,.. .m m heated In the sec-
it".!.- I..H. Itnrflreffnr ntlll IMVT-
jTfnr alles-eil unnecessary roughness.
useflreor's departure from the fray
frS." Hub, C:.man cratwh o ua .
fofWCri no " ...v. -.. , .
tH responsible ."". "" "-, .-"",
Cross envaicinif . w "
iffnr A clOUDlC-UrCKCr R. low miiiuiw uw
E . . . . .... MAmv w.ih tanned
ffrfa In iiiirti nwn iw -
tlasBH Ilnllnli nihn
siftr im "'"";' .:","":; ;."'
Sr be OUl 01 inn Bmire ii ... m,
Jivj ii a result of tho Injury lift received
TBunday minis ui r.iuin
fc'KOrffrr. "ho- suusiiiuieii ior iioukii.
Sued a Clever name, uui ocui.... ...... ...-
rsntsbly weak on tint penalty work, miss
fjtI.vn foul out of twenty-nine chances.
Ft., nr.vn held tho upper hnnd through-
fedlM first period. IrailliiR nt half-time by
Em I" ,he t'o'hiB chapter Jasper un
Keurtd one of ita whirlwind rallies nnd th
Kjm, for a time, a.4 aa rough as tha
Thn W nillHIlcn llillK mmci limn
Rwicilakeii In jestenlay'it nhowerinc, nna
IJinier eternally dnnneroua. Hay Cross
Htoued Cashman and deftly flipped a dou-
MMeclur, K"'K iireyaioeii uii iuh.iiiuiku
5 mir nolnts f'rotsn neat negotiation
mvtd to be tho winning tos. for shortly
(Krwnl Dave Kerr outjumped In a
irinimAK6 J1,h" unnuii . in in... i.ii.ru
Uirrtnce'a place at center when tho lat
irr wJ remocd from tho tamo by Itcfereo
tUlttu anu Jianuuy uuiieu iiio uuu niiu inc
lTcer was time enoueli left only for
Kit p-of and Kerr's shot did nothlnif but
(tt the Jewels two pointH nearer inoir
hlfilJ In the final cmmtlnK.
CRutxi Casnman. who was siKiieu snortiy
ifore last nmhts Knino Hturted. iiKviy
fj remain with tho Jewel until IIiiUKh
aiHplctely recovers from his Injury lio
Rill be used as utility man '
Bowling Notes
lift Curtle X.Aftua, Journal l'rei p(ceiitlers
riaa two ramra from McKeit ammd. t;n
rfnttnc won tno from Poat l'reaa. Ittck wan
IHnW to roll with four men nnd dropped thre
Ii LOior i nil biiMnii i.aiKjiut nun lures
xa country ucnucnian
FC1t&fpln rolled 240 for Jnurnat Presa In
RU iQuail'i second gsmo Thla wan htcli for
nualxht. Otto ot 210 In his third mm with
It34tattnff and lioda Knocked down icOO In hla
Blrtt aaraa. O. Hale, nf tViuntry (lantli mill.
IturiJ out 211 In hla third fftort. nnd Mnrahnll
IfttZtit In hla aeconJ i&rnn with tl,o aanio aquad
ETtclon Laaaue nitio team Inereaat,! Ita lend
I tat inierriuo rnca to nineteen victoriea nnu
Wiitt J.rmi
twu Kaiuea from
ftiaa ivnua.
Effarer'a 202 score In
tha final came wns
rolled by a Union
oalr douMo century
IJiua txiwiar
aa Merlon White amiad started nrf with 010
Wu'a M3, llcCarter cettlm; 2IU nnd Ah-
k ,
EEddta flrnisman tallied 22ft In hla aprnnd
fltrnj IUi the ex champion White Klephanta.
fiEtllir rrtlstrrei I0S In his mimes with Wynd-
4IS, diartin Knocaca uown u.i.
fTfi startad with 1117
for Mancto and then
nrukeil out 213 nnd 22U
aiti but on mtmbr nf Manila Inm rnltl
Vmr 200 In (hair 1070 game, the arnrra tielntf
iTnckl. 2'.-3. J aueat. 211. Kick. 213. Cook,
Kit, and Mwlshrr 188.
alfl tha Lanstoil cnmpetUlnn. MUHna. tha Irad-
jt. won two 'irames from Accountlnv nnd
;tru Deriormed tho aumo rent ntnlnnt Turn
3 Mold lost tha odd cunie In Tonl Hull.
t Atcountlni, aecurcd 20u In hla second came.
Eta PhlladdphU-Made llnrdwar I.eamie Diss
Ha won two from Atlller Lock, whrnn vlrtnrv
u tn t third enmn roll-orf of n tlo North
UMra ttim won two from Entorprlat).
Wrndham rolled atrnmrlv arnlnst Tliilmnnt.
ktUtrlni n total nf 2U0U plna on Keyalona
.' tD,lr Kama acorra beinc 10UH, uii nnd
B11! ITrtAT BhAltf.! milph Af hla tM llm. bI-MI
w(illlni- n 233 score In hla Ural Kama Willi
IU EUphanti
rCftAfe VAlUrf
!ll In his second (ami with
sprint and motor paced
Races at garden tonight
NW YORK, Ceo. 16. Tho annual In-
f SDlint and mntnr.nnril rhnmninnAhltiM
t!l be decided tonight at Madison Squaro
Strden as a preluda to tha six-day raea
BJlch starts tomorrow at midnight. Clar
M Carman, winner of tho outdoor chain
Jwnablp last season, will meet George
Mley, Victor Llnart and Hobby Walthour
K four-cornered match race In heats of
e miles each.
PAU tha sprint stars of the American anil
;3lm tracks will go to tha post In the
tea-fnlln onn rnrA fm n-..rA-,-,l.-.nlM nnd fhj.
aWmll handicap. The alteranco event
iruj urine together Spears, Ooullet, nupuy
4 Madden.
I Scholastic Schedule Today
hsx&xrsst10 T" Vtaa l'r"hnw,, oi
p niUtuasen School i. Coatearllle UUU.
JM tanteaTUla.
Ceotml IHah Kt-lwuil v. pAiinavltrrint-. In.
If- " " II iS lit ' ' - 7 r 7 V ou ER"Ete" 'ut GET " ) ffl
PETFY ' ovJLwjcoLCAn.y ' fflk p J mJP' W IHcat jZJ f
PS. L" "' r " ILge., 'Tmj-n .rnr . n.,..TL4.,..,Mi,.,Vmil'llIMSllnir',IJLlllilllllJ'a'iL!Ui!L-'u' V ' " jfc " . tt Z
MsWalTiai Tri ' n . .. ?ff"-a.4pfifi--HTffriff?infrr-nvipg;-aaj.-?gftg, ;mm.',MiiKaiiMiifa,gsyasnTsTsTsTssTBaTaTSBTB
"Stubblo" nnd "Pcrfccto," owned
view at tho show oponins
Penrose-McNichol Speaker
ship Candidate for Good
Insurance Laws
representative it. J. Ualdwln. 1'onrose
McNIchol randldato for Speaker of the.
I ou ho. announced today that should evi
dence Indlcnto need for n comtnl-slon to
Invcstlgato Insurance conditions In Penns)!
anla, ha would support such it proposition.
Mr. Ualdwln wan aiked recently by tho
rcvKNl.Mi IjCUOKK what his nttltude would
bo In tho event of hit election as Speaker
of tho next Hou-ie toward supporting better
Insurance laws for Pennsylvania.
The reply from Mr. Haldwln Is as fol
lown: My vote on Insurance laws In the past
lias ahviijs been guided by my Judgment
as to what wns host for tho peoplo at
large, and I will contlnuo to do so
You ask mo If I favor nn Investiga
tion of Insurance conditions. If upon
careful Inquiry, after the session opens,
at llarrlsburg. tho evidence Indicates
that a commlislon would be advantage
ous to tho public at largo I shall cer
tainly support such a proposition.
Your othor question If I would sup
port laws that would bo as good at
th'oso of New YorkI nm frank to say
that I was under tha Impression that,
speaking broadly, tho insuranco laws
of tho Stato of Pennsylvania were su.
pcrlor to tho lnsurnnco laws of tho
State of New York, having In mind laws
relating to all classes of Insurance.
You cannot state It too emphatically
that If upon careful Investigation 1 find
tho Insuranco laws of the Stuto can be
further amended so as to bolter pro
tect against defrauding tho public, I
assure you tho subject will got my
earnest attention and ovcry effort to
place tho proposition on our statutes.
Itobert U. Tuttlc, whoso stock-Jobbing ex
ploitations were exposed in a congressional
Investigation and whoso attempt to lloat
Block, In this city met with failuro, at one
time. It Is said, was associated with Lyndon
D. Wood, presldont of the Pension Mutual,
which has u deficiency of more than 1,000.
000 Wood refused yesterday to afllrm or
deny that he knew Tuttle or that bo ever was
associated with him In business transac
tions One of the clerks In the handsomely
furnished oftlccs of the Consolidated Invest
ment Company, on the eighth lloor of the
Finance- Uuilding, announced the reporter
to Wood. The clerk returned from tho
private oMIco of Wood with these words:
"Mr. Wood doesn't want to seo you."
letter several written questions were sent
to Wood. Tho questions usked wuro whether
he' knew Tuttlo nnd If ho ever was asso
ciated with him In business. Mr. Wood
read the questions, according to the clerk,
and sent out the following message:
"I won't see you and 1. have nothing to
When tho Tension Mutual officers ap
pear In court, one of the things they will
face, will bo evldenqo extending back over
a period of years showing that tha Irregu
larities which the State charges against it
nnd tho Union Casualty Jjrauranco Com
pany are anything but now.
Commissioner O'Nell has turned over to
the Attorney General a stack of corre
spondence Intended to show this. Some of
tho letters are from Insurance agents, others
from prospective stock buyers, others from
thoBe who purchased stock and never re
ceived an accounting and pathollo appeals
from men nnd women whose all Is tied up
In one or the other of those companies.
"Soma of these letters have been made
public," said Commissioner O'Nell, "and
tho remainder will bo brought out at tho
Tha Commissioner added that In cases
Ilka this It Is not wise to lay all the cards
on tha table and some of tho names of cor
respondents will not be announced In ad
vanca of tha court proceedings. The Com
missioner says that a few of these epistles
are "enough to bring tears to the eyes.
They ara from those who had put their
money Into the company, fully believing
that It was perfectly safe and that their
dependents were Insured to the amount of
their policies. ,
Commissioner O'Nell says that the more
of these letters he has received the less he
by T. Grosei, of thin city, will bo on
today at tho Hotel Dinghnm.
has been Inclined to have any mercy on
Wood, whom the .State charges with being
responsible for tho financial condition of
mo companies with which he
was nsso-
According to dispatches from llarrlsburg
Wood talked loudly when ha visited the
Insuranco Department of tho Governors
nnd I nlted Slates Senators ho "had helpi-d
make" nnd nf tho men he had helped to
high positions, hut nobody lit the depart
ment fell" for this line of talk and thon
he started to bluster. '
"It Is true." said Commissioner O'.Vell
todav. "Wo do havo n great mass of evi
dence and somo of the witnesses wo spring
will. I Imagine, surprise Wood and his
lawvers Uut that Is psrt of tho game.
When dealing with peopio like Wood one
ennnot bn too careful Too much has been
said now nbout what the State means to
do The rest must he held for court. The
other side Is no! talking, and certainly It
would be easy for me to talk too much. I
can only say that the hearing promises to
ho very likely and that the Attorney Gen
eral Is very conlldent wo havo all tlia evl
denca wo need "
"Tho State's c.imi In tho Pension Mutual
Injurandi Company and the I'nion Cnsunlt)
Insurance Company applications for re
ceivership Is complete Wo aro ready to
curry It to n. speedy conclusion nnd abso
lutely conlldent us to re-nilts." said William
M. Hamest, Deputy Attorney General, who.
with Hornco W. Davis, will nppear for tho
Stato In both cases Mr. llnrgest will hnve
rhargo of tlffl Piuslmi Mutual application
nnd Mr. Davis will look after thu Union
Casualty caso in court.
Tho Stnto expects tho I'nion officials to
nsk for a contlnuanco of thin case, but
Messrs Dnvls and I largest are prepared to
light any such move.
Tho llrst Indication of such a step came
this week, when Commissioner O'N'cil re
ceived work from tho company that Its
counsel had been grently hampered by thn
condition in which tho Stnto Insuranco ex
n miners hud left tho records It was charged
that letters nnd (Ilea had been mixed and
changes and measures nnd orasurrs made
O'Nell nnd his examiners aro ready to take
oath that thin is not true, nnd the counter
charge will bo mntlo In court that this Is
merely a subterfuge on the part of tho
company In tho hope of covering up Its
own delinquencies ami gaining tlmo before
the court
The Stato will not glvo the names nf Its
witnesses, but Mr 1 largest sold today.
"There w III bo plenty " The Pension caso
will bo called Monday afternoon nt 2 o'clock
and tho Union Casualty application at U
o'clock the day following .providing the
Pension hearing hits been concluded nt that
The annual mnitlns of the Alumni Association
of tha Hoys' Catholic lllch School will In held
tomorrow In tha nudltorlum of tho achout
ftaaa for nil tha former pupils of tha school
Ivlnr and deceusU. will t celebrated nt half
paat ten Tha aermnn tii tha alumni wilt to
r reached b a graduate of tha class nf IIHKI the
tar Joaeph M O'llara. of the Cathedral. An
taction of ofllccra will also bo held
Iletween forty and fifty new members will b
received into the wintn iresuyierian v uurrn u
morrow by tha pastor, tha Her John Aiford
na a result of strong church work
The Itev. I)r
1lnirt ltarnell. tiastnr of tha
Park Avenua
Methodist Kprm.opl Church, will
sneak nt tho North llrnnch Y. M C A tomor-
row afiernoon on tha question, -ir n ian .-.er.
lecta Ilia Opportunity ut Halvallon Here. Will
liii Havo Another Chancn?"
The Itev John W Stockwell will preaih Iwlca
tomorrow In tha Church of tha New Jerusalem
Thoushtn That llare Wlnss" will be tho tooln
In tha mornlna- Miss U. May Huberts and Mr
U U Ulliox will be tha aoloiita
Tha twenty fifth anniversary of tha Union nnd
Philadelphia Central Presbyteries will t ;b
.erred nn January 8 To mark with special
sUnWcanca an fforl will ba made .on thnl day
to raise an endowment fund of llutUiOi). the
Income to b uaed in clly mission work In thla
city. ,
(I lllckarton. u
Memorial itoom
Tha Hev llrllton D, Well will speak Inmor.
row afternoon at the Central V l O. A loruin
en "The Ministry of the layman.
n. Aleernnn H Cracsey will besln course
of 'thra. lecture. P.for. the SoclMy for fctwe.
r.'.V.-T. ia-'i Horuce street, tomorrow
Thomas Mutt Osburna nnd Sin bin
The Itev II. W KIson. Ph. D
!.r. will nrearh tomorrow, at
, of Thlel Cot
IIm Lutheran
Church of the Holy Communion
Ilndabough N.E. Cross-Country Captain
Tha letter men of tha croAs-munlry team at
Northeast lllin School hv. .leeted llyrn llada
itXSiti mnii n for the pamlnn- year.
Tha closlnc day of lha week nf services pain
held at Ht VntthsWa Melhcmst Bp scpal
Church will ba held tomorrow, wllh a dedliaiory
address by lllshoo Berry nnd an nddres, i,,
U , dedicating ID kviiiw ouane
lajoie and tinker are
rivals for minor .1011
CHICAGO, Dec 16 Having no Vtaee
elso to gr., joe Tinker, deposed Cub man
ager probablr will head toward the minors
Just what direction he will start In Is n.
question, but a well-grounded report had
It that the old Chicago favorite would maka
his, next statl ns manager of the Columbus
American Association team
A rlvai for the position Is Larrr Iwtjole.
of lha Athletics.
. Ai'P..!0,in T.15' .' tTTtini. MAT. dauah.
itr.f.i.,,.r.'M '" aJwm AMInrer are.1
I?.2.r. ,0 Tnlba Itelatlves nnd frlemls In
JJiTJl " !. Men . I 30 p. m , rsirenla- resl
&"" iP-tTJ1 "t-i Mvnayunk Services In
2matiuel M B tfhufeii S 30 p. m Int ter-
'"i v-rm. rriends mar caII Bun rr
.,waT,P' -''
n H.vvtt'Kt. itKN'nr APs
i in . r-unerai
. I... 1(. If ... Mtl
,h..i..., ..','."": -,,, , i. ,,, ....
Sew York privaia. ureenoooii cent ,
lir'i ' 5. "LI,V" d friends Invited to fu.
neral Man s 30 a, m. from 121 : tvurham
rllJWJ'l. (Wtttin tMUIem masa Holy
1 'liVur. "T"- '" m " private
li.V.n!". "f. .".PHAKCm IIAUIt Aed HO
L'.ti ' ml ' invited to funeral e rvlres,
w?. IV '' "d llrntol township
"'nto'v.Vl..'. !' Ilflstel Cam
fc-!lFlUe"i.u,.'r-t,' WM.I.IAM M bus
.. ,".' '"atrlee liernhard ISO K Walnut
'"""l liermapiowri, llelallvee and friends In
iiiSV '"..Tr'.'S" ,lon '-' f nt Oliver II Hair
J'-if tH Cbeslnui i Int private Ivv Hill
f-i1.'"0 .tT'. WIM.IAM i, son e
,,11? M nnd Annie nirch tnte Klel-V nae,t In
!. UT. V .'"esds members ef Ion tlerman
lTftr3 i Humlse riehool and students nf Centrsi
Invited tn funeral services
a n.
Fwrpm resioemv III Ii.
nve tnt vw.l Fe lows' Cem
lltJIUIMV Huddenlr lie IS at
IK) IHN, . Notice of funeral later
his real
?.y.,!1r of 'J'f MMin and Cathsrlne Mannlna.
ItelAllves nnd friends Invited to funeral Tue. ,
raw n. m vvamut st Morton, tie liwir. Co
i nf tlur
tnt Hi Atnta'A Cem
West Chester Pa
.. ,,VVI..T,,M' " BAIIAII widow nf (tAmul
I. " 'teutlves an I friends Invited to aervlcea.
r.'.nt S n m reaidenc of son In-law, John M
yiesler SS21 Asp-n st Int Mt. Morlati Cem
Auto funeral Krlenda may view remains Hun.
Illtinos At llarrlsburi. Pa. Dee 14,
ItACHKl. A IIIIIUOS inea Campl-lll. wife of
VV llllani V llrtsss. formerly of hVlsom, Pa .
ared 14 Helatlvrs ant friends InvllM m serv
ices Vlon 'J i. m Dllver It Hair llld . ISJO
Chestnut st l'hila Int Mt VlnilAh Cem
IIHliVVKII At Hakes, Vl,.nta,.mry mintr.
Pa. Dec II JOHN vV IIIIOWKIt ae,l til
ItelAtlvea and friends lnvtte.1 tu funeral servtrea
llfeen Tree Church n.re Pi -.Inn Dr.- IS,
3pm Int tlreen tree em Convsyanees Vflll
meet train lenvlna Hmad st station I Is p in .
arrlvlnc l Hakes : 31 p m
IIUNTINO Dec II i'a r 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 NT tt V. wife
nf Llworx Ituntlnc And daushter of lata Lewis
ami Anna ihio aaeu lis Itelatlv-es and rriends
Invited to funeral ssrvires rrstden. Andalusia.
llurfc Co Pa Vlnn 1 t m Int llrtstol Cem
CANKSNA - Dec tl (lltVCKM wife of John
Canessa and dauahter nf Catharine Sharp. aed
av Itelatlves and friends invited t,i funeral
Man , H a in I'Jtl Knlsht st . Camden HUli
nass Church of Karred Heart U su n in Int
tit. Mary's Cem . (Iloucesier. N J
CAHIl tin- 15 VN.NA. wlduw nf Patrick
rarr and mother of Itsv John J Carr Itela
tlves nnd friends Invited tn funeral. Wed . S 30
a. in. UT in N Sh si. Oak Ijvne. .Sulemn re
milem mass Chur.h of tha Holy Anaels, Oak
Lane. !U a m Int Holy Cross Cem. Auto
COI.KS Dee 13 ItCIIHN It , hllshand nf
Florence (I Coles Itelatlves nn. I friends em
ploy, of shoe department of Slrawhrldira A
Clothier. Invited in funernl Sun. in m, ttla
i.uruti tive iteniains mnv lie Vlaweil Hat . SU
p m int private Arllnston Cem
Ii:ai, 1 ev suddenly M.V11TILV Y . wife
of John Deal of ilrenliMh S J mid daushter
.,( ihiv uatu.e nil,! iiunurii .VIKinson Han,! UO
HeltllVea and friends Invited tn s, rvlcea T.,-e
'-'. p .JR. 01!Tr ,1! 1.!alr, ",., l8-' Chestnut
si. Phtla Int Woodlands Cem
DKtuVNUT Dec U CAntAItrNn. wife of
Michael DeUney (nee I awlerl Itelatlves and
irirnus. aisi Aiinr nocieiy ol ine cnurili of th
Visitation, Invited to funeral, Vlnn , H .111 n in ,
from husband 8 resldeuve "JJ3 N W'aterlnn at
Iteiiulein mass, Churi h nf the Visitation, to n,
in Int Holy Cross Cem Autmnnblla funeral
DOHT Dec 14 HAItAII f. . wife of (lu.tave
l iinst nnn n.usnier oi iieorno anu Klntnit
Prlfold aaeil 3(1 Itelatlves and friends tnttle.l
to funeral services Man , J p m , resident of
rattier in iaw uutiava . iiost. oiai n .m st ,
Olnev Int private
KVANrt Dec 19. t.COV II. CVANS Hela.
tvea and friends Yv'ashlnsian camp. No 73S,
P. o H nf A . Vhlla l-o-W N,i H, o, ).
M ; llsrils Castle, Nn. vu Knlshta of tlolden
I'asle Invited to funeral Sun. - p. m 231
N 13th st Int Mt. Morlati Cem. Auto fu-
LVKItLY Dee. 13. WILLIAM, son nf rhrls.
tnpher nnd Jane Kverly. sse.l ;u HrlatliTa
nnl rrienoa invneu to tunerai service., sun.,
UO p tn. parents' resldenie. 3114 Tulip at
Int ilreenmnunt Cem
KAIILK Dec 13, OKUIllli: If. son of lata
Wllllnm L and lsibelta Cable Itelatlves ami
friends, William C Hamilton l)de, No .Voo,
r anu ,v t -irisiram n rreemnn it A
Ctiapter So -43, Penna Cnnmandery, No, 7o,
K T. Lu Lu Temple, lllivo Castle. No, IS
K il K Alhambrn lxlse, Nn I, H. of II ,
Invited to funeral services, parlors Samuel W
ICehr Son. I01U N. f,th st , lues . 3 t. in.
Kit IKS Her 14 CHAItl.KS N l . sun nf
late itev vv it rries ami nusuan.i ur iivn t
I rles IteUtlvra and friends Invllett to funeral
eervices a-i nprinaneia ne niinn iieisnis
Delaware Co , Pit , Mon. 3pm tin prlvnte
West t lieatsr nnd Harrlsburar tvpera ounya,
mrrne ue.-. is. s iiaii ii , wit j nt i'hariei
W. (lettl. seed 79. Itelatlves and frlrnda In.
vlted to funeral aervlcea. Trinity Lutheran
(hutch. Manna iieiawarvi county, ra , Mou
3 3u p. to Int Arllnstoti Cem. friends ma
call Hun 7 to 0 p lu.
(Hl.lir.ItT -At Stevens Station N J nf
diphtheria, Dec. 14. lM.r.AllKTI I H widow nf
tienrs-e (inner! hmnral and tnt private
fHLIIAM Dec. 10, WILLIAM flll.lMM
nelntlves nnd friends Invited In funeral serv-
Icts, n3o'J l:itariin nve. Vox Chase, Tues , 3
p in, Int Kast Cedar Hill Cem
fini.DIII'.lttl Dec 13. M.UtTHA. wlfo nf
llernar.1 floldbara Itelatlves an1 friends In.
vlted to funeral, Sun.. 3pm 1430 N frank
lin si mi Ml carmel cem
church Kround Norrlstvwn natx ra rmir.
HALL lh-c 1.1 IIOIIKItT J HALL, hushnnd
nf Mnraaret A Hall llelatlvea and friends
court .Merrlmac No list. V of A , all nthcr.
funeral aervlcea, Mon . 3 p m , 3IV3 N Howard
st. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem Itrmaliis mny
t4 viewed Hun eve
HAHtllNO Dec IS at Morion Delaware
co . w . MAItr A . widow nt Ileum, vv Hum
Imt and daughler nf late John and Kllzabeth
Htusrd need 73 Due nollre of funeral
IIAHPKIt At Atlantis Clly. N J Dec, 1 I.
I1VAN I.KVIS. third son of Ce. Ilia and lata
James Harper, llelatlvea and friends Invited
tn services Hun . 3 p m , Oliver II Hair Hlda; ,
1H30 Chestnut at . l'hlla Int private Norlh-
wnfcl Cem
HAUTMANN Iec 14. (ILOndK trfTO
IIAHTIIANN, ased IIJ Itelatlves al.d trlenda,
(leaamr Vereln llarluonle and l.lrderlafsl, nil
other .oclotles. Invited to funeral services, Hun ,
3 p m . 33U0 N 33tn si Int private, Mt
Peace Cem
HA8TIMI3 Dec 13. M UtY 1 widow nf
Willum P llsstlnis Helatlres and friends
InvlHil to funeral services Sun 3 p in , S3 N.
Linden nod at (nhuva ft.'d and Market). Int.
KernwiMv.1 Cem . .. . L
HAYKS Dee. 11 JOHN J IIAYKH. huthnml
nf Mary Hayes llelatlvea and frlrnda Invited
In funeral. Slon HJH m, lulB Creasa st
Solemn reiiulem mass churi h of Immaculate
Coiicepllon lu a in lut ll,.ly t rnss cem
IIHIHLKY Dec II. JOIIV husnalid of Csro.
Ilna Helsley. and sou of lata John and Mary
Heleley. aawl us. Itelatltrs and friends. Minna,
haha Lodxe. No 111. I H M . t'ourt Pride.
No 43, F. of A 43.1 Ward Itrpubttcin i luU
and Horaeahoera' Cnlon. No 151 invltaJ tofu.
nernl service. Hun , 3 3tt p in . 'U-'U Hlsnton
nve (larmantnwn Int NorihwwMl cam
llhNHY, Dec tl. 1's.TMCK. widower nf Kl
len Henry, ased Ss llelatlvea nnd friends In
vllsd In funernl. Mon 7 lu a in sister a resl
d.nca, Ulra Anna Thorp 303'! Kmerald st. Iltah
mass Criurrli of Ihs Visitation U in. int
Holy Sepuicher Cem . , , ,.,..,,
IIKSTON At New Orleans Dec 14 JOSLPII
T 1IKHTON, use.1 bl Due iiollw of funeral
HICKhr pan IS. PBTKIl husband of lata
Klieti Ulckey Itelatlves and friends Invited to
tunaral, Mon , Hill m , rreltlenc. of iwn.
jjm.si Hlcksy 1817 N Ju'laon Itlsh n
"'"..""iii .
ford. Hamalna may r viewed Sun. S to lu P- rn,
,nilo7,VVlT?rJ KJ ,ro tlKOItaii QCINTAim
HOUWITZ. aed 48. aon of lata t' '1J.,"'",f.
HorwIK. madloal director of tha United btslw
nf tl
nut l Service.
navy, si residence (-
i requiem ot Klllaocin a inui.t " -
Holy Cross Cem. Autu funeral .. ....
. ".u'Ja'B ???... t.1i".,.urf?ui "Yisford
Ixida-a. No 14, I 6" O. V.. Waahliuilon Camp.
No. 3111. P. O. H of A . and Sparurus Caatle.
No. 87, K. OB. Invllsd to funeral aervlcea.
lion, bin .. ii iii-ju Knulkrod st. Prank-
ltpWR Deeu 1 P.ADrtKN'CH MOtVT srlfa
is r -a
B (ted Si
ef Hush Howe
nvitea to runarsi Men s so a m. bi
Wlllanl .1
rmtemn requiem mass AsreneiQn
Chsrrh to a m Int Holy Kepulrhef ' Cwi,
. IICUIIKX Ie 13, JOHN A ltciiurin, ira
bamt of Mary B. Hnahee Inee Poulkrod. Ated
70. IteUtlvee And friends Nnvat Peat. No 400,
A .It . nnd thn Karreirut Assn . Invited to
runetnl, Tues i 2 n ni bmther a reauienca r
HiKhee, 1341 Cnlty at rrankfnrvi . Itemstna
may ba viewed Mon. after 1 p. m. Int cedar
Hill Cem,
Dee 14. XrAtlY JACIC rtnral Bat ,
S Jvl
n m nt Chnrrh el ImmAtuiate voncep-
. KHI.LY tluddertlr. tee'. 1. . IVlbtMM ,
Jenaintnwn, ta. tnt. privnte
nusnana er kiii at. i
..I si iielsllven
and friends.
A i Ivy Coun.
Friendly Woe
la Teilinla. No. n
j. t.. v., . ,' --..--
1. n II 11
ipn i'iiii:
Nn, 1, C P A . I
iw i nnl Altn
nclety. ifivtled tn
nv... ..... ,-. r .
funernl aarjlcea.
Int. Apvlbh
Pat . s p. in . 8J0 Ilouvler at
vine ca ....
KKMP Dee 13. "JMIAH A , dauthler jMsta
(leerta nml Martha Kemp Italatlves and friends
Invite.! to funeral aervlcea Mon . 3 J,,.n,.
nephew a teslden.-e tleotae H. Kemp. SW0 S.
10th si. Int private , .
KKATtNO Dee tl. JAMRft A. husband of
Ahhla Kevtlne (nee Kellayl. n(e.l 31 ..Helatlws
nnd friends, Ivivlsinn No . A O II . Invited
to funeral. Tues . ". .10 a, m . Ssta Itulh st. tilth
renulem msss church of tha Visitation 10 a m.
tnt DM Cathedral Cam ....... . . .
KRPPAIID - Dee 4. WILLtAM husband nf
Mary Kepnard Inea Kellvl. aon of ll, Charles
and Catherine Keppard.
friends Invited to rum
sro. nieu nj
llelatlvea nnd
s so
3330 N 31st s! Solemn
Churth of Holy .Inula 10 a
ult her tern Auto funeral.
m. Int. Holy Ssp-
:.KY - t 14. at
Pitman, N. 3.
sale Kirkley. nat.i m
llelatlvea and friends Invited to ssrylcea Hun
3 30 ii m Oliver. II Hair IMds . 130 Chtat
nut at,, l'hlla Int private. . . , ,
Iv.mW - Dec 14, TlloUAft It . husband nf
Mary Knnt inea Cnnnerl, a-,l 40. Iletatlree,
and friends Ueulenant cuslilns Council. No
sl'i (i I A Lieutenant Cushlns Council. No
30 S and D of I. Htonemsn's r"ellnwshln of
31st Ward, employes V It r. Co. Port turn
mnnd hsrn Invltrd tn funeral asrvlces Tues ,
a p m 3oat K llasisrd a! Int North Cedar
Hill Cem llemnlna may ba viewed Mon . afler
i'Ioono. -Dec til Klir.nKltlCK T. husband
nf late HnphlA Knons (ilea SchenkeD. ned as
Itelnllves and friends (luthlo lextire. No fl,
f nnd V M Kenslnslnn It A C .So 23,
Mary Cummanderr No fid K T . North Amerl
sn I'tiion William Penn Lcdce No SO. K of
P Schiller laxlse. Nn 3, t il. O 1' . Csnn
sialler Volksfest Veretn. nfTlcern and employee
nf Inteltrltv T T S D Co , Invited to funeral.
Mnn 13d p. Ill, II4J Prnnkfotd nve Int
Weatinlnater Cem nisnJs may vail Bun. alter
7pm Auto funernl
I AltSKN In Morrlivllla, Dee. 14 NULSON
IIHNIIY I-MISKN ased 13 Itelatlves nnd
friends M It A,, employes Penna 11 It . In
vltrd to funeral Kallsiniion Pa Sun. 3 p in.
Int Lmllle M K Chur. hyard Services nt M.
Il A , Sal s p m Carrlstee will meet trulley
Sun 1 p m at Morrlsvllle .
pit 7ti runerai services Mon . Il n. m, 71,11
Spraaua s( , Ml Airy (Hrditwlck Hlntlon). Int
private Mi Vernon Cem omit finwera
iBIIW-De. 13 at Newark N J. JOHN
JAY I.KIDi. aed 73 runernl services, I J
xirtnev I'la.e. Newark, J, Mon. 10 30 n. in
Int vt,.ituinrnt cem,. l'hlla.
Ll:tllKllT At iietlln N J . Dec 15
I'LOHA K wlfa of Adolph LatnVrl (nee Pel
lrrms.ni ated S3 Due notlcn of funeral will
be Riven
I.KOVA1ID Suddenly Dec 14 MAIIY A
dauahter or Mrs Hanlei Hushes nnd lata Phillip
!.eonnrd formerly of Pottsvllle Pa llelatlvea
nnd rriends Invited tn funernl, Tues . I 3D , in ,
parents' residence, 331S K Tucker at Solemn
renulem mass Ht Ann s Church 10 n m lut
Holy Hepulcher Cem Vuto funeral
LYONS Dee 13. rilA.S'CIH .tAVir.ft nued
la son of Patrick J, and Mary Lynna inea Mr.
(lurkln) llelatlvea and friends, SI Onhrlel'a
II V M Modality and Holy Noma Society. Iloya
Catholic Itlsh Hrbnol class of IKIS. employes nt
P It, T Co. Schuilklll Ave. Shop Invited to
funeral Mon S 30 n m , parents residence.
1433 H ?th st Solemn liUli msss f renulem
Ht (labtlel'a Churth lu n. m Int. Holy Cross
VlaclinlOK Dec 1 1. ANNIR M MacIllltDB
(nea Judae), wife nf Aanew Vtacllrlde llela
lives and frlendi Invited to funernl sorMcea,
Mon loin a m I, ill Krankford nve. InL
lirlvata Omit Rowers
wife of Willi nil I: Mncllwnlll nscd 4S llela.
lives and friends Invltrd to funernl services.
f,"(l(l Chancellor .1 Mn . 3 p in lot private
Arlington t em t'rlsnds may tall Sun , 7 tu u
It in.
MVOVHOK -Dec II stidlenly MAIIY
Kl.lAIII.TH sister nf late Samuel J Masarac
llryn Maivr Pa llelatlvea nnd friends In
vited tu funeral Vlnn N 30 n m Oliver II
Hair llldr INJt) ( heatnut at Solemn rniuteni
mass Cathedral 111 a m Int, private
MALll.S'i: Die 1 ANN. widow of Patrick
M-vlone and dauahter of ivte P.itrlck nnd AUca
Donnelly Dua notice uf funeral will l,i srien
from resident n of brother. John 1 Donnelly,
till lletmotit nvr West l'hlla
MAIICII -Suddenly Iee 1 1. MICHAKI.
lll'S'ltr MAItl'H ned 33. llel.Ulv.s and
rriends (by Invitation) Invited to funeral. Mon .
3 p m . 431 HUH st . l'nttstown. I'a Inl pri
vate Pottstown Pa u
VtAClli: - Dec II MAIIY A wlfo nf Valen
line Maure need Id formerly of Pottsvllle Pa
Itetttlves uii.t friends Invited tn funeral Tues .
H a tn . 1711 Sevbert st Utah mass of renulem
Churiti uf tlia (lesu " 3d n in Hit (Jerman
(alh,,llc Cem Pottsvllle (Pa 1 r-lters cony
MolT son of lata Jninea J and Mnry Mc
Ilermott 'nee Hcultlil). Itelatlves and friends.
Ban Salvador Counrll, No 3"3 K of c
and Local No 07. II II 11 A . Invited to funer
al Mnn In in , (137 H llainlirev st (31IU1 and
HalnbrhUe sla ) Solemn rcjttlem mass Ht
Aiuliuny'a Church 30 n in Int Holy Cross
Con Vtitn funeral
MKIIIP. Dec 13. SUSAN widow nf John
Millce Itelatlves and frlnnda Invited in funeral.
Mon. 0 a in sin's 'rsldeme. John MrCIre.
3D13 Tlinn st I3t)th and Wharton st. ). Solemn
mas. of reiiulem St Anthnny'a Churth lu 30
a m Inl Holy Cross Cem
McUVCllHLIV Dec 11 MAIIY P. widow
nf Hdward M-l authllu Itelatlves and friends
liivlled In eervhes Hun 3 p. m . brnther'n rval
ilenm Thomas M Mi Kail Jt.lu Tasker at Int
Mt Mnrlett Cem Auto luneral New York city
tiarers inpy
JIKIIT -Dr. Jl lli:oltm:. husl.ind nf
Anna Merts und sort nf late MI. huel mid 3laicda.
leiiw Mtrtl llelatlvea and friends Invited to
funeral services Mnn , 3 p m tt'.'D Htiarka
lllavull st lilt (llrliw.iod Ceul
MILDKNIILIld D 14. AHCltlSTH, widow
of Charles L .V1ll,eitlMrir atetl 73 llelatlvea
wind friends Invited to funernl services Sun .
3 p tn . residence uf son In-law Charles T
Knnimorrr. 3113 tl ltiih st Int. Lafayette
Cem Auto funeral.
MILI.LIt Dec 14, CHAIII.nH husband nt
Isle A nielli Miller nir.l 31 llelatlvea and
rrlenda. ats.i laidita N11 31. I. o of M . McKean
early llellt Assn . all other societies of which
lie was a memlair Invited to funeral Hun . 1
P 111 Ills Snyder nve Int private. North
wood Cell! Friends may call Sat. eve. Auto
Mll.LI.H Dec LI, nt 330d W Osford at .
rl.AHA H Mil. t. Kit widow of Jamea II Miller,
sued (JO. Itelullvea und rriends Invlled to
funeral servl.es In 1'trst Itefontlcd Church,
Hnrlns City Pa Mon , 13 nonii Int, llnst
Vlnteut Cent Itemaina may ba vlewvd Hun ,
from 1) to H 3d p. m
MlLLI.lt Dec 14. WILLIAM A. MH.t.l.H.
llelatlvea and rriends, Wllllum I. Schnlder
Iidire. No. 410. 1. und A H . Commercial Dept.
sir Hell tel Co meml-cra Hole, t and Cnmmon
Countlla Invlled Ii funeral aervlcea Mon . 3
p m 3333 a. l.'lh st. Int. private Auto
MOHAN Dec 13 JA.MUH J , husband nf
Pearl and sou of John J. and lata Isabella
Mornn llelatlvea and trlenda Invited to funeral,
Tues 7 30 iv 111 . from father'a resldenie 333U
Thompson at Solemn requiem mass Ht Hllsa
belli a Chun h II a 111 tnt New falhedrat Cem
MULLKII Sudlenly Dec II JOHN (1 hus
band nf nna M Muller (nee Itupertus) and aon
nf Dora and late Jsculi Muller llelallvea und
friends Philadelphia Police Pension Kund Assn ,
members of 3dih Police IMsirl.t. Tonswea Trllw
No 333 I o It 31 . Loral order of Moose.
!odjie. No f.l Invited 10 funeral services, Mon ,
3 p 111 ..tt I H (loriton st Int private North
Cedar lllll Cem llvinalna may be viewed Hun .
nfler H p m
(neo Wtlnrrlih). wife nf (trorua Muller, aed
A(i llelatlvea and friends Invlled !- funeral
ervlcra Hun , 3 P m 3n3.1 W'. Husuuehnnna
nve Int private, Norlhwoo.1 Cem. Itemaina
may l viewed Hat . H tn in n in
MOTS. Dan II UlIIIKIIT B sun of Kdward
and Pearl Mu(s. td 31 llelallvea and friends.
(I race Counrll Nn 831 I". P. A . Invited 14
funeral services Mull 3 p m . parents' rest,
dome. 010.1 MrMahon ave . tlermantown Int.
North Cedar lllll em Kemalue may ba
Viewed Hun T to 0 p m
NKII.U lec 13 su.ldenly, ul Atlantle City.
N J. Oi:oitUK A son of Aaron M and lata
ilatlfdn Nell!, fl-litives and frlnd lnvtte.1 to
rv Ices, Mon. 3 p m. Oliver II Hair lllds .
ld'Jil Chestnut st l'hlla Int i.rivata.
band of Anna May Ovkes tnea Wnllaca)ned
31. Itelatlroa and friends niambera uf Wash
Imton Camp. No Ml. P OH. of A. employs,
of Iternsteln 4. fa Oiford and, tlermantown
ave, Invlled la funeral services Hun, 3 p m..
residence of father &3U Stavens st I'nmdsn
Friend, may call Sat. ave. Int North Odar
PANKONIKN, Dec 11 HERMAN husband
of lata Martha Panknnlen (nea He. ker), ned a.',
Itelatlves and frlsnds Invlled tu funernl. Mon..
3 p m 335 Durfor t Int. l'ernwo. cm.
Itemaina may bo viewed Hun ntler 7 P. m.
ChUuao papers copy .,,.
daushter of late William nnd Mary C. Paul.
rulnttyat and frleoda Invited .f"VLCr,f1iw
Bun. inn. realdenraj of "Metliar tnirr,'.iK!
Vlasenl SL va. Int ilt, lsea Cera. ,
ItAPPAPOnT Dae t. tlOSR,. .fUj.''!
pavld ilnrpPott. nd l ItUtlet srid
invltrd te services, nun... v " -f-v
Ntc tin las
ntl UfllaRlDK sie,A -"
'WviTMVn AT,Jn,J,fnmnn1.,iIn:
ItAltUT inee SeWulterl wife ft J MllUm Iteln.
hard! llelstltes nnd frlerals LAdles' Aid
elellea nf tlarman l-ienncellenl Rmnnuel Lvith-
ernn Church, 4th nnd Cnfr-efltsr s. JW" '."
htieVand'a real
uuerai eervti
irvlees. Bun . 1 tj
01 Shitnk at . In
ni nrtvnta. tnatun
band ef Virslnla Ollcbardean iieUtlrej Jd
frlenja Invited te funeral eefvleea, Men . I P rn.i
W.'B.llTO.A.,,,n,fs,,',X."aNnt. widow ef
Frank li.lm.i i. rtu.hi.rl Itelnllvs nnd
friends Invited t funeral nervines, Mfln . 3 P, w .
parlors of ri c rihull. 18SU K somerset
1. ;neuen 1111 a
rrrvl'Jr..""" MS 11 BLIJt DftATTON.
wir f jomvtnan 3. Hob neon, at her lJ,'5fj
324 M. thslten are . Otn, llelatlvet nnd friends
Invited to funeral aervlcea. at llefotrne.1 Plr
ropal Church of Atonement AVsynn nnjl .bel.en
nvea , Mon.. 8 p m. Int. pr vate. Itjt lll .Ctm.
acllRKTfc-Wldenlr. Iee 14. 114 '"
st , Lot'lH, vrl.iivwer of Catharine Behests,
are.! 04, llelatlvea nnd friends Invited
tn funeral aervlcea. Mnn I Si p m , sen a try
rienee, (I Srheets, 107 llladslone st Inl rrlvnla.
Omit flawtrs, Utmalna may ba vlawed Sun. eve
HcifiMnun ii 11 iirtnnon JOHN bus-
band of Kathertna Shlelier Inea l-an and son
in an.1 lata tleorta scnteper, aaevi vs.
ies and rr ends lnvlte.1 lo funeral services,
Sun 3 M p in , 433 B Indiana nve int
"W-JRRIBlii-'IJ, i.,Afoi-8Tv Bcitnor.n
tmsbnnd of Mary W Schroer (nea Merisel),
lelallves nnd trlenda. members of Philadelphia
de. No 34. I. O O M. employes of Victor
llll. Isth and Jackaon sta . Invited to funeral
iwrvtees Sun, I p m 3J13 B i'Sd st. He
mains may ba viewed Sat , 7 p. m. Int.
private Autn funeral, ,.
husband of Ulllan II Schucle Inea Taylor),
ased en llelatlvet nnd menus
teisialhsna I'asIi ll'.irWa Istsylljial If
id friends employes of
Invlled 10 funeral eerv.
:"...""" i-:." ""."........ iii..i..i -
iree .1011 , 1 v in . Olin .1 ein. .,,-,,,.. ----.
IK at ,fli lllShlsn,
Caimlsn. N J int private, llnrlelsh Cem. He.
mains mr ba viewed Sun eve .,....
hustaind of Anns Smerhovaky (nea
Sombers) llelatlvea and friends, Phlla Sokoi
flytnnnsilo Hoe.. I.adles1 lanlta, Star of Hie.
l.aet. No S3 members lloheminn Hall. Invited
tn funeral. Mon. '.' p m NJl N orlannn st.
Inl (lieenrniuut Cem Itemnlns may ba viewed
"sil'TIi Dee. 13. suddenly, .KIINK.IT WAL
LACi: 8)1 till son of Ernest W nnd (lertruda
Ii, Sinllh (nse Jones) and s.-endson nf Samuel
A nnd Catherine It Hmlih tnea W'allacel, ase.l
4 years 7 months Itelnllves and friends Invited
tu funeral services, Mnn , I p 111 , srnndfather s
tesldenra. (1703 lanisdowne nve Int private,
Oakland Cem. Friends may Mew remains Sun,
ft p 111 Auto funeral
HMITH Dee 13. SAI.KNK, husband of
Sophie Smith itelnllves nnd friends Wlnfleld
Scott Post, No 114 (I A It .employes nt llald
win Locomotive Works, Invlled lo funernl, Mon ,
1pm, rralJrnre of aon, Harry 11 smith. 11313
Dickens ave near 03d nnd Ulmwnnd Inl prl
vnte lletnatns may bo vlawed Sun , afler 7
p m Lancaster papera cony
H.NYDIUl lee 13 1.VI.MA II , dauahter of
tho lata William nnd Mary A Snyder HrlAilvea
nnd friends Invited 10 funeral services, Mon .
HI a 111., 3V0V Ocrmuntown nvo Int Monument
IIACK, naed 7H Services nt residence. 3J31
Havrrfnrd ave, Hun. 1 13 p tn Int. Mrvels
Cem Hrlm-. kill Co . Tues
SritOCK Dec 14 Jt'l.IA II. wife
a of
Oenrre M Struck, aaed 33 Itelatlves
friends niemoers 01 .vneaueny ivve. i,n,iisi
1 hurrh. Invlle.1 to funeral services. Mon . U
P 111 l.'.l" 1: lurch st, Int private, Oreen
w.md iK of P ) Cem
THATCHKIt Dec 13. LOt'll II , husband
of Martha J That, tier, ased (13 llelatlvea
nnd friends lnvlle.1 to luneral services, Mon ,
3 p in UH" I'lsher ave. Uusllctun. Plilla.
"thi'.UAH ' Hudlenly I3lh Mo. 13th. nenr
Moorsstnwn. N J. W'ALl'KH THOMAS, hus
band of Sarah li C Thomss Due notice kIvuii
Willi. I.DIN Dec 13. ItAltltll-T. widow of
WashliKlon Whllldln. naed 7U. llelatlvea and
frlrnda Invited tn funeral aervlcea, Hun.. 3
p, m . son In Invv s residence J. litis Crate. Jr..
4s3U Cedar nve. Int private
On Saturday evening. December If,
at 8 P M tho greatest fmtornal
event In recent years will take place
In Hrnltlsti ltlln Itnll, 1 1 road nnd
lluro streets. A program extraordi
nary ban been nrrnnccU, to Usludo as
Hon. Arthur Ilulnnd, Menvdtar nf
thn New .irk I.efflslnliirnt llnu.
Jivines T. llocers, tlrant Senior Bncii
more, (I. P. of U. K.i Post (I rent
Hnrliem Clms. II. Pnsa, of Harris
burs. (Irent Hacltem John M. Coombe
will preside. (Irent Prophet Samuel
II. WnlUer will offer the Invnrntlon.
livery lllng Past Great Sachnm of
Pcniisvlvntilii will be presonteil wllh
11 new Jewel, emblematic of Ihnlr
position Tho Amphlon Qunrtctta
will render apprnprinto selections.
This meeting should appeal to overy
ned Man
l.vKKYvlHII). N J
Lakewoocl, New Jersey
A dolightful placo to spend
the Winter and Spring Season
A. .1 Mimi'lIY. MANAOEIl
5it!i' " " Atlantic art.
ArccoflrviMd,.ataif2artl I
or42xcellcrw:t7, 1
Crrv60a IWTniJ.BUZErA
Atlantic crnr.N'.u.
VTc.lininalcr Kx nva. near llaach. Elava-
" - "- tor tu si. rriv
balha. run' a
water. IS up wkly.. 13 uo dally
Chas lluhrs.
Mllit Hrhool
Htu.lenla trained In Hlenosraphy,
HookkrePlns and Secretarial Work
Day and Evening- Sessions. Hpantsh
taught by a Spaniard
bin Chestnut Strict
The Heat lluslassa Scuool,
silt and Chestnut attests.
Later now, llty or nujot.
fotftloiii gur.nttsiHl.
Another class now fornv.
las Came la at bum.
Qphpll'n Touch Typawrltlnr
Qrvlinll'o. Hhorlhnnd School
ailllll a p tU, Nlshl 5
Private lessons,
3UOJ Oxford St.
Private Masons
3003 Oiford HI
Colonel Richard E. Hok in Charg
Ilcsdquartern OfTico
2G South 15th Street
I'ublh) Meattnts held resnUrlr t U '
followlna ten alattonsi
Corps No. 14119 Kenslntlen Ate.
Cerpa; N. 2 Blh and Ttnfl BU.
Corps No. .14113 ItMra Are.
Corps No. 4 IPSA Oermnntattn Are.
Cart's Ne. 54411 tlermantown Are.
lorps No. ltd and lainrnsler Are.
Crp No. 7 IBM Point llfeere Ave. ,
Corns Ns. N, I Cheater Tike. !
Corps Ne, 8 (RlnmV-701 South Sd SI.
Corps .Ne. 10 Swedish) olt N. Bth f!l.
nr.i.ioiors noticfjs
llslTlsT Tr.Vtn.ll, tlrnsd nnd fl
isd nnd ftarks sla.
prencti 1VJW
T Sn n
NLKT, eerrnno. wilt assist
lha ehorue In lha avenlna.
v;i-Aitt..-svrj itKTPioiiiy.
Visiter W'elcnnia
ciinsTNCT f4TniiKT iiptit ciiuncif
Cheatnut at weat nf Fortieth.
tll.VIUlK u. ADAMS. D, I)., JTnator.
0-43 a
m llretherhood of A. nhd V.
nt. Worship,
1" so n
utia school.
7 43 p.
m Worship
HiH-'ii.t. Mimics
nnr Danlela Jones. tirssnTat nnd Lander,
lha rrsulnr quartet will t assisted by Einnt
House, Harpist
!."'r." .i Haasalmnns
'Tli Itpsary" ..Nevis,
llerceueo" .OberthuT
fiiist tiii'iirii of Titn nnt-.THitris
(l)unker), ror Carlisle nnd Dauphin sts.
PrearMnf II) 30 a, m. nnd 7.13 p. m.
Sunday Hctinol. 3.30 p. m,
Prayer Meeting each Wednesday evening.
I.'tlilesl Culturo
on 'Creation,
iirono i Tliestr.
... .V...I.. .j..-. I.
on Thomas Molt Osborne and Hlrur Kins."
... ii.i,., ., n, in, iruimiu .....it
ffllyJi.u.e. I334Sjjrucat 8 p. m.,
2 30 P M Itllll.i: SCIIOOU
solo gllAll'rrr and ohoan.
lllllt.i: HCIIQOU
nut st nb.ivo 3 1st. Itsv. II 1, PKATV
TntCIIKIl, Ph. D, Pastor. University Serv
ices at II and a n'rlovk, wllh sermons br
llev Dr II W Elson. President of Thlal
Collene lllbla School nt lu o'clock. Mid
week servlca at H on VVeilnesday. You, araj
MrDio.ll. I Etd. copal
COI.l'MIIIA AVE., ror. 33th St. Ilav. 15, W.
ItAltr, D. I) Services IU.30. 7J0l fl. B. 330.
DOCTOIl IIICIIMOND preachea Sunday, T. m,.
In Doctor Kldrldso'a Hall. 1MI
rv. laigan aq..
lllll'i:, .11,1 and Wharton sts Minister, tha Ttav,
TAVI.OH CAl.liWKLL. Assistant. 10:43 a.m.,
Doctor llolloii, theme. "Tha Livlns Church '
7 13 p m.. Doctor Hallon, theme, "Wases and
Service " ,
Prolealnnl liplsropnl
ciitutcn op Tin: holy apoitlf-s
31st nnd Chrlntlnn sis.
Itev. Ui;o HKIIHEIIT TOOP, D. D., nectar.
u no n. in. nniyq communion.
Ilniyj communion.
Mornlna Prnycr nnd Sermon by
: "Efnclent Spiritual Equipment"
.Sunday School and lllbla Classes.
iii.uu u. IU.
thn IlrctMi
" so n. in -
7 43 p. m. Eveulns Service, lllahop Thomas.
nr vvyomias. will prracli
Ury and violin ntcompnnlmtnt.
' am) Tim lii'iniAinf
13th st. helovv Spruce
Itev DAVID VI, STEELE.. Hector.
H1M) a m Holy Communion.
Hi (id n m Sunday School
1 1 mi n mf Mornluit Prayer nnd Bermon,
3 3d p.m Infanta' School and Illble Classes.
4 no p in. llvcnlmr Prayer, anthem and
The. Hector will preach nt both services.
He farmed
Ore.en st. below IBIh,
Itov EtlllKNK
K LOHAIt MrLKAN 10..10 n.
Ilery TrlnC'i 3 .1(1 p. m . H. fl.j
In, "Shepherd Kins", .13 voices.
III . eubject.
H p m , runta
Socialist l.llrrary Society
PHIIP. JOHN CmVPI'.It 1'IIU'VH. author aruT
leiturer will apeak nn "lloinaln Hnlnnd" lo
iitorrow .1 p in , nt llroad Ht. Theatre. Musis
by Halm's Htrlns Quartet. Publlo Invited.
Sunday llrrukfust Assorlatlon
IJth at. ataive Itace
llreukfast nerved H 3D lo from 0 to 10:38
nddresA bv Mr. Wllltani Adolph nnd otharsi
solos by Mrs Kloronco Malllaud after meet
Ins until 13
Sunday School, 2.10 till II.
Eventna Servlcv liealns at 7:30; supper seeyed
7 .10 lu ft addresses by prominent speakersi
anloa by Mlsa Elsie Daily.
Monday avenlna;, Apollo. Union, of and for
redeemed men.
Tucaday evening- chlldren'M entertainment
Wednesday rveiilng-. Club of Good Cheer, hlgh
class concert by Julia Cummlnsa tlutton.
"It)l.lt NONOS.- In native costumes. '
Thursday evsnliir, regular prayer service.
Friday eveulns. Christian Lndeavar.
Saturday afternoon, 3 3n to 4, Hswlni School
Chrlsimaa Enlertalnment and dinner far the
Platform reserved for visitors. All aro wsU
coma, ioma and help ua
l'lllriT I'NITAIll N, SIM Chestnut st.
in Sunday School II a. in., Itev,
Hereon!, of Hprlnafleld, . Mass., will
10 a,
A. P.
on "Ijiylna UP Treasure . Antnenn
reus Art Thou, tl Lord," by J. 1
I ..... I..l fne lh. l.nr.1 ' htf
West, and
by Mendelssohn,
Philip II. Oaepp, Orcanlst
41KltVI.NTON l'NIT.iltl.N NOrlKTY. CheN
ten nva and Oreenn st lav. A. J. COLE-.
MAN Minister. Sunday School. Ifji Hervtc.
11 a in Itev. Charlra A. Wine, of Concord.
N It., will preach
Younc Stella Christian Association t
kiivii tv voitirsi
Y II, C A 1 131 Arch at
3-43 p m "Ministry of lha Ijiyman." nay,
HltlTTON D XVEUH.i: Every layman who
feala tho call lo arvlca but doea not know how
lat tu Invest Ida life should hear this ad.
HHIPHwlllmaka you fsel at Jiouie
IIAIIAI 3IF.KTIML Sunday 8 p. m.. Clstlic
Hall, Ifllh and (llrard. AH welcome.
rr : a
HltACKI.KT I.ost platinum and diamond flex
ible brarelst at the Mttropolllan Opera .1 louse,
or between that placo nnd tlia Alts-Carltoa
llotsl, on Tuesdsy avsnlnar. Decembar 13, roe
ward. I'' r Ward) Caaaatt A Co.. Cem
marclslj'rustjiulldlns. , . .
CHECKS Lost November Is, two checks and
n certificate on the Corn Exchanse National
Hank llt-ral reward , If returned It
Ureedy, 1P33 lllrrh st No question, naked,
PUHHB '.net, black purse, lontnlnlna- two oS
(rill tickets P. It, II. and l A fl, Il IL.
Wednesday, Decembar 13, Allied llssaar.
Communliata 303 Dieill llultdlnf. Phone
lvmbard jo6l
WATCH Howard return of sold watch wfth
mnveinents. Isiiwaeii llroad Ht. Station a,nd
Hlth and IrfH'sst P Ut Mdsar Office.